


EMPLOYERS RECEIVE SOCIAL PRINCETON HOCKEY GAMES SECURITY RETURN BLANKS Fortieth Wedding Anniversary Golden Wedding Alontrcal, one of the crack Canadian . Milk Farmers Anniversary By The Internal Revenue Service of the team.L ui>w linked with college "cxlctN U. S. Treasury Deiiartmcnt has mailed ot lliis Counliy by the newly-formed In-i And Dealers to to employers Farms SS-1, entitled, ternaiional Intercollegiate Ice Hockeyj Cranbury Couple ‘'Employer's return under Title 8 of the Honor Duryee Social Security Act for the month of League, will visit Baker Rink on Tlnirs-j Event Held At Cranbury Inn Attended day evening, January 7th,■ to play Testimonial Dinner Will Be Held At By Many Friends —■ Mr, and Mrs. The form is made np of four pages, Princeton’s lir>t home league game. Stacy-Trent Hotel January 14 WitR Lewis Cbamberlin Greet Their original return, duiilicate return, tripli­ Princeton Ini' two vacatuni gaim-s. H. W. Jeffers As Toastmaster. Friends. cate relurii and quadruplicate coiiy. scheduled to keep in trim for the in- ■ The instructions are printed on the ternational conte't. William> will be; Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Chamberlin ob­ hack of the forms. its uj-poneiu at 3:30 on Saturday af-I served their fiftieth wedding anuiver.ta- The act becomes effective January rernoon, January 2nd, amt tlie Manhat-; ry on Wednesday, December 2.3, with first and employers must make remit­ tan .Arrow', a team of former culle..;L I a turkey dinner at the Cranbury Inn. tance to the liuernal Revenue ].)epart- stars including 'c\cral ex-Priiua'P* p The tables were decorated in gold with ment for the month of January not player';, will lake tile ice in Baker Rink yellow roses. Two bride’s cakes were later than the last day of Eehruary, at S:30 t.m .Monday, January 4lh. beautifully iced by Mrs. T. Mount Ap­ plegate. .Mr. and klrs. Chamberlin greeted the E.N. Roselle Named Schedule of Eight guests a.s they arrived and invited them to the dining room and to their home afterward. .A. noteworthy feature of the To Direct School In Weeks of occasion was the fact that it wtas the. fifth wedding anniversary of fifty years i Connecticut I Being Planned ill .Mr, Chamberlin’s family, two broth­ In His New Position Will Have Charge I Games May Be Played in High School ers anil Lw'O sisters ftaving celebrated. The happy couple received some hand­ Of Planning and Constructing Seven­ j Gymnasium — 'A'" Group'Activities— some bouquets aud many lovely gifts in ty Buildings On 1,500-Acre Tract. Vacation Church Schools. ■gold, Mgs Chamberliu was gowned in I'inicst N. Ivy^cllc, former .ui[)orin- The Hiulil'lown L'oummnitv Basket­ lavender crepe. tendEiit the %talc IVnfiC for Boys b a l l 1 .eague t<)r \oim g m en is consider­ The invited guests were as follows: at Jamesburg, \va>. recently nanietl to! ing w a y s afid inenuN of organization f-i Mr aud .Mrs. Wilson Gibson, Mr. and the executive dircctorshiii of a large the winter's eight-week schedule. It Mrs. Anthotiy Wilson, Henry Cham­ New Knglaiid .rcIiuoI now in the i>lan- .seems probable that the new high berlin, .Mrs. .Albert Chamberlin, Airs. ning stages and about to be ercctefl in school gy m n a siu m will be a\ailable i' • Randolph Chamberlin, Mi. and Mis., ^'(jimtieticut. 'I'he school, to be built on play one evening each week. Ezekiel SMlarclay, Air. and-Mrs jiisephl ^ 15 („) purchased, will La.'L year eiuht leam.s oi eight m en Chamberlin, Atrs. John Clnunbcilin, -Mr. of handi- •■acli played thruUgli the M ’ason in tlu- and Airs. I'.dward H.ncr, of Rivertnii - childreti and youth. Peddie vSehool gymnasium. F.ach team Airs, Carrie _De,v, of Ircnton; Alts. So-1 yjnci; leaving New Jersey in 1927 af- was under the direction of it' own ]ihic 1 )ey,_ of _Hi,ghtstown ; Airs. Jennie directing the Jaine^urg school for elected m anager ami the rontrul anl untlce planmii'; the i”-.' :it. ren burr, of Baton Rouge, Cm; All. and Largely as a result of his work at ! ileaeue should be m ade ihroii-Ji S n ie - 'fhe coiinmttfi-. repre'etUm:’, all Mrs. hertram S, Clayton Miss Alberta. i^toselle has been; j t a r y A 1 . A l l e n . Claytnu, Mr. and AIr.s. Chailcs 1 )a\i-, ^ nation-1 hranche' of the milk iiidu'try, ]ilans the I Play will probablv' begin the 'eroml d'Miier as an ‘‘L-xpres'ion oi L'r.iiiimle son and dau.ghtcr, Mrs^ Morcnce Btults, | educatiniial and institu-j I wi'ek in janua:'',-. W aleh T h e Gazelle Miss Dnrothy Stults, Air, ant Airs, \\il- executives. In his new position,! l"i the woi'k o) vSccrelary l)iir\ei- o;i : tor further delaiP-. the Milk fonlrul Hoard which lie Ion Clayton ami .^oig Mr. and M t.s.^ barr p^. ^^.-p p^^.^ charge, under a board of| Air, and Airs. William V. Ely, William Lester h'.ly, Airs, Lillian Harris I Young Men’s Group Chamberlin and chiklren, Janet, Da\*ld headed, witliLiUl coiiipga'aiioii, for thi^e trustees, of the idaiming and construe-^ ! group o] youii.i men wh eve­ B. Chamberlin and children, Bauia and p^ ct.impietion, which is exi»ccled to re- .\l ,i recent meeting the following ofli- 7 Tillian, Air. and Alr,'«. Alexander fdiir.. three years, he is to become its ning. Jamiary H. at o'clock. .Henry ci: wen- elected; John Camjibell, jm-'i- U , Jcller-v, oi Piam >1)01 M, lU'oniineut Ke\. and Mrs. Frederick vSchweitzcr. (^'1 pi,-ectiiig head Celebrate Event On When Car Hits Tree deiit; X’intoii 'favlor, trea'Urer, and Ridlcv Park. Pa.; Airs. Alay Kew, of, ------iRt'gcr Aloiiis, 'ecietary. (.Hliei-- pie.- - ihurv leader, will he loa'tma'ter. Re.s- Davthn .Ohio, and Aliss I^ydia Riggs, NEW TRENTON DISTRICT ervaiio:!' are limited to 3(KI, Fred W . AVednesday Night : On Windsor Road cut wen- Harold !,n with llic The 4-H d’v.' .M m t the ,\| ererr Gtani- fit of a reduction m ratey amnu.Um.e ; directoricN collected. ' 11 Ser; ii Mller'!l". a Hew to $1,503.40(1 annually, by Public Ser-! mm... \-.... i..,...... o..it .... I >ary at tlu ir tiome, SOJ btoekton btreu, The dead cliild is Henry Kuck. Jr., soc PedJie .\"eml4y. IGw. Walli-r T. The N'ew jersey Bell Telephone Com- opp'irtmiUy t>,> rur.d ml .'uburlxm ynuili vice.... I’dectric...... and Ga> C another frotn an old dircc-i singing old-fashioned songs and ■ The baby was in hi' niotluT'.s arm' al.'ilitv uf jDining the two 11Iit.'l*nvii 'iM '[111''' are ti ■ lu lie Gtility Conmii'Sumers, It m ettec- ^ distributed,! I'hiying games, 'riie couiile were mar-j when tlie car, driven by iiis father, 'imiiiier m'Iio'T' lur mutual iHiirlit'. lun-.du l)\ t’<'iiti>e- lent ui'trucii jjTim .\iw I’.niii'Wiek tivc January 1, 1937. ; and. that only by good fortune can these i r"ied at the Hightstown Baptist par-1 cra-hed into a tree. The boy was tak X" (li'tiiiile aeii'in wa-. taken a' yet. 'rile advantage - >u' iii'-rc au>l .’^peeitieal- I'll- Salimla), laiiuaiu d. tin- \ W Of the $1.503,41)0 total i>ometiines be retrieved after the old' nonage Dcccndjer 30, 1890, by the Rev.ieii to St. Francis ho.']ulaI where he k, Ircniiiii. The-, are P> ojieii lo- merrial ii.crsnvi'rv willWill l)riiclilln‘IU'ilt l)Vby S8,S.,,4()0.$.'.i2,-K)0 |)o(,ks have K...... bevti gathered I 1 to 1...be .sold XL f) 1’.P Eaches,F*nrh(*'.f wdiu wa.s jia-stor of thejdieil late hViday night of ■ hock and Iv trained leader-h.p for the 'iiiimier Residential users tvill -a\e $491.llt)tl and i-i'clamation by paper conipauics or, ^‘' ’al church at that time. jpt.-sible skull fracture, Bible M’hiHjIi. and a labnraUirv 'ehiud all excepi tin- yoimger 4-11 member'- the balanee, $159,'flKI, will be eut from^^ p, instaiiee, for in-i 'Id's guests were:. .Mrs, Helen Pol-! His nuilher, .Mary, 19, sullereil :i I'T the '.'eiiibly were under cousidera- and l" I)'iii-iiieinbeiu i.f li^l, 'ulujul agt: street lighting bdls paid by miinieipali- Mexican trai'.is against the cl-j I'J'”'"-'’. of Princeton; .Mr. ami Mrs.! brukcii arm and brush burns of the li' >11. HI' I" twenty fniir. tics. Tlicse savings are based on the,fj.j,j immip.' bullets. 1 George Davison, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ; face. The boy's father, 27, was tre:iteil It i' lu'i'ed tliat the Hijht'town flaily The.'e eL'ur'e,-. which are to he a fea- current years sales, and larger bene-, 'piw* new books contains more than' Xr. and Mrs. Richard \1 astm,, f. n lieail i:ijnries and brusii burn, of vacation eluireh 'clejois can be hehl UU'e iit the animal ivv ,iy winter con- during the two week' after the luiirlh vdilimi (Jl .Mereer 4 club' cover :i fits will follow with increased con.nuip- 2,3,000 listings, l,0(*) of them new, and^o.l Cranbury; .Mr. a;id Mrs. E. E. liar-mhe left hand. ■and r ' ariety ui subjeets. in huiju- econonucs, tion. ^ jabuiu 8,000 changes have been 'made j ""‘s, Dorothy and Billie Harris, Mr. and i The accident occurred about 9:U "I July- the time lU’ the .\-senibly then extended lor an additional >e 1 “Food-," "Mutter ,\n sui.geiuenl,’’ and In the residential schedule the seven- (p^, p|..( directory was printed, i-Xrs. Jesse Drake, .Mr. and .Mrs. .-\bram o’clock E'riday moniiiig. State troop- ; "Clullllllg" will In ent ami fi\e-eent steps are Uiiui.iated. with a d'renton district 1 X oolwcaver, of Ircnton; Rev. and; er Herbert J, Wagner investigated. ol a week nr mure. induiled. Experts 1 will haw eharge il \e-',elable, llower After the $1 nunimum, whieli uicludc', directory of a quarter-century .Mrs. P. N. Norton, .Mr, and Mrs. H. .\1.: .-\ccurding to information gathered bv "Y" Cards Issued 11 kilowatt hours, the rate for the ii<-‘^f|ago indicates that the number of peo- The county V. .\l. C. \ heaihiuar- gtirdcuiug tiairy, puulir\, .'wrie and for- Grover, Mr. ami Mrs. J, V. D. Perrinc, I the state police, John \Vk Taylnr, 4.1, r'L'S wliicii the agricultural 19 kilowatt hours is 0 cents and fur the : p|(^ businesses having telephone Mr. and Mrs, W. M. Perrine, ilr. and 234 Higgins Street, Ea.ston, ,\ld., at­ lers is semling out cards tu indiudual '■'.^^L. next 20 kilomatt hours it is 4 cents. ' ...... members of griiups. Each .eruup lead- divi.'ion have airaiiKeil. 'I'lio'e inter- Iscnice in the district has approximate- Mrs. W. FI. Plowell, Mr. and Mrs. tempted to i>ass the Kuck car arid c'ted iiceil only aiqily iu wntm^ to d-lL 1 ly doubled in that time. zMonzo Dey, Mrs. Dora Hcyer, .Miss lorccd it off the' highway where it J/ " i i ■ , i- Fldna Conover, George Cottrell, Mrs. crashed into a tree, ^ 1h-‘>'"I"'c1 cards m dupli i teparlnicnt, Court lluuse. Already Homesteaders to N. J. UTILITY SALE cate and the pink activity card will be several ajiplications have been receixetl Emma Perrine, Mr, and Mrs, Samuel 'i'aylor wa>^ arraigned on coiiiiJ«fnT>^' ’ '■ '' " from perM.Jii' livint; in the 1 li},iht'tu\vu j SLATED FOR JAN. 15 Groendyke, Mr, and iirs. Lester Ely, issued to each boy. For true Y, M. Elect Directors A, membership implying the ihr district where coii'iderable club work, Mr. and Mrs. L- B. Rogers, Mr. and I eacc iManklin K. Hampti'ii on a:.- i> c \/‘ A 7' \ i wa.s done during the past 'easuii. „ A A /T A /T ■ I U. S. Circuit Court Judge .Martin 1 Mrs. S. Jones Dey, ilr. and Mrs. T. L. charge of assault aud batldv with an ! ‘ ^ ^ " V, iVlaSS iVleetmg Manton, New York, has signed an order Totten, Mr, and Mrs. Gvorge Forman, automobile and held in default of $500 card will be Lssuetl. Ihe restraining the New York Trust Com- Mr, and Airs. C. A, Mason, Mr. ami bail to await acti.m of the gratid jury. ' A '“T Fifteen Year Old Election Will Be Held Saturday At l'‘"’y. trustee, from auctioning 712,411 .Mrs. C. J. Roszcl, Mr. ajrd-iirs. F'rank On Saturday an ad.litioual ehargi H'ghistow.. auds. Project — Many Candidates Aspiring shares of Jersey Central Power & Grover, .Mr. and Mrs. A, B. Hunt, of causing a death bv an automobile was! y . ns mas ary To Hold Office ■—■ New Year's Eve Light Company common stock, until Hightstown. made against Taylor. !rr'' A transported many Boy Is Seriously Celebration. January 15. At the same time, the court set Janu­ Both cars were northbound. Taylor ; l*G',GV,Go,Gr!.'lL.!G7ELv,‘H „Au‘,‘ DANIEL M. DAVISON was accompanied by his uife, a broiher - A"''" 1 " ‘■'t m Chiistmas party Hurt In Accident Board members of two cooperative ary 4 for a hearing on Associated Gas and a sister. They were enroute to, appreciated ami u , rw . u «/ m u- associations which have been incorpor­ & Electric interests’ appeal of District 60 years old, died Tuesday morning at \ew York Pifv | altords enjoyment to ledows unable to .INe'w York City Lad Was Spending His ated to run the garment factory and Court Judge Alandelbaiim’s order dis­ his home, 76 Grove Street, Newburgh, * '«r ( +1 ' f f ' tO llic cll)’. I Holiday Vacation On Perrineville i’uneral services lor the infant were, r i, .1 • 1 , u- .1 \ c d-j- t>- 1 iwl h x l 414-acre farm at Jersey Homesteads, missing a petition for reorganization of N, Y. F'lmeral services were conducted conducted Monday afternoon at the Ull- Heroy ‘Bullen, as '''■‘■■*''■""1jiresiilenl t" pi the As-As-, , Farm-R.d.ngFarm- B.cycle When Hit by near here, will be elected Saturday at National Public Service Corporation. at his late residence Wednesday night. rich & Sons ImucAl'Hmid't A mG Leaders, presided m; Auto, a mass meeting on the project of all The Jersey Central stock, collateral Services will be held this Thursday af­ bv the Rev. John J. .Matthieseii, of 'he afternoon session. ,-Mi offie.al greet-! 2(X) colonists and prospective colonists. supporting National Public Service de­ ternoon at 1 o’clock at Cedar Hill ceme­ Trinity Lutheran Church. In term en t' r'«'V|'S brought o the bo.vs by C. Her-; \ hlteen-year-old boy received scri- bentures, reiiresents control of the tery. led the carol injurir' Tue'^day morniiie when he Fifty of the families now are living in was in Greenwood cemetery. The baby Hwa.s struck bv an autoiuulnle tthile rid the Homesteads. The others, who ex- utility, and is being sought by both As­ Sir. Davison is survived by his wife, to be housed there during the next sociated and Public Service Corporation Bessie; two daughters, Mrs. John Vail, U S SSiL''''l, "rU lS i' Ma,..;,a b i a . , |■„„,„,ill,.||,al„a- ,hyf month.s, will come from their homes of New Jersey. The auction had been of Newburgh, and .Mrs. ttarry R. Mals- parents, who reside in Gormany. iteresting and well received by the boys. M"wu r'ail in New York, I’hiladelphia and else­ set for December 21 by Judge Manton bury, of Robbinsville; a brother, Wil­ I'I'he morning sessions were spent in the rile ''...... youth,.. .Martin Decker, of 1.330 where by chartered .jtiises and private in a previous review of the case. lard L. Davison, of Hightstown, and a POLICE COURT jgyiimasiuin, pool and State Museum. Croes -Meiuie, Bron.x, X. Y., -iilTered a cars. sister, Mrs. Fllla Barlow, of Old Bridge. eoinpouml fraeUire of the left leg, For the Workers’ Aim Cooperative R. D. NORTON ADVOCATES Lie was a member of Hightstown Coun­ EGG MARKET broken left thumb ami severe laeera- COMMISSION GOVERNMENT On complaint of F. C. UmU-rhiil, ice | lioiis of the left tiiFgh. Association, the factory cooperative, cil, No. 70, Jr. 0. U. A. M„ and of the dealer, John Mulvan. of Windsor, for­ ,\t the largest sale in several months .■\cTordin.g to the information obtained this will be the second annual meeting. Former Mayor Richard D, Norton 1. 0. 0. F., of Newburgh. merly of Hight'town, wun arrai:yiieil, Its board of 15 members to be elected Fie was a rug weaver. He moved , befurc .323 cases of eg.gs were suhl over the. by the -.tale police, I >eeker was riding announces that he favors the commis­ Ju'tice of the I’eace F'. K.. a bieyele in the middle ot the road will in turn elect officers for the en­ sion form of government for Hights­ from Hightstown to Newburgh 27 years Hampton on charge of emhczzlcment ■ i*”’’*! ' o f the I li.ghtstuwii lyu.g suing year. It is believed that the new ago. of $202.12. .Mulvan was released under ,''‘.iket on Munday. I’rices showed a ami wa-. slniek by a ear driien by Leem town aud requests that ail residents of Sykex, of Hotel Windsor, Trenton. board will reelect Boris Drasin jiresi- the community vvho are interested in $5(K) bond to await action of the prand ’ decline. dent and Philip Goldstein secretary, but jurv. Bond was furnished by William "'ere as fnllow.s: Fancy Sykes (licked up the boy ami brought changing from the present plan to the STERLING P. SPRAGUE him to Ihe office of Dr. Harold C. Cox. elect a new treasurer to succeed Alorris commission form to communicate with Murphy of I'.tra. ,v\lra.s 34^ to 40; fancy mediums, 31 Bach, resigned. 34, superintendent of Farmer’s Gener­ .Mulvan was formerly employed for.'“ U, grade


By Home Economics Department Public Service Electric and Gas Company Bv mflRTHn B. THomns

NTERTAIXI.NT; cmi be so iiiiirli i Tuna Noodles VE just had a thought,” said Marcia, ‘and it’s a more iiilei'.'s'Jiig If llie hostess 1 S oz. o.m tnna U 111. wide “I E j'laiis to tie “11 LMOe-i II’ tier own , fish noodles grand one.” parlj." 1 1 ran niu.sliroom N eup buttered They were lucked cosily beneath I’hiyiug this role me,ms Ui.u nil the ^ suui> bread crumbs a bear rug in an old-fashioned rcrroshmeiiis will be preiiared tiefmx' | Cook noodles for eight mimitos In sleigh, gliding along under the stars to the silvery jangle of bells. hand ami stoml in ihe refriKenitor or lioiling salted water. Pour boiling wa- ter over tuna fl.sh, Place noodles and ‘‘Tell me at once,” commanded onlrusleil to Ihe oven e.arly in the liay. i Jerry, ‘‘I collect grand thoughts as With these |ii'e|)arationa mu of the ■ lima lish in alternate layers in a but­ tered casserole. Pour mushroom soup a hobby.” way, the hosiess h.as no i'ely lo arriume Marcia laughed. ‘‘Tonight is New the foods on lier table whieh has been ever tlii-m, lop with buttered crumbs. Hake at 350 degrees for thirty minutes, Year’s eve, and if,” she sat up set in Iniffet stylo/Fnini tln n on she This may he prepared in advance and straighter in her eagerness, ‘‘the becomes one of tho. gnesi.s hei iinse .she >..'Mri-d in retrlgeratoi- ready to liakc. sun were shining, and we were go­ Is relieved of aorvlkg or directiiii! the ing with it, just as fast, I mean— Refrigerator Rolls New York (Special)—Battalions of melt with trucks serving of those frioml’s she lin? invited we could yell down Happy New hour days, are excavating new lake beds and new ] yeast cake cup mashed do-their nightly stint in moving 7,000,000 cubic yards -channels for the Flushing river, wjnth flows through to her party. Year to tlpe whole world as we of dry fill necessary to preparation of the site for the ri i-iip luke­ potato the 1,216% acres of the largest fair site in history. Hearty salatbs, easserule dishes made rolled along!” New York World’s Fair. The “white, way’* on the The New York Department Of Parks does the sur­ warm water of meat, vegetaliles or lish i-omblna- cup scalded Jerry was amused and indulgent. Flushing Meadow is made for them by the greatest facing, and leases the acreage to the Fair Corporation, CUI) slioriening milk tions, hot yeast rolls and liie or refrig­ ‘‘Don’t you see,” continued the known system of construction flood-lighting—517,500 for the grounds are destined to be a permanent city cup sugur eggs, well erator desserts are all adaplalile to girl, ‘‘we’re all so used to thinking watts in lamps on top of 12 steel towers 80 feet high park. 1 tsp, sail beaten —and the cost for electrical currenf alone is .ffiOinno. this type of service and ran lio made of events hap- Cnnstriirtinn of the $91)0,000 Administration build­ Centres adjacent to that shown, and likewise on 24- ing for the $125,000,000 project will begin in January, ready for serving hours liefore the 0 cups Hour (to make a stiff dough) pening just Dissolve yeast in lukewarm water, guests iirrivt'. When plans are made where we are, add shortening, sugar, salt and mashed y ^ ||\ and not following beforehand Ihe hostess ean more truly potato to scalded milk. When cooled them on and on enjoy ihe eveniu.g. add yeast. Ml.x thoroughly and add . . . The idea Royal Rice Salad cg.gs. Stir in enough flour lo make a rather gets you.” stiff dough. Turn out on slightly llonrod ‘‘Around t h e cups cooked 1 tsp. salt lioanl and knead well. Put into a bowl world in 24 hours rice 3 tbsp. grated large enough to allow for slight rising. at New Year's. ' cup peas cheese Hub over with melted butter, cover tbsp. pimlento, '■i cup cplery. ^ ^‘ppy trave- tightly and place in refrigerator. About M E logue?” chopped minced an hour before baking time, pinch oft ' But she was i tbsp. relish French dressing dongli, shape Into rolls as desired, serious. ‘‘Seej Combine ingredients and toss lightly cover and lot rise until light. Bake in here, Jerry, you ! with f’rench dressing. Chill. For gar­ a hot oven, 425 degrees, lifteen to and I are going ! nish use endive strips, cuaumlier twenty minutes. to be married allcea and devilled eggs. Ice Box Cake soon, and I sort Vegetable Casserole of hope we can, Ej lb. sweet 4 eggs well, keep our thoughts up and off % cup cooked t-i cup cooked as- chocolate Va tsp. salt the ground.” potato p a r a g u s, c u t 3 ibs]). powdered 1 tsp. vanilla ‘‘What an odd idea. Usually com­ % cup cooked in inch pieces sugar 2 dozen lady ing brides are chattering of linen peas 'i cui) cooked 3 tbsp. w.arin fingers and silver.” % cup cooked caullllower water She pressed her hand on his arm. carrots l'/» cups w-lilte Melt chocohate in double boiler, add ‘‘Stop the horse a minute, please. % tsp. salt sauce sugar and water ami cook until smooth. There—let’s both lean back and % cup buttered \ i tsp. paprika When cool, add egg yolks, one at a look up at the sky, and fill our • bread crumbs time, boating each in. Add the egg eyes with stars, and space . . . Place cooked vegetables, cut in whiles, beaten stiff, the salt and vanll and time-going-on. Maybe, if we small pieces. In a buttered baking dish, la. Lino a bread tin with wax paper drink deep enough,” her voice was season with pepper and salt, pour over put on liottom a layer of lady fingers husky with feeling, ‘‘we won’t get the wlilte sauce, sprinkle over the tlieu a layer of eliocolate lining. Alter all tangled up with trifles. I’m a bread crumb.s and paprika. Hake in a nate and have top layer of lady fingers little afraid sometimes, of our days hot oven, 400 degrees, for thirty min­ Put in ice bo.x over night. Serve with ahead, Jerry.” utes. whipped cream. “Afraid?” The man’s voice sounded hurt, “Only that I'll get a habit of Heart “Whispers” Are Detected low-visibility.” “You mean,” Jerry leaned over ' By New Electrical Stethoscope to take her hands “you want al­ ways to remember that new hap­ piness, new ways of thought, and New Years, go ringing around the New York (Special)—Section of a table model of the New York World’s Pair of 1939, showing the of Deaf Medical Student’s Plea to Scientists of Bell Lab­ main and secondary avenues through the concentration of exhibit buUdings about the 250-foot tower m the world with the sun; that time does “Thematic Centre” of the exposition. At the rieht of the photograph can t>e seen a part of the Water Sta- oratories Pwcsults in Portai)le Instruments not circle around one small set dium,” which is being planned with a stage built on a semicircular island in the lagoon at the head of the of people or circumstances?” Amusement zone—toward the centre background the^*‘Plaza of Governments flanked by Federal Hall and for Doctors “Yes, yes, Jerry! Let’s make a “Hall of States”—and at the left, railroad and subway terminals designed to handle m part the maximum ot pact together, now. Not to think 800,000 visitors a day or 50.000,000 in a year. little thoughts about little events that happen to our little selves.” “Fine. I’m with you!” “And to remind each another now and then, to stop, and get the true, sense of time and space and All-Service Vehicle, a New Means of Transit, world-bigness going on and on,” “Done, darling! New Year’s res­ olution for a happy life: KEEP Wins Favor as Snhstitnte for Trolley Cars THE SUN, MOON AND STARS IN YOUR THOUGHTS . , . and you’ll never be narrow-minded!” Jerry kissed her. “Hear the bells ringing in town? Aren’t tliey far and sweet?” whis- |)ered Marcia, “Midnight circling ] the world. New Year’s in a min­ ute!” © \V

NEW YEAR’S 15ELES L^ROM the earliest times the ringing of bells has been em­ ployed as a method of announc­ ing death, and the use of bells at New Year’s eve symbolizes the death of the old year. In England it was formerly cus­ tomary to ring muffled bells just All-Service vehicle running a before twelve, and at twelve to trolley-bu remove the wrappings and to al­ New electrical stethoscope makes it easier for the physician to make an low the bells to ring loudly. accurate diagnosis. If this young patient, for Instance, had a heart condi­ /“'WO years ago, a gas-electric bus tion in the very early stages, the sensitive stethoscope would be more- Jikeiy to pick up and amplify the sounds that would warn of the trouble. ^ equipped with two trolley poles 'Irawing power from overhead wires, Tlie plight of a im-illr-al student who I pitals which made It possible for an '•arrled a group of Public Service Co­ had discovered tinut he was mpihle to 1 01)1 ij-c audience of medici.il students to MICKIE SAYS- ordinated Transport’s engineers up the hear lieart heats with th.; (irdiniiry listen to body sounds of cases brought steep grade of Pershing Hill Road In stellio.seope uaeil liy doi-uira causi-d Into the operating ampliltheatre. QOP/BS' OF inis'-H-BRB. Weehawken, quickly, smoothly, and scientist.s of Ihe Hell Telephone laibor- j In Imlliling the device which they eBEAr EAMUy JOURMAL, quietly. At the top of the hill the trolley atories to turn their attention to the lioiied would meet the peculiar needs poles were pulled down from the wire.'^ HOT OFF -rU'PRESS', ARE problem. Kecently Ihi-y annoum-ed the of tile medical student, the engineers and the bus moved away under it’s own development of a sensitive electi-lcal toiimi that they could build a small In­ F O P s a l e A t i w s power. Btethoscope small enough to bo car­ strument tliat would not only amplify OFFICE ON PUBUeAT/ON This was the world’s first all-service ried. heart beats, but could also be used to DAVS^ PROP IN, IF YA vehicle. It w'a.s developed by engineers The student whose afnielloii n-sult cut down on normal heart aoilnds and p r e f e r s t o b u y a of Public Service Coordinated Trans tune in by means of a "filter" on any ed in tilts new kind of instriimV-iu was e o p y A t A t /m b port who conceived the original idea of beginning his third term at the Louisi­ miinnur sounds which might be pres­ adapting l gas-electric bus to run also ana State University Medical Center ent. as a trolley-bus. Tlieir success meant ..luccess for the when he discovered that, although he How a Gas-Electric Bus Operates : Original gas-electric bus used in All-Service experiments. could hear conversational tones per­ student doctor. With the aid of the fectly he was unable to hear heart portalile electrical stethoscope he was A majority of Transport’s large flee! Inasmuch as a gas-electric bus Is pro­ ley-bus helpless. The all-serivce vehicle beats with , the ordinary stethoscope. able to complete his training. of buses are gas-electrics w'hich operate operator, however, can press a button, Casting about for some means of over­ Meanwhile the story came lo the at­ as follows: pelled by electricity. Public Service pulling down the trolley poles, start his coming tills handicap disastrous to one tention of a numlier of medical men A gasoline engine like that In any engineers Ilgiired out that with Ihe aid engine and proceed under gas-electrlo who wanted to be a doctor he linally throughout the country, some of whom motor bus Is connected directly to an ot trolley poles and electrical control power. paid a visit to the Hell Laboratories in wore interested because of poor hear­ electric generator. When the operator eiiulpmeiit they could convert It into a ing, and others because they saw other In the opinion of transportation ex­ New York City. “steps on the gas” the motor speeds up. combination trolley-bus, gas-electric possibilities in the instrument. Before generating electricity. This current la perts, the all-service vehicle is an Im­ The men of science In that work- bus. This was done In the Weehawkeii long tlie stethoscope began going the fed to two electric motors which turn portant advance in the development ot isliop of modern magic heard his story experiment with complete success. A rounds of various hospitals. the two rear wheels of the bus, causing local transportation. Like the trolley­ and decided to do something about it. The new Instrument presents idany it to move forward, it is exactly the new vehicle has thus been produced bus it runs more quietly than any pas­ They realized that if they could build possibilities to physicians with nor­ same principle utilized in ihe new which has all the advantages ot th“ senger-carrying vehicle yet produced. It an Instrument which would amplify mal hearing In cases where the or­ streamline dlesel-eleclric trains. trolley-bus. which Is now gaining so accelerates rapidly, maneuvers through heart sounds and yet be small enough dinary stetlioacope falls lo produce Gas-electric drive has many udvan rapidly In public favor, and has In ad­ trafflo easily, picks up and discharges for practical use, his problem might loud enough to be heard distinctly. It tages for city bus operation. A gas- dition, the great advantage ot mobili­ passengers at the curb. All ot these fea­ be solved. Is particularly helpful In examination electric bus is easy to drive as there ty. A trolley-bus may operate only on tures have made the all-service vehicle It was not an entirely new project of thick-chested patients; In making are no gears Lo shift. Acceleration is streets equipped with wires. Any Inter­ extremely popular with the public tn for them to tackle. Some years earlier diagnoses in noisy surroundings and remarkably smooth and odors from ruption to power supply or serious ob every municipality where It has been the Laboratories had devised a large in detecting heart ailments In early unburned gasoline are eliminated. structlon such as a tire, leaves the trol­ substituted for Public Service trolleys. electrical stethoscope tor use In hos- stages. HIGHTSTQWN GAZETTE, HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, THUI^DAY, DECEMBER 31, 19.56 Page Three

Mysterious What Do You Know About Hoalth? Marksman By FISHER BROWN and NAT FALK W ho WAS By CARLTON JAMES RUDOLPH ^ © Associated Mewspa-iiers.— W,\U Service. VIRCHOW ? “ y o u SEE,” Major Flagg ex- plained, “the aerial railway is used to transport supplies and um- s i s BEINQ munition to our fortress on the op­ ^ By Home Economics Department OVERWEIQHT posite side of the gorge. It accom- . A LW A Y S Public Service Electric and Gas Company plishes in an hour what a caravan : A BAD would in three weeks of traveling i CONOmON HAT lu serve fur liullilay sup­ water, drain and cool. Combine with ea h MHKWIN had been the over the moat hazardous and diffi- j pers and late evening refresh­ flaked crabmeat, chopped onion, pep one elected to stay at home cult mountain roadway. The cars - W ments seems to be a problem. per and seasonings. Add salad dress­ L when the others went into have proved indispensable to our j Friends drop in unexpectedly to make ing and blend. Serve on crisp lettuce town in the old flivver to the morn­ frontier which must be maintained holiday calls and the homemaker feels and garnish with slices of hard cooked ing New Year's service at the in the high altitudes to prevent Mid­ that her hospitality Is augmented by a eggs. church. Someone had to remain at lander troops from gaining access delicious but simple bit of refreshment. Tomato Aspic Mold home to watch the stock and, too, to our territory by surmounting the Planning ahead of time and using barrier of mountains.” 2 CUPS tomato Leah hadn’t j new or even a de­ your refrigerator to the utmost will M, tsp. celery juice cent coat. Jake Merwin was hav­ “But recently,” suggested Secret simplify this problem. One of the best salt 1 tsp. salt ing tough sledding in financial af­ Service Operator Thomas Young, meats to prepare, and have ready tor % tsp. Worces Vs tsp. white fairs without one more need being “you have been hard put to keep emergencies, is ham. The following tershire pepper voiced, so Leah never told him of the railroad in operation because of recipe gives a simple method tor pre­ sauce 2 bay leaves her need. annoying interference by the paring smoked ham that will serve as 2 hsp. vinegar 6 whole peppers “I wouldn’t have minded if it enemy?” just cold cuts or for sandwiches either Juice of one Vi tsp. onion salt hadn’t started snowing the minute Worried lines appeared on the hot or cold. .emon 1 pkg. lemon gelatine. their backs were turned and now— major's forehead. “More than an­ Place a twelve or fifteen pound ham they won’t tackle driving home in noying. Disastrous. It has been our with two cups of water Into a covered Add seasonings to tomato juice. habit to ship ammunition to the for­ COrVtieHt Htwv UlTlCt »NC roaster, Bake at 325 degrees for twen­ Heat to boiling point and simmer foi tresses via the cable car at night. ty-one minutes per pound, ykin, score two minutes. Strain. Dissolve lemon Answers: pounds above the average. Over the Within the past week every car uJar p a th o lo g y : and dot with whole cloves. For a deli­ gelatine in hot mixture. Pour into a containing ammunition has been age of thirty the most favorable mor­ ring mold and chill, Unmoid on water­ Virchow’s name is insep.irably con­ tality rates arc found among j>ersone cious flavor, rub the surface with a destroyed." nected with the rise of modern medi­ cress or shredded lettuce. Fill with whose weights are below average. paste made of equal parts of brown “Destroyed?” cine. He was a native of Pomerania. Royal Rice Salad, Yes. Skim milk contains the sugar, bread crumbs and currant jelly. “Yes. Apparently the Midlander 2. According to insurance experts minerals and vitamins found in whole Brown uncovered at 350 degrees for Royal Rice Salad marksmen use the express type of the lowest mortality rates among in­ milk that arc so vital to health. twenty to thirty minutes. rifle and shells that explode when sured persons under thirty years old Skimming removes the butter fats Or, instead of using this suggested 2 cups cooked rice 1 tsp. salt they hit a target.” are those whose weights are ten fyom niiik. coating, try patting brown sugar into 4 tbsp. pimiento, 3 hsp, grated this weather,’’ but Leah’s words “But at night—?” the surface of the ham and then bast­ chopped cheese stopped at once as she made out in “It’s uncanny. More mysterious ing it with grape juice, pineapple juice 1 cup peas cup celery. the swirling snow a car that was is the fact that only the cars con­ Vitamin D Milk Protects Health, or grapefruit juice. Any of these fruit 4 thsp. relish minced stopping in the barnyard. The plump taining ammunition are shot at. The juices will enhance the flavor of the French dressing figures of a man and a woman marksman who does the shooting ham and you will he rewarded with a Combine ingredients and toss light­ were making a wild dash for the must be at least a mile away, yet Provides Sunshine 07i WinterDa^s solution for holiday meals. ly with French dressing. Chill, For protection of the house. on the darkest night he singles out You will enjoy the ease with which garnish use endive strips, cucumber “We saw we couldn’t go another the ammunition cars and scores Drink Daily a (^luart of Fresh Milk, Fortified With Prolectivo the salads suggested herewith may be slices and devilled eggs. turn of the wheels,” the sweet, direct hits. Once might be explain­ prepared. Use them for suppers or friendly woman told Leah—the la­ Vitamiu; All Grades Now Sold in Most Cities Princess Salad able—a wild shot in the dark—but luncheons. dy who introduced the two of them it’s happened nine times!” 1 tomato . Sugar a- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Madison, 11 By FRED W. JACKSON Crabmeat Salad “There's no doubt but what you New Jersey Department of Agriculture % orange Lemon juice miles to the east of Borger. ‘‘We have an enemy spy among your 10 oz. fine % green pepper, 1 slice pineapple Lettuce hopea to spend New Year’s and men,” a y s are .getting shorter. Fe-wer noodles visit at our son’s, Tom Junior’s chopped Peel mediuni sized tomato and scoop “Even so, how could an enemy D siinshino hours are available 1 can crabmeat % tsp. salt out the center. Dice orange sections, over at Borger, but now—well, we spy direct the fire of an enemy gun to the younger generation as real % cup salad 14 tsp. pepper sprinkle with a few drops of lemon want to buy our dinner here from in the dark at the distarcc and winter weather approaches. Indoor dressing 4 hard cooked juice and sugar. Fill the tomato and you. May we, my dear, without under such circumstances? I tell conlinement exists for most of the 2 onions, chopped eggs place on pineapple ring. Serve on crisp putting you out?” you, sir, it's positively uncanny.” day either in the school or In the '"'ook egg noodles In boiling salted lettuce with whipped cream dressing They were such a jolly pair and Agent Young glanced upwards at home for many children. Leah even forgot to be embar­ Since attention lia.s been fo- the sober, worried and weather­ onsaed on suuahine a.s an essential rassed when she had to serve them beaten countenance of the veteran the only thing she had prepared, (0 the health of growing children, major. “Well, lot's get down to \ much concern has been felt for a feast of delicious fried mush and cases. I’m convinced you have con- | CHANGING YEARS butter and syrup and plenty of Iheir welfare during thi> winter THE sidered the possibility of a spy. Have | montlis when conditions were fresh milk and coffee. Supper con­ you any suspicions?” ' known to involve a defleiency of AS SEEN FROM THE sisted of the same fare and so did “Frankly, yes. A young soldier ! vitaiiiiii I). Consequently, scientiats breakfast the next morning, but of questionable birth known as j have recognized tile need for a sup­ TELEPHONE SWITCHBOARD' plemental supply during the period Fledge Marcone. He’s been under when so little sunshine is available surveillance for throe days.” Fortunately, that nisul 1ms iK-en The two officers made their way met. Vitamin I) caii imw he pro­ BY down the slope to the improvised ' vided Simiily, eonveniemly ami in­ platform that served as a depot for expensively through viiainiii I) milk. R.T. BAKKETT the unique aerial railway. Huge ; Tlie pridilem of iner-'using the cables wore embedded in the pure Vit,-1111111 1) eollti'Ilt of milk Inis enm- manded atUiiliiui on the part of granite of the mountain slope, the scii'iuists because of the pi'umiiient operators did so because they had to other ends of which were attached i role of niilk in the diet of iurants Being an abridgement ni arti­ have a job, but in the vast majority ol by that time the Merwins were' to and supported more cables of I and growing ehildi'c-n. They are the Ready for Winter cles, published in Bell System cases the necessity for ohlainlng work even greater dimensions, which ex­ ones most affected by any idtamiii employee magazines undet the able to break the drifts and reach' was not the controlling factor. .Mosi the farm and the Madisons, via tended out over the yawning abyss ]) detieieiiey. .Vlisem-e ne laek of inosL Dr.(!ionin-al source of th<> two same title, which were based went to work because the job was the those breaks, went on their belied: of the gorge. It was mid-afternoon siiHieicnt vilamiii I) resiilt.s in i-iek- I V'TV hono linihling olo upon the personal impre.ssions llrst step toward the complete economic way,. ! and a gang of dungareed soldiers ets, imor teeth or faulty bone de­ 1 UD’iits raiciiim and ])lms|)Iinrirs and experiences of more than two imlependciice which they hoped som-’ were loading up the aerial car for ' velopment. j milk sfTVf:. as an ('xcrlkuit vitamin “It will be a happy New Year ' Protective Vitamin hundred early telephone oper day to achieve. For many of them, look every day for a year for us, Mom- its nocturnal journey. I) (‘aiTi'T h'’raus(> rvory alort ators. The material for these arti lug for a job was in the nature of an “That man,” the major said, witli- Tlie.se defi-eis can now lie eon- j mother already provides a quart sy,” Leah shouted when the Mad-! trolled provided ample milk, a quari ; daily for rach child, ilnwt-ver, aa cles was collected through per adventure. And most of them have isons were out of sight. To a smil­ out pointing, “is Fledge Marcone.” sonal iiitervicics and rnrrespon made It clear that they took the tele a (lay. and vitumiii 1) are iiiade , lull little of ih(‘ w. alth of bone- ing but perplexed family, Leah ex- He lifted his eyes to the barely per­ j liuilclinc: minerals found in milk <'an dence by .Wis.v Laura it. Smith, phone job because-there were at the ceptible outlines of the distant for­ avaihihie for evoi-y child. To I luu i-iained that Mr. Madison owned a end pediiin-ieiaiis ui'ge full utiliza­ I 1)0 enieii'iitly used unless am]d(i assistant to vice-president. Amcri time few other opportunities tor tie- small chain of meat markets and- tress. “Capt. Michaels has sent tion of smishiiii' which is the cheap­ ! vilamin 1) i.s present, the new vita­ can Telephone and Telegraph girl or woman without special training. small cross road grocery stores word that unless we get a supply est and most salisfaetory soui'ce of min I) milks pri'sent a very con­ Company. By the late ISSO’s the employniuii: and that he had giyen her sufficient of ammunition to him soon he'll be vil'-.unin li. Ifowi ver, full sunshine venient conihinaiion. of women at the telephone switeh- orders for slabs of cornmeal mush, in a jam.” Is seldom available in the cities be­ lioard was a demonstrated success. All Young's sharp eyes watched the cause of dust, fog, clouds, I'oofs. Tastes the Same “Alexander Graham Bell opened the just like she had served him and' that the managers had to do from till- rotund and cheerful features of the building shudows ami other idistruo- The vilamin I) rofiiriU of milk door of opportunity for women." his good wife, for all those stores' time on was to pick the best of th,' individual toward whom the major tioiis. During winter am! spring, full is supplemented or forlitii'd in r(>v- So writes Margaret Mackin (Hyatt) for one year at least. “The labels sunshine is actually a rarity. applicants. But it was not such cas.r on this mush, he said, arc to read had nodded. Presently he said: oral ways, none of v.diicdi affeet its who began work at the switchboard in sailing for the managers who first ex “Major, what I’m going to ask To .supplement this didicieiiey of insle or appt'araiK’o, \’lamin H ‘Lady Leah’s Prize Mush’.” When; sunshine, pediatrhdans recommem' In 1883 end who is so typical perlmented with the heretical Idea of may seem absurd—many of the milks. eiUn-r as certified, (Irndo A th: trio had quieted down a bit she the use of milk eiirhdied in it.s vita nr Orad<’ H. are available now in. of the early operators that It Is almost employing women for work which men added: “The money en I of the con­ things the intelligence department mill D content. Recognized as the most communiiiGS.- tract will settle all our financial' does seem absurd to the average ■ difficulties for the year and whe layman. I want you to bear with knows, maybe forever!” ' me without asking questions. Your © Western Newspaper Union. friend Marcone, I note, is using a different kind of knife from those > rrSTRUE! employed by his companions. Please ■ At lOMt HI 6 -SoNNy - sui on iw sciieen he n ask him to let me see it and then i Beginning of the Year send him off on some errand.” As early as 251 B.C., the Romans Five minutes later Young had the 1 "SPAWKY^McfARLANDOfi lb DALISS TEXAS O C r ~z. HIS fun accepted January as the beginnin{ knife in hi's hand and was examining 6 0 2 of the year. They named the montt it. To the astonishment of the major name is <3EOi6 E S06EW PHIIUPS MhAMAND . in honor of Janus, the two-facec he revealed the weapon’s handle god, as looking both into the pas' to be hollowed out and containing and the future, During the Middlf a number of large - headed tacks Ages the year was made to begir and a small vial. He was asked at various dates. In England, ir to smell the contents of the vial, 1751, January was made the firs' and further examine it, and then month by act of Parliament, give an opinion as to its nature. ■ Thirty minutes after, the cheerful Marcone returned and was handed Insensible to Pain back his knife. That night, shortly ‘ Ph.vsiclaiis at .Sing .Slug says that after dark, the usual load of am- ■ prisoners comlemiieil to death become munition was started on its way totally Insensible to pain during the across the gorge, only tonight's last few hours before execution. I'he load, unknown to Marcone, con­ The telephone switchboard that served Trenton back In 1885 was typical fear of death leaves no room for other tained wooden blocks instead of am­ for that period. The board in the foreground was used for "long distance" sensations in the brain. munition. Half - way to its df^:^ calls. nation the cable - car seemed to possible to select her as a model tor a had been doing. T. D. Lockwood, then Swiss Cheese hesitate and vibrate as if from ; picture of all of them. an inspector for the telephone company Swiss cheese, or Emmenthaler, was a sharp impact. Tv/ice more this ! As this composite operator speaks, in Boston, later to become the Boll Sys first made In Switzerland’s Emmen occurred, but with no resulting cx- 1 there Is in her voice a little of the twang tern's general patent attorney, wroli valley. For many years, practically plosion. of New England, a little of the soft and this In a report In 1885: all Swiss cheese consumed In America The car was then hauled back to was Imported from Switzerland. Us starting place and examined. ^ smoothly flowing speech of the Old “The operators, are all female.-, South, a little of th- forthright direct­ From its outside were pried four which of course, has Us advantage- ness which one associates with the State Flow>l(j’ of Germany large tacks, the heads of which were , and disadvantages, which here it Is uii West of the frontier days, and even a The state flower of Germany under covered with phosphorescent sub- ! necessary to comment on, barely men subtle something which suggests the the empire was the Kalserhlume. This stance which glowed dully. j tioiiiiig the fact that, notwithalamlin^- accents of the Canadian. Is known In America as the blue corn­ “Of course,” ' Young explained, ! If we were to ask this composite the pronounced opinion of resident an flower, and It was a special favorite “these tack heads could not bo ob- i young lady why it was that she entered thorities that female operators are of Emperor William I. served with the naked eye from a 1 the telephone service, we should re much superior to males, the fact re mile away. But with a telescope celve a multitude of answers. One, for mains, viz,: That the ollice manage), Meaning of "Aloha Nui" an observer could clearly see the Instance, who went to work at the Nas­ unless an unusually well-balanced man Nul Is an Hawaiian superlative. It phosphorescent glow. The e.xpress sau central office in New York City In is liable to form pi'eferencss, in favor o means “very.” Aloha Is an untranslat­ rifle, erected on a tripod and 1892, gave this as her reason: some to the exclusion of others. Tin able word of welcome, greeting and trained on the railway during tlie Sought Economic Independence young ladles also appear fond of airin; farewell, carrying with It love and daylight hours, is discharged when “At the time I was waiting for an their voices, and sometimes prolon,: best wishes. the car reaches a point in line with appointment ns a teacher In the public conversations, to talk with subscribers some sta'tionary object,' and a direct again losing time. On the other hand hit is almost inevitable. schools, but the vacancies were few Papyrus they exceed males in civility and gen “Your man Marcone contrived to New York, N, Y .- “IT’S TRUE! that in M-G-M’s ‘General and the appointments were, as a rule, Papyrus, the Egyptian writing "pa­ political preferments. There were but eral attention to their tables." insert the tacks just before the car Spanky’, Hobart Bosworth, famous character actor, wears a gray per,” was probably Introduced Into took off, and covered their heads suit and long coat that he bought forty-six years ago! It is in ex-i few other lines of work open to young Fortunately, moat of those early tele Greece and Rome after Alexander the women." with phosphorous which he kept in cellent condition,” says Wiley Padan. “IT ’S TRUE I that the phone managers were “unusually well Great made his victorious Egyptian ex­ the vial in the hollowed-out handle I Some of the women who became balanced.” peditions. money earned by ‘Spanky’ McFarland. Hal Roach star, is put, L of his' knife along -tvith the tacks.” into a twenty year endowment college fund,” Page Four HIGHTSTOWN GAZETTE, HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER' 31, 1936

Hightstown Gazette WALLY IN WAX Wallis W'arfield Siiiipsou has achieved at least one step toward historical im­ GEO. P. DENNIS Doc Wilkit Says: Editor and Owner mortality: Her eftigy in wax takes its Phone 373 place among other likenesses of great­ ness m the celebrated Madame Tus- Railroad Taxe* "I see by the papers,” said Flenry EntcTCil'at tlie UiRlitsiown, N. J., Fosi Office saud's imiseum in Eoiidon. When of December 31, 1936. Tuttle at the regular nightly session of fts second doss matter. sudden recently all F.nglaiid began to To the Editor: the elder statesmen in the back room The citizens of East Windsor Town­ Published every Thursday at tlie read in English newspapers the answer of Wilkit's Main Street Pharmacy, G vv.ettc lluitdiug to their whispered question, “Who is ship are hereby requested to take notice "where two thousand relief workers in 11-i Rogers Avenue •Mrs. tsimpson ?” the museum officials to the facts as stated below regarding New York have gone on a ‘sit-down’ gut the idea that there might be some the restoration of funds belonging to strike because they must take a civil TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION J1.50 poiuilar interest in the lady from lialtt- our schools, service examination job now to qualify One Year ------...... K ight Mi'iiths - .....-...... ■ --- inore. $26,(XX),0()0 of railroad taxes are past for their jobs,” due and payable tor the years 1932, Six .Mimllus ' .50 Did they get busy! In 10 days they "I never see such work in all my F our Montlis tl4 had W.'iliy, a "living likeness,” all dolled 1933, 1934 and 1935, which are now be­ burn days, Henry,” said Doc. “Thin Single oiiy - up in a eriuisoii evening gown. .Aiul, ing contested in our courts. There will relief business' has got the alle.ged work THE NEW YEAR belieie it or not, slie is to stand Just be $6,O1K),O0O of the 1935 tax contested, ers ot this country so idanged lazy that lie u.niM bi- .1 rash prophet iiKleeil 'around tin; eorncr from a royal group making the total amount due from the when they go on a strike they set down or one finiin\e'l wiili more than inajoi which include.'- King Edward \ ’lll, :iuw railroads to the state, December 31, to do it, They ain’t even got ambition Iiroliortioiis who would attempt lu loie- j the I Hike of Windsor, 1936, the sum of $32,000,000. This mat­ enough to do a little hell-raisin’ when casl what the \ear oi lYI? will bring i ‘I'lie famous collcetion of wa.x figures ter is now in the Supreme Court of the they strike for their sacred rights. 1 to the \sorhh Pbie ran only point to ^'of celebrities wa.s foumled in Londin United States for the years 1932 and declare, if some of these relief fellers fart' .iiid indicate results that .scciu in­ ' m IHU by .Marie Greslioltz Tussaud, a 1933 and a decision should be made had been in the Garden of Eden when evitable to follow- Hut ina-ikiiid IS so I native of Swiizerlaiul. 'I'lie original cul- within tlie next few months. the Almighty decreed that mankind Mwaved bv impulses both good ami bau, ] lecltioii, containing many liistorie fig- In addition to this $32,000,000 which must earn their livin’ by the sweat of impulse- iraiight with the huhe-st wis- 1 tires mydeied Iry Madame 1 iissaiul tier- is contested, the railroads have been their brow, they would have leaned »loiii and impulse, eoneeued m t.ie iself, was destroyed by lire in HUO, but paying in apiiroxiinatcly $12,000,000 against a plum tree where they had sheeie-t lolly, that cmls that seem in- ' has been restored and is a great at- yearly which is disbursed annually. been vVaitin’ for the plums to drop; be­ ovitabie are atoided and the impos- : tration lor tourists. This will make the total due the state, in’ too tired to shake the tree, ami de­ *.ible becomes the attainable. I'or ex- December 31, 1936, $44,000,(X», which fied the Almighty to put ’em out, claim­ muide, it aipiears at this time that the rightfully belongs to our public schools, in’ that they had a right to free food <-oming >ear may see the outbreak ot BABY 1937 after deducting the amount due to sec­ and lodgin’. nnother Kuropein coiillicl that may There v'ou lie on our divorslep this ond-class railroad districts, where there "I tell you, Flenry, wc are goin’ to make the 'World War a mere skirmish morning, are no main stem railroads, and subject hav'C a rumpus in this country, if the by comparison. .\11 the .sigii.s lioiiit m Just aiiotlier of lAitber Time's brats to the deduction by the state of 95 of relief workers can stir lip enough ener­ that direction, but it may not come to W hom we ought to send back with a 1% of the total valuation of the rail gy to stage one, when 'the time comes pass. In the past the ambitions of kings vvaniing road property 011 which said lax is as for the beneficiaries of the dejiression and the piejudiees and hatreds ot na­ 'I'o your dad, of a kick in the slats; sesAed. This would leave for distribu­ to go back to work again. They ain’t tions liaie been the faetors that lune lint vou look so deliglutully artless tion about $35,IXK),(X)0 which should go goin 'to like it after tastin’ the joys of made war-, the natural state eil man­ .\iui so utterly lacking ill guile to the imblic schools. tlie retired gentleman’s life. It is go­ kind and I'caec the interludes when he That to leave you would be cold and The railroad tax was established in] in’ to be tough to start off the day gathered strength for fnrthei i inllicl. heartless, 18&4 at the rate of 5 mills on all main] with the disagreeable ringin’ of the Jt mav be that intelligence an ;;,H,d Little mile, with the ravishing smile. stem railroads and canal property and alarm clock instead of the ringin’ of the will will be stronc i.itgh , .IV ere lin e the money realized on this tax was to door bcU by the social worker inquirin’ age-old predilections toward war, but J lie re now are eusconcec the : J go to taxing districts where said rail­ what can be done for ’em, and will they tile iirobabilitv is doulitiiil. cradle road was located for tlie jmrpose of re­ please to accept the check offered with Otildde Ilf tile gloomy Ivurojiean 'll- Wlicre your brotliers wove nurtured | lieving taxes on real estate. the apologies of the city, state, and na­ nation whicli may'develop into war and: ,,.ac|, year, Ill December of this year, the imcon- tional government that it ain’t more. (inw us in notvvitiist,Hiding our present j An,] we’ll diai'cr, feed, anc a maid'll ! tested portion of the railroad tax "But the time is coinin’, Henry. Jobs iniention of remaining aloof from In- 1 lav e a caie tor yoniwant little dear.' amounting to some $7,000,(KX), [ilus $5,- is beginnin’ to look for men and it ain’t tiire l''.iiro]iean coiitlicls, the prospects | pur our pains liovv sliall we be rewiualed . 000,(XX) due from the I’emisylvania Rail­ goin’ to be long before they begin to for a hajipy and iirospermis year in the: Are you, kid, like the rest of your road, will be jiaid by the railroads of tlie catch up with ’em. It is .goin’ to be linited Btates are favorable, i'or lliel brood, state. The Pennsylvania Railroad, we tough for carpenters, and iilumbers and first time since tile disastrous days of Little caring what may be rccurded- understand, are not contesting this tax other workers to go back to their ac­ 192) ihe Siu rit of the nation is one of Kecomiieiisc, basest ingratitude. and has consented to ]iay its full quota customed jobs willi no shovels to lean optiMii-'iii. I'eiir has bcon tiisplaicd by of $5,0(X),(XX). The other railroads which on while earnin’ the day’s pay. Watch- certainty that the delircssion is over Will the beautific nile that now lin- owe about $13,(XX),(XX) for 1936, will pay iiT the workers along our highways and with expanding |)rospenty comes gers in $7,(XX),0(X) and contest the balance. leanin’ on their shovels, I have been On your feature endure throughout aii exiiaiisioii of the s]Tirits of the peo­ E^ER 36 Years of Service, this New Jersey Country i This makes $12,000,(XX) which will be surprised that the ingenuity of the ple. The measures that have been tak­ life ? w'ill travel to every state in the Union. These letter distributed in December. A small por­ American inventor has not devised a en to draw the two -Americas together Wbat is gras]icd in your rosc-petaled the trip will continue for ot least a vear. tion of this will go to the localities head and arm rest on the shovels to have been elTective and there is prus- lingers: which are not affected stem make for more comfortable leanin’, I ‘ peace and better relations be Dove of peace or the weapons of strife ? railroads and to the state. The balance suppose that the boys have been too tvveen all the nation :)i the Wcsiorn When the hut blood of .Aiiril is rushing will be distributed to the State Normal fatigued to give the matter any thought. lleiuisi)here. Like a torrent within your young “WHAT I FOUND IN UTAH, IDAHO & MONTANA” Schools, Teachers’ Pension Fund, and a '"I'hings will come out all right in But whatever of bane or blessing the veins, I ------number of other beneficiaries. The the end" Henry. The American work­ year may IkiI'I it will be full )*f interest. Will the armed men of nations be' Well, in these states of desert and City to Barnegat. The ride through the amount appropriated to the public man ain’t naturally lazy. Fie is a right 'I'he times in which we live arc electnc erushing | mountains, wc are just "going places”: great Wasatch Range of the Rockies schools will, without doubt, be forgot­ energetic feller who wants to give a fair ■with jiower that may be harnessed for .And befouling the earth with war at a great rate and find that we will: were the highest we have seen and the ten unless we protest. You must bear return for his daily wage. It took quite the benefit of mankind or may be dis­ stains? 1 be compelled to give you some double-1 most beautiful. Thousands of sheep in mind that the public schools have re­ a while to break down his natural am­ , , , , up letters in order to keep up to our with their sheiiherds stopped traffic ceived no part of the railroad tax for bition so that he acquired the slow- charged in the lightning Hash of de­ Will your liaiuls be the ones for - ^^^,^, struction. What the year will bring 015 1 through these mountains. We saw an the years 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935 and motion technique that even a slow mo­ forth, no man knows nor can its eveni- ^ I'vrsing . . . , Although wc have given our Chevro­ old Ford come out of a side road and 193(), although there has been appro­ tion camera don't work slow enough to fiialities be clearly foreseen. Humanity ; .All the gloom that encircles the earth, let the best of care, changing the oil in the back was a big brown bear— priated to the schools out of this tax catch. It won’t take him long to get may take a great steji forward or it may Be tlic blessings you call down from every one thousand miles and paying dead, of course. a sum each year aggregating over $8,- back into his stride again and as soon step backward, but a year is short and | ing, as high as three dollars to have it We went from Salt Lake to Twin (XXI,(X)0, All other legislative benefi­ as he is able to work up a sweat again tlie onward march oi mankind is to 1 Your appearance this day of ypur greased every few thousand miles, yet Falls and from there to Boise City, ciaries of this tax have received their he will begin to take to work and like higher and better things. Ij birth? we found that we had ])aid for some Idaho, where we visited the capitol and full annual support. it, May the coming year which dawmi;-Here's a toast to your health, Thirty- thing we did not get when we went to | found that Governor C. Ben Ross was In \90b said law was revised by our “No, sir, Henry, the American work­ in shadow emerge into the sunshine of,\ seven: leave Colorado for Salt Lake City—we ill and had not been in his office for legislature so that railroads would be man ain’t afraid of work. Look how jieace and prus])erity and happiness for May prosiierity, haiijnncss, peace just didn’t go! The shaft on the dis-J several weeks, but his secretary gave assessed at a tax rate to be determined they set right down alongside of it and I Be the blessings yo ucall down from all mankind. tributor had "frozen tight" for want of us a royal welcome. We also met by the State Board of Taxes and the look it in the eye, never movin’ a 1 heaven grease and while it cost us nearly five Myrtle P. Enking, the onlyi womanly',, average rate of tax muscle.” HE FOUND A MOTHER I] .As your days and your stature in­ bucks to get it fi.xed, yet we couldn’t state treasurer in the United States. | ation of the municipalities throughout Wallace ' 10^(1, Hrilish actor, has, crease. blame the car. but we did blame tlie. Idaho has some real good farm landijj,,. xhis law also provided that Must Be True found his long lo.st mother from whom man whom we jiaid to grease it artd and vve passed through quite a nice any amount received above a 5 mill tax “Folks flat say T told you so,’ ” said fie has been separated for inore than | farm section, most all irrigated though. PENSIONS FOR ALL he failed to do it. It might have been (94 of 1%) should be set aside for Uncle Eben, “simply shows dat dey thirtv vears from the days of his boy­ wor.se,, for suppose it had haiipened in From Pocatclla to the Montant line On his way to Washington with a the schools. wasn't of enough Importance to get hood'. hrom the poverty in which he the middle of one of those'Heserts. we found real crops of potatoes, oats, This is the basic law and this entire tax found her he will r.aise her to the eom- plan tor old a;ge ]iensions for all over We arrived at Salt Lake City, after alfalfa, etc. Nearly every farm has its delrselves paid attention to.” 21, -Albert S. h'alk, of Wheaton, .\liniie- should be restored to the schools, some parative lu.xury of a rose-trelliscd cut- spending a pleasant night at Rock own derrick for unloading its alfalfa $18,000,(XX) a year. You, of course, arc (age where :die may spend her declin­ .so’ta, is hitchhiking across the country. S]irings, where we met Mr. E. V, Bell, croji, which is stored in big stacks. We The Mistral The Falk iiruimsal has the pretentious, aware of the fact that this tax has since ing vears 111 eumforl sceure in the phy- who has a son living at 740 Linden haven’t seen a real barn since we left been diverted to many state wards, such The mistral I's a strong, cold north­ Mcaf nevessities of life, but with her eclectic, synthetic title, “Pension Divi­ .Avenue, Elizabeth, N. J., and vve hope Iowa, dend Social justice tor Everyone” pjan. as the Normal Schools, Teachers’ Pen­ west wind which blows across the life doubly etiriehed by the love of a his son, Orren, will read this letter. We followed the Madison River to sion Fund, etc., which should be taken northwest coastal region of the Med­ gooii son. There is something in this Proving the superiority of the PDSJE Air. Bell brought me both of the local Bozeman, about one hundred miles of scheme over all other squirrel-food care of by the state out of other reve­ iterranean sea. ' .slimy tliat -goes down into the very ele­ jiapers and spent the evening with me the prettiest mountain scenery you can nue. ments ,,i liii-. Xo.inan wlio lius never scheme.s, Falk charges that old age en­ while Ty and Treva took in the city. imagine, then on to Helena, Montana's richment visions of the standard run­ In view of the financial difficulties of Indiana Bleach Women been privile.ed to know tile love ol a A Mr. Michaelson, of Fresno, Calif,, little capitol. It IS little, but a very | schools and to better carry out the mother eould re-t satisfied knovvtng tliat about tyiie have the disadvantage that formerly of New Jersey, stopped in to Indians who bleach tlielr women and their benefits begin at age 65. Only pretty city, completely surrounded by “Equalization of Educational Op- his mother existed .sumevvliere on the .sec us. Wc also met Dr. Jobe, of OCX) high mountains—so high that the few i portunities in the State of New Jersey” sell them to the highest bidder, have earth, ,\s the jiearl of great lirice he about 10 per cent of the iio]iulation, he .Metropolitan Building, Denver, and he been discovered In Houtli America. says, ever attain that age. So he is clouds in the sky were bumping right ] p^jjgd Legislature in 1935, all must -eareh for her imtil she be found. had been all through Jersey. into them. The only park the city has^^j diversions of this tax made by Wheliier -he be 111 Jioverly or wealtli, to have old age benefits come to all We found Salt Lake City to be a fine wlio reach their majority. occupies an old Log Cabin style bandl^^j. Legislature should be repealed and in dcgreilatioii or honor, the heart of city, ■ wide and clean streets. The stand and a_ small II ,i...,idrinking fountain.£....' (),i5 {ax restored to the public schools. S i t C u U ^ n d w a soil would not be satisfied until she If the party, which may be expected streets are ke]it dean by irrigation, the to form rapidly around Talk’s standards,] They suffered a terriffic earthquake in It i.s incumbent on the Legislature of 1)0 iound. T" every son vvho ha' known only system lif its kind in the U. S. A. October, 1935, wbich conqiletely dcmol- New Jersey to provide other funds to the love of » good mother comes a sense alsij advocates abolishing child labor, and its wumlerfiil. There is a .stream SM w M U A we may hnjie to arrive at an ideal ar- , i.slicd the high school building and many carry on the work of the State Normal cii lo-s that nothing can ever rejilace of water along each curb which carries other brick and stone buildings. The t rangement whereby nobody at all will; Schools and Teachers’ Colleges, the By DR. JOHN W. HOLLAND t wheii in the course of nature his moth­ off all dirt from the street. There are new school is not finished yet and they Teachers’ Pension Fund and other ben er is removed- livery man worthy oi work and all will live haiijiily at the; t public drinking fountains at every street are still using railroad coaches as school eficiaries. driven » Ihe name '.'f a man is a sentimentalist exiiense of the government, consuming corner in the business section. On ;\ mind that Is not * rooms. It also demolished the gover­ The schools of our state must not frivol, t lar ,is hi- mother is conccrp,ed no ; the products of our idleness. . Sunday we visited the Mormon Tcm- nor’s riiansion. \ work will either t w rough may be In- exterior Talk asserts that his is a plan to end Tabernacle which was built by be permitted to deteriorate. New Jer­ matter ho We called on Governor Elmer Holt, sey, a few years ago, was the leader in worry. i ami har.lened his soul. The knight who , all pension plans. There niay be a glim-1 Young in 1853. The Temple who was very much concerned over the Losses which stun some people t sought for the Holy Grail s,.ught with mer ot hope of returning sanity m ten thousand people and the education ; now it ranks sixth from the ) welfare of his people ancL^aid, “The bottom. That is to say, there are 42 only seem to stimulate oth­ the same dev.jtion as the actor vvho slogan. guide drojlped a pin on the • pulpit . . and . one great thing we need is i^ter.” He ers. t sought f'.r his lost mutlier. The same states in the United States which give it could be heard in all parts of the went on to say that while they had more state aid for education than does A dosed mind will admit most * element of sacrifice that syniobliz.es the AIR FUTURES 'I'eniple. He answered all questions, and cold winters they did not have the big any sort of an Idea but a t one IS the drawing power oi the other New Jersey. t When Igor I. Sikorsky pictured an 1 asked him if it were true that the snows to furnish the necessary water Where do we go from here if we con­ true one. * that exists through life and even airplane oi the future weighing a mil­ Mormons could have as many wives as for the valleys. The governor’s secre­ 4 stretche- out into eternity itself, He tinue on our downward course? We When you sit In Judgment upon * lion pounds and cajiable of carrying 1,- they wanted and he said, "'That is not tary, William Aikens, said' hg was a must wake up to the situation and ap- your own conduct be a “hard ) found a mother. tXX) passe'ngers he was straining the true. The Mormons have but one wife former New Jersey newspaperman and peal to, and demand from our legisla- 4 judge. 4 practicabilities. Such a flying machine at a time. We abide by the laws of hoped to get back some time. He said tors the restoration of this tax and ad 4 TWO FISHERMEN in his opinion i.s mechanically possible. the U. S. A.” We also visited the Great When children speak slightingly N- ithing emphasizes the strcn.gth he had served under governors and had ditional state funds to protect our edu­ 4 c . 50 ■ t But ici.m an economic viewpoint—well, Salt Lake which is about 15 miles from held state jobs for more than 28 years. of their parents Satan snick­ 4 of .American taith m the nist utioiis “ ’that TA another story which in Sikor- cational system. ers with glee. 4 the capitol and is known as Saltair We are now in the wild and wooly 4 our eomitrv and reliance on the will ul , ; . . , , , This is a matter of vital importance to When we throw away money, we the majon'ty as the picture presented/‘‘X ^ Toss.bil.tie- Beach and although there were no west, as we saw our first wild deer at every taxpayer of the district, all taxes 4 What this veteran builder of air ma- are compelled to run ten 4 liy the winner and the lo.scr in our re-' amusements o])en they charged us the a little water hole, while we were eat­ receivetf from the state through its 4 oent political contiict sittuig down m,! A'htncs does predict ’Tunfidently" is that | aa™ The' water has ing our dinner near Alissoula, a fine varied sources of income, help to reduce times as far to recover IL 4 ©. W eslsrn Newspaper Union. 4 gether amt.,,,,1 anti “sunnnl.m"swapping swapping hshriEh stories”stories. , ’^'^1 j'laiics and flying boats weighing - left the main pavillion...... about a mile and city of about 15,(XX). We hit our long­ the amount to be raised by local tax­ 4 There is no thought of rebellion or re- the bathers are carried out by a little est grade on this trip near that city. ation for the maintenance of our .a pnsiil in the heart of the loser and ‘>l’<-’rauon or under cunslruction in the train. We saw the great salt refineries, It was five miles long and while it made schools, thereby directly reducing local there i> no thought of arrogant dic- ; next five yeari. “We can have air­ the airport and mines, our little Chevrolet snort, yet she taxes. talorship in the heart of the winner planes Nu steady that even water in a I had a fine talk with Governor Henry yanked our covered wagon home right Every citizen is requested to bring all u'he:i loser and winner can sit down to­ ^glaNs wf)iild nut be spilled in rough H, Blood and his secretary, H. L. Wil­ to the top without a hitch or knock. possible pressure and influence on^ our gether and each try to outdo the other I air/' he declared. son, who had been in Jersey and re­ My next letter will be from Washing­ legislators to stop this unjust diver­ in telling tall fish stories. ! In view ot the China Clipper and called a ride up the coast from Ocean ton and Oregon, sion of funds belonging to our schools As a matter of fact the best guaran- those other ^ ,. great ships . - , of the air which.. and make restoration, of the funds that tee we have of the permanence of "e are told are m almost immediate HAPPY NEW YEAR And back of it and strengthening it are rightfully ours. .American institutions ami the survival: ^e Sikorsky prediction When the people of the United States are com]ielling evidences of reviving The Board of Education «>f our form of governmeril is the fact; elements of surprise, this year say “Flappy New Year,” they prosiierity, ; of East Windsor Township that we do not take life nor otir.sclves | have more reasons to expect the fulfill­ The great basic industry, agriculture, K, G. Stults, District (Jlerk. too seriuiiNly. Europe is turn to shreds j ARTHUR BRISBANE ment of their wish than they have had is encouraged by increasing returns for "Don’t bite until you know whether it is by men who have no sense of humor | great man and a great genius in for a long time. In the very atmos- its labors. Another joke, probably quite ancient, bread or a stone." and who therefore see ihemsel.ves as newspaper world has removed from Iiliere of the opening of the year 1937 Manufacturing finds readier outlet for about two Irishmen: Callahan says to JANUABY the anointed ones whose dominance is; ^^ir midst in the death of Arthur Bns- is the tang of expectancy. The nation products and gains confidence. O’Farrell, “You’re a fool.” O’Farrell re­ 1—Cuba comes under sov- e.-rsential to the life of their people. jp^. Pappy faculty of is set psychologically tor continued re­ Money is more abundant. torts, “You’re drunk.” Callahan admits erelgnty of United Man meant to be so intense, „^aking editorial expression as under­ vival and an energetic advance. Goods are in better demand. the charge, saying: “Yes, but tomorrow Stales, 18^. and lile cannot be li\ed with such ni-, fascinating when The Ibok is forward and there is a Jobs are easier to get. I’ll be sober and you’ll still be a fool.” 2— Trial of Bruno Haupt­ tensity with happiness. touched by his genius, as were the news spirited revival of self-reliance and cd'n- All these conditions promise to pro­ mann for murder of Lind­ bergh child begun, 1935. J he dictators of T.urope shoiiUl rela.x.; {j^g newsiiapers whose de.s- fidence. In the mind of the average vide for the great mass of the people HOUSE-BUILDING PROSPECTS American is a sense of the self-suffi­ those necessities which make for seren­ 3— Firet postal savings Uwellers in the Cuban White House I'''j ‘^"'Broiled. He broke down The coming year may bring the build­ arc i.robably not classed as residents editorials that were the ciency of his country. ity and happiness. banks established In “Let Europe and Asia and Africa And with this renewal of trust in ing of 425,(K)0 new houses in this coun­ United States, 1911. but merely overnight guests. , 'y^Hyomed manner of expressing edi- try, That is an estimate by the Johns- ______I tonal oinmon into terse phrases and snarl and squabble and waste their en­ physical support, comes mental relea.ie 4— Manufacture of slik Intro­ - sill for ergies and re.;ources,” he thinks. “We to deal with problems that make for Manville statistical research department President Roosevelt and Governor Ubort sentences that had meaning to be published in the forthcoming is­ duced Into Europe, 556. Landon have been exchanging fishing ^ common man. His influence in­ arc out of it; we shall keep out of jt; intellectual and spiritual improvement. creased the jiower of the press in lead­ we are going to grow and build and There is a general intent to seek better sue of American Builder. exiierie-nccs" at the White Flouse. As ‘ .... That much activity in the building 5— Capt. John Smith of fishermen the last election proved be­ ing to more sinqile and comprehensible prosper!” ^ \ facilities for education and enlighten­ Jamestown colony cap­ editorial utterances in all newsjiajiers. 'Fhat pervading conviction of the en­ ment and cultural growth. business alone would mean a lot of yond a doubt that Mr. Roosevelt had prosperity. But the building industry tured by Indians, 1608. the best line. He was the father of the commentator tire American population is bound to So, welcome the New Year! Solem­ columnist and the progenitor of the ra­ be reflected in the debates and the nize it with good resolutions! Enter never keeps its benefits to itself. Ev- 6— Benjamin Franklin, verybody knows that moving into a new American patriot, bom Father Coughlin will be on the air dio broadcaster of news. Disagreement enactments of the Congress that will-'be it with confident expectation I Make it at Beaton, 1706.- again on New Year’s Eve. We shall with the content of his editorials was in session within a few days. It will truly a Happy New Year! house meets a lot of demands besides listen in with pleasure to the Father’s no barrier to admiration for the man influence strongly all policies of gov­ those of the builders. Every room ernment. It will dominate the senti­ The defeated side in Spain will be a from cellar to attic calls for new things. 7— United States holds first sermon as we always liked him when who vyrote them. He had unique abili­ national election, 1799. he spoke from a text instead of a pre­ ties and unique opportunities that may ment of the nation throughout 1937 and hard loser. It will make the winning When the reviva.1 of building is gen­ faction take Spain, eral, prosperity is in full swing. text. not soon be united in one man again. give assurance, and inspiration. HIGHTSTOWN GAZETTE, HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1936 Page Five I Policemen of Evanston, III, were I called to the home of Walter Bushman Engagement of Irma CRANBURY mond Thompson, of Matawan, were ! to help persuade his 230-i)ound wife to — Dilatush Announced Christmas guesjs of Mrs. William I get off the top of his trunk so he could _ Gundlacha Entertain Hughes and family. The Churches pack it and leave her. Mr, ami Mrs. Raymond W. Dilatmth, i ^'^tl .Mrs. J. h. Gundlach enter-D John_ Noble, of Plain.sboro, is spend- of Morrison -\vemie, announced the rn-at dinner and carils Saturday ' ‘”8 P'e winter with .Mr, and Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs, Randolph Plolland .spent gagenicnt of their daughter, lrma|'^"iag in honor of the birtlulavs ofi Christmas Eve- at Radio City, New bmall Adv. Column Helen, to .Mbcrt Borland Randall, ir„ | Guiullach ami Byron Rogers.' 'I'lie' , -'f''- and Mrs. Donald Campbell, of York. TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH son of Commodore and Mrs. I!, lean-! BUC'ts were Mr, and Mrs. Mil-' Sewickley, I’ji„ were week end gniests RATES: iliis column for less than 25 \\'hitcMonJ,’ L(m’g“lslaiid, at'a of -Mount Royal'; M'r. A 'L r- ami Mrs. Ernest Campbell. A marriage license was issued to Alice REV. PAUL NEWELL, Priest in Charge cents. Add one cent for each word or abbrevia­ party held at their lu)inc Christmas and Mrs. IRlward Oumilaeli, of lOiila- C. Applegate and daughters, Davis, 25, of Hightstown, and Frank Sunday, January 3.—Second Sunday tion above 25c. Large size heading 10 cents night dclphia; Mr. and Mrs. I’inrl Jnhnsnii, Marion and Carolyn, of Trenton, spent extra. Postage stamps are acceptable. Ads Dawes, 27, of Imlaystown. after Christmas. .Morning i)raycr and inserted only on receipt of cash. The followin'.’, guests attended: Miss'^^^' Hill, Ra.; Mr. and .Mrs. Ar- lhepX^•eek end with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph sermon at 11 o’clock. The service will Violet N. hixel. Miss Mabel German, Carey, of Milton. Dela.; Mr. and V\‘cntworlh in New York City. Herman Mueller will leave Sunday for be conducted by the-^vev. Paul Newell, Mr. and Mrs. ioseph Carter, Mr. ami j ^ ^ » u n a n . nt 'rrenUm ; Mr.' and -Mrs. Albert C. Barclay and Florida where he will spend several F O R RENT Mrs. Sluarl H.'Simpson Miss Dorothy l*yron Rollers, of i familton t'hildren visited M r. and M rs. John Tip- weeks. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Davison, Miss Constance Welsli, Miss Sipiare; Mr. and Mi's, .\u.siin \'an Si^e, ffiniily at New Rochelle, N. Y., REV. THOMAS TYACK. Paator EURNISIII'U) room for rciit with or Margaret h'«&rwia:i, Mr. and Men. A1-- of Daylnii: Mr. and .Mrs. Wilbur Carey,: R'*' Ihe wee-k erpl, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson C. Schlottman withuui board. Call at 144 Rogers Ave­ freu Pennell. Miss Josephine Silver, of Yard\ille, and Mr. and Mr.s, Julin'‘ Pirnekt Camiibcll cn- were Christmas Day guests of F. C. The service of praise and prayer will X. Slmiaker and Mr. and .Mrs. Ho\sard tertained the following guests for a buf- be held this evening as usual. nue. James iJawes, Thomas Applegate, Jr,, Lawrence at Manasquan Beach, Alvin Dcy, of Hightstown; Mhn Ruth llarris. ; fi.-r supper Sunday evening: Mr, and Next Sunday— High Kcores in bridge were won Carleton Campbell, of Yardville; 9;55 A. M.—School for all ages. FOR RlvNT—Four-room house with Hopewell, Howard Burch,' Stanley . F'riday, January first. New Year’s improvements, on Avenue, Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Warned xMrs. H. M. Rogers and Clarence Car- -Hr. and Mrs, Raymond B, Lawrence, Day, is a public holiday in this state. 11:00 A. M.—Public worship. Tlie )orothy' Adrgini'a/I’^JE^”' pimichle .Mrs. Milton (Lq- Aveiiel; Mr. and M r>. L. Graham subject of the sermon will be, “A New Rhone 221. David C. Lyewis. 31tf. of Trenton; Mi Business will be suspended for the day. Randall, Whitcstorie, Linm Dlaiul singer and Howard llartV., Campbell and daughter, of Pennington; Year’s Message of Cheer.” Mr. a:ui Mrs. Getsinger and Mr. and Air. and Mrs, Jolm Campbell, of New 7:45 -P. M, — Public worship. The FOR RENT—A small aftartnient, all Miss h'.leaiior Conover, of Cranbury Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson spent modern improvements. Rhone 43-J. Russell Snedeker vSnedeker, ofwind-^or-of Wind Mr remained over the week Brunswick; Air. and Mrs. Charles Ce- Christmas Day with their daughter at pastor will preach at both services. The public will be welcomed. It will Mrs. J. F.ly Dey. 29tf. Mrs, Ki .luTl Cadniiin, of .\sbilrv Park; lina.._of Cranford ; r. and Mr-. Don- Saratoga, N. Y, Nelson I’ierce, of Westfield ;* Robert -Mtluir A. Rellington aid Campbell, cU Sewickley, l*a.;^Mr. be a good thing to begin the new year 'entertained Mr, and .Mrs. Lew i.s llol- and Mrs. William 1', i’errine, of Cran- by attending a religious service. FOR RI'iNT — Four-room bungalow, Lang, of New York. Miss Clare Peeler, of New York all improvements, at 117 William Street; During the course of the evening lenbeek. of Freeliohi; Mi>s lanet bui'v, and h‘rank J. Moglia ami children, City, spent the Christmas week end also garages on North Main Street and Mi.ss Dilatush gave Miss Violet Pixel a Tliomiison. of Pdizabclh. a:td Mi.^s Robert ami John Moglia. (E Burlington, with her sister, Mrs. Anna P. Kerst, of MANALAPAN William Street. Rhone 31(j-j 1. John surprise kitchen shower in honor of her Sarah lE'v, ol Trenton, for Chri'^lina.-. Mass. Second Avenue. Mount. 32lf. approaching marriage to .-\lvin Dcy. J)ay. C)n Saturday Air. and Mrs, llarrv. Mr. and Mrs. John Landwehr and Cards, flancing and refreshments wore Wells and daughter, Marie, of 4'ren-i WINDSOR The reorganization meeting of the daughter, Esther, were among dinner , FOR RFyNT—Three-room apartment, enjoyed by the guests. ton, and .Aaron Britton, of Plainsboro, Borough Councif will probably be post­ guests at a family-, party on Christmas Rhone 72. Miss Dilatush i.s a graduate of were guests, ; ! he wing were entertained at poned until Tuesday evening, January Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hightstown High School and of Rider JA'ank 1 lutehinso:i, of the New Jersey dinner l tile home of Mr. and Mrs. fifth. B. Pullen at flightstown. FOR RENT—7-room house, all mod­ College. She is employed in the of­ School for the Deaf at 'rreiiton, is Wdbur A. Si'car on OiristnuiN Day: Mr. and Mrs. William R. Conover ern improvements, garage. 237 Mercer fice of the Hightstown Rug Coini)any. .s])cnding his \-acalion with hi.s parents. Air, and .Mrs. Philip Chamberlain and A marriage license was i,ssued last were guests on Christmas Day at the Street. Inquire of I'rank Wolfe, 240 Mr. Randall is a graduate of Peddie He ccUFrated his twelfth birlliday Mon- laiiiily, .Mr. and Mrs, John Day and week at Elkton, Md., to Harold R. home of their .son-in-law and daughter, Mercer Street. 28tf. School a:ul is connected with the marine ilay by a ]iicnic in the fields with hi.^ their children, Kenneth and Jaccpicline, Britton, 21, of Plainsboro, and Mar­ Mr. and .Mrs, John H. Lyle and family department of the Standard Oil Com­ sister/Ruth, and Billv lohnsnn. |Alr.;. Iqllian Chamberlain, of Hamilton jorie Anderson, 19, of Princeloif. at .Matawan, FOR RENT—House, heat, ^as, elec­ pany. Air, a:id Mrs. Kusseli Johnsoiv enter-1 Stiitare, and Alfred Chamberlain, of Mr. and .Mrs. George S. Mount and tricity, running water, on Shapiro Ave­ laMied Air. and Airs. Alexander Paul, A\ indsor. Mrs. Charles Clark, of Rogers Ave- daughleis, Lucille and Evelyn, of this nue. Write to S. Shapiro, 350 Bnwery, KATHERINE PERRINE iw Long Branch, for Christmas Fve and d'lie annital Christina^ program oi the nie, is under treatment in St. Francis jilace, and Mr. and Mrs, Arthur F. New York City. WEDS DAVID MULLIGAN t.iu Chn-'liiias [ )a> tluw were guesi.-, of Al. I-,, Siniday school was [iresrnted in hospital, Trenton, where she may -un­ Gertzcl and children, Mary and August, their parents, Mr.'and Mrs. I.cwi.^ I loir- the church, consisting of play.s, soii.g.s, dergo an operation. of Hightstown, were guests on Christ­ OFFICE for rent. Cunningham’s At a qui(?t wedding ceremony Mon­ manat kbiglishtown. ' .solos, rccilalioms and iiionulogiies. mas Day at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. Building, Main and Stockton Streets. day tiiorning at 10:30 o’clock at the Air, ami Mrs. I-'redcrick Granger had Air. ami Mr.s, Wiliiam I. Ia\li_T have William K, Norton is critically ill at August W, Gertzcl at Hightstown. P'ir.st Baptist Church parsonage. Miss as Christmas 1 )ay .gUests Air, a:iil Airs, f been visiting relative- in Bel Air, Aid. his home on .Monmonth Street. He re­ .Mr. and Mrs. William S. Rogers en­ HOUSES, apartments and bungalows Katherine Conover Perrine, daughter of X'ictor 'Piedjens ami children. Airs,’ Mr. and Mis Martin Keinietly, of ceived a blood transfusion Tuesday af­ tertained at their home on Christmas for rent and for sale. Rhone 158. Mr. ami Mrs. D. R. Da:ieer, of Ward Mary Hileilian, Alis^ Nellie Cluircli. L"ng islainl; Mr. ami Airs. I'i'ed b,. ternoon. Day. Among their guests were Mr. and Russell A. Egnor, Insurance and Prop­ Street, was married to David John Jean and Barbara de Creseen/o and Aliller and Julius Reiiow/t/, of Coxes Mrs, William McDaniel and daughter, erty Management, 158 Rogers Avenue. Mulligan, son of .Mr, and Mrs. I'lavid vSteiibcn Granger. AATiier; Air, ami Mrs, Ci, k,liner I in- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Liitcken, Miss Shirley, of Newark; Mr, and hfrs. Mulligan, of York road. Ivast Windsor Alr. and Mrs. h'rank and .dall, Mr. and Airs. Enocli I‘. .Miller and Ruth Ely and Alex Mason le ft Charles Heider, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson FOR RENT—Six-room house, all iin- Township. The Rev. Powell H. Norton daughter, Ivsther, also All^ M arjorie ; h.hiier A, 'I'indall, ol Windsor, were eii- last 'l^yirsday on a motor trip to Flor­ C. Mount and sons. Nelson and Ron­ pruvenicnts. Inquire at Craig & Hor- officiated in the presence of the imme­ Aiqilegate, of Hightstown. are on a mo- tertained at dinner (.ni Christmas Day ida. ,^/They expect to return heme next ald. nor store. diate families of the contracting couple. tor trip of about three weeks to IBor- at the liome of Mr. and Mrs. 11, LeRoy week. Christmas Day guests at the home of P'ollowing the ceremony the couple icla. Tindall ami their .son, J.eRoy, Jr. Mrs. Sarah E. Mount and family were left on a wedding trip by motor through Airs. Jeiinis \'. .Applegate, aecomiia- Air. aiul Mrs. VVilliam Iv. Everett and A paper shower for Miss Catherine .Miss Lydia Faber, of Freehold; Rob­ FOR SALE the south. Upon their return they will nied by her son, David Lewis, of illghts- iheii: sun, William, Jr,, s]ienl^a recent Perrine was given Saturday night by ert C. Wilmot, of Claymont, Dela.; Wil­ make their home on York road where town, spent tlie Christmas lioliilav' with evening with Air. and Airs, P. J. 1 in- the Presbyterian Young People at the liam A. Tyndale, of Hamilton Square. PLAYER PIANO BARGAIN the bridegroom will be associated with Mr. ami Airs. P’rank Davis in Hart-'dall and tamily. home of iirs, A. H. Albert, Stockton Miss Kathryn Mount, of Long Branch, Instead of reshipping to factory, his father in farming. ford, Co:m. | Air. and Mrs. Harry B. Taylor and Street, is spending ten days at the Mount $7(KUX) Player Piano, like new can be The bride is a graduate of the local Aliss Jessie Silvers, of Sweet Bviar | family, Mr. and Airs. William j;/lHy- home, had for unpaid balance of $48.65 remain­ high school and of Rider College and College, who has been visiting licr,l"i' ami Air. and Mrs. R. Duane ! aylor The public schools will open .Monday William and Herman Bahm spent ing on contract. Write at once to Ed­ is secretary to Alfred Bennett, of the brother. Jack, at Youngstown, Ohio, for and their son. Bruce, will be dinner morning, January 4. The Peddie School Christmas and the week end at the gar 0. Netzow, (Department of Ac­ Bennett .Air Service. Mr. Mulligan at­ a part vE her vacation, arrived at the guests on New Year's Day of Mr. ami students are scheduled to report not home of their brother-in-law and sis­ counts), 4743 North Sheffield Avenue, tended the local high school, Peddie home of Mr. and Airs, WLlliain Gor­ Mrs. Vernon L. Pullen and .son, of later than Monday evening at eight ter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Palmer, and Milwaukee, Wisconsin, who will advise School and Rider College. Both are don for the balance of it. 11 ightslown. o’clock. family at Newark. where piano can be seen. Kindly fur­ active in the alTairs of the young peo­ Mr. and Mrs. James Hiitchin.son, of A miiiiber of relatives and friends Mrs. Sarah E. Mount ami Joseph C, nish references. 32*2t. ple’s group of the Baptist Church. Hightstown; Mr. and Airs, Wi:i.slon ! were entertained at dinner on Christ- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Tighe and >foum were guests on Sunday at the WHlker ami daughter, Betty Lou, of'Uias Day at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. daughter, .Marilyn, of Neptune City, home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Pul­ FOR SALK — A Chambers fireless DINNER-SHOWER PARTY I'hiladeliihra ; Airs, Grace Hutchinson | C.^ Lester Rue. were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and len- at Hightstown. Mrs. Pullen,^ who and daughters, Aliriam and Jean, of; 1 he local .schools and also .Allentown Mrs. John Perdoni. .Miss Catherine cooker gas range; also 2 other gas will be rememberefeTi“Hccr the huli- Perdoni returned home after spending Mount, and her husband were celebrat­ Mrs. John S. Pffanklin, entertained Edgar Bennett were Sunday guests oi days. I hey will ojven a:gain on Alon- the week end with .Mr. and Mrs, Tighe. Nugent, next door to Millstone Poultry Wednesday eveimig at their home, ing their 14th wedding anniversary on Farms, on Hightstown-Cranbury Road. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 1C Bennett. : ami Airs, Jack Weiss at Trenton. | P'-verelt and family will be guests on H. Savidge, Jr., of North .Main Street. Christmas Day with Mr; and Mrs. heater, excellent condition. Will sell Among the' guests were Mrs. William Mrs. Savidge returned home Monday cheap. Address Box 7, Gazette office. Air. ami Airs. T. M. Applegate were' NNwv Year’s Day at the Imme of Air. Michael Cuba at Trenton. H. P'rankliii, Mrs. John Probasco, Christmas Ivve guests of Airs. Eiz/ie'‘Uid Alr.s. Walter I.verett, ol 1 reiiton. after spending the Christmas week end .Mrs. Carrie Applegate, of Freehold, Misses ^fary Anna Messier, I'dizabeth with Mrs. Dawson. FOR SALE — Young service boar. P.rown and family at New Brunswick.! Aliss _ Marjorie IC Taylor eiiterlamed and Harvey J. Hutchinson, of Keadin.g, Phone 22-R-2. Mrs. J, A. Clirchugh. Recve.s, Marie Thompson, Olive Perry ami spent Christinas l)ay with Mr. ami Miss \ ilina V ago, of Mercer hospital. The 1937 fishing and gunning licenses Pa., were dinner guests Saturday at the and Dorothy Davison. The dinner and Airs. Ivveretl Errickson ’at Davton, 'I'renton, ami I )r. Christopher Smith, of home of Mr. and .Mrs. Frank E. Hutch­ shower were fi,)llowed by bridge. have been received by the Borough * FOR SALE—i Friend d-cHin- Air. ami Alr.s. C, B. Hutchinson and I Jersey City, at suiumr on Sundayeve- Clerk. The fishing license is the color inson. der spray pump, very good condition; children. P'rank and Ruth, left 'i'luirs- uiiig al the home^ oi lier jiareiUs, Air. of a lemon; the gunning license is Per­ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cordeaii, of 1 u.sed Friend 250-gal. tank DX puin]) ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED (lay to spend the holiday season witliEiml .Mrs, il, B. I aylor. shing blue, and the combination fishing Union, and Mr. and Xfrs. Theodore and, engine, good. Rhone, write or call Air. ami Mrs. P. S. Hutchinson at Great! Air. and Airs. h. J. 1 imlall have been Brewster, of Hillside, were .Sunday Mr. an. Thomas Hutton and al the home of Mrs. hdla Transfer of all of the outstanding Air. and Mrs, William H. Laird cole Astoria, L. 1; Frederick ^Thorne, COAL direct from the mines, deliv- brated tlioir fiftieth wedding anniversa 'Bound Brook. ^ '‘V.V,’'/’ [/ near Duicli N'eck. capital stock of the New Egypt Water Thomas Thorne, hliss klartha Callahan, Company, a total of 1,5(X) shares, to Lil­ ered to your bin. All sizes. Phone 180. ry on Christmas Day. In honor of the | Air. am( Airs. Leroy Scott enter tamed Ann. Li I he 1 JJidail and her daughter, of Jersey City, were recent guests at John C. Nichols, 122p2 Dey Street, event they entertained at dinner Mr./^f ^ Cliristmas Iwe dinner Air. uiuP AIi^s .Adeline 1 imlall, "pent Wcd.ieMlay lian M. J. Stevens was approved Tiie.i- the home of Mrs. Marie Juelch and Mr. •id Mrs. \Villiam II, Laird, lr„ Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Von l.uleken, of Hiqht.-iin Trenton. day by the Board of Public Utility Hightstown. 31-2t. and Mrs. Frederick Juelch, Mrs. 4'hoinas B. Alalone, Aliss Dorothy town; Air, and Air". P'r:inklin Scott, j bilty-mne iminls ol Windsor School Commissioners. The cash consideration Joseph Wagner, of Adebihia, is 'vis­ .\lr■^, WMlter Scott ami Miss Anna were neitlier lardy nor ab>eiit durin, was $10,000. WANTED Al alone and Leo HolTnian, Air. and iting at the home of Mr, and .Mrs. Clar­ Airs. Laird were married December 25, the iii'Cith

WELLER BROS. CRANBURY I Mr. and ^frs. Alexander Everline, of ASA J. STONAKER 'Princeton; Mr. and Mr.s. John Lcn- IYour Garden 82, died Friday at his home in James­ CIGAR STORE I hardt, f)f Helinar; Mr. and Mr.s. Thiirs- burg. Funeral services were conducted "Smoke Shop” Mr. aiTl .Mrs. *John I>. Bennett cn- , (on Whitson, of Marlboro; Mr. and Sunday afternoon by the Rev, E. F. New Year's tertaineil the fi'llouing guests for I This Week MAIN STREET HIGHTSTOWN ' Mr.s. Raymond I’arker and daughter, of Foote, pastor of Jamesburg Methodist ChriMmas dinner at the Eakeview Kes- jjamesburg; Mr. and Mrs. Grover Ben­ j By A. C. McLEAN Ciiiircli. Interment was in Fernwood tanraiu and for suiiper and the evening nett, of Freehold; Mis.s Bc^rtha Grover, I (Extension Service, N. J. Collegre of Agriculture) i cemetery, Jamesburg, under the dircc- Resolution at their lioine: .Miss .■\nna I'isher, Wil­ ni Migiit.siovvn, and Ora Bennett. j Flower lovers everywhere will have I tion of A. S. Cole, Son & Co. liam IH-lhiw, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Mr. and Mrs. Albert N. Crocker spent 1 received living plants as gifts for Chrisl- I He was born near Englislitowii, the THE PLACE TO HAVE .Stnif' and '-on, Williain, .Mr .and Mrs. Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. George iinas. Plants are presetUed becaii.se the ERE'S a New Year's resolution [sun of jolmsoii ami Sarah Stonaker. ...Any one can make and keep; Walter Dye, Sr., Mr. and .Mrs. Walter , F. Weeks at Whitestone, Long Island. j giver wishes to bestow a gift of last- j He was employed by the Pennsylvania H YOUR EYES EXAMINED Dye, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Kiehard Mason, ing quality — a reinenibrance enduring It will help one’s constitution. Mrs. Marne Applegate and daughter, I ! Railroad for more lhaii fifty years, And enable one to sleep. vSarah, siiont ClirisUiias with Mr. and I even after the Christmas decorations i He is survived by his wife, Mary \Irs. Alexander Ap{)legatc, in Trenton. I are taken down. There are certain rules ■ Pette Stonaker; two half-brothers, "1 win try to keep from frettini ' tlnit must be followed if these plants When I cannot see the sun: Mr. and Mrs. Harvey S. Dcy enter­ Isaac Stonaker, of F'reeliold, and Cor­ I are to last for any length of time. nelius Stonaker, of Jamesburg; one I will try to keep from gettini tained at the Cranbury Inn Sir. and I The ordinary Christmas plants, such Into quarrels I may shun. “Hot from the Roaster” .Mr<. Holland Dey, of Sayville, L. I., and j half-sister, Mrs. Jennie Rav, of Free- j as Poinsettias and Christmas Begonias, , hold. "I will try to keep trom grieving .\lr, ami .Mrs. Alexander Mcrriman, of ! are lender subjects and there is not .•\sbnry Park. Over troubles that are past; I much that can be done to preserve WILLIAM F. BARKALOW I will try to keep believing SUNOPTIOIL Cc Mr. ami Mrs. Hermann Meyer and Things will all come right at last. ^ Q F.C.)LKA.MTWa, IDEAL COFFEE Dhem. The begonia, however, if carc- j 08, died Wednesday, December 25, at children, Betty Jane and Bobbie, were ! fully watered ami kept in a warm place, ! the State Hospital, Marlboro, where he D O W est State StJ rentom dinner gue''ts of ^^r. and Mrs. Frank "I will try to keep from sighing will remain lovely for a considerable i had been cmiiloyed. Services were con- When I ought to smile, instead: c Ziegler and son, at Hillside, on Wednes­ I time. Both plants need special grow­ I will try to keep on trying day. i ducted at his late home. 205 Bergen ing conditions, and particularly a great Place, Red Bank, Saturday afternoon, To deserve to get ahead.” 21 lb Odd Fellows Uleal of heat. .Many gardeners have had : by the Rev. George G. Horn, pastor of —Montreal Herald. EYESTRAIN About UK) Odd Fellows, Rebekahs success in keeping these plants by plac­ 1 the First Presbyterian Church, Free- Exceptional Coffee Value- Equal to and friends met in the lodge rooms re­ ing them in a window which gets a con- I liold. Interment was in Old Tennent cently under the leadership of the noble j siderable anunmt of heat until sitting, Causes Headache many brands, selling at 29c lb. Di­ i cemetery, under the direction of Wil- grand, Adrian Van Ravesteyn. d'he iwhen tliey can cither be propagated or 1 liam S. Heyer, of Highistown, a rect to you from the Importer and hall was dectfrated for Christmas witli i dried off slightly and then restarted in I nephew. New Y e a r^ Roaster makes the price possible. a lighted tree, etc. the stmimcr for bloom next Christmas, I Mr. Barkalow was born on May 20, CORRECT The main sjieaker of the evening was j Other Christmas gift plants, such a.s 11868, in Freehold, the son of Alexander the Ke\. C. A. Hallbcrg. He was foP j forced bulbs, can be allowed to ripen I Low and Rebecca Ely Barkalow. He H E R O Y ’ S loweil by William Posten, past grand I off and then be planted in tlic garden, if was the descendant of a long line of Cavalier ^ENSES .master, of Atlantic idighlands; William I they are liardy. Keep tlie tender ones Monmouth County residents, including 23 E. Hanover Street Baldwin, grand guardian, of New Bruns­ ; in a pot and start them again for siic- Alexander Low, the famed cabinet mak- Prevent Eye Strain TRENTON, N. J. wick, and Mr. Ashman, district deputy ; ceeding holidays. I er of the Revolutionary j)eriod. 'grand master, of jamesburg, who all \ Since llic living Christmas tree is ! For many years he worked on the .made ap|irupriate remarks. [gaining in popularity, a few liints on , family farm, but eventually went with hy Helen A. L.^ Burroughs and Mrs. Clarence [its care arc not amiss. Place the tree I th6 Monmouth Title Company as a title Gaisford iJ’errinc were in charge of the music. in a cool place overnight, and wlicn its ; searcher. Since the stale hospital at I Carols and community singing were cn- ! iisefiilness as a decoration is over, put ,-Marlboro has been in existence he has Waterman ! joyed. Farlaml Arnold, of Jamesburg, it in a cotd .died until spring. The tree , been in charge of the farm there. Fie H.M. VOORHEES&BRO. ' rendered a solo and Clarence E’errine, ffiay be planted just as soon as the soil was active in the political life of F'ree- 131-135 E. State St. Trenton, N. J. Fred Liedtke, A. L. Burroughs and is in a workable condition. Keep the i hold Township, holding the office of .Adrian \'an Ravesteyn contributed with routs moist at all times, but not wet. i committeeman and serving on the elec- STORE HOURS 9 TO 6 a ({uartut. Mrs. i’errine was presented Probably the most important factor , tion board. He lived in Freehold until enton DUMONT was bored willi a handsome bouquet of do^j^rs. in keeping any plant in the house at his removal to Red Bank two years ago. with the party. All right wel­ I Refrohmeiits were served by the ^blc tliis time of year is to keep the soil i Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Eu- F coming in the New Year so '■ grand. adequately moist. Excess moistuic is Delta Irwin Barkalow; a daughter, Mrs. smugly for people like these—but harmful, however, since many plants , lulward T. Osborn, of Interlaken; a he was an adventurer, a cavalier, are siioiled by over-watering. Tlie new son, Alexander L. Barkalow, of Wild­ and the formal drawing room, the NOTICE! STOCKHOLDERS’ MEETING sponge water pads which are now avail­ wood, ami a half brother, Charles P. lovely ladies so ready to smile upon Hightstown T rust Co. able for placing under plant pots keeps Emmons, of F'reehold. him, the classical music, the slow, lliglUstown, J., Dec. 23, 1936.—The annual tlie moisture fairly uniform and provide meeting of the Stockholders of the bank, for drainage so that the soil is nut too wet. WILLIAM B. MOUNT pompous talk of the men suffocated NOW IN PROGRESS the election of directors to serve for the en­ him. He stepped to the balcony. suing year, and tlte transaction of such busi­ 68, died Friday at Freehold. The fu­ ness a?, may be necessary for tlie prosperity neral was held Monday from the F'rec- It had stopped snowing. In an­ of the company will be held at the Banking Cultivate Cactus Plants other hour the year would be dead. House on , man Funeral Parlors, Freehold, with Tuesday, January 12, 1937 By A. C. McLEAN interment in Old Tennent cemetery. A grand year. But another would VOORHEES’ BIG JANUARY The polls will l>e oi>en at 3 o’clock P. (Extension Service, X. J. College of A griculture) He is survived by his wife, Sarah be beginning. He slipped over the amt remain open one hour. balustrade, wound his leg around a ]•'. N\’. MALSBPRV, Assistant Treasurer. Cacti are rapidly gaining popularity, Farr Mount; two daughters, Mrs. Wal- (Gazette, Dec. 24, 31, Jan. 7.) lor these thorny or apiiiy oddly shaped . ter Meyers, of Hollis. Long Dlaiul, pillar, and slid down to meet it. plants are easily grown and oT siiiqde land Mrs. Charles Crammer, of Asbury To the east, far away, the year requirement. [Park; a son, Ffarold Clair Mount, of was already new, and so he set Clearance Sale PREROGATIVE COURT OF NEW JERSEY The}' are a large race ui plant.s of I Freehold, and a brother, Bertram, of off in that direction. In the m atter of the | Notice to creditors to many t)pe>. Se\cral of them bear I Fnglishtown. Mr. Mount had been em- Estate of MATTHIAS • exhibit claims against He was almost half way across showy llowers—particularly the Hat leaf ' idoyed fur the past 14 years by Rooney the bridge before he noticed the DEY, Deceased. ) estate. types, of which probably the most , A’ Ivly, produce incrcliant-^, of Knglish- OF Pursuant to the order of I.uiher A. Camp­ girl, but then he strode quickly to bell, ttnimaiy of the Prerogative Court of ^huwy are the Epiphyllums, also ' town. her side. “Please don’t,” he said the State of Xew Jejsey, dated December 3, known as rhyllucaclus. Native of the gently. She started. “I should only Coats . .^Dresses . . . Furs . . . Millinery l'D6, and based on tlie petition of Raymond tropics, tiiey are air plants^ although ' BIRTHDAY ENTERTAINMENT H, Do>-. Kwculor m' the Estate of Matthias have to jump in after you, and Dey, tii-ieascil, notice is Jiereby given to the they are commonly cultivated in light can’t you imagine how cold I’d Sportswear . . . Accessories . . . Footwear I M-diio] , tif .Matthias Dcy; to exhibit to the soil. Mr. ami Mrs. ivinerson Pullen, Jr., >ubscnluT, the lAecutor of the Estate, tlieir The most important requirements of of tlie Cranbury Neck road, entertained be?” he ended, and shivered with ii.iiru-- and ilemaml'. against the estate under a number of friends in honor of their clown-likd intensity. 'T might even ■ atli within six niuntlis from the Third day cadi are heal, a very well drained soil •I Jletcmhcr, 1'Dd, or they will he forever and nut tou much water, although they daughter, M arjoric Pullen’s birthday. catch my death,” he continued [n .sonic casc>. liu'Fc arv onlv diiu-ui a N idI. ICach is taken barred .4' their aiiions thci’cfor against the shoiiltl never be allowed to become dry. 1'lie house was decorated in the Yulelicle lightly, but the girl looked back to ^oD'-criher';. from stork and rcdiutd to Inw jaiuiary . . . lowt-F ]»ncc- [lated: Tientoii, X. J. I'herc are botli day and night llowerin.g trim, in keeping with the holiday sea­ the river, and he realized his er­ than voii woulil to pay.rvm in January. December 11, 1936. kind.''. \ cry often the Huwers are from son. Games, inu.sic and dancing were ror. “You may want to die,” he BAV.MONJ) R. DEV. four to •'ix inches across, some of them enjoyed by all and ai a late hour re- said earnestly, “but I don’t. Executor, expanding to eight or ten inches in fre.sliments were served, including a Please!” „ K. D. Xo. 2, Cratrbury, X, J. liiigc birthday cake. Many useful gilts (Ifighlstowti Gazette, Dec. 17, 1936.—*5t.) length. Several species wMch have “Then leave me be,” she an­ been cultivated are native of Mexico were received. swered. Her voice was soft, mu­ and Brazil, but they have been crossed Those present were Miss Gertrude Rhodes and .Miss Ivthcl Mueller, of sical, but passionately desperate. or hybridized, principally by (icrman He gathered her in his arms and horticulturi.'its. Now the wild types Jamesburg; Mr. and .Mrs. Russell arc reiTe'-eiited mostly in hybrids, Crater, Howard Anderson and Marvin kissed her. She struggled fiercely. which are either raised from seed or Huliek, of Princeton Junction; Mr. and He kissed her again, and again, propagated by cuttings of the Hat stems. .Mrs, la'Ster E. Boye ami Austin pinning her arms to her sides with 'I'lie ll(‘wer> arc red, white or pink,'and Wright, of Hightstown; Lmer.'fin Ham- the iiiants arc justly popular. nicll, of Hamilton Square; Miss Mil­ dred Weart, of Lawrence Station; Miss Gladys Danser. .Miss Mary Anderson T FOOD FACTS and 'Fhoiiias .Mount, Jr., of Cranbury. Did You Know That: When Ju'tice \ ’an Devanter of the -----Both the doiiie'-tic and imiuirted U. S. Supreme Court was recently Swi.'"' cheese ■'have eyes or hole.-'. caught in a violation of the game laws vSolid Swi>s cheese wilhoin eyes is wc should like to have been present to usually a procu-'sed cheese. shake an admonitory hnger at the dii------1'he lirst iiatciU issued in America tinguished jurist and say: “Ignorance of wa> graiiietl in 1()41 to Samuel VVii- tlie law is no excuse.” slow of the Massachusetts Bay / Cohmy for a salt making process. j In an ac-rimonious debate recently in -----{)nig stores were the principal ven­ ; the Cuban Senate it is reported that dor-' of .sugar in France at the time ; guns were drawn. Judging by what of Louis XIV. I wc know of Senators we should say that • -The outer green leaves of lettuce there wasjio danger as the big political are superior to the inner bleached guns usually shoot nothing but blanks. leavfs in vitamins A, C and G. Her Voice Was Soft and Musical, These “food facts’' are compiled by the The two archibi.'hops licked the hands Division of Consumer Information, New of Ring Edward but barked at the heels But Passionately Desperate. Jersey State Department of Agricul- of the Duke of Windsor. his strong clasp. And suddenly she went limp in his arms, and cried- STOCKHOLDERS’ MEETING j NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS against his shoulder. He took off The ’^■irst N ational Bank of Hightsto-wn I The annual meeting of the Citizens Build­ his overcoat and wrapped it around Hightstow n, X. J., Dec. 9, 1936.—The A n­ ing and Loan Association of Hightstown, N. her, for she was shivering. “Why S T AY nual Meeting of the Stockholders of this bank ij., will be held at the Allen & Stults Co. bund­ for the election of ten directors to serve for ling. on the 4th Wednesday of January (Jan. did you come off without your coat the ensuing year will be held at the Hanking 127, 1937), at 8 o’clock P. M., for the puri>ose and hat?” he chided, and stroked House on Tuesday, January 12, 1937. Polls I of the election of officers and the transaction will open at lU o’clock A. M., and retiiaiii of such business as may be necessary for the her soft hair. open one hour. prosperity of the Association. Behind him, bells and whistles JNO. \V. PER R IN E, Cashier. I C. STANLEY STULTS, Secretary. proclaimdH another year. “Happy AL lYE (Gazette, Dec. 10.—5t.) [(Gazette, Dec. 17, 1936.-5t.) New Year, lassie,” he said gayly. She dried her eyes. “I’m being a fool,” she apologized. ESTABLISHED 1878 “Not at all,” he answered, gal­ lantly. “Methinks I behold a res­ taurant across the bridge. How about some coffee?” PEPPLER’S WEEKLY CHATS She let him lead her, and he found a corner table. When their order had been placed, he turned to Do Not Let Water in Your Cellar her. / Endanger the Lives of Your Family “Why should you love a man Get the water out of your cellar as quiclcly as I'ossible. Let us like that?” furnish you with an electric pump that will pump the water out very She looked up quickly, studying rapidly lO(K) to 1500 gallons per hour, at less cost than a drain, Call him. “How did you know?” m and let us show you the pump wc are telling you about. Wc feel sure “Why else should a lovely girl in accident proven* you will like it. It is made of stainless steel and bronze. It will like you be spending New Year’s not corrode. eve that way? You shoulo be danc­ fion^ the Foltce Depart­ TO GET THE BEST ROOFING RESULTS USE ing—” SUPER CHANNELDRAIN COPPER-BEARING STEEL She smiled. “I don’t know. It ment ond the Public It is the latest and best formation for metal roofs. Super chan- ’ seemed terribly important half an ■ neldrain makes any building to which it is applied tlie aristocrat in hour ago. But I’m all right now.’ any community. Though a trilic higher per foot, costs even less It doesn’t matter any more” U tilities 90 hand in than corrugatad on the roof, because there is absolutely no loss for “Off with the old,” he quoted, laps Every square foot of super dianneldrain covers a square foot “on with the new. This is the sea­ hand .. . Better street of roof surface, BUY THE BEST BUY — SUPER CHANNEE- son for lovers as well as years. URAIN AND SAVE MONEY. Get a greatly improved roof, a bet­ The old, is off?” lighting costs but little ter appearing building. Any building covered with chaniieldraiii sheets “Yes.” becomes at once conspicuous for beauty in any locality. He took her hand, “The new— eompored to whot it We *ell and iervice the John Deere and New Idea lines of farm would like very much—to be on.” implements. The Sherwin-Williams paints and varnishes. Myers His gaze caught and held hers. electric water systems. Cellar pumps. Wood pumps. Farmers’ hard­ “May I take you home now?” saves. ware. Belting for every power purpose. Ladders of all kinds. Cir­ She nodded her thanks. Outside, cular sawi, and circular saw frames—several makes to select from. it was snowing again, but they W e are always at home to give our patrons prompt and efficient ser­ scarcely noticed. At her door, he JERSEY i-EI^THAL vice. We are not affiliated with any other organization—We are kissed her, and this time she did absolutely independent, free from all entangling alliances. not resist, “On with the new,” she murmured gently. THOS. PEPPLER, SON & CO. “That’s O.K. this time,” he an­ PnWEK & LIliHT ni. swered, “but I won’t let i. happen PHONE 143 HIGHTSTOWN, N. J. next New Yea.r’s.” ® Western Newspaper Union. V-

HIGHTSTOWN GAZETTE, HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSD,\Y, DECEMBER 31, 1936 Page Seven DUTCH NECK Theodore Robinson, a student at Rut­ gers College, is spending the holiday Chamberlin & Barclay Reduced Prices on All Sizes of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holman, Misses season at his home here. Entertain Employees Hightstov^n R U G S Air. and Airs. Orville E. Wright, Air. CHILD — ALSO - Shirley and Doris Holman'were among Chamberlin & Barclay, of Cranbury, the guests at a Christmas parly at the and Mrs. Lewis B. Chamberlin, Aliss Samples, Remnants and Drop Patterns Laura Chamberlin, Aliss Lillian' Cham­ entertained their em])loyees at a Christ­ AND Ttlt: SCHOOL STOCK ROOM — 218 N. MAIN ST. home of Mr. and Itlrs. Frank Hand, of mas parly at Cranbury Inn last week. By Dr. /UJJEN G. tUSLAJMD K'>tes Cranbury. berlin, Air. and Afrs, Paul E. Wright, Aliss Virginia Wright, Aliss Constance A full course Uirkey dinner was served '' on the Gamej John W. Archer Mr. and Mrs. George Fland and chil­ Phone 58-J HIGHTSTOWN. N. J. Wright, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Wright with the table decorated ii| Vcd''>and WINTER SAFETY B y ( M a c h dren, Miss Betty and George Hand, Jr., and daughter, Vivian, of this place, and siher, with boiKiuets of red roses which spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. El­ .‘\t this time of year the major,ily ui HARRY W. SIMHSTER Air. and Airs, Joseph Myers, of Tren­ were presented to the ladies. school children in ihi.s country are en­ of tht mer Ewart, of Hightstown. ton, were entertained Christmas at the Each lady was given a beautiful com­ WINES and LIQUORS idr. and Airs. Reed Golden and fam­ joying some type of winter sport. Some Brothers Collc.ge, home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil E„ West. pact and the 'gentleman found envel­ have skating only; others haw .dealing, Drew University, Quintet ily have moved to Penns Neck. AJin and Airs. John Voorhccs and opes at their places with Christmas rc- BEER and ALE Air. and Mrs. Kirby Appelget, Alisscs coasting, >kiiiig, Miow^hijeing, ami to- MADISON. N. J. d?riglfh4r;^^d-hra4^—spetrt Christmas with membranees inside. boggaidng, and mo'^t fortunate they are. SHOOTING A complete stock of nationally advertised Edith and Virginia Api)legate, E. S. liarelay greeted the guests and brands of W ines, Liquors, Beer and Ale at Air, and Airs. Irwin McDowell, of Nep­ Their greatest good fortune loliows, economy prices. Applegate, Lamonte Everett, Harry tune. Otu'e in scoring positum. can your called on William H. Gordon, \nce presi however, where definite itrovisiuns are FOR PROMPT DELIVERIE,§ PHONE 36S Everett and Arthur Everett were enter­ Miss Elinore Jacksoti, of Hicksvillc, DIent and a member of the comiiany for team make (he goal-? made lor these sport>. And, of cour.se, .Accurate slKHiling b\' ew r\' pla\'er i> tained Christmas Day at the home of L. I, spent the Christmas holidays with I 35 years, to give a talk concerning the JAMES DAM-fv^CO Mr. and Airs. Lester Applegate, of the most imiiortant of all Mieh provi­ (he answer. .\nd remember that the her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .■‘VIonzo Jack-j Itcanelies of the work, and the faithful- sions are tho>e concerning sifel\'. 107 STOCKTON ST. HIGHTSTOWN, N. J. Penns Neck. son. ; ness of those employed. He was fol- nio't afciirale shot is not tiecessarily Mr. and Airs. Frank C. Everett spent The best I can do in a >hori articU' the highest svvrer: he is the player who Alr. and Afrs. Clarence Tindall cn-i lowed by Mr, Barclay, the president, is to li.-’t a few reminders. I'irsi, I Christmas with the latter’s parents, Mr. tertained at a^. family party Christmas ; who related the history of the bitsiness. average- the most i>albite. ami Air. and Airs. Fred S. Cook enter­ C. Edgar Tindall, Mr, atul Mrs. Joseph ' event.s coneeniiiig it. ber i/l nies your men make. You may tained at a Christmas jiarty. Places getting wet and chilled. lind that even [he best jininl winners Subscriptions Perry, Miss Dorothy F'crry, Mr. andl AVillis AIcBride, who has been with ALorc importaiil though are the -deps were marked for Air. and Airs. Harry Mrs. George Hutchinsoti, Alisscs Jean! the comiiany for 12 years, gave an in- need training in accuracy. For All Magazines C. Hartpence, of Trenton; Mr. and Mrs. we can take to iirevenl accidents and in­ B etw een the dilTere:!! styles of s 1h > .g - and Claire Hutchinson, Mr. and Mrs. E.l fornial talk. Benjamin D. Yard, of Al- juries. Xaturaily the ino>t hazardous William B. AlacNamee, William Alac- C. Hutchinson and sons, K. C. Hutchin­ lentown, a newcomer of about a year, ing. it i- iiiijx)-sible to town. Airs. Yard rcspondcd'with the coaeli. But. whatever the stylu. PHONE 39 or 373 and Mrs. Raymond Tindall, Richard the ice and iirohihit skating when llie 1 248 Stockton Street or Gazette Offic Airs. Rebecca Conover, Miss Irene and Wayne Tindall, Air. and Airs. El­ a \ery nice speech, these puint.s should be observed; ( ) Conover, Air. and Afrs. Southard Ever­ ice is unsafe? A'oii should and they Ih ’ld the ball linnly in the fingers ^vilh mer C. Tindall, Lester Tindall. Air. and Those present were Mr. and Airs. E. should, ett, of Alerccrville; Air. and Airs. Ros- Mrs. Ernest A. Tindall, Atiss Ruth and S. liarelay, Air. and Mrs, 1, I), liarelay, the thmid)s behind the J)a!l on two- coe W. Hulick, Ali.is Beaulah Hulick, ■Arc ei>asting jdaces safe? Does the hand shuts. The held- of the haml- Harold Tindall, of Robbinsville; Mr. Air. and Mrs. Albert C. liarelay, Air. ‘run” cross a highwav? If the Aliss Helen Hulick, Atiss Marjorie Hu­ and Airs. Chester Wolfe, Miss Jeanette land Airs, Stanley liarelay. Air. and Airs. -hoidd :iot liutch the hall, for this pi'e- lick, George Flulick, Air. and Airs. Fred traffic controlled and are llu eua-'t- vriits the pruper wrist-actiuii, ( 2) E o i - - , COMFORT Wolfe, Air. and Airs. Orville Alartin AV'illiaiii H. Gordon, Air. and Mrs. Wil ers warned by signal? A. Robins, of this place, were guests of Hightstown; Alisses IMeanor and lis Melirido, Air. and Airs, Clifford C. low through vvitli the anus — an iiu- Christmas at the home of Air. and Airs. I should alx.) want to '-ee stmie con­ portant general principle in all athleiu-- Hettie J. Tindall. Stults, Air. and Airs. William Bishop, trol of the coasting. SinlU may be bad. 3 For even, healthful home Walter F'. Conover. Air, and Mrs. Juricn Lott, of Frecholcl; ( ) .Aim at the rim <>n long >hot- and Air. and Airs. George L. Gilliam en­ but they hecume \ery daiigen.ius whcJi 'in shots taken directly in fro-nl (d Uie temperature with mini­ *******-5r********^f********* Air. and Airs. Benjamin H. Yard, of Al­ a Heel ul sleds or bob.' go down i<'- b a s k e t . ( 4) (,ki lay-up slnds i. e, shots tertained Christmas Day John Gilliam, * lentown; Mr, and Airs. Willis Apple- of New York; Mr. and Airs. Robert * •getlicr. Fume hills are loo steej). taken from either side of and close up mum of attention and gate, Stanley White, Air. and Airs. J. Large crowds increase tlie hazanl. (o the basket— use the backboanl. The opeland. Air. and Airs. Welling Sailey, Odd It I s - Albert Priory, of Hightstown. and John maximum of leisure, use Miss Janice Sailey and Bobby Sailey. Rowdyism, overloading the sleds, and ball shiTuid bo i>laved higii on the board Alajor, Mrs. Clifford Stults has also disregard of very young children are striking it lightly a- it starts to descend Mr. and Airs. Jacob H. Walton, Jr., been with the firm for 12 vears. CERTIFIED Miss Barbara Walton and Richard Wal­ In the News some of the dangers to be prevented by toward the basket. ( 5) O n lay-up sho-ts supervision, As adults, let’s not be avoid too nntch sjiin. ((>} D o not shoot ton were guests Christhias of Air. and ****-K****-}f***************** Home Ties Strong With Ducks guilty of neglect of an obviuii.s duly. while off-balaiiee. ( 7) Relax. A’oii JEDDO-HIGHLAND Mrs. William N. Hami and family. According to F. C. Lincoln, naturalist Air. and Airs. John A. Carson and New Orleans police recently charged In his ;!uxt article. DV. Ireland raises can’t get accuracy wdiile you are tense son, of Trenton, were recent guests that one W. C. Anderson, who said he of the United States biological survey, a most thought-provoking problem with Fong shots m ay be speelacular, but ANTHRACITE of Air. and Airs. William Hutchinson. was a Tennessee sheriff, displayed tem­ years of banding of wild ducks shows his question, “What wuul(,l the child it’.s the short ones that win the game., Air. and Airs. Lewis B. Chamberlin peramental peculiarities on the street, that while they will spend their sum­ expect ?” One out of five is a good average for including disturbing the peace, using mers and breeding season together, long shots, but every m an on the team and daughters, Aliss Laura and Lillian MRS. FRANKLIN DYE Chamberlin, attended the 50th vySdding profane language, reviling the police, they will separate on tlio'ir flights should average two out of three on: anniversary of the former's parents. resisting arrest, tearing an officer's uni­ southward, each mother duck taking -h.oiq ones. IMay for the team. In bas­ Wyckoff Bros. Mrs. I'dizabelh Dreycott Dye, S3, wid­ ketball, as in all sports, the good I'lay- Air. and Airs. Lewis S. Chamberlin, of form and refusing to pay a ta.xi bill. her brood to her chosen winter quar­ ow of h'ranklin Dye, former secretary Cranbury, Wednesday evening. With these minor exceptions, Air. An­ er |)lays the game most likely to win, Hightstown, N. J. ters. California ducks, for exnmiile, to the Stale Board of Agriculture, died not the gam e which will draw the great- Air. and Mrs. Irving H. Everett en­ derson seemed to be a pretty good Saturday at the home of her brother, PHONE 183 fellow. may nest with Mississippi ducks dur­ c''! applause. tertained at a family party Christmas. ing tlie summer In the .same Canadian Gordon Dreycott, Alanasquan. The guests included Air. and Mrs. Ray­ Born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, (hr Next Week— Defensive I’lav. i mond Ewart, of Alercerville; Mr. and A few nights ago Phil F. Cope, of marsh, Naturalist Lincoln says, but the University of California, dreamed on migrating southward for the winter, daughter of a sergeant-major in the Airs. Lewis Grooms, of Penns Neck; British .Army, she came to Trenton at Ralph Pow'ell, of Trenton; Mr. and burglars were staring at him, so he the California birds return to Califor­ juini)ed through a window, suffering the time of her marriage in 1^02. Alr.s. David Everett and family, Aliss nia and the MIssissippIans to the Alls- Her husband, who died in 1920. wa' LITTLE JACK HORNER Aliklred Everett, Harold Everett, Rus­ cuts of hands and feet. Being co-hoid- sissipi)! swamps. cr of the world’s record for the high secretary »>f the Stale Board of .Agri­ sell Everett and William Everett. culture for 28 years and the Hiiieau td Mr. and Airs. Robert C. Sanders and hurdles, Phil had no dfffi^-TiIty in mak­ ing it in one jump. Old Tim© Prison Cells Animal Industry for four years. Be­ JULIE, I'M TRYING TO THINK UP A sons, Bobby and Alelvin, were dinner Colls in wtiicli two of the most fa­ sides her brother, (jordtm, tW(j si.ster^ guests Chri.stmas of Airs. A. C. Tindall The seven per cent increase in college mous nion in history spent some time and two other brothers sur\ive. NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION. IF 1 CAN and sons. enrollment for the year may indicate still are intact after many hundreds Funeral services were eondueted Air. and Mrs. John W. Wilson, Air. a thirst for knowledge among the young Tuesday iti Trenton by the Rev. (k O. and Airs. Mercer B. Reed were enter­ of years. The first Is the caged room THINK OF A HABIT I DON'T LIKE men of the nation or, perhaps, that In the Monastery of San Frniu*es(‘o del Lantz, of lAiurth Pre-'bylerian Church. tained Christmas at the home of Air. Interment was i,:i B’.wing eeinelery. more men are being carried on the foot­ iH'serto on an Island off Venice where MUCH I'M GOING TO CUT IT O U T and Mrs. Horace I. Reed. ball squads. Aliss Lillian Bowne, of Ili.ghtstown, St. Francis of Assisi sihmu many 94TH BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY is visiting Mr. and Mrs. William E. Rays of the sun, concentrated by! months in 12lin. The second Is the Roszcl. [passing through a fish bowl, set fire | {trison. (lug in the .side of a .stone cliff Airs. Mary Jane Robbins celebrated Mrs. David C. Post and Riis.sell B. to the home of Dr, Alorris Ziinmerinan,; in Atliens, wliere Socrates was con­ her 94th birthday anniversary Monday at 'her home in Windsor, wheie ■'he re- Post spent Christmas with Mrs. Lillian of Newark, N. J. j fined up to the day of his death in •sides with her daughter, Alr>, Charles Bergen and daughter, of Cranbury. 230 B. C —Collier's WtHddv. Air. and Mrs. Isaac E. Groendyke While J. S. Jackson was trying to sell! 'I'indali. Mrs. R"bbins has one ^"n. Ely were numbered among the invited a woman an automobile theft policy at | Robbui'', of Wind'or; a granddaughter, guests at the home of Air. and Mrs. Akron, 0.. Ids own machine was stolen | Tomato Plants on Submarines Airs. Elmer IGler. and a great-grand­ John Arrowsmith. from in front of her home. He sold' In the Britl.sli navy, tomato plants son, Lester Filer, both of New Sharon. Air. and Mrs. William C. Sweeney the policy. | are carried on till submarines because they are 200 times as sensitive as the .A verdict uf one cent and cu- > v v a - and daughter, Shirley .Ann. of Ea.st 1 B a l t i - Orange, are visiting Air. and Mr.s. h'rcd Eighteen pairs of twins have been I canary at detecting poisonous gases, giveii Aliss .Mary 'atalaiia. uf born to Leoneia Chavarria and his wife,, inure, when she sued Charh“- I i ' ) v v n , S. Cook. one of the main dangers In submarines. uf Aid,, fur IjilU.IKH) fur William Hale, of Plainsboro, visited in Tuxta (riiiterrez, Alexico, during the. B e U l i r . 'reaeli 40 ytnvjs of their wedded life. These ga.ses are given off tlie storage ' of promise. Hiram C. Tindall Saturday. j batteries and are deadly. The leaves Air. and Airs. John S. Mount spent Policeman Henry Peterson, of Cldca-' of the tomato plant droop when ex­ .After .Uanding fur 1.132 h e a l i n g f n m i Christinas with .Mr. and Airs. Claude go, arrested Airs, Stella Graham for hi- j posed to gas. her husband in 22 year-, Al r-. D e l i a Whitcomb, of Hillside. toxiealion and when he askgd her whore Tuomey, of New Yi >rk Cit>, fik 1 Milt Air. and Mrs. John C. Whitcomb en­ she lived she replied: “At the police! The Word "Bat” for divorce and vva> granted it w i t h tertained at a Christmas party Air. and $20 a week alimony. station.” I’eterson took her “hotne.” ! The word bat, as the name of the Airs. William Covert, Charles Covert, SDm.Tssaa6.v nc *aci'*2srv« Air, and Airs. Royce Haines, of Tren­ John Carpenter, of Sioux City, Ta.. flying mammal, was an apparently sud­ ton; Mr, and Mrs. Claude Whitcomb reported to police that thieves had den slilft of name taking place about General Electric LITTLE and family, of Hillside; Mr. and Mrs, chopped a hole in the side of a vacant 1575. Prior to timt time, for some I know one good I'm going to keep—.ind th.Tl is to eat Gordon C. Tindall and family. house and had stolen a furnace. I throe centuries, the name was various­ PLENTY of the CITY BAKERY Whole Wheat & White Bread I Atr. and Airs. E Wilbert Konover ly hakke, ha<-ke. tjake, bak. hack. Tlie Refrij.5enuors HAPPY NEW YEAR, FOLKS! and Wesley A. Konover, of IhLs place, The second greatest .story uf the age i earlier middle Engli.sh name was from were entertained Christmas at the home CRAIG & HORNOR CITY BAKERY wuiild be Britain's new king running off' the Scandinavian atlen-bakko, ‘‘evening of Mr. and Airs, Johnson B. Konover, t'i join the circu.s. PHONE 37 HIGHTSTOWN, N. J. of Trenton, bat.”—Literary Dig«‘St. PHONE 57 MAIN STREET Aliss Kizzic Hockciibury spent the In th ■ beginning, the Spanish war was Christmas holidays with her parents, to be over tomorrow, but tvmiorrow Glow Worm Grotto Air. and Airs. Melvin Hockenbury, of never came It was the Forgotten Alan-. The New Zealand {JIow W’orin Grot­ Elcmington. ana. to Is one of the strangest sights. On the coillmrs of the va.st, gloomy un(h*r- gronnd caverns twinkle millinns of ITS TRUE! little lights. Tindr illnminatlon I.s By Wiley PaclaJi snllieient to light tip the interior, mak ing tlie place almost as hriglit as a hallrnnm.

W 'lirn A lr . C. Cla^tiuT, i)f Xfw Yn,-k. Inhl luT hll^l,aHll that -.he had S|ient tin.' lai-iuii.a at tlie hoiiu; of I'ricnd-, will' ■f liu had hini-;idf Ih'Oii \ In- i t i i m , 111’ slarti'tl an iina'stigalinii t h a t i'L'.-.ultod in :i (li\iirc(‘. can now visit out- dOSEPH- SoiiK'onc riinnocted with an Iowa CAILEIA iU'\vs]iapi'r probably found it u.xpodi- of«rown relative^ and friends GETS RESTlfSS eiit to hide out aftor tin- folhwiny aii- AND HAS TO pcau'd in an acooiiiil of a nicetin.y of anytime allISfewYear’s MOVE EVERY the Ladies' ,-\id Society: ‘‘l•'ollowkly the 3 MONTHS o MARGARET mlt.sieal pro.yrani, Mrs, J, T, Miller read D a y at the same reduced I an article on 'I’crsoiial Devils:' Seven­ LINDSAY teen were present,” , rates that apply after 7 at PLAYS T+lg ROMANTIC ■ SINNER TAKE AU'I night and all of Stuidny Notary Public on calls' of over Al miles. GEO. P. DENNIS RAYMOND HATTON Office-At HIGHTSTOWN GAZETTE Happy New Ycar’^ IS SEEN AGAIN IN Gazette Buildingr, 114 Rogers Avenue 'SINNER, TAKE ALL". Phone 373 means so much when it’s Residence—248 STOCKTON STREET Phone 39 your voice that say.s it. BOXFR s a i l o r COTTON BUYER Dr. A. G. Jack NK'W' JERSEY 13 ELL NITE CLUB PROMGTB, OSTEOPATHIC TELEPHONE COT RANCHER PHYSICIAN ACTOR, Cunningham Building Main & Stockldn Sts. AGENT (REAL ESTATE) TELEPHONE 8 bond SALTSAAAN Hours—Mornings: 9 to 12 (except Wed. & Sat.) O IL FIELD WORKER TUTOR Norton Floor Surfacing Co. Floors Surfaced, Both Old and New AI&o Filling, Staining, Shellaking, Varnishing and Waxing. 6RR®L TAGGART Phone 74-J DIREOTOR o p 'SINNER take ALL", 129 Franklin St. Hightstown, N. J RAN AWAY FROM H.OMt AT 14 To G G GUT WEST % CANADIAN A R M Y REJECTED HIM BECAUSE HIS FEET WERE NOT THE RI6HT To children an SHAPE, IT WAS NEWS To HIM! Bumstead’s angaiofmercy." Where dirac- fionj ora fol­ New York, N. Y.—"IT ’S TRUEI that Joseph Calleia is wear­ WormSyrup lowed, IT NEVER FAILS. OetpUa ing a gold emblem in his buttonhole of which he is very proud,” •carclfy and enormous cost of SA N TO N IN , it contains full dose. Stood 75 years' test. says Wiley Padan. “It is the symbol of the Knights of Malta, Sold everywhere or by moll. 50c a bottle. and was sent to him as a gift from a group of friends on the famous M. D„ PKModelphla Mediterranean island, his birthplace.” ■Page Eight HtGHTSTOWN GAZETTE, HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1936

BETTER HOUSING BUREAU MRS. ELIZA WILEY Oragou* on Bourse New York Begins AGENT WILL COME HERE 68, wife of William K. Wiley, died - The°CI}lnese lire tint the only peoiile Mond^ at her home, 150 Maxwell Ave­ What Do You Know About Hoalth? who use dragons for decorations, vis­ By FISHER BROWN and NAT FALK______Project No. I Of A direct representative of the Better nue. Funeral services will be conducted itors to Coiienlmgen will testify. On Housing Bureau of the Federal Hous­ at her late home this Thursday after­ the base of the spirll of the Bourse at $ 125,000,000 Fair ing Administration will spend one or noon by the Rev. Walter T. Nickless, I'oiierihagen sprawl four dragons, their two days of each week for the, next pastor of the First Methodist Church. heail.s each facing a point of the com Design of One Building Each Ten Days few weeks in the lobby of the local post Interment will be in Cedar Hill ceme­ pass, and their tails twisted together Is Plan Announced by Grover Wha­ office for the purpose of explaining the tery under the direction of W. S, Fleyer. for the tip of the spire. len. plans of the bureau for financing the Besides her husband, she is survived building of homes and the moderniza­ by four sons, William K., Jr., James, of London tion of houses and stores. Howard and Raymond, and a brother,. New York City is well along the way William Peacock, The original city of London, com toward'production of another niastcr- The representative will be here next lirhsing ahnut a atiuare niilo between piece, one ahat will be of world ini- Tuesday from 10 A. M. to 4, P. .M. Don Zimmer, 23, and his father, Jac­ Temiile Bar and the Tower of London, portaiice, both in itself and in its effects Literature ^vill be available to those upon science, art, living philosophy, and ob, 61, married the Tripp sisters, all of has a .smaller iminilallon, according to ,per.sons interested in adjusting mort­ Bassett, Iowa. So Don is his father’s a census, than the clt.v boasted In the conmiercc. 1‘rojcct Number 1, the $9(X),- gages under the single mortgage plan 999 .\dniinistralion building for the New brother-in-law, as well as being broth- .Middle ages. f)nly 11,(M1{) {teojile now of the FHA; placing mortgages for er-in-law and step-son to his father's, York Vv'urld’s Fair of 1939, is already building hew homes; installing heating re.side In the nrlgirml Iimlt.s of the old m iirocess. By the lime its cycle is wife. His father’s wife is .his sister-in- city. Iihint.s or making repairs and improve­ law; also mother-in-law and sister-in- completed, $12ROOO,000 will have been ments to present buildings. spent in producing the exposition. law to her sister. And on and on. Run Against, Run Into Such is the gist of a statement^ is- The financing will be handled by lo­ "Run agiilnst" means to “come Inlo Mieil from fhc b'air Corporation offices cal institutions. Payments will be made contact, collision or antagonism with; in the Empire State building by Grover moiitlily. As far as jiussible local con­ WM, H. BAUM as. to ffin against an ohstaele." “Run Whalen, president. tractors and material dealers will be .-\s a [.rchulc to discarding generali­ favored when orders are placed for con­ TEACHER of MUSIC inlo" nieaii.s “to run or come Into eol struction work. ll.sion with; as, two trains ran into ties for diseussion of the Fair’s progress PIANO HARMONY each ntlier."—Literary Digest. charts. .Mr. Whalen pledged that all of BRASS REED STRING the great talent centering in the mcT- LEWIS COOLEY INSTRUMENTS roiiulis will imile in staging an -iirtcr- PHONE CRANBURY 1 Weasel Not Quick Changer 67 years old, died Wednesday at his :TTn.(onal exposition that will be “unique, liome in Jiast Branch, near here, alter Tile wcn.sH r('(|uii'cs between forty incomparable and iir.rpiring . . . glani- .suffering a cerebral hemorrhage a week nml fifty days to change the color of intAis, fascinating and dynamic . . . set- ago. MIGHTS THEATRE its coat from the white of winter to (fnig lip new Standards and new records -A-farmer, he had lived near here all Hightslown, N. J. Tek: Hightstown 131 file brown of summer and this moiiit \n the history of world fairs . . . and -HtAllM NtW^ iUVlCL IHC his life. Surviving is his wife, Dora takes place twice n year, In fall and pointing the way to better living and Cooley. The funeral will be held Sun­ CONTINUOUS MATINEE POLICY spring, greater happiness." day afternoon at 2 o’clock from the Starting at 2:15 Continuous to 5:30 P, M. 1. Smoked m eat teenth century; first to study the “Our job from now on is to give pliy- Matinees—Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Answers: causes of disease through post-mor­ Lcming & Peppier Funeral Home, 72 at 2:J.S to 5:30 P . M. M atinees—Saturday, was practically the ..-ical expression to the plan and theme Sunday and Holidays at 2:30 P. M. only staple food of the pirates of (he tem examinations. Unique Church Organization Church Street, Allentown. The Rev. A miiime (‘Imrch or;tanization at of the b'air as announced a few weeks Powell Norton, of the Hightstowii Bap- Spiffnsh Main. Their ships earned 3, A rag doll usetf to swab the ago;" said Mr VVh’alcu. “To this end, Thursday & Friday, December 3Isl & Jan. 1st. gold aplenty but none of (he foods throat of a diphtheric child and later, Iviiciiie. \Ms., l.s a Protestant auxiliary list Chiirdi, will officiate, and burial Joan Crawford in “LOVE ON THE RUN“ we arc working at lop stiecd. will be in East Wiiulsor cemetery. with Clark Liable and Franchot Tone, that prevent scurvy such as fresh in violation of all laws of modern to St. Itos(>‘s (,'atlioiic cliiirch. It is "Starting .-\pril 1, 1937, we plan to fruits, leafy vegetables and milk, sanitation, thrown into the street to i*.mtpnsi‘d of hiislmnds of Catholic eoiniilete the design of one building ev­ Sat., Jan. 2nd. Double Feature Program 2, Italian scientist of the eigh­ transfer the disease to wayfarers. wives and wives of (’aiholic !iu.si)ands. A divorce was granted Llrs. Myrtle W. C. Kelly in “ TUGBOAT PR IN C E SS’ with ery ten days for a period of seven Edith, Valerie Hobson — also — Mary Boland months. In all we expect to design Larson, of Mason City, la,, because her in “WIVES NEVER KNOW’’ with Charles A Holding Company no less than 31) major buildings to house husband kissed her every time .(he lost Ruggles. a pound and struck her every time she ■\ Imldiiig cniiipiiny is u curponuinn the exhibits that will come from every Sunday & Monday, January 3rd & 4th. whii.se priiicipiil Imsiiie.s.s Is to own liart of tile world. Some 300 structures, gained one. Irene Dunne in "THEODORA GOES WILD” with Melvyn Douglas. stock,-; and securities of other coniiia- ill all, are iilanned for the Flushing ides, and whose Iriconm is chiedy de­ .Meadow Fair site, within a few min­ The English Bulldog Tues. & Wed., Jan. 5th & 6lh. utes ride from .Manhattan. Tlie general aiipearniii'e of the Eng­ Double Feature Program rived I'roni dividends jtml iiUei'est. “'I'lie Fair's eiigiiieeriiig and planning Wendy Barrie in “UNDER YOUR SPELL” lish bulldog ks that of a .smooth-eoiit- — also — Ralph Bellamy in “STRAIGHT dcpaiTiiieut is head over he'els in de­ ed, thick-set dog, rntlntr low in stature, FROM THE SHOULDER.” Demand for Manganese sign. Bridges, roads, water and sewer but broad, powerful, compact, lli.s .Mangtmi'se Is of vital eoiisequence .systems, and oilier utilities; these are head sbotild he strikingly ma.ssive, his to the I’liiled Sltites. hecaiise itrodin' some of the projects now in work." face extremely short, his muzzle very tinii of gooil steel reqiiires the use of Statisticians have estimated one bil­ broad, hlmit ami inclined upward. The aiipi'oxitiiitlely 14 piaitids of manganese lion dollars will be spent by the .SO,IKK),- tor each toti. 00(1 visitors to the Fair, according to chest should bo hroad, sloping and .Mr. Whalen. This is exclusively of deep, very powerful and muscular. The fore legs are .straight and set wide Vulcanizing Rubber money to be spent in travel to ami from tile nielruiiolis, in stop-o\ers in other apart. The ears are set lifgh on the S(d't rttidter iistiiill.v Is vnlennized cities, and in “preiiaraiious at home" by head and are known as “rose-shaped;’’ will] ,'i jier cent or less of stiliilntr. those who mean to attend. The men the tail should be si't on rather low, whereas iti hani nililier ns much as of figures also estimate lliat every dol­ jut out rather strafelif and then turn .'4.' per cent stil|iliitr tnay lie used. lar spent directly because of the I'air upward. 'The bull weighs around .hO will cause ten dollars to be spent in pounds. There Are Others the United Slates. In other words, the Fair wall start a siiending cycle which They say Siiaki'spi'ai'e nevin- told lln' White Pine Much in Use satiie story twice, hut thi're’s iiotliina ttill not end until approximately ten bil­ lion dollars, have changed hands. White pine, a li;xht wood, is used for itnitstttil In tliiit. Plenty of court wit- window sashes, frames and doors, or ,essc.s liavi' the stmie record. In one week alone more than twenty 1 major industries of llic United States in other filaces wlieri* It Is exposed to sent representatives to the World’s Fair the W(>atlier, lieeause it shrinks or Florida’s Everglades oflices with exiiressions of cooperatio:i. swells very little. Olher woods in the Florida's, Mverglailes contain ,3,00(1,(Xiii 'J'hirly-seven nations, without waiting same class are cedar, redwood, yellow If they forgot your acres of level land, 300,000 acres of lor invitalioii, have alreadi’ indicated an poplar and fir. A few of the desirable nliicli liavo heen reclaimed for agrictil- intention to participate. .-Vs a result heavier woods arc black locust and ma- Gloves for Christmas I lira! [Hirpnses, of this unusual response, the Fair Cor­ ho'rany. Most heavy woods such as poration has been obliged to siieed up ash. hickory, heeoh. birch and oak will BUY THEM FOR YOURSELF Discovery of Paper Making its entire program. FROM THIS FINE STOCK Exhibit area layouts arc being ni.shcd. shrird< or swell more than the lighter The art of |ia|HT makitig came Into Sites -are' being marked uiil on which woods. Pigskins, $2.50 to $5 possession of the .\ralis, supposedly, exhiliilors may erect their own bniUI- through cniititre of S"tne Cliitiese pa­ ings Jn keeping w'itli the F'air’.s high Up to Rural Spinsters Mocha, $3 & $5 per maker. standards of architecture and theme. The iiiienh’piTidence of all groups Capeskin, $3.50 feature of tlie b'air design, as in a nation is illustrated by the amus­ Rhinoceros Largest Animal shown on the publicly exhibited table ing claim that the strength and prow- Wool Lined, $2.50 to $5 The largest ktiown laud maramnl model on the ROth tloor of the Empire e.ss of England Is Indirectly in the Wool, $1 & $1.50 of all linu's was a gltint rlilfioceros Slate building, is the unique manner hands of Its rural sidnsters. They Wool Mitts, $2 of ,0,000,000 years ago, found In Asia. of dividing the central exiiosition keep the cats that kill the held mice groumis, ink,! ten itiajur zones, namely: for Clothing, Shelter, Education, Health, tliat eat tlie bumldehees that fertilize Demagogues tlie red clover that is needed hy the R fl DONNELiy Recreation, Sustenance, the Arts, the WALLACH BLD* Dom.'igogues niT liiose who pile up Basic Indiisiries, I’ublic and Social Ser­ cattle that [irodiice the good beef that 82 EAST STATE »T . nhominiitlons which seem Impossible vices, and Governniciu and Cooiieration. Imilds tlie brawn of the country.— TRENTON, N. J. that anyone could have committed. Eacli zone will .stand forth by itself, (gOlIier’s Weeklv New York, N. Y.—“IT'S TRUE! that by playing in 'Camille' and yet be a part of the whole. In a the immortal emotional drama of Alexandre Dumas (fils), Garbo j Jail, First Public Building central tower, 250 feet high, and in the follows the course of the greatest dramatic actresses”, says artist I The first public building erected In coniiectiag “Theme Building" will be Wiley Padan. “It has served as the crowning achievement for I wliat Is now Columbus, Ohio, was a depicted the “significant alliances be­ 'ail. tween all tlic potential contributing fac­ SWERN & such unforgettable stars as Bernhardt, Duse and Rejane. tors to a better world.” The Fair sets “Robert Taylor in the role of Armand wears the latest French itself to the theme, "Jiuilding the World styles of seventy-five years ago, in this Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Sugar Pine Cones Grow Long of Tomorrow.” C production. The picture was filmed on thirty-eight major sets Cone.s of the sugar pine sometimes Major. General UennisAIir^oIari, re­ with four hundred scenes!” now au Inches long. tired, is .serving as commi.ssioner gen­ eral in charge of state, foreign and municipal parlicijiation. When Presi­ O^R NEW YEAR’S O dent Whalen's invitations have been ex­ tended formally to the stales of the MEN OF MILLIONS BEHIND NEW YORK WORLD’S FAIR Union, General Nolan will call person­ ally on state governors and legislators RESOLUTION „ to explain the aims of the Fair and to invite aiijiropriations for suitable build-' ings and displays. Behind all of these movements to­ We shall strive to maintain our standards of quality that have A ward the $125,000,000 Fair project is one of New York City’s gretatest arrays of made so many friends for us during the past 51 years I And talent. N Harvey U. Gibson, president of the we shall continue to serve our customers with the courtesy Manufacturers Trust Company, is chair­ man of the finance committee. The list and friendliness that has marked our relationship in the past I Y of his fellow committeemen includes such prominent names as Winthrop ^ Aldrich, .chairman of the board of the Chase National Bank; Mortimer N. Buckner, chairman of the Board of the We Wish You a Happy and New York Trust Conijiany; 'Waller S. Gifford, president of the American Telephone and Telegrai>h Company; Prosperous New Year Myron C. Taylor, chairman of the board of the United States Steel Corporation, and George Whitney, of J. P. Morgan! and Comiiany. Mayor Fiorello H, LaGuardia, Sen­ ator John J. Uunnigan, .Congressman SWERN & Sol Bloom, former Governor Alfred E. Smith, ilatthew Woll, vice president of the American Federation of Labor; C Percy S. Straus, president of R. H. Macy & Company, and Thomas J. Wat­ son, president of the International Busi­ JANUARY SALES O ness Machines Corporation, serve with a score of other eminent citizens on the board of directors of the Fair Cor- M jioration. NOW IN PROGRESS! The list of incorporators runs well over one hundred names, including: P Henry Morgenthau, Sr., Walter P. Chrysler, F. Trubee Davison, Joseph P. Day, Harry F. Guggenheim, Edward S. ^ January Clearance of Coats A Harkness, Charles E. Hughes, Jr., Clar­ ence H. Mackay, Nelson A. Rocke­ New York (Special)—Tlie Board of Directors of tional Bank of Far Rockaway; George McAneny, * January Clearance of Dresses N the New York 'World's Fair Corporation, meeting at President, Title Guarantee & Trust Company; Grover feller, David Sarnoff, Alfred P. Slona, Whalen (standing); Frank J. Taylor, City Comp­ Jr., General Cornelius Vanderbilt, Wal­ headquarters in the Empire State building, Manhattan, * January Clearance Sale of Furs hear Grover Whalen, President, outline the progress troller; Harvey D. Gibson, President, Manufacturers ter S. Teagle, Clarence M. Wooley, and Y being .made toward the 1939 Fair as envisioned by a Trust Company; Mortimer N. Buckner, Chairman, Owen D. 'Young. table model prepared by the Board of Design. New York Trust Compainy; James G. Blaine, Presi­ * January Clearance of Flexees The directors’ names form an imposing list. About dent, Marine Midland Trust Company; Morgan J. A bear kept Bob Black and Cecil the table, left to right, are: Louis W. Kaufmann, Presi­ O’Brien, of Conboy, Hewitt, O'Brien & Boardman: Blumfield, of Marlintown, W. Va., in a * January Nemo Sale dent, Chamber of Commerce of Staten Island; W, Cornelius F. Kelley, President, Anaconda Copper Min­ tree for two. hours after it caught them Franklyn Paris, United States Commissioner to the ing Company; George A. Brownell, of Davis, Polk, in the act of trying to steal its cubs. Paris Exposition; Bayard F, Pope, Chairman, Marine Wardwell, Gardiner and Reed. Seated toward back­ Store Houri: 9 to 6 Daily—9 to 9 Saturday* Midland Corporation; Matthew 'Woll, Vice President, ground, left to right, 'are Fair officials: 'W, E^tIc An­ Is it only our impression, or have American Federation of Labor; Timothy J. Sullivan, drews, General Manager; Harold Thorne; Charms C; others felt, too, that some of the most President of the Board of Aldermen of New York Green, Secretary; Commander Howard A. Flanigan, uncharitable utterances of the year have j^ity John R. Burton, President and Chairman, Na­ Administrative Assistant to the President, ‘been made by churchmen? _South Broad at Lafayette - Trenton, N. J.