Northeast School of Botanical Medicine P.O. Box 6626 Ithaca, NY 14851

24 Note This checklist is used mainly for first aid events. Not every Skeletal Muscle Relaxants medicine is brought each time, only the ones marked. Each herbalist should consider and adapt individual Black cohosh Kava kava Lousewort medicines and formulas that work in their specific Jamaican Skullcap situations. dogwood This checklist is continually revised depending on what is available and the duration and type of event. Trauma Aid The numbers listed under 1 oz & 2 oz are the number of that Anemone Blue vervain California poppy size bottle. Larger sizes are listed under ‘other’. In ‘P’ the Lavender eo Lobelia Rose number is the size of the bottle in the personal/private first aid bag. ‘B’ is the quantity of that medicine that in St. Johnswort Tulsi Valerian backstock. Vulneraries

Aloe Arnica Calendula Key Chickweed Comfrey Plantain ! Use with caution Slippery elm St. Johnswort Yarrow !! Experienced practitioners only B Back stock-to refill dispensing bottles F Formula B P Personal bag, not for public use

23 Digestive Remedies TINCTURES-Single Aloe Bitters Cardamom P 1oz 2oz Other Common name – Scientific name B 1 Aconite–Aconitum columbianum !! Catnip Chamomile Fennel 1 1 Anemone–Anemone patens 4 Licorice Meadowsweet 1 1 Arnica–Arnica spp. !! Mint Neutralizing cordial Peppermint 1 Baptisia–Baptisia tinctoria 4 Barberry–Berberis sp Peppermint spirits Slippery elm Turkey rhubarb 1 Bee balm– fistulosa Demulcents Beggar ticks–Bidens spp. Aloe Licorice Comfrey 1 Belladonna–Atropa belladonna !! Black cohosh–Actaea racemosa Mallow Marshmallow Slippery elm 2 1 4 Black haw–Viburnum prunifolium Hemostatics 1 Blackberry root–Rubus spp. 4 Cayenne Shepherd’s purse 1 Black walnut-Juglans nigra Yarrow Yunnan Paiyao Blue cohosh–Caulophyllum thalictroides Blue vervain-Verbena hastata Pain Remedies 1 1 Calamus–Acorus calamus 2 Antiinflammatories Antispasmodics California poppy Calendula–Calendula officinalis Epipactis Hops Jamaican dogwood 1 California poppy–Eschscholtzia californica 4 1 Catnip-Nepeta cataria Kava kava Lobelia Skeletal muscle Cardamom–Elettaria cardamomum relaxants 1 Cascara sagrada–Rhamnus purshiana ! Skullcap St. Johnswort Valerian 1 Cayenne–Capsicum spp. Chaparral–Larrea spp. Wild lettuce 2 1 4 2 1 Chaparro amargosa–Castela emoryi 8 Sedatives 1 1 Cinnamon–Cinnamomum spp. California poppy Hops Kava kava 3/4 Clematis–Clematis spp. Lobelia Passionflower Skullcap Corydalis–Corydalis aurea 1 Cotton root–Gossypium spp. Valerian Wild lettuce 1 Crampbark–Viburnum opulus

1 Damiana–Turnera spp.

Don quai–Angelica sinensis 22

TINCTURES-Single Medicinal Categories P 1oz 2oz Other Common name – Scientific name B Allergies 4 2 Echinacea–Echinacea purpurea 32 Ragweed Ephedra Eyebright 1 Elder–Sambucus canadensis Antiinfectives 1 Epipactis–Epipactis helleborine Baptisia Boneset Calendula 2 1 Eyebright–Euphrasia spp. 4 Chaparral Conifer resins Echinacea 1 Fennel-Foeniculum vulgare 2 1 Feverfew–Tanacetum parthenium 4 Goldenseal Myrrh 1 Gelsemium–Gelsemium sempervirens! Oregon graperoot Osha Propolis Gentian–Gentian spp Yarrow 1 1 German chamomile–Matricaria recutita 4 1 1 Ghost pipe–Monotropa uniflora 1 Antiinflammatories 1 Ginger–Zingiber officinale Aloe Arnica Calendula Ginseng–Panax quinquefolius Chamomile Ginger Licorice Goldenseal–Hydrastis canadensis Grindelia–Grindelia spp. Meadowsweet Poplar St. Johnswort 2 1 Hops–Humulus lupulus 8 Willow Yarrow 2 1 Jamaican dogwood–Piscidia piscipula 4 Antispasmodics 2 1 Kava kava–Piper methysticum 8 Black haw Crampbark Jamaican dogwood 1 Lavender–Lavandula spp. 1 Lemon balm–Melissa officinalis 2 Silk tassel Skullcap Valerian 1 Licorice–Glycyrrhiza spp 2 Astringents 1 1 Lobelia–Lobelia inflata 4 Blackberry root Geranium Lady’s mantle Lomatium–Lomatium dissectum 4 1 1 Ma huang–Ephedra sinica ! 4 Rose Oak Tea 1 Meadowsweet–Filipendula ulmaria 2 Witch hazel Yerba mansa 1 1 Mimosa bark–Albizzia julibrissin 4 Circulatory 1 Motherwort–Leonurus cardiaca 4 1 1 Myrrh–Commiphora spp. 4 Bayberry Cayenne Ginger 4 2 Oregon grape-Berberis spp. 8 Prickly ash 1 Osha–Ligusticum porteri 4 1 Passionflower–Passiflora incarnata 4 2 1 Pedicularis–P. groenlandica, P. spp. 4


MEDICINE-MAKING SUPPLIES KITCHEN EQUIPMENT TINCTURES-Single P 1oz 2oz Other Common name – Scientific name B Calculator Bowl-stainless steel Poke–Phytolacca americana ! Cleaver Buckets 1 Prickly ash–Zanthoxylum spp Cutting board Cleaver 2 1 Propolis 4 Ethanol Cooking pot 2 1 Ragweed–Ambrosia artemisiifolia 2 Jars ½ gallon 18 Cup-stainless steel 1 Shepherd’s purse–Capsella bursa-pastoris Jars 1 gallon 8 Cups-disposable Silk tassel leaf–Garrya spp. Gas cooker with equipment 2 1 Silk tassel root bark–Garrya spp. 4 Isopropyl alcohol Grill plate-large 1 2 1 Skullcap–Scutellaria lateriflora/S. sp 4 Labels Grill plate-small 1 Skunk cabbage–Symplocarpus foetidus Marking pen Hot sauce 2 1 1 St. Johnswort– 2 Measuring cup Jars-to prepare tea Sundew–Drosera spp. Plastic bags (for weighing herbs) Lamp –Thymus spp. Scale Lighter/matches 1 Trillium–Trillium spp. Tape Pot-1 gallon 1 1 Turkey rhubarb–Rheum spp. Vinegar Pot-4 gallon 1 Turmeric–Curcuma spp. Propane tank-small 2 1 Usnea–Usnea spp. Propane tank-20 gallon 1 Uva ursi–Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Salt √ 4 1 Valerian–Valeriana officinalis 8 Scouring pads/Scrubbies Vitex–Vitex agnus-castus Sponge White oak–Quercus alba Spatula 1 Wild cherry–Prunus serotina Stovetop √ 1 1 Wild lettuce–Lactuca spp. Strainer Wild oats–Avena spp Tea pot 1 1 1 Wild yam–Dioscorea villosa 4 Wash station equipment 2 1 Willow–Salix spp. 8 Water filter Witch hazel–Hamamelis virginiana Utensils Wolfberry–Lycium pallidum Yerba mansa–Anemopsis californica 1 Yerba santa–Eriodictyon spp

TINCTURES-Formula CLOTHES Bandana Sandals P 1oz 2oz Other Common name – Scientific name B 1 Acute Respiratory Tincture 4 Blanket Warm clothes 2 1 Throat Spray 4 Boots Vest Wash Gloves 1 Antispasmodic Compound Hat-Sun 1 Bitter Tincture Hat-warm 1 Chronic Infections 4 Long johns Cold and Flu Tincture Long-sleeved shirt 1 1 Decongestant Aid 4 Rain jacket 1 De-stress Tincture 4

1 1 Digestive Aid 4 PERSONAL GEAR AND BOOKS WILDCRAFTING EQUIPMENT 1 Female Reproductive Tincture 4 Bathroom gear Burlap bags Fennel Spirits Bowl/Plate Cleaver Nervine Tincture Neutralizing Cordial Botany kit √ Cutting board 1 1 Pain Relief Tincture 4 Cell phone √ De-barking knife 1 1 Peppermint Spirits 4 Chair–foldable 1 Digging fork 1 1 Skeletal Muscle Relaxant 4 Cup √ Draw knife 1 1 Sleep Aid Tincture 4 Ear plugs √ Hori-hori 1 1 Staph Dismissed Tincture 8 Reading glasses √ Paper bags 1 Tooth and Gum Tonic 4 Snacks Pruners 1 1 Un-Headache Tincture 4 Novels √ Saw 2 1 Urinary Tract Tincture 4 Audiobooks for travel √ Shovel-full size

Warming Lung Tincture Gazetteers √ Shovel-compact

Plant field guides √ Sharpening tool

Plant lists Tarps


6 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES Glycerites oz 2oz Pers Size# SH P 1 Other Common name – Scientific name B 1 Signage, Stationary and Forms Barberry root-Berberis vulgaris 1 Chalkboard (with chalk) Bee balm-Monarda sp. 10 Clipboard California poppy-Eschscholtzia californica 2 rolls Duct tape Cardamom-Elettaria cardamomum 1 rolls Duct tape-white Catnip-Nepeta cataria 1 Folder-for intake forms Cedar Berries-Juniperus sp √ Labels Chamomile-Matricaria chamomilla √ Labels-round Cranberry-Vaccinium sp √ Markers for signs 1 Echinacea-Echinacea purpurea √ Markers-permanent Eyebright-Euphrasia officinalis 10 Notebook(s)-pocket-sized for students Gentian root-Gentiana lutea Patient intake forms Ginseng-Panax quinquefolius 35 Pencils/Pens Signs-donations, etc 1 Goldenseal-Hydrastis canadensis Sign making materials 1 Hops-Humulus lupulus 4 3 Signs–first aid station 1 Kava-Piper methysticum 4 √ Tape for labels Oak-Quercus alba White board (markers) large and small 1 Osha-Ligusticum porteri Peach-Prunus persica

2 1 Rose petal-Rosa spp 4

Thyme-Thymus officinalis Sanitation 1 Tulsi-Ocimum tenuiflorum 1 Brush-to wash containers 2 1 Valerian-Valeriana officinalis 4 2 Container–soaks Yerba santa-Eriodictyon californicum Paper towels Plastic bags/liners–for soaks 32 oz Soap-dispenser 50 Trash bags-compostable Trash bags, heavy duty (for medical waste)

100 Trash bags-inserts

2 pkg Wipes-baby wipes


Wound Care Kit EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES P 1oz 2oz Other Name B P Size# Name SH Tools Band-Aids, Bandages and Wraps 1 Bandana Bandages-butterfly 1 Eye cup 6 Bandage-elastic/sports 1 Flashlight-small √ Bandage-non-adherent 1 Instant glue 12 Bandage-stretch 1 Marker √ Bandage-tube 1 Multi-tool √ Band-Aids-various sized and types 1 Nail clipper √ Burn dressing 1 Pad Eye pads 2 Razor-Shaving-disposable √ Gauze pads 2 Scalpel √ Gauze roll

1 Scissors-bandage Gauze strips 1 Thermometer 2 rolls Medi-pore 1 Tick remover √ Steri-Strips 1 Tweezers 20 Wrap (Vet)-flexible, self-adherent Wraps, Band-aids, etc 4 oz Activated charcoal Self Help Station 2.5 oz Alocane ointment √ Antibiotic cream 6 Antiseptic wipes Dental floss 4 pks Applicators, Q-tips, etc √ Sun block/Aloe √ Band-aids 1 Table 10 ml 50 Toothbrushes 2 Cold pack 4 tubes Zinc oxide cream 1 Elastic/Sports wrap √ Gloves Dispensing Equipment 300 Plastic spoons 1bottle Iodoform packing strips 1 Irrigation syringe 20 ½ oz salve containers 10 ml Lavender essential oil 250 1 oz plastic ‘to go’ bottles 1 tube Lidocaine gel 600 Paper cups 3 oz and various 1 roll Medipore 100 Sauce cup with lids 2 oz Propolis tincture 1 Salve(s) Antiinflammatory/Disinfectant 2 Vet wrap/Coban 17 3 Yunnan Baiyao powder and caps EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES LINIMENTS P Size# Name SH P 1oz 2oz Other Name B Shaving razor–disposable 2 Arnica liniment 4 Soap-in dispenser Belladonna liniment !! 2 Solar lamp Chaparral liniment 1 Lobelia liniment ! 1 Valerian liniment 4 Witch hazel liniment Spray bottle(s) Wound liniment Stethoscope Stretcher Sun block Suture kit SYRUPS Tape-Surgical P 1oz 2oz Other Name B 2 Tick removal tool 4 boxes Cough drops 1 Thermometer Cough syrup Tongue depressors Garlic honey Towel(s)–for compress Osha honey 2 Toys for children/Plush animals Wild cherry honey 3 Trays–Stainless steel (for clean field) Throat lozenges 1 5 Tweezers Turmeric honey 1 Watch 16 TM-Echinacea/Elder Whistle 16 TM-Herba Tussin 12 TM-Throat Coat

VINEGARS P 1oz 2oz Other Common name – Scientific B name Cayenne/Garlic vinegar

1 Lobelia vinegar

Valerian vinegar

16 OILS and TEA BLENDS EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES P 1oz 2oz Other Common name–Scientific name B P Size# Name SH Arnica oil Insect netting 2 Arnica/St. Johnswort oil 4 Insect repellent Balsam fir oil 5 Irrigation syringe Belladonna oil !! 1 Knife Blend 1 3 Lighter 2 Lights/Lamps-hanging/Sensor Blend 2 2 Light-Solar Calendula oil Magnification tool/loupe 1 Castor oil 8 Menstrual products Chaparral oil 1 Mirror Comfrey oil 5 yd Moleskin 1 Ear oil 1 Multi-use pocket tool/Leatherman Insect Repellent Oil 4 Nail clippers Massage blends Nail file Mineral oil Plastic wrap Poplar bud oil Q-tips 4 2 Trauma Oil 8 9 Razor blades-disposable Recording device 20 Respiratory masks Tea–Calming Rope/String Tea–Infections Safety pins Tea–Diuretic 1 roll SAM splint

Tea–Nutritive √ Scalpel(s) Tea–Tasty 1 Scissors–various Tea–Urinary Tract 1 2 Scissors–bandage 1 Scissors-kitchen


EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES SALVES AND BALMS P Size# Name SH P 1oz 2oz Other Common name – Scientific name B √ Antiseptic wipes 4 Anti-Fungal salve Applicators 2 3 Cayenne Salve ½ oz 24 Batteries-AA 1 Connective Tissue/Antiinflammatory Salve 24 Batteries-AAA 1 Dryden Girls Plantain Salve 12 Batteries-D 1 First Aid salve 2 Box-Foldable, cloth-to hold herbs 2 Galen’s Way IntegreCream 4 Braces-wrist and knee Bungee cords 1 Golden salve Candles 4 Lip balm Chemical/ cleaner 4 Lip salve 1 Cleaver 4 oz Wound salve Cleaning cloth 2 Clock ESSENTIAL OILS 3 Cold packs P Size Name B 1 Cooler 1 Birch () Condoms 1 Clove 3 rolls Cord

1 Cot 1 1 Lavender 20 Desiccant packets 1 Peppermint Droppers–extra (various sizes) 1 Tea tree Ear plugs Thyme Eye cup 1 Finger splints

Flashlight–Give away

1 1 Flashlight–Headlamp 1 1 Flashlight–Small, bright OTHER MEDICINES 2 French press P Size Name B P Size Name B 1 Funnel Abies pitch √ √ Gloves-disposable 1 bottle Kava pills 1` Glucometer w/strips 4 Glue–Instant Goggles 1 Hot water bottle 11

14 SINGLE HERBS/FOOD MEDICATIONS/SOLUTIONS POWDERS, CAPSULES, PATENT MEDICINES P Size Name B Name P Size Name SH P Size Name SH Berberis sp 500 Acetaminophen Activated (Tylenol) charcoal-bags 30 oz Chaparral 1 gal Aloe vera gel Activated Cinnamon √ Antibiotic cream charcoal caps 1000 Aspirin 8 oz Activated charcoal powder Coffee Burn gel Astringents Datura leaf !! 5 pkt Electrolytes Baking soda Fennel seed Epinephrine kit Cayenne Garlic, fresh √ Epson salt Cascara Ginger, dry Honey-Medicated sagrada caps Ginger, candy California poppy caps Ginger, fresh √ Ibuprofen (Advil) Cinnamon pwd Honey Iodine/Betadine 5 pkt Clay Lemon Isopropyl alcohol Garlic Licorice root Lidocaine Ginger Nut butter 1 Naloxone Kava kava pwd Naproxen (Aleve) Licorice root Osha root √ NSAIDs Salt Peanut butter Probiotics Turmeric Probiotics Saline solution Slippery elm Snacks √ Steroid ointment Senna caps (Triamcinolone) Salonpas 1 Vitamins 4 types Yunnan Baiyao Tea-Black 16 Zinc oxide cream Tooth powder Tea-Green Vitamin C

13 12