Some Resources for Acquiring or Creang Haggadot

Online Resources for Haggadot This is the most comprehensive online source. The website includes many different complete Haggadot. as well as Haggadah secons and supplements, all available for download and prinng. It also allows you to create your own version, mixing in material from the site and text or pictures of your own. Download and print copies when done. If your personal pracce includes using electronics during the seder, audio and video clips can also be embedded. A word to the wise: The huge number of opons may feel overwhelming to some. We suggest selecng a “featured” Haggadah and making your own modificaons, rather than starng from scratch. You might consider the Comedy Seder, the Around the World Haggadah, the HIAS Haggadah or the Inclusion Haggadah. Or you might opt to use selecons from different versions to supplement your regular Haggadah (Maxwell House or otherwise). An abbreviated Haggadah for families with small children, which includes all of the seder steps. Elsewhere on the Tots Pesach secon you can find coloring pages, puzzles, and games. Free Haggadah from A relavely short, easy-to-read Haggadah for downloading, without illustraons (so it prints quickly and without using a lot of ink). JFNA Free Haggadah Jewish Federaons of North America provide a free, downloadable Haggadah intended for use by non-Hebrew speakers. Blessings are wrien in Hebrew and in transliteraon, but the rest of the text is in English. Feast of Freedom Haggadah The Rabbinical Assembly has made its Feast of Freedom Haggadah available for download at no cost to members of Conservave . Each page has full tradional text in the center in Hebrew and English, with commentary on the outer margins. The Two-Minute Haggadah For the impaent guests at your seder, here’s a fun version by Michael Rubiner. About that Orange on the Seder Plate While legend has it that Jewish scholar and feminist , daughter of Abraham Joshua Heschel z’l, came up with this idea to foster awareness of the need to count women in a minyan, she actually suggested placing an orange on a seder plate to emphasize the need for inclusion of LGBTQ+ individuals. Details in this arcle from the Jewish Women’s Archive.

Page 1 of 2 Buying a Haggadah Most bookstores—online and in person—have a variety of Haggadot to choose from. Paperback copies with tradional text in English and Hebrew can be found for $3.00 apiece. While it helps to be able to flip through the pages and see what appeals to you, in Covid Time, Amazon is a good alternave, with hundreds of Haggadot, many available for next-day delivery. (And if you purchase via Amazon Smile, you can designate BI as your favored charitable organizaon!) Borrowing a Haggadah BI has some of copies of Noam Zion and David Dishon’s The Family Parcipaon Haggadah to lend. This fun and thought-provoking version has interesng discussion prompts and great illustraons along with a complete tradional text in Hebrew and English. Contact the BI Office to make arrangements. And, of course, there’s always The . Available for free at Stop & Shop and other grocery store chains.

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