NTSININI list of trees and woody Revision 2017-06-07

List of trees and prominent plants recorded on Ntsinini Private Trout and Game Farm

Tree Exotic number indicator Scientific Name Common name 160 Acacia ataxacantha flame thorn 162 Acacia caffra common hook thorn X490 * Acacia dealbata silver wattle 172 Acacia karroo sweet thorn X494 * Acacia mearnsii black wattle X495 * Acacia melanoxylon blackwood 187 Acacia sieberiana paperbark thorn 189 p Acacia xanthophloea fever tree 335,1 Acalypha glabrata Forest false nettle X661 * Acer negundo ash leaved maple 425 Allophylus africanus black false currant 28,1 Aloe arborescens kranz aloe 28,1X Aloe davyana kleinalwyn 28,2X Aloe dyeri 29,5 Aloe marlothii mountain aloe Aloe spicata Lebombo aloe 105 Annona senegalensis wild custard apple 422 Apodytes dimidiata white pear 208,2 p Bauhinia galpinii pride of De Kaap 450 Berchemia zeyheri red ivory 731 Brachylaena transvaalensis forest silver oak 324 Bridelia micrantha mitseri 636,5 Buddleja auriculata weeping sage 636 Buddleja saligna false 637 Buddleja salviifolia mountain sage 256 Calodendrum capense Cape chestnut 219,2 Calpurnia glabrata Swazi calpurnia 709 Canthium ciliatum hairy turkey-berry 708 Canthium inerme common turkey-berry 706 Canthium mundianum velvet rock alder (130) Capparis fascicularis (caper bush) 640,1 Carissa bispinosa subsp. zambesiensis forest num num 640,3 p Carissa macrocarpa big num num/amatungulu 420 Cassinopsis ilicifolia lemon thorn X246 * Casuarina equisetifolia horsetail tree X593 *p Cedrela odorata Spanish cedar 39 Celtis africana white stinkwood 685 Cephalanthus natalensis strawberry bush 43 Chaetacme aristata thorny elm 615 foveolatus Transvaal pock ironwood 138 Chloristylis rhamnoides false dogwood 265 Clausena anisata horsewood 667 Clerodendrum glabrum tinderwood Cliffortia linearifolia river rice-bush 145,3 Cliffortia strobilifera bog rice-bush (with galls) 536 Combretum erythrophyllum river bushwillow 538 Combretum hereroense russet bushwillow

grhg\mso\exl\data\personal\farmlist/treelst.xls/2017-06-07 NTSININI list of trees and woody plants Revision 2017-06-07

Tree Exotic number indicator Scientific Name Common name 540 Combretum kraussii forest bushwillow 537 Combretum molle velvet bushwillow 277 Commiphora harveyi red stemmed corkwood 116 Cryptocarya woodii Cape quince 563 Cussonia paniculata mountain cabbage tree 564 Cussonia spicata common cabbage tree 1 Cyathea dregei common tree fern 521 Dais cotinifolia pompon tree 231 Dalbergia armata thorny rope 190 Dichrostachys cinerea sickle bush 605,1 Diospyros lycioides subsp. guerkei 605,1 Diospyros lycioides subsp. sericea Natal bluebush 611 Diospyros whyteana bladder nut 468,1 Dombeya burgessiae Pink wild pear 470,1 Dombeya pulchra silver white pear 471 Dombeya rotundifolia common wild pear 511 Dovyalis zeyheri wild apricot 657 Ehretia rigida puzzle bush 298 Ekebergia capensis cape ash 192,X Elephantorrhiza elephantina elandsboontjie 581 Englerophytum magalismontanum stamvrug 244 p Erythrina latissima broad leaved coral tree 245 Erythrina lysistemon common coral tree 243,X Erythrina zeyheri ploegbreeker 248 Erythroxylum delagoense small-leaved cocoa tree 594 Euclea crispa blue guarri 597 Euclea natalensis Natal guarri 351 Euphorbia ingens common tree euphorbia 355 Euphorbia tirucalli rubber euphorbia 48 Ficus burkei common wild fig 52 Ficus craterostoma forest fig 55 Ficus ingens red leaved fig 48,1 p Ficus petersii common wild fig 47 p Ficus sansibarica Zanzibar fig 50 Ficus sur broom cluster fig 66 p Ficus sycamorus sycamore fig 309 Flueggea virosa white-berry bush X347 * Grevilllea robusta australian silky oak 459,1 Grewia flava velvet raisin 459,2 Grewia flavescens sandpaper raisin 460 p Grewia hexamita giant raisin 463 Grewia occidentalis cross berry 446 Greyia sutherlandii Natal bottlebrush 399 Gymnosporia buxifolia common spikethorn 399,2 Gymnosporia mossambicensis black forest spike-thorn 670 lucida tree fuchsia 361 Harpephyllum caffrum wild plum 568 Heteromorpha trifoliata parsley tree 454 Heteropyxis canescens forest lavender tree 455 Heteropyxis natelensis lavender tree 438 Hippobromus pauciflorus false horsewood 397 Ilex mitis Cape holly X971 * Jacaranda mimosifolia jacaranda

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Tree Exotic number indicator Scientific Name Common name 678 p Kigelia africana sausage tree 494 Kiggelaria africana wild peach 700,1 p Kraussia floribunda rhino coffee 362 Lannea discolor live long 362,X Lannea edulis wild grape 145 Leucosidea sericea oldwood, ouhout, troutwood 238 p Lonchocarpus capassa apple-leaf 681,1 Mackaya bella forest bell bush 133 Maerua caffra common bush cherry 577 Maesa lanceolata false assegai 398 Maytenus acuminata silky bark 401 Maytenus peduncularis Cape blackwood 403 Maytenus undata koko tree X604 * Melia azedarach syringa 38 Morella serrata lance-leafed waxberry X327 * Morus alba white mulberry X327 * Morus nigra black mulberry 226 Mundulea sericea cork bush 577,1 Myrsine africana Cape myrtle 633 Nuxia congesta common wild elder 634 Nuxia floribunda forest elder 70 Obetia tenax mountain nettle Ochna confusa grassveld plane 479,1 Ochna serrulata small-leaved plane capensis subsp macrocarpa ironwood 617 Olea europa subsp. africana wild olive 620 Olea woodiana forest olkive 514 Olinia emarginata mountain hard pear 377 Ozoroa sphaerocarpa currant resin tree 433 Pappea capensis jacket plum Vine * Passiflora subpeltata wild grenadilla 717 Pavetta edentula gland leafed tree 716 Pavetta gardeniifolia common bride's bush 722 Pavetta zeyheri small leaved bride's bush 215 Peltophorum africanum weeping wattle 139 Pittosporum viridiflorum cheesewood 484 Pleurostylia capensis coffee pear 87 Protea caffra common sugarbush 87,X Protea gaguedi african protea 364 p Protorhus longifolia red beech 147 Prunus africana red stinkwood, bitter almond 723 Psychotria capensis -berry 711,1 Psydrax obovatum Transvaal quar 292 Ptaeroxylon obliquum sneezewood 236 Pterocarpus angolensis kiaat 405 Pterocelastrus echinatus white candlewood 452 Rhamnus prinoides dogwood X612 * Ricinus communis castor oil 667,1 Rotheca myricoides [= Clerodendron m] blue-flowered tinderwood 693 Rothmannia capensis Cape gardenia 695 Rothmannia globosa bell gardenia 36,1 Salix mucronata safsaf 566 p Schefflera umbeliffera False cabbage tree

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Tree Exotic number indicator Scientific Name Common name 202 p Schotia brachypetala weeping boerbean 612 Schrebera alata wild jasmine 360 Sclerocarya birrea marula 496 Scolopia mundii red pear 498 Scolopia zeyheri thorn pear 380 Searsia (Rhus) chirindensis red currant 381 Searsia (Rhus) dentata nana berry 388,1 Searsia (Rhus) lucida glossy currant 391 Searsia (Rhus) pentheri common crow-berry 392 Searsia (Rhus) pyroides var. gracilis common wild currant 393,1 Searsia (Rhus) rehmanniana sour currant 381,1 Searsia (Rhus) tumulicola hard-leaved currant 396,1 Searsia (Rhus) zeyheri blue currant X564 * Sesbania punicea Brazilian glory pea 669,4 Solanum giganteum healing leaf tree X961 * Solanum mauritianum bugtree Solanum rubetorum [= S. rigescens] wildelemoentjie 341 p Spirostachys africana tamboti 475 p Sterculia murex lowveld chestnut 626 Strychnos madagascariensis black-monkey orange 629 Strychnos spinosa spiny monkey orange 555 Syzygium cordatum water berry 733 Tarchonanthus camphoratus wild camphor bush 734 Tarchonanthus trilobus broad leafed camphor bush 626 Tetradenia riparia ginger bush, mountain mist 42 Trema orientalis pigeon wood 699 Tricalysia lanceolata jackal coffee 503 Trimeria grandifolia wild mulberry 702 Vangueria infausta wild medlar 261 Vepris lanceolata white ironwood 723,4 Vernonia colorata lowveld tree vernonia 723,5 Vernonia myriantha blue bitter tea 723,1X Vernonia tigna [= V. neocorymbosa] 665 Vitex obovatum subsp. wilmsii hairy fingerleaf 488 p Warburgia salutaris pepperbark tree Xerophyta retinervis bobbejaanstert 103 Ximenia caffra large sourplum 253 Zanthoxylum capensis small knobwood 447 Ziziphus mucronata buffalo thorn

192 species
