llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll USOO5572249A Unlted States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 5,572,249 Ghosh [45] Date of Patent: Nov. 5, 1996 [54] METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR OPTIMAL 5,214,501 5/1993 Cavallerno et a1. .................. .. 348/488 NTSC REJECTION FILTERING AND 5,263,051 11/1993 Eyuboglu .................... .. 375/58 TRANSMITTER AND RECEIVER 5,272,533 12/1993 Akiyama et a1. .. 348/624 COMPRISING SAME 5,282,019 1/1994 Basile et al. .. 348/473 . 5,282,023 l/1994 Scarpa . .. 348/624 [751 1mm Monisha Ghosh, Mohegan Lake’ N-Y- 252118)? 31331 $383‘. Til; ...... " 3121213 [73] Assignee: Philips Electronics North America 5,386,239 1/1995 Wang et al, ...................... .. 348/470 Corporation, New York, N .Y. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Lee-Fang Wei, “Precoding Technique For Partial-Response [211 APPl- NO-I 271,810 Channels with Applications to HDTV Transmission”, IEEE [22] Filed: JuL 7 1994 Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 11, No. ’ 1, Jan. 1993, pp. 127_135. [51] Int. Cl.6 .............................. .. H04N 7/00; H04N 7/13 “VSB Transmission System”, Zenith Electronics Corpora [52] US. Cl. .......................... .. 348/21; 348/470; 348/613; tion, Dec. 17, 1993, Technical Details. 348/608; 348/725; 375/346 Zenith “Technical Details”, Digital Spectrum Compatible, [58] Field of Search ............................ .. 348/21, 470, 487, 36P- 23, 1991 348/426, 608, 611, 612, 613, 614, 624, . _ . 606, 571, 708, 711, 725427, 728, 909, 121$”; Marion 607, 627, 723; 375/103, 99, 58, 60, 350, ’ ’ ‘ 285, 296, 346; 364/724.01, 724.12; 455/295, [57] ABSTRACT 296’ 307; H04N 7/00’ 7/13 The invention comprises an optimal causal, monic (?rst R f -t d coe?icient of ?lter is 1) NTSC rejection ?lter for use at an [56] e erences Cl 8 ATV receiver which is designed to optimally process the US.
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