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39 September 28, 2003 INSIDE:• Kyiv’s Jewish community divided over proposed center — page 3. • From Lviv to Philadelphia: a young violinist’s journey — page 11. • Labor Day weekend sports competitions at Soyuzivka — centerfold. Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association Vol. LXXI HE No.KRAINIAN 39 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2003 EEKLY$1/$2 in Ukraine Ukraine’sT presidentU signs pact Kuchma, whileW on visit to United Nations, on common economic space meets with Ukrainian diaspora leaders by Roman Woronowycz of a free trade zone “was an indisputable Kyiv Press Bureau priority,” along with the creation of instruments for more effective use of KYIV – Despite widespread domestic energy and water resources based on political criticism, President Leonid free-market mechanisms. Kuchma signed a controversial frame- Reacting to the widespread criticism work agreement on September 19 in of his decision to sign the document Yalta that could lead Ukraine into a cus- despite clear uncertainty over the ramifi- toms union with Russia and forestall or cations for Ukraine’s membership in the even prevent the country’s move into European Union and its accession to the European structures. World Trade Organization, President After the signing ceremony, which Kuchma also announced during the press was held during the annual summit of the conference that he was ready to hold a Commonwealth of Independent States, national referendum to allow Ukrainian Russian President Vladimir Putin citizens to decide whether they would responded harshly during a press confer- like their country to remain part of the ence to suggestions by some that the CES. agreement was the first step in a process Most national democratic leaders in that could lead to a renewed Soviet Ukraine – and even some politicians Andrew Nynka Union. within Mr. Kuchma’s political camp, President Leonid Kuchma (right) meets with representatives of the Ukrainian “That is nonsense. They do not under- including three government ministers– diaspora (from left) Michael Sawkiw Jr., Ihor Gawdiak and Askold Lozynskyj. stand what they are talking about,” had voiced serious reservations and con- President Putin said. “That was a very by Andrew Nynka said, is Ukraine’s recent entry into a cerns that the CES framework treaty common economic market with Russia, complicated page in our history. The NEW YORK – Ukrainian President could lead to insurmountable difficulties Kazakstan and Belarus. page is turned. The train is gone.” Leonid Kuchma met privately here with for Kyiv in finally achieving access to According to the three diaspora lead- While the agreement – which would the WTO and EU membership. There had three representatives of the Ukrainian lead to what has been referred to as a ers, President Kuchma said during the also been considerable speculation that diaspora on September 24 – one month meeting that the agreement, signed in common economic space (CES), or com- the treaty violates the Constitution of after he declined the opportunity to do mon market, between Ukraine, Russia, Yalta on September 18, does not inter- Ukraine because it authorizes the cre- so in Kyiv during the eighth Ukrainian fere with Ukraine’s goal of joining the Kazakstan and Belarus – currently is ation of an intra-governmental body to World Congress. merely a broad-based outline on general North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the monitor tariffs and trade. It is not clear why President Kuchma, European Union or the World Trade conditions and goals, it would allow each The Cabinet of Ministers ignored an who was in New York City for the open- country to sign accords with the others analysis drawn up by the three ministers ing of the 58th Session of the General (Continued on page 20) that could enter them into closer econom- – Minister of Economic and European Assembly of the United Nations, ic relations. Russia has proposed that the Integration Vitalii Khoroshkovskyi, requested the meeting with Askold four countries should strive for a customs Minister of Justice Oleksander Lozynskyj, president of the Ukrainian Rep. Hyde introduces union at a minimum and has stated that it Lavrynovych and Minister of Foreign World Congress; Ihor Gawdiak, presi- would like to eventually, perhaps in a Affairs Kostyantyn Gryshchenko – dent of the Ukrainian American decade, see a single currency. whom it had specifically ordered to Coordinating Council; and Michael President Kuchma, whose government resolution on Famine determine the ways in which the agree- Sawkiw Jr., president of the Ukrainian supported the signing of the agreement ment might be unconstitutional and not Congress Committee of America. despite serious concerns expressed by WASHINGTON – Rep. Henry J. in Ukraine’s interest. Instead the Cabinet There is speculation, however, that key ministers just days before the sum- Hyde, chairman of the International suggested that a general clause be insert- President Kuchma might try to use the Relations Committee in the House of mit, has said that Ukraine would agree ed into the document to state that no only to a free trade zone, which would be meeting for political purposes: to show Representatives, introduced a resolution agreement could be enforced that was not Ukrainians that he is actively involved “expressing the sense of the House of the first step in the process as it is constitutionally acceptable or that did not in and cares about relations with the Representatives regarding the man-made described in the agreement. support Ukraine’s European course. Ukrainian diaspora. famine that occurred in Ukraine in 1932- “I did not doubt for a minute while sign- As The Weekly was going to print, the Officials from the presidential admin- 1933.” ing the document that it meets Ukraine’s final CES document had not been made national interests,” explained Mr. Kuchma istration were not available to answer The measure, House Resolution 356, public, and it was still unclear whether questions about why President Kuchma at press conference following the signing, that clause had been included. was introduced on September 5 with the which was also attended by President requested the meeting in New York City, co-sponsorship of Reps. Chris Smith (R- Immediately after the signing, Our why he chose the time he did for the Nursultan Nazarbaev of Kazakstan, Ukraine, one of four political organiza- N.J.) and Tom Lantos (D-Calif.), and President Alyaksandr Lukashenka of meeting or what was discussed. referred to the House Committee on tions in opposition to the president and When asked the same questions, offi- Belarus and President Putin. his policies, announced it had begun a International Relations. President Kuchma has insisted for cials at Ukraine’s Permanent Mission to The resolution calls for solemn petition-signing campaign seeking Mr. the United Nations – who helped coordi- years that Ukraine needs a free trade Kuchma’s impeachment. remembrance of the Great Famine, zone with Russia in order to finally nate President Kuchma’s trip to the underscores that “this man-made famine In Bucharest, Ukraine’s Ambassador United States – simply said the meeting achieve tariff-free access to the Russian to Romania Anton Buteiko, a former first was designed and implemented by the in New York had been “convenient” for market for its goods, chief among them vice minister of foreign affairs and once Soviet regime as a deliberate act of terror the Ukrainian president. They did not Ukrainian sugar and distilled spirits. The the ambassador to the United States, and mass murder against the Ukrainian respond when asked if it had been country would also like access to resigned the same day the document was people,” and calls for support of “the inconvenient for the Ukrainian president Russia’s plentiful oil and gas at the same signed, citing his resolute disagreement decision of the government of Ukraine to meet with members of the diaspora in price it is sold within the Russian with “the preparation and the process of and the Verkhovna Rada (the Ukrainian Kyiv a month earlier. Federation. the negotiations, as well as the signing of Parliament) to give official recognition Ukrainian Prime Minister Viktor the document on the creation of the Messrs. Lozynskyj, Gawdiak and to the famine and its victims, as well as Yanukovych noted while at the summit CES.” Sawkiw said during a press conference their efforts to secure greater internation- that the four presidents also signed a joint Borys Tarasyuk, the head of the later that same day that they presented al awareness and understanding of the statement issued by the state leaders of the Ukrainian president with an open let- the CIS, which specified that the creation (Continued on page 17) ter. Foremost among their concerns, they (Continued on page 17) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2003 No. 39 ANALYSIS NEWSBRIEFSNEWSBRIEFS The reign of the CIS lifers Ukraine wants role in U.N. peacekeeping tional reform that, the letter claims, is by Taras Kuzio from whom a new president could be elect- intended to enable him to remain in UNITED NATIONS – Ukrainian RFE/RL Newsline ed. Opposition parties, therefore, are either power. (RFE/RL Newsline) President Leonid Kuchma told United stripped of legality either by a passage of Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan in Envoy resigns over single economic space Almost 12 years after the demise of the legislation setting impossible conditions New York on September 23 that Kyiv Soviet Union, five of the former Soviet they must meet in order to reregister (as regards the United Nations as the princi- KYIV – President Leonid Kuchma has republics states are still ruled by the man was the case over the past year in who was already president at the time his pal arbiter in international security issues accepted the resignation of Ukrainian Kazakstan), or de-legitimized through a Anton Buteiko, country gained its independence.
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