Brand Specific The The Grape as Protagonist

All grapes have places where grown and give La Scolca in 1919: now has become a classic. The the best of themselves. Some, indeed, are able to Company manages an area of about 50 vineyard express all the potential only in a place where hectares. Overall are 180 km. of rows, which, the finds its soil, climate, altitude, exposure during a single crop season, are routes from to which it’s fully : only there and nowhere else. eight to ten times, on foot or by tractor, with The grapes, for example, in the territory distances plant to plant from 0.90 to 2.40 metres. from Gavi to Novi Ligure, gives a wine with an The density is about 1500 vines per hectare. All “aristocratic personality”, mineral and intense, the are in the best sites of Rovereto di durable and elegant; and, within the borders of Gavi. the small municipality of Gavi, the best results Sea air, full sunlight exposure from sunrise to are obtained in the Rovereto district. Using in sunset, freshness and dew’s humidity. Italy a classification of vineyards as in France, All of these create an atmosphere’s alternation Rovereto of Gavi would be, without any doubt, that’s ideal for a complete and correct ripeness the “Grand Cru” of Cortese. of the grapes, a prerequisite for a good wine. La Scolca has its vineyards in the most beautiful However for its grapes, its musts, its , the locations in Rovereto, and its Gavi dei Gavi™ company always follows the same principle: a represents the “peak” of wine is possible to great wine born in the vineyard, and there we find in this “microarea”. But this exciting must primarily dedicate the more careful and result is not derived exclusively by lucky scrupulous work. La Scolca® position of our vineyards, it is also the fruit By pruning, thinning and, if necessary, the “green Quality Wines of oenological practices particularly guessed ” we obtain a very limited year yield, less right, that allow us, starting from alike “raw than the specification of DOCG (Denominazione materials” with other vineyards in the area, to di Origine Controllata e Garantita) rules give as What strikes coming to Tenuta La Scolca in the past was just a lookout post. These names have always a step ahead. The Gavi wine made the maximum production. addition to an ancient Tower that dominates reflect the full proud and tenacious character of from Cortese grapes was invented here, in the house, is the pleasure in the atmosphere the owners and their wines. which is perceived: everything takes place with In 1919, ownership was partly covered by harmony and with punctuality that only well- forests, and the rest was cultivated. The tested mechanisms may show. intuition of Soldati’s family was well-studied: The estate La Scolca was taken over between to plant vineyards in early twentieth century 1917 and 1919 by the great-grandfather of Cortese grapes in an area exclusively suited Giorgio Soldati who leads today the company before to cultivation of red berried vineyards: together with his daughter Chiara, the fifth never, as in this case, the name of the company generation shown to the third millennium. was prophetic. The production became soon a In ninety years of activity the passion for wine major technical and entrepreneurial activities. has turned into profession, but the passion for La Scolca is therefore the oldest company in the Gavi is not tailed off... area, for continuity of the management by the La Scolca Gavi Wine has become a Cult and has same family, but at the same time is the most conquered the world, but has never betrayed its modern. Giorgio Soldati has proved a valuable origins and its characteristics. and innovative interpreter: he is the creator of The past and the future live together in this wines and sparkling success without betraying company that combines the best naturalness of loyalty to the “Gavi” region and to the vine who live in the world always with the speed of kind. But the biggest challenge he has taken who look forward with the vision of courageous together with his daughter was to maintain the captains: never as in this case the name of leadership over the years, strengthening the the family “Soldiers” has a special symbolic image and notoriety of La Scolca a throughout meaning. the World and keeping its philosophy to the La Scolca stemmed from the name “Sfurca” or highest quality possible. “Watch out” and the farmhouse that stood there

LA SCOLCA - Brand Specific • LA SCOLCA - Brand Specific • The Harvest The Cellar Tradition, Modernity and innovation

Our system allows us to respect label and up to sixty years old plants for black The cellar and the wine-making plant are fruity, refining its great qualities: wine of the origin of grapes, vineyards by vineyards, label. equipped with modern and continuously “emotion” that gives everybody a complex and making wine separately with a computerized The wine-making plant is equipped with a updated machines. Giorgio Soldati has been unique feeling. control system that prevents the “mixing” of washing system using water about 80°C which proved as a innovative and valuable interpreter With this philosophy we obtain our “Gavi dei musts and separates “fractions” of pressure and ensure hygiene and cleanliness after every of La Scolca production, without any betrayal Gavi“, a white emotions. different origins. single use. This is essential in winemaking to the history and the land of Gavi and its wine. It ‘s a wine that gives emotion and a wine that All our Gavi (labeled white, black label, etc. ..) plants and only in this way, we can guarantee La Scolca has continued to focus on classic surprised. A delicate fragrance combines with a Gavi wine, also in times when it was a “counter” strong character and a great personality. is produced with Cortese grapes from different an suitable environment cleaned up from germs . This was and is because Soldati A unique product, noble: a wine appreciated by vineyards of different ages . In the cellar, during and bacteria. family has always believed in this wine and the jet-setters and crowned heads all over the the harvest, a software stores the data (analysis, Harvesting in La Scolca is usually done in its typical characteristics. So, trough all the world. But still a sincere wine, deeply tied to its origin…) regarding each batch of grapes to manually, each person with a small basket so years origins and its land. The Gavi dei Gavi is the create an “history” of every single bottle. discharged into small trailers. La Scolca has selected a GAVI wine that arrives wine of origins, a wine of lost times. Almost twenty years old plants for the white on the tables all over the world still fresh and

LA SCOLCA - Brand Specific • LA SCOLCA - Brand Specific • Gavi dei Gavi® Gavi d’Antan® The Class of a Classic Style and Elegance.

Gavi is the name of a little town on the Apennines excellent wine from excellent grapes. It is arduous “The important thing is the wine, but more He has the soul of the child, but an adult mountains, located in Piedmont border to Liguria, work to make wine “in the vineyard” rather than important is the man. The hope is that the heart. The Spumante La Scolca® is pleasing from where the famous white and dry wine has “in the ”, that is to grow the best grapes industrial intelligence is smart enough not to tasted young but releases all the qualities and taken its name. Thanks to La scolca® who began his possible and make wine out of top-quality primary overwhelm the crafted heart.” characteristics of great wine in of the production of GAVI 90 years ago, Gavi obtained material, rather than counting on manipulations in This phrase sums up the passion of the company Spumante Brut Riserva D’Antan® or of the Gavi DOC in 1974 and later DOCG (Denomination of the winery. and especially the passion for sparkling wines. dei Gavi® D’Antan®. And that’s because this great Origin Controlled ano Guaranteed) in 1998. The results of our way ofworking is evident when Only in the best years, after at least 10 years wine does not lose the memory of its origins, Years before the Gavi DOC, La scolca invented for tasting: not only is the wine more complex and of aging in our cellar, it’s possible to begin the as when, in 1919, La Scolca® introduced the its best quality a particular and great wine: Gavi dei elegant, with distinct personality, but is is journey of this extraordinary wine, La Scolca® Gavi, starting to produce this inimitable white Gavi®, a registered trademark in Europe since 1969 also more healthy. D’Antan®. La Scolca® Spumante Riserva D’Antan® only for hobby and passion, proposing it as an and in the U.S. since 1971, best known as “Black The Black Label “G Soldati G”(the family sign with is full of emotion, a wine that surprises, because alternative to red wines. Over the years, hobby L a b e l ”. his family name this special wine as seal of quality) it oppose a strong character and a strong became profession, but the passion for the Gavi The commercial success of Gavi dei Gavi®, often led is a surprising wine, balancing delicate contrasts; personality to a delicate scent: it is a unique and for the sparkling wines remained and grew the market to invent a similar name (for example the although a white wine, its features are closer to product. even more. In more than 95 years the Spumante illegal Gavi di Gavi). The uncorrect abbreviation those of a great red. Just a sip is enought to feel the aromas and flavors La Scolca® and Gavi wine have become “cult” “Gavi di Gavi” has no value unless defined as “Gavi Gavi dei Gavi® is noble but still unique; well known of the earth. It is a wine of the origins, a wine of wines, enjoyed in both young and aged D’Antan® DOCG del Comune di Gavi’, which means: “grapes among the jet-setters and royalty, but still deeply the lost times, a wine that brings back scents and versions; and they conquered the world. that create Gavi DOCG wine, originated from tied to its origins. perfumes of memory. vineyards located in the Municipality of Gavi”, Wine must recall emotion. Wine is passion and for without any relation on a better quality. this reason, the quality of Gavi La Scolca® manages A high quality wine can only be made from grapes to overcome its fashions and trends with a strong grown in places where they find harmony, better personality and with great character: gentle but soil, climate, altitude and exposure in order to firm and persistent, it is very ditticult to not to obtain the full flavors and aromas; such as La scolca® remember Gavi La Scolca® alter having tasted it. “Gavi dei Gavi®”. A better quality is guarantee by the We can truly say that “Gavi dei Gavi®” is a “timeless Brand La scolca® anb by his philosophy: to obtain an passion”.

LA SCOLCA - Brand Specific • LA SCOLCA - Brand Specific • Philosophy La Scolca of the Company Timeless Passion

The philosophy of La Scolca®: to obtain an excellent wine from excellent grapes. This The wine is passion and for this reason, when a producer talks about its wine he also talks statement seems a banality but, really, it’s not so. It is a laborious and expensive process to about himself, as a cook talking about its meals: they are proud of their products. Behind vinify following the nature and taking care of raw material, instead of solve the problems important wines there are great men (and women!) and great passions. A great passion with the intervention of a skilled winemaker once the must is obtained. that allowed La Scolca to celebrate 90 years of emotions in the world of wines. The results of our way of working it shows at the tasting: wine has more personality and is The global world now allows us to taste white wines from all countries, even if they comes more healthy so, it doesn’t produce the unpleasant “illnesses” too often attributed to white from the most remote and unthinkable places, with explosions of flavors, aromas, and wine, like headache, slight dozing and more. It is not a coincidence that many of our fans with great power, but the quality of Gavi La Scolca manages to overcome its fashions and are medicine doctors. trends with a strong personality and with great character: gentle but firm and persistent. Drinking a glass of wine should be a pleasure and must leave a good memory of itself, like Very difficult to foget Gavi La Scolca after tasted it, we can say that “Gavi dei Gavi™ “could the passed evening and the company which this time has shared. The wine must also be be a “timeless passion”. emotion. For this reason La Scolca is the wine of emotional time also for famous people : Tom The right sequence of cultivation (thinning the bunches of each plant, skillful pruning) Cruise, Queen Elizabeth, Elthon Jhon and more other. will allow to obtain a low yield and high quality in produced grapes, in addition to a uniform ripening at the harvest time. The choice to avoid chemicals products for the plants growing, using only natural fertilizer and copper sulphate, allows the plants a natural and healty growth. Reducing the yield per hectare we achieve wines with exceptional features, perfumes and amplified scents, an unmistakable testimony of the territory of origin.

LA SCOLCA - Brand Specific • LA SCOLCA - Brand Specific • Technical Notes

Why Gavi La Scolca? Gavi dei Gavi: • La Scolca is therefore the oldest company in the area, for continuity of the management by Soldati family, but at the same time is the most modern. The tradition and the future live together in this La Scolca’s Trademark since 1969 company . • Gavi dei Gavi La Scolca could be considered like an “Italian Chablis”. • Compared to the international and national successful white wine we could consider Gavi La Scolca La Scolca®: like an alternative of Pinot Grigio ( entry level gavi, fresh and light tasting) , of sauvignon or Chablis ( Giorgio Soldati and Chiara Soldati 5th generation winemaker noted as an important complex tasting like Gavi dei Gavi and gavi D’Antan). • La scolca is a wine producer with ourown vineyards. Very important to communicate this compared “woman in wine”. to many cellar that are not producers of Gavi, but are only bottlers of Gavi mostly in other part of La Scolca led the movement to establish an exciting, new quality level for dry Italian piedmont ( Barolo, Alba, Asti). As you could easy understand , it is very important to inform the white wines when the Soldati family launched their trademarked ‘Gavi dei Gavi’ in accounts about this important and considerable difference between “wine producer” and “ bottlers” . 1969. It was La Scolca who first began to invest in white wines in a region traditionally The origin of the territory is a great value and warrantty of quality. known for its reds. They pioneered modern, controlled vinification in stainless-steel to preserve the subtle fruit of the Cortese grape, allowing for the creation of wines that What is Gavi? retained crisp acidity and gained structure. • Gavi is the name of a little town on the Apennines mountains, located in Piedmont border to Liguria, 90 years tradition in white wine making and very modern technologies. from where the famous white and dry wine has taken its name. Thanks to La Scolca who began his production of GAVI 98 years ago, Gavi obtained DOC in 1974 and later DOCG (Denomination of One of the most important producers of quality white wine in Italy. Origin Controlled and Guaranteed) in 1998. Ownership of top-notch vineyards with old vines till 60 yers old and more. • The tiny zone surrounding the town of Gavi is the most ideally suited microclimate for the Cortese vine and within Gavi, the Rovereto area produces the best Cortese fruit. It is here that La Scolca and its vineyards are located. About Gavi DOCG: • Gavi – a wine made from the Cortese grape. Gavi is renowned as producing the best Cortese grapes and Rovereto, an area within Gavi, is the best of the Gavi ‘s crus. Thanks to La Scolca that began his The tiny zone surrounding the town of Gavi is the most ideally suited microclimate for important production of GAVI more than 95 years ago. the Cortese vine and within Gavi, the Rovereto area produces the best Cortese fruit. It is here that La Scolca and its vineyards are located. La Scolca: wine, passion, emotion, dream Gavi: • The wine is passion :when a producer talks about its wine he also talks about himself, as a cook talking about its meals: they are proud of their products. Behind important wines there are great passions. A A wine made from the Cortese grape. Gavi is renowned as producing the best Cortese great passion that allowed La Scolca to celebrate 98 years of emotions in the world of wines. grapes and Rovereto, an area within Gavi, is the best of the Gavi ‘s crus. Thanks to La • The global world now allows us to taste white wines from all countries, even if they comes from the Scolca that began his important production of GAVI 90 years ago. most remote and unthinkable places, but the quality of Gavi La Scolca manages to overcome its fashions and trends with a strong personality and with great character: gentle but firm and persistent. Gavi di Gavi: Very difficult to foget Gavi La Scolca after tasted it, we can say that “Gavi dei Gavi™ “could be a “timeless passion”. The incorrect abbreviation “Gavi di Gavi” means nothing if we don’t use the entire • For this reason La Scolca is the wine of emotional time also for famous people : Tom Cruise, Colin definition for “Gavi DOCG del Comune di Gavi”, that find its meaning in “grapes that Firth ,Queen Elizabeth, Elthon Jhon , Sting , ACDC , Danzel Washington , more other famous people create Gavi DOCG wine and that must come from vineyards located in the Municipality • La Scolca , the class of the classic of Gavi”. The ambiguity must be clarified and explained to the consumers. • la Scolca a special symbolic meaning: La Scolca stemmed from the name “Sfurca” or “Watch out” and Gavi dei Gavi (TM) from 1969 – a name trademarked by La Scolca for its “Black Label” the farmhouse that stood there in the past was just a lookout post. These names reflect the full proud Gavi, a testament to the unique quality of this wine and the heritage of the winery. and tenacious character of the owners and their wines . • International brand distributed all over the world in the most prestigious restaurants, resort, hotel . • To discovert better La Scolca Dream invite to follow us on the social network to discovery daily our world.

LA SCOLCA - Brand Specific • LA SCOLCA - Brand Specific • La Scolca’s Vineyards • Steeply inclined upper slopes, that are difficult to cultivate. Quick Selling Tips • Argilo-calcerous and volcanic soils with noticeable iron content, shot with veins of chalky limestone similar to that found in and Chablis. Pioneer: • Located 50 km inland from the sea, the zone is warmed by Mediterranean breezes, La Scolca is the first estate to bottle Gavi del Comune di Gavi. which temper cool mountain air, creating a perfect variation in temperature for the maturation of the fruit. • No use of pesticides – La Scolca vineyards are located on hillsides near forests where Brand Recognition: birds nest and feed on pests found in the nearby vineyards. Gavi dei Gavi™ “Black Label” is highly recognized and found on top wine • Minimal use of chemicals in the cellar. lists worldwide. • Internal analysis laboratory. Benchmark: Vineyards & Winery Gavi dei Gavi™ established a new level of quality in Italian white wines. • Hand harvest in small crates. The name was trademarked in 1966. • After no more than 30 minutes, fruit is taken to winery where it is immediately cooled ( when temperature needs so). Piedmont’s Oldest Cortese Vines: • The fruit is undergoes a soft with modern pneumatic presses. • Cryo- and cold fermentation (13-14C) in temperature-controlled up to 60 years for Gavi dei Gavi™. stainless-steel keeps freshness of fruit and aromas intact. Family run since 1919 The Harvest 5th generation winemaker, Chiara Soldati is now the face of the estate and a respected “woman in wine”: Business Woman of the Year 2009 • Our winemaking system allows us to respect the origin of grapes, vineyards by (Italian Ministry of Agriculture). vineyards, making wine separately with a computerized control system that prevents the “mixing” of musts and separates “fractions” of pressure and different origins. All 100% Estate-Grown Fruit: our Gavi (labeled white, black label, etc. ..) is produced with Cortese grapes from different vineyards of different ages . In the cellar, during the harvest, a software own and manage 50 HA of Cortese vineyards in Rovereto and 3HA of stores the data (analysis, origin…) regarding each batch of grapes to create an Pinot Nero vineyards in Monferrato. “history” of every single bottle.Almost twenty years old plants for the white label and up to sixty years old plants for black label. The wine-making plant is equipped Cortese: with a washing system using water about 80°C which ensure hygiene and cleanliness after every single use. This is essential in winemaking plants and only in this way, we a “noble” variety with aging capacity. can guarantee an suitable environment cleaned up from germs and bacteria. • Harvesting in La Scolca is usually done manually, each person with a small basket so Rovereto comune of Gavi: discharged into small trailers. Than the grapes arrives in no more than 20 minutes to located in the Rovereto comune of Gavi, the “Grand Cru” of Gavi the cellar where are registered in the data system, discharged and pressed. All these production. to preserve the integrity of every single fruit. • The fermentation advance with natural yeasts in steel tanks and the wines of La Scolca remain “sur lie” even ten years like the GdeiG “D’Antan”®. This process reduces Quality-Driven and Winemaking: the percentage of sulphur dioxide in wine so much that this remains below the limits high-density plantings, low yields, green harvests, hand-harvested fruit, allowed by law, giving a fresh and natural wine. The wine, decanting, becomes clear modern temperature-controlled facilities, natural yeasts, no sulfites. without use clarifying process and/or chemicals products.

LA SCOLCA - Brand Specific • LA SCOLCA - Brand Specific • GAVI GAVI

LA SCOLCA® GOLD LA SCOLCA® VALENTINO GAVI D.O.C.G. 10 years old plants. Fragrance of perfumes, intensity of 10-15 years old plants. taste and lightness: the perfect wine This Gavi takes its name from one of our for a wide diffusion on all tables. estate, previously owned by a famous Light but rich and characterized general of the United Army of Savoy , the make its wine the right choice for an Valentino Sartore. informal drink with the traditional The fragrance of incense , the intensity and undisputed quality La Scolca. of taste combined with the lightness Perfect by glass. is suitable for wide dissemination of all the tables; It is suitable for a young and informal consumption , while maintaining the traditional and unquestioned quality guaranteed by our HOW TO SELL IT: cellar.

»» Fresh, dry and light. »» Perfect “ by glass”. »» Light minerality. HOW TO SELL IT: »» Crispy tasting. »» Perfect to introduce this Gavi DOCG »» Propose for a consumption volume to new account that could be interested and also to glass. to combine the tradition, the brand, the »» Attractive price to take over light tasting and a very competitive price the market shares of other Gavi compared to other competitors. concorreIndicate for medium level »» Gavi Gold it is really a good key to open Restaurants . new market shares and present a young »» Suitable for a clientele of young and fresh Gavi La Scolca. target.

LA SCOLCA - Brand Specific • LA SCOLCA - Brand Specific • GAVI GAVI

LA SCOLCA WHITE LABEL LA SCOLCA® BLACK LABEL GAVI DOCG “GAVI DEI GAVI® “ 15-20 year-old plants 60 year-old plants 6 clusters per vine. 5-4 clusters per vine Bottled in January following harvest. Low yields of 50 quintals/hectare, to Our most traditional Gavi encourage concentration, depth and this wine its typical taste. Its right complexity in the wines. and balanced maturity: perfectly 7 months aging on the lees, normally balanced aging lends the wine its bottled in April following the harvest typical fresh, dry taste. While enjoyable now, the wine will improve with one to three years of bottle age and will evolve beautifully for 10 years.

HOW TO SELL IT: HOW TO SELL IT: »» Label: the most iconic Gavi in La Scolca’s »» Label: the most typical Gavi in selection. La Scolca’s selection. »» “Gavi dei Gavi “: inevitable to be present »» Very interesting on the wine list. »» La Scolca : high quality, classical brand, the quality/price. most famous Gavi. »» Indicate for medium level »» “Gavi dei Gavi”: the wine for special Restaurants. moment, wine of emotion. »» Indicate “ by glass”. »» The wine selected by Tom Cruise for his »» Fresh and dry wedding, by Loro Piana for regatta in Porto Cervo, by the Olympic Team at Sochi 2014, by Versace, Maserati, Tod’s, Giorgetti Design and many others. »» Preferred wine of famous people (actors, singers, politics, etc...).

LA SCOLCA - Brand Specific • LA SCOLCA - Brand Specific • GAVI GAVI

LA SCOLCA® ROSACHIARA GDEIG D’ANTAN® Production zone: High hill slopes of Rovereto Superiore of 90% Cortese Gavi. 10% Pinot Nero Vinification: Strictly traditional, using ancient methods. 24 hour maceration of Pinot Nero manuals and handicrafts “sur lie”. with Cortese Best consumption period: At any time. Excellent in its first Bottled in January following few years,it retains its characteristics very well with time. Serving temperature: 12o - 14o C. harvest Appearance: Light straw color, with delicate greenish hints. Palate: Strongly typical of Gavi: flinty, with walnut and toasted almond on the finish. Recommended food accompaniements: Excellent right through a meal, after meal and also for “meditation”.

HOW TO SELL IT: HOW TO SELL IT: »» Bruce Sanderson in his articles on Wine Spectator saiys :” Most Gavis are best drunk young and paired with seafood. But la Scolca’s D’Antan, wich is aged »» Preferred wine of famous people for 10 years in stainless steel before bottling, develops toast, wax, iodine and mineral aromas and flavors ( actors, singers, politics, etc..). not unlike a mature Champagne.” »» A good alternative to the »» Cortese ages beautifully, though to age this way it does need to have a degree of acidity at the outset. French Rosè. »» Cortese is capable of terrific finesse when properly » treated. » Beautiful as aperitif or by glass. »» Only in the best years, only from our best grapes, is »» The rosè that drinks in the made this prestigious Gavi DOCG “Gavi dei Gavi – La Scolca D’Antan®” that, after having aged up to Caribbean’s island, in Spanish 10 years in tank on its yeasts, in our cellar, arrive at the bottle in a unmistakable intensity and nobility islands, French Riviera. of feelings that only the time can give to the “Great »» The perfect wine to feel yourself Wines”. »» Rare wine, which must be drunk slowly, thanking in holidays. to the time that made it so special and so unique, meditating on the extraordinary feelings that, like in the Proust’s “Recherche”, remember the tastes of distant and ancient memories, like ancient are the techniques, the french “sur lie”.

LA SCOLCA - Brand Specific • LA SCOLCA - Brand Specific • GAVI GAVI

PINOT NERO SPUMANTE RUGRE’ Pinot Nero / Monferrato DOC. “Rugrè” colloquially in local language From estate-owned means forest of oaks, typical trees of vineyards in Piedmont’s Monferrato Rovereto, an area well known as “The viticultural region. Crù of Gavi”. The wine is aged at for up to three This is a young “spumante” that keeps years in large French tonneaux. the characteristic perfumes and tastes La Scolca Pinot Nero has shy, spicy, of grapes and must. Its low pressure tart cherry aromas with forest floor makes it ideal as a fresh and light notes, and tightly wound fruit on the aperitif but also along with all meals. palate with an “old world” texture Its light fruity and floral aromas shaped by bright acidity. explode in a dry and delicate structure, Oak aging plays a supportive, rather is usual for a young wine, but, at the than dominant roe. same time, it is long, rich and elegant.


»» Pinot Noir obtained in a perfect »» Easy and fresh sparkling. burgundy style. This Pinot Nero »» Long and mineral tasting, very has the mentioned of Monferrato refreshing. Rosso DOC. »» Easy drinking and consume: all »» Rich and intense, with delicate occasion could be right to open a flavour of cherry, berry and bottle of sparkling Rugrè. pepper. »» The perfect wine to feel yourself in »» Very pure in the final. holidays. »» Beautiful as aperitif or by glass. »» A good alternative to Prosecco.

LA SCOLCA - Brand Specific • LA SCOLCA - Brand Specific • Suggestion to which customers propose La Scolca’s selection

Obviously at the end it will be the customers that will choose »» Medium Level Restaurant : I suggest to propose to work his preferred product between our selection , but could be with Gavi White Label. Rosachiara or Gavi Valentino could be useful (especially when the customers doesen’t know yet proposed by glass. And Gavi dei Gavi could be proposed in a small La Scolca or Gavi) to propose them how to sell La Scolca’s Brand: quantity for special occasion and visibility on the list.

»» Retailer : propose minimum two Gavi La Scolca with different »» Modern and trendy bars/bistrot/restaurants: range of price. Always sell “Gavi dei Gavi” Black Label / White for business and by glass propose Gavi White Label. Label, our key products. Propose also entry level La Scolca if the customer could be interested in a new reference easy to sell . »» Hotels: “Gavi dei Gavi”, our key and iconic Gavi.

»» Top Level restaurant :always “ Gavi dei Gavi” our key »» Catering: “ Gavi dei Gavi” or Gavi White Label. product brand and also try to keep the market shares of entry level price by glass on the list with White label or other entry level Gavi la scolca . It is important to introduce La Scolca between the wine suggested by glass or in the daily short wine list. In a very iconic restaurant could be interesting to Propose. Also Gavi D’Antan as flag product la Scolca.

LA SCOLCA - Brand Specific • LA SCOLCA - Brand Specific • Sales Focus

1 Gavi Dei Gavi Black Label/ 3 Potential Accounts Gavi White Label

»» La Scolca confirm the support with marketing material. »» La Scolca suggest to create a target account list for Gavi la Scolca that includes active and potential accounts and send » » La Scolca suggest to create a target account list for black label / them some samples in order to introduce the brand with new white label that includes active and potential accounts and send reference or introduce Gavi la scolca in the list.The focus will them their media kit information in order to introduce the be to create new accounts and compete with other Gavi that brand and the wines.The focus will be to create new accounts are distributed in your Country. and compete with other Gavi that are distributed in your Country. Please inform how many envelop with press release and brochures you could need to distribute to your accounts or potential accounts.

2 Luxury Hotels and 4 Wine Shop and Wine Retailer

New Generation In order to focus a strong plan with you about the better strategies in order to present la Scolca in the retail shops, la scolca offers »» La Scolca would like to provide samples boxes to be several proposals : distributed to the chain directors of target luxury hotel chains. »» Gavi Black label delivered with special black single bags free of The focus will be to enter with specific offer in the Hotel charge. market shares. »» New Gavi black label luxury boxes. »» Gavi D’Antan in single box. » » La Scolca would like to motivate the new »» Gavi Villa/White label /Valentino in yellow boxes ( box will be generation to introduce La Scolca and I would like to receive gifted). many suggestion by your side. »» All the proposal will be considered as marketing contribution for new listing in the wine retails and wine shops.

LA SCOLCA - Brand Specific • LA SCOLCA - Brand Specific • brand VINIbrand VINI PREMI PREMI brand VINI PREMI

GdeiG Black Label® 2014 Brut Millesimato 1997 91 PUNTI GdeiG Black Label 2004 GdeiG Black Label® 2013 Silver Medal 88 points GdeiG D’Antan® 2004 Brut D’Antan 2000 PUNTI GdeiG D’antan 2005 Gavi White Label® 20013 Gold Medal 89 90 points PREMI LASCOLCA

Brut D’antan 1998 GdeiG Black Label 2009 GdeiG Black Label® 2011 91 points LASCOLCA GdeiG Black Label® 2014 Brut D’antan 1997 Silver Award Gavi White Label® 2009 awards 88 points

SAKURA 2014 DIPLOMA DI MERITO I 50 MIGLIORI VINI Brut Rosè D’antan NV GdeiG Black Label® 2012 SILVER Award GdeiG Black Label 2005 Brut Millesimato NV 28 place


Brut Rosè D’Antan 2004 Brut Millesimato 2005 Cinque sfere d’eccellenza Brut D’Antan 2004 Brut Millesimato 1997 91 PUNTI GdeiG Black Label 2004 Brut Rosè D’Antan 2000 88 points Brut Rosè D’Antan 2000 Brut D’Antan 2000 GdeiG D’antan 2005 Brut D’Antan 2000 Sparkling Star 89 PUNTI 90 points Brut D’Antan 2000 Ecofriendly Brut D’Antan 1999 2015

GdeiG D’antan 2004 90 punti Brut D’antan 1998 GdeiG Black Label 2009 91 points GdeiG Black Label 2014 punti Brut D’Antan 2000 Brut D’antan 1997 Gavi White Label® 2009 89 91/100 Gavi White Label® 2011 88 points 86 punti

Brut Rosè D’Antan 2002 DIPLOMA DI MERITO GdeiG D’antan 2000 I 50 MIGLIORI VINI Tasting note Brut D’Antan 2002 Brut Rosè D’antan NV Brut D’Antan 2000 GdeiG Black Label 2005 Brut D’antan 1999 Brut Millesimato NV 91/100 Brut D’Antan 1993 GdeiG Black Label 2010 28 Brut Millesimato 2004 87/100 Brut Millesimato 2003 Brut Rosè D’antan 1999 place 89/100 Brut Millesimato 1999

LA SCOLCA - Brand Specific • LA SCOLCA - Brand Specific • brand VINI PREMI brand VINI PREMI

Brut Rosè D’Antan 2004 Brut Millesimato 2005 Cinque sfere d’eccellenza Brut D’Antan 2004 Brut Rosè D’Antan 2000 Brut Rosè D’Antan 2000 Brut D’Antan 2000 Sparkling Star Brut D’Antan 2000 Ecofriendly Brut D’Antan 1999 2015

GdeiG D’antan 2004 90 punti GdeiG Black Label 2014 89 punti Brut D’Antan 2000 91/100 Gavi White Label® 2011 86 punti

Brut Rosè D’Antan 2002 GdeiG D’antan 2000 Tasting note Brut D’Antan 2002 Brut D’antan 1999 Brut D’Antan 2000 91/100 Brut D’Antan 1993 GdeiG Black Label 2010 Brut Millesimato 2004 87/100 Brut Millesimato 2003 Brut Rosè D’antan 1999 89/100 Brut Millesimato 1999 brand VINI PREMI brand VINI PREMI

Gavi White Label® 20011 COMMENDED GdeiG Black Label® 2013 bronze 2013 Rugrè Spumante Brut COMMENDED GdeiG Black Label® 2009 Gavi White Label® 20011 bronze 2012 BRONZE Gavi White Label® 2009 Silver

GdeiG Black Label® 2015 GdeiG Black Label® 2015 Brut D’Antan® 2000 GdeiG D’Antan® 2004 Brut D’Antan® 2003 Gavi White Label® 2014 Brut D’Antan® Rosè 2002

Gavi Gold 2010 Gavi White Label® 2011 BRONZE Rosa Chiara Rosè NV La Scolca looking far away

LA SCOLCA - Brand Specific • GAVI

Wine and

AZIENDA VITIVINICOLA LA SCOLCA Strada per Rovereto 170/r - 15066 Gavi (AL) Tel. +39.0143.68.21.76 Fax +39.0143.68.21.97 [email protected]