Historical events leading up to the beginning, foundation and organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, for which this publication is indebted to the "Church Chronology," compiled by Andrew Jensen, assistant Church Historian, "The Doctrine and Covenants of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints," "Containing the Revelations Given to , Jr., The Prophet, for the Building Up of the Kingdom of God in the Last Days," divided into verses by , Sr., "The Pearl of Great Price," "a Selection from the Revelations, Translations and Narrations of Joseph Smith, Jr.," divided into chapters and verses by James E. Talmage, and the "History of Utah," by Orson F. Whitney,

Note:—These historical facts are presented in connection with this work to show why Utah was settled at the time it was; to show the spirit that imbued these pioneers to suffer the privations, hardships, sacrifices and deaths they did, that they might have a home and country where they could worship God according to the dictates of their conscience and in accord with their religious creed. AUTHOR.

During the two first decades of the Nineteenth Century 1818.—'November 9.— was born in St. Johns­ a number of men who were destined to take a most active bury, Caledonia Co., Vt. part In the ushering in of the new gospel dispensation were 1820.—The Baptists, Methodists and Presbyterians held born. Chief among these was the Prophet Joseph Smith. protracted revival meetings in and about Palmyra, N. Y., 1805.—December 23.—Joseph Smith, the Prophet, was born which resulted in great contention among the preachers and in Sharon, Windsor Co., Vt. members of the different sects who sought to influence the Among the men, older than the Prophet, who became in­ new converts to join their respective churches. Joseph timately associated with him in establishing the Latter-day Smith, Jr. (then about fourteen years old), being unable to work, were the following: decide which of all the sects was right, and being deeply Joseph Smith, Sr., born July 12, 1771, in Topsfield, Essex impressed with the promise in James 1, 5: "If any of you Co., Mass. lack wisdom, let him ask of God that giveth to all men Martin Harris, born May 18, 1783, in Easttown, Saratoga liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him," re­ Co., N. Y. tired to a grove near his father's house, early in the spring , born Feb. 19, 1793, in St. Clair, Allegheny of the year, where he sought the Lord in earnest prayer. While thus engaged, he beheld two glorious beings wrapped Edward Hunter, born June 22, 1793, in Newtown, Delaware in a brilliant light, standing above him in the air. One of them spoke to him, calling him by name, and said (pointing , born Aug. 27, 1793, in Pittsfleld, Berk­ to the other), "This is my beloved S'on, hear Him." Joseph shire Co., Mass. then asked the personages, standing above him in the light, Newel K. Whitney, born Feb. 5, 1795, in Marlborough. which of the sects was right and which he should join. Windham Co., Vt. He was answered that he must join none of them, for they , born May 9, 1796, in Fairfield, Herkimer were all wrong. The person speaking said further that all Co., N. Y. their creeds "were an abomination in his sight and that John E. Page, born Feb. 25, 1799, in Trenton, Oneida Co., "those professors were all corrupt." "They draw near to N. Y. me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; they Thomas B. Marsh, born Nov. 1, 1799, in Acton, Middlesex teach for doctrine the commandments of men, having a form Co., Mass. of godliness; but they deny the power thereof." , born Feb. 9, 1800, in Tunbridge, Orange 1821.—April 2.—Franklin Dewey Richards was born in Co., Vt. Richmond, Berkshire Co., Mass. David W. Patten, bom about 1800, in the S'tate of New 1823.—September 21.—Joseph Smith, Jr., while engaged in York. earnest prayer in his father's house in Manchester, near , born June 1, 1801, in Whitingham, Wind­ Palmyra, N. Y., saw the room in which he had retired for ham Co., Vt. the night filled with light surpassing that of noonday, in Heber Chase Kimball, born June 14, 1801, at Sheldon, the midst of which stood a person dressed in white, whose Franklin Co., Vt. countenance was as lightning, and yet full of innocence , born June 24, 1804, at Hopkinton, and goodness. This was the angel Moroni (sometimes er­ Middlesex Co., Mass. roneously called Nephi), who informed Joseph that God had David Whitmer, bora Jan. 7, 1805, near Harrisburg, Dau­ a work for him (Joseph) to do, and that his "name should phin Co., Pa. be had for good and evil among all nations." The angel , taorn Jan. 28, 1805, in Oxford, New Haven Co. quoted many passages of Scripture, and told Joseph that Conn. the native inhabitants of America were a remnant of Israel Oliver Cowdery, born October, 1805, in Wells, Rutland Co., who had anciently enjoyed the ministry of inspired men, Vt. that records engraved on plates of gold, containing their 1806.—Wm. E. McLellin was born this year in Tennessee. history and also the fulness of the everlasting Gospel had 1807.—March 1.— was bom in Farming- been preserved and were buried in a neighboring hill. ton, Hartford Co., Conn. While conversing with the angel, a vision was opened to April 12.—Farley Parker Pratt was bora in Burling Joseph's view, so that he could see the place where the ton, Otsego Co., N. Y. plates were deposited, and he was told by the angel that he November 3.—'Luke S'. Johnson was born in Pomfret, Wind­ should obtain them at some future day, if he was faithful. sor Co., Vt. After Imparting many instructions, the angel disappeared, 1808.—November 1.— was born in Milnthorpe, but returned twice during the night, and repeated what he Westmoreland, England. had said on his first visit; he also gave further instructions. 1809.—August 21.—Charles Coulson Rich was born in September 22.—Joseph Smith, Jr., was again visited by the Campbell County, Mass. angel Moroni and received further instructions. He related 1811.—February 22.-—Ezra Taft Benson was born in Men­ what he had seen and heard to his father, who believed his don, Worcester Co., Mass. words, and advised him to do as he had been instructed. March 13.—Wm. Smith was bora in Royalton, Windsor He then went to the hill (Cumorah) that he had seen in Co., Vt. his vision the previous night, and soon found the spot where September 19.—Orson Pratt was bora in Hartford, Wash­ the plates containing the ancient records were buried In a ington Co., N. Y. stone box. He lifted the lid of the box and beheld "the September 20.—John P. Boynton was born in Bradford, plates, the Urim and Thummim and breastplate, as stated Essex Co., Mass. by the angel." While attempting to "take them out," the October 24.—Lyman Eugene Johnson was born in Pomfret, angel informed him "that the time for bringing them forth Windsor Co., Vt. had not yet arrived, neither would, until four years from 1813.—January 8.—' was born in Royal- that time." ton, Windsor Co., Vt. 1824.—September 22.—Joseph Smith, Jr., again visited the March 30.—Amasa M. Lyman was born in Lyman, Grafton hill Cumorah, according to previous commandment, and Co., N. H. there received further instructions from the angel. On 1814.—April 3.— was born in Mantua, Port­ the same day of the two following years he made similar age Co., Ohio. , . — visits to the hill, receiving instructions from the angel each October 27.—Daniel Hanmer Wells was bora in Trenton, time. Oneida Co., N. Y. 1827.—January 11.—George Quayle Cannon was born in 1815.—Joseph Smith, Sr., removed with his family from Biverpool, Dancashire, England. Vermont to Palmyra, Wayne Co., N. Y. January 18.—Joseph Smith, Jr., married Emma Hale, a 18ie.—February 21.—Jedediah Morgan Grant was born in daughter of Isaac Hale, while in the employ of Josiah Windsor, Broome Co., N. Y. Stoal, in Chenango County, N. Y. 1817 June 26.—George Albert Smith was born in Pots­ September 22.—The angel Moroni delivered to Joseph dam, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. Smith, Jr., the ancient records, or the plates of the Book 1275