! the WORLD of J ! SPORT 1
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THE* BERMUDA COMMERCIAL AND GENERAL ADVERTISER AND RECORDERI Vol. LXXXVII—No. 83. HAMILTON; BERMUDA, TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1914. SINGLE COPY, l&d (OR 3 CENTS).—20s. PER ANNUM July Stakes, perhaps the oldest race but ii is very doubtful whether he will always beaten on points by men play, Lancashire had only one wicke Canadian, and Sinigaglia the Italian, for two-year-olds in the country. Some ever attain anv success in the ring. quicker than he is. Johnson is quicker to fall and their total was only 100. It easily beact -everyone ttey mst in the famous horses have won it in the past, Against Wells" he was very ack ward than Moran by a good deal. I find noth was hard luck on Warwickshire—sever ScaDs, and great excitement was roused but thc last winner subsequently to and clttnisv, swinging his Wows with ing to object to or to criticise in any was victory better deserved. To have when ttey met each other in the sanri- ! THE WORLD OF j win the Derby was Lord Rosehery's out much "idea as to direction. Some way in Johnsoa's style of boxing. it snatched from them at tte very final to-day. It fe pretty certain that Cicero on 1904. Tbis year there were one had evidently told him that, Car His method hardly varies. His chief moment of triumph in that way almost the inner of thfe teat—Singaglia only four runners of whom Mr. Bassett's pentier fashion, he- must hurtle Wells, attack is always with uppercnts of suggests that the Clerk of the Weather will win the final to-morrow. There Roseland so completely dwarfed the But tte rushing tactics of thc Aus the two arms. He is immensely ad is a Lancashire lad. wasa great and grucrling race ia the ! SPORT 1 others in iioint of merit as to be made tralian were very different from those vantaged by thc power of those form semi-finals for the; Grand to-day when i —— I a long odds-on-favourite. He won in of the incomparable French boy. It idable arms, those arms erf copper, LAWN TENNIS. the ^Canadians mit Harvard. Every a canter by six lengths and this son of was the bull necked rush of the gigan which fatugue and paralyse his ad Britisher cheered till his lungs burst { Front Our Special Correspondents ( William the Third is unquestionably tic Porthos compared with the serpent versary. I have said Johnson has still Some great and historic duels have to urge on the Winnipeg crew, who one of the best young horses of the onslaught of thc furious D'Artagnan. to be reckoned with, but his great day been fought out over the nets on the made a desp rate and plucky fight a season. Others are Lady Josephine Carpentier is said to have received fe over. Of one thing I am sure. In Wimbledon courts, but never a dourer tte way, but were beaten by three- and King Priam, both Ascot winners. £400 10 referee the Paris match, two years, one year, perhaps even fight mor a more dramatic finish was quarters of a length in the "equals London, July 3rd, 1914 by thc way, a nice little sum for an less, his conqureor, be he white or seen there, or perhaps anywhere els? record ftime of s~ven minut-s dead. Roseland is not the only high class evenings amusement, but he was a two-year-old at this Newmarket meet black will come. And Johnson does than thc struggle between Norman Harvard po-wes; *. staying power ami THE TURF. great draw. The French ladies simply not grow younger. I can see ahead Brookes, tte Australian champion, a trcmemdoiis, alni'ist irres"stible dash ing. At Ascot he had just failed to idolise him. Bell mav console himself give ;lbs. to Colonel Hall Walkers very clearly a line of succession to and Otto Froitzheim, thc voting Ger but the critics exp-ct B >s >i tj cat Main Englishmen who arc con that he onlv suffered" at the hands of Johnson—the negroes Langford and man, ia thc final of the .Ml Comer them in the final to-morrow. Bo-stou debutant. "Let Fl\," a handsome Wells preciselv what Wells did at the cerned with the racing have (our Corrc- son of White Eagle who now came Joe Jeanette—followed by Gunboat competition for thc World's Lawn out-paced the Germans in to-day's pondent "Centaur" writes) been keen hands—large " and heft v hands—oT Smith—or myself. Qui vivra verra". Tennis Championship. It seemed at semi-final but the Germans were not out again to win the Exeter Stakes. Gunboat Smith. When Wells is at ly interested in the race for the Grand He had not a big task, but he won in first as though it was to be a runaway outclassed, and did not accpt what fe Prix de Paris," which was decided on all in training, as he was to meet the CRICKET. victory fox Brookes. At the start their first defeTt anywhere without snch immaculate fashion as to suggest Australian—he can be rcKed on to teat Sunday last at Longchamp, that lovely he must be right among the top class. Froitzheitu was so nervous that he making a pounding hell-for-lealh ••: course in the Bois de Boulogne. There mere plucky but ilumsy fighter. But A lew years back (writes Mr. Gil hit the ball nearly as often with thc race of h. It will be a great day fee Another smart two-year-old winner let ihat fighter be also a reasanably were many present to see what happily at the meeting is Security, who won bert Jessop) agitation was aroused wood of hfe racquet as with ttegut.aad America at Henley to-morrow—a raoe proved to lie one of the finest races good boxer, and "habct". Som? of over the artificial preparation of wickets in the first two -pets, he won only three for the Grand, the Mae ribbon of the Brocklesby- Stakes in the first week the alleged critics are now talking of witnessed on any racecourse for many of the season for Lord VSEers. She which it was claimed gave too unfair games. Then came the calm confidence amteur roing, at English Henley, tlie years. Moreover, why --hould not the Bombardier as world's champion an advantage to batsmen. At tte of despair. The German begun to make very Mecca of England's premier still retains her form as she showed again, and suggesting another meeting English breeders and owners be much by taking the Stud Produce Stakes. present moment it would seem, judg better and cleaner shots, and, for tte sport, between crews of Harvard concerned with this particular event. with Carpentier. 1 imagine thc latter, ing from reports which reach me, as first time, we saw something Hke the graduates and undergreduates—rfor Many young horses that win early whether he win against the "C.unboat" It is one of the few important Erench in the season train right off and are to the state of many of our County Froitzheim who defeated Hope Crisp, Boston id to Harvard much more th in races open to any country*. In this, of or not. will always IK- happy to oblige pitches, that pluck even more than Royden Dash, Arthur Lowe, J. C. Leander is to Oxford—on Independence never heard A again. For the second Wells at any old time. He is aiming at course, it differs from the French vear in succession Santair won the Duke skill is required successfully to negoti Parke and T. M. Mavrogordaro. Day, won't there b^ "SJIB:" racket I Derby in which English horses are bigger game, as the foliwoing speci ate fast bowling. The prevalence of Gradually Brookes's fierce service placed Some of the Yankee millionaires who of Cambridge's Handicap—a £1,000 ally contributed article shows. not allowed to compete though, as 1111it- r.i •• . This is an enormous horse what fa termed sporting wickets no with superb accuracy to the back are now up river will be wanting to is generallv well known, the French and it might lie imagined that he is doubt tends towards matches arriving hand, was mastered. The German's "buy up" Henley, lock, stock and are always welcome ui Epsom for our barrcll, and old church into th_' bargaib ttnsuited by li.ird going, but he just FRENCH CHAMPION'S VIEWS at a definite issue but at tte same time drives became of better length, and own Derby. It is otherwise, as has revels in it and after a pretty finish he it lends itself to the danger of breeding after a gallant fight, the set was won by and present it to Harvard Cmversiry been remarked, where the Grand* Prix defeated Air. C.corge Edwardes' Drin- AND HOPES. a generation of bowlers whose sole him * 7-5. This seemed to be the as a slight mo men to! is concerned, and certainly it attracts ttiorc bv a neck. virtue is ability to send down short turning point. When the German took onr breeders, a*, niav be gathered from " Has it ever struck you", writes deliveries at a fast pace. It used to be the fourth set at 6—4, after leadng 5 — 1 the fact that for the event decided Of course the event of the third day- Georges Carpentier, "how odd it is to said at one time of a famous enclosure he appeared to have obtained a tight last Sunday there were originally IID was the success of Lord CadoganV.