308 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 158, Pt. 1 January 25, 2012

GABBY as well with an extraordinary ures of my life to have met GABBY GIF- forming a basic but important act of citizen- mom and dad and an extraordinary FORDS and to have served with her in ship that’s at the heart of our greatness as a partner in life. this body. nation. They will be remembered always by Mark, we owe you a debt of grati- We have all been through such a tu- their country and by their Congress. tude. Our country owes you a debt of I don’t remember much from that terrible multuous year. The Nation has been day, but I have never forgotten my constitu- gratitude. I look forward to the day through a tumultuous year, no one ents, my colleagues, or the millions of Amer- when you and GABBY will be returning more tumultuous than GABBY and her icans with whom I share great hopes for this here, returned to full health and full family and her constituents in her be- nation. To all of them: Thank you for your ability to serve. loved home city of Tucson, . prayers, your cards, your well wishes, and GABBY, America thanks you. It Being able to be GABBY’s voice today your support. And even as I have worked to thanks you for the example that you and knowing her as well as I do, the regain my speech, thank you for your faith have given of overcoming adversity, one thing that has not been said is that in my ability to be your voice. and doing so with a spirit unparalleled. The only way I ever served my district in GABBY wants her constituents to know, Congress was by giving 100 percent. This past God bless you and Godspeed. her constituents who she loves so much Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I know year, that’s what I have given to my recov- in southern Arizona, that it has been ery. Thank you for your patience. From my that every Member in the House would the greatest professional privilege of first steps and first words after being shot to like to associate himself or herself her life to represent them; that she my current physical and speech therapy, I with the remarks of our distinguished loves them, as a fifth-generation have given all of myself to being able to majority leader and Democratic whip, Tucsonian; that her public service has walk back onto the House floor this year to especially with regard to GABBY, of meant a great deal to her; that this is represent Arizona’s 8th Congressional Dis- trict. However, today I know that now is not course, but also Pia. only a pause in that public service; and It is something that every day we the time. I have more work to do on my re- that she will return one day to public have the Chaplain or the guest chap- covery before I can again serve in elected of- service to represent them, as she has so lain come to the floor and ask God’s fice. capably done for the last 51⁄2 years. This past year my colleagues and staff blessing on this House. As Mr. HOYER And let me just say, a point of per- have worked to make sure my constituents said, one of those blessings to us has sonal privilege, that the last year has were represented in Congress. But if I can’t certainly been the leadership and the been one of the honors of my life. The return, my district deserves to elect a U.S. life and service that will continue for most important thing to remember is Representative who can give 100 percent to many years to come of Congresswoman that no matter what we argue about the job now. For that reason, I have sub- GABBY . mitted the attached letter of resignation to We focus on her. She is our friend. We here on this floor or in this country, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer. look at her remarkable recovery with there is nothing more important than Amid all that was lost on January 8th, great pride. She also carries in her family and friendship, and that should there was also hope and faith. This past year, need for recovery the sorrow of so be held high above all else. I will al- it is what I have often clung to: Hope that our government can represent the best of a many others who lost their lives today. ways carry that in my heart, and even though I know we won’t see each other nation, not the worst. Faith that Americans So the apparent physical recovery that working together—in their communities, in we see is something even more than we every day, GABBY, we’ll be friends for life—for life. our Congress—can succeed without qualifica- could ever imagine for the challenge tion. Hope and faith that even as we are set It is my privilege to read this letter that Congresswoman GIFFORDS has back by tragedy or profound disagreement, faced. on behalf of GABBY and her family and in the end we come together as Americans to God gave her a very special mission. her constituents: set a course toward greatness. He gave it to GABBY GIFFORDS because JANUARY 25, 2012. Everyday, I am working hard. I will re- he knew she could carry that burden Hon. JOHN BOEHNER, cover and will return, and we will work to- gether again, for Arizona and for all Ameri- because he has blessed her with so Speaker of the House, The Capitol, Washington, DC. cans. many, many gifts and a very loving DEAR SPEAKER BOEHNER: In 2001, strongly Sincerely, family to make her the person that she holding the belief that there is no higher GABIELLE GIFFORDS, is. How fortunate we have all been to calling than serving my country, I went from . be part of her life until now and hope- selling tires in my Tucson family business to Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, in appre- fully for a long time to come. being a freshman representative in the Ari- ciation, once again, for your courtesies Now, it is with very mixed emotions, zona State House. And for 10 years I served— in the Arizona legislature, in the United enabling this to happen, I yield back Mr. Speaker, that I yield to GABBY’s the balance of my time. very good and close friend. I say States Congress, and, after marrying Mark, as a proud military spouse. Always I fought ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER ‘‘mixed emotions’’ because we want her for what I thought was right. But never did The SPEAKER. The Chair would re- to stay with us, but, intellectually, we I question the character of those with whom mind all Members to be in proper busi- know that GABBY has made the right I disagreed. Never did I let pass an oppor- ness attire when they come to the floor decision. Hopefully, it will be liber- tunity to join hands with someone just be- of the House. ating for her in many ways but that cause he or she held different ideals. she goes with knowing the close ties we In public service, I found a venue for my f all feel personally to her. pursuit of a stronger America—by ensuring the safety and security of all Americans, by ULTRALIGHT AIRCRAFT SMUG- So, Mr. Speaker, it is my honor to GLING PREVENTION ACT OF 2012 yield the floor now to a very close producing clean energy here at home instead of importing oil from abroad, and by hon- The SPEAKER. Without objection, 5- friend of GABBY, a leader in this House, oring our brave men and women in uniform the gentlelady from Florida, Congress- minute voting will continue. with the benefits they earned. I found a way There was no objection. woman . to care for others. And in the past year, I Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. If I can have found a value that is unbreakable even The SPEAKER. The unfinished busi- ask my colleagues to join me at the by the most vicious of attacks. ness is the vote on the motion to sus- well. The tragic January 8th shooting in Tucson pend the rules and pass the bill (H.R. Thank you, Mr. Speaker and Madam took the lives of six beautiful Americans and 3801) to amend the Tariff Act of 1930 to Leader, Mr. Whip, and Majority Lead- wounded 13 others, me included. Not a day clarify the definition of aircraft and er. goes by that I don’t feel grief for the lives the offenses penalized under the avia- I couldn’t prepare anything this lost and so many others torn apart. Chris- tion smuggling provisions under that tina-Taylor Green, Dorothy Morris, John Act, and for other purposes, on which morning because I knew that I would Roll, Phyllis Schneck, Dorwan Stoddard, and not be able to hold it together for very Gabe Zimmerman embodied the best of the yeas and nays were ordered. long. America. Each in their own way, they com- The Clerk read the title of the bill. I am so proud of my friend, and it mitted their lives to serving their families, The SPEAKER. The question is on will always be one of the great treas- community and country, and they died per- the motion offered by the gentleman

VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:36 Feb 23, 2017 Jkt 019102 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR12\H25JA2.000 H25JA2 rmajette on DSK2TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 25, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 158, Pt. 1 309 from Washington (Mr. REICHERT) that McKeon Rangel Sires ‘‘Yea’’ on rollcall 11, motion to Suspend the the House suspend the rules and pass McKinley Reed Smith (NE) McMorris Rehberg Smith (NJ) Rules and Pass H.R. 3801—to amend the the bill. Rodgers Reichert Smith (TX) Tariff Act of 1930 to clarify the definition of air- This will be a 5-minute vote. McNerney Renacci Smith (WA) craft and the offenses penalized under the Meehan Reyes Southerland aviation smuggling provisions under the Act, The vote was taken by electronic de- Meeks Ribble Speier vice, and there were—yeas 408, nays 0, Mica Richardson Stark and for other purposes. not voting 25, as follows: Michaud Richmond Stearns f Miller (FL) Rigell Stivers [Roll No. 11] Miller (MI) Roby Stutzman APPOINTMENT AS MEMBER OF Miller (NC) Roe (TN) YEAS—408 Sullivan UNITED STATES-CHINA ECO- Miller, Gary Rogers (AL) Sutton Adams Crenshaw Herrera Beutler Miller, George Rogers (KY) NOMIC AND SECURITY REVIEW Terry COMMISSION Aderholt Critz Higgins Moore Rogers (MI) Thompson (CA) Akin Crowley Himes Moran Rohrabacher Thompson (MS) The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Alexander Cuellar Hinojosa Mulvaney Rokita Thompson (PA) Altmire Cummings Hirono Murphy (CT) Rooney CHAFFETZ). The Chair announces the Thornberry Amash Davis (CA) Hochul Murphy (PA) Roskam Tiberi Speaker’s appointment, pursuant to Amodei Davis (IL) Holden Myrick Ross (AR) Tierney section 1238(b)(3) of the Floyd D. Andrews Davis (KY) Holt Nadler Ross (FL) Tipton Austria DeGette Honda Napolitano Rothman (NJ) Spence National Defense Authorization Tonko Baca DeLauro Hoyer Neal Roybal-Allard Act for Fiscal Year 2001 (22 U.S.C. 7002), Bachmann Denham Huelskamp Neugebauer Royce Towns Tsongas as amended, and the order of the House Bachus Dent Huizenga (MI) Noem Runyan of January 5, 2011, of the following Baldwin DesJarlais Hultgren Nugent Ruppersberger Turner (NY) Barletta Diaz-Balart Hunter Nunes Rush Turner (OH) member on the part of the House to the Barrow Dicks Hurt Nunnelee Ryan (OH) Upton United States-China Economic and Se- Bartlett Dingell Inslee Olson Ryan (WI) Van Hollen ´ curity Review Commission for a term Barton (TX) Doggett Israel Olver Sa´ nchez, Linda Velazquez Bass (CA) Dold Issa Owens T. Visclosky to expire December 31, 2013: Bass (NH) Donnelly (IN) Jackson (IL) Palazzo Sanchez, Loretta Walberg Mr. Daniel M. Slane, Ohio. Walden Becerra Doyle Jackson Lee Pallone Sarbanes f Benishek Dreier (TX) Pascrell Scalise Walsh (IL) Berg Duffy Jenkins Pastor (AZ) Schakowsky Walz (MN) REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER Wasserman Berkley Duncan (SC) Johnson (GA) Paulsen Schiff AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 3784 Biggert Duncan (TN) Johnson (IL) Payne Schilling Schultz Bilbray Edwards Johnson (OH) Pearce Schmidt Waters Mr. LANGEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I ask Waxman Bilirakis Ellison Johnson, E. B. Pelosi Schock unanimous consent that my name be Bishop (GA) Ellmers Johnson, Sam Pence Schrader Webster Bishop (NY) Emerson Jones Perlmutter Schwartz Welch removed as a cosponsor to H.R. 3784. Bishop (UT) Engel Jordan Peters Schweikert West The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Black Eshoo Kaptur Peterson Scott (SC) Westmoreland MCKINLEY). Is there objection to the Blackburn Farenthold Keating Petri Scott (VA) Whitfield Blumenauer Fattah Kelly Pingree (ME) Scott, Austin Wilson (FL) request of the gentleman from Rhode Bonner Filner Kildee Pitts Scott, David Wilson (SC) Island? Bono Mack Fincher Kind Platts Sensenbrenner Wittman There was no objection. Boren Fitzpatrick King (IA) Poe (TX) Serrano Wolf Boswell Flake King (NY) Polis Sessions Womack f Boustany Fleischmann Kingston Pompeo Sewell Woodall b 1100 Brady (PA) Fleming Kinzinger (IL) Posey Sherman Woolsey Brooks Flores Kissell Price (GA) Shimkus Yarmuth ADJOURNMENT TO FRIDAY, Broun (GA) Forbes Kline Price (NC) Shuler Yoder JANUARY 27, 2012 Brown (FL) Fortenberry Kucinich Quayle Shuster Young (FL) Buchanan Foxx Labrador Quigley Simpson Young (IN) Mr. MCHENRY. Mr. Speaker, I ask Bucshon Frank (MA) Lamborn unanimous consent that when the Buerkle Franks (AZ) Lance NOT VOTING—25 Burgess Frelinghuysen Landry Ackerman Farr Paul House adjourns today, it adjourn to Butterfield Fudge Langevin Berman Gosar Rahall meet at 11 a.m. on Friday, January 27, Calvert Gallegly Lankford Brady (TX) Granger Rivera 2012, and further when the House ad- Camp Garamendi Larsen (WA) Braley (IA) Herger Ros-Lehtinen journs on that day, it adjourn to meet Canseco Gardner Larson (CT) Burton (IN) Hinchey Slaughter at noon on Tuesday, January 31, 2012, Cantor Garrett Latham Campbell LaTourette Watt Capito Gerlach Latta Culberson Loebsack Young (AK) for morning-hour debate and 2 p.m. for Capps Gibbs Lee (CA) DeFazio Luetkemeyer legislative business. Capuano Gibson Levin Deutch Mack Cardoza Giffords Lewis (CA) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Carnahan Gingrey (GA) Lewis (GA) b 1055 objection to the request of the gen- Carney Gohmert Lipinski tleman from North Carolina? Carson (IN) Gonzalez LoBiondo So (two-thirds being in the affirma- There was no objection. Carter Goodlatte Lofgren, Zoe tive) the rules were suspended and the Cassidy Gowdy Long f Castor (FL) Graves (GA) Lowey bill was passed. Chabot Graves (MO) Lucas The result of the vote was announced PERMISSION TO FILE REPORTS ON Chaffetz Green, Al Luja´ n as above recorded. SUNDRY LEGISLATION Chandler Green, Gene Lummis A motion to reconsider was laid on Chu Griffin (AR) Lungren, Daniel Mr. MCHENRY. Mr. Speaker, I ask Cicilline Griffith (VA) E. the table. unanimous consent that the Com- Clarke (MI) Grijalva Lynch Stated for: mittee on the Budget have until 3 p.m. Clarke (NY) Grimm Maloney Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, on roll- Clay Guinta Manzullo on Monday, January 30, 2012, to file re- Cleaver Guthrie Marchant call No. 11, on Wednesday, January 25, 2012, ports on the following measures: H.R. Clyburn Gutierrez Marino I was unable to vote due to unavoidable cir- 3582, H.R. 3578, and H.R. 3581. Coble Hahn Markey cumstances. Had I been present, I would have The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Coffman (CO) Hall Matheson voted, ‘‘yea.’’ Cohen Hanabusa Matsui objection to the request of the gen- Cole Hanna McCarthy (CA) PERSONAL EXPLANATION tleman from North Carolina? Conaway Harper McCarthy (NY) Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I regret There was no objection. Connolly (VA) Harris McCaul Conyers Hartzler McClintock missing floor votes on Wednesday, January f Cooper Hastings (FL) McCollum 25, 2012. Had I registered my votes, I would Costa Hastings (WA) McCotter have voted: PERMISSION FOR MEMBER TO Costello Hayworth McDermott ‘‘Yea’’ on rollcall 10, motion to Suspend the INSERT EXTRANEOUS MATERIAL Courtney Heck McGovern Cravaack Heinrich McHenry Rules and Pass H.R. 1022—the Buffalo Sol- Mr. MCHENRY. Mr. Speaker, I ask Crawford Hensarling McIntyre diers in the National Parks Study Act; unanimous consent that the gentleman

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