
June 18, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 12 16117 Louisiana, as a weapons loading offi- THE JOURNAL And that’s just the way it is. cer. He has since had assignments in The SPEAKER pro tempore. The f the Philippines, North Dakota, Ne- Chair has examined the Journal of the RECOGNIZING ADMIRAL EDMUND braska, here in Washington, , last day’s proceedings and announces GIAMBASTIANI Germany, Utah, Ohio, Florida, and to the House his approval thereof. (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina most recently a return engagement to Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- asked and was given permission to ad- Hill Air Force Base as Commander of nal stands approved. the Ogden Air Logistics Center. dress the House for 1 minute and to re- General Sullivan is the longest serv- f vise and extend his remarks.) ing commander in the history of the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Ogden ALC and he has led with superb The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the Speaker, in the coming months, the application of financial, human and gentleman from Texas (Mr. POE) come Navy will lose one of its material resources during his tenure. forward and lead the House in the greatest leaders. ADM Edmund P. Despite living the itinerant life that Pledge of Allegiance. Giambastiani, Jr., will retire as vice is part and parcel of the Air Force, and Mr. POE led the Pledge of Allegiance chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in despite his affection and affinity to his as follows: August of this year. Admiral Giambastiani has held this post since alma mater, we consider Kevin and I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the June to be true Utahns, and we look United States of America, and to the Repub- August 2005. forward to their future visits, official lic for which it stands, one nation under God, A native of Canastota, , Ad- and not-so-official. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. miral Giambastiani graduated from the General Sullivan, please accept my f U.S. Naval Academy with leadership heartfelt thanks for your outstanding distinction in 1970. Admiral leadership and stewardship at Hill Air APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO Giambastiani and his wife, Cindy, have Force Base during the past 4 years and DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER MEMO- two children, Pete and Cathy. my very best wishes upon your impor- RIAL COMMISSION We are grateful to work closely with tant new assignment. You exemplify The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Pete, who serves as military legislative the tradition of ‘‘Integrity first, Serv- ant to 16 U.S.C. 431 note, and the order assistant to Congressman JEFF MILLER ice before self, and Excellence in all we of the House of January 4, 2007, the of Florida. Pete, an academy graduate do’’ that is the hallmark of the United Chair announces the Speaker’s ap- and lieutenant in the Navy, followed States Air Force. pointment of the following Members of proudly in his father’s footsteps. f the House to the Dwight D. Eisenhower I appreciate Admiral Giambastiani, Memorial Commission: his family, and their service to the peo- RECESS Mr. MOORE, Kansas ple of the United States. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Mr. BOSWELL, Iowa In conclusion, God bless our troops, ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair Mr. THORNBERRY, Texas and we will never forget September 11. declares the House in recess until 2 Mr. MORAN, Kansas f p.m. today. f Accordingly (at 12 o’clock and 38 ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER minutes p.m.), the House stood in re- IT’S STILL A BAD DEAL PRO TEMPORE cess until 2 p.m. (Mr. POE asked and was given per- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- f mission to address the House for 1 ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair minute.) will postpone further proceedings b 1400 Mr. POE. Mr. Speaker, the ‘‘Grand today on motions to suspend the rules AFTER RECESS Bargain’’ is what people are calling the on which a recorded vote or the yeas The recess having expired, the House new inclusive, comprehensive give- and nays are ordered, or on which the was called to order by the Speaker pro America-away immigration bill. Since vote is objected to under clause 6 of tempore (Mr. CARDOZA) at 2 p.m. it got nowhere in the Senate last week, rule XX. Senators have returned to the back Record votes on postponed questions f room and behind closed doors to come will be taken after 6:30 p.m. today. PRAYER up with a ‘‘Greater Grand Bargain’’ f than before. In other words, throw in The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. RECOGNIZING FOR something for the left, more family re- Coughlin, offered the following prayer: ENRICHING THE NATION’S CUL- unification for illegals, and something Great Creator and Ruler of the uni- TURAL LIFE WITH ‘‘50 YEARS OF for the right, more border security verse, every creature of Yours quickens SOUL’’ to a new day. Each in proper order promises, and this all done in an effort gives You glory simply by its being. to get a deal, any deal, passed quickly. Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Speaker, I move Every plant, animal and element lives Of course, the underlying principle of to suspend the rules and agree to the according to its own unique pattern of this deal is if you are here illegally, resolution (H. Res. 154) recognizing life as beautiful, irregular or routine as you’re going to get to stay. Stax Records for enriching the Na- that may be. Now, smart people on the left and the tion’s Cultural life with ‘‘50 years of Only we, as Your people, with minds right say this is not amnesty. Of course soul,’’ as amended. and hearts can spontaneously and con- they say it’s not amnesty because The Clerk read the title of the resolu- sciously give You praise and thanks. these smart people know Americans tion. Outside our moments of prayer, we are overwhelmingly opposed to am- The text of the resolution is as fol- become focused on primal responsibil- nesty. So they call it a reform. lows: ities. In doing so, Lord, we continue to Mr. Speaker, if 12 to 20 million people H. RES. 154 give You glory by simply performing are on our land illegally, and shall I Whereas the origins of may our work with dedication and whole- speak politically incorrect and call it be traced back to Memphis, ; hearted effort, by following Your holy trespassing, and if they pay some kick- Whereas integrates elements of inspiration and by keeping Your com- back fees to Uncle Sam but get to stay gospel music and rhythm and ; mands. Empower us with Your spirit, on our land, it’s still amnesty. Whereas soul music became a new genre of American music in the 1950’s with Stax that we may fulfill Your law today, al- So let’s be honest. The new ‘‘Greater Records paving the way for soul recordings; ways trusting in Your promises. Grand Bargain’’ is a bargain for Whereas Stax Records of Memphis, Ten- To Your holy name be all honor and illegals, but a costly, bad deal for nessee is an icon of the American recording praise, forever and ever. Amen. Americans. industry;

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:56 May 21, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR07\H18JN7.000 H18JN7 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 16118 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 12 June 18, 2007 Whereas Stax Records produced some of traced back to Memphis, Tennessee, ment. The music behind these singers the earliest recordings by such soul music the home of Stax Records. was more varied than in early days, legends as , , the Stax Records produced some of the and some of it was recorded outside Staple Singers, , Luther earliest recordings of soul music leg- Memphis, but the spirit of Stax was Ingram, , the Bar-Kays, Booker T. and the M.G.’s, , The Mar- ends including Isaac Hayes, Otis Red- burning as brightly as ever. Keys, Sam & Dave, B.B. King, Rufus and ding, and B.B. King. Over time, other The thing that made Stax go was , and many other artists whose important recordings were produced at teamwork; and when artists visited the work continues to exert a profound influence their studios, including works from the studio, they could feel it. The halls on popular music today; Reverend Jesse Jackson, Bill Cosby were always full of people who seemed Whereas Stax Records also produced im- and . to be working furiously, dropping in on portant recordings by, among others, the Throughout 2007, the Memphis Con- friends in their offices, or heading Reverend Jesse Jackson, Bill Cosby, and vention and Visitors Bureau, Concord down to Studio A to check on the Richard Pryor; Music Group/Stax Records, and the Whereas Memphis, Tennessee, over 5 dec- progress of a mixing session. The co- ades as the epicenter of all genres of soul Soulsville Foundation will celebrate operation between white and black mu- music, earned the moniker ‘‘Soulsville, American soul music and the 50th anni- sicians and producers was practically USA’’; versary of the founding of Stax Records unprecedented. Indeed, it was one of Whereas the Royal Studio for the Hi with an event titled ‘‘50 Years of Soul.’’ the secrets of the company’s across- Records label served as the birthplace of Mr. Speaker, soul music has greatly the-board success. trailblazing soul artists , Al contributed to the music culture in our On August 20, 1972, the Stax label Green, and of Earth, Wind, Nation and has a lasting influence on reached a pinnacle of success by rep- and Fire who also added to the depth of soul current art forms, such as contem- resenting a major concert, , Memphis produced for the international music community; porary . I would like featuring performances by Stax record- Whereas in 2007 the Memphis Convention to thank the city of Memphis and Stax ing artists and the humor of a rising and Visitors Bureau, Concord Music Group/ Records for their commitment to this young comedian named Richard Pryor. Stax Records, and the Soulsville Foundation inspirational music, and I encourage Known as the ‘‘Black Woodstock,’’ will celebrate American soul music and the my colleagues to pass this resolution. Wattstax was hosted by Reverend Jesse 50th anniversary of the founding of Stax Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Jackson and drew a crowd of over 10,000 Records through their ‘‘50 Years of Soul’’ my time. attendees, most of them African Amer- celebration; and Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I ican. Wattstax was filmed by motion Whereas the influence of soul music per- yield myself such time as I may con- meates some modern music art forms, in- picture director , and a con- cluding Contemporary R & B, and deepens sume. cert film of the event was released to American music history and the Nation’s Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support theaters by Columbia Pictures in Feb- cultural life: Now, therefore, be it of H. Res. 154, recognizing Stax Records ruary 1973. Resolved, That the House of Representa- for enriching the Nation’s cultural life The influence of soul music per- tives— with its 50 years of soul. meates nearly all of today’s modern (1) recognizes the 50th anniversary of the Stax Records is a name which is syn- music art forms and has deepened founding of Stax Records and its role in onymous with Southern soul music. American music history and the Na- launching the careers of many legendary The record label began as Satellite soul music artists; tion’s cultural life. Today, we recog- (2) recognizes the important role Memphis, Records in Memphis, Tennessee, in nize the 50th anniversary of the found- Tennessee played in immortalizing soul 1959. Founded by Jim Stewart, a former ing of Stax Records and its role in music; and country fiddler, and , the launching the careers of many leg- (3) recognizes the continuing contributions company had its first top 10 hit in 1961 endary soul music artists. and influence of soul music to America’s with ‘‘Gee Whiz’’ by Carla Thomas. For these reasons, I ask my col- music history and cultural life. During the next few years, Stax devel- leagues to support this resolution. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- oped a branch of music which was to Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of ant to the rule, the gentleman from Ar- have worldwide repercussions. With its my time. izona (Mr. GRIJALVA) and the gen- house rhythm section, better known as Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Speaker, I yield tleman from Utah (Mr. BISHOP) each Booker T. and the MGs, its tight horn as much time as he may consume to will control 20 minutes. section, which later became the Mem- the gentleman from Tennessee (Mr. The Chair recognizes the gentleman phis Horns, and its gospel-rooted re- COHEN), the sponsor of the resolution. from Arizona. cording artists such as Otis Redding Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, I appre- GENERAL LEAVE and Sam and Dave, Stax virtually cre- ciate the opportunity to speak on Stax Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Speaker, I ask ated contemporary soul music. and 50 years of soul music that my unanimous consent that all Members The death of Otis Redding in 1967 sig- hometown, Memphis, Tennessee, has have 5 legislative days to revise and ex- naled the end of the first Stax era, but provided this Nation. H. Res. 154 recog- tend their remarks and include extra- it was soon to be revitalized with a suc- nizes the rich history of Stax, its 50- neous material on the resolution under cessful new breed of Stax artists, in- year celebration. consideration. cluding Isaac Hayes. In his own way, Last Saturday in Memphis, we start- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Hayes developed a unique blend, part ed what’s called ‘‘Seven Days of Soul,’’ objection to the request of the gen- , part soul, part easy listening. He honoring 7 days of soul, and while tleman from Arizona? talked on his records in a mellow, ban- we’re honoring 7 days of soul starting There was no objection. tering manner, and he used an orches- last Saturday, the rest of the year is Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Speaker, I yield tra in many ways to provide instru- just as good in Memphis. Every day is myself such time as I may consume. mental cushioning. In many ways, good in Memphis, and every day’s real- Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize Hayes was a founding father of the ly good on this Earth. the influence of soul music on this Na- sweet soul of the 1970s. Soul music is a special part of Amer- tion and the contributions of the city Stax’s roster ran the gamut of black ican music, and I wish to quote from of Memphis, Tennessee, and Stax popular music. Albert King displayed The Commercial Appeal, which did a Records for enriching the Nation’s cul- his great personality, playing his gui- special feature on Stax and soul this tural life with 50 years of soul. tar with a bluesy sense of urgency. The past week by Mr. Bob Negr. He quotes Soul music became a new genre of Staple Singers were at their artistic Peter Guralnick, great rock and roll American music in the and incor- peak when they recorded for Stax dur- raconteur, and he says, what soul porates various types of music includ- ing the late 1960s and early 1970s, turn- music is is the story of blacks and ing gospel and rhythm and blues. The ing out records that blended a utopian whites together. It is the story of the origins of Southern soul music can be social vision with rhythmic excite- complicated intertwinings of dirt-poor

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:56 May 21, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR07\H18JN7.000 H18JN7 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD June 18, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 12 16119 roots and middle-class dreams, aes- Memphis and visit the Stax Museum of MGs, , William Bell Mavis thetic ambitions and social strivings, American Soul Music. The many exhib- Staples, and the the anarchic impulse and the business its there include award-winning docu- Reddings will be honoring their father, ethic. mentary film and an authentic 100- the late legendary Otis Redding. Guralnick, while not a Memphian, year-old Delta church that I am honored this resolution recog- has been a great recounter of stories of was home to the gospel roots of soul nizes their talents, as well as such leg- Memphis music. He’s done a lot with music, original studio equipment, cos- endary artists as Aretha Franklin, who Elvis, and he’s done a lot with Stax. tumes, artwork and memorabilia in- was born in Memphis; B.B. King; Albert And Memphis has got the roux that has tended to preserve the legacy of Amer- King, no relation, but just as good at made music what it’s been in America. ican soul music and its contributions putting hot licks on those guitars; the At Sun Records, things came to- worldwide. Memphis Horns, & An- gether, and Sam Phillips put them to- Stax was founded in 1957, not on a drew Love, Sam & Dave, the Mar-Keys; gether there, and , a sta- specific day with a cornerstone laid by and even though not on Stax Records, ple of Stax, recorded at Sun Records. the masons, but generally in 1957. and his legendary producer That was a fusion of music, just as That’s the way soul music was. There Willie Mitchell can’t not be mentioned Stax and soul music is a fusion of is not exactly a date for it. It’s just for all they did for Memphis music. rhythm and blues and gospel music. kind of a thing that happened. It was was a great . , one of the famous Jim Stewart and his sister, Estelle He’ll be there too in the Stax Days. Booker T. and the MGs and Axton. Jim Stewart’s last name, Stew- Stax Records was something special for song writers, along with Duck Dunn, art starts with S-t, and Ms. Axton’s, Memphis and the country. It lives on Booker T. Jones and the late Al Jack- Ax, together S-t-a-x. Stax Records through the museum, but it also lives son, said, the main reason Stax was so came together with Jim Stewart and on through now the Concord Music singular and phenomenal was that we Estelle Axton. They put the Stax in Group, which just announced the re- had no idea what we were doing. Kind Stax music. launch of Stax Records as a creative of reminds you of Congress on occa- Stax Records brought forth so many home for present-day soul stars such as sion, like last week, but we had no idea hits. Otis Redding, ‘‘(Sittin’ on) The , , Lalah Hathaway what we were doing. I guess you’d say Dock of the Bay,’’ and I have got to and who will be performing there was a kind of magic in not know- parenthetically relate a personal story. as well, and they will be joined along ing, and that made it special. I was a freshman at Vanderbilt Univer- with other heritage artists such as As Cropper noted, everything that sity one night when Otis Redding per- Isaac Hayes to record on this label made Stax great was, at its essence, formed in the Bar-Kays. The Bar-Kays, which has returned to its prominent beautifully raw and largely untutored. a great instrumental group, ‘‘Soul Fin- place in Memphis and hopefully a Certainly, that kind of description ger’’ was their big hit. , prominent place in the charts. makes so many things in America so James Alexander are the surviving It is a great honor and privilege that great. members. the House of Representatives would Mr. Speaker, what made Stax so Two days after they performed at consider this bill today. I am thankful great was it was a natural energy and Vanderbilt, their plane crashed. Just as to have the opportunity to sponsor this it was a coming together of blacks and when the Big Bopper’s plane crashed, legislation because of the great impact whites. The there was soul music would have crashed. We lost soul music has had on my life, the lives Booker T. and the MGs. Steve Copper great, great talents, Otis Redding and of my constituents, so many of us here and Duck Dunn are Caucasian, and Al the Bar-Kays that night. in Congress and so many Americans. Jackson and Booker T. Jones are Afri- Fortunately, Mr. Cauley missed the Tomorrow is Juneteenth. Juneteenth can American. And they put out the plane and Mr. Alexander wasn’t on it. is the anniversary of the last free music. They didn’t put out white on- But it was a night I will remember and emancipation of slaves. The word got ions, they didn’t put out red onions. all students at Vanderbilt will remem- to east Texas that the Emancipation They didn’t put out yellow onions. ber as well. We saw their next-to-last Proclamation had been signed in 1863. They put out ‘‘Green Onions,’’ and be- concert. It wasn’t until 1865, June 19, the news cause of ‘‘Green Onions,’’ the world But Otis came to Memphis to do got to Texas and all the slaves were rocks to a Memphis beat and Stax soul. ‘‘(Sittin’ on) The Dock of the Bay,’’ the freed. It’s appropriate that in Black were two gentle- Staple Singers, ‘‘,’’ Music Month, during the celebration of men, and Wayne Jackson, Sam & Dave, famed for ‘‘Hold On! I’m Juneteenth and weekend before last, one black and one white. That’s the Comin,’’ as well as ‘‘I’m a Soul Man,’’ Middle Passage Weekend, when we cel- story that Memphis had in music, and Gene Knight’s ‘‘Mr. Big Stuff,’’ so ebrate the people who made their pas- it’s the story that Memphis and this many instrumentals by Booker T. & sage, and some were so brave that rath- country need to have to come together the MGs; Eddie Floyd came to Mem- er than put themselves into slavery as and move forward. phis to do ‘‘Knock on Wood.’’ Other Jews at Masada in the same way gave great musicians performed there, the up their lives rather than be enslaved b 1415 Mar-Keys and others. that we honor Stax Records. Stax is an embodiment of the Amer- It is fitting this resolution be consid- It’s going to be a great night Friday ican dream, the promised land, as Dr. ered this month of June, which is night. We will remember our heritage King would call it. I am pleased the Black Music Month. Black Music in Memphis. We will remember our her- House considers this bill today, and Month recognizes the outstanding con- itage in America. And we have a new welcome the gentleman from Arizona’s tributions African American singers future with a recording label, with manager’s amendment which recog- have made to our Nation. Stax Records. I urge every one to be nizes the important role that Memphis This Friday, June 22, the Memphis soulful, to listen to soul music and ask played in immortalizing the great Orpheum Theatre will celebrate this the House of Representatives to pass H. genre of soul music at large. occasion with a concert entitled ‘‘50 Res. 154. Now at the site of the old Stax head- Years of Stax: A Concert to Benefit the Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I quarters and studio on historic Stax Museum of American Soul reserve the balance of my time. McLemore Avenue is the Stax Museum Music.’’ Artists scheduled to perform Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Speaker, I yield of American Soul Music. It is the at the event include such legendary such time as he may consume to the world’s only soul music museum. No talents as Isaac Hayes of ‘‘Shaft’’ fame, gentleman from Illinois (Mr. DAVIS). matter what might say, Mem- and one of the nicest human beings you Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I phis has the world’s only soul music would ever want to meet, and I have also want to thank the gentleman for museum, and you need to come to had that great fortune; Booker T. & the yielding, and I want to commend my

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colleague, Representative COHEN, for phis-originating soul music has offered The Wildcats won their title June 6, introducing this resolution that talks to American music history.’’. 2007, giving them back-to-back cham- about the impact of Stax Records. Al- A motion to reconsider was laid on pionships over the University of Ten- though I am not from Memphis, but the table. nessee Lady Volunteers. Memphis is essentially a part of the f The road to the championship was Delta, and I grew up in the Mississippi not easy for the Wildcats. The Wildcats CONGRATULATING THE UNIVER- Delta, but in the State of Arkansas. So climbed out of the loser’s bracket turn- SITY OF ARIZONA WILDCATS Memphis was always a part of where ing the tournament to face off in the FOR WINNING THE 2007 NCAA DI- we were. best of three championship series VISION I SOFTBALL CHAMPION- Then, of course, Chicago was the ben- against the Lady Volunteers of Ten- SHIP eficiary of a great migration of African nessee. After losing the opener of the Americans who migrated from Mis- Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Speaker, I move series, the Wildcats won the second sissippi, from Memphis, Memphis being to suspend the rules and agree to the game 1–0. The final game of the series the largest town in the area. Individ- resolution (H. Res. 475) congratulating was the most-viewed women’s college uals would oftentimes leave their rural the University of Arizona Wildcats for game on television and was played in communities and first get to Memphis. winning the 2007 National Collegiate front of a sold-out audience. The game Then after they got to Memphis and Athletic Association Division I Soft- was 0–0 until the fifth inning, when the stayed for 2, 3 years, they would make ball Championship. Wildcats scored five runs. Ms. Mowatt, their way to Saint Louis, or they would The Clerk read the title of the resolu- the pitcher, continued to pitch a no- make their way to Chicago. tion. hitter, leading the Wildcats to their So we have a great affinity for the The text of the resolution is as fol- second title in a row. City of Memphis. It’s almost like being lows: For those of us that are alumni and home. H. RES. 475 have the pleasure of living in the com- But also Stax knew where to find tal- Whereas, on June 6, 2007, the University of munity where the Wildcats Women’s ent, and so they came to Chicago and Arizona Wildcats defeated the University of Softball Team has brought us great found people like , Tennessee Lady Volunteers to win the 2007 honor and prestige, know that the ef- whose friends and associates took them National Collegiate Athletic Association Di- fort and the victories are due to great out of the church and put them on a vision I Women’s College World Series Soft- team effort. It’s about teamwork, but stage and a platform far beyond what ball Championship, their eighth such title there are individuals that must be ac- since 1991; knowledged, and it begins with the they otherwise would have been able to Whereas Wildcats pitcher Taryne Mowatt do. head coach, Coach Candrea, who has set a College World Series record for most taken the team to every one of their In addition to its music, Stax was innings pitched, and was named the Most also always seriously engaged and in- Valuable Player of the qualifying tour- championship titles, in addition to volved in what we called, especially nament; leading the United States team to a during the 1960s and 1970s, the Civil Whereas Wildcats players Kristie Fox, Gold Medal in the 2004 Olympics. Acknowledgment has to be extended Rights Movement, relative to putting Jenae Leles, and Caitlin Lowe were selected to the pitcher, Ms. Mowatt, who threw on concerts to benefit events, activi- for the all-tournament team; Whereas the Wildcats, after beginning the 1,035 pitches in eight games in 7 days, ties, raise money for marches, dem- 2007 season with a losing record, completed setting a new women’s college record onstrations. So they were more than the season with a 50–14–1 record; and for pitching 60 innings. just purveyors of music. They were Whereas Wildcats coach Mike Candrea has The members of the team that were purveyors of music, but they were also taken the Wildcats to the College World Se- selected to the all-tournament team part of the liberation movement, part ries 19 times in the last 20 years, winning due to their performance were the of what those of us who grew up during eight College World Series titles: Now, there- fore, be it shortstop, Ms. Fox; third basewoman, the 1960s and 1970s call ‘‘the era of Ms. Leles; and second basewoman, Ms. struggle.’’ Resolved, That the House of Representa- tives— Lowe. So, again, I simply want to commend (1) congratulates the University of Arizona In addition to the team and support my colleague, and, of course, one of the Wildcats on their victory in the National staff, I would like to recognize the end- Staple Singers, a young lady named Collegiate Athletic Association 2007 Division less support of family, friends and fans Cynthia, used to actually work in the I Women’s College World Series Softball who give to the university and support same organization that I worked in, Championship; and the university throughout the whole and she was a member of the Staples (2) recognizes and commends the efforts of season. The victory for U of A Wildcats the University of Arizona Wildcats players, family. The rest of the group, Pervis Women’s Softball Team is celebrated and Mavis and Pops, they were part of coaches, and support staff in achieving their victory. throughout my district and by Wildcat our community. alumni across the world. So I commend Stax. I also commend The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- But I think their victory is more my colleague from Tennessee for tak- ant to the rule, the gentleman from Ar- than a championship title. It is a testa- ing the time to honor their tremendous izona (Mr. GRIJALVA) and the gen- ment of the ability of women and the contributions. tleman from Utah (Mr. BISHOP) each need and the importance of the contin- Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I will control 20 minutes. ued investment in title IX. The victory yield back the balance of my time. The Chair recognizes the gentleman reminds us of that importance every Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Speaker, I yield from Arizona. time that a women’s team at a colle- back the balance of my time. GENERAL LEAVE giate level is as successful as the Uni- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Speaker, I ask versity of Arizona Wildcats and other question is on the motion offered by that all Members have 5 legislative teams. the gentleman from Arizona (Mr. days to revise and extend their re- My congratulations to the University GRIJALVA) that the House suspend the marks and include extraneous material of Arizona Women’s Softball Team for rules and agree to the resolution, H. on the resolution under consideration. their great victory, for the honor that Res. 154, as amended. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there they bring the State, and for the honor The question was taken; and (two- objection to the request of the gen- that they bring women athletics across thirds being in the affirmative) the tleman from Arizona? this Nation. rules were suspended and the resolu- There was no objection. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of tion, as amended, was agreed to. Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Speaker, I rise my time. The title was amended so as to read: today to congratulate the University of Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I ‘‘A resolution recognizing the rich and Arizona Women’s Softball Team on yield myself such time as I may con- resounding impact 50 years of Mem- their eighth national championship. sume.

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