The Bell

The Magazine of the Cathedral and Parish of Llandaff



SUNDAY SERVICES Morning Prayer 7.30am (said) HOLY EUCHARIST 8am (said) 9am (sung, with the Parish Choir), together with Sunday School in Prebendal House, followed by tea/coffee 11am (choral, with the Cathedral Choir) 12.30pm (said, in the Lady Chapel) Evening Prayer 3.30pm (choral, with the Cathedral Choir) Holy Eucharist (BCP 1662) 5.30pm on the First Sunday of the month

WEEKDAY SERVICES HOLY EUCHARIST (* in Welsh) Mon 9.30am Tue 9.30am* 12noon Wed 9.30am Thu 10.00am* 11am Fri 9.30am Sat 9.30am On major Feast Days (or the Eve), there is usually an evening Eucharist; details are published in the magazine, music sheet & weekly notes.

EVENING PRAYER (sung in Cathedral School term-time – see Music Scheme/website for further details) Mon 5.15pm Cathedral School Choral Scholars (Girls) Tue 5.15pm Cathedral Choir (Boys) Wed 5.15pm Cathedral School Choral Scholars (Girls) Thu 5.15pm Cathedral Choir Fri 5.15pm Cathedral Choir (Men) Sat 5.15pm said


From The Very Reverend Gerwyn Capon

Dear Friends, It is odd how quickly bad news stories drop from view of the world’s media. I was sorting through old newspapers recently and could see that over the course of the summer we witnessed some dreadful tragedies; people in a crowd crushed by a lorry in Nice, the callous murder of a priest in Normandy, the killing of disabled people in a Japanese care home, bombings and loss of life in Mogadishu and Kabul and random stabbings in a square in central London. These brutal and barbaric acts of violence are never too far from our daily news and can leave us struggling with feelings of anger, sorrow and fear. How should the Christian faith respond? Tragic and violent death takes us to the very heart of Christian faith, to the Cross on which Jesus suffered. When we meet as Christians to share the bread and wine of The Eucharist, tokens taken by Jesus on the night before his death, we share these now as spirit filled channels of his life, real and present for us to take and make our own. This is at the centre of our worship and it is there to give us ultimate hope. Hope is different from optimism. Optimism is merely passive, expecting good to come, starting from somewhere else. Hope is active, working for good to come, starting with ourselves. Learning to live in hope is the calling of every Christian disciple. Last year in his own parish magazine, the murdered priest Fr Jacques Hamel wrote this; “Do not think holiness is not for us. Holiness does not mean doing extraordinary things. We are sons and daughters of God. It is by living this relationship, day by day, that we become saints.” Little did Fr Jacques know that within a year, his own life would be put on the line; yes as a saint, like all of God’s children, but also as a martyr. The time has surely come for us to stop believing that “we can’t be saints”, to stop focusing on what we think of as our lack of holiness. Instead, now is the time to offer the communities around us, our simple hope, and to witness to Christ’s love. 3

We may be unlikely to experience directly the violence that many people are facing all over the world. But there are other ways in which we need to witness to hope when it is given us to do so, in the face of prejudice, hatred, cynicism and despair. It is my hope that our Cathedral community and its parish may come to value itself as an open and inclusive church. But that will only be true if we all ground our inclusiveness in the values of the Gospel. If we all try to become more inclusive people, respectful, open and humble towards all, we will be well on the way to reject the power of fear and the hatred terrorists so want to inspire. Additional Notes from the Dean 1) Stewardship The PCC has decided to launch a campaign to help us all consider how we support the Cathedral’s ministry. That’s not just paying for the running costs of the building which are now costing less than we receive as income. That is cause for rejoicing and I think congratulations to all who work to achieve this efficiency saving. But the level of financial giving in the Cathedral does not at present allow us to extend our mission and outreach in the ways identified by the PCC, aspirations that will we hope, build and strengthen us. Additional financial commitment is needed to help meet our objectives for the Cathedral’s witness and mission. These chiefly involve building up resilience in terms of clergy and lay ministries of pastoral care, teaching and exploring faith particularly among the younger members of our congregation. Over the remaining part of the year and into the early part of next year, we will want to identify and explore further specific opportunities for mission and this will we trust, inspire members of our congregations to consider how they can commit to supporting the Cathedral’s aims. We give thanks to God for the generosity that is offered continuously by many people in their weekly and monthly giving. But we are trusting that God will prompt those who have not as yet considered a real financial commitment to the Cathedral, no matter how modest that might be. Please remember this vital campaign in your prayers and ask God for His blessing in it. Most of all, join me in asking God to help you consider how you too might respond in love towards His church. 4

2) This edition of The Bell, contains a very encouraging and thought provoking article written by Captain Sir Norman Lloyd Edwards, describing his experience at the Edington Festival this summer. He poses a question as to whether or not the reintroduction of Choral Matins at the Cathedral, might be a welcome development. As we continue to support Stephen Moore as our new Director of Music, I am mindful of course that he has a tremendous challenge ahead of him, encouraging the Cathedral Choir and extending their confidence as well as their repertoire. We must not run before we can walk! In principle, however, I am very supportive of the idea of holding Choral Matins when there is a fifth Sunday in the month. Like Sir Norman, I’d be very happy to receive comments. For obvious reasons, if I was to decide to try it as an experiment for a year, I need first to give our new Director of Music a chance to get the Choir up to speed before they are unleashed on the glorious repertoire of Choral Matins. 3) I am delighted to say that CADW have agreed in principle, to award the Cathedral a substantial grant towards the cost of internal stonework repairs at the level of the clerestory. It is my hope (since I write these words at the beginning of September - such is the editorial and printing deadline for the publishing of The Bell) that The Friends of Llandaff Cathedral will support the balance necessary to fund this work. However, it makes sense for us to consider other work at the same time, since the costs will be less with scaffolding already in place. The windows to the clerestory for example, require maintenance, and redecoration at high level would be a good idea. The Chapter and I are therefore intending to launch a fundraising campaign to help fund these additional works and I hope that very soon, I shall be able to list these under the advice of the Cathedral Architect. We are looking at the possibility of sponsorship from benefactors for each window in the clerestory. When we have a firm estimate of what the costs are, I intend to write again to gain financial support for this project. May God bless these endeavours. Gerwyn


DIARY FOR OCTOBER 2016 Regular Sunday and weekday services are listed on page 2

Sat 1

Sun 2 THANKSGIVING for the HARVEST (Pentecost 20 : Trinity 19) 5.30pm: Holy Eucharist (Book of Common Prayer 1666) Mon 3 Tue 4 St Francis of Assisi (1226), Friar Wed 5 Thu 6 William Tyndale (1536), Translator & Martyr Fri 7 Sat 8

Sun 9 Twenty First SUNDAY after PENTECOST (Trinity 20) Mon 10 Tue 11 Wed 12 Thu 13 Edward the Confessor (1066), King Fri 14 Esther John (1960), Missionary & Martyr Sat 15 Teresa of Avila (1582), Teacher of the faith 5pm: RSCM Choral Festival

Sun 16 Twenty Second SUNDAY after PENTECOST (Trinity 21) Mon 17 11am: MU Deanery Eucharist (Neath) Tue 18 ST LUKE, Evangelist 5.15pm: Solemn Evensong Wed 19 Henry Martyn (1812), Pastor, Translator & Missionary Thu 20 Fri 21 Sat 22

Sun 23 Last SUNDAY after PENTECOST (Trinity 22) : Bible Sunday Mon 24 Tue 25 Lewis Bayley (1631), Bishop & Writer


Wed 26 Alfred (899), King Thu 27 Fri 28 SS SIMON & JUDE, Apostles Sat 29

Sun 30 First SUNDAY of the KINGDOM (Trinity 23) Mon 31 Vigil of All Saints and Catholic & Protestant Saints & Martyrs of the Reformation Era

DATES for your DIARY Saturday 1st October – Meeting of all Sidespeople in Prebendal House at 2.00pm finishing with tea at 3.30pm Monday 3rd October - Meeting of Christian Aid volunteers at 9.30am. Contact Sue Smith for arrangements 2056 9234 Friday 7th October – Harvest Supper in Prebendal house at 7.00pm Wednesday 12th October – Coffee Morning for Cathedral Shop volunteers at 10.30am in Prebendal House. Friday 14th October – Lunchtime Concert (Cathedral School) at 1.00pm Sunday 13th November – Remembrance Sunday Saturday 19th November – Concert (Llandaff Cathedral Choral Society) Friday 16th December - Carols on the Green, followed by refreshments at Prebendal House *Friday 30th June 2017 – Rainbow Fair on the Green

Material for any issue of The Bell should be sent to the Editor, David Llewellyn, no later than the 6th of the preceding month. Material may be delivered to 40 Pwllmelin Road, Llandaff, Cardiff CF5 2NJ or (preferably) emailed to [email protected]

A colour edition of ‘The Bell’ can be viewed on the Cathedral website: . [Ed.]


WEEKLY EVENTS & ACTIVITIES Sunday School: 9am Prebendal House (Louise Beesley  029 2140 8013) Parish Choir: Monday, 6.15pm (juniors); First Sunday of month, 4.30pm (adults) (David G Thomas) Linen & Vestment Group: Tuesday, 10am Prebendal House (Elizabeth Evans) Bellringers: Tuesday, 7.15pm - 9pm (Pat Moore  029 2115 4275) Parent & Baby/Toddler Get-together: Wednesday, 9.15am - 11.30am Parish Hall (Emma Griffin  07539 201137) Servers of the Sanctuary: Wednesday, 6.15pm, or at a pre-arranged time (John Kenyon  029 2056 7666) Bible Study Group: Meets every other week on Thursdays (Until further notice, contact Cathedral Office for information) Llandaff Parish Mothers’ Union: Meets every other week on Mondays (Jean Blunn  029 2056 7372) St Teilo Guild: Meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month (Shirley Roberts  029 2056 3833) Brownies & Guides: 1st Llandaff Brownies: Wednesday 6pm C/W School Hall (Andrea Davies 07813 642104) 2nd Llandaff Brownies: Wednesday 6pm Parish Hall (Ellie Lyle 07973 931299) Flower Guild: (Barbara Treharne  029 2056 4655)


ROTAS for OCTOBER 2016 ALTAR LINEN October : Beryl Baldwin November : Mary Kellam


OCTOBER 2nd & 9th Philippa Hallinan Volunteer Group for Harvest Pentecost 20 & 21  029 2084 4072 16th Ann Tregidon Bev Brown, Brenda Isaacs, Doreen Pentecost 22  029 2221 7992 James, Diana Lambert 23rd Veronica Smith Elizabeth Elias, Judith Williams, Last Sunday of Pentecost  029 2056 1895 Cynthia Wootten 30th & Nov.6th Margaret Beecher Jean Blunn, Lilias French, Barbara Kingdom 1 & 2  029 2056 4708 Pollard, Megan Pugh, Audrey Sant


OCTOBER 8am Jill Cockram, Mike O’Connor, Isobel Purcell

Juliet Davis, David James, Tannwen James, Brian Jones, Jacqueline 9am Jones, Carol Olavesen, Tony Olavesen, Christine Taylor, Tim Taylor

12.30pm Dorothy Piffaretti

NOVEMBER 8am Veronica Smith, Barbara Treharne

Diana Brewster, Hugh Evans, Wendy Harding, David Johnson, 9am David Llewellyn, Ian MacDonald, Mark McDonald, Brian Robinson

12.30pm Brian Westacott, Jan Westacott

If you are unable to fulfil a duty, please arrange for a substitute



CONFIRMATIONS 2016 The following were confirmed by the Archbishop at the Cathedral on Sunday 3rd July 2016. Please pray for them and continue to encourage them in their belonging to the family of God

Isabella Abdulla Lily Osborne Amy Bown Archie Pickup Sophie Bryant Olivia Powling Elize Cunningham Tilly Reeve Rafael Cunningham Dafydd Scourfield Mia Edwards Ellis Seaward David Higgins Elen Simms Eleanor Hill Caitlin Smith Lara Howells Sophia Staniforth Ben Jenkins Oliver Stanton Agatha Leach Zachary Stewart Harry Lewis Kasi Sweeney Alice Lillie Niamh Taylor Alice Miller Sophia Valenton Delyth Miller Louis Villard Thomas Morgan Jeremy Warder

Arthur Parkes Piano tuner

17 Bramshill Drive Pontprennau Cardiff CF23 8NX

029 2048 1970 07950 454926 [email protected]


TRANSPORT to a EUCHARIST SERVICE on SUNDAY MORNINGS We would like to offer a transport service on Sunday mornings to enable members of the congregation who are unable to drive or physically get to any service. An expression of interest from both the parish and cathedral congregations would be most welcome for us to be able to arrange a rota of volunteers each month. If you are interested, please contact either churchwarden: Churchwarden Dylan  029 2055 5098, or Email: [email protected] or Churchwarden Katharine  029 2056 9002, or Email: [email protected] If you know of any such persons who would like to avail themselves of this opportunity do please let us know. We envisage offering transport to one service during a Sunday morning in the first instance. Many thanks Dylan and Katharine.

HARVEST SUPPER The annual Harvest Supper will take place on Friday 7th October in the Prebendal House at 7.00pm Tickets cost £15 and are on sale from the shop and after the Eucharist services on a Sunday. Please bring your own alcoholic drinks if required. Llandaff Cathedral Social Committee

GUILD OF ST TEILO At our first meeting, on October 10th, Mrs Danby will talk about "200 years of Wedding Dresses". Then, on October 24th, Lilian Charles will tell us about "A Hidden History of Nursery Rhymes". Meetings are held at The Parish Hall. We start at 2pm and finish at 3.30pm after Tea and a chat. New members are welcome. Our Annual fee is £8.00 or, as an interested visitor, we charge £2.00 Pat Willmott (Secretary)  029 2040 8675


LLANDAFF PARISH MOTHERS’ UNION On Monday 3rd October at 2.15pm in the Parish Hall there will be a talk by Christine Glover from the 'Cruise' group who give support and care to bereaved families. On Monday 17th October at 2.15pm in the Parish Hall, there will be talk by Julia Swan from the 'Care and Repair' group who give help with work in the home and garden to needy people. Subscriptions are now due. The annual subscription is £15.00. Visitors and new members are always welcome. Elizabeth Evans  029 2082 8677

CATHEDRAL WELCOMERS Volunteers are urgently needed to help as Cathedral Welcomers. We always need volunteers to give two hours every week or fortnight to support our team. If you are interested or would like further information, please contact either Bill Norman, Canon Holcombe, John Bethell or Katharine MacDonald. Katharine MacDonald

LINEN and VESTMENT GROUP After our summer break, the group are meeting on Tuesday mornings in Prebendal House from 9.30am to 12 noon. Work continues on making new items - kneelers, cushions and other items for the Cathedral. Repairs are also carried out as and when necessary. The Dean recently blessed, at a Eucharist Service, the kneeler made in memory of George Frederick Smedley. The kneeler design was chosen by Barbara Smedley and funding for the kneeler was facilitated at the Auction of Promises, held a few months ago. New members and visitors are always welcome on a Tuesday morning. Elizabeth Evans  029 2082 8677 12

THE SHOP New Books at the Cathedral Shop Recent books by the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, are on sale in the shop, including "Being Christian" which looks at Baptism, Bible, Eucharist and Prayer with "clarity, depth and simplicity" and “Being Disciples”, a gem of a book, a guide for the Christian journey, dealing with the essentials of Christian life. Other theology includes books by Esther de Waal and the ever-popular C.S. Lewis, while "Blessings" by Mary Craig is considered a modern spiritual classic, the moving account of coming to a greater understanding of humanity through the lives of her two handicapped children. "Consecrated Spirits" is an anthology of spiritual writing by women through the centuries. There is a new booklet about the wonderful medieval wall paintings which are in the process of discovery and conservation at St Cadoc's, Llancarfan, as well as expanded versions of two earlier publications. "The Sins of St Cadoc's and their restorative virtues" by Ian Fell of St Cadoc's, former head of education at the National Museum, is as full of fascinating details and illustrations as are the others. All are priced at £3. The pocket size series "Pocket Prayers" is always in stock and has much to offer, with "Pocket Prayers for Troubled Times" seeming a particularly apt choice at present. On a lighter note, 2016 is the centenary of the birth of Roald Dahl and Llandaff, of course, was the scene of his earliest schooldays, and provided the vital spark for a number of his books. One of the new publications to mark the anniversary is an Oxford Dictionary aimed at the 8-11 age range, which includes Dahl words as well as conventional language with examples taken from the books. Published by OUP, illustrated by Quentin Blake, and at the shop's price of £12.50, this might be a good present for a child who loves Roald Dahl's stories. With Christmas approaching look out for books for gifts, not forgetting the Cardiff Calendar, which, as always, includes a photograph of the Cathedral. [As a result of retirement and holidays, we need help to man the shop. We work shifts of 10-12pm, 12-2pm & 2-4pm, Full training is given if you can spare two hours a week, a fortnight or a month.] Mary Madsen and Pam Barlow 13

EDINGTON I recently attended one of the days of the Edington Music Festival Within the Liturgy. This is held in the large Priory church of a very small Wiltshire village, near Chippenham, over five days at the end of August each year. It consists of morning and evening services including the Solemn Eucharist, Requiem, Compline, Solemn Evensong etc. sung by two choirs at each service. The one consists of choristers and lay clerks from some eight cathedrals (many years ago two of our choristers were invited to join) and the other is formed from students at Oxford and other universities. They make the most glorious sound. Entry is of course free but the congregation is invited to make a contribution by Gift Aid to cover the cost of travel and accommodation, etc. One of the Festival's guiding lights is Canon Jeremy Davies, a former chorister and priest vicar in Llandaff, who later becoming Precentor at Salisbury Cathedral before his retirement, whom we were delighted to meet afterwards. The choice of music is eclectic, ranging from Bach to Tavener, Purcell to Parry, Jackson to Rutter, Mozart to Howells. The day I attended it was Choral Matins, when we heard works by Benjamin Britten, Byrd, Stainer and others. I realised that it was a very long time since I had heard a Venite, Te Deum, Benedicite, or Jubilate in Llandaff Cathedral and we are missing so many wonderful settings and anthems. Our library contains great works by Sumsion, Darke, Stanford and many others. I wonder therefore if occasionally we might hold Choral Matins at 11.00 on a Sunday - such as the Fifth Sunday in the month. That would only be five times a year. This was the pattern in the 1980s. It should be remembered that the 12.15 service was only introduced when the 11.00 was not a Eucharist to cater for those who could not make the 08.00 or 09.00 communion. What do others think? 14

When we had Matins, many non-Anglicans attended who did not come when it was a Eucharist and it would be good to welcome them back. Incidentally we were surprised to see in the church a magnificent tomb of "Sir Edward Lewys of the Vane in the County of Glamorgan" who died in 1630. Enquiries have revealed that the Vane is actually the Van, Caerphilly. The Lewis/Lewys family records show that a son settled in Edington. Sir Norman Lloyd-Edwards

CATHEDRAL VIEWS Several readers expressed an interest in the cover image of the September parish magazine. This was one of many images taken by a drone earlier this year. Here are a few more images for your interest. [Ed.]



There are many opportunities for volunteers to be involved in the daily life of our Cathedral - HOW COULD YOU HELP? Even an hour can make a difference and training and support is available to you. The following are just a few examples, but if you would like to help in any other way, please talk to the churchwardens or clergy.

GUILD OF GUIDES AND WELCOMERS Every year a large number of visitors come to the Cathedral, as individuals or as members of tour parties. Could you make their visit special by offering a little time to welcome and guide them around? Training given. Contact Bill Norman  029 2021 2056

CATHEDRAL SHOP Could you assist in the Cathedral Shop? This is a great place to meet and welcome visitors, and to help make money for the Cathedral too. Contact Pam Barlow  029 2065 2519

GUILD OF SERVERS For our Sunday morning worship, and on certain other occasions, Servers are needed to assist the clergy. If you are confirmed, whatever age or gender, and would like to join us, please come and have a chat with the Head Server after a service, or telephone. Contact John Kenyon  029 2056 7666

FLOWER GUILD The Flower Guild needs volunteers to help beautify our Cathedral Contact Barbara Treharne  029 2056 4655


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Made members of Christ in Holy Baptism July 31 Georgia Rose Taylor Aug 7 Jessica Katherine Bown 21 Oliver Rhys James

Those Joined in Holy Matrimony Aug 12 Jonathan Martin Jones & Sophie Louise Clarke 18 Joshua John Rathmell Ogle & Bethan Amy MacDonald

The Faithful Departed (Dates of Funeral Services) Aug 1 Molly Edbrook 2 David Cox

9 Trevor James Tidball

11 David John Ware-Davies



Very Reverend Gerwyn Capon Dean

Venerable Archdeacon of Llandaff Vacancy Venerable Christopher Smith Archdeacon of Morgannwg

Canon Stephen Ryan Treasurer Canon John Rowlands Chancellor Canon Philip Masson Precentor

Canon Graham Holcombe St Teilo Canon Steven Kirk Fairwell Canon Nigel Cahill Fairwater Canon Jenny Wigley St Andrew Canon Mark Preece St Dyfrig Canon Stewart Lisk Caerau Canon Ruth Moverley St Cross Canon Llangwm Canon Peter Cox Warthacwm Canon Edwin Counsell St Nicholas

Chapter Clerk Vacant Chapter Clerk Emeritus Sir Donald Walters CATHEDRAL OFFICE Administration :  029 2056 4554 (10am to 4pm) Fax : 029 2056 3897 E-mail: [email protected] Web site:

HEAD VIRGER Jonathan Hoad



Kate Bates Helen Bush Christopher Conners David Davies Dylan Gwyer-Roberts Susan Gwyer-Roberts Jonathan Hoad Tannwen James Rhys Jenkins Arthur Impey John Kenyon Ian MacDonald Katharine MacDonald Helen Patterson Christopher Preece Joshua Riddick Sam Smith Richard Swain Ruth Watt


HEAD SERVER John Kenyon :  029 2056 7666

ORGANISTS & CHOIRMASTERS Director of Music Stephen Moore Organist & Director of the Parish Choir David Thomas

CHURCHWARDENS Dylan Gwyer-Roberts :  029 2055 5098 Katharine MacDonald :  029 2056 9002


PCC SECRETARY Louise Beesley

SUNDAY SCHOOL AND YOUTH GROUP Contact via Louise Beesley or Lyn Davies



Dean & Vicar The Very Reverend Gerwyn Huw Capon The Deanery, The Cathedral Green, Llandaff, Cardiff CF5 2YF  029 2056 1545

Residentiary Canon The Reverend Canon Graham Holcombe 1 White House, The Cathedral Green, Llandaff, Cardiff CF5 2EB  029 2056 9521


New worshippers in the Cathedral are invited to make themselves known to the clergy

All enquiries about Baptisms and Weddings (& Banns of Marriage) should be made to the clergy, in the first instance to: Canon Holcombe  029 2056 9521

In order to carry on the work of the Church in and through this Cathedral Parish, not least the upkeep of this magnificent building, we rely substantially on your generous giving. A significant proportion of our funds is raised through Christian Stewardship among our regular worshippers. If you are a tax payer, we invite you to give by means of GiftDirect or another form of Gift Aided donation. This means we can claim the tax back and so your donation increases by 25%. We are enormously grateful to all who do this as an expression of their gratitude for God’s great goodness. For more information, please contact the Stewardship Secretary: Helen Patterson  029 2061 9166