Bishops Cannings Parish Newsletter August 2019

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The first time I came to it was May and the cow parsley was out. I was visiting my new boyfriend and as I drove over the bridge and up the hill into his village I remember thinking ‘Wow – I didn’t think places like this existed anymore’. The cottage he lived in was tiny, but I was enchanted by the beams, the old stone roof and the huge open fireplace that took up the whole of one wall. I fell in love with both the place and the man.

That was 27 years ago and I’m still here. I’ve been lucky enough to live in both Malmesbury and , which are lovely towns compared to all of the places I’ve lived in in the past. I like the big trees along London Road and around The Green, the many attractive old houses and pubs, the wide Market Place and those little places filled with flowers near the Town Hall where you can sit and have a sandwich. These things and many more make such a difference to daily life. There’s nothing like having lived in a gloomy, rented flat in North London, with nowhere to sit outside and a view of a huge gas storage cylinder outside your kitchen window to make you appreciate these things.

So what I’m getting at is that we all live in a beautiful place and we should make the most of it. August has arrived and that means the summer holidays. But if you can’t afford to go abroad or even to somewhere else in the U.K, it doesn’t really matter because there are lots of ways to have a good time here instead. Pack a picnic and drive up to Oliver’s Castle at . It’s full of wildflowers at this time of year. Get your bike out and cycle along the towpath to Caen Hill locks or to for lunch. Go up onto the Downs and ramble along the . Hire a canal boat for the day and sail to Honeystreet – try not to crash from one side of the canal into the other like my sister-in-law did!

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Writing this makes me realise that I haven’t done any of these things for quite some time myself, so I’m going to get out there over the next few weeks and re-acquaint myself with our beautiful surroundings. Time to shut down the computer I think. Have a great time this summer wherever you are! Diane


Your Councillors:

Cllr Diane Carey Chair Woman DC [email protected]

Cllr Simon Casey Vice-Chairman SC [email protected]

Cllr Jenny Combe JC [email protected]

Cllr Elizabeth Frearson EF [email protected] [email protected] - Newsletter Editor CB Deadline for next issue is Wednesday, 14th August

Clerk, Richard Miller RM [email protected]

Parish Council Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month, at the Parish Hall in Bishops Cannings. Meetings start at 7.30pm. The next meeting is on 13th August 2019

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TRAVELLERS AT NAUGHTON AVENUE AMENITY FIELD As anybody living near the Hourglass Pub will know, a number of traveller families entered the playing field off Naughton Avenue in their mobile homes and took up residence on the evening of 26th June. Residents alerted the Parish Council and the Clerk contacted immediately. The Parish Council leases the land and is responsible for its maintenance, but it is actually owned by Wiltshire Council. On Thursday 27th Wiltshire Council’s enforcement team visited the site and a notice to leave was issued to the travellers. This takes a few days to enforce and by the Saturday the travellers had moved on. Unfortunately, a large amount of litter, clothing etc. was left on the field and one of the gate posts to the entrance was ripped out. The Parish Council would like to thank all those residents who bagged up all the rubbish and left it by the bin. This made it much easier for Councillor Carey and her family to remove. The broken gate post will be replaced and a chain with a lock will be fitted to the main gate to deter future visits. We appreciate that the whole incident was very distressing for local residents. The Clerk received many emails over the course of those few days to which everyone received a response. The Council’s Facebook page was not being monitored as it should have been and that is why no posts were made to update residents with the situation. We are making arrangements to ensure that the Clerk will be able to administer it in the future. Please be aware however that emailing the Clerk at [email protected] is the official way to make contact with the Parish Council and this will always be the quickest way to receive a prompt response.

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The Bishop’s Cannings Community Lunch The next get together will be at The Crown Inn , Bishop’s Cannings on Wednesday 7th August The lunch is a great way to meet new neighbours, make new friends and have a good catch up with current friends. Anyone is welcome to join us but please pre-book with Liz Bailey on 01380 860400 or text 07779 900227 email [email protected] by Monday 5th August Future dates for your diary: Wednesday 4th September and Wednesday 2nd October 2019

Bishops Cannings Pre-School News It has been a busy summer term. Thank you to everyone who has supported and helped at the Summer BBQ; we hope you enjoyed the evening. To mark the end of term the Pre-school children, staff and parents visited Hillworth Park on Tuesday 23rd July. The children who are going to start school in September have been visiting their new schools this term and we would like to take this opportunity to wish them all the very best for the future. We hope that you all have a great summer break and we look forward to welcoming you back in September.

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St Mary’s Church, Bishop’s Cannings Floodlighting for August

5th In memory of John Horton from Rachael and David.

19th In memory of Dylis Green from the Waters family

26th In recognition of what would have been Margaret Newsom’s 102nd birthday - lately of The Old Vicarage, Bishop’s Cannings, from her daughter, Sarah.

29th In memory of Jill from Bryan Poulton

30th For Margaret Newsom

Church Services in August in Bishop’s Cannings

Sun 4th 8am Communion 10am Informal

Sun 11th 10 am Communion

Sun 18th 8am Communion 10.30 am Communion

Sun 25th 10am Communion

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Bishop’s Cannings Tuesday Club Here is our new programme for the coming season. If you are new to the area or recently retired, then do come along to Bishop’s Cannings Parish Hall on the dates below at 3pm. It is only £2 per person and you will be able to listen to all these interesting speakers, followed by a delicious tea. You can be assured of a warm welcome.

Tuesday Club Programme 2019/20 Sept 17th John Burton The Famous Lipizzaner Horses Oct 15th Eric Clark Local History Nov 19th Jeremy Dix Operation Wansdyke - Mr Dix is the son of the former Headteacher here in Bishop’s Cannings) Dec 10th Christmas Meal

2020 Jan 21st Bob Rogers Islands on The Edge Feb 18th John Girvan Doing Time in Wiltshire March 17th Bill King The Upper Thames Patrol - ‘The Waterborne Home Guard’. They appeared on Tony Robinson’s TV series about the River Thames. April 21st Debi Evans Dragons and Rescue Dogs (postponed from 2019) May 19th Keith Genever ‘My Journey Through Hell’ (Tracing the owner of a wartime dog-tag) June 16th John Farrow Moscow to St. Petersburg By Boat

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Bishop Nicholas At Bishop’s Cannings

On 23 June, St Mary’s Church in Bishop’s Cannings welcomed the Rt Revd Bishop Nicholas Holtam, Bishop of Salisbury, to the Team Service of Holy Communion. Bishop Nicholas is a keen bell ringer and, together with the Team Rector of Cannings and Redhorn, the Revd Richard Curtis joined the bell ringers in the bell tower to ring before the service.

During the service, Bishop Nicholas preached about the importance of mindfulness and putting aside negative thoughts – even in the aftermath of Brexit. He congratulated the Revd Richard Curtis on already putting forward his name for the 5000m Dash that is to take place as part of the Bishop’s Cannings Fun Day on Saturday, 13 July and commented that he

Bishops Cannings Parish Council Newsletter August 2019 8 8 used to be able to run twice around St James Park in London, then eventually had to be content to simply walk to his church of St. Martin-in-the-Field instead!

Bishop Nicholas and Revd. Richard pose with the ringers.

The ringers – left to right – all from Bishops Cannings except where noted: Christine Dolan (); Bishop Nicholas; Lewis Cobb; Louise Tinker; Steve Tibbert; Revd. Richard; Nicholas Bancroft; Kenneth Chivers; Caroline Cutting: Peter Griffin (All Cannings).

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Minutes of a meeting of Bishops Cannings Parish Council Held on Tuesday 9th July 2019 in Bishops Cannings Village Hall at 7.30pm.

Present: Cllrs. D. Carey (Chair), S Casey (Vice-Chair), J Combe, C Body In attendance: Richard Miller (Clerk), Alan Fordham (PCC), Peter Russ (PCC), Elizabeth Frearson and 1 member of the public. 1 Apologies for Absence. Philip Whitehead 2 Disclosure of Interests. None relevant to the business of the meeting. 3 Approval of Minutes. It was resolved that the minutes of the meetings held on 5th and 19th June 2019 be signed by the Chair as a true record. 4 Chair’s Announcements. The resignations in June of Cllrs. Neil Bridgen and Robert Jones were reported.

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Elizabeth Frearson has consented to co-option as a Councillor and a proposal to that effect will be made at the next meeting of the Council. An occupation of the amenity site at Naughton Avenue by Travellers took place on the evening of 26th June. Several residents informed the Clerk of the event by email later that evening and in the course of the following day. The Clerk contacted Wiltshire Council on the morning of the 27th June and they confirmed that enforcement procedures had been commenced. The Clerk and the Chair visited the site later that day and again on 30th June after the site had been vacated. Nearby residents assisted in bagging up much of the substantial amounts of rubbish left on site and the Chair and her husband took most of it the local waste facility. Between the two site visits, damage to part of the gate occurred. The Council has given instructions to a local contractor to effect repairs and install padlocks to the main part of the gate. The Chair expressed her pleasure at the news of the election of Cllr Philip Whitehead as Leader of Wiltshire Council.

5. Public Questions and Comments. On behalf of St Mary’s Church, Peter Russ gave a brief presentation in support of a request for financial assistance with the cost of repairs of the pathway that is used by the public. Alan Fordham circulated an estimate of the cost of works based on three possible options. Peter Russ provided the Clerk with a document containing further supporting information which will be copied and circulated to all Councillors. The request will be considered in full at the next meeting.

6. Cllr Whitehead (Unitary) Update. None

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7. Matters arising from the previous minutes.

Minute Action Summary Responsibility point no 5 1 Scalpings on Progress unknown. DC to remind footpath at PW Horton Rd roundabout. 5 2 Overgrown DC has informed Wiltshire Council hedgerow at who have contacted the property Spaniel’s owner. Bridge. 53 7 3 Re- To be deferred until the harvest is installation of over. Wessex Water works are verge posts not yet complete.

4444 7 4 Car park DC/CB have progressed. Revised resurfacing estimate from Acres has been received. Repair work to be undertaken in two phases, phase 1 being a temporary repair by laying scalpings. Phase 2, a permanent repair and other works will be dependent on s.106 funding.

7 5 Crash pilot Memorial wording has been memorial. agreed. DC to progress the acquisition of a suitable stone.

7 6 Banking Clerk has prepared a proposal for facilities discussion at this meeting.

15 7 Devizes ATC Clerk has obtained bank details.

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8. Other finance matters. a) The bank reconciliation was inspected and signed by the Chairman. It will be reviewed by Cllr Carey before the next meeting.

b) Proposed payments shown below were authorised by the members and the summary sheet signed by the Chairman. Invoice Invoice Statutory Payment Payee Description amount No. provision ref £ July IT payable s.112 HMRC - August 72.20 LGA72 BACS s.112 R Miller - July salary 288.72 LGA72 SO S Noticeboard Peachey 5 repair 92.00 s.27 LGA72 BACS Newsletter s.142 DMC 3257 print 51.80 LGA72 BACS GM June grounds s.127 idverde 769163 maintenance 117.94 LGA72 BACS s.137 2397 ATC - Donation 600.00 LGA72 BACS S July asset Peachey 6 maintenance 137.50 s.27 LGA72 BACS


c) Management of Banking facilities. The Clerk had circulated a proposal prior to the meeting. The proposal is to maximise interest earning by moving amounts from the existing current account to deposit accounts with major UK based banks. The proposal was approved and the Clerk was instructed to make the

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necessary arrangements in accordance with the existing mandate requirements.

d) Internal Audit report. The Clerk had circulated the full report and his own summary of it’s recommendations prior to the meeting. The comments of the Internal Auditor were discussed in detail and it was noted that many of the matters of concern represented failures by the Clerk and the Councillors during that year to observe certain aspects of existing Financial Regulation. No matter of deliberate falsification or fraud has been detected. A new Clerk (from 1st April 2019) and a new Chair (14th May 2019) are in place. The Clerk presented a timetable in which all these matters will be addressed and it was accepted by all present. The current balance on general reserves will be re-allocated to more appropriate project based headings. Cllr Combe proposed and Cllr Carey seconded the formal setting of the 2019/20 precept in the sum of £58,145. All Councillors were in agreement.

e) Quarterly Accounts. The Clerk had circulated prior to the meeting a statement of costs compared with budget for the 1st quarter. Several favourable variances were noted arising, principally, from the adoption of new, lower cost, procedures. Possible budget re-allocations will be considered after review of the 2nd quarter accounts.

9. Planning applications. 19/03986/FUL 10 The Keep, London Rd. Replacement fencing. 19/06182/FUL Old Townsend Farmhouse, Horton. Replacement mullion to match existing.

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Cllr Carey presented her findings and it was resolved to make no objection to either application.

10. Policies and procedures. None for review.

11. Highways report. Traffic calming measures at North Wilts Golf club. The Clerk will circulate the CATG request to Councillors. Horton Rd. speed limit proposals. The Clerk brought to the Councillors attention that CATG expected a 25% of cost contribution from the Council for implementation of the proposal. The Council expressed reluctance to giving an unquantified commitment and instructed the Clerk to make further enquiries.

12. Police report. Not available.

13. Clerk’s report A letter from Mrs Alison Hudd was received direct by Cllr Carey. Mrs Hudd raised issues relating to the provision of passing places in Bourton Road, the condition of the culvert outside her property and her wish that the Council provide dog fouling notices for erection on the verge near her property. Cllr Carey updated the Council on the history of the tree planting plan for Bourton Road and other related matters and undertook to reply to Mrs Hudd. The Clerk reported that a further email had been received from Mr G Mansell on 16th June. The email included allegations that he had been the target of criticism by certain Councillors. His observations were based on material supplied to him in response to his 2nd Freedom of

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Information request and from other sources that he did not identify. Mr Mansell wrote that he found it necessary to forward all documentary evidence in his possession to Wiltshire Council. He did not say for what specific purpose. He also wrote that he would encourage others that he felt had been ‘targeted’ by the Parish Council to make FOI requests. The Clerk informed the Council that at the date of the meeting no further FOI requests from other residents had been received, nor had Wiltshire Council received any documentation from Mr Mansell. All correspondence received from organisations has been circulated to Councillors.

14. Requests for financial assistance. Councillors considered a request from Ann Jarvis on behalf of the Tuesday club. Cllr Carey proposed and Cllr Combe seconded a motion to donate £600 to be paid after the August Council meeting. All were in favour. 15. Neighbourhood plan. Cllr Carey will attend the meeting on the 11th July at Devizes Town Hall. She will be accompanied by the Clerk. The future of the Plan in it’s current form continues to be in doubt. Regarding the possible acquisition/lease of land in Chandlers Lane, a reply has been received from the current tenant indicating his unwillingness to surrender his tenancy. Cllr Carey will contact the Church Commissioners as the owner to identify the most appropriate course of action. 16. Items for next agenda. Co-option of additional Councillors Meeting closed at 9.45pm

Signed…………………………………………………. Date…………………………………………………………..

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Appendix: Summary of action points for the next meeting. Minute Action Summary Responsibility point no. 4 1 Inspect repairs to Clerk. gate in Naughton Avenue. Supply idverde with padlock comb’n. 5 2 Circulate PCC Clerk request to Cllrs. 7 3 Scalpings on DC to contact PW footpath at Horton Rd roundabout. 4444 7 4 Car park resurfacing DC to progress Phase 1 on the approved estimate during the school holidays.

7 5 Crash pilot DC to procure a suitable memorial. stone.

8c 6 Additional bank Clerk to obtain accounts. documentation.

8d 7 Re-allocation of Clerk to prepare. general reserves. 9 8 Traffic calming at Clerk to circulate CATG NW Golf Club document.

9 9 Horton Rd speed Clerk to make enquiries re. limit. cost contribution.

13 10 Correspondence Mrs DC to reply. Hudd 15 11 Chandlers Lane land. DC to contact the Church Commissioners

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Minutes of an Extraordinary Meeting of Bishops Cannings Parish Council Held on Tuesday 17th July 2019 at Blackbirds, Bourton Road, Bishops Cannings, Devizes SN10 2LF at 6.30pm. Present: Cllrs. Diane Carey (Chair), Simon Casey (Vice-Chair), Jenny Combe, Chris Body In attendance: Richard Miller (Clerk), Elizabeth Frearson (from 7.15pm), 2 members of the public.

1. Apologies for absence. None. 2. Disclosure of Interests. None. 3. Chair’s Announcements. a) In addition to Elizabeth Frearson, four other candidates have expressed an interest in being co-opted as Councillors. b) The Clerk has been in contact with the Head of Legal Services at Wiltshire Council in relation to Freedom of Information Act matters. c) Building work has commenced recently at Old Manor Yard.

4. Public participation. None.

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5. Co-option of Elizabeth Frearson to the Council. This was deferred until the end of the meeting at which time Cllr Carey proposed and Cllr Combe seconded that Elizabeth Frearson be co-opted to serve as Councillor. Cllr Frearson accepted and signed Acceptance of Office and Code of Conduct documents and returned them to the Clerk. 6. Car park resurfacing. Two broadly comparable quotations have been received for phase1 of the planned/potential car park works. All present agreed to accept the quotation from Acres Ahead in the sum of £3,132. 7. Ratification of procedures adopted for the 2nd G Mansell FOIA request. The Clerk summarised the sequence of events from the receipt of the request up to the final communication to the requestor. He referred specifically to the exclusions he had advised Mr Mansell would apply. He also referred to the instance where data received from a Councillor had not been in fully accessible form. On that occasion the Councillors did not authorise the release of the data until such time as the information was received in a different format. The information was subsequently received and reviewed. It was all found to be outside the parameters of the request and Mr Mansell was informed accordingly. All Councillors agreed that proper process had been observed throughout the exercise.

8. 3rd G Mansell FOIA request. On 10th July 2019 a third FOIA request was received from Mr G Mansell. The request was for the same type of material to be searched, applying the same keywords but

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for a further period from the final day of the period specified in the 2nd request to the date of the 3rd request. Cllr Carey proposed that the request be viewed as vexatious and be refused for that reason. All Councillors agreed to that course of action.

A draft letter of refusal was reviewed and, after discussion, it was agreed to delete one phrase. Cllr Carey proposed a vote to issue the amended letter; Cllrs Carey, Combe and Body were in favour, Cllr Casey was not.

The Clerk was instructed to communicate the Council’s decision to the requestor.

9. Facebook. Cllr Carey referred briefly to the desirability of upgrading Facebook management procedures and asked Cllr Casey to create the Clerk as a user. Cllr Casey said that he would attempt to do so.

Meeting closed at 7.40 pm.

Signed………………………………………………………… Date………………………………………………………

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Village Fun Day

Many thanks to all who worked so hard in preparing the stalls and being there and taking part on the day.

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Caroline and Elizabeth – Bric-a-brac Queens

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