Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Study Report for the Proposed Shimoni Port, Kwale County Proponent Firm of Experts Kenya Ports Authority, Envasses Environmental Consultants Limited, P.O. BOX 95009-80104, Ralli House, MOMBASA. P.O. Box 2013-80100, MOMBASA. Version: Final Report Date: 19th October, 2020 Kenya Ports Authority: ESIA study for the proposed Shimoni Port Page ii CERTIFICATION Certification by Lead Experts We hereby certify that this Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Study Report has been done under our supervision and that the assessment criteria, methodology and content reporting conform to the requirements of the Environmental Management and Coordination Act Cap. 387 of the Laws of Kenya. Signed: _______________________ _____________________ Names: Mr. Simon Nzuki (1350) Ms. Jane Gitau (2015) Contact details Envasses Environmental Consultants Limited, P.O. Box 2013-80100, Mombasa, Kenya. Tel: +254 722 347 155 Email:
[email protected] Certification by Proponent We, Kenya Ports Authority, confirm that this Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Study Report has been submitted to NEMA with our authority as the project proponent. Signed for and on behalf of Kenya Ports Authority Name: __________________________________________ Signature: __________________________ Designation: _____________________________________ Date: ______________________________ Proponent Contact Details Official Rubberstamp or Seal Kenya Ports Authority, P.O. Box 95009-80104, Mombasa, Kenya. Prepared By: Envasses Environmental Consultants Limited October 2020 Kenya Ports Authority: ESIA study for the proposed Shimoni Port Page iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The preparation of this Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Study Report was supported by the proponent, other government institutions, organizations, the local community and several individuals. The proponent provided the requisite logistical, financial, human resources and documentation on the Shimoni Port project.