
Installing Python and GTK on Windows

If you have to limit yourself to Windows, here are some brief instructions as to what you need to do to get it working.

Important note: this is already installed and working on the lab machines. If you wish to install it on your personal machine, you are responsible for getting it to work. The instructor and labbies are not responsible for installing it for you, and failing to get it working is not an acceptable excuse for late or missing work. If you want to use your own machine, the responsibility is yours and yours alone to make sure that you have a working environment.

Install Python 2.7.2 or greater for Windows from the Python website. The link is copied here for your convenience:

For 32-bit and 64-bit Windows: Python 2.7.2 Windows Installer

Note that this will install the 32-bit version of Python, even for 64-bit Windows. This is the correct thing to do. The 64-bit installer causes problems with some of the libraries that we will need.

The installer is a standard MSI file. Double click it after downloading and the installer will start.

Install the PyGTK all-in-one installer from the PyGTK website, which includes GTK+, PyGTK, PyCairo, and PyGObject:

PyGTK all-in-one installer

The installer is a standard MSI file. Double click it after downloading and the installer will start.

Install PyGame from the pygame website:

PyGame for Python 2.7

The installer is a standard MSI file. Double click it after downloading and the installer will start.

To check if everything is working, open an interactive python and type this in:

import window = gtk.Window() window.set_title("PyGTK Test Window") window.connect("destroy", gtk.main_quit) window.show_all() gtk.main()