Stevenson's Bulletin of Radio Broadcasting Stations
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10 cents $1.00 the copy ~ the year BULLETIN FEBRUARY, 1925 This issue contains a revised, up-to-date list of all broad- casting stations in the world. STEVENSON'S BULLETIN OF RADIO BROADCASTING STATIONS Page Ra dio an d th e Publ ic, by H erbert Hoover __ ____ __ _____ ___ 3 Do t he Program s Pleas e You? by Th omas St evenson__ __ ___ 4 Hints for Beginn ers "___ __ ___ __ 5 Broadcasting St at ion R egulations__ ______ ______ _________ __ 6 Li st of American Broadcasting St ations __ ________ _______ __ 7 List of Canadian Broad ca sting St ations 24 List of Me xican Broadc as ting St ations 25 Li st of Cuban Bro adca st in g Stati ons 25 Lis t pf South Am erican Broadca st ing S ta ti ons 25 Ot her Broadca stin g St atio ns of the World 26 Lis t of Cities Ha ving St ation s 27 What Can Yo u Tune in with Your S et L 28 The Wave Length Tangl e 31 New Amateur R egula tio ns 32 RADIO AND THE PUBLIC. STEVENSON 'S BU LL E'£IN OF RADIO BROA DCAST ING STATIO NS . BY HERBE RT HOOVER Febru ary , 1 925. Vol ume I, N umb er 2 . Ten c ents t he c op y fr om a ll n ews- dea lers. By s ubs cription : .To the Uni te d State s and possess ions, Cub a a nd Mex ico, $1 .00 t he y ear . On sa le th e 5th of each month. S teven son Radi o Ryn di ca tc, Washiu gton, D. C. Entc rcd as scco nd-class ma ttcr. at th e rost- The gre atest d eve lo pment in broad cas ting during the past year oflicc at Was hington, D . C., und cr thc Act o f Mar ch 3, 187 9. has not b ee n in th e a ppli ca tion of n ew methods of tran smi ssion or recept io n, im porta nt as imp rov eme nts in th ese lin es have been . Sm all wonder t hat radi o has b ecome s o popular wh en o ne is It is rath er i n th e c hange in public at titud e. Li steners are becom- abl e to sit in th e pr ivacy of th e home a nd turn to all c orn ers of in g m .ore a nd m ore ap pr ec iative of th e rea l se rvic e of radio and the gl obe f or ed uca ti on, inspi rati on or am.use ment, as t he fancy incr easi ngly crit ica l both as to . the char acter of th e matt er fur- dictates . nis hed t hem a nd as to t he effi ciency wi th whi ch it r eac hes th em. After li stening to a good conc er t th ere is not hin g more thrilling Th e who le broa dcasting s tructure i s built u p o n se rvi ce to the than fi shin g for n ew voice s. But , ha lf th e th rill depends on th e li st eners. Th ey a re begi nnin g to r ealiz e th eir import ance , to ability to id entify the stat ion tun ed in. as sert t heir i nterest a nd t o vo ic e th ei r wis hes. Br oa dcas ting must Ther e a re mor e t han o ne hundred ch anges in the lis tin gs of be c ond ucted to m ee t th eir demand s and thi s neces sarily means broadca stin g s tati ons ea ch m onth. Ne w st ation s are constantly hi gher char acter in w ha t i s t ran smitted and b ett er quality in its coming in, old stati ons dropp in g out , a nd t he wave lengths or re produ cti on to the ea rs of the li stener. power of oth ers ch ange d. Th e broa dcas ters as a whole are aliv e to th e s itu ati on. There To keep apac e with th e c hanges it is nece ssa ry to have a n ew is a growin g realiz ation on their p art of th e publi c res pon sibilities list of bro adcastin g s tatio ns ea ch month. E ach monthly issu e of t~ey ass ume in co nducting an ag en cy s o grea tly af fecting the STEVEN SON'S BUL LETI N OF R ADI O B RO ADCASTING STA- cultur al p rogress of our people . Th e innov ations of which we TIO NS will c ont ain a rev ised , u p-to-d ate li st of all broadcasting stati ons in th e wor ld. hear so mu ch-n ation al pro gr am s, wir e int erconn ect ion, short wav e r ebroa dcasti ng, in crea sed po wer , and wir ed r adi o, whi ch are Be s ur e to ge t you r co py on the news s tands the 5th of e ach alr eady pl ay in g s o impo rtan t a p ar t an d a re des tin ed to hav e month. Or sen d u s $1 .00 for a y early s ub scr ipti on and have the BULLETI N sen t dir ect ly t o yo ur hom e. st ill greater influ ence fo r good-ar e bas ed entir ely upon the neces- sity for m eetin g the growing popular requirem ent of better se rvice . STEVENSON RADIO SYND ICATE 710 1 4th Street , N. W. The demand w ill continue to in cre as e, and n ew m ethod s of Was hington , D. C. eff icie ncy will c on tinu e to b e found t o mee t it . But b eyond all, radi o has beg un t o e nrich Ame rican li fe by a rea l contribution to th e ho me .. It yet has far gr eat er se rvice to p erform in this Fo r adv ert isin g ratcs addre ss: way a nd I b eli eve th e nex t ye ar will see great and mor e definite S'I.'EVE NSO N RADIO SY NDICATE 710 1 4t h St reet, N. W. Was hin gton , D . C. adv ance in thi s di re ction. 2 DO THE PROGRAMS PLEASE YOU? BY THOMAS STEVENSON Wh en noises are produced by the set it i s best to make sure fir st that they do not originate in the receiver itself. A good test Why not write th e bro ·adcast ing sta tion direc tol'. and let him is to connect the antenna and ground terminals of the receiver kno w what you thi nk of hi s progr am? with a piece of wire. This prevents any voltages from the antenna from actuating the receiver and if the noises are still If yo u e xper ienced po or tel ephone service how long would you heard it is absolutely certain they are caused within the receiver. wait befor e making a v igor ous complaint about it ? Probably not If the noises are not caused within the set, perfect silence in very long . the loud speaker or headphone will r esult from the connection. The ser vice render ed by radio bro adcasting station s is as im- portant to the home as the telephone . In the future it will exer- Make a log of the stations you hear and w ant to pick up again . cise great influenc e in shaping public opinion . While creating Just write down the settings of the dials for future reference . public opinion, r adio broadcasting will in turn be the sl ave of it s own creation . It is the de sire of every radio broad cast ing st ation to please its Never allow your regenerati ve r eceiver to whistle while you unseen audien ce. For this reason earn est solicitations are made are tuning . Tp do so will spoil your neighbors' reception. for expressions of opinions regarding the program put on the air. It is the bus ines s of the broadc asting station to please its audi- If you wear the headphones for long periods of time, it is ence since its onl y as set is the good will of the public. Else the often a good plan to r emove the caps and wipe off the moisture station is valueless. In most cases the directors of stations are that has collected on the metal diaphragm. This avoids the pos- men train ed to interpret the wishes of the public and to follow sibility of rust formation. Be very careful while doing so that them in arranging programs . you do not bend the thin, little disk . Telephone receivers often develop troubles of their own. If signals cannot be heard on It is im portant that each member of the radio audience express one set of headphones, it may be possible that the metal dia- his or her opinion dire ctly to the station di rector regarding the phragm is resting on the pole pieces of the magnet.