Newsletter No. 10 2004/5

The Isaac and Jessie Kaplan Centre for he Kaplan Centre was established in 1980 under the terms of a gift to Jewish Studies and Research celebrates Tthe University of by the Kaplan Kushlick Foundation and is its 25th anniversary named in honour of the parents of Mendel and Robert Kaplan. Vice Dean: The Centre, the only one of its kind in Chancellor: Professor Paula , seeks to stimulate and Professor Ensor Njabulo promote the whole field of Jewish studies “It gives me very and research at the University with a Ndebele great pleasure, on special focus on the South African Jewish Community. The Centre is multi- “The Kaplan behalf of the staff disciplinary in scope and encourages the Centre, as the only and students of the participation of scholars in a range of one of its kind in Faculty of fields including history, political science, South Africa, has Humanities, to education, sociology, comparative established a fine extend our warm literature and the broad spectrum of reputation over its congratulations to Hebrew and Judaic studies. twenty-five years the Kaplan Centre The Centre is engaged in both research of existence. It has on the occasion of and teaching and functions as a co- made significant contributions through its its 25th anniversary. ordinating unit in the university. Its teaching, research activities, seminar UCT is honoured to house the only resources are used to invite distinguished programmes and summer school teaching Centre of its kind in SouthAfrica – a Centre scholars to teach Jewish-content courses programme. The Centre has done much to of Jewish Studies and research, which has within established University depart- enhance the development of Jewish Studies as its special focus the Jewish community ments, to initiate and sponsor research at UCT, nationally and internationally. I am in SouthAfrica. projects, and to strengthen the univer- confident that the Centre will continue to The Centre houses a fine library, and has sity’s library holding of books, micro- sustain its fine reputation.” over the years attracted important inter- films and archival sources. These research materials are made available to members of the University and to accredited visitors from the wider academic community. The Centre reached an The Centre awards a limited number of important milestone with undergraduate and graduate scholarships the celebration of its as well as a limited number of research 25th anniversary. grants. A special function was The Centre has a publications held to celebrate the programme which brings out monographs occasion, including a and occasional papers. Lectures symposia dinner followed by a and conferences are arranged under the public lecture by auspices of the Centre. In some cases Professor Yehuda these are organised with the University’s Bauer. Department of Adult Education and Extra Mural Studies, thereby serving the wider community. Celebratory Publication.

national scholars to research and teach GOVERNING BODY alongside our own scholars of Jewish Chair: Prof Henning Snyman Studies. Regular colloquia and conferences Director: Prof Milton Shain organised by the Kaplan Centre have Management Committee: attracted a broad range of academics to comment on aspects of the South African Prof C Firer Mr J Simon Prof F Horwitz Jewish experience, as well as those of Mr M Kaplan Prof R Becker Prof S B Burman Jewish communities elsewhere. These Mr R Kaplan Prof D Chidester Ms Romi Kaplan Mr E Osrin Dr A Reisenberger Continued on following page Continued from page 1 scholars have garnered a robust record of l-r Milton Shain, Yehuda Bauer, publication over the years, producing Elana Bauer and monographs and articles which have made Mendel Kaplan a significant contribution to scholarship both within SouthAfrica and beyond. The Kaplan Centre contributes to vigorous intellectual activity at UCT, but also within the city of Cape Town. Close links with the South African Jewish Museum have enabled the Kaplan Centre to mount a number of important exhibitions, the most recent being the critically acclaimed exhibition at the SouthAfrican Jewish Museum. We congratulate all of those who have contributed to the success of the Kaplan Centre, and wish it well for the future. In particular we wish to congratulate, and thank, Mr Mendel Kaplan and his family Michelle and with for their generosity and continued support Mendel Kaplan for the Centre since its inception in 1980.”

Helen Suzman: Speech at the Opening Function of the ‘Helen Suzman Exhibition’, 21 March 2005 olin Eglin and Milton Shain have who have travelled quite far within South already thanked all those directly Africa. I thank them all for coming. I feel Cinvolved in the exhibition, and I rather awkward about all this – I’ve become want to join them in expressing gratitude to a very expensive friend! Millie Pimstone in particular who was There are people whom I specially would responsible for the supervision and im- have loved to be here, but who can’t be, plementation of all the details for this because they’re no longer with us. Of the 12 exhibition, and to the designer of the exhi- original progressive party members, 11 bition, Linda Bester. I must also thank from the United Party, and Walter Stanford Mendel and Robert Kaplan, whose brain- from the Liberal Party, who took their child this exhibition is, the Kaplan political futures in their hands in 1959 to Kushlick Foundation for its generous form the Progressive Party, only 4 have support, and Milton Shain, the Director of survived – , Colin the Kaplan Centre for Jewish Studies at Eglin, Ray Swart and myself. UCT, who convened this exhibition and Ray, unfortunately cannot be here, owing made himself available to assist whenever to a previous commitment he could not needed. I must also express appreciation to cancel. He sends his regrets and his love. the South African Jewish Museum which When I mentioned MPs risking their will house the exhibition for the rest of the political futures in 1959, that was no year. exaggeration because, as you know, I was I know I’m beginning to sounds like a The Helen Suzman exhibition was the only one of the original 12 Progressive Batmitzvah girl, or an Oscar winner, but I opened on Human Rights Day 2005. Party MPs to retain a seat at the snap- must also thank all the people who’ve been election called by Dr Verwoerd when he so involved in my erstwhile political career. knee. He attended all my annual report- took South Africa out of the Common- Firstly, my family, my late husband Mosie back meetings to my Houghton consti- wealth in 1961. I survived mainly through and the girls, who took the brunt of it and tuents. In those days, there was account- the efforts of my campaign manager, Max without whose support and encouragement ability between MP’s and their consti- Borkum. Unfortunately, Max is indisposed, I could never have embarked on a political tuents. Unlike today, when you don’t even cannot be here and sends his regrets. His career. The concern of my late stepmother, know who your MP is, because you don’t son Humphrey is here. Max organised the Debbie, about the wellbeing of my young have one! Under Proportional Represen- dozens of enthusiastic ‘young Progs’, who daughters was a source of great reassurance tation, MPs are chosen at the party bosses’ plastered Houghton with posters, like my to me, who was absent for six months every pleasure. I’m very glad that my daughters, nephew Stephen who lives in San Francisco year attending Parliament in Cape Town, Francie, and Patty, are able to be here. Patty and is here tonight. Max marshalled all though I did go home as often as possible at comes from Boston and Francie, together those Houghton ladies, more familiar with the weekends (not, I might add, as part of a with her husband, Prof Jeffrey Jowell, and bridge parties than political parties, with travel scam!). Had Mosie been here today, my grand-daughter, Josie Jowell, have military precision and turned them into an he would be sitting in the front row, eyes come from London. Spread around here absolutely first class election team – as tightly closed – very disconcerting, until I this evening are a lot of relatives – thank canvassers, prepared to brave the growling realised that he had his tape-recorder on his you for coming. Many people are present rottweilers and the hostile reception they

2 got from the many “staunch U.P.” residents in Houghton. They became Bushmen trackers when it came to finding absentee voters – people who had moved and required postal votes. On election day they dragged reluctant voters to the polling stations. We had a more than 80 percent turnout of our supporters. Had Max not been such an excellent campaign manager, I certainly would have gone the way of all the other ‘Prog’ candidates; I would have lost my seat in ’61. That would have been the end of my political career, and very probably of the Progressive Party too. Max’s talents were also used to elect Selma Browde, the lone Prog City Councillor, for 10 years, and later our Provincial Councillor. He also helped to elect Houghton’s Constituency Chairman, Irene Menell, as our Provincial Councillor. Both Selma and Irene are here this evening, and l-r , Helen Suzman and Mendel Kaplan deserve special recognition. They took all the burdens at the coal-face off my shoulders – all those bothersome issues at There are 3 people whose absence I Colin Eglin and painted by Fleur Ferri) to local and provincial level that constituents especially regret this evening – 2 Harrys – be hung in the corridor which linked the used to bring me. When my solo years – Minister in Smuts’ Old House ofAssembly to the new debating ended in 1974, only Colin of the original 12 cabinet and Harry Oppenheimer, whose chamber. When I wrote to thank him (he Progressive Party members returned to financial backing and the respectability that was in hospital at the time), he wrote back parliament, together with 5 newcomers, both Harrys gave us by joining the ‘Progs’ saying “No need to thank me – I always includingAlex Boraine who is here tonight. immediately the Progressive Party was wanted to see you hanging in Parliament!” Rupert Lorimer couldn’t make it. Gordon formed, was immensely important. The As I predicted, the portrait was moved to Waddell and van Zyl Slabbert are overseas second regretted absentee is Issie Maisels. the cellar when theANC Government came and René de Villiers has passed on. Some of Issie’s support undoubtedly encouraged the to power, together with the portraits of ex- you may remember when I walked in to Jewish community in Houghton to vote for Presidents and Prime Ministers which had Parliament in 1974, with the six new me and certainly helped to put Colin back graced those walls. It was rescued by Tony members; a Nat MP called out “Daar kom as MP for in 1974. Colin had Leon and now hangs in the DA’s Parlia- Mev Rosenkewitz”! (The lady who had had become very familiar with yarmulkes! I mentary office in Marks Building. sextuplets that year). Ray Swart and Zac de have no doubt that the public support of The 13 solo years entailed much hard Beer were the only ones of the remaining those 3 high profile citizens benefited all work. I had to speak on behalf of all ‘Progs’ original Progs, re-elected in 1979, to return the other ‘Prog’ candidates. – not only those in Houghton – but also on to Parliament. There are 2 other people I wish were here behalf of the millions of disenfranchised this evening – both Nationalists, who have people – on all subjects affecting human also passed on. One is Hennie Klopper, who rights. I decided that, to speak with was the Speaker in Parliament throughout authority, I had to see for myself. my solo years. Hennie actually joined the I attended trials, inquests, funerals of far-right Conservative Party when he left activists like Neil Aggett, Steve Biko, parliament, so our political convictions Robert Sobukwe and Dr Ribiero. Funerals were miles apart. Hennie had his own idea, replaced banned political meetings during however, about the duties of Mr Speaker. those days. I visited Winnie Mandela, who He used to say to me at the beginning of was banished for 8 years to Brandfort, and each session: “I don’t agree with a word Dr Mamphele Ramphele, who was sent to you say, Helen, but it’s your right to say it Lenyele in the Northern Transvaal. I visited and it is my duty to see that you enjoy that townships, squatter camps ‘Black Spots’, right” – and he certainly did! I doubt if any resettlements, Bantustan areas, detainees other Member of Parliament anywhere, and prisoners. I first met representing a party with only a single seat, on Robben Island in 1967 and revisited him had as many opportunities as I had to make there and at Pollsmoor and Victor Verster as many speeches, to ask as many Prisons. I recognised the vital role that he questions, and to move as many private would play in future negotiations and members motions as I was able to, because pressed in Parliament for his release, year of Hennie Klopper. The other person is after year. I received a vast amount of mail Louis le Grange, with whom I quarrelled asking for help. All this work needed not bitterly when he was the Minister of Police courage, as some people think, but stamina. and Prisons. Yet, when he became Speaker, Professor David Welch delivering a he allowed my portrait (commissioned by tribute to Helen Suzman Continued on following page

3 Continued from page 3 infuriated Nat MP once shouted “you only I was subjected to a good deal of put those questions to embarrass South antisemitism from outside and within Africa. I replied “It is not my questions, it is Parliament. One admirer frequently sent And this I inherited from my father, Sam your answers that embarrass SouthAfrica”. me postcards addressed simply “to the Gavronsky. He was a tough hardworking I might add that both my questions, answers Yiddishe know-all from Houghton”. The immigrant from Lithuania who came to this and speeches were widely used by anti- postcards arrived like homing pigeons in country at the turn of last century. He exiles and by the ANC at home. my post box in Parliament. Then there was certainly did not share my political views, They nevertheless complained that my Mrs van Zyl, head of the Kappie but he never ever tried to dissuade me from presence in an illegitimate Parliament gave Kommando, who sent me a polite note in continuing in politics. He once visited Jules it legitimacy. Incidentally, I did write all my Afrikaans asking me whatmy ancestors Browde on a legal matter, and when Jules own speeches. were doing whenher ancestors were taking asked him “Mr Gavronsky, how’s Helen?” I went through 5 Prime Ministers (so to the Bible across the mountains to the He replied “Helen? She’sgans meshugga! ” speak!) during my 36 years in Parliament. savages on the other side. I replied, also in I didn’t do it all on my own – I had help at As a back-bencher, I had little to do with polite Afrikaans, “my voorgangers was home and in Cape Town. The Houghton Malan and Strydom. The third was the besig om die Byble to skryf”! There were constituency office at 38 Ivy Road was formidable Dr Verwoerd. As Minister of many threatening phone calls in the dark manned by very efficient committee room NativeAffairs and later as Prime Minister, I watches of the night. To these I replied by clerks under the chairmanship of the had many an encounter with him as he blowing a shrill blast of the whistle I kept at redoubtable Dr Ellen Hellman, and later pushed bill after bill through Parliament, my bedside. There were many antisemitic Irene Menell, and a team of enthusiastic heaping more and more discriminatory interjections in Parliament. One Nat MP volunteers. I had excellent secretaries in laws on the people he called Bantu. He used to hiss “sickly humanist”, “Jewish Judith Briggs in Johannesburg and Louis attempted to present apartheid as an ethical communist” whenever I stood up to speak. Kenyon in Cape Town. The South African concept through the establishment of Others managed to insert a derogatory Institute of Race Relations (SAIRR) and independent Bantustans where, he said, the remark about Jews when replying to my the provided valuable Bantu could reach any heights. Vorster was speeches. However, when Israel won the information. I could discuss bills with my a different cup of tea – the maintenance of Six Day War in 1967, I became their pin-up former MP colleagues. Geoff Budlender White domination was his undisguised girl. MPs who normally averted their eyes and John Dugard were available for legal objective. After Vorster came PW Botha, a when they passed me in the lobby, stopped advice, and I could always consult David hostile, irritable bully who actually accused me and said “mooi skoot, Helen”. Welsh, and James Selfe, the Party’s me in Parliament, and my fellow liberals, of Offsetting all the hostility was the invaluable researcher on political issues. I being responsible for the assassination of ongoing encouragement I got from all my had 2 full-time assistants in my office in Dr Verwoerd. Right at the end of my parlia- Houghton constituents and from Progs Parliament – who alas have passed on – mentary career in 1989, FW de Klerk throughout South Africa – people like Barbara Mowat, my ever-patient secretary, became acting president. As I have said Lindy Pagden and Peter Soal, who are here whose sense of humour carried us through before, I believe that F.W. has never been this evening, and from many friends many difficult days. And Jackie Beck, who given sufficient credit for South Africa’s overseas. Of course, I could never have was indispensable. Jackie analysed bills, peaceful transition into a democracy. He survived the elections held between 1961 read the English and Afrikaans newspapers could have stayed in power for several and 1974 had I not had the invaluable every day. She extracted subjects for all years longer, since he had the total support support of the English-language Press in those probing questions which I put to of the army and police (viz Mugabe) but the South Africa and of the foreign Government Ministers – about 200 each third requirement to retain power (ie. to be correspondents who were here throughout session! Questions that were not only put, prepared to shoot) was not acceptable to those 13 solo years. Members of the but were also answered in those days. An him. Parliamentary Press, and their editors, gave me amazing coverage – some are here this evening. Barry Streek for example. I thank them all. Unfortunately, Laurie Gandar, Donald Woods, Joel Mervis, and René de Villiers are longer with us. One Nat MP commented sourly about all the headlines I got. I said to him “Say something worth- while and you, too, will get a headline”! I want to acknowledge also, the encouragement I got from successive diplomats from the UK, US, Canada, Australia and Germany. It is indeed, a great pleasure to see Robin and Annie Renwick here tonight. I must say I wondered why we are having this splendid exhibition now, 15 years after I left Parliament, since which time I haven’t really done a great deal. I did spend some time at Codesa, where our new constitution was hammered out. I served on the first Independent Electoral Commission in l-r Mendel Kaplan, Michelle Friedman, Nathan Friedman, Irma Myers and Jill Kaplan 1994, which we ran, by the way, without a

4 Continued from page 3 emigration of skilled people, and discourage investment into job producing projects which would reduce our appalling unemployment rate. Mbeki’s letter of January 8 states, “Today we have the situation that everybody in our country is in favour of change. The sweet birds continue to sing particularly sweet songs about what needs to be done to bring about this change to which objectively they are opposed. Like the sweet bird about which Oliver Tambo spoke in 1971 in setting our National Agenda, they fight as hard as they can to ensure that they, rather than us, should set this agenda. They fight to ensure the dominance of their ideas about what constitutes change, and about the ways and means that should be used to bring about such change… to ensure the victory of the National Democratic Revolution, this is a struggle we must and will continue to take l-r Millie Pimstone (Conceptualized the exhibition, located the images and wrote the on, namely the political and ideological text), Helen Suzman and Linda Bester (Designed the exhibition and was responsible struggle to determine the dominant ideas for the digital artwork) for the transformation of our country.” Let me wind up with a few unsolicited voter’s roll! It’s hard to believe, but we did. 1971 was the year in which Colin, Gary political comments, as is my wont. I spent 3 years on the Human Rights Ralfe and I visited six countries in Africa, Recently, there’ve been some disturbing Commission, which was not a high point in including Zambia. Mbeki quoted from a attacks on the judiciary – some from within my life. I chaired the Vaal Reef Disaster letter sent in 1971 by Oliver Tambo from its own ranks, but also from theANC. There Trust. At present I sit on boards, like Rhoda exile, in which he did name me. Tambo said are references to what is called “the racial Kadalie’s Impumelelo, the SAIRR and the inter alia “Mrs Suzman deserves special mindset of the bench, which ignores the EOMT. I am the patron of several mention. This sweet bird from the blood- masses”. I must say I think that’s a bit rich, organisations like the Foundation that bears stained south flew into Zambia and sang a with millions of poverty stricken, my name. I write nasty letters to the press singularly sweet song. I am opposed to unemployed Black people living in shacks, and I take up cases of people who ask for apartheid. I am opposed to the isolation of without any modern amenities, while the my help and who have refused to accept South Africa. I am opposed to violence. I Government spends millions on that I have retired. They don’t believe that I am clearly in favour of change, but questionable armaments deals, extravagant no longer have access – which, I have come determined to prevent change”. “With these conventions, and inauguration ceremonies. to think, is the most important word in the words”, said Mbeki, “Oliver Tambo What the ANC should be directing its mind English language! They won’t believe me exposed the great gulf that existed between to is a reassessment of its “overwhelming when I tell them it was easier to get access ourselves and others in our country who, victory” in the 2004 election. There were 20 to ministers when I was an opposition MP, like us, said they were opposed to apartheid million people on the voter’s roll – 15 than now when I’m only one of those and were in favour of change”. million people cast their votes. The ANC annoying white liberals who claim to have What Mbeki failed to mention in his obtained 70% of these votes, and 279 out of played a part in fighting apartheid. letter of January 8 was that Oliver Tambo the 400 seats in Parliament. But 5 million But maybe this exhibition, in fact, was adopted a totally different attitude towards registered voters did not vote, and an untold triggered off because I acquired a new me, “the sweet bird from the blood-stained number who were eligible to register to claim to fame last year. I came twenty- south” when we met in Lusaka in 1989 at vote, did not do so. Using IEC and Stats SA fourth on the list of “Great SouthAfricans”, the Five Freedoms Forum, at which Mbeki figures, Dr Lawrence Schlemmer, beating Eugene Terreblanche by one! He was also present. Tambo called me to the Executive Director ofMarkdata and of the came twenty-fifth. Maybe, too, the rostrum, welcomed me warmly, and said, , estimates that exhibition is timely because of the recent inter alia: “We also welcome, with great the proportion of people eligible to vote attempt by President Mbeki to discredit the felicitation, the many luminaries from the who actually voted for theANC in 2004 did official opposition and to intensify the broad anti-apartheid front who grace our not exceed 45%. Moreover, the same ongoing effort to airbrush white liberals out gathering. There are many among us who source reveals that proportions of the of the history of the anti-apartheid struggle. deserve a special accolade, including voting age population that actually voted In his “ANC today” letter of January 8, Parliament’s unfading star, the inde- declined from 72% in 1999 to 57% in 2004. 2005, Mbeki referred to “A White South fatigable Helen Suzman”. Dr Schlemmer states that his surveys show African liberal politician who visited Instead, Mbeki converted Tambo’s letter that the declining participation is Zambia in 1971”. Although he did not use of 1971 into an onslaught against the substantially due to two factors. First, the my name, it did not require Sherlock Official Opposition and people, who like belief that voting is futile and makes no Holmes to identify me as the liberal me, object to policies which adversely politician. affect our economy, encourage the Continued on page 7

5 Port Jews Conference

Since 2000 the Centre has been involved in an international project with the University of Southampton examining the phenomenon of the ‘Port Jew’. The co-ordinators of the project are: Prof David Cesarani (University of London), Prof Tony Kushner (University of Southampton) and Prof Milton Shain (UCT). A series of conferences have been held and a number of publications have arisen from the project. The 2005 conference ‘Port Jews: Jews and non-Jews in cosmopolitan maritime trading centres’ attracted over 20 scholars from 9 countries.

l-r David Cesarani and Nancy Foner

l-r David Cesarani and Nancy Foner

l-r Tullia Catalan and Bill Kenefick

Participants of the Port Jews Conference

l-r Steve Taverner, Tzili Reisenberger, Beth Taverner and Sarah Pearce

l-r Bill Kenefick, Shirley Simon, Simone Gigliotti, Lesley Hart, Veronica Belling and John Simon

6 Continued from page 5 HIV/AIDS programme and second, it’s evil of the apartheid system as it deprived continued backing of the tyrant, Mad Bob two generations of black children of maths, difference. And second, general dis- Mugabe. It is hard to believe that a few science and a commercial language, thus satisfaction with Government per- weeks before the election which will be rendering them functionally illiterate for formance. The first factor is more typical of held in Zimbabwe on 31 March, Mbeki the IT age. We applaud the end of economic white voters, and the second of black declared that it will be free and fair, despite sanctions and academic boycotts and our voters. True, there are people who do not all the evidence to the contrary. The re-entry into international sport. South bother to vote in other countries, but ours is editorial of 4 March in Business Day Africa is undoubtedly a better country a very young democracy and indifference correctly summed it up as “Nonsense From today than it was under apartheid. How- cannot be the reason why so many people On High”. ever, it is essential to ensure that there are ignored their right to vote, the right for Well, enough already, as my father would checks and balances to prevent abuse of which they fought so hard and so long. Why have said. Finally, I want to state power and to thwart the ANC’s announced did this happen? I believe, as Dr emphatically that criticising the Govern- intention “to control all the levers of Schlemmer’s survey confirms, the answer ment does not mean that one wants to return power”. In other words, we need a vigilant is that the government has failed to deliver to apartheid. Heaven forbid! Liberals like opposition to prevent transition into a one on its promise of a “better life for all”. Thus, me warmly welcome our Constitution and party state. South Africa must not, in the it is essential to have a viable opposition to the Bill of Rights. We rejoice at the removal words of John Milton, “Sink into a muddy keep up the pressures on the ANC to from our statute book of all those wretched pool of conformity”. The sweet birds must deliver, and to confront the government laws that entrenched racial discrimination continue to sing. with its many sins of omission and and those that allowed detention without commission. To mention only two – its trial. We are heartily glad to see the end of failure to implement a comprehensive anti- Bantu education – to my mind, the worst

l-r Mrs Abrahamson, The Hon Abe Abrahamson, Helen Suzman and Milton Shain l-r Julia Bertelsmann, Rhoda Kadalie and Helen Suzman Kaplan Centre events for 2004

Faculty Seminars: the story of the first case of psychoanalysis Professor Robert Ericksen (Pacific ProfessorAnthony D Smith (London School and the founder of German social work Lutheran University) Historians and the Holocaust, 17August, Beit Midrash of Economics)Chosen Peoples. 16th Monday, 19April, Beit Midrash February,African Studies Gallery Prof Anne Kershen (University of London) Dr Jeremy Wanderer (Department of Assimilation and Separation: Immigrants in ProfessorAnthony D Smith (London School Philosophy, UCT) Identity and Jewish the East End of London in the eighteenth, of Economics)When is a Nation? 18th Practice Wednesday 28April, Beit Midrash nineteenth and twentieth centuries February,African Studies Gallery Wednesday 8 December, Beit Midrash Professor David Goldenberg (Kaplan Sarah Stein (University of Washington, Centre, UCT) The Curse of Ham. A Case of Public Lecture: Seattle) Making Jews Modern: The Yiddish Rabbinic Racism? Wednesday 12 May, Beit and Ladino Press in the Russian and Ottoman Professor Robert Ericksen (Pacific Empires, 29 March, Beit Midrash Midrash Lutheran University) “Complicity in Killing?” German Churches, German Dr Robert Kaplan (Consultant Psychiatrist, Baruch Margalit (University of Haifa) The Universities and the Role they Played during The Liaison Clinic, Wollongong, New South Canaanite Background of Biblical Religion the Third Reich Thursday 12 August, Jewish Wales), O Anna – being Bertha Pappenheim: Friday 30 July, Beit Midrash MuseumAuditorium, Hatfield Street.

7 Kaplan Centre events for 2005

Faculty Seminar: Violence and Jewish Nationalism 3 August, Michele Langfield (Deakin University, Gideon Shimoni (Hebrew University) Israel SAJewish MuseumAuditorium Australia) Memories and Identities of Jewish and Palestine: A Historian’s Perspective, Yehuda Bauer Kaplan Centre’s 25th Refugees and Holocaust survivors in 8 February, Beit Midrash anniversary Shoah and Genocide – Did We Melbourne, Australia Department of Religious Studies together Learn Anything? 1 September, S A Jewish with the Department of Hebrew and Jewish MuseumAuditorium TOWNSHIP TOUR Studies Conference Programme: Wednesday 5 January 2005 Professor Mishael Caspi (Bates University, Port Jews: Jews and non-Jews in City, Culture, Memory Maine, USA) Depicting Eve as: Mother of all cosmopolitan maritime trading centres Living or mother of all sins, 4 May, Religious Chair: John Simon Studies Department Monday 3 January 2005 William Kenefick (University of Dundee) Jews in Glasgow The ‘Port Jew’ Paradigm Revisited Professor Mishael Caspi (Bates University, David Cesarani (University of London) Chair: David Cesarani Maine, USA) Unbinding the Binding of Isaac London and New YorkJews remember Moshe Terdiman (Haifa University) Jews of Rereading Biblical Texts in more than one Milton Shain () and Algiers way, 11 May, Beit Midrash Richard Mendelsohn (University of Cape Tullia Catalan (Università di Trieste, DISSA) Town) Lies my Bobbe told me: Myth, Memory Professor Nancy Lukens (University of New Ethnic and religious communities in Trieste. A and the Making of a South African Jewish Hampshire, Durham, USA) Bridging Silences comparison of economic and social Identity – Teaching Nazism, Holocaust and Resist- behaviour in the period of nation-building ance through German Film, 27 May, Beit processes (XIXth-XXth Century). Identity and memory at war Midrash Roots and routes in Jewish antiquity and Chair: Gemma Romain Rachel Biale (Author of Women and Jewish early modern Europe Michael Keren (University of Calgary) and Law) Love, Lust and Loathing in the Jewish Chair: Azila Reisenberger Shlomit Keren (University of Calgary) Tradition 27 July, Beit Midrash Sarah Pearce (University of Southampton) Jewish legions Professor David Biale (University of Philo and the Nile Nicholas Evans (University of Aberdeen) California, Davis) Power in the Blood: The Steve Taverner (University of Southampton) Hull Jews in wartime Discourse of Blood in Nazi Antisemitism Seafaring narratives and Jewish identity Saul Issroff (University of Cape Town) Jews 1August, Beit Midrash Lucia Raspe (Frankfurt University) Local returning to Eastern Europe Rachel Biale (Author of Women and Jewish Legends from Exile: Location and Migration Displacement and Popular Culture Law) Women on Top? When Women in Ashkenazic Hagiography at the Crossroads Chair: Tony Kushner Challenge the Jewish Patriachal System, of the Middle Ages and Early Modernity Paolo Sannino (Queens University, Belfast) 4August, Beit Midrash Walk through the Museum: Mendel Kaplan Yiddish press and western world Veronica Belling (University of Cape Town) Prof Bahat (Hebrew University) Jerusalem Keynote Lecture: A slice of Eastern Europe in Johannesburg in the time of Jesus, 10August, Beit Midrash Nancy Foner (City University of New York) Azila Reisenberger (University of Cape Prof Yehoshua Gitay (Emeritus Professor Migration, Location, and Memory: Jewish Town) Hebrew writing in South Africa UCT) After Disengagement: Israel as a History Through a Comparative Lens Relocation Jewish State or State for the Jews, Tuesday4 January 2005 Chair: Milton Shain 29 September, Beit Midrash The Local and the Creole Zvi Gitelman (University of Michigan, Ann Prof Charles van Onselen (University of Chair: Tony Kushner Arbor) The Place of Place in Post-Soviet Pretoria) Anti-Semitism, Madness and Law Wieke Vink (Erasmus University, Rotterdam) Jewish Identities Enforcement in the Atlantic World 1880- Surinam Tony Kushner (University of Southampton) 1914, Monday 24 October, Beit Midrash Gemma Romain (National Archives, Kew, Benny Hill in Southampton Dr Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela (Psychology London) Jamaica Closing comments: Department, UCT) Dr Rodney Roberts Jonathan Goldstein (State University of West David Cesarani and Tony Kushner (Visiting Fulbright Scholar, Philosophy Georgia) Bangkok, Rangoon, Surabaja Department, UCT) in conjunction with the Small-TownJews Lectures in honour of Helen Suzman Philosophy Department, What is the Chair: Milton Shain Liberalism and its Challenges in South Appropriate Response to Crimes Against Lee Shai Weissbach (University of Africa Humanity? 10 November, African Studies Louisville, Kentucky, USA) Jews in small Thursday 31 March: Lawrence Schlemmer. Gallery towns, USA Liberalism, Freedom and Tolerance Public Lecture: John Simon (Independent scholar) Jews of Wednesday 6April: Tony Leon. Cape Province South African Liberalism Today and its Nancy Foner (City University of New York) Discontents Migration, Location and Memory: Jewish Place as refuge History Through a Comparative Lens, Chair: Nancy Foner Tuesday 12April: . 3 January, SAJewish MuseumAuditorium Maura Hametz (Old Dominion University, Liberalism’s Blindspots Virginia, USA) Dispersal of Triestine Jews Tuesday 19April: Frederik van Zyl Slabbert: Jonathan Goldstein (State University of Simone Gigliotti (Victoria University of West Georgia) Sino-Israeli Political, Threats and Challenges to South Africa Wellington, New Zealand) Jewish refugees in Becoming a More Open Society Economic and Cultural Relations since 1992, Sosua 6 January, SAJewish MuseumAuditorium Thursday 28April: Rhoda Kadalie. Marvin Gettleman (Emeritus Professor of Why Parliamentary Opposition is Important This Newsletter is published by History, Brooklyn Polytechnic University, the Kaplan Centre for Jewish Studies and Tuesday 3 May: Hermann Giliomee. New York City), The Belated Discovery of the Research, University of Cape Town. The position of minorities in South Dynamics of the Palestine-Zionist Editor: Janine Blumberg Africa: second thoughts on the ideas of Controversy by a Secular American Jew, Tel. (021) 650-3062 verligtes, liberals and liberationists 17 January, SAJewish MuseumAuditorium Fax. (021) 650-5151 Thursday 5 May: Sipho Seepe. Printed by: David Biale (University of California, Davis) Campus Copy & Print Is liberalism under threat? Reflections on Between Zealotry and Normalcy: Power, Post-1994 South Africa