Environmental Health & Safety Software

a whitepaper by Brought to you by Environmental, Health and Safety Software Our Top 3 Vendors

Complying with environmental, health and safety regulations is a challenge for many businesses. Organizations in areas such as manufacturing, energy and many others must follow a complex set of constantly changing federal, state and local laws, and even international regulations for global companies.

Some of the tasks that those laws require include:

training employees regarding the of their jobs

tracking and labeling chemical inventories

tracking and reporting emissions data

preventing air and water contamination, and

applying for and renewing permits.

On top of those requirements, businesses must be prepared for any spills, leaks, accidents or other incidents that might occur. In order to minimize damage, those events must be dealt with quickly and effectively, and organizations must put corrective plans in place to keep them from happening again.

And it isn’t just regulatory compliance that companies are concerned with. Organizations are trying to lessen their environmental impact and improve worker safety in order to boost their revenue and enhance their reputations among customers.

The benefits of EHS management software

That’s a lot for any business to handle. With so much to keep track of, it’s easy for an organization to forget about training for some employees or to miss important filing dates. And with so much effort put into the little things, it’s hard for the company to take a look at the big picture and find where there’s room to reduce waste and improve sustainability.

It’s especially difficult now as companies are under more pressure than ever to stay productive and do more with fewer resources.

As a result, only 5% of organizations rate their environmental, health and safety (EHS) programs as “world-class,” according to a 2013 survey from EHS Today. And just over a third (34%) of EHS profes - sionals consider their organizations to be “very good.”

Entire Contents © 2013 PBP Media. Copying of Pages Prohibited. For survey respondents, the top barrier to improvement was the pressure to keep production high.

That’s why many organizations that need help improving their environmental, health and safety pro - grams turn to EHS management software. Those systems help companies stay organized so they can meet all of their deadlines and compliance requirements and efficiently manage the organization’s risks and environmental challenges.

Companies can use that software to manage all of their different workflows so they can make sure that all tasks are completed as scheduled and standards are consistently upheld.

Insight into all key data

One of the top benefits of EHS management software is greater visibility. Companies can use EHS soft - ware systems to get quick insight into a wealth of information about chemical inventories, worker training programs, prior incidents, and many other areas.

Having all of that information centrally stored in one database also makes it easier to share across the entire organization, enabling all parts of the company to get on the same page and work toward the same goals.

With greater visibility into all of their operations, companies can better identify where their biggest risks and problems are and take steps to prevent issues in the future. Also by improving insight into energy consumption and the use of chemicals and other materials, organizations can find better ways to reduce waste and become more efficient. Track incidents and respond appropriately

Another key component of any organization’s environmental, health and safety program is keeping track of injuries, spills and other incidents, as well as near misses and problems discovered in audits and inspections. The best way for an organization to prevent problems in the future is to learn from those mistakes and take corrective actions to solve the problems.

However, with a manual process it can be difficult for companies to analyze the data, spot trends and determine the right steps to take. An EHS system makes it easier for operations-level users to report those incidents into the system so that all the right information is held in the same place in the same format.

From there, the software can help management pull in data and analyze it and determine root causes and develop action plans, which can then be automatically distributed to the right people.

Entire Contents © 2013 PBP Media. Copying of Pages Prohibited. Beyond compliance

While EHS systems can help business stay in line with regulations and prevent safety incidents, the real benefits come when companies want to move beyond compliance and turn environmental management into a business asset.

By seeing more data about their operations, organizations can reduce waste and improve sustainability, which will cut costs and enhance the business’s reputation. In addition, by creating a top-notch worker safety program, companies can cut costs even further and improve their efforts to recruit and retain the best employees out there. Common features of EHS systems

EHS systems come in a variety of shapes and sizes to meet the needs of different types of organizations. These are some of the features that are available from different vendors:

Incident response and reporting – One of the biggest challenges for environmental managers is responding quickly and effectively in a crisis. EHS systems can help the business stay organized by automatically notifying necessary employees when they need to take action. In addition, all incidents from minor spills to major accidents must be reported to government agencies, and EHS systems help streamline the process. Keeping track of those events can also help businesses identify trends and dis - cover the problems that must be fixed to prevent incidents in the future.

Document library – Environmental management systems give organizations a centralized location to store all of their critical documents, such as permits, required material safety data sheets (MDSD) and internal policies. That way, all employees will know how to quickly access that information when they need it.

Compliance – Keeping tracking of all regulatory requirements is a big challenge for companies. EHS systems can help organizations stay on track by sending alerts about key filing dates, storing all permits and other documents in one place, and tracking what tasks must be completed in order to remain in compliance.

Waste monitoring – Managing and reducing waste is critical for complying with regulations and for keeping employees safe and preventing accidents. Anything that is classified as waste represents some - thing the organization paid for but can’t make use of – and in fact, the company must pay to have it removed. On top of that, a lot of waste is hazardous material and must be dealt with in specific ways to avoid compliance issues. By closely tracking what comes into the organization and what goes out, busi - nesses can find new ways to reduce their waste, thereby boosting the bottom line and lowering the risks of noncompliance.

Water and air – Organizations are under a lot of pressure to reduce air and water pollution. With EHS software, businesses can monitor emissions data and receive alerts if the company is approaching its

Entire Contents © 2013 PBP Media. Copying of Pages Prohibited. limits. The software can also record and track emissions to generate reports for stakeholders and moni - tor progress meeting reduction targets.

Audits and inspections – Businesses must periodically conduct audits to uncover any environmen - tal, health and safety issues that may appear. EHS systems help companies stay on schedule with their audits and create to make sure those inspections are thorough.

Training – Many safety and environmental regulations require employees to be trained on certain top - ics on a regular basis. EHS systems give companies an easy way to track who has received all of their required training based on their job role, and many systems allow online training sessions to be deliv - ered through the software itself. Who uses EHS management software?

Organizations in many different fields and industries are subject to regulations regarding health, safety and the environment – not to mention other pressures and obligations to improve sustainability and keep employees safe. That includes energy utilities, manufacturers, construction firms, chemical plants, pharmaceutical companies, and countless others. All of those organizations can benefit from EHS man - agement software.

Businesses of different sizes can also gain different benefits by using an EHS system. Small businesses, for example, might need help staying on top of all their compliance challenges due to lim - ited personnel resources.

Large organizations, on the other hand, might turn to the software to help keep processes and policies consistent across different locations around the globe.

What to look for in an EHS management system

Organizations’ needs vary greatly from each other based on the size of the firm, its location(s), and its unique risks and sustainability challenges.

Therefore, the best solution for one organization can be a lot different than what’s right for another. Here are some factors to consider when looking for the EHS management system that’s best for your organization:

Specific compliance requirements – Companies are covered by different regulations based on their industries, where they’re located and other factors. When shopping for an EHS system it’s impor - tant to make sure the software supports those unique requirements and is flexible enough to meet the company’s needs as they change in the future.

Necessary modules – In addition to varying compliance requirements, different organizations also have different needs regarding which modules must be included in an EHS system. For example, some companies may not need to worry about emissions, while others might not require a system with a

Entire Contents © 2013 PBP Media. Copying of Pages Prohibited. training module. Before looking at vendors, it’s important that organizations first make a list of the modules and features they need, which ones would be nice to have, and which aren’t needed. That way, the company can make sure it gets what it needs without overpaying for unnecessary features.

Ease of use – One of the benefits of EHS software is that it allows information to be shared among dif - ferent parts of the organization. Therefore, a system should be intuitive and easy to operate for all of the employees that will have to use it, from the front-line supervisors who will report incidents to high-level decision makers that will analyze and interpret the data in the system. The best way to make sure a sys - tem is easy to use is to view a software demo with representatives from all of those different groups.

Delivery model and access capabilities – Like many other types of software, EHS systems are now often offered as a service in the cloud. In contrast with a traditional software deployment, cloud computing allows the organization to pay a fee to access software and data stored on the vendor’s net - work. In addition to the costs savings reported by many firms, that also allows users to access the software from anywhere they have an Internet connection. Many systems allow access on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, which can be especially helpful for conducting audits and completing other tasks.

Training and support – Technical support is important with any software, especially a cloud-based system. Companies should check vendor references to find out how reliable the system is and how quickly the vendor responds to issues with the service. In addition, the company should also be able to receive training for users when the system is implemented and there should be channels available to answer any remaining questions.

Entire Contents © 2013 PBP Media. Copying of Pages Prohibited. IBS America, Inc. 24 Hartwell Avenue Lexington MA 02421 Main: 781.862.9002 Fax: 781.862.9003 Email: [email protected] Website: Blog:

Key Links

Company Profile

IBS America, Inc., a Siemens Business, has a long and respected history of providing comprehensive Quality and Regulatory Compliance Software Solutions and Attendant Services. The elements of these solutions break down, at the highest level, into the following categories:

Quality Control

Third-party and Regulatory Compliance

Process Control


Business Intelligence

A forward look toward the anticipated evolution of the Regulatory and Compliance Requirements, indicate a clear and emerging trend impacting: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 13485, OHAS 18000, TS16949, and the various FDA CFRs and other regulatory requirements. There is a strong move in the various committees and regulatory bodies to harmonize and capitalize on common elements of the reg - ulatory requirements and align common functional quality system elements. For the typical company, on or after 2015, this will mean a convergence of common activities that have historically been handled in a redundant fashion between various systems and parts of the organization. This includes common Quality System elements, such as:


Audit Programs

Entire Contents © 2013 PBP Media. Copying of Pages Prohibited. Corrective and Preventive Actions

Risk Assessment

Management Review Activities


There is also a strong push for a hardening in the language of the Standard to increase the emphasis and responsibilities for upstream and downstream activities that are impacted by the enterprise. Upstream and downstream have been interpreted by the various committees to mean consideration of the enterprises’ potential impact on suppliers, service providers, manufacturing facilities and partners, remediation services and the end customer, regardless of their location and ownership. The IBS Solu - tion already supports the ability of the enterprise to think globally yet act locally. The software permits imposing specific requirements while allowing agility and flexibility for various business sectors to address their specific needs. This approach provides the ability to capture data and easily establish local, regional and enterprise level business intelligence when and where it is needed.

Key Features General Product Features: Web-based

Accommodates multi-site enterprise implementation within a single system


Security - Control access at the:

G System Level

G Site Level

G Functional Module Level

G Document/Record Level

G Section within a Record or Document Level

Utilizes the features of Outlook and other common mail systems. The system sends mail to appro - priate administrators and various users based on document/record content and timing requirements, such as: Scheduled, Past Due, Requires Action, Requires Signature, etc.

Dynamic Dashboard content for ease of navigation and access to frequently viewed content and reports.

Entire Contents © 2013 PBP Media. Copying of Pages Prohibited. Integration with other enterprise systems, such as: SAP, PeopleSoft, etc. The following items are typically passed to and from these systems:

G Part Numbers

G Customers

G Suppliers

G Other Key Business Data

Look Across Searches and Reporting

Supports the use of graphics, photographic images and attachments of various file types and PDFs

IBS Professional Services – IBS has a strong team of subject matter experts ready to train, assist and consult in the areas of:

Project Management

Compliance Training and Interpretation

General Consulting

Technical Support & Safety Features:

Document Management: Unique System Assigned Control Numbers

Templates for Procedures, Work Instructions, Manuals, MSDS forms.

Electronic Approval Signatures Compliant with 21 CFR part 11

Corrective and Preventive Action: 7 Step and 8D formats

Due Dates for each stage in the workflow, short-term, long-term and effectiveness

Create CAPA documents from any other system record

Sign and Approve with Electronic Signatures Compliant with 21 CFR part 11

Entire Contents © 2013 PBP Media. Copying of Pages Prohibited. Training and Competency: Job Descriptions and Requirements

Schedule Training Events

Automatically Record Attendee and Instructor Defined Pass, Fail, Repeat Information

Enforce and document effectiveness of Training Reviews

Track Certification and Renewal Dates for Repeat Training

Manage Training for Contractors and Customers

Track Training Hours and Cost

Management Review: Schedule Reviews and Email Invitations to Attendees

Record Meeting Minutes

Create Action Items, Targets and Objectives

Audits and Assessments: Schedule Audits

Assign Teams

Develop Reusable

Document Findings and Create Corrective and Preventive Actions from Checklist

System Generated Audit Summary Reports

Aspects and Impacts: Create Aspect Records

Rank by Significance

Develop Significance Analysis Reports from System

Create Targets and Objectives from Reports

Entire Contents © 2013 PBP Media. Copying of Pages Prohibited. Legal Register: Document and Track all applicable Local, State, Federal and International Laws and Regulations.

Create Permit Records --- Identify Renewal Dates and Receive System Driven Notifications and Emails.

Create Action Items in support of Permit Activities, such as: Obtaining water samples from test wells, etc.

System Automatically Triggers Escalation for Late Action Items and Failure to Renew Permits.

Accidents, Incidents and Near Miss: Record and Track all Information concerning Accidents and Incidents

Investigation, Evidence and Action Sections for Accidents and Incidents

Generate Action Items and CAPA Documents from Forms

OSHA Log and Summary Reports generated within system from Accident and Incident Record Content Automatically

Hazards Identification and Risk Analysis: Identify Job and Process Hazards

Hazards Risk Analysis Quantifies All the Elements Associated with the

Control Tests Monitor Hazards for Improvement or Regression

Hazards and Analysis can be Scheduled to Require Periodic Reviews

Storage, Shelf Life and Disposal: Record Receipt and Disposal Dates for Perishable Material

System can Trigger Label generation with Shelf Life Information using common Label Printing Technology

Record Storage Requirements, such as: Temperature and Combustible Property

System Notifies in Advance of Purge Dates, including Disposal Requirements Specific to the Material.

Entire Contents © 2013 PBP Media. Copying of Pages Prohibited. Customers:

Arch Chemicals (now Lonza) Formica

AZ Electronic Materials Lexmark International

Bacardi Bottling Corporation Madico, Inc.

Bridgestone Shiseido America, Inc.

Carus Chemical Corporation Teledyne Dalsa

Dana Corporation Yamaha

Entire Contents © 2013 PBP Media. Copying of Pages Prohibited. The top 3 EHS management vendors

Below we’ve listed our five top vendors to guide you in your purchase. For each company, we’ve listed its profile, key features of its system and examples of customers that have used the software.

EtQ Email : [email protected] Phone : 1.800.354.4476 Website : Blog :

Key Links:

EtQ EHS Software: EtQ Live Demo Request: EtQ EHS Software Brochure: EHS Compliance Guidebook: White Paper: An Insider’s Guide to Selecting and EHS Software System: White Paper: & its Effect on EHS Systems: 5-Minute Webinar Series – How to Teach Your EHS to Speak Risk: EtQ’s MSDS Software: EtQ’s Sustainability Software: EtQ’s Software: Compare Suites with EtQ’s Module Matrix:

Company Profile:

EtQ is the leading Enterprise Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Management software for identi - fying, mitigating, and preventing high-risk incidents through integration, automation, and collaboration. EtQ uses best-in-class, integrated modules and enterprise application integration to manage and measure EHS compliance processes and execute organizational change.

EtQ has developed an EHS Software system to help maintain quality to EHS compliance and regula - tory initiatives, such as ISO 14001, ISO 9000, and OHSAS 18001, while providing a word-class flexible workflow, collaborative platform to adapt to changing business processes, without programming. Key modules within EtQ’s EHS system include: Incidents; Corrective and Preventive Action (CAPA); Audits; Emergency Preparedness; Risk Management; Change Management; Employee Training; Aspects, Objectives, and Targets; Monitoring and Inspection; in addition to many other compliance-oriented modules. EtQ has been providing compliance solutions to a variety of markets for over 15 years.

Entire Contents © 2013 PBP Media. Copying of Pages Prohibited. In today’s growing global market with increasing compliance pressure, companies are standardizing their Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) initiatives to protect not only the workplace and the environment, but to ensure customer’s trust and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements of the markets they serve.

While the EHS needs will vary from one organization to the next, the primary objective is often the same—to reduce overall risk, comply with state and federal regulations, and enable the company to operate efficiently while maintaining a safe and environmentally sound workplace. Standards and ini - tiatives such as ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 serve as the framework that enables companies to comply with all environmental, health, and safety standards.

EtQ has developed a total solution to help organizations comply with these standards and initiatives through integration, automation, and collaboration. Using best in class integrated modules and enter - prise application integration, EtQ’s Software helps manage and measure environmental, health, and safety processes, and executes organizational change through a flexible workflow platform that adapts to changing business processes, without programming.


Key Features: Advanced Filtering of Incidents: EtQ’s unique EHS Software system is designed to minimize the num - ber of corrective actions using an advanced filtering model:

Automatic segregation and categorization of incidents

Automatic identification and display of related incidents

Built-in Risk Management software utility

Initial assessment to allow early closure

Risk Management to guide decision making

Investigation with step-by-step root cause analysis

Lookup and display of related corrective actions

Corrective action and effectiveness check plan

Closed-Loop Corrective Action: The EtQ EHS Software system is pre-configured to initiate various post-corrective action processes, including electronic distribution of corrective action results, Change Management, and Employee Training.

Entire Contents © 2013 PBP Media. Copying of Pages Prohibited. EtQ Job Safety Analysis: EtQ’s Job Safety Analysis (JSA) defines and controls the hazards associated with a certain job. The JSA ensures that the risk of each step of a task is reduced to As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP). Through this revision-controlled module, the user will, for each JSA to be performed, record the job basic information, job steps, hazards, and controls, and then create the needed risk register to train related people.

Additional modules include Risk Management, Change Management, Employee Training, Audits and Monitoring and Inspection. EtQ has been providing compliance solutions to a variety of markets for more than 20 years.


Energy Food and Beverage

Aviation Chemicals

Medical Device Electronics

Consumer Goods Manufacturing

Automotive Government/Service

Entire Contents © 2013 PBP Media. Copying of Pages Prohibited. Enablon North America Corp The Willis Tower - 54th Floor 233 South Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60606 312.784.7955 [email protected]

Key Links: Products: Reports & Whitepapers: Webinars: Demo Request: - dorReport&Camp=inquiry&Source=Download-Report Wizness:

Company Profile:

Enablon is the world's leading provider of EHS, Sustainability and Risk Management solutions. More than 1,000 global companies and one million users worldwide use Enablon software solutions to man - age environmental and social performance, minimize risks and improve profitability. Through its partnership network, Enablon operates in more than 160 countries.

Enablon offers the industry’s most comprehensive suite of software, content and technology for end- to-end management of Environmental, Health & Safety. It provides on-premise and SaaS solutions for integrated EHS Management, Corporate Responsibility, Energy & Carbon Management, Sustainable Supply Chain and Operational Risk Management, as well as an advanced online sustainability network called Wizness.

By connecting functional areas and centralizing business processes up to the enterprise layer, execu - tives using the Enablon platform benefit from a complete view across their operations that facilitates decision making and management of their strategic objectives. Through this enterprise wide approach, executives can ensure compliance with regulations, drive efficiency through better resource allocation and optimize business performance.

Enablon is consistently recognized as a leader and visionary in the EHS Management software market by industry analysts and associations. Here is a small sampling of why analysts and associations rate Enablon’s software so highly:

" Enablon is positioned as a leader in the Environmental Management Software space due to its solid environmental monitoring functionality, a strong track-record and a large customer base, "- Emilie Beauchamp, Industry Analyst at Verdantix.

The Enablon platform was recognized as “setting the standard for excellence in the field of energy, environmental and sustainability management” and earned the highest software ranking in Environmental Leader Technology Reviews.

Entire Contents © 2013 PBP Media. Copying of Pages Prohibited. Enablon provides the most complete EHS Management solutions on the market with modules for:

Environmental Management: air quality management, water quality compliance, waste manage - ment, environmental analysis &

Health Management: occupational injuries & illnesses, occupational health, industrial hygiene, exposure risk assessment

Safety Management: JSA/JHA, ergonomics analysis, safety risks assessment, behavioral based safety, contractor safety, proficiency and training management.

Product Stewardship & Chemicals Management: chemicals & SDS management, hazardous waste management, product safety, inventory management, chemical regulatory compliance

Operational Risk Management: job hazard analysis, exposure risk assessment, industrial hygiene, ergonomics analysis, chemical risk assessment, environmental analysis

Audit & Compliance Management: permits & regulations, audit & self-assessment, inspections management

Crisis Management: impact analysis, business continuity plan, emergency response, crisis com - munication

Continuous Improvement: action plans, management of change, proficiency and training management, document control

Key Features:

The Enablon EHS Management platform offers the following key features:

Real-time collection and consolidation of quantitative and qualitative data

Management of regulatory compliance requirements & EHS performance

Advanced analytical functionalities & performance dashboards

Interface with existing information systems where required

Enterprise-wide information and best-practices sharing

Automated production of dynamic reports

Objectives & projects management

Entire Contents © 2013 PBP Media. Copying of Pages Prohibited. Customers:

Bombardier Lend Lease

Crosstex Energy Orica

Cummins Timberland

Hydro-Québec UPS

L’Oreal Volkswagen

Entire Contents © 2013 PBP Media. Copying of Pages Prohibited.