Feedback report

Study Visit , 26 - 2 7 November 2013


Report produced by CASCADE project

Lead author: Kerstin Rubenson, City of Malmo

Version: 1

CASCADE is an EU-funded project led by EUROCITIES which aims to design and deliver large-scale networking and mutual learning actions on local energy leadership among EUROCITIES members. The CASCADE consortium is composed of: EUROCITIES, Wuppertal Institut, Koucky & Partners and the following cities: Amaroussion, Amsterdam, Birmingham, Burgas, Edinburgh, Eindhoven, Gateshead, Genoa, Gijon, Malmo, Mannheim, Milan, Nantes, Stockholm, Sunderland, Tampere, Terrassa, Venice and Warsaw.

The CASCADE project is co-financed by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme. The sole responsibility for the content of this report lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EACI nor the European Commission is responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

January 2014 CASCADE Feedback report – Eindhoven study visit, 26-27 November 2013



1. Introduction ...... 4

2. Participants ...... 4

3. Programme ...... 5

4. Learning methodology ...... 6

5. Case studies ...... 6

6. Lessons learnt ...... 9

7. Evaluation of the visit ...... 10

8. Conclusions ...... 13

Appendix ...... 14

January 2014 CASCADE Feedback report – Eindhoven study visit, 26-27 November 2013


1. Introduction

The CASCADE study visit to Eindhoven took place on 26-27 November 2013. The visiting group consisted of officials from the cities of Gijon (Spain), London Borough of Haringey (UK), Tampere (Finland), Warsaw (Poland) and Yerevan (Armenia). Also the EASME project officer Stefan Renner took part in the visit.

During the two-day visit the group learnt about different aspects of mobility, and how these issues are handled in Eindhoven. The two well-planned days included both theoretical information on mobility planning, smart mobility and electric mobility, and site-visits. The group had a bike-tour around the city. It also visited the airport and learnt more about its sustainability-related projects.

2. Participants

Host Eindhoven Joost Helms, Alderman, City of Eindhoven Jan Willem Hommes, Policy advisor, City of Eindhoven Gösta Weber, Project leader, City of Eindhoven Gert Blom, BBZOB, City of Helmond Joelle van den Broek, Automotive Campus Paul Bloemen, Mobility-S Ron Nohlmans, Eindhoven Airport Visitors Gijon Ignacio Martín-Anguelo, Manager-Director of Municipal Urban Transport Enterprise of Gijón, Plc. ,Gijón City Council Bernardo Veira, Manager-Director of Municipal Centre of Enterprises Plc., Gijón City Council Tampere Mika Kulmala, Traffic engineer, City of Tampere Warsaw Marcin Wróblewski, City of Warsaw London Edwin Leigh – Principal Transport Planner, Haringey Council Bourough of Malcolm Smith – Team Leader Transport Planning, Haringey Council Haringey Denise Adolphe – Smarter Travel Programme Manager, Haringey Council Yerevan Vergine Simonyan, Chief Expert, City of Yerevan Tigran Sargsyan, Deputy Head of Development and Investment Programmes Department, City of Yerevan Thematic expert City of Malmö Kerstin Rubenson, City of Malmo Other EASME Stephan Renner, project officer

January 2014 CASCADE Feedback report – Eindhoven study visit, 26-27 November 2013


3. Programme

Monday, 25 November 2013 (Day 0)

18.00-21.00 Off program: Dinner at restaurant Café New York

Tuesday, 26 November 2013 (Day 1) 09.00-11.00 INTRODUCTION TO THE EINDHOVEN SUSTAINABLE URBAN MOBILITY PLAN • Welcome to Eindhoven Joost Helms, alderman for mobility, City of Eindhoven • Introduction to CASCADE Stephan Renner, EACI Project officer • The city of Eindhoven Jan Willem Hommes, policy advisor, City of Eindhoven • Eindhoven’s sustainable urban mobility plan by Gösta Weber, Project leader, City of Eindhoven Location: Van Abbe Museum, Bilderdijklaan 10 11.00-13.00 Bicycle tour through Eindhoven, visiting a few of the remarkable features in the field of cycling. 13.00-14.00 Lunch at Seats2Meet, Torenallee 24 14.00-16.30 PROJECT VISIT SEATS2MEET. THEME: SMART MOBILITY • Smart mobility concept • Synaptics project • Gösta Weber • Joelle van den Broek • Gert Blom • Paul Bloemen 16.30-17.30 DISCUSSION 18.30 Official Dinner hosted by the City of Eindhoven, Restaurant ‘Vlijtig Liesje’ Wednesday, 27 November 2014 (Day 2)

09.00-11.00 PROJECT VISIT TU/e. THEME: ELECTRICAL TRANSPORT Policies and future plans of the city of Eindhoven in collaboration with Eindhoven University of Technology, regarding transition towards electrical transport.

11.30-13.00 PROJECT VISIT EINDHOVEN AIRPORT. PROJECT: D-AIR • Ron Nohlmans • Discussion and evaluation 13.00 Lunch and farewell

January 2014 CASCADE Feedback report – Eindhoven study visit, 26-27 November 2013


4. Learning methodology

The learning approach was a combination of presentations, discussions and site visits. Various experts and people involved in Eindhoven’s mobility projects gave presentations on a wide range of transport-related topics. This gave a broad insight into Eindhoven’s work on mobility to the visitors.

The study visit started with an overview over Eindhoven, pointing out the specific local conditions needed to take into account in the mobility planning. They were related both to the situation in other cities in the country, and general differences between the and other countries.

Following the theme of the study visit, the visiting group used various transport modes to commute: bike, car and bus. It had a bike tour around Eindhoven, visiting some of the most interesting spots connected to cycling in the city. Examples of these are an under-ground bicycle garage in the city centre, a street where bikes have priority and an elevated bicycle round-about, aiming to reduce mixing of bikes and cars and improve traffic and safety conditions.

The first afternoon, the group visited a location with flexible working space. The Eindhoven’s smart mobility concept was presented, and the group learnt about technologies to reduce traffic jams and adjust the speed, as well as about the city’s strategies to make transport infrastructure more energy-efficient.

The second day started with a visit to the Eindhoven University of Technology, and some presentations on projects focusing on electric vehicles. A prototype for a cheap e-vehicle for city traffic was demonstrated, and the work to produce a high-speed electric car to take part in a competition was presented. The study visit ended at the Eindhoven Airport, where the visitors learnt more about its strategies and measures to improve sustainability.

5. Case studies

The study visit focused on how the City of Eindhoven has facilitated sustainable transport. Some of the presented measures are described below:

Title The Hovenring: an elevated cycling Description At this intersection, completed in 2011, motorised and bicycle traffic are vertically separated through an underpass motorway and an elevated cycling roundabout. The Hovenring is a suspended bicycle path roundabout situated between the localities of Eindhoven, Veldhoven and Meerhoven which accounts for its name, which is Dutch for ‘Ring of the Hovens’'.

January 2014 CASCADE Feedback report – Eindhoven study visit, 26-27 November 2013


Results The Hovenring was first conceived in 2008, when increased traffic between Eindhoven and Veldhoven was starting to overwhelm the capacity of the roundabout on the crossing of the roads known as Heerbaan in Veldhoven and the Meerenakkerweg (Heistraat). In order to improve the flow of traffic and improve safety, it was decided to completely separate motorised and bicycle traffic. In addition, it was decided to transform the roundabout for cars into a regular crossing of streets, to improve the flow of traffic. This left a decision to be made about what to do about the bicycle traffic. The City Council of Eindhoven decided that they wanted to develop an eye-catching project, in keeping with the ambitions of the Brainport top technology region (a knowledge economy-driven cooperative of the municipalities in the Eindhoven metropolitan area). The design for the Hovenring was made by the ipv Delft design agency. The name was chosen through a competition held among the population of Eindhoven and Veldhoven. Literally the name means ‘ring of the Hovens’, referring to Eindhoven, Veldhoven and Meerhoven (the residential area where the Hovenring is located). In addition, the name refers to the suspended ring of the Hovenring, as well as to the ring and needle (the central pylon) of lights that are formed by the lights that adorn the construction. With the addition of the lights, the name also refers to Eindhoven’s unofficial designation of ‘city of lights’. The construction started on 11 February 2011. The new crossing was opened on 30 December 2011. About a week later, the crossing was again closed for all traffic, because the suspension cables were found to vibrate in a manner that was considered harmful. The Hovenring was finally opened to the public on 29 June 2012.

Financing The total costs of restructuring the intersection was about € 24.000.000. The project was partly subsidised by: • the region, • the province, and • the national government. Lessons learnt The flow of the motorised traffic has greatly improved and the upper-lying cycling roundabout adds to safety, environmental and visual aspects. The project is important for the city, since it contributes in the targets of its sustainable mobility programme:

January 2014 CASCADE Feedback report – Eindhoven study visit, 26-27 November 2013


• optimising accessibility of the city for all modalities • Attaining a modal shift towards cycling and public transport • Optimising traffic safety.

Title Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure in Eindhoven Description The ambition of Eindhoven is to: • facilitate electric mobility, in order to: o improve sustainability o enhance air quality o increase opportunities for automotive industry • co-operate with other stakeholders and construct public EV charging stations • be one of the frontrunners in The Netherlands. To promote electric mobility, it is essential to build a reliable EV charging infrastructure. Results The city of Eindhoven has built 35 public EV charging stations in the city in cooperation with the ‘E-laad’ (E-charge) Foundation. The ‘E-laad’ Foundation is a partnership between network operators, which aim to assess the impact of electric vehicles on the power grid. The city also built an EV fast charger in 2012. This was the first EV fast charger in Brabant Province and it was established in cooperation with the Province, the Municipality of Eindhoven and McDonald’s. Financing E-laad takes the costs for investment, installation and maintenance of the 35 public EV charging points. The fast charger was financed by the province, the City of Eindhoven and McDonald’s. EV chargers on private areas: • subsidies for construction of charging station on private areas both for businesses and individuals; • 25 applications in 2013.

January 2014 CASCADE Feedback report – Eindhoven study visit, 26-27 November 2013


Lessons • Electric vehicle charging stations are learnt no profitable business case: o hardware costs o costs for maintenance & management o costs for construction and connection o energy costs. • The public EV charging stations have low energy-efficiency. • Competition with home EV chargers (domestic wall sockets). Key success • The City builds EV charging stations in cooperation with other factors stakeholders. • The City allows, under conditions, other parties to install EV charging stations in public spaces. • ‘First increase the use of electric vehicles, and then built charging stations’. • The EV charging stations are installed in the immediate surroundings of the users. • The station can simultaneously charge multiple EV’s. • Parking lots are reserved for charging EVs.

6. Lessons learnt

Visiting Cities

In general, the visitors were very impressed by Eindhoven’s systematic work on sustainable travelling. They made very positive comments on the wide variety of measures applied and they highlighted some of the measures demonstrated. Some of them also mentioned that the visit helped them to realise how important partnership and cooperation are.

Above all, the systematic work done by Eindhoven to improve the cycling conditions was a source of inspiration for the visitors, and something to take back home. Some of the infrastructural measures (e.g. the elevated roundabout) were considered too difficult to get acceptance for in the visitor’s home cities. But the majority of measures were considered transferable and applicable. The visitors were particularly interested in the cyclist priority approach followed by Eindhoven.

The information on electric mobility was also valuable for the visitors. For example, many visitors mentioned that the methodology for determining the number of public EV charging points needed in the area was a learning point of high interest. Further, they were very interested in the IT technology used to help manage traffic in urban areas.

January 2014 CASCADE Feedback report – Eindhoven study visit, 26-27 November 2013


Host City

The main focus of a study visit is for the visitors to learn from the host city. Despite that, some new information and ideas can come from the visitors to the hosts. In this case, Eindhoven received valuable input on safety issues especially regarding the cycling traffic, the mixing with the footpaths and possible improvements on the monitoring of cycling-related accidents. With regard to the mixing with the footpaths, the visitors emphasised that in some situations cyclists seem to be given priority even over pedestrians, which is certainly a point that Eindhoven should pay more attention. There were also good suggestions on improving the co-operation with the police in order to better enforce the regulations for helmets, bikers etc.

7. Evaluation of the visit

The study visit was evaluated using the evaluation questionnaires developed for the CASCADE study visits. The questionnaires was distributed to the visitors at the end of the study visit, and handed back to the host. Seven completed evaluation questionnaires were received in total. The results of the evaluation are summarised in the table below:

Table over visitors’ evaluation questionnaires:

Questions Answers Comments

• Fantastic organisation: we used a lot

of means of transport (taxi, bike, hybrid bus, feet and train). agree agree neutral Strongly Strongly disagree disagree • The project about electric vehicles Somewhat Somewhat Overall assessments answerNo Undicided / was the weakest one: because 70% The event met my of people do not have garage, it is expectations/needs 5 2 not very developed and I gained useful knowledge presentations were theoretical, not and information 6 1 practical. • It is difficult to see some things I will be able to apply such directly applied at home in the short knowledge and information term. to my job • Bike enhancement won’t result in an 4 2 1 immediate increase of use in Gijón. Balance between effort for

preparing and outcome balance balance balance relation very good good very No answerNo no opinion acceptable problematic disproportional disproportional Assess the balance between what you put in and what you got back 5 2

January 2014 CASCADE Feedback report – Eindhoven study visit, 26-27 November 2013


Relevance of study visit • Cycling and behaviour change, focus electric vehicles and reducing CO2 emissions etc. very • Yes: Seats2meet, hybrid buses and relevant relevant relevant limitedly No answerNo no opinion bike garages. not relevant conditionally • Particularly interested in electric Has the focus of the study vehicle programme and use of visit been relevant for your technology to manage traffic. work • Bikes are a sustainable mode of transport that can be much more 6 1 relevant in Gijón.

Balance between theory • All real-life experiences!

and practice balance balance relation very good very No answerNo no opinion acceptable problematic disproportional disproportional Assess the balance between theory and practice 6 1

• Excellent programme.

Evaluation of input and good satisfying very good very No answerNo no opinion

preparation not adequate Substantial and editorial quality of preparatory input 6 1 Substantial input provided by the host city 7 General structure of the process 7

Evaluation of process and • Provision of more information about communication Eindhoven transport strategies and

not budget as a hand-out to each good adequate satisfying delegate would be useful. very good very No answerNo no opinion • Would have been nice to have the Quality of facilitation 6 1 list of people and profiles in advance Quality of presentations of to prepare and investigate possible the host city 5 2 opportunities of collaboration. Quality of networking and interaction 3 4 Quality of information during the study visit 5 2 Quality of the visit organisation 7

January 2014 CASCADE Feedback report – Eindhoven study visit, 26-27 November 2013


Output and learning New information:

• E-vehicles and charging stations, studies and forecasts and work done in Eindhoven. • Bicycle culture, lightening system, electrical transport system, the sustainable urban mobility plan. • Cycling infrastructure – the raised cycle roundabout. • Use of new technology for transport planning. • Cultural difference between the people of Netherlands and London means we have to ensure that we put the best strategies in place to increase cycling. • All about S2M philosophy. • Strijp-S transformation as an urban example. • Electrical vehicle charging programme; use of technology to manage traffic – these provided new insights. • All the bike infrastructure and use.


• Good. Sometimes quite technical, but in these themes it has to be. • Very relevant to transport challenges and objectives in London. • Very relevant in my field (apart from the last presentations on airport CO2 emissions, but interesting anyway). • Bike fostering encourages us to follow in our cities the same. • More bikes => less cars => less energy. Very relevant. Networking:

• Good. Practical examples and projects done or currently doing. • The exchange of successful experience is very important and useful. The quality of presentations was very good and the discussions between the participating cities were productive. • Very important. • Very useful to see the baseline of other cities and their own strategy for getting from A to B. • It was very useful. I only missed 5 minutes presentation of mobility actions from the other cities. • Good. Other cities participating have very different transport issues. • Good, but that only can be assessed in the future. Other:

• It was very interesting to learn how Eindhoven is preparing for a transition towards electrical transport and to be introduced to the policies and future plans with Eindhoven University of Technology. • I missed cost data about Apts/Phileas and about foundation for electrical mobility. • Thanks a lot for everything!!

January 2014 CASCADE Feedback report – Eindhoven study visit, 26-27 November 2013


According to the evaluation questionnaires, the study visit in Eindhoven was very successful. Most participants strongly agree that the visit met their expectations and needs. There was a good balance between theory and practice, the focus of the study visit was highly relevant to all participants but one, and the input and organisation by Eindhoven only gets the highest rating.

The area where the participants gave the lowest rating in the evaluation was the quality of networking. It is not possible to draw conclusions from the comments on the reasons for this. One suggestion is to get information on participants before the visit; another one is to have short presentations of each of the cities.

The rating was also somewhat low on ‘I will be able to apply such knowledge and information to my job’. Most participants marked ‘Strongly agree’ or ‘Somewhat agree’, though. The reason could be that Eindhoven is advanced when it comes to transport, and some measures are hard to apply elsewhere.

8. Conclusions

Study visit is a learning methodology that has been used for a long time. It has proven to be fruitful, especially for the visitors. The visit to Eindhoven was no exception to that. The visitors generally gained new knowledge, and will be able to use that at home.

The visitors were satisfied with all parts and aspects of the visit. The wide variety of measures to improve cycling conditions is mentioned as very inspirational. In the other cities, cycling is less common than in Eindhoven, and the kind of reasonable measures to take are therefore slightly different. Thus, some measures can’t be ‘copied’, but they can still serve as a source of inspiration and as a base for new ideas.

A lot of new information was gained by the participants, mainly on technologies for steering traffic, avoiding traffic jams and electric vehicles. Those are systems that can be used in other cities, either like they are or slightly altered. Also, the broad spectrum of visited and presented projects was appreciated.

The networking opportunities offered during the visit were regarded very valuable as well, even though some participants would like to have more time and opportunities for networking. The visitors found it interesting to hear about challenges and solutions in other cities and counties.

When it comes to improving the format, there are suggestions to send the presentations before the visit together with back-up documentation: e.g. suggestions for further reading, contact information of the presenters etc. It was also suggested to send the profiles and names of the participants from the other cities in advance, as this could improve the networking experience.

January 2014 CASCADE Feedback report – Eindhoven study visit, 26-27 November 2013


Appendix 1: Photos

The study visit group is taking a look at the model of the new development in Strijp-S.

Visiting Seats2Meat

January 2014 CASCADE Feedback report – Eindhoven study visit, 26-27 November 2013


Above: Handing out bikes (and e- bikes) for a ride around Eindhoven.

Left: Most visitors took the chance to test the bike in a safe environment.

January 2014 CASCADE Feedback report – Eindhoven study visit, 26-27 November 2013


Right: Taking a ride in the elevated bicycle roundabout.

Below: Learning about priority of cyclists.

Going by bus to the airport. The bus can be operated without a driver.

January 2014 CASCADE Feedback report – Eindhoven study visit, 26-27 November 2013


A student-designed electric racing car, tested by some of the visitors. In the background is another student- designed electric car, aiming for the consumer market when it is fully developed.

January 2014 CASCADE Feedback report – Eindhoven study visit, 26-27 November 2013


Appendix 2: Presentations

1. Introduction Eindhoven 2. Seamless mobility 3. SUMP priorities 4. From technology to mobility solutions 5. Dutch Integrated Testsite Cooperative Mobility 6. Mobility-S 7. Charging Infrastructure Municipality of Eindhoven 8. Public charging stations network 9. Strategic Area Smart Mobility 10. TU Ecomotive 11. University Racing Eindhoven 12. Decarbonising airport regions

January 2014 CASCADE Feedback report – Eindhoven study visit, 26-27 November 2013