TOWN OF BERTHOUD Recreation Center and Parks Master Plans 06.13.2018 This page is intentionally blank. Town of Berthoud Jeremy Olinger and Selection Committee 807 Mountain Avenue Berthoud, Colorado 80513 June 13, 2018

RE: Proposal Response - RFP for Recreation Center and Parks Master Plans

Dear Mr. Olinger and Members of the Selection Committee,

Wenk Associates has been honored to work with the Town of Berthoud over the last few months on the development of the Berthoud Master Plan. Through that project, we’ve been able to see the excitement building within the community, the vested interest of the PORT Committee, and the Town Staff’s continued support and priority for Berthoud’s parks and open spaces. It’s an exciting time for the Town to continue the momentum that it has started and work to build community support for future parks and recreation projects in preparation for the November ballot initiative.

The Recreation Center and Parks Master Plans is an important next step in developing a connected and cohesive park system for Berthoud. The five future park spaces - Berthoud Town Park, Waggener Farm Park, Richardson Park, Knievel Park, and Bein Park – along with the recreation center and outdoor aquatics facility, will each be a critical component of the park system providing unique and invaluable amenities for many demographic groups within the Town, including children, families, singles, and active seniors. To be successful each space must complement each other, serve the recreational needs of the community, provide a variety of active and passive uses, and capture the small town culture and values that attract people to live in Berthoud. Each park and facility is a critical foundation for a unique and valued park system for the Town.

To effectively create park spaces that will be destinations and landmarks in the community for generations, the master plans must be driven by the community’s vision and recreational needs. It must provide a practical strategy for implementing recommended park improvements. Therefore, we have selected a team based on their ability to fulfill the project’s work scope, successful working relationships together, and experience with the Town. Our team includes the trifecta of Barker Rinker Seacat Architects (BRS), Water Inc. (WTI) pool designers, and Ballard*King & Associates Ltd operations consultants who have collaborated on over 50 recreation center/facilities projects in Colorado and across the US. FCI Constructors is a local contractor that has experience working with Wenk and BRS and who have experience with similar projects. And finally, Wenk and JVA civil engineers have an on-going relationship with Parks and Public Works, respectively.

We couldn’t be more excited to continue working with the Town on these important future spaces and to continue this momentum together. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach us at 303.628.0003 or [email protected].


Nicole Horst, PLA, ASLA Principal-In-Charge 303-628-0003 - [email protected] Table of Contents Approach 1 Fees 5 Experience + Project Team Qualifications 6 Standard Contract 39

Conceptual rendering of a proposed flexible, open lawn space for Salisbury Park North. iv - Town of Parker, Colorado Approach

The master plans for the recreation center, aquatics facility, and the five park sites is a tremendous opportunity to create a unique park system for the Town of Berthoud as it grows into the future. Each park is important to the larger vision for the Town to develop vibrant public spaces and amenities for the community to gather, , recre- ate, and celebrate. Below we discuss a few challenges to the process and how we will address them, as well as reasons why we feel our team is best suited to meeting these challenges:

We are a ‘Berthoud-Knowledgeable’ Team.

We have assembled a team that is familiar with the Town and that has the capability and experience to respond quickly to the project’s needs. Wenk Associates and JVA have an on-going relationship with Parks and Public Works, respectively. BRS prepared the previous Berthoud Recreation Study and is known nationally for their recreation center expertise. Aldo Coronado, who now works with WTI, prepared the evaluation of the existing outdoor pool and can be a great resource to the team. This experience will allow us to begin quickly without a lot of start-up effort from Town Staff.

We build community support for implementation by creatively engaging the public and other stakeholders throughout the process.

Perhaps the most important challenge of the project will be to meet the aggressive schedule and build community support for the November ballot initiative, which requires an implementation strategy and overall master plan. To stay on target, we have developed an approach that meets the critical milestone of the August 21 Town Board of Trustees meeting.

Weekly Work Sessions with the Town Staff & PORT Committee Updates Our approach will be to host Weekly Work Sessions with the Town Staff for the Kick-Off and during the month of July, with updates at key points to the PORT committee. The work sessions will identify goals and objectives, master plan strategies, and development and review of concept alternatives that meet the community’s needs.

For the first work session, which is the Kick-Off Meeting, we will begin with a current evaluation of the 2016 PORT Plan recommendations and identify opportunities for revisions or considerations based on market analysis, revenue opportunities, operation and maintenance strategies, and Town priorities. Goals and objectives will be identified for deeper dives. For example, we may consider the pros and cons of co-locating the recreation center and outdoor aquatics facility or pursue the advantages and disadvantages of synthetic turf and natural grass over the long term lifecycle.

In the second work session, we will evaluate site opportunities and constraints to provide the framework for devel- oping character and programming for each site.

In the third and fourth work session, we will vet park program locations using quick conceptual alternatives to determine a preferred draft plan.

As part of the Weekly Work Sessions, BRS will facilitate an Owner Decision Matrix (ODM) for the Recreation Cen- ter, a unique tool that BRS has developed specifically for their Recreation Center projects. This scheduling docu- ment is created for each project and lays out for their client most of the major decisions that must be made over the course of the design process. They have developed the idea of the 3 C’s as a part of the ODM. The three C’s represent the three stages in making a decision. The first step is the “Consider” stage where they introduce the team to a decision point, be it a material choice or an alternative design approach. At the next workshop they will discuss the issue in depth, having had some time to understand the implications of the decision. They call this “Confirm” the decision and the following meeting they would “Commit” to the decision. This allows the client to

1 have enough time to fully understand the issues, research and consider alternatives and finally commit to the deci- sion. The goal with this tool is to focus the client meeting agendas and decisions to relative topics for each stage of the design process. This keeps the process moving in a forward direction without backtracking due to making hasty or uninformed decisions.

Public Engagement Once a preferred draft concept for each site is developed with Town Staff, and the PORT Committee has been updated, we will engage the community to identify priorities and preferred elements within the park frameworks at the Community Open House and through the Online Survey. For the Berthoud Reservoir project, we had over- whelming community participation (with over 130 responses) through the open house and on-line survey. We would use a similar structure and approach to reach out to the community for their input, ideas, and support. Their feedback will then help inform the final concept plans, phasing priorities, and feasibility.

We create plans that are feasible, constructible, and maintainable.

Over 70% of our work is in the public realm for and Towns. We understand that projects require vision yet must be practical in order to get funded, built, and maintained. The implementation of the master plan and rec- reation center will likely be built in phases. We will work with the Town Staff and stakeholders to identify project phasing and management alternatives. This phasing will be organized by year to anticipate capital improvement budgeting needs.

Cost Estimating & Project Phasing As with most of our projects, phasing is critical to getting projects funded and built. A great asset to our team is FCI Constructors, a local contractor with experience working with BRS and Wenk on similar projects. We will work together to provide an overall cost estimate and a phasing plan that identifies logical construction sequencing and associated costs based on community input. The phasing plan will consider funding opportunities, the goals and objectives, and community impact.

Proposed Project Schedule JUNE JULY AUGUST 6/25 - 6/29 7/3 - 7/6 7/9 - 7/13 7/16 - 7/20 7/23 - 7/27 7/30 - 8/3 8/6 - 8/10 8/13 - 8/17 8/20 - 8/24 TASKS 1 PROJECT INITIATION 1.1 Kick-Off Meeting/Work Session with Town Staff Ï 1.2 Kick-Off Meeting with PORT Committee P

2 DRAFT PARKS AND RECREATION CENTER CONCEPTUAL PLANS DEVELOPMENT 2.1 Develop DRAFT conceptual plans for each Town Property 2.2 Develop conceptual plan for recreation center and possible phasing 2.3 Develop concept plan for outdoor aquatics facility 2.4 Weekly Work Sessions with Town Staff Ï Ï Ï Ï

3 PUBLIC OUTREACH - DRAFT CONCEPT PLAN ELEMENTS 3.1 Community Open House (Prep/Facilitation)  3.2 PORT Committee Meeting (Saturday 8/4) P 3.3 Online Community Survey

4 FINAL CONCEPTS DEVELOPMENT AND FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS 4.1 Develop FINAL conceptual plans for each Town Property 4.2 Develop FINAL conceptual plans Recreation Center 4.3 Prepare construction cost estimates for each of the planned facilities Ï 4.4 Prepare operational plan and feasibility study (parks sites, rec center, outdoor aquatics facility) 4.5 Present final concepts and feasibility analysis to Town Staff (8/13) and Town Board (8/21) Ï B

 Community Meeting/Presentation P PORT Committee Meeting Ï Town Staff Meeting/Work Session B Board of Trustees 2 Operations We know that the long-term management costs can be two to three times that of the capital construction costs over the life of the project. Based on the conceptual design, Ballard*King will develop a preliminary opera- tions expenditure budget for the recreation center, aquatics center, and the parks, as well as a projected revenue estimate based on a probable operating and fee structure for the facilities. As a team, we will work hand-in-hand with Ballard*King to identify programming locations, revenue opportunities, material selections, and operation strategies that will reduce and provide realistic expectations for long term maintenance and operation costs.

We develop visions for each park site that contribute to an overall, cohesive park system.

Each park site is unique given its inherent character, topography, views, and natural resources. The visions for each site should enhance these natural qualities and unveil the site’s potential as a community resource and pub- lic space whether it be for , recreation, or . To create a successful overall master plan for the Town, each park vision should contribute to the overall park system through connectivity, variety of experiences, and unique character.

Not only will it be important to communicate to the public the unique identity of each site, but also how it fits into the bigger picture for the Town as it continues to grow and develop. Clearly understood graphics that locate differ- ent design options in their proposed context in the Town is important to clearly communicate design intent. Plan graphics and supporting imagery are included in our base fee to get to the August 21 meeting. As a supplemental service, we have included a cost for additional illustrative perspectives to help communicate the vision. These before/after visualizations could be prepared after August 21 to further convey the designs to the pubic. Examples of these types of images are included in the Experience Section of this proposal.

JULY AUGUST 7/3 - 7/6 7/9 - 7/13 7/16 - 7/207/23 - 7/27 7/30 - 8/3 8/6 - 8/10 8/13 - 8/17 8/20 - 8/24



™ P



™ Community Meeting/Presentation P PORT Committee Meeting Ï Town Staff Meeting/Work Session B Board of Trustees 3 This page is intentionally blank. Fees

The following fees are based on our Approach outlined in the previous section. We would be happy to adjust our tasks and negotiate fees based on further conversations with Town Staff.

WENK BRS WTI FCI B*K JVA Nicole H Tyler K Staff Staff Irrigation Principal PM Designer Principal Design T S/B H Est. Staff Ken B HMM BJC SUBTOTAL $ 195 $ 115 $ 85 $ 85 $ 110 $ 210 $ 135 $ 105 $ 200 $ 115 $ 150 $ 110 $ 150 $ 160 $ 148 TASKS 1 PROJECT INITIATION 1.1 Kick-Off Meeting/Work Session with Town Staff 8 12 4 14 14 2 10 10 5 3 3 $ 9,804 1.2 Kick-Off Meeting with PORT Committee 6 6 6 6 2 5 10 $ 5,370 Estimated Hours 14 18 4 0 0 20 20 0 4 0 15 20 5 3 3 TOTAL FEE - Task 1 $4,800 $6,900 $800 $4,450 $750 $924 $ 18,624

2 DRAFT PARKS AND RECREATION CENTER CONCEPTUAL PLANS DEVELOPMENT 2.1 Develop DRAFT conceptual plans for each Town Property 20 80 90 90 24 4 8 $ 17,564 2.2 Develop conceptual plan for recreation center and possible phasing 17 38 76 5 6 4 $ 13,832 2.3 Develop concept plan for outdoor aquatics facility 5 6 4 $ 2,282 2.4 Weekly Work Sessions with Town Staff 20 20 10 22 22 4 4 6 12 $ 14,606 Estimated Hours 40 100 90 90 24 27 60 98 14 16 0 0 0 10 28 TOTAL FEE - Task 2 $37,240 $24,060 $4,640 $0 $0 $5,744 $ 71,684

3 PUBLIC OUTREACH - DRAFT CONCEPT PLAN ELEMENTS 3.1 Community Open House (Prep/Facilitation) 4 12 20 2 4 8 4 2 5 $ 5,200 3.2 PORT Committee Meeting 6 6 5 5 5 2 $ 3,835 3.3 Online Community Survey 6 4 20 0 2 2 1 $ 2,040 Estimated Hours 16 22 20 20 0 7 11 15 7 2 5 0 0 0 0 TOTAL FEE - Task 3 $9,050 $4,530 $1,630 $750 $0 $0 $ 15,960

4 FINAL CONCEPTS DEVELOPMENT AND FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS 4.1 Develop FINAL conceptual plans for each Town Property 16 40 80 60 4 8 $ 9,544 4.2 Develop FINAL conceptual plans Recreation Center 10 22 34 4.3 Prepare construction cost estimates for each of the planned facilities 2 2 20 24 20 80 1 2 $ 15,516 4.4 Prepare operational plan & feasibility study (parks sites, rec center, outdoor aquatics facility) 4 2 125 $ 1,030 4.5 Present final concepts and feasibility analysis to Town Board 4 4 4 4 6 4 $ 3,740 Estimated Hours 22 46 100 60 24 14 26 34 10 6 20 80 125 5 10 TOTAL FEE - Task 4 $25,820 $10,020 $2,690 $11,800 $18,750 $2,280 $ 71,360

REIMBURSABLES AND DIRECT EXPENSES $3,000 $2,948 $2,995 $0 $300 $200 $ 9,443

Total Hours 92 186 214 170 48 68 117 147 35 24 40 100 130 18 41 TOTAL FEE $79,910 $48,458 $12,755 $17,000 $19,800 $9,148 $ 187,071

Additional Perspective and Aerial Perspective Graphics As Needed $ 2,500 Each

5 Experience + Project Team Qualifications

At the Steamboat Base Area, a daylighted creek creates a summertime destination for the community and visitors. Experience

The chart below highlights Wenk Associates experience for the scope of work outlined in the RFP. Relevant project descriptions with public agencies for Wenk Associates and team subconsultants are include don the following pages.


WENK RELEVANT PROJECT EXAMPLES (IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER) RECREATION CENTER RECREATION OUTDOOR AQUATICS FIELDS COMPLEX TRAIL AMENITIES AREAS COMMUNITY GATHERING TRAIL CONNECTIONS PED + BIKE TRAIL OPPORTUNITIES / PHASING COST ESTIMATE SYSTEM PLANNING PARKS Coal Creek Downtown Park Town of Erie, CO Confluence Park of Denver, CO Dove Valley Regional Park Master Plan Arapahoe County, CO Dry Creek Community Park Master Plan City of Longmont, CO Grand River Corridor Opportunity Sites Planning City of Grand Rapids, MI Lowry Parks + Open Space Systems Planning Lowry Development Authority - Denver, CO Parkfield Lake Community Park City of Denver, CO Salisbury North Regional Park Master Plan Town of Parker, CO Sand Creek Park Master Plan + Phase 1 City of Aurora, CO

7 Coal Creek Downtown Park

Client: Town of Erie, Colorado Reference: Farrell Buller Town of Erie - Assistant to the Town Administrator – Community Services (303) 926-2792 - [email protected]

In order to maintain the pace of their growing commu- Linear Connection Trail - The Town of Erie was missing nity, the Town of Erie solicited firms to provide on-call a key trail connection from Erie Community Park into landscape , design and planning services to the downtown. The linear connection includes a small help them upgrade their parks, open space, and public pocket park for gathering, informal seating areas along spaces so that they exemplify the high of life the trail, and optional spaces for landform and that attracts people to live there, and provide opportu- displays to provide a welcoming experience through the nities and space for a variety of active and passive uses open space and into Downtown. that compliment and serve the recreational needs of the community. Wenk was selected to assist the Town with these services and immediately began working on the Coal Creek Downtown Park and a linear trail con- nection for another area in town. CARR STREET




0 40’ 80’ 160’ N



HIGH STREET Trees in crusher fines paving with seating Informal Seating areas along planted berm

ENLARGEMENT N 0 20’ 40’ 80’

Turf lawn Shade shelter with Informal Seating areas along picnic tables planted berm Trees in crusher fines paving with seating Shade Shelter with picnic tables Shrub & Perennial plant beds

Above - Proposed concept for the a linear trail connecting Erie Community Park to downtown.

8 Town ofErie COAL CREEKPARK -Preserve existing trees -Seatingalongtheedges D. MARKETSPACE PROMENADE+FARMER’S -46spacesinnewparkinglotoffKattellStreetsouth -15spacesalongCheesemanStreet -30spacesalongKattellStreet C. PARKING (91SPACES) B. RESTROOMBUILDING, SHELTER &ENTRYFEATURE -Seatwallalongplantingarea -Sequenceofsmallplanted,landscapeberms -Seatingareasalongtheedges ENTRANCEGROVEPLAZA+PLANTEDPROMENADE A. CONCEPT IMAGES -Combinationofconcreteandcrusherfinespaving -Enhancedpaving -Formaledgealongtheparkinglotwithalleetreeplanting

CHEESMAN STREET 15 Spaces F. MountainVistaKnoll+Terraced SeatingEdge NaturePlayground E. D. Market Promenade Space +Farmer’s C. Parking (91spaces) B. Building(2,000sf)withRestroom andPicnicShelter EntranceGrovePlaza+PlantedPromenade A. C and publicmeetingstohelpenvision parkcharacter. committee usedatadvisory were Above -Imageboards committee andcommunity. theadvisory was developedbasedonfeedback from Top Park Concept PlanforCoalCreek -ThePreferred O 12.08.2017 -Concreteterraceedgeonthecreeksideofberm -KnollalignedwithWells Streetandviewstothemountains F. MOUNTAIN VISTA KNOLL+TERRACEDSEATING EDGE G. INFORMALCAFESEATING @BUILDING J K N E. NATUREE. D Approximate capacity (14 sf/person)= 5,000 people KATTELL STREET L C 16 Spaces J J. CRUSHERFINESPICNICGROVE+TREEPRESERVATION K. INFORMAL STAGEK. EDGE -Crusherfinespavingalongthecreek I. CREEKTRAIL -Concretetrailwithturflawnandnativeedges H. CONCRETERIDGETRAIL -Terraced ofraisededgealongthesidewalkthatprovideda daily use space forconcertset-upduringeventsandseatingarea H N J I L. EventLawn+InformalPracticeL. Lawns InformalPlatformforStagesetup K. J. CrusherFinesPaving PicnicGrove I. CreekTrail paving, downalongcreekedge -‘soft’ H. RidgeTrail -concrete G. Future BridgeLandingPlaza P. BOULDERSEATING ALONGTRAIL N. AT-GRADE OVERLOOKAREAS 0. BICYCLEPARKING EVENTLAWN +INFORMALPRACTICELAWNSL. -Uniqueincharacter -Openlawnforconcertoreventspaceuse -Openlawnforsportspracticeandinformalplayondailyuse D O A F



activities on a day-to-day basis. activities onaday-to-day community eventsaswell provideleisure activity timeswithflexibility forspacestohold inbothhighandlow function comfortably tion tonatureandCoalCreek. Theparkwill andthecloseconnec- coal mininghistory and naturalopenspace,inspiredbyboththe asanexusbetweenthedowntown serves Coal CreekPark willbeamodernparkthat and acustompavilionrestroombuilding. nade, creekoverlooks,adventureplayground, envisions aflexiblecommunitylawn, prome- community todevelopamasterplanthat Wenk Associatesworked withtheTown and feel ofErie. captures thehistoricqualitiesandsmalltown to adesirefordowntowndestinationthat ofdowntown reational ballfieldsintheheart the communityneedshadevolvedfromrec- historic downtownErie.Built30yearsago, Creek Park, theprominent publicparkin ates createdamasterplantore-imageCoal Coal CreekDowntownPark - (FUTURE) E Approximate capacity (14 sf/person)= 1,500 people L KATTELL STREET C N

14 Spaces COAL CREEK TRAIL CREEK COAL P. BoulderSeatingalongtheCreek O. Bike Parking N. OverlookAreas At-grade M. InformalCafeSeating@Building

P COAL CREEK COAL I Wenk Associ- 46 Spaces C 2’ 0 80’ 40’ 20’ 0 O

MOFFAT MOFFAT STREET BRIDGE 9 STREET (FUTURE) N Salisbury North Regional Park Master Plan

Client: Town of Parker, Colorado Reference: Jim Cleveland Town of Parker - Acting Deputy Town Administrator (303) 841-0353 - [email protected]

Salisbury Park North is a 90-acre addition to an existing equestrian and baseball complex. Salisbury Park North will be Parker’s ‘Central Park’ and will create a true Regional Park for Parker residents, providing access to, and opportunities for, a variety of active and passive uses. The Master Plan compliments the existing facilities and provides for the additional recreational needs of the community, including ballfields, synthetic turf multi-use fields, a community events/ performance lawn, play area, splash river, multiple picnic areas, and improved access to a beautiful and unique portion of the Cherry Creek Greenway.

The master plan process included an extensive public involvement process that gathered community feedback from over 1,500 residents, and includ- ed cost estimating and phasing for the preferred plan. Conceptual, digital renderings of park elements were produced to build excitement and garner support for the project.

10 Above - Conceptual rendering, pickleball and tennis courts

Far Left - The approved master plan includes a series of landforms and passive lawn areas that create a clearly defined edge between sports fields in the upland areas and nature-based recreation along the bluff and in the creek valley.

Left - Adventure play and splash river area

11 Lowry Air Force Base Redevelopment Parks and Open Space System Planning

Client: Lowry Redevelopment Authority - Denver, Colorado Reference: Tom Berger - Director of Construction (303) 326-9917 [email protected]

Closure of the 1,900-acre Lowry Air Force Base in cen- tral Denver afforded the cities of Denver and Aurora the opportunity to redevelop the site as a mixed-use com- munity organized around 230 acres of parks and open space. Wenk Associates was responsible for master plan- ning and final design for the phased build-out of the park and open space system. The system design incorporates contemporary approaches to water conservation, green infrastructure, and emerging recreational patterns of use.

Completed phased projects include:

‡ 50-acre, 7-field Athletic Complex that provides year-round fields for adult and youth recreation and a 3-field Little League baseball facility. The complex is organized around a sports boulevard, an integrated auto/pedestrian spine linking that athletic facilities. ‡ 50-acre Great Lawn that provides event gathering spaces, picnic areas, a themed playground, and a monumental sundial that terminates the entry parkway to the development. Primary use areas are defined by a series of natural areas along a daylight- ed creek at the park perimeter. ‡ 52-acre Wetlands Park that provides ecological habi- tat and passive recreational space for the surround- ing community while functioning as a regional water Above - The Lowry Redevelopment parks and open space system quality and detention facility for more than 1,800 includes four areas planned to have a distinct character and use. acres of the Lowry Redevelopment project. Top - View of Lowry Sports Park from the Fillets. AWARDS 2012 Honor Award for Design, American Society of Landscape Architects, Colorado Chapter 12 2005 Merit Award for Planning and Urban Design, American Society of Landscape Architects, Colorado Chapter Dry Creek Community Park Master Plan

Client: City of Longmont, Colorado Reference: Paula Fitzgerald, RLA Parks and Open Space Project Manager (303) 651-8448 - paula.fitzgerald@

The City of Longmont needed a place for orga- nized sports and leisure recreation, as well as a place for community events that would serve the growing southwest quadrant of the city. Wenk As- sociates led the master plan of the new 80-acre community park which included the seamless integration of multi-use fields for soccer, la- crosse, and cricket with regional detention for the 100-year storm events. Other amenities include baseball fields, a disc golf course, skate park, wa- ter play areas, and a sledding hill. The park will serve as the primary gathering place for south- west Longmont, connecting the neighborhood with future and existing trails. Located adjacent to two schools, the plan integrates trails and ten- nis courts for joint use. Wenk led the first phase design and construction which was completed in 2014.

Top - A pedestrian promenade was designed to be a flexible space, able to accommodate day-to- day use as well as large community events.

Above - A linear spine links park elements and allows for efficient access from the parking area and a turf slope creates a nice seating area for spectators watching athletic events.

Left - The expansive green of the playfields at the park entrance allows for uninterrupted views of the Front Range.

13 Dove Valley Regional Park Master Plan

Client: Lowry Redevelopment Authority - Denver, Colorado 1 4 Reference: Tom Berger - Director of Construction (303) 326-9917 [email protected]

The west 52 acres of the 93-acre Dove Valley Regional Park were developed in the early 1990s. The site with 2 5 its expansive turf areas, wide paved trails, numerous picnic shelters, and large hills, has hosted countless sporting events, sessions, birthday parties, and sledding days. Though certainly much beloved by the people who use the place, the site needed improve- ments as well as critically examine irrigation and the 3 6 facilities’ levels of service. Above - Image board illustrating the preferred program elements for the park which includes a challenge course, bike park, playground, Wenk Associates developed preliminary concepts and facilities for land boarding, overlooks, and a synthetic, lighted developed a preferred plan that creates a distinct active sports field. and passive side to the park. Program elements include a wheel park, irrigation pond, dog park, challenge Below - The preferred master plan for Dove Valley Regional Park. course, sledding hill, and loops trails.

Phase 1 design begins Summer 2018.

21 20



15 18

17 16 14

13 3

ET TRE 2 K S 12 S. BLACKHAW Program Elements: 1) Playground and Community Lawn (potential food truck area) 1 2) New roadway with parking 3) Esplanade Overlook 6 7 4) Allée (with foul ball fencing) S . PO 5) Championship Field (synthetic, lighted)

TO 6) Playground (5300 S.F.) MAC 4 5 7) Built-in Seating STR 8) Shade Structure EET 8 9 9) Restroom and Concession Building 10) Loop Path 11) Youth Fields 12) Sledding/Kite Boarding Hill (11,000 S.F.) 13) Community Lawn (225,000 S.F.) 10 14) Challenge Course ET E S. CHAMBERS ROAD 15) Dog Park (1 Acre, Fenced) TR 11 16) Parking (184 new stalls) S C 17) Irrigation Pond (1.5 Acre) 18) Overlook Picnic Pods OMA T O 19) Wheel Park P 20) Pedestrian Crossing and Traffic Light S. 21) Grade-Separated Pedestrian Crossing 14 (Future) NATURE DISCOVERY-THECOTTONWOOD FOREST Recreation andOpenSpace [email protected] (303) CityofAurora,Colorado EdwardShalkey -Project Manager Reference: Client: 739-7596 Sand CreekPark MasterPlan Below - The preferred master plan for Sand Creek Park. masterplanforSandCreek Below -Thepreferred cottonwood forest. areathatmimicsthemature into aplayfuldiscovery drainage elements,landform,andnativevegetation natural characteroftheopenspace,integrating goals, theplaygroundwasdesignedtofitwithin and EastPavilion. Inkeeping withthemasterplan Playground includes therecentlycompletedDiscovery the firstphaseofamendedmasterplanwhich development, andconstructiondocumentationfor Wenk Associatesledschematicdesign, design landscape. are thoughtfullyplacedwithintheexistingprairie areas fordiscovery, playful adventure,andgathering thenatural settingasmuchpossible, to preserve since theinitialplan. Basedonextensivepublicinput address thedrasticallychangedcontextofpark amendment (bothcompletedbyWenk Associates)that inspired theoriginal1996masterplanand2014 The naturalsettingofthe100-acreSandCreekPark






15 300 ’ Parkfield Lake Regional Park

Client: City of Denver, CO Reference: Gordon Robertson, Director - Park Planning, Design, and Construction Department of Parks and Open Space (720) 913-0615 [email protected]

Parkfield Lake Regional Park is an 82-acre park located in a culturally diverse, park-poor neighborhood in Denver. Wenk Associates was awarded the third phase of design to complete a master plan, design documents and construction for 35 acres of active recreation ar- eas. The third phase complements the available indoor recreation programs at the existing Montbello Recre- ation Center, and provides outdoor recreation opportu- nities for the center and the neighborhoods.

Amenities include multiple ball fields, a regional play- ground, court sports facilities, a dog park, skate park, splash play area, amphitheater, and several multi- functional gathering spaces. Large areas of restored prairie dunes and artificial turf playing fields allowed maximum use of the site for league soccer, football, and baseball/softball while meeting the City’s strict requirement to minimize water use and maintenance. Other features of the park included the use of recycled irrigation water, low maintenance irrigation and non- irrigated areas, and stormwater infiltration to minimize runoff.

AWARDS 16 2011 Merit Award for Planning and Urban Design, American Society of Landscape Architects, Colorado Chapter ANN ST









NORTH E CALEDONIA ST ADWAY AV ADWAY O TURNER AVE R PROMENADEB Reference: David Marquardt - Director - Department of Parks and Recreation CROSBY ST (616) 456-3215 - [email protected] LEONARD STST






10TH ST WALBRIDGE ST The City of Grand Rapids has through decades of planning processes recognized the value GRANDVIEWG W CCANALCANAL ST PLACE PARRK MASON ST of the Grand River as an important natural asset. Through years of city-wide, citizen-driven 6TH ST



BROADWAY AVE BOND AVE SCRIBNER AVE OTTAWA AVE OTTAWA HEART OF DIVISION AVE planning initiatives, the community has developed a clear and broadly supported vision for THE RIVER

  the future of the Grand River Corridor to transform the River from an underutilized asset into

BRIDGE ST MICHIGAN ST MICHIGAN ST a distinct civic amenity that will deliver far-wider reaching regional economic, environmen- E DOWNTOWNE NIA AV O TTAWA AV TTAWA I O FRONT LAWNWINTER AVE PROMENADE tal, and social benefits. The forward- thinking strategy for the river corridor will make the


C EN TER ST DOWNTOWNFOUNTAIN ST waterway safer, protect vulnerable homes and businesses from flooding, leverage substantial



FULTON FULTON ST private investment in new development, and transform the river from a divider of east and FULTONLTO & FRONT AVE MARKETMA WESTON ST WATSON ST PASSAGE GVSUV SEWARD AVE SEWARD MARKET AVE MARKET AVE  west into a central gathering place for the entire community to enjoy. STRAIGHT AVE STRAIGHT





FINNEY AVE FINNEY NEY AVE NEY WEALTHY STST WEALTHY ST Wenk Associates is leading a multi-disciplinary team to develop design guidelines for trails, parks, and open space along a 7.5-mile segment of the Grand River. The graphic-intensive Above - Wenk Associates is design guidelines manual will serve as a “menu list” to guide City staff, private developers, developing schematic plans and consultants in creating a cohesive river corridor, park use and character districts, and for 6 opportunity sites that will provide a variety of experiences trail connectivity. Concept designs will be completed on six identified opportunity sites along and public spaces along the the River to demonstrate the elements included in the design manual and create public Grand River Corridor. spaces that activate the river corridor.

Below - The concept plan for the opportunity site located in the heart of the future rapids includes river access and viewing, informal gathering areas, terraced lawns, and festival/event space.


CLIENT Eaton Area Community Center Eaton Area Park and Recreation District Eaton, Colorado CONTACT Nina Lewis, Board President 970.371.2401 The Eaton Area Community Center is a 63,500-s.f. multigenerational community recreation [email protected] center, boasting an activity for every age, including a large multi-use community room that can be divided into three smaller classrooms; an adjoining stage area; catering kitchen; ASSOCIATE FIRM party/classroom; short-term child watch room with outdoor tot lot; a large gymnasium with FCI Constructors spectator seating; a leisure pool with waterslide, interactive play features, beach entry, warm PROJECT BUDGET ZDWHUVSDOD]\ULYHUDQGUHFUHDWLRQDOODSODQHVDVHFRQGOHYHOMRJZDONWUDFNDJURXSÀWQHVV $21.4 Million URRPDQGDZHLJKWVDQGÀWQHVVHTXLSPHQWDUHD

COMPLETION The project is designed for a future-planned expansion, with the ability to add another June, 2017 gymnasium and a lap pool including spectator seating and team locker rooms.

AWARDS Barker Rinker Seacat Architecture teamed with FCI Constructors to provide this design-build 2017 Associated Builders & Contractors project for the Eaton and surrounding communities. - Rocky Mountain Chapter - Excellence In Construction Award (Institutional $10-25 Million) - 2017 Design/Build Project of the Year


CLIENT Montrose Recreation District Montrose Community Recreation Center & Field House CONTACT Ken Sherbenou, Director Montrose, Colorado 970.249.7705 [email protected] The design of the Montrose Recreation District’s Community Recreation Center is the result of several previous planning assignments where Barker Rinker Seacat Architecture was ASSOCIATE FIRMS contracted to help with developing a program, design and building community support for the John Eloe Architect new recreation facility.

BUDGET 7KHÀQDOGHVLJQRIWKHVIFHQWHULVHTXDOO\GLYLGHGEHWZHHQWKH$TXDWLFV6SRUWV $26.1 Million and Fitness portions of the building, featuring a 5,500-s.f. leisure pool, a 10-lane, 25 yard [ODQHPHWHUFRPSHWLWLYHSRROWKUHHJ\PQDVLXPVODUJHIDPLO\JDPHDUHDFKLOGUHQ·V COMPLETION Feasibility Study: 2011 LQGRRUSOD\DUHDDVHFRQGOHYHOÀWQHVVDUHDWUDFNDQGVXSSRUWVSDFHV7KHWUDFNKDVWKUHH January 2017 RSWLRQVIRUÀWQHVVXVHUVLQFOXGLQJDÁDWVHFWLRQVXUURXQGLQJWKHXSSHUÀWQHVVDKLOOWUDFN section surrounding the three gyms and a stair track section which utilizes the existing AWARDS EXLOGLQJVWDLUVWRFUHDWHDWZROHYHOWUDFNDURXQGWKHÀWQHVVDUHDRQWKHVHFRQGOHYHODQGWKH 2017 Columbine Award - New Facilities gyms on the lower level. The competitive pool will be the largest public pool on the western Colorado Parks & Recreation Association slope and is designed to include both highly competitive and recreational uses to provide swimming for all the citizens of the district. 2017 Excellence in Concrete Awards - Public Project American Concrete Institute - Rocky Mountain Chapter


CLIENT Sammamish Community & Aquatic Center City of Sammamish Sammamish, Washington CONTACT Jessi Bon, Assistant City Manager Sammamish, Washington is a young community in the middle of previously-unincorporated 425.295.0580 King County. Growth in the area has occurred over the last 50 years incrementally without a [email protected] master plan. Now a city, a major focus has been placed on creating community space. During the past decade, Sammamish has placed an emphasis on building a park and trail system; BUDGET the next step included a community center. $35 Million %DUNHU5LQNHU6HDFDW$UFKLWHFWXUHZRUNHGZLWK6DPPDPLVKUHVLGHQWVDWÀYHFRPPXQLW\ COMPLETION workshops. We listened to citizen “hopes, dreams and fears;” developed program priorities; Feasibility Study: 2011 studied three sites for a community center in detail; prepared preliminary cost estimates; Construction: 2016 DQGLGHQWLÀHGDVHOHFWHGVLWHIRUIXUWKHUVWXG\

The 68,000-s.f. community center is a wonderful addition to the selected site, which is adjacent to the existing City Hall, library and commons park. Our challenge was to create an iconic community building with a visually interesting roofscape, while preserving views of the Bellevue and Seattle skylines and the majestic Olympic range in the distance. The IDFLOLW\LQFOXGHVDYDULHW\RISXEOLFXVHDUHDVZLWKDÀWQHVVDUHDRQWKHXSSHUOHYHODOOZLWK views to the park. The remaining fee spaces are located on the lower level with a single control point. Facility parking is in a structured garage built into the hill, with extra parking provided for existing city amenities. The upper level extends the existing plaza space to the front door of the new center.


CLIENT Trail Winds Recreation Center City of Thornton Thornton, Colorado CONTACT Mike Soderberg, To follow up on the initial feasibility study and concept design performed in 2015, the City Director of Community Services of Thornton hired Barker Rinker Seacat Architecture (BRS) to revisit the project with fresh 303.255.7832 eyes and input from the community. BRS developed site and concept alternatives based on [email protected] new input from project stakeholders and the community. The preferred option relocated the facility to another portion of the site to accommodate access to the building and make best BUDGET use of the site. $44.4 million Located on the east edge of the Trail Winds Park and Open Space, the facility will be a new COMPLETION gateway to the park and include programming for all ages of the community. November 2019 (est.) Community: theater, lounge/function space, multi-purpose rooms, community classrooms, party rooms, teaching kitchen and outdoor patio space Kids: indoor play, pre-school, child watch and tot lot Recreation: exercise rooms, gymnasium, climbing wall, indoor running track and access to park/regional trail systems Aquatics: lap pool, lazy river, leisure pool and water slides

The rest of the 88,000-s.f. facility will include locker rooms and family cabanas, administrative and support space, and the building mechanical systems and service space.

Scheduled for completion in the Fall of 2018, the new center will be a welcome addition to the City of Thornton, and serve a wide spectrum of the community’s needs.


OWNER After getting approval by voters in the 2015 bond election, the City of Abilene City of Abilene officially broke ground on the $6 million renovation to the Rose Park Aquatic 555 Walnut Street Center. The facility had been aging, there was a decline in pool attendance and Abilene, TX 79601 the community desperately needed a little life to be breathed into their aquatic facility. COMPLETED Together with the prime architect, WTI worked diligently to deliver a unique, 2017 timely and on-budget aquatic facility that would meet the needs and exceed the dreams of Abilene residents. At the grand opening in June of 2017, there WEBSITE was a line out the door and lots of big smiles as the residents of Abilene got their first look at the newly designed and themed facility of “Adventure Cove at Rose Park”. Using the same footprint as the old Rose Park Aquatic Center, REFERENCES WTI worked closely with the architect and the City of Abilene to create various Howdy Wayne Lisenbee concepts and layouts to ensure that all of the critical components would fit Director of Facilities & Capital into the park. The work for Adventure Cove was completed on an accelerated Improvements timeline with design in early 2016, groundbreaking in June 2016 and grand City of Abilene opening in June 2017. 555 Walnut Street Abilene, TX 79601 As originally designed and discussed during the masterplan, WTI is currently T. 325.676.6283 designing the concepts for increased recreational opportunities including: [email protected] doubling the length of the lazy river, adding another waterslide to the slide tower and adding a large wave pool. By providing phased amenitiy upgrades, Abilene is able to grow their park as their funds become available and allow time to engage and excite the citizens of Abilene. Whether attendees are looking for thrills on the Big Blue or Green Monster waterslides, a more relaxed day in the sun at Stingray Bay, or enjoying the meandering Lazy River, there is truly something for every age, ability and interest at Adventure Cove. AMENITIES Leisure Pool Lazy River 3,449 SF Water Surface Area 4,114 SF Water Surface Area Zero Depth Entry Raining Buckets Slides Cascade Body Slide Frog Tube Slide


OWNER On June 30, 2007 the Aberdeen Aquatic Center drew a huge crowd to celebrate The City of Aberdeen the grand opening of the long-awaited water park. The $7 million facility replaced 225 Third Ave SE two aging pools in town and sits where the 50-year-old Southside Pool used to be. Aberdeen, SD 57401 The Aberdeen Aquatic Center is the result of a long process starting with a feasibility study including market analysis, programming, site evaluation, concept design COMPLETED and operations which determined the aquatic needs for the City of Aberdeen. 2007 Water , Inc. prepared four concepts that illustrated a variety of pool FRPSRQHQWV VL]HV FRQ¿JXUDWLRQV DQG HQWUDQFH EXLOGLQJ ORFDWLRQV RQ WKHLU AWARDS chosen site. Each of these concepts were developed to progressively include Dream Design Showcase - Leisure more program elements. Aquatics International, August 2008 On August 9th, the City of Aberdeen celebrated the completion of the facility with Architectural Showcase Feature a formal ribbon cutting ceremony. The new aquatic center includes a leisure pool Athletic Business, June 2008 with zero depth entry, a multi-level interactive water play structure, a lazy river, a slide tower including a tube slide and two body slides, and a 50 meter, 8 lane Innovative Architecture & Design FRPSHWLWLRQSRROZLWKWZRGURSVOLGHV¿YHWKHPHGÀRDWDEOHVZDWHUEDVNHWEDOODQG Highlight water polo. Recreation Management, May 2008 AMENITIES WEBSITE 9,000 SF Leisure Pool: 125 LF Enclosed Body Flume Slide Zero Depth Entry 8 Lane, 50 Meter Competition Pool: Multi-Level Interactive Water Play 9,845 SF REFERENCE Structure (1) 1 Meter Diving Board Doug Johnson, Director Geysers (1) 3 Meter Diving Board City of Aberdeen 250 LF Lazy River (2) Drop Slides 225 Third Ave SE 280 LF Tube Slide (5) Themed Floatables Aberdeen, SD 57401 215 LF Open Body Flume Slide Water Basketball and Water Polo Area T. 605.626.7015 [email protected]


3 City & County of Broomfield 18 5 4 8 6 7 COMPLETED 15 12 9 17 2007 11

14 REFERENCE 16 10 20 Nancy Harrold, DIrector of Recreation Services

13 1 DesCombes Drive 35

21 Broomfield, CO 80020 22 28 T. 303.460.6903

Phase 1 34 [email protected] Phase 2 Phase 1

30 Phase 2 26 27 24 29 25 23 31 32 33

The City and County of Broomfield, Colorado engaged Barker Rinker Seacat Architecture and Water Technology, Inc. to study design for the future needs and expansion of the Broomfield Bay Aquatic Center, in operation since 1990. BRS and WTI worked with Broomfield staff to create a phased design solution that incorporates classic aquatic center elements with the current popular trends in aquatic facilities. Two concepts, which took advantage of available and reclaimed land around the site, were presented at the beginning of the project. The main emphasis for each concept was to embellish the existing facility with items that appeal to families, who comprise the majority of users, and to maintain the park-like setting that makes visiting The Bay so uniquely pleasant. The chosen concept incorporated a chain of islands in a lazy river, with a surf stream in one and a passive zone in the second, as well as an entirely landscaped island. GREELEY OUTDOOR POOLS Greeley, CO OWNER City of Greeley


REFERENCE Phil Moya, Recreation Manager 651 10th Avenue Greeley, CO 80631 T. 970.350.9400 [email protected]

Discovery Bay was part of the Greeley citywide aquatic facility masterplan conducted by Water Technology, Inc. The masterplan involved the evaluation and renovation of aging facilities and exploration of future facilities. WTI took a comprehensive approach in reviewing the current and future aquatic needs of Greeley. Discovery Bay is a brand new facility, located on the city’s east side. The dinosaur-themed facility features a zero depth entry leisure pool with an interactive play structure, lazy river, and 30-foot tall body slide. The facility is open May through August.



REFERENCE Gary Wardle, Dir. of Parks & Recreation 22 South 4th Avenue Brighton, CO 80601 T. 303.655.2049 [email protected]

Located on Bromley Lane in Brighton, Colorado, this new outdoor family aquatic park sits on a 4.8-acre site adjacent the National Register’s historic Bromley-Koizuma Hishinuma Farm. Proposed improvements include two swimming pools, a bathhouse, and a second building for ticketing, staff and concessions. The overall design allows for a leisure pool area for family recreational use and lazy river with deep-water area for diving, and also includes a bouldering wall. At one end of the lazy river is a wave machine generating two-foot-high ocean waves that pulse down the river, adding more thrills to the otherwise passive float. In addition, a stair tower serves both a body flume slide with deceleration run-out and an inner-tube slide landing in a plunge pool. Generous decks are provided for both pools. The citizens of Brighton are excited about the new outdoor family aquatic park. COOK CREEK OUTDOOR WATERPARK Lone Tree, CO OWNER South Suburban Parks & Recreation District


REFERENCE Melissa Reese-Thacker, Senior Park Planner 6631 S University Blvd Centennial, CO 80121 T. 303.483.7023 [email protected]

The South Suburban Parks and Recreation District’s Cook Creek Aquatics Center is located on a 3.4-acre isthmus nestled between Cook Creek and Willow Creek, southwest of Denver. The existing center, which included two pools, two buildings, two tennis courts and a parking lot, was demolished to make room for the new expanded facility. Although the South Suburban Parks and Recreation District runs and operates the pool, the project was funded by the City of Lone Tree through a property tax bond election held in 2007. The new facility includes two new outdoor swimming pools, a bathhouse, pool mechanical equipment building, and a third building located near the lap pool for picnicking and pool storage. The expanded parking lot nearly doubles the capacity of the existing lot. The overall design allows for a leisure pool area for families’ recreational use, including a zero-depth beach, play structure, lazy river, water basketball and a very long open-flume body slide. An eight-lane competitive lap pool accommodates lap swimming and competitive swim meets. Both pool areas are intended to be open when a swim meet is being held. Generous decks have been provided for both pools with new landscaping. The facility has been designed with photovoltaic solar collectors to reduce electrical consumption and a regenerative media filtration system to reduce use of water, chemicals and heat by thousands of gallons per year.

+ 25 4 Colorado Project Listing

Ballard*King & Associates has completed over 700 feasibility studies across the United States for a variety of recreation facilities. B*K has over 150 recreation facilities up and operating around the country. In addition, Ballard*King has completed studies for 45 different communities in Colorado and has 17 recreation centers open and operating. Below are listed a selected number of projects that Ballard*King has been involved with in Colorado.

Recreation Center Projects x Alamosa Recreation Center, Alamosa, CO* x Aspen Recreation Center Feasibility Study, Aspen, CO x Aurora Fieldhouse Study, Aurora, CO x Avon Recreation Center, Avon, CO* x Berthoud Recreation Center Feasibility Study, Berthoud, CO x Breckenridge Recreation Center Facility Use Assessment, Breckenridge, CO x Brighton Senior Center Feasibility Study, Brighton, CO x Broomfield Community Center, Broomfield, CO* x Buchanan Park Recreation Center, Evergreen, CO* x Buchanan Park Recreation Center Expansion Study, Evergreen, CO x Buena Vista Event Recreation Center Feasibility Study, Buena Vista, CO x Canon City Recreation Center Study, Canon City, CO x Carbon Valley Recreation Center, Frederick, CO* x Carbondale Recreation Center Study, Carbondale, CO x Castle Pines Recreation Center Study, Castle Pines, CO x Castle Pines North Community Center Feasibility Study, Castle Pines, CO x Castle Rock Recreation Center Expansion, Castle Rock, CO x Central Denver Recreation Center Program Study, Denver CO* x Cortez Recreation Center, Cortez, CO* x Craig Recreation Center Feasibility Study, Craig, CO x Crested Butte Ice Rink Study, Crested Butte, CO x Eastern Rio Blanco Parks & Rec. Dist Recreation Center Study, Meeker, CO* x Erie Recreation Center Feasibility Study, Erie, CO* x Florence Aquatic Center Study, Florence, CO x Grand Park Recreation Center Feasibility Study, Winter Park, CO* x Ft. Collins Recreation Center Study, Ft. Collins, CO x Ft. Lupton Recreation Center, Ft. Lupton, CO* x Gilpin County Recreation Center, Black Hawk, CO* x Golden Recreation Center Expansion/Renovation, Golden, CO* x Grand Junction Recreation Center Feasibility Study, Grand Junction, CO x Grand Valley Recreation Center Study, Grand Junction, CO x Gunnison Recreation Center Feasibility Study, Gunnison, CO* x Highlands Ranch Ice Rink Study, Highlands Ranch, CO x Highlands Ranch Senior Services Study, Highlands Ranch, CO x Huerfano County Recreation Center Feasibility Study, Walsenburg, CO

26 x Lamar Aquatic Center Feasibility Study, Lamar, CO x Longmont Competitive Aquatic and Ice Center Feasibility Study, Colorado Recreation Center Longmont, CO - References x Longmont Recreation Center, Longmont, CO* x Lyons Recreation Center Feasibility Study, Lyons, CO Longmont Recreation Center x Mountain Village Community Center, Mountain Mr. Jeff Friesner Village, CO Recreation and Golf Manager x Northglenn Recreation Center/Senior Center/Theatre Assessment City of Longmont Study, Northglenn, CO 700 Longs Peak Ave. x Norwood Area Recreation Center Study, Norwood, CO Longmont, CO 80501 x Pueblo West Recreation Center Study, Pueblo, CO (303) 651-8393 x Rifle Recreation Center Study, Rifle, CO [email protected] x Shalom Park Aquatic Center Study, Aurora, CO x Steamboat Springs Health and Recreation Center, Steamboat Springs, Buchanan Park Recreation Center CO* Ms. Ellen O’Connor x Steamboat Springs Recreation Ctr. Study, Steamboat Springs, CO Executive Director x Sterling Aquatic Center Feasibility Study, Sterling, CO Evergreen Park & Recreation District x Superior Recreation Facilities Study, Superior, CO 1521 Bergen Parkway x The Trails Recreation Center, Centennial, CO* Evergreen, CO 80439 x Thompson Rivers Recreation Center Study, Milliken, CO (720) 880-1011 x Wheat Ridge Recreation Center, Wheat Ridge, CO* [email protected] x Windsor Community Center Feasibility Study, Windsor, CO Northglenn Recreation Center/Senior x Woodmen Hills Recreation Centers Study, Woodmen Hills, CO Center/Theatre Assessment Study Ms. Amanda Peterson Other Studies Director of Parks, Recreation & Cultural x Clear Creek Metropolitan District Master Plan, Idaho Springs, CO Services x Gunnison Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Gunnison, CO City of Northglenn x Longmont Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Longmont, CO 11801 Community Center Drive x Lyons Parks Redevelopment Plan, Lyons, CO Northglenn, CO 80233 x North Fork Pool, Park & Recreation District Master Plan, Hotchkiss, (303) 450-8950 CO [email protected] x Ken Caryl Ranch Metro District Organizational/Management Study, Ken Caryl, CO Broomfield Community Center x Timnath Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Timnath, CO Mr. Clay Shuck x Clement Park Redevelopment Master Plan, Littleton, CO Director of Recreation, Wellness & x Broomfield Athletic Fields Needs Study, Broomfield, CO Senior Services x Castle Pines Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Castle Pines, CO City and County of Broomfield 13201 Lowell Blvd. * Facilities that are open, under construction, or in final design. Broomfield, CO 80020 (303) 460-6903 [email protected]

27 ABC Excellence in Construction Award Winner!

Eaton Area Community Center - Eaton, CO The Eaton Area Community Center project was com- pleted under a design-build delivery method, and entailed full pre-construction services during design including public outreach, budgeting, scheduling, and value analysis.

The new, 62,329 SF facility includes amenities on two levels. The main level houses a large gymnasium to accommodate basketball, volleyball and gymnastics, an assembly hall with associated kitchen and stage, admin- istration area and building support offices, and a 8,000 SF natatorium, enclosed pool, including a lazy river, play pool and leisure pool. The second, mezzanine level, houses a running track, weight training area and a sepa- rate room for spinning and aerobics classes. The project is designed for a future-planned expansion, with the ability to add another gymnasium and a competition lap pool including spectator seating and team locker rooms

The FCI/BRS team worked closely with the Eaton Area Park and Recreation District and the Owner’s Represen- tative to determine what the Owner needed and what brought the greatest value to them. By providing inno- vative programs related to quality control and scheduling, Owner Reference incorporating value analysis, and coordinating with project Nina Lewis stakeholders, subconctractors, and consultants to overcome Chairman of the Board challenges, FCI was able to successfully complete the Eaton Eaton Area Park and Recreation District Area Community Center project. (970) 371-2401 [email protected]

Construction Start April 2016 Delivery Method Design Build Completion Date June 2017 Final Contract Amount $24,208,537 28 Fruita Community Center and Mesa County Library - Fruita, CO FCI served as the CM/GC for this new 54,500 SF Owner Reference community recreation center and library facility catering Ture Nycum to both the younger and the older population of Fruita Director and surrounding communities. In addition to offering City of Fruita Parks and Rec recreational opportunities, the community center also [email protected] houses an Active Adult Center and the Mesa County 970-858-0360 Library Fruita Branch. Awards and Recognitions The 46,918 SF recreation center features a combination “FCI has pro-actively worked to deliver an outstanding project that leisure/lap pool, outdoor pool (update current pool), meets or exceeds our very high expectations. FCI has created a work- active adult areas and spaces, multipurpose meeting ing environment on this project that allows for tremendous levels rooms, group exercise room, gymnasium, catering of input from the owner, architect and all the other stakeholders in kitchen, elevated running track, child sitting room, the project. I believe that it is this high quality working environment wellness/fitness space, locker rooms, lobby and office coupled with the obvious expertise in the construction industry that spaces. has made our project a success.” - Clint Kinney, former Fruita City Manager The Active Adult Center offers nights, nutrition programs, social nights, bingo for , pinochle & pool, bunco and other fun activities for active adults.

This project had multiple stakeholders. Mesa County Libraries partnered with the City of Fruita to move and expand their library site to the Fruita community recreation center.

Deep excavation in unstable soils for swimming pools required a design-build shoring system.

Construction Start December 2009 Initial Contract Amount $12,243,495 Original/Actual Completion January 2011 Final Contract Amount $11,812,313 Date 29 R ELEVANT P ARK P ROJECTS JVA INC.

Park and Recreation Projects Valmont Bike Park City of Boulder Growing Gardens City of Boulder Holiday Community Garden City of Boulder East Boulder Park City of Boulder Boulder Elks Park City of Boulder Town 9 Park Town of Superior Louisville Parks and Trails Connections Town of Louisville Lafayette Skate Park Town of Lafayette Erie Community Park Town of Erie Bond Park Town of Estes Park East Boulder Community Park, Discovery Park Town of Wheat Ridge Boulder, CO Hideaway Park Town of Winter Park Dinosaur National Monument Dinosaur Monte Vista Park Town of Monte Vista Deerfield Park Town of Rifle Elk Ridge Park Castle Pines North Apex Recreation Center City of Arvada Cherry Creek State Park DOLA City of Aurora Brighton Recreation Center City of Brighton Brighton Aquatic Park City of Brighton Brighton Campbell Park City of Brighton Brighton Carmichael Park City of Brighton Benedict Park City of Brighton Erie Community Park, Erie, CO Eagle View Park City of Brighton Greenfield HOA Pool Replacement City of Centennial Fort Lupton Recreation Center City of Fort Lupton Glendale Rugby Stadium City of Glendale CSM Creekside Athletic Fields City of Golden Whitetail Park City of Lafayette Carmody Recreation Center City of Lakewood Lakewood Link Recreation Center City of Lakewood City of Lakewood Park City of Lakewood Surfside Splash Park City of Lakewood Ravenna Golf Club City of Littleton Louisville Community Park City of Louisville Chilson Recreation Center City of Loveland Cherry Creek State Park, Margaret Carpenter Recreation Center City of Thornton Arapahoe County, CO Trailwinds Skate Park City of Thornton Westfield Park City of Westminster Westminster Tribute Garden City of Westminster Bayou Gulch Regional Park Douglas County Challenger Park GESC Douglas County Wildcat Park Douglas County NPS Grand Canyon Visitor Center Grand Canyon NP Fehringer Park Master Plan Jefferson County Jeffco Fairgrounds Jefferson County Dupont Park Louviers Bison Park at the Meadows Town of Castle Rock Burgess Pool Replacement Town of Castle Rock Philip Miller Park Town on Castle Rock Georgetown Historic Park Town of Georgetown Bayou Gulch Regional Park, Douglas County, CO Ski Club Vail Town of Vail Antlers Pool Renovation Town of Vail


For this important project, Wenk Associates has selected partners that are the best in Colorado in their disciplines for the work described in the RFP, and that bring prior teaming experience and have worked successfully with the Town of Berthoud. The organizational chart below describes the roles and assignments of the our project team and identifies key individuals. Firm and key individual qualifications are included on the following pages.

Town of Berthoud Project Manager - Jeremy Olinger PORT Town Committee Board Wenk Associates, Inc. Community Lead Consultant, Landscape Architects & Planners Open House Project Kick-Off, Lead Coordination w/Town Staff, Project Team Coordination, Town Properties Preliminary Concepts, Cost Estimation & Phasing, PORT Committee Presentation, Community Open House Facilitation, Online Survey Coordination, Town Properties Final Concepts, Town Board Presentation Nicole Horst, PLA - Principal-In-Charge Tyler Kiggins, PLA - Project Manager

Barker Rinker Seacat (BRS) Water Technology Inc. (WTI) Architecture - Recreation Center Planning Indoor & Outdoor Aquatic Facilities Project Kick-Off, Coordination w/Town Staff, Project Kick-Off, Coordination w/Town Staff, Recreation Center Concepts, Phasing, Indoor Aquatics Concepts (w/BRS), Outdoor Aquatics PORT Committee Presentation, Community Open House Concepts (w/Wenk) Facilitation, Town Board Presentation Douglass Whiteaker - President, Project Manager Caitlin (Katie) Barnes, AIA - Principal-In-Charge Richard B. Speake - Concept Designer Keith Hayes, AIA LEED AP - Consulting Principal Ryan Nachreiner - Regional Director of Project Development

Ballard*King & Associates Ltd. FCI Constructors Operations Planning & Feasibility Study Master Planning Cost Consulting Project Kick-Off, Operational Plan and Feasibility Study Project Kick-Off, (Park Sites, Rec Center, Outdoor Aquatics Facility) Construction Cost Estimates for Each Planned Facility Ken Ballard , CPRP - President Tony Seidling - Project Manager Bryan Hemeyer - Vice President

JVA, Inc. Civil Engineering Project Kick-Off, Infrastructure Evaluation Howard McHenry - Principal Brian J. Campbell, PE - Senior Project Manager

31 Wenk Associates Lead Consultant, Landscape Architecture & Planning

Wenk Associates are landscape architects and planners who are passionate about building public places. Since the firm’s founding in 1982, we have been involved in the master planning, design, and building of unique desti- nation parks and public spaces for cities and towns across the Front Range. Over 60 percent of our work is com- pleted for municipal or other public clients with design and planning specialization that include: parks, open space and natural areas, trails, recreational and athletic fields and facilities, stream restoration, urban design, plazas, stormwater management, and water quality/habitat improvements.

Our firm has established a reputation for quickly assessing a project’s needs, listening to client and public needs and working as an extension of city/town departments. We have a long standing relationship with several towns, cities, and agencies across the Front Range including the Towns of Erie and Parker, the Cities of Longmont, Au- rora, Arvada, Westminster, and Denver, the Lowry Redevelopment Authority, and the Steamboat Springs Urban Renewal Authority Committee. Our longstanding relationships and continual repeat work with these clients is a testimony to our high performance standards.

Wenk Associates preferred and most value-adding method of assisting our clients is to develop the project master plan and then follow the project all the way through design and construction. Wenk has a reputation for “getting things built”. We do this by valuing our client’s time and money, meeting deadlines and working within budget – while being resourceful with available funds. We have demonstrated our commitment to high quality projects and work diligently to further improve our work.

Located in the Denver’s River North (RiNo) neighborhood, Wenk Associates’ staff of 16, possesses extensive knowledge of the Rocky Mountain region, its natural environment and its people. Our awareness of the area’s cul- tural diversity, public issues, climate, and ecology helps us respond to each project sensitively and with foresight.

Nicole Horst and Tyler Kiggins have recent experience working with Town of Berthoud Staff and the PORT Committee will lead the project team.

Nicole Horst, PLA | Principal-in-Charge Nicole will lead the Wenk Associates team providing senior management and project oversight. She will facilitate the PORT Meeting and Community Open House and present to the Town Board.

Nicole is leading most of the firm’s large-scale park and open space projects, often coordinating large consultant teams and multiple stakeholder groups. Nicole has been practicing landscape architecture for over 17 years with an extensive portfolio of parks, open space, and urban design projects. She has worked closely with multiple city, county, and local government agencies and special committees across the Front Range, guiding projects from master plan- 17+ years experience ning through construction to create vibrant and dynamic public spaces that reflect the character of the place.

Nicole has worked with multiple Advisory Committees to provide design guid- ance and recommendations for successful implementation of projects. She understands the need to listen and discern key issues, quickly assessing viable options and developing approaches to solutions. She is currently serving as the Berthoud PORT Committee Liaison for the Berthoud Reservoir Project.

Nicole has led multiple public outreach efforts for public parks to achieve in- novative designs that are embraced by the community. For the Town of Parker’s Salisbury North Regional Park Master Plan, the extensive public involvement process gathered community feedback from over 1,500 residents which enabled Wenk Associates to create a plan that was fully supported by the community. 32 Nicole has experience planning park systems that reflect the community current and future needs. Nicole is cur- rently wrapping up Schematic Designs for six opportunity sites along the Grand River Corridor in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Program for each site was identified through extensive public outreach efforts and future needs for the corridor.

Tyler Kiggins, PLA | Project Manager Tyler will serve as Project Manager responsible for the design and technical products and provide ongoing coordination with the Town project manager and subconsultants.

Tyler has management and technical experience in bringing projects from con- cept through construction, ensuring that the design vision is materialized. Tyler brings over 9 years of professional experience in landscape architecture plan- ning, design, and construction. A licensed landscape architect, his professional experience includes the development of conceptual designs, construction docu- ments, models, and construction observation, as well as project management of 9+ years experience park, trail, and urban design projects.

Tyler and Nicole have collaborated successfully on multiple public parks and open space projects. They worked closely on the Denver Mountain Parks Proj- ects and the South Platte River Feasibility Study for the City of Denver and are currently working with the Town of Berthoud on the Berthoud Reservoir project.

Barker Rinker Seacat Architecture (BRS) Recreation Center Planning

Barker Rinker Seacat Architecture has been recognized nationally as a leader in the strategic planning, master planning, programming and design of community facilities.

Designing great places for communities has been the driving of Barker Rinker Seacat Architecture since its early beginnings more than 42 years ago. With six principals and a total firm of 40, and offices in Denver and Dallas, our mission and commitment are the same today as they were then. By putting the client’s needs first and remaining true to architectural excellence, we have been at the forefront of innovative design. We have assisted more than 225 organizations across the country in the strategic planning, master planning, programming and design of community facilities.

Recreation centers, active adult centers, athletic complexes, libraries, city halls, cultural and performing centers, office buildings, visitor facilities and chapels round out the collection of projects we design. The thread that runs through them all is our commitment to an interactive process that includes our clients in the design and development of their project. Decision makers must often navigate through a minefield of stakeholder groups and agency review, trying to balance the needs of all. We help facilitate “best-value” decisions unique to each organi- zation. How do we do it? We wear many hats. We’re artists and analysts, mapmakers and MacGyvers, sages and band leaders, shepherds and scouts. We encourage potential clients to contact past and current clients to learn the value of a BRS-led project.

BRS designs buildings and places that bring people together. We get our inspiration from the communities and clients with whom we work.

Wenk Associates has had prior experience working with BRS on the affordable housing project ‘Redacted’ in Denver’s River North, and design for a hotel in Breckenridge.

33 Caitlin (Katie) Barnes, AIA | Principal-In-Charge, Architecture

Katie joined BRS in 1997 and became principal in 2010. She is a dynamic contributor, resetting the “BRS standard” for each role she has played. She brings a broad array of skills across the design, management and staff develop- ment areas of our practice. Katie has played a key role in the firm’s civic/library and recreation practice and is also involved in a variety of other public building types.

Katie’s recent relevant experience in Colorado include: - Carla Madison Recreation Center Denver 20+ years experience - Meeker Recreation Center - Adams 12 Five Star School Dist. Veterans Memorial Aquatic Center, Thornton - North Boulder Recreation Center - South Boulder Recreation Center - Stonegate Pool House - UCCS Gallogly Recreation and Wellness Center Expansion

Keith Hayes, AIA, LEED AP | Consulting Principal, Architecture

Keith Hayes has been with the firm since 1995 and became a Principal in 1999. He has more than twenty years experience designing public architecture including community and recreation centers, municipal office buildings, visitor centers and schools. Keith’s strength lies in his commitment to his clients to assure that they are heard and their facility needs are met. As a Principal and Project Manager, Keith excels in his attention to details and his ability to juggle the many tasks necessary to assure an excellent project. Keith has spoken about a variety of recreation issues at state and national conferences. Keith is a LEED Accredited Professional. 28+ years experience Keith’s recent relevant experience in Colorado include: - Montrose Recreation Center - Denver Recreation Facilities Assessment - Durango Recreation Center - Apex Center, Arvada

For the purposes of the Town of Berthoud project, Wenk Associates has chosen to partner with the most skilled and proven team in Recreation Center and Facilities Planning.

BRS and Ballard*King have done 75+ projects together. BRS and WTI have done 200+ projects together. BRS, Ballard*King & WTI have done 50+ together.

34 Water Technology Inc. (WTI) Indoor and Outdoor Aquatics Planning

WTI’s creative energy and passion embraces the philosophy that aquatic recreation completes communities and makes them a better place to live.

The WTI team is a highly qualified group of individuals comprised of creative architects, landscape architects, en- gineers, designers, business developers and administrators, all with a passion for aquatics. Together, we combine our talents to develop original, aquatic facilities from concept to reality. In addition, WTI maintains solid relation- ships with other consultants and contractors and continues to set the standards in the aquatic industry across the United States and around the world.

Established in 1983, WTI has an extensive portfolio of projects that include water playgrounds, competition pools, and wellness pools, and waterparks.

Douglass Whiteaker | President, Project Manager

Douglass has extensive knowledge and experience in the aquatic industry. He is dedicated to the planning, design, engineering and construction of aquatic facili- ties, and his engaging personality helps to facilitate a two-way sharing process with our clients. Doug helps the team to understand unique project demograph- ics and public needs which ultimately results in team ownership of the project, producing the ultimate in project excellence. He excels in managing integrated project delivery teams, and his hands-on management abilities energize effective collaboration. Ultimately, his goal is to ensure that the needs and expectations of the client are exceeded.

Douglass has been involved in over 35 aquatics project in Colorado. Douglass leads projects of great diversity in size, scope and function. Renowned for his knowledge of recreational water treatment systems, he provides insight into emerging technologies for pristine water quality. His academic background in biochemistry and decades of practical experience in the design and construction of aquatic facilities proves to be an invaluable resource.

Ryan Nachreiner | Regional Director of Project Development

Ryan joined WTI in January of 2011 after serving in a variety of aquatic indus- try roles, including pool service technician, equipment and materials distribu- tion representative, and operations consultant with a waterpark equipment and chemical supplier. Ryan has conducted numerous seminars on issues of water- park operation, safety, design, chemical balance and automation, program devel- opment and risk management. Extensive hands-on experience troubleshooting countless facilities enables him to provide a realistic and broad perspective on aquatic operations, systems and programming. He is committed to the advance- ment of the aquatic industry through education and the development of best practices. As a NSPF® Instructor for over seven years, Ryan has trained and certified hundreds of aquatic professionals. He continues to conduct educational seminars for numerous industry organizations and is dedicated to enhancing the aquatic experience through improved water quality and innovative design.

35 Richard B. Speake | Concept Designer

Richard Speake is greatly experienced in graphic design, illustration, multidisci- plined CAD design/drafting and technical graphics. With over 14 years experi- ence in the aquatic design industry, his main responsibilities at WTI include preparation and production of highly professional Conceptual Renderings and Presentation Graphics. Rich is skilled in the use of leading Illustration/Design software, Art Markers, strong hand capabilities and has an eye for design. His impressive aquatic design experience and his ability to make use of all possible resources, coupled with his ability to adapt to the industry’s chang- ing needs and trends, are just a few of the reasons that he is able to consistently design unique facilities that best meet the clients needs and vision. Richard is a NSPF Certified Pool/Spa Operator.

Ballard*King & Associates Ltd (B*K) Operations & Feasibility Planning

B*K, a Colorado corporation, was established in 1992 by Ken Ballard and Jeff King in response to the need for market-driven and reality-based planning for parks and recreation agencies. B*K has achieved over 25 years of success by realizing that each client’s needs are specific and unique. With over 70 combined years of recreation planning experience in the public, non-profit, collegiate and private sector, our consulting firm has been involved with over 50 master plan studies, 45 operational assessments and has completed over 700 recreation facility projects in 49 states.

B*K forms a consulting team that provides a variety of pre-and post-design services for clients who are consider- ing the development of a sports, recreation, aquatic, park, or wellness facility. From pinpointing specifics to broad visions, B*K provides services to ensure the long-term success of your project. B*K has built our reputation on telling clients what they need to hear in order to make sound decisions.

B*K has worked with over 45 communities in Colorado on recreation center project studies including an earlier study for Berthoud. In addition, B*K has teamed with Barker Rinker Seacat Architecture and Water Technology Inc. on 16 of these studies in the state and more than 75 nationally.

By bringing practical, proven experience to a project we can accurately represent the client’s best interests. B*K has a keen awareness of the impact a park, sports, or recreational facility has on a community and subsequently the entity that operates it. Thanks to our extensive field experience, we are able to provide assistance with practi- cal tools, an uncommon ability to see the overlooked and view your project from a wealth of expertise and knowl- edge.

Ken Ballard, CPRP | President

As a founding partner of Ballard*King & Associates, Ken has over 35 years of experience in parks and recreation planning. Ballard*King & Associates was established in 1992 by Ken Ballard and Jeff King in response to the need for market driven and reality based planning for recreation agencies. Ken has pro- vided planning, feasibility and operations consulting for more than 300 recre- ation center projects across the country. This includes studies for more than 30 different communities in Colorado. Ken is well known for his vast knowledge of recreation programming, facility development and operations, as well as orga- nizational planning and facility maintenance. His expertise has been developed 35+ years experience over the years from a wide breadth of experiences within the parks and recre- ation field.

36 FCI Constructors Master Planning Cost Consulting

FCI Constructors has grown into a regional leader in commercial construction, with nine offices in six states. Operating from a network of offices across the region rather than traveling to building sites from a centralized hub means employee-owners live and work in their home communities. Our Metro-Denver office is located in Freder- ick, Colorado. Since our founding in 1978, FCI has proudly earned the business of more than 300 repeat clients.

Our team will assist you in reaching your project goals with innovative client-centered solutions founded in core values of trust, hard work, honesty, and professionalism. Our LEED® Accredited Professionals initiate implementa- tion of the latest energy modeling and product data to ensure best value over the life cycle of your buildings.

Over the last forty years in business, we have successfully completed projects very similar to the Town of Ber- thoud’s, including recreation centers, community centers, offices, and aquatics facilities. We understand the requirements of construction of today’s facilities and importance of building with sustainability, advanced tech- nology, and multiple-use space requirements in mind.

In 2003, FCI Constructors completed the new five-building, 96,600 SF, 19-acre, campus for the Northern Colo- rado Water Conservancy District, in Berthoud. FCI has also completed 4 new recreation/community projects in Colorado with BRS including, Eaton Community Center, Durango Community Recreation Center, Meeker Commu- nity Recreation Center, and Thornton Active Adult Center.

Tony Seidling | Vice President of Front Range Operations

Tony’s previous experience as a Project Manager is diverse and includes renova- tion and new construction work for both public and private clients whose main objectives are to provide services to their communities. Due to his extensive construction knowledge and his ability to formulate beneficial working relation- ships, he serves our clients by assisting the internal FCI team, and also act- ing as an advisor and liaison to the client and user groups. Tony will also be available to assist you with any public relations or community information as requested.

28+ years experience Tony’s recent representative Colorado projects, to name a few, includes Eaton Area Community Center with BRS, BVSD - Meadowlark PK-8 School in the Town of Erie, and Colorado School of Mines CoorsTek Center for Applies Science and Engineering in Golden.

Bryan Hemeyer | Vice President

Bryan is the Vice President of Estimating and Marketing covering the Front Range of Colorado and Wyoming. Competitively-bidding, as well as pro- viding full pre-construction services for projects ranging from $50,000 to $50,000,000, Bryan has led his team to great successes in client service and in building beneficial relationships with subcontractors.

Bryan’s recent select representative Colorado projects includes Eaton Area Community Center and Thornton Active Adult Center with BRS, the Clear Creek Metro Rec Center in Idaho Springs, the Soda Creek Swim Park in Lakewood, 28+ years experience and the Kelly Farm Pool Clubhouse in Greeley.

37 JVA Incorporated Master Planning Cost Consulting

JVA, Incorporated is a consulting structural, civil and environmental engineering firm headquartered in Boulder, Colorado with Front Range offices in Fort Collins and Denver and Western Slope offices in Winter Park and Glen- wood Springs. Key members of JVA’s staff are LEED Accredited Professionals, and as a member of the USGBC, we are committed to sustainable design practices that promote high performance buildings and sustainable sites.

JVA’s civil experience includes many facets of civil design including water, wastewater distribution, transmission and treatment, bridge design, grading, drainage, roadways, parking areas, and utility infrastructure ranging from master planning to construction documents. At present, JVA is involved in many large scale municipal infrastruc- ture projects and master planning efforts for clients such as Town of Nederland, City of Arvada, City of Louisville, Central City, Town of Superior, Town of Erie, and Town of Berthoud.

Howard McHenry | Principal

Howard is a Principal in the Civil Engineering Department at JVA. He currently provides civil engineering, document control, and construction administration. Howard has over 30 years of civil engineering consulting experience, and gives particular attention to and the user experience to create inviting and interesting spaces. He brings strong communications skills and is effective in working with owners, architects, contractors and communities affected by the project. Howard has led numerous design and construction projects for parks, recreational, municipal and educational clients involving street work, parking, grading, utility, and stormwater management. 30+ years experience Howard’s recent select representative Colorado projects includes the Johnstown Recreation Center, the Apex Simms Street Center Pickleball Courts in Arvada, Erie Community Park, and the Benedict Park Master Plan and Pool Replacement at Eagle View Park in Brighton.

Brian J. Campbell, P.E. | Senior Project Manager

Brian Campbell, P.E. is a senior project manager at JVA. Brian has 20 years of experience in civil design, project management and construction administration for a wide variety of civil site and municipal infrastructure projects while work- ing in both the private and public sector. He has performed plan preparation, contract administration, permitting, utility and street design, grading and drain- age design, erosion control design and documentation, and submittal document preparation. Brian has been a part of several successful design and construction projects including urban roadways and the use of low impact development tech- niques to handle stormwater runoff in an urban environment. He has signifi- 20+ years experience cant experience working with owners, city planners, city review staff, boards, trustees/council members, and contractors in various communities in taking a project from conception through the design approval process and construction. He understands the importance of being a part of a team and takes into account all perspectives throughout the design process and the necessary flexibility in the engineering design to meet the requirements set forth by all parties involved. He is also an active member of the American Society of Civil Engineers.

Bryan’s recent select representative Colorado projects includes the Windsor Rec- reation Center Expansion, the Gardens on Spring Creek and Old Town Square Redevelopment in Fort Collins, and the Loveland Artspace affordable live/work development. 38 Standard Contract

Date of Agreement

Client Name and Address

This letter authorizes Wenk Associates Inc. to perform the services specified in the attached Name of Project Scope dated Date of Scope in support of the Elitch Gardens project to be undertaken by Client’s Name Properties

Wenk Associates shall invoice monthly based on hours worked and expenses incurred for the project. Payment shall be due within 30 days following submission of the invoice. Interest shall be charged on any unpaid portion at an annual rate of 18%.

This scope been prepared based on information furnished by Client’s Name concerning scope, schedule, and the subject property.

Client’s Name may accept this proposal either by signature, oral assent, verbally authorizing Wenk Associates to begin providing services, or making any payments to Wenk Associates in consideration of services and any of the above modes of acceptance shall be deemed to incorporate all of the terms of this proposal into the contract between the parties thereby formed. To indicate your acceptance of this agreement and authorize Wenk Associates to proceed with the work, please sign and date and return a to the attention of Rita Halme ([email protected]) at our office.

We look forward to working with you.


Nicole Horst Principal

Accepted on behalf of Wenk Associates Inc.:

Nicole Horst, Principal Date

Accepted on behalf of Client’s Name

Name/Title Date

39 At the recently completed Shoemaker Plaza at Confluence Park in Denver, a new pedestrian and bicycle ramp improves circulation, while terraced steps provide an opportunity to play and sit near the water.


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