_MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE (Cont.). MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. ACCORDION. _MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. _MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. 48-bass Italian Bartoflni, ! BOTTLES, tars, jugs, crowns, corks, , FOR^ALE. FOR SALE. used; j DRAFTING TABLE TOPS, 00 inches bv 42 i FURNITURE for 1 r kit., dinette, bath PIANO and bench. _MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. little also Hose. Best offer. EM any size. Southeast Bottle Supply Co., inches, walnut. Bradbury. SECRETARY DESK, excellent cond.. $"9 _MISCELLANEOUS purchased from U. S. Government ! apt., elec. rfg. $1(>o.o<): VIOLIN. Jofredus Capoa in marve- 5105. 735 st. s e., complete. $175 rash apt. Hammond Solovox (organ). $235 elec, range. copy, 11th Franklin 6085. $5.5() each. H. Baum Son. 010 E • Westinghouse: Pyrex dishes I lous ACCORDIONS, A? st. n.w for rent. Apt 302. 3604 Oth st. n e. incl. legs: new condition. EM. 2355. condition and has beautiful tone. vibraharps. drums. cIpc. BRIDGE VAMP, hassock, smoking stand SI'IT. tails, white vest, ooiler. auto, clock. $.'10: bedrm. suite. 4 i RE-UPHOLSTERING. with medium FIRNITURE—Complete for 311 room apt : PIANO, upright, Bargain for some one Hobby Art Gai- 2-Diece living guitars amplifiers, sacrifice Hyman and rugs, all in good condition GE. 2523 like new j maple, excellent condi- nieces. Inner-soring mattress, springs, room suite reupholstered size, cheap; cutaway , vest dishec and some linen included. cash tion. will • excel fiifi nth st. n w. to Hatner’s Music Store. 736 13th st. n w. BUFFET Antique crotch, $350 sacrifice HI 0901-W eond $95. At Minnesota ave., ^ries. look like new. $43. Latest patterns ana mahogany. AT striped . Also tux.' Kensing All dav PIANO, 1614 S WOIJN, old; set oven-baked old ACCORDIONS—Hohr.er. 12 bass. • • 1 Sunday, weekdays alter o. 4303 baby grand, mah excellent con- China; inclu