Weekly Call Birmingham Mes senger Southern Labor Review Legal Advertiser PUBLISHED WEEKLY SINCE 1918 NOW SEMI-WEEKLY Subscription/Advertising Information BIRMINGHAM (205) 252-3672 BESSEMER (205) 425-0301 The ALABAMA MESSENGER is a semi-weekly newspaper dedicated to serving the People, Courts, Attorneys, and Businesses of Jefferson County, as an efficient and qualified medium for all legal publications.

Volume 98 Number 33 (25 Cents) Saturday, April 25, 2015 STATE OF ALABAMA Case No. DR 2015-189 PRS NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE STATE OF ALABAMA Alabama, said point being the point of COUNTY OF JEFFERSON NOTICE OF NAME CHANGE OF Default having been made in the pay- Default having been made in the COUNTY OF JEFFERSON beginning of the tract herein described; NOTICE is hereby given that a bill MINOR ment of the indebtedness secured by payment of the indebtedness secured NOTICE is hereby given that a bill thence continue in the last stated substantially as follows will be intro- The Circuit Court, Tenth Judicial that certain mortgage dated July 17, by that certain mortgage executed by substantially as follows will be intro- course along the north line of said duced in the 2015 Regular Session of Circuit of Alabama 2008, executed by Lisa R. Moore, a Kathy C. Lawrence a single woman, duced in the 2015 Regular Session of Section 27 a distance of 283.09 feet to the Legislature of Alabama and applica- AKEELA SADE MCCASLIN, single woman, to Mortgage Electronic originally in favor of Mortgage the Legislature of Alabama and appli- the northwest corner of the tract con- tion for its passage and enactment will Plaintiff Registration Systems, Inc. solely as Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., cation for its passage and enactment veyed to Clairmont Company, Inc. by be made: vs. UNKNOWN, Defendant nominee for USA Home Loans, Inc., acting solely as nominee for West will be made: the United States Steel Corporation by Section 1. (a) The Board of Trustees of Unknown, (Deft), whose where- which mortgage was recorded on Alabama Bank & Trust, on the 29th A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT deed recorded in Real Volume 801, Briarwood Presbyterian Church, orga- abouts is unknown, must answer August 5, 2008, in Book LR200809, day of September, 2011, said mort- To alter, rearrange, and extend the Page 52, in the office of the Probate nized as a nonprofit church under Akeela Sade McCaslin, Petition to Page 6415, of the mortgage records in gage recorded in the Office of the boundary lines and corporate limits of Judge of Jefferson County, Alabama, Alabama's nonprofit corporation law, Change Name of Minor, and other the Office of the Judge of Probate of Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, the municipality of the City of thence 90°00' to the right in a souther- may appoint and employ one or more relief by May 18, 2015, or thereafter, a Jefferson County, Alabama, which Homewood in Jefferson County. ly direction along the west line of said Alabama, in Book LR201107, Page BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLA- persons to act as police officers to pro- judgment by default may be rendered mortgage was, duly transferred and 24238; the undersigned Wells Fargo Clairmont Company, Inc. tract a dis- tect the safety and integrity of the assigned to Chase Home Finance, TURE OF ALABAMA: against him in Case Number DR 2015- Bank, N.A., as Mortgagee/Transferee, Section 1. The boundary lines and cor- tance of 475.00 feet to the southwest church and its ministries. Persons 189 PRS, in the Circuit Court of LLC, notice is hereby given that pur- under and by virtue of the power of corner of said Clairmont Company, employed as police officers pursuant to suant to law and the power of sale con- porate limits of the municipality of the Jefferson County. sale contained in said mortgage, will City of Homewood in Jefferson Inc. tract, said point also being located this section shall be charged with all of Done this 25th day of March, 2015. tained in said mortgage, the under- sell at public outcry to the highest bid- on the centerline of a 60.0 foot wide the duties and invested with all of the Anne-Marie Adams, Clerk signed will sell at public outcry, to the County are altered, rearranged, and roadway right of way conveyed to powers of law enforcement officers in der for cash, in front of the main extended to include within the corpo- AKEELA SADE MCCASLIN highest bidder for cash, in front of the entrance of the Courthouse at rate limits of the municipality, in addi- Jefferson County, Alabama by the this state. 130 60th Street Twenty- first Street entrance to the United States Steel Corporation by (b) Every police officer appointed and Jefferson County Courthouse at Birmingham, Jefferson County, tion to the lands now included, all of Fairfield, AL 35064 Alabama, on April 22, 2015, during the following territory: deed recorded in Real Volume 802, employed pursuant to this section shall Ala.Ms.- Mar. 28, Apr. 4, 11, 18, 2015 Birmingham, Alabama, during the Page 185, in the office of the Probate be certified by the Alabama Peace the legal hours of sale, all of its right, TRACT 1 legal hours of sale on April 14, 2015, That part of the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 Judge of Jefferson County, Alabama; Officers Standards and Training Case No: 2015-224633 the following described real estate, title, and interest in and to the follow- thence 90°00' to the right and run in a Commission and shall meet all of its situated in Jefferson County, ing described real estate, situated in of Section 14, Township 18 South, In The Probate Court of Jefferson Jefferson County, Alabama, to-wit: Range 3 West of the Huntsville westerly direction along the centerline requirements, including continuing edu- County, AL Alabama, to-wit: Principal Meridian, Jefferson County, of said roadway a distance of 283.09 cation. PUBLICATION ON ADOPTION Commence at the Southeast corner of Parcel 1: Commence at the Northeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Alabama, described as follows: Begin feet to a point on an intersecting 60.0 (c) The authority of any police officer TO: Any Unknown/Undisclosed the Southeast quarter of the Southeast at the Southeast corner of said 1/4 - foot wide roadway also conveyed to appointed and employed pursuant to this Father quarter of Section 2, Township 17 Northeast Quarter of Section 18, 1/4 section thence North along the East Jefferson County by the United States section shall be restricted to the campus- IN THE MATTER OF THE South, Range 4 West and run West on Township 17 South, Range 3 West and boundary thereof 252.02 feet, more or Steel Corporation in the last described es and properties of Briarwood ADOPTION OF: the South line of said quarter-quarter run South on the East line of said less, to its intersection with the conveyance; thence 90°00' to the right Presbyterian Church. STANLEY MARKELL MILLER, section distance of 630.0 feet. Thence Quarter-Quarter section a distance of Northeast boundary of the right of way in a northerly direction along the cen- Section 2. This act shall become effec- MINOR turn right 90 degrees 00 minutes mea- 505.80 feet, thence turn right 116 of the New Green Springs Highway, ter line of the 60.0 foot wide roadway tive immediately following its passage NOTICE TO: Any sured (89 degrees 28 minutes, Deed) degrees, 11 minutes, 30 seconds and the point of beginning; thence continu- a distance of 475.00 feet to the point of and approval by the Governor, or its Unknown/Undisclosed Father and run Northerly a distance of 420 run Northwesterly a distance of 255.55 ing North along the East boundary of beginning. otherwise becoming law. You will take notice that a Petition feet to a point on the South right of feet, thence turn left 60 degrees, 30 said 1/4 - 1/4 section 186.95 feet, more The following described tract of land Ala. Ms. Apr. 11, 18, 25, May 2, 2015 for the Adoption of Stanley Markell way line of Howle Avenue as shown minutes, 00 seconds and run or less, to its intersection with the is situated in the Northwest quarter of Miller, born to Megan Renee Levins, on the Map of Westwood as recorded Southwesterly a distance of 530.50 Southwest boundary of the right of Section 27, Township 18 South, Range STATE OF ALABAMA in the Office of the Judge of Probate of feet, thence turn right 89 degrees, 49 COUNTY OF JEFFERSON Natural Mother, was filed on the 13th way of Columbiana Road; thence turn- 3 West, Jefferson County, Alabama, day of March, 2015, alleging that the Jefferson County in Map Book 25, minutes, 15 seconds and run ing an angle of 60° and 06' left in a and being more particularly described NOTICE is hereby given that a bill page 39, thence turn right 90 degrees Northwesterly direction along said last substantially as follows will be intro- whereabouts of Any Northwesterly a distance of 127.00 as follows: Commence at the Unknown/Undisclosed Father, the nat- 29 minutes measured (90 degrees 32 feet to the point of beginning, thence mentioned right of way boundary Northwest corner of said Section 27; duced in the 2015 Regular Session of minutes deed) and run Easterly along 200.4 feet, more or less, to its intersec- the Legislature of Alabama and applica- ural parent of said minor child is turn right 90 degrees, 05 minutes, 35 thence easterly along the north line of unknown to the Court, and whose rela- the South right of way line of said seconds and run Northeasterly a dis- tion with the Northeast boundary of the said Section 27, 547.95 feet to the east- tion for its passage and enactment will Howle Avenue a distance of 160.0 feet right of way of the New Green Springs be made: tionship of said natural parent to the tance of 85.91 feet, thence turn left 89 erly right of way of a 60 foot wide aforesaid minor child is that of Natural to the point of beginning, thence con- degrees, 53 minutes, 22 seconds and Highway thence turning an angle of road; thence 90° right 20.00 feet to the Relating to Class 1 municipalities or tinue Easterly along said right of way 151° and 05' left in a Southeasterly municipalities having a population of Father. run Northwesterly a distance of 103.99 point of beginning; thence continue Stanley Markell Miller’s Birthdate is line a distance of 95.0 feet, thence turn feet, thence turn left 90 degrees, 04 direction along said last mentioned along said course 150.00 feet, thence 250,000 or more; to amend Section 11- 89 degrees 30 minutes measured ( 89 Highway right of way boundary 43-7.1 of the Code of Alabama, 1975 to September 5, 2012. minutes, 39 seconds and run 90° left, 253.09 feet; thence 90° left Please be advised that a petition for degrees, 28 minutes deed) and run Southwesterly a distance of 79.97, 335.25 feet, more or less, to the point 150.00 feet to the South line of a 20 remove the specific amounts for city Southerly a distance of 154.73 feet of beginning. Mineral and mining council or other governing body adoption in the above styled manner thence turn left 89 degrees, 35 min- foot right of way for sewer; thence 90° has been filed in said Court by the measured (154.0 feet deed) thence turn rights excepted. expense allowances; and to allow the right 84 degrees 55 minutes measured utes, 52 seconds and run Southeasterly TRACT 2 left along said north right of way and city council or other governing body to Petitioner(s) and that a hearing has a distance of 40.00 feet, thence turn Commence at the Northwest corner 20 feet south of and parallel to the been set for same in said Court in the (84 degrees deed) and run set the amount of the expense Southwesterly a distance of 95.27 feet, right 89 degrees, 44 minutes, 46 sec- of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest north line of said Section 27, 253.09 allowances; and to repeal Section 11-43- City of Birmingham, Alabama, and onds and run Southwesterly a distance 1/4 of Section 24, Township 18 South, feet to the point of beginning. that should you intend to contest this measured. (95.52 feet deed) thence 7.2. turn right 95 degrees 03 minutes mea- of 6.00 feet, thence turn left 90 Range 3 West; thence run in a TRACT 7 Ala. Ms. Apr. 11, 18, 25, May 2, 2015 adoption, you must file a written sured (96 degrees deed) and run degrees, 19 minutes, 41 seconds and Southerly direction along the West line A parcel of land situated in the NW response within thirty (30) days of the Northerly a distance of 164.0 feet to run Southeasterly a distance of 64.06 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 27, Township 18 South, Case No. DR 2015-900525 JAP date of the last publication herein, with the Point of Beginning. feet to the point of beginning. Parcel 2: 1/4 for a distance of 218.31 feet to a Range 3 West, Situated in Jefferson NOTICE OF DIVORCE ACTION counsel for said Petitioner (s), whose This sale is made for the purpose of Commence at the Northeast corner of point on the Southeast right of way of County, Alabama, and being more par- The Circuit Court, Tenth Judicial name and address are as shown below, paying the indebtedness secured by the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast West Lakeshore Drive; thence turn an ticularly described as follows: Circuit of Alabama and with the Clerk of the said Probate said mortgage as well as expenses of Quarter of Section 18, Township 17 angle to the left of 128°33' and run in a Commence at the Northeast corner of JAMES B. IRBY, Plaintiff Court. foreclosure. South, Range 3 West and run South on Northeasterly direction along the Section 28, Township 18 South, Range vs. Done this the 31st day of March, 2015. JPMorgan Chase Bank, National the East line of said Quarter-Quarter Southeast right of way of West 3 West and run in a westerly direction LESLIE A. IRBY, Defendant Attorney for Petitioner Association Successor by merger to section a distance of 505.80 feet, Lakeshore Drive for a distance of along the North line of said Section 28 Leslie A. Irby, (Deft), whose where- PETER J. DAVIS Chase Home Finance LLC, thence turn right 116 degrees, 11 min- 492.97 feet to the point of beginning; a distance of 186.73 feet to a point on abouts is unknown, must answer James 413 16th Street North utes, 30 seconds and run from the point of beginning thus the centerline of the south bound main B. Irby’s Petition/complaint for Birmingham, AL 35203 Transferee obtained; thence continue along last of the L and N Railroad; thence divorce and other relief by May 26, Robert J. Wermuth/cls Northwesterly a distance of 255.55 described course for a distance of (205) 324-9006 STEPHENS MILLIRONS, P.C. feet, thence turn left 60 degrees, 30 91°49'30" to the left in a southerly 2015, or thereafter, a judgment by Ala. Ms. Apr. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2015 185.00 feet; thence turn an angle to the direction along the centerline of the default may be rendered against her in P.O. Box 307 minutes, 00 seconds and run right of 55°17'18" and run in a Huntsville, Alabama 35804 Southwesterly a distance of 530.50 south bound main of the L and N Case Number DR 2015-900525 JAP, Case No: 2015-224631 Southeasterly direction along the Railroad a distance of 474.76 feet to a in the Circuit Court of Jefferson Attorney for Mortgagee feet, thence turn right 89 degrees, 49 Southwesterly right of way of West In The Probate Court of Jefferson The sale provided for hereinabove minutes, 15 seconds and run point; thence 91°58'30" to the left in an County. County, AL Lakeshore Drive for a distance of Easterly direction along the centerline Done this 30th day of March, 2015. was postponed on the 14th day of Northwesterly a distance of 127.00 46.04 feet to a point on the Southwest PUBLICATION ON ADOPTION April, 2015 by public announcement of a proposed 60 foot wide easement Anne-Marie Adams, Clerk TO: Any Unknown/Undisclosed feet, thence turn right 90 degrees, 05 right of way of Green Springs for a road, a distance of 569.46 feet to DOUGLAS ROY being made at the Twenty- first Street minutes, 35 seconds and run Highway; thence turn an angle to the Father entrance to the Jefferson County the point of beginning; thence continue 2107 5th Avenue North #201 IN THE MATTER OF THE Northeasterly a distance of 85.91 feet, right of 68°15'48" to the chord of a along the last stated course a distance Birmingham, AL 35203 Courthouse at Birmingham, Alabama, thence turn left 89 degrees, 53 min- curve to the right having a central ADOPTION OF: during the legal hours of sale. Said of 481.95 feet to a point; said point (205) 266-5963 JAYDEN DARELLE BELL, MINOR utes, 22 seconds and run angle of 7°06'59" and a radius of being the Northwest corner of a parcel Ala. Ms. Apr. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2015 NOTICE TO: Any foreclosure sale shall be held on the Northwesterly a distance of 103.99 1408.92 feet; thence run along the arc 16th day of June, 2015, at the Twenty- feet to the point of beginning, thence of said curve in a Southeasterly direc- of land conveyed by U.S. Steel to Unknown/Undisclosed Father first Street entrance to the Jefferson tion along the Southwest right of way Molay Brothers, as recorded in Real Case No. DR 2015-900531 JAP You will take notice that a Petition turn left 0 degrees, 24 minutes, 18 sec- Volume 787, Page 253, in the office of NOTICE OF DIVORCE ACTION County Courthouse at Birmingham, onds and run Northwesterly a distance of Green Springs Highway for a dis- for the Adoption of Jayden Darelle Alabama, during the legal hours of tance of 175.00 feet; thence turn an the Judge of Probate of Jefferson The Circuit Court, Tenth Judicial Bell, born to Kenneisha Lakendra Bell, of 151.05 feet to a point on the County, Alabama; thence 90°00’ to the Circuit of Alabama sale. Southeasterly right-of-way line of angle to the right from the chord if Natural Mother, was filed on the 13th Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, 2015 extended to said curve of 85°32'31" right in a southerly direction along the SHANNA STELL HAYES, Plaintiff day of March, 2015, alleging that the Tomahawk Road, said point being the vs. and run in Southwesterly direction for westerly line of that parcel of land con- whereabouts of Any NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE point of beginning of a curve to the a distance of 135.00 feet; thence turn veyed by U.S. Steel to Molay Brothers, BOYCE R. HAYES, Defendant Unknown/Undisclosed Father, the nat- right having a radius of 746.78 feet and Boyce R. Hayes, (Deft), whose Default having been made in the pay- an angle to the right of 62°33'38" and as recorded in Real Volume 787, Page ural parent of said minor child is ment of the indebtedness secured by a central angle of 6 degrees, 32 min- 253, in the office of the Judge of whereabouts is unknown, must answer utes, 23 seconds, thence turn left 92 run in a Northwesterly direction for a Shanna Stell Hayes Petition/complaint unknown to the Court, and whose rela- that certain mortgage dated May 8, distance of 118.00 feet to the point of Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama, tionship of said natural parent to the 1996, executed by Yolanda L. Honor, degrees, 59 minutes, 47 seconds to the beginning; being situated in Jefferson a distance of 549.73 feet to a point on for divorce and other relief by May 26, chord of said curve, thence run 2015, or thereafter, a judgment by aforesaid minor child is that of Natural an unmarried person, to Clarke County, Alabama. the centerline of a 50 foot wide ease- Father. Company Mortgage, Inc., which mort- Southwesterly along the Arc of said TRACT 3 ment for a railroad, said point being default may be rendered against him in curve and along the Southeasterly Case Number DR 2015-900531 JAP, Jayden Darelle Bell’s Birthdate is gage was recorded on May 13, 1996, in Commence at the Northwest corner the southwest corner of that parcel of in the Circuit Court of Jefferson June 11, 2010. Real Book 1151, Page 266, of the right-of-way line of Tomahawk Road a of the Southwest one-quarter of the land conveyed by U.S. Steel to Molay County. Please be advised that a petition for mortgage records in the Office of the distance of 85.24 feet to the end of said Southwest one-quarter of Section 24, Brothers as recorded in Real Volume Done this 30th day of March, 2015. adoption in the above styled manner Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, curve, thence turn right 3 degrees, 26 Township 18 South, Range 3 West; 787, Page 253, in the office of the Anne-Marie Adams, Clerk has been filed in said Court by the Alabama, which mortgage was, duly minutes, 00 seconds from the chord of thence run South along the West line Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, DOUGLAS ROY Petitioner(s) and that a hearing has transferred and assigned to JPMorgan said curve and run Southwesterly of said quarter-quarter section for a Alabama; said point also being on the 2107 5th avenue North #201 been set for same in said Court in the Chase Bank, National Association, along the Southeasterly right-of-way distance of 218.31 feet; thence run north line of that parcel of land con- Birmingham, AL 35203 City of Birmingham, Alabama, and notice is hereby given that pursuant to line of Tomahawk Road a distance of North 51 degrees, 27 minutes East veyed by U.S. Steel to Tom Jernigan as (205) 266-5963 that should you intend to contest this law and the power of sale contained in 136.10 feet, thence turn left 90 along the Southeasterly right of way recorded in Real Volume 812, Page 32, Ala. Ms. Apr. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2015 adoption, you must file a written said mortgage, the undersigned will degrees, 02 minutes, 14 seconds and line of West Lakeshore Drive for a dis- in the office of the Judge of Probate of response within thirty (30) days of the sell at public outcry, to the highest bid- run Southeasterly a distance of 186.00 tance of 248.00 feet to the point of Jefferson County, Alabama; thence Case No. DR 2014 252 PRS date of the last publication herein, with der for cash, in front of the 3rd feet, thence turn left 89 degrees, 55 beginning. From the point of begin- 90°00' to the right in a westerly direc- NOTICE OF DIVORCE ACTION counsel for said Petitioner (s), whose Avenue, North Side entrance to the minutes, 26 seconds and run ning thus obtained, run North 51 tion along the centerline of a 50 foot The Circuit Court of Jefferson County, name and address are as shown below, Jefferson County Courthouse at Northeasterly a distance of 142.00 degrees, 27 minutes East along the wide easement for a railroad and the Alabama and with the Clerk of the said Probate Bessemer, Alabama, during the legal feet, thence turn left 89 degrees, 44 Southeasterly right of way line of West North line of that parcel of land con- Court. Lakeshore Drive for a distance of IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF: hours of sale on October 7, 2014, the minutes, 46 seconds and run 244.97 feet; thence run South 36 veyed by U.S. Steel to Tom Jernigan as CHERYL H. NICHOLSON, Plaintiff Done this the 31st day of March, 2015. following described real estate, situat- Northwesterly a distance of 40.00 feet, recorded in Real Volume 812, Page 32, Attorney for Petitioner degrees, 53 minutes, 44 seconds East Vs. ed in Jefferson County, Alabama, to- thence turn right 89 degrees, 35 min- for a distance of 118.00 feet; thence in the office of the Judge of Probate of TOMMIE L. NICHOLSON, Defendant MATTHEW J. HORNSBY wit: utes, 52 seconds and run Northeasterly run North 80 degrees, 32 minutes, 38 Jefferson County, Alabama, a distance Tommie L. Nicholson, whose where- Hornsby & Hornsby Lot 14, Block 6, according to the a distance of 79.97 feet to the point of seconds East for a distance of 135.00 of 481.95 feet to a point; said point abouts is unknown, must answer 2010 Old Springville Road, Suite 100 Survey of Second Addition to Midfield beginning. feet to a point on the Westerly right of being the southeast corner of that par- Cheryl Nicholson’s Complaint for Birmingham, AL 35215 Park, as recorded in Map Book 8 page Property street address for informa- way line of Greensprings Highway; cel of land conveyed by U.S. Steel to divorce and other relief by May 26, (205) 856-1000 64 in the Probate Office of Jefferson tional purposes: 1321 Tomahawk Rd, thence run in a Southwesterly direction Pasquales as recorded in Real Volume 2015, or thereafter, a judgment by Ala. Ms. Apr. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2015 County, Alabama, Bessemer Division; Forestdale, AL 35214 along the arc of a curve to the right and 860, Page 411, in the office of the default may be rendered against him in being situated in Jefferson County, This property will be sold on an “as the Westerly right of way line of Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, Case Number DR 2014 252 PRS, Case No. DR 15-000226 PRS Alabama. is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- Greensprings Highway (said right of Alabama; thence 90°00' to the right in Domestic Relations Court of Jefferson NOTICE OF DIVORCE ACTION This sale is made for the purpose of ments, encumbrances, and exceptions way being situation on a curve to the a northerly direction along the east line County. The Circuit Court, Tenth Judicial paying the indebtedness secured by reflected in the mortgage and those right having a central angle of 7 of that parcel of land conveyed by U.S. Done this 1st day of April, 2015. Circuit of Alabama said mortgage as well as expenses of contained in the records of the Office degrees, 03 minutes, 28 seconds, a Steel to Pasquales as recorded in Real Anne-Marie Adams, Clerk LAUREL ANN MAY, Plaintiff foreclosure. of the Judge of Probate of the County radius of 1408.95 feet and a chord Volume 860, Page 411, in the office of CHERYL H. NICHOLSON Vs. JPMorgan Chase Bank, National bearing of South 2 degrees, 05 min- the Judge of Probate of Jefferson NEIL MYRON LARKINS, JR., where the above-described property is 24 Westchester Ct., Apt. 3 Association, Transferee situated. This property will be sold utes, 21 seconds West) for a distance County, Alabama, a distance of 549.73 Birmingham, AL 35215 Defendant Robert J. Wermuth/cls of 173.56 feet to its intersection with feet to the northeast corner of that par- Ala. Ms. Apr. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2015 Neil Myron Larkins, Jr., (Deft), STEPHENS MILLIRONS, P.C. without warranty or recourse, expressed or implied as to title, use the Northwesterly right of way line of cel of land conveyed by U.S. Steel to whose whereabouts is unknown, must P.O. Box 307 Shades Creek, said right of way of Pasquales as recorded in Real Volume NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Case No. DR 15-000206 JAP answer Laurel Ann May, complaint for Huntsville, Alabama 35804 and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- ject to the right of redemption of all Shades Creek being situated on a curve 860, Page 411, in the office of the Default having been made in the pay- Default having been made in the pay- Default having been made in the NOTICE OF DIVORCE ACTION divorce and other relief by May 26, Attorney for Mortgagee to the left having a central angle of 32 Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, ment of the indebtedness secured by ment of the indebtedness secured by The Circuit Court, Tenth Judicial 2015, or thereafter, a judgment by The sale provided for hereinabove parties entitled thereto. payment of the indebtedness secured degrees, 27 minutes, 26 seconds, a Alabama, said point also being the that certain mortgage dated September that certain mortgage executed by by that certain mortgage executed by Circuit of Alabama default may be rendered against him in was postponed on the 7th day of This sale is made for the purpose of radius of 500.30 feet and a chord bear- point of beginning. Fernando Cole, and Chazita Cole hus- DWIGHT D. GAMBLE, Plaintiff Case Number DR 15-000226 PRS in October, 2014; was further postponed paying the indebtedness secured by ing of South 79 degrees, 35 minutes, 6, 2002, executed by Paula R. Jerry Elliott and Julie Elliott, husband said mortgage, as well as the expenses Section 2. In accordance with McDaniel and Robert D. McDaniel, band and wife, originally in favor of and wife, originally in favor of Vs. the Circuit Court of Jefferson County. on the 18th day of November, 2014; 51 seconds West; thence run along the Section 11-42-6(b) of the Code of Mortgage Electronic Registration DONNELA STEWART, Defendant Done this 2nd day of April, 2015 was further postponed on the 6th day of foreclosure. arc of said curve in Southwesterly Alabama 1975, a map showing what wife and husband, to Century 21 Mortgage Electronic Registration Donnela Stewart, (Deft), whose The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves Systems, Inc., acting solely as nominee Anne-Marie Adams, Clerk of January, 2015; was further post- direction for a distance of 283.41 feet; territory is proposed to be annexed to Mortgage, which mortgage was for Superior Bank, on the 23rd day of Systems, Inc., acting solely as nomi- whereabouts is unknown, must answer LAUREL ANN MAY poned on the 10th day of February, the right to bid for and purchase the thence run North 38 degrees, 33 min- the municipality of the City of recorded on September 12, 2002, in nee for Wilmington Finance Inc., on Dwight D. Gamble complaint for real estate and to credit its purchase utes West for a distance of 283.41 feet; December, 2009, said mortgage Plaintiff 2015, was further postponed on the Homewood is on file in the office of Instrument No. 200212/4915, of the recorded in the Office of the Judge of the 5th day of November, 2007, said divorce and other relief by May 26, Birmingham Community Based 10th day of March, 2015; was further price against the expenses of sale and thence run North 38 degrees, 33 min- the Judge of Probate in Jefferson mortgage records in the Office of the mortgage recorded in the Office of the 2015, or thereafter, a judgment by postponed on the 14th day of April, the indebtedness secured by the real utes West for a distance of 183.29 feet Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama, Facility County, Alabama, and the map is open Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, in Book LR200912, Page 17200; the Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, default may be rendered against her in 1216 25th Street North 2015, by public announcement being estate. to the point of beginning. to the inspection of the public. Alabama, in Book LR200716, Page Case Number DR 15-000206 JAP in Birmingham, AL 35234 made at the 3rd Avenue, North Side This sale is subject to postponement TRACT 4 Alabama, which mortgage was, duly undersigned Christiana Trust, a divi- Section 3. This act shall become effec- sion of Wilmington Savings Fund 29924; the undersigned U.S. Bank the Circuit Court of Jefferson County. Ala. Ms. Apr. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2015 entrance to the Jefferson County or cancellation. Parcel I tive on the first day of the third month transferred and assigned to JPMorgan Done this 2nd day of April, 2015 Courthouse, Bessemer, Alabama, dur- Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Commence at the Northwest Corner Chase Bank, N.A., notice is hereby Society, FSB, not in its individual Trust, N.A., as Trustee for VOLT of the Southwest One-Quarter of the following its passage and approval by 2012-NPL1 Asset Holdings Trust, as Anne-Marie Adams, Clerk Case No. 2014-223901 ing the legal hours of sale. Said fore- Mortgagee/Transferee the Governor, or its otherwise becom- given that pursuant to law and the capacity but as Trustee of ARLP Trust GEORGE BABAKITIS PUBLICATION FOR PETITION OF closure sale shall be held on the 19th Ginny Rutledge Southwest One-Quarter of Section 24, power of sale contained in said mort- 2, as Mortgagee/Transferee, under and Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by Township 18 South, Range 3 West; run ing law. virtue of the power of sale contained Attorney for the Plaintiff APPOINTMENT day of May, 2015, at the 3rd Avenue, SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 16, 2015 gage, the undersigned will sell at pub- by virtue of the power of sale con- 2015 1st Avenue North OF GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR North Side entrance to the Jefferson thence in a Southerly direction along tained in said mortgage, will sell at in said mortgage, will sell at public P. O. Box 55727 the West line of said Quarter-Quarter lic outcry, to the highest bidder for Birmingham, AL 35203 State of Alabama Jefferson County County Courthouse, Bessemer, Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 LEGAL NOTICE public outcry to the highest bidder for outcry to the highest bidder for cash, (205) 458-1161 Alabama, during the legal hours of Section for a distance of 66.06 feet to cash, in front of the Twenty-First cash, in front of the main entrance of in front of the main entrance of the Probate Court Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee the point of beginning. From the point STATE OF ALABAMA Street entrance to the Jefferson County Ala. Ms. Apr. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2015 ESTATE OF: DEV JEET KAUR sale. www.sirote.com/foreclosures COUNTY OF JEFFERSON the Courthouse at Birmingham, Courthouse at Birmingham, Jefferson Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, 2015 of beginning thus obtained, thence Courthouse at Birmingham, Alabama, Case No. JU 2013 002181.02 SHS MOSS, A PROTECTED PERSON 330162 continue along the last described NOTICE is hereby given that a bill Jefferson County, Alabama, on May County, Alabama, on May 27, 2015, TO: Shirlene Taylor, 116 - 17 South Ala.Ms.- Mar. 21, 28, Apr. 4, 2015 substantially as follows will be intro- during the legal hours of sale on 29, 2015, during the legal hours of during the legal hours of sale, all of Case No. JU 2014 002062.02 SHS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE course for a distance of 296.68 feet; November 18, 2014, the following NOTICE FOR TERMINATION OF Aberdeen Street, Chicago, IL 60643 The above mortgage foreclosure sale thence turn an angle to the right of 74 duced in the 2015 Session of the sale, all of its right, title, and interest its right, title, and interest in and to and to any and all interested parties; Default having been made in the Legislature of Alabama and applica- described real estate, situated in in and to the following described real PARENTAL RIGHTS payment of the indebtedness secured has been postponed until 05/13/2015 degrees, 56 minutes and run in a the following described real estate, State of Alabama, Jefferson County Take notice that on the 19th day of during the legal hours of sale in front Southwesterly direction along the tion for its passage and enactment will Jefferson County, Alabama, to-wit: estate, situated in Jefferson County, situated in Jefferson County, December, 2014, Patricia Josette Moss by that certain mortgage executed by be made: Alabama, to-wit: Family Court Janice Ann McCullough, unmarried, of the main entrance of the courthouse Northwesterly line of a parcel of land Lot 2, according to the Survey of Alabama, to-wit: filed a petition for the appointment of in the City of Birmingham, Jefferson recorded in Real Volume 2069, Page A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT Mobley Nob, as recorded in Map Book Lot 8, according to the survey of Oak IN THE MATTER OF Antanisha a Guardian/Conservator for Dev Jeet originally in favor of Wells Fargo Lot 5, Block 5, according to the map Zonte’ Bush, aka, Antikia S. Bush, Bank, N.A., on the 31st day of County, Alabama. 735 in the Office of the Judge of Relating to Class 1 municipalities; to 152, Page 57, in the Probate Office of Hill Estates Subdivision, as recorded and survey of Edgemont Park, 2nd Kaur Moss, A Protected Person. Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, 2015 Probate, Jefferson County, Alabama, provide for an annual expense in Map Book 13, Page 62, in the born April 05, 2013, at University Notice is hereby given the above January, 2008, said mortgage record- Jefferson County, Alabama. Section as recorded in Map Book 53, Hospital, in Birmingham, Jefferson ed in the Office of the Judge of for a distance of 87.70 feet; thence turn allowance for members of the city This sale is made for the purpose of Probate Office of Jefferson County, Page 40 in the Probate Office of County, Alabama and Ton’Nisha named person and all persons in inter- MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE an angle to the right of 96 degrees, 57 council that will convert to salary at Alabama Bessemer Division. est that said petition for appointment Probate of Jefferson County, minutes, 23 seconds to the tangent of the beginning of the next term of paying the indebtedness secured by Jefferson County, Alabama. La’Sha Bush, born September 18, 2014 Alabama, in Book LR200802 Page Default having been made in the Property street address for informa- Property street address for informa- at University Hospital, in Birmingham, of Guardian/Conservator has been set payment of the indebtedness secured the following described course; said office. said mortgage as well as expenses of tional purposes: 1133 1st Ave, for hearing on the 28th day of April, 16806; the undersigned Wells Fargo course being situated on a curve to the foreclosure. tional purposes: 316 Willow Bend Rd, Jefferson County, Alabama to Bank, N.A., as Mortgagee/Transferee, by that certain mortgage executed by Ala. Ms. Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 16, 2015 Pleasant Grove, AL 35127 Valencia Danta Hayes. The State of 2015, at 3:00 P.M. All persons in Michael L. Smith, a married person right having a central angle of 23 JPMorgan Chase Bank, National This property will be sold on an “as Birmingham, AL 35209 interest should be and appear in this under and by virtue of the power of degrees, 32 minutes, 14 seconds and a LEAGL NOTICE This property will be sold on an “as conception is unknown to this sale contained in said mortgage, will and Melissa Smith, originally in favor Association, Transferee is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- Petitioner. The alleged father, Antonio Court on said day of hearing to object of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., on the radius of 467.80 feet; thence run along In accordance with 10A-1-9.22 of Robert J. Wermuth/cls is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- to said petition and make such other sell at public outcry to the highest bid- the arc of said curve to the right in a the Code of Alabama, notice is hereby ments, encumbrances, and exceptions Ja’Wane Bush to Antanisha Zonte’ der for cash, in front of the main 13th day of November, 2013, said STEPHENS MILLIRONS, P.C. reflected in the mortgage and those ments, encumbrances, and exceptions Bush, aka, Antikia S. Bush and Legal defense in the premises as to them that mortgage recorded in the Office of the Northeasterly direction for a distance given that Bynum & Partners, Inc. was reflected in the mortgage and those may seem meet and proper. entrance of the Courthouse at of 192.17 feet to the end of said curve dissolved on April 6, 2015, by the fil- P.O. Box 307 contained in the records of the Office father, Antonio Ja’Wane Bush to Birmingham, Jefferson County, Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, and the point of beginning of the fol- Huntsville, Alabama 35804 of the Judge of Probate of the County contained in the records of the Office Ton’Nisha La’Sha Bush whose where- WITNESS MY HAND, this the 31st Alabama, in Bk: LR201320 Pg: 6638; ing of Articles of Dissolution. Any of the Judge of Probate of the County day of March, 2015. Alabama, on January 2, 2015, during lowing described curve; said curve persons with claims against the corpo- Attorney for Mortgagee where the above-described property is abouts are unknown, must answer the legal hours of sale, all of its right, the undersigned Wells Fargo Bank, being a curve to the right having a cen- situated. This property will be sold where the above-described property is Jefferson County Department of Alan L. King, Judge of Probate NA, as Mortgagee/Transferee, under ration should send written notice to The sale provided for hereinabove Ala.Ms.- Apr. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2015 title, and interest in and to the follow- tral angle of 9 degrees, 30 minutes, 15 Charles H. Moses, III, Esq., Moses & was postponed on the 18th day of without warranty or recourse, situated. This property will be sold Human Resources petition for termina- ing described real estate, situated in and by virtue of the power of sale con- seconds and a radius of 707.25 feet; expressed or implied as to title, use without warranty or recourse, tion of his parental rights in and to the Jefferson County, Alabama, to-wit: tained in said mortgage, will sell at Moses, P.C. 300 Cahaba Park Circle, November, 2014; was further post- said children, Antanisha Zonte’ Bush, MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE thence run along the arc of said curve Suite 100, Birmingham, AL 35242. and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- expressed or implied as to title, use Default having been made in the The land referred to in this policy is public outcry to the highest bidder for to the right in a Northeasterly direction poned on the 6th day of January, 2015; ject to the right of redemption of all and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- aka, Antikia S. Bush and Ton’Nisha situated in the State of Alabama, cash, in front of the main entrance of Such claim should set forth the name was further postponed on the 10th day La’Sha Bush by July 16, 2015 at 9:30 payment of the indebtedness secured for a distance of 117.32 feet; thence of the claimant, the address and tele- parties entitled thereto. ject to the right of redemption of all by that certain mortgage executed by County of Jefferson, City of the Courthouse at Birmingham, turn an angle to the right of 34 degrees, of February, 2015, was further post- This sale is made for the purpose of parties entitled thereto. A.M., or thereafter, any parental rights Birmingham and described as follows: 22 minutes, 06 seconds and run in the phone number of the claimant, the he may have in and to the said children William M. Dean, a single man, origi- Jefferson County, Alabama, on March nature of the claim, including, but not poned on the 10th day of March, 2015; paying the indebtedness secured by This sale is made for the purpose of nally in favor of Mortgage Electronic Lot 32 in Block 6, according to the 16, 2015, during the legal hours of Northeasterly direction for a distance limited to, all facts supporting your was further postponed on the 14th day said mortgage, as well as the expenses may be terminated by a decree of this map and survey of Jefferson sale, all of its right, title, and interest of 37.32 feet to the point of beginning. paying the indebtedness secured by court. Registration Systems, Inc., acting Parcel II claim and the date such claim arose. of April, 2015, by public announce- of foreclosure. said mortgage, as well as the expenses Done this the 31st day of March, 2015. solely as nominee for America's Development Company's Second in and to the following described real Any claim against the Corporation will ment being made at the Twenty-First The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves Addition to Jefferson Hills, a map of estate, situated in Jefferson County, Commence at the Northwest corner of foreclosure. BRENDA ABBOTT, Clerk & Register Wholesale Lender, on the 21st day of be barred unless a proceeding to Street entrance to the Jefferson County the right to bid for and purchase the The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves April, 2006, said mortgage recorded in which survey is recorded in Map Book Alabama, to-wit: of the Southwest One-Quarter of the Ala. Ms. Apr. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2015 14, Page 63, in the Probate Office of Southwest One-Quarter of Section 24, enforce the claim is commenced with- Courthouse, Birmingham, Alabama, real estate and to credit its purchase the right to bid for and purchase the the Office of the Judge of Probate of Lot 37, according to the Map and in two years after the publication of price against the expenses of sale and Jefferson County, Alabama, in Bk: Jefferson County, Alabama. Survey of Heather Downs-Sector 1 of Township 18 South, Range 3 West; run during the legal hours of sale. Said real estate and to credit its purchase Case No. CV 14-902830 Property street address for informa- thence in a Southerly direction along this notice. foreclosure sale shall be held on the the indebtedness secured by the real price against the expenses of sale and NOTICE OF CIVIL PROCEEDING LR200607 Pg: 10668; the undersigned Innsbrooke Subdivision, as recorded in the West line of said Quarter-Quarter Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, 2015 estate. In The Circuit Court of Jefferson BAC Bank of NY (CWALT 2006- tional purposes: 4217 50th Ave N, Map Book 158, Page 10, in the Probate 19th day of May, 2015, at the Twenty- the indebtedness secured by the real Birmingham, AL 35217 Section for a distance of 218.31 feet to This sale is subject to postponement estate. County, Alabama 18CB), as Mortgagee/Transferee, Office of Jefferson County, Alabama; the point of beginning. From the point NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE First Street entrance to the Jefferson This property will be sold on an “as and being, the same property conveyed County Courthouse, Birmingham, or cancellation. This sale is subject to postponement FORD MOTOR CREDIT COMPANY under and by virtue of the power of is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- of beginning thus obtained, thence turn Default having been made in the Christiana Trust, a division of LLC, Plaintiff sale contained in said mortgage, will to Michael L. Smith and Melissa an angle to the left of 128 degrees, 33 payment of the indebtedness secured Alabama, during the legal hours of or cancellation. ments, encumbrances, and exceptions Smith, husband and wife by Warranty Wilmington Savings Fund Society, U.S. Bank Trust, N.A., as Trustee for Vs. sell at public outcry to the highest bid- reflected in the mortgage and those minutes and run in a Northeasterly by that certain mortgage dated sale. FSB, not in its individual capacity Nellie J. Irwin, Defendant der for cash, in front of the main Deed dated August 30, 2006 and direction for a distance of 248 feet; February 10, 2003, executed by James Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, 2015 VOLT 2012-NPL1 Asset Holdings The Defendant, who has been avoid- contained in the records of the Office recorded September 11, 2006 of record but as Trustee of ARLP Trust 2, entrance of the Courthouse at of the Judge of Probate of the County thence turn an angle to the right of 90 Darryl Parker and Tina M. Parker, Mortgagee/Transferee Trust, Mortgagee/Transferee ing service or the last known residen- Birmingham, Jefferson County, in Book LR200615, Page 5397, in the degrees and run in a Southeasterly husband and wife, to Mortgage MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE Elizabeth Loefgren tial address is unknown, must answer where the above-described property is Rebecca Redmond Alabama, on April 15, 2015, during situated. This property will be sold Office of the Judge of Probate of direction for a distance of 183.29 feet; Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. NOTICE SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. the summons & complaint and demand the legal hours of sale, all of its right, Jefferson County, Alabama. thence turn an angle to the right of 101 solely as nominee for SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. for a monetary judgment filed by Ford without warranty or recourse, Default having been made in the P. O. Box 55727 P. O. Box 55727 title, and interest in and to the follow- expressed or implied as to title, use Property street address for informa- degrees, 55 minutes, 07 seconds to the MortgageAmerica, Inc., which mort- Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 Motor Credit Company LLC within ing described real estate, situated in tional purposes: 6625 Heatherbrooke tangent of the following described gage was recorded on February 14, terms of that mortgage executed on Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 thirty (days) after the date of last pub- and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- March 13, 2006, by Neto Davis to Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee Jefferson County, Alabama, to-wit: ject to the right of redemption of all Cir, Pinson, AL 35126 course; said course being situated on a 2003, in Instrument No. 200360/5459, www.sirote.com/foreclosures lication of this notice, or thereafter, a Lot 17, according to the Survey of This property will be sold on an “as curve to the left having a central angle and re-recorded on June 12, 2003, in Ward Bailey, which said mortgage is www.sirote.com/foreclosures judgment by default may be rendered parties entitled thereto. 356490 349335 Kidron 2, as recorded in Map Book This sale is made for the purpose of is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- of 23 degrees, 32 minutes, 29 seconds Instrument No. 200362/1485, of the recorded in Book LR 200661, Page against him/her in Case No. CV 2014- 216, Page 42, in the Probate Office of ments, encumbrances, and exceptions and a radius of 500.30 feet; thence run mortgage records in the Office of the 23295 in the Probate Office of Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 902830, styled Ford Motor Credit paying the indebtedness secured by along the arc of said curve to the left in Jefferson County, Alabama. said mortgage, as well as the expenses reflected in the mortgage and those Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, Jefferson County, Alabama, and Company LLC V. Nellie J. Irwin, in Property street address for informa- contained in the records of the Office a Southeasterly direction for a distance Alabama, which mortgage was, duly the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, of foreclosure. of 205.56 feet to the end of said curve, default continuing, and by virtue of the tional purposes: 4979 Joab Cir, The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves of the Judge of Probate of the County transferred and assigned to U.S. Bank Alabama. Birmingham, AL 35235 thence run along the tangent, if extend- National Association, notice is hereby power of sale contained in said mort- Done this 2nd day of April, 2015. the right to bid for and purchase the where the above-described property is ed to said curve, in a Southwesterly gage, the following described property This property will be sold on an “as real estate and to credit its purchase situated. This property will be sold given that pursuant to law and the Anne-Marie Adams, Clerk is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- direction for a distance of 231.41 feet; power of sale contained in said mort- will be sold at public outcry, for cash, Ala. Ms. Apr. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2015 price against the expenses of sale and without warranty or recourse, thence turn an angle to the right of 140 ments, encumbrances, and exceptions the indebtedness secured by the real expressed or implied as to title, use gage, the undersigned will sell at pub- to the highest bidder, in front of the reflected in the mortgage and those degrees, 10 minutes, 22 seconds and Courthouse door of said County, in Case No. 2015-224141 estate. and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- run in a Northerly direction along the lic outcry, to the highest bidder for PUBLICATION FOR PETITION OF contained in the records of the Office This sale is subject to postponement ject to the right of redemption of all West line of the Southwest Quarter of cash, in front of the 3rd Avenue, North Birmingham, Alabama, during the APPOINTMENT of the Judge of Probate of the County or cancellation. parties entitled thereto. the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Side entrance to the Jefferson County legal hours of sale on June 1, 2015 OF GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR where the above-described property is Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., This sale is made for the purpose of Township 18 South, Range 3 West for Courthouse at Bessemer, Alabama, A tract of land in the Southwest (USPS 011-540) State of Alabama Jefferson County situated. This property will be sold Mortgagee/Transferee paying the indebtedness secured by a distance of 293.30 feet to the point of during the legal hours of sale on Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of without warranty or recourse, Ginny Rutledge said mortgage, as well as the expenses beginning. February 10, 2015, the following The Alabama Messenger is published semi-weekly on Wednesday and Saturday Probate Court expressed or implied as to title, use described real estate, situated in Section 35, Township 17 South Range ESTATE OF: SANDY LEON SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. of foreclosure. TRACT 5 4 West, Jefferson County, Alabama: for $15.00 per year, In County, $20.00 per year, Out of County MILLER, SR., and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- P. O. Box 55727 The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves LOT B: A parcel of land situation in Jefferson County, Alabama, to-wit: ject to the right of redemption of all Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 Lot 6, Block 5, according to the Begin at the Southwest corner of said (payable in advance, sales tax included) by Abbrant, Inc. A PROTECTED PERSON the right to bid for and purchase the the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section quarter quarter section, thence In an TO: Alfred D. Miller, Unknown Street parties entitled thereto. Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee 27, Township 18 South, Range 3 West, Survey of Glenn Hills, as recorded in 205 North 20th Street, Suite 706 — Birmingham, Alabama 35203 This sale is made for the purpose of real estate and to credit its purchase Map Book 3, Page 36, in the Probate Easterly direction along the Southern Address, Pell City, AL 35204; Sandice www.sirote.com/foreclosures price against the expenses of sale and Jefferson County, Alabama, more par- 1820 3rd Avenue North, Suite 205, Bessemer, Alabama 35020 Miller Unknown Street Address, paying the indebtedness secured by 339610 the indebtedness secured by the real ticularly described as follows: Office of Jefferson County, Alabama, boundary of said quarter quarter sec- Birmingham, AL 35214; Bobbie said mortgage, as well as the expenses Ala.Ms.- Nov. 19, 26, Dec. 3, 2014, Commence at the NW corner of said Bessemer Division. tion 25 feet, thence turn an angle to 90 B’ham Phone (205) 252-3672 - Bess. Phone (205) 425-0301- Fax: (205) 252-3679 of foreclosure. estate. This sale is made for the purpose of Miller and Nathan Stanberry, 3313 Jan. 10, Feb. 14, Mar. 28, 2015 This sale is subject to postponement 1/4 - 1/4 section and run thence east- degrees, 14 minutes to the left In a Founded in 1918 Hickory Avenue S.W., Birmingham, The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves The above mortgage foreclosure sale or cancellation. wardly along the north line thereof paying the indebtedness secured by Northerly direction 615 feet to the AL 35211; Gerald Nichols and the right to bid for and purchase the has been postponed until 02/06/2015 Wells Fargo Bank, NA,, 207.95 feet; thence turn 90° right and said mortgage as well as expenses of point of beginning of the tract of land www.alabamamessenger.com Matthew Miller, 301 McMillan Road, real estate and to credit its purchase during the legal hours of sale in front run southwardly 295.0 feet to the point foreclosure. price against the expenses of sale and Mortgagee/Transferee U.S. Bank National Association, herein described thence continue in a Karen W. Abercrombie, Publisher Notosulga, AL 36886 of the main entrance of the courthouse Ginny Rutledge of beginning of the property herein and to any and all interested parties; the indebtedness secured by the real in the City of Birmingham, Jefferson described; thence continue southward- Transferee Northerly direction along the last estate. SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. ly along last described course 150.0 Robert J. Wermuth/cls described course 50.0 feet; thence turn Traci Smeraglia, Editor Take notice that on the 26th day of County, Alabama. P. O. Box 55727 January, 2015, Sandy Leon Miller, Jr. This sale is subject to postponement The above mortgage foreclosure sale feet to a point on the northerly right- STEPHENS MILLIRONS, P.C. an angle of 90 degrees 14 minutes to Periodicals Postage Paid at Birmingham, Alabama or cancellation. Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 of-way line of Citation Court W; P.O. Box 307 filed a petition for the appointment of has been postponed until 03/13/2015 Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee the right in an Easterly direction 190.0 a Guardian/Conservator for Sandy BAC Bank of NY (CWALT 2006- during the legal hours of sale in front thence turn 90° left and run eastwardly Huntsville, Alabama 35804 feet, thence turn an angle of 39 degrees All products/services advertised are not Leon Miller, Sr., A Protected Person. 18CB), Mortgagee/Transferee of the main entrance of the courthouse www.sirote.com/foreclosures along said right-of-way line 140.0 feet; Attorney for Mortgagee 347883 thence turn 90° left and run northward- 46 minutes to the right In a Southerly necessarily endorsed by the publishers. Notice is hereby given the above Elizabeth Loefgren in the City of Birmingham, Jefferson The sale provided for hereinabove direction 50 feet; thence turn an angle named person and all persons in inter- SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. County, Alabama. Ala.Ms.- Feb. 4, 11, 18, Mar. 21, 2015 ly 150.00 feet; thence turn 90° left and was postponed on the 10th day of POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Alabama Messenger, The above mortgage foreclosure sale run westwardly 140.0 feet to the point of 90 degrees 14 minutes to the right in est that said petition for appointment P. O. Box 55727 The above mortgage foreclosure sale February, 2015; was further postponed 205 North 20th Street, Suite 706, Birmingham, Alabama 35203. of Guardian/Conservator has been set Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 has been postponed until 04/17/2015 has been postponed until 04/20/2015 of beginning. on the 14th day of April, 2015, by pub- a Westerly direction 190.0 feet to the for hearing on the 19th day of May, Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee during the legal hours of sale in front during the legal hours of sale in front TRACT 6 lic announcement being made at the point of beginning. 2015, at 3:00 P.M. All persons in www.sirote.com/foreclosures of the main entrance of the courthouse of the main entrance of the courthouse Beginning at the Northwest corner of 3rd Avenue, North Side entrance to the Said sale is made for the purpose of interest should be and appear in this 350654 in the City of Birmingham, Jefferson in the City of Birmingham, Jefferson Section 27, Township 18 South, Range Jefferson County Courthouse, paying the mortgage debt and cost of Ala.Ms.- Mar. 14, 21, 28, 2015 County, Alabama. 3 West, and run in an Easterly direc- Bessemer, Alabama, during the legal Court on said day of hearing to object County, Alabama. tion along the Northerly line of said foreclosure. to said petition and make such other The above mortgage foreclosure sale The above mortgage foreclosure sale The above mortgage foreclosure sale hours of sale. Said foreclosure sale WARD BAILEY, Mortgagee has been postponed until 05/27/2015 Section a distance of 517.95 feet to a defense in the premises as to them that has been postponed until 06/17/2015 has been postponed until 05/20/2015 point on the centerline of a 60-foot shall be held on the 16th day of June, DEWAYNE N. MORRIS LEGAL NOTICES during the legal hours of sale in front may seem meet and proper. during the legal hours of sale in front during the legal hours of sale in front wide road conveyed to Jefferson 2015, at the 3rd Avenue, North Side Attorney for Mortgagee WITNESS MY HAND, this the 2nd of the main entrance of the courthouse of the main entrance of the courthouse of the main entrance of the courthouse County by United States Steel entrance to the Jefferson County day of April, 2015. in the City of Birmingham, Jefferson in the City of Birmingham, Jefferson in the City of Birmingham, Jefferson Courthouse, Bessemer, Alabama, dur- P.O. Box 11412 BECAUSE THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW Corporation by deed recorded in Real Birmingham, AL 35202-1412 Alan L. King, Judge of Probate County, Alabama. County, Alabama. County, Alabama. Volume 802, Page 185, in the office of ing the legal hours of sale. Ala.Ms.- Apr. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2015 Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, 2015 Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, 2015 Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, 2015 the Probate Judge of Jefferson County, Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, 2015 Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 April 25, 2015 ALABAMA MESSENGER Page 2

MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Case No. JU 2015 000465.02 SHS SHERIFF’S SALE Case No. 2015-225045 Case No. 2015-225053 Default having been made in the pay- Default having been made in the pay- Default having been made in the pay- Default having been made in the Default having been made in the pay- NOTICE FOR TERMINATION OF Case Number: SDR NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS ment of the indebtedness secured by ment of the indebtedness secured by ment of the indebtedness secured by payment of the indebtedness secured ment of the indebtedness secured by PARENTAL RIGHTS Execution Number: 73401-73406 The State of Alabama, Jefferson County The State of Alabama, Jefferson County that certain mortgage executed by that certain mortgage executed by that certain mortgage executed by by that certain mortgage executed by that certain mortgage executed by State of Alabama, Jefferson County By Virtue of Execution Fieri Facias Probate Court Probate Court William C. Blackwell, originally in Walter Bryan Hart and Nichon Hart, Elizabeth Haygood, an unmarried Joshua C. Self and Lauren Self, hus- Deatrice Y. Askew, unmarried woman, Family Court issued out of the Clerk’s Office of the In the matter of the Estate of: In the matter of the Estate of: favor of Administrator of the Small originally in favor of Mortgage woman, originally in favor of band and wife, originally in favor of originally in favor of Mortgage IN THE MATTER OF Chrishaun Birmingham Division – District Court WILLIAM G. FAULKNER, JR., ROSA LEE HOWARD, a/k/a, ROSA Business Administration, an agency of Electronic Registration Systems, Inc, Mortgage Electronic Registration Mortgage Electronic Registration Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. Tremaine Bridgmon, a/k/a, Baby Boy of Jefferson County, State of Alabama, Deceased LEE WILLIAMS HOWARD, the Government of the United States of acting solely as a nominee for Home Systems, Inc., acting solely as a nomi- Systems, Inc., acting solely as nomi- solely as nominee for Franklin Bridgmon, born March 15, 2015 to and to me directed, whereby I am com- Letters Administration upon the Deceased America, on the 18th day of July, Loan Center, Inc., on the 13th day of nee for GTC Mortgage Company Inc., nee for Home Mortgage of America, American Mortgage Company, on the Christy Gail Bridgmon at University of manded to make the amount of a cer- Estate of said decedent, having been Letters Testamentary upon last will 1998, said mortgage recorded in the November, 2004, said mortgage on the 16th day of May, 2014, said Inc., on the 30th day of August, 2013, 25th day of April, 2005, said mortgage Alabama Hospital in Birmingham, tain judgment recently obtained granted to the undersigned on the 21st and testament of said decedent, having Office of the Judge of Probate of recorded in the Office of the Judge of mortgage recorded in the Office of the said mortgage recorded in the Office recorded in the Office of the Judge of Jefferson County, Alabama. The State against Sims, Linda H. of the goods, day of April, 2015 by the Honorable been granted to the undersigned on the Jefferson County, Alabama, in Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama, Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, of the Judge of Probate of Jefferson Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama, of conception is unknown to this chattels, lands and tenements of the Alan L. King, Judge of the Probate 22nd day of April, 2015, by the Instrument Number 9861/9651; having in Instrument Number 200463/9466; Alabama, in Book LR201413, Page County, Alabama, in Bk: LR201364 in Instrument Number 200561/3071; Petitioner. Any unknown father, whose said Sims, Linda H. Court of Jefferson County, Alabama, Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the been modified in Instrument Number Final Order recorded in Book 12720; the undersigned Guaranty Trust Pg: 5861; the undersigned Wells Fargo the undersigned Bank of America, whereabouts are unknown, must I have levied on the following prop- notice is hereby given that all persons Probate Court of Jefferson County, 9862/3662; the undersigned M&T LR201463, Page 21334; the under- Company, as Mortgagee/Transferee, Bank, NA, as Mortgagee/Transferee, N.A, as Mortgagee/Transferee, under answer Jefferson County Department erty, to-wit: having claims against said Estate are Alabama, notice is hereby given that Bank, as Mortgagee/Transferee, under under and by virtue of the power of under and by virtue of the power of and by virtue of the power of sale con- of Human Resources petition for ter- Lot 4 Blk 1 A G Gastons 1st Add to required to file an itemized and veri- and by virtue of the power of sale con- signed The Bank of New York Mellon sale contained in said mortgage, will tained in said mortgage, will sell at all persons having claims against said Trust Company, National Association, sale contained in said mortgage, will mination of his parental rights in and Airport Ests Pb 81 Pg 70 fied statement of such claim in the Estate are required to file an itemized tained in said mortgage, will sell at sell at public outcry to the highest bid- sell at public outcry to the highest bid- public outcry to the highest bidder for to the said child, Chrishaun Tremaine Less & Exc Pt to R/W office of the said Judge of Probate public outcry to the highest bidder for as Trustee, fka The Bank of New York der for cash, in front of the main cash, in front of the main entrance of within six months from above date, or and verified statement of such claim in Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee, as der for cash, in front of the main Bridgmon, a/k/a, Baby Boy Bridgmon Therefore, according to said com- the office of the said Judge of Probate cash, in front of the main entrance of entrance of the Courthouse at entrance of the Courthouse at the Courthouse at Birmingham, by July 16, 2015, at 9:00 A.M. or, mand, I will sell at public outcry for said claim will be barred and payment the Courthouse at Birmingham, successor to JPMorgan Chase Bank Birmingham, Jefferson County, Jefferson County, Alabama, on May prohibited. within six months from above date, or National Association as Indenture Birmingham, Jefferson County, thereafter, any parental rights he may cash, all the rights, title and interest of said claim will be barred and payment Jefferson County, Alabama, on May Alabama, on June 22, 2015, during the Alabama, on June 8, 2015, during the 29, 2015, during the legal hours of have in and to said child may be termi- the above named Sims, Linda H. in and BERNADINE R. FAULKNER 13, 2015, during the legal hours of Trustee for Residential Funding legal hours of sale, all of its right, title, sale, all of its right, title, and interest Personal Representative prohibited. legal hours of sale, all of its right, title, nated by a decree of this court. to the above described property, on ANITA BURPO JONES sale, all of its right, title, and interest Mortgage Securities, II, Inc., Home and interest in and to the following and interest in and to the following in and to the following described real Done this 17th day of April, 2015. Monday, May 18, 2015 during the Ala. Ms. Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 in and to the following described real Equity Loan Trust 2005HS1, Home described real estate, situated in described real estate, situated in estate, situated in Jefferson County, BRENDA ABBOTT, Clerk & Register legal hours of 12:00 noon for sale at Personal Representative estate, situated in Jefferson County, Equity Loan-Backed Variable Funding Jefferson County, Alabama, to-wit: Jefferson County, Alabama, to-wit: Alabama, to-wit: Ala. Ms. Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 16, 2015 Case No. 2015-225057 Ala. Ms. Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 Alabama, to-wit: Notes, as Mortgagee/Transferee, under Lot 19, according to the Map and Lot 52, according to the Amended the Birmingham Courthouse Jefferson NOTICE TO CREDITORS Lot 36, Block “A”, according to the County, Alabama. Case No. 2015-225058 Lot Number 10, according to the and by virtue of the power of sale con- Survey of Chapel Hill Subdivision, as Survey of Shady Grove Estates, 2nd Map of Pleasant Forest, Third Sector, Case No. JU 2007 085655.04 SHS Dated this 22nd day of April, 2015. The State of Alabama, Jefferson County map and survey of W.O. Blackwell tained in said mortgage, will sell at Addition, as recorded in Map Book 89, as recorded in Map Book 16, page 42, Case No. JU 2010 095044.03 SHS Probate Court NOTICE TO CREDITORS recorded in Map Book 55, Page 82 A MIKE HALE The State of Alabama, Jefferson County Heirs Subdivision in the Southeast public outcry to the highest bidder for and B, in the Probate Office of Page 89 in the Office of the Judge of in the Office of the Judge of Probate of NOTICE FOR TERMINATION OF Sheriff of Jefferson County, Alabama In the matter of the Estate of: quarter of Section 27, Township 17 cash, in front of the main entrance of Jefferson County, Alabama. Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama. Jefferson County, Alabama, Bessemer PARENTAL RIGHTS Ala.Ms. Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 16, 2015 MARY F. SANDERS, Deceased Probate Court South, Range 4 West, as recorded the Courthouse at Birmingham, Property street address for informa- Also part of the Northeast 1/4 of the Division State of Alabama, Jefferson County Letters Administration upon the In the matter of the Estate of: April 27, 1948, in Volume 7, Maps, at Jefferson County, Alabama, on May tional purposes: 2176 Rocky Ridge Northeast 1/4 of Section 1, Township Property street address for informa- Family Court Case No. 2014-221445 Estate of said decedent, having been MILDRED MOON, a/k/a, MILDRED page 36, in the Bessemer Division of 13, 2015, during the legal hours of Rd, Hoover, AL 35216 17 South, Range 5 West, being more tional purposes: 817 3rd Terrace IN THE MATTER OF Evan Josiah NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT granted to the undersigned on the 23rd LOUISE MOON, Deceased the office of the Judge of Probate of sale, all of its right, title, and interest This property will be sold on an “as particularly described as follows: Circle, Pleasant Grove, AL 35127 Smith, born November 12, 2007, at The State of Alabama, Jefferson day of April, 2015 by the Honorable Letters Testamentary upon last will Jefferson County, Alabama. in and to the following described real is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- Begin at the Southwest Corner of This property will be sold on an “as Trinity Medical Center in County, Alan L. King, Judge of the Probate and testament of said decedent, having Property street address for informa- estate, situated in Jefferson County, ments, encumbrances, and exceptions said 1/4 -1/4 section; thence East along is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- Birmingham, Jefferson County, Probate Court, 6th day of April, 2015. Court of Jefferson County, Alabama, been granted to the undersigned on the tional purposes: 1229 Utica Place, Alabama, to-wit: reflected in the mortgage and those the South line of said 1/4-1/4 section ments, encumbrances, and exceptions Alabama and Grace Aubrie Smith, ESTATE OF: TOMMIE JAMES notice is hereby given that all persons 23rd day of April, 2015, by the Birmingham, AL 35224 The Southwest Fifty Seven and one- contained in the records of the Office 112 feet to the point of beginning; reflected in the mortgage and those born February 22, 2010, at University REED, having claims against said Estate are Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the This property will be sold on an “as half (SW 57 1/2) feet of Lot 4, in of the Judge of Probate of the County thence continue East along said South contained in the records of the Office Hospital, in Birmingham, Jefferson A PROTECTED PERSON, NOW required to file an itemized and veri- Probate Court of Jefferson County, is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- line 228.00 feet; thence left 89 degrees of the Judge of Probate of the County County, Alabama to Tamara Marie fied statement of such claim in the Alabama, notice is hereby given that ments, encumbrances, and exceptions Block 8, according to C. McAdory where the above-described property is 34 minutes 30 seconds in a Northerly where the above-described property is DECEASED office of the said Judge of Probate Second Addition to Bessemer, as situated. This property will be sold McCoy. The State of conception is To: Any and all interested parties; all persons having claims against said reflected in the mortgage and those direction 389.86 feet to the South line situated. This property will be sold unknown to this Petitioner. The Father, within six months from above date, or Estate are required to file an itemized contained in the records of the Office recorded in Map Book 3, Page 90, in without warranty or recourse, of Ollie Nix, Jr. Property; thence left without warranty or recourse, This day came, Sidney C. Summey, said claim will be barred and payment the Office of the Judge of Probate of expressed or implied as to title, use Keith Allen Smith whose whereabouts the Conservator for the Estate of and verified statement of such claim in of the Judge of Probate of the County 91 degrees 45 minutes 28 seconds in a expressed or implied as to title, use are unknown, must answer Jefferson prohibited. where the above-described property is Jefferson County. and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- Westerly direction along said South and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- Tommie James Reed, A Protected COLUMBUS SANDERS, JR. the office of the said Judge of Probate Property street address for informa- ject to the right of redemption of all County Department of Human Person, Now Deceased, and filed his within six months from above date, or situated. This property will be sold line of Nix property 228.10 feet; ject to the right of redemption of all Resources petition for termination of Personal Representative without warranty or recourse, tional purposes: 301 3rd Avenue, parties entitled thereto. thence left 88 degrees 14 minutes 32 parties entitled thereto. accounts, vouchers, evidence and Ala. Ms. Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 said claim will be barred and payment Bessemer, AL 35020 This sale is made for the purpose of his parental rights in and to the said statement for a Final Settlement of prohibited. expressed or implied as to title, use seconds in a Southerly direction This sale is made for the purpose of children, Evan Josiah Smith and Grace and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- This property will be sold on an “as paying the indebtedness secured by 384.55 feet to the point of beginning. paying the indebtedness secured by same. Case No. 2015-224432 MICHELLE CORDRAY said mortgage, as well as the expenses Aubrie Smith by August 18, 2015 at It is ordered that the 21st day of Personal Representative ject to the right of redemption of all is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- Less and Except any of the above said mortgage, as well as the expenses 9:00 A.M., or, thereafter, any parental PUBLICATION ON ADOPTION parties entitled thereto. ments, encumbrances, and exceptions of foreclosure. described property conveyed to Erica of foreclosure. May, 2015, at 2:30 P.M., be appointed In The Probate Court of Jefferson Ala. Ms. Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves rights he may have in and to said chil- a day for making such settlement at This sale is made for the purpose of reflected in the mortgage and those Gillian and Stacey Gillian by deed The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves dren may be terminated by a decree of County, Alabama paying the indebtedness secured by contained in the records of the Office the right to bid for and purchase the dated 5/31/05 in Inst 200509-349 and the right to bid for and purchase the which time all parties in interest can TO: Allen Eugene Hope Or Any Case No. 2015-225044 real estate and to credit its purchase this court. appear and contest the same if they NOTICE TO CREDITORS said mortgage, as well as the expenses of the Judge of Probate of the County now known as Parcel number 20-1-1- real estate and to credit its purchase Done this the 22nd day of April, 2015. Unknown/Undisclosed Father of foreclosure. where the above-described property is price against the expenses of sale and 002-041.000 and particularly price against the expenses of sale and think proper. IN THE MATTER OF THE ADOP- The State of Alabama, Jefferson County the indebtedness secured by the real BRENDA ABBOTT, Clerk & Register Alan L. King, Judge of Probate Probate Court The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves situated. This property will be sold described as follows: the indebtedness secured by the real Ala. Ms. Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 16, 2015 TION OF: the right to bid for and purchase the without warranty or recourse, estate. Commence at the Southwest Corner estate. Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 DAKOTA WAYNE HOPE, MINOR In the matter of the Estate of: real estate and to credit its purchase This sale is subject to postponement of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section This sale is subject to postponement Notice to: Allen Eugene Hope or any HAZEL OWEN ECKHOFF, a/k/a, expressed or implied as to title, use or cancellation. Case No. 2015-225024 price against the expenses of sale and and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- 1 Township 17 South Range 5 West or cancellation. PUBLICATION ON ADOPTION Case No. 173392 Unknown/Undisclosed Father HAZEL MARIE ECKHOFF, Deceased the indebtedness secured by the real Guaranty Trust Company and run East along the South line of Bank of America, N.A, PUBLICATION ON OBJECTION OF You will take notice that a Petition Letters Testamentary upon last will ject to the right of redemption of all Mortgagee/Transferee In The Probate Court of Jefferson estate. parties entitled thereto. said 1/4 1/4 Section a distance of 226.8 Mortgagee/Transferee County, Alabama CLAIM for the Adoption of Dakota Wayne and testament of said decedent, having This sale is subject to postponement Rebecca Redmond feet to the point of beginning; thence Elizabeth Loefgren State of Alabama Jefferson County Hope, born to Leta Katherine Sanders, been granted to the undersigned on the This sale is made for the purpose of SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. TO: Jonathan Or Any or cancellation. paying the indebtedness secured by continue East along the South line of SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. Unknown/Undisclosed Father Probate Court f/k/a Leta Katherine McCrory, Natural 21st day of April, 2015, by the M&T Bank P. O. Box 55727 said 1/4 1/4 Section a distance of 114 P. O. Box 55727 ESTATE OF: CECIL OSBORNE, Mother, was filed on the 20th day of Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the said mortgage, as well as the expenses Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 IN THE MATTER OF THE Mortgagee/Transferee of foreclosure. feet; thence run North a distance of 60 Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 ADOPTION OF: DECEASED February, 2015, alleging that the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Elizabeth Loefgren Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee feet; thence run West a distance of 114 Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee TO: Princess Anderson, 3310 whereabouts of Allen Eugene Hope or Alabama, notice is hereby given that The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves www.sirote.com/foreclosures TYLER JACOB REYNOLDS, SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. the right to bid for and purchase the feet; thence run South 60 feet to the www.sirote.com/foreclosures MINOR Wilmington Road, Montgomery, AL any unknown/undisclosed father, the all persons having claims against said P. O. Box 55727 355607 point of beginning. 356487 36105; Carolyn Bowie, 2953 Ellis natural parent of said minor child is Estate are required to file an itemized real estate and to credit its purchase Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 Notice to: Jonathan Or Any Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 price against the expenses of sale and Subject to any restriction, easement Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 Unknown/Undisclosed Father Drive, Montgomery, AL 36108 or unknown to the Court, and whose rela- and verified statement of such claim in Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee and rights of way of record. 3262 Upchurch Circle, Montgomery, tionship of said natural parent to the the office of the said Judge of Probate the indebtedness secured by the real MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE You will take notice that a Petition www.sirote.com/foreclosures estate. Property street address for informa- for the Adoption of Tyler Jacob AL 36105 aforesaid minor child is that of Natural within six months from above date, or 336619 Default having been made in the tional purposes: 5039 Lapine Dr , Default having been made in the pay- And to any and all interested parties; Father. said claim will be barred and payment Ala.Ms.- Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 9, 2015 This sale is subject to postponement payment of the indebtedness secured Adamsville, AL 35005 ment of the indebtedness secured by Reynolds, born to Keyshia Tameca On the 12th day of August, 2014, Dakota Wayne Hope’s Birthdate is or cancellation. by that certain mortgage executed by Reynolds, Natural Mother, was filed prohibited. This property will be sold on an “as that certain mortgage executed by came Kay L. Cason, Successor April 12, 2014. WAYNE SEAY VINCENT MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Dazzerene Harrison, a single woman, is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- Anthony B. Jones, an unmarried per- on the 21st day of April, 2015, alleging Administrator for the Estate of Cecil Please be advised that a petition for Company, National Association, as originally in favor of Mortgage that the whereabouts of Jonathan or Personal Representative Default having been made in the pay- ments, encumbrances, and exceptions son and Donnette Kendrick, an unmar- Osborne, Deceased, and filed her adoption in the above styled manner Ala. Ms. Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 ment of the indebtedness secured by Trustee, fka The Bank of New York Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., reflected in the mortgage and those ried woman, originally in favor of any unknown father, the natural parent Objection of Claim filed by you in the has been filed in said Court by the that certain mortgage executed by Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee, as acting solely as nominee for New contained in the records of the Office Mortgage Electronic Registration of said minor child, may be unknown above named matter. Petitioner (s) and that a hearing has Daniel McCullum, a single man, origi- successor to JPMorgan Chase Bank Century Mortgage Corporation, a Systems, Inc. acting solely as nominee to the Court, and whose relationship of Case No. 2015-224950 of the Judge of Probate of the County said natural parent to the aforesaid Whereas the 10th day of June, 2015, been set for the same in said Court in PUBLICATION ON ADOPTION nally in favor of Mortgage Electronic National Association as Indenture California Corporation, on the 22nd where the above-described property is for Countrywide Home Loans, Inc., on at 2:30 P.M., has been set as a day for the City of Birmingham, Alabama, and Registration Systems, Inc., acting sole- Trustee for Residential Funding day of January, 2007, said mortgage the 27th day of February, 2006, said minor child is that of Natural Father. In The Probate Court of Jefferson situated. This property will be sold Tyler Jacob Reynolds’s Birthdate is hearing said objection and the testimo- that should you intend to contest this County, Alabama ly as nominee for International Mortgage Securities, II, Inc., Home recorded in the Office of the Judge of without warranty or recourse, mortgage recorded in the Office of the ny to be submitted in support of same. adoption, you must file a written Mortgage Corp., A Maryland Equity Loan Trust 2005HS1, Home Probate of Jefferson County, Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, January 13, 2015. TO: Brian Heath Venable Or Any expressed or implied as to title, use Please be advised that a petition for It is therefore ordered that notice of response within thirty (30) days of the Unknown/Undisclosed Father Corporation, on the 2nd day of April, Equity Loan-Backed Variable Alabama, in Book LR200703, Page and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- Alabama, in Book LR200604, Page the filing of said objection and of the date of the last publication herein, with 2008, said mortgage recorded in the Funding Notes, Mortgagee/ 18729; the undersigned U.S. Bank ject to the right of redemption of all 19277; the undersigned The Bank of adoption in the above styled manner Counsel for said Petitioner (s), whose IN THE MATTER OF THE has been filed in said Court by the day set for hearing same be given by ADOPTION OF: Office of the Judge of Probate of Transferee National Association, as Trustee for parties entitled thereto. New York Mellon fka The Bank of publication once a week for three suc- name and address are as shown below, Jefferson County, Alabama, in Book Banc of America Funding This sale is made for the purpose of New York, as Trustee (CWALT 2006- Petitioner (s) and that a hearing has and with the Clerk of the said Probate RAVEN BRIANNE VENABLE, Rebecca Redmond been set for the same in said Court in cessive weeks in the Alabama LR200805, Page 620; the undersigned SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. Corporation, Mortgage Pass-Through paying the indebtedness secured by 12CB), as Mortgagee/Transferee, Messenger, a newspaper published in Court. MINOR M&T Bank, as Mortgagee/Transferee, Certificates Series 2007-8 , as said mortgage, as well as the expenses under and by virtue of the power of the City of Birmingham, Alabama, and Done this 23rd day of April, 2015. Notice to: Brian Heath Venable Or P. O. Box 55727 that should you intend to contest this this County, notifying all parties in under and by virtue of the power of Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by of foreclosure. sale contained in said mortgage, will interest to appear and contest said Attorney for Petitioner: Any Unknown/Undisclosed Father sale contained in said mortgage, will virtue of the power of sale contained The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves sell at public outcry to the highest bid- adoption, you must file a written SAM MCCLURE You will take notice that a Petition Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee response within thirty (30) days of the objection if they think proper so to do. sell at public outcry to the highest bid- www.sirote.com/foreclosures in said mortgage, will sell at public the right to bid for and purchase the der for cash, in front of the main This the 23rd day of April, 2015. P. O. Box 2396 for the Adoption of Raven Brianne der for cash, in front of the main outcry to the highest bidder for cash, real estate and to credit its purchase entrance of the Courthouse at date of the last publication herein, with Montgomery, AL 36102 Venable, born to Kendra Eve 248058 Counsel for said Petitioner (s), whose Alan L. King, Judge of Probate entrance of the Courthouse at Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 in front of the main entrance of the price against the expenses of sale and Birmingham, Jefferson County, Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 (334) 612-3406 Harrington, Natural Mother, was filed Birmingham, Jefferson County, Courthouse at Birmingham, Jefferson the indebtedness secured by the real Alabama, on May 29, 2015, during the name and address are as shown below, Ala. Ms. Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 16, 2015 on the 14th day of April, 2015, alleg- and with the Clerk of the said Probate Alabama, on June 1, 2015, during the MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE County, Alabama, on May 27, 2015, estate. legal hours of sale, all of its right, title, LEGAL NOTICE ing that the whereabouts of Brian legal hours of sale, all of its right, title, during the legal hours of sale, all of This sale is subject to postponement and interest in and to the following Court. Case No. 2015-224891 Heath Venable or any unknown father, Default having been made in the Done this 21st day of April, 2015. TO: Hank Smith and interest in and to the following payment of the indebtedness secured its right, title, and interest in and to or cancellation. described real estate, situated in In re: American Shingle & Siding, PUBLICATION ON ADOPTION the natural parent of said minor child, described real estate, situated in the following described real estate, Wells Fargo Bank, NA, Jefferson County, Alabama, to-wit: Attorney for Petitioner: In The Probate Court of Jefferson may be unknown to the Court, and by that certain mortgage executed by BRYANT A. WHITMIRE, JR. Inc. Case No. 10-85541-MGD now Jefferson County, Alabama, to-wit: Mary Cooper Finley, an unmarried situated in Jefferson County, Mortgagee/Transferee Lot 29, according to the Survey of pending in the United States County, Alabama whose relationship of said natural par- Lot 6, Block D, according to the Alabama, to-wit: Ginny Rutledge Pinson Hills, as recorded in Map Book 215 Richard Arrington, Jr. Blvd. North TO: Oscar Lewis Boykin, Jr. Or Any ent to the aforesaid minor child is that Survey of Glen Iris, as recorded in woman and Gary Keith Watts, an 44, Page 36, in the Probate Office of Suite 501 Bankruptcy Court, Northern District of Unknown/Undisclosed Father unmarried man, originally in favor of Lot 8, Block 133, according to the SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. Georgia, Atlanta Division, of Natural Father. Map Book 4, Page 102, in the Probate Survey of East Lake as recorded in P. O. Box 55727 Jefferson County, Alabama; being sit- Birmingham, Alabama 35203 IN THE MATTER OF THE Raven Brianne Venable’s Birthdate Office of Jefferson County, Alabama. Mortgage Electronic Registration Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 uated in Jefferson County, Alabama. (205) 324-6631 Bankruptcy, Jordan E. Lubin, Chapter ADOPTION OF: Systems, Inc., acting solely as nomi- Map Book 1, Page 217, in the Probate 7 Trustee for the Bankruptcy Estate of is February 6, 2001. Property street address for informa- Office of Jefferson County, Alabama. Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee Property street address for informa- Ala. Ms. Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 16, 2015 DEVONTA LEWIS BOYKIN, Please be advised that a petition for tional purposes: 1808 11th Place nee for DHI Mortgage Company www.sirote.com/foreclosures tional purposes: 4370 Pinson St, American Shingle & Siding, Inc., MINOR LTD, on the 17th day of August, Property street address for informa- Case No. 2015-225061 Plaintiff, v. Hank Smith, Defendant. adoption in the above styled manner South, Birmingham, AL 35205 tional purposes: 8128 2nd Avenue 357987 Pinson, AL 35126 Plaintiff Jordan E. Lubin, as Chapter 7 Notice to: Oscar Lewis Boykin, Jr. Or has been filed in said Court by the This property will be sold on an “as 2005, said mortgage recorded in the South, Birmingham, AL 35206 Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 This property will be sold on an “as NOTICE TO CREDITORS Any Unknown/Undisclosed Father is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- Office of the Judge of Probate of is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- The State of Alabama, Jefferson County Trustee, filed Adv. No. 12-05439- Petitioner (s) and that a hearing has This property will be sold on an “as MGD (the “Complaint”) on August 31, You will take notice that a Petition been set for the same in said Court in ments, encumbrances, and exceptions Jefferson County, Alabama, in Book is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE ments, encumbrances, and exceptions Probate Court for the Adoption of Devonta Lewis reflected in the mortgage and those 200511, Page 9541; the undersigned Default having been made in the pay- reflected in the mortgage and those In the matter of the Estate of: 2012, initiating the adversary proceed- Boykin, born to Angela Marie Gray, the City of Birmingham, Alabama, and ments, encumbrances, and exceptions ing against the Defendant Hank Smith, that should you intend to contest this contained in the records of the Office U.S. Bank National Association, as reflected in the mortgage and those ment of the indebtedness secured by contained in the records of the Office THOMAS W. MCGILL, a/k/a, Natural Mother, was filed on the 7th of the Judge of Probate of the County Trustee for MASTR Asset Backed that certain mortgage executed by of the Judge of Probate of the County THOMAS WILSON MCGILL, who was an owner, officer, director, day of April, 2015, alleging that the adoption, you must file a written contained in the records of the Office and shareholder of the Debtor until he response within thirty (30) days of the where the above-described property is Securities Trust 2006-AB1, Mortgage of the Judge of Probate of the County Linda J. Jones and Robert E. Jones, where the above-described property is Deceased whereabouts of Oscar Lewis Boykin, situated. This property will be sold Pass-Through Certificates, Series wife and husband, originally in favor situated. This property will be sold Letters Testamentary upon last will sold his interest in the company in Jr. or any unknown father, the natural date of the last publication herein, with where the above-described property is May, 2010. In the Complaint, the without warranty or recourse, 2006-AB1, as Mortgagee/Transferee, situated. This property will be sold of Mortgage Electronic Registration without warranty or recourse, and testament of said decedent, having parent of said minor child, may be Counsel for said Petitioner (s), whose expressed or implied as to title, use under and by virtue of the power of without warranty or recourse, Systems, Inc. acting solely as a nomi- expressed or implied as to title, use been granted to the undersigned on the Plaintiff Jordan E. Lubin, as Chapter 7 unknown to the Court, and whose rela- name and address are as shown below, and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- sale contained in said mortgage, will expressed or implied as to title, use nee for Hometown Mortgage and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- 23rd day of April, 2015, by the Trustee, seeks to recover the tionship of said natural parent to the and with the Clerk of the said Probate ject to the right of redemption of all sell at public outcry to the highest and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- Services, Inc., An Alabama ject to the right of redemption of all Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the $495,829.04 that was transferred from aforesaid minor child is that of Natural Court. parties entitled thereto. bidder for cash, in front of the main ject to the right of redemption of all Corporation, on the 2nd day of parties entitled thereto. Probate Court of Jefferson County, the Debtor American Shingle & Father. Done this 22nd day of April, 2015. This sale is made for the purpose of entrance of the Courthouse at parties entitled thereto. February, 2007, said mortgage This sale is made for the purpose of Alabama, notice is hereby given that Siding, Inc.’s bank accounts to the Devonta Lewis Boykin’s Birthdate is Attorney for Petitioner: paying the indebtedness secured by Birmingham, Jefferson County, This sale is made for the purpose of recorded in the Office of the Judge of paying the indebtedness secured by all persons having claims against said Defendant Hank Smith, purportedly as July 10, 1997. BRYANT A. WHITMIRE, JR. said mortgage, as well as the expenses Alabama, on May 27, 2015, during paying the indebtedness secured by Probate of Jefferson County, said mortgage, as well as the expenses Estate are required to file an itemized payment of salary and shareholder dis- Please be advised that a petition for 215 Richard Arrington, Jr. Blvd. North of foreclosure. the legal hours of sale, all of its right, said mortgage, as well as the expenses Alabama, in Book LR200702, Page of foreclosure. and verified statement of such claim in tributions. adoption in the above styled manner Suite 501 The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves title, and interest in and to the follow- of foreclosure. 28175; having been re-recorded in The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves the office of the said Judge of Probate By reason of an Order for service by has been filed in said Court by the Birmingham, Alabama 35203 the right to bid for and purchase the Book LR200705, Page 4761; the the right to bid for and purchase the within six months from above date, or publication entered by the Bankruptcy Petitioner (s) and that a hearing has (205) 324-6631 ing described real estate, situated in The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves Court on April 8, 2015, Defendant real estate and to credit its purchase Jefferson County, Alabama, to-wit: the right to bid for and purchase the undersigned US Bank National real estate and to credit its purchase said claim will be barred and payment been set for the same in said Court in Ala. Ms. Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 16, 2015 price against the expenses of sale and real estate and to credit its purchase Association, as Trustee for Citigroup price against the expenses of sale and prohibited. Hank Smith is hereby commanded to the City of Birmingham, Alabama, and the indebtedness secured by the real Lot 296, according to the Survey of Mortgage Loan Trust 2007-WFHE3, the indebtedness secured by the real MARK S. MCGILL file a written response to the that should you intend to contest this Case No. 2015-225054 estate. Letson Farms, Phase One, Fourteenth price against the expenses of sale and Asset-Backed Pass Through estate. Personal Representative Complaint by filing the response with Sector “Clubview”, as recorded in Map the indebtedness secured by the real adoption, you must file a written NOTICE TO CREDITORS This sale is subject to postponement estate. Certificates, Series 2007-WFHE3, as This sale is subject to postponement Ala. Ms. Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 the Clerk, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, response within thirty (30) days of the The State of Alabama, Jefferson County or cancellation. Book 39, Page 60, in the Probate Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by or cancellation. Suite 1340, 75 Spring Street, S.W., date of the last publication herein, with Office of Jefferson County, Alabama, This sale is subject to postponement Probate Court M&T Bank, Mortgagee/Transferee or cancellation. virtue of the power of sale contained The Bank of New York Mellon fka Case No. 2015-224932 Atlanta, Georgia 30303 within 60 days Counsel for said Petitioner (s), whose In the matter of the Estate of: Elizabeth Loefgren Bessemer Division. in said mortgage, will sell at public The Bank of New York, as Trustee NOTICE TO CREDITORS of April 8, 2015. Defendant Hank name and address are as shown below, MARJORIE H. LAWSON, Deceased SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. Property street address for informa- U.S. Bank National Association, as outcry to the highest bidder for cash, (CWALT 2006-12CB), Mortgagee/ The State of Alabama, Jefferson County Smith is further commanded to serve and with the Clerk of the said Probate tional purposes: 4601 Nicholas Drive, Trustee for Banc of America Letters Testamentary upon last will P. O. Box 55727 Funding Corporation, Mortgage in front of the main entrance of the Transferee Probate Court within 60 days of April 8, 2015 a copy Court. and testament of said decedent, having Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 Bessemer, AL 35022 Courthouse at Birmingham, Jefferson Elizabeth Loefgren In the matter of the Estate of: of the response on Plaintiff’s counsel: Done this 22nd day of April, 2015. been granted to the undersigned on the Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee This property will be sold on an “as Pass-Through Certificates Series County, Alabama, on May 29, 2015, SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. MARGUERITE JONES HARBERT, Michael F. Holbein, Arnall Golden Attorney for Petitioner: is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- 2007-8 , Mortgagee/Transferee 22nd day of April, 2015, by the www.sirote.com/foreclosures Ginny Rutledge during the legal hours of sale, all of P. O. Box 55727 Deceased Gregory LLP, 171 17th Street, NW, SAMUEL J. MCLURE Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the 357005 ments, encumbrances, and exceptions its right, title, and interest in and to Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 Letters Testamentary upon last will Suite 2100, Atlanta, GA 30303. P. O. Box 2396 Probate Court of Jefferson County, Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 reflected in the mortgage and those SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. the following described real estate, Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee and testament of said decedent, having Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 16, 2015 Montgomery, AL 36102 contained in the records of the Office P. O. Box 55727 situated in Jefferson County, www.sirote.com/foreclosures been granted to the undersigned on the (334) 612-3406 Alabama, notice is hereby given that MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE of the Judge of Probate of the County Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 Alabama, to-wit: 274161 23rd day of April, 2015, by the Case No. 2015-225041 Ala. Ms. Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 16, 2015 all persons having claims against said Default having been made in the pay- where the above-described property is Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee Lot 7, According to the Map and Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate are required to file an itemized ment of the indebtedness secured by situated. This property will be sold www.sirote.com/foreclosures Survey of Pinebrook, a resurvey of Lot Probate Court of Jefferson County, The State of Alabama, Jefferson County Case No. 2015-225050 and verified statement of such claim in that certain mortgage executed by Tad without warranty or recourse, 358062 7C of resurvey of Tract 7 and Part of MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Alabama, notice is hereby given that Probate Court NOTICE TO CREDITORS the office of the said Judge of Probate C. Brisendine, a single person, origi- expressed or implied as to title, use Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 Tract 8, Springlake Estates, First Default having been made in the pay- all persons having claims against said In the matter of the Estate of: The State of Alabama, Jefferson County within six months from above date, or nally in favor of Coats & Co., Inc., on Addition and also a resurvey of Traces ment of the indebtedness secured by said claim will be barred and payment and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Estate are required to file an itemized JOHN ALVIN PAYNE, Deceased Probate Court the 27th day of May, 2003, said mort- ject to the right of redemption of all 5 and 6, Springlake Estates, First that certain mortgage executed by and verified statement of such claim in Letters Testamentary upon last will In the matter of the Estate of: prohibited. gage recorded in the Office of the Default having been made in the pay- Addition and Resurvey recorded in Michael N. Davenport and Debra R. T. A. LAWSON, II parties entitled thereto. ment of the indebtedness secured by the office of the said Judge of Probate and testament of said decedent, having ERA FAYE THOMPSON, Deceased Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, This sale is made for the purpose of Map Book 114, Page 18, in the Probate Davenport, originally in favor of within six months from above date, or been granted to the undersigned on the Letters Administration upon the Personal Representative Alabama, in Instrument Number that certain mortgage executed by Office of Jefferson County, Alabama. Mortgage Electronic Registration Estate of said decedent, having been Ala. Ms. Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 paying the indebtedness secured by Felicia Johnson, married woman, orig- said claim will be barred and payment 21st day of April, 2015, by the 200308/9808; the undersigned Property street address for informa- Systems, Inc., solely as nominee for prohibited. Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the granted to the undersigned on the 22nd JPMorgan Chase Bank, National said mortgage, as well as the expenses inally in favor of Mortgage Electronic tional purposes: 1328 Pinebrook Lane, Suncapital Inc., A Alabama day of April, 2015 by the Honorable Case No. 2015-225056 of foreclosure. Registration Systems, Inc., acting sole- MARGUERITE H. GRAY and Probate Court of Jefferson County, Association, as Mortgagee/Transferee, Birmingham, AL 35235 Corporation, on the 31st day of RAYMOND J. HARBERT Alabama, notice is hereby given that Alan L. King, Judge of the Probate NOTICE TO CREDITORS under and by virtue of the power of The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves ly as a nominee for Homequest Capital This property will be sold on an “as August, 2009, said mortgage recorded Court of Jefferson County, Alabama, The State of Alabama, Jefferson County the right to bid for and purchase the Funding, LLC, on the 30th day of June, Personal Representatives all persons having claims against said sale contained in said mortgage, will is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Ala. Ms. Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 Estate are required to file an itemized notice is hereby given that all persons Probate Court sell at public outcry to the highest bid- real estate and to credit its purchase 2005, said mortgage recorded in the ments, encumbrances, and exceptions Jefferson County, Alabama, in Book having claims against said Estate are In the matter of the Estate of: price against the expenses of sale and Office of the Judge of Probate of and verified statement of such claim in der for cash, in front of the main reflected in the mortgage and those LR200909, Page 19998; having been Case No. 2015-225060 the office of the said Judge of Probate required to file an itemized and veri- MARY ALISE VANDERGRIFF, entrance of the Courthouse at the indebtedness secured by the real Jefferson County, Alabama, in Book contained in the records of the Office re-recorded in Book LR200909, Page NOTICE TO CREDITORS fied statement of such claim in the Deceased estate. 200510, Page 4739; the undersigned within six months from above date, or Birmingham, Jefferson County, of the Judge of Probate of the County 29176; the undersigned Flagstar Bank, The State of Alabama, Jefferson County said claim will be barred and payment office of the said Judge of Probate Letters Testamentary upon last will Alabama, on May 27, 2015, during the This sale is subject to postponement U.S. Bank, N.A., successor trustee to where the above-described property is FSB, as Mortgagee/Transferee, under Probate Court within six months from above date, or and testament of said decedent, having or cancellation. LaSalle Bank National Association, on prohibited. legal hours of sale, all of its right, title, situated. This property will be sold and by virtue of the power of sale con- In the matter of the Estate of: LAURIE PAYNE WALLS said claim will be barred and payment been granted to the undersigned on the and interest in and to the following U.S. Bank National Association, as behalf of the holders of Bear Stearns without warranty or recourse, tained in said mortgage, will sell at RONNYE MAXINA HUMPHREY, prohibited. Asset Backed Securities I Trust 2005- Personal Representative 22nd day of April, 2015, by the described real estate, situated in Trustee for MASTR Asset Backed expressed or implied as to title, use public outcry to the highest bidder for Deceased Ala. Ms. Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 JEFFREY THOMPSON Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the Jefferson County, Alabama, to-wit: Securities Trust 2006-AB1, HE9, Asset-Backed Certificates Series and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- cash, in front of the main entrance of Letters Administration upon the Personal Representative 2005-HE9, as Mortgagee/Transferee, Probate Court of Jefferson County, Lot 9, Block 2, according to the Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, ject to the right of redemption of all the Courthouse at Birmingham, Estate of said decedent, having been Case No. 2015-224892 Ala. Ms. Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 Alabama, notice is hereby given that Survey of Crestview Hills, 5th Series 2006-AB1, Mortgagee/ under and by virtue of the power of parties entitled thereto. Jefferson County, Alabama, on June granted to the undersigned on the 23rd sale contained in said mortgage, will PUBLICATION ON ADOPTION all persons having claims against said Addition, as recorded in Map Book 41, Transferee This sale is made for the purpose of 22, 2015, during the legal hours of day of April, 2015 by the Honorable In The Probate Court of Jefferson Case No. 2015-225046 Estate are required to file an itemized Page 56, in the Office of the Judge of Ginny Rutledge sell at public outcry to the highest bid- paying the indebtedness secured by sale, all of its right, title, and interest Alan L. King, Judge of the Probate NOTICE TO CREDITORS der for cash, in front of the main County, Alabama and verified statement of such claim in Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama. SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. said mortgage, as well as the expenses in and to the following described real Court of Jefferson County, Alabama, TO: Oscar Lewis Boykin, Jr. Or Any The State of Alabama, Jefferson County the office of the said Judge of Probate Property street address for informa- P. O. Box 55727 entrance of the Courthouse at of foreclosure. estate, situated in Jefferson County, notice is hereby given that all persons Probate Court tional purposes: 665 Merrimont Birmingham, Jefferson County, Alabama, to-wit: Unknown/Undisclosed Father within six months from above date, or Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves having claims against said Estate are IN THE MATTER OF THE In the matter of the Estate of: said claim will be barred and payment Circle, Birmingham, AL 35213 Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee Alabama, on May 27, 2015, during the the right to bid for and purchase the Lot 22, according to the Map of required to file an itemized and veri- JAMES WILLIAM DAVIS, Deceased This property will be sold on an “as legal hours of sale, all of its right, title, real estate and to credit its purchase Aspen Ridge, as recorded in Map Book ADOPTION OF: Letters Administration upon the prohibited. www.sirote.com/foreclosures fied statement of such claim in the ASIA LA’SHAY BOYKIN, A MINOR BARBARA VANDERGRIFF, a/k/a, is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- 358061 and interest in and to the following price against the expenses of sale and 185, Page 21, in the Probate Office of office of the said Judge of Probate Estate of said decedent, having been ments, encumbrances, and exceptions described real estate, situated in Jefferson County, Alabama. Notice to: Oscar Lewis Boykin, Jr. Or BARBARA SUE VANDERGRIFF Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 the indebtedness secured by the real within six months from above date, or Any Unknown/Undisclosed Father granted to the undersigned on the 22nd reflected in the mortgage and those Jefferson County, Alabama, to-wit: estate. Property street address for informa- said claim will be barred and payment day of April, 2015 by the Honorable Personal Representative contained in the records of the Office Lot 6, Block 12, according to the This sale is subject to postponement tional purposes: 5021 Gold Leaf Ln, You will take notice that a Petition Ala. Ms. Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE prohibited. for the Adoption of Asia La’Shay Alan L. King, Judge of the Probate of the Judge of Probate of the County Default having been made in the First Sector of Queensbury East, as or cancellation. Pinson, AL 35126 ERICKA HILL Court of Jefferson County, Alabama, where the above-described property is recorded in Map Book 126, Page 10 in US Bank National Association, as This property will be sold on an “as Boykin born to Angela Marie Gray, notice is hereby given that all persons Case No. 2015-225047 payment of the indebtedness secured Personal Representative Natural Mother, was filed on the 7th NOTICE TO CREDITORS situated. This property will be sold by that certain mortgage executed by the Probate Office of Jefferson Trustee for Citigroup Mortgage Loan is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- Ala. Ms. Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 having claims against said Estate are without warranty or recourse, County, Alabama. Situated in Trust 2007-WFHE3, Asset-Backed ments, encumbrances, and exceptions day of April, 2015, alleging that the required to file an itemized and veri- The State of Alabama, Jefferson County James C. Martin Jr, a single person, whereabouts of Oscar Lewis Boykin, Probate Court expressed or implied as to title, use originally in favor of Mortgage Jefferson County, Alabama- Pass Through Certificates, Series reflected in the mortgage and those Case No. 2015-225063 fied statement of such claim in the and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- Birmingham Division 2007-WFHE3,contained in the records of the Office NOTICE TO CREDITORS Jr. or any unknown father, the natural office of the said Judge of Probate In the matter of the Estate of: ject to the right of redemption of all Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., of the Judge of Probate of the County parent of said minor child, may be FRED DOUGLAS WILLIAMS, SR., acting solely as a nominee for Sebring Property street address for informa- Mortgagee/Transferee The State of Alabama, Jefferson County within six months from above date, or parties entitled thereto. tional purposes: 1505 NW 7TH Way, Ginny Rutledge where the above-described property is Probate Court unknown to the Court, and whose rela- said claim will be barred and payment Deceased This sale is made for the purpose of Capital Partners, Limited Partnership, SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. situated. This property will be sold tionship of said natural parent to the Letters Testamentary upon last will on the 30th day of November, 2004, Birmingham, AL 35215 In the matter of the Estate of: prohibited. paying the indebtedness secured by This property will be sold on an “as P. O. Box 55727 without warranty or recourse, JUDITH NORRIS SWINDLE, aforesaid minor child is that of Natural LEWANNA D. ROBINSON and testament of said decedent, having said mortgage, as well as the expenses said mortgage recorded in the Office is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 expressed or implied as to title, use Father. Personal Representative been granted to the undersigned on the of the Judge of Probate of Jefferson Deceased of foreclosure. ments, encumbrances, and exceptions Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- Letters Administration upon the Asia La’Shay Boykin’s Birthdate is Ala. Ms. Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 22nd day of April, 2015, by the The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves County, Alabama, in Book 200416, reflected in the mortgage and those www.sirote.com/foreclosures ject to the right of redemption of all Estate of said decedent, having been June 28, 1996. Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the the right to bid for and purchase the Page 2810; the undersigned U.S. contained in the records of the Office 82964 parties entitled thereto. granted to the undersigned on the 23rd Please be advised that a petition for Case No. 2015-225043 Probate Court of Jefferson County, real estate and to credit its purchase Bank NA, successor trustee to Bank of the Judge of Probate of the County Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 This sale is made for the purpose of day of April, 2015 by the Honorable adoption in the above styled manner NOTICE TO CREDITORS Alabama, notice is hereby given that price against the expenses of sale and of America, NA, successor in interest where the above-described property is paying the indebtedness secured by Alan L. King, Judge of the Probate has been filed in said Court by the The State of Alabama, Jefferson County all persons having claims against said the indebtedness secured by the real to LaSalle Bank National situated. This property will be sold MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE said mortgage, as well as the expenses Court of Jefferson County, Alabama, Petitioner (s) and that a hearing has Probate Court Estate are required to file an itemized estate. Association, on behalf of the regis- without warranty or recourse, Default having been made in the pay- of foreclosure. notice is hereby given that all persons been set for the same in said Court in In the matter of the Estate of: and verified statement of such claim in This sale is subject to postponement tered holders of Bear Stearns Asset expressed or implied as to title, use ment of the indebtedness secured by The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves having claims against said Estate are the City of Birmingham, Alabama, and THOMAS EARL DIFFEE, Deceased the office of the said Judge of Probate or cancellation. Backed Securities I LLC, Asset- and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- that certain mortgage executed by the right to bid for and purchase the required to file an itemized and veri- that should you intend to contest this Letters Testamentary upon last will within six months from above date, or JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Backed Certificates, Series 2005- ject to the right of redemption of all Barbara Pearson, an unmarried real estate and to credit its purchase fied statement of such claim in the adoption, you must file a written and testament of said decedent, having said claim will be barred and payment Association, Mortgagee/Transferee HE4, as Mortgagee/Transferee, under parties entitled thereto. woman, originally in favor of price against the expenses of sale and office of the said Judge of Probate response within thirty (30) days of the been granted to the undersigned on the prohibited. Rebecca Redmond and by virtue of the power of sale This sale is made for the purpose of Megamerica Mortgage Group, Inc., on the indebtedness secured by the real within six months from above date, or date of the last publication herein, with 21st day of April, 2015, by the ABIGAIL D. WILLIAMS and SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. contained in said mortgage, will sell paying the indebtedness secured by the 5th day of July, 2000, said mort- estate. said claim will be barred and payment Counsel for said Petitioner (s), whose Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the EVETTE JOYCE WILLIAMS P. O. Box 55727 at public outcry to the highest bidder said mortgage, as well as the expenses gage recorded in the Office of the This sale is subject to postponement name and address are as shown below, Probate Court of Jefferson County, Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, or cancellation. prohibited. Personal Representatives for cash, in front of the main entrance of foreclosure. MARK A. PATTERSON and with the Clerk of the said Probate Alabama, notice is hereby given that Ala. Ms. Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee of the Courthouse at Birmingham, The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves Alabama, in Instrument Number Flagstar Bank, FSB Court. all persons having claims against said www.sirote.com/foreclosures Personal Representative Jefferson County, Alabama, on May the right to bid for and purchase the 200008/0829; the undersigned Wells Mortgagee/Transferee Ala. Ms. Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 Done this 22nd day of April, 2015. Estate are required to file an itemized Case No. 2015-225051 359182 27, 2015, during the legal hours of real estate and to credit its purchase Fargo Bank, N.A. successor by merg- Elizabeth Loefgren Attorney for Petitioner: and verified statement of such claim in Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 er to Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. NOTICE TO CREDITORS sale, all of its right, title, and interest price against the expenses of sale and MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE SAMUEL J. MCLURE the office of the said Judge of Probate The State of Alabama, Jefferson County in and to the following described real the indebtedness secured by the real Inc. f/k/a Crossland Mortgage Corp., P. O. Box 55727 Default having been made in the P. O. Box 2396 within six months from above date, or MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE as Mortgagee/Transferee, under and Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 said claim will be barred and payment Probate Court estate, situated in Jefferson County, estate. payment of the indebtedness secured Montgomery, AL 36102 In the matter of the Estate of: Default having been made in the This sale is subject to postponement by virtue of the power of sale con- Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee by that certain mortgage executed by (334) 612-3406 prohibited. payment of the indebtedness secured Alabama, to-wit: tained in said mortgage, will sell at www.sirote.com/foreclosures THOMAS OWEN DIFFEE WILLIAM DELBERT MARSHALL, Lot 9, Block 5, according to the or cancellation. Leon L. Johns, a married person Ala. Ms. Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 16, 2015 Deceased by that certain mortgage executed by U.S. Bank, N.A., successor trustee to public outcry to the highest bidder for 267250 Loretta E. Johns, a married person, Personal Representative Cynthia R. Flanigan, a single person, Survey of Holiday Hills, Fourth Sector cash, in front of the main entrance of Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 Case No. DR 2015-000230 PRS Ala. Ms. Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 Letters Testamentary upon last will originally in favor of Norwest as recorded in Map Book 75, Page 68, LaSalle Bank National Association, husband and wife, originally in favor and testament of said decedent, having on behalf of the holders of Bear the Courthouse at Birmingham, of Cendant Mortgage Corporation, on NOTICE OF NAME CHANGE Mortgage, Inc., on the 5th day of July, in the Probate Office of Jefferson Jefferson County, Alabama, on June MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE In the Circuit Court, Tenth Judicial Case Number 2015-224839 been granted to the undersigned on the 1996, said mortgage recorded in the County, Alabama. Stearns Asset Backed Securities I Default having been made in the pay- the 30th day of September, 1999, said 22nd day of April, 2015, by the Trust 2005-HE9, Asset-Backed 1, 2015, during the legal hours of sale, mortgage recorded in the Office of the Circuit of Alabama In The Probate Court of Jefferson Office of the Judge of Probate of Less and Except the following; all of its right, title, and interest in and ment of the indebtedness secured by EUNICE KARANJA, Plaintiff County, Alabama Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the Jefferson County, Alabama, in Book Part of Lot 9, Block 5, according to Certificates Series 2005-HE9, that certain mortgage executed by Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, Mortgagee/Transferee to the following described real estate, Alabama, in Book 9913, Page 5032; vs. IN THE MATTER OF: Probate Court of Jefferson County, 9608, Page 1974; the undersigned the Survey of Holiday Hills, Fourth situated in Jefferson County, Reginald Hopkins and Rhonda ROBERT MARU KAMAU, Defendant The Condemnation of: Alabama, notice is hereby given that HSBC Bank USA, National Sector, as recorded in Map Book 75, Rebecca Redmond Hopkins, originally in favor of having been Modified by SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. Alabama, to-wit: Modification Agreement recorded in Robert Maru Kamau, (Deft), whose STATE OF ALABAMA all persons having claims against said Association as Trustee for Citigroup Page 68, in the Probate Office of Part of the NE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 of Mortgage Electronic Registration whereabouts is unknown, must answer VS. Estate are required to file an itemized Mortgage Loan Trust, Inc. Asset Jefferson County, Alabama, and being P. O. Box 55727 Section 13, Township 17, Range 4 Systems, Inc. solely as nominee for Book LR200805, Page 22548, further Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 modified in Book LR201214, Page Eunie Karanja, Petition for name YVONNE DAVIS, ET AL. and verified statement of such claim in Backed Pass-Through Certificates more particularly described as follows: West, more particularly described as Taylor, Bean, & Whitaker Mortgage change and other relief by June 15, On the 31st day of March, 2015, the office of the said Judge of Probate Series 2005-HE2, as Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee follows: Begin at the Northeast corner Corp, on the 19th day of September, 29539, and further modified in Book Commence at the most Southerly www.sirote.com/foreclosures LR201317, Page 3979; the under- 2015, or thereafter, a judgment by came the State of Alabama, within six months from above date, or Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by corner of said Lot 9, for the point of of the NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Section 13, 2007, said mortgage recorded in the default may be rendered against him in Department of Transportation, by its said claim will be barred and payment virtue of the power of sale contained 357717 Township 17, Range 4 West; thence Office of the Judge of Probate of signed MidFirst Bank, as Attorney of Record, John E. Rollins, beginning; thence run Northeasterly Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by Case Number DR 15-000230 PRS, in prohibited. in said mortgage, will sell at public along the Southerly line of said Lot 9 run South along section line for 760.29 Jefferson County, Alabama, in Bk: the Circuit Court of Jefferson County. and filed its complaint, for the con- ETHEL HARRISON MARSHALL outcry to the highest bidder for cash, feet; thence at angle of 91 degrees to LR200714 Page: 27457; the under- virtue of the power of sale contained demnation of certain lands therein for a distance of 48.0 feet; thence turn MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE in said mortgage, will sell at public Done this 21st day of April, 2015. Personal Representative in front of the main entrance of the an angle left of 155 degrees 23 minutes the right for 478.3 feet for point of signed Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC, Anne-Marie Adams, Clerk described for and on behalf of the said Ala. Ms. Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 Courthouse at Birmingham, Jefferson Default having been made in the beginning of tract herein described; as Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by outcry to the highest bidder for cash, State of Alabama for use for public 30 seconds and run Southwesterly for a payment of the indebtedness secured in front of the main entrance of the EUNICE KARANJA, Plaintiff County, Alabama, on May 29, 2015, distance of 48.85 feet to a point on the thence continue on same line for virtue of the power of sale contained in road purposes, said lands belonging to Case No. 2015-224675 during the legal hours of sale, all of by that certain mortgage executed to 150.00 feet to the East side of road said mortgage, will sell at public outcry Courthouse at Birmingham, Jefferson 3741 Chestnut Ridge Lane, Apt 102 Yvonne Davis, et al. Easterly right of way of Potomac Way; John T. Rasberry and Mary C. County, Alabama, on June 22, 2015, Birmingham, AL 35216 PUBLICATION ON ADOPTION its right, title, and interest in and to thence run Southeasterly along said right of way; thence at angle 72 to the highest bidder for cash, in front It is therefore ordered by the Court In The Probate Court of Jefferson the following described real estate, Rasberry, by Wayne Dansby, dated degrees 22 minutes to the left and of the main entrance of the Courthouse during the legal hours of sale, all of Ala. Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 16, 2015 that the 21st day of May, 2015, at 2:30 right of way for a distance of 4.0 feet February 18, 2005, said mortgage its right, title, and interest in and to County, Alabama situated in Jefferson County, to the point of beginning. along said road right of way for 82.52 at Birmingham, Jefferson County, Case No. DR 2015 000008-DB P.M., be set as a day for hearing said Alabama, to-wit: being recorded in the Probate Office feet; thence at angle of 107 degrees 38 Alabama, on May 29, 2015, during the the following described real estate, Complaint for Order of Condemnation TO: Raymond Williams Or Any Lot 13, Block 2, Map and survey of Property street address for informa- of Jefferson County, Alabama, in minutes to the left for 150.00 feet; legal hours of sale, all of its right, title, situated in Jefferson County, NOTICE OF DIVORCE ACTION and the proof to be submitted in sup- Unknown/Undisclosed Father Galewood 1st Sector, MB 60, PG 33, tional purposes: 1513 Potomac Way, Instrument No. 200503/1914, the thence at angle of 72 degrees 22 min- and interest in and to the following Alabama, to-wit: In the Circuit Court of Jefferson port of same and upon said hearing an IN THE MATTER OF THE ADOP- Probate Court of Jefferson County, Birmingham, AL 35214 undersigned as Mortgagees under and utes to the left for 82.52 feet to point of described real estate, situated in Lot 16, in Block 106, according to County, Alabama order be made appointing three com- TION OF: Alabama. This property will be sold on an “as by virtue of power of the sale con- beginning. Jefferson County, Alabama, to-wit: the Survey of East Lake Land IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF: missioners to assess the damages and JAKOBE ISAIAH PETERSON, Property street address for informa- is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- tained in the said mortgage will sell at Property street address for informa- Lot 8, Block 17, according to the Company, as recorded in Map Book 1, BRITTNEY WILLIAMS, Plaintiff compensation to which the owners of MINOR tional purposes: 1121 Meadow Lane, ments, encumbrances, and exceptions public outcry to the highest bidder for tional purposes: 1407 Haven Drive, Survey of Spaulding as recorded in Page 217, in the Probate Office of vs. the said lands may be entitled for the Notice to: Raymond Williams, 1588 Birmingham, AL 35228 reflected in the mortgage and those cash in front of the main entrance of Birmingham, AL 35214 Map Book 1 Page 261, in the Probate Jefferson County, Alabama. CALVIN WILLIAMS, Defendant taking of said lands. Edward Street, Birmingham, AL This property will be sold on an “as contained in the records of the Office the Jefferson County Courthouse, This property will be sold on an “as Office of Jefferson County, Alabama Property street address for informa- Calvin Williams, whose whereabouts It is further ordered that notice of the 35061, Or Any Unknown/Undisclosed is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- of the Judge of Probate of the County Birmingham, Jefferson County, is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- Property street address for informa- tional purposes: 7825 4th Avenue S, is unknown, must answer Brittney filing of said Complaint and of the Father ments, encumbrances, and exceptions where the above-described property is Alabama, on the 21st day of May, ments, encumbrances, and exceptions tional purposes: 229 11th Court West, Birmingham, AL 35215 Williams Complaint for divorce and days set for hearing thereof be given You will take notice that a Petition reflected in the mortgage and those situated. This property will be sold 2015, during the legal hours of sale the reflected in the mortgage and those Birmingham, AL 35204 This property will be sold on an “as other relief by June 15, 2015, or there- Yvonne Davis and Immanuel Group, for the Adoption of Jakobe Isaiah contained in the records of the Office without warranty or recourse, following real estate, situated in contained in the records of the Office This property will be sold on an “as is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- after, a judgment by default may be Inc., P.O. Box 380221, Birmingham, Peterson born to Nakil Nicole of the Judge of Probate of the County expressed or implied as to title, use Jefferson County, Alabama, to-wit: of the Judge of Probate of the County is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- ments, encumbrances, and exceptions rendered against him/her in Case AL 35238; Anne Marie Bisard and Peterson, Natural Mother, was filed on where the above-described property is and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- Lot 8-A, Block 93, according to the where the above-described property is ments, encumbrances, and exceptions reflected in the mortgage and those Number DR 2015 000008-DB, Ricky Ricardo Bisard, 7316 3rd the 17th day of March, 2015, alleging situated. This property will be sold ject to the right of redemption of all Resurvey of Lots 8 and 9 in Block 93 situated. This property will be sold reflected in the mortgage and those contained in the records of the Office Domestic Relations Court of Jefferson Avenue South, Birmingham, AL that the whereabouts of Raymond without warranty or recourse, parties entitled thereto. of East Lake, as recorded in Map Book without warranty or recourse, contained in the records of the Office of the Judge of Probate of the County County, Alabama. 35206; Loving Hands Ministries, 708 Williams or any unknown father, the expressed or implied as to title, use This sale is made for the purpose of 135 page 8 in the Office of Judge of expressed or implied as to title, use of the Judge of Probate of the County where the above-described property is Done this 22nd day of April, 2015. 15th Street North, Birmingham, AL natural parent of said minor child, may and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- paying the indebtedness secured by Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama; and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- where the above-described property is situated. This property will be sold Anne-Marie Adams, Clerk 35203; City of Birmingham, Alabama, be unknown to the Court, and whose ject to the right of redemption of all said mortgage, as well as the expenses being situated in Jefferson County, ject to the right of redemption of all situated. This property will be sold without warranty or recourse, BRITTNEY WILLIAMS 710 20th Street North, Suite 600, relationship of said natural parent to parties entitled thereto. of foreclosure. Alabama. parties entitled thereto. without warranty or recourse, expressed or implied as to title, use 184 Haversham Drive Birmingham, AL 35203; J. T. the aforesaid minor child is that of This sale is made for the purpose of The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves Property sold “AS IS”. Property is This sale is made for the purpose of expressed or implied as to title, use and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- Birmingham, AL 35215 Smallwood, Tax Collector, Jefferson Natural Father. paying the indebtedness secured by the right to bid for and purchase the subject to any title deficiencies. No paying the indebtedness secured by and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- ject to the right of redemption of all Ala. Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 16, 2015 County Courthouse, 716 N. Richard Jakobe Isaiah Peterson’s Birthdate is said mortgage, as well as the expenses real estate and to credit its purchase representation as to title of subject said mortgage, as well as the expenses ject to the right of redemption of all parties entitled thereto. Arrington Blvd., Birmingham, AL September 14, 2003. of foreclosure. property. of foreclosure. parties entitled thereto. This sale is made for the purpose of Case No. DR 15 000262-DB 35203 price against the expenses of sale and NOTICE OF DIVORCE ACTION Please be advised that a petition for The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves the indebtedness secured by the real This sale is made for the purpose of The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by Any and all unknown heirs or adoption in the above styled manner the right to bid for and purchase the real paying the indebtedness secured by the right to bid for and purchase the paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expenses The Circuit Court, Tenth Judicial devisees, of the individual defendants; estate. Circuit of Alabama has been filed in said Court by the estate and to credit its purchase price This sale is subject to postponement said mortgage, as well as the expenses real estate and to credit its purchase said mortgage, as well as the expenses of foreclosure. Any and all unknown claimants of the Petitioner (s) and that a hearing has against the expenses of sale and the of foreclosure. price against the expenses of sale and of foreclosure. The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves MELISSA PHILLIPS, Plaintiff property hereinafter described who or cancellation. vs. been set for the same in said Court in indebtedness secured by the real estate. U.S. Bank NA, successor trustee to The Mortgagee reserves the right to the indebtedness secured by the real The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves the right to bid for and purchase the may have any right, title or interest in This sale is subject to postponement bid for and purchase the real estate and estate. the right to bid for and purchase the real real estate and to credit its purchase ROBERT LEON PHILIPS, Defendant said property whose names, ages, the City of Birmingham, Alabama, and or cancellation. Bank of America, NA, successor in to credit its purchase price against the This sale is subject to postponement estate and to credit its purchase price price against the expenses of sale and Robert Leon Phillips, (DEFT), addresses and conditions are unknown that should you intend to contest this HSBC Bank USA, National interest to LaSalle Bank National expenses of sale and the indebtedness or cancellation. against the expenses of sale and the the indebtedness secured by the real whose whereabouts is unknown, must and cannot be ascertained after exer- adoption, you must file a written Association as Trustee for Citigroup Association, on behalf of the regis- secured by the real estate. This sale is Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. successor indebtedness secured by the real estate. estate. answer Melissa Phillips, Complaint for cise of reasonable diligence by publi- response within thirty (30) days of the Mortgage Loan Trust, Inc. Asset tered holders of Bear Stearns Asset subject to postponement or cancella- by merger to Wells Fargo Home This sale is subject to postponement This sale is subject to postponement divorce and other relief by June 15, cation once a week for four (4) consec- date of the last publication herein, with Backed Pass-Through Certificates Backed Securities I LLC, Asset- tion; contact Neil C. Clay at the tele- Mortgage, Inc. f/k/a Crossland or cancellation. or cancellation. 2015, or thereafter, a judgment by utive weeks in the Alabama, a newspa- Counsel for said Petitioner (s), whose Series 2005-HE2, Mortgagee/ Backed Certificates, Series 2005- phone number below prior to atten- Mortgage Corp., Mortgagee/ Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC, MidFirst Bank default may be rendered against him in per published in this County, at which name and address are as shown below, Transferee HE4, Mortgagee/Transferee dance at sale. Transferee Mortgagee/Transferee Mortgagee/Transferee Case Number DR 2015 000008-DB, in time they or any other parties interest- and with the Clerk of the said Probate Elizabeth Loefgren Rebecca Redmond John T. Rasberry and Mary C. Ginny Rutledge Elizabeth Loefgren Rebecca Redmond the Circuit Court of Jefferson County. ed in said cause may appear and con- Court. SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. Rasberry, Mortgagees SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. Done this 20th day of April, 2015. test the same if they think proper. Done this 22nd day of April, 2015. P. O. Box 55727 P. O. Box 55727 NEIL C. CLAY P. O. Box 55727 P. O. Box 55727 P. O. Box 55727 Anne-Marie Adams, Clerk Please note that an answer may be filed Attorney for Petitioner: Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 Attorney for Mortgagees Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 JIMMY CALVERT by each defendant within 30 days from KAREN FOX Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee 1725 2nd Avenue, North Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee P. O. Box 800 the date of this last publication notice. P. O. Box 9568 www.sirote.com/foreclosures www.sirote.com/foreclosures Bessemer, AL 35020 www.sirote.com/foreclosures www.sirote.com/foreclosures www.sirote.com/foreclosures Springville, AL 35146 This the 21st day of April, 2015. Birmingham, AL 35220 140528 357720 205-426-2020 356151 332385 198373 (205) 541-9864 Sherri C. Friday, Judge of Probate (205) 365-1249 Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 Ala.Ms.- April 25, May 2, 9, 2015 Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 Ala. Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 16, 2015 Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 16, 2015 Ala. Ms. Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 16, 2015 April 25, 2015 ALABAMA MESSENGER Page 3

MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Case No. 2015-224888 Case No. DR 2015-194 PRS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Default having been made in the pay- Default having been made in the FORECLOSURE SALE Default having been made in the Default having been made in the NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE OF DIVORCE ACTION Default having been made in the Default having been made in the ment of the indebtedness secured by that payment of the indebtedness secured STATE OF ALABAMA payment of the indebtedness secured payment of the indebtedness secured The State of Alabama, Jefferson County In the Circuit Court of Jefferson payment of the indebtedness secured payment of the indebtedness secured certain mortgage executed by Jerry W. by that certain mortgage executed by COUNTY OF JEFFERSON by that certain mortgage executed by by that certain mortgage executed by Probate Court County, Alabama by that certain mortgage executed by by that certain mortgage executed by Young and Yvonne D. Young, husband Daniel Ryan Yates and Virginia D. Default having been made in the Lindsey M. Oakley, and spouse, James Lee Evans, an unmarried man, In the matter of the Estate of: IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF: Cathy W. Ellis, a single woman, orig- Eutiquio Ceron, and Blanca Ceron, and wife, originally in favor of Mortgage Yates, husband and wife, originally in indebtedness secured by that certain Byron Andrew Oakley, originally in originally in favor of Mortgage MARY ALICE ELLIS, Deceased BRIDGETTE JONES, Plaintiff inally in favor of Wells Fargo Bank, husband and wife, originally in favor Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., favor of Mortgage Electronic mortgage executed by Damien D favor of Mortgage Electronic Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., Letters Testamentary upon last will vs. N.A., on the 4th day of December, of Mortgage Electronic Registration acting solely as a nominee for Taylor, Registration Systems, Inc., acting Pearson And Angela I Pearson Registration Systems, Inc., solely as acting solely as nominee for Cimarron and testament of said decedent, having CARLOS JONES, Defendant 2013, said mortgage recorded in the Systems, Inc., acting solely as nomi- Bean & Whitaker Mortgage Corp., on solely as a nominee for Everett Husband And Wife to Union Planters nominee for Synovus Mortgage Mortgage Company dba The Mortgage been granted to the undersigned on the Carlos Jones, (Deft), whose where- Office of the Judge of Probate of nee for Wachovia Mortgage the 12th day of May, 2008, said mort- Finanacial, Inc. DBA Supreme Bank, NA dated April 23, 2004; said Corp., on the 26th day of August, Warehouse, on the 31st day of July, 7th day of April, 2015, by the abouts is unknown, must answer Jefferson County, Alabama, in Book Corporation, on the 12th day of gage recorded in the Office of the Judge Lending, on the 9th day of July, 2013, mortgage being recorded in Book 2011, said mortgage recorded in the 2006, said mortgage recorded in the Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the Bridgette Jones complaint for divorce LR201320, Page 9305; the under- January, 2006, said mortgage record- of Probate of Blount County, Alabama, said mortgage recorded in the Office 200406, Page 3301, Jefferson County, Office of the Judge of Probate of Office of the Judge of Probate of Probate Court of Jefferson County, and other relief by June 1, 2015, or signed Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as ed in the Office of the Judge of in Book Gen 2008, Page 17326; the of the Judge of Probate of Jefferson Al in the Office of the Judge of Jefferson County, Alabama, in BK: Jefferson County, Alabama, in Book Alabama, notice is hereby given that thereafter, a judgment by default may Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by Probate of Jefferson County, undersigned Selene Finance LP, as County, Alabama, in Book LR201316 Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama. LR201106 Pg: 24596; the under- LR200613, Page 4000; the under- all persons having claims against said be rendered against him in Case virtue of the power of sale contained Alabama, in Instrument Number Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by signed JPMorgan Chase Bank, signed U.S. Bank National Number DR 2015-194 PRS, Domestic in said mortgage, will sell at public 200601/6883; the undersigned Page 27887; the undersigned Wells Said Mortgage was last sold, assigned Association, as Trustee of the Security Estate are required to file an itemized outcry to the highest bidder for cash, Deutsche Bank Trust Company virtue of the power of sale contained in Fargo Bank, N.A., as and transferred to EverBank by assign- National Association, as and verified statement of such claim in Relations Court of Jefferson County. said mortgage, will sell at public outcry Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by National Mortgage Loan Trust 2006-3, Done this 6th day of April, 2015. in front of the main entrance of the Americas, as Trustee for Residential ment recorded in Deed Book 200810, virtue of the power of sale contained as Mortgagee/Transferee, under and the office of the said Judge of Probate Courthouse at Birmingham, Jefferson Accredit Loans, Inc., Mortgage to the highest bidder for cash, in front of virtue of the power of sale contained Page 5505 in the Office of the Judge of within six months from above date, or Anne-Marie Adams, Clerk the main entrance of the Courthouse at in said mortgage, will sell at public in said mortgage, will sell at public by virtue of the power of sale con- said claim will be barred and payment BRIDGETTE JONES County, Alabama, on May 18, 2015, Asset-Backed Pass-Through Oneonta, Blount County, Alabama, on Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama. outcry to the highest bidder for cash, tained in said mortgage, will sell at during the legal hours of sale, all of Certificates, Series 2006-QS3, as outcry to the highest bidder for cash, The undersigned, EverBank, under and public outcry to the highest bidder for prohibited. 5421-211 Livingston Oak Circle its right, title, and interest in and to Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by June 11, 2015, during the legal hours of in front of the main entrance of the in front of the main entrance of the ELIZABETH WOODS MORTON, Birmingham, AL 35215 sale, all of its right, title, and interest in by virtue of the power of sale con- Courthouse at Birmingham, Jefferson cash, in front of the main entrance of the following described real estate, virtue of the power of sale contained Courthouse at Birmingham, Jefferson tained in said mortgage, will sell at the Courthouse at Birmingham, f/k/a, ELIZABETH E. WOODS, and Ala.Ms.-Apr. 11, 18, 25, May 2, 2015 situated in Jefferson County, in said mortgage, will sell at public and to the following described real County, Alabama, on June 8, 2015, County, Alabama, on April 30, 2015, estate, situated in Blount County, public outcry to the highest bidder for during the legal hours of sale, all of Jefferson County, Alabama, on May DURHAM W. ELLIS, Personal Alabama, to-wit: outcry to the highest bidder for cash, during the legal hours of sale, all of cash before the main entrance of the Representatives Case No. DR 2015-135 DB Alabama, to-wit: its right, title, and interest in and to 13, 2015, during the legal hours of NOTICE OF DIVORCE ACTION Lot 84, according to the Survey of in front of the main entrance of the Lot 42, according to the Survey of its right, title, and interest in and to Court House in Jefferson County, the following described real estate, sale, all of its right, title, and interest Ala. Ms. Apr. 11, 18, 25, 2015 Charleston Square, as recorded in Map Courthouse at Birmingham, Jefferson the following described real estate, Alabama during the legal hours of sale, in and to the following described real The Circuit Court, Tenth Judicial Book 141, Page 71 in the Probate County, Alabama, on May 13, 2015, Misty Acres, as recorded in Map situated in Jefferson County, Circuit of Alabama Cabinet “A”, slide 107, pages 3&4 in situated in Jefferson County, on the 4th day of June, 2015 the fol- Alabama, to-wit: estate, situated in Jefferson County, Case No. 2013-217462 Office of Jefferson County, Alabama. during the legal hours of sale, all of Alabama, to-wit: Alabama, to-wit: NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND FOR TARA LAGRONE, Plaintiff Property street address for informa- its right, title, and interest in and to the office of the Judge of Probate in lowing property, situated in Jefferson Lot 13, Block 2, According to the vs. Blount County, Alabama. Lot 110, according to the survey of County, Alabama, to-wit: survey of second addition to Unit 2829 F, in the Colonial Park DIVISION AND tional purposes: 183 Charleston Way , the following described real estate, Georgebrook Phase I, as recorded in Vesthaven, Fifth Sector, as recorded in Condominium, a condominium, locat- DISTRIBUTION/PAYMENT DEBTS WILLIAM COSSEY, Defendant Trussville, AL 35173 situated in Jefferson County, Property street address for informa- Lot 21, Block 4, according to the William Cossey, (Deft), whose tional purposes: 294 Miranda Road, Map Book 196, Page 23, in the Probate Map and Survey of Rew's Bankhead Map Book 55, Page 97, in the Probate ed in Jefferson County, Alabama, as State of Alabama Jefferson County This property will be sold on an "as Alabama, to-wit: Warrior, AL 35180 Office of Jefferson County, Alabama. Highway Development, Sector C, as Office of Jefferson County, Alabama. established by Declaration of Probate Court whereabouts is unknown, must answer is, where is" basis, subject to any ease- Lot 6, in Block 3, according to the This property will be sold on an “as Property street address for informa- recorded in Map Book 58, Page 16, in Property street address for informa- Condominium as recorded in Real ESTATE OF: SUE G. OZTEKIN, Tara Lagrone complaint for divorce ments, encumbrances, and exceptions Survey of Oak Grove Estates, as is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- tional purposes: 5505 Leighaven the Probate Office of Jefferson tional purposes: 2212 Shady Dell Ln, Book 1811, Page 591, and By-Laws DECEASED and other relief by June 2, 2015, or reflected in the mortgage and those recorded in Map Book 32, Page 43, in ments, encumbrances, and exceptions Way, Pinson, AL 35126 County, Alabama. Vestavia, AL 35216 thereto recorded in Real Volume 1811, On the 1st day of April, 2015, came thereafter, a judgment by default may contained in the records of the Office the Office of the Judge of Probate of reflected in the mortgage and those This property will be sold on an “as Said property is commonly known as This property will be sold on an “as Page 608, in the Office of the Judge of Gregory Hawley, the Administrator, be rendered against him in Case of the Judge of Probate of the County Jefferson County, Alabama. contained in the records of the Office is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- 163 Robert E Lee Ave Sw, Leeds, AL is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama, for the Estate of Sue G. Oztekin, Number DR 2015-135 DB, in the where the above-described property is Property street address for informa- of the Judge of Probate of the County ments, encumbrances, and exceptions 35094. ments, encumbrances, and exceptions together with an undivided interest in Deceased, and filed his petition in Circuit Court of Jefferson County. situated. This property will be sold tional purposes: 804 Grove Street, reflected in the mortgage and those reflected in the mortgage and those the common elements of Colonial Park writing, praying for the sale of certain Done this 8th day of April, 2015. without warranty or recourse, Homewood, AL 35209 where the above-described property is The indebtedness secured by said Condominium as set out in the said Anne-Marie Adams, Clerk expressed or implied as to title, use This property will be sold on an “as situated. This property will be sold contained in the records of the Office Mortgage has been and is hereby contained in the records of the Office lands described as follows: without warranty or recourse, of the Judge of Probate of the County of the Judge of Probate of the County Declaration of Condominium, said 1904 Deo Dara Drive, Hoover, AL TARA LAGRONE and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- declared due and payable because of Unit being more particularly described PRO SE ject to the right of redemption of all ments, encumbrances, and exceptions expressed or implied as to title, use where the above-described property is default under the terms of the Note where the above-described property is 35226 and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- situated. This property will be sold situated. This property will be sold in floor plans and architectural draw- Said property belonging to said 1746 Kelly Loop Road parties entitled thereto. reflected in the mortgage and those secured by said Mortgage, including without warranty or recourse, ings of Colonial Park Condominium as Mt. Olive, AL 35117 This sale is made for the purpose of contained in the records of the Office ject to the right of redemption of all without warranty or recourse, but not limited to, nonpayment of the estate, the sale being for the purpose of parties entitled thereto. expressed or implied as to title, use expressed or implied as to title, use recorded in Map Book 121, Page 72, in paying debts and or division and distri- Ala.Ms.-Apr. 11, 18, 25, May 2, 2015 paying the indebtedness secured by of the Judge of Probate of the County indebtedness as and when due. and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- the Probate Office of Jefferson said mortgage, as well as the expenses where the above-described property is This sale is made for the purpose of and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- The indebtedness remains in default, bution among the heirs and devisees, paying the indebtedness secured by ject to the right of redemption of all ject to the right of redemption of all County, Alabama. upon the grounds that said property Case No. 2015-224902 of foreclosure. situated. This property will be sold and this sale will be made for the sole parties entitled thereto. Property street address for informa- NOTICE TO CREDITORS The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves without warranty or recourse, said mortgage, as well as the expenses parties entitled thereto. purpose of paying the same, including cannot be equitable divided among the of foreclosure. This sale is made for the purpose of This sale is made for the purpose of tional purposes: 2829 F Georgetown joint owners (or that personal property The State of Alabama, Jefferson County the right to bid for and purchase the expressed or implied as to title, use The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves paying the indebtedness secured by all expenses of the sale, attorney's fees, paying the indebtedness secured by Dr, Hoover, AL 35216 is insufficient therefore) and it appear- Probate Court real estate and to credit its purchase and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- the right to bid for and purchase the real said mortgage, as well as the expenses and all other payments provided for said mortgage, as well as the expenses This property will be sold on an "as ing to the Court from said petition that In the matter of the Estate of: price against the expenses of sale and ject to the right of redemption of all under the terms of said Mortgage. of foreclosure. is, where is" basis, subject to any ease- WILLIAM RAINEY, a/k/a, WILLIAM the indebtedness secured by the real parties entitled thereto. estate and to credit its purchase price of foreclosure. ments, encumbrances, and exceptions the following heirs are non-residents estate. This sale is made for the purpose of against the expenses of sale and the The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves Said property will be sold subject to The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves of the State of Alabama: E. RAINEY, JR., Deceased the following items, which may affect the right to bid for and purchase the reflected in the mortgage and those Letters Testamentary upon last will This sale is subject to postponement paying the indebtedness secured by indebtedness secured by the real estate. the right to bid for and purchase the contained in the records of the Office Mera O. Crews, 5232 South Shades or cancellation. said mortgage, as well as the expenses This sale is subject to postponement real estate and to credit its purchase the title to said real property: all zon- real estate and to credit its purchase Crest Road, Bessemer, AL 35022; Erol and testament of said decedent, having ing ordinances; matters which would price against the expenses of sale and of the Judge of Probate of the County been granted to the undersigned on the Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., of foreclosure. or cancellation. price against the expenses of sale and where the above-described property is Kent Oztekin, 420 Michael Lane, Mortgagee/Transferee The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves Selene Finance LP, the indebtedness secured by the real be disclosed by an accurate survey or the indebtedness secured by the real Mountain Brook, AL 35223; Brett 8th day of April, 2015, by the inspection of the property; any out- estate. situated. This property will be sold Ginny Rutledge the right to bid for and purchase the Mortgagee/Transferee estate. without warranty or recourse, Ashley King, Trustee, King & Green, Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. real estate and to credit its purchase Rebecca Redmond This sale is subject to postponement standing taxes, including but not limit- This sale is subject to postponement LLC, P. O. Box 550130, Birmingham, Probate Court of Jefferson County, ed to, ad valorem taxes, which consti- or cancellation. expressed or implied as to title, use P. O. Box 55727 price against the expenses of sale and SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. or cancellation. and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- AL 35255; William H. White, Trustee, Alabama, notice is hereby given that Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 the indebtedness secured by the real P. O. Box 55727 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. tute liens upon said property; special JPMorgan Chase Bank, National 3565 Lorna Road, Hoover, AL 35216 all persons having claims against said assessments; all outstanding bills for Association Mortgagee/Transferee ject to the right of redemption of all Estate are required to file an itemized Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee estate. Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 Mortgagee/Transferee Rebecca Redmond parties entitled thereto. And whereas the 20th day of April, www.sirote.com/foreclosures This sale is subject to postponement Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee Ginny Rutledge public utilities, which constitute liens This sale is made for the purpose of 2015, at 3:00 P.M., has been set as a and verified statement of such claim in 356319 or cancellation. upon said property; all restrictive SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. the office of the said Judge of Probate www.sirote.com/foreclosures SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. P. O. Box 55727 paying the indebtedness secured by day for hearing said petition and the Ala.Ms.- April 11, 18, 25, 2015 Deutsche Bank Trust Company 354418 P. O. Box 55727 covenants, easements, rights-of-way; said mortgage, as well as the expenses testimony to be submitted in support of within six months from above date, or Americas, as Trustee for Residential the statutory right of redemption pur- Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 said claim will be barred and payment Ala.Ms.- Apr. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2015 Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee of foreclosure. same. MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Accredit Loans, Inc., Mortgage Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee suant to Alabama law; and any other The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves It is therefore ordered that notice of prohibited. Default having been made in the Asset-Backed Pass-Through MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE www.sirote.com/foreclosures www.sirote.com/foreclosures matters of record superior to said 351954 the right to bid for and purchase the the filing of said petition and of the MONA RAINEY, a/k/a, MONA L. payment of the indebtedness secured Certificates, Series 2006-QS3, Default having being made in the 356054 Mortgage. Ala.Ms.- Apr. 11, 18, 25, 2015 real estate and to credit its purchase day set for hearing same be given by RAINEY, a/k/a, MONA LEE RAINEY by that certain mortgage executed by Mortgagee/Transferee payment of the indebtedness secured Ala.Ms.- Apr. 11, 18, 25, 2015 To the best of the knowledge and price against the expenses of sale and publication once a week for three suc- Personal Representative Bobby D. Lowry and wife, Myra G. Ginny Rutledge by that certain mortgage dated April belief of the undersigned, the party in NOTICE OF the indebtedness secured by the real cessive weeks in the Alabama Ala. Ms. Apr. 11, 18, 25, 2015 Lowry, originally in favor of SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. 30, 2007, executed by Jeremy MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE possession of the real property is MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE estate. Messenger, a newspaper published in Statesman Mortgage Company, on the P. O. Box 55727 Copeland, a single man and Roger Default having been made in the Damien D Pearson and Angela I STATE OF ALABAMA This sale is subject to postponement this County, notifying all parties in Case No. 2015-224889 1st day of December, 1987, said mort- Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 Davis, a married man, in favor of payment of the indebtedness secured Pearson or tenant(s). COUNTY OF JEFFERSON or cancellation. interest to appear and contest said peti- NOTICE TO CREDITORS gage recorded in the Office of the Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee Mortgage Electronic Registration by that certain mortgage executed by EVERBANK, as holder of said Default having been made in the U.S. Bank National Association, as tion if they think proper so to do. The State of Alabama, Jefferson County Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, www.sirote.com/foreclosures Systems, Inc. solely as nominee for Lori A. Long, an unmarried woman, mortgage indebtedness secured by that certain Trustee of the Security National This the 8th day of April, 2015. Probate Court Alabama, in Book 3273 Page 186; the 356494 Atlas Mortgage, Inc., said Mortgage originally in favor of Mortgage Sady D. Mauldin, Esq. mortgage executed by James L Garrett Mortgage Loan Trust 2006-3, Alan L. King, Judge of Probate In the matter of the Estate of: undersigned Midfirst Bank, as Ala.Ms.- Apr. 11, 18, 25, 2015 being recorded May 9, 2007, in Book Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., MCCALLA RAYMER, LLC to One Reverse Mortgage, LLC dated Mortgagee/Transferee Ala.Ms.- Apr. 11, 18, 25, 2015 MAXINE ELAINE GINDER, a/k/a, Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by LR200762, Page 7872 in the Office acting solely as nominee for Renasant Two North Twentieth June 25, 2009; said mortgage being Rebecca Redmond MAXINE CLARK GINDER, virtue of the power of sale contained MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE of the Judge of Probate of Jefferson Bank, on the 11th day of August, 2 20th Street North, Suite 1310 recorded in Book LR200907, Page SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. Case No.: CV 2013-900195 Deceased in said mortgage, will sell at public Default having been made in the County, Alabama; assigned to Green 2009, said mortgage recorded in the Birmingham, AL 35203 28264, Jefferson County, Al in the P. O. Box 55727 In The Circuit Court Of Jefferson Letters Testamentary upon last will outcry to the highest bidder for cash, payment of the indebtedness secured Tree Servicing LLC by instrument Office of the Judge of Probate of (800) 275-7171 Office of the Judge of Probate of Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 County, Alabama and testament of said decedent, having in front of the main entrance of the by that certain mortgage executed by recorded in Book LR201461, Page Jefferson County, Alabama, in Book File No. 959614 Jefferson County, Alabama. Said Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee Bessemer Division been granted to the undersigned on the Courthouse at Birmingham, Jefferson Esther Joy Crowell, an unmarried 25826 in the Office of the Judge of LR200963 Page 8580; the under- www.foreclosurehotline.net Mortgage was last sold, assigned and www.sirote.com/foreclosures JOSEPH HARDIE MEADE, Plaintiff, 7th day of April, 2015, by the County, Alabama, on June 10, 2015, woman, originally in favor of First Probate of Jefferson County, transferred to Bank of America, N.A. to 356923 Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the during the legal hours of sale, all of Union Home Equity Bank, N.A., on Alabama. Said default continues and signed Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPT- v. Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by ING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY be recorded in the Office of the Judge of Ala.Ms.- April 11, 18, 25, 2015 RUSERT HOMES, LLC, et al., Probate Court of Jefferson County, its right, title, and interest in and to the 14th day of September, 1995, said notice is hereby given that the under- Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama. Alabama, notice is hereby given that the following described real estate, mortgage recorded in the Office of the signed, Green Tree Servicing LLC, virtue of the power of sale contained INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Defendants. situated in Jefferson County, Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, in said mortgage, will sell at public BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. The undersigned, Bank of America, NOTICE OF SERVICE BY all persons having claims against said under and by virtue of the power of N.A., under and by virtue of the power FORECLOSURE SALE Estate are required to file an itemized Alabama, to-wit: Alabama, in REAL 1108, Page 632; sale contained in said mortgage, will outcry to the highest bidder for cash, Ala.Ms.- Apr. 11, 18, 25, 2015 STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY PUBLICATION UPON Lots 4 and 5, in Block 78, according the undersigned Wells Fargo Bank, in front of the main entrance of the of sale contained in said mortgage, will AGUILAR FRAMING, LLC and verified statement of such claim in sell at public outcry to the highest sell at public outcry to the highest bid- OF JEFFERSON the office of the said Judge of Probate to the present plan and survey of N.A. successor by merger to bidder for cash at the main entrance Courthouse at Birmingham, Jefferson MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Default having been made in the Notice is hereby given to AGUILAR Birmingham-Ensley Land and Wachovia Bank of Delaware, N.A. County, Alabama, on June 8, 2015, Default having been made in the der for cash before the main entrance of FRAMING, LLC, whose whereabouts within six months from above date, or to the County Courthouse, Jefferson the Court House in Jefferson County, indebtedness secured by that certain said claim will be barred and payment Improvement Company, as shown and successor by merger to First Union County, Alabama on May 6, 2015, during the legal hours of sale, all of payment of the indebtedness secured mortgage executed by Jeanne is unknown, and is required to respond designated on the duly recorded plat National Bank of Delaware, successor its right, title, and interest in and to by that certain mortgage executed by Alabama during the legal hours of sale, to Rusert Homes, LLC’s Third-Party prohibited. during the legal hours of sale, the fol- on the 14th day of May, 2015 the fol- Vanwilpe An Unmarried Person to ANGELA SUSAN GINDER thereof, in Map Book 1, page 245, in by merger First Union Home Equity lowing described real estate situated the following described real estate, April L. Allen, an unmarried woman, Mortgage Electronic Registration Complaint in the above referenced the Office of the Judge of Probate of Bank, N.A., as Mortgagee/Transferee, situated in Jefferson County, originally in favor of Fidelity Home lowing property, situated in Jefferson matter. Personal Representative in Jefferson County, Alabama, to-wit: County, Alabama, to-wit: Systems, Inc. solely as nominee for Ala. Ms. Apr. 11, 18, 25, 2015 Jefferson County, Alabama, being situ- under and by virtue of the power of Lots 1 and 2 in Block 54, in the Alabama, to-wit: Mortgage Corp., on the 13th day of Land situated in the City of Lend America, LTD. Corp dated Rusert Homes avers that Aguilar ated in Jefferson County, Alabama. sale contained in said mortgage, will Survey of East Lake as shown by map Lot 9, Block 3, Rew's Bankhead November, 2001, said mortgage Birmingham in the County of February 4, 2009; said mortgage being Framing and its agents were responsi- Case No. 2015-224691 Property street address for informa- sell at public outcry to the highest bid- recorded in Volume 1, on page 217, Highway Development Sector C, recorded in the Office of the Judge of Jefferson in the State of AL Lot 3 in recorded in Book LR200903, Page ble on or about May 1, 2011 for fram- NOTICE TO CREDITORS tional purposes: 2529 20th Street der for cash, in front of the main record of maps of surveys in the Office according to the plat thereof recorded Probate of Jefferson County, Block 31, according to the survey of 3784, Jefferson County, Al in the ing the home, including the subject The State of Alabama, Jefferson County Ensley, Birmingham, AL 35208 entrance of the Courthouse at of the Judge of Probate of Jefferson in Map Book 58, Page 16, in the Alabama, in Instrument Number Redstone Land and Development Co's Office of the Judge of Probate of stairway, located at 5200 Brookside Probate Court This property will be sold on an "as Birmingham, Jefferson County, County, Alabama except that part of Probate Office of Jefferson County, 200116/2526; re-recorded in Jefferson County, Alabama. Said Pass, Hoover, Alabama 35244, which is, where is" basis, subject to any ease- Alabama, on May 11, 2015, during the 5th Sector, as recorded in Map Book Mortgage was last sold, assigned and In the matter of the Estate of: ments, encumbrances, and exceptions legal hours of sale, all of its right, title, said property which H.C. Barwick and Alabama. Instrument Number 200260/4894; the 107, Page 25 in the Probate Office of is the location where Plaintiff fell SYLVIA SAMUELS BLUE, a/k/a, his wife sold to Bertraum L. Carson Property street address for informa- undersigned Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., transferred to LoanCare, a Division of down the subject stairway and sus- reflected in the mortgage and those and interest in and to the following Jefferson County, Alabama. FNF Servicing, Inc. by assignment SYLVIA ELAINE SAMUELS BLUE, contained in the records of the Office described real estate, situated in and Charlie Francis Carson the part tional purposes: 1236 Robert E Lee as Mortgagee/Transferee, under and Commonly known as: 1812 7th Pl tained severe personal injuries. Deceased being described in the deed from Street, Leeds, AL 35094 by virtue of the power of sale con- recorded in Deed Book LR201010, You or your attorneys are required to of the Judge of Probate of the County Jefferson County, Alabama, to-wit: NW, Birmingham, AL 35215 Page 18971 in the Office of the Judge Letters Testamentary upon last will where the above-described property is Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, Block 83, accord- Barwick to Carson as: the Northwest This property will be sold on an “as tained in said mortgage, will sell at Said property is commonly known as mail or hand deliver a copy of your and testament of said decedent, having 50 feet of Lot 1 and the Northwest 50 is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- public outcry to the highest bidder for of Probate of Jefferson County, response to Defendant’s attorney, situated. This property will be sold ing to the Survey of Bessemer Coal, 1812 7th Pl NW, Birmingham, AL Alabama. The undersigned, LoanCare, been granted to the undersigned on the without warranty or recourse, Iron and Land Company Survey of feet of the southwest 30 feet of Lot 2 in ments, encumbrances, and exceptions cash, in front of the main entrance of 35215. DAVID M. WILSON of WILSON & 7th day of April, 2015, by the Block 54 in the survey of East Lake, as reflected in the mortgage and those the Courthouse at Bessemer, The indebtedness secured by said a Division of FNF Servicing, Inc., BERRYHILL, P.C., whose address is expressed or implied as to title, use Block 83 and resurvey of Block 84 and recorded in Map Book 1, Page 217. contained in the records of the Office under and by virtue of the power of One Metroplex Drive, Suite 250, Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- 85, Bessemer North Highlands, as Jefferson County, Alabama, on June Mortgage has been and is hereby sale contained in said mortgage, will Probate Court of Jefferson County, ject to the right of redemption of all recorded in Map Book 8, page 77 in Said deed recorded in Volume 3201, of the Judge of Probate of the County 8, 2015, during the legal hours of declared due and payable because of Birmingham, Alabama 35209. Failure Alabama, notice is hereby given that page 276 in the Probate Office of where the above-described property is sale, all of its right, title, and interest default under the terms of the Note sell at public outcry to the highest bid- to respond to this notice on or before parties entitled thereto. the Probate Office of Jefferson Jefferson County, Alabama. situated. This property will be sold der for cash before the main entrance all persons having claims against said This sale is made for the purpose of County, Alabama, Bessemer Division. in and to the following described real secured by said Mortgage, including of the Court House in Jefferson THIRTY (30) DAYS from May 4 Estate are required to file an itemized paying the indebtedness secured by Property street address for informa- THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD without warranty or recourse, estate, situated in Jefferson County, but not limited to, nonpayment of the 2015, may result in a default judgment ON AN “AS-IS, WHERE-IS” BASIS, County, Alabama during the legal and verified statement of such claim in said mortgage, as well as the expenses tional purposes: 1712 29th Avenue expressed or implied as to title, use Alabama, to-wit: indebtedness as and when due. The hours of sale, on the 14th day of May, being rendered against you. the office of the said Judge of Probate of foreclosure. North, Hueytown, AL 35023 SUBJECT TO ANY EASEMENTS, and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- Lot 22, Block 1, according to the sur- indebtedness remains in default, and Done and ordered this the 7th day of ENCUMBRANCES, AND EXCEP- 2015 the following property, situated within six months from above date, or The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves This property will be sold on an "as ject to the right of redemption of all vey of Belcher Homes, Sector B, as this sale will be made for the sole pur- in Jefferson County, Alabama, to-wit: April 2015. said claim will be barred and payment the right to bid for and purchase the is, where is" basis, subject to any ease- TIONS REFLECTED IN THE MORT- parties entitled thereto. pose of paying the same, including all KAREN DUNN BURKS GAGE AND THOSE CONTAINED recorded in Map Book 6, page 96, in Land referred to in this commitment is prohibited. real estate and to credit its purchase ments, encumbrances, and exceptions This sale is made for the purpose of the Probate Office of Jefferson expenses of the sale, attorney's fees, described as all that certain property Circuit Clerk of Jefferson County WILLIE SAMUELS price against the expenses of sale and reflected in the mortgage and those IN THE RECORDS OF THE OFFICE paying the indebtedness secured by County, Alabama, Bessemer Division. and all other payments provided for Bessemer Division OF THE JUDGE OF PROBATE OF under the terms of said Mortgage. situated in the County of Jefferson, and Personal Representative the indebtedness secured by the real contained in the records of the Office said mortgage, as well as the expenses Property street address for informa- State of Alabama and being described Service Date: 5/4/15 Ala. Ms. Apr. 11, 18, 25, 2015 estate. of the Judge of Probate of the County THE COUNTY WHERE THE of foreclosure. tional purposes: 105 Hardy Street, Said property will be sold subject to in a deed dated 04/10/2008 and record- Default Date: 6/1/15 This sale is subject to postponement where the above-described property is ABOVE-DESCRIBED PROPERTY IS The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves the following items, which may affect Ala.Ms.- Apr. 11, 18, 25, May 2, 2015 SITUATED. THIS PROPERTY Midfield, AL 35228 ed 04/14/2008 in Book LR200804 Case No. 2015-224901 or cancellation. situated. This property will be sold the right to bid for and purchase the This property will be sold on an “as the title to said real property: all zon- page 28952 among the land records of NOTICE TO CREDITORS Midfirst Bank, without warranty or recourse, WILL BE SOLD WITHOUT WAR- real estate and to credit its purchase ing ordinances; matters which would Case No. 2015-224918 RANTY OR RECOURSE, EXPRESS is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- be disclosed by an accurate survey or the county and state set forth above, The State of Alabama, Jefferson County Mortgagee/Transferee expressed or implied as to title, use price against the expenses of sale and ments, encumbrances, and exceptions and referenced as follows: NOTICE TO CREDITORS Probate Court Rebecca Redmond and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- OR IMPLIED AS TO TITLE, USE the indebtedness secured by the real inspection of the property; any out- The State of Alabama, Jefferson County AND/OR ENJOYMENT AND WILL reflected in the mortgage and those standing taxes, including but not limit- Lot 12, according to the survey of In the matter of the Estate of: SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. ject to the right of redemption of all estate. contained in the records of the Office Carriage Hills, Second Sector Phase II- Probate Court HUEL D. MEEKS, a/k/a, HUEL P. O. Box 55727 parties entitled thereto. BE SOLD SUBJECT TO THE RIGHT This sale is subject to postponement ed to, ad valorem taxes, which consti- In the matter of the Estate of: OF REDEMPTION OF ALL PAR- of the Judge of Probate of the County tute liens upon said property; special A as recorded in Map Book 176, Page DALTON MEEKS, Deceased Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 This sale is made for the purpose of or cancellation. where the above-described property is 42, in the Probate Office of Jefferson RICHARD M. SHARP, a/k/a, Letters Testamentary upon last will Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee paying the indebtedness secured by TIES ENTITLED THERETO. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. assessments; all outstanding bills for RICHARD MERLE SHARP, This sale is made for the purpose of situated. This property will be sold public utilities, which constitute liens County, Alabama. Parcel No. 9-21-2- and testament of said decedent, having www.sirote.com/foreclosures said mortgage, as well as the expenses Mortgagee/Transferee 0.56.000-RR Deceased been granted to the undersigned on the 355310 of foreclosure. paying the indebtedness secured by Ginny Rutledge without warranty or recourse, upon said property; all restrictive mortgage as well as the expenses of expressed or implied as to title, use covenants, easements, rights-of-way; Said property is commonly known as Letters Testamentary upon last will 8th day of April, 2015, by the Ala.Ms.- April 11, 18, 25, 2015 The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- 7328 Plantation Road, Pinson, AL and testament of said decedent, having Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the the right to bid for and purchase the foreclosure, including a reasonable P. O. Box 55727 the statutory right of redemption pur- 35126. been granted to the undersigned on the MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE real estate and to credit its purchase attorney’s fees and other purposes set ject to the right of redemption of all suant to Alabama law; and any other The indebtedness secured by said Probate Court of Jefferson County, Default having been made in the price against the expenses of sale and out in said mortgage. Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 parties entitled thereto. matters of record superior to said 9th day of April, 2015, by the Alabama, notice is hereby given that Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee Mortgage has been and is hereby Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the all persons having claims against said payment of the indebtedness secured the indebtedness secured by the real Green Tree Servicing LLC www.sirote.com/foreclosures This sale is made for the purpose of Mortgage. To the best of the knowl- declared due and payable because of Probate Court of Jefferson County, by that certain mortgage executed by estate. PAUL K. LAVELLE paying the indebtedness secured by edge and belief of the undersigned, the default under the terms of the Note Estate are required to file an itemized Otis Abron, Jr. and Sonja Abron, hus- This sale is subject to postponement Attorney for Mortgagee 351150 party in possession of the real proper- Alabama, notice is hereby given that and verified statement of such claim in Ala.Ms.- Apr. 11, 18, 25, 2015 said mortgage, as well as the expenses secured by said Mortgage, including all persons having claims against said band and wife, originally in favor of or cancellation. Spina, & Lavelle, P.C. of foreclosure. ty is James L Garrett or tenant(s). but not limited to, nonpayment of the the office of the said Judge of Probate Mortgage Electronic Registration Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. successor One Perimeter Park South-Suite 400N BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., Estate are required to file an itemized within six months from above date, or MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves indebtedness as and when due. and verified statement of such claim in Systems, Inc. acting solely as nomi- by merger to Wachovia Bank of Birmingham, Alabama 35243 the right to bid for and purchase the as holder of said mortgage The indebtedness remains in default, said claim will be barred and payment nee for Premier Mortgage Funding, Delaware, N.A. successor by merger (205) 298-1800 Default having been made in the Sady D. Mauldin, Esq. the office of the said Judge of Probate prohibited. payment of the indebtedness secured real estate and to credit its purchase and this sale will be made for the sole within six months from above date, or Inc., on the 22nd day of May, 2006, to First Union National Bank of Ala.Ms.- Apr. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2015 price against the expenses of sale and MCCALLA RAYMER, LLC purpose of paying the same, including ANTHONY MEEKS, a/k/a, said mortgage recorded in the Office Delaware, successor by merger First by that certain mortgage executed to Two North Twentieth said claim will be barred and payment Mortgage Electronic Registration the indebtedness secured by the real all expenses of the sale, attorney's fees, ANTHONY DALTON MEEKS of the Judge of Probate of Jefferson Union Home Equity Bank, N.A., NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE estate. 2 20th Street North, Suite 1310 and all other payments provided for prohibited. Personal Representative County, Alabama, in Book LR200901 Mortgagee/Transferee Default having been made in the pay- Systems, Inc., acting solely as nomi- Birmingham, AL 35203 SALLY S. REILLY nee for Amerigroup Mortgage This sale is subject to postponement under the terms of said Mortgage. Ala. Ms. Apr. 11, 18, 25, 2015 Page 14558; the undersigned U.S. Ginny Rutledge ment of the indebtedness secured by or cancellation. (800) 275-7171 Said property will be sold subject to Personal Representative Bank National Association, as SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. that certain mortgage dated April 29, Corporation, a Division of Mortgage File No. 951714 Ala. Ms. Apr. 11, 18, 25, 2015 Case No. 2015-224900 Investors Corporation on the 14th day Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. the following items, which may affect Trustee, for Residential Asset P. O. Box 55727 2005, executed by Pamela S. Davis Mortgagee/Transferee www.foreclosurehotline.net the title to said real property: all zon- NOTICE TO CREDITORS Securities Corporation, Home Equity Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 and Alan W. Davis, to Mortgage of January, 2003, by Daniel Guilbert THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPT- Case No. 2015-223958 The State of Alabama, Jefferson County and Barbara Saccenti a/k/a Barbara A. Ginny Rutledge ing ordinances; matters which would NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass- Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. ING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY be disclosed by an accurate survey or Probate Court Through Certificates, Series 2006- www.sirote.com/foreclosures solely as nominee for First Residential Guilbert husband and wife as joint ten- INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL inspection of the property; any out- The State of Alabama, Jefferson County In the matter of the Estate of: EMX7, as Mortgagee/Transferee, 356316 Mortgage Network, Inc., DBA FRM ants, WROS, and recorded in P. O. Box 55727 BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Probate Court Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 standing taxes, including but not limit- RONALD SCOTT HARRIS, Deceased under and by virtue of the power of Ala.Ms.- April 11, 18, 25, 2015 Network, Inc., which mortgage was Instrument Number 200302/0700; said Ala.Ms.- Apr. 11, 18, 25, 2015 ed to, ad valorem taxes, which consti- In the matter of the Estate of: Letters Testamentary upon last will sale contained in said mortgage, will recorded on August 31, 2005, in Book mortgage transferred and assigned to Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee JOYCE LEVINE COHEN www.sirote.com/foreclosures tute liens upon said property; special and testament of said decedent, having sell at public outcry to the highest Case No. 2015-224838 200562, Page 7984, of the mortgage MidFirst Bank et. seq., in the Office MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE assessments; all outstanding bills for JACOBSON, Deceased been granted to the undersigned on the bidder for cash, in front of the main In The Probate Court of Jefferson records in the Office of the Judge of of the Judge of Probate of Jefferson 75933 Default having been made in the pay- public utilities, which constitute liens Letters Testamentary upon last will 8th day of April, 2015, by the entrance of the Courthouse at County, Alabama Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama, County, Alabama, the undersigned, as Ala.Ms.- Apr. 11, 18, 25, 2015 ment of the indebtedness secured by upon said property; all restrictive and testament of said decedent, having Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the Birmingham, Jefferson County, IN THE MATTER OF: which mortgage was, duly transferred Mortgagee or Transferee, under and by that certain mortgage executed by covenants, easements, rights-of-way; been granted to the undersigned on the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Alabama, on May 13, 2015, during The Condemnation of: and assigned to The Bank of New York virtue of the power of sale contained in MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Phyllis Ann Bolden, wife and husband, 9th day of April, 2015, by the Default having been made in the pay- the statutory right of redemption pur- Alabama, notice is hereby given that the legal hours of sale, all of its right, STATE OF ALABAMA Mellon, f/k/a The Bank of New York, the said mortgage will sell at public Roger Cape Bolden, originally in favor suant to Alabama law; and any other Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the all persons having claims against said title, and interest in and to the follow- vs. as trustee for the certificate holders of outcry to the highest bidder for cash in ment of the indebtedness secured by of America's Wholesale Lender, on the Probate Court of Jefferson County, ing described real estate, situated in TRAVIS SANDERS, ET AL that certain mortgage executed to matters of record superior to said Estate are required to file an itemized the CWABS, Inc., Asset-Backed front of the main entrance of the 9th day of September, 1998, said mort- Mortgage. Alabama, notice is hereby given that and verified statement of such claim in Jefferson County, Alabama, to-wit: On the 31st day of March, 2015, Certificates Series 2005-4, notice is Jefferson County, Alabama, GMAC Mortgage Corporation on the gage recorded in the Office of the To the best of the knowledge and all persons having claims against said the office of the said Judge of Probate Lot 2, Block 2, according to the came the State of Alabama, hereby given that pursuant to law and Courthouse in the City of 10th day of June, 1999, by Lena J. Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, belief of the undersigned, the party in Estate are required to file an itemized Survey of Sun Valley Estates 2nd Department of Transportation, by its Alabama, in Instrument Number within six months from above date, or the power of sale contained in said Birmingham, Jefferson County, Westbrooks, an unmarried woman , possession of the real property is and verified statement of such claim in said claim will be barred and payment Sector, as recorded in Map Book 109, Attorney of Record, John E. Rollins, mortgage, the undersigned will sell at Alabama, on the 19th day of May , and recorded in Instrument Number 9862/8247; the undersigned Bank of Jeanne Vanwilpe or tenant(s). the office of the said Judge of Probate Page 56, in the Probate Office of and filed its complaint, for the con- America, N.A., as prohibited. public outcry, to the highest bidder for 2015 , during the legal hours of sale 9908/4672; said mortgage transferred LOANCARE, A DIVISION OF FNF within six months from above date, or DIANE WHITWORTH HARRIS Jefferson County, Alabama. demnation of certain lands therein cash, in front of the Twenty-First the following real estate situated in and assigned to MidFirst Bank in Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by SERVICING, INC., as holder of said Property street address for informa- described for and on behalf of the said virtue of the power of sale contained in said claim will be barred and payment Personal Representative Street entrance to the Jefferson County Jefferson County, Alabama, to wit: Bk:LR200865, Page 7243 et. seq., in mortgage Sady D. Mauldin, Esq. prohibited. Ala. Ms. Apr. 11, 18, 25, 2015 tional purposes: 2412 6th Place NW, State of Alabama for use for public Courthouse at Birmingham, Alabama, All that certain parcel of land situate the Office of the Judge of Probate of said mortgage, will sell at public outcry MCCALLA RAYMER, LLC Birmingham, AL 35215 road purposes, said lands belonging to to the highest bidder for cash, in front JACY ELLIOTT COHEN during the legal hours of sale on May in Jefferson County, State of Alabama, Jefferson County, Alabama, the under- Two North Twentieth Personal Representative Case No. 2015-224899 This property will be sold on an “as Travis Sanders, et al. 19, 2015, the following described real being known and designation as Lot 5- signed, as Mortgagee or Transferee, of the main entrance of the Courthouse 2 20th Street North, Suite 1310 is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- It is therefore ordered by the Court at Birmingham, Jefferson County, Ala. Ms. Apr. 11, 18, 25, 2015 NOTICE TO CREDITORS estate, situated in Jefferson County, A, according to the Map of a Resurvey under and by virtue of the power of Birmingham, AL 35203 The State of Alabama, Jefferson County ments, encumbrances, and exceptions that the 21st day of May, 2015, at 2:15 Alabama, to-wit: sale contained in the said mortgage Alabama, on May 13, 2015, during the (800) 275-7171 reflected in the mortgage and those P.M., be set as a day for hearing said and Resubdivision of Part of Lots 4, 5, legal hours of sale, all of its right, title, Case No. 2015-224907 Probate Court Lot 7, according to the survey of 6, 7 and 8, according to the Map of will sell at public outcry to the highest File No. 916113 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of: contained in the records of the Office Complaint for Order of Condemnation Western Acres, as recorded in Map Nelson-Heights, as recorded in Map bidder for cash in front of the main and interest in and to the following www.foreclosurehotline.net The State of Alabama, Jefferson County of the Judge of Probate of the County and the proof to be submitted in sup- Book 98, Page 70, in the Probate described real estate, situated in THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPT- DORIS G. BAXTER, Deceased where the above-described property is port of same and upon said hearing an Book 39, Page 91, in the Probate entrance of the Jefferson County, Jefferson County, Alabama, to-wit: Probate Court Letters Testamentary upon last will Office of Jefferson County, Alabama. Office of Jefferson County, Alabama. Alabama, Courthouse in the City of ING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY In the matter of the Estate of: situated. This property will be sold order be made appointing three com- Being the same property conveyed to Lot 2, Block 2, according to the INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL and testament of said decedent, having without warranty or recourse, missioners to assess the damages and Property being sold "AS IS". Birmingham, Jefferson County, Survey of Bon Air, as recorded in Map BETTY A. WATKINS, Deceased been granted to the undersigned on the Alan W. Davis and Pamela S. Davis, Property is subject to any title defi- Alabama, on the 19th day of May, BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Letters Testamentary upon last will expressed or implied as to title, use compensation to which the owners of husband and wife, as joint tenants with Book 8, Page 14, in the Probate Office Ala.Ms.- Apr. 11, 18, 25, 2015 8th day of April, 2015, by the and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- the said lands may be entitled for the ciencies. No representation is made as 2015 , during the legal hours of sale of Jefferson County, Alabama, and testament of said decedent, having Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the the right of survivorship from The to the title to the subject property. the following real estate situated in been granted to the undersigned on the ject to the right of redemption of all taking of said lands. United States Department of Housing Bessemer Division. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Probate Court of Jefferson County, parties entitled thereto. It is further ordered that notice of the Address of property provided for Jefferson County, Alabama, to wit: Property street address for informa- 9th day of April, 2015, by the Alabama, notice is hereby given that and urban Development, also known as informational purposes only: 921 Begin at the northwest corner of Lot FORECLOSURE SALE Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the This sale is made for the purpose of filing of said Complaint and of the Secretary of Housing and Urban tional purposes: 5326 Central Avenue, STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY all persons having claims against said paying the indebtedness secured by days set for hearing thereof be given: Charles Court, Birmingham, Alabama 2, Block 10, according to Martin’s Brighton, AL 35020 OF JEFFERSON Probate Court of Jefferson County, Estate are required to file an itemized said mortgage, as well as the expenses Travis Sanders – 2120 17th Street Development by Deed dated 04/16/04 35215 . and recorded 04/30/04 in Deed Book Addition to Birmingham-Ensley as This property will be sold on an “as Default having been made in the Alabama, notice is hereby given that and verified statement of such claim in of foreclosure. North, Birmingham, AL 35213; State 200406, Page 3313. This sale is made for the purpose of recorded in Map Book 3, page 49 in is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- indebtedness secured by that certain all persons having claims against said the office of the said Judge of Probate The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves of Alabama Department of Revenue, This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by the Probate Office of Jefferson ments, encumbrances, and exceptions mortgage executed by Arthur O Craig Estate are required to file an itemized within six months from above date, or the right to bid for and purchase the 2545 Taylor Road, Montgomery, AL paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expenses County, Alabama; run thence south reflected in the mortgage and those to Vertical Lend, Inc. dated November and verified statement of such claim in said claim will be barred and payment real estate and to credit its purchase 36117; City of Birmingham, Alabama, said mortgage as well as expenses of of foreclosure. along the west line of said Lot 2 for contained in the records of the Office 7, 2007; said mortgage being recorded the office of the said Judge of Probate prohibited. price against the expenses of sale and 710 20th Street North, Suite 600, foreclosure. MidFirst Bank, Mortgagee or 140 feet to the southwest corner of said of the Judge of Probate of the County in Book LR200717, Page 719, within six months from above date, or PHILIP WILLIAM BAXTER and the indebtedness secured by the real Birmingham, AL 35203; J. T. The Bank of New York Mellon, f/k/a Transferee lot 2; run thence east along the south where the above-described property is Jefferson County, Al in the Office of said claim will be barred and payment JAMES THOMAS BAXTER, III estate. Smallwood, Tax Collector, Jefferson The Bank of New York, as trustee MARK A. PICKENS, P.C. line of said Lot 2 and along the north situated. This property will be sold the Judge of Probate of Jefferson prohibited. Personal Representatives This sale is subject to postponement County Courthouse, 716 N. Richard for the certificate holders of the Attorney for Mortgagee or Transferee line of preset 44th Street (formerly without warranty or recourse, County, Alabama. Said Mortgage was FERRELL MAUGHAN Ala. Ms. Apr. 11, 18, 25, 2015 or cancellation. Arrington Blvd., Birmingham, AL CWABS, Inc., Asset-Backed P. O. Box 59372 Kitty Avenue) 58.68 feet, more or less, expressed or implied as to title, use last sold, assigned and transferred to Personal Representative U.S. Bank National Association, as 35203 Certificates Series 2005-4, Birmingham, Alabama 35259 to a point of the south line of Lot “A” and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a Ala. Ms. Apr. 11, 18, 25, 2015 Case No. 2015-224012 Trustee, for Residential Asset Any and all unknown heirs or Transferee (205) 933- 1169 of Atlantic Land Company’s Resurvey, ject to the right of redemption of all Champion Mortgage Company by NOTICE TO CREDITORS Securities Corporation, Home Equity devisees, of the individual defendants; Robert J. Wermuth/rgm MAP File No. 15-0073 a map of which resurvey is recorded in parties entitled thereto. assignment recorded in Deed Book Case No. 2015-224915 The State of Alabama, Jefferson County Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass- Any and all unknown claimants of the STEPHENS MILLIRONS, P.C. Ala.Ms.- Apr. 11, 18, 25, 2015 Map Book 17, page 96 in the Probate This sale is made for the purpose of LR201363, Page 7291 in the Office of NOTICE TO CREDITORS Probate Court Through Certificates, Series 2006- property hereinafter described who P.O. Box 307 Office of said County, which point is paying the indebtedness secured by the Judge of Probate of Jefferson The State of Alabama, Jefferson County In the matter of the Estate of: EMX7, Mortgagee/Transferee may have any right, title or interest in Huntsville, Alabama 35804 MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE 8.68 feet east of the southwest corner said mortgage, as well as the expenses County, Alabama. The undersigned, Probate Court ALMA W. LINDSEY, Deceased Ginny Rutledge said property whose names, ages, Attorney for Mortgagee Default having been made in the of said Lot and is the easterly line of a of foreclosure. Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a In the matter of the Estate of: Letters Testamentary upon last will SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. addresses and conditions are unknown Ala.Ms.- Apr. 11, 18, 25, 2015 payment of the indebtedness secured driveway; thence turn an angle to the The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves Champion Mortgage Company, under LOIS E. FOWLER, Deceased and testament of said decedent, having P. O. Box 55727 and cannot be ascertained after exer- by that certain mortgage executed by left of 87̊16' and run along the east line the right to bid for and purchase the real and by virtue of the power of sale con- Letters Testamentary upon last will been granted to the undersigned on the Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 cise of reasonable diligence by publi- FORECLOSURE NOTICE Jimmy G. Lawrence joined by Donna of said driveway 34.5 feet; thence turn estate and to credit its purchase price tained in said mortgage, will sell at and testament of said decedent, having 7th day of April, 2015, by the Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee cation once a week for four (4) consec- Default having been made in the pay- L. Lawrence his wife, originally in an angle to the left of 2̊44' and run against the expenses of sale and the public outcry to the highest bidder for been granted to the undersigned on the Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the www.sirote.com/foreclosures utive weeks in the Alabama favor of Regions Mortgage, Inc., on indebtedness secured by the real estate. cash before the main entrance of the 9th day of April, 2015, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, 111833 Messenger, a newspaper published in ment of the indebtedness described in northerly 105.5 feet, more or less, to a This sale is subject to postponement and secured by that certain mortgage the 22nd day of April, 1998, said point on the north line of said Lot “A”, Court House in Jefferson County, Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the Alabama, notice is hereby given that Ala.Ms.- Apr. 11, 18, 25, 2015 this County, at which time they or any executed by JOSHUA C. HUBBERT mortgage recorded in the Office of the or cancellation. Alabama during the legal hours of sale, Probate Court of Jefferson County, all persons having claims against said other parties interested in said cause which is 13.96 feet east of the north- Bank of America, N.A. on the 14th day of May, 2015 the fol- Case No. 2015-224919 may appear and contest the same if and ASHLEY B. HUDECZ, husband Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, west corner of said Lot “A”; thence run Alabama, notice is hereby given that Estate are required to file an itemized and wife, as Mortgagor(s) to Mortgage Alabama, in Instrument Number Mortgagee/Transferee lowing property, situated in Jefferson all persons having claims against said NOTICE TO CREDITORS they think proper. Please note that an west along the north line of said Lot Andy Saag County, Alabama, to-wit: All that cer- and verified statement of such claim in The State of Alabama, Jefferson County answer may be filed by each defendant Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., 9805/7617; having been modified by “A” and the north line of said Lot 2, Estate are required to file an itemized the office of the said Judge of Probate acting solely as nominee for Taylor, Loan Modification Agreement record- SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. tain property situated in the County of and verified statement of such claim in within six months from above date, or Probate Court within 30 days from the date of this ed in Book LR201108, Page 4664; 63.86 feet, more or less, to the point of P. O. Box 55727 Jefferson, and State of Alabama, being In the matter of the Estate of: last publication notice. Bean & Whitaker Mortgage Corp., as beginning. Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 the office of the said Judge of Probate said claim will be barred and payment CHARLOTTE ENSLEN RUSHTON Mortgagee, dated the 29th day of also having been modified by Loan described as follows; within six months from above date, or prohibited. This the 21st day of April, 2015 Modification Agreement recorded in Except so much of the above Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee Lot 7, Block 357, North Birmingham CHEW, Deceased Sherri C. Friday, Judge of Probate August, 2008, and recorded in Book described property as lies within the www.sirote.com/foreclosures Land Company’s Addition No. 4 as said claim will be barred and payment ESTER FAYE ANCRUM Letters Administration upon the Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 16, 2015 LR200810, Page 3334, et seq. of the Book LR201314, Page 10908; the east 40 feet of said Lot “A”. 334736 recorded in Map Book 10, Page 5, in prohibited. Personal Representative Estate of said decedent, having been records in the Office of the Judge of undersigned Bank of America, N.A., Property being sold "AS IS". Ala.Ms.- Apr. 11, 18, 25, 2015 the Office of the Judge of Probate of MADONNA F. BUFFKIN and Ala. Ms. Apr. 11, 18, 25, 2015 granted to the undersigned on the 9th Probate Court of Jefferson County, as Mortgagee/Transferee, under and Property is subject to any title defi- Jefferson County, Alabama, HAROLD S. FOWLER, a/k/a, H. day of April, 2015 by the Honorable Alabama; said mortgage being lastly by virtue of the power of sale con- ciencies. No representation is made as MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Birmingham Division. APN: 22-22-4- STEVEN FOWLER, Personal Case No.: CV-2015-900255.00 Alan L. King, Judge of the Probate assigned to BAYVIEW LOAN SER- tained in said mortgage, will sell at Default having been made in the Representatives NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Court of Jefferson County, Alabama, VICING, LLC by instrument recorded to the title to the subject property. 16-7.00-RR Said property is common- public outcry to the highest bidder for Address of property provided for payment of the indebtedness secured ly known as 1207 Finley Avenue Ala. Ms. Apr. 11, 18, 25, 2015 TO: All unknown defendants, whose notice is hereby given that all persons in said Probate Court records; said cash, in front of the main entrance of by that certain mortgage executed to whereabouts are unknown and which having claims against said Estate are default continuing, notice is hereby informational purposes only: 1632 North, Birmingham, AL 35204. the Courthouse at Birmingham, 44th Street West, Birmingham, Unity Mortgage Corp. DBA The The indebtedness secured by said Case No. 2015-224914 cannot be ascertained after due dili- required to file an itemized and veri- given that the undersigned will, under Jefferson County, Alabama, on May Reverse Mortgage Company on the Mortgage has been and is hereby NOTICE TO CREDITORS gence, and who are believed to claim fied statement of such claim in the and by virtue of the power of sale con- 13, 2015, during the legal hours of Alabama 35208 The State of Alabama, Jefferson County This sale is made for the purpose of 21st day of February, 1994, by declared due and payable because of some right title, interest or claim in office of the said Judge of Probate tained in said mortgage sell at public sale, all of its right, title, and interest Geraldine C. Hickman, an unmarried default under the terms of the Note Probate Court and to the property described below; within six months from above date, or outcry for cash to the highest bidder in and to the following described real paying the indebtedness secured by In the matter of the Estate of: said mortgage, as well as the expenses woman, and recorded in Instrument secured by said Mortgage, including You are hereby notified that on the 3rd said claim will be barred and payment during legal hours of sale, on the 13th estate, situated in Jefferson County, Number 9403/2949; said mortgage but not limited to, nonpayment of the ROY M. LECHTRECK, a/k/a, ROY day of April, 2015, a Complaint to prohibited. day of May, 2015, in the city of Alabama, to-wit: of foreclosure. transferred and assigned to Secretary indebtedness as and when due. MARCELLUS LECHTRECK, Quiet Title in rem was filed in the CHARLOTTE RUSHTON MCDAVID Birmingham, at the front Door of the Lot 22, Block 1, according to the MidFirst Bank, Mortgagee or of Housing and Urban Development in The indebtedness remains in default, Deceased Circuit Court of Jefferson County, Personal Representative Court House of Jefferson County, Map of Fisher Lake Estates, as record- Transferee Instrument Number 200405/7333 et. and this sale will be made for the sole Letters Administration upon the Alabama and the following are the Ala. Ms. Apr. 11, 18, 25, 2015 Alabama, the following described real ed in Map Book 81, Page 33, in the MARK A. PICKENS, P.C. seq., in the Office of the Judge of purpose of paying the same, including Estate of said decedent, having been names of all the parties to the action: property situated in the County of Probate Office of Jefferson County, Attorney for Mortgagee or Transferee Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama, all expenses of the sale, attorney's fees, granted to the undersigned on the 9th Douglas J. Vincent, as Personal LEGAL NOTICE Jefferson, State of Alabama, to-wit: Alabama. P. O. Box 59372 the undersigned, as Mortgagee or and all other payments provided for day of April, 2015 by the Honorable Representative of the Estate of Thomas Pursuant to the provisions of Lot 15, in Block 6, according to the Property street address for informa- Birmingham, Alabama 35259 Transferee, under and by virtue of the under the terms of said Mortgage. Alan L. King, Judge of the Probate L. Vincent, Plaintiff, Alabama Abandoned Motor Vehicles Survey of Winnetka Estates, as record- tional purposes: 556 Karey Dr, (205) 933-1169 power of sale contained in the said Said property will be sold subject to Court of Jefferson County, Alabama, v. Act: Section 32-13-4 Code of Alabama ed in Map Book 56, Page 10, in the Birmingham, AL 35215 MAP File No. 15-0071 mortgage will sell at public outcry to the following items, which may affect notice is hereby given that all persons Lot 19, block 827, according to the 1975, notice is hereby given to the Office of the Judge of Probate of This property will be sold on an "as Ala.Ms.- Apr. 11, 18, 25, 2015 the highest bidder for cash in front of the title to said real property: all zon- having claims against said Estate are Resurvey of Part of Blocks 827, 828, owners, lienholders and other interest- Jefferson County, Alabama. is, where is" basis, subject to any ease- the main entrance of the Jefferson ing ordinances; matters which would required to file an itemized and veri- and 829 of Bessemer Coal Iron & Land ed parties that the following described THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD ments, encumbrances, and exceptions MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE County, Alabama, Courthouse in the be disclosed by an accurate survey or fied statement of such claim in the Company as recorded in Map book 16, vehicles were taken into custody by ON AN “AS IS, WHERE IS” BASIS, reflected in the mortgage and those NOTICE City of Birmingham, Jefferson inspection of the property; any out- office of the said Judge of Probate Page 45, in the Office Probate Office Vestavia Tire Express to wit: SUBJECT TO ANY EASEMENTS, contained in the records of the Office Default having been made in the County, Alabama, on the 19th day of standing taxes, including but not limit- within six months from above date, or of Jefferson County, Alabama 1997 Honda Accord ENCUMBRANCES, RESERVA- of the Judge of Probate of the County terms of that mortgage executed on May, 2015 , during the legal hours of ed to, ad valorem taxes, which consti- said claim will be barred and payment Bessemer Division AND ANY AND VIN: JHMCD563XVC008661 TIONS AND EXCEPTIONS where the above-described property is July 25, 2007 by Kelly M. Parker, a sale the following real estate situated tute liens upon said property; special prohibited. ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES, includ- Lic #: 1C94P79 REFLECTED IN THE MORTGAGE situated. This property will be sold single woman, to EvaBank, which said in Jefferson County, Alabama, to wit: assessments; all outstanding bills for MARIA T. LECHTRECK ing any persons claiming any present Date Found: 02/11/15 AND/OR THOSE CONTAINED IN without warranty or recourse, mortgage is recorded in Book LOT 1, ACCORDING TO THE public utilities, which constitute liens Personal Representative interest therein and including any per- Place Found: THE RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF expressed or implied as to title, use LR200711, Page 29301 in the Probate MAP OF A.L. CLAYTON’S FIRST upon said property; all restrictive Ala. Ms. Apr. 11, 18, 25, 2015 sons claiming any future, contingent, REF #: V214 THE JUDGE OF PROBATE OF THE and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- Office of Jefferson County, Alabama, ADDITION TO GARDENDALE, AS covenants, easements, rights-of-way; revisionary, remainder, or other inter- 1999 Chevrolet S10 COUNTY WHERE THE ABOVE- and default continuing, and by virtue RECORDED IN MAP BOOK 53, the statutory right of redemption pur- VIN: 1GCCS144XXK129436 DESCRIBED PROPERTY IS SITU- ject to the right of redemption of all Case No. 2015-224916 est therein, who may claim any interest Lic #: 1AF7297 parties entitled thereto. of the power of sale contained in said PAGE 99, IN THE PROBATE suant to Alabama law; and any other NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the above described property, ATED. THIS PROPERTY WILL BE mortgage, the following described OFFICE OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, matters of record superior to said Date Found: 02/17/15 SOLD WITHOUT WARRANTY OR This sale is made for the purpose of The State of Alabama, Jefferson County Defendants. Place Found: paying the indebtedness secured by property will be sold at public outcry, ALABAMA. Mortgage. Probate Court All persons having an interest in said RECOURSE, EXPRESSED OR for cash, to the highest bidder, in front Property being sold "AS IS". To the best of the knowledge and REF #: V216 IMPLIED AS TO TITLE, USE said mortgage, as well as the expenses belief of the undersigned, the party in In the matter of the Estate of: lands or any portion thereof, claiming 2004 Chevrolet Malibu of foreclosure. of the Courthouse door of said County, Property is subject to any title defi- RUTH DALE CARMICHAEL, any title thereto or any encumbrance or AND/OR ENJOYMENT AND WILL in Bessemer, Alabama, during the ciencies. No representation is made as possession of the real property is VIN: 1G1ZU54804F109112 BE SOLD SUBJECT TO THE RIGHT The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves to the title to the subject property. Arthur O Craig or tenant(s). Deceased lien thereon, are hereby directed to Lic #: NA the right to bid for and purchase the legal hours of sale on May 4, 2015: Letters Administration upon the plead or answer, demur, or otherwise Date Found: 02/19/15 OF REDEMPTION OF ALL PAR- Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14, Block 6, Address of property provided for NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC TIES ENTITLED THERETO. real estate and to credit its purchase informational purposes only: 337 D/B/A CHAMPION MORTGAGE Estate of said decedent, having been respond to the Complaint on, or before Place Found: Said sale will be made for the pur- price against the expenses of sale and according to Bush and Knight’s Payne Road Gardendale, Alabama COMPANY as holder of said granted to the undersigned on the 9th the 4th day of May, 2015; or else at the REF #: V217 pose of paying said indebtedness and the indebtedness secured by the real Addition to Industrial City, as record- 35071 mortgage day of April, 2015 by the Honorable expiration of 30 days thereafter, suffer Will be sold at public outcry to the the expenses incident to this sale, estate. ed in Map Book 2, Page 56, in the This sale is made for the purpose of Sady D. Mauldin, Esq. Alan L. King, Judge of the Probate judgment by default to be rendered highest bidder for cash at 3401 Powell including a reasonable attorney's fee, This sale is subject to postponement Office of the Judge of Probate of paying the indebtedness secured by MCCALLA RAYMER, LLC Court of Jefferson County, Alabama, against them, it being intended that Avenue, Birmingham, AL 35222 on and the other purposes set out in said or cancellation. Jefferson County, Alabama, Bessemer said mortgage, as well as the expenses Two North Twentieth notice is hereby given that all persons this notice shall be used to perfect ser- 05/20/2015 at 11:00 AM. The Seller mortgage. Bank of America, N.A., Division. of foreclosure. 2 20th Street North, Suite 1310 having claims against said Estate are vice against all parties who cannot be shall have the right to reject any and all BAYVIEW LOAN SERVICING, Mortgagee/Transferee Said sale is made for the purpose of MidFirst Bank, Mortgagee or Birmingham, AL 35203 (800) required to file an itemized and veri- personally served with a copy of the bids if in the opinion of the Seller, the LLC Holder of said Mortgage Andy Saag paying the mortgage debt and cost of Transferee 275-7171 fied statement of such claim in the Complaint. bid is unreasonably low. Call Steve Goodman G. Ledyard SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. foreclosure. MARK A. PICKENS, P.C. File No. 910315 office of the said Judge of Probate KAREN DUNN BURKS Weil at 205-251-4060 to make PIERCE LEDYARD, P.C. P. O. Box 55727 EvaBank, Mortgagee Attorney for Mortgagee or Transferee www.foreclosurehotline.net within six months from above date, or Clerk of the Court Jefferson County, arrangements to view any vehicle prior Attorneys for Mortgagee Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 DEWAYNE N. MORRIS P. O. Box 59372 THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPT- said claim will be barred and payment Alabama – Bessemer Division to the date of the auction. Post Office Box 161389 Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee Attorney for Mortgagee Birmingham, Alabama 35259 ING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY prohibited. Done this 9th day of April, 2015 VESTAVIA TIRE EXPRESS Mobile, Alabama 36616 www.sirote.com/foreclosures 2131 Third Avenue North (205) 933-1169 INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL ELIZABETH W. MCELROY Service date: 5/4/15 3400 2nd Ave S. (251) 338-1300 319008 Birmingham, Alabama 35203 MAP File No. 15-0068 BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Personal Representative Default date: 6/1/15 Birmingham AL 35222 Ala.Ms.- Apr. 11, 18, 25, 2015 Ala.Ms.- April 11, 18, 25, 2015 Ala.Ms.- Apr. 11, 18, 25, 2015 Ala.Ms.- Apr. 11, 18, 25, 2015 Ala.Ms.- Apr. 11, 18, 25, 2015 Ala. Ms. Apr. 11, 18, 25, 2015 Ala.Ms.- Apr. 11, 18, 25, May 2, 2015 Ala.Ms.- Apr. 18, 25, 2015 April 25, 2015 ALABAMA MESSENGER Page 4

NOTICE OF MORTGAGE MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Case No: 2015-224630 Case No: 2015-224494 Case No. 2015-224969 Case No. 2015-224963 Case No. 2015-224989 Case No. DR 2011-323.01 JAP FORECLOSURE SALE Default having been made in the FORECLOSURE SALE In The Probate Court of Jefferson In The Probate Court of Jefferson NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE OF DIVORCE ACTION STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY payment of the indebtedness secured STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY County, AL County, AL The State of Alabama, Jefferson County The State of Alabama, Jefferson County The State of Alabama, Jefferson County In the Circuit Court of Jefferson OF JEFFERSON by that certain mortgage executed by OF JEFFERSON PUBLICATION ON ADOPTION PUBLICATION ON ADOPTION Probate Court Probate Court Probate Court County, Alabama Default having been made in the Rebecca Jones, originally in favor of Default having been made in the TO: William Cody Sanders or Any TO: Any Unknown/Undisclosed In the matter of the Estate of: In the matter of the Estate of: In the matter of the Estate of: IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF: indebtedness secured by that certain Mortgage Electronic Registration indebtedness secured by that certain Unknown/Undisclosed Father Father AMANDALYRA M. JONES, FRANCOISE YOE SCHNEIDER, ROBERT E. WALDRIP, a/k/a, ALQUEENA LEONARD, Plaintiff mortgage executed by Charlotte Watts Systems, Inc., acting solely as nomi- mortgage executed by William H. IN THE MATTER OF THE IN THE MATTER OF THE Deceased Deceased ROBERT EDWARD WALDRIP, vs. A Single Woman to New South nee for WCS Lending, LLC, on the Nolan And Carolyne C Davis to ADOPTION OF: ADOPTION OF: Letters Administration upon the Letters Testamentary upon last will Deceased MICHAEL LEONARD, Defendant Federal Savings Bank dated October 6th day of February, 2012, said mort- Mortgage Electronic Registration BROOKS ASHER CROSS, MINOR A’MIRE LYNDON SANDERS, A Estate of said decedent, having been and testament of said decedent, having Letters Testamentary upon last will Alqueena Leonard, (Deft), whose 15, 2002; said mortgage being record- gage recorded in the Office of the Systems, Inc. solely as nominee for NOTICE TO: William Cody Sanders MINOR granted to the undersigned on the 15th been granted to the undersigned on the and testament of said decedent, having whereabouts are unknown, must ed in Book 200263, Page 2276, Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, H&R Block Mortgage Corp dated May or Any Unknown/Undisclosed Father NOTICE TO: Any day of April, 2015 by the Honorable 15th day of April, 2015, by the been granted to the undersigned on the answer Michael Leonard’s Jefferson County, Al in the Office of Alabama, in Book LR201211, Page 22, 2006; said mortgage being record- You will take notice that a Petition Unknown/Undisclosed Father Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the 16th day of April, 2015, by the Petition/Amended Petition Request to for the Adoption of Brooks Asher You will take notice that a Petition Alan L. King, Judge of the Probate Probate Court of Jefferson County, Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the the Judge of Probate of Jefferson 29085; Scrivener's Affidavit recorded ed in Book 200663, Page 4265, Court of Jefferson County, Alabama, Change the Current Custody or County, Alabama. Said Mortgage was in Book LR201416, Page 15736; the Jefferson County, Al in the Office of Cross, born to Whitney Dawn Cross, for the Adoption of A’Mire Lyndon Alabama, notice is hereby given that Probate Court of Jefferson County, Visitation Order and other relief by last sold, assigned and transferred to Natural Mother, was filed on the 13th Sanders, born to Marvae Sherrell notice is hereby given that all persons all persons having claims against said Alabama, notice is hereby given that undersigned 1st Alliance Lending, the Judge of Probate of Jefferson having claims against said Estate are June 8, 2015, or thereafter, a judgment Green Tree Servicing, LLC by assign- LLC, as Mortgagee/Transferee, under County, Alabama. Said Mortgage was day of March, 2015, alleging that the Sanders, Natural Mother, was filed on Estate are required to file an itemized all persons having claims against said by default may be rendered against her ment recorded in Deed Book 201415, whereabouts of William Cody Sanders the 27th day of February, 2015, alleg- required to file an itemized and veri- and verified statement of such claim in Estate are required to file an itemized and by virtue of the power of sale con- last sold, assigned and transferred to fied statement of such claim in the in Case Number DR 2011-323.01 JAP, Page 1054 in the Office of the Judge tained in said mortgage, will sell at Nationstar Mortgage LLC by assign- or any unknown/undisclosed father, ing that the whereabouts of any the office of the said Judge of Probate and verified statement of such claim in Domestic Relations Court of Jefferson of Probate of Jefferson County, public outcry to the highest bidder for ment recorded in Deed Book 201312, the natural parent of said minor child unknown father, the natural parent of office of the said Judge of Probate within six months from above date, or the office of the said Judge of Probate Alabama. The undersigned, Green may be unknown to the Court, and said minor child is unknown to the within six months from above date, or said claim will be barred and payment within six months from above date, or County. cash, in front of the main entrance of Page 8920 in the Office of the Judge of whose relationship of said natural par- Court, and whose relationship of said Done this 13th day of April, 2015. Tree Servicing, LLC, under and by the Courthouse at Birmingham, Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama. said claim will be barred and payment prohibited. said claim will be barred and payment Anne-Marie Adams, Clerk virtue of the power of sale contained Jefferson County, Alabama, on June The undersigned, Nationstar Mortgage ent to the aforesaid minor child is that natural parent to the aforesaid minor prohibited. NANCY S. OWENS prohibited. in said mortgage, will sell at public of Natural Father. child is that of Natural Father. BOBBY DEVELLE JONES Personal Representative WANDA W. CAMPBELL and BON- EVERETT W. WESS 15, 2015, during the legal hours of LLC, under and by virtue of the power Brooks Asher Cross’ Birthdate is A’Mire Lyndon Sanders whose Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 NIE W. COKER 5415 Beacon Dr., Suite 125 outcry to the highest bidder for cash sale, all of its right, title, and interest of sale contained in said mortgage, will Personal Representative Irondale, AL 35210 before the main entrance of the Court sell at public outcry to the highest bid- March 13, 2009. Birthdate is May 8, 2014. Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 Personal Representatives House in Jefferson County, Alabama in and to the following described real Please be advised that a petition for Please be advised that a petition for Case No. 2015-224954 Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 (205) 251-9372 estate, situated in Jefferson County, der for cash before the main entrance adoption in the above styled manner adoption in the above styled manner NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ala.Ms.-Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 9, 2015 during the legal hours of sale, on the Alabama, to-wit: of the Court House in Jefferson Case No. 2015-224991 4th day of June, 2015 the following has been filed in said Court by the has been filed in said Court by the NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Alabama, Jefferson County Case No. 2015-224983 The land described herein is situated County, Alabama during the legal Petitioner(s) and that a hearing has Petitioner(s) and that a hearing has Probate Court NOTICE TO CREDITORS Case No. DR 2015-900410 PRS property, situated in Jefferson County, in the state of Alabama, County of hours of sale, on the 21st day of May, The State of Alabama, Jefferson County NOTICE OF DIVORCE ACTION Alabama, to-wit: been set for same in said Court in the been set for same in said Court in the Probate Court In the matter of the Estate of: The State of Alabama, Jefferson County Lot 26, in Block 5, according to the Jefferson, and is described as follows: 2015 the following property, situated City of Birmingham, Alabama, and City of Birmingham, Alabama, and ERVIN HENRY DANIELS, Deceased Probate Court In the Circuit Court of Jefferson Parcel 1: Southwest corner of in Jefferson County, Alabama, to-wit: In the matter of the Estate of: County, Alabama Survey of the Fourth Addition to that should you intend to contest this that should you intend to contest this RALEIGH LEROY WOODRUFF, Letters Administration upon the In the matter of the Estate of: Midfield Park, as recorded in Map Northwest 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 of Lot 265, according to the Second adoption, you must file a written adoption, you must file a written Estate of said decedent, having been BARBARA A. BARNETT, a/k/a, IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF: Section 20, Township 16 South, Range Addition to Berkley Hills as recorded response within thirty (30) days of the response within thirty (30) days of the a/k/a, RELEIGH LEROY granted to the undersigned on the 14th BARBARA B. BARNETT, a/k/a, DENNISHA ELISE FELTON, Book 9, Page 34, in the Probate Office WOODRUFF, Deceased of Jefferson County, Alabama, 1 West, Jefferson County, Alabama, in Map Book 18, Page 34, in the date of the last publication herein, with date of the last publication herein, with day of April, 2015 by the Honorable BARBARA BREEDING BARNETT, Plaintiff Bessemer Division Said property is described as: Begin at the Southwest Probate Office of Jefferson County, counsel for said Petitioner (s), whose counsel for said Petitioner (s), whose Letters Administration upon the Alan L. King, Judge of the Probate Deceased vs. commonly known as 536 Lovelin corner of the Northwest 1/4 of Alabama. Subject to right of way in name and address are as shown below, name and address are as shown below, Estate of said decedent, having been Court of Jefferson County, Alabama, Letters Testamentary upon last will JOHNNY TRAVIS FELTON, III, Street, Birmingham, AL 35228. The Northeast 1/4 of Section 20, Township favor of Alabama Power Company as and with the Clerk of the said Probate and with the Clerk of the said Probate granted to the undersigned on the 16th notice is hereby given that all persons and testament of said decedent, having Defendant indebtedness secured by said Mortgage 16 South, Range 1 West; thence East shown by instrument recorded in Court. Court. day of April, 2015 by the Honorable having claims against said Estate are been granted to the undersigned on the Johnny Travis Felton, III, (Deft), has been and is hereby declared due along the South line of same a distance Volume 4423 at Page 337 in said Done this the 15th day of April, 2015. Done this the 16th day of April, 2015. Alan L. King, Judge of the Probate required to file an itemized and veri- 16th day of April, 2015, by the whose whereabouts is unknown, must and payable because of default under of 21.20 feet to the Westerly right of Probate Office. Attorney for Petitioner (s) Attorney for Petitioner (s) Court of Jefferson County, Alabama, fied statement of such claim in the Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the answer Dennisha Elise Felton’s com- the terms of the Note secured by said way line of Old Springville Road; Said property is commonly known as RICHARD J. BAKER D. LEE HODGES notice is hereby given that all persons office of the said Judge of Probate Probate Court of Jefferson County, plaint for divorce and other relief by Mortgage, including but not limited to, thence 55 degrees 05 minutes to the 1373 Glenwood St Nw, Birmingham, 3516 Vann Road, Suite 114 Suite 715, Frank Nelson Building having claims against said Estate are within six months from above date, or Alabama, notice is hereby given that June 8, 2015, or thereafter, a judgment nonpayment of the indebtedness as and left in a Northeasterly direction along AL 35215. The indebtedness secured Birmingham, AL 35235 Birmingham, AL 35203 required to file an itemized and veri- said claim will be barred and payment all persons having claims against said by default may be rendered against when due. The indebtedness remains in said right of way a distance of 168.70 by said Mortgage has been and is here- (205) 661-1525 (205) 251-6306 fied statement of such claim in the prohibited. Estate are required to file an itemized him in Case Number DR 2015-900410 default, and this sale will be made for feet; thence 122 degrees 58 minutes to by declared due and payable because Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 9, 2015 Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 9, 2015 office of the said Judge of Probate JOYCE DANIELS CRUM and verified statement of such claim in PRS, Domestic Relations Court of the sole purpose of paying the same, the left in a Westerly direction a dis- of default under the terms of the Note within six months from above date, or Personal Representative the office of the said Judge of Probate Jefferson County. including all expenses of the sale, tance of 210 feet; thence 56 degrees 49 secured by said Mortgage, including Case No: 2015-224431 Case No: 2015-224429 said claim will be barred and payment Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 within six months from above date, or Done this 13th day of April, 2015. attorney's fees, and all other payments minutes to the left in a Southwesterly but not limited to, nonpayment of the In The Probate Court of Jefferson In The Probate Court of Jefferson prohibited. said claim will be barred and payment Anne-Marie Adams, Clerk provided for under the terms of said direction a distance of 128.00 feet; indebtedness as and when due. The County, AL County, AL WILLIE MURPHY Case No. 2015-224972 prohibited. ROLANDO D. RANKIN thence 92 degrees 05 minutes to the indebtedness remains in default, and PUBLICATION ON ADOPTION PUBLICATION ON ADOPTION NOTICE TO CREDITORS MORIEA LEWIS a/k/a, MORIEA E. Mortgage. TO: Any Unknown/Undisclosed TO: Yashica Harley and Any Personal Representative 1205-19th Street North Said property will be sold subject to left in a Southeasterly direction a dis- this sale will be made for the sole pur- Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 The State of Alabama, Jefferson County LEWIS Birmingham, AL 35234 the following items, which may affect tance of 176.50 feet to the Westerly pose of paying the same, including all Father Unknown Father Probate Court Personal Representative (205) 251-2520 the title to said real property: all zon- right of way line of said road; thence expenses of the sale, attorney's fees, IN THE MATTER OF THE IN THE MATTER OF THE Case No. 2015-224994 In the matter of the Estate of: Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 Ala.Ms.-Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 9, 2015 88 degrees 08 minutes to the left along and all other payments provided for ADOPTION OF: ADOPTION OF: LORRAINE V. BOYD, Deceased ing ordinances; matters which would CRISTIAN OMAR ROSALES MOZ, BLESSINGS ME’YATA HARLEY, A NOTICE TO CREDITORS Letters Testamentary upon last will Case No. 2015-224967 be disclosed by an accurate survey or said right of way a distance of 29.28 under the terms of said Mortgage. The State of Alabama, Jefferson County Case No. JU 2012 000060.02 SHS inspection of the property; any out- feet; thence 33 degrees 21 minutes to Said property will be sold subject to MINOR MINOR and testament of said decedent, having NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE FOR TERMINATION OF the following items, which may affect NOTICE TO: Jose Reynaldo Rosales NOTICE TO: Yashica Harley and Any Probate Court been granted to the undersigned on the The State of Alabama, Jefferson County standing taxes, including but not limit- the left in a Northerly direction a dis- Lopez or any Unknown/Undisclosed Unknown Father In the matter of the Estate of: 15th day of April, 2015, by the PARENTAL RIGHTS ed to, ad valorem taxes, which consti- tance of 31.62 feet to the Point of the title to said real property: all zon- Probate Court State of Alabama, Jefferson County ing ordinances; matters which would Father You will take notice that a Petition JAMES J. CHONKO, a/k/a, JAMES Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the In the matter of the Estate of: tute liens upon said property; special Beginning. Less and except and part of You will take notice that a Petition for the Adoption of Blessing Me’Yata JOHN CHONKO, Deceased Probate Court of Jefferson County, JOHN E. WILLOUGHBY, a/k/a, Family Court assessments; all outstanding bills for subject property lying within a road be disclosed by an accurate survey or IN THE MATTER OF Austin Ryan inspection of the property; any out- for the Adoption of Cristian Omar Harley, born to Yashica Harley, Letters Testamentary upon last will Alabama, notice is hereby given that JOHN EDWARD WILLOUGHBY, public utilities, which constitute liens right-of-way. Rosales Moz, born to Maria Yolanda Natural Mother, was filed on the 20th and testament of said decedent, having all persons having claims against said Deceased Dozier, born August 05, 2009, at upon said property; all restrictive Parcel II: A parcel of land located in standing taxes, including but not limit- Walker Baptist Medical Center in covenants, easements, rights-of-way; ed to, ad valorem taxes, which consti- Moz Lemus, Natural Mother, was filed day of February, 2015, alleging that been granted to the undersigned on the Estate are required to file an itemized Letters Testamentary upon last will the Northeast 1/4 and the Northwest on the 20th day of February, 2015, the whereabouts of Yashica Harley and 16th day of April, 2015, by the and verified statement of such claim in and testament of said decedent, having Jasper, Alabama to Kristina Lynne the statutory right of redemption pur- 1/4, both in Section 20, Township 16 tute liens upon said property; special Krohn. The State of conception is suant to Alabama law; and any other assessments; all outstanding bills for alleging that the whereabouts of any any unknown father, the natural par- Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the the office of the said Judge of Probate been granted to the undersigned on the South, Range 1 West, Jefferson unknown father, the natural parent of ents of said minor child are unknown Probate Court of Jefferson County, within six months from above date, or 15th day of April, 2015, by the unknown to this Petitioner. The moth- matters of record superior to said County, Alabama and more particular- public utilities, which constitute liens said minor child is unknown to the to the Court, and whose relationship of said claim will be barred and payment Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the er, Kristina Lynne Krohn, whose Mortgage. To the best of the knowl- ly described as follows: Commence at upon said property; all restrictive Alabama, notice is hereby given that Court, and whose relationship of said said natural parents to the aforesaid all persons having claims against said prohibited. Probate Court of Jefferson County, whereabouts are unknown, must edge and belief of the undersigned, the the Southwest corner of the Northwest covenants, easements, rights-of-way; natural parent to the aforesaid minor minor child is that of Natural Mother GARY L. BOYD and NALDA B. Alabama, notice is hereby given that answer Jefferson County Department party in possession of the real property 1/4 the Northeast 1/4, Section 20, the statutory right of redemption pur- Estate are required to file an itemized child is that of Natural Father. and Natural Father. and verified statement of such claim in DAVIDSON all persons having claims against said of Human Resources petition for ter- is Charlotte Watts or tenant(s). Township 16 South, Range 1 West, suant to Alabama law; and any other Cristian Omar Rosales Moz whose Blessing M. Harley whose Birthdate Personal Representatives Estate are required to file an itemized mination of her parental rights in and GREEN TREE SERVICING, LLC, Jefferson County, Alabama; thence matters of record superior to said Birthdate is August 14, 1997. is August 10, 2000. the office of the said Judge of Probate Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 and verified statement of such claim in to the said child, Austin Ryan Dozier as holder of said mortgage North 88 degrees 23 minutes 56 sec- Mortgage. To the best of the knowl- Please be advised that a petition for Please be advised that a petition for within six months from above date, or the office of the said Judge of Probate by June 23, 2015 at 9:00 A.M., or Sady D. Mauldin, Esq. onds East along the South line of said edge and belief of the undersigned, the adoption in the above styled manner adoption in the above styled manner said claim will be barred and payment Case No. 2015-224669 within six months from above date, or thereafter, any parental rights she may MCCALLA RAYMER, LLC Section 1/4 Section for a distance of party in possession of the real property has been filed in said Court by the has been filed in said Court by the prohibited. NOTICE TO CREDITORS said claim will be barred and payment have in and to the said child may be Two North Twentieth 21.20 feet to a point on the Northern is William H. Nolan and Carolyne C Petitioner(s) and that a hearing has Petitioner(s) and that a hearing has JOANN LUCCHINA CHONKO The State of Alabama, Jefferson County prohibited. terminated by a decree of this court. 2 20th Street North, Suite 1310 right of way for Old Springville Road; Davis or tenant(s). been set for same in said Court in the been set for same in said Court in the Personal Representative Probate Court JOHN E. WILLOUGHBY, JR. Done this 9th day of April, 2015. Birmingham, AL 35203 thence North 33 degrees 18 minutes 56 NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC, City of Birmingham, Alabama, and City of Birmingham, Alabama, and Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 In the matter of the Estate of: (800) 275-7171 Personal Representative BRENDA ABBOTT, Clerk & Register seconds East along said right of way as holder of said mortgage that should you intend to contest this that should you intend to contest this VICTORIA DARBY CRENSHAW, Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 Ala.Ms.-Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 9, 2015 File No. 916115 for a distance of 168.70 feet; thence Sady D. Mauldin, Esq. adoption, you must file a written adoption, you must file a written Case No. 2015-224993 Deceased www.foreclosurehotline.net North 89 degrees 37 minutes 43 sec- MCCALLA RAYMER, LLC response within thirty (30) days of the response within thirty (30) days of the NOTICE TO CREDITORS Letters Testamentary upon last will Case No. 2015-224944 Case No. 2015-224497 THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPTING onds West for a distance of 210.06 feet Two North Twentieth date of the last publication herein, with date of the last publication herein, with The State of Alabama, Jefferson County and testament of said decedent, having NOTICE TO CREDITORS PUBLICATION ON ADOPTION TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY 2 20th Street North, Suite 1310 counsel for said Petitioner (s), whose counsel for said Petitioner (s), whose Probate Court been granted to the undersigned on the The State of Alabama, Jefferson County INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL to the Point of Beginning; thence (Any Unknown Or Undisclosed Parent) South 33 degrees 32 minutes 09 sec- Birmingham, AL 35203 name and address are as shown below, name and address are as shown below, In the matter of the Estate of: 14th day of April, 2015, by the Probate Court In the Probate Court of Jefferson BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. (800) 275-7171 and with the Clerk of the said Probate and with the Clerk of the said Probate Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the In the matter of the Estate of: Ala.Ms.- April 18, 25, May 2, 2015 onds West for a distance of 128.09 FLOYD LEE POWELL, Deceased County, Alabama. feet; thence North 58 degrees 34 min- File No. 913515 Court. Court. Letters Testamentary upon last will Probate Court of Jefferson County, FAYE S. IRELAND, a/k/a, REBA IN: THE MATTER OF ADOPTION utes 41 seconds West for a distance of www.foreclosurehotline.net Done this the 16th day of April, 2015. Done this the 16th day of April, 2015. and testament of said decedent, having Alabama, notice is hereby given that FAYE SMITH IRELAND, Deceased OF: MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPT- Attorney for Petitioner (s) Attorney for Petitioner (s) all persons having claims against said Letters Testamentary upon last will Default having been made in the 136.39 feet to a point in the center of been granted to the undersigned on the BABY BOY POWELL Five Mile Creek; thence North 60 ING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY ELLIS D. BINGHAM MARILYN H. MADDOX 16th day of April, 2015, by the Estate are required to file an itemized and testament of said decedent, having payment of the indebtedness secured INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL 218 16th Street North #6 56th Street North and verified statement of such claim in been granted to the undersigned on the Notice to any Unknown or by that certain mortgage executed by degrees 19 minutes 38 seconds East Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the Undisclosed Parent of: Baby Boy along the center of said creek for a dis- BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Bessemer, AL 35020 Birmingham, AL 35212 Probate Court of Jefferson County, the office of the said Judge of Probate 14th day of April, 2015, by the Mack T. Rushen, Jr. and Janet J. (205) 424-5550 (205) 595-1809 within six months from above date, or Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the Powell Rushen, husband and wife, originally tance of 72.98 feet; thence South 89 Ala.Ms.- April 18, 25, May 2, 2015 Alabama, notice is hereby given that You will take notice that a petition degrees 47 minutes 05 seconds East for Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 9, 2015 Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 9, 2015 said claim will be barred and payment Probate Court of Jefferson County, in favor of Mortgage Electronic MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE all persons having claims against said prohibited. Alabama, notice is hereby given that for the adoption of Baby Boy Powell, a Registration Systems, Inc., solely as a distance of 123.75 feet to the Point of Estate are required to file an itemized Minor (born to Rotecia Powell on the Beginning. Less and except any part of Default having been made in the Case No: 2015-224737 Case No: 2015-224548 JAMES HILL CRENSHAW and all persons having claims against said nominee for Homecomings Financial payment of the indebtedness secured In The Probate Court of Jefferson In The Probate Court of Jefferson and verified statement of such claim in DEBRA LOU DARBY TODD Estate are required to file an itemized 20th day of February, 2015, in Network, Inc., on the 24th day of May, subject property lying within a road the office of the said Judge of Probate Montgomery County, Alabama), was right of way. by that certain mortgage executed by County, AL County, AL Personal Representatives and verified statement of such claim in 2004, said mortgage recorded in the Willie G. Cowan, a single person, PUBLICATION ON ADOPTION PUBLICATION ON ADOPTION within six months from above date, or Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 the office of the said Judge of Probate filed on April 7, 2015, in the Probate Office of the Judge of Probate of Property street address for informa- said claim will be barred and payment Court of Jefferson County, Alabama, tional purposes: 1824 Old Springville originally in favor of Molton, Allen & TO: Any Unknown/Undisclosed TO: Any Unknown/Undisclosed within six months from above date, or Jefferson County, Alabama, in Williams Corporation, on the 23rd Father Father prohibited. Case No. 2015-224975 said claim will be barred and payment alleging that the identity of the natural Instrument Number 200407/8579; the Rd, Birmingham, AL 35215 IN THE MATTER OF THE IN THE MATTER OF THE JEAN W. POWELL NOTICE TO CREDITORS parent of said minor child may be This property will be sold on an “as day of April, 1999, said mortgage prohibited. undersigned Ocwen Loan Servicing, recorded in the Office of the Judge of ADOPTION OF: ADOPTION OF: Personal Representative The State of Alabama, Jefferson County WAYNE EUGENE IRELAND, OLLIS unknown or has not been correctly dis- LLC, as Mortgagee/Transferee, under is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- CARSON LAINE BRADLEY, DAKORI K. DAVIS, a/k/a, DAKORI Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 Probate Court closed to the Court, and whose rela- ments, encumbrances, and exceptions Probate of Jefferson County, RAY IRELAND and RENEE IRE- and by virtue of the power of sale con- Alabama, in Instrument Number MINOR KYMARI DAVIS, A MINOR In the matter of the Estate of: LAND SPEER, a/k/a, RENEE IRE- tionship of said possible unknown or tained in said mortgage, will sell at reflected in the mortgage and those NOTICE TO: Any NOTICE TO: Any Case No: 2015-224775 MURIEL ANN ROGERS, Deceased LAND WORLEY undisclosed natural parent to the afore- contained in the records of the Office 9906/7025; the undersigned The Bank public outcry to the highest bidder for of New York Mellon Trust Company, Unknown/Undisclosed Father Unknown/Undisclosed Father In The Probate Court of Jefferson Letters Testamentary upon last will Personal Representatives said minor child is that of Natural cash, in front of the main entrance of of the Judge of Probate of the County You will take notice that a Petition You will take notice that a Petition County, AL and testament of said decedent, having Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 Father. Minor Child’s birth date is where the above-described property is National Association fka The Bank of the Courthouse at Birmingham, New York Trust Company, N.A. as for the Adoption of Carson Laine for the Adoption of Dakori K. Davis, PUBLICATION ON ADOPTION been granted to the undersigned on the February 20, 2015. Jefferson County, Alabama, on May 6, situated. This property will be sold Bradley, born to Tiffany Paige a/k/a, Dakori Kymari Davis, born to 15th day of April, 2015, by the Case No. 2015-224942 Please be advised that should you 2015, during the legal hours of sale, all without warranty or recourse, successor to JPMorgan Chase Bank, TO: Any Unknown/Undisclosed N.A., as Trustee for Residential Asset Bradley, Natural Mother, was filed on Lakesha V. Jones, Natural Mother, was Father Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the NOTICE TO CREDITORS intend to contest this adoption, you of its right, title, and interest in and to expressed or implied as to title, use the 20th day of March, 2015, alleging filed on the 4th day of March, 2015, Probate Court of Jefferson County, The State of Alabama, Jefferson County must file a written response within the following described real estate, sit- and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- Mortgage Products, Inc., Mortgage IN THE MATTER OF THE Asset-Backed Pass-Through that the whereabouts of any unknown alleging that the whereabouts of any ADOPTION OF: Alabama, notice is hereby given that Probate Court thirty (30) days of the date of the last uated in Jefferson County, Alabama, ject to the right of redemption of all father, the natural parent of said minor unknown father, the natural parent of all persons having claims against said In the matter of the Estate of: publication herein with Richard L. to-wit: parties entitled thereto. Certficates Series 2005-SP3, as LANDON MAURICE WILSON, Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by child is unknown to the Court, and said minor child is unknown to the MINOR Estate are required to file an itemized FRANCES M. KAYLOR, a/k/a, Wyatt whose name and address is Lot 15, Block 3, according to This sale is made for the purpose of whose relationship of said natural par- Court, and whose relationship of said and verified statement of such claim in FRANCES MCKINNON KAYLOR, shown below, and with the Clerk of the Hampton Place, First and Second paying the indebtedness secured by virtue of the power of sale contained ent to the aforesaid minor child is that natural parent to the aforesaid minor NOTICE TO: Any the office of the said Judge of Probate Deceased in said mortgage, will sell at public Unknown/Undisclosed Father Probate Court of Jefferson County, Sectors, as recorded in Map Book 110, said mortgage, as well as the expenses of Natural Father. child is that of Natural Father. within six months from above date, or Letters Testamentary upon last will Alabama, Jefferson County Page 76, in the Probate Office of of foreclosure. outcry to the highest bidder for cash, Carson Laine Bradley whose Dakori K. Davis, a/k/a, Dakori You will take notice that a Petition said claim will be barred and payment and testament of said decedent, having in front of the main entrance of the for the Adoption of Landon Maurice Courthouse, Birmingham, Alabama. Jefferson County, Alabama. The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves Birthdate is October 7, 2008. Kymari Davis whose Birthdate is prohibited. been granted to the undersigned on the Done this the 16th day of April 2015. Property street address for informa- Courthouse at Birmingham, Jefferson Please be advised that a petition for January 17, 2008. Wilson, born to Laurice Wilson, SUSAN LAURA KURRE, a/k/a, 14th day of April, 2015, by the the right to bid for and purchase the County, Alabama, on May 20, 2015, RICHARD L. WYATT tional purposes: 5730 Dorchester real estate and to credit its purchase adoption in the above styled manner Please be advised that a petition for Natural Mother, was filed on the 26th SUSAN ROGERS KURRE Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the 2010 Lancaster Road Way, Birmingham, AL 35210 price against the expenses of sale and during the legal hours of sale, all of has been filed in said Court by the adoption in the above styled manner day of March, 2015, alleging that the Personal Representative Probate Court of Jefferson County, This property will be sold on an "as its right, title, and interest in and to Birmingham, AL 35209 the indebtedness secured by the real Petitioner(s) and that a hearing has has been filed in said Court by the whereabouts of any unknown/undis- Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 Alabama, notice is hereby given that Ala.Ms.- Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 9, 2015 is, where is" basis, subject to any ease- estate. the following described real estate, been set for same in said Court in the Petitioner(s) and that a hearing has closed father, the natural parent of said all persons having claims against said ments, encumbrances, and exceptions situated in Jefferson County, City of Birmingham, Alabama, and been set for same in said Court in the minor child is unknown to the Court, Case No. 2015-224976 Estate are required to file an itemized This sale is subject to postponement Alabama, to-wit: Case No. 2015-224635 reflected in the mortgage and those or cancellation. that should you intend to contest this City of Birmingham, Alabama, and and whose relationship of said natural NOTICE TO CREDITORS and verified statement of such claim in PUBLICATION ON ADOPTION contained in the records of the Office 1st Alliance Lending, LLC Lots 13 and 14, according to adoption, you must file a written that should you intend to contest this parent to the aforesaid minor child is The State of Alabama, Jefferson County the office of the said Judge of Probate of the Judge of Probate of the County Harrison Survey as recorded in Map (Any Unknown Or Undisclosed Parent) Mortgagee/Transferee response within thirty (30) days of the adoption, you must file a written that of Natural Father. Probate Court within six months from above date, or In the Probate Court of Jefferson where the above-described property is Andy Saag Book 28, Page 84 in the Probate Office date of the last publication herein, with response within thirty (30) days of the Landon Maurice Wilson’s Birthdate In the matter of the Estate of: said claim will be barred and payment situated. This property will be sold of Jefferson County, Alabama. counsel for said Petitioner (s), whose date of the last publication herein, with TERRY WRIGHT FRAZIER, County, Alabama. SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. is March 17, 2015. prohibited. IN: THE MATTER OF ADOPTION without warranty or recourse, P. O. Box 55727 Property street address for informa- name and address are as shown below, counsel for said Petitioner (s), whose Please be advised that a petition for Deceased LEIGH A. KAYLOR, a/k/a, LEIGH expressed or implied as to title, use tional purposes: 4300 41st Ave N, and with the Clerk of the said Probate name and address are as shown below, Letters Testamentary upon last will ANN KAYLOR OF: Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 adoption in the above styled manner BABY BOY IVY and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee Birmingham, AL 35217 Court. and with the Clerk of the said Probate and testament of said decedent, having Personal Representative ject to the right of redemption of all This property will be sold on an “as Done this the 16th day of April, 2015. Court. has been filed in said Court by the been granted to the undersigned on the Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 Notice to Carlton McRae & any parties entitled thereto. www.sirote.com/foreclosures is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- Attorney for Petitioner (s) Done this the 16th day of April, 2015. Petitioner(s) and that a hearing has 15th day of April, 2015, by the Unknown or Undisclosed Parent of: This sale is made for the purpose of 268313 ments, encumbrances, and exceptions KAREN HENNECY Attorney for Petitioner (s) been set for same in said Court in the Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the Case No. 2015-224943 Baby Boy Ivy paying the indebtedness secured by Ala.Ms.- Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 reflected in the mortgage and those 2025 Third Avenue North LONNIE WASHINGTON City of Birmingham, Alabama, and Probate Court of Jefferson County, NOTICE TO CREDITORS You will take notice that a petition said mortgage, as well as the expenses contained in the records of the Office Suite 500 1429 2nd Avenue North that should you intend to contest this Alabama, notice is hereby given that The State of Alabama, Jefferson County for the adoption of Baby Boy Ivy, a MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE adoption, you must file a written of foreclosure. Default having been made in the pay- of the Judge of Probate of the County Birmingham, AL 35203 Bessemer, AL 35020 all persons having claims against said Probate Court Minor (born to Marla Ivy on the 6th The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves where the above-described property is (205) 715-2690 (205) 424-5722 response within thirty (30) days of the Estate are required to file an itemized In the matter of the Estate of: day of March 2015 in Madison ment of the indebtedness secured by date of the last publication herein, with the right to bid for and purchase the that certain mortgage executed by situated. This property will be sold Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 9, 2015 Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 9, 2015 and verified statement of such claim in MARY KATHLEEN JARVIS, County, Alabama), was filed on March real estate and to credit its purchase Virginia High, an unmarried woman without warranty or recourse, counsel for said Petitioner (s), whose the office of the said Judge of Probate Deceased 19, 2015, in the Probate Court of price against the expenses of sale and expressed or implied as to title, use Case No: 2015-224736 Case No: 2015-224637 name and address are as shown below, within six months from above date, or Letters Testamentary upon last will Jefferson County, Alabama, alleging and Mark High, an unmarried man, In The Probate Court of Jefferson In The Probate Court of Jefferson the indebtedness secured by the real originally in favor of Mortgage and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- and with the Clerk of the said Probate said claim will be barred and payment and testament of said decedent, having that the identity of the natural parent of estate. ject to the right of redemption of all County, AL County, AL Court. prohibited. been granted to the undersigned on the said minor child may be unknown or Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., PUBLICATION ON ADOPTION PUBLICATION ON ADOPTION THOMAS PATRICK, a/k/a, 14th day of April, 2015, by the This sale is subject to postponement acting solely as nominee for parties entitled thereto. Done this the 15th day of April, 2015. has not been correctly disclosed to the or cancellation. This sale is made for the purpose of TO: Any Unknown/Undisclosed TO: Any Unknown/Undisclosed Attorney for Petitioner (s) THOMAS PATRICK FRAZIER Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the Court, and whose relationship of said Countrywide Bank, FSB, on the 26th Father Father Personal Representative Probate Court of Jefferson County, Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC, day of November, 2007, said mortgage paying the indebtedness secured by BRYANT A. WHITMIRE, JR. possible unknown or undisclosed nat- Mortgagee/Transferee said mortgage, as well as the expenses IN THE MATTER OF THE IN THE MATTER OF THE 215 Richard Arrington, Jr. Blvd. North Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 Alabama, notice is hereby given that ural parent to the aforesaid minor child Andy Saag recorded in the Office of the Judge of ADOPTION OF: ADOPTION OF: all persons having claims against said Probate of Tuscaloosa County, of foreclosure. Suite 501 is that of Natural Father. Minor SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves SPENCER MARIE BRADLEY, KALEB JABARI OLIVER AVERY, Birmingham, Alabama 35203 LEGAL NOTICE Estate are required to file an itemized Child’s birth date is March 6, 2015. P. O. Box 55727 Alabama, in Mortgage Book 2007 MINOR MINOR In accordance with Chapter 1, Title and verified statement of such claim in Please be advised that should you Page 123165; the undersigned M&T the right to bid for and purchase the NOTICE TO: Any NOTICE TO: Any (205) 324-6631 Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 real estate and to credit its purchase Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 9, 2015 39, Code of Alabama, 1975, notice is the office of the said Judge of Probate intend to contest this adoption, you Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee Bank, as Mortgagee/Transferee, under Unknown/Undisclosed Father Unknown/Undisclosed Father hereby given that Coston General within six months from above date, or and by virtue of the power of sale con- price against the expenses of sale and You will take notice that a Petition You will take notice that a Petition must file a written response within www.sirote.com/foreclosures the indebtedness secured by the real Case No: 2015-224732 Contractors, Inc. Contractor, has com- said claim will be barred and payment thirty (30) days of the date of the last 253602 tained in said mortgage, will sell at estate. for the Adoption of Spencer Marie for the Adoption of Kaleb Jabari pleted the Contract for Construction of prohibited. publication herein with Richard L. public outcry to the highest bidder for Bradley, born to Tiffany Paige Oliver Avery, born to Doris Christina In The Probate Court of Jefferson Bush Hills Academy Track Repair at MARK EDWARD JARVIS and Ala.Ms.- April 18, 25, May 2, 2015 This sale is subject to postponement County, AL Wyatt whose name and address is cash, in front of the main entrance of or cancellation. Bradley, Natural Mother, was filed on Oliver Avery, Natural Mother, was 901 -18th Street West, Birmingham, CATHY JEAN STEPHENS shown below, and with the Clerk of the NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE the Courthouse at Tuscaloosa, the 20th day of March, 2015, alleging filed on the 13th day of March, 2015, PUBLICATION ON ADOPTION AL 35208 for the State of Alabama and Personal Representatives The Bank of New York Mellon Trust that the whereabouts of any unknown alleging that the whereabouts of any TO: Any Unknown/Undisclosed Probate Court of Jefferson County, Default having been made in the pay- Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, on May Company, National Association fka the County of Jefferson, Owner(s), and Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 Alabama, Jefferson County ment of the indebtedness secured by 19, 2015, during the legal hours of father, the natural parent of said minor unknown father, the natural parent of Father have made request for final settlement that certain mortgage dated April 25, sale, all of its right, title, and interest The Bank of New York Trust child is unknown to the Court, and said minor child is unknown to the IN THE MATTER OF THE of said Contract. All persons having Case No. 2014-223046 Courthouse, Birmingham, Alabama. 2006, executed by Carolyn W. in and to the following described real Company, N.A. as successor to whose relationship of said natural par- Court, and whose relationship of said ADOPTION OF: any claim for labor, materials, or oth- NOTICE TO CREDITORS Done this the 16th day of April 2015. Gilchrist, a single woman, to Mortgage estate, situated in Tuscaloosa County, JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., as ent to the aforesaid minor child is that natural parent to the aforesaid minor AVERY KATHERINE SHARP erwise in connection with this project The State of Alabama, Jefferson County RICHARD L. WYATT Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., Alabama, to-wit: Trustee for Residential Asset of Natural Father. child is that of Natural Father. BELEW, MINOR should immediately notify Probate Court 2010 Lancaster Road solely as nominee for America's Lot 1 of Lonely Oak Subdivision as Mortgage Products, Inc., Mortgage Spencer Marie Bradley whose Kaleb Jabari Oliver Avery whose NOTICE TO: Any Coston General Contractors, Inc. In the matter of the Estate of: Birmingham, AL 35209 Wholesale Lender, which mortgage recorded in Plat Book 2001 at Page Asset-Backed Pass-Through Birthdate is October 7, 2008. Birthdate is March 13, 2010. Unknown/Undisclosed Father P. O. Box 339 ANNIE LOUISE LEE, Deceased Ala.Ms.- Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 9, 2015 was recorded on April 27, 2006, in 106 in the Probate Office of Certficates Series 2005-SP3, Please be advised that a petition for Please be advised that a petition for You will take notice that a Petition McCalla, AL 35111 Letters Testamentary upon last will Mortgagee/Transferee adoption in the above styled manner adoption in the above styled manner Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 9, 2015 and testament of said decedent, having Case No. 2015-224823 Book LR200607, Page15713, of the Tuscaloosa County, Alabama; refer- for the Adoption of Avery Katherine NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENTS TO mortgage records in the Office of the ence to which is hereby made in aid of Ginny Rutledge has been filed in said Court by the has been filed in said Court by the Sharp Belew, born to Selena Marcella been granted to the undersigned on the SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. Petitioner(s) and that a hearing has Petitioner(s) and that a hearing has Case No. 166242 14th day of April, 2015, by the PROBATE WILL Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, and as part; of this description. P. O. Box 55727 Belew, Natural Mother, was filed on State of Alabama Jefferson County Alabama, which mortgage was, duly Property street address for informa- been set for same in said Court in the been set for same in said Court in the the 20th day of March, 2015, alleging NOTICE OF 2nd PARTIAL Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the transferred and assigned to The Bank Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 City of Birmingham, Alabama, and City of Birmingham, Alabama, and SETTLEMENT Probate Court of Jefferson County, Probate Court tional purposes: 14835 South Rosser Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee that the whereabouts of any ESTATE OF: CEOLA H. of New York Mellon, f/k/a The Bank Road, Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 that should you intend to contest this that should you intend to contest this unknown/undisclosed father, the natur- State of Alabama Jefferson County Alabama, notice is hereby given that of New York, as trustee for the certifi- This property will be sold on an “as www.sirote.com/foreclosures adoption, you must file a written adoption, you must file a written Probate Court all persons having claims against said MONTGOMERY, DECEASED 346089 response within thirty (30) days of the response within thirty (30) days of the al parent of said minor child is ESTATE OF: NED HUNTER, Estate are required to file an itemized On the 31st day of March, 2015, cateholders of the CWABS, Inc., is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- unknown to the Court, and whose rela- Asset-Backed Certificates, Series ments, encumbrances, and exceptions Ala.Ms.- Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 date of the last publication herein, with date of the last publication herein, with DECEASED and verified statement of such claim in came J. Richet Pearson and filed her counsel for said Petitioner (s), whose counsel for said Petitioner (s), whose tionship of said natural parent to the To: Ned Hunter, Jr., 2625 Woodward the office of the said Judge of Probate petition in writing therewith producing 2006-11, notice is hereby given that reflected in the mortgage and those Case No: 2015-224643 aforesaid minor child is that of Natural pursuant to law and the power of sale contained in the records of the Office name and address are as shown below, name and address are as shown below, Road, Atlanta, GA 30349; Alvin S. within six months from above date, or and filing in this Court an instrument contained in said mortgage, the under- In The Probate Court of Jefferson and with the Clerk of the said Probate and with the Clerk of the said Probate Father. Clark, Jr. and JeNell L. Clark, 118 said claim will be barred and payment of writing purporting to be the last will of the Judge of Probate of the County County, AL Avery Katherine Sharp Belew’s signed will sell at public outcry, to the where the above-described property is Court. Court. Locust Road, Whitmire, South prohibited. and testament of Ceola H. highest bidder for cash, in front of the PUBLICATION ON ADOPTION Done this the 16th day of April, 2015. Done this the 16th day of April, 2015. Birthdate is July 3, 2006. Carolina 29178; Trinia G. Hall, 36323 GREGORY CONNELL MCCOMBS Montgomery, deceased, and praying situated. This property will be sold TO: Matthew Hicks Or Any Attorney for Petitioner (s) Attorney for Petitioner (s) – 25th Avenue South, Federal Way, Twenty-First Street entrance to the without warranty or recourse, Please be advised that a petition for Personal Representative for such orders decrees and proceed- Jefferson County Courthouse at Unknown/Undisclosed Father KAREN HENNECY BRADLEY E. BYRNE, JR. adoption in the above styled manner WA 98003; Dwight Hunter, 1313 – Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 ings as will duly and legally effect the expressed or implied as to title, use IN THE MATTER OF THE 2025 Third Avenue North 3108 Blue Lake Drive, Ste 100 182nd Street Court E, Spananway, WA Birmingham, Alabama, during the and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- has been filed in said Court by the Probate and record of said instrument legal hours of sale on May 27, 2015, ADOPTION OF: Suite 500 Birmingham, AL 35243 Petitioner(s) and that a hearing has 98387; Tasha Denise Hunter, 3574 Case No. 2015-224945 as such will. ject to the right of redemption of all COLTON BENNETT ROSE, MINOR Birmingham, AL 35203 (205) 358-3100 East F#A, Tacoma, WA 98404; Any NOTICE TO CREDITORS the following described real estate, sit- parties entitled thereto. been set for same in said Court in the And the 23rd day of June, 2015, at uated in Jefferson/Birmingham NOTICE TO: Matthew Hicks, 1665 (205) 715-2690 Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 9, 2015 City of Birmingham, Alabama, and and All Unknown Heirs of Alberta R. The State of Alabama, Jefferson County 1:30 P.M., having been set as a day for This sale is made for the purpose of Wesleyan Drive, Macon, GA 31210, or Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 9, 2015 Hunter and Clarisse Hunter, Deceased, Probate Court County, Alabama, to-wit: paying the indebtedness secured by that should you intend to contest this hearing said petition and the proof to Lot 5, in Block 9, according to the Any Unknown/Undisclosed Father Case No: 2015-224730 adoption, you must file a written Unknown Addresses In the matter of the Estate of: be submitted in support of same and it said mortgage, as well as the expenses You will take notice that a Petition Case No: 2015-224734 In The Probate Court of Jefferson and all other parties interested in said MAZELL ARRINGTON, Deceased Survey of Second Sector, Queensbury of foreclosure. response within thirty (30) days of the further appearing that the following East as recorded in Map Book 127, for the Adoption of Colton Bennett In The Probate Court of Jefferson County, AL date of the last publication herein, with estate, take notice; Letters Testamentary upon last will next of kin of said deceased are: viz: The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves Rose born to Madison Claire County, AL PUBLICATION ON ADOPTION On the 31st day of October, 2014, and testament of said decedent, having Page 15, in the Office of the Judge of the right to bid for and purchase the PUBLICATION ON ADOPTION TO: Any Unknown/Undisclosed counsel for said Petitioner (s), whose Genigh E. Montgomery, 4634 W. Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama, Redmond, Natural Mother, was filed name and address are as shown below, came Kay L. Cason, the Successor been granted to the undersigned on the 64th Street, Inglewood, CA 90302; real estate and to credit its purchase on the 13th day of March, 2015, alleg- TO: Any Unknown/Undisclosed Father Administrator for the Estate of Ned 14th day of April, 2015, by the Birmingham Division. price against the expenses of sale and Father IN THE MATTER OF THE and with the Clerk of the said Probate Cordell A. Montgomery, 7104 – 2nd This sale is made for the purpose of ing that the whereabouts of Matthew Hunter, Deceased, and filed her accounts, Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the Avenue, West, Oneonta, AL 35121 the indebtedness secured by the real Hicks or any unknown father, the nat- IN THE MATTER OF THE ADOPTION OF: Court. vouchers, evidence and statement for a Probate Court of Jefferson County, paying the indebtedness secured by estate. ADOPTION OF: BABY GIRL PEREZ, a/k/a, ARI Done this the 15th day of April, 2015. It is therefore ordered that notice of said mortgage as well as expenses of ural parent of said minor child, may be 2nd Partial Settlement of same. Alabama, notice is hereby given that the filing of said petition and of the This sale is subject to postponement unknown to the Court, and whose rela- SULLIVAN GRACE BRADLEY, JANE PEREZ, A MINOR Attorney for Petitioner (s) It is therefore ordered that the 18th all persons having claims against said foreclosure. or cancellation. MINOR NOTICE TO: Any BRYANT A. WHITMIRE, JR. day of June, 2015, at 2:00 P.M., be Estate are required to file an itemized day set for hearing same be given by The Bank of New York Mellon, f/k/a tionship of said natural parent to the publication once a week for three suc- M&T Bank, Mortgagee/Transferee aforesaid minor child is that of Natural NOTICE TO: Any Unknown/Undisclosed Father 215 Richard Arrington, Jr. Blvd. North appointed a day for making such set- and verified statement of such claim in The Bank of New York, as trustee for Elizabeth Loefgren Unknown/Undisclosed Father You will take notice that a Petition Suite 501 tlement at which time all parties in the office of the said Judge of Probate cessive weeks in the Alabama the certificateholders of the Father. Messenger, a newspaper published in CWABS, Inc., Asset-Backed SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. Colton Bennett Rose’s Birthdate is You will take notice that a Petition for the Adoption of Baby Girl Perez, Birmingham, Alabama 35203 interest can appear and contest the within six months from above date, or P. O. Box 55727 for the Adoption of Sullivan Grace a/k/a, Ari Jane Perez, born to Mariah (205) 324-6631 same if they think proper. said claim will be barred and payment Jefferson Co., Al. Notice is hereby Certificates, Series 2006-11, March 6, 2008. given the said named next of kin and Transferee Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 Please be advised that a petition for Bradley, born to Tiffany Paige Vasquez Perez, Natural Mother, was Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 9, 2015 This the 15th day of April, 2015. prohibited. Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee Bradley, Natural Mother, was filed on filed on the 20th day of March, 2015, Alan L. King, Judge of Probate PAMELA D. ARRINGTON all other persons in interest, to be and Robert J. Wermuth/anp adoption in the above styled manner the 20th day of March, 2015, alleging alleging that the whereabouts of any appear in this Court on said 23rd day STEPHENS MILLIRONS, P.C. www.sirote.com/foreclosures has been filed in said Court by the Case No: 2015-224496 Ala.Ms.- Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 Personal Representative 350314 that the whereabouts of any unknown unknown father, the natural parent of In The Probate Court of Jefferson Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 of June, 2015, to contest said petition P.O. Box 307 Petitioner(s) and that a hearing has father, the natural parent of said minor said minor child is unknown to the if they think proper so to do. Huntsville, Alabama 35804 Ala.Ms.- Apr. 11, 18, 25, May 2, 2015 been set for same in said Court in the County, AL Case No. 2015-224968 child is unknown to the Court, and Court, and whose relationship of said PUBLICATION ON ADOPTION NOTICE TO CREDITORS Case No. 2015-224947 Done this the 16th day of April, 2015. Attorney for Mortgagee City of Birmingham, Alabama, and whose relationship of said natural par- natural parent to the aforesaid minor The State of Alabama, Jefferson County NOTICE TO CREDITORS Alan L. King, Judge of Probate Ala.Ms.- Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE that should you intend to contest this TO: Anthony Bean or Any Default having been made in the pay- ent to the aforesaid minor child is that child is that of Natural Father. Probate Court The State of Alabama, Jefferson County Ala.Ms.- Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 adoption, you must file a written of Natural Father. Baby Girl Perez, a/k/a, Ari Jane Unknown/Undisclosed Father In the matter of the Estate of: Probate Court MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE ment of the indebtedness secured by response within thirty (30) days of the IN THE MATTER OF THE that certain mortgage executed by Sullivan Grace Bradley whose Perez whose Birthdate is January 21, CASSANDRA VON HAGEL, a/k/a, In the matter of the Estate of: Case No. 2015-224946 Default having been made in the pay- date of the last publication herein, with Birthdate is September 12, 2012. 2015. ADOPTION OF: CASSANDRA ANN VON HAGEL, FREIDA J. WRIGHT, Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS ment of the indebtedness secured by Carol W. Logan, an unmarried woman, counsel for said Petitioner (s), whose KRISTEN ALYSSA REYGAN originally in favor of Mortgage Please be advised that a petition for Please be advised that a petition for Deceased Letters Testamentary upon last will The State of Alabama, Jefferson County that certain mortgage executed by name and address are as shown below, adoption in the above styled manner adoption in the above styled manner BEAN, MINOR Letters Administration upon the and testament of said decedent, having Probate Court Keita Clay and Mistye Clay, husband Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. and with the Clerk of the said Probate has been filed in said Court by the NOTICE TO: Anthony Bean or Any and wife, originally in favor of First solely as nominee for Worthington has been filed in said Court by the Estate of said decedent, having been been granted to the undersigned on the In the matter of the Estate of: Court. Petitioner(s) and that a hearing has Petitioner(s) and that a hearing has Unknown/Undisclosed Father granted to the undersigned on the 15th 14th day of April, 2015, by the KATHRYN BOONE WOODSON, Lenders Mortgage Corporation, on the Mortgage Group, Inc. , on the 29th day Done this the 16th day of April, 2015. been set for same in said Court in the been set for same in said Court in the You will take notice that a Petition 30th day of September, 2008, said of September, 2006, said mortgage day of April, 2015 by the Honorable Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the Deceased Attorney for Petitioner (s) City of Birmingham, Alabama, and City of Birmingham, Alabama, and for the Adoption of Kristen Alyssa Alan L. King, Judge of the Probate Probate Court of Jefferson County, Letters Testamentary upon last will mortgage recorded in the Office of the recorded in the Office of the Judge of FRANK J. RUSSO that should you intend to contest this that should you intend to contest this Reygan Bean, born to Melodye Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama, Court of Jefferson County, Alabama, Alabama, notice is hereby given that and testament of said decedent, having 315 Gadsden Highway, Suite D adoption, you must file a written adoption, you must file a written Harvey, f/k/a, Melodye Richard notice is hereby given that all persons all persons having claims against said been granted to the undersigned on the Alabama, in Bk: LR200811 Pg: 1418, in Bk: LR200616 Pg: 24303; re- Birmingham, AL 35235 response within thirty (30) days of the response within thirty (30) days of the re-recorded in Bk: LR200811 Pg: recorded in Bk: LR200617 Pg: 27291; Miller, Natural Mother, was filed on having claims against said Estate are Estate are required to file an itemized 14th day of April, 2015, by the (205) 833-2319 date of the last publication herein, with date of the last publication herein, with the 27th day of February, 2015, alleg- required to file an itemized and veri- and verified statement of such claim in Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the 27337, and having been modified by the undersigned Wells Fargo Bank, Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 9, 2015 counsel for said Petitioner (s), whose counsel for said Petitioner (s), whose Loan Modification Agreement record- N.A., as Mortgagee/Transferee, under ing that the whereabouts of Anthony fied statement of such claim in the the office of the said Judge of Probate Probate Court of Jefferson County, name and address are as shown below, name and address are as shown below, Bean or any unknown/undisclosed office of the said Judge of Probate within six months from above date, or Alabama, notice is hereby given that ed in Bk: LR201410, Pg: 14305; the and by virtue of the power of sale con- Case No. DR 2015-244 JAP and with the Clerk of the said Probate and with the Clerk of the said Probate within six months from above date, or said claim will be barred and payment undersigned MidFirst Bank, as tained in said mortgage, will sell at father, the natural parent of said minor all persons having claims against said NOTICE OF DIVORCE ACTION Court. Court. child is unknown to the Court, and said claim will be barred and payment prohibited. Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by public outcry to the highest bidder for The Circuit Court, Tenth Judicial Done this the 16th day of April, 2015. Done this the 16th day of April, 2015. prohibited. LISA W. BORDEN Estate are required to file an itemized virtue of the power of sale contained cash, in front of the main entrance of whose relationship of said natural par- and verified statement of such claim in Circuit of Alabama Attorney for Petitioner (s) Attorney for Petitioner (s) ent to the aforesaid minor child is that AMY V. RICHARDSON Personal Representative in said mortgage, will sell at public the Courthouse at Birmingham, IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF: KAREN HENNECY DOUGLASS R. BACHUSS, JR. Personal Representative Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 the office of the said Judge of Probate outcry to the highest bidder for cash, Jefferson County, Alabama, on May DOROTHY M. CLAY, Plaintiff 2025 Third Avenue North P. O. Box 1149 of Natural Father. Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 within six months from above date, or in front of the main entrance of the 20, 2015, during the legal hours of Vs. Suite 500 Decatur, AL 35602 Kristen Alyssa Reygan Bean’s Case No. 2015-224948 said claim will be barred and payment Courthouse at Birmingham, Jefferson sale, all of its right, title, and interest TERRELL D. MABRY, Defendant Birmingham, AL 35203 (256) 353-8601 Birthdate is February 22, 2000. Case No. 2015-224961 NOTICE TO CREDITORS prohibited. County, Alabama, on June 15, 2015, in and to the following described real Terrell D. Mabry, (Deft), whose (205) 715-2690 Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 9, 2015 Please be advised that a petition for NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Alabama, Jefferson County DONALD PERRY WEST and during the legal hours of sale, all of estate, situated in Jefferson County, whereabouts is unknown, must answer Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 9, 2015 adoption in the above styled manner The State of Alabama, Jefferson County Probate Court RANDY R. OZLEY its right, title, and interest in and to Alabama, to-wit: Dorothy M. Clay’s Petition for divorce Case No: 2015-224831 has been filed in said Court by the Probate Court In the matter of the Estate of: Personal Representatives the following described real estate, Lots 27 and 28, Block 1 according to and other relief by June 8, 2015, or Case No: 2015-224735 In The Probate Court of Jefferson Petitioner(s) and that a hearing has In the matter of the Estate of: MARTHA MOORE SYKES, Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 situated in Jefferson County, the map or survey of Sam Romano's thereafter, a judgment by default may In The Probate Court of Jefferson County, AL been set for same in said Court in the WILLIAM J. DONOVAN, III, a/k/a, Deceased Alabama, to-wit: First Addition to Bessemer as recorded be rendered against him in Case County, AL PUBLICATION ON ADOPTION City of Birmingham, Alabama, and WILLIAM JOHN DONOVAN, III, Letters Testamentary upon last will Case No. 2015-224544 Lot 311, according to the Map of in Map Book 7, Page 31, in the Probate Number DR 2015-244 JAP, Domestic PUBLICATION ON ADOPTION TO: Brent Buis Or Any that should you intend to contest this Deceased and testament of said decedent, having PUBLICATION ON ADOPTION Woodridge, Phase III, as recorded in Office of Jefferson County, Alabama, Relations Court of Jefferson County. TO: Any Unknown/Undisclosed Unknown/Undisclosed Father adoption, you must file a written Letters Administration upon the been granted to the undersigned on the (Any Unknown Or Undisclosed Parent) Map Book 39, Page 40, in the Probate Bessemer Division Done this 15th day of April, 2015. Father IN THE MATTER OF THE response within thirty (30) days of the Estate of said decedent, having been 14th day of April, 2015, by the In the Probate Court of Jefferson Office of Jefferson County, Alabama. Property street address for informa- Anne-Marie Adams, Clerk IN THE MATTER OF THE ADOPTION OF: date of the last publication herein, with granted to the undersigned on the 15th Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the County, Alabama. Property street address for informa- tional purposes: 616 Elm Street SW, GEORGE BABAKITIS ADOPTION OF: NOAH JAMES HAWK, MINOR counsel for said Petitioner (s), whose day of April, 2015 by the Honorable Probate Court of Jefferson County, IN: THE MATTER OF ADOPTION tional purposes: 4148 Woodridge Bessemer, AL 35022 Attorney for the Plaintiff MACON PAIGE BRADLEY, MINOR NOTICE TO: Brent Buis, 210 Wayside name and address are as shown below, Alan L. King, Judge of the Probate Alabama, notice is hereby given that OF: Lane, Pleasant Grove, AL 35127 This property will be sold on an “as NOTICE TO: Any Drive, Plainfield, IL 46168, or Any Court of Jefferson County, Alabama, all persons having claims against said BABY GIRL GABRIEL This property will be sold on an “as 2015 1st Avenue North and with the Clerk of the said Probate is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- Birmingham, AL 35203 Unknown/Undisclosed Father Unknown/Undisclosed Father Court. notice is hereby given that all persons Estate are required to file an itemized Notice to any Unknown or is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- ments, encumbrances, and exceptions You will take notice that a Petition You will take notice that a Petition having claims against said Estate are and verified statement of such claim in Undisclosed Parent of: Baby Girl ments, encumbrances, and exceptions (205) 458-1161 Done this the 15th day of April, 2015. reflected in the mortgage and those Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 9, 2015 for the Adoption of Macon Paige for the Adoption of Noah James Hawk Attorney for Petitioner (s) required to file an itemized and veri- the office of the said Judge of Probate Gabriel reflected in the mortgage and those contained in the records of the Office Bradley, born to Tiffany Paige born to Regina Shawn Hawk, Natural fied statement of such claim in the within six months from above date, or You will take notice that a petition contained in the records of the Office Bradley, Natural Mother, was filed on Mother, was filed on the 31st day of SAM MCCLURE of the Judge of Probate of the County Civil Action No: CV 2015-900433 P. O. Box 2396 office of the said Judge of Probate said claim will be barred and payment for the adoption of Baby Girl Gabriel, of the Judge of Probate of the County where the above-described property is PUBLICATION NOTICE the 20th day of March, 2015, alleging March, 2015, alleging that the where- within six months from above date, or prohibited. a Minor (born to Damaris Gabriel on where the above-described property is that the whereabouts of any unknown abouts of Brent Buis or any unknown Montgomery, Alabama 36092 said claim will be barred and payment JOY OGBURN PHIPPS and GLEN the 23rd day of February, 2015, in Lee situated. This property will be sold situated. This property will be sold In The Circuit Court of Jefferson (334) 612-3406 without warranty or recourse, County, Alabama father, the natural parent of said minor father, the natural parent of said minor prohibited. CONN County, Alabama), was filed on April without warranty or recourse, child is unknown to the Court, and child, may be unknown to the Court, Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 9, 2015 KATHERINE L. DONOVAN Personal Representatives 7, 2015, in the Probate Court of expressed or implied as to title, use expressed or implied as to title, use TYLER PRESCOTT, TYLER MON- and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- TANA, Plaintiffs, whose relationship of said natural par- and whose relationship of said natural Personal Representative Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 Jefferson County, Alabama, alleging and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- ent to the aforesaid minor child is that parent to the aforesaid minor child is Case No. 2015-224971 Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 that the identity of the natural parent of ject to the right of redemption of all ject to the right of redemption of all v. of Natural Father. that of Natural Father. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Case No. 2015-224956 parties entitled thereto. parties entitled thereto. SUZANNE MORGAN; ANTHONY Macon Paige Bradley whose Noah James Hawk Birthdate is June The State of Alabama, Jefferson County said minor child may be unknown or This sale is made for the purpose of MORGAN; and Residents Unknown, Case No. 2015-224962 NOTICE TO CREDITORS has not been correctly disclosed to the This sale is made for the purpose of Birthdate is September 12, 2012. 26, 1999. Probate Court NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Alabama, Jefferson County Court, and whose relationship of said paying the indebtedness secured by paying the indebtedness secured by Defendants Please be advised that a petition for Please be advised that a petition for In the matter of the Estate of: The State of Alabama, Jefferson County Probate Court said mortgage, as well as the expenses TO: SUZANNE MORGAN possible unknown or undisclosed nat- said mortgage, as well as the expenses adoption in the above styled manner adoption in the above styled manner CARRIE ELIZABETH JOHNSON, Probate Court In the matter of the Estate of: ural parent to the aforesaid minor child of foreclosure. of foreclosure. ANTHONY MORGAN has been filed in said Court by the has been filed in said Court by the Deceased In the matter of the Estate of: JOHNNIE MAE KIRKPATRICK, The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves (Residents Unknown) Petitioner(s) and that a hearing has Petitioner(s) and that a hearing has is that of Natural Father. Minor Letters Testamentary upon last will LIONEL THOMAS, Deceased Deceased Child’s birth date is February 23, the right to bid for and purchase the the right to bid for and purchase the You Are Hereby Notified that Tyler been set for same in said Court in the been set for same in said Court in the and testament of said decedent, having Letters Administration upon the Letters Testamentary upon last will real estate and to credit its purchase real estate and to credit its purchase Prescott and Tyler Montana have filed City of Birmingham, Alabama, and that City of Birmingham, Alabama, and Estate of said decedent, having been and testament of said decedent, having 2015. price against the expenses of sale and been granted to the undersigned on the Please be advised that should you price against the expenses of sale and a Complaint to Quiet Title on October should you intend to contest this adop- that should you intend to contest this 15th day of April, 2015, by the granted to the undersigned on the 15th been granted to the undersigned on the the indebtedness secured by the real the indebtedness secured by the real 5, 2012. Numerous attempts for ser- tion, you must file a written response adoption, you must file a written day of April, 2015 by the Honorable 15th day of April, 2015, by the intend to contest this adoption, you estate. vice have been upon the above-refer- Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the must file a written response within estate. within thirty (30) days of the date of the response within thirty (30) days of the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Alan L. King, Judge of the Probate Honorable Alan L. King, Judge of the This sale is subject to postponement This sale is subject to postponement enced styled Defendant by special last publication herein, with counsel for date of the last publication herein, with Court of Jefferson County, Alabama, Probate Court of Jefferson County, thirty (30) days of the date of the last or cancellation. or cancellation. process server, with no success. said Petitioner (s), whose name and counsel for said Petitioner (s), whose Alabama, notice is hereby given that notice is hereby given that all persons Alabama, notice is hereby given that publication herein with Richard L. MidFirst Bank, Mortgagee/ Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. This notice is to run for four consec- address are as shown below, and with name and address are as shown below, all persons having claims against said having claims against said Estate are all persons having claims against said Wyatt whose name and address is Transferee Mortgagee/Transferee utive weeks. You are hereby notified the Clerk of the said Probate Court. and with the Clerk of the said Probate Estate are required to file an itemized required to file an itemized and veri- Estate are required to file an itemized shown below, and with the Clerk of the Rebecca Redmond Ginny Rutledge that you must answer the complaint by Done this the 16th day of April, 2015. Court. and verified statement of such claim in fied statement of such claim in the and verified statement of such claim in Probate Court of Jefferson County, SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. the 17th day of June, 2015, which is 30 Attorney for Petitioner (s) Done this the 16th day of April, 2015. the office of the said Judge of Probate office of the said Judge of Probate the office of the said Judge of Probate Alabama, Jefferson County P. O. Box 55727 P. O. Box 55727 days from the last date of publication KAREN HENNECY Attorney for Petitioner (s) within six months from above date, or within six months from above date, or within six months from above date, or Courthouse, Birmingham, Alabama. Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 or default judgment may be entered 2025 Third Avenue North FRANK J. RUSSO said claim will be barred and payment said claim will be barred and payment said claim will be barred and payment Done this the 16th day of April 2015. Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee against you for not answering. Suite 500 315 Gadsden Highway, Suite D prohibited. prohibited. prohibited. RICHARD L. WYATT www.sirote.com/foreclosures www.sirote.com/foreclosures DONE this 16th day of April, 2015 Birmingham, AL 35203 Birmingham, AL 35235 SANDRA M. GLOVER WILLIE E. THOMAS JOHNNA KIRKPATRICK BYRD 2010 Lancaster Road 334125 353830 Anne-Marie Adams, Clerk (205) 715-2690 (205) 833-2319 Personal Representative Personal Representative Personal Representative Birmingham, AL 35209 Ala.Ms.- Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 Ala.Ms.- Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 9, 2015 Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 9, 2015 Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 9, 2015 Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 Ala. Ms. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 Ala.Ms.- Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 9, 2015 April 25, 2015 ALABAMA MESSENGER Page 5

LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE VIN: JA4LS31R92J053020 NOTICE OF SALE OF NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE PUBLIC STORAGE-PUBLIC Vestavia, AL 35226 MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Pursuant to the provisions of Pursuant to the provisions of Lic #: 1AJ4540 ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLE Default having been made in the pay- AUCTION B114-Johnson, Valerie Default having been made in the Default having been made in the Alabama Abandoned Motor Vehicles Alabama Abandoned Motor Vehicles Date Found: 02/11/15 Pursuant to the provisions of the ment of the indebtedness secured by Pursuant to Ala. Code §§ 8-15-35 et 2856 Regal Cir Apt E payment of the indebtedness secured payment of the indebtedness secured Act: Section 32-13-4 Code of Alabama Act: Section 32-13-4 Code of Alabama Place Found: 8000 6th Avenue North Alabama Abandoned Motor Vehicle that certain mortgage dated June 29, seq., on May 12th and May 13th, 2015 Hoover, AL 35216 by that certain mortgage executed by by that certain mortgage executed by 1975, notice is hereby given to the 1975, notice is hereby given to the REF #: 2191293 Act, Section 32-13-1, Code of 1999, executed by Melvin Hall, PS Orangeco, Inc. will sell personal B131-Wright, Niveka Michelle D. Anderson, unmarried, Macon W. Gravlee, III and Catherine owners, lienholders and other interest- owners, lienholders and other interest- 2003 Mercedes-Benz C-Class Alabama, 1975, notice is hereby given unmarried, to Hamilton Mortgage property to satisfy the Owner’s storage 1803 Hampton Pl originally in favor of Mortgage N. Gravlee, husband and wife, origi- ed parties that the following described ed parties that the following described VIN: WDBRF40J93A488710 to the owners, lienholders and other Corporation, An Alabama lien in the below-listed units, which Hoovera, AL 35216 Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., nally in favor of Mid South Mortgage, vehicles were taken into custody by vehicles were taken into custody by Lic #: 58CC947 interested parties, the following Corporation, which mortgage was generally contain: household and per- B136-Johnson, Felicia acting solely as nominee for Taylor, Inc. d/b/a The Mortgage Source, on Weil Wrecker Service Inc to wit: James Morris Wrecker Svc LLC to wit: Date Found: 02/12/15 described vehicle, to wit: recorded on July 2, 1999, in Instrument sonal items, office and other equip- 1917 10th Pl Bean & Whitaker Mortgage Corp., on the 16th day of January, 1998, said 2014 Nissan Sentra 1991 Chevrolet Caprice Classic Place Found: 1st Avenue North & 83rd 2005 Toyota Scion No. 9909/2935, of the mortgage ment, and toys and appliances. Birmingham, AL 35214 the 11th day of June, 2008, said mort- mortgage recorded in the Office of the VIN: 3N1AB7AP6EY281045 VIN: 1G1BN53E6MR106574 Street Nort Vin# JTKKT624850088248 records in the Office of the Judge of Auctions will begin at 9:30 AM each C210-TM Pickins LLC gage recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, Lic #: NO TAG Lic #: 5NABABY REF #: 2191300 was taken into possession and will be Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama, day and continue until all units are 616 10th Ave SW Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama, in Instrument Number Date Found: 11/15/14 Date Found: 02/15/15 2006 Ford Mustang sold at public outcry to the highest bid- which mortgage was, duly transferred sold. Some items or spaces may be Alabaster, AL 35007 Alabama, in Book LR200807, Page 9802/2422; the undersigned LPP Place Found: 11 Court West And Ark Place Found: I-59 N @ MM 115 VIN: 1ZVFT80N465241015 der for cash at Michael’s Auto & and assigned to Commercial Federal unavailable at the time of the sale. We C215-Smith, Erryca 17415; the undersigned Nationstar Mortgage LTD, as REF #: 2182587 REF #: 4034695 Lic #: 1AV5262 Towing, 5520 Sanders Ave. Mortgage Corporation, notice is here- reserve the right to refuse any bid. P.O. Box 3897 Mortgage LLC, as Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by 2010 Honda Accord 1987 Ford F150 Date Found: 02/12/15 Adamsville, Al 35005 on the 20th day by given that pursuant to law and the Payment must be in cash or credit Birmingham, AL 35208 Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained VIN: 1HGCP2F34AA023803 VIN: 1FTCF15N3HNA14771 Place Found: 5920 Warner Street of May, 2015, at 10:00 AM. The seller power of sale contained in said mort- cards-no checks. Buyers must secure C245-Reynolds, Keaundra virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public Lic #: J5583W Lic #: 1C33Y79 REF #: 2191350 shall have the right to reject any and all gage, the undersigned will sell at pub- the units with their own personal locks. 1312 River Haven Ln in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, Date Found: 01/15/15 Date Found: 02/11/15 2003 Ford Explorer Sport bids lic outcry, to the highest bidder for To claim tax-exempt status, original Hoover, AL 35244 outcry to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the main entrance of the Place Found: Coalburg Road Towards Place Found: 9th Ave @ 28th St VIN: 1FMYU60E53UB26319 Ala.Ms.- Apr. 18, 25, 2015 cash, in front of the Twenty-First RESALE certificates for each space C284-Martinez, Paulino in front of the main entrance of the Courthouse at Birmingham, Jefferson 22 REF #: 4034704 Lic #: 58F59R8 Street entrance to the Jefferson County purchased is required. 3400 Treeline Ct Apt Courthouse at Birmingham, Jefferson County, Alabama, on June 1, 2015, REF #: 2188321 2012 Chrysler 200 Date Found: 02/13/15 MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE PUBLIC STORAGE PROPERTY: 1211. Hoover, AL 35216 County, Alabama, on May 13, 2015, during the legal hours of sale, all of 2000 Acura TL Courthouse at Birmingham, Alabama, VIN: 1C3CCBBB8CN278137 Place Found: 104 Euclid Avenue Default having been made in the during the legal hours of sale on June 07011 C289-Mason, Deanna during the legal hours of sale, all of its right, title, and interest in and to VIN: 19UUA5662YA056200 Lic #: 1606AA9 REF #: 2191384 payment of the indebtedness secured 428 Commons Dr 1316 Hampton Park Dr its right, title, and interest in and to the following described real estate, Lic #: TW0B0Z 16, 2015, the following described real Birmingham, AL 35209 situated in Jefferson County, Date Found: 02/13/15 2002 Chevrolet Suburban by that certain mortgage executed by estate, situated in Jefferson County, Birmingham, AL 35216 the following described real estate, Date Found: 02/07/15 Place Found: 9th Ave @ 17th St VIN: 3GNFK16Z72G141928 Ralph J. McBride III and wife, (205) 940-9873 05/12/15 11:30 AM PUBLIC STORAGE PROPERTY: situated in Jefferson County, Alabama, to-wit: Place Found: 1545 Spaulding Ishkooda Alabama, to-wit: STORED BY THE FOLLOWING 29159 Lot 19, in Block 2, according to the REF #: 4034707 Lic #: 92950 Whitney McBride, originally in favor Lot 10, Block 34-E, according to the Alabama, to-wit: Road 1990 Cadillac Deville Date Found: 02/14/15 of Mortgage Electronic Registration PERSONS: 2940 John Hawkins Pkwy Lot 4, in Block 8, according to the map and Survey of Garber Cook and REF #: 2189878 Survey of Ensley Land Company’s 1101-Washington, Donyetta Birmingham, AL 35244 Survey of Redstone Land and Hulsey's Addition to Crestline Heights VIN: 1G6CD5330L4216466 Place Found: 459 NB @ Hwy 280 Systems, Inc., acting solely as nomi- 15th Addition to Ensley, as recorded in 1997 Honda Accord Lic #: 61351AW REF #: 2191385 nee for GTC Mortgage Company Inc. 3135 Hillcrest Trce (205) 989-2736 05/12/15 12:30 PM Development Co's Fifth Sector, First as recorded in Map Book 29 Page 16, VIN: JHMCD5633VC006038 Map Book 10, Page 36, in the Probate Adamsville, AL 35005 STORED BY THE FOLLOWING PERSONS: Addition, as recorded in Map Book in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Date Found: 02/12/15 2003 Infiniti G35 for use in Alabama by Guaranty Trust Office of Jefferson County, Alabama. Lic #: 1AD4009 Place Found: Rutledge Dr @ 5th St St VIN: JNKCV51E73M003009 Company, on the 30th day of August, 2041-Fields, Priscilla 2009-Hawkins, Shanda 105, Page 62, in the Probate Office of Jefferson County, Alabama. Date Found: 02/12/15 Lic #: 1AD3486 This sale is made for the purpose of 615 Kensington Manor Dr 6995 Peppertree Ln Jefferson County, Alabama. Property street address for informa- REF #: 4034766 2011, said mortgage recorded in the paying the indebtedness secured by Place Found: 18th Street Southwest & 2002 Honda Odyssey Date Found: 02/14/15 Office of the Judge of Probate of Calera, AL 35040 Montgomery, AL 36117 Property street address for informa- tional purposes: 4 Carla Circle, Madison Ave VIN: 2HKRL18522H502776 Place Found: 59 SB @ 31ST St Exit said mortgage as well as expenses of 2173-Williams, Justin 2064-Muchangi, Monica tional purposes: 1821 10th Place NW, Mountain Brook, AL 35213 REF #: 2190157 Jefferson County, Alabama, in Book foreclosure. Lic #: 1BG9507 REF #: 2191403 LR201107, Page 8640; the under- 428 Oaks Dr 5632 Crestwood Blvd Birmingham, AL 35215 This property will be sold on an “as 2001 Buick Century Date Found: 02/13/15 2003 MAZDA Mazda6 Bank of the West, successor by Birmingham, AL 35209 Birmingham, AL 35212 This property will be sold on an “as is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- VIN: 2G4WY55J711189751 signed Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC, merger to Commercial Federal Bank, 3092-Turner, Jo Anne ments, encumbrances, and exceptions Place Found: Jaybird Road @ VIN: 1YVFP80C435M15385 as Mortgagee/Transferee, under and 2103-Henley, Santrynia is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- Lic #: 8C4D6 Woodward Road Lic #: 9137AM4 successor in Interest to Commercial 118 Stoneridge Rd 672 Adams Ct Apt B ments, encumbrances, and exceptions reflected in the mortgage and those Date Found: 02/12/15 by virtue of the power of sale con- Federal Mortgage Corporation, Birmingham, AL 35209 contained in the records of the Office REF #: 4034768 Date Found: 02/16/15 tained in said mortgage, will sell at Alexander City, AL 35010 reflected in the mortgage and those Place Found: 18th Street Southwest & 2003 Ford Explorer Place Found: Roebuck Drive & Red Transferee 3132-Rogers, Felicia 3027 Taylor, ViQuita contained in the records of the Office of the Judge of Probate of the County Madison Ave public outcry to the highest bidder for Robert J. Wermuth/rgm 2037 Arcadia Rd where the above-described property is VIN: 1FMZU74W83UA30682 Mill Road cash, in front of the main entrance of PO Box 360055 of the Judge of Probate of the County REF #: 2190158 Lic #: 1BG3609 REF #: 2191407 STEPHENS MILLIRONS, P.C. Birmingham, AL 35214 Hoover, AL 35236 where the above-described property is situated. This property will be sold 1994 Chevrolet Blazer the Courthouse at Birmingham, P.O. Box 307 4083-Brown, Johnita 3128-Lanier, Kelvin without warranty or recourse, Date Found: 02/07/15 1996 Toyota Camry Jefferson County, Alabama, on June situated. This property will be sold VIN: 1GNEK18K2RJ369260 Place Found: Fairfax Ave @ 20th St VIN: 4T1BG12K4TU916374 Huntsville, Alabama 35804 2320 9th Ct S 3103 Tree Crossings without warranty or recourse, expressed or implied as to title, use Lic #: 1A23523 17, 2015, during the legal hours of Attorney for Mortgagee Birmingham, AL 35205 Pkwy Hoover, AL 35244 expressed or implied as to title, use and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- REF #: 4034774 Lic #: N-A sale, all of its right, title, and interest Date Found: 02/13/15 2003 Mitsubishi Eclipse Date Found: 02/13/15 Ala.Ms.- Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 PUBLIC STORAGE PROPERTY: 4039-Holland, Katrina and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- ject to the right of redemption of all Place Found: 95 Moonglow Drive in and to the following described real 20226 3201 Tree Crossings ject to the right of redemption of all parties entitled thereto. VIN: 4A3AC84H33E035159 Place Found: 7200 6th Avenue South estate, situated in Jefferson County, REF #: 2190162 Lic #: N/A REF #: 2191425 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE 8W Oxmoor Rd Pkwy Hoover, AL 35244 parties entitled thereto. This sale is made for the purpose of 2004 Cadillac CTS Alabama, to-wit: Default having been made in the pay- Birmingham, AL 35209 4102-Malcom, Stephanie This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by Date Found: 02/09/15 2000 Honda Accord Lot 33, Block 3, according to the VIN: 1G6DM577440110385 Place Found: Westlake Dr @ Lake VIN: 1HGCG5646YA054443 ment of the indebtedness secured by (205) 942-8860 05/12/15 10:30 AM 380 Forest Lakes Dr paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expenses Lic #: N/A Survey of Wine Ridge, 4th Sector, as that certain mortgage dated September STORED BY THE FOLLOWING Sterrett, AL 35147 said mortgage, as well as the expenses of foreclosure. Ridge Road Lic #: 1AL1019 recorded in Map Book 109, Page 76, in Date Found: 02/16/15 REF #: 4034779 Date Found: 02/12/15 9, 2005, executed by Henry Lino, a PERSONS: 4118-Morris, Jasmine of foreclosure. The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves Place Found: Slayden Avenue & 5th the Probate Office of Jefferson married man, to Mortgage Electronic A071-Hatcher, Monica 1404 Riverchase Trail The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves the right to bid for and purchase the Avenue 1995 Toyota Celica Place Found: Parkway East And 1st County, Alabama. VIN: JT2ST07N6S0021108 Ave N Registration Systems, Inc. solely as PO Box 110744 Hoover, AL 35244 the right to bid for and purchase the real estate and to credit its purchase REF #: 2190163 Property street address for informa- nominee for American Mortgage Birmingham, AL 35211 PUBLIC STORAGE PROPERTY: real estate and to credit its purchase price against the expenses of sale and 1999 Honda Accord Lic #: 58FD541 REF #: 2191441 tional purposes: 4612 Chablis Way, Date Found: 02/15/15 1996 Pontiac Grand Am Express Corp., which mortgage was C011-Moon, Angela 21609 price against the expenses of sale and the indebtedness secured by the real VIN: JHMCG6658XC019515 VIN: 1G2NW12M5TC846240 Birmingham, AL 35244 recorded on September 21, 2005, in 4812 Terrace I 9856 Parkway East the indebtedness secured by the real estate. Lic #: 1AW1819 Place Found: 2200 Deramus Court This property will be sold on an “as Birmingham, AL 35208 This sale is subject to postponement REF #: 4034803 Lic #: 9259AF8 Instrument No. 200512/9181, of the Birmingham, AL 35215 estate. Date Found: 02/16/15 Date Found: 02/18/15 is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- C023-Wilson, Desi (205) 854-8380 05/13/15 11:30 AM This sale is subject to postponement or cancellation. Place Found: Oporto Madrid Btwn 1999 GMC Yukon ments, encumbrances, and exceptions mortgage records in the Office of the 944 Burwell St LPP Mortgage LTD, VIN: 1GKEK13R5XR909278 Place Found: Messer Airport Highway Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, STORED BY THE FOLLOWING PERSONS: or cancellation. Crestwood An I20 @ I-59 N reflected in the mortgage and those Birmingham, AL 35221 B010-Taylor, Charles Nationstar Mortgage LLC, Mortgagee/Transferee REF #: 2190461 Lic #: 4664AA3 contained in the records of the Office Alabama, which mortgage was, duly D018-Jernigan, Jennifer Rebecca Redmond Date Found: 02/19/15 REF #: 2191473 transferred and assigned to Wells 660 Valley Crest Dr Apt Mortgagee/Transferee 1999 Buick LeSabre 1998 Ford Crown Victoria of the Judge of Probate of the County Fargo Bank, N.A. successor by merger 1756 Jefferson Ave SW I153 Birmingham, AL 35215 Rebecca Redmond SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. VIN: 1G4HR52K7XH465175 Place Found: 9th Ave @ Al Adventure where the above-described property is Birmingham, AL 35211 B018-Underwood,Teresa SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. P. O. Box 55727 Lic #: 9120AF4 Parkway VIN: 2FAFP71W2WX119265 to Wachovia Bank, N.A., notice is Lic #: 977MDG situated. This property will be sold hereby given that pursuant to law and G002-Box, Leander 123 Apt A 14th Ave NW P. O. Box 55727 Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 Date Found: 02/08/15 REF #: 4034835 without warranty or recourse, 3609 Brenda Ave SW Birmingham, AL 35215 Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee Place Found: 4400 44th Avenue North 2002 Cadillac Deville Date Found: 02/15/15 the power of sale contained in said Birmingham, AL 35221 www.sirote.com/foreclosures VIN: 1G6KD54Y52U238032 Place Found: Center Way South & expressed or implied as to title, use mortgage, the undersigned will sell at C007-Johnson, Theta Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee REF #: 2190506 24th Avenue Sout and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- G008-Murphy, Monique 501 Reynolds Cir www.sirote.com/foreclosures 335788 2002 Saturn L Series Lic #: N/A ject to the right of redemption of all public outcry, to the highest bidder for 140 Wilson Courtway SW Vestavia, AL 35242 315187 Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 VIN: 1G8JU54F22Y566826 Date Found: 02/19/15 REF #: 2191504 cash, in front of the Twenty-First Birmingham, AL 35211 Place Found: 9th Ave @ Adventure 2003 Honda Accord parties entitled thereto. Street entrance to the Jefferson County D019-Fails, Prentice Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 Lic #: 1AR9028 VIN: 1HGCM72243A006893 This sale is made for the purpose of I054-Marshall, Bernice 357 17th Ave SW MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE Date Found: 02/09/15 Parkway paying the indebtedness secured by Courthouse at Birmingham, Alabama, 2171 Turkey Holw Birmingham, AL 35211 FORECLOSURE NOTICE NOTICE REF #: 4034838 Lic #: N/A during the legal hours of sale on May Default having been made in the Place Found: 401 Ave W Date Found: 02/17/15 said mortgage, as well as the expenses Birmingham, AL 35216 D022-Smith, Derrick Default having been made in the pay- REF #: 2190564 Will be sold at public outcry to the of foreclosure. 27, 2015, the following described real J010-Miller, Rasha 304 11th Ave ment of the indebtedness described in terms of that mortgage executed on highest bidder for cash at 3401 Powell Place Found: 8400 8th Avenue South estate, situated in Jefferson County, June 7, 2006 by Mitchell H. Damsky 2004 BMW 3 series REF #: 2191510 The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves 3055 Moores Ferry Rd Midfield, AL 35228 and secured by that certain mortgage VIN: WBAEV334X4KR26095 Avenue, Birmingham, AL 35222 on the right to bid for and purchase the Alabama, to-wit: Marion Junction, AL 36759 F005-Perkins, Angela executed by Derrick W. Gilbert and and wife Carol W. Damsky, to Lic #: 1C50D35 05/20/2015 at 11:00 AM. The Seller 2005 Toyota Corolla The Southeasterly 56.4 feet of the EvaBank, which said mortgage is VIN: 1NXBR32E35Z377880 real estate and to credit its purchase K023-Abbruzzo, Brenda 367 Fernbrook Ave Sandra A. Gilbert, husband and wife to Date Found: 02/09/15 shall have the right to reject any and all price against the expenses of sale and Northwesterly 162.4 feet of Lot 2, 3271 Warringgwood Dr Birmingham, AL 35215 Countrywide Funding Corporation recorded in Book LR200663, Page Place Found: 3033 35th Avenue North bids if in the opinion of the Seller, the Lic #: BLACK Block 49, according to the Survey of 18595 in the Probate Office of Date Found: 02/16/15 the indebtedness secured by the real Apt A F030 Cox, Keith dated September 15, 1995, and REF #: 2190565 bid is unreasonably low. Call Steve Central Park Land Company’s 2nd Hoover, AL 35216 7205 4th Ave S Recorded in Book 9510, Page 5217 of Jefferson County, Alabama, and 2013 Dodge Avenger Weil at 205-251-4060 to make Place Found: 444 57th Street Ensley estate. default continuing, and by virtue of the REF #: 2191515 This sale is subject to postponement Subdivision of Acreage Lots, being a K041-Love, Sharon Birmingham, AL 35206 the records in the Office of the Judge VIN: 1C3CDZAG0DN552869 arrangements to view any vehicle prior Subdivision of Blocks 48 and 49, said 1634 Alemeda Ave SW G006-Austin, Destini of Probate, Jefferson County, power of sale contained in said mort- Lic #: 4710AA8 to the date of the auction. 1997 Ford Crown Victoria or cancellation. Birmingham, AL 35211 gage, the following described property VIN: 2FALP73W3VX230826 Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC survey recorded in Map Book 11, Page 1242 Park Ave Alabama, which said mortgage was Date Found: 02/07/15 JAMES MORRIS WRECKER SVC 92, in the Office of the Judge of L067-Brown, Tiffany Birmingham, AL 35217 subsequently assigned to Everbank by will be sold at public outcry, for cash, Place Found: 85th St S Between 1st LLC Lic #: 1824AG8 Mortgagee/Transferee 1563 Martin Ave to the highest bidder, in front of the Date Found: 02/19/15 Andy Saag Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama. G012-White, Kimberly instrument recorded in Book LR And 2nd Ave S 910 North 19th Street This sale is made for the purpose of Birmingham, AL 35208 7916 2nd Ave S 201364, Page 23775 of said Probate Courthouse door of said County, in REF #: 2190622 Bessemer AL 35020 Place Found: Western Hills Mall SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. L079-Hill, Vanessa Birmingham, Alabama, during the REF #: 2191534 P. O. Box 55727 paying the indebtedness secured by Birmingham, AL 35206 Court records; notice is hereby given 2004 Nissan Xterra Ala.Ms.- Apr. 18, 25, 2015 said mortgage as well as expenses of 1632 Jefferson Ave SW G020-Davis, Brandon that the undersigned as mortgagee will legal hours of sale on May 13, 2015: VIN: 5N1MD28Y64C609993 1995 Nissan Pathfinder Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 Apt 1 Lot 30, in Block 3, according to the VIN: JN8HD17S4SW055513 Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee foreclosure. PO Box 170362 under power of sale contained in said Lic #: 1A557Z60 ABANDONED VEHICLE Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. successor Birmingham, AL 35211 Birmingham, AL 35217 mortgage, sell at public outcry for cash survey of Birmingham Realty Date Found: 02/11/15 In accordance with Section 32-13-1, Lic #: 2527AA5 www.sirote.com/foreclosures PUBLIC STORAGE PROPERTY: Company’s Addition #7, as recorded in Date Found: 02/16/15 353636 by merger to Wachovia Bank, N.A., G049-Gordon, Torey to the highest bidder, during legal Place Found: 89th Street North & 17th Code of Alabama, 1975, Notice is Transferee 24618 1524 Brewster Cir hours of sale on May 28, 2015, at the Map Book 12, Page 54, in the Probate Avenue Nor hereby given to the owners, lienhold- Place Found: I-65 S Before Lakeshore Ala.Ms.- Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 1900 Mini Warehouse Road Office of Jefferson County, Alabama. Dr Robert J. Wermuth/cls Birmingham, AL 35235 front door of the Courthouse of REF #: 2190771 ers and other interested parties, that the STEPHENS MILLIRONS, P.C. Birminham, AL 35244 G051-Owens, Berry Jefferson County, Alabama, 716 Said sale is made for the purpose of 2006 Chevrolet TrailBlazer following described abandoned vehicle REF #: 2191548 MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE (205) 988-0942 05/12/15 1:00 PM paying the mortgage debt and cost of 2004 Chevrolet Impala Default having been made in the P.O. Box 307 719 Springville Rd Richard Arrington Jr Blvd N VIN: 1GNDS13S362352492 will be sold at public auction for cash Huntsville, Alabama 35804 STORED BY THE FOLLOWING Apt B Birmingham, AL 35215 Birmingham, AL 35203, the following foreclosure. Lic #: N/A to the highest bidder at 9:00 am on VIN: 2G1WP551949165280 payment of the indebtedness secured PERSONS: EvaBank, Mortgagee by that certain mortgage executed by Attorney for Mortgagee G100-Johnson, Ashlee described real property in the County Date Found: 02/18/15 May 19, 2015, at 4322 Vanderbilt Lic #: 1BG9795 A002-Russell, Whitney 837 Gamma St S of Jefferson, State of Alabama, being DEWAYNE N. MORRIS Place Found: Spaulding Ishkooda Place, Birmingham, AL 35217, to wit: Date Found: 02/13/15 Belinda H. Thomas and husband, Ala.Ms.- Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 225 King Arthur Pl Attorney for Mortgagee John D. Thomas, originally in favor Birmingham, AL 35205 the same property described in the Road & Montevall 2001 Honda Prelude Place Found: 29th St And Ave S Alabaster, AL 35007 H019-McClellan, Anessa above referred to mortgage: 2131 Third Avenue North REF #: 2190831 VIN# JHMBB61441C007345 Ensley of Norwest Mortgage, Inc.,, on the MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE A018-Bolden, Pamela Birmingham, Alabama 35203 REF #: 2191622 9th day of March, 1988, said mort- Default having been made in the pay- 310 83rd St N LOT 5, IN BLOCK 7, ACCORDING 2012 Nissan Sentra Seller reserves the right to reject any ment of the indebtedness secured by 61 Timber Blf Birmingham, AL 35206 TO THE MAP OF HOWARD COL- Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 VIN: 3N1AB6AP6CL748565 bids and the right to bid. 2007 Chrysler Sebring gage recorded in the Office of the West Blocton, AL 35184 J006-Nickson, Debbie LEGE ESTATES, AS RECORDED IN Lic #: 9B3Z0 Ala. Ms. Apr 18, 25, 2015 VIN: 1C3LC46K57N554785 Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, that certain mortgage executed by A022-Montoya, Ricky MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Lic #: 1BL2200 Alabama, in Book 3349 Page 540; the Andrew Brown, an unmarried man, 4132 51st Ave N MAP BOOK 17, PAGE 82, AS Default having been made in the Date Found: 02/07/15 and JoAnne Ward, an unmarried 1902 Highway 31 Apt 304 Birmingham, AL 35217 RECORDED IN THE PROBATE Place Found: Fulton Avenue ABANDONED VEHICLE Date Found: 02/15/15 undersigned Midfirst Bank, as Pelham, AL 35124 J031-Spigner, Selandr OFFICE OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, payment of the indebtedness secured Southwest & 12th Stre In accordance with Section 32-13-1, Place Found: I-59 South @ Bush Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by woman, to Glenda W. Albright, said A033-Brame, Donna by that certain mortgage, and continu- mortgage being recorded on September 1633 90th St N ALABAMA. REF #: 2190862 Code of Alabama, 1975, Notice is Boulevard virtue of the power of sale contained 2340 7th Way NW Apt E Birmingham, AL 35206 THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD ing under any extension thereof, exe- 1990 Nissan Maxima hereby given to the owners, lienhold- REF #: 2191629 in said mortgage, will sell at public 30, 2011, and recorded in Bk LR Birmingham, AL 35215 cuted by ANTIONETTE C. SMITH, 201107, Page 18187, Bessemer H018-Jackson, Jasmine ON AN “AS IS, WHERE IS” BASIS, VIN: JN1HJ01P1LT383657 ers and other interested parties, that the 1996 Mercedes-Benz SL-320 outcry to the highest bidder for cash, A079-Montley, Laquitta 109 14th Ct NW SUBJECT TO ANY EASEMENTS, AN unmarried woman, Investcorp, Lic #: NO TAG following described abandoned vehicle VIN: WDBFA63FXTF135190 in front of the main entrance of the Division, in the Office of the Judge of 3360 Ashley Phosphate LLC, in the amount of $75,900.00 Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama, Center Point, AL 35215 ENCUMBRANCES AND EXCEP- Date Found: 02/10/15 will be sold at public auction for cash Lic #: 3178AG0 Courthouse at Birmingham, Jefferson Rd Apt C4 PUBLIC STORAGE PROPERTY: TIONS REFLECTED IN THE MORT- dated April 28, 2010, and recorded in Place Found: 6709 1st Ave S to the highest bidder at 9:30 am on Date Found: 02/18/15 County, Alabama, on June 17, 2015, the undersigned, Glenda W. Albright, North Charleston, SC 29418 24617 GAGE AND THOSE CONTAINED the office of the Judge of Probate of REF #: 2190880 May 19, 2015, at 1901- 1st Street NE, Place Found: Alford Avenue & I-65 S during the legal hours of sale, all of as mortgagee, under and by virtue of A081-Ramsey, Waymon 1224 27th Place South IN THE RECORDS OF THE OFFICE Jefferson County Al., Birmingham 2000 Chevrolet Cavalier Center Point, AL 35215, to wit: REF #: 2191663 its right, title, and interest in and to the power of sale contained in said 660 Valley Crest Dr Birmingham, AL 35205 OF THE JUDGE OF THE PROBATE Division, in BK:LR 201004, Pg: 7043, VIN: 1G1JC5249Y7156199 2003 Cadillac CTS 1994 Honda Accord the following described real estate, mortgage, will sell at public outcry to Birmingham, AL 35215 (205) 322-2366 05/13/15 9:30 AM WHERE THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED and which mortgage was assigned to Lic #: 1B6875K VIN# 1G6DM57N830164639 VIN: 1HGCD5644RA029924 situated in Jefferson County, the highest bidder for cash, in front of B025-Mosley, Jessica STORED BY THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY IS SITUATED. THIS T&M Property Solutions, LLC dated Date Found: 02/10/15 Seller reserves the right to reject any Lic #: 1AL4709 Alabama, to-wit: the main entrance of the Courthouse at 3441 Conley Rd PERSONS: PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD WITH- Feb. 28, 2014, and recorded in the Place Found: 6709 1st Ave S bids and the right to bid. Date Found: 02/20/15 Lot 6, Block 31-J, according to the Bessemer, Jefferson County, Alabama, Hoover, AL 35226 A006-Guss, Lashundra OUT WARRANTY OR RECOURSE, office of the Judge of Probate of REF #: 2190881 Ala. Ms. Apr 18, 25, 2015 Place Found: 1500 Stoneridge Road Survey of Atlandboro, as recorded in on the 11th day of May, 2015, during D041-Grant, Shanta 1440 21st St N EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED AS TO Jefferson County Al., Birmingham 2007 Chevrolet Impala REF #: 2191719 Map Book 7, Page 17, in the Probate the legal hours of sale, the following 202 Wisteria Pl Birmingham, AL 35234 TITLE, USE AND/OR ENJOYMENT Division at BK LR 201417 Pg. 15632, VIN: 2G1WB55K979146725 FORECLOSURE NOTICE 2001 Lincoln Town Car Office of Jefferson County, Alabama. described real estate, situated in Hoover, AL 35216 A009-Odoms, Beverly AND WILL BE SOLD SUBJECT TO and which default is continuing; under Lic #: 1BG2916 Default having been made in the pay- VIN: 1LNHM82WX1Y688790 Property street address for informa- Jefferson County, Alabama, to-wit: D043-Brown, Charse 1921 15th Ave N Apt B THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION OF and by virtue of the power of sale con- Date Found: 02/11/15 ment of the indebtedness described in Lic #: 1AC2526 tional purposes: 3121 Ave J , Lot 9, Block 22, according to the 2867 Regal Cir Apt B Birmingham, AL 35234 ALL PARTIES ENTITLED THERE- tained in said mortgage, will sell at Place Found: 800 Lakeshore Drive and secured by that certain mortgage Date Found: 02/17/15 Birmingham, AL 35218 Survey of Glen Oaks 15th Sector, as Hoover, AL 35216 A049-Lawrence, Kendairis TO. public outcry to the highest bidder for REF #: 2190883 executed by Joshua Hancock and Amy Place Found: 8300 1st Avenue North This property will be sold on an “as recorded in Map Book 12, Page 96, in D055-Jones, Mary 2816 2nd St NW Said sale is made for the purpose of cash, in front of the main entrance of 1993 Acura Legend Hancock, husband and wife to REF #: 2191741 is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- the Probate Office of Jefferson 1107 Rime Vlg Center Point, AL 35215 paying the said indebtedness and the the Courthouse at Birmingham, VIN: JH4KA7660PC032125 Mortgage Electronic Registration 2001 Chevrolet Tahoe ments, encumbrances, and exceptions County, Alabama. Hoover, AL 35216 A055-Materioli, William expenses incident to this sale, includ- Jefferson County, Alabama, on May Lic #: 58CY245 Systems, Inc. (MERS) acting solely as VIN: 1GNEC13T21J110785 reflected in the mortgage and those This sale is made for the purpose of D065-Kelly Hardemon, William 1713 Treasure Cay Dr ing a reasonable attorney's fee. The 20, 2015, during the legal hours of Date Found: 02/17/15 nominee for Lender, Franklin Lic #: NO TAG contained in the records of the Office paying the indebtedness secured by 1902 Montgomery Hwy S Mansfield, TX 76063 sale will be conducted subject (1) to sale, all of its right, title and interest in Place Found: 4th Avenue South & 38th American Mortgage Company, and Date Found: 02/20/15 of the Judge of Probate of the County said mortgage, as well as the expenses Hoover, AL 35244 B029-Brooks, Michael confirmation that the sale is not pro- and to the following described real Street Sout Lender's successors and assigns dated Place Found: 1400 Appalachee Street where the above-described property is of foreclosure. F023-Reynolds,Keaundra 1410 22nd St N hibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy estate, situated in Jefferson County, REF #: 2190971 August 6, 2009, and Recorded in Book REF #: 2191804 situated. This property will be sold Glenda W. Albright, Mortgagee 1312 River Haven Ln Birmingham, AL 35234 Code and (2) to final confirmation and Alabama, to-wit: 2005 Dodge Magnum LR 200908, Page 16697 of the records 1978 FORD MUSTANG without warranty or recourse, DANNY LOCKHART Hoover, AL 35244 C009-Jefferson, Tyesha audit of the status of the loan with the LOT 6, BLOCK 7, according to the VIN: 2D4FV48V65H112598 in the Office of the Judge of Probate, VIN: 8F02Y207270 expressed or implied as to title, use 1129 Forestdale Boulevard H008-Galando, Kathleen 921 47th Pl S mortgagee. Survey of Melville Court, as recorded Lic #: 11CA137 Jefferson County, Alabama, which Lic #: 1AL3113 and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- Birmingham, AL 35214 2715 Briarberry Cir Apt A Birmingham, AL 35222 Everbank, Mortgagee in Plat Book 16, page 28, in the office Date Found: 02/13/15 said mortgage was subsequently Date Found: 02/20/15 ject to the right of redemption of all Attorney for Mortgagee Vestavia, AL 35226 C068-Bongers, Kimberly WILLIAM MCFADDEN of the Judge of Probate of Jefferson Place Found: 456 13th Ave Nw assigned to Bank of America, N. A. by Place Found: 317 W Valley Ave/ parties entitled thereto. Ala.Ms- Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 K004-Galando, Kathleen 633 Richmond St McFadden, Lyon & Rouse, L.L.C. County, Al. REF #: 2190997 instrument recorded in Book LR Marathon This sale is made for the purpose of 2715 Briarberry Cir Apt A Macon, GA 31206 718 Downtowner Blvd. This property will be sold on an "as 1993 Ford Crown Victoria 201462, Page 519 of said Probate REF #: 2191848 paying the indebtedness secured by MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Vestavia, AL 35226 D033-Rudolph, Jacqueline Mobile, AL 36609 is, where is" basis, subject to any ease- VIN: 2FACP71W5PX191064 Court records; notice is hereby given 2007 SUZUKI said mortgage, as well as the expenses Default having been made in the pay- K031-Hodge, Rona 556 Eastbrook Dr Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 ments, encumbrances, and exceptions Lic #: 7856AF2 VIN: JS1VP53A572103037 4608 Wooddale Lane reflected in the mortgage and those that the undersigned as mortgagee will of foreclosure. ment of the indebtedness secured by Birmingham, AL 35215 contained in the records of the Office Date Found: 02/16/15 under power of sale contained in said Lic #: N/A The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves that certain mortgage executed by Pelham, AL 35124 PUBLIC STORAGE PROPERTY: MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE Place Found: 5300 Doctor Martin mortgage, sell at public outcry for cash Date Found: 02/19/15 D019-Harville, Stephanie 24619 NOTICE of the Judge of Probate of the County Luther King Boul Place Found: 12th Avenue North & the right to bid for and purchase the Rebecca Robin Long to Donald Hugh 53 Town Creek where the above-described property is to the highest bidder, during legal real estate and to credit its purchase Jones on March 1, 2011, said mortgage 6917 Oporto-Madrid Blvd S Default having been made in the situated. This property will be sold REF #: 2191003 hours of sale on May 19, 2015, at the 35th Street Nor price against the expenses of sale and being recorded in the Office of the Apartments Birmingham, AL 35206 terms of that mortgage executed on 1971 FORD F-100 front door of the Courthouse of REF #: 2191982 Columbiana, AL 35051 June 30, 2008 by Borklund Properties, without warranty or recourse, VIN: F10GNEG1313 the indebtedness secured by the real Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, (205) 836-0124 05/13/15 10:00 AM expressed or implied as to title, use Jefferson County, Alabama, 716 2002 Pontiac Grand Am estate. Alabama, in Bk: LR201102, Pg. PUBLIC STORAGE PROPERTY: STORED BY THE FOLLOWING Inc. an Alabama Corporation and Lic #: VDA240 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd N VIN: 1G2NF52F92C239233 24620 PERSONS: William L. Borklund and Norma L. and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- Date Found: 02/17/15 This sale is subject to postponement 21585, the undersigned, Donald Hugh 1055 Pebble Creek Pkwy ject to the right of redemption of all Birmingham, AL 35203, the following Lic #: ANMAE or cancellation. Jones, as mortgagee, under and by B010-Burks, Charles Borklund, husband and wife, to Place Found: 700 Tuscaloosa Avenue described real property in the County Date Found: 02/18/15 Birmingham, AL 35214 EvaBank, which said mortgage is parties entitled thereto. Southwest Midfirst Bank, Transferee virtue of the power of sale contained in (205) 798-0721 05/12/15 9:30 AM 6701 1st Ave S This sale is made for the purpose of of Jefferson, State of Alabama, being Place Found: Milstead Road & Fairfax Rebecca Redmond said mortgage, will sell at public out- Birmingham, AL 35212 recorded in Book LR200808, Page 613 REF #: 2191008 the same property described in the Drive STORED BY THE FOLLOWING B044-Bannerman, Tiffany in the Probate Office of Jefferson paying the indebtedness secured by 1999 Nissan Altima REF #: 5003761 SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. cry to the highest bidder for cash, in PERSONS: said mortgage, as well as the expenses above referred to mortgage: P. O. Box 55727 front of the main entrance of the 2521 35th Ave N County, Alabama, and default continu- VIN: 1N4DL01D1XC210857 COMMENCE AT THE SOUTH- Will be sold at public outcry to the A005-Clayton, Martin Birmingham, AL 35207 ing, and by virtue of the power of sale of foreclosure. Lic #: 1BK9347 highest bidder for cash at 3401 Powell Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 Jefferson County Courthouse, 309 miles ave The Mortgagee reserves the right to WEST CORNER OF THE NORTH- Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee Birmingham, Alabama, on the 18th B049-Sturdivant, Terry contained in said mortgage, the follow- Date Found: 02/12/15 WEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTH- Avenue, Birmingham, AL 35222 on Birmingham, AL 35214 7821 8th Ave S ing described property will be sold at bid for and purchase the real estate and Place Found: 20/59 Nb Before 05/20/2015 at 11:00 AM. The Seller www.sirote.com/foreclosures day of May, 2015, during the legal A019-Jones, Wanda to credit its purchase price against the WEST QUARTER OF SECTION 18, 355293 hours of sale, the following described Birmingham, AL 35206 public outcry, for cash, to the highest expenses of sale and the indebtedness Tallapoosa TOWNSHIP 20 SOUTH, OF THE shall have the right to reject any and all 1516 19th Street B053-Waldrop, Nannatt bidder, in front of the Courthouse door REF #: 2191028 bids if in the opinion of the Seller, the Ala.Ms.- Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 real estate, situated in Jefferson Birmingham, AL 35234 secured by the real estate. HUNTSVILLE BASE LINE, RANGE 7012 66th St S of said County, in Birmingham, This sale is subject to postponement 2000 Nissan Maxima 4 WEST OF THE HUNTSVILLE bid is unreasonably low. Call Steve County, Alabama, to-wit: A022-Oliver, Ronald Birmingham, AL 35212 Alabama, during the legal hours of sale VIN: JN1CA31D0YT721431 Weil at 205-251-4060 to make MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Lots 13 and 13B in Block 12, accord- 1616 Circle Wood Drive or cancellation; contact ROY M. MERIDIAN; PROCEED NORTH Default having been made in the B069-Robinson, Keondra on May 18, 2015: WEST at the phone number shown Lic #: 58BV308 ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID arrangements to view any vehicle prior ing to the survey of Jefferson Park, as Birmingham, AL 35214 496 Carriage Hill Drive Parcel I: Date Found: 02/08/15 to the date of the auction. payment of the indebtedness secured recorded in Map Book 18, Page 40, in B119-Peeples, Carita below prior to attendance at sale. QUARTER QUARTER SECTION by that certain mortgage executed by McCalla, AL 35022 Lot “B”, according to a resurvey and T&M Property Solutions, LLC Place Found: 1900 10th Ave So FOR A DISTANCE OF 627.61 FEET WEIL WRECKER SERVICE INC the Probate Office of Jefferson 1666 19th Place S.W. C009-Gurley, Tamiko subdivision of Lot 12, Block 4, REF #: 2191038 3400 2nd Ave S. Deacquannetta Ford, an unmarried County, Alabama. Birmingham, AL 35211 Assignee of Mortgagee TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF person, originally in favor of 7749 5th Ave S Apt D Avondale site “C”, as recorded in Map ROY M. WEST 2003 Volkswagen New Beetle LOT 1 OF BLUE CREEK'S ADDI- Birmingham AL 35222 This sale is made for the purpose of B158-Watts, Annie Birmingham, AL 35206 Book 1 14, Page 14, in the Probate VIN: 3VWCD21C33M431761 Ala.Ms.- Apr. 18, 25, 2015 Ameriquest Mortgage Company, on paying the indebtedness secured by 24 Bankhead Hwy W (205) 251-8151 Lic #: 0085AG7 TION TO LOU GEORGE LOOP, AS the 13th day of June, 2005, said mort- D007-Williams, Anthony Office of Jefferson County, Alabama. Attorney for assignee of Mortgagee RECORDED IN MAP BOOK 37, said mortgage, as well as the expenses Birmingham, AL 35204 PO Box 1137 Parcel III: Date Found: 02/08/15 LEGAL NOTICE gage recorded in the Office of the of foreclosure. B177-Jordan, Ben Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 Place Found: 65 Nb @ Greensprings PAGE 11, IN THE OFFICE OF THE Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, 805 Miami Place Birmingham, AL 35201 Lot 5, according to the Map of JUDGE OF PROBATE OF JEFFER- Pursuant to the provisions of Donald Hugh Jones, Mortgagee E008-Lawson,Christopher Huxley Place, Phase One, as recorded REF #: 2191040 Alabama Abandoned Motor Vehicles Alabama, in Book 200509 Page 9411; WAYNE M. JONES Birmingham, AL 35214 MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE 1993 Buick Roadmaster SON COUNTY, ALABAMA, BESSE- the undersigned Deutsche Bank C256-Browning, Lestra 4916 N Rampart St in Map Book 178, Page 14, in the Default having been made in the pay- MER DIVISION, TURN A DEFLEC- Act: Section 32-13-4 Code of Alabama 59 Choctaw Lane New Orleans, LA 70117 Probate Office of Jefferson County, VIN: 1G4BN5372PR419842 1975, notice is hereby given to the National Trust Company, as Trustee Indian Springs, AL 35124 725 Mohave Drive ment of the indebtedness secured by Lic #: 7T48H TION ANGLE TO THE RIGHT OF for Ameriquest Mortgage Securities Birmingham, AL 35214 F019-Taylor, Annjenette Alabama. that certain mortgage executed by 150 DEGREES, 11 MINUTES 48 owners, lienholders and other interest- Attorney for Mortgagee 424 13th Ct NW Parcel IV: Marjorie N. Harden, an unmarried Date Found: 02/10/15 ed parties that the following described Inc., Asset-Backed Pass-Through Ala.Ms.- Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 C270-Scott, Henry Center Point, AL 35215 Lot 7, in Block 4, according to the Place Found: 7401 DIVISION AVE SECONDS AND PROCEED ALONG vehicles were taken into custody by Certificates, Series 2005-R8, as 1456 Cambridge Blvd woman, originally in favor of Mortgage REF #: 2191052 THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by Fairfield, AL 35064 F037-Harris, Monica Survey of First Sector, Blue Ridge Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., SAID LOT 1 FOR A DISTANCE OF Professional Towing Svc. Inc. to wit: MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE 2415 37th Ave N Estates, as recorded in Map Book 40, 2005 Chevrolet Impala 1995 Toyota Camry virtue of the power of sale contained Default having been made in the pay- C271-Carter, Sharon acting solely as a nominee for Quicken VIN: 2G1WF52E959125938 145.42 FEET TO THE POINT OF in said mortgage, will sell at public 3005 Pebble Creek Pkwy Birmingham, AL 35207 Page 33, in the Office of the Judge of Loans Inc., on the 17th day of October, BEGINNING; CONTINUE ALONG VIN: 4T1SK11E5SU578721 ment of the indebtedness secured by G001-D Walker, Rhonda Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama. 2008, said mortgage recorded in the Lic #: 9323AN7 Lic #: 1BA2840 outcry to the highest bidder for cash, that certain mortgage executed by Birmingham, AL 35214 1212 Gulfport St Parcel VI: Date Found: 02/12/15 SAID LINE FOR A DISTANCE OF in front of the main entrance of the C327-Payton, Tammy Office of the Judge of Probate of 200.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST- Date Found: 02/10/15 Alphonso White, a single man to Birmingham, AL 35224 That Part of the SW ¼ of the NW ¼ Jefferson County, Alabama, in Book Place Found: Brimingport Rd And Place Found: 459 no @ 65 Courthouse at Birmingham, Jefferson Mortgage Electronic Registrations 1538 April Dr. G001-P-Johnson, Jennifer of Section 1, Township 19 South, Mcdonalds Chaple ERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 1 County, Alabama, on May 20, 2015, Warrior, AL 35180 LR200812 Page 2055; the undersigned AND THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF REF #: 1100316 Systems, Inc., as nominee for 503 Brussels Cir Range 3 West, situated in Jefferson Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC, as REF #: 2191063 2004 Ford Mustang during the legal hours of sale, all of Homecomings Financial Network, PUBLIC STORAGE PROPERTY: Birmingham, AL 35212 County, Alabama, more particularly 2004 Honda Accord WAY OF LOU GEORGE LOOP; its right, title, and interest in and to 24625 Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by TURN A DEFLECTION ANGLE TO VIN: 1FAFP40464F101777 Inc., on the 7th day of July, 2004, G022-Pope, Ronnie described as follows: Begin at the NW virtue of the power of sale contained in VIN: 1HGCM56304A016751 Lic #: 1972AA5 the following described real estate, being recorded in Instrument 575 Bessemer Super Hwy 7415 4th Ave N corner of said ¼ - ¼ Section and run Lic #: 8AF3340 THE RIGHT OF 81 DEGREES 20 Date Found: 02/09/15 situated in Jefferson County, Midfield, AL 35228 said mortgage, will sell at public outcry Date Found: 02/08/15 MINUTES 12 SECONDS AND PRO- 200410/3958, and assigned to RWLS Birmingham, AL 35206 thence Southwardly along the West to the highest bidder for cash, in front Place Found: Firestone-Pelham Alabama, to-wit: IV Holding, LLC in Book LR201211, (205) 424-9341 05/12/15 10:00 AM G033-Miller, TaWanda line thereof for a distance of 813 feet Place Found: Alabama 75 & Ervin CEED ALONG THE SAID RIGHT OF REF #: 1100328 Lot 117, Block 5, according to the STORED BY THE FOLLOWING of the main entrance of the Courthouse Circle WAY FOR A DISTANCE OF 200.00 Page 7059 and subsequently trans- PERSONS: 1528 Cooper Hill Rd Apt L to the point of beginning of the tract at Birmingham, Jefferson County, 1998 Toyota Avalon Survey of Travellick, as recorded in ferred and assigned to Siphon Draw, Irondale, AL 35210 here described, from the point of REF #: 2191067 FEET TO THE EASTERLY RIGHT VIN: 4T1BF18B3WU285096 Map Book 3, Page 45, in the Probate A001-Myles, Meshanta Alabama, on June 24, 2015, during the 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix OF WAY LINE OF LOU GEORGE LLC by Instrument recorded in Book 804 12th Ave H002-Bowen, Adrienne beginning thus obtained turn an angle legal hours of sale, all of its right, title, Lic #: 1BA3315 Office of Jefferson County, Alabama. LR201512, Page 4002, in the Office of 620 McMillon Ave SW of 88°47’ to the left from the last VIN: 2G2WS522X41373383 LOOP; TURN A DEFLECTION Date Found: 02/11/15 Property street address for informa- Midfield, AL 35228 and interest in and to the following Lic #: 9531AC ANGLE TO THE RIGHT OF 100 the Judge of Probate of Jefferson A022-Golightly, Melody Birmingham, AL 35211 described course and run Eastwardly described real estate, situated in Place Found: 3433 Lorna Road tional purposes: 3732 Pine Ave SW, County, Alabama. H007-Glenn Wedding and Specialty for a distance of 100 feet; thence turn Date Found: 02/09/15 DEGREES 28 MINUTES 01 SEC- REF #: 1100374 Birmingham, AL 35221 906 18th St Jefferson County, Alabama, to-wit: Place Found: 195 West Oxmoor Road ONDS AND PROCEED ALONG The undersigned Siphon Draw, LLC, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Flowers angle of 88°47’ to the right and run Lot 3, Block 2, according to the 2001 Toyota Camry Solara This property will be sold on an “as as transferee, under and by virtue of P.O. Box 611078 Southwardly and parallel with the W Amended Map of Willow Ridge, Third REF #: 2191081 SAID RIGHT OF WAY FOR A DIS- VIN: 2T1CF22P81C479115 is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- A042-Stewart, Shontria 1998 Mercury Mystique TANCE OF 255.00 FEET; TURN A the power of sale contained in said 1510 Dartmouth Ave Birmingham, AL 35261 line of said ¼ - ¼ Section for a dis- Sector, as recorded in Map Book 113, Lic #: PEB7251 ments, encumbrances, and exceptions PUBLIC STORAGE PROPERTY: tance of 100 feet, thence turn an angle Page 74, in the Probate Office of VIN: 1MEFM6531WK650844 DEFLECTION ANGLE TO THE Date Found: 02/12/15 mortgage, will sell at public outcry to Bessemer, AL 35020 Lic #: AS90869 RIGHT OF 95 DEGREES 37 MIN- reflected in the mortgage and those the highest bidder for cash, in front of A044-Twilley, Jimmy 24622 of 57°50’ to the right and run Jefferson County, Alabama; being sit- Date Found: 02/20/15 UTES 46 SECONDS AND PROCEED Place Found: 65 so and Alford Ave contained in the records of the Office the Main entrance of the Court House 215 4th Ave N Lot B 1147 Gadsden Hwy Southwestwardly for a distance of uated in Jefferson County, Alabama. Place Found: Highland Avenue South FOR A DISTANCE OF 191.30 FEET REF #: 1100382 of the Judge of Probate of the County at Birmingham, Jefferson County, Bessemer, AL 35020 Birmingham, AL 35235 118.10 feet to a point on the W line of Property street address for informa- & Niazuma Ave TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. 2005 Saab 9-3 where the above-described property is Alabama, on the 13th day of May, A099-Ambers, Brittney (205) 836-2064 05/13/2015 10:30 AM said ¼ - ¼ Section; run thence tional purposes: 5847 Willow Ridge REF #: 2191094 THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD VIN: YS3FB49SX51058403 situated. This property will be sold 2015, during the legal hours of sale, 1521 3rd Pl N STORED BY THE FOLLOWING Northwardly along said W line for a Road, Pinson, AL 35126 1986 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme ON AN “AS IS, WHERE IS” BASIS, Lic #: PRT 5490 without warranty or recourse, the following real estate, situated in Birmingham, AL 35204 PERSONS: distance of 164 feet to the point of This property will be sold on an “as VIN: 1G3GR47Y6GP361404 SUBJECT TO ANY EASEMENTS, Date Found: 02/13/15 expressed or implied as to title, use Jefferson County, Alabama, to-wit: B126-Redwine, Tracey A009-Jackson, Bradley beginning. is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- Lic #: 4SKAT ENCUMBRANCES AND EXCEP- Place Found: 280wb Ifo Home Depot and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- Lot 7, Block 23, according to the 1530 Burgin Ave 816 Sundale Dr And also: ments, encumbrances, and exceptions REF #: 1100385 ject to the right of redemption of all Birmingham, AL 35235 Commence at the NW corner of the reflected in the mortgage and those Date Found: 02/15/15 TIONS REFLECTED IN THE MORT- 2000 Toyota Camry Survey of Highland Lake Land Birmingham, AL 35208 Place Found: 2325 Avenue S Ensley GAGE AND THOSE CONTAINED parties entitled thereto. Company’s Map of Bush Hills, as D223-Strother, Thomas C013-Stewart, Marsha SW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 1, contained in the records of the Office VIN: 4T1BG22K0YU647836 This sale is made for the purpose of 9852 Westfield Court Township 19 South, Range 3 West, of the Judge of Probate of the County REF #: 2191099 IN THE RECORDS OF THE OFFICE Lic #: 1BT3901 recorded in Map Book 13, Page 87, in 704 9th Ct W 1992 Geo Metro OF THE JUDGE OF THE PROBATE paying the indebtedness secured by the Probate Office of Jefferson Birmingham, AL 35204 B’ham, AL 35217 Jefferson County, Alabama; thence where the above-described property is VIN: 2C1MR246XN6790615 Date Found: 02/17/15 said mortgage, as well as the expenses D018-Maxwell, Anthony Southerly along the W line of said ¼ - situated. This property will be sold WHERE THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED Place Found: I-65 S @ I-459 County, Alabama, Birmingham D231-Williams, Andre 2408 31st Street Ensley ¼ Section for a distance of 813 feet; Lic #: 1B99G38 PROPERTY IS SITUATED. THIS of foreclosure. Division. 200 Ridgewood Avenue without warranty or recourse, Date Found: 02/15/15 REF #: 1100472 The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves Fairfield, AL 35064 Birmingham, AL 35208 thence 88°4’ left and Easterly for 100 expressed or implied as to title, use PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD WITH- 1998 Ford Explorer This sale is made for the purpose of E014-Ware, Stephanie feet; thence 88°47’ right and Southerly Place Found: Green Springs Highway OUT WARRANTY OR RECOURSE, the right to bid for and purchase the paying the indebtedness secured by E250-Youngblood, Elbert and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- REF #: 2191100 VIN: 1FMYU22X0WUC82277 real estate and to credit its purchase 24323 Camillia Ridge 1653 18th Way SW 16.18 feet to the point of beginning; ject to the right of redemption of all EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED AS TO Lic #: 58GH668 said mortgage, as well as the expenses Birmingham, AL 35211 thence continue Southerly along the 1973 Chevy Caprice TITLE, USE AND/OR ENJOYMENT price against the expenses of sale and of foreclosure. Way. Katy, TX 77493 parties entitled thereto. VIN: 1N39R3D143185 Date Found: 02/20/15 the indebtedness secured by the real E254-Jackson, Ashlei G024-Edmond, Diane same line for 83.82 feet; thence 151° This sale is made for the purpose of AND WILL BE SOLD SUBJECT TO Place Found: 96 Shades Crest Road Siphon Draw, LLC 2910 Hunter Ridge Drive left and for 123.50 feet; thence 141°02 Lic #: 1A36J52 THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION OF estate. Transferee 3 Wilkes Cir Midfield, AL 35228 paying the indebtedness secured by Date Found: 02/11/15 REF #: 3038559 This sale is subject to postponement Apt 205 ½’ left and Southwesterly 64.48 feet to said mortgage, as well as the expenses ALL PARTIES ENTITLED THERE- Will be sold at public outcry to the W. L. LONGSHORE, III P013-Fuller, Fawn Place Found: 163 Sunburst Circle TO. or cancellation. 2027 Berkley Avenue Birmingham, AL 35235 the point of beginning. of foreclosure. REF #: 2191111 highest bidder for cash at 3401 Powell Deutsche Bank National Trust Attorney for Transferee H006-Daniel, Arlington Said sale is made for the purpose of The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves Said sale is made for the purpose of Avenue, Birmingham, AL 35222 on Longshore, Buck & Longshore, P.C. Bessemer, AL 35020 1999 Mercury Grand Marquis paying the said indebtedness and the Company, as Trustee for Ameriquest Vehicles: Jaguar XJR Red 6812 68th St S paying the mortgage debt and cost of the right to bid for and purchase the VIN: 2MEFM75W2XX672186 05/20/2015 at 11:00 AM. The Seller Mortgage Securities Inc., Asset- The Longshore Building Birmingham, AL 35212 foreclosure. real estate and to credit its purchase expenses incident to this sale, includ- shall have the right to reject any and all 2009 Second Avenue North Vin:SAJPX1143SC740839 Lic #: N/A ing a reasonable attorney's fee. The Backed Pass-Through Certificates, PUBLIC STORAGE PROPERTY: PUBLIC STORAGE PROPERTY: EvaBank, Mortgagee price against the expenses of sale and Date Found: 02/11/15 bids if in the opinion of the Seller, the Series 2005-R8, Mortgagee/ Birmingham, Alabama 35203-3703 24623 24621 DEWAYNE N. MORRIS the indebtedness secured by the real sale will be conducted subject (1) to bid is unreasonably low. Call Steve Phone: 205-252-7661 1120 Huffman Rd Attorney for Mortgagee Place Found: 2000 Mayfield Avenue confirmation that the sale is not pro- Transferee 209 Oxmoor Blvd estate. Southwest Weil at 205-251-4060 to make Andy Saag Ala.Ms.- Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 Birmingham, AL 35209 Birmingham, AL 35214 2131 Third Avenue North This sale is subject to postponement hibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy arrangements to view any vehicle prior (205) 853-0389 05/13/15 11:00 AM Birmingham, Alabama 35203 REF #: 2191113 Code and (2) to final confirmation and SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. (205) 942-1557 05/12/15 11:00 AM or cancellation. 2000 Honda Accord to the date of the auction. P. O. Box 55727 ABANDONED VEHICLES STORED BY THE FOLLOWING STORED BY THE FOLLOWING Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC audit of the status of the loan with the Professional Towing Svc. Inc. In accordance with Section 32-13-1, PERSONS: VIN: 1HGCG5652YA109205 mortgagee. Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 PERSONS: Mortgagee/Transferee Lic #: 2319AG8 1872 Lorna Crest Rd Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee Code of Alabama, 1975, Notice is A025-Frazier, Reginald A007-Hill, Tracey NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Elizabeth Loefgren Bank of America, N. A., Mortgagee Hoover AL 35244 hereby given to the owners, lienhold- 426 Jerry Coleman St Default having been made in the pay- Date Found: 02/14/15 WILLIAM MCFADDEN www.sirote.com/foreclosures 616 Beacon Dr SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. Place Found: Parkway East & Medford Ala.Ms.- Apr. 18, 25, 2015 354979 ers and other interested parties, that the Fairfield, AL 35064 Fairfield, AL 35064 ment of the indebtedness secured by P. O. Box 55727 McFadden, Lyon & Rouse, L.L.C. following described abandoned vehi- A042-Mitchell, Rebecca that certain mortgage executed by Road 718 Downtowner Blvd. Ala.Ms.- Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 A060-Love, Gary Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 REF #: 2191121 ABANDONED VEHICLE cles will be sold at public auction for 168 Tanglewood Dr 1833 Martinique Dr Apt B Daagye Harvill and Spouse Omar Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee Mobile, AL 36609 In accordance with Section 32-13-1, cash to the highest bidder at 10:00 am Center Point, AL 35215 Harvill, to Option One Mortgage 1999 Buick Park Avenue Ala.Ms.- April 18, 25, May 2, 2015 NOTICE OF SALE OF Alabaster, AL 35007 www.sirote.com/foreclosures VIN: 1G4CU5214X4649979 Code of Alabama, 1975, Notice is ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLES on May 26, 2015, at 209 Lakeshore A090-Beal, Linda C005-Cox, Michael Corporation, A California 358757 hereby given to the owners, lienhold- 21823 King Henry Ave Corporation, on September 11, 2002, Lic #: 1A24Z74 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE Pursuant to the provisions of the Parkway, 35209, to wit: 1701 32nd St N Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 Date Found: 02/16/15 ers and other interested parties, that the Seller reserves the right to reject any Birmingham, AL 35234 Leesburg, FL 34748 said mortgage being recorded in the Default having been made in the pay- following described abandoned vehicle Alabama Abandoned Motor Vehicle C037-McGinnis, Ruth Office of the Judge of Probate of Place Found: 416 Red Lane Road ment of the indebtedness secured by Act, Section 32-13-1, et seq., Code of bids and the right to bid. A163-Wells, Tasha REF #: 2191122 will be sold at public auction for cash 2003 Econoline Ford 1421 Princeton Ave SW PO Box 1373 Jefferson County, Alabama, at Book that certain mortgage dated August 29, to the highest bidder at 9:30 am on Alabama, 1975, as amended, notice is Pinson, AL 35126 200212, Page 6967; and subsequently 2000 Mazda 626 2009, executed by Harley M. Fletcher hereby given to the owners, lienhold- VIN # 1FTSS34L13HC06815 Birmingham, AL 35211 VIN: 1YVGF22L9Y5175078 May 26 2015, at 757 Vaughn Circle, Ala. Ms. Apr. 25, May 2, 2015 A165-Daniels, Karrissa C041-Gardner, Antoinette transferred to Wells Fargo Bank, and Kristi L. Fletcher, husband and Birmingham, AL 35235, to wit: ers and other interested parties, the fol- 2817 Sparrow Way National Association, as Trustee for Lic #: 267DDF wife, to Mortgage Electronic lowing described vehicles, to wit: 125 Aspen Cir Apt 203 Date Found: 02/09/15 2007 Chevrolet HHR ABANDONED VEHICLE Homewood, AL 35209 Enterprise, AL 36330 MASTR Asset Backed Securities Trust Registration Systems, Inc., solely as VIN# 3GNDA13D97S629883 2004 Chrysler PT Cruiser C043-Whaley, Tesheka 2003-OPT1, Mortgage Pass-Through Place Found: 59 Nb Center Street nominee for Sun Capital Inc., which VIN# 3C8FY68834T224497 In accordance with Section 32-13-1, B177-Hudson, Ganniffer REF #: 2191142 Seller reserves the right to reject any Code of Alabama, 1975, Notice is 6613 Ave L 2621 7th St NW Certificates, Series 2003-OPT1; Wells mortgage was recorded on September bids and the right to bid. 2007 Dodge Charger Center Point, AL 35215 Fargo Bank, National Association, as 2004 Chevrolet Impala 10, 2009, in Book LR200963, Page VIN# 2B3KA43R67H738545 hereby given to the owners, lienhold- Bessemer, AL 35020 VIN: 2G1WH52K049167106 Ala. Ms. Apr. 25, May 2, 2015 ers and other interested parties, that the B189-Sharpe, Para Altonia C070-Palmore, Charles Trustee for MASTR Asset Backed 14207, of the mortgage records in the 2006 Jeep Commander 229 14th Ct W Securities Trust 2003-OPT1, Mortgage Lic #: NO TAG Office of the Judge of Probate of VIN# 1J8HG58256C352542 following described abandoned vehicle 2444 Chestnut Ridge Pl Date Found: 02/11/15 ABANDONED VEHICLE will be sold at public auction for cash Hoover, AL 35216 Birmingham, AL 35204 Pass-Through Certificates, Series Jefferson County, Alabama, which In accordance with Section 32-13-1, were taken into possession and will be C077-Cobb, Chandra 2003-OPT1, under and by virtue of the Place Found: 59 NB @ I-20 mortgage was, duly transferred and sold at public outcry to the highest bid- to the highest bidder at 10:30 am on C211-Clements, Yvonne REF #: 2191156 Code of Alabama, 1975, Notice is May 26 2015, at 1950 Croydon Circle, 3034 29th Ct N 2913 Gallant Pl Apt 4 power of sale contained in said mort- assigned to CitiMortgage, Inc., notice hereby given to the owners, lienhold- der for cash at Jim Burke Automotive, Birmingham, AL 35215 gage, will sell at public outcry to the 1997 Mercury Mountaineer Inc., 1301 5th Avenue North, Birmingham, AL 35235, to wit: Birmingham, AL 35207 VIN: 4M2DU52P2VUJ52157 is hereby given that pursuant to law ers and other interested parties, that the C247-Deramus, Rodney D071-Davis, Shiquita highest bidder for cash, in front of the and the power of sale contained in said following described abandoned vehicle Birmingham, AL 35203, on the 2nd 1995 Chevrolet Camaro 485 Azalea Way main entrance of the Jefferson County Lic #: N/A day of June, 2015, at 12:00 Noon. The VIN# 2G1FP22S5S2102162 103 Green Springs Hwy Date Found: 02/10/15 mortgage, the undersigned will sell at will be sold at public auction for cash Birmingham, AL 35209 Birmingham, AL 35215 Courthouse, in Birmingham, Alabama, public outcry, to the highest bidder for to the highest bidder at 10:00 am on seller shall have the right to reject any Seller reserves the right to reject any D075-Weems, James on May 27, 2015, during the legal Place Found: Airport Highway & 46th cash, in front of the Twenty-First and all bids. bids and the right to bid. C263-Glover, Jaquetta Street North May 26 2015, at 8920 Parkway East, Ala. Ms. Apr. 25, May 2, 2015 803 HillCrest Rd 200 State Rd Apt A hours of sale, the following described REF #: 2191260 Street entrance to the Jefferson County Birmingham, AL 35206, to wit: Ala. Ms. Apr. 25, May 2, 2015 Birmingham, AL 35005 Oneonta, AL 35121 real estate, situated in Jefferson Courthouse at Birmingham, Alabama, 2009 Nissan Maxima D082-Green, Mavis County, Alabama, to-wit: 2000 Toyota Corolla during the legal hours of sale on May ABANDON VEHICLE NOTICE. ABANDONED VEHICLES E313-Yearby Jr, Vann VIN: 2T1BR12E4YC360905 VIN# 1N4AA51E99C861493 In accordance with Section 32-13-1, 1632 17th Place Sw 1750 Tudor Dr Lot 2, Block 15, according to the Lic #: 2569AG5 27, 2015, the following described real Seller reserves the right to reject any For sale per Abandon Motor Vehicle Birmingham, AL 35211 Birmingham, AL 35235 Survey of Birmingham Realty`s 4th estate, situated in Jefferson County, Act, Section 32-13-1, Code of AL Code of Alabama, 1975, Notice is Addition, as recorded in Map Book 9, Date Found: 02/12/15 bids and the right to bid. hereby given to the owners, lienhold- E330-Dodson, Derrick E014-Conway, Patrick Place Found: 1st Avenue North & Alabama, to-wit: Ala. Ms. Apr. 25, May 2, 2015 1975. Notice is hereby given that the 1837 3rd Pl SW 1090 Alabama Ave page 14, in the Probate Office of Lot 25, Block 64, according to the following vehicles were taken into ers and other interested parties, that the Oneonta, AL 35121 Jefferson County, Alabama. Parkway East following described abandoned vehi- Birmingham, AL 35211 REF #: 2191283 Survey of Birmingham-Ensley, as ABANDONED VEHICLE NOTICE possession and will be sold at auction E334-Jones-Johnson, Shenika E022-McGinnis, Ruth This sale is made for the purpose of recorded in Map Book 1, Page 245, in For sale per Abandoned Motor on May 27, 2015 at 10am at Heritage cles will be sold at public auction for PO Box 1373 paying the indebtedness secured by 1996 Ford Crown Victoria cash to the highest bidder at 9:00 a.m. 205 52nd St N VIN: 2FALP74W4TX181308 the Office of the Judge of Probate of Vehicle Act, Section 32-13+1, code of Realty & Auction Co Inc, 6877 Birmingham, AL 35212 Pinson, AL 35126 said mortgage, as well as the expense Lic #: 1674AN4 Jefferson County, Alabama. AL 1975. Notice is hereby given that Gadsden Hwy, Trussville, AL 35173. on May 26, 2015, at 8220 Division PUBLIC STORAGE PROPERTY: E023-Jones, Sharon of foreclosure. Date Found: 02/13/15 This sale is made for the purpose of the following vehicles will be sold at 02 Frht Court North, Birmingham, AL 35206, 24624 P O Box 610935 Wells Fargo Bank, National Place Found: 76 Greensprings Hwy paying the indebtedness secured by auction on June 1, 2015 at 9:00 am at VIN #: 1FVABSAL02HK10108, to wit: 3232 Lorna Rd Birmingham, AL 35261 Association, as Trustee for MASTR REF #: 2191285 said mortgage as well as expenses of Park West Radiator 404 Johnson 84 Chev 2004 Chevrolet Impala Birmingham, AL 35216 All sales are subject to cancellation. Asset Backed Securities Trust 2003- 2002 Chevrolet Cavalier foreclosure. Street, Adamsville, AL 35005 VIN #: 1G1AY0786E5123281, VIN# 2G1WH52K249403142 (205) 822-5143 05/12/15 12:00PM Public auction terms, rules, and regula- OPT1, Mortgage Pass-Through VIN: 1G1JF524927362847 CitiMortgage, Inc., Transferee 1995 Acura Integra 05 Chev 1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee STORED BY THE FOLLOWING tions will be made available prior to Certificates, Series 2003-OPT1, Lic #: N/A Robert J. Wermuth/anp JH4DC4364SS029782 VIN #: 1GCEC19Z25Z191721, VIN# 1J4FX58S3VC639627 PERSONS: the sale. Dated this 25th of April and Transferee Date Found: 02/11/15 STEPHENS MILLIRONS, P.C. Abandoned 3/10/2010 05 Chev 1998 Ford Mustang A025-Ross Iv, Albert 2nd of May 2015 by PS Orangeco, JAUREGUI & LINDSEY, LLC Place Found: Gadsden Highway & P.O. Box 307 Approx charges owed $6755.00 VIN #: 1GCEC19T25E219987. VIN# 1FAFP4048WF127249 2224 Montreat Dr Inc., 701 Western Avenue, Glendale, 2110 Devereux Circle Medical Park Driv Huntsville, Alabama 35804 Seller reserves right to refuse any and Seller reserves the right to refuse any Seller reserves the right to reject any Vestavia, AL 35216 CA 91201. (818) 244-8080, Bond No. Birmingham, AL 35243 REF #: 2191291 Attorney for Mortgagee all bids. and all bids bids and the right to bid. A101-Wagley, Judy 6004928. 205-988-8888 2002 Mitsubishi Montero Sport Ala.Ms.- Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 2015 Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 2015 Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 2015 Ala. Ms. Apr. 25, May 2, 2015 2715 A Bryer Circle Ala.Ms.- April 25, May 2, 2015 Ala.Ms.- Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 2015 April 25, 2015 ALABAMA MESSENGER Page 6 Three Steps to Improve Your Credit (StatePoint) Good credit is a key ingre- dient in succeeding financially; yet building a strong foundation takes time. If you are new to credit or are work- ing to improve it, there are many steps you can take to put you on a path to stronger credit. Here are three essential steps that help you get started: • Check your credit report: Experts rec- ommend checking your credit report at least once a year. Your credit report contains details of your credit history, including balances, credit limit and pay- ment status. Lenders, apartment managers and some employers may check your credit report to see how responsible you are with money. When you check your report, make sure it contains cur- rent and accurate information. If you find errors, correct them as soon as possible because they may nega- tively impact your credit score and even indicate possible identity theft. You can request a free copy of your credit report from each of three major credit reporting agencies -- Equifax, Experian and TransUnion -- once each year at www.AnnualCreditReport.com or call toll-free 1-877-322-8228. • Make sure you’re paying your bills on time: Life happens and you may find yourself forgetting to pay a bill on time. Because your payment history is one of the biggest factors in your credit score, it’s important that you stay organized and keep track of all your bills. This applies to more than just credit card bills, but also when it comes to rent, utilities and cell phone payments. Using free online tools, often available through your financial institution’s online banking, can help your develop a budget and create an automatic bill payment schedule. Many financial institutions also allow you to change your payment due dates for one that is convenient for you. If it helps, you can organize all your payments to be due on the same day of the month. • Make a budget and stick to it: One of the best ways to keep up with your bills is to closely monitor your spending. Creating a budget can help you decide when to use credit and when to hold off on a purchase. Keeping a budget is also helpful because lenders look at the amount of debt a consumer has compared to their income. As an important rule of thumb, keep debt at no more than 35 percent of your income or lower. This will tell lenders that your debt is at a manageable level relative to your income, and you are likely to have money left over for saving or spending after you pay your bills. In addition to the steps listed above, there are many free resources available that can help you improve and manage your credit. Wells Fargo recently launched Path to Good Credit, a new website that offers videos, tips, quizzes and infographics that illustrate how good credit can help consumers succeed financial- ly. For more information, visit www.wellsfargo.com/buildcredit. Take steps now to improve your credit for a solid financial future. Local Communities Benefiting from Expanded Transportation Access

(StatePoint) Demand for public transportation is on the rise. In fact, 10.7 billion trips were taken on public trans- portation in 2013, the highest in 57 years, according to the latest statistics from the American Public Transportation Association (APTA.) Even those who drive should take note of these statistics, which show that communities that invest in public transportation stand to gain. APTA figures point to a four-fold eco- nomic return on investment for What to Do if You’re Having Trouble With every dollar spent on public trans- portation. “Where public transportation Your Phone Service goes, businesses thrive, property becomes more attractive, and tax (StatePoint) No matter where you live in the country, you may have experienced problems with your telephone service. Whether revenues increase,” says Michael you’re on the calling or the receiving end, these instances can be quite frustrating -- particularly when the problems are persistent. Melaniphy, President and CEO of If you live in a rural area, you may have had long-distance or wireless callers tell you they had trouble reaching you. Likewise, if APTA. you have ever tried to place a long-distance or wireless call to a rural area, you may have experienced “failure to complete” prob- Substantial and robust public lems, such as dead air, prolonged ringing or a recording such as, “this call cannot be completed as dialed.” transportation infrastructure is one Additionally, some calls placed to rural areas may connect but have “poor call quality” issues like echoes, transmission delays key innovation that helps to sup- and choppy sound. If you experience these issues, there now are ways to report them with your phone company as well as with gov- port economic growth in local ernment agencies. communities, say experts. With These lost calls are often the byproduct of how long-distance phone carriers choose to route calls. Unfortunately, calls following federal funding for public trans- the least-costly route can often fall into a loop of routers. portation poised to be a critical “Throughout rural America, calls are simply failing to connect,” says Shirley Bloomfield, chief executive officer of NTCA– The issue for Congress this year, public Rural Broadband Association, which represents nearly 900 independent, community-based telecommunications companies in rural transportation advocates are call- and small-town America. “With personal calls, it's frustrating. With businesses, hospitals and first responders, call connection ing for funding legislation that is becomes a public safety and viability issue.” reliable and sustainable in order to Known as “rural call completion,” the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is taking a multi-pronged approach to plan, build, maintain and repair these systems. addressing the issue. “As we approach the May 31 deadline for a new surface transportation bill, it is critical that our national lead- Additionally, NTCA–The Rural ers come together to create legislation that will ensure years of economic growth and opportunity for communities Broadband Association is advocating for rules across the country,” says Melaniphy. and enforcement to end this practice, as well as Here are several ways such investment in public transportation could affect an individual community: uniting local carriers in an attempt to end rural • If you are a homeowner, public transportation in a community could spell financial security during times of eco- call failures. nomic uncertainty. Residential property values performed 42 percent better on average during the last recession if In the meantime, consumers can help they were located near public transportation with high-frequency service, according to a report by the National themselves. The FCC recommends reporting Association of Realtors and APTA. these problems to one’s long distance or wire- • Seventy percent of millennials prefer a city or town that features a multimodal transportation option that less telephone service provider when they includes public transportation. By investing in public transportation infrastructure, a community increases the like- occur. Be sure to record the date and time of lihood of attracting new talent and industry to the area, especially as public transportation systems adopt technolo- the call, the telephone numbers involved and gies like smartphone charging stations on vehicles and facilities and fare collection via smartphone. the service provider of the calling customer. • Public transportation is a 61 billion dollar a year industry that puts people to work – 1.1 million jobs are created You can also file a complaint with the FCC. or sustained annually. As such, public transportation advocates say that by supporting measures that improve these To learn more about these problems and systems, local residents will be doing their community a favor. how to report them, visit www.NTCA.org/call- Information about the impact of public transportation on local communities is available at www.publictrans- completion. portation.org. As policies change, consumers can look No matter how you get around your community, a robust public transit system stands to impact you and your forward to more reliable telephone service. local economy.