
Unit 3: History

Number of weeks: 5 weeks


1. H3-Knowledge of continuity and change in the history of Missouri and the United States

MO Learning Standards

1. 3.H.3.A.a- Understand the movement of people from many regions of the world to North America Describe the migration of Native Americans to Missouri prior to European settlement in the state. 3. H.3.A.b- Understand the movement of people from many regions of the world to North America Describe the discovery, exploration, and early settlement of Missouri by European immigrants. 3. H.3.A.c- Understand the movement of people from many regions of the world to North America Describe the reasons African peoples were enslaved and brought to Missouri.

2. 3.H.3.B.a- Historical Perspective/Thinking/Passage of time Examine cultural interactions and conflicts among Native Americans, European immigrants, and enslaved and free African-Americans in Missouri. 3. H.3.B.a- Historical Perspective/Thinking/Passage of time Examine changing cultural interactions and conflicts among Missourians after the civil war.

3. 3.H.3.C.a.- Knowledge of the contributions of significant persons in U.S. History Identify and describe the significance of the individuals from Missouri who have made contributions to our state and national heritage (e.g., Lewis and Clark, Mary Easton Sibley, John Berry Meacham, , Laura Ingalls Wilder, , Harry S. Truman, and Thomas Hart Benton).

4. 3. H.3.E. - Political Developments and Reform Movements in the U.S. Explain the causes and consequences of the decision on Missouri and the nation.

5. 3. H.3.F.a- Westward Expansion and settlement in the U.S. Describe the importance of the Purchase and the expedition of Lewis and Clark. 3. H.3.F.b- Westward Expansion and settlement in the U.S. Evaluate the impact of westward expansion on the Native Americans in Missouri.

3. H.3.F.c- Westward Expansion and settlement in the U.S. Discuss issues of Missouri statehood, such as the .

6. 3.H.3.G.a- Understanding the causes and consequences of the Civil War Explain Missouri’s role in the Civil War, including the concept of a border state. 3. H.3.G.b- Understanding the causes and consequences of the Civil War Describe the changes in Missouri since the Civil War in education, transportation, and communication.

Student Outcomes (I can statements)

I can describe the migration of Native Americans to Missouri.

I can determine the discovery, exploration, and early settlement of Missouri by European immigrants.

I can describe the reasons Africans people were enslaved and brought to Missouri.

I can examine cultural interactions and conflicts among Native Americans, European Immigrants, and enslaved and free African Americans in Missouri.

I can identify the changing cultural interactions and conflicts among Missourians after the Civil War.

I can explain and describe the significance of the individuals from Missouri who have made contributions to our state and national heritage.

I can explain the causes and consequences of the Dred Scott decision on Missouri and the nation.

I can describe and explain the importance of the and the expedition of Lewis and Clark.

I can understand the impact of the westward expansion on the Native Americans in Missouri.

I can discuss issues of Missouri statehood, the Missouri Compromise.

I can explain Missouri’s role in the Civil War.

I can determine the changes in Missouri since the Civil War in education, transportation, and communication.