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Fencing Fencing '" 9 TWO CENTS ?0L XI, NO. 34 Largest Circulation. LOWELL, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FBBBUAEY 11, 1904 WAR HAS BEGUN. VOTING CONTEST A Book 4APAN WINS TWO VICTOR WHO GETS THE $60 TALK Of Interest... 1ES OVER RUSSIA. IH« MACHINE? Our More abiorbtagthan the War is Officially Deiared by Crar. Record of Votes Cast np To-Day moat thrilling work of fiction Russian People Aroused. Noon. 1r a bank book. Its tale Id never too long, or Its pages The Hnsso-T apnnese war cloud Special too many, and the long row burst fit Port Arthur Tuesday, the of figures so dry In other books are Intensely Interest- Japanese torpedo boats striking the in this. But In order to first blow. Russia had several ships 3oy It* pages each man damaged. 56 men wounded and ten Tooth Brush must own his own book. men killed. This report is confirmed The way to do this is to open an account with the by official bulletin from Viceroy Al- exieff's chief of staff, as follows; There is nothing too g-ood for your teeth. They The City Bank, Hill, Watts & Co. St. Petersburg. Feb. 10,6:10, a. m.— should have every possible care. Good tooth brushes are A second telegram has been received a help in tooth preservation. Our special tooth brush is from Viceroy Alexieft. It is dnted VICTOR" Which uumbera among its depositors many wealthiest and Feb. !•. and says: made by one of the world's best makers and each of them brightest men in the community. Let jih take cair of your money "A Japanese squadron of 15battle- is sold under a positive guarantee. Each brush has our as we do theirs. ships and cruisers today began to bombard Port Arthur. The fortress name on the handle—put there because we are willing- to replied and the squadron weighed have you remember where you g-pt the brush. anchor in order to participate in the battle." A third telegram from the viceroy They Cost You 25c aays that after a bombardment last- ing one hour the Japanese squadron and are bargains at the price. Each brush is pood for a ceased its fire and steamed south- new one free if it proves in any way defective. ward. Report reaches us that some of the "Our loses," the viceroy continues, contestants are playing a waiting are two naval officers and 51 men game and are holding back their wounded and nine men killed and on votes. If all did this, there would be Fencing no contest; and it is contrary to our the coast batteries one man killed and three wounded." wish. Inasmuch as we have $60 In- vested, we shall insist that the game Made of largo, strong wires, hearily galvanized "During the engagement the battle- LOOK'S ship Poltava and the cruisers Diana, l>e no; blocked in this manner. It Is Amply provides for expansion and contrac- Askold and Novik were each damag- a. poor scheme anyway and has not won in previous contests. After this Drug and Book Store. tion. Only Best Beasemer steel wires ed on the waterline. The damage to the fortress was not important." the names of those making no gains tisod, always of uniform quality. Admiral Alexfeff, amplifying his will be dropped from the list until gains are made. Never goes wrong no matter first, telegram to the czar on the tor- pedo boat action, telegraphs as fol- The votes up to noon today in the liow great n iirain lows: Victor Talking machine contest are is put on i l. Does "1 most humbly report to your given herewith: imperial majesty that the three In- Ethel White 541 not mulilHtc, but ured vessels were not sunk nor were Ralph Chase 440 does ticittllj turn their boilers or engines damaged. Ulan Golds 161 The Tsarevltch received a hole in her Howard Walsh 59 cattle, horses, steering department, and her rndder Eddy Tent K. O. T M. M g hogs and pigs. > was damaged: the Retvlzan was Perrin McQueen 56 damaged in her pumping apparatus Prof Selbert 2 Any Old Organ Will Oo. under the water line, a.ndthePallada The contest will close Wednesday : was injnred ainldshlps, not far from f The Pittsburg Electric Weld and Amer ~an Field her engines. evening, April (5, at 7 o'clock stand so some folks think. That reminds us: Uncle Sam says: "Yankee- Fences are two the best fences made at tie -present time. "After the explosions the cruisers ard time. doodle-do;" The rooster says: '•Oock-ee-doodle-do;" and the old hasteued Immediately to their aasiBt- msid wtys: "Any old dude'U do." Bnt the This is a strong statement but the larpe amount sold ance and in spite of the dark night THAT LOWELL POST OFFICE 4 each year through Michigan, especially at Lowell, fully measures were taken to bring the * proves the assertion. damaged vessels to harbor. We had INSPECTION. no loss in officers. Two marines Estey and Farrand & Votey were killed, five were drowned and Postmaster Quick Replies to the Place your order now while it is cheap and get the eight were wounded. The enemy's are top notches and the only onas good enough for my patrons. best, Yours for good fencing, torpedo boats received a heavy fire. Jourual's laslauatloa. EXITS inducements to buyers Just now. Two unexploded torpedoes were F. M. Johnson, Lowell, Mich. found after the attack." Dear Sir:—Davidson, in t he Jonrnal SPECIAL SALE tF SHEET MUSIC Later reports are that the .laps of the 10th inst., has an item regard- New publications, Latest Songs, Two, Steps. Marches, Etc. ing the recent inspection of the Post R. B. Boylan. have won a second victory, in which Office and while he says absolutely the Russian cruiser Tariagwas set nothing definite, he intimates a afire and disabled and the torpedo great deal. The inspection waa the gunboat Koriety was sunk. In abat- direct result of charges made by Davidson, which were disproved to R. D. Stocking tle of four hours. This was off Ohe. the satisfaction of the ln6itector,and mulpo. Korea. The report Is con- Davidson knew the result for 1 ac- firmed by the Japanese legation at companied Mr. Martin, the inspector, London. to the office of Davidson and heard Mr. Martin tell him. Respectfully, The Tokio correspondent of. the Chas. Quick, Postmasler. London Central News telegraphs Lowell. Feb. 11. 1904. that three transports in the Russian fleet conveying about 2000 troops All Jewelry Looks have been captured off Asan, Korea, WAS A KENT PIONEER. by the Japanese. •Mrtfe C Home Made The Paris report of the Port Ar- Mrs. Caroline Stewart Dies at Home Alike thur battle says two Russian officers of Her Brother la Cascade. Bread Vteaua *Pie *s* J\ Psapkia fiae lBc-2 for 25c ( were wounded and 80 Russian sol- Cascade, Mich., Feb. 10. Mrs. Caro- 5C-6 for 28c line Stewart, a resident of Kent To some people, but there is a difference. diers killed. The Japanese fleet and Each the beet of its kind. Cakes too numerous to men- crews escaped injury. county for filty-slx years, died last tion. Some jewelry is made "cheap" to sell night at the home of her brother, H. Czar Nicholas of Russia has issued A. Coger. in this village. She waa "cheap." BUT NOT OURS. In our a formal declaration of war. In born In Columbia, Jackson connty, iewelry stock, quality is the first consid- which he puts Russia entirely on the Mich., on June 7,1887, and came to eration, and the price the last so you may defensive and declares that i>eaoe Cascade in 1848. Seven years later she was married to Rnfus Martain, WELDON SMITH, always be sure that whenever you make was desired. The Russian people are with whom she lived on the Martain a purchase here that you have something greatlj* excited by the news of dam- farm, three miles from here, formany that will last and not go wrong after a age to their fleet and demand Infor- years. Mr. Martain died in 1888 and mation as to what the Russian guns later his widow was wedded to J. R. few weeks usage. Stewart of Grand Rapids. He died did to the J aps. The war spirit runs three years ago. Our stock has just been replenished high throughout the empire. Mrs. Stewart leaves two brothers, with everything that's new and up-to- The J apanese have landed troops H. A. Coger of Cascade and J. D. Co- ger of Minnesota. The funeral will date in all the lines we carry and we can in Korea and the Russian land forces be held Friday at 1 p. m. from the surely please you. are concentrating on the Yalu river, home of her brother here.—Evening Now Is The Time where big assignment® of Add guns Press. and ammunition recently arrived. It is predicted at Chee Foo that the HEARD ABOUT TOWN For hostile armies will first meet at Ping Tang, Northern Korea, as was the Cart oon ma tches 5c. case in the Chinese-J apanese war. Collar's Bazaar. Special sale of graniteware. 200 A. D. OLIVER The Success Club. pieces at 10c each. Sherman's Bazaar. Watohna. Olooka, OutOtaaa, Etc. About 180 were present at the Suc- Overcoats will be sold cheap at cess party Monday evening, that Marks Ruben's all off clothing sale. Fencing lieing the fourth one of this season. Mrs. L. T. M. Foster was chairman Special sale of small articles for 10c, of the banquet committee, whose 15c, and 19c at Hay ward & Whlte'a arrangements wore well made.
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