Melchizedek Priesthood Ordinations and Stake Calling Guidelines South Weber Utah Stake – 7/7/2021

Melchizedek Priesthood Ordinations Stake Callings and Specified Ward Callings Family & • Ensure that young men and Bishop and perspective elders are taught about Other Ward the restoration of the , oath Leaders and covenant of the priesthood, responsibilities of husbands and fathers, duties of an elder, purposes of priesthood quorums and the purposes and performance of priesthood ordinances. Bishop • Carefully review the person’s • For counselors in the bishopric, membership record to verify that it clerks, assistant ward clerks, and ward does not include an annotation, an executive secretaries, EQ presidents ordinance restriction, or a Church and EQ counselors, submit membership restriction. (Handbook recommendation on stake recommendation form or email • With approval of the stake presidency, interview the member as instructed on the Melchizedek Priesthood Ordination Record (see Handbook 18.10.3, • Submit recommendation in LCR – Email will auto-send to stake president, stake clerk and stake executive secretary Stake • Print MP Ordination Record • For other stake callings, ask stake and Presidency • Ensure stake presidency approval ward leaders for recommendations Member • Schedule and conduct interview as per • Discuss possible callings with bishops the Ordination Record prior to extending calling • Ensure worthiness and adequate • If necessary, prepare stake understanding of MP blessings, recommendation form opportunities and responsibilities • Ensure stake presidency and High • Discuss ordination process and Council approval instructions (see below) • Schedule and conduct an interview to • Conduct High Council poll extend calling • Notify stake presidency, bishop and • Notify stake presidency, bishop and assigned high councilor assigned high councilor • Prepare stake calling/release form and distribute to high councilor(s) for sustaining High • If no stake meeting, present the • Meet with those being released, Councilor individual in ward sacrament meeting inform them of their release, and for sustaining vote (“We propose that thank them for their service.


Melchizedek Priesthood Ordinations Stake Callings and Specified Ward Callings [name] receive the Melchizedek • Using stake calling/release form, Priesthood and be ordained an elder release and sustain individuals in ward [or we propose that (name) be sacrament meeting(s) ordained a high priest]. Those in favor • Contact the bishop and candidate to may manifest it by the uplifted hand. arrange for setting apart [Pause briefly for the sustaining vote.] Those opposed, if any, may manifest it. Handbook Section 30 provides details [Pause briefly to allow for a dissenting about calling and releasing members vote, if any.]” to serve in the Church. The Chart of • Contact the bishop and candidate to Callings is also helpful. arrange for ordination time and place • Prior to the ordination, ensure that The stake clerk and elders quorum the person performing the ordination presidents are set apart by the stake holds a current temple recommend or president signed ‘Recommend to Perform an Ordinance’ and understands how to Asst stake clerks, stake exec secretary, perform the ordination (Handbook high councilors, stake auxiliary 18.10.3) presidents, stake auditors (if setting • For Elder ordinations, remind the apart needed), counselors in the person to first confer the Melchizedek bishopric, and ward clerks, can be set Priesthood and then ordain to the apart by the stake president or office of Elder (Handbook 18.10.2) assigned counselor • Under direction of the stake president, oversee the ordination Other stake callings, elders quorum • Ask holders of the Melchizedek counselors, assistant ward clerks and Priesthood, who have been invited, to ward executive secretaries can be set stand in the circle (Handbook 18.10.1) apart by the stake president, an • Stand next to the person performing assigned counselor or high councilor the ordination to assist as needed • Sign and deliver the completed • Complete the stake recommendation Ordination Record to the stake clerk form and deliver to stake clerk Stake Clerk • Record the ordination in LCR • Record new stake callings in LCR • Print ordination certificate and deliver to member • If necessary, arrange for ratification at next stake priesthood meeting


Guidance from the

Priesthood Ordinances and Blessings are discussed in the General Handbook, Section 18

Callings in the Church are discussed in the General Handbook, Section 30

18.3 Participation in an Ordinance or Blessing

Those who perform or participate in an ordinance or blessing must have the necessary priesthood authority and be worthy. Generally, the standard of worthiness is that associated with holding a temple recommend. However, as guided by the Spirit and the instructions in this chapter, bishops and stake presidents may allow fathers and husbands who hold the necessary priesthood office to perform or participate in some ordinances and blessings even if they are not fully temple worthy. A priesthood holder who has unresolved serious sins should not participate.

Generally, only priesthood leaders and other priesthood holders who are close family members and friends participate in an ordinance or blessing.

When only one or two priesthood holders participate, each of them places both hands lightly on the person’s head. When several participate, they stand in a circle around the person receiving the ordinance or blessing. Each one places his right hand lightly on the person’s head (or under the baby) and his left hand on the shoulder of the brother to his left. One acts as voice to perform the ordinance or give the blessing.

18.10.1 Conferring the Priesthood and Ordaining to an Office - Who Performs the Ordinance

The stake president or a Melchizedek Priesthood holder under his direction may ordain a man to the office of elder. Only Melchizedek Priesthood holders may stand in the circle.

The stake president or a high priest under his direction may ordain a man to the office of high priest. Only high priests may stand in the circle.

A person who ordains a man to a Melchizedek Priesthood office should be temple worthy. The stake president or someone he designates must be present.

A priest or Melchizedek Priesthood holder may ordain a brother to the office of deacon, teacher, or priest. He must be authorized by the bishop. The bishop or someone he designates must be present.

To participate in an Aaronic Priesthood ordination, a person must be a priest or Melchizedek Priesthood holder.

A bishop may allow a father who is a priest or a Melchizedek Priesthood holder to ordain his son to the office of deacon, teacher, or priest even if the father is not fully temple worthy (see 18.3). Bishops encourage fathers to prepare themselves to ordain their own sons.


To act as voice in this ordinance, a person who is outside his own ward must show a current temple recommend to the presiding leader. Or he may show a Recommend to Perform an Ordinance signed by a member of his bishopric.

18.10.2 Instructions

To confer the priesthood and ordain a person to a priesthood office, one or more authorized priesthood holders place their hands lightly on the person’s head. Then the one acting as voice:

1. Calls the person by his full name. 2. States the authority he holds to perform the ordinance (Aaronic or Melchizedek Priesthood). 3. Confers the Aaronic or Melchizedek Priesthood, unless it has already been conferred. 4. Ordains the person to an office in the Aaronic or Melchizedek Priesthood and bestows the rights, powers, and authority of that office. (Priesthood keys are not bestowed when conferring the priesthood or ordaining to an office, except when ordaining a bishop.) 5. Gives words of blessing as guided by the Spirit. 6. Closes in the name of Jesus Christ.

To ordain a person to a priesthood office after he has already had the appropriate priesthood conferred upon him, the person who performs the ordination omits step 3.

An ordination is an opportunity to give a blessing. Detailed counsel and instruction about a person’s duties are given before and after the ordination. They should not be the focus of the blessing. It is not necessary to have prayers, testimonies, or instruction when someone is ordained.