ௐ 4 ഇ! ࢱ 1-37! 2018 ѐ/΋؞ཱི !ס έ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώ! ௐ 14 Taiwan International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 1-37 Winter 2018


߉ϒዡ ර̂ጯϔ୉ְચၱ൴णጯրି଱ڌ

ၡ ࢋ

Ν۞ޢ௜ࡻ઼ጼ̬ޢ൴ण࿅඀Ă൒ڼԧࣇА૟ᖎࢗ੺ֽҘֲ۞߆ ੺ֲֽᓑЪ֣۞፾זϤૻˠٙᙱ۞੺ֲֽᓑ֣ځതϔ߆ඉĂତ඾ᄲ ซ΍੺ֽ؂ቁϲĂ׎Ѩଣ৶າΐזϲĂГֽᑭෛ੺ֽҘֲᓑ֣Ϥᔞ឵ ၹĄޙ੅ኢ̳ϔᝋᄃϔ୉઼छ۞ޢҘֲĂ౵

ă̳ϔ؂ᙯᔣෟĈ ੺ֲֽᓑ֣ă੺ֲֽᓑЪ֣ă੺ֽҘֲᓑ֣ăາΐ ᝋ

൴ण۞੺ֽҘֲጯఙࡁ੅ົķĂέΔĈέ៉रቑ̂ጯݎέ៉઼ᅫࡁտጯົ͹ᏱĶቿٺ൴ܑ * ဦ३ᐡ७ડࡊԫᄃ̍඀ጯੰ 3 ሁົᛉވĂ2018/6/30Ą ăௐ 4 ഇĞ2018/΋؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 14 2


੺ֽҘֲ1ĞMalaysiağࣧώߏࡻ઼۞ᛳгă઼᜕̈́ܲĂ።གྷ੺ֲֽ2 ĞMalayğݑొ۞੺ֽᓑ֣3ĞFederated Malay States, 1895-1946ğă੺ֲֽᓑ ,ĞMalayan Union, 1946-48ğăͽ̈́੺ֲֽᓑЪ֣ĞFederation of Malaya֣ ăΐ˯Ւ͐4؂Ҷ፾ϲĂซ҃д 1963 ѐඕЪາΐކ1948-63ğĂд 1957 ѐϒё ĞSabahğ̈́ࡀٛ෸ĞSarawakğĂјࠎ੺ֽҘֲᓑ֣ĞFederation of Malaysiağć Ą઼ޙజ࢝ੜ΍ᓑ֣ăҋҖ፾ϲ؂д 1965 ѐĂາΐ ă̈́Ңି̼͛۞ᇆᜩĂତ඾дȈ˘͵ࡔିޘОזצ੺ֽҘֲΗफ5 ౵ѝ д 1511ăޢϲᛂ઼̜Ğsultanateğćཬ෈Ͱ̈́ఈᜋАޙЈĂЧгฟؕܫаିצତ ᕖण۞ፂᕇĞဦ 1ğćдȈ˛͵ࡔĂΔᙝ۞ٽѐซϚҫᅳ౫̱ϥĂүࠎ෶ 1641 ૶ćࡻ઼д 1824 ѐྫྷఈᜋᘪࢎ୧ࡗĞAnglo-Dutchܢ࣎੺ֽ֣6 ஍ࠎፎᘲ۞̣ ཏफĞОκğĂޘОڌTreatyğĂఈᜋ΍ឰ౫̱ϥĂ׌̶઼Ҿϝ̶੺ֲֽă̈́ ੺ڌЧѣҋ̎۞๕˧ቑಛć͟ώд˟Ѩ̂ጼഇมൺᇶҫᅳ੺ֽΗफă̈́ ͹ཌྷĂ੺ֽˠଂѩ̙Г໢઼ޓĞ1942-45ğĂခᐽ੺ֽϔ୉͹ཌྷֽͅԩࡻ઼ ։ऽᆍឰĞSimandjuntak, 1969: 10-12, 33-34; Tan, 2008: 13ćOngkili, 1985: 19-30; Bedlington, 1978: chap. 1; Khoo, 1991 chap. 1ğĄд 1957 ѐĂࡻ઼ࠎ

ࢋڍߏĶ̂੺ֲֽķĞMelayu Raya, Greater MalayağĞSimandjuntak, 1969: 125ğĄтޥຍ 1 ,ĞTan؂ѣ՟ѣΒӣາΐٺ௟̶Ķ̂੺ֽҘֲķĞGreater MalaysiağᄃĶ̂੺ֲֽķĂमҾд 2008: 52ğĄ ߏĶ੺ֽˠ̝гķĞland of the MalaysğĂޥĂຍ۞ځMalayaĞ੺ֲֽğ఺࣎фߏለ߷ˠ൴ 2 ੺ֽˠҋ̎۞ϡфߏ Tanah MelayuĞSimandjuntak, 1969: 1ğĄ҃ 3 Βӣౠᜋ≌ĞSelangorğă഑࡚ᜋĞNegeri SembilanğăᜧិĞPerakğăͽ̈́ೆқĞPahangğ Ąعඈα࣎੺ֽ֣Ă༊гරˠ˫Ⴭࠎαэ ᖞჍΔ૔ᘲ߷ĞNorth BorneoğăٕߏࡻᛳΔ૔ᘲ߷ĞBritish North BorneoğĄ 4 ੺ֽҘֲĞEast MalaysiağΒӣՒ͐ă̈́ࡀڌਠჍࠎҘ੺ֽҘֲĞWest MalaysiağĂ҃˘ 5 ౻෸Ą׎၁Ăፋ࣎੺ֽΗफ݋ቑಛᕖ̂Βӣ቞ոĞΗफ۞ҘΔğăͽ̈́঍઼ĞΗफ̚ొă ࢋՐ̶ҾԼعĂ߆؃ăҘ͐ૄ೻؃Ҙ೻͐ڌᛇ଀᝘੓ֽညعΔొğĄд 1973 ѐĂ߆ڌ̈́ ϡĶΗफ੺ֽҘֲķĞPeninsular Malaysiağăͽ̈́Ւ͐ᄃࡀ౻෸ĞRoss-Larson, 1976: ixğĄ 6 Β߁ࠟሬξĞPerlisğăРχĞKedahğăРᜋ̜ĞKelantanğă൳လሁĞTerengganuğăͽ ߘҢĞJohorğĂፎᘲд 1909 ѐᘪࢎ୧ࡗĞAnglo-Siamese TreatyğĂ૟݈α֣౷ឰගࡻ̈́ ĄعĂΐ˯ߘҢĂЪჍࠎ੺ֽᛳ֣ĞUnfederated Malay StatesğĂ༊гරˠჍࠎ̣э઼ 3 ઼ޙ੺ֽҘֲ۞፾ϲ

फ़ֽ໚ĈOpen University MalaysiaĞ2018: 21ğĄྤ ౫̱ϥ۞͕̚ٽ෶͞ڌဦ 1Ĉүࠎ

щᇬ੺ֽˠͽ၆ԩ੺В۞ᛢજĂឰ੺ֲֽᓑЪ֣АҖ፾ϲćࡀٛ෸ăՒ˞ ΐˢ੺ֽҘֲĄޢĂᐌڼд 1963 ѐҋ؂ă̈́າΐ͐ ࡭ቁϲĂࡻᛳ੺ֲֽ7ĞBritisĥڼд˘Ѩ̂ጼ݈Ăࡻ઼д੺ֽΗफ۞௚ MalayağΒ߁ĞSimandjuntak, 1969: 7, 17-22; Ongkili, 1985: 8-11ğĈ(1) ঔद ѐĂΒӣ౫̱ϥăᕠݱă̈́າΐ 1826 ٺതϔгĞStraits Settlementsğјϲ ΦĞBritish East CompanyğĂд 1867 ᕩതϔг̳ޘОڌĂࣧᛳࡻᛳ؂ (ĞColonial OfficeğۡᔑĂВТజЕࠎ࠱छതϔгĞCrown Colonyğ8ć(2ొ

ߏᛳгĄౌܧϒቁĂЯࠎ֭ޝSimandjuntakĞ1969: 175ğ޽΍Ăࡻᛳ੺ֲֽ̙֭ߏ 7 д࿅ΝĂგᔑঔदതϔг۞ߏᓁ༛ĂТॡࣘ੺ֽ֣۞੼৺૞ࣶĞHigh Commis- sionerğĂ 8 გᔑզ඿ăࡀ౻෸ăͽ̈́۞Ւ͐ĞOngkili, 1985: 11ğĄ˫ޢд 1888 ѐ ăௐ 4 ഇĞ2018/΋؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 14 4

फ़ֽ໚ĈWikipediaĞ2018: British MalayağĄྤ

ဦ 2Ĉ1920 ѐ΃۞ࡻᛳ੺ֲֽ

α࣎੺ֽ֣д 1895 ѐᄃࡻ઼ᘪࢎࡗĞTreaty of FederationğඕЪࠎ੺ֽᓑ֣Ă (౅࿅ඕ༖͞ёֽԩᏊፎᘲĂԛё˯፾ϲă၁ኳ˯ߏࡻ઼۞઼᜕ܲćͽ̈́ (3 ࣎੺ֽᛳ֣ٙጾѣ۞ҋ͹ّൾ຋к˘ᕇĂᔵ൒̙ߏതϔгĂ̙࿅Ăֶ൒̣ ၆ࡻ઼֏᝘ࢍଂĂზߏࡻ઼۞๕˧ቑಛĞဦ 2ğĄώኳ˯҃֏Ăതϔгߏۡତ Ăࡻ઼ڼߏᓁ༛ć࠹၆̝˭Ă੺ֽ֣ăͽ̈́੺ֽᛳ֣݋ߏมତ௚ܜĂࢵڼ௚ ࠁዸણ߆ΦĞResidentğăٕߏᜪયĞAdviserğĂᝀ൒ߏг˭ৌϒ۞̂ҁᔲĄ ڌҫᅳОκ۞ఈᜋ֭Ϗৌϒϲ֖૔ᘲ߷Ăࡻ઼ߏдȈ˝͵ࡔߖ޽ٺϤ ଀Ҙᙝ۞ࡀٛ෸ăͽ̈́Δᙝ۞פޢ੺Ăឭࢴ ӌզ඿ĞBruneiğᛂ઼̜ĂА Ւ͐ĂЪჍࡻᛳ૔ᘲ߷ĞBritish Borneoğ9Ĉࡀٛ෸д 1946 ѐ 7 ͡ 1 ͟јࠎ

ᅳఞࣧѣඕࠎᓑ֣̝ᛉĞSopiee, 1973: 719; Milne & Ratnam, 1974: 21ğĄڼᄃ༊г߆ޢࡻ઼ጼ 9 5 ઼ޙ੺ֽҘֲ۞፾ϲ


።඀઼ޙဦ 3Ĉ੺ֽҘֲ۞

ࡻ઼ۡତგᔑ۞࠱छതϔгĂՒ͐Ад 1888 ѐјࠎࡻ઼۞઼᜕ܲăᚶ ăᐌӈᄃڼд 1946 ѐ 7 ͡ 15 ͟јࠎࡻ઼തϔгĂ׌гд 1963 ѐᒔ଀ҋ҃ ࡻ઼۞᜕ܲĂд 1959 ѐᒔצВТΐˢ੺ֽҘֲćզ඿д 1888 ѐତ؂າΐ ߏӎΐˢᓑ֣ؕ௣ᓝഗ̙ؠĂдٺፉ͕ྤ໚ќৈ۞̶ֳĂ၆ٺĂϤڼ଀ҋ ,д 1984 ѐҋҖ௲ᗓࡻ઼፾ϲĞဦ 3ğĞOngkiliٺᛗՙؠະᔁ̙ୂĂ௣̶˘ޢ౵ 1985: 11-17; 137-51; Tilman, 1963: 898-900ğĄ ăௐ 4 ഇĞ2018/΋؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 14 6


ݑֲ۞തڌϏֽĂΒ߁۞઼ޓѨ̂ጼឰࡻ઼ᛇुυืࢦາෞҤ̂ࡻ˟ ķĞdivide and ruleğതϔ߆̝ڼ͹ཌྷ็௚˯۞Ķ̶઼҃ޓለ߷ٺϔгĄ࠹ྵ Ă˵ಶߏڱߏĶരЪ̖֕ˠķĞunite and quitğү۞פଳޢඉĂࡻ઼ҋᄹдጼ ᑒӄതϔгଂְϔ୉๬ౄĞnation-buildingğăͽ઼̈́छχౄĞstate-buildingğĂ າ፾ϲ۞઼छΞͽЪү၆ԩВய͹ཌྷĂΪ̙࿅Ăˠზ̙т͇ზĂ͟ޞซ҃ഇ д੺ֲֽ۞၁ᅫ൴णݒߏְᄃᙸ࿁ĞHack & Tobias, 2006: 17ğĄޢ SmithĞ1978ğ៍၅ࡻ઼۞Νതϔ߆ඉĂᕩৼ΍αีপҒĈ(1) ॲፂ።Ϋ (рჸр೸ć(2ޞĂᓁߏഇם઼۞ޢᅳăٕߏጼڼགྷរĂ̙გߏጼ݈۞ҋ ᄃ઼࡚۞ᙯܼ૜̷Ă਽ੜ۞ࡻ઼ΞͽЈᏥ઼࡚๱ྃᝋ˧۩৿ć̚ۋጼٺϤ ਕჯ޺˘ర۞߆ඉć̈́ (4) ᙸຍֶፂ༊гϔ୉͹ཌྷ۞পҒЯྵͧט׌ᛨ (3) ĂՙؠࢋྫྷኡЪүă;΍к͌΃ᆊăͽ̈́ឰ΍к͌ᝋ˧Ă༊൒Ăԁآטг ঐໝ၆͞Ğp. 73ğĄDarwinĞ1984ğ˵ᄮࠎࡻ઼ܧߏࠎ˞݇ऴă҃ــឰՎם ࠻੓ֽ̡൒ѣԔĂҬͼΞͽࣘᜪ႕઼֖࡚ăщᇬᔕኢă੅рڱΝതϔ۞ү ĂЯѩ̂࡭˯ѣˬ჌࠻ֽЪந۞ྋᛖĈ(1) ࡻ઼ѣዂ໴۞ϔ͹މതϔг۞߆ ГڼΞͽЯ๕ӀጱăೈԔ႙ซĂАҋق௚Ăՙඉ۰ࢬ၆ଐ๕۞តજĂԜ็ ҋۢ̂๕̏Νă൑˧ٚፉܲޢ፾ϲĂ௣տΞͽѣ಴ᚑгၣੜć(2) ࡻ઼дጼ ᜕۰۞֎ҒĂΐ˯ࢬ၆ϔ୉͹ཌྷ۞߄ጼĂᔌРᔖ̵ă֕ࠎ˯ඉć(3) ಶநّ Ăࡻ઼ᝋᏊ଀εăณ˧҃ࠎĄޘᏴፄ۞֎ ҋԧәᆞĂல۞ܪኜཀྵޢ࿅ĂDarwinĞ1984: 190ğᄮࠎ఺ֱౌߏְ̙ ᐹฮćإགྷរֽ࠻Ăࡻ઼д઼ᅫᄅέ۞ੜಞĂ̙֭ߏ֤ᆃ੼۞ޢౣĂϤጼ ٺĂ၆֕؃ă̈́͐ૄ೻ޘ͘ឰОٸТຍ̖ג˘ޢҌ͌дֲ߷Ăࡻ઼ߏд౵ д੺ֲֽՀ̙ᜪ༊гˠ۞ͅٺ቞ոăͽ̈́ᐁᜋ۞፾ϲ݋͕̙ϟଐ̙ᙸĂҌ ၆ăർߏइ˯Щ၁̙௑۞੺ֲֽᓑ֣෍ᑕ߇ְĄDaivisĞ2013: 6ğ˵ᄮࠎࡻ ჯ޺ᇆᜩ˧ĄTanڱͷጼͷ֕Ăৌ۞̙଀̏υืឰതϔг፾ϲĂ˵ࢋຐᏱ઼ ˵೷ࢂТĂ̙˵ڱٙᏜĶࡻ઼͹ጱ੺ֽҘֲ፾ϲķ۞ᄲٺĞ2008: 3-4ğ၆ ᕇăᔘߏགྷᑻӀৈ۞ሹზĂ΁ᄮࠎࡻ઼Ϊ̙࿅ߏึ៍۞ڼಶߏ̙გгቡ߆ ณ۞֎˧Ą˧ڼӄᚡ۞ߏдг߆گଯҐĂৌϒଯͪ 7 ઼ޙ੺ֽҘֲ۞፾ϲ

՟ڼѐజ͟࢕Խ˭̝݈Ăࡻ઼ࣧώ઄నд੺ֲֽ۞௚ 1942 ٺ؂дາΐ ਗ਼मٽĂੵ˞ࢋࢬ၆෶ޢጼ˞זѣഇࢨĂΝതϔ࠻ֽᅌᅌ൑ഇĂ՟ѣ࿰फ़ ੒ᚥăͽ̈́ዸч۞ੑ߆࢑ፉĂீ֍ఈᜋᑕ;Оκ፾ϲࢭ׻Ğ1945-49ğă۞ ஠࠷Νതϔ̏གྷٺౝˢ̚ݑΗफጼְĞ1946-54ğĂд 1940 ѐ΃ϐഇ௣઼ڱ ߏጿ̙ҝ۞ሗ߹Ă̙࿅Ă̪ԓ୕ਕ౅࿅੉გ۞͞ёГᇣ˘࣎͵΃ćមᅿϏ ΍һ൴غ͡ ѐ 11 1950 ٺᔹጼд 1950 ѐ 6 ͡ 25 ͟ᘕ൴Ă઼̚זؠĂ՟ຐ ඕՁ݈ٙઇ۞࡚ေĂࡻ࠹ғᇇᖃĞClementۋજĶԩ࡚೯ഈķĂχใ˞ࡻ઼дጼ Attlee, 1945-51ğፉ઼͕࡚ᓁ௚ՆጆܝĞHarry S. Truman, 1945-53ğົ෶൒Ը ቁᄮĂጐგтѩĂ̰ᅦјֶࣶ൒ᇎ͕عරـΓΓࢳܐ͡ ࣧ̄ᇅಡೇĂд 12 ซ࢕੺ֲֽĂд఺ॡ࣏Ăޢࢶപăତ඾ݑ˭̚ݑΗफă౵ܬߏӎົˢ઼̚ ᘕ൴ᇷજĞMaria Hertogh RiotsğĂ࢕̙͞Һଭ͕༊гདྷᑕ۞ਕ˧Ă˫؂າΐ ;͘Аឰ੺ֲֽ፾ϲГᄲĞStockwell, 1984: 80, 83-84ٸኜְ̙ึĂΪрՙؠ Wikipedia, 2018: Maria Hertogh RiotsğĄ ࡻ઼дጼޢ઼˧̙̂т݈ĂপҾߏซˢ 1960 ѐ΃ࢬ၆઼࡚ăͽ̈́ᛂᓑĂ જࣶĂ׎Ѩߏෛ̝ࠎᅃҥ઼࡚ಛ૆Вڼ߆ٺതϔ߆ඉ۞҂ณߏགྷᑻ൴णࢦ ߏӎᙸ̄ޅ፾ϲ̙ߏᐹА۞߆ඉϫᇾĂბᏥٕ̈ڼய۞๕˧ቑಛĂЯѩҋ ຍ᝘ଂჁം۞ͭᏐĂਕᇣк˳ಶზк˳ĞDarwin, 1984: 205-206ğĄ੺ֲֽ஽ ᗗϓĂࠎ˞ࢋᐺᔘ࡚ܛ࡚̮γ๗۞פᐝ౵ਕᔇ઼྆ޓய፛ቱă̈́ᐁĂߏ̂ࡻ ٺă቞ոăͽ̈́ᐁᜋࣗ࠱҃੟Ăࡻ઼၆ޘдОٺഇ̚۞෷ഠĂ࠹ྵۋдጼ઼ :ăٕߏ፾ϲѣٙܲ঻ĂЯѩυืѣԁච۞щଵĞDarwin, 1984ڼ༊г۞ҋ ˞ࠎ˞ੑ߆ᑅ˧̙଀̏ឰ੺ֲֽ፾ϲĂᗕ͞ᔘߏᘪޢ౵ז197ğćӈֹࡻ઼ ؠĞAnglo-Malayan Defence Agreement, 1957ğĂ૟੺ֲֽ঻дࡻםЊ֨኎˘ ᗅડ޺ᜈ੒ᚥ࡚̮ĞCheah, 1999: 105; Darwin, 1984: 201; Sutton, 2016ğĄ Ϊߏࡻ઼ᄃ੺ֲֽᓑ͘ϡֽᗉᑅͅതϔ۞າതϔ͹ཌྷķ׀Ϥѩ࠻ֽĂĶЪ ϭĄٸ൑۞ܧĞneocolonialismğ۞޽ଠĞTan, 2008: 92ğĂ֭


ॲፂ StockwellĞ1974: 333ğ۞៍၅Ăࡻ઼ጼ݈д੺ֲֽ۞߆ඉΞͽᕩ ăௐ 4 ഇĞ2018/΋؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 14 8

۰۞͹ᝋăग़኎੺ֽ֣۞ҋ͹ّăͽ᜕̈́ܲ੺ڼৼࠎˬ̂ีĂ಴ࢦ੺ֽ௚ Ăેຍࢦາ቙ඕ୧ڱĂࡻ઼ृ൒఼ሹଯᖙҋֽ۞үޢˠ۞পঅгҜćጼֽ ˘ࠎ׀ࡗăࢋՐᛂ̜10 ឰഭԊొ۞͹ᝋĂχზԯ੺ֽኜ֣̈́ঔदതϔгፋ ࣎ಏ˘۞ĞunitaryğҖ߆ಏҜĂ֭ᄰ֏೩ֻ̳ϔᝋගဩ̰ٙѣ۞჌୉ă၁ኳ Ȉѐ۞੺ֲֽ߆ޢࣤဳ੺ֽˠ۞ᐹ෸ّĄStockwellĞ1984: 70ğ݋૟ࡻ઼ጼ˯ Ад 1945-48 ѐϨѓ˘ಞă˫д 1948-51 ѐອᕚ̙ؠĂعඉ̶ࠎˬഇć̍ᛨ߆ д 1951-57 ѐมâ͞ࢬͽ࢕ְ˧ณ֨ͤ੺ֲֽརˢВᛨعତ͘۞ܲчᛨ߆ ซˢ፾ϲĄڼ͘̚ăΩ˘͞ࢬ݋ϭԠ૲ᅳ੺ֲֽϤҋ צ໰ᄲĂࡻ઼༊ѐྫྷ੺ֽЧᛂ̜ᘪࢎ୧ࡗĞAnglo-Malay treatiesğăߏ ࣶăءᔛֽ݈೩ֻᏙᛉĂ༊൒υื಴ࢦ็௚۞੺ֽۤົĂ൒҃Ăࡻ઼Җ߆ ࠹༊՟ѣड़தă̙Ӏ༊г۞གྷᑻ൴ण11Ă።ֽڼͽ̈́Ϡຍˠు႙൴னมତ௚ ٯᛉםϫĂ҃੺ֽˠ݋ॲፂ୧ࡗ۞ี۞ڼࣶ˘ۡဘྏᕖ̂ۡତ௚ءതϔ۞ ࣶΞͽདྷ൑ԟᇘءѪ̙ଂĞSimandjuntak, 1969: 17-22ğĄд੺ֽᓑ֣Ăࡻ઼ ҋ̎۞ˠ̙֖͘Ăٺ੺ֽˠֽซҖགྷᑻࣤ݇Ă࠹၆гд੺ֽᛳ֣ĂϤܧЈᏥ ć̂វ҃טޙăֵ྅಴ࢦ༊г۞Җ߆ރΪрܑࢬ˯ᇶͷटԡ็௚۞੺ֽᝋ Ă҃੺ֽᛳ֣۞੺ֽˠ݋Яٸ˭˧֏Ăд੺ֽᓑ֣۞੺ֽˠԓ୕ࡻ઼ਕᝋ :ፋ࣎ΗफඕЪࠎ˘វ۞೩ᛉະᔁ̙ୂĞStockwell, 1974ٺࠎፉ͕జ༣̼ă၆ 334ğĄ д੺ֽΗफ۞Ч჌ᛳгĂ׀ѝд 1920-30 ѐ΃Ăࡻ઼ಶഅགྷဘྏ඾͘Ъ χზ૟˘ֱᝋ˧Ϲග੺ֽᓑ֣ĂАឰ΁ࣇΞͽྫྷ੺ֽᛳ֣π੓πӱăГҨ፟ ćጐგܑࢬ˯࠻੓ֽрညߏࡻ઼ᙸຍᗫ͘ăឰٙѣ۞֣ᆅᐝπඈĂд၁׀ፋ ᅫ˯ĂĶ̶ᝋķĞdecentralizationğݒߏࠎ˞ĶГ̚δะᝋ̼ķĞrecentralizationğ เ˾̈׊ΞͽᚶᜈഡݢĂٙᏜ۞ܧٙઇ۞໤౯12ĂΪ̙࿅Ă੺ֽˠ఺ॡ࣏̏

۰Ⴭࠎڼ۰ĞRulerğჍࠎᚑბăࠟሬξ௚ڼߏĂੵ˞഑࡚ᜋ็௚۞௚ڱჟቁ۞ᄲྵͧ 10 ٛຒĂ׎΁۞֣݋Ⴭࠎᛂ̜ĞჯૄѺࡊĂ2018Ĉ੺ֽҘֲэᛳ׶ᓑ֣ۡᔑડğĄ ͛঍ĞCecil Clementiğܛᛊтд 1930-34 ѐมፉЇঔदതϔгᓁ༛ࣘࡻ઼ዸ੺ֲֽ੼৺૞ࣶ 11 ᛉޥአЪүĂ؎၁̙Ξםѩ̝ม৿ͻكಶᄮࠎĂᏄႬ੺ֲֽౣ൒ѣ 10 ࣎Җ߆ಏҜĂ ĞSimandjuntak, 1969: 26ğĄ SimandjuntakĞ1969: 26ğ˵ᕇ΍ĂĶΝᓑ֣̼ķĞdefederateğߏࠎ˞ĶГᓑ֣̼ķĞrefederateğĄ 12 ѣᕇညߏຐࢋԯᓲකᗆღĂᑕྍАᗫฟ˘ᕇГᗆღĄ 9 ઼ޙ੺ֽҘֲ۞፾ϲ

࢕д͟ז႕ຍĂЯѩĂ՟ѣඈזߏ՟ѣ˘͞ຏޢԼࢭ͞९གྷ࿅˛ԶˣљĂ౵ ੺ֽˠĂᅁღ˫ࢦϦົ಴۞ޤႷ҃˫ᇙ۔ѐ 8 ͡ᑅဩĂࡻ઼ࠎ˞щᇬ 1941 ,ࢦ୧ࡗཌྷચă֭ᄰ֏ჯ᜕੺ֽˠ۞ӀৈĞStockwell, 1974: 334; Simandjuntak 1969: 22-32ğĄ ĻĞColonial Developmentڱࡻ઼઼ົд 1940 ѐ఼࿅ĺതϔ൴ण̈́჊ࡅ ࣖ೶۞ٺand Welfare ActğăٚᏚࢋፉ੓തϔгԼචགྷᑻ̈́ۤົ۞యЇĂ၆ ֽࣶᄲĂ͟࢕ҫᅳ੺ֲֽϏဘ̙ߏ୻நጼಞ۞ݵ፟Ăԓጔд̂དྷፋ࿲࿅ء :૟Ξͽ႕֖ࡻ઼дጼரăͽ̈́གྷᑻ˯۞ᅮࢋĞStockwell, 1974ޙĂགྷ࿅ࢦޢ ഇมĂ઼࡚˘Г༛ܳ༖֣ਕ၁ኹĺ̂Ҙ߶ጳౢĻĞAtlanticۋ335ğĄдጼ Charter, 1941ğٙ೬㋃۞Νതϔ̼நຐĞLouis, 1978ğćࡻ઼֭Ϗ׍វ̯Ꮪ ٙѣ۞തϔгĂݒυืҌ͌෍ᄃ؎ఏĂాҬͼᅌᅈ۞੺ֲֽ˵ѣԼٺዋϡ ؽՀૺ۞υࢋĂЯѩд੉გ۞̂ࣧ݋˭Ăბ΍ֽ۞າ߆ඉѣ˟ีࢦᕇĈ೩ ĞStockwell, 1974: 336ğĄڼ੼Җ߆ड़தă̈́࿰౯ҋ ߷ૻᝋֲ۞ש ୀග B઼ޓд 1942 ѐ 2 ͡஍ౝĂନ̙̈́͘۞̂ࡻ؂າΐ Ԉဦග઼࡚࠻Ă۞ޢώĂᗞࢬႽεĂ؎၁ӌ̙˭఺˾ঈĂυืो΍˘इጼ͟ ҂тңग़኎ҋޥٙͽ˘͞ࢬ੨Ъ઼࡚дҘ͉π߶۞֨኎ొཌăΩ˘͞ࢬ݋ ፋវӀৈĂ۲̙ͪརγˠϣĂΒ߁੺ֲֽăࢶപăͽ̈́቞ոć۞ڌдᅈ֗ തϔгĂ੺ֲֽ̙Һజஉᄏ۞ڌ׎ߏ઼࡚ᓁ௚ᘲ೻჊࣍ᛉϤαૻВგᅈ͍ ፋវఢထĂҺ଀۞ڇܫݑֲࢋѣ˘इрညΞͽ΄ˠڌд̰Ăࡻ઼Ҍ͌੫၆ ឰ઼࡚ˠᛇ଀ߏ࡚ˠᏵᇍĂЯѩĂ੺ֲֽᓑ֣Ϊߏާಶౢ۞ᑕഀࢍ൪ă҃ :གྷ࿅఼ሹᑭ੅ٙᒔ଀۞׹ྎࢍ൪ĞStockwell, 1984: 68; Stockwell, 1974ܧ 336-37, 348, note 24ğĄ ଀ВᙊĂᄮࠎдĺ̂Ҙ߶ጳפд 1942 ѐ 9 ͡Ăࡻ઼γϹొᄃതϔгొ ቁܲсࣇ۞щБăܮд͉π߶гડ۞ᛳгĂͽܔౢĻ۞॰ߛ˭Ăࡻ઼ᑕྍࢦ ᛉ۞੺ֲֽăۋઇ໤౯Ă͍׎ߏ౵ѣΞਕ΍னڼฟ൴༊г۞ྤ໚ă֭ͷࠎҋ ݑֲѣឰˠீڌԊ۞ఢထ̚Ăࡻ઼υืд͞ڌࡻᛳ૔ᘲ߷ćдതϔгొ̈́ ˘ࢍ൪˵ಶᛦ౦ᖙ֗Ă׍វ҃֏ಶߏనཉ׀ҶԊĂጼ݈۞ፋ۞ܪ˘༗ࠎ̝ Ϲ఼͕̚۞੺ֲֽᓑ֣Ăஉᄏ੺ֲֽă̈́ঔदതϔгĂ̈́ٽࠎ෶؂࣎ͽາΐ :Гᕖ̈́ࡻᛳ૔ᘲ߷Ă౵௣ϫ۞݋ߏؼҩОκă̈́቞ոĞStockwell, 1974ޢ൒ ăௐ 4 ഇĞ2018/΋؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 14 10

ଭЩ΍ˠă၁ኳᔴᛳതϔгొ۞੺ొۋ338ćSimandjuntak, 1969: 38ğĄϤጼ ࢍ൪̈௡ĞMalayan Planning Unit, MPUğд 1943 ѐϒёྻүĂԓ୕ਕֲֽ ,ă֭೩੼Җ߆ड़தĞStockwell, 1974: 338-39; Simandjuntakڼૻ̼തϔ௚ পঅгҜă҃૔ᘲ߷۞ᛳг۞؂າΐٺ35-38ğĄ̈௡̙˳ಶ൴னĂϤ :1969 ᛉ̙ޙĂٙͽٽݑֲٙѣ۞ᛳгፋЪࠎ˘ྕᛳ̙ڌ൒Ϡ့Ăࢋ૟ࡻ઼д̪ ݑֲᓁ༛ڌӸᇶͷАඕЪ੺ֽኜ֣ă౫̱ϥă̈́ᕠݱಶрĂΩγనཉ˘࣎ ĞGovernor-General for South-East Asiağֽᓁ׎јĞStockwell, 1974: 339ğĄ ઼࡚әͨՐஷĂזҋ̎۞ჟ͕ᑞထ౤кߏዎזࣶΪ࿰ഇء༊ॡĂࡻ઼ ࣚ࿱̙ី۞੺ֲֽෳ୉ĂᑕྍΞͽహർࣘ߉࿀΁ࣇಶቑĂፆ̝࿅ֱ֤ٺҌ ৼˢ҂ณćд΁ࣇ۞ڱĂ̙χზଳᏙથ౉शă˵՟ѣ૟༊гҁѺؖ۞ຐާ ڱ଀ጳפĂ݈೩݋ߏυืֶፂ୧ࡗֽعѣ͛ˠ߆̖ڱఢထ̚ĂυืАѣጳ ׻υ྿ĂೱήྖᄲĂிֹֽعٙᅮࢋ۞͹ᝋĂ༊൒ĂՀࢦࢋ۞౅࿅࢕ְ߆ ᛂ̜υื૟͹ᝋឰഭගࡻ઼ĂЧ࣎੺ֽ֣ಉεҋ͹ă੺ֽˠ̙ГֳѣপҾ ඕՁ݈ಶ̏གྷቁؠĂᐌ඾༖࢕໤౯൳ౙۋᝋӀĞprivilegesğć఺ֱౌߏдጼ ੺ֲֽͅԽдӈĂϤࣖ೶ொዸᐁᜋ૵೩ĞKandyğ۞ MPU јࣶᐌॡಶΞͽ ĞStockwell, 1974: 339-42ğĄعซዸ͛ˠ߆ ĂГڼࣧАĂࡻ઼ࢍ൪ు˘ЍೇЧ੺ֽ֣ĂАͽ౼Ӏ̝ݻซҖ࢕ְ௚ ཌྷ࢕ٸ࢕͉ԣԸࢫĂឰࡻ࢕εΝԷႊྋ͟זјϲć՟ѣຐ۞عପ᜕͛ˠ߆ ѣ՟ѣ΍һχጼĂֶ൒િ޺υืֶ໰ࢍ൪నཉ࢕غז˞։፟Ăࡻ઼ᜪ̙۞ ᔑ۞ϔ߆ְચĞcivil˭ܮĞBritish Military Administration, BMAğĂͽع߆ affairsğΞͽᇶͷૻ๕ྻү˘ੱ̄ĂЯѩĂ༊ࡻ࢕д 1945 ѐ 9 ͡ 3 ͟൳ౙĂ Чгనཉ˞˝࣎ડזјϲᓁొĂ֭ࠁᅋˠ̶ࣶᐝ؂ಶдРษ͟ 12 ٺع࢕߆ ĞStockwell, 1974: 342-43ğĄΪ̙࿅Ă੺ֲֽᓑ֣۞ଯજ֭՟ѣຐညعા߆ ᝘׎֏ă៍׎ҖĂ൒҃âόྎڱࡻ઼۞ᄲٺӀĄ˘ฟᐝĂ੺ֽˠ၆ึ̚ ତڱ೬ᜨ13Ă༊гˠಶ၅ᛇజ΍኱҃ཏ੓ᙈ൒Ăߊ൑ܐ௟۞̰टд 1946 ѐ ҋ̎۞ᝋӀᕖ̈́΁୉ĂՀϠঈ۞ߏࡻ઼࿀࢝ᛂ̜צ͹ᝋజࣤဳă˵̙ਕԡצ

׌ЊϨϩ३۞̰ट֍ OngkiliĞ1985: 40-42ğĄ 13 11 ઼ޙ੺ֽҘֲ۞፾ϲ

ᘕ൴̂ޘဧĂЯѩࢵޢᘪཌ୧ࡗ14Ă΁ࣇፉ͕ҋ̎ົՎ˯Δ࡚߷Оௐщˠ۞ ੺ֽˠķĞMalaya Belongs to Malaysğćٺఢሀ۞ԩᛉҖજĂ੼಄Ķ੺ֲֽᛳ ۰ޢĂڼˠ̳ϔᝋă˵ඍᑕ௣տኬ̟ҋޘ࠹၆гĂጐგࡻ઼ˠధᏚරˠ̈́О ਾĞStockwell, 1974: 343; Ongkili, 1985: 40-51ğĄٺݒҬͼ൑જ ಶЩϫ˯҃֏Ă੺ֲֽᓑ֣Ϊߏ࿅ഭॡഇ۞੊߆щଵĂ݄કૅ࠱۞ந ϫᇾдዛྮĂְ၁˯ݒߏт઄Βೱ۞തϔгćೱήྖڼϤߏࠎ˞௣ໂ۞ҋ Ăனд݋୮̙ᐗඬгూҖۡڼߏ౅࿅ᛂ̜၁߉มତ௚۞פᄲĂࡻ઼ጼ݈ଳ Ă੺ֽˠЯѩૻধͅᇅĞStockwell, 1974: 333-34ğĄ˘ฟᐝĂڼତ۞തϔ௚ ᅁԣ࿅ᙯăిጼిՙĂ၆΁ࣇڱࣶԓ୕੺ֲֽᓑ֣۞ጳءҋͽࠎߏ۞ࣖ೶ ଀рĂ੺ֲֽᓑ֣Яѩдֽڼ࢕ְ௚ܜГިᆃᒷᎣ˵ᓁͧؼعᄲĂ͛ˠ߆ֽ ѐ 4 ͡ 1 ͟јϲćΪ̙࿅ĂࢵЇᓁ༛ Edward Gent 1946 ٺ˭̕˯ࡻ઼ᜦͳർ ᅁعЇಶ൴னࡺᐝ̙၆҃੺˯ࣆ͖15Ăѷᐝ˿ᓚ۞ࣖ೶߆ז˘Ğ1946-48ğ ݑֲᓁ༛ĞGovernor-General for Southeast AsiağMalcolm MacDonaldڌ΄˭ღ ੺ֲֽזۡ˘ᚙ૧ઙ੺ĂЯѩĂعᛉ߆ޙ˵༛ੱĂኡۢ΁ـĞ1946-48ğ݈ ăͽ̈́߆ඉࡩѪཛ̚Ăॲώ՟ѣ;ኜטޙ΃̝Ă੺ֲֽᓑ֣۞҃פᓑЪ֣ ၁߉۞፟ົĞStockwell, 1974: 343-44ğĄ щᇬϔ୉͹ཌྷ̏ڱ๴҇ĂЯѩυืຐᏱ˘֤̚˾˭ٸࡻ઼ᔘ̙ຐٺϤ થĂࡻ઼ᄃ੺ֲֽםགྷజᇨ੓۞੺ֽˠĞOngkili, 1985: 53ğĄགྷ࿅˘ѐΗ۞ ᛉĞFederation of Malaya Agreement, 1948ğĂᗕ͞Чੜ˘ՎĂ͍׎ߏם྿ј ͡ ੺ֲֽᓑЪ֣д 1948 ѐ 2۞םᄲр̙Ν߄ጼ੺ֽˠপѣ۞ᝋӀĂ·႕ԁ ᄲൺ׻۞੺ֲֽᓑ֣ߏт઄Βೱ۞ࡻ઼തϔгĂᛂ̜ԛТ౱ᐻĂڍјϲĄт ؈َ۞௡ЪĂ˝࣎੺ֽ֣Ğα࣎੺ֽᓑ֣ޝ࠹ྵ̝˭Ă੺ֲֽᓑЪ֣݋ߏ ੺ֽ֣ặ̈́࣎੺ֽᛳ֣ğޭೇ઼᜕ܲ۞гҜĂ҃ᕠݱă̈́౫̱ϥ݋ჯ۞

੼ๆĂͽЧᛂޘдһਣ੺ใ̚Ăᅟ׻ᘪࡗ۞ࡻͳপֹ Harold MacMichael үࢲૻ๕ăၗ 14 ೷֏ĂΪр˘˘ᘪࢎ୧ࡗ΍ឰ͹̙ޤ਎ᅊҜĂ̂छ೷ރഇมࠎϤۋ۰дጼڼ௚௚็̜ ፬੺ֲֽϔ୉͹ཌྷ۞ԣి൴णĂוᝋĂ఺ֱಉᝋ੘઼۞୧ࡗĞMacMichael Treaties, 1945ğ ,ဥវ̈́߆ᛨ৾৾΍னĞWikipedia, 2018: Harold MacMichael; Ongkili, 1985: 39-40ڼ߆ 47-52, 91-94; Simandjuntak, 1969: 39-43ğĄ Gent д 1948 ѐ 7 ͡జΡаࣖ೶ࢗᖚĂЯࠎࢳ፟εְ֗˸ĞStockwell, 1984: 74-75ğĄ 15 ăௐ 4 ഇĞ2018/΋؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 14 12

޺തϔг۞гҜĂᗗ׉Т᝕Ăߏ͹ᝋ፾ϲ઼छᄃതϔг۞̂ᗔᒏĄSimandjuntak ߛၹֽ࠻Ă׌۰׎၁дώኳ˯֭՟ѣڼĞ1969: 14, 39ğᄮࠎĂಶፋវ۞߆ к̂۞मҾĂᝋ˧ֶ൒࠹༊ะ̚Ğp. 83ğĄതϔг̂Ҋ Arthur Creech Jones ă֭ͷعĞ1946-50ğۡ֏Ăࣧώ੺ֲֽᓑ֣۞ώኳಶߏૻ҃ѣ˧۞̚δ߆ ૻአੑ߆ᘦؠĂЯѩĂੵ˞ٙᏜ۞ĶВТ̳ϔᝋķĞcommon citizenshipğĂ Ăᖞ੧າ஬Ăд੺ֲֽᓑЪ֣̂វ˯ߏ՟ѣڱࣧώֱ֤ٙᏜĶซՎ۞ķү к̂ԼតĞStockwell, 1984: 70-71; Simandjuntak, 1969: 81ğĄ д 1948 ѐ 6 ͡Ăͽරˠࠎ͹۞੺ВĞMalayan Communist Party, MCPğ ୻๏۞ࡻٺၗĞMalayan Emergency, 1948-60ğĂѓې੓ְĂ੺ֲֽซˢღާ ಞă̈́ᚩಞ۞ຽ͹̙ࢋၣྤĂ̍ᛨࢵ࠹ғᇇᖃྺ̂ڇߏтңᄲ۞ڦٙᙯ઼ Ă͕זч၆੺ֲֽٚᏚ۞፾ϲĂݒۡ֏ࡻ઼֕ˠ۞ॡ፟ϏܫጐგкѨܲᙋ ࣶ၅ᛇءሹზ۞ߏ 25 ѐ۞࿅ഭॡഇĂ൒҃Ăᔹጼд 1950 ѐᘕ൴Ăдг̚ υืعᛉ߆ޙĂڱЯ৵ĂΒ߁າ˘΃੺ֽˠѣ̙Т۞࠻۞טଠڱ൑ֱ˘ז ძᒼăΐిΝതϔ۞ཙՎĂٕధᑕྍ૟ॡ඀ᒺൺࠎ 10Ƃ25 ѐćዸ੺ֽܥϏ ੼৺૞ࣶ Henry GurneyĞ1948-51ğд 1951 ѐ 10 ͡జ੺Вຳ୭֗˸Ăিֲ Ğ1951-55ğعРႬܲчᛨ߆ܘ೩઼݈ົԼᏴक़ୀĂаᔦ۞ع؋׻۞̍ᛨ߆ٺ ՟ѣ֤ᆃຏଐϡְĂതϔгొ̂Ҋ Oliver Lytteltonྵͧڼതϔг۞ҋٺ၆ Ğ1951-54ğᄃາֽ۞੺ֲֽ੼৺૞ࣶ Gerald TemplerĞ1952-54ğ߱͘ૻർă Ğ1955ğᄃ፾ϲĞ1957ğ۞ڼݒ̙Ԟд๏В࿅඀੅рϔ͕Ă҃ৌϒܳјҋ ߏതϔ̂ҊĞSecretary of State for the ColoniesğAlan Lennox-BoydĞ1954-59ğ ᄃ੺ֲֽ੼৺૞ࣶ Donald MacGillivrayĞ1954-57ğĞStockwell, 1984: 69-73ğĄ ڼ੺ֲֽҋזݑֲ੼৺૞ࣶ Malcolm MacDonaldវᄮڌ෸߆ᝋᖼொ۞ྭ ଀߆ᝋĂ͹ૺາ۞઼छυืΒटפጿă˫ᇎ͕੺Вഫᑝጼܡڱ፾ϲ̝๕൑ к̮჌୉Ğ୉ཏğĂБ˧ٛᘇ໢׶ࠁ۞Ķ੺ֽϔ୉௚˘፟ၹƟԒ௚ķĞUnited Malays National Organisation, UMNOğ౹ᛨ͹यਃຒ̼ĞDato Onn bin Jaafar, ͘ĂЯѩဘྏฟٸΪࢋ୉ཏયᗟ̙ྋՙăࡻ઼ಶ̙ົܫ1895-1962ğćਃຒ̼࠹ ᛉ૟ᛨЩԼࠎĶ੺ֽ亞ϔ୉௚˘፟ၹķĞUnited Malayansޙ੺ֽˠăܧԒ௚ගٸ Ăᇙ҃д 1951 ѐ௲ᛨΩ௡Ķ੺ֲֽ፾ϲᛨķڍNational OrganisationğĂϏ ᒔ଀ڱߐݒдᏴᓝ̚൑̝͟ځĞIndependence of Malaya Party, IMPğĂ఺Ҝ 13 ઼ޙ੺ֽҘֲ۞፾ϲ

;кᇴ੺ֽˠ۞ᄮТ҃฼ެĂम˘ᕇᗼ˞ࡻ઼۞̂ԊĞStockwell, 1984: 76-77 Simandjuntak, 1969: 64-69ğĄ ᛉົĞFederal Legislative CouncilğᏴᓝĂڱᓑЪ֣ϲبд 1955 ѐᓝᏱ۞ࢵ ,ϤԒ௚ăĶ੺ֽҘֲරˠ̳ົƟ੺ර̳ົķĞMalayan Chinese Association ,ϔ̂ົᛨƟ઼̂ᛨķĞMalayan Indian Congress઼ޘMCAğăͽ ̈́Ķ੺ֽҘֲО MICğٙඕЪ۞੺ֽᓑ༖ĞAlliance Partyăٕ Malayan Allianceğͽѝ͟፾ ٛતĞTunku Abdul Rahmanğؑڌϲࠎ߆֍Ăᛏ଀ 52 य̚۞ 51 यĂᅳ࢕۞ ĞChief MinisterğĂᐌӈᄃࡻ઼णฟ˘րЕ۞፾ϲኘҿĞMerdekaܜ΍Їࢵयొ ᛉĞFederation of Malaya Agreement, 1957ğĂ੺ֲֽםNegotiationsğăᘪࢎ ܢҶ፾ϲĞProclamation of IndependenceĂކ͟ ᓑЪ֣16 д 1957 ѐ 8 ͡ 31 ᄲ 1955 ѐߏ੺ֲֽϔ୉۞ጌڍᐂ 1ğĂϤ΁ፉЇௐ˘Їࢵ࠹Ğ1957-63ğćт ,Ă੺ֲֽᓑЪ֣۞፾ϲಶߏ੺ֲֽϔ୉۞ኚϠĞSimandjuntak, 1969: 15ځ 70-77; Ongkili, 1985: 94-98, 105, 114-22ğĄ


ݑֲঔڌШ؂າΐז͟ ѐ 5 ͡ 27 1961 ٺٛતؑڌ੺ֲֽᓑЪ֣ࢵ࠹ ĞForeign Correspondent Association of Southeast AsiağႊᓾĂົםγপࠁࣶ ăΔ૔ᘲ߷ă̈́զ඿ඈгᑕྍ൴णĶՀღ૜۞ᙯ؂ᛉ੺ֲֽăາΐޙϒё ੺ֲֽ߆ٺགྷᑻᙯܼĄϤ̈́ڼѩ۞߆كૻ̼ܮķĞcloser associationğĂͽܼ ᛉĂޙ۞׀Ъ۞؂གྷкѨ١඗າΐ̏ۏˠڼඕЪ17ă߆؂Шͅ၆ྫྷາΐ˘ع :၅छម៨̙̏ĞFernado & Rajagopal, 2017៍ڼٛત۞а͕ᖼຍ΄߆ؑڌ ੺ֲֽᓑЪ֣۞፾ϲĂϤז97-98ğĄְ၁˯Ăଂ੺ֽᓑ֣ă੺ֲֽᓑ֣ă ώ˯ߏజଵੵдγ۞ĞTan, 2008: 32ğĄࢵАĂૄ؂੺ֽයࡻͅ၆Ăາΐٺ ۞˾ΐˢົ৔ᗼ୉ཏˠ۞؂ፉ͕າΐعѣѺ༱රˠĂ੺ֲֽ߆؂າΐٺϤ

16 ѩޢ˫Ⴭࠎ Merdeka FederationĄ re-unificationĂ̙࿅Ă֭ זგჍࠎ mergerăunionăassociation ٕ integrationĂઊ҃֍̙ 17 unification фீĄ זϏ֍ ăௐ 4 ഇĞ2018/΋؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 14 14

फ़ֽ໚ĈNational Archives ofྤ SingaporeĞ2018ğĄ ٛત۞ĶՀღ૜ؑڌ ဦ 4Ĉ ᙯܼķ።Ϋّႊᓾ۞

଀߆ᝋĂפΞਕٺăࠤҌܜ႙ൄ͟؂Вயᛨ๕˧дາΐٺπᏊćΩγĂϤ ਎ĞFernado & Rajagopal, 2017: 98; Tan, 2008: 31ğĄރ੺ֲֽࢺຏ ࢗࡻ઼ᛳгߏӎඕЪࠎՀ̂۞˘๴ᅳгĂ׎၁౵ѝߏϤ઼ົᛉ˯ٺѣᙯ Ξਕ૲ֽ۞р׀ࣶд 1887 ѐ೩΍ֽ۞Ăതϔгొχఏᐌഘ˯Ă̙ॡ೩ᏹЪ ޢ఍ĂΪ̙࿅Ă఺ֱౌઃ঻дΪ᝘ሁୗᜩă̙֍ˠ˭ֽ۞ล߱ćࡻ઼дጼ ৼˢ੺ֲֽĂ൒҃Яࠎ҂ณ؂ࢬ၆Νതϔ۞ᑅ˧Ăᔵ൒ሹზ࿅тң૟າΐ ,ซ੺ֲֽᓑ֣ĞFernado & Rajagopalٸ࢕പ۞ጼரࢦࢋّĂ௣տ՟ѣ؂າΐ ഇĂࡻ઼̙ಝ࢑ఈዸ࢕ঔγฟዚĂᄮࠎ੺ֽޢ100-101ğĄд 1950 ѐ΃ :2017 гĂ̙ૄ۞؂ፋЪ۞ॡ፟̏གྷјሢĂሹზΪࢋਕᚶᜈֹϡາΐ؂ᄃາΐֲ ਎ă̈́૔ᘲ߷ᛳг፾ϲ۞ኝᗟϴග੺ֲֽĂ˵ಶߏ૟γొયރӸԯВᛨ۞ ;ᗟΐͽ̰߆̼ăٕγొПᐍ̰ొ̼ĞTan, 2008: 18-20, 29-31; Milne, 1963: 76 Jones, 2002: 572-73ğĄ ᅳăڼݑֲ۞ٙѣᛳгᑕྍඕЪࠎ˘࣎ҋڌĂࡻ઼ؕ௣ᄮࠎсдޢጼ сࣇ۞Ϡхਕ˧ĂপҾߏࡻᛳ૔ᘲ߷۞զٺ۰Ҍ͌ߏ֣ᓑĂ͹ࢋߏ඾ீٕ ᙱдОκăޝ඿ăࡀٛ෸ăͽ̈́Ւ͐Ăˬг۞ˠ˾ΐ੓ֽΪѣ˘Ѻ༱Ăऻُ ࣶ۞ఢထ̚Ă఺ֱᅳг۞ღ૜ඕЪءᄼăͽ઼̈́̚۞ӵᓀ̚Ϡхćдޠහ ׌ล߱ೈԔ႙ซĂАϤ૔ᘲ߷۞ˬгАҖЪүפѣӀ൑चĂ̙࿅Ă౵рଳ 15 ઼ޙ੺ֽҘֲ۞፾ϲ

Ҙྭঔᕖ̈́੺ֲֽăـॡ፟јሢГޞ࠻࠻ĂΪࢋਕૉᒔ଀༊гˠ۞͚޺Ăඈ ݑֲ੼৺૞ࣶڌߏд 1948-55 ѐፉЇۏĂ˵ಶߏ 3+2Ă҃ᙯᔣˠ؂າΐ̈́ & ĞCommissioner-General for Southeast Asiağ۞ Malcolm MacDonaldĞFernado Rajagopal, 2017: 101-106; Stockwell, 1984: 74-78; Tan, 2008: 15; Simandjuntak, 1969: 118-20ğĄ ڌĂݎݎඕЪᎸ࡭ڼ߆ٺѣ჊ăͽ̈́ՂЍᚹ၆ڒۏˠڼ߆؂ጐგາΐ Ăࡻޢѐ፾ϲ 1957 ٺ੺ֲֽᓑЪ֣זٛતݒߏຍᎸᔰࠞĂЯѩâۡࢋؑ ޥăզ඿ăࡀٛ෸ăͽ̈́Ւ͐ඈг۞݈౉Ăࢦາ؂ฟؕຕࢦ҂ᇋາΐ઼̖ ࠎᓑ֣۞ĶԈဦķĞGrand Designğć͍׎ߏՂЍ׀҂૟఺ֱᛳгᄃ੺ֲֽЪ ᙱ੟В؂າΐ۞ޢٛતϹ͕Ăᇎ͕፾ϲؑڌᚹдࡻ઼ˠ۞ခᐽ˭Ăᇤ͛Ш ݑֲĂЯѩ͹ૺ౵ָ۞ྋՙ͞९ߏ૟੺ֲֽڌᛨᜲೠăซ҃ΞਕП̈́ፋ࣎ ăͽ̈́૔ᘲ߷ˬгඕЪĞFernado & Rajagopal, 2017: 106-10ğĄࡻ઼؂ᄃາΐ ࣶд 1960 ѐ೩΍α჌͞९Ĉࡀٛ෸ŮՒ͐ăࡀٛ෸ŮՒ͐Ůզءതϔгొ ඿ăࡀٛ෸ŮՒ͐Ůզ඿Ů੺ֲֽăࡀٛ෸ŮՒ͐Ůզ඿Ů੺ֲֽŮາΐ ҂ᇋ۞፺̋͘֋ă҃զ඿˵ѣΞਕົ΍னયᗟޢߏజ౵؂ĂΞͽ࠻΍າΐ؂ ĞFernado & Rajagopal, 2017: 112ğĄ ߏӎ؂൏ᕇĂ˵ಶߏາΐ۞ڦᙯعϏֽજШҋֽߏ੺ֲֽ߆۞؂າΐ ፾ϲăߏӎົྫྷ੺ֲֽඕЪĂ͍׎ߏᓑЪ֣ଂ 1948 ѐјϲͽֽಶࠎ˞๏ົ ϏֽߏӎົརˢВᛨ͘̚೙೙̙Ξ௣͟Ă˵ಶߏ؂າΐٺВҋᜪ̙ີĂ၆ ,Ο͐ķି੊ĞMeans, 1963: 139; Tan, 2008: 5; Simandjuntak۞ੰޢٙᏜ۞Ķ Ξਕົ৔ᗼனѣޝΐˢĂ؂125ğĄ൒҃Ă੺ֲֽݒ˫ፉ͕˘όឰາΐ :1969 ୉ཏ௡јֽ࠻Ğܑ۞ޢᝋ˧۞ϠၗĄͽ 1960 ѐ݈ڼ୉ཏπᏊăซ҃ᇆᜩ߆۞ ҫ؂1ğĂ੺ֽˠд੺ֲֽҫ˞ˠ˾۞˘Ηăරˠ 37%Ă࠹၆гĂරˠдາΐ ԯࡻᛳ૔ᘲ߷ˬг˘੓ৼซֽ18Ă੺ֽˠ۞ڍ75%ă੺ֽˠΪѣ 14%ćт ˞

ۢ˵ٛત༊൒ؑڌĂ҃ܕ૔ᘲ߷ˬг۞ࣧҝϔ୉ٕధ̙ᄮࠎҋ̎۞ҕቡ̼͛ᄃ੺ֽˠ࠹ 18 Т̼Ă඗၆ٽ੺ֽˠֽᄲĂҌ͌΁ࣇͧරˠटٺĂ൒҃Ă၆ޘ྽૔ᘲ߷̙ߏ੺ֽˠ۞઼ ٛતᄮࠎ༊гˠೀͼಶߏ੺ֽˠć࠹၆ؑڌĂܫߏΞͽඕ༖၆ԩරˠ۞၆෪Ăࡻ઼ˠ࠹ ,ĞLim Kean SiewğᄮࠎĂ΁ࣇ̙ਕზߏ੺ֽˠĞTan, 2008: 6ုޙڒۏˠڼгĂරˠ߆ 53ćSimandjuntak, 1969: 133-34ğĄ ăௐ 4 ഇĞ2018/΋؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 14 16

ΐˢĂ؂රˠĞ41.9%ğĂࢋߏಏಏឰາΐٺૻ੼ݍˠ˾ּͧ 46.7% ᔘΞͽ ੺ֽˠ۞ּͧ૟జ՞୶ࠎ 41.9%Ăͧරˠ۞ 43.3% ᔘҲĂˠ˾ᐹ๕̙ГĂ ༊൒тᓜஎஅăтᆹᓠДĄ

1Ĉ੺ֽҘֲ۞୉ཏ௡ј ܑ

!ࡻᛳ૔ᘲ߷ ᓁᇴ ؂੺ֲֽ! າΐ

3,125,474 197,060 876,509 4,199,043 ੺ֽˠ (49.8%) (13.6%) (68.3%) (46.7%) 2,333,756 1,090,595 355,491 3,779,842 ර! ˠ (37.1%) (75.1%) (27.7%) (41.9%) 696,186 124,084 5,535 825,805 Оޘˠ (11.1%) ( 8.6%) ( 0.4%) ( 9.2%) 123,342 34,190 45,292 202,824 ׎! ΁ ( 2.0%) ( 2.4%) ( 3.5%) ( 2.2%) 6,278,758 1,445,929 1,282,827 9,007,514 ᓁ! ᇴ (69.7%) (16.1%) (14.2%) ( 100%)

फ़ֽ໚Ĉ຋አፋநҋ MeansĞ1963: 140ğĂણ ҂ SimandjuntakĞ1969: 130-31, tablesྤ 1-3ğăOngkiliĞ1985: 153-54, tables 1-2ğăOhĞ1967: 433, table 1ğăTilman Ğ1963, 901, table 1ğĄ ˠ˾ߏॲፂ 1957 ѐ۞೼ߤĂࡻᛳ૔ᘲ߷۞ˠ˾ߏ۞؂Ĉ੺ֲֽă̈́າΐځ ᄲ Ϗΐˢ੺ֽҘֲ۞զ඿ğć੺ֽˠΒӣֽޢॲፂ 1960 ѐ۞೼ߤĞΒӣ ࣧҝϔ୉Ą

ᅳጱ۰ֽᄲĂ੺ֽҘֲυืߏ˘࣎Ϥ੺ֽˠᄃࣧҝڼ੺ֲֽ۞߆ٺ၆ кᇴ۞઼छĂலౣĂ఺྆ߏ΁ࣇ઱˘۞য়઼ĂЯѩĂ̙გߏˠᇴăاϔ୉ عᝋ˧Ă੺ֽˠ۞ᐹ๕඗၆̙̯ధజ৔ᗼćጐგ੺ֲֽ۞ᓑ༖߆ڼᔘߏ߆ ଠڼϲдྭ୉ཏ۞ЪүĂ੺ֽˠፉᇎፉ͕රˠ۞གྷᑻᐹ๕ົ૲ֽ߆ޙߏ Ă׌гν؂າΐ׀ĂপҾߏВᛨྻજጾѣྵ੼ּͧ۞රˠТଐâόЪט ٛતҋؑڌᓍᏴை๕υԣిᕖૺĂ౵рߏܲ޺෼ᗓăͽඉщБćְ၁˯Ă ķĂٕΞ༊үĶ੺ֽҘֲ۞৸ࡗķĂݒ඗၆̙ధޅߏĶયᗟ̈؂ᄮࠎາΐؕ ĞTan, 2008: 6, 24, 49-50, 53, 192-93ğĄڼරˠ̬ˢ੺ֽΗफ۞߆ Ăࡻ઼ᖼ҃Ш΁۞ઘٛ͘ᖠҹĞAbdulޘٛત۞Ԧຕ͕̈ၗؑڌࢬ၆ ۰࠹ޢνᓍ๕˧͟ᎸĂឰ؂Razakğፍͽ̂ཌྷĂ͍׎ߏӈ૟֕Ш፾ϲ۞າΐ 17 ઼ޙ੺ֽҘֲ۞፾ϲ

& ٛતĞFernadoؑڌڇඕЪ๕дυҖăซ҃јΑᄲڼၗᚑࢦ҃វᄮ߆ְܫ ؂າΐٺଐ๕ѣតĂϤٺٛત۞ࢦາ҂ᇋߏ࢝ؑڌRajagopal, 2017: 111ğĄ гҜ૟д 1963 ѐؠဳĂߊ൒ࡻ઼̙Ξਕϖᅈ঻˭ֽᑒѓĂ҃ՂЍᚹ߆ᝋ۞ ؂൭̙тൺ൭Ăՙؠ͹જ΍ᑝĂ૟າΐܜ΃̝Ă҃פᐌॡѣΞਕజВᛨ˫ ৼˢಶг࠻გĞTan, 2008: 56-58ğĄ ൒ѣ̪ٙޢརڼࡀٛ෸ă̈́Ւ͐۞߆ٺٛત၆ؑڌ࿅ĂԼត͕ຍ۞̙ ࡻ઼ਕᚶᜈ঻дՒ͐˘߱ޞГᄲĂপҾߏഇڼ঻ăԓ୕׌гਕА඾͘ҋܲ ॡมâ͞ࢬෛࠎ࢕ְૄгăΩ˘͞ࢬ൴णགྷᑻćЯѩĂ΁۞ϥ९ߏ੺ֽ ९̖ߏ੺ֲֽŮࡀٛ෸Ů˙ٺŮࡀٛ෸Ůզ඿Ă˵ಶߏ̈ݭ۞ᓑ֣ĂҌֲ ఺͞ࡴᘽٙ؂ӌ˭າΐܧ੺۞ྤ໚൑ڌĂೱήྖᄲĂ؂զ඿ŮՒ͐Ůາΐ ,υื੨۞Ꭴ19ĞFernado & Rajagopal, 2017: 113-14; Tan, 2008: 6, 54; Ongkili 1995: 161-74; Milne, 1953: 77ğĄ ৶൒۞զ඿ᛂ̜౤кΪᙸຍΐˢனѣ۞੺ֲֽᓑЪ֣Ă҃ࡀקጐგᎸ ࡻ઼݋҂ٺٛ෸ăͽ̈́Ւ͐׌г۞ҁѺؖព൒႕ຍϫ݈۞തϔггҜĂҌ ᄼ۞܎˾ĂޠณгநЯ৵ă̈́ˠ˾௡јĂҋؕፉ͕ѿˢ઼̚ăОκăٕߏහ ٛત̏གྷТຍᕖ̂ᓑ֣ĂᅅؑڌЯѩેຍјϲ̂ݭ۞੺ֽҘֲᓑ֣Ăߊ൒ ٛત̈́׎νΠ͘ĂؑڌҐ̏࿅༱ࢦ̋Ăְቤ݋๪ćд 1961 ѐĂࡻ઼̙ᕝྼᄲ ٛત௣տТຍͽ૔ᘲ߷ˬгะវΐˢؑڌኛৈĂ؂РษـՂЍᚹ˵кѨ݈ ٺ͟ д 1963 ѐ 7 ͡ 9ٺΐ༖Ăᐌӈणฟ׌ѐኘҿĂ௣۞؂ᓑֽ֣Ϲೱາΐ ؠĻĞMalaysia Agreement, 1963ğĂᔞ឵Ȉѐ۞̂੺םࣖ೶ᘪࢎĺ੺ֽҘֲ :20ĂΪमᄤ֖̙݈۞զ඿ĞFernado & Rajagopal, 2017ڍҘֲᓑ֣࣒јϒֽ 114-19; Simandjuntak, 1969: 152-56; Ross-Larson, 1976: 1ğĄ

؂ĶщБᄲķĂΩ˘჌ߏĶᕖૺᄲķĂᄮࠎ੺ֽҘֲᓑ֣۞ፋЪາΐ۞ܫਠٙஎ˘ٺ࠹ྵ 19 ੺۞̍׍ĞSopiee, 1973: 717-19ğĄڌ଀פ޽ߏ؂੺۞ྤ໚ĂೱήྖᄲĂາΐڌ˞׎၁ߏࠎ ᐂ 2ğ۞ 8 ͡ 31 ͟ߏ፾ϲ͟ĞHari MerdekağĄ ܢ֏ĞProclamation of MalaysiaĂކο፾ϲކ 20 ăௐ 4 ഇĞ2018/΋؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 14 18


ঔदതϔгд 1946 ѐ 4 ͡Яזࡻ઼۞ঔदതϔгĂۡٺࣧώᛳ؂າΐ ፾ҋјࠎ࠱छതϔ؂ࠎ౫̱ϥᄃᕠݱΐˢ੺ֲֽᓑ֣҃ྋ೸Ă౺˭۞າΐ д 1963 ѐᄃ੺ֲֽᓑЪ֣ăՒ͐ă̈́ࡀٛ෸ඕЪࠎ੺ֽҘֲᓑ֣Ą ٺ гĂ௣ Ă൒҃Ă؂׎၁Ăࡻ઼д 1942 ѐඉထ੺ֲֽᓑ֣̝ᅫĂࣧώѣຍৼˢາΐ འĂΐ˯੺ֽයࡻ۞ͅ၆Ă̙ᙸຍ܇ጼரᆊࣃăͽ̈́රˠᄃ੺ֽˠ۞ז҂ณ ୉ཏ̝ม۞׶ᏘĂЯѩд 1943-55ٺࣶۢ྽Ăᙯᔣдءᗼ˞̂Ԋ҃ᑣཉć࠹ᙯ۞ ಛăͽ̈́ឰ੺ֽˠᙸຍڤдтңᒉౄᔕኢ۞ٸѐมĂࡻ઼੺ֲֽ߆ඉࢦ͕ ડᓑᘭ؎ࣶۤ۞͞ءܧݑֲ੼৺૞ࣶ Malcolm MacDonald ౅࿅ڌૺᓖତৼĂ ଯજ੺ֽޢĞCommunity Liaison Committee, CLCğд୉ཏมࡍୣၭ୊Ă၌ົ ᓑ֣۞Ϗౣ̝ԠćЯѩĂд 1948 ѐјϲ۞੺ֲֽᓑЪ֣Ă˵̙࿅ߏ҂ณֲ ,Җ߆ड़த۞ቤһ̝ࢍĞStockwell, 1984: 71; Tan, 2008: 31-32; Simandjuntak 1969: 100-101; Ongkili, 1985: 82-84ğĄ ᛉĞLegislative CouncilğᏴᓝĂ༊ົڱϲٸԊొฟޘࡻ઼д 1948 ѐࢵ Ă౤кඕЪ׀υืА፾ϲăГኘᄃ੺ֲֽ۞Ъ؂ॡ͹ࢋ۞߆ᛨౌᄮࠎາΐ ซՎᛨĞSingapore Progressive Party, SPPğ؂ࠎᗫ೸۞֣ᓑĈᛊтܲч۞າΐ ͹ૺ੺ֲֽᑕྍА࣒ጳπᝋ21 ГᄲĂ౹ᛨ͹यౘ̖୻ĞTan Chye Chengğۡ ̍؂၆͘າΐۋ൴णćᚮڼ߆۞؂ΪົӸᘣາΐ׀֏Ă༊˭Їңԛё۞Ъ ѣ჊ĞLimڒᚑඥ۞ᏴีĂᛨᅾܧ֭׀ᛨĞ Labour Partyğ˵ТຍЪ ,௰̄˯ĞTan۞؂Ă̙ಀԯϮ᎐ଭдາΐ׀ЪגYew Hockğܑϯᄃ੺ֲֽӈ 2008: 22-33; Sopiee, 1973: 722ğĄ ซˢ 1950 ѐ΃Ă͹ࢋ߆ᛨѣВᙊ̙Ξਕ፾ҋᒔ଀፾ϲĂ෦Ր˯አፋࠎ ĻĞRendel Constitution, 1955ğڱăГኘ፾ϲĂপҾߏٙᏜ۞ĺᖡ૲ႬጳڼАҋ јࠎһछυ׀ᛉົĞLegislative AssemblyğĂᄃ੺ֲֽЪڱϲٸᏚ఼ሹฟ̯ д፾ϲ̝݈υืᄃ੺ֲֽඕ؂οາΐކᛉᗟĂᛊтౘ̖୻ϲಞͶតĂ۞ۋ

඾Ķ̢࠹၆ᑕ۞ᝋӀķĞcorrespondingקᓑֽ֣ᄲĂĶᝋӀπඈķĞequal rightsğຍٺ၆ 21 ѣĶ˘ሀ˘ᇹ۞ᝋӀķĞidentical rightsğĞTan, 2008: 110ğĄֳܧrightsğă҃ 19 ઼ޙ੺ֽҘֲ۞፾ϲ

റјć౻זಶົͪޢ̝׀፾ϲдᄃ੺ֲֽЪ۞؂ѣ჊˵͹ૺາΐڒЪĂ҃ ቢĞLabour Frontğд 1955 ѐ۞̂Ᏼ΍ͼ࿰फ़౼΍Ăᛨᅾ David Marshallੱ̍ ࣖ೶ĂࢋـĞChief MinisterğĂ΁д 1956 ѐதဥ݈ܜ΍Їࢵयొع௡ᓑЪ߆ ࡻ઼֏᝘ࢍଂĂᗕٺѣ჊၆ڒăᇙ҃ᙜᖚԩᛉĂତ͘۞ڍՐ˘ѐ̰፾ϲϏ :23ĞTan, 2008ڼ଀ҋפд 1959 ѐ؂д 1957 ѐࢦୁኘҿ22Ăࡻ઼Тຍາΐ͞ 34-35; Simandjuntak, 1969: 93-94ğĄ 1954 ٺՂЍᚹٙᅳጱ۞ˠϔҖજᛨĞPeople’s Action Party, PAPğјϲ ă׀ᄃ੺ֲֽЪܧੵ؂ᄃ੺ֲֽᓑЪ֣ඕЪć΁ͽࠎາΐ؂ѐĂҋؕ͹ૺາΐ ൑Ⴗಶ׀١඗ᄃ੺ֲֽЪڍт؂П֏ᓒ᝘Ķາΐٺӎ݋̙Ξਕ፾ϲĂࠤҌ ᛉົ 51 यڱߏҋ୭ķĞTan, 2008: 36-37ğĄˠϔҖજᛨд 1959 ۞̂Ᏼᝃ߁ϲ ᓁநĂ΁ፉ͕ВᛨႣ౅රˠጯ७ăع߆ڼयĂՂЍᚹ΍ЇࢵЇ۞ҋ 43 ۞̚ አፋྮቢâ͞ࢬ୶̼Ķۤཏ͹ཌྷ24ķĞcommunalismğ۞ҒޢĂ˯έົ̍̈́ ૾ĂΩ˘͞ࢬૻአҋ̎ߏĶܧВνࠁķĞnon-Communist Leftğă҃ܧĶͅВķ ˠϔҖٺĞanti-CommunistğĂͽડ࿣ĶВᛨνࠁķĞCommunist Leftğć࠹ྵ ྿ј፾ϲķĞindependence through mergerğĂDavidֽ׀જᛨ۞߆֍ߏĶ౅࿅Ъ А፾ϲķ݈׀Marshall ٙᅳጱ۞̍ˠᛨĞWorkers’ Party, WPğ݋͹ૺĶдЪ ͧפᑕྍଳ׀ໂν߆ᛨ݋͹ૺৌϒ۞ЪٺĞindependence before mergerğĂҌ щăͅ၆රˠјࠎ˟ඈ̳ϔă̈́ᆿੵ੺ֽˠ็௚ڼᑕྍᕖ̈́ڼăҋט΃ּܑ পᝋĞMeans, 1963: 142-44; Simandjuntak, 1969: 95ğĄ۞ ૓ڼ੺ֲֽ۞߆ྫྷ؂֏ࢋͽϾҡᙯܼĞpartnershipğֽଯજາΐځՂЍᚹ मள͉̂҃Ъֽ̙Ă΁পҾ޽΍੺ֲֽ۞Πڼٛત݋ᄮࠎ׌۰۞߆ؑڌĂބ νᓍ߆ඉݑᔔΔᖽĞSimandjuntak, 1969: 104ğĄ̙გт۞؂ᓍྮቢăͽ̈́າΐ ҂ăޥˠਕд֏ኘă؂ΐ۞੺ֽ̼Ăԓ୕າΐ؂඾͘າΐޢңĂՂЍᚹ˯έ

྿јВᙊĂனڱυืซҖᑭ੅Ăࢋߏᗕ͞൑ޢд၁߉αѐڱጳڼҋ۞؂ᛉĂາΐםॲፂ 22 с۞ٺ፾ϲ۞୧І̙֖Ăົ၆؂າΐڍѣ۞ጳ߆щଵ૟ᚶᜈჯ޺˭Νćࡻ઼۞ϲಞߏт ᛳгĞTan, 2008: 25ğĄڼĂ൒҃ࣖ೶˵ۢ྽Ă̙Ξਕϖᅈ༊үҋޘ୕۞ၗ៍פϏֽଳڼ߆ ĞState of Singapore Constitutionğߏд 1958 ఼࿅ĂڱጳڼĻ۞ҋڱ΃ĺᖡ૲Ⴌጳפᔵ൒ 23 Ąڼზϒёᒔ଀ҋ̖ޢᛉົ೼Ᏼڱߏд 1959 ۞ϲڱݒߏдѨѐϒё၁߉Ăͧྵϒቁ۞ᄲ дࡻ઼തϔ۞ਔඛ˭ĂٙᏜ۞ĶۤཏķĞcommunityğಶߏ޽Ķ୉ཏķĞethnic groupğĂ 24 ѝഇ۞͛ᚥ˵ѣۡତϡĶ჌୉ķĞraceğĄ҃ ăௐ 4 ഇĞ2018/΋؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 14 20

ͽ̈́ᓝͤ˯Ш੺ֲֽᓑЪ֣۞੺ֽˠ࠻ᆅĂ҃੺ֽᄬᔘజЕࠎ઼छᄬ֏ Ğnational languageğĂా౵੼̮ࢵĞYang di-Pertuan Agongğ˵ߏࢨؠϤ੺ ೩ᏹࡻ઼ă̈́੺ֲֽ۞ᅦࣶĂزд 1961 ѐᆷ˞˘ቔᄲٺˠፉЇć΁ࠤҌֽ Ξਕརдֱ֤׍ѣ઼͕̚۞ဥវ͘˯Ăޝ˧ᝋڼҋҖ፾ϲĂ߆؂༱˘າΐ ఺ֱˠ˘ؠົྫྷВய઼̚ჯ޺Ꮠ૜۞̼͛̈́གྷᑻᙯܼĞTan, 2008: 42, 45ğĄ ൴ܑĶՀღ૜۞ᙯܼķ።ΫّႊᓾĂ؂າΐـ݈͡ ѐ 5 1961 ٺٛતؑڌ Ξ֍ৼˢ۞͕ᐝ̏ؠĂ൒҃Ă΁ѣ׌ีિ޺âߏරˠ̙к۞ࡻᛳ૔ᘲ߷υ ᝋĂݒυืڼΞͽჯ޺পঅгҜăֳѣྵк۞ҋ؂ВТΐˢĂ˟ߏາΐื ؑڌ͚੨ćдڼ଀߆פТຍࢫҲдᓑ઼֣ົ۞यѨĂଭ͕۞ಶߏ༱˘රˠ Ă఺ߏ˘჌Ķ׍ѣВТᄮТ۞Ͼҡ25ķĞpartners in one identityğĂ̚ޥٛતၹ ٛؑڌтΔຑႬᜋᄃࡻ઼۞ᙯܼĞTan, 2008: 67-70ğĄд 8 ͡ĂՂЍᚹᄃؤ ܐϨϩ३۞׀൴ܑᓑЪ̳ಡĂЪ͟ 24 ٺՎВᙊă֭ܐ଀פતགྷ࿅ˬ͇ົኘ ޢ׀дЪ؂ቇĞSingapore White Paper on Merger, 1961ğд 9 ͡΍ᚤĈາΐ ăܲѣ 75% ۞ੑ߆ќڼ૟Ξͽჯ޺ҋϤപгҜăֳѣିֈ̈́౻̍߆ඉ۞ҋ Тຍ؂ϔĞcitizenğ૟Ξតј઼ϔĞnationalğĂ࠹၆гĂາΐ̳؂ˢăາΐ ᓑ֣ிᛉࣶᓁᇴ 159 य̚۞ 15 यĞͧˠ˾ּͧᑕѣᔘ͌ 10 यğĂזజ̶੨ ,ᝋĞMeans, 1963: 143-44; Tan, 2008: 71-73, 79-85; OngkiliڼͽϹೱྵк۞ҋ ໰ಏБќĂᛊтٛᖠҹࢋՐԯܧϨϩ३֭׀Ъٺ၆ع160ğĄ੺ֲֽ߆ :1995 ிᛉࣶ۞ˠᇴГࢫࠎ 12 यĂՂЍᚹᚑध١඗ć௣տĂགྷ࿅੺ֲֽ۞؂າΐ ڱТຍăࡻ઼۞ࡦ३Ăᐝ࿅֗ಶ࿅ĂϨϩ३ 1962 ѐ 1 ͡ͽ 33 ͧ 0 ைᒔ଀ϲ ᛉົ͚޺ĞTan, 2008: 82-86ğĄ ᛉĂ૟Ᏼี;ኜޙ۞ Marshall צᛉ۞͛фĂՂЍᚹՙؠତם׀੫၆Ъ Ը̰ट۞࿅඀ĂՂЍ̳׀՟ѣࡗՁ˧۞̳ԸĞMeans, 1963: 144ğĄд੅ኢЪ غזឰᏴϔՙؠޢĂ൒ڼᕠݱ۞гҜăГΐ˯ିֈ̈́౻̍߆ඉ۞ҋפۋᚹ ٛત݋ᄮؑڌĂ࠹၆гĂڼăᔘߏ՟ѣିֈ̈́౻̍߆ඉҋڼࢋ 100% ۞ҋ

ෛࠎĶ၆ඈ۞ϾҡķĞequal partnerğᔘߏѣϛ፟ĂЯࠎ૔ᘲ߷ˬг۞ؠ؂׎၁Ă૟າΐ 25 ߏĶপҾјࣶķĞspecial memberğĂព൒؂ҜߏĶ၆ඈ۞јࣶķĞequal memberğă҃າΐ ѣҾĞLow, 2017a: 14; Hana, 1964: 26-27ğĄ 21 ઼ޙ੺ֽҘֲ۞፾ϲ


ѐ௚˘̳ԸᏴை 1962 ؂ဦ 5Ĉາΐ

,ሀёĞTanڼᒢಶрĂ˵ಶߏᙒјăٕͅ၆ՂЍᚹࢋ۞ҋځࠎ̳Ը͛фᖎಏ ੺ֲֽ͞ࢬ۞צࢲᐍ҃՟ѣତڼ72ğć௣տĂՂЍᚹЯࠎ̙ᙸຍ݂߆ :2008 ᗟăଳϡ̙Ξਕົజӎؠ۞Ᏼፄᗟ͞ёĂ࿀࢝ͅ၆ᛨܧᛉĂՙؠ̙ϡߏޙ ܑၗĞpp. 86-87, 112-15ğĄ ፋЪ۞͞९ѣˬĞဦ 5ğĂԸ ை த 90.6%ĂڼԸд 1962 ѐᓝᏱĂ߆̳׀Ъ дѣड़ை༊̚ A ९ 397,626 ைĞ95.8%ğăB ९ 9.422 ைĞ2.3%ğăC ९ 7,911 ைĞ1.9%ğĂ҃۩ϨைĞ143,077ğ̈́ᆿைĞ2,523ğ݋ҫ˞Ըை۰۞ 25.9%Ă Ᏼϔ 62 ༱ăѣ˘Η̙ᙊфĂԸ؂Яѩ၁ᅫ˯ 73.9%ᙒјፋЪć༊ॡ۞າΐ ,ைதົ֤ᆃ੼ĂߏЯࠎ̙Ըைࢋჳ᏿26ĞSingapore Elections, n.d.; Wikipedia

߆ᛨࢋ̂छᏴ AĂͅ၆ᛨࢋ͚޺۰Ը۩Ϩைă̙ࢋԸ B ٕ Cć൒̙҃გԸ AăB ٕ Cે 26 ԩᛉை˵జზᙒјĂ݄ాٺăमҾд͞ёĂҌ׀ߏ̂छౌ͚޺Ъڱᄲ۞عზᙒјĂ߆ౌ ;ݒ৿ᇇĞMeans, 1963: 145ځүՙؠĂჟعકૅ࠱۞நϤߏ൘Ꮲ̙ՙ۞Ᏼϔҋᙸឰ߆ Tilmam, 1963: 908ğĄ ăௐ 4 ഇĞ2018/΋؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 14 22

۞ ઼ Singaporean Integration Referendum, 1962; Hana, 1964: 115ğĄд ࡻ :2017 ăՒ͐ă̈́ࡀٛ෸ࠎ੺ֽҘ؂ಫЪ˭Ă੺ֲֽᓑЪ֣д 1963 ѐјඕЪາΐ ᓑ֣Ąֲ


ѩጾѣѣВТ۞ҕቡ̼͛Ă൒҃д֣ᄃ֣̝มĂ̂छᔘكጐგ੺ֽˠ થ۞ҋԧ֎Ғߏٽߏԯֽҋ΁֣۞аିवෛࠎள֣ˠćཬ෈Ͱă̈́ఈᜋ෶ ćࡻ઼Ϥݑֲ͔ˢࡴ˧჌ങ፛ቱĂᄃ੺ֽˠ̙ېय़៍۰Ăጐณ̙ΝԼតன ѐ 1934 זćරˠݵࡗ౻̍Ğindentured labourğϤȈ˝ϐฟ݈ؕăֽۡـ࠹ ੺ֲֽనࢨொϔࠎͤĂ̰ొк̮Ă΁ࣇ̍ү๔ጬĂԓ୕ѝ͟җᐅᔘฏăྵᙱ ͵ڼ۰ు႙൴ण۞ݒߏ༊г۞ࡻ઼ຍᙊćд̙Еᙹܜ˿ᄮТ੺ֲֽĂ˿Ϡ ˝ȈזчĂۡܲڼߏઇϠຍᔇ᏿ă߆۞ڦĞPax Britannicağ̝˭Ăࡻ઼ᙯ Ă֭ϏৌϒဘྏΝፋЪٙޘ༟˘੸ீౕ˘੸ீ۞ၗפࡔϐĂૄώ˯ߏଳ͵ ,ѣ۞੺ֽˠĂ҃໢࿼۞੺ֽˠ˵՟ѣ൴ण΍ன΃۞ะវຍᙊĞSimandjuntak 1969: 4-6, 9; Ongkili, 1985: 5-7ğĄ ਎ᑕྍΞͽឰ੺ֽˠᄃරˠТ̩ᇲນĂ൒ރ໰ᄲĂ੺Вăͽ̈́Оκ۞ ٛતăͽ̈́΃ؑڌᅳጱ۰ҋؕ࠹̢டԟĂӈ΃ܑ੺ֽˠ۞ڼĂᗕ͞۞߆҃ රˠ۞ՂЍᚹĂ͍׎ߏˠϔҖજᛨ੼ᓝĶາ۞ۤົ͹ཌྷ੺ֽҘֲķĞnewܑ ԸဂԟጡĂࠎ˞ᔖҺᇷજعMalaysia of Socialismğֽ߄ጼે߆۞ᓑ༖Ă߆ :ေкĞOh, 1967ܜᗓĂҺ଀؆̶؂ՙؠߏឰາΐ۞ޢĂ౵ګቺؼă߹ҕј ୉ཏ̝ม۞ᝋ˧̶੨̙Ӯ27Ăΐ˯ᄬ֏ă̈́ିֈϏਕٺ427-28ğĄତ඾ĂϤ

यĞ˘य΃ܑ 115,000 ˠğĂ੺ֲֽ 104 यĞ71,000 15 זд੺ֽҘֲᓑ֣˭ᛉੰΪ̶؂າΐ 27 ፂˠ˾ĂֶܧˠğăՒ͐ 16 यĞ29,000 ˠğăࡀ౻෸ 24 यĞ32,000 ˠğĂयѨ۞̶੨֭ Ă౵੼̮ࢵڱᏊćॲፂጳטă೩੼Ւ͐ᄃࡀ౻෸۞ᇆᜩ˧ֽΐͽ؂ຍ෵Ժາΐגព൒ аܧ۰யϠĂڼĞYang di-Pertuan Agongăٕ Supreme RulerğϤ˝࣎੺ֽэᛳ۞аି௚ ᅳጱ۰జؼឦˢᅦĂڼ߆؂Ă՟ѣΗ࣎າΐعᓑ֣߆ٺ੺ֽˠ՟ѣྤॾ΍ЇćҌܧवăି ٺᘃĞOh, 1967: 429; Ongkili, 1985: 181-82ğĄ၆ٺజଵੵણᄃ઼߆ਊਊٺˠϔҖજᛨ၆ ᓑ༖ֽᄲĂ΁ࣇଂ 1952 ѐ۞г͞Ᏼᓝಶᓑ͘ྭ୉ཏЪүĂឰ୉ཏයࡻЧҋລநҋ̎۞ ѩ࠹щ൑ְć࠹၆гĂՂЍᚹ݋̂དྷ٨ᑝĂᄮࠎ୉ཏைΪߏයࡻЧҋዮ׽гሹăك୉ˠă 23 ઼ޙ੺ֽҘֲ۞፾ϲ

ଂְ੺ֽҘֲ̼ĞMalaysianizationğĂරˠ࠹၆ࣤဳຏ͟ᆧĄГֽĂಶགྷᑻ ಶѣ੓ቅ۞̢ྃĂЯѩ૙؂֏ĂϠய፛ቱă̈́ᐁ۞੺ֲֽώֽᄃາΐ҃˯ ፋЪਕ૲ֽВТξಞăซ҃૲જՒ͐̈́ࡀٛ෸۞൴णĂΞଓᓑ֣߆ڼ୕߆ འă̙ਕࢫҲᅪᘣĂপҾߏ੺ֲֽăՒ͐ă̈́ࡀٛ෸܇ѩ۞ك൑˧̼ྋع ฟຽăᔉ෴˿гăፉЇ̳ᖚѺਠనࢨĂـරˠ݈ٺᚑॾ۞ொϔ߆ඉĂ၆פଳ ӀВၷВϠ˘វຏ۞θֈĞOh, 1967: 434-35ğĄ̙ غזᛉ˘Г΍னĈۋ੺ֽҘֲд๬ౄϔ୉۞࿅඀Ăтңኬ̟̳ϔᝋ۞ ˵౅࿅ᕩ̼Ăܧ଀̳ϔᝋă҃פᆵఢؠឰ΍Ϡд఺྆۞ˠΞͽҋજٸߏӎ ۞ٸฟྵͧ؂າΐٺಶߏ੺ֲֽͧྵܲч۞ᛳˠ͹ཌྷĞjus sanguinisğ࠹ྵ ಓ੓੺ֽˠ۞ϔڼώൺᇶ۞௚͟ٺᛳг͹ཌྷĞjus soliğĞTan, 2008: 56ğĄϤ ࢦࢋĂ۞ڼᝋ˧߆זĂឰ੺ֽˠវົڼ၁߉ҋޢ୉ຍᙊăΐ˯ࡻ઼Тຍдጼ Ă΁ࣇᓁߏፉ͕ѣഈ˘͟ົд˭ڶώгˠ۞ଐٺ׎ߏдொϔ۞΍Ϡத੼͍ ൒ត଀ࢦࢋ੓ֽć࠹၆гĂنኡߏ̳ϔ۞યᗟಶغז஍ࠎ͌ᇴĂޘҋ̎۞઼ ఺๴˿гă๬ౄ੺م੺ֽˠᙸຍड़ܧࡻ઼д 1942 ѐሚୀĂฟؕͅ࠷тңឰ ϔ୉ĞMalayan nationğĂ͍׎ߏֱ֤֭۷үጼԩ͟۞රˠĂ้ШΒटֲֽ ĞSimandjuntak, 1969: 41, 176-7; Low, 2017b: 4-5ğĄ ϔᝋගொϔĂϡனд߹̳ٸĂࡻ઼ૻҖఢထ۞੺ֲֽᓑ֣χზฟޢጼ Җ۞ఙᄬ˵ಶߏĶ̳ϔё۞̳ϔᝋķĞcivil citizenshipğĂݒЯࠎ੺ֽˠͅ၆ үቪć੺ֲֽᓑЪ֣۞̳ϔᝋజ࢝ღᒺĂԼଳٙᏜ۞Ķᗕࢦ۞ᛳг͹ཌྷķ҃ ˫଀̳ϔᝋĂරˠפΞͽҋજ̖ܜ˿ϓౌߏ˿ϠͭڍĞdouble jus soliğĂт ࠎ˞ٛᘇරˠĂТຍ࣒ጳĞ1952ğعᄮࠎఢؠ͉ᚑćࢬ၆ВᛨᛢજĞ1948ğĂ߆ ܝै˘˞ఢĞState Nationality Enactments, 1952ğĂฟڱ੨ЪЧ֣၁߉઼ᚱ֭ ଀ᓑЪ֣̳ϔᝋĂჍࠎפ੺ֲֽᓑЪ֣ğٺĞͭϓ˘ˠϠޅගາொϔ۞̈ ˞ĶؼᏵ۞ᛳг͹ཌྷķĞdelayed jus soliğĂૄώ˯ᔘߏૻአТ̼͹ཌྷăଵੵ ć੺ֲֽᓑЪ֣д 1957 ѐ፾ϲĂགྷ࿅੅ޅТ̼ķ۞රˠொϔ̈ڱĶ൑ֱ֤ פ੺ֽˠΞͽֶፂᛳг͹ཌྷ൑୧ІܧឰՎТຍ࣒ጳឰٺᆊᔘᆊĂ੺ֽˠ௣

ז੺ֽҘֲ߆ᛨĂЯѩົԯᛈ֎ؼҩ۞ି؟ჯ޺ᐖၗ۞ۤົĂ͹ૺྭ෸჌୉ăᄬ֏ă̈́ ਎ĞOh, 1967: 430-31; Ongkili, 1985: 182-86ğĄރ੺ֽΗफĂે߆ᛨࢺຏ ăௐ 4 ഇĞ2018/΋؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 14 24

,ᄮ੺ֽˠ۞পҾᝋӀĞaffirmative citizenship rightsۺ଀̳ϔᝋ28ĂͽϹೱ ܛጯăረጯ̂هspecial rights, preferencesğĂ˵ಶߏፉЇ̳ચˠࣶăܲ঻гă (ĞConstitution (Amendmentڱѐಶ࣒ˬז߽ฟĂ઼ົ̙͗ܝፉ͕ٺඈඈᐹ೎ćϤ :ĞSimandjuntak, 1969ڱ଀̳ϔᝋ۞үפঐᛳг͹ཌྷ˭ҋજפAct, 1962ğĂ 178-86; Low, 2017b: 5-7, 16; Bedlington, 1978: 89-90ğĄ ϔᝋՀߏ͝͝ࢍྵĄ̳ٺ࿅඀Ăᗕ͞၆۞׀ᄃ੺ֲֽኘҿЪ؂дາΐ ϔķĞSingapore citizenğᔵ൒̙Ξ̳؂Ϩϩ३Ğ1961ğĂĶາΐ׀ॲፂࣧА۞Ъ ଀Ķ੺ֽҘפͽҋજតјĶ੺ֽҘֲ̳ϔķĞMalaysian citizenğăݒΞͽҋજ ᓑ઼֣ᚱķĞMalaysian nationalityğć༊൒Ăனѣ੺ֲֽᓑЪ֣۞̳ϔ˵Ξֲ ϔăᔘߏᓑЪ֣̳ϔĂ̳؂଀੺ֽҘֲᓑ֣۞઼ᚱĂЯѩĂ̙გߏາΐפͽ छౌߏĶ੺ֽҘֲ۞઼ϔķĞMalaysian nationalğăΞͽֳѣТᇹ۞ᝋӀă̂ ᜕ăႽ˘ᇹ۞ཌྷચĂೱήྖᄲĂາܲڱጾѣВТ۞᜕໰Ă֭ͷᒔ଀Тᇹ۞ጳ ᓑ֣ᛉזᚶᜈֳѣ΁ࣇ۞ᝋӀĂᛊтᏴ΁ࣇ۞΃ܑ؂ϔΞͽдາΐ̳؂ΐ ᛉ֭՟ᄲາΐםĂ҃੺ֲֽᓑЪ֣۞̳ϔ˵ͽ࠹Т۞͞ёᏴ΃ܑć̙࿅ົ Ă˵ಶߏٙᏜĶВТځγгѣ̦ᆃᝋӀĂព൒༊ॡ۞ᐵݵߏ঑ഺ̶זϔ̳؂ ઼ᚱķĞcommon nationalityğᄃĶ̶অ̳ϔᝋ29ķĞdifferentiated citizenshipğ Җ۞྽நĞTan, 2008: 93-94; Low, 2017b: 13ğĄ֭ ൒҃Ăͅ၆ᛨۤົ͹ཌྷੱቢĞBarisan Sosialis, Socialist Frontğ͹यՂ ௜য়ĞLee Siew-Chohğ޽΍Ă઼ᚱ΃ܑ۞ߏ˘࣎ˠд઼γ۞гҜă̳҃ϔ ᝋ΃ܑд઼छ̰ొֳѣ۞ᝋӀĂೱήྖᄲĂĶ੺ֽҘ઼ֲϔķΪ̙࿅ߏጾѣ ؠజˠڦϔ૟ົߏ੺ֽҘֲ۞˟ඈ̳ϔă̳؂੺ֽҘ᜕ֲ໰۞ᝋӀĂາΐ ЇᖚăٕߏعෛĂ҃Ķ੺ֽҘֲ̳ϔķ̖ৌϒѣᇆᜩ˧ĂΒ߁дᓑ֣߆ڡ ੺ֽҘֲԆБЪវјࠎௐ 12ྫྷ؂ᓑ֣Чгણć˵ЯѩĂ΁ࣇ͹ૺາΐـ݈ ˠ̖Ξͽҋજតј੺ֽҘֲ۞̳ϔă؂֣࣎Ğྫྷᕠݱă̈́౫̱ϥ˘ᇹğĂາΐ :׎΁֣۞̳ϔπ੓πӱĂӎ݋Ă̙тჯ޺ߙ჌֣ᓑ۞ᙯܼಶрĞTan, 2008ྫྷ

ĞFederal Constitution of Malaya, 1957; Malaysian Constitution, 1963ğ።ѐֽ۞ڱ፾ϲጳ 28 ̳ϔᝋ࣒ࢎĂ֍ WikisourceĞ2015ğĄ 29 HefnerĞ2001: 28-29ğჍ̝ࠎĶ୉ཏ̶অ̳ϔᝋķĞethnically. differentiated citizenshipğĄ 25 ઼ޙ੺ֽҘֲ۞፾ϲ

94-95; Simandjuntak, 1969: 188ğĄ ˿ဩ̰ѣ 327,000 ̙ߏ؂ՂЍᚹᄮࠎ఺ᇹ۞ࢋՐߏ̷̙၁ᅫĂலౣາΐ ᕣăͽ̈́੺ֽᄬ҂ྏĂ̖ົ࿅ܝ঻اາொϔĂ΁ࣇ໰ᄲυื఼࿅۞ܜ˿Ϡ ଀ᓑ֣̳ϔᝋĂ࿰Ҥ౤к˵̙࿅ߏ 100,000 ˠć࠹၆гĂࢋߏֶፂҋ̎פᙯ ϔᝋ୧ּĻĞSingapore Citizenship Ordinance, 1957ğĂ༊൒ߏ̳؂ĺາΐ۞ ଀ᓑ֣̳ϔᝋĂ੺ֽפΞͽซ˘ՎଉᇴҋજٺăࠤҌ؂ᕩ̼າΐٽटྵͧ ĂͅϒĂͪګĂЯѩĂ΁͹ૺੜ҃Ր׎ѨĂ̂छ̡̙ͪϚצ඗၆ߏ̙ົତֲ ᗕ͞՟ѣˠົεΝЇңனѣ۞ᝋӀĂ̙тჯ޺ሀቘ۞۩ม30Ăңυ͝͝ࢍྵ ĞTan, 2008: 83, 97-99; Low, 2017a: 14ğĄ гΞͽྫྷ׎΁੺ֽ֣π੓πӱĂˬڍࡻᛳ૔ᘲ߷۞ఢထĂтٺયᗟд ֽ˭૟Ϊ̙࿅ߏ̈ˬăϠ؂тՂ௜য়ٙ֏Ăсࣇߏπඈ۞ҁ૔Ă҃າΐྕ ,ಶߏռϠ̄ć൒҃Ăֶࡻ઼አߤဥٙ೩΍۞ಡӘĞCobbold Reportޅ̈۞ ᇹֳ˘؂ᛉâόՒ͐ăͽ̈́ࡀٛ෸ΐˢ੺ֽҘֲĂੵ˞ྫྷາΐޙ1962ğ ଀ᓑ֣۞̳ϔᝋă̙ГܲѣפĂ༊г۞ࡻ઼̈́തϔг̳ϔᑕྍҋજڼѣҋ ፾প۞༊г̳ϔᝋćՂЍᚹ༊൒ᄮࠎ఺ᇹ̄۞щଵ̙֭ԁ༊Ă͹ૺ੺ֲֽă ଀੺ֽҘֲ۞̳ϔᝋĂΪࢋᄲрЧפϔౌѣྤॾ̳۞؂૔ᘲ߷ăͽ̈́າΐ ෛ˞Ă˵ಶߏڡරˠಶ̙ົᛇ଀జ۞؂ҋдҋ̎۞г͞ԸைĂ֤ᆃĂາΐ ϔăΩ˘͞ࢬΞͽනቤ੺ֽˠ͢੺ૠݱ۞Ԧ͕ćࡻ̳۞؂ࢬщᇬາΐ͞˘ ăͽҺ൓ሢ۞ᕄ̄ࢳଫĂڑᔵ൒ۢ྽̳ϔᝋᛉᗟ࠹༊ୂຏĂݒ̙ຐ༼γϠ઼ አĞTan, 2008: 100-102ğĄם̚اΪᙸຍ ඗̂кᇴ۞රˠΪߏຐࢋԯ֤྆តјĶ̈؂ٛત۞ீ̚Ăາΐؑڌд ăٕ੺؂੺ֲֽᄮТĂ༊൒ົኳႷ΁ࣇߏӎԯາΐھ଀פķĂॲώ൑઼͕̚ ѣధк؂ٛતഅགྷܑϯĂາΐؑڌĂזຍڦෛࠎᄮТ۞၆෪ćՂЍᚹֲֽ ڌăͧྵ՟ѣ੺ֽ͕ĞTan, 2008: 50, 58ğĄд 1956 ѐĂ઼̚مරˠؕ௣ड़ ٛતдࣖ೶Ш੺ֲֽ۞঻ጯϠႊᓾĂ΁ሏ୻੺ֲֽ̙֭ߏचُරˠă҃ߏؑ ˭੺ර̳ົႊᓾĂ༊ᐝഔಅĶ༊זВயᛨćд 1959 ѐĂ΁۞ޢ೩֨΁ࣇࡦ

ຍሀቘ׎၁ߏ˘჌ኛӖˢᕺ۞ጼఙĂ߇ຍԘ˞˘࣎॰גĂזຍڦHannaĞ1964: 15-16ğ 30 ߛග၆͞âό၆͞ᙸຍ੅ᆊᔘᆊĂಶኼˢౝ֪ăԞ˞ώ֗۞ϲಞĄ ăௐ 4 ഇĞ2018/΋؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 14 26

ෳᛨѣޝкᜲ੿ăឰԧࣇोᘰ̄ග΁ࣇҋ୭ķĂ̙࿅Ă΁˵ೈೈචᄵරˠࢋ ,ѣ੺ֽ͕Ăтѩ˘ֽĂ̂छ̖ѣԓ୕ВТ๬ౄ˘࣎੺ֲֽϔ୉ĞSimandjuntak ᚶᜈଵੵڱ൑זٛત̏གྷវົؑڌ107ğĄд 1961 ѐĂӈֹ ,105 ,103 :1969 ᑕྍΞͽቤ˘ቤĂலౣĂ֤׀Ăᆜ͐˯ᔘߏ̙Ԟ૲˯˘ඊĂٕధЪ؂າΐ ѣ˘ֱˠ׍ѣ઼͕̚ĞTan, 2008: 55ğĄ྆ රˠஎ׍Ԧ͕Ă઱ऻ΁ࣇົ৔ᗼ੺ֽҘֲ۞؂າΐٺٛતҋؕ၆ؑڌ ੺ֽˠ۞͚੨ّăాҋ̎۞Ԓ௚˵ົజ஝ז਎ރॡĂ่̙ົبϠၗĂڼ߆۞ ੺ֽז଀ᓑ֣۞̳ϔᝋăপҾߏྭפϔҋજ̳؂ĂЯѩĂ඗၆̙̯ధາΐా ΗफΝԸைĞTan, 2008: 96, 100ğĄ΁д 1962 ѐ֕ణࡻ઼Ă୮̙ପ࿹гӘ෦ кᇴ۞າΐ̂ٺࡻ઼ࢵ࠹ݣᘲᇇā౪ѼࣖĞHarold Macmillan, 1957-63ğĂϤ ϔᝋă̙ਕග̟ᓑ̳؂੺ֽҘֲĂЯѩΪਕֳѣາΐٺمϔٕΞ̙ົ̳؂ ϔᝋ̰γѣҾ۞྽நĂ༊੺ֽҘֲ۞̳ځٛતซ˘Վᄲؑڌϔᝋć̳۞֣ ϔᝋ̳ొ̰ٺϔ΍઼Ă΁ࣇΞͽҋજᒔ଀ዸγಏҜ۞᜕ܲĂ࠹၆гĂϤ̳ α఍ԸைĞTan, 2008: 104ğĄـ঻۞г͞ă̙ਕ݈اमளĂ΁ࣇੵ˞дҋ̎۞ ᛉĂᚨඕдۋϔķߏӎΞͽҋજតјĶᓑ֣̳ϔķ۞̳؂ᒖᖒдĶາΐ ϔົߏĶ੺ֽҘֲ̳ϔķĞMalaysian citizenğăٕΪߏĶ੺ֽҘ̳؂າΐٺ ጾѣĶВົޢ׀ϔķĞMalaysian nationalğ҃̏Ă˵ಶᄲĂտౣ΁ࣇдЪ઼ֲ Т̳ϔᝋķĞcommon citizenshipğăᔘߏĶВТ઼ᚱķĞcommon nationalityğĄ ଀Ķ੺פϔķ̳؂ឰՎĂТຍឰາĶΐٺٛત௣ؑڌ቏дؽ˯ă̙଀̙൴Ă Ҙֲ̳ϔķ̶֗ĂϹೱ୧І݋ߏĶ˿г̝̄ķĞbumiputeraăsons of the soilĂֽ ᅪ۞পܲڱරˠҝϔğυืጾѣጳܧ੺۞ڌΒӣ੺ֽˠăࣧҝϔ୉ăͽ̈́ ଀྆̄ć௣տĂٙѣ۞פ۰ޢᝋĂΒ߁̳ᖚăܲ঻гඈඈĂ݈۰ᛏ଀ࢬ̄ă ϔķౌҋજតјĶ੺ֽҘֲ̳ϔķĂΪ̙࿅Ăೱ഼̙ೱ̳؂ЩĶາΐ 624,000 ϔă˘჌̙ߏĂ݈۰Ϊ̳؂ᘽĂ੺ֽҘֲ۞̳ϔᔘߏ̶ࠎ׌჌â჌ߏາΐ ,ᛉົĞSimandjuntakڱϲ؂າΐ۞؂Ᏼડăͽ̈́າΐ؂ਕણᏴ˭ᛉੰ۞າΐ 1969: 189-90; Low, 2017b: 13-14ğĄ д 23؂າΐזனĂ՟ѣຐ˘܅੺ֽҘֲ఺઼࣎छҋؕТԖளေĂፋЪፐ ඕЪߏᗕ͞ѣВТ۞р఍ĂΒ߁࿄ڼĄ໰ᄲĂࣧώ۞߆ܝಶజବг΍ޢ࣎͡ ࣹ྆΍˞યᗟĉOhĞ1967ğᄮغזВᛨᙹᖬă୉ཏπᏊăͽ̈́གྷᑻఢሀĂט 27 ઼ޙ੺ֽҘֲ۞፾ϲ

טڼၹன΃ϔ୉઼छĞnation-stateğٙᅮࢋ۞߆ޙ఺઼࣎छ৿ͻٺࠎᙯᔣд ࡗĂ˫̙ਕШк̮୉ཏજ̝ͽଐĂՀ൑˧೩ֻགྷᑻ˯۞࠹̢ࣅᏥຏĂ̰ᇎγ ͡ ૻјϲ۞ᓑ઼֣छ̶͘ߏᏵѝ۞ְĄ௣տĂᗕ͞д 1965 ѐ 8ݍଈĂˠࠎ ؠĞIndependence of Singapore Agreement 1965ğĂםᘪཌ፾ϲ؂Рษٺ͟ 7 ֏ĞProclamation of Singapore, 1965ĂކೃଐᙸፋЪăంЩ׎ӻ̶ᗓĂా፾ϲ˘ ᝝۞Ąކᐂ 3ğౌߏ؎Ϥᇫࢰࣶдќࢰ፟ܢ ăௐ 4 ഇĞ2018/΋؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 14 28

ܢᐂ 1 !֏31ކ੺ֲֽ፾ϲ

Proclamation of Independence (1957)

In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful. Praise be to God, the Lord of the Universe and may the blessings and peace of God be upon His Messengers.

WHEREAS the time has now arrived when the people of the Persekutuan Tanah Melayu will assume the status of a free independent and sovereign nation among nations of the World

AND WHEREAS by an agreement styled the Agreement, 1957, between Her Majesty the Queen and Their Highnesses the Rulers of the Malay States it was agreed that the Malay States of Johore, , Negri Sembilan, , , , , Trengganu and and the former Settlements of and should as from the 31st. day of August, 1957, be formed into a new Federation of States by the name of Persekutuan Tanah Melayu

AND WHEREAS it was further agreed between the parties to the said agreement that the Settlements of Malacca and Penang aforesaid should as from the said date cease to form part of Her Majesty’s and that Her Majesty should cease to exercise any sovereignty over them

AND WHEREAS it was further agreed by the parties aforesaid that the Federation of Malaya Agreement, 1948, and all other agreements subsisting between Her Majesty the Queen and Their Highnesses the Rulers or any one of them immediately before the said date should be revoked as from the date and that all powers and jurisdiction of Her Majesty or of the Parliament of the in or in respect of the Settlements aforesaid or the Malay States or the Federation as a whole should come to an end

AND WHEREAS effect has been given to the Federation of Malaya Agreement, 1957, by Her Majesty the Queen, Their Highnesses the Rulers, the Parliament of the United Kingdom and the Legislatures of the Federation and of the Malay States

फ़ֽ໚ĈWikisourceĞ2016ğĄྤ 31 29 ઼ޙ੺ֽҘֲ۞፾ϲ

AND WHEREAS a constitution for the Government of the Persekutuan Tanah Melayu has been established as the supreme law there of

AND WHEREAS by the Federal Constitution aforesaid provision is made to safeguard the rights and prevogatives of Their Highnesses the Rulers and the fundamental rights and liberties of the people and to provide for the peaceful and orderly advancement of the Persekutuan Tanah Melayu as a constitutional monarchy based on Parliamentary democracy

AND WHEREAS the Federal Constituton aforesaid having been approved by an Ordinance of the Federal Legislatures, by the Enacments of the Malay States and by resolutions of the Legislatures of Malacca and Penang has come into force on the 31st. day of August 1957, aforesaid

NOW In the name of God the Compassionate, the Merciful, I TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN PUTRA ibni AL-MARHUM SULTAN ABDUL HAMID HALIMSHAH, PRIME MINISTER OF THE PERSEKUTUAN TANAH MELAYU, with the concurrence and approval of Their Highnesses the Rulers of the Malay States do hereby proclaim and declare on behalf of the people of the Persekutuan Tanah Melayu that as from the thirty first day of August, nineteen hundred and fifty seven, the Persekutuan Tanah Melayu comprising the States of Johore, Pahang, Negri Semblian, Selangor, Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan, Trengganu, Perak, Malacca and Penang is and with God's blessing shall be for ever a sovereign democratic and independent State founded upon the principles of liberty and justice and ever seeking the welfare and happiness of its people and the maintenance of a just peace among all nations.

Prime Minister

Kuala Lumpur, 31st Day of August 1957 ăௐ 4 ഇĞ2018/΋؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 14 30

ܢᐂ 2 !֏32ކ੺ֲֽ፾ϲ

Proclamation of (1963)

In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful, Praise to God, the Lord of the Universe, and may the benediction and peace of God be upon Our Leader Muhammad and upon all his Relations and Friends.

WHEREAS by an Agreement made on the Ninth day of July in the year one thousand nine hundred and sixty-three between the Federation of Malaya, the United Kingdom, North , and Singapore it was agreed that there shall be federated the States of , Sarawak and Singapore with the Federation of Malaya comprising the states of Pahang, Trengganu, Kedah, Johore, Negri Sembilan, Kelantan, Selangor, Perak, Perlis, Penang[1] and Malacca, and that the Federation shall thereafter be called “MALAYSIA”:

AND WHEREAS it has been agreed by the parties to the said Agreement that as from the establishment of Malaysia the States of Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore shall cease to be colonies of Her Majesty the Queen and Her Majesty the Queen shall relinquish Her Sovereignty and jurisdiction in respect of the three States:

AND WHEREAS there has been promulgated a Constitution for Malaysia which shall be the supreme law therein:

AND WHEREAS by the Constitution aforesaid provision has been made for the safeguarding of the rights and prerogatives of Their Highnesses the Rulers and the Fundamental rights and liberties of subjects and for the promotion of peace and harmony in Malaysia as a constitutional monarchy based upon parliamentary democracy:

AND WHEREAS the Constitution aforesaid having been approved by a law passed by the Parliaments of the Federation of Malaya and of the United Kingdom has come into force on the Sixteenth day of September in the year one thousand nine hundred and sixty-three.

फ़ֽ໚ĈWikipediaĞ2018: Proclamation of MalaysiağĄྤ 32 31 ઼ޙ੺ֽҘֲ۞፾ϲ

NOW in the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful, I, TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN PUTRA AL-HAL IBNI ALMARHUM SULTAN ABDUL HAMID HALIM SHAH, Prime Minister of Malaysia, with the concurrence and approval of His Majesty the Yang di-Pertuan Agong of the Federation of Malaya, His Excellency the Yang di-Pertuan Negara of Singapore, His Excellency the Yang di-Pertua Negara of Sabah and His Excellency the Governor of Sarawak, DO HEREBY DECLARE AND PROCLAIM on behalf of the peoples of Malaysia that as from the Sixteenth day of September in the year one thousand nine hundred and sixty-three, corresponding to the twenty-eighth day of Rabi'ul Akhir in the year of the Hijrah one thousand three hundred and eighty-three,

That MALAYSIA comprising the States of Pahang, Trengganu, Kedah, Johore, Negri Sembilan, Kelantan, Selangor, Perak, Perlis, Penang,[1] Malacca, Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak shall by the Grace of God, the Lord of the Universe, forever be an independent and sovereign democratic State founded upon liberty and justice, ever seeking to defend and uphold peace and harmony among its people and to perpetuate peace among nations.

Prime Minister

Kuala Lumpur

16th day of September 1963 ăௐ 4 ഇĞ2018/΋؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 14 32

ܢᐂ 3 !֏33ކ፾ϲ؂າΐ

Proclamation of Singapore (1965)

WHEREAS it is the inalienable right of a people to be free and independent.

AND WHEREAS Malaysia was established on the 16th day of September, 1963, by a federation of existing states of the Federation of Malaya and the States of Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore into one independent and sovereign nation.

AND WHEREAS it was also agreed by the parties to the said Agreement that, upon the separation of Singapore from Malaysia, the shall relinquish its sovereignty and jurisdiction in respect of Singapore so that the said sovereignty and jurisdiction shall on such relinquishment vest in the .

AND WHEREAS by a Proclamation dated the ninth day of August in the year one thousand nine hundred and sixty-five the Prime Minister of Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj Ibni Almarhum Sultan Abdul Hamid Halim Shah did proclaim and declare that Singapore shall on the ninth day of August in the year one thousand nine hundred and sixty-five cease to be a State of Malaysia and shall become an independent and sovereign state and nation separate from and independent of Malaysia and recognised as such by the Government of Malaysia.

Now I Prime Minister of Singapore, DO HEREBY PROCLAIM AND DECLARE on behalf of the people and the Government of Singapore that as from today the ninth day of August in the year one thousand nine hundred and sixty-five Singapore shall forever be a sovereign democratic and independent nation, founded upon the principles of liberty and justice and ever seeking the welfare and happiness of her people in a more just and equal society.

(Signed) LEE KUAN YEW Prime Minister of Singapore

Dated the 9th day of August, 1965.

फ़ֽ໚ĈWikipediaĞ2017: Proclamation of SingaporeğĄྤ 33 33 ઼ޙ੺ֽҘֲ۞፾ϲ

ܢᐂ 4 !ᛉăಡӘ३םఢă୧ࡗăڱăڱጳ

Anglo-Dutch Treaty, 1824 Treaty of Federation, 1895 Anglo-Siamese Treaty, 1909 Colonial Development and Welfare Act, 1940 Atlantic Charter, 1941 MacMichael Treaties, 1945 Federation of Malaya Agreement, 1948 State Nationality Enactments, 1952 Singapore Colony Order in Council, 1955 Proclamation of Independence, 1957 Federal Constitution of Malaya, 1957 (Merdeka Constitution, 1957) Singapore Citizenship Ordinance, 1957 Anglo-Malayan Mutual Defence Agreement, 1957 Federation of Malaya Agreement, 1957 State of Singapore Constitution, 1958 (Singapore (Constitution) Order in Council, 1958) Singapore White Paper on Merger, 1961 (Heads Agreement, 1961) Cobbold Report, 1962 Constitution (Amendment) Act, 1962 , 1963 Proclamation of Malaysia, 1963 Malaysian Constitution, 1963 Proclamation of Singapore, 1965 Independence of Singapore Agreement 1965 ăௐ 4 ഇĞ2018/΋؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 14 34


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The Independence of Malaysia

Cheng-Feng Shih Professor, Department of Indigenous Affairs and Development National Dong Hwa University Shoufeng, Hualien, TAIWAN


After briefly reviewing the process of political development in Malaysia, we shall introduce the British decolonization policy after World War II. We then explore how the Malay Union was imposed in 1946 and transformed into the Federation of Malaya in 1948, which was merged with Singapore, Sabah, and Sarawak to become the Federation of Malaysia in 1963. In the following section, we examine why and how Singapore was allowed to join the Federation and forced to exist from it. Finally, we will conclude with the discussion of citizenship and the construction of the Malaysian nation-state.

Keywords: Malay Union, Federation of Malaya, Federation of Malaysia, Singapore, citizenship