, , The. Weather Serving the State ~ 'iii- ... r..lf!r University of Iowa Wat. FaIr .... mllil ..- aip&' aturday .nb Campus and fl..." UWe t .....e III Iowa City e U~f!. r--­ , ~inute. to Est. 11368 - AP leased Wire, Wirephoto - Five CeAls Iowa City, lowo, Friday, Sept mber 16, 1955 ~----~----~~------Elthon Against Whoopee- I Made It! Redi~triding -1st Reqll " ~st lowa.Senate ELLSWORTH (.4» - Lieu!. Gov. Leo Elthon (R-Fertile), {(lId the Tudtey Day festival e194i " I\eJ'e Thursday ,that he' opposes any lerislative plan which would reapportion the Iowa Sen~te on Asks 10,000 a population basis. Innexation Vital " I Bu/~ani'" 1/1, He sold be opposes the plan Is which passed the house in the ~~. ~S SovIet News last session and which Gov. Leo M In November Hoegh favors. ~ IO '-Ity I ayor ays Agency Says That plan, which died in the ~nate, would reduce house membership from 108 to 99 with Service Quota one member 'for each county and WASHINGTON (.4") - The would increase the 'Senate from N vy Thur5 University of Iowa's 13 social PrJ. r. DllT vlllr.: Shlllt·) Plltnt) loin ... ; r.1 J Hor tman. 0.1.1>1111 ; JtJ· collecting t·rvlu·.. " plant, Into rvlce durin, th Kar an W,MI'lQO; BUlhala J1 rt. LI 11<"" N.O ; .Uth 110\0\1,.. ~Pf'1l r; .. lIunn,. lIunn. Th nm-x.ltI 'ns will. urround City Man • I P'I 'r F. nll'll W sororities. Sltt"" 5"rll. C.,y. III.; lurJ"III' WA,o III"" CII),: f.r, Klr.h, Dub .qUf'; n,·r. lowd Cit,; Marilyn Wrl,ht. De­ Kalh nn Me IUIl~n. Tntr; , aUt Annl' Unlvcr lIy H"IIJI with lo.wu 'af h ('Il the P and G offici Is ar. Pledging cercmonies took place Knlb. III. Su ..nne ""l.U. lolnr . \1ulholland. alv.rn; Judllh Lynn City 1 nd tln ,Ill ide except the would wllnt tll be ann x~o to the The Navy snld the rei\llar Thursday night. N.", ome. Uf'11 vIII. III,; Sh ron L )ul . . . "'1. f'llA 1 \) I.T"' , F.lth AIII).u,h O.. rhol r IIr halltown; Rulh Anll t. city afler th planl i built. four-year volunlllry enlistment The number recelVlni Invlta- M"nomln~., WI,; LI"da ... 11 n. Dn~n­ Phillip. Monl ..uma, JoAnn Re mu· ... A lare sllc (" Stole Umver- 1uch of th land to ~ an- profram "will be en rg Ucolly lions was 37 below last year's port' Vlr&1nla aall, Crd" R.pld ; M.'Y on. Df" foln .. : P.lnda E. Rohd", Ity lown lund th' city nex curr ntlr being u d pro ond th augmen{atlofl • • 10 U"rk., Da, "port. SOn,. K. C rl- Oubuqu : L). !.aPort. Heights. ' on COllllt 01 trlct Courl Ihat It ill ()f an ov t orticUl I to During W.odd War II, th R. Anq W ~rl. n 'Q,d,!1J I t ~ ThlitsdU, ~Ithmt pid'he wanted !.fOrt. Crdar Rapld-, 1~"lh R""d~. Cjl¥~ Or,: tAl !IIh~11It K . Dnrton. Fort I)od,: Mal")' ed ort by University Hel,hls, For thl. says: "Our WII t which requJred that all the such. He ~l.ao 9tJ'e!l~ed he Is talk· AJ. PII'" m·1LTA 1'1 : Ardith "'md ~h l . R" I'll. Mil"" MI' CnHr~ S'nlllt',., K.I.n E ••rt 0 I",a. III ; Vl ... ,,,l. Fo Luca~ w:r~ J~afr ~ta:~~38ugrl~~ IOi 'about "\aQol: racketeers" and Estherville; Carolee Barker. Kirkwood. Fnlrfleld: J\,dy Sm tho Mil .,allne, San. Columb, .. lunrlton: r\olne M Ou .. too." clf nCl' ar VNy good." a S .ro n c p armed services ,ot their men by Mo.; Mary Ka y Bechtelhelmer. War.r. d .. "or.~II>, . (".ko .... Okla: Cernl, t.r..,n. Fort Dod. : Rulh K MII\on. "It we don't annex this land, . m8tl~ ourc S, ~ow()ver, ow Sel clive Service instead o( ''not (he worlUng man" when pe 100; Barbara Brown. Wat(lrtoo: R1tth­ SlIenll."., SIG\lX Clly: All .n IPh),I"al C-"",. ~rth. H,ulon, ""TI Cod,.; mary CoIIJn., C\llclCo. 111. ; Dlan~ Craw­ Ttl. Down.r Grove. Ill. or.., K IY Knlbe , M.... " Cltv; Ro· Unlverllily n elahts will. Then 0 nothma ommo~., m the rev la· volunteers. voices his concern about "the 1 T h H P 1 ley. Cedar Rapids: Nancy Cr' w ev. D " h"ll" (oONt.. 1>1 v; Audrt .. Mrl'd,nIJ . we would be IItymu!d." lIOn of Bulaanln s Illn . They During th.e K orean War, th danger 01 labM domination of Moln . ; M.ry Jo Elb~rl. Wh'l1.mor~; I1 EI.T 111:1. r OF-I .T, Mary ...... ,h. eac er as 0 10 "'rtf'. Pa " N~'nt"v Ann Moor• . Df.WJtt. Cedar 0 loln~: Ifh Iowa City Plnnnln, and ' ome public explonatlon had Marine Corp resorted to the 'Ihe Sena,te." Kath,yn Fowle •. J1apld.: 5u .. n f'1. Junnt Ur'lI , BrI.hl. JtOb«rtl Pupln,er C.... IT R."ld : J an· ~lIld Graeber. W ••t D. Molne-; K ,lhryne on. Colo.; SIILllnn~ C.mpb~lI. Cod ... tr~ Rlk r. F~ri Dada"; M.r net A. f to bc ,III n when hc w forCCd "La ' 'Blih.' Ham •. Wllian Juncllon; Charlen. Him. R."ld; Sari Cunnln.ham, Moltnt Ver· S .... lnm.nn. J{oholI.h." W.. , Ch ..IN; a MMA Pili .. ,TA , at'. U-con 0 ,,· New Sorm DAVENPORT (A» - Tw Bulganln r I' c t n II y r turned with omewha~ the same m il " a rl,ht to IItrlkel but Il should Aledo. Ill.; X.,hy Mills. Whllewater. Jnnl. Grol.llI.ch~n. hnnln,; P.a~ ntY·1 buque; \bry Cf'u1 t~n~"" , !ol 1/)ul ~ nine fir t grad pupils In Dav· (rom a vacallon In the Caucasus, power problem as contronl-S the not have tha t'i,li · to deprive a • to.; (1T1I),n cr.n. A(ltl ; 10 "nuh, man ot his i/roj>erty or take Ad~l: Mor' \",",. !l""",lck; Ann Rnb · cnporl school whose teacher ,I' but dc, pite a suntan he looked Novy, has not turned to the drafl ...U. M.rnmb. 111.: Mlr ba Coel.. Cedar report d erlOusly III With polio tlr d durin" th ('ont rence with up to now . charge of hla 'proPerty," Elthon llnplds: Nu, .. lIe Cor on. hen.ndoah; I ('.ro' F.r,· ~mln. C~ar Rapid ; Connl~ Threatening have ix:en off red gomm globu. W .t Gennan Chancellor Konrad salq. • 10. 1I.lbatli. Clinton; Bonnie L.ne, Au· lin hots os prot clive meaRure' Adenau r. Tho f,rrny, Inee the tart of "In any at te where organized tore. III ; S-ndra t.ot'tntr, SloW( Clly ~ MIAMI, F la. (.4") - Th All n- The teacher, Mrs. Ro aile the Korean War, has drafted a Qlrolvn McNam .... [ow. CIIY : Janet l labor gets control, labor racket­ 1"2 RailroadI Unions tic's new hurricane, lon, swung RI se, was stricken la.t week and ' At the conclus.lo,n of that con- total o f 1,8!i7,OOO men, with LO,­ N ",romer, DI",,". III.; Mrry R.~m l~· eers work their way in and use m., Davrnp<>M; Carolyn Sllulter. Ov.r· hard orouno toward the west- w s tokcn to University Rpl- fer n:e, Bulganm sees w re 000 morl! to be colled up ill Octo- "'nd Mo.; hlrl.. !.aue. On Moln : that' c.rltrol to badger Senators Nen." G.II Hick. Alton. ilL: Shirl." northwest late Thur day 3no tals at Iowa atiy Sunday. r d-rl!~m d, but ~ wa' his usu- ber. and represen tatJves lnlo posi· loren AU nile, N.ney DeSIr!. 'fa n tepped up h r forward specd Dr. A. J. I . 07.m ler, city phy- al millne . etf. Agam he s emcd Th, bud,et authorlie.l the City. Ruthann l~n n. Mount PI ..... nl , tlons ther. should not take. Mail Strike Ballots to about 22 mIles an hour. slclan, sold the gamma globulin tI,. d but Cit wh n he saw Adcri- Navy to have a total st reo~h of "1 don t want that to happen CHIOAGO (All-Twelve AFL Unions Thursday ent strike ballots K PP ALI' II ,\ TRf.T : Carol_ Late Thursday the slorm was hilS b 'cn cnt to Dav'nport and aut'r of( at the airport Wedn s- 657,000, which Includes 584,20Q "'Iu.nd~r. LaO,." t. III.: Vlrrl.,1 in Iowa." to 800,000 non-operating employes of the nation's major railroads "I 'tftCOl~. MaT1lh"lIlown: Jln. 8end~T, centered 350 miles north ot San will be made available to pupil day. enListed meo. by next June 30, " AJJ Jnu,,",,' after,· 8 union spokesman saId, the railroads rejected wage and WDt~rloo: J.,lb CoJ,!,. low. r.1I . Carr Juan, P.R., and 875 miles east- who e par nt and ramily phY-1 Since he became premier lasl the erld of 1M tlseal ~It. The Cole. RO<"k(OM. m.: J ~"lc.. r .. "t... . . Elthort II ld ne wants the Sen- heahh-weHare demands. De' ' oln : Suzanne FI hrupp, Hln.· southeast ot Mi~m l. While ber slclaM approve, Close associates IFcb . 8, Bulganln has had. an un- present slr,n(th In enllsled ",en 'ate "alwa to be ' representative A .m eeting of union and railroad committees Is scheduled in Chi dale. til.; Fr~nd. MamJII. n ... M 'n ... · new cour pointed her 80-mile of Mrs. lli a'o will receive usually full sch dule of mlerna- - Ihe ol)e& cOrlCerned In the J udith Hendl'lNhot i'rntpr"'""' V i ~Int., 'of all inler Is Jh Iowa - not by cago Tuesday to discuss the unions' demands On a nationwide ba is. ...nn Jon 0.. MoInH: Barbar. It.. nl. wind In the general dlreclion of Ith e 8ho , tiona I ~onrercnces and n goOa- lJlanpow~[ proiram "'"'I II 5:111.!23 . 'labOr, the anulacturers associ- George E. Leighty of St. Louis, president of the AFL Order of Wilmette. III.; Cn""le KI"t. E, .. rvl11e: the U ,S. mainland, forecasters Th pupils Wedn!! d y were !lon., as well 115 a heavy pro- "'arsl11 Koch . Wheaton. lIl. ; Ann Lewis. aHon, the arm 'Bureau or any ------I Railroad Telegraphers and chair- Sioux Clly; M.I")' Beth Mu_n. San declared It 100 car I y to say ordcr d home for the r t or the I gram "Of cnt!!rtalnment (or vlsH- Cool/AI"rl, Jo Rea"'e h '. oth~ orga b;ation." •. A.a man o( the 12-union negotillting Bernardino. Calif,: Catherine MIry N h "InlTlson. Rock tllrd. PI ; N.ney Lfoona whelh r she will reach the e03 t. w ek. ing forel n statesmep I Efthon' , id that ' while he e9'0 IYIOt e, committee, said all the railroads N.I""n. Slonn Lakt'; (Caroll 018 1I0bt'n.. ","rfleld: Slit' SlDSbauer. Park R Id,~, III.: SaU)' Stoakop(, fled· ;:~ ~~, 1I1l0P~~i:; '':S::~~I Will Attend Trial ~~~~~~hal~e ;~~~~~~~at~en~~~~~s~ ,.00<1 Clly. Calli.; nd.. WhanneU. Freshmen Watch 'First Nighter' Iowa City 'Tonight ~: '. on reapport ooment he would be, M' . ., lions. W atel'IOO4 willlni to h "get the job done" The Association or A cool tront is expected 10 'p n ISS'SS'PP' W~ter n K P .. " K ..... I''' n","'M" , S"d"", Rro"kmen ~"-'lftr Point ; RfoU. B"lt' by move across Iowa today and if such a s s~lon were caUed. CHICAGO (JP) _ A Negro Railroads said lhe railroads have Wa r\oo; Ph"III, CaN'dY. Boont; JOItn Clrment •. O n Moln _: ' '- Ole CrawfOrd. chase away the SO-degree rel\d­ mother said Thursday night she I taken no action on the demands. I,,,,·. CllY : B",.b.·", F,lr. SPI!" ...r: ines 01 the put two days. r. r~"h.n Gr .... n. Des Moln~ : &lIy New S I Students will attend the trial at Sumner,1 The association is one o( three Hahn. C"nn. Doerr state Thursday. RiceVille ; Nan" Dl'nlop.·t>es Moine ; Al>olJt 2,11110 treshman lind I "AU I can tell you now Is thal health-welfare pro,ram. He said Mary Diana Fenler. Fort 1.adlson: Jan. Readlnas or eO-degrees were Holbly. Ce4nr R cpJds: Sarah J ones. transfer stlldents wlll take their I do pl an to go-as quietly as I the present average wage of non­ Mu uU".; 5;)ndra Knl,lIt. Rocldord ; reported throU6houlthe southern Rcond .ro1;'hd of tests today as can gel there" said Mrs. Mamie "ar,-r.I Kolk

Words of Me~, Wise and Othenvlse An Editorial Reprinted I ,. . .. 'in* these * da.ys *and in the years ahead * *the need * for phi- from Saturday Review the average high-school or even tion about the world ot ideal. ~osophers and theologians parallels tl1e need for scientists and A vast vacuum exists today I'!lemenlary - school graduate at events. His counfry is "", .. • J , p:y~nd the college. classroom. the turn of the century. This have to make the blgt$!. 'fit. engineers ... , '. Filling that vacuum IS the Num- fast-widening gap between 10r- ~isions \n \\s history - boII lIr < Answers [to the qucstions of the modcm world] Can be ber One job of Am~rican educa- mal education and the requi~ the purpose of assurin, III Oft . fOUl1d only by broadly informed, wisely sympathetic, spiritually lion. ments of a world community is survival and tor helpinl tD keep Consider some case histories. perhaps the main problem and this planet in a single pIect­ inspired minds - the product of gcneral education that properly A lawyer we know is not yet challenge in education of our and this may require IIOIIlt ill· hle'nds the practicaJ and technical with the liberal and c)llturol. forty, but he has already won a time. spired proddin, '~y th~ indi dill! , ", ' -Dwight D. Eise1lbower wide reputation fol' his brilliant * * * ' citizen. , . ltandling of COn'l'pUcated cases Education a~ unleskt)le ~l1e . • Opvlo~lY, I a back-lo-_ involving eotlporatiw,. law. Once ~'s at one, ,pnd of 'the' Sc:~~ ,,",ovement for ' .the tobl Ifill! outside Ihe fi!!ld Of law,' how- spectrum If!aa . ultimately tl> ~ e papt.lation Is neithtr liUlj IIIf '\ .' ' U ever, he is like a II>0sely sewn ~OUI';pos at the ' bther, ,- , Pr~p~ra - possible. But a wJlllnenw It baseball that falls :Jpart atl the ~i0I1:. l!or EarrJ~~gq~e~tatiD~nfor '. Jearn crea~ s. resources of III en. ,f 1'\~ W· e' " t seams at the . first real contact LJ."'P~, ,PrrIlIU;3li6!" ~or u t· A, book is stil~ ~p,e fl~st port,bj, with a baseball bat. standmg, £'reparation for artl- university known to man. And, lhe Iowan is YOUR Paper- ' , If you ask him 'abouti) the cipatlon in the problems involved in a more collective sense, II!eIt PRESIDEN1 ,.; . -The Daily Iowan serves the State Unive1'3ity of ~owa cam­ 99 9/ 10 per cent' of the world in th~ making of a ~ett~r world. Is the rapidly growing prOlpe!\ .tudent durl outside his own particular !rac- .j\dult edu~atipn us ~ d to be syn- .television. netw6rk. morlal UntOi ':pus and Iowa City. tion you will probably draw a ony.mous with,. delayed formal * *" * thanct! to be As an SUI student Or a rcsident of Iowa City, you arc a part blank. H you ask him about the No invention In the field 01 bel'l. of this community. AU SUI students are paid subscribers to the basic differences in philosophy FIOrst IOn Se' rOles communications tan come ciDlt Iowan. and ideology between the totaH- to television in terms of its \ID'oI1I tarian state and >the democratic This is the first In the Iowan's , or convenience. And almott 110 The Iowan covers the news for you - the news of the state YOll will get no further than series of reprinta and condensa-' public IS$ue befote the ~rl CI.I H. (aro c mpus, the city, the nation and the world. The Iowan is pub-, the bald though not bold state- tIons from the Sept. 10 Saturday people today is more impottet lished five days a week, 52 weeks a year. It rcceives full As­ ment that one is very bad 'lind Review, devoted to "Accent on than the question concerninl \Ii th.e other is pretty good. Education." development 'of separate abu· Safari sociated Press and Associated Press Wirephoto service. It is one ' ( .. ¥ ¥ . nels for educational purpo!/1 of two university newspapers in the United States recognized Or consider He has a strong sense of re- Secondly, he needs the kind of In North Woods County lawing cal * * * * * '* R T Ad I sponsibility for the planet-shat- continuing education that will MINNEAPOLIS (A')-Two ad- f which moved tering gadget he has helped to enabie him to think and act in- lanS ake vanlage v~nturous. girls, ~lth an aPPtU~ tested matsh Mro Citizen: His Rights- USSl, . peelect; but he says he has liltle telligently in helping to keep up for rougQb\>e 4H in the Holti \ background or training to equip with the vast al"cretioris of gen- is hidIng: Woods witder\l~s . set out 'lliYII­ On the 17th of September in the old Suprcmo Court him to comment on the very ef"al knowledge. deep pits Of W 6 A day for a w''o{e'r- of trapping II .tIMed by chamber in the nation's capital, cleven distinguished citizens Ufe est erma~ gre.ement . problems the gadget has created. Finally, he needs to know how coun try where even shallY nt· owner. cxpected to occupy the "high bench." Before them will be * * * to look for and appraise infol'ma- • f Or consider the ' doctor who . *' * * Two ranged the members and the staff of a Senate subcommittee By J. Mo- ROBERTS ------readlly admits that the truly mo- I headed by Senator Thomas C. Hennings, And thus, it is Associated Press News Analyst ganda _ that the puppets have dem practitioner must treat the ::;E/~~:g3~i~~Zt~:~~~~ Jr. 39, MJnneaij~ Ibader ot tht f planned, will begin an inquiry of exh'aordinary coocern to every Russia is moving swiftly to been weakened by Moscow go- whole man, and who knows all Girl Scouts Name expedition ' . ?O_;, r '" . . . . h . h b all d h f h Ing over their heads to deal with about the critical relationship be- A mencaL) cItizen - mto w at mig t e c . e testate 0 t e consolidate her gains In relation t b d did Y t h' "But we're gOing to chOJ Adenauer. ," Indeed, the East ween 0 y an m n. e IS Planning Board Bill of Rights. to Germany. Germans seem likely to emerge training - intensive training - plenty of wood so we hope we Tbe citizens chosen for this ]lOnor and privilege are: the There are several facets to the with greater promincnce than ' actually serves to limit Iboth his The senior Girl. Scouts af 4on't stay that way," chairman of the American Bar Association's House of Delegates, fact tbat East German leaders, ever. ( . own horizons and his usefulness, Iowa City met Wednesday at the Neither Miss Morenouae nor the Communist puppets, have . . He is a man with a stetho- Girl Scout office ·to name repres- her companion, C Council postponed action in the case of City Mahal!! " cu1' I f" h '" . h . II ill I r. ria la a an on, a report fro Washington Thurs.- CHURCIIlLL VACATIONS h It b f t" Peter F. Roan, wlw was ac.cused of drunken driving by Fort )lIdl· A n d It IS pe Jar y Itting t at an mqUlry mto ow we or 42-year-old Christian Democrata. d th t ;.I; St t D t' nor .,as een or some lll)e - , . . 1 . II h h th f f ' ay a va~ r ous a e epa:- - NI

.... _. 51 g'UO-, 30 d.nl.r ,...,I.,ly '1.35 NOW $1.11 ~ pII,. lot $3.35 :.t the 'al"ker Pen ...... ~ . the ' ••-;f,,;ivo EI.ctro-Pol­ .... "', ~ 0.<10-, 15 d.nle. revut.,ly suo NOW n.u ~ PlI ... lot $3.6$ r ...... ,4.i""' .... ·'abs.Jute ....oofh.. the Parker "21" Peft . ~it"u, .tIle .li,.I••• point hen 0 Is Available Alone At 5.00 ~ , ¥e"l~m tip that "wears in 10 ....'''I, " ...,.., 12 41et11er Colors: Blue. Green. Red, Black. Wit.. r.gul.rly $1.65 NOW $1" I ,..... fot ~ . OO , ,.v, lMI""wrie;n" bill clol,n't w ••, Medium, Fine or EXlra·Fine Poinl. For Jife. , :; "*.~ y • l~. 'ihe ..y"2.f1n,et" .rn giving and seneral UK. we rKommliAd me / f'IIi .., vittwl,)nk .vpply, ,Ii-,I.II medium poinl. "TINs.-" lI'uge. 10 den •• ~> reUrvoir enOt rub",1 and Po,".'·s .....latly $1.95 NOW $1 ... , PlI" for ..." ...... , ...... point. ·...... I ...... 01_~ .. IM D.... At .....a-, oi_ '" .. II ...... ~eI ... M .. 11

"DUlA.(\INO.- W• ., Slrelch SlLE,EIDS __~ Perrg... 21" SpecIal- s.ts. I _ . rea.,Iarly$l.65 . ~O~ $I .... ~,."" fill' $4.00 , endoling S for .ach Ht. If I _ not ""'rely.... 1,1' WEDIESDAY. I isfied with 1M Pcrrker .. 21" Special Set, I will ,.,," It .. ,.. - I . "CUflO.lTft. .. Knee I.e",,,, Stretch 1 within 10 daYI and receive creefit 0' rofvnd. • J .. ;""11IIy $1~ NOW $l,U :a PlI" for $U, l,relCh I • • Shon, Ave ..... TaA SEmilIER 21. I No_ I ' I ~~. I in petal beige talisman I City z..,. I.. I' lIolden tassel I CeIer. 0 '''.ea 0 lIeck; 0 i.d, 0 GreeR. D CIIecl ., ..0. I . wild rose I L :'~.:.:.~~:. ~.::-:.._~ ~ __ J ;: - '.re l-TBE DARY IOWAN-lo... CIt,.,I...... Frl., StPt. 16, 19~8 Evy Discouraged ~~

" Tickets Arrive Brooks LOSe Sports Their ,Fifth in short CHIC. Ceatlea.ietl Fr.m Iowa Football Coach Forest I,nRow, 3·2 er-rapis A ....I.t.. Pro.. DI •••I ..... Evashevskl Thursday painted a lost his bleak picture of 1955 Hawkeye ST. LOUIS (IP) - Alex GraJD.l squarin mas knocked in the deciding MlI 1 MARCIANO IN SHAPE grid chances. Uceman * * * with a sharp grounder with J1 Rocky Marciano said Thursday After two weeks of twice-daily tlt tur~d u bases loaded in the 12th ionlllC chase ar at his training camp he is in the practice, Evy said: "I hate to be discouraging, but I must be re­ Thursday 10 give the St. Low. JI Pollee greatest shape of his ~ areer, then alistic. Iowa must improve 40 Cardinals a 3-2 verdict and selll 30, relat proceeded to give two sparring per cent or we can't expect to former t the Brooklyn Dodgers, Nationi .'10 partners a severe body pounding , win a Bif Ten. game." League champions, down to tIIdr News in a 4-round drill. Marciano DI.h~a""nJn, Pointe fifth straight defeat. young a few meets Archie Moore In a heavy­ Evy listed these points as dis­ Stan Musial, rapping a doublt heartening: • wide weight title bout Tuesday night· and homer, extended t9 II hU A for h at Yankee Stadium. 1. The ov"erall speed at the line National League record of !tI. f. is not satisfactory, which makes sons with 300 or more total.billS poor downfield blocklng tor the Musial's hamel' and Rip II!- R fast halfbacks. pulski's circuit drive, which hll· 111 BEARS* WIN *- The* Chicago 2. The' fUllback situation bas mediately followed in the third ,:11 Bears clipped the Cleveland gone from bad to worse. inning, enabled the National i Browns, 24-21, Thursday night in Roger Wiegmann, the only League to tie its aU-time majbr a profcssional football exbibition letterman, has an injured shoul­ league totai of 1,197 home rlllll. game. der and lias missed work and set in 1953. I sophomore Delmar Kloewer has Grammas' single came olf lht a sprained ankle. The No. I man Dodgers' sixth pitcher, Ed Roe­ at present ls junior Marion A'S BUY* SAFFELL* * - The puck, but t~e loser was rookll , (Ar W're\lllol,) Walker, 178-peunder, a sq uad southpaw Chuck Tell'U>leton, 1I'1io Pittsburgh Pirates Wednesday LIGHTWEIGHT CHAMPION Wallace (Bud) Smith (lett) 01 Cincinnati and c~lIen,er anlt lornier member last year but played in taced only one 'PlItte{, walkiD: sold outfieldcr Tom Saffell to champion Jimmy Carter shake hands after slrninc an aueement for tilelr UUe tirht Oet. J9 I. ~14. only one game. Musial to begin the home 12th. elnnatl. In the middle at the International BoxJnc Club o(flces In New Yor~ Thunclay II jIm' Neill'll, Krellll Not Ready the Kansas City Athlctics for the The Cards ,arnered I3 hi!J. 'II me president. Cincinnati promoter Sa.m Beeker lTiDI bls approval In &he · baeklrt~nd. . t' • 3. George Kress, counted on $10,000 waivcr price. for heavy duty at left tackle, is The Dodgers collected only ellk not ready for the Kansas State THE FIll T JJA'):CIl of World Series tickets arrived Thursday at off righthandel's Ben FlolI'm game here Sept. 24 and it's un­ the Cleveland IniUans' front office Irom a Chlcaco prlntlnx firm. a.nd !;.arry Jackson. flowtll 1 MeDERMOTT*' * RELEASED * likely \hat he will be ready. Miss Mary era/If, Tribe employe, looks 'em over, wondetlnr lanned nine before he was rfo " The Detroit Lions Wednesda.y Ward. Gai·ns Evy ~ald it is "doubtful now whether the Yankees stllJ mlcht sneak In and make placed with the score tied Ii / that KreSs will be of much ser­ them just so much worthless paper. the eighth. released on waivers offensive' I A vice all season." t Brooklyn ..... "1 fHIt tit ....! I I tackle Herb McDermott, 230- n' ma eur No one has come forward to SI. Lo.I, .... . Ot= HII ... Itl-a II ! pound tormer Iowa State grid- , , NATIO.'IIAL LEAGUE A.jIfEIUCAJiI r,'EAG UE . )(oull••• B ....nJ IG). La~I •• (1), Cnir " encourage the coaches at that (n). Templet •• II~) .... ~ ..k fIl) .04 der. He was the Lions' 11th draft , W L Pet. OB W L P~I . 08 ~:I ~~ .flll Clevelalld ,"" IlIJ 0& .6IH ·· $l>Ot. Now the present occupant Walker: Fl.wflrs. Jlekl•• (I) ... It,· Brooklyn " " W-Ja.klon. L-T... ,I,t •• . MII .... te• .... 81 fI~ .I\.'.~ Now "ork ' " .. fill 1111 .Oll brInk . is Ken Jehle (207) , a seniof,who ' Home run.: . SL L •••F- .'I ....".,., tA New 11 7~ .Ml Chlc.co ...... M 06 . ~ , . ~. Picks To Beat York " . ' De~verI , choice. ha~ played, \title bal\. Sopho­ *' * * Wins 6.4 Ph lIadelpb'. . . 1:1 73 .l'iOO BOlton .• ...... ,,~ (I~ .~!~ .. " pal.kl. "\,,I)~\ \' , Clnol.ull •. . 1~ 1~ ,(114! O.lroil . ..• . • . '2 1~ .fII1 f '1ti mores Johrl Burroughs (220) and WILL FIGHT CHAMP -Flash Chi ••, • ...... 69 17 ••,3 Kan ... CII), . . 01 MI ' . '~ 1 . lli~. Dick Theer .(212) have been slow RICHMOND, Va. (JP) - Bob­ St. Louis ...... G.~ M~ .4~4 Washtn,l.n .. , ~I • VI .8110 :\1 Elorde of the Philippines will PIIUb .... h .... ii1 81 .SDU B.lllmore . . . 17 " 9~ .iI8l .tl to develop and might not be of meet Orient featherweight cham­ by-sox-idol Harvie, Ward Jr., Th.all1da.y'" !te,.Il, / . Iowa Slale' Called Thursday'. ae •• liI (No rame ••ch •• ale~) " much service unlil after midsea­ Iowa State S~turday I survived a harrowing plague of pion Shigeji Kaneko of Japan in 51. Loul. a. 6rool

. "" ~ '" . • .. 1I'f. I' ,. no DAILY JOW ~-Io,.... Cit" IL~, S-. It, I'~"'._' 9 ,., Pol i'ce Na·b Killer. In '€h ieago John~on's New. Book Tells Off·Duty Cop Self.Styled Red Spies Say ~iss Italy • ~~~.f1i.~:~:~~~~~~:.:~;~~esea,eh 'zes CIA R' feel' U 472-J)aie v.lurne edlled by Prof. by the ancients i\ has been ~ld Evasion Recognl, ' e us 0 se Th em Wendell Johnson, will be pub- to be amopg the more baUlina Tal • Hshed today by the Unh'ersity or mankind's many woes. Not ( nl A ansi Slayer-Rapist FRANKFURT, Germ ny (Il') - otJo~::n~t:~h~ been a tu- :~!!e:::h~:"a:;~~~Ofd:1t~hg, ou gal Two American war veterans said dent, e.reher, te cher and and only In th I borator! ot G Id CHICAdo (JI»-A 'crazed kjll_ Thursday night th y worked as speech clinic director at SUI oday are tutterers and their dis- r~ unewa er-rapist, loaded gun in hand, Soviet sple. in Western Europe throu,h 28 y rs of the book' tinctive difficulties coming to be lost his nerve and ran, after,. for six months in a selt-con- Ih r -d d P n, h b roU ..~..,1 un d ers\ ood." squaring oIf with an armeB po- celved plo\ "to s rye our country T he pa j r Id Th ursd ay n i , ht t a e th r . ba Ic· 'kn ow-w h y upon 5 A pproaeh Tri-.I~ BAT'TIMOR..... "" (11)1,. I - H enry liceman Thursday. He was cap- :: In~!1tratinl nUllSian Inlelli- CIO olficials at first tentatively ",hlch our current und rS\ancUnll Johnson pain out that five (The DU\ebman) Grunewald. ex- tur~d uninjured after a short nce. promlied to finanee a double of stuttering d pend ." main appro ches have been ex- Washington lnnuence king con- chase and burst of gunfue. They accused the U.S. Central ' a, nt project but after three Mvocalft R_arcb plored at sur since in 1924. vicled ol heipin, others evade Police said Michael Morabito, ~.ntew,en~f AteIlCr. :':'IA) alIt months ot In\,estlgaUon d owned Th~ boOk ref) lS the paint of The e approaches have included their taxes, was arrested Thurs- SO, related he shot to death his d~()jI~O;~I:: at~~ ; .... a~ble them. view th t aclentlIlc r e rch must a $earcbh tor ..Ibl Ph slcal day on a charge ot chcatln, to former boss in the Chicago Daily acents after lhcy voluntarUy dis- No COOtJneal be conducted betore men and b Sf'. Cor tuttermg., the Int r- the tune of $96,000 on his ownr News plant and raped a terrified I closed they had bren In Russian A CIA poke man In Washln,- women can be properly educated relationshIp between personality and w released on ball. young radio station receptionist I I ton said the agency would hive to render ervlc to the r Iel- and ,tutterlng, th condition He was held until aboul 10 a few hours later while a clty- esp onage. no comment. I under which stutterlna b gin a.m. ror a heartn, berore U.S. wide manhunt was being pressed They said they hav appealed Hollie and Lima erted they 10 men, re earch Into melhod of th r~ CommIssioner Emc:.t Volkart In for him. to vera! U,S. senators for help I wanted an opportunity to bring As John on PQinls out in the apy, and experiments on varla~ Baltimore. CAP Wire ...... ' and have asked perm Ion to their complaint a,.ln t thc CIA new volume. "there mu't be pro- Uons in lhe amount of stuttering Thc balding 62-year-old was str~!t :~~r~~~n O:anW2e:lh~~~: JUDGE FINJ J. GARRET of tlesmy ag Inst the CIA at hear- before the S n.te "watchdof ducti':.: I borlhtoriheJ~A betlore ther u er controUed condition. entenced to five ycars In prison alter he pumped four ,38 caliber &he U.S. Courl or CIII"_ and np. eommlttee" In Wa.!hington. can 11<: wort w '" c roonu In ummlnJl up (be work of and fined $10,000 last April In I I I I H G Patent Appeah retired 'I'b\U1l- Pald 1,10. HoUie, a Nav.v vet ran, and and there mu t be worthwhllc the thr e d c de, Prore or a tax-fixing case In New York. ~7~t~ ~a~lfng nr~m ~~~~ma~~r:;~ da, In WaahlDflon, D.C, arter Thea K. HOllie, 28, ot Los An- Lima, who crved in the Army In cl room berore there e n be John on ob. erv th t mOdern Grunewald a accused of ter going berserk in the neWl! - 55 "ears or public IICrvlce. Be geles, and Crelory J. Uma, 30, of World War II, se.ld thcy lot th ertectl\:e cllni~." re rch on stut rln , with p~r- consplrinl with others to ar- paper's crowded, busy press- I. It. Ncw York, told n wamen the Idea last year to become double Dr, John on crcdits Carl Sea- hap more than half of all of ranle it so that Pattulo , MocI e~, room. Russlallli paid them $6,000 for CI,cnts. shore, lone-time d an or th SUI lh xpcrimcnts carried out at n dre concern, and the Cotham Morabito was spotted near a GoodWI'n Not spy missions rangln, from 3 re- e('urU" Rht Cr duat Call ,e, E. C, Mable, low , PQints to ' d the conclu- Bccf Co., which supplies ships filli!}g station in his home nelgh- port on tbe U.S. Military Intelll- J b"Gree WAS tired trom a civiliant UI S""ech.. ~ Department head, Ion th l the dlftlcult)' in would not have tlo lace pro eeu- borhood by policeman Peter gence chool 8 Ober mmergau, 10 Wwith Cthe ArmY Dep r ",cnt and Lee E. Travl., who in 1927 the speakin( ari es out ot tear tlon In tax care . I Bendek, a neighbor who knew Germany, to 8 vlsll to Bel,lum's , n cstI ._,.'ermany .. H IIIn 1953a1 a became the Iowa SPQech Clinic's lhat II learned becau or past He WIIS ICcused of acccptin, 1160,000 him. Rendek and his partner, I largest arms ractory at Lleee, secur"So ty r"""t tt! ahi'" expl ned. (irst dir ctor, with the kind of con quen s of lull rln . a a lee. A "rosecutor Howard Pierson, joined the hunt Inning 0, After th e mts ions, th y sid, me (, ne carles al nit thinking which h made clen- . ln other words, he sug est. In the ca e claimed Grunewald on their own time after working PI T they went \0 C1A hcadqu:lrtcrs him were thatI he had tried to tlfl'c re earch lundamental in Ituttcrln, I what tlie s""akef..- had t up a "hidden •"ovcrnmcnt their regular overnight shift on In West Germ ny last M yond Get an acqu ntance to jOln th peech palholo,y and audlolo doc In trying tq kct'p from s(ut- ... In our own nation', capltnL" American Labor Plrty and a at SUI trom iUi beglOnln" 30 terin" again. An Indlctmcnt on th t x ev - the bomicide detaiL " , ul'II'n. '~a r Comrptje' letter had onc • a sian eharle aaainst Grunewald Guns Drawn Q 1956 • Nebraska Senator come to h' addres froD'! th WJIlL Q D was fcturned Tuesday but wa Rendek eased out from b New York D l1y Worker. CENTERVILLE liP) _ John kepI ecret unlll after the arrest. hind the wheel of the squad car P L I I t" lOW d clded thal If w could and ' drew his gun. Morabito.' Q.ES MOINES - Rober~ K. roposes egis a Ion do romethlna po: llIve and dra~ Pel r. on, 79, died at II heart .1- The Indictment char,es that Goodwin. Iowa Republican na- maOc ut. Pth'I'e b .. ~ House Troller room employe of the Daily. Goodwin WIIS named to the He said he ran Into the prob- "CIA put us through rigorous T"n In.erllona ""I' mon.... tAun4m_l. dr), r . UIJUtit "lld. " Q r In.tructlon Couple onl· 1217 Plck.rd I-'IUG Itter News, told Chief of Detectives national committee post In 1952 1em at statc jealousy last sc.sslon qu '!lonlng, Includlnl lie detecl- . per inSerUon...... 80¢ per1 inch I. 10." fOR SALC: ::7-1 1.I'I:'er, ~nna. 101 Jol\Jl_ T, Q'MaUey he shot to succeed HalTi.<.on Spangler at when he sought con&resslonal or te ts, tor a month," ~ollle D ADLIN B ... LLnOOM dln« It n• . MbnJ Youdt . _-______"_I_Ih_Io_n_d_A_v_·e_ . __....;;;...:;. ____._.17 ~ se it was "one of Cedar Rapids, a controversial appropriation of money to build said, and meanwhile sent a cOde 4 p.m, weekd.ys for Insertion WUrlU. 01.1 MIl. t.20R them ~n ngs." figure in Republican politics par~ a 230 kilovolt line from Fort messa,l! lo East Berlin in our In folloMn, mornIng'. DaUy LAFF·A-DAY O'Ma ~' ..said Morabito also licularly in recent years. S1)anl- Randall on tile Missouri River In name, postponin, our ncxt Iowan. Plea ch ck YOUt ad Help Won led rel.teg'tft'ttt he raped the recep- ler had served as naUonal com- South Dakota to Crand Island, rend~vous WlUl Soviet aa n. in the first Issue It appears. TVOENT fountAln "ell> ..... nted , "'pply tionis~ aJt~r .forcing her to ' ac- mitleeman for 20 years, five Nebr. "We went on CIA's $6~per- Th Daily Iowan can be re- In peroon. Lubin', Luneh~D~It. 10·10 copiP4"", h\m to a deserted lake (ernu. " We didn't ,cl the line," Curlis diem In June and were asked to SPQrWblo for only one incor- WANnO: JIU ptlno man, Coli collect 1ro~t:JP)ea~1l" 1 ~ut that he refused The present G.O.P. national continued. "Our blgle t problem kcep our Hied Ncws Agency rcet ios-zrtlon. 0.11, Nonh Liberty. Dean COllin. '1' t • to ~gn I\l~lttement. committeewoman, Mrs, Anna Lo- was opPOSition from othcr basin running In Darnutadt, pending WANTED : Sale l.dy for lollelrle- ;;;;j slates, particularly South Da- furth.cr develoDmC'nt:J. By the cnd co oncUe •• Jull or part time. The detective chief quoted Mo- mas of Red Oak, is from the same 4191 llr),. M"le apply In ptnon.cxc~lIen' I.ubll\·, rllbito as saying he killed George congressional district as Jones, kota. of August, however, we had used DNa. 10.10 after saying to him, "What did the seventh. "I was told thcre was great up all our own money, pawned • NEED lull tim" 1)1'101 or ...,tary. YOU, mean w h en you sal· d you ' re Open Bome Apln concern In South Dakota ovcr our camer.. and ta"",.~ recorders, -----n~--:::_-~----Wh D It Po Ilinn o~n~- Immedl~ell. Colli Un.v. going to get thc Sicillallli after the posslbilHy that Ncbra ka and wer evicted (rom our oHLce 0 oes rd. 21.... &-tl me?'/ ',. Mr,s. Leo Hocgh, Iowa's first would get hi.s transportation for unpaid rcnt. I DO IT YOURSELr wlt.h \(101. rrom STUDENT wllr. Full UI1lC daYL Apply if lady, reports that the statc Gov- line. Nebraska is an aU-preler- "On Aug, 31 when we had only. 8",,1on Iffi'~ Rr"tal Servicr. 4112 E n""aJdo·' care. 0-11 Fellow employes the Dally ernor's mansion is again being ence customer stat tor tederal 30 cenLt leet between us, we Bailon. "lal. 10·10 JUST TWO board fob open n to S n'l h' IKlt h k News malling room said Mora- ope q ed on a a nc e-a-week. b a sis power, while only 25 per cent at, camc to Frankfurt, a1\d wcre told WASHIJofG and lronlnll. Dial 1-'1462. '"' C" Cal ~. c til Wor I. bita ha.d been acting erratically visitors. .... h dl i S D 0-22 tor more than a year and that LUe power- an enn outh a- by CIA: We don't know you any Rooms for Rent is PERSONAL LOANS 00 type rlt~~ psycliialrlc treatinent. had been Mrs , Hoegh w111 hold open kot. ere preference customcrs. mote, Your case closed. It's a pnon ...... ph •• sport- rquJpment, Ind recommended lor h1m but that house from 2 to f p.m. each "My Information WAS that decision by Washln&ton." !ewelry. HOCK.r:n LOAN COMPANY. FOR RENT: Room for .rl4ua\e or m- he refu,sed it. ' Tuesday and groups or individUal South Dakotans feared that If 1:18.... ,DubuQue. t-:tR ployed womln. 8131. 017 visitors wiu be permitted to tour Nebraska got this heavy trallli- No FlI'bt l the mansion at that tim~. mission line that, as prCCerencc Th~ 20-year-old rape victim was accosted as she was about to During and after the legisla- customers. we would try to claim • tive session the bousc had been more than our share at the elec- Flnd (lues in Women ' Wanted entel' her North Side apartment opened by Mrs. Hocgh on a tricity avafl3ble from ih!! dams." NEED HELP! bulldin" k h dIS Prescnt law nrovi

tar. ~TDE DULY IOWAN-Iowa eli,. il,-Frl., Sept. il. 1955 ------~ &.nne seen. ~ t F.~sh"u;n 'Hcar"About ROTC 1$1,700 Paid' ~ . til, Record Ilowa"~I~osingFederal . " .. ' ~ · 1 ' 95s filere iri Drun~ . w. ond =::T::'~n"d Fu.,- Funas on Road Plan~ Hoegh • meister, Tiffin, a boy Wednes- DES MOINES (IP) - Gov. Leo F-Ines day at Mercy Hos pital. qoegh said Thursday th at Iowa I way progrnm for 1956. This -,-ng ' MI'. and Mrs. Benjamin De- is not losing federal high way will cover all types of work and Drl I terman, 1107 Flnkbine Pprk, a Polio Season funds as a result of its rollJi mod- wil l hc' ba~ed on this yea r's lei. girl Thursday at Mercy Hospital. A total of $1,700 in tines was ~rni z atio n pl·ogram. tings. W.ASf;UNGTON (IP) - The 1955 Mr. and Mrs. Dale Rath, Riv­ paid in Johnson County District "There has been som::! ~n f e r- He said this dltcs not neces,. -- p'olio season apparently has start­ erside, a boy Thursday at Mercy • Court Thursday by five persons ~ n c e ' that Iowa is losing S:lmc sarily me:lll thai letti ng$ ' will e(! to decline. charged with drunken driving. Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Rob ~ r t Walter 'cderal highway fu nd s - we are slow do\Vn next year. The U.S. Public Health Service Two others appeared on drunk­ 429 N. Gilbert it., a boy Thu rs­ lOt," he told his news co nfcrcnce . "W,c arc obligating all of OUt t~~da~ reported 2,009 casef en driving charges, but their day at M~rcy Hospita l. "You could say that fcdc!'ll funds by contracts to be e rried throu(hOut the country last weeK. cases were continued. DEATHS' 'unds nre being used to mQdern- out later. Because of a cement 1hla was a drop of about 2 pel' J~nnje Anne Mace, 3"1. 312 La- ze Iowa highways becnuse ali shortage we nre lettin ~ contracts cent under the corrected total Lee Droli, 31, Tipton, Wcdncs­ 'fayette St., ,was given the heav. day at University Hospitals. )f the money goes into the jac ls- now [0[, completion in 1956." ot 2,058 the previous week. AI­ iest fine pt $500 on a second 01- P 1 L ot Joiner 77 Mar- JOt. ,We have never asked th e In connection wit h the full t\'lough some states ,had IncrellS­ f!nse COll.tlt, She entered a plea eat e a " . 'edel'al government to join in {he use of federal fu nds on Iowa 'It T" d ha g' g I shalltown, Wednesday at Unlver- es, 'a Public Health Service o t gUl y uq,rs ay, c n 10 " H 't I he modernization program fin - I highway wor~, the governor said spoiq!sman said: from the .J nnocent plea she en- sity OSPI a s. Incing." Hoegh said. Iowa is getling back about 90 '. "It appears thnt on the whole tered at a hearing June 20. I MAilRIAGE LICENSES "We are not sure whether we per cent of the excise taxes the we-are on the down grade." Llceme Sus'J)eJlded , Chieh·Shyang, 24, and Li Yiny :ould get federal aid [or this fedenll governmenl collecls In , PoUo Peak Judge ,Harold D. Evans also Shu, 2.3, ~ot~ of Iowa Cit~. )rogram. We have never sub- : Iowa. He decl~l ' e d that this , The ~ears' Polio peak ''':''' 2,289 suspende4 her driver's license BenJamm Pearce MorrlS, .24. nitted an aclual project. , There percentage has Increased .con. for 90 days. r Rome, N.Y., and Pa tsy Y. OshIro, Clime in the week \!1lded is some question whether the sidcrnbly since President Elsen· cllsps. - She was arrqsted May 20 on 24, Wahiawa, Oahu, Hllwaii. liui. 27. In all, the 48 sta tes lederal government would par- howel' took over the national South Clinton Street by Iowa Eugene. S. Moore, 24, and .Bev- .Ieipate in [inancing the highway admjnlstration. reported 18,215 cases, 6,220 of C,ity police, erly Curry, both of Iowa CIty. them paralytic, between Apr. I, modernization. But we have got ------Four first of tense drunken John T. Bauer, 24, and Martha money of our own for that wo rk." MAIL BALLOTS the start of the polio year, and driving oftenders paid $300 fines Mottet, 23, both of Iowa City. Se~ll1. .• , Hoegh said Io wa has adequate BOONE lIP) ~ Nomination bal· and had their Iicellses suspended POLICE COURT ;ta te funds to match all federal lots fo r one position on the Board 'I Thls . compared with 21,324 for 60 days. Elwin Knight Shain, 632 money available, and still do of Conlrol and eight on the Rep. eases, of whicit 7,793 were para­ (Doll, rowan Pholo) Charged were Orval D. Ben- Brown St., was fined $7 .50 on a modernizing work with state resentative Council of the Iowa lytlc, In the corresponding 1954 del', 21, Riverside; . R~y R. , K~- charge of having an expired funds only. High School Ath letic Association period. SUI FRESHMAN MEN me!• In Macbride hall to hear about the Reserve Officers Tralnlnr Prorram bela, 44, R.R. 7; Quml1n R. Ellis, driver's license. . as one of the tirst nems on their orientation schedule Thursday. Col. James A. Scott Jr., head of the Turning to Iowa's highway have been mailed to the 933 I' The Health. Service said 554 34,415 Bowery St., and Keith W. A $17.50 fin ~ ar~ain s t Vernon Department of Military Science and Tactics, tens the freshmen of the requirements and opportuni­ improvement program, the go v- member schools, the association )'llllio case~, 213 ot them paraly­ Christensen, 21 , 701 N. Gilbert F. Dvorak, 109 S. Clinton St., ties of the ROTC, ernor said th e state highway I announced Friday. Ballots con· Ilc. haYfI been confirmed among ---.------SI. All entered pleas ot guilty. on a charge ot failing to report commission will announce within taining the names of Ihose nom· \ .. c: lI~ure tnan tI \ ~ million persons Oases Oontlnued an accident involving over $50 a few weeks its complete high- ina led will be ma iled out Oct. 4. - almost 1111 children - who Two others c h a r g e d with damage was suspendcd by h,ave ,received Salk polio vaccine drunken driving had their cases Judge Roger Ivle. slnc.1! It was licensed Apr. 12 .. continued. lax. Cuts T~ Come Eventually, William T. Roberson, 38, Cam­ OVER TOE . . No OOMluslollll pus Hotel, pleaded guilty to a ADMITS NEGROES NOW WEEKE~O ; Todhy's report repeated ear~i.c.r first offense ~harge and Judge HOllSTON, Texas (JP) - Qual­ eetflttt' statements that no conc1usipn Evans continued his case tor sen- ified Negro doc tors of medicine . IOWA CITYIS MOVIE OF THE YEAR! do be drawn about the eftlcacy Schwengel Tells RotClry Club , tencing Oct. 29. fire now e li ~l b l e to join the , A TRULY GREAT MOTION PICTUREI of the vacoille from these ligures By IV, ARS L1EPINS I \ A second offense drl,lnken driv­ Barris County Medical society. ing charge against Lyle D. Luck­ The group vot d W~dn esd a y to ,.,inCt complete information is has failed to' solve. The farm not available on polio cases Government expenditures have peace. ey, 25, Cedar Rapids,· was con- delete. the .word ".\~ h i t~ " from it.~ ' ~inQng vaccinated a,nd unvaccin- tieen cllt since 1952, and taxes I "At present great strides are problem, he said\ Is the main Unued for trial,during the Sep- , membershIp quallflcab ons. will d e c rca s e, Rep. Fred taken in Washington D,C. to fol- concern . tern bel' term of court after Luck- • ted persons. Schweniel (R-Ia.) told the Ro- low through the 'Atoms for -Commenting on criticism of ey pleapcd not guilty. Bond was "Doors Open 1:15 P.M." Massno,husetts continued to , tary Club Thursday. , ' ; Peace' plan," he said. the governmental support ex- set at $1,000. "OVER THE !lave the nation's highest poliO Speaking on the "Impressions "There is also a change of tended to farmers, Schwengel • NOW • WEEKEND" toll last week - 290 cases, com- of a Freshman Congressman," philosophy about taritts." said that there is a definite need I Red Cross Pa rce Is pared with 317 the week before. Schwengel, who is serving his Lauds Ike to support the farmer. New York moved into second first ferm in the House ot Rep- Sc~wengel : paid tributf ~o l Schwengel also discussed edu- To China Prisoners 1~:[c,!~Q] place with 245, compal'ed with rescntatives, said that the pres.- PreSident Eisenhower for hiS cational and highway prOblems., ' I 272 the previous week. Wiseon- ~nt admini~trati()n has reduced work at the Gen'.l va Conference I He said that the government HONG KONG (JP)-Red Cross "KleES - '1'J 11S 1'1'KAC1'ION sin dropped to third place - the federal budget $15'h billion, and to .John Fos~er Dul.les tor should support educational in- I tood parcels were taken to the I MATINEES - lin. 224 cases as against 311 the Balance Budlet ac~ompllshments In fo reIgn at- stitutions without cutting into Red China border Thursday lor NITES.Al,l, DAY SUNDAY _ 7 ~ . wt!ek before. "Lowering of taxes will take fa~~s . Jocal controls, and that he be- 29 imprisoned Ame~lca n s, l~ of I CHILDREN _ '!:;. JtlllnQls was tne only other place, but we have to be sure the We have the greatest Seer!!- ]ieves that the Interstate Road whom the CommunIsts promIsed /1.-______--' state reporting more than 100 nalioool budget is balanced be- tary of State," he said. "Dulles' Program should be reconsidered. I at Geneva to release soon. Words can't describe Ma cases. It had 112 last' week, fore taxes are cut," he said. work In Europe and other p.arts Wants More Roads Amedcan Red Cross official the FUN and ffiLARI'I'Y! 12g the ' preceding week. Accomplishments of the pres- of the globe has been excepl1on- . ichar(l Tomlin said when he ent administration were dis- al " "There should be 40,000 mIles I cussed by Schwengel, who de- ' Farm Problem of four-lane highways in the , anded the parce s to a ~oung clal'ed that we stand on the Schwengel explained that th ere U.S . " Schwengel saia. Iphln ese Red Cross woman there , dId not seem to be as much ten- Wa threshold 01 prosperity and are problems which the Congress "We have to find new ways to $ion- the wh ole atmosphere ap- '(IO, "Electric .. ----- raise funds for the construclion peared more relaxed than on the HINIY JAMlS FONDA, CAGNEY 'me Court Urged of roads: T~ere sh~uld be n~ 6elivery two weeks ago. She WIIUMI JACK more ralSes 10 ga~oline taxes. I managed to smile a little." POWELL '. LEMMON IN COLOR ond CINEMASCOPE lnds Strike Supre Schwengel said he)s sure that the government is in good hands (JP> - cloelec-, i and that he is proud to serve in : :~:trlcal~~SBURGH wQrkers Thursday cnded a To Ban Security" Law the Congress. I'LUS - COI.OR CARTOON GrENN FORD • ELEANOR PARKER " I'M CPI.D'· THE TRUE DRAMATIO TORY OF MARJORY LAWRENOE Jt'hr,ee~d,1Ir gympattty ,~rike at WASHINGTON (.4') _ A Qriel " ,. -- "I am in the midst," hc said, "of' the most important govern­ IIIGII SCOltE nOWUNG ~t 'W Mt~gnojuse ~IeCt~fltC C~rp . bearing the names of 360 citizens ganizations ' found , by the Sub­ "SPORT" p .... n t s'. an .... un on nego la ors Im- I . A t' it' Ct ' lB ' d ment of the world." ,fued' 't I d 1955 I lk was riled with the Supreme verSlve c tv les on 1'0 oar Cedar - LATEST NEW - TONITE ENDS MAN CALLED PETER • THE ETERNAL SEA l.'.: 1f1 e y , ~pene pay as , . to be Communist "action" or 'tONITE wltp a d~mand tor a substantial Court Thursday, urgmg ihal the "front" groups. Those in the Ra.dlo " l 'V St.... Yi~e increase. 1950 Internal Secunty Act be "action" category must list all "Th:. t Ole Cf'unlr Bov!" FIRST KENNY HOFER It HIS '" In' yet- another development, struck down by the court as "the th cir members. Iowa Marine "Doors Open 1:15 PM." RUN MIDWESTERNERS 2HITS J,ocal 601 of the CIO Interna- most terrible threat so far de- Test Soon SATURDAY tional Union ot. Electrical ~ork- vised to freedom in America. The first major test of the act The "Sln,ln( Saxaoh.nes·· or trs l· at East Pittsburgh, bIggest I . " scon OLARK It HIS CIO-lUE unit in the Westing- . The law, sometimes called the is scheduled to be heard this fall Shot, Killed OROHESTRA house"chain with 10,000 members, McCan'an Act after the late Ne- by the Supreme Court. The Com- '.-"turlne I Jtiij!~!J) lovely BETTE MORGAN tooted to call off its live-week , vada Democratic senator who ~nun~~d~:rt~o is ra~1::c~ngis~r;e~ WAUKEGAN, lI1. (IP) - Mar- . STARTS ine Sgt. Robert A. Martens, 22, Ne.1 We•. TODAY .. trUd~ over a , job study wh.ich was its chief sponsor, was enact- against it by the SACS. The "OVF.R ~ II .. N'TF.'· of Anthon, Iowa, stationed at EDDm ALLEN triggered 'the national willkout. ed over former President Tru- party contends the law violates nearby Great Lakes naval train- It illS ORCHESTRA , • The -action left only o~e local man's velo. fundamental Uberties guaranteed 'tt the original 27 on strike still by the Constitution. l' It requires registration of 01'- ingThursday center, and w8.!jpolice fasatiallyd a room-shot :~i!!i==iii!~~ 1I0t' in agreement with the eom- The citizens assailing the law er at a rooming house adrflitted pany. Thursday did so in a brief pre- shooting him when he said he , ttt Lima, Ohio, a dlsputEl in- Russia n BUI'lde['f sen ted at the office of the Su- attempted to break into the ;'olvin,; . a new productioQ as- IU ~ preme Court. clerk. They asked house. ~Jiibli line for certain types of Co"'ml"n' g to U,S. permission to file the brief as Police Capt. John Brake said ~ustrlal motors held up . the r~- "friends of thE' court." Martens was killed on the rear ~~n ~ ne~rlY %,000 ~embers of 01 'Evi18' porch of a rooming house near ~jll 724, , f , WASHINGTON (.4') - The na- , They said they wished to tell the downtown district. Van Johnson In J ,~ Mqr4! Vtan 30,000 fellow upion tiona I a'ssoc'l a'tlon bf h~me build- the court about "the evils of the Brake said that Louis Williams ~DtQer.· .began streaming _ bll~!< "'r act from the point of view of lhe told him he fired three shots "MEN OF THE ,at. \h.e ()ther 25 struck Westing- ~s s~d ThurW~l ~he Sovie ~ov- non-Communist." • Their brief 'at Martens, after he had sma~hed FIGHTING LADY" enhower bOUle operations In nine 'ta~es ' ernm~nt~/ "Pdin~_ 10 ' Ru~~il\n continued: a window in the rear door of "perfect .tickupt" old E, ' ) Ed.J h~using Mficials to the Unletd -and - ., .• lph the . ~l'ceptlon of, tl}e lson,''Y "It repre~s es the organization- the rooming house and awaken­ are" ~he ~r • States next month for a look at "JESSE JAMES n ;··J" . plant where the company al activities of no~-C.ommunist ed roomers at 2:30 a.m. the Presi VS THE DAL TONS" I ppstponed resum~tion of produc- American homes. , Americans whereve~ they arc Brake related that Williams and Russia .Uon until Monday. Most of lhe An invitation lor the visit was found to have associated with told him he was called from his GUY MADISON blueprints ollH!r plants were expected to be extended by the home builders . the Communists fGr any pur­ second floor room by Lexie Inspection. (0. fliJI operation by tomorrow. through the' Russian embassy pose, however innocent, to have Houston, who was asleep In a KIM NOVAK Stassen, W~stin,house said it would here Aug. 29. The acceptance collaborated with' the Commu­ room near the porch when she assistant on 'be&ih recall~ng employes at East was received by the embassy nists for lhe attainment of any was awakened by Martens' BRIAN KEITH lems, tqid a Starts ]: 15- ~.J\I. ~tlSbur"h tomorrow, Thursday, the association re- objective, however lawful and shouts. ,ave Eisen .' ported. proper, or to havt agreed with Police held bolh Williams and FIRST report on Present plans call tor the Rus- the Communists concerning ideas TODAY! 8Jlce of \, h Miss Houston as material wit­ Ends Monday AGAINST RUN 'Hoeg 'To Receive sians to come to Washington and policies, ev~n though the nesses for furtber questipning IoN It Oel. 3 to witness the opening pGints of agreemenj, JTlay have and sef their bond at $1,000 each. CITY chief ext~cu .."1 ' F"at~rnity Awar d of the association's national been very remote ... • Officials at Great Lakes said From Annapolil to the China Sea • , , THE HOUSE· Blg Four housing center. Listed aa signers .,were some 80 "There Ma rtens' home was at R:R. 1, The Battle Blatina Story of the Men _~ I DES MOINES (IP) - The 1954 clergymen. 76 educators, 25 phy­ Anthon, Woodbury County, Iowa. they (the distinguished achievement award .. Subseq~ently, the dele~ation sicians, 13 lawyers and others. Who Proudly Wear the lnl.odUfml .of Pi Kappa Alpha social frate~­ Will be glye? an opportun~ty . to One listed silner, Sen. Patrick •• ALYY MOORE· WILLIAM CONRAD "d KERWIN MAD N~vy Blue and Goldl Sc,_ PI., by SIIlIlliIC SlllIt'tIAHT . WILLIAM IKIWUS""" JQM " 8ARNwtll • au .. lIP'" I'" GIIod H...... nity, will be presented to Gov. study A~Ql'lcan home b~lldrn~ McNamara' (D-Mich.), flr~t told Ewalt, Iowa Cltlan, I 'Leo Hoegh at a dinner in Des meth~s~n .New Yorlc CIty, 0 a reporter In Detroit he had "no ' . , FIRST RUN IN CITY Moine" Sept. 18, it was an'­ Lonil} lart~t and. In Westcbester recollection ot ajgQing such a Now In Germany JlQUnced Thdrsday.I Geun.t1J N '''r., }n .B~ston,N~~ .tHef, and would.~ever knowlng- ; c The award will be presented Orlea:ns, ~J!ame, Austin and TY ,Iy do anyfulng,,,to 'help commu-. Pvt. Robert Ewalt, ;!2, son. of by · the' ·organlzatlim's natiorlal tet, · Tex., . Los i\ngeles, Sa,n nism." • ~p Mr. and Mrs. Merrit Ewalt, R.R. ,THI.I . AIlI president, Jon,n r. E. Hippel of rtanolsco,' 't'ucson, Ariz., Seattl.e" SubaequentlY;l ,hifuever, he is- I, Is a member of the 10th In­ PblJidelphla, Dr. Henry Harl\'lon ~ C.1iicago" Fdh Wayn,e, Ind., and sued through h~~*shhJ~n , ot-' fantry Division's 43d Aqtl-Alr- TWO IlINDS '))Rsldent of Dnlke- , University, eve~and. rice a statemei,)t.wh~ch said: . craft. Artillery BR~taJjon honor wil\ 'be master Q.t ceremonies. • \ ,' • . I "The McCarren /to( ~ttllmpts .guar,t in Ge!·many. ' ~. ' :Hoe,h WIIS a charter member " dR ' 'd to take I\war. tlte basic t:ilht of H is stationed af Ji;rlOl1geD, • ~ T free associaUoil 'guaranteed to Germany.' HI! entered the Army 'of\ lhe Stl\t~ University of Iowa w~ One oa S chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha when May Replace Map'S the American people by the Bill In December, 1954. ., ~ 'Was . organized in 1929, and I of Rights. A 1951 graduate of UnIversIty fI w~s the chllpter's first president. ROME (IP) - Talk about your Among other.s listed as sIgners High School, he attended the •~ w"s secretary of the national two-tone automobiles. The Ab- were Henry Seidel Canby, chalr- State University cf Iowa . orJarUzatlon trom 11140 to 1942. man of the editorial board of the ; 1- , , . ruzzi Asphalt Society hlls an- Saturday Review; the Rev. Hen- nouneed the road of the ,futur.e ry ·H.ltt Cran~, Detroit; Robert French Call Off ~ Kr.aut Eater Wins could come In selected colors. W. p. D~vidson,president of I Tts ohemists Bre experin:'entin~ W~stmlnster Gollege, Fulton, 1955 Aut~ Race . .2.561"'0 01 Kraut with colored asphalt obtamed as Mo.; the Very Rev, Jotln War­ .\ . a leftover from the, extraction of , ren Day, Grace Episcopal Ca- REIMS, France (JP)-The Au, . rDRR,ESTON, Ill. (IP) - pale aluminum trom bauxite rock, thedral, Topekll, Kan.; Yehudi I tomobile Club !Ie Champagne COoS1AJIR ... ' N*kel trammed down 3 POunds, It might come in variations of Menuhin, violinist, ,Los Gatos, Thursday canceled the 19M • oUft~ of krau\ In six minutes DENNIS MARA ROSSANO red, green, white, ,brown or yel- P,ot. Linu, Pauling, Cali- Grand-Prilt' de France, auto race. BUC­ Ca,J.i1.; 'I1lr\,lrNilr)' to win h,I~ seCond l Ct!lIIIlve kraut eating champion. .~t.h , 'e~ w., ;, Bengt!~r:- fornla InfIYtute ot Technology; It orillnally W6S set for , ~l.ilY CO HIT ... !=====ii O'KEEFE' LANE, BRAZZI . '. ' L;r..~te:. 'f~ t PrO~, J~flt\.' P.lPeters, lV_\fI ' Unl- 3 but was postppned att.r· the "",,UI IT .,um_ ,'( ICUfI.PUV If ~t~.~~~n~ aMj!:kraut i' . ~ I:'. Jib IvebltY"Bch06 o{ 'MedJc:lne;' New gQvertlment ban' ol'.lI1M!ed races S1!Y1N PAlIOS • IlItNIS Q'lUf[ • 1HA11W111X III !am , Hi. prJte w~. '50 POund. of way to go, ,or lilStan£e; , ~ol. Hl\lven; ~emll Ta.Ilo~. composer, tollowlng the cataatrophlc 2,4- 'GUTLA WTJlEAS""E' ~~ . . , low the red road to Roile\ Atl4i N.t,x" York.; ' an~\ p;tlf! 'Harold C. hour race at Le Man, where 84 PI, '''l~u~~K ;~~ER;~7~;~T'· .' ~ --. the belie roed to Naplflll, . Ure)" University of Chlca,o, people were Ikilled, . • •