Perspectives on Rhythm and Timing Glasgow, 19-21 July 2012 Book of Abstracts English Language University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, U.K. e-mail:
[email protected] web: Twitter: @RiS_2012 #PoRT2012 The production and perception of English speech rhythm by L2 Saudi Speakers Ghazi Algethami University of York
[email protected] Keywords: L2 speech, rhythm, perception, metrics 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1. INTRODUCTION The listeners were able to differentiate between the One of the major factors that contribute to the perception native and nonnative speakers regardless of the highly of foreign accent in the speech of L2 English speakers is distorted speech. There was a significant correlation the inappropriate use of rhythm [2]. However, it is one between the perceptual ratings and the scores of of the least studied aspects of L2 speech [1]. This is VarcoV, but not %V. mainly because of the elusive nature of speech rhythm, 4. REFERENCES and the lack of consensus among researchers about how to measure it. [1] Crystal, D. (2003). English as a global language (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Recently developed acoustic metrics of speech [2] Gut, U. (2003). Non-native speech rhythm in German. In rhythm have offered a tool for L2 speech researchers to Proceedings of the15th International Congress of Phonetic examine the production of speech rhythm by L2 Sciences (pp. 2437-2439). Barcelona, Spain. speakers. The current study examined the production of [3] White, L., & Mattys, S. (2007a). Calibrating rhythm: First English speech rhythm by L2 Saudi speakers by using a language and second language studies.