A-16 THE EVKj[INq BTAR,_Washlngton, D. C. Sf. Ambrose Paces Head 24-Mile Race PERUVIAN EUMINATES DELL Card Tonight Today Olmedo Draws Praise Holds Lead in AtBaltimore Set for Os Davis Cup Captain BALTIMORE. July It (tee- Loop Cup Yachts CHICAGO, July IS ' theede. Md, see yesterday. Gauzza 4—4, 4—l. o*to"vte na’ wiyStotetoS 0*to"vte Nlght Paos last week, te"to? MEWPOSTT, R. I, July 15 ( Later in ths day, Dasi and his favorite In a field of seven In {Jt\.—After two straight wins. JT‘“ the eighth of JEST-. o?”?? nee. eo-teaturo 19-yoar-oM Vtea toda^lntrtah a Britain’s Mtert Bevy, Los Angatoa. 7—4, 4-9. jjTtjSteS wS Americonna Direct, 4-year- old mare from the stable of squad* dron ta*two rmrtthihLm- rent Daria Cup ham toeded single la ths fifth In- nmn OoSSw hTtW She'D WmJSSh go Ikon the Ho. 4 position to- wind mad The broad-shouldered. night end among her eompeO- ftry?nbn»»*