The history and antiquities of . By Samuel G. Drake. [Prospectus] William Guild & Co. 156 Washington Street Boston [1856].

The History and Antiquities of Boston.


This splendid historical work is now complete. By the addition of this volume to the standard literature of New England, the extraordinary demand, which had existed for many years, for a full and reliable history of the eastern metropolis, is fully met.

The high qualifications of its Editor, Sam'l G. Drake, Esq., for writing a history of Boston, will be acknowledged by all. He possesses the peculiar faculty of making facts read aright. Matter considered dry by many, and diffuse, is brought by his pen, as by a mental microscope, into a pleasing and proper shape, suitable to be read and digested by the wisest as well as the most ordinary mind.

Within a few years, much that is new in regard to the first history of our fathers has been brought to light,—much that, in a few years more, would have been lost for ever. Many facts and occurrences, now for the first time published, will be found in the pages of Mr. Drake's work.

As a matter of necessity, the history of Boston, having been for such a length of time interwoven with that of Plymouth and other early settlements in the vicinity, a considerable portion of this volume is devoted to these kindred subjects. But this feature only makes the book doubly valuable for general reference.

The publishers confidently offer this volume as one of prominent and substantial value, which every literary man ought to buy for its own sake, and every citizen of New England for the sake of its object.

A large and beautiful Panoramic View of Boston and vicinity is contained in the work, together with the following steel plate engravings:— John Endicott, first Gov. of Mass.

John Winthrop, second Gov. of Mass.

John Cotton,

The history and antiquities of Boston. By Samuel G. Drake. [Prospectus] William Guild & Co. 156 Washington Street Boston [1856]. Sir Henry Vane,

John Leverett,

Charles Chauncy,

Rev. ,

Joseph Dudley,

Simon Bradstreet,

View of Bunker Hill Monument,

The Landing of the Pilgrims,

Fac Simile of Records,

William Stoughton,

Plan of Boston in 1722,

William Burnet,

T. Prince,

View of Boston in 1759,

James Otis,

Samuel Adams,

John Hancock.

Also, over two hundred and fifty wood engravings of portraits, views from nature, autographs, &c. &c.


The history and antiquities of Boston. By Samuel G. Drake. [Prospectus] William Guild & Co. 156 Washington Street Boston [1856]. This work was issued in 18 parts, at 25 cents each. The whole is now published complete in ONE LARGE OCTAVO VOLUME of 900 pages, elegantly bound in half turkey morocco, at the reduced price of Four Dollars.

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The history and antiquities of Boston. By Samuel G. Drake. [Prospectus] William Guild & Co. 156 Washington Street Boston [1856]. •Any information in regard to the prices of books, periodicals, or any matters connected therewith, will be cheerfully answered. Letters and orders may be addressed

WM. GUILD & CO. 156 Washington Street, BOSTON.

The history and antiquities of Boston. By Samuel G. Drake. [Prospectus] William Guild & Co. 156 Washington Street Boston [1856].