03.01.2014 To, the Director, CRZ

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03.01.2014 To, the Director, CRZ Date: 03.01.2014 To, The Director, CRZ, Infrastructure & Miscellaneous Projects & New Construction & Industrial Estates, Projects Expert Appraisal Committee, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Delhi. Sir, Sub: Submission of CRZ application for our RCC Construction– CRZ Clearance - Reg. With reference to above we here with submit CRZ application along with duly filled questionnaire for our proposed RCC Proof building construction at Sy No: 25/9 to 14, Rushikonda Village, Bheemili Beach Road, Division No. 06, Zone -1, GVMC, Visakhapatnam. The total site area is 4152.05 Sq.mts and the total Built up area (Stilt +G + First floor) will be of 2289.05 Sq mts. In this regard we request you to kindly consider our application for the CRZ Clearance. Thanking you Yours faithfully For ANANTHAKOTI RAJU DEVELOPERS PVT LTD Authorized Signatory INDEX 1. CRZ Application 2. Questionnaire 3. Ground Water Report –Annexure –I 4. Sewage Treatment Plant – Annexure –II 5. Solid waste Generation 6. Solar Energy 7. Demarcation of HTL & CRZ Mapping 8. VUDA Master Plan 9. CZMA Minutes 10 . CFE From APPCB 11. Bulk Water supply from GVMC 12. P. rovisional Registration under Tourism Policy 13 . Collector Acknowledgement 14 . Ground Water Report by Ground Water Department APPLICATION FORM I A Name and address of the project ANANTHAKOTI RAJU DEVELOPERS PVT. proposed LTD, S.NO: 25/9 TO 14 OF RUSHIKONDA VILLAGE, BHEEMILI BEACH ROAD, DIVISION NO 8, ZONE -1, GVMC, VISAKHAPATNAM Dt., A.P. B Location of the project Name of the place Rushikonda Village District Visakhapatnam District Latitude / Latitude 17º47’14.11” N Longitude Longitude 83º23’4.20” E Nearest Airport Visakhapatnam Airport – 18.15 km Railway Station Visakhapatnam Railway Station - 12.35km C Site Selection Not applicable. Alternative Sites examinated Reason for selecting the proposed site D Does the site conform to stipulated land Yes, the site conforms to the stipulated land use use as per local land use plans II Objectives of the project Construction of RCC proof building in Stilt, Ground floor & first floor and function hall, Meditation hall III A Land requirement Total area of the land = 4152.05 Sq.mts 1. Agricultural land Block –A (Stilt +G +First floor) = 978.4 Sq.mts Block- B (Stilt +Ground Floor) = 929.02 Sq.mts Block-C (Stilt +G +First floor) = 381.63 Sq.mts Total built up area =2289.05 sq.mts Parking area = 924.88 Sq.mts 2. Forest land and Density of Nil vegetation -- 3. Other (specify) B 1: Land use in the catchment within the The land use map is given as enclosure 10Km radius of the proposed site Flat Terrain 2: Topography of the proposed area indicating gradient, aspects and altitude 3. Erodability classification of the proposed land C Pollution sources existing within 10Km Health City – 8.0 Kms radius and their impact on the quality of air, water and land D Distance of the nearest Park / Sanctuary / Indira Gandhi Zoological Park – 4.25 Km Biosphere / Monuments / Reserve / Kambalakonda Eco-Tourism Park – 4.75 Km heritage site / Reserve Forest E Rehabitation Plan for quarries/ borrow Quarry / Borrow material will be from areas approved quarries. A environmental management plan for the quarry / borrow areas will be prepared and implemented. F Green Belt Plan The plantation shall be taken up during the design stage wherever the construction is not proposed. In addition, 1.00m wide green belt all around the site premises will be developed. G Compensatory Afforestation plan Not applicable IV Climate and Air Quality A Wind rose at site The predominant wind directions observed during the study period are Summer - SW Winter - SE & SW Monsoon - NE&NW B Max. / Min. / Mean annual temperature Maximum Temperature : 460C Minimum Temperature : 240C C Frequency of inversion - D Frequency of cyclones / Data on number of cyclones in Visakhapatnam tornadoes / cloudburst Region on average 1-2 cyclones by annual may occur, cyclones are frequent during the month of November. E Ambient air quality area Air quality with respect to PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NOX at all the locations is within the CPCB stipulated National Ambient Quality (NAAQ) Standards for the respective land use categorization. Enclosed in questionnaire. F Nature & Concentration of emission of Construction Phase SPM, Gas, (CO2, CHn, CO, NO2, etc.) Dust generation due to construction from project. activities Noise pollution from heavy machinery and transportation. Vehicles involved in transportation of construction materials. Alteration of Drainage Operation phase Generation of exhaust gases from transport and utilities Consumption of natural resource Sewage Management Operation of emergency DG sets Emissions will mainly comprise of SPM, SO2 and NOX, V Water Bodies A Water balance at site Fresh Water: Domestic –3.75KLD Others – 8.0 KLD Waste Water: Domestic – 2.5K LD B Lean season water availability Not Applicable C Source to be tapped with competing users - (rivers, lake, ground, public supply) D Water quality The Municipal water is used for domestic purposes. E Changes observed in quality and quantity There is no extraction ground water for meeting of ground water in the last 15 years and the domestic activity. present charging and extraction details F 1.Quantum of waste water to be release 2.5 KLD of waste water will be released from with treatment details the proposed activity. Disposal: Septic Tank followed by soak pit/Gardening 2. Quantum of quality of water in the Not applicable receiving body before and after disposal of waste. 3.Quantum of waste water to be released Purpose Quantity Mode of final disposal on land and type of land Drinking 3.75 KLD Septic tank followed by soak pit/ Others 8.0 KLD Greenbelt/Municipal sewer Total 11.75 KLD Type of Land : Flat Terrain G Details of reservoir water quality with Not applicable necessary Catchment Treatment Plan Not applicable Command area development plan Note: No Catchment area exist within 2 Km of site area. VI SOLID WASTE A Nature and quantity of solid wastes Solid wastes will be mainly, domestic generated Nature: - 1. Garbage 2. Used batteries 3. Waste Oil B Solid waste Details 1. Garbage – 20Kg/day 2. STP Sludge – 1Kg/Day 3. Used Batteries – 2 Nos./Year 4. Waste Oil – 30 LPA VII Noise and vibrations A Sources of noise and vibrations The following are expected during construction and operation of the Residential Apartment. Construction phase: Machinery / Construction equipment Vehicles involved in transportation of construction materials Operation phase: Diesel Generator units, Air compressors, etc. Vehicular movement B Ambient noise levels The ambient noise levels in the study area range from 45 – 75dB(A) C Noise and vibration control measures The abatement measures include proposed DG Sets will be acoustic enclosures Green belt development Tree plantation all around the site premises are recommended within the project premises. D Subsidence problem, if any with control Not reported measures VIII Power requirement indicating source of Power requirement estimated for the proposed supply facilities is around 50 KVA. Power to meet the above requirements will be Provided by APSEB. Complete environment details to be No captive power plant unit proposed furnished separately, if captive power unit proposed IX Peak labour force to be employed giving About 30 laborers would be employed during details the construction. Endemic health problems in the area due As per records no such endemic diseases are to waste water/air/soil-borne disease acrossed. Health care system existing and proposed Availability of first aid and health facilities, Construction workers are to be provided with personal protective equipment (PPE), such as ear plugs, helmets, safety shoes etc. X A Number of villages and population to be Nil displaced B Rehabilitation master plan Not applicable XI Risk Assessment Report and Disaster Management Plan XII Reports prepared as per guidelines of Not Applicable MOEF issued from time to time As the project is not covered under EIA notification, 2006. A Environmental Impact Assessment Not Applicable B Environmental Management Plan Not Applicable C Detailed Feasibility Report Not Applicable D Duly filled in questionnaire Enclosed XIII Details of Environmental Management Organization chart Cell I here by give an undertaking that the data and information given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I am aware that any if any part of the data / information submitted is found to be false or misleading at any stage, the project be rejected and the clearance given, if any, to the project is likely to be revoked at our risk and cost. Signature of the applicant Date: 31.12.2013 Place: VISAKHAPATNAM QUESTIONNAIRE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL APPRAISAL (FOR LAYING PIPELINES & CONVEYANCE FACILITIES FOR INDUSTRIES AND OTHER PROJECTS LOCATED IN CRZ EXCEPT PORTS & HARBOURS) Note 1 : All information given in the form of annexures should be part of this file itself. Annexures as separate files will not be accepted. Note2 : Please enter x in appropriate box where answer is Yes/No I. General Information A. Name of the Project : Ananthakoti Raju Developers Pvt. Ltd 1. Existing project/proposed project/ expansion project/modernization project : Proposed Project 2. If Existing/expansion/ modernization project, whether environmental clearance has been obtained : NA Square Metres B. Size (Built up Area) 2289.05 C. Location Village Tehsil District State Rushikonda Visakhapatnam Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh D. Geographical Information 1. Survey no. 25/9 to 14 2. Latitude 17047’14.11” N 3. Longitude 83023’4.20” E 4. Elevation above Mean 10.3 Sea Level (Metres) Hotels/Beach Resorts and Other Projects 1 5. Total Area envisaged for 0.4152 Ha setting up of project (in ha.) 6. Nature of terrain Flat 7. Nature of Soil (permeability) Black cotton with patches of red soil 8. Stability Status of the Coast, i.e. (i) Is it stable? Yes √ No No (ii) Is it accreding? Yes No √ (iii) Is it eroding? Yes No √ (iv) Is it prone to flooding? Yes No √ 9.
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