l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124 Return of Private Foundation OMB No 1545-0052 Form 990 -PF or Section 4947 ( a)(1) Trust Treated as Private Foundation 0- Do not enter Social Security numbers on this form as it may be made public . By law, the 2013 IRS cannot redact the information on the form. Department of the Treasury 0- Information about Form 990-PF and its instructions is at www. irs.gov/form990pf . Internal Revenue Service

For calendar year 2013 , or tax year beginning 01 - 01-2013 , and ending 12-31-2013

Name of foundation A Employer identification number OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE 13-7029285 O/o MATIA ARBOLINO Number and street (or P 0 box number if mail is not delivered to street address) Room/suite U ieiepnone number (see instructions) 224 WEST 57TH STREET Suite (212) 548-0600

City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code C If exemption application is pending, check here F NEW YORK, NY 10019

G Check all that apply r'Initial return r'Initial return of a former public charity D 1. Foreign organizations, check here F

r-Final return r'Amended return 2. Foreign organizations meeting the 85% test, r Address change r'Name change check here and attach computation E If private foundation status was terminated H Check type of organization Section 501(c)(3) exempt private foundation und er section 507 ( b )( 1 )( A ), c hec k here F_ Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust r'Other taxable private foundation I Fair market value of all assets at end J Accounting method F Cash F Accrual F If the foundation is in a 60-month termination of year (from Part II, col. (c), r Other (specify) under section 507(b)(1)(B), check here 0- F line 1,590,570,302 (Part I, column (d) must be on cash basis.)

(d) Disbursements Analysis of Revenue and Expenses (The (a) Revenue and (b) Net investment (c) Adjusted net for charitable total of amounts in columns (b), (c), and (d) may not expenses per income income purposes necessanly equal the amounts in column (a) (see books instructions) ) (cash basis only) 1 Contributions, gifts, grants, etc , received (attach 41,101,500 schedule)

2 Check ► F- if the foundation is not required to attach Sch B 3 Interest on savings and temporary cash investments 9,294 9,294 9,294 4 Dividends and interest from securities. . . 74 4,826,557 4,826,557 5a Gross rents ...... b Net rental income or (loss) q} 6a Net gain or (loss) from sale of assets not on line 10 117,507,037

b Gross sales price for all assets on line 6a } 221, 326, 483 7 Capital gain net income (from Part IV, line 2) . . 121,846,063 8 Net short-term capital gain ......

9 Income modifications ...... 193,999

10a Gross sales less returns and allowances b Less Cost of goods sold . c Gross profit or (loss) (attach schedule) . . 11 Other income (attach schedule) ...... -2,973,770 100,172 995

12 Total . Add lines 1 through 11 . . . . . 155,644,135 126,782,086 5,030,845 13 Compensation of officers, directors, trustees, etc 1,615,488 1,615,488

14 Other employee salaries and wages . . . 43,812,404 42,867,961

15 Pension plans, employee benefits . . . . 26,943,854 21,820,289 r_ 16a Legal fees (attach schedule) ...... 643,213 0 0 691,127 b Accounting fees (attach schedule) ...... 413,415 0 0 400,365 W c Other professional fees (attach schedule) . . . . 17,071,150 17,134,478

17 Interest ...... 1,073,674 1,133,999

4Z 18 Taxes (attach schedule) (see instructions) 11,536,822 1,311,564 19 Depreciation (attach schedule) and depletion . . . 5,678,735

20 Occupancy ...... 9,047,524 7,364,399

21 Travel, conferences, and meetings . . . . 11,457,904 11,758,368 r_ 22 Printing and publications ...... 784,165 772,898 23 Other expenses (attach schedule) ...... 12,858,839 13,150,773 5= 24 Total operating and administrative expenses. Add lines 13 through 23 ...... 142,937,187 0 0 120,021,709 25 Contributions, gifts, grants paid . . . . . 47,507,220 24,615,821

26 Total expenses and disbursements. Add lines 24 and 190,444,407 0 0 144,637,530 25 27 Subtract line 26 from line 12 a Excess of revenue over expenses and disbursements -34,800,272 b Net investment income (if negative, enter -0-) 126,782,086 c Adjusted net income (if negative, enter -0-) 5,030,845 For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions . Cat No 11289X Form 990-PF (2013) Form 990-PF (2013) Panes 2 Attached schedules and amounts in the description column Beginning of year End of year Balance Sheets should be for end-of- y ear amounts onl y (See instructions ( a) Boo k Va l ue ( b ) Boo k Va l ue (c) F air M arket Va l ue 1 Cash-non - interest-bearing ...... 33,555,442 47,646,089 47,646,089 2 Savings and temporary cash investments ...... 3,195,489 1,263,287 1,263,287 3,330,065 3 Accounts receivable ► Less allowance for doubtful accounts 6,312,893 3,330,065 3,330,065

4 Pledges receivable ► Less allowance for doubtful accounts 5 Grants receivable ...... 940 6 Receivables due from officers , directors , trustees , and other disqualified persons ( attach schedule ) ( see instructions) . . 7 Other notes and loans receivable ( attach schedule) Oil

Less allowance for doubtful accounts ► 8 Inventories for sale or use ...... 9 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges ...... uti 4 10a Investments - U S and state government obligations ( attach schedule) b Investments -corporate stock ( attach schedule ) . . . . . c Investments-corporate bonds ( attach schedule ). . . . .

11 Investments - land, buildings , and equipment basis ► Less accumulated depreciation ( attach schedule) Oil 12 Investments - mortgage loans ...... 13 Investments -other ( attach schedule ) ...... 571,843,000 1,458,921 ,234 1,458,921,234 14 Land, buildings, and equipment basis Ilk, 71,124,364 Less accumulated depreciation ( attach schedule ) Oil 9,100,641 46,772,135 62,023,723 62,023,723

15 Other assets ( describe llk^ ) 24,191,536 17,385,904 17,385,904 16 Total assets ( to be completed by all filers-see the instructions Also, see page 1, item I) 685,871,435 1,590,570,302 1,590,570,302

17 Accounts payable and accrued expenses ...... 58,593,345 59,151,859

18 Grants payable ...... 64,264,670 31,196,150 19 Deferred revenue ...... +' 20 Loans from officers, directors , trustees, and other disqualified persons 0 500,000,000 21 Mortgages and other notes payable ( attach schedule)

J 22 Other liabilities ( describe ) 95 70,375,586 Qg 46,528,351

23 Total liabilities ( add lines 17 through 22) . 193,233,601 636,876,360 Foundations that follow SFAS 117, check here F and complete lines 24 through 26 and lines 30 and 31.

Q} 24 U nrestricted ...... 492,637,834 953,693,942 25 Temporarily restricted 26 Permanently restricted co Foundations that do not follow SFAS 117, check here Ilk, fl and complete lines 27 through 31. u_ 27 Capital stock, trust principal, or current funds ...... 28 Paid-in or capital surplus , or land, bldg , and equipment fund 29 Retained earnings , accumulated income, endowment , or other funds w1 30 Total net assets or fund balances ( see page 17 of the instructions ) ...... 492,637,834 953,693,942 31 Total liabilities and net assets/ fund balances ( see page 17 of the instructions ) ...... 685,871,435 1,590,570,302

UMM Analysis of Changes in Net Assets or Fund Balances

1 Total net assets or fund balances at beginning of year-Part II, column (a), line 30 (must agree with end-of-year figure reported on prior year's return) ...... 1 492,637,834 2 Enter amount from Part I, line 27a ...... 2 -34,800,272 3 495,856,385 3 Other increases not included in line 2 (itemize) ► S 4 Add lines 1, 2, and 3 ...... 4 953,693,947 5 5 5 Decreases not included in line 2 (itemize) ► 6 Total net assets orfund balances at end of year (line 4 minus line 5)- Part II, column (b), line 30 6 953,693,942 Form 990-PF (2013) Form 990-PF (2013) Page 3 Ca ital Gains and Losses for Tax on Investment Income (b) How acquired (a) List and describe the kind ( s) of property sold (e g , real estate, (c) Date acquired (d) Date sold P-Purchase 2-story brick warehouse, or common stock, 200 shs MLC Co (mo , day, yr ( mo , day, yr D-Donation la QUANTUM ENDOWMENT FUND IRELAND PLC CLASS C P 1990-01-01 2013-07-31 UNRESTRICTED b C d e ( f) Depreciation allowed (g) Cost or other basis (h) Gain or (loss) (e) Gross sales price (or allowable) plus expense of sale ( e) plus (f) minus (g) a 221,326,483 99,480,420 121,846,063 b C d e Complete only for assets showing gain in column ( h) and owned by the foundation on 12/31/69 ( I) Gains (Col (h) gain minus (j) Adjusted basis (k) Excess of col (i) col (k), but not less than -0-) or (i) F M V as of 12/ 31/69 as of 12/31/69 over col (j), if any Losses ( from col (h)) a 121,846,063 b C d e If gain, also enter in Part I, line 7 2 Capital gain net income or (net capital loss) If (loss), enter - 0- in Part I, line 7 2 121,846,063 3 Net short - term capital gain or ( loss) as defined in sections 1222 (5) and (6)

If gain, also enter in Part I, line 8, column (c) (see instructions ) If (loss ), enter -0- in Part I, line 8 3

Qualification Under Section 4940(e) for Reduced Tax on Net Investment Income (For optional use by domestic private foundations subject to the section 4940( a) tax on net investment income )

f section 4940( d)(2) applies, leave this part blank

Was the foundation liable for the section 4942 tax on the distributable amount of any year in the base period? fl Yes F No If "Yes," the foundation does not qualify under section 4940 ( e) Do not complete this part

1 Enter the appropriate amount in each column for each year, see page 18 of the instructions before making any entries

(d) Base period years Calendar Distribution ratio Adjusted qualifying distributions Net value of noncharitable-use assets year (or tax year beginning in) (col (b) divided by col (c)) 2012 253,862,625 616,966,843 0 411469 2011 125,987,791 991,463,701 0 127073 2010 111,918,373 987,185,363 0 113371 2009 143,270,469 927,602,013 0 154453 2008 181,785,264 1,485,551,057 0 122369

2 Total of line 1, column (d) ...... 2 0 928735 3 Average distribution ratio for the 5-year base period-divide the total on line 2 by 5, or by the number of years the foundation has been in existence if less than 5 years 3 0 185747

4 Enter the net value of noncharitable-use assets for 2013 from Part X, line 5. . . . . 4 252,090,407

5 Multiply line 4 by line 3 ...... 5 46,825,037

6 Enter 1% of net investment income (1% of Part I, line 27b)...... 6 1,267,821

7 Add lines 5 and 6 ...... 7 48,092,858

8 Enter qualifying distributions from Part XII, line 4 ...... 8 169,213,142 If line 8 is equal to or greater than line 7, check the box in Part VI, line 1b, and complete that part using a 1% tax rate See the Part VI instructions Form 990-PF (2013) Form 990-PF (2013) Page 4 FEMEW Excise Tax Based on Investment Income ( Section 4940 ( a), 4940 ( b), 4940(e), or 4948 -see page 18 of the instructions) la Exempt operating foundations described in section 4940(d)(2), check here ► fl and enter "N/A" on line 1 Date of ruling or determination letter ( attach copy of letter if necessary-see instructions) b Domestic foundations that meet the section 4940(e) requirements in Part V, check 1 1,267,821

here ► Rand enter 1% of Part I, line 27b ...... c All other domestic foundations enter 2% of line 27b Exempt foreign organizations enter 4% of Part I, line 12, col (b) 2 Tax under section 511 (domestic section 4947(a)(1) trusts and taxable foundations only Others enter -0-) 2 3 Add lines 1 and 2 ...... 3 1,267,821 4 Subtitle A (income) tax (domestic section 4947(a)(1) trusts and taxable foundations only Others enter -0-) 4 5 Tax based on investment income . Subtract line 4 from line 3 If zero or less, enter -0- . . . . . 5 1,267,821 6 Credits/Payments a 2013 estimated tax payments and 2012 overpayment credited to 2013 6a 3,249,506 b Exempt foreign organizations-tax withheld at source . . . . 6b c Tax paid with application for extension of time to file (Form 8868) 6c d Backup withholding erroneously withheld ...... 6d 7 Total credits and payments Add lines 6a through 6d ...... 7 3,249,506 8 Enter any penalty for underpayment of estimated tax Check here F if Form 2220 is attached 8

9 Tax due . If the total of lines 5 and 8 is more than line 7, enter amount owed ...... ► 9 10 Overpayment . If line 7 is more than the total of lines 5 and 8, enter the amount overpaid . . . 10 1,981,685

11 Enter the amount of line 10 to be credited to 2014 estimated tax 111111 990,843 Refunded ► 11 990,842 Statements Re g ardin g Activities la During the tax year, did the foundation attempt to influence any national, state, or local legislation or did Yes No it participate or intervene in any political campaign? ...... la No b Did it spend more than $100 during the year (either directly or indirectly) for political purposes (see page 19 of the instructions for definition) ? ...... lb No If the answer is "Yes" to la or 1b, attach a detailed description of the activities and copies of any materials published or distributed by the foundation in connection with the activities. c Did the foundation file Form 1120-POL for this year? ...... 1c No d Enter the amount (if any) of tax on political expenditures (section 4955) imposed during the year (1) O n the foundation $ 0 (2) O n foundation managers Ik- $ 0 e Enter the reimbursement (if any) paid by the foundation during the year for political expenditure tax imposed

on foundation managers ► $ 0 2 Has the foundation engaged in any activities that have not previously been reported to the IRS? . . . . 2 No If "Yes," attach a detailed description of the activities. 3 Has the foundation made any changes, not previously reported to the IRS, in its governing instrument, articles of incorporation, or bylaws, or other similar instruments? If "Yes,"attach a conformed copy of the changes . . 3 No 4a Did the foundation have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more during the year?...... 4a No b If "Yes," has it filed a tax return on Form 990-T for this year? ...... 4b 5 Was there a liquidation, termination, dissolution, or substantial contraction during the year? ...... 5 No If "Yes,"attach the statement required by General Instruction T. 6 Are the requirements of section 508(e) (relating to sections 4941 through 4945) satisfied either • By language in the governing instrument, or • By state legislation that effectively amends the governing instrument so that no mandatory directions that conflict with the state law remain in the governing instrument? ...... 6 Yes 7 Did the foundation have at least $5,000 in assets at any time during the year? If "Yes," complete Part II, col. (c), and Part XV. 7 Yes 8a Enter the states to which the foundation reports or with which it is registered (see instructions) ( MD, NY b If the answer is "Yes" to line 7, has the foundation furnished a copy of Form 990-PF to the Attorney General (or designate) of each state as required by General Instruction G? If "No," attach explanation 8b Yes 9 Is the foundation claiming status as a private operating foundation within the meaning of section 4942(j)(3) or 4942(j)(5) for calendar year 2013 or the taxable year beginning in 2013 (see instructions for Part XIV )? If "Yes, " complete Part XIV ...... 9 Yes 10 Did any persons become substantial contributors during the tax year? If "Yes," attach a schedule listing their names and addresses. 10 No Form 990-PF (2013) Form 990-PF (2013) Page 5 Statements Re g ardin g Activities (continued) 11 At any time during the year, did the foundation, directly or indirectly, own a controlled entity within the meaning of section 512(b)(13)? If "Yes," attach schedule (see instructions) 95...... 11 Yes 12 Did the foundation make a distribution to a donor advised fund over which the foundation or a disqualified person had advisory privileges? If "Yes," attach statement (see instructions) ...... 12 No 13 Did the foundation comply with the public inspection requirements for its annual returns and exemption application? 13 Yes Website address J WWW SOROS ORG

14 The books are in care of ' MAIJA ARBOLINO Telephone no ' (212) 548-0600

Located at 1111 224 WEST 57TH STREET NEW YORK NY ZIP+4 X 10019

15 Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts filing Form 990-PF in lieu of Form 1041 -Check here ...... ik' F and enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the year ...... I 15

16 At any time during calendar year 2013, did the foundation have an interest in or a signature or other authority over Yes No a bank, securities, or other financial account in a foreign country? 16 Yes See instructions for exceptions and filing requirements for Form TD F 90-22 1 If "Yes", enter the name of the foreign country LO

Statements Re g ardin g Activities for Which Form 4720 Ma y Be Re q uired File Form 4720 if any item is checked in the "Yes" column, unless an exception applies. Yes No la During the year did the foundation (either directly or indirectly) (1) Engage in the sale or exchange, or leasing of property with a disqualified person? fl Yes F No (2) Borrow money from, lend money to, or otherwise extend credit to (or accept it from) a disqualified person? ...... F Yes 1 No (3) Furnish goods, services, or facilities to (or accept them from) a disqualified person? F Yes 1 No (4) Pay compensation to, or pay or reimburse the expenses of, a disqualified person? F Yes 1 No (5) Transfer any income or assets to a disqualified person (or make any of either available for the benefit or use of a disqualified person)? ...... fl Yes F No (6) Agree to pay money or property to a government official? ( Exception . Check "No" if the foundation agreed to make a grant to or to employ the official for a period after termination of government service, if terminating within 90 days )...... fl Yes F No b If any answer is "Yes" to la(1 )-(6 ), did any of the acts fail to qualify under the exceptions described in Regulations section 53 4941 (d)-3 or in a current notice regarding disaster assistance (see page 20 of the instructions) ?. . . lb No Organizations relying on a current notice regarding disaster assistance check here...... lk- F_ c Did the foundation engage in a prior year in any of the acts described in 1 a, other than excepted acts, that were not corrected before the first day of the tax year beginning in 20137 ...... 1c No 2 Taxes on failure to distribute income (section 4942) (does not apply for years the foundation was a private operating foundation defined in section 4942(j)(3) or4942(j)(5)) a At the end of tax year 2013, did the foundation have any undistributed income (lines 6d and 6e, Part XIII) for tax year(s) beginning before 2013? ...... fl Yes F No If "Yes," list the years 20 , 20 , 20 , 20 b Are there any years listed in 2a for which the foundation is not applying the provisions of section 4942(a)(2) (relating to incorrect valuation of assets) to the year's undistributed income? (If applying section 4942(a)(2) to all years listed, answer "No" and attach statement-see instructions ) ...... 2b c If the provisions of section 4942(a)(2) are being applied to any of the years listed in 2a, list the years here lllk^ 20 , 20 , 20 , 20 3a Did the foundation hold more than a 2% direct or indirect interest in any business enterprise at any time during the year? ...... F Yes fl No b If "Yes," did it have excess business holdings in 2013 as a result of (1) any purchase by the foundation or disqualified persons after May 26, 1969, (2) the lapse of the 5-year period (or longer period approved by the Commissioner under section 4943(c)(7 )) to dispose of holdings acquired by gift or bequest, or (3) the lapse of the 10-, 15-, or 20-year first phase holding period? (Use Schedule C, Form 4720, to determine if the foundation had excess business holdings in 2013 .)...... 3b No 4a Did the foundation invest during the year any amount in a manner that would jeopardize its charitable purposes? 4a No b Did the foundation make any investment in a prior year (but after December 31, 1969) that could jeopardize its charitable purpose that had not been removed from jeopardy before the first day of the tax year beginning in 2013? 4b No Form 990-PF (2013) Form 990-PF (2013) Page 6 Statements Re g ardin g Activities for Which Form 4720 Ma y Be Re q uired (continued) 5a During the year did the foundation pay or incur any amount to (1) Carry on propaganda, or otherwise attempt to influence legislation (section 4945(e))? fl Yes F No (2) Influence the outcome of any specific public election (see section 4955), or to carry on, directly or indirectly, any voter registration drive? ...... fl Yes F No (3) Provide a grant to an individual for travel, study, or other similar purposes? F Yes (- No (4) Provide a grant to an organization other than a charitable, etc , organization described in section 509(a)(1 ), (2), or (3), or section 4940(d)(2)? (see instructions)...... F Yes (- No (5) Provide for any purpose other than religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes, or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals?...... (- Yes F No b If any answer is "Yes" to 5a(1 )-(5 ), did any of the transactions fail to qualify under the exceptions described in Regulations section 53 4945 or in a current notice regarding disaster assistance (see instructions )? ...... 5b No Organizations relying on a current notice regarding disaster assistance check here...... (- c If the answer is "Yes" to question 5a(4), does the foundation claim exemption from the tax because it maintained expenditure responsibility for the grant?...... F Yes (- No If "Yes," attach the statement required by Regulations section 53.4945-5(d). 6a Did the foundation, during the year, receive any funds, directly or indirectly, to pay premiums on a personal benefit contract? ...... fl Yes F No b Did the foundation, during the year, pay premiums, directly or indirectly, on a personal benefit contract? . . . . 6b No If "Yes" to 6b, file Form 8870. 7a At any time during the tax year, was the foundation a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction? 1 Yes F No b If yes, did the foundation receive any proceeds or have any net income attributable to the transaction? . . . . 7b Information About Officers, Directors, Trustees, Foundation Managers, Highly Paid Employees, and Contractors 1 List all officers, directors, trustees, foundation managers and their compensation ( see instructions). (b) Title, and average (c) Compensation (d) Contributions to (e) Expense account, (a) Name and address hours per week (If not paid , enter employee benefit plans other allowances devoted to position -0-) and deferred compensation See Additional Data Table

2 Compensation of five highest -paid employees ( other than those included on line 1-see instructions). If none, enter " NONE." (d) Contributions to (b) Title, and average (a) Name and address of each employee employee benefit (e) Expense account, hours per week ( c) Compensation paid more than $ 50,000 plans and deferred other allowances devoted to position compensation MARY CADAGIN CHIEF INFO OFFICER 328,360 71,032 40 0 224 WEST 57TH STREET NEWYORK,NY 10019 GEORGE VICKERS DIR O F INT'L O P 365,834 208,503 40 0 224 WEST 57TH STREET NEWYORK,NY 10019 JAMES GOLDSTON EXE DIR OSJI 322,665 138,876 40 0 224 WEST 57TH STREET NEWYORK,NY 10019 TWANDA MUTASAH SENIOR ADVISOR 320,511 57,766 40 0 224 WEST 57TH STREET NEWYORK,NY 10019 KENNETH ZIMMERMAN DIR, USP 348,322 70,516 40 0 224 WEST 57TH STREET NEWYORK,NY 10019

Total number of other employees paid over $ 50 ,000 ...... ► 378 Form 990-PF (2013) Form 990-PF (2013) Page 7 Information About Officers, Directors, Trustees , Foundation Managers, Highly Paid Employees, and Contractors (continued) 3 Five highest-paid independent contractors for professional services (see instructions ). If none, enter "NONE". (a) Name and address of each person paid more than $50,000 ( b) Type of service ( c) Compensation ACCENTURE INFO&TECH ASSESSMENT 4,590,274 PO BOX 70629 CHICAGO,IL 60673 NETSUITE INC SYSTEM IMPLEMENT 1,265,326 2955 CAMPUS DRIVE SAN MATEO,CA 94403 HUNGRY HEART MEDIA INC CREATES FILMS 1,128,810 8330 W 3RD ST LOS ANGELES,CA 90048 COLLIERS TRI-STATE MANAGEMENT LLC CONSTRUCTION 542,822 380 MADISON AVE NEWYORK,NY 10017 BIT BY BIT COMPUTER CONSULTANTS INC COMPUTER EQUIP SUPT 430,325 PO BOX 1814 NEWYORK,NY 10001 Total number of others receiving over $50,000 for professional services. 56 Summary of Direct Charitable Activities

List the foundation' s four largest direct charitable activities during the tax year Include relevant statistical information such as the number of organizations and other beneficiaries served, conferences convened, research papers produced, etc Expenses 1NETWORK SCHOLARSHIPS SUPPORT GRANT ACTIVITIES THAT EMPOWER STUDENTS/SCHOLARS TO 12,143,393 IMPROVE ACADEMIC, SOCIAL & DEMOCRATIC ENVIRONMENTS IN HOME COUNTRIES, FUNDED 600 GRANTS IN 2013 2US PROGRAMS SUPPORTS EFFORTS TO ADVANCE EQUALITY, FAIRNESS, AND JUSTICE WITH A FOCUS 14,943,007 ON THE MOST VULNERABLE AND MARGINALIZED COMMUNITIES HAD OVER 350 GRANTS 3THE OPEN SOCIETY JUSTICE INITIATIVE USES LAWTO PROTECT & EMPOWER PEOPLE AROUND THE 10,226,957 WORLD 4PUBLIC HEALTH PROGRAM SUPPORTS MARGINALIZED POPULATIONS ORGANIZED 35 8,516,484 WORKSHOP/SEMINAR/MEETING, ASSISTED 70 GRANTEES AROUND THE WORLD AND WORKED ON 36 PUBLICATIONS IN 2013 Summar y of Pro g ram - Related Investments ( see instructions ) Describe the two largest program - related investments made by the foundation during the tax year on lines 1 and 2 A mount 1


All other program- related investments See page 24 of the instructions 3

Total . Add lines 1 through 3 ...... ► Form 990-PF (2013) Form 990-PF (2013) Page 8 Minimum Investment Return (All domestic foundations must complete this part. Fo reign foundations, see instructions. ) 1 Fair market value of assets not used (or held for use) directly in carrying out charitable, etc , purposes a Average monthly fair market value of securities ...... la 735,413,530 b Average of monthly cash balances ...... lb 20,458,417 c Fair market value of all other assets (see instructions) ...... 1c 57,400 d Total (add lines la, b, and c) ...... ld 755,929,347 e Reduction claimed for blockage or other factors reported on lines la and 1c (attach detailed explanation ) ...... le 2 Acquisition indebtedness applicable to line 1 assets ...... 2 500,000,000 3 Subtract line 2 from line ld ...... 3 255,929,347 4 Cash deemed held for charitable activities Enter 1 1/2% of line 3 (for greater amount, see instructions) ...... 4 3,838,940 5 Net value of noncharitable -use assets . Subtract line 4 from line 3 Enter here and on Part V, line 4 5 252,090,407 6 Minimum investment return . Enter 5% of line 5 ...... 6 12,604,520 Distributable Amount (see instructions) (Section 49420)(3) and 0)(5) private operating foundations and certain forei g n org anizations check here llik^ F and do not com p lete this p art. ) 1 Minimum investment return from Part X, line 6 ...... 1 2a Tax on investment income for 2013 from Part VI, line 5 ...... 2a b Income tax for 2013 (This does not include the tax from Part VI ). . 2b c Add lines 2a and 2b ...... 2c 3 Distributable amount before adjustments Subtract line 2c from line 1...... 3 4 Recoveries of amounts treated as qualifying distributions ...... 4 5 Add lines 3 and 4 ...... 5 6 Deduction from distributable amount (see instructions ) ...... 6 7 Distributable amount as adjusted Subtract line 6 from line 5 Enter here and on Part XIII, line 1 ...... 7

Qualifying Distributions (see instructions)

1 Amounts paid (including administrative expenses) to accomplish charitable, etc , purposes a Expenses, contributions, gifts, etc -total from Part I, column (d), line 26...... la 144,637,530 b Program-related investments-total from Part IX-B ...... lb 0 2 Amounts paid to acquire assets used (or held for use) directly in carrying out charitable, etc , purposes ...... 2 24,575,612 3 Amounts set aside for specific charitable projects that satisfy the a Suitability test (prior IRS approval required) ...... 3a 0 b Cash distribution test (attach the required schedule) ...... 3b 0 4 Qualifying distributions. Add lines la through 3b Enter here and on Part V, line 8, and Part XIII, line 4 4 169,213,142 5 Foundations that qualify under section 4940(e) for the reduced rate of tax on net investment income Enter 1% of Part I, line 27b (see instructions) ...... 5 1,267,821 6 Adjusted qualifying distributions . Subtract line 5 from line 4 ...... 6 167,945,321 Note : The amount on line 6 will be used in Part V, column (b), in subsequent years when calculating whether the foundation qualifies for the section 4940(e) reduction of tax in those years Form 990-PF (2013) Form 990-PF (2013) Page 9 « Undistributed Income (see instructions) (a) (b) (c) (d) Corous Years Driorto 2012 2012 2013 1 Distributable amount for 2013 from Part XI, line 7 0 2 Undistributed income, if any, as of the end of 2013 a Enter amount for 2012 only...... 0 b Total for prior years 2011 , 2010 , 2009 0 3 Excess distributions carryover, if any, to 2013 a From 2008. . . . . b From 2009. . . . . c From 2010...... d From 2011. . . . . e From 2012. . . . . f Total of lines 3a through e...... 0 4 Qualifying distributions for 2013 from Part XII, line 4 11111 $ 0 a Applied to 2012, but not more than line 2a 0 b Applied to undistributed income of prior years (Election required-see instructions)...... c Treated as distributions out of corpus (Election required-see instructions)...... d Applied to 2013 distributable amount. . . . . e Remaining amount distributed out of corpus 0 5 Excess distributions carryover applied to 2013 (If an amount appears in column (d), the same amount must be shown in column (a).) 6 Enter the net total of each column as indicated below: a Corpus Add lines 3f, 4c, and 4e Subtract line 5 0 b Prior years' undistributed income Subtract line 4b from line 2b ...... 0 c Enter the amount of prior years' undistributed income for which a notice of deficiency has been issued, or on which the section 4942(a) tax has been previously assessed...... d Subtract line 6c from line 6b Taxable amount -see instructions ...... 0 e Undistributed income for 2012 Subtract line 4a from line 2a Taxable amount-see instructions ...... 0 f Undistributed income for 2013 Subtract lines 4d and 5 from line 1 This amount must be distributed in 2014 ...... 0 7 Amounts treated as distributions out of corpus to satisfy requirements imposed by section 170(b)(1)(F) or4942(g)(3) (see instructions) ...... 8 Excess distributions carryover from 2008 not applied on line 5 or line 7 (see instructions) . . . 9 Excess distributions carryover to 2014. Subtract lines 7 and 8 from line 6a ...... 0 10 Analysis of line 9 a Excess from 2009. . . . b Excess from 2010. . . . c Excess from 2011. . . . d Excess from 2012. . . . e Excess from 2013. . . . Form 990-PF (2013) Form 990-PF (2013) Page 10 « Private O p eratin g Foundations ( see instructions and Part VII-A q uestion 9 ) la If the foundation has received a ruling or determination letter that it is a private operating 1994-01-28 foundation, and the ruling is effective for 2013, enter the date of the ruling......

b Check box to indicate whether the organization is a private operating foundation described in section F 4942(j)(3) or F 4942(j)(5) 2a Enter the lesser of the adjusted net Tax year Prior 3 years income from Part I or the minimum (e) Total ( a) 2013 ( b) 2012 (c) 2011 (d) 2010 investment return from Part X for each year listed ...... 5,030,845 1,287,423 818,819 1,574,663 8,711,750 b 85% of line 2a ...... 4,276,218 1,094,310 695,996 1,338,464 7,404,988 c Qualifying distributions from Part XII, line 4 for each year listed . . . . , 169,213,142 253,774,008 125,502,724 111,918,373 660,408,247 d Amounts included in line 2c not used directly for active conduct of exempt activities ...... 18,597,924 90,992,449 33,648,633 27,430,453 170,669,459 e Qualifying distributions made directly for active conduct of exempt activities Subtract line 2d from line 2c . . 150,615,218 162,781,559 91,854,091 84,487,920 489,738,788 3 Complete 3a, b, or c for the alternative test relied upon a "Assets" alternative test-enter (1) Value of all assets ...... 0 0 0 (2) Value of assets qualifying under section 4942(j)(3)(B)(i) 0 b "Endowment " alternative test- enter 2/3 of minimum investment return shown in Part X, line 6 for each year listed . . . 8,403,014 20,684,878 33,183,981 32,906,179 95,178,052 c "Support " alternative test-enter (1) Total support other than gross investment income ( interest, dividends, rents , payments on securities loans ( section 0 512(a)( 5)), or royalties) . . . . (2) Support from general public and 5 or more exempt organizations as provided in 0 section 4942(j)(3)(B)(iii). (3) Largest amount of support from an exempt organization 0 (4) Gross investment income 0 Supplementary Information ( Complete this part only if the organization had $5,000 or more in assets at any time during the year-see instructions.) 1 Information Regarding Foundation Managers: a List any managers of the foundation who have contributed more than 2% of the total contributions received by the foundation before the close of any tax year (but only if they have contributed more than $5,000) (See section 507(d)(2) )

GEORGE SOROS b List any managers of the foundation who own 10% or more of the stock of a corporation (or an equally large portion of the ownership of a partnership or other entity) of which the foundation has a 10% or greater interest

NONE 2 Information Regarding Contribution , Grant , Gift, Loan, Scholarship, etc., Programs:

Check here r_ if the foundation only makes contributions to preselected charitable organizations and does not accept unsolicited requests for funds If the foundation makes gifts, grants, etc (see instructions) to individuals or organizations under other conditions, complete items 2a, b, c, and d

a The name, address, and telephone number or e-mail address of the person to whom applications should be addressed OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE GRANTS DEPT 224 WEST 57TH STREET NEWYORK,NY 10019 (212)548-0600 b The form in which applications should be submitted and information and materials they should include REFER TO WEBSITE AT WWW SOROS ORG c Any submission deadlines REFER TO WEBSITE AT WWW SOROS ORG d Any restrictions or limitations on awards, such as by geographical areas, charitable fields, kinds of institutions, or other factors REFER TO WEBSITE AT WWW SOROS ORG Form 990-PF (2013) Form 990-PF (2013) Page 11 Supplementary Information (continued) 3 Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment If recipient is an individual, Recipient Foundation show any relationship to Purpose of grant or status o f Amount any foundation manager contribution Name and address (home or business) recipient or substantial contributor a Paid during the year See Additional Data Table

Total . 3a 80,651,923 b Approved for future payment See Additional Data Table

Total . 3b 3,953,363 Form 990-PF (2013) Form 990-PF (2013) Page 12 Anal y sis of Income - Producin g Activities

Enter gross amounts unless otherwise indicated Unrelated business income Excluded by section 512, 513, or 514 (e) Related or (a) exempt (b) (c) (d) Business function income 1 Program service revenue Amount Exclusion code Amount code (See instructions a b c d e f g Fees and contracts from government agencies 2 Membership dues and assessments. . . . 3 Interest on savings and temporary cash investments ...... 14 9,294 4 Dividends and interest from securities. . . . 14 74 5 Net rental income or (loss) from real estate a Debt-financed property...... b Not debt-financed property. . . . . 6 Net rental income or (loss) from personal property ...... 7 Other investment income. . . . . 8 Gain or (loss) from sales of assets other than inventory . 18 117,507,037 9 Net income or (loss) from special events 10 Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory. 11 Other revenue a OTHER (LOSS)/ INCOME 01 -2,973,770 b c d e 12 Subtotal Add columns (b), (d), and (e). 114,542,635 13 Total . Add line 12, columns (b), (d), and (e) ...... 13 114,542,635 (See worksheet in line 13 instructions to verify c alculations ) Relationshi p of Activities to the Accom p lishment of Exem pt Pur p oses Explain below how each activity for which income is reported in column (e) of Part XVI-A contributed importantly to Line No. the accomplishment of the foundation's exempt purposes (other than by providing funds for such purposes) (See instructions )

Form 990-PF (2013) Form 990-PF (2013) Page 13 Information Regarding Transfers To and Transactions and Relationships With Noncharitable Exempt Organizations 1 Did the organization directly or indirectly engage in any of the following with any other organization described in section 501(c) of the Code (other than section 501 (c)(3) organizations) or in section 527, relating to political Yes No organizations? a Transfers from the reporting foundation to a noncharitable exempt organization of (1) Cash ...... la(1) No (2) Other assets ...... la(2) No b Other transactions (1) Sales of assets to a noncharitable exempt organization ...... lb(1) No (2) Purchases of assets from a noncharitable exempt organization ...... lb(2) No (3) Rental of facilities, equipment, or other assets ...... lb(3) No (4) Reimbursement arrangements ...... lb(4) Yes (5) Loans or loan guarantees ...... lb(5) No (6) Performance of services or membership or fundraising solicitations . lb(6) Yes c Sharing of facilities, equipment, mailing lists, other assets, or paid employees ...... 1c Yes d If the answer to any of the above is "Yes," complete the following schedule Column (b) should always show the fair market val ue of the goods, other assets, or services given by the reporting foundation If the foundation received less than fair ma rket value in any transaction or sharing arrangement, show in column (d) the value of the goods, other assets, or services rece ived

(a) Line No ( b) Amount involved (c) Name of noncharitable exempt organization ( d) Description of transfers, transactions, and sharing arrangements 1b(4) 9,743 OPEN SOC POLICY CTR OSPC ADVANCES OSI FOR ITS 1b(6) 520,496 OPEN SOC POLICY CTR ALLOCABLE SHARE OF OVERHEAD, & 1c 1,169,761 OPEN SOC POLICY CTR SALARY & BENEFITS OF SHARED

2a Is the foundation directly or indirectly affiliated with, or related to, one or more tax-exempt organizations described in section 501 ( c) of the Code ( other than section 501 ( c)(3)) or in section 527?...... FYes f No b If "Yes," complete the following schedule (a) Name of organization (b) Type of organization (c) Description of relationship OPEN SOCIETY POLICY SECTION 501(C)(4) COMMON SOURCE OF FUNDING AND

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct , and complete Sign based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge Here 2014-11-10 Signature of officer or trustee Date

Print/Type preparer 's name Preparer ' s Signature KPMGLLP- Paid MARGARET A Preparer BRADSHAW Use Firm's name 11. KPMG LLP Only Firm's address 0- 1676 INTERNATIONAL DRIVE MCL 22102 Form 990PF Part VIII Line 1 - List all officers, directors, trustees, foundation managers and their compensation

(a) Name and address ( b) Title, and average (c) Compensation (d) Contributions to (e) Expense account, hours per week ( If not paid, enter employee benefit other allowances devoted to position -0-) plans and deferred compensation

GEORGE SOROS TRUSTEE/CHAIR 0 0 9,443 25 0 888 Seventh Avenue NewYork,NY 10106


JONATHAN SOROS ID TRUSTEE 0 0 9,442 50 888 Seventh Avenue NEWYORK,NY 10106





ALEXANDER SOROS 95 TRUSTEE 0 0 9,442 50 888 Seventh Avenue NEWYORK,NY 10106


GAILSCOVELL 95 GENERAL COUNSEL, 125,685 33,376 9,442 SECRETARY 224 W 57TH ST 40 0 NEWYORK,NY 10019 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

9to5 National Association of Working PC to provide general support 5,000 Women 207 East Buffalo Street 211 M ilwaukee, WI 53202

A Touch of Comfort PO Box 1085 PC Matching Gift 300 Orange,CT 064777085

AABR Inc 15-08 College Pt Blvd PC Matching Gift 750 College Point, NY 11356

Achieve Foundation of South Orange NC Matching Gift 225 and Maplewood PO Box 84 Maplewood,NJ 07040

Adhikaar For Human Rights And PC to provide general support 2,500 Social justice 71-07 Woodside Avenue 1st Floor Woodside, NY 11377

Advocates for Children and Youth Inc PC Matching Gift 750 8 Market Place Ste 500 Baltimore,MD 21202

Africa Yoga Project c/o Office of PC to support the headquarters for 25,000 Thaniel J Beinert AYP's activities in Kenya, as , NY 11220 well as a mixed-use yoga and wellness center

African Christian Ministry 15 PC Matching Gift 2,100 Chetwynd Rd Paoli,PA 19301

African Cultural and Religious Society NC Matching Gift 5,700 of Washingt 1501 T Street SE Washington, DC 20020

Ahmad Farid Tookhy Apt 304 Individual to provide additional support to 475 Williamsburg Apartments 1 study at Georgetown Arlington,VA 22209 University

Ainur Begim 255 Whitney Ave Apt Individual to provide additional support to 950 32 study at Yale University NewHaven,CT 06511

Ainuska Sheripkanova 362 Riverside Individual to study Social Work at a U S 46,730 DriveRoom 6A1 university NewYork,NY 10027

Aka Kyaw Min Maw 1020 16th NApt Individual to provide additional support to 1,133 2 study at North Dakota State Fargo,ND 58102 University

Aka Kyaw Min Maw 1020 16th NApt Individual to provide additional support to 1,750 2 study at North Dakota State Fargo,ND 58102 University

Aksyon Inc 390 Charlton Avenue PC Matching Gift 30,000 South Orange, NJ 07079

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Aksyon Inc 390 Charlton Avenue PC Matching Gift 30,000 South Orange, NJ 07079

Alaska Community Foundation 3201 PC Matching Gift 375 C St Ste 110 Anchorage,AK 99503

Alexandru Ceban 139 South Street Individual to participate in the Civil 16,969 apt 3 Service Awards program (CSA) Waltham,MA 02453

Alexandru Lesanu 4450 Rivanna Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 9,221 River Way 3833 History from George Mason Fairfax,VA 220304441 University

All Stars Project Inc 543 West 42nd PC Matching Gift 1,500 St NewYork,NY 10036

Alliance for Educational Justice C/O NC to support the Alliance for 75,000 Make the Road New York 301 Grov Educational Justice Brooklyn, NY 11237

Alliance for Open Society PC Matching Gift 3,000 International Inc 224 West 57th Street NewYork,NY 10019

Alliance for Open Society PC to fund administrative 260,087 International Inc 224 West 57th expenses Street NewYork,NY 10019

Alliance for Open Society PC to convene, along with other 5,000,000 International Inc 224 West 57th philanthropic partners with Street deep investment in New York NewYork,NY 10019 City, a public engagement process designed to take the period from Election Day to Inauguration and turn it into an opportunity for broad public engagement including public conversations about policy issues, ideas and questions that affect communities through live events in an open tent and a mobile interactive engagement in the streets and online

Alliance for Sustainable Communities PC Matching Gift 6,000 - Lehigh Vall 1966 Creek Road Bethlehem, PA 18015

Almost Home Dog Rescue of NJ 28 PC Matching Gift 300 Schuyler Road Wayne,NJ 07470

Alzheimer's Association 360 PC Matching Gift 600 Lexington Ave 4th Floor NewYork,NY 10017

Alzheimers Disease and Related PC Matching Gift 300 Disorders Associati 225 N Michigan Ave 17th Floor Chicago,IL 606017633

Amala Foundation 1006 S 8th St PC Matching Gift 375 Austin,TX 78704

Amanda Alexander 2021 24th Street Individual to reduce the number of 36,587 Detroit, MI 48216 parents who lose their children permanenetly as a result of their incarceration, and remove systemic barriers to visitation and successful re-entry for parents

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Amanda Aronczyk 411 Caton Individual to produce and report news 36,467 Avenue reports and a radio Brooklyn, NY 11218 documentary on the financial barriers individuals face upon leaving prison and the impact that has on their families and communities

Amarjargal Amartuvshin Apt 609 Individual to take up a grant at American 7,557 1201 S Scott Street University as part of the Global Arlington,VA 22204 Faculty Grants Program (Track I Teaching Track) award

American Cancer Society Inc 20 PC Matching Gift 975 Mercer Street Hackensack,NJ 07601

American Cancer Society Inc 20 PC Matching Gift 375 Mercer Street Hackensack,NJ 07601

American Cancer Society Inc 20 PC Matching Gift 300 Mercer Street Hackensack,NJ 07601

American Cancer Society Inc 20 PC Matching Gift 300 Mercer Street Hackensack,NJ 07601

American Civil Liberties Union PC Matching Gift 9,000 Foundation Inc 125 Broad Street 18th Floor NewYork,NY 10004

American Foundation for Suicide PC Matching Gift 300 Prevention 120 Wall Street 22nd Floor NewYork,NY 10005

American Foundation for Suicide PC Matching Gift 750 Prevention 120 Wall Street 22nd Floor NewYork,NY 10005

American Friends Service Committee PC Matching Gift 150 1501 Cherry Street Philadelphia, PA 19102

American Jewish World Service Inc PC Matching Gift 1,200 45 West 36th Street 11th Floor NewYork,NY 10018

American Museum of Natural History PC Matching Gift 504 Central Park West at 79th Street NewYork City,NY 100235192

American National Red Cross 2025 PC Matching Gift 3,000 E St NW Washington, DC 20006

American Red Cross 2025 E Street PC Matching Gift 150 NW Washington, DC 20006

American Red Cross 2025 E Street PC Matching Gift 375 NW Washington, DC 20006

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

American Red Cross 2025 E Street PC Matching Gift 750 NW Washington, DC 20006

American Society for the Prevention PC Matching Gift 300 of C ruelty to 4 24 East 9 2nd Street NewYork,NY 10128

American Symphony Orchestra Inc PC Matching Gift 15,000 263 West 38th Street 10th Floor NewYork,NY 10018

American University in Cairo 420 PC to provide scholarships for 227,500 Fifth Avenue Third Floor fifteen young, promising New York, NY 10018 Egyptian civil society activists for higher education training in a Masters' degree program relevant to their public roles

American University in Cairo 420 PC to provide 10 Master's Degree 298,000 Fifth Avenue Third Floor scholarships to Egyptian, New York, NY 10018 Libyan, and Tunisian graduate students in the newly created Media Policy Concentration in the Public Policy Program

Amnesty International USA Inc 5 PC Matching Gift 540 Penn Plaza 14th Floor NewYork,NY 100018001

Ana Muniz 106 East Avenue 42 Individual to organize for the repeal of 48,870 Los Angeles, CA 90031 gang injunctions in Los Angeles

AndrewGaddis 299 West 31st Street Individual to build upon the successes of 1,000 Baltimore, MD 21211 the Charm City Clinic, a free community-based health center

Angad Bhalla 15 Crown Street Apt 61 Individual to dissemninate the film 26,139 Brooklyn, NY 11255 Herman's House which exposes the injustice of solitary confinement

Animal Welfare League of Alexandria PC Matching Gift 300 Virginia Incor 4101 EisenhowerAve Alexandria,VA 22314

Aperture Foundation Inc 547 West PC to provide general support 1,750 27th Street 4th Floor NewYork,NY 10001

Appalachian Therapeutic Riding PC Matching Gift 2,250 Center Inc 176 Chimney Ridge Burnsville, NC 28714

Arab Studies Institute (ASI-KP) NC to create a series of databases 125,000 10832 Oakcrest Court and organized debates to Fairfax, VA 22030 study, document, and understand the dominant paradigms of knowledge production on the Middle East and to assess their credibility in light of the Arab Uprisings

Arab Studies Institute (ASI-KP) NC to support the production and 70,848 10832 Oakcrest Court exchange of knowledge, Fairfax, VA 22030 analysis, and information about the Arab world, bringing the unique perspective of civil society activists, scholars, and others operating at the grassroots of society It seeks to raise awareness and foster debates about issues affecting MENA by highlighting the political economy, history, and culture in the region

Ardea Arts 463 Broome Street PC Matching Gift 1,200 NewYork,NY 10013

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Argus Community Inc 760 East PC Matching Gift 3,000 160th Street Bronx, NY 10475

Armen Mazmanyan Apt 17B 250 Individual to allow you to spend one 14,519 Gorge Road academic term (not to exceed Cliffside Park, NJ 07010 five months) at Harvard University (Host University) and return for the next academic term to your university of employment in your home country (Home University) to resume your responsibilities and apply the skills learned the previous academic term

Arslan Ivashov 150 Claremont ave Individual to allow you to spend one 10,805 apt 4d NY NY academic term (not to exceed New York, NY 10027 five months) at the New School for Social Research (Host University)

Arthritis Foundation 1330 W PC Matching Gift 7,500 Peachtree St Ste 100 Atlanta,GA 30309

Asef Bayat Asef BayatDept of Individual to explore how prevailing 48,330 SociologyUnivers perspectives have ignored the Urbana,IL 61801 social (non)movements as a key element contributing to citizenship

ASHA for Education PO Box 2407 PC Matching Gift 1,500 Redmond, WA 98052

Asia Catalyst Inc 39 West 32nd PC Matching Gift 300 Street Suite 1602 NewYork,NY 10001

Asma Abu-Dahab 23-39 31st Drive Individual to study Social Work at 15,774 Apartment 3R Columbia University NewYork,NY 11106

Association for India's Development PC to provide general support 2,500 Inc 30 River Ct Apt 2710 Jersey City,NJ 07310

Association of Baltimore Area PC Matching Gift 150 Grantmakers 2 East Read Street 2nd Floor Baltimore,MD 21202

Aung Khaing Min 357 Newport Individual to provide additional support to 6,000 AvenueApartment 3F study at Northeastern Q uincy, MA 02170 University

Aung Phone Myint 652 Bates College Individual to provide additional support to 738 Lewiston, ME 04240 study at Bates College

Aung Phone Myint 652 Bates College Individual to provide additional support to 4,136 Lewiston, ME 04240 study at Bates College

Aye Aye Khaine c/o Claremont Individual to provide additional support to 1,003 Graduate Universityl6 study at Claremont Graduate Claremont, CA 91711 University

Aye Aye Khaine c/o Claremont Individual to provide additional support to 4,500 Graduate Universityl6 study at Claremont Graduate Claremont, CA 91711 University

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Ayuda 6925 B Willow Street NW PC to provide general support 7,500 Washington, DC 20012

Azadeh Zohrabi 715 40th Street 8 Individual to move California towards 55,897 Oakland, CA 94609 minimizing the use of long term solitary confinement in state prisons using impact litigation

Aziz Klebleyev 1620 SW 99 Ave Individual to provide additional support to 572 Miami, FL 33165 study at Florida International University

Aziz Klebleyev 1620 SW 99 Ave Individual to provide additional support to 3,500 Miami, FL 33165 study at Florida International University

Baasanjav Tumur 18 Langslow St Apt Individual to provide additional support to 513 1 study at University of Rochester, NY 14620 Rochester

Back on My Feet 100 S Broad St Ste PC 2-3 mornings per week I work 1,000 1400 with the local homeless Philadelphia, PA 191101005 shelter, La Casa, as a way to build confidence and self- esteem within the homeless community

Bal Krishna Sharma 1711 East-West Individual to provide additional support to 709 Rd604 study at University of Hawaii at Honolulu, HI 96848 Manoa

Bal Krishna Sharma 1711 East-West Individual to provide additional support to 9,097 Rd604 study at University of Hawaii at Honolulu, HI 96848 Manoa

Ballet Tech Foundation Inc 890 PC Matching Gift 6,000 NewYork,NY 10003

Baltimore Community Foundation Inc PC Matching Gift 1,500 2 East Read Street 9th Floor Baltimore,MD 21202

Baltimore Community Foundation Inc PC Matching Gift 1,500 2 East Read Street 9th Floor Baltimore,MD 21202

Baltimore Courthouse & Law Museum PC Matching Gift 300 Inc 233 E Redwood St Baltimore,MD 21210

Baltimore Urban Debate League Inc PC Matching Gift 150 2601 North Howard Street Suite 150 Baltimore,MD 21218

Bard College PO Box 5000 PC Matching Gift 30,000 AnnandaleonHudson,NY 125045000

Bard College PO Box 5000 PC to provide scholarships for 29,437 AnnandaleonHudson,NY 125045000 undergraduates from Turkmenistan previously studying at the American University of Central Asia to complete their degrees at Smolny College in St Petersburg

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Barnard Helping Hands Inc PO Box PC Matching Gift 1,500 888 Barnard,VT 05031

Bashi J Rose 1523 Roundhill Road Individual to establish the Direct 48,364 Baltimore, MD 21218 Responses Alleviate Misdirected Aggression Program (D R A M A ) to give African American male high school students and incarcerated adults an opportunity to use theatre and film as tools to navigate conflict without resorting to violence, with the goal of preventing a cycle of incarceration and recidivism

Battsetseg Serj 1752 Anna Drive Individual to provide additional support to 456 A pt2 study at University of Kansas Lawrence, KS 66044

Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration PC to provide general support 5,000 Corporation 1368 Fulton Street Brooklyn, NY 11216

Beit Malkiel 1201 East 10th Street PC Matching Gift 16,710 Brooklyn, NY 11230

Beloved Community Center of PC Matching Gift 750 Greensboro Inc 417 Arlington Street Greensboro, NC 27406

Benay Rubenstein 81 Townline Road Individual to eliminate admissions 1,500 Ithaca, NY 14850 barriers for people with criminal records at SU NY, through the implementation of strategies that mobilize key advocates at the intersection of criminal justice and education

Blessed Unrest Theatre Inc PO Box PC Hours volunteered 12, 1,000 749 teaching artists20, NewYork,NY 101630749 editing/adman work20, company meetings30, translation, writing grants & lettersTotal 82Match for 80+ hours $1,000 00

Bowery Residents' Committee Inc PC Matching Gift 750 131 W25thSt NewYork,NY 10001

Bread for the City Inc 1525 7th St PC Matching Gift 360 NW Washington, DC 20001

Bread for the City Inc 1525 7th St PC Matching Gift 375 NW Washington, DC 20001

Brooklyn Academy of Music Inc PC Matching Gift 210 Peter Jay Sharp Building 30 Lafaye Brooklyn, NY 112171486

Brooklyn Botanic Garden Corporation PC Matching Gift 150 1000 Washington Ave Brooklyn, NY 11225

Brooklyn Christian Center 1192 PF Matching Gift 6,000 Nostrand Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11225

Brooklyn Christian Center 1192 PF Matching Gift 3,000 Nostrand Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11225

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Brooklyn Community Foundation 45 PC Matching Gift 1,500 Main St Ste 409 Brooklyn, NY 11201

Brooklyn Public Library 10 Grand PC to provide general support 2,000 Army Plaza 3rd Floor Brooklyn, NY 11238

Buckminster Fuller Institute 181 N PC Matching Gift 9,000 11th St Ste 401 Brooklyn, NY 11211

Caitlin Pierce 101 West 86th Street Individual to provide support forthe OSF 40,777 Apartment 4C Presidential Fellowship NewYork,NY 10024

Calvin Duncan 636 Baronne Street Individual to reduce incarceration rates, 56,121 New O rleans, LA 70113 improve indigent defense, and expose prosecutroial abuse by eliminating barriers for inmates

Camp Fire USA 2 West Street Unit I PC Matching Gift 300 Weymouth, MA 02190

Capital Area Food Bank 4900 Puerto PC Matching Gift 7,500 Rico Ave NE Washington, DC 20002

Carlos Garcia 1902 E Saint Anne Individual to address the local crisis and 51,651 Ave stem the national trend by Phoenix,AZ 85042 seeking to terminate the ICE ACCESS agreements in Maricopa County Arizona

Carmelites of Mary Immaculate 862 PC Matching Gift 15,000 Manhattan Ave Brooklyn, NY 11222

Causa ofOregon 700 Marion St NE PC Matching Gift 750 Salem,OR 97301

Celo Health Education Corporation NC Matching Gift 1,500 116 Seven Mile Ridge Road Burnsville, NC 28714

Center for an Urban Future 120 Wall PC to provide general support 5,000 Street 20th Floor NewYork,NY 10005

Center for Civilians in Conflict 1210 PC Matching Gift 6,000 18th St NW 4th Floor Washington, DC 20036

Center for Civilians in Conflict 1210 PC Matching Gift 3,000 18th St NW 4th Floor Washington, DC 20036

Center for Justice and Accountability PC Matching Gift 10,500 870 Market Street Suite 680 San Francisco,CA 94102

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Center for Responsible Lending 302 SO I to support efforts to eliminate 150,000 West Main Street abusive financial practices Durham, NC 27701 within the mortgage lending industry

Center for Urban Families Inc 2201 PC Matching Gift 750 North Monroe Street Baltimore,MD 21217

Central Park Conservancy 14 East PC Matching Gift 150 60th Street 8th Floor NewYork,NY 10022

Chandra Thomas 4270 Waldrop Hills Individual to examine the role alternative 1,500 Terrace schools play in the School-To- Decatur, GA 30034 Prison Pipeline and expose the underlying motives that drive the push to further marginalize undesirable students

Charities Aid Foundation America PC Matching Gift 6,600 1800 Diagonal Rd 150 Alexandria,VA 22314

Charity Tolliver 6225 S Kenwood Individual to work with foster youth to 75,475 Chicago,IL 60637 form a grassroots campaign and challenge the policies and practices that criminalize our vulnerable youth and feed into mass incarceration

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation 503 PF to support the Earn and Learn 1,751,000 South Saginaw Street Suite 120 Initiative, which will utilize Flint, MI 485021851 national and local philanthropic investments in conjunction with federal workforce development financing to create and fund immediate subsidized job opportunities that are structured to provide incentives for participant involvement in related education and training programs

Children International 2000 E Red PC Matching Gift 1,041 Bridge Road Kansas City,MO 64131

Children International 2000 E Red PC Matching Gift 900 Bridge Road Kansas City,MO 64131

Children's Aid Society 105 E 22nd PC Matching Gift 1,500 St NewYork,NY 10010

Chochanmyei Oo 1508 Fox Place Individual to provide additional support to 628 Utica, NY 13502 study at Utica College

Chochanmyei Oo 1508 Fox Place Individual to provide additional support to 2,500 Utica, NY 13502 study at Utica College

Churchill School and Center 301 E PC Matching Gift 750 29th Street NewYork,NY 10016

Citizen Engagement Lab Education PC to support Color of Change for 150,000 Fund 2150 Allston Way Suite 360 its work to promote civic Berkeley, CA 94704 engagement

Citizen Engagement Lab Education PC to support Color of Change to 150,000 Fund 2150 Allston Way Suite 360 develop and implement a Black Berkeley, CA 94704 Men and Boys Culture Project and to support public education efforts tied to the evolving case ofTrayvon Martin

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Citizen Engagement Lab Education PC to provide general support 300,000 Fund 2150 Allston Way Suite 360 Berkeley, CA 94704

Citizens Against Recidivism Inc PO PC to promote and support the 1,100 Box 9 Lincolnton Station Citizens Against Recidivism NewYork,NY 10037

Citizens Committee for Children of PC Matching Gift 300 NewYork Inc 105 East 22nd Street NewYork,NY 10010

Citizens United for the Rehabilitation PC Matching Gift 150 of Errants PO Box 2310 National Capital Sta Washington, DC 200132310

City Harvest Inc Attn Matching Gifts PC Matching Gift 450 6 East 32nd St NewYork,NY 10016

City Harvest Inc Attn Matching Gifts PC Matching Gift 168 6 East 32nd St NewYork,NY 10016

City Harvest Inc Attn Matching Gifts PC Matching Gift 1,500 6 East 32nd St NewYork,NY 10016

Civic Builders Inc 304 Hudson PC Matching Gift 3,000 Street Floor 3 NewYork,NY 10013

Civic Works Inc 2701 St Lo Drive PC Matching Gift 300 Baltimore,MD 21213

Climate Ride Inc 114 W Pine St PC Matching Gift 150 Missoula,MT 59802

Climate Ride Inc 114 W Pine St PC Matching Gift 150 Missoula,MT 59802

Coalition for Hispanic Family Services PC Matching Gift 900 315 Wyckoff Avenue 4th Floor Brooklyn, NY 11237

Coalition for Hispanic Family Services PC Matching Gift 300 315 Wyckoff Avenue 4th Floor Brooklyn, NY 11237

Coalition for Hispanic Family Services PC Matching Gift 300 315 Wyckoff Avenue 4th Floor Brooklyn, NY 11237

Coalition for Hispanic Family Services PC to provide general support 3,000 315 Wyckoff Avenue 4th Floor Brooklyn, NY 11237

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Coalition for the Homeless 129 NC Matching Gift 1,500 Fulton Street NewYork,NY 10038

Colorado Civic Engagement PC Matching Gift 1,500 Roundtable PO BOX 1620 Denver,CO 80201

Compassion & Choices PO Box PC Matching Gift 6,000 101810 Denver,CO 80250

Congregation Beit Simchat Torah 57 PC Matching Gift 1,782 Bethune Street NewYork,NY 10014

Congregation Shaare Zedek 212 W PC Matching Gift 1,500 93rd St NewYork,NY 10025

Connecticut Hospice Inc 100 Double PC Matching Gift 300 Beach Rd Branford,CT 06405

Conservative Synagogue Adath PC Matching Gift 12,120 Israel of Riverdale 475 West 250th Street Bronx, NY 10471

Cooperative For Assistance And PC Matching Gift 375 Relief Everywhere 151 Ellis Street NE Atlanta,GA 303032440

Cornwall Chronicle Inc 143 Cream PC Matching Gift 150 Hill Road WestCornwall,CT 06796

Cornwall Library Association 30 Pine PC Matching Gift 300 Street Cornwall,CT 06753

Coro New York Leadership Center Inc PC Matching Gift 7,500 42 Broadway Suite 1827 NewYork,NY 10004

Coro New York Leadership Center Inc PC to provide general support 2,500 42 Broadway Suite 1827 NewYork,NY 10004

Council on Foreign Relations Inc 58 NC Matching Gift 1,500 East 68th Street NewYork,NY 10021

Cristina Metgher 4400 University Individual to obtain a PhD in 30,219 Drive Computational Sociology from Fairfax,VA 22030 George Mason University in the United States and to apply that knowledge in your home country, preferably within academia

Dana Wolfe 153 Grand Street 3 Individual to promote successful 49,866 Jersey City, NJ 07302 reintegration of sex offenders and advance public safety through impact litigation and public education

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Danspace Project Inc 131 E 10th PC Matching Gift 225 Street NewYork,NY 10003

David Cole 3118 Rodman St NW Individual to conduct research and write a 45,600 Washington, DC 20008 book on the important mediating role civil society organizations devoted to constitutional and human rights have played in checking government abuse of rights, advancing social conceptions of rights, and reinforcing a culture of constitutional and human rights resilience

Death Penalty Information Center PF to provide general support 100,000 1015 18th Street NW Suite 704 Washington, DC 20036

Democracy Now 207 W 25th St 11th PC Matching Gift 1,500 Floor NewYork,NY 10011

Dima Hunaiti 165 Sherman Individual to study for a Masters of Social 23,961 AvenueApartment 4C Work degree at Columbia NewYork,NY 10034 University

Downtown United Soccer Club 137 E PC Matching Gift 750 36th St 22K NewYork,NY 10016

Duke University 2200 West Main PC Matching Gift 45,000 Street Suite 710 Durham,NC 277054677

Duke University 2200 West Main PC Matching Gift 7,503 Street Suite 710 Durham,NC 277054677

East End Temple 245 E 17th St PC Matching Gift 9,585 NewYork,NY 10003

Ecaterina Damian 45 Fairview Hill Individual to obtain a PhD in Social Policy 32,014 Lancaster, MA 01523 from Brandeis University in the United States and to apply that knowledge in your home country, preferably within academia

Ecaterina Locoman 192 Davidson Individual to obtain a PhD in Political 31,891 Road Nichols apt 1 Science at Rutgers University Piscataway, NJ 08854

Education Through Music 122 E 42nd PC Matching Gift 3,000 St Ste 1501 NewYork,NY 10168

Education Through Music 122 E 42nd PC Matching Gift 3,000 St Ste 1501 NewYork,NY 10168

Educational Alliance Inc 197 East NC mentoring high school students 250 Broadway during the college application NewYork,NY 10002 process

Educational Video Center Inc 120 PC to provide general support 2,500 West 30th Street 7th Floor NewYork,NY 10001

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Edwardsburg Emergency Fund Inc PC Matching Gift 1,500 24832 US HWY 12 Edwardsburg,MI 49112

EG Justice PO Box 57297 PC Matching Gift 1,500 Washington, DC 20037

EiEi Hlaing 508 S Wall St Apt 126 Individual to provide additional support to 606 Carbondale, IL 62901 study at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale

EiEi Hlaing 508 S Wall St Apt 126 Individual to provide additional support to 3,500 Carbondale,IL 62901 study at Tufts University

Emelindas Angels DBA Earth Angels PC Matching Gift 1,500 Canine Rescue 843 Forest Avenue Bronx,NY 10456

Enass Khansa 1722 19th Street NW Individual to provide additional support to 482 Apt 103 study at Georgtown University Washington, DC 20009

Enass Khansa 1722 19th Street NW Individual to provide additional support to 6,500 Apt 103 study at Georgetown University Washington, DC 20009

EnsaafInc PO Box 11682 PC Matching Gift 1,500 Pleasanton, CA 94588

Ensi Tszie 1410 Avenue S Apt 6E Individual to study Social Work at a U S 46,328 Brooklyn, NY 11229 university

Equal Justice Initiative 122 PC Matching Gift 6,000 Commerce Street Montgomery,AL 36104

Equal Justice Initiative 122 PC Matching Gift 9,000 Commerce Street Montgomery,AL 36104

Equal Justice Initiative 122 PC Matching Gift 30,000 Commerce Street Montgomery,AL 36104

Erdenechimeg Dashpuntsag 3126 Individual to participate in the Faculty 12,442 oak road117 Development Fellowship Walnut Creek,CA 94597 Program, to spend one academic term (not to exceed five months) at The University of California - Berkeley (Host University) and return for the next academic term to your university of employment in your home country (Home University) to resume your responsibilities and apply the skills learned the previous academic term

Erin Siegal PO Box 437430 Individual to write articles which raise 1,753 San Ysidro, CA 92143 awareness about the dire consequences of mandatory, permanent deportations based on aggravated felony convictions

Evgeny Anikin 3019 Hope Ave Apt B Individual to provide additional support to 4,500 Columbia,SC 29205 study at University of South Carolina

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Eye & I Inc 49 Crown Street Suite PC Matching Gift 15,000 6C Brooklyn, NY 11225

Eye & I Inc 49 Crown Street Suite PC Matching Gift 3,000 6C Brooklyn, NY 11225

Eye & I Inc 49 Crown Street Suite PC Matching Gift 9,000 6C Brooklyn, NY 11225

Eye & I Inc 49 Crown Street Suite PC Matching Gift 6,000 6C Brooklyn, NY 11225

Eye & I Inc 49 Crown Street Suite PC Matching Gift 6,000 6C Brooklyn, NY 11225

Faces of the World Inc 224 West PC Matching Gift 9,000 Broad St Tamaqua, PA 18252

Fairfax Choral Society Inc 4028 PC Matching Gift 450 Hummer Rd Annandale,VA 22124

Faithful America 1111 14th Street NC to support a large scale faith- 75,000 NW Suite 900 based online advocacy project Washington, DC 20005

Fakhriniso Kurbonshoeva 617W115 Individual to study Social Work at a U S 15,972 Street 62 university NewYork,NY 10027

Family League of Baltimore City Inc PC to provide support for a staff 75,000 2305 North Charles Street Suite 20 member to coordinate its Baltimore, MD 21218 Extended Learning Time, After School and Community Resource School Initiatives with Baltimore City Public Schools in order to enhance program quality, impact, and sustainability

Family League of Baltimore City Inc PC to support its expanded 150,000 2305 North Charles Street Suite 20 learning time, community Baltimore, MD 21218 schools, and out-of-school time initiatives to increase attendance in Baltimore City Schools

First Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn PC Matching Gift 300 124 Henry Street Brooklyn, NY 11201

Firuz Shukurov 890 Davidson Road Individual to obtain a PhD in Economics 33,608 Piscataway,NJ 08854 from Rutgers University in the United States and to apply that knowledge in your home country, preferably within academia

Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis PC Matching Gift 750 Network 11781 Lee Jackson Highway Suite 16 Fairfax,VA 22033

Food Bank 39 PC Matching Gift 180 Broadway 10th Floor NewYork,NY 10006

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Food Bank New York City 39 PC Matching Gift 300 Broadway 10th Floor NewYork,NY 10006

Food Bank New York City 39 PC Matching Gift 300 Broadway 10th Floor NewYork,NY 10006

Foote School Association Inc 50 PC Matching Gift 4,500 Loomis Place NewHaven,CT 06511

Fordham University 441 E Fordham PC Matching Gift 300 Road Bronx,NY 10458

Fotokids Inc PO Box 661447 PC Matching Gift 375 Miami,FL 33266

Foundation of the State University of PC Matching Gift 13,500 NewYork at PO Box 6005 Binghamton, NY 139026005

Fractured Atlas Productions Inc 248 PC Matching Gift 150 West 35th Street 10th Floor NewYork,NY 10001

Fractured Atlas Productions Inc 248 PC Matching Gift 7,500 West 35th Street 10th Floor NewYork,NY 10001

Francis Guzman 385 Palm Avenue Individual to decrease the practice of 50,383 8A prosecuting and incarcerating Oakland, CA 94610 children in California's adult criminal Justice system

Freedom from Hunger 1644 Da Vinci PC Matching giftfor43 common 7,476 Court shares of ADP stock on Davis,CA 95618 12/17/12 See attachment for valuation

Friends & Enemies of New Music c/o PC Matching Gift 4,500 Yarmolinsky 255 W 108th St NewYork,NY 10025

Friends of City Reliquary Inc 370 PC Matching Gift 300 Ave Brooklyn, NY 11211

Friends ofKEXP 113 Dexter Ave N PC Matching Gift 315 Seattle, WA 98109

Friends ofKEXP 113 Dexter Ave N PC Matching Gift 405 Seattle, WA 98109

Friends of Rodeph Sholom School Inc PC Matching Gift 45,000 168 West 79th Street NewYork,NY 10024

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Friends of Rodeph Sholom School Inc PC Matching Gift 45,000 168 West 79th Street NewYork,NY 10024

Friends of the Institute for Human PC Matching Gift 15,000 Rights and Deve 209 Harrison Street Rockville, MD 208051823

Friends of the New York Transit PC Matching Gift 165 Museum 130 Livingston Street Floor 10 Brooklyn, NY 11201

Fund for Educational Excellence 800 PC to provide a portion of the 33,000 North Charles Street Suite 400 required matching funds for the Baltimore, MD 212015322 U S Department of Education's 13 award for Baltimore City Public School System's Middle Grades STEM Summer Learning Program

Fusion Partnerships Inc 1601 PC to enable the Maryland 50,000 Guilford Avenue 2 South Restorative Justice Initiative to Baltimore, MD 21202 engage in grassroots organizing, strategic communications, and advocacy efforts to reform Maryland's parole policies

Future Generations 390 Road Less PC Matching Gift 900 Traveled Franklin, WV 26807

Futuro Media Group 361 W 125th St PC Matching Gift 450 6th Floor NewYork,NY 10027

Gangabaatar Dashbalbar 4641 Main Individual to take up a grant at the John 9,013 street Apartment 1-A Marshall Law School as part of Skokie, IL 60076 the Global Faculty Grants Program (Track I Teaching Track) award

Garden of Hope Inc PO Box 520048 PC Matching Gift 3,000 Flushing, NY 11352

Giorgi Lebanidze 201 Comstock Individual obtain a graduate degree in 1,191 Avenue Apartment 2R Public Administration or Public Syracuse, NY 13210 Policy from a North American university

Girls for Gender Equity Inc 30 Third PC Matching Gift 7,500 Avenue Suite 104 Brooklyn, NY 11217

Global Action for Trans Equality 116 NC to provide general support 100,000 East 16th Street 7th Floor NewYork,NY 10003

Global Fund for Women Inc 222 PC Matching donation of43 7,500 Sutter Street Suite 500 common shares of ADP stock, San Francisco,CA 94108 valued at $58 12 per share Total is $2499 16, rounded up to 2500 See attachment for valuation

Global Kids Inc 137 East 25th PC Matching Gift 2,250 Street 2nd Floor NewYork,NY 10010

Gnel Gabrielyan 1535 NE Merman Individual to provide additional support to 2,500 Dr M4 study at Washington State Pullman,WA 99163 University

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Grand Canyon Association PO Box NC Matching Gift 300 399 Grand Canyon,AZ 86023

Grantmakers Concerned with PC Matching Gift 750 Immigrants and Refugees PO Box 1100 Sebastopol,CA 954731100

Greater Baltimore Cultural Alliance PC Matching Gift 1,500 1800 N Charles St Ste 810 Baltimore,MD 21201

Greater Homewood Community PC Matching Gift 750 Corporation 3503 North Charles Street Baltimore,MD 21218

Greater Homewood Community PC to inform, educate, and 35,000 Corporation 3503 North Charles organize parents, students and Street community in support of Baltimore, MD 21218 adequate resources and effective education reform policies for Baltimore City Public Schools

Grey Torrico 1421 10th AVE NE Individual to raise awareness about what 1,500 Naples,FL 34120 really happens in Collier County when Police collaborate with ICE (Immigration Customs and Enforcement)

Grist Magazine Inc 710 2nd Ave PC Matching Gift 750 Suite 860 Seattle, WA 98104

Group 1 Acting Company Inc PO Box NC Matching Gift 1,110 898 NewYork,NY 101080898

Guardian Angel Church 2978 Ocean NC Matching Gift 3,000 Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11235

Guardian Angel Church 2978 Ocean NC Matching Gift 4,500 Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11235

Guitars Not Guns NCA PO Box 1141 PC Matching Gift 375 Springfield,VA 22151

Gye Nyame Empowerment Project PC Matching Gift 45,000 175 Ocean Parkway Ste 41 Brooklyn, NY 11218

Habitat for Humanity International PC Matching Gift 1,500 Inc PO Box 7024 Americus,GA 31709

Habitat for Humanity of the PC Matching Gift 7,500 Chesapeake Inc 3741 Commerce Drive Suite 309 Baltimore,MD 21227

Hamid Khan 171 Glendora Ave Individual to develop an intersectional 1,500 Long Beach, CA 90803 movement in Los Angeles to advocate and demand that the LAPD rescind Special Order 11 and end criminalization of immigrants and communities of color

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Han Thinzar Zaw 600 Campus Drive Individual to provide additional support to 731 1099Ripon College study at Ripon College Ripon, WI 54971

Han Zaw 600 First Street SW Individual to provide additional support to 975 Mount Vernon,IA 52314 study at Cornell College

Hannah Rappleye 4710 Cleveland Individual to write and investigate the 13,932 Avenue corruption and abuse in the New O rleans, LA 70119 nation's growing private probation industry

Harmony Education & Life Partners PC Matching Gift 225 Inc 1160 Clinton Ave Irvington,NJ 07111

Heifer Project International Inc 1 PC Matching donation of43 7,500 World Avenue common shares of ADP stock, Little Rock,AR 72202 valued at $58 12 per share on 12/18/12 Total is $2499 16, rounded up to 2500 See attachment for valuation

Heifer Project International Inc 1 PC Matching Gift 1,500 World Avenue Little Rock,AR 72202

Heifer Project International Inc 1 PC Matching Gift 1,500 World Avenue Little Rock,AR 72202

Helen Epstein 424 West 144th Individual to write a book demonstrating 64,800 Street how social and political New York, NY 10031 obstacles to freedom ignite or contribute to certain epidemics

Helen Hayes Hospital Foundation Inc PC Matching Gift 300 51-55 Route 9W WestHaverstraw,NY 10993

HelpHOPELive Inc Two Radnor PC Matching Gift 1,500 Corporate Center Suite Radnor, PA 19087

High Hopes Therapeutic Riding Inc PC Matching Gift 150 36 Town Woods Rd Old Lyme,CT 06371

Hilda Chan 2957 Mountain Drive Individual to mobilize poorfamilies in San 49,952 Freemont,CA 94555 Diego county to end mandatory home searches of welfare applicants

Hispanics Against Child Abuse and PC Matching Gift 375 Neglect 11150 Sunset Hills Rd 250 Reston,VA 20190

Hla Hpone Myint 60 South Lincoln Individual to provide additional support to 4,016 StreetBox 1126 study at Washington & Washington, PA 15301 Jefferson College

Hnin Wint Naing 51-15 Goldsmith Individual to provide additional support to 886 Street study at Queens College Elmhurst,NY 11373

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Hnin Wint Naing 51-15 Goldsmith Individual to provide additional support to 2,500 Street study at Queens College Elmhurst,NY 11373

Homes of Hope for Children Inc 344 PC Matching Gift 30,000 Harold Tucker Road Purvis,MS 39475

Homestretch Inc 303 South Maple PC Matching Gift 1,425 Ave Falls Church,VA 22046

Hope and Heroes Children's Cancer PC Matching Gift 150 Fund 161 Fort Washington Ave NewYork,NY 10032

Hospital for Special Surgery 535 PC Matching Gift 300 East 70th Street NewYork,NY 10021

Hour Children Inc 36-11A 12th PC to provide general support 3,500 Street Long Island City, NY 11106

House of Ruth 5 Thomas Circle NW PC Matching Gift 300 Washington, DC 20005

House of Ruth 5 Thomas Circle NW PC Matching Gift 1,500 Washington, DC 20005

Htay Paw 9259 Vassar Individual to provide additional support to 843 LaneApartment F study at Ivy Tech Community Indianapolis, IN 46240 College

Htay Paw 9259 Vassar Individual to provide additional support to 1,250 LaneApartment F study at Ivy Tech Community Indianapolis, IN 46240 College

Hudson Link for Higher Education in PC to provide general support 5,000 Prison 23-25 Spring Street Ossining, NY 10562

Human Rights Advocates Inc PO Box PC Matching Gift 6,000 5675 Berkeley, CA 94705

Human Rights Campaign Foundation PC Matching Gift 1,500 1640 Rhode Island Avenue NW Washington, DC 20036

Human Rights Campaign Foundation PC Matching Gift 4,500 1640 Rhode Island Avenue NW Washington, DC 20036

Human Rights Watch Inc 350 5th PC Matching Gift 9,000 Avenue 34th Floor NewYork,NY 101183299

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Ian Mance 112 W Woodridge Drive Individual to make use of powerful and 35,750 Durham, NC 27707 newly-available statistical evidence to expose and directly challenge the systemic practice of racial profiling in several North Carolina counties

Ilhom Akobirshoev 68G Prospect Individual to obtain a PhD in Social Policy 31,645 Hill Road from Brandeis University in the Waltham, MA 02451 United States and to apply that knowledge in your home country, preferably within academia

Ilina Stojanovska 8000 51st Avenue Individual to provide additional support to 209 College Park, MD 20740 study at University of Maryland

Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project PC Matching Gift 3,000 309 Cumberland Ave Suite 201 Portland,ME 04112

Indian Creek School Incorporated PC Matching Gift 600 680 Evergreen Rd Crownsville,MD 21032

Indigo Blue Inc 209157 Yale Station PC Matching Gift 6,000 NewHaven,CT 06520

Inner-city Scholarship Fund 1011 PC Matching Gift 900 First Ave Fl 14 NewYork,NY 10022

Institute for New Economic Thinking PF to provide general support 9,689,536 570 Lexington Avenue 39th Floor NewYork,NY 10022

Institute for New Economic Thinking PF to provide general support 6,250,000 570 Lexington Avenue 39th Floor NewYork,NY 10022

International House 2299 Piedmont PC Matching Gift 6,000 Ave Berkeley, CA 94720

International Neighborhood NC to provide parenting skills, life 87,500 Collaborative 716 E 47th Street 2nd skills, job readiness skills, and Floor South employment opportunities to Chicago,IL 60653 prepare young black men to be better fathers to their children, and knowledge of felony street law to help them avoid incarceration so that they may be present in the lives of their children

International Partners Cassie Stern PC Matching Gift 30,000 Memorial Inc PO Box 3774 Silver Spring, MD 20918

Irma Gurguliani 201 Comstock Ave Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 1,191 Apt 2R Public Administration or Public Syracuse, NY 13210 Policy from a North American university

Irondale Productions Inc 85 South PC 46 hours of volunteer time from 500 Oxford Street May 24-June 15 Brooklyn, NY 11217

Islamic Relief USA 3655 Wheeler PC Matching Gift 3,000 Ave Alexandria,VA 22304

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Ivan Medynskyi 9218 CapeviewAve Individual to provide additional support to 479 Norfolk,VA 23503 study at Old Dominion University

Ivan Medynskyi 9218 CapeviewAve Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 Norfolk,VA 23503 study at Old Dominion University

Ivana Bago 1029 Dacian Avenue Individual to provide additional support to 361 Durham, NC 27701 study at Duke University

J Street Education Fund Inc PO Box PC Matching Gift 7,500 66073 Washington, DC 20035

J Street Education Fund Inc PO Box PC Matching Gift 30,000 66073 Washington, DC 20035

Jackie Sumell 1649 N Robertson Individual to extend The House that 42,888 Street Herman Built into a new media New O rleans, LA 70116 campaign that exposes the widespread use of solitary confinement and supports existing advocacy campaigns aided at policy change

Jacob Dlamini 1575 Tremont Street Individual to examine how post-conflict 45,712 APT 1008 societies deal with its secrets Boston, MA 02120 of the past, looking in particular at the case of South Africa

Jameel Jaffer 174 Clermont Ave 4B Individual to write a book and a series of 20,593 Brooklyn, NY 11205 related shorter articles exploring the transformation of individual privacy and official secrecy in the ostensible service of security

James Forman Yale Law School127 Individual to write a history of criminal 111,800 Wall Street justice policy in Washington New Haven, CT 06520 DC from the 1970s to the present day

James Randi Educational Foundation PC Matching Gift 300 7095 Hollywood Blvd 1170 Los Angeles, CA 90028

James Ridgeway 3103 Macomb Individual to produce eight to ten articles 12,816 Street NW on the use and abuse of Washington, DC 20008 solitary confinement in U S prisons, jails, and youth facilities

Janani Rajbhandari Thapa 701 N Individual to provide additional support to 868 Ithaca Ave 3123 study at Texas Tech University Lubbock,TX 79415

Janani Rajbhandari Thapa 701 N Individual to provide additional support to 5,320 Ithaca Ave 3123 study at Texas Tech University Lubbock,TX 79415

Jason DaSilva 148 North 10th Street Individual to partner with AXS Lab to 30,000 Suite 5A engage the disability Brooklyn, NY 11249 community and its supporters through AXS Map, the first user-generated database that provides a platform to share accessibility reviews on neighborhood businesses

Jazz at Lincoln Center Inc 3 PC Matching Gift 750 Columbus Circle 12th Floor NewYork,NY 10019

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Jean Casella 717 Carroll Street 2L Individual to produce eight to ten articles 23,088 Brooklyn, NY 11215 on the use and abuse of solitary confinement in U S Prisons, jails, and youth facilities

Jennifer Gordon 395 7th Street Individual To address the substantial 7,810 Brooklyn, NY 11215 harms that global labor recruitment and subcontracting pose to workers' rights, transparency, and democracy in an open society

Jessica Karp 12720 Caswell Avenue Individual to unite privacy, criminal 50,360 Apartment 205 justice, and immigrant rights Los Angeles, CA 90066 advocates in a campaign against the S-Comm deportation program

Jews for Racial and Economic Justice PC Matching Gift 750 666 Broadway Suite 500 NewYork,NY 10012

Jill Pardini 2040 Orleans St Individual to expand and improve upon 609 Baltimore, MD 21231 Soccer Without Borders, a tutoring and mentoring program you founded that uses organized soccer to help refugees and immigrants adjust to life in the United States, do well in and out of school, and stay physically and emotionally fit

Joel Medina PO Box 437430 Individual to write articles which raise 500 San Ysidro, CA 92143 awareness about the dire consequences of mandatory, permanent deportations based on aggravated felony convictions

John Feffer 3912 Olivier Street Individual to interview key actors in 56,750 Hyatsville,MD 20782 Central and Eastern Europe, first interviewed in 1990, to explore the lessons learned in the past 20 years to help address the region's current ills, from political extremism to economic malaise The project output will be a series of articles, a book, and a one-man show

John Jay College Foundation Inc 524 PC Matching Gift 3,750 West 59th St Rm 623 NewYork,NY 10019

John Thompson 3301 Chartres Individual to create a public education 1,500 Street and advocacy campaign to New O rleans, LA 70117 demand accountability for prosecutorial misconduct

John Willis 41 Browns Way Individual to partner with the Lakota 30,000 Drummerston,VT 05301 Circle Village, the Lakota Peace Making Court, and KILI Radio to engage youth and elders on Pine Ridge Reservation in an inter- generational dialogue on issues surrounding representation of native culture and identity in contemporary society

Johnson Charitable Gift Fund 3777 W PC Due to a processing error, this 3,000 Fork Rd gift was not paid when it was Cincinnati,OH 45247 entered in October2012 Previous grant ID #20037550

Jonathan S Lowenstein 7321 S Shore Individual to partner with the Trans- 30,000 Drivel1D Border Institute at the Chicago,IL 60649 University of San Diego to provide local faith leaders and religious youth groups in Escondido, California with tools to address escalating tensions between the new migrant and native-born communities

Joseph Rodriguez 392 3rd Street 4 Individual to train journalism students at 26,000 Brooklyn, NY 11215 Santa Clara University and UC Berkeley as well as youth reporters from San Jose and Richmond to sensitively and accurately document the stories of people re-entering society after incarceration, with a special focus on their children

Joseph's House Inc 1730 Lanier NC Matching Gift 375 Place NW Washington, DC 20009

Joseph's House Inc 1730 Lanier NC Matching Gift 1,500 Place NW Washington, DC 20009

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Joshua Gravens 8940 Anglecrest Dr Individual to develop methods to educate 58,045 Dallas,TX 75227 Texas policy makers, law enforcement, the legal profession, as well as the public, the harms associated by placing children on the sex offender registry

Jubilee House Community 1019 PC Matching Gift 1,500 Troy Medlin Rd Monroe,NC 28112

Juvenile Diabetes Research PC Matching Gift 300 Foundation - North Jers 560 Sylvan Avenue Suite 1210 EnglewoodCliffs,NJ 07632

Kashi Kafle 2103 Hazelwood Drive Individual to provide additional support to 5,179 Unit 301 study at U of Illinois at U rbana- Urbana, IL 61801 Champaign

Katonah United Methodist Church 5 PC Matching Gift 9,450 Bedford Road Katonah,NY 10536

Ken Silverstein 1700 Hobart Street Individual to expose the central yet hidden 8,665 NW role of oil fixers and traders in Washington, DC 20010 the international energy business and their significant contribution to corruption and poor governance, producing two chapters for a broader book on the global oil business and several magazine articles

Keoni Movement Arts 400 W 43rd St PC Matching Gift 1,200 Ste 27-J NewYork,NY 10036

Ketevan Zaridze 201 Comstock Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 1,051 Avenue Apartment 2R Public Administration or Public Syracuse, NY 13210 Policy from a North American university

Keystone Human Services SO III NFI to support the Community for 95,498 International 124 Pine Street All Moldova (C4A-MD)team to Harrisburg, PA 17101 implement successfully the first pilot closure of an institution for persons with mental disabilities in the Republic of Moldova and to become an in-country resource for deinstitutionalization and the development of quality community based services

Khachik Gevorgyan 3465 Alameda Individual to allow you to spend one 9,858 de las Pulgas Apt 1 academic term (not to exceed Menlo Park, CA 94025 five months) at Stanford University (Host University) and return for the next academic term to your university of employment in your home country (Home University) to resume your responsibilities and apply the skills learned the previous academic term You are expected to focus on alternative approaches to teaching and developing appropriate curricula It is also expected that you will facilitate institutional linkages between your Home and Host Universities You will be assigned a faculty mentor and will be expected to participate in classes and, if requested, assist with class-related tasks In some cases you may be asked to guest lecture or teach However, you will not be considered faculty at the Host University, nor will you receive remuneration from the Host U niversity

Kneisel Hall PO Box 648 PC Matching Gift 750 Blue Hill, ME 04614

Knowledge Ecology International PC to provide general support 120,000 1621 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 5 Washington, DC 20009

Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health Inc PC Matching Gift 150 PO Box 309 Stockbridge, MA 01262

Kuchipudi Kalanidhi Foundation PC Matching Gift 4,500 6816 Bradley Blvd Bethesda, M D 20817

Kylee Sunderlin 552 Lincoln Place Individual to create a network of expertly 29,750 Apt H trained counsel to represent Brooklyn, NY 11238 mothers facing termination of parental rights based on medical methadone treatment, and to challenge punitive drug policies surrounding MMT

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Lala Abasova Prince Alwaleed bin Individual to allow you to spend one 14,389 Talal Islamic S academic term (not to exceed Cambridge, MA 02138 five months) at Harvard University (Host University)

Lara Law 1251 Dellwood Avenue Individual to support a group of youth 1,590 Baltimore, MD 21211 leaders who are working to establish a comprehensive drop-in resource center for homeless youth and youth who have transitioned out of the foster care system

Larisa Doroshenko 302 Grand Individual to provide additional support to 7,000 Canyon DrApt 213 study at University of Madison,WI 53705 Wisconsin-Madison

Laurie Jo Reynolds 2840 N Individual to partner with Tamms Year 2,500 Francisco Ave Apt 3-B Ten and the National Religious Chicago,IL 60618 Campaign Against Torture to gather and create photography of things real or imagined requested by people held in long-term solitary confinement at supermax prisons

Lawrence T Brown 222 West Individual to partner with the Union 52,314 Monument Street Apt 1B Baptist Head Start Program to Baltimore, MD 21201 establish You're the Quarterback Gameplan for Life through focusing on the football team narrative as an organizing tool, the project will help men in central Baltimore neighborhoods plan and succeed in getting jobs and health insurance

Leadership Enterprise for a Diverse PC to provide general support 2,500 America 501 Seventh Avenue 7th Floor NewYork,NY 10018

League for the Handicapped Inc 393 PC Matching Gift 150 North Street Springville, NY 14141

Learning Inc 1234 West 36th Street PC Matching Gift 600 Baltimore,MD 21211

Legal Action Center of the City of PC Matching Gift 750 New York Inc 225 Varick Street 4th Floor NewYork,NY 10014

Legal Action Center of the City of PC Matching Gift 1,050 New York Inc 225 Varick Street 4th Floor NewYork,NY 10014

Lena Graber 2452 Ontario Rd NW Individual to reduce the excessive 1,500 Washington, DC 20009 detention of immigrants on ICE detainers through advocacy, community organizing, and litigation

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society PC Matching Gift 600 National Office 475 Park Avenue South 8th Floor NewYork,NY 10016

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society PC Matching Gift 150 National Office 475 Park Avenue South 8th Floor NewYork,NY 10016

Lisa Riordan Seville 62 Sullivan Individual to write and investigate the 13,666 Street corruption and abuse in the Brooklyn, NY 11215 nation's growing private probation industry

Living Classrooms Foundation 802 PC to provide re-entry services to 100,000 South Caroline Street East Baltimore residents who Baltimore, MD 21231 are formerly incarcerated

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

LSE Centennial Fund 424 West 33rd PC Matching Gift 225 Street Suite 280 NewYork,NY 10001

Lubovitch Dance Foundation Inc 229 PC Matching Gift 300 W 42nd St NewYork,NY 10036

Luis Trelles 803 Calle Jose Marti Apt Individual to engage a multimedia 57,417 Al journalistic investigation on the San Juan, PR 00907 disparity in Puerto Rico

Lwin Nyein Chan Kyaw 1220 1st Individual to provide additional support to 1,016 Avenue NE study at Coe College Cedar Rapids,IA 52402

Lwin Nyein Chan Kyaw 1220 1st Individual to provide additional support to 1,500 Avenue NE study at Coe College Cedar Rapids,IA 52402

Lynda Garcia 49 West 12th Street Individual to challenge selective 56,132 8H enforcment of low-level New York, NY 10011 offenses against communities of color

Mabou Mines Development PC Matching Gift 150 Foundation Inc 150 1st Avenue NewYork,NY 10009

Make the Road NewYork Inc 301 PC Matching Gift 825 Grove Street Brooklyn, NY 11237

Malcolm Young 3851 Porter Street Individual to support development of new 1,500 NWApt D-280 approaches to employment Washington, DC 20016 related prisoner reentry in a time of economic recession

Malika Tukibayeva 3326 E John Individual to provide additional support to 2,500 Hinkle Place study at Indiana University Bloomington, IN 47408

Mano River Children's Charity Fund PC Matching Gift 10,500 1250 Ocean Avenue 6C Brooklyn, NY 11230

Mano River Children's Charity Fund PC Matching Gift 6,000 1250 Ocean Avenue 6C Brooklyn, NY 11230

Mano River Children's Charity Fund PC Matching Gift 12,000 1250 Ocean Avenue 6C Brooklyn, NY 11230

Mano River Children's Charity Fund PC Matching Gift 6,000 1250 Ocean Avenue 6C Brooklyn, NY 11230

Marbre Stahly-Butts 1375 Chapel Individual to empower and organize those 29,750 Stret Unit 16 affected by drug-related New Haven, CT 065114552 evictions to advocate for the end of such policies and be informed regarding the eviction process

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Marcy Westerling 3810 SE Harold Individual to document how county by 18,000 Street county rural progressive Portland, OR 97202 infrastructure can be identified, hosted and grown across regions with the clear goal of advocating full inclusion of rural constituencies and establishing a new organization that fosters systematic rural organizing in every county

Mariam Dekanozishvili 3019 Hope Individual to provide additional support to 450 Avenue Apt B study at University of South Columbia,SC 29205 Carolina

Mariam Dekanozishvili 3019 Hope Individual to provide additional support to 3,000 Avenue Apt B study at University of South Columbia,SC 29205 Carolina

Mariam Mrevlishvili 1012 Lancaster Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 886 Avenue Apartment 3 Public Administration or Public Syracuse, NY 13210 Policy from a North American university

Marie Claire Tran-Leung 50 East Individual to increase enforcement of the 1,500 Washington Street Suite 50 Fair Housing Act to dismantle Chicago,IL 60602 housing policies that discriminate against people with criminal records through impact litigation, public education, and policy advocacy

Marsela Dauti 6414 Cates Ave 2W Individual to provide additional support to 410 Saint Louis, MO 63130 study at Washington University in St Louis

Martian Mazureanu 38 Cedar Lane Individual to obtain a PhD in Political 34,761 Apt D Science from Rutgers Highland Park, NJ 08904 University in the United States and to apply that knowledge in your home country, preferably within academia

Martina Vandenberg 1812 Belmont Individual to establish Civil justice, an 9,017 Road NW NGO devoted to providing Washington, DC 20009 access to justice for survivors of human trafficking in the United States

Mary Heinen 9026 Arlington Drive Individual to suppor the project TOES 1,500 Ypsilanti, MI 48198 Triage, Organizing, Education and Support for returning people from corrections, giving them the forum to self-govern

Maryland Humanities Council Inc PC Matching Gift 300 108 West Centre Street Baltimore,MD 21201

Maryland Institute College of Arts PC Matching Gift 5,250 1300 W Mount Royal Ave Annex Bld Baltimore,MD 21217

Mary's Center for Maternal and Child PC Matching Gift 300 Care Inc 2333 Ontario Road NW Washington, DC 20009

Masrur Karimov 150 Claremont Individual to study Social Work at a U S 15,213 Avenue Apartment 4D university NewYork,NY 10027

Matthew] Craig 511 East 11th Individual to provide supportforthe OSF 40,037 Street A4 Presidential Fellowship NewYork,NY 10009

Matthew] Hanna 414 S Patterson Individual to establish Next One Up, a 23,000 Park Ave tutoring and mentoring program Baltimore, MD 21231 designed for underserved middle and high school youth for whom engagement in sports may be the key to their academic and collegiate success

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Maureen Barden 4220 Spruce Street Individual to ensure coverage underthe 75,051 Philadelphia, PA 191044040 Affordable Care Act for thousand of people returning home from prison orjail

Mavliuda Khodzhaeva 6300 Cates Individual to study Social Work at a U S 16,543 Avenue Apartment 1E university St Louis, MO 63130

May PwintThairChu 221 College Individual to provide additional support to 2,663 LaneBox 229 study at Roanoke College Salem,VA 24153

McKim Community Association 1120 PC Matching Gift 150 East Baltimore Street Baltimore,MD 21202

Mehriban Nasibova 26 East 105th Individual to study Social Work at a U S 15,130 StreetApartment 2 university NewYork,NY 10029

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer PC Matching Gift 300 Center 1275 York Avenue NewYork,NY 10065

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer PC Matching Gift 300 Center 1275 York Avenue NewYork,NY 10065

Metropolitan Opera Association 30 NC Matching Gift 6,600 Lincoln Center NewYork,NY 10023

Metropolitan Opera Guild 30 Lincoln PC Matching Gift 600 Center NewYork,NY 10023

MFY Legal Services 299 Broadway NC Matching Gift 300 4th Floor NewYork,NY 10007

Michelle Tyon PO Box 1838 Individual to promote alternatives to the 1,500 Pine Ridge,SD 57770 mass incarceration of indigenous people in South Dakota by launching a community dialogue and education campaign among the Oglala Sioux Tribe and state Tribal Leaders

Middleton Early Learning Center Inc PC Matching Gift 270 PO Box 8196 205 Ridgewood Ave Glen Ridge, NJ 07028

Migrant and Immigrant Community PC Matching Gift 1,500 Action Project 9300 Olive Blvd Lower Level StLouis,MO 63132

Min Zin 39657 Banyan Tree Road Individual to provide additional support to 1,120 Fremont,CA 94538 study at U C Berkeley

Min Zin 39657 Banyan Tree Road Individual to provide additional support to 7,000 Fremont,CA 94538 study at UC Berkeley

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

MoeMaKa Multimedia 2753 Sheldon PC Matching Gift 7,500 Drive Richmond,CA 94803

Mohamad Nizam Apartment 103- Individual to pursue an LLM at 9,210 Meridian at Gallery Georgetown University Washington, DC 20001

Mohamed Ahmed 166 East Hadley Individual to take up a grant at the 15,404 RoadApartment 3 University of Massachusetts - Amherst,MA 01002 Amherst as part of the Global Faculty Grants - Research / Publication grant

Mohammad Hadi Hosainy 1652 W Individual to provide additional support to 546 6th Street Apt W study at University of Texas at Austin,TX 78703 Austin

Mohammad Hadi Hosainy 1652 W Individual to provide additional support to 5,000 6th Street Apt W study at University of Texas at Austin,TX 78703 Austin

MohammedTamimi 3750 E Via Individual to provide additional support to 524 Palomita Apt33101 study at University of Arizona Tucson,AZ 85718

MohammedTamimi 3750 E Via Individual to provide additional support to 7,500 Palomita Apt33101 study at University of Arizona Tucson,AZ 85718

Monique Morris 1200 Lakeshore Individual to develop a research and 35,897 Avenue 7A policy framework by which to Oakland, CA 94606 address the educational factors that contribute to the Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC) among black girls in California

Moses Moe 1166 Beech Street Individual to provide additional support to 929 Saint Paul, MN 55106 study at Metropolitan State U niversity

Mount Tremper Arts Inc PO Box 88 PC Matching Gift 150 MountTremper,NY 12457

Moveable Feast Inc PO Box 2298 PC Matching Gift 1,500 Baltimore,MD 21203

Moveable Feast Inc PO Box 2298 PC Matching Gift 7,950 Baltimore,MD 21203

Movember 1518 Abbot Kiney Blvd PC Matching Gift 150 Venice,CA 90291

Ms Foundation for Women Inc 12 PC Donation of 35 common shares 7,344 MetroTech Center 26th Floor of PG stock See attachment for Brooklyn, NY 11201 valuation

Mujahid Farid 2090 Adam Clayton Individual to provide support for the 56,170 Powell Jr Blvd release of aging persons in NewYork,NY 10027 prison

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Multiple Myeloma Research PC Matching Gift 300 Foundation Inc 383 Main Avenue 5th Floor Norwalk,CT 06851

Murodbek Laldjebaev 104 Hasbrouck Individual to obtain a PhD in Natural 40,930 Apartments Resources / Public Policy at Ithaca, NY 148502634 Cornell University

Mushfig Eminov 10024 Blue Coat Dr Individual to take up a grant at George 8,143 Fairfax,VA 22030 Mason University as part of the Global Faculty Grants Program (Track I Teaching Track) award

Music Company Orchestra Inc PO PC Matching Gift 300 Box 132 Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

Myat Su San Bard College 30 Campus Individual to provide additional support to 667 Road study at Bard College AnnandaleonHudson,NY 12504

Myat Su San Bard College 30 Campus Individual to provide additional support to 3,850 Road study at Bard College AnnandaleonHudson,NY 12504

Nang Lao Noan Vo 800 North Union Individual to provide additional support to 820 StreetApartment 803 study at Indiana University - Bloomington,IN 47408 Bloomington

Nang Lao Noan Vo 800 North Union Individual to provide additional support to 6,000 StreetApartment 803 study at Indiana University Bloomington, IN 47408

Natalia Forrat 6821 N Sheridan Rd Individual to provide additional support to 482 apt 303 study at Northwestern Chicago,IL 60626 University

National African American Drug Policy PC to provide general support 5,000 Coalition Howard University School of Law Ho Washington, DC 20008

National Juvenile Defender Center PC Matching Gift 750 1350 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 3 Washington, DC 20036

National Multiple Sclerosis Society PC Matching Gift 300 733 Third Avenue 3rd Floor NewYork,NY 10017

National Organization for Hearing PC Matching Gift 15,000 Research PO Box 421 Narberth,PA 19072

National Priorities Project Inc 243 PC Matching Gift 1,500 King Street Suite 246 Northampton,MA 01060

National Women's Law Center 11 PC Matching Gift 300 Dupont Circle NW Suite 800 Washington, DC 20036

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Natural Resource Governance PC to cover the balance of rent 212,866 Institute 80 Broad Street Suite 1801 owed to OSI NewYork,NY 10004

Navatman Inc 355 7th Ave Suite PC Matching Gift 900 206 NewYork,NY 10001

Navatman Inc 355 7th Ave Suite PC Matching Gift 900 206 NewYork,NY 10001

Navatman Inc 355 7th Ave Suite PC Matching Gift 4,500 206 NewYork,NY 10001

Navatman Inc 355 7th Ave Suite PC Matching Gift 12,000 206 NewYork,NY 10001

Navatman Inc 355 7th Ave Suite PC Matching Gift 6,000 206 NewYork,NY 10001

Nay Yan Oo 337 Augusta Individual to provide additional support to 1,019 AvenueApartment A study at Northern Illinois DeKalb,IL 60115 University

Nay Yan Oo 337 Augusta Individual to provide additional support to 5,000 AvenueApartment A study at Northern Illinois DeKalb,IL 60115 University

Nazgul Mingisheva 700 Woodland Individual to participate in the Faculty 9,052 Avenue apartment C-30 Development Fellowship Lexington, KY 40508 Program

Nazym Shedenova 1634 Walnut st Individual to participate in the Faculty 13,176 Berkeley, CA 94709 Development Fellowship Program

Neighborhood Defender Services Inc PC Matching Gift 750 317 Lenox Avenue 10th Floor NewYork,NY 10027

Nenneh Children Fund 49 Crown PC Matching Gift 4,500 Street Suite 8M Brooklyn, NY 11225

Nenneh Children Fund 49 Crown PC Matching Gift 6,000 Street Suite 8M Brooklyn, NY 11225

Nenneh Children Fund 49 Crown PC Matching Gift 9,000 Street Suite 8M Brooklyn, NY 11225

New Genesis 1680 Sherman Street PC Matching Gift 6,000 Denver,CO 80203

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

New Israel Fund 2100 M Street NW PC Matching Gift 6,000 Suite 619 Washington, DC 20037

New Israel Fund 2100 M Street NW PC Matching Gift 1,500 Suite 619 Washington, DC 20037

New York Botanical Garden 2900 NC Matching Gift 315 Southern Blvd Bronx,NY 10458

New York City Gay and Lesbian Anti- PC to provide general support 2,500 Violence Projec 240 West 35th Street Suite 200 NewYork,NY 10001

New York Civil Liberties Union PC Matching Gift 3,000 Foundation 125 Broad Street 19th Floor NewYork,NY 100042000

New York Lawyers for the Public PC Matching Gift 300 Interest 151 West 30th Street 11th Floor NewYork,NY 100014017

New York Lesbian & Gay Experimental PC Matching Gift 30,000 Film Festival 82 Nassau St 341 NewYork,NY 10038

New York Lesbian & Gay Experimental PC Matching Gift 18,000 Film Festival 82 Nassau St 341 NewYork,NY 10038

New York Lesbian & Gay Experimental PC Matching Gift 7,500 Film Festival 82 Nassau St 341 NewYork,NY 10038

New York Lesbian & Gay Experimental PC Matching Gift 6,000 Film Festival 82 Nassau St 341 NewYork,NY 10038

New York Lesbian & Gay Experimental PC Matching Gift 1,500 Film Festival 82 Nassau St 341 NewYork,NY 10038

NewYork Live Arts Inc 219 W 19th NC Matching Gift 750 Street NewYork,NY 10011

New York Women's Foundation 39 PC Matching Gift 750 Broadway 23rd Floor NewYork,NY 10006

New York Youth Symphony 11O W PC Matching Gift 600 40th St Suite 1503 NewYork,NY 10018

Newark Public Radio Inc 54 Park PC Matching Gift 270 Place Newark,NJ 07102

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Nicole Pittman 1441 Sansom Street Individual to educate policymakers on the 1,500 Suite 1038 harms caused to children Philadelphia, PA 19102 placed on sex offender registries

Nino Esakia 205 Harvard Place Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 1,051 Syracuse, NY 13210 Public Administration or Public Policy from a North American university

NJ Coalition to End Homelessness PC Matching Gift 750 65 Livingston Ave Roseland, NJ 07068

Nomi Network 255 W 36th St 8th Fl PC Matching Gift 975 NewYork,NY 10018

North End Action Team Inc 654 Main PC Matching Gift 750 St M iddletown, CT 06457

Oakland Unified School District PC to support the Department for 200,000 Transpacific Center 1000 Broadway African American Male Oakland, CA 94607 Achievement, a program dedicated to closing the achievement gap for Oakland's black male students

Oberlin College 50 West Lorain PC Matching Gift 3,000 Street O berlin, O H 440741089

Oberlin College 50 West Lorain PC Matching Gift 300 Street O berlin, O H 440741089

Olga Tomchin 655 MacArthur Blvd 3 Individual to end inhumane treatment of 30,650 Oakland, CA 94610 indigent transgender people in immigration detention and radically improve their access to deportation defense representation

Olga Vasileva 303 F Street Individual to provide additional support to 1,450 Cedar Falls,IA 50613 study at Simon Fraser U niversity

One to World Inc 285 West Broadway PC Matching Gift 9,000 Suite 450 NewYork,NY 10013

One America 1225 South Weller PC Matching Gift 15,000 Street Suite 430 Seattle, WA 98144

Organization for Youth Empowerment PC Matching Gift 4,500 3351 18th St Nw Washington, DC 20010

Oyster School Community Council PC Matching Gift 900 2801 Calvert St NW Washington, DC 20008

Packer Collegiate Institute 170 PC Matching Gift 1,500 Joralemon St Brooklyn, NY 11201

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Parent Teachers Association of PS PC Matching Gift 3,000 40 Manhattan 320 E 20th St NewYork,NY 10003

Parent Teachers Association of PS PC Matching Gift 6,000 40 Manhattan 320 E 20th St NewYork,NY 10003

Parent-Teacher Association of the PC Matching Gift 6,000 Earth School 600 East 6th Street NewYork,NY 10009

Park School of Baltimore Inc 2425 NC Matching Gift 150 Old Court Road Baltimore,MD 21208

Park School of Baltimore Inc 2425 NC Matching Gift 150 Old Court Road Baltimore,MD 21208

Park Slope Child Care Collective 186 PC Matching Gift 900 St Johns Place Brooklyn, NY 112173402

Partners In Health a Nonprofit PC Matching Gift 19,500 Corporation 888 Commonwealth Avenue 3rd Floor Boston,MA 02215

Pathways to Housing DC 101 Q PC Matching Gift 375 Street NE Suite G Washington, DC 20002

Pathways to Housing Inc 186 E PC Matching Gift 750 123rd St 4th Fl NewYork,NY 10035

Paul Taylor Dance Foundation Inc PC Matching Gift 15,000 551 Grand Street NewYork,NY 10002

Paul Taylor Dance Foundation Inc PC Matching Gift 600 551 Grand Street NewYork,NY 10002

PEN American Center Inc 588 PC to provide general support 10,000 Broadway Suite 303 NewYork,NY 10012

Peter DiCampo 433 Belmont Ave E Individual to partner with the Bronx 30,000 Seattle, WA 98102 Documentary Center, the Learning About Multimedia Project (LAMP), and Unchartered Digital to create a pilot curriculum for students in the Bronx, New York using their archive of images from Everyday Africa as well as develop phase-one of an interactive digital platform

Phoebe Hearst PTA 3950 37th PC Matching Gift 2,250 Street NW Washington, DC 20008

Phone MyatTharaphy 1000 West Individual to provide additional support to 847 Austin study at College of St Nevada, MO 64772 Elizabeth

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Phone MyatTharaphy 1000 West Individual to provide additional support to 2,000 Austin study at College of St Nevada, MO 64772 Elizabeth

Phyo Thin Aung 11 12th Street Individual to provide additional support to 1,037 NApartment 14B study at North Dakota State Fargo,ND 58102 University

Phyo Thin Aung 11 12th Street Individual to provide additional support to 4,767 NApartment 14B study at North Dakota State Fargo,ND 58102 University

Phyu Pannu Khin 1215 S Grand Individual to provide additional support to 1,174 Avenue study at Montana State Bozeman, MT 59715 University

Phyu Pannu Khin 1215 S Grand Individual to provide additional support to 2,000 Avenue study at Montana State Bozeman, MT 59715 University

Planned Parenthood Federation of PC Matching Gift 150 America Inc 434 West 33rd Street NewYork,NY 100012601

Planned Parenthood Federation of PC Matching Gift 150 America Inc 434 West 33rd Street NewYork,NY 100012601

Planned Parenthood Federation of PC Matching Gift 1,500 America Inc 434 West 33rd Street NewYork,NY 100012601

Planned Parenthood Federation of PC Matching Gift 300 America Inc 434 West 33rd Street NewYork,NY 100012601

Planned Parenthood Federation of PC Matching Gift 1,500 America Inc 434 West 33rd Street NewYork,NY 100012601

Planned Parenthood Federation of PC to address health disparities in 1,650,000 America Inc 434 West 33rd Street the south and southeast NewYork,NY 100012601 regions of the United States by building health centers and other infrastructure that is key to expanding access to critical reproductive health services

Planned Parenthood of Southern New PC Matching Gift 150 England 345 Whitney Ave NewHaven,CT 06511

Poetry Society of America 15 PC Matching Gift 375 Gramercy Park NewYork,NY 10003

President and Trustees of Colby PC Matching Gift 1,500 College 4335 Mayflower Hill Waterville, ME 04901

President and Trustees of Colby PC Matching Gift 1,500 College 4335 Mayflower Hill Waterville, ME 04901

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Princeton in Asia 194 Nassau Street PC Matching Gift 3,750 Suite 212 Princeton, NJ 08542

Prospect Park Alliance 95 Prospect PC Matching Gift 600 Park West Brooklyn, NY 11215

Provide Inc 47 Thorndike St PC Matching Gift 600 Cambridge, MA 02141

Prudence Crandall Center Inc PO PC Matching Gift 45,000 Box 895 NewBritain,CT 06050

PS 39 Parent Association Inc 417 PC Matching Gift 6,000 6th Ave Brooklyn, NY 11215

PS 39 Parent Association Inc 417 PC Matching Gift 30,000 6th Ave Brooklyn, NY 11215

PS 58 Parent Teacher Association PC Matching Gift 150 330 Smith Street Brooklyn, NY 11231

PTA New Jersey Congress of Parents PC Matching Gift 150 and Teachers 262 Grove Road South Orange, NJ 07079

Public Justice Center Inc One North PC Matching Gift 750 Charles Street Suite 200 Baltimore,MD 21201

Rama Halaseh 925 22nd St South Individual to pursue a masters degree at 38,367 Arlington,VA 22202 Syracuse University

Ramapo-Bergen Animal Refuge Inc 2 PC Matching Gift 300 Shelter Lane Oakland,NJ 07436

Ramaz Kurdadze 15 North College Individual to participate in the Faculty 9,742 Street Linguistic Development Fellowship Hanover,NH 037553562 Program

Ramesh Ghimire Agricultural and Individual to provide additional support to 432 Applied Economics study at University of Georgia Athens, GA 30602

Ramin Ahmadov 2401 Vienna Woods Individual to provide additional support to 647 Dr study at University of Cincinnati,OH 45211 Cincinnati

Ramin Ahmadov 2401 Vienna Woods Individual to provide additional support to 6,000 Dr study at University of Cincinnati,OH 45211 Cincinnati

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Raphael Sperry 9 Peters Ave Individual to harness the profession of 69,410 San Francisco, CA 94110 architecture to focus on the physical facilities of mass incarceration, and the alternative communities need instead, to argue for new priorities in public investment

Rayed Khedher PO Box 480872 Individual to provide additional support to 7,000 Los Angeles, CA 90048 study at University of California Los Angeles

Rebecca Richman Cohen 7R Individual to complete and distribute a 35,675 Westwood Road documentary film, Code of the Somerville, MA 02143 West, which aims to ignite viewer engagement on issues of national drug policy reform

Reda Hassan 363 Richland Avenue Individual to pursue a masters degree at 22,814 Apt 338 Ohio University Athens,OH 45701

Regional Addiction Prevention Inc PC to provide general support 2,500 1949 4th Street NE Washington, DC 20002

Reporters Instructed in Saving PC 80 hours of volunteer time, 1,000 Colleagues Inc c/o The Half King including Event 505-507 W 23rd S coordination/checking guests in New York, NY 10011 and collecting entry fees at War Correspondent series, database entry, answering e-mails, assisting at trainings

Rett Syndrome Research Trust 67 PC Matching Gift 9,000 U ndercliff Rd Trumbull,CT 06611

Rhea Marie Fernandes 16 Villanova Individual OSIRG is designed to inspire a 9,121 Road new cohort of practitioners Parlin, NJ 08859 committed to working both in the public interest and at the forefront of global policy You will research the evolution of political rights in Egypt, especially protection of civil liberties

Rhizome Communications Inc 235 PC Matching Gift 3,000 Bowery NewYork,NY 10002

Robin Bowman 2990 Joaquin Miller Individual to partner with The American 24,584 Road Teenager Project to create an Oakland, CA 94602 exhibition, curriculum, and training program to stimulate youth engagement on civil and human rights issues

Ronald Chatters III 38115 52nd Individual to mitigate barriers to the 1,500 Street East reentry of inmates with Palmdale, CA 93552 disabilitites returning from LA County jails by establishing rerelease planning procedures to ensure their receipt of public benefits upon release

Roundabout Theatre Company 231 W PC Matching Gift 14,250 39th St NewYork,NY 10036

Safe and Sound Baltimore's Campaign PC Matching Gift 600 for Children 2 East Read Street Baltimore,MD 212022407

Safe and Sound Baltimore's Campaign PC to support the Maryland Out of 33,000 for Children 2 East Read Street School Time (MOST) Network Baltimore,MD 212022407

Saidmukhidin Kholov 111 Thayer Individual to participate in the Faculty 9,640 Providence, RI 02912 Development Fellowship Program

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Salome Vadachkoria 3135 Broadway Individual to study Social Work at a U S 17,376 apartment 14 university NewYork,NY 10027

Samy Ayoub 845 N Park Ave Individual to provide additional support to 502 Marshall Bldg Rm study at The University of Tucson,AZ 85721 Arizona

Sanctuary for Families Inc PO Box PC Matching Gift 750 1406 Wall Street Station NewYork,NY 102681406

Sanctuary for Families Inc PO Box PC Matching Gift 750 1406 Wall Street Station NewYork,NY 102681406

Sara Zier 324 N G Street 301 Individual to deterthe incarceration of 1,500 Tacoma, WA 98403 youth with mental illnesses by assuring that those youth can access community-based mental healthcare services to which they are entitled

Sat Mic Film 124 First Place NC to generate a discussion 23,383 Brooklyn, NY 11231 among European Parliament and the European Commission officials about best practices for resource allocation and methodologies for Roma school integration funds by using the story ofOUR SCHOOL as a case study and springboard for discussion on in-depth and long-term monitoring

Saw Htay Wah 3745 S Barrington Individual to provide additional support to 4,500 AvenueApartment study at Pardee RAND Los Angeles, CA 90066 Graduate School

SDTC - The Center for Discovery Inc PC Matching Gift 30,000 PO Box 840 Harris,NY 12742

SDTC - The Center for Discovery Inc PC Matching Gift 30,000 PO Box 840 Harris,NY 12742

Service Providers and Civic NC to support the Service 50,000 Engagement Project 2444 Providers and Civic Washington Street Suite 220 Engagement Project Denver,CO 80205

Sexual Minority Youth Assistance PC Matching Gift 750 League 410 7th Street SE Washington, DC 20003

Shadi Bushnaq 21-09 45th Avenue Individual to study Social Work at 13,805 Long Island City, NY 11101 Columbia University

Shelter Our Sisters Inc 12 Overlook PC Matching gift for 35 shares of 7,344 Ave PG common stock donated on Rochelle Park, NJ 07662 12/17/12 See attachment for valuation

Shokhrukh-Mirzo Jalilov 940 College Individual to provide additional support to 639 Room 387 PO Box 30003 study at New Mexico State Las Cruces,NM 880038003 University

Shoreline Soup Kitchens PO Box 804 PC Matching Gift 150 Essex,CT 06426

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Shuhrat Mirzoev 319 Benner Street Individual to obtain a PhD in Economics 32,688 Apartment B2 from Rutgers University in the Highland Park, NJ 08904 United States and to apply that knowledge in your home country, preferably within academia

Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome PC Matching Gift 450 Foundation PO Box 40 Avon,NY 14414

Signature Theatre Inc 4200 PC Matching Gift 30,000 Campbell Avenue Arlington,VA 22206

Simon Janashia 2057 20th St Apt Individual to obtain an Ed D in 47,784 2A International Educational Astoria, NY 11105 Development at Teachers College, Columbia University

Siranush Chubaryan 2009 Greene Individual to provide additional support to 722 Street Apartment 304 study at University of South Columbia,SC 29205 Carolina

SOME Inc 71 0 Street NW PC Matching Gift 3,000 Washington, DC 20001

Sonia Kumar 719 Washington Place Individual to ensure that girls in 1,500 Apt 2R Maryland's juvenile justice Baltimore, MD 21201 system are treated equitably, by advocating for detention alternatives, the decriminalization of running away, and improved monitoring

Soros Economic Development Fund PF to support operating expenses 1,382,559 224 West 57th Street NewYork,NY 10019

Sound Business Inc 315 E 14th PC participation in career days, 1,000 Street 5B organization and analysis of NewYork,NY 10003 data, and preparation of strategic plan

Spiritmuv Corp 376 President St 2H PC Matching Gift 7,278 Brooklyn, NY 11231

Spitfire Strategies 1800 M Street NC to build the communications 100,000 NW Suite 300 North capacity of public defenders Washington, DC 20036 and advocates working to improve public defense services

St Augustine School 3920 NewYork PC Matching Gift 750 Ave Union City,NJ 07087

St Jude Children's Research Hospital PC Matching Gift 600 501 St Jude Place Memphis,TN 38105

St Paul's Church 82 Lake Road West PC Matching Gift 375 Congers, NY 10920

St Sylvester's Church 68 Ohio PC Matching Gift 6,000 Avenue Medford,NY 11765

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Stage Aurora Theatrical Company Inc PC Matching Gift 4,500 5164-A Norwood Avenue Jacksonville, FL 32208

Stage Aurora Theatrical Company Inc PC Matching Gift 3,000 5164-A Norwood Avenue Jacksonville, FL 32208

Stage Aurora Theatrical Company Inc PC Matching Gift 750 5164-A Norwood Avenue Jacksonville, FL 32208

Stage Aurora Theatrical Company Inc PC Matching Gift 3,000 5164-A Norwood Avenue Jacksonville, FL 32208

Stanislav Sajin 12 Jerome Avenue Individual to provide additional support to 264 Binghamton, NY 13905 study at Binghamton University

Stanislav Sajin 12 Jerome Avenue Individual to provide additional support to 3,000 Binghamton, NY 13905 study at Binghamton University

Stone Ridge Library Foundation PO PC Matching Gift 375 Box 188 Stone Ridge, NY 12484

StoryCorps Inc 80 Hanson Place 2nd PC Matching Gift 750 Floor Brooklyn, NY 11217

StoryCorps Inc 80 Hanson Place 2nd PC Matching Gift 3,000 Floor Brooklyn, NY 11217

Su Myat Thu Agnes Scott Individual to provide additional support to 760 College141 East College study at Agnes Scott College Decatur,GA 300303797

Suki Kim 151 Hudson Street 2W Individual to research and write a book- 43,900 NewYork,NY 10013 length monograph, currently under contract with Random House, which will detail the multi-million dollar enterprise that is the business of defection from North Korea today Through each narrative account, the many facets of defection will be exposed as a microcosm of North Korea and its troubled state

Sustainability Laboratory Inc 229 PC Matching Gift 6,000 East 85th St PO Box 1571 NewYork,NY 10028

Svetlana Ten 4 Huxley CT Individual to produce a photo 6,502 Marlboro, NJ 07746 documentary on Uzbek labor migrants

Swarthmore College 500 College NC Matching Gift 600 Avenue Swarthmore, PA 19081

T A G Treatment Action Group Inc PC to provide general support 6,500 261 Fifth Avenue Suite 2110 NewYork,NY 10016

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

TamirChultemsuren ISEEES UC Individual to participate in the Faculty 13,482 Berkeley 260 Stephens H Development Felowship Berkeley, CA 94720 Program, the purpose of the Fellowship is to allow you to spend one academic term (not to exceed five months) at The University of California - Berkeley (Host University) and return for the next academic term to your university of employment in your home country (Home University) to resume your responsibilities and apply the skills learned the previous academic term

Tanya Erzen 4213 4th Avenue NE Individual to examine the consequences 33,206 Seattle, WA 98105 of religious groups entering prisons and providing post- release services, and the way prisoners and former prisoners engage with faith-based programs

Tarsha Jackson 1918 Place Rebecca Individual to lead a focused campaign to 1,500 Lane Q2 significantly depopulate the Houston,TX 77090 juvenile and adult jails, while engaging families and the community

Tell Every Amazing Lady About NC Matching Gift 150 Ovarian Cancer Found PO Box 340947 Brooklyn, NY 11234

The Adventure Project Corporation PC Matching Gift 661 242 W 30th St 8th Fl NewYork,NY 10001

The After-School Corporation 1440 PC Matching Gift 3,000 Broadway 16th Floor NewYork,NY 10018

The After-School Corporation 1440 PC Matching Gift 1,500 Broadway 16th Floor NewYork,NY 10018

The ALS Association Greater New PC Matching Gift 600 York Chapter 42 Broadway Suite 1724 NewYork,NY 10004

The Associated Jewish Community PC Matching gift for 94 shares of 45,000 Federation of Bal 101 Mount Royal DFS, 97 shares of CMCSA, and Avenue 150 shares of CVS (all Baltimore, MD 21201 common stock) Valuation in attachments Total value of stocks is $15,268 86

The Association for the Public PC to provide general support 1,500 Defender 6 St Paul Street Suite 1400 Baltimore,MD 21202

The Beacon School Parent PC Matching Gift 750 Association 227-243 West 61 Street NewYork,NY 10023

The Brick Theater Inc 579 PC Matching Gift 150 Metropolitan Ave Brooklyn, NY 11211

The Bronx Defenders 860 Courtlandt PC Matching Gift 1,050 Avenue Bronx,NY 10451

The Bronx Defenders 860 Courtlandt PC Matching Gift 750 Avenue Bronx,NY 10451

The Center for Reproductive Rights PC Matching Gift 3,000 Inc 120 Wall Street 14th Floor NewYork,NY 10005

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

The Center for Reproductive Rights PC to provide general support 600,000 Inc 120 Wall Street 14th Floor NewYork,NY 10005

The Clear Fund dba GiveWell 182 PC Matching Gift 600 Howard St 208 San Francisco,CA 94105

The Clear Fund dba GiveWell 182 PC Matching Gift 5,400 Howard St 208 San Francisco,CA 94105

The Corporation of the Washington PC Matching Gift 1,500 Latin School 4715 16th St NW Washington, DC 20011

The Dalton School 108 East 89th NC Matching Gift 3,000 Street NewYork,NY 10128

The Dalton School 108 East 89th NC Matching Gift 300 Street NewYork,NY 10128

The George Washington University PC Matching Gift 150 2100 M Street NW Suite 310 Washington, DC 20052

The Haitian Education & Leadership PC Matching Gift 1,500 Program 64 Fulton Street Suite 1102 NewYork,NY 10038

The Institute of Music for Children PC Matching Gift 1,200 Inc 780 Salem Avenue Elizabeth,NJ 07208

The Institute of Music for Children PC Matching Gift 3,600 Inc 780 Salem Avenue Elizabeth,NJ 07208

The Joyce Theater Foundation 175 PC Matching Gift 13,200 Eighth Avenue NewYork,NY 10011

The Joyce Theater Foundation 175 PC Matching Gift 15,000 Eighth Avenue NewYork,NY 10011

The Lens 6363 St Charles Avenue NC to support a New Orleans 200,000 Box 202 based reporting initiative that New O rleans, LA 70118 provides news, information, and access to data related to Gulf Coast issues of public interest

The Nation Institute 116 East 16th PC to provide general support 10,000 Street 8th Floor NewYork,NY 100032112

The NewYork Historical Society 170 PC Matching Gift 25,000 Central Park West NewYork,NY 100245194

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

The New York Immigration Coalition PC to provide general support 2,000 Inc 137-139 West 25th Street 12th Floo NewYork,NY 10001

The Next American City Inc 1315 PC to provide general support 5,000 Walnut Street Suite 926 Philadelphia, PA 19107

The Osborne Association Inc 809 PC Matching Gift 300 Westchester Avenue Bronx,NY 10455

The Osborne Association Inc 809 PC Matching Gift 750 Westchester Avenue Bronx,NY 10455

The Performance Zone Inc 161 6th PC Matching Gift 9,000 Avenue 14th floor NewYork,NY 10013

The Performance Zone Inc 161 6th PC Matching Gift 150 Avenue 14th floor NewYork,NY 10013

The Resolution Project Inc 1120 PC to provide general support 5,000 Avenue of the Americas 4th Fl NewYork,NY 10036

The Sentencing Project 1705 PC Matching Gift 1,500 DeSales Street NW 8th Floor Washington, DC 20036

The Trustees of Columbia University PC Matching Gift 150 in the City of 622 West 113th St MC 4524 NewYork,NY 10025

The Trustees of Columbia University PC Matching Gift 300 in the City of 622 West 113th St MC 4524 NewYork,NY 10025

The Trustees of Columbia University PC Matching Gift 750 in the City of 622 West 113th St MC 4524 NewYork,NY 10025

The Trustees of the University of PC Matching Gift 750 Pennsylvania 433 Franklin Building3451 Walnut St Philadelphia, PA 191046205

Thomas Jefferson HS for Science & PC Matching Gift 3,000 Tech Partnership 6560 Braddock Road Alexandria,VA 22312

Thrive DC 1525 Newton Stret NW PC Matching Gift 7,500 Washington, DC 20010

Tides Center PO Box 29907 Presidio PC to support the Connect U S 7,218 Building Fund San Francisco,CA 941290907

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Timothy Wise 42 Kinnaird St 3 Individual To a conduct a book project 82,454 Cambridge, MA 02139 that follows the trail of maize outward from the United States into developing countries in order to illustrate the ways in which U S biofuels and commodity speculation ripple out to the developing world

Tinatin Surguladze 38 Old Colony Individual to obtain a Ph D in Counseling 42,205 Ave apt 4 and School Psychology at the Q uincy, MA 02170 University of Massachusetts - Boston

Tracy Huling 3050 Route 67 Individual to identify, document and 68,500 Freehold, NY 12431 spread effective ways to close state prisons in rural America

Transportation Alternatives Inc 127 PC to provide general support 3,000 West 26th Street Suite 1002 NewYork,NY 10001

Trey Whitfield Foundation Inc PO Box PC Matching Gift 9,000 252 Brooklyn, NY 11208

Triskelion ArtsKickStand Dance Inc PC Matching Gift 1,500 118 N 11th St 3rd Floor Brooklyn, NY 11211

TrustAfrica c/o Ford Foundation 320 PC Matching Gift 375 East 43rd S NewYork,NY 10017

Tumendelger Sengedorj 1201 S Individual to allow you to spend one 10,816 Scott StreetA pt 211 academic term (not to exceed Arlington,VA 22204 five months) at The George Washington University (Host University)

Tungalag Ulambayar 500 W Prospect Individual to provide additional support to 9,830 Rd 20E study at Colorado State Fort Collins, CO 80526 University

Tut's Inc 3013 Chelsea Terrace PC Matching Gift 150 Baltimore,MD 21216

Tyrone Werts 725 Wolcott Drive Apt Individual to empower incarcerated and 75,230 A formerly incarcerated men to Philadelphia, PA 18118 be civically engaged

Ulysses Cofield 1205 N Dallas Individual to partner with Fort Worthington 23,754 Baltimore, MD 21213 Elementary School and the National Great Blacks in Wax Museum to engage East Baltimore youth in after school opportunities, including homework, sports teams, woodshop, and field trips, that provide a safe haven from violence, gangs and street life

Undrakh Davaadorj 1221 Brighton Individual to participate in the Faculty 13,050 Ave 9Albany CA 947 Development Fellowship Albany,CA 947061239 Program, the purpose of the Fellowship is to allow you to spend one academic term (not to exceed five months) at the University of California - Berkeley (Host University) and return for the next academic term to your university of employment in your home country (Home University) to resume your responsibilities and apply the skills learned the previous academic term

Unitarian Universalist Church of PC Matching Gift 7,500 Tucson PO Box 40782 Tucson,AZ 85717

United States Fund for UNICEF 125 PC Matching Gift 300 Maiden Lane NewYork,NY 10038

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

United States Fund for UNICEF 125 PC Matching Gift 900 Maiden Lane NewYork,NY 10038

United to End Genocide 1100 17th PC Matching Gift 3,000 St NW Ste 500 Washington, DC 20036

United Way of Western Connecticut PC Matching Gift 150 85 West Street Danbury, CT 06810

University of Maryland Baltimore PC Matching Gift 150 Foundation Inc 620 W Baltimore Street Floor 2 Baltimore,MD 21201

University of North Carolina at Chapel PC Matching Gift 750 Hill PO Box 309 Chapel Hill,NC 27514

University of Rochester PO Box PC Matching Gift 4,500 270032 Gift Donor Recor Rochester, NY 14627

Urban Justice Center 123 William PC Matching Gift 600 Street 16th Floor NewYork,NY 10038

Urban Justice Center 123 William PC to provide general support 10,000 Street 16th Floor NewYork,NY 10038

Vanda Felbab Brown 1775 Individual to conduct a 17-month book 34,000 Massachusetts Ave NW project on Managing Illicit Washington, DC 20036 Economies that will explore how best to suppress and manage several dangerous illicit economies in ways that enhance human security and human rights

Violence Policy Center 1730 Rhode PC Matching Gift 1,500 Island Ave NW Washington, DC 20036

Vladimir Kolchin 112-3F Montgomery Individual to obtain a PhD in Economics 35,243 Str at Rutgers University Highland Park, NJ 08904

Wai Yee Krystal Khine 3 West 108th Individual to provide additional support to 1,073 StreetApartment 14 study at Columbia University NewYork,NY 10025

Wai Yee Krystal Khine 3 West 108th Individual to provide additional support to 4,500 StreetApartment 14 study at Columbia University NewYork,NY 10025

Walla Walla Community College 500 PC to support the development of 69,862 Tausick Way a debate and dialogue program Walla Walla, WA 99362 at two prison facilities in Washington State

Washington Humane Society 7319 PC Matching Gift 150 Georgia Ave NW Washington, DC 20012

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Washington Office on Latin America PC Matching Gift 6,000 1666 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 4 Washington, DC 20009

Washington Office on Latin America PC Matching Gift 2,089 1666 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 4 Washington, DC 20009

WBAI Radio Church St Station PO PC Matching Gift 405 Box 7032 NewYork,NY 10008

Weeam Hammoudeh 83 Medway st Individual to provide additional support to 3,000 apt2 study at Brown University Providence, RI 02906

Wellesley College 106 Central St PC 80 shares of common stock 6,848 Wellesley, MA 02481 from Vodafone on 4/8/13, valued at $28 53 per share See attachment for value

Wesley Ware 1600 Oretha C Haley Individual to directly impact the 1,500 Blvd criminalization of LGBT youth New O rleans, LA 70113 in New Orleans by building the power of those most affected to implement policy changes regarding arrest and incarceration

Wesleyan University 318 High Street PC to support the Military 100,000 Middletown, CT 06459 Veterans Scholarship

West Virginia University Foundation PC Matching Gift 150 Inc PO Box 1650 Morgantown,WV 26507

WFMU Radio PO Box 2011 PC Matching Gift 1,200 Jersey City, N3 07303

Where Angels Play Foundation 158 PC Matching Gift 9,000 Bucknell Ave Woodridge, NJ 07095

WHYY Inc 150 N Sixth St PC Matching Gift 750 Philadelphia, PA 19106

Wildlife Conservation Society 2300 PC Matching Gift 300 Southern Blvd Bronx, NY 10460

William and Lanaea C Featherstone PC Matching Gift 150 Foundation 2031 Kennicott Road Windsor Mill, MD 21244

Willie Mae Rock Camp for Girls 87 PC Matching Gift 975 Irving Place Brooklyn, NY 11238

Win Aung Ko 6256 Austin Street Individual to provide additional support to 886 Rego Park, NY 11374 study at The City College of New York

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Win Aung Ko 6256 Austin Street Individual to provide additional support to 2,000 Rego Park, NY 11374 study at City College of New York

Win Chein 319 N Koehne Individual to provide additional support to 1,062 StreetApartment 4 study at Loma Linda University Indianapolis, IN 46222

Win Chein 319 N Koehne Individual to provide additional support to 1,500 StreetApartment 4 study at Loma Linda University Indianapolis, IN 46222

WNET 825 Eighth Avenue Fl 14 PC Matching Gift 150 NewYork,NY 100197435

WNET 825 Eighth Avenue Fl 14 PC Matching Gift 150 NewYork,NY 100197435

WNYC Radio 160 Varick Street 9th PC Matching Gift 396 Floor NewYork,NY 10013

WNYC Radio 160 Varick Street 9th PC Matching Gift 360 Floor NewYork,NY 10013

WNYC Radio 160 Varick Street 9th PC Matching Gift 300 Floor NewYork,NY 10013

WNYC Radio 160 Varick Street 9th PC Matching Gift 180 Floor NewYork,NY 10013

Women for Afghan Women 158-24 PC to provide general support 2,000 73rd Avenue Fresh Meadows,NY 11366

Women for Women International PC Match for 35 common shares 7,343 2000 M Street NW Suite 200 of PG stock, valued at $69 93 Washington, DC 20036 per share See attachment for valuation

World Hunger Year Inc 505 8th Ave PC Matching Gift 150 Rm 2100 NewYork,NY 10018

World Wildlife Fund Inc 1250 24th PC Matching Gift 750 Street NW Washington, DC 20037

Yale-China Association Inc 442 PC Matching Gift 150 Temple St NewHaven,CT 06511

Your Public Radio Corporation 2216 PC Matching Gift 1,095 North Charles Street Baltimore,MD 21218

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Zebigul Shekhova 6414 Cates Individual to study Social Work at a U S 34,485 Avenue apt2W university Saint Louis, MO 63130

Zhiying Ma 5730 S Woodlawn Individual To support a travel grant to 1,305 Avenue enable Ms Zhiying Ma to Chicago,IL 60637 attend the conference on Transforming Communities for Inclusion of Persons with Psychosocial Disabilities in Pure, India

Zumrad Kataeva 1435 Nicholasville Individual to obtain a PhD in Education 22,302 RoadApartment 17 from the University of Lexington, KY 40503 Kentucky in the United States and to apply that knowledge in your home country, preferably within academia

Zung Htang 13 Henry Apartment-1 Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 South Burlington,VT 05401 study at SIT Graduate School

1956 Institute Foundation Tuzolto u NC to support two research 73,500 23 111/6 programs Underground Budapest 1094 Streams and OurTwentieth HU Century

Aastha Poudel Chandragadi-06 Individual to study sustainable 16,261 Thapa-district, Mech development practice at TERI NP University, India

Aayush Niroula CC Kabya Niroula Individual to obtain a Masters of 15,943 Industrial Ente Journalism from Hong Kong Kathmandu University NP

Abdul Aziz Apartment 4 Fifth Floor Individual to study sustainable 15,968 Block B development practice at TERI Kabul University, India AF

Abdul Hadi Iqbalzada House No Individual to study counseling at the Tata 11,617 115E Phase 2 Shahrak-e 0 Institute of Social Sciences, Kabul India AF

Abdul Wahab Azad House No 1423 Individual to obtain a MA in sustainable 15,978 Gullayee Mahtab Qa development practice from Kabul TERI University AF

Abdulrahman Al Halawani Apt 8 Individual to obtain a Master's degree in 44,532 Alkhair BuildingOmar Lufti A Gender Studies at Brandeis Amman 11821 University JO

AbdusaburAbdusamadov 191 Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 7,967 Rudaky Avenue Apartment 18 Sociology from the University Dushanbe 734017 of Missouri-Columbia TI

AbdusaburAbdusamadov 191 Individual to provide additional support to 9,000 Rudaky Avenue Apartment 18 study at University of Missouri Dushanbe 734017 TI

Abeer Hashayka An-Najah St Individual to pursue an internship at Save 8,754 Nablus, Palestinian Terri the Children PS

Abeer Hashayka An-Najah St Individual to pursue an internship at 553 Nablus, Palestinian Terri Global Solutions and the PS Tamkeen Center for Legal Aid and Human Rights

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

A beer Shaheen Birzeit University P 0 Individual to provide support to study 12,859 Box 14 Political Science as part of the Birzeit, Palestinian Terri Palestinian Faculty PS Development Program

Ablet Kamalov 12-A L Chaikina st Individual to take up a grant at the 3,801 Almaty 50020 University of Indiana as part of KZ the Global Faculty Grants Program (Track II Research Award)

Access to Information Programme NC to provide support for access to 110,000 Foundation 76 Vasil Levski information and government Boulevard 3rd Flo accountability work Sofia 1000 BU

ActionAid International Afghanistan NC to empower youth in 57,679 House 1117 Street 5 Qalai -e- Afghanistan as active citizens Kabul, Kabul 1007 and drivers of social change AF towards deepening democracy and promoting peace

Adalberto Mendez Lopez Delegacion Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 33,523 Benito Juarez Law with a specialization in Mexico City 3400 Human/Disability Rights and to MX equip you with the necessary expertise to develop new legislation, jurisprudence, impact litigation, and scholarship in your home country, thereby taking advantage of the innovations and opportunities offered by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

Adil Rodionov Ablai-Khan Ave 6/4- Individual to take up a grant at the 12,859 62 Central European University as Astana part of the Global Faculty KZ Grants Program Academic Sabbatical awards 2013-14

Afghanistan National Participation NC to raise public awareness about 58,398 Organization (A Darulaman Road human and civil rights both in Across from Kabul D urban and rural areas Kabul 20 AF

African Gender and Media Initiative NC to spearhead a series of 102,787 Trust (GEM) 3rd Ngong Avenue interventions through a public Upper Hill Garden awareness campaign on sexual Nairobi and reproductive health rights KE of women living with HIV

African Palliative Care Association NC to provide capacity building 100,000 PO Box 72518 support to the African Palliative Kampala Care Association (APCA)for UG staff salaries, operating costs, implementation of the financial sustainability plan and the fourth APCA Congress in September 2013

African Policing Civilian Oversight NC to develop an action plan to 97,500 Forum Suite 103- 105A Building 17 promote a rights-based The Wa approach to pre-trial detention Cape Town 7925 in Africa, with a special focus SF on the police and other security personnel responsible for detention

AHEL forTraining PO Box 950654 NC to develop capacities of local 75,000 Amman marginalized groups in Lebanon JO and Palestine in community organizing and mobilization in order to design and lead advocacy campaigns to effect top-level policy changes

Ahmad Seyar Mohebzada 3rd Str Individual to study sustainable 15,716 Shah-e-Shahid development practice at TERI Kabul University, India AF

Ahmed Abu Awad Dept of English Individual to study education in the U S 8,311 Birzeit Universit as part of the Palestinian Birzeit, Palestinian Terri Faculty Development Program PS

Aida Gasimova S Dadashov Street Individual to take up a grant at Duke 9,211 6/23 University as part of the Global Baku 1073 Faculty Grants - Research / AJ Publication grant

Aida Talic Josipa Dakica 75B Individual to provide additional support to 4,598 Zenica 72000 study at University of BK Connecticut

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Aigine Cultural Research Center ul NC to provide support for the 26,045 Toktogula 93 implementation of the final year Bishkek 720040 of a three year phase of the KG ReSET 2010 project entitled The Soviet in Everyday Life'

Aigul Abdyldaeva Tolstoi Str 22 Individual to study Social Work at a U S 31,149 Osh 714000 university KG

Ajar Chekirova 53 Moskovskaya st Individual to provide additional support to 472 apt 35 study at University of Illinois - Bishkek 710021 Chicago KG

AjarChekirova 53 Moskovskaya st Individual to provide additional support to 3,000 apt 35 study at University of Illinois in Bishkek 710021 Chicago KG

Al Mezan Center For Human Rights NC to promote protection and 60,000 5/102-1 Al Mena Omar El-Mukhtar accountability for human rights St violations in the Gaza Strip Gaza, Palestinian Terri 972 through documentation, OC litigation, and international advocacy

Al-Bawsala Habib Bourguiba Street NC to promote transparency and 71,000 43-45 access to reliable information Tunis,Tunis 1000 and to strengthen good TS governance by monitoring the work of the Tunisian parliament through the use of ICTs and other activities

Alberto Vasquez Encalada 765 San Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 19,436 Martin Avenue Apt 305 Law with a specialization in Lima 150 Human/Disability Rights and to PE equip you with the necessary expertise to develop new legislation, jurisprudence, impact litigation, and scholarship in your home country, thereby taking advantage of the innovations and opportunities offered by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

AleksandrCheryomukhin Nizami St Individual to provide additional support to 223 93/18 study at Rutgers, The State Baku AZ1000 University of NJ AJ

AleksandrCheryomukhin Nizami St Individual to provide additional support to 7,500 93/18 study at Rutgers, The State Baku AZ1000 University of NJ AJ

Aleksandra Tomic Bosnjane bb Individual to study at Duke University 350 Varvarin 37262 RI

AlexandrSodigov 35 Charles St Individual to obtain a PhD in Political 27,889 WestU nit 709 Science at the University of Toronto, Ontario M4Y1R6 Toronto, Canada CA

Alexandru Cebanu Alba-Iulia 200/1 Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 36,440 Apartment 38 Public Administration or Public Chisinau MD-2071 Policy from a North American MD university to enable you to pursue a career in civil service and to apply that knowledge in your home country

Ali Aljundi Hama Street Individual to pursue a masters degree at 52,124 Salamieh City Brandeis University SY

Aliaksandr Novikau Rokossovskogo Individual to provide additional support to 582 5 Apt 154 study at Nothern Arizona Minsk 220094 University BO

Aliaksandr Novikau Rokossovskogo Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 5 Apt 154 study at Northern Arizona Minsk 220094 University BO

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Aliona Zabrian Soroca Volovita Individual to participate in the Civil 17,123 Soroca, Volovita MD-3050 Service Awards program (CSA) MD

Alisher Mamadzhanov A Navoi Street Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 4,841 37 floor 27 Economics from Washington Dushanbe 734064 State University TI

Alissa Klots Fevralskaya 23a Individual to provide additional support to 4,800 Perm 614014 study at Rutgers, The State RS University of NJ

Alma Othman Roujeeb Compound Individual to support study in urban 13,777 108 PO Box 1721 planning as part of the Nablus, Palestinian Terri Palestinian Faculty OC Development Program

Alpana Bhandari House No 607 Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 30,467 Tankaprasad Ghumti S Law with a specialization in Kathmandu Human/Disability Rights and to NP equip you with the necessary expertise to develop new legislation, jurisprudence, impact litigation, and scholarship in your home country, thereby taking advantage of the innovations and opportunities offered by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

Amara Thiha Rua D Alegria 99 4 Esq Individual to provide additional support to 4,500 Coimbra 3000-018 study at Coimbra University PO

Amel Association Mussaitbeh - Daou NC to support the 2012-2014 150,000 Abu Chacra strA strategic plan oriented toward Beirut 14/5561 1) the advancement of legal LE knowledge and education pertaining to conflict and forced displacement, business, trade and human rights, and Arab regional mechanisms for human rights, and 2) fostering traditional and digital media advocacy on human rights in Lebanon and the MENA region

American University of Central Asia NC to improve the protection of 39,238 205 Abdymomunov Street labor migrants from the Kyrgyz Bishkek 720040 Republic by engaging with KG policymakers and other stakeholders to address shortcomings in the migration policy of Kyrgyzstan

Amith Kaushik Tanneru c/o Dr Individual OSIRG is designed to inspire a 6,994 Tanneru Venugopal Rao No new cohort of practitioners Guntur,Andhra Pradesh 522007 committed to working both in IN the public interest and at the forefront of global policy You will explore egovernance to determine its applicability in the Indian context

Ana Keshelashvili 11 Pekini Ave Apt Individual to provide additional support to 450 17 study at University of South Tbilisi 160 Carolina GG

Ana Keshelashvili 11 Pekini Ave Apt Individual to provide additional support to 2,400 17 study at University of South Tbilisi 160 Carolina GG

Ana Litviniuc 114 SF Nicolae Individual to obtain a PhD in Sociology 19,884 Balti MD-3100 from the University of Calgary MD

Ana Nioradze N110 TTabidze Str Individual to participate in the Civil 30,947 Tbilisi 162 Service Awards program (CSA) GG

Anahit Hayrapetyan 3 Chapichi Apt Individual to distribute the photography 6,342 24 2205 Abovyan book, From Princess to Slave, Kotayk Marz in partnership with the Women's AM Resource Center

Anahit M krtchyan 28 Halabyan Individual to take up a grant at The 4,316 Street Apt 23 University of Southern Yerevan 36 Denmark as part of the Global AM Faculty Grants Program (Track II Research Award)

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Anastasiia Fediaieva 57 Gagarina Individual to study at the University of 11,492 Avenue apt 912 Washington Dnipropetrovsk 49005 UP

Anastasiia Gryshchuk Individual to study at University of 823 Dnipropetrovska Strbl107 apt53 Arkansas Odesa 65123 UP

Anastasiia Konovalova Arteleriyska Individual to study at University of 605 Strbl 2/3 apt30 Washington Odesa 65039 UP

Anastasiia Kryzhanivska Kolodezna Individual to study at University of 570 str bl35A apt70 Arkansas Mykolaiv 54003 UP

Andrei Paladi 21 Valeriu Cupcea Individual to allow you to obtain a 39,125 Street graduate degree in Public Straseni 3701 Administration or Public Policy MD from a North American university to enable you to pursue a career in civil service and to apply that knowledge in your home country

Andrei Ursache 49 Dacia str Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 947 Bulboaca 6500 Public Administration or Public MD Policy from a North American university

Angelo Izama 8th Street Industrial Individual to publish long form articles, 46,120 Area create radio pieces and a short Kampala, Kampala 256 video documentary on UG Uganda's budding oil sector

Anil Bhattarai 30 Charles St West Individual to provide additional support to 766 Apt 605 study at University of Toronto Toronto,Ontario M4Y 1R5 CA

Anja Jovic Siget 21 e Individual to provide additional support to 1,500 Zagreb 10000 study at Brown University HR

Anna Krasnova Fontanska doroga7l Individual to study at the University of 3,364 Apt203 Arkansas Odesa 65000 UP

Annagul Yariyeva Mcr Center 2 Individual to provide additional support to 5,700 house 13/1 apartment study at Purdue University Dashoguz 746300 TX

Annie Queen 29 MotherTeresa Individual to provide additional support to 8,275 StreetDela Costa H study at Miriam College Q uezon RP

Anush Babajanyan 16 Shahumyan Individual to produce a photo 6,366 Street House 81 documentary on women Yerevan 65 migrants from Armenia AM

Applied Social Science Research NC to enhance the quality of social 170,000 (ASSF) 4 Rue de Damas science research in the Arab Tunis World by establishing a TS research polling hub in Tunisia and the Region to reinforce the need for the presence and practice of social science in policy discussions and debates

Arab Foundations Forum (AFF) 15 NC to build institutional capacity 100,000 Rue Dupre to become an independent Brussels 1090 functioning platform for BE promoting philanthropy across the Arab region

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Arab NGO Network for Development NC to enhance the role of the Arab 200,000 Wata Museitbeh - Zoheriy bldg - 3rd civil society in influencing Beirut social and economic policy- LE making processes, and promoting government transparency and accountability through building their capacities in monitoring and reporting as well as pursuing advocacy on the local, regional and international levels

Arab Renaissance for Democracy and NC to increase protection for the 55,000 Devt - Legal Ai Jabal Amman 3rd rights of Syrian and Iraqi Circle Khalil Mar refugees in Jordan through Amman 11193 legal aid provision, monitoring JO and documentation, and advocacy for improved conditions and equal access to justice

Arab Women Organization 7 Rainbow NC to investigate and address 75,000 Street Jabal Amman PO B emerging human rights Amman 11181 violations against women JO refugees from Syria's ongoing crises

Arati Shrestha House no 2 Shram Individual to obtain a Masters of Law from 211 marg Buddhanaga Hong Kong University Kathmandu NP

Arishma Shrestha Thaiba Voc Ward Individual to obtain a MA in Counseling 10,469 No 8c/o Kabi Raj from Tata Institute of Social Lalitpur Sciences, India NP

Ariun-Erdene Bayarjargal 30-40 7th Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 khoroo Bayanzurkh distr study at Australian National Ulaanbaatar 13330 University MG

Ariunsanaa Bagaajav Sukhbaatar Individual is to allow you to spend one 10,584 district 3rd khoroo Ap academic term (not to exceed Ulanbaatar five months) at Hunter College, MG The City University of New York(Host University)

Arjun Kharel Chainpur- 4 Tungara Individual to provide additional support to 679 Chitwan 44200 study at Kansas State NP University

Arjun Kharel Chainpur- 4 Tungara Individual to provide additional support to 3,000 Chitwan 44200 study at Kansas State NP University

Arshak Balayan Virahayots Street Individual to participate in the Faculty 13,706 Building 14 Apt Development Felowship Stepanavan 1902 Program, and to spend one AM academic term (not to exceed five months) at Harvard University (Host University) and return for the next academic term to your university of employment in your home country (Home University) to resume your responsibilities and apply the skills learned the previous academic term

Artak Ayunts 40A Bagratuniats Apt Individual to participate in the Faculty 8,788 18 Development Fellowship Yerevan 106 Program, to spend one AM academic term (not to exceed five months) at Columbia University (Host University) and return for the next academic term to your university of employment in your home country (Home University) to resume your responsibilities and apply the skills learned the previous academic term

Arthur Gevorgyan 4 Narpos str apt Individual to produce a photo 3,132 44 documentary on landslides in Yerevan 18 Armenia AM

Arzu Jafarli 13 Gala Khiyabani Str Individual to study Social Work at a U S 1,500 apt 29 university Lankaran AZ4200 AJ

AsefAli Mohammad 219/A Individual to produce a photo 6,174 Woodhouse Road documentary on the Hazara London N12 9BD community living in Quetta, UK Pakistan

Asel Murzakulova Krivonosova str Individual to participate in the Faculty 14,592 15 Apt 74 Development Fellowship Bishkek Program, to allow you to spend KG one academic term (not to exceed five months) at the University of California - Berkeley (Host University) and return for the next academic term to your university of employment in your home country (Home University) to resume your responsibilities and apply the skills learned the previous academic term

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Asel Murzakulova Krivonosova str 15 Individual to take up a grant at Zentrum 495 Apt 74 Moderner Orient as part of the Bishkek Global Faculty Grants - KG Research / Publication grant

Asim Rafiqui Creutzgatan 3 by Individual to examine ideas of justice, and 44,021 Stockholm 112 44 how, in nations as socially and SW culturally diverse as Pakistan, these ideas are necessarily plural and comparative

Asociacion Civil por la Igualdad y la NC to promote and increase the 83,550 Justicia Av de Mayo 1161 Piso 5 Of educational inclusion of 9 children with disabilities in Buenos Aires Buenos Aires AR

Asociacion por los Derechos Civiles NC to support the project, 33,863 (ADC) Cordoba 795 8 peso Inclusive Education, promoting Buenos Aires C1054AAG cross-sector dialogue and AR carrying out case documentation of inclusive education practices in Argentine schools

Asociacion Probienestar de la Familia NC to strengthen access to justice 100,000 Colombiana ( Calle 34 14-15 for women and girls with Bogota intellectual and psychosocial CO disabilities toward advancing their sexual and reproductive rights

ASSABIL Association of Friends of NC to provide core support for its 100,000 Public Librarie Mohammad el-Hout efforts to promote access to Street Naoura Bui public libraries in Lebanon and Beirut strengthen their role in the LE development of individuals and societies, focusing on youth participation as an essential prerequisite for the development of a well-informed citizenry and democratic society

Associacao ARTIGO 19 Brasil Rua NC to promote the right to 174,020 Joao Adolfo 188 cjto 802 Cent information in Brazil through a Sao Paulo,SP 01050-020 sectorial approach improving BR access to information on key socio-economic rights and basic services provided by state institutions

Associao Direitos Humanos em Rede NC to provide support to the 150,000 Rua Barao de Itapetininga 93 - 5 project, XII, XIII and XIV Sao Paulo 01042-908 International Human Rights BR Colloquium Strengthening Individual and Collective Impact of Human Rights Defenders in the Global South

Association Drustvo ujedinjenih NC to support the creation of a 27,438 gradjanskih akci Patriotske lige 33 functioning model of Sarajevo, 71000 institutional collaboration BK between special schools and mainstream preschool and primary schools in Tuzla Municipality with the aim of institutionalizing inclusive education

Association for Prison Reform Rua da NC to use quantitative and 40,000 Assemblia 10 sala 810 Cen qualitative approaches to Rio de Janeiro 20011-901 monitor the impact of new BR legislation on pretrial detention and assess how the judiciary is applying alternatives to pretrial detention

Association for Promoting Inclusion NC to support the Grantee to 219,302 (API) Bleiweissova 15 realize its strategic goal of Zagreb 10000 advancing the community HR inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in C roatia

Association of Anthropologists of NC to provide support for the 52,617 Georgia 3 Javakheti I st Samgori implementation of the third year district phase of the ReSET 2010 Tbilisi 182 project entitled Anthropological GG Approaches to Religion and Secularism

Association Tunisienne des Femmes NC to promote full participation of 85,466 Democrates - ATF 21 Street Charle women in the democratic Nicole 1000 transition processes through Tunis empowering women and raising TS their awareness, combating violence and discrimination against women and engaging civil society actors to promote gender equality and women's rights

Associazione Culturale ZaLab Via NC to strengthen Zalab as an 75,000 Valgimigli 4/a - 35125 Padova organization that produces and Padova,Veneto 35125 promotes video material for IT social change and raising awareness of discrimination and injustice

AswatPalestinian Gay Women 118 NC to empower Palestinian LBTQI 80,000 Arlozorov Street women and raise awareness Haifa 33276 about sexual orientation and IS gender identity in the Palestinian society, challenge and undermine prevailing stereotypes about sexuality and sexual orientation, and promote an alternative discourse that encourages the struggle for sexual rights and freedoms in mainstream venues

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Atiqullah Atid Guzar-e- Mir Wali Individual to study sustainable 14,936 behind 4th Block development practice at TERI Mazar-e-Sharif 25000 University, India AF

Aung Tun 155A Tahnintharyi Street Individual to provide additional support to 691 19 Ward study at University of Yangon 90016 Massachusetts, Boston BM

A ung Tun 155A Tahnintharyi Street Individual to provide additional support to 4,129 19 Ward study at University of Yangon 90016 Massachusetts Boston BM

Aung Ya Tun 001/32 Aungzeya Individual to allow you to obtain a 7,935 Housing 26 Blo graduate degree from Yangon,Yangon Assumption University BM

Autism Society of Kenya (ASK) PO NC to mobilise parents to form 50,000 Box 1762 support groups and to advocate Nairobi 200 for facilitation of appropriate KE programs in public schools for children with ASD

Avocats Sans Frontieres Rue de NC to promote rule of law and 140,000 Namur 72 judicial reforms in Tunisia by Brussels 1000 developing the technical BE capacities and enhancing the role of legal professionals and civil society in monitoring and analyzing the judicial system, and advocating for reforms needed to adopt standards of justice administration corresponding with international principles

Aye Nyein San C/O Marie Stopes Individual to allow you to obtain a 37 International/Myan graduate degree from De La Mawlamyine,Mon State Salle University BM

Aye Thein 109 Pokfulam Road No Individual to provide additional support to 8,050 10048 study at Hong Kong University Hong Kong CH

Aysel Gasimova Guarter A/B 4 Individual to study Social Work at a U S 7,955 Surakhani Guneshli D university Baku AZ1133 AJ

Azra Mustafica Buka 7 Individual to study at The University of 626 Donji Vakuf 70 220 Texas at Austin BK

Bahtiyar Kurambayev Shagadam Individual to provide additional support to 604 street 31/1 apt 8 study at University of Southern Dashoguz 746300 Mississippi TX

Bahtiyar Kurambayev Shagadam Individual to provide additional support to 3,500 street 31/1 apt 8 study at University of Southern Dashoguz 746300 Mississippi TX

Bakhit Embergenov 26 Chimbayskiy Individual to provide additional support to 1,315 Stree study at Simon Fraser Nukus,Karakalpakstan 230100 University UZ

Bakyt Ospanova Mussrepov street Individual to allow you to spend one 11,189 4/2 Apartment 59 academic term (not to exceed Astana 10000 five months) at Georgetown KZ University (Host University) and return for the next academic term to your university of employment in your home country (Home University) to resume your responsibilities and apply the skills learned the previous academic term

Balu Ram Chaudhari Hekuli VDC Individual to study sustainable 15,259 Dang District development practice at TERI Tulsipur 44600 University, India NP

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Bar Hostess Empowerment and NC to mitigate violence against 75,000 Support Program (BHESP Kasarani sex workers through Road Vince House Suite 6 partnership for change in Kenya Nairobi KE

Battulga Ulziibat Four Seasons Individual to provide additional support to 1,500 Garden C2-70415 Khoro study at University of Ulaanbaatar 17011 Pennsylvania MG

Bekithemba Mlauzi 56145 Old Individual to receive an OSI Disability 957 Lobensula Rights Scholarship Program Bulawayo Fellowship The purpose of the ZI Fellowship is to allow you to obtain a graduate degree in Law with a specialization in Human/Disability Rights

Ben Rawlence 2 Llanelieu Court Individual to perform ethnographic 76,950 Talgarth, Powys LD3 OEB research on youth in the U K Dadaab refugee camp on the Somali/Kenyan border

Beth Caldwell 1022 Estrellas del Mar Individual to write articles which raise 1,150 Fraccionami awareness about the dire Playas de Rosarito, Baja California N consequences of mandatory, permanent deportations based MX on aggravated felony convictions

Bethia Kadoe No 18 5th Fl Individual to provide additional support to 910 Thukamein St study at Westminster College Yangon 11111 BM

Bezhan Ayubi District 5 Individual To obtain a MA in Counseling 11,347 Kabul from Tata Institute of Social AF Sciences, India

Bharat Gautam Kapan-3 Individual to obtain a MA in Counseling 10,469 Kathmandu from Tata Institute of Social NP Sciences, India

Bhimsen Devkota PO Box 8975 EPC Individual to take up a grant at Sheffied 6,201 2582 University as part of the Global Kathmandu Faculty Grants - Research / NP Publication award

Bicram Rijal Belbas-6 Ranitar Individual to provide additional support to 1,007 Pyuthan 22303 study at Simon Fraser NP University

Bijay Kumar Dahal 68/24 Basuki Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 30,445 Marga Law with a specialization in Kathmandu Human/Disability Rights and to NP equip you with the necessary expertise to develop new legislation, jurisprudence, impact litigation, and scholarship in your home country, thereby taking advantage of the innovations and opportunities offered by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

Birzeit University Marj Street NC to support planning activities in 170,000 Birzeit, Palestinian Terri order to establish a doctoral 0C program in the social sciences

Bo Zaw Naing No 38 Ma U Pin Individual to provide support to study 11,250 StreetRoom 6-B Public Health at Mahidol Yangon,Yangon 11111 University BM

Bobo Maung Flat 2 631 Green Lane Individual to provide additional support to 1,436 London, Greater London N8 ORE study at University of London, U K School of Oriental & African Studies

Bobo Maung Flat 2 631 Green Lane Individual to provide additional support to 5,000 London, Greater London N8 ORE study at the University of U K London

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Bothaina Qamar Ibn Sina Street - Individual to pursue a masters degree at 52,173 Southern Area PO Brandeis University Irbid JO

Bouyheak Lim 125CEo Street 199 Individual to allow you to obtain a 4,753 Sangkat Toul S graduate degree from De La Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh Salle University CB

Brazilian Forum on Public Safety Rua NC to increase transparency and 148,570 Mario de Alencar 103 - Vila Ma accountability in the area of Sao Paulo, SP 05436-090 public safety in Brazil, focusing BR particularly on stimulating debate about police use of deadly force against civilians

Breaking the Silence PO Box 51027 NC to promote the protection of 50,000 Tel Aviv 6713206 human rights in the Occupied IS Palestinian Territories (OPT) through documenting and publishing soldier testimonies about violations, raising the awareness of the Israeli public, policy makers and international community, and advocating for the respect of human rights in the OPT

Burly Than 2 Street Lum Sangkat Individual to allow you to obtain a 3,015 Toeuk Thla graduate degree from Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh University of the Philippines CB Los Banos

Byar Myar Gay IGP Shillong Individual to provide additional support to 1,100 Shillong, Meghalaya 793001 study at Martin Luther IN Christian University

Cairo Institute for Human Rights NC to promote the human rights 200,000 Studies 21 Abdel Maged El Remaly and rule of law agendas before Street B the Human Rights Council Cairo (HRC) and to increase the EG capacity of organizations in the Arab Region to engage International Human Rights Instruments and use outcomes in their national advocacy efforts

CC Ting Lum 11 Pannita StHlaing Individual to provide additional support to 1,100 Township70 study at Martin Luther Yangon 11162 Christian University BM

CC Ting Lum 11 Pannita StHlaing Individual to provide additional support to 1,100 Township70 study at Martin Luther Yangon 11162 Christian University BM

Centre for Adult Education VALIDUS NC to support the establishment of 106,281 Bleiweissova 15 a training center that will Zagreb prepare professionals for the HR provision of community-based services to people with disabilities in Croatia and in the region

Centre for European Reform 14 Great NC to provide institutional support 79,151 College Street for the continuation and London SW1P 3RX expansion of debate programs, UK publications, and other related activities of the Centre for European Reform

Centre for Law and Democracy Ltd NC to support the project 85,200 39 Chartwell Lane Promoting the Right to Halifax, NS B3M 3S7 Information in Indonesia Phase CA II

Centro de Estudios para la Equidad y NC to support indigenous 26,817 Gobernanza en 11 calle 0-48 Edificio communities in ten rural Diamond ofi municipalities in Guatemala to Ciudad Guatemala hold local authorities to GT account for their health related commitments, and generate evidence on how participatory monitoring can advance social change

Centro de Investigacion Drogas y NC to erect and/or strengthen legal 90,000 Derechos Humanos Avenida repubica and political barriers vis-a-vis de Panama 6598-A the unintended consequences Lima 18 of the Drug War in Peru PE

Centro de Participacion y Ciudadania NC to create a more transparent 199,500 Los Pinos 230 and accountable government in San Isidro, Lima Lima 27 Peru by creating positive PE incentives for public officials

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Chahana Sigdel Level-II JDA Individual to obtain a Masters of 16,943 Complex China TownSun journalism from Hong Kong Kathmandu University NP

Chancellor Masters & Scholars of the PC to support a new institute that 1,472,477 University o University Offices will address the complexities of Wellington Squa economic analyses, policy, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX12JD empirical modeling, and U K forecasting in view of a rapidly changing global economy

Chandi Raj Dahal Chhapgaun Individual to obtain a Masters of 16,566 Dhulikhel journalism from Hong Kong Kavre University NP

Chansanook Sengthavong Individual to allow you to obtain a 13,171 SaphanthongNeua Village Xaythany D graduate degree from Vientiane University of the Philippines LA

Chansophal Mak 132 Street Individual to allow you to obtain a 10,897 122Sangkat Toek La-ak graduate degree from De La Khan Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh 12000 Salle University CB

Chem Srey Oeun 882B Mithapheap Individual to participate in the Asia 99 VillageRussey Keo Pacific Scholarship Consortium Phnom Penh (APSC) CB

Chhun Delux House 11 Street Individual to allow you to obtain a 11,777 71Sangkat Boung K graduate degree from Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh 12300 University of the Philippines CB

Chonrada Narawasinchai 30 Onnut Individual to allow you to obtain a 2,520 Rd Prawet graduate degree from Hong Bangkok Metropolitan Area, Bangkok Kong Baptist University 10250 TH

Christy Vanlalnghengi Sasda-H5 Individual to provide additional support to 900 Aund road study at Spicer Memorial Pure, Maharashtra 411007 College IN

Cin Siang Muang Spicer Memorial Individual to provide additional support to 900 College F-15 study at Spicer Memorial Pure, Maharashtra 411007 College IN

Civic Association The Way of Hope - NC to support the implementation 4,130 O bcianske U I Dr Janskeho 9 of the first year of a three year Ziar Nad Hronom 965 01 initiative, the 'Roma Parents LO Confidence Program,' to support young children under 3 years of age and their parents in 4 segregated settlements in Central and Eastern Slovakia

CMC Project TEAM Consulting Str NC to support capacity building of 73,360 Muresana no 4 bl 44 sc 3 ap local administration to Bucharest generate and implement RO projects funded by the EU structural funds which target specifically, but not exclusively, Roma, in four rural areas from Calarasi County

Coalition for an Effective African Court NC to provide capacity for the 197,710 on Human 64 Haile Selassie Road PO secretariat which has overall Box 1 responsibility for the Arusha implementation of activities, TZ support the publication of the Coalition's quarterly newsletter and build capacity of young lawyers and advocates (litigation lawyers) to be able to file cases at the African Court

Coalition on Violence Against Women NC to enhance women's capacity 128,962 - Kenya (COVAW Valley Field Court to effectively participate in the Suite no 2 Ko new governance structures in Nairobi 100 Kenya KE

Commonwealth Human Rights NC to implement demonstration 70,000 Initiative B-117 First Floor projects in two states Sarvodaya Encla increasing access to early and New Delhi 110017 effective legal aid and conduct IN advocacy around problems discovered during the projects' implementation

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual , Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address ( home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Community Media Network 4th Floor NC to provide support for a two- 149,449 142 Arar Street Wadi Sa year strategic plan to increase Amman the effectiveness of news and JO public affairs efforts through Radio al Balad and AmmanNet

Community Research and NC to enhance legal awareness on 50,000 Development Services ( CO RDS pastoralists' land rights in Arusha Sakina Kwa Iddi POBox 111 Northern Tanzania Arusha TZ

Consejo de Redaccion Transversal 4 NC to promote investigative 150,000 No42-00 peso 6 Univ journalism in Colombia Bogota CO

Corina Besliu 12/1 FlorilorStreet Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 30,601 Apartment 83 Economics from the University Chisinau 2068 of Utah MD

Corneliu Bolbocean 203-675 Whiting Individual to provide additional support to 1,211 Way study at Simon Fraser Coquitlam, British Columbia V3J3S3 University CA

Corneliu Bolbocean 203-675 Whiting Individual to provide additional support to 2,000 Way study at Simon Fraser Coquitlam, British Columbia V3J3S3 University CA

Cristian Ziliberberg 13/2 N Milescu - Individual to obtain a PhD in Management 67,596 Spataru Street A pa and Organizations / Sociology Chisinau 2075 at Northwestern University MD

Cristina Agrigoroae Liviu Deleanu Individual to study at George Mason 658 7/3 str6lstapt University Chisinau MD-2012 MD

Cristina Gherasimov 5/1 Deleanu str Individual to obtain a PhD in Political 31,249 apt 99 Science from Rutgers Chisinau MD -2071 University in the United States MD and to apply that knowledge in your home country, preferably within academia

Culture Resource -- Al Mawred Al NC to support ongoing programs 325,000 Thaqafy 43 El Mequyass Street for young artists, cultural RodhaMohande exchange, residencies, and Al Cairo 11451 Mawred's Spring Festival, and EG to provide initial support to a new cultural and community center, resource center and open creative platform in the neighborhood of Old (Islamic) Cairo

Dadhi Adhikari 36 Kshitiz Marg Individual to provide additional support to 200 Kathmandu study at University of New NP Mexico

Dadhi Adhikari 36 Kshitiz Marg Individual to provide additional support to 6,374 Kathmandu study at University of New NP Mexico

Dal BahadurShahi PO 8973 Individual to study sustainable 15,563 Kathmandu development practice at TERI NP University, India

Dambaru Subedi Himali Tole - 4 Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 Pokharia study at University of New Biratnagar 56601 England NP

Dana Al-Azzeh PO Box 6362 Individual to study for a Masters of Social 22,024 Amman 11118 Work degree at Columbia JO University

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Daniyar Sapargaliyev 225 Khusianov Individual to take up a grant at the 4,386 St University of Wolverhampton Almaty 10008 as part of the Global Faculty KZ Grants - Research / Publication award

Darla Boltokova 241-6201 Cecil Individual to provide additional support to 1,353 Green Park Road study at the University of Vancouver, British Columbia V6T British Columbia 1Z1 CA

Darla Boltokova 241-6201 Cecil Individual to provide additional support to 8,500 Green Park Road study at The University of Vancouver, British Columbia V6T British Columbia 1Z1 CA

Daro Sulakauri 54 Rustaveli Ave Individual to produce a photo 480 Tbilisi 108 documentary on inter-ethnic GG relations in Samtske-Javakheti region

Darya Komleva Krylova str64 - 10 Individual to produce a photo 4,322 Almaty 100000 documentary on children with KZ disabilities in Kazakhstan

Darya Komleva Krylova str64 - 10 Individual to exhibit the work, Here Lives 3,751 Almaty 100000 a Blue Leopard, about children KZ with disabilities in Kazakhstan in partnership with the Karaganda Regional Ecological Museum and the Modern Art Gallery, Tengri-Umai

Daryosh Tabesh Bagh-i-Bala Individual to study sustainable 15,806 Khesraw Khan Road St development practice at TERI Kabul University, India AF

Davlatsulton Dorgabekova 8-10 Individual to obtain a PhD degree in 11,142 Gani Abdullo Street Political Science at Rutgers Dushanbe University TI

Davlatsulton Dorgabekova 8-10 Individual to provide additional support to 5,000 Gani Abdullo Street study at Rutgers University Dushanbe TI

Deepa Woli Naya Naikap-7 Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 16,365 Kathmandu Journalism from Hong Kong NP University

Delgerjargal Purevsuren 73-11/56 Individual to participate in the Faculty 8,868 6th-khoroo Sukhbaatar Dis Development Fellowship Ulanbaatar 14201 Program, to spend one M N academic term (not to exceed five months) at Indiana University (Host University) and return for the next academic term to your university of employment in your home country (Home University) to resume your responsibilities and apply the skills learned the previous academic term

Democratic Voice of Burma PO Box NC to produce up to date news, 90,000 6720 Saint 0 lays Plass reports and analysis to be Oslo 130 broadcast on TV, web and radio NO platforms in Burma

Deniza Mulaj c/o Ragip Mulaj Individual to study at the University of 10,513 25StrUCK Nr28 Washington Prishtina 10000 KV

Dev Datta Joshi Dadeldhura-02 Individual to receive an OSI Disability 26,829 Deval VDC Rights Scholarship Program Kapada Fellowship NP

Diana Isaeva Usman Nssir street Individual to participate in the Faculty 10,319 144-48 Development Fellowship Tashkent 10021 Program, to spend one UZ academic term (not to exceed five months) at Columbia University (Host University) and return for the next academic term to your university of employment in your home country (Home University) to resume your responsibilities and apply the skills learned the previous academic term

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount individual, status of contribution show any relationship to recipient Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Dianah Msipa House Number 36 Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 18,296 Peterfalk Road Ath Law with a specialization in Gweru Human/Disability Rights and to ZI equip you with the necessary expertise to develop new legislation, jurisprudence, impact litigation, and scholarship in your home country, thereby taking advantage of the innovations and opportunities offered by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

Diarmid OSullivan Flat 10 Derwent Individual to better understand the 55,206 Court54 Cecile Pa relationship between London N89AT transparency and UK accountability in resource- rich-but-poor countries by carrying out field research in Timor Leste and Liberia to learn how people in these countries use reports from the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI)

Diba Qayuome Hareer House 162 Individual to pursue an MA in 13,046 third street of Afsoter Communications from the Kabul University of Ottawa AF

Dikshya Karki PO Box 4018Sundhara Individual To obtain a Masters in 15,943 Kathmandu journalism from Hong Kong NP U niveristy

Dilafruz Nazarova 30/3 Chashmassor Individual to obtain a PhD in Political 33,763 Street Apartment Science from Rutgers Dushanbe 734000 University in the United States TI and to apply that knowledge in your home country, preferably within academia

Dilofarid Miskinzod 1 Ispechak M6 Individual to obtain a PhD in Sociology 24,313 Bulding 7 Apartment from Arizona State University Dushanbe 734019 in the United States and to TI apply that knowledge in your home country, preferably within academia

Dina Amman Queen Zein AI-Sharaf Individual to study for a Masters of Social 22,597 Street Buildin Work degree at Columbia Amman 11191 University JO

Dinara Oganova Rcheulishvili Street Individual to produce a photo 480 32 B documentary on ethnic Tbilisi 179 minorities in Georgia GG

Dinara Oganova Rcheulishvili Street Individual to exhibit Oganova's work on 2,500 32 B Georgian youth at the Apollo Tbilisi 179 Theater in Tbilisi, Georgia GG

Dipesh Upadhyay APEX CollegeGPO Individual to obtain a MA in Counseling 11,469 Box 19691 from Tata Institute of Social Baneshwor, Kathmandu Sciences, India NP

Divya Varma Individual OSIRG is designed to inspire a 7,748 AiswaryaThamaramkulangara North F new cohort of practitioners Trippunithura, Ernakulam, Kerala committed to working both in 682301 the public interest and at the IN forefront of global policy You aim to explore the policies on internal migration in India

Diwakar KC Satdobati-15 Individual to obtain a MA in sustainable 15,907 Lalitpur development practice from NP TERI University

Doaa Nakhala PO Box 358 House 51- Individual to support a PFDP Fellowship 9,380 36 in the field of Political Science Gaza City, Palestinian Terri OC

Documenta analisis y accion para la NC to strengthen the judicial 75,000 justicia soci Fuego 965 Jardines del rights of persons with Pedregal A disabilities in Mexico City Distrito Federal, Distrito Federal 1900 MX

Dua'a Aweidah Al-Bireh Commerical Individual to pursue an internship at the 5,508 District 6th F Palestinian Capital Market Ramallah, Palestinian Terri A uthority OC

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Duh Hu Thang No27 tanglan street 7 Individual to provide additional support to 900 quarter A study at Martin Luther Yangon 11051 Christian University BM

Duh Hu Thang No27 tanglan street 7 Individual to provide additional support to 1,100 quarter A study at Martin Luther Yangon 11051 Christian University BM

Dumitru Minzarari Puschin Str60/1 Individual to obtain a PhD degree in 10,118 apt 32 Political Science from Chisinau MD-2005 University of Michigan MD

Eaindra TheintTheint Thu No 39 3rd Individual to participate in the Asia 99 Floor BThiri StreetSanc Pacific Scholarship Consortium Yangon (APSC) BM

Edmore Tendai Masendeke 15 Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 40,439 Atkinson Drive Hillside Law with a specialization in Harare Human/Disability Rights and to ZI equip you with the necessary expertise to develop new legislation, jurisprudence, impact litigation, and scholarship in your home country, thereby taking advantage of the innovations and opportunities offered by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

Ei Ei Khin 166/45 Lumpini Place Individual to provide additional support to 2,663 Rama IVSoi Sri study at Tufts University Sathon,Bangkok 10120 TH

Ei Ei Lin 47th Street No 151 Individual to provide additional support to 6,350 Yangon study at Chiang Mai University BM

Ei Ei San 865 Moo Thasaiload Road Individual to provide additional support to 8,050 Mae Sot,Tak 63110 study at University of Hong TH Kong

Ei Phyu Theint 21/11 Phoe Ya Za St Individual to provide additional support to 1,051 LanmadawTow study at Scripps College Yangon 11131 BM

Ei Phyu Theint 21/11 Phoe Ya Za St Individual to provide additional support to 3,025 LanmadawTow study at Scripps College Yangon 11131 BM

Ei Thant Khing No 24 Room 16A Individual to participate in the Asia 99 Shae Zay StreetDago Pacific Scholarship Consortium Yangon (APSC) BM

Ei Thin Zar No 7 Aung Thapyay Individual to provide additional support to 7,400 Street study at Assumption University Maungan Ward,Mawlamyine BM

Eisa Khan Ayoob Ayoobi House 150 Individual to obtain a Masters of Law from 8,253 2nd Parwan Hong Kong University Kabul AF

Eka Paatashvili 34 Rustaveli Avenue Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 33,467 Tbilisi 108 Public Administration or Public GG Policy from a North American university to enable you to pursue a career in civil service and to apply that knowledge in your home country

Ekaterina Vostrikova Maikla Lunna 5 Individual to provide additional support to 4,200 app 344Balashikha study at University of Moscow 143912 Massachusetts Amherst RS

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Elena Kosterina Kosmicheskaya 115 Individual to obtain a Ph D in Counseling 37,347 Bishkek 720047 and School Psychology at the KG University of Massachusetts - Boston

Elena Sokolova Oktyabrskaya 21A/4 Individual to provide additional support to 2,500 Vologda 160031 study at Temple University RS

Eliana Rosas Aguilar 176 Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 9,207 Guadalajara Street Mayorazgo Law with a specialization in Lima 3 Human/Disability Rights and to PE equip you with the necessary expertise to develop new legislation, jurisprudence, impact litigation, and scholarship in your home country, thereby taking advantage of the innovations and opportunities offered by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

Elona Xhepa Rrubjeke Municipality of Individual to study at The University of 396 M aminas Montana Durres 2020 AL

Elyor Nematov Adigine 60 Individual to produce a photo 6,287 Bishkek 720016 documentary on migration in KG Kyrgyzstan

Elyor Nematov Adigine 60 Individual to partnerwith Central Asia on 25,000 Bishkek 720016 the Move to engage potential KG Kyrgyz migrants before they travel or move to receiving countries, like Russia

Eman Muhammad Rashwan Dept 3 Individual to obtain a Master's degree in 33,282 Block 162Mogawrah Oula Ahal Law at Syracuse University Giza EG

Emir Eteria Didi Digomi M/D III Individual to take up a grant at George 8,119 Building 1 A Mason University as part of the Tbilisi 131 Global Faculty Grants Program GG (Track I Teaching Track) award

Enkh-Amgalan Byambajav Individual to take up a grant at Indiana 17,534 Bayanmongol khoroolol 416-4-216m University - Bloomington as 2 part of the Global Faculty Ulanbaatar Grants Program Academic MG Sabbatical grants

Enkhjargal Damdinsuren Individual to participate in the Faculty 11,784 Ulaanbaatar-48a POB -90 Development Felowship Ulaanbaatar 210348A Program, to spend one MG academic term (not to exceed five months) at Columbia University (Host University) and return for the next academic term to your university of employment in your home country (Home University) to resume your responsibilities and apply the skills learned the previous academic term

Equal Education Washington Square NC to advance education equality 100,000 Capital Drive T in government education Cape Town 7784 service delivery in South Africa SF

Equatoria Women's Association NC to provide support for the 75,000 (EWA) Yei River County 15 mile Yei Sustainable Women Congo Empowerment and Action Juba Program OD

Erkinbek Kamalov 111/16 Moo 1 Individual to provide additional support to 3,500 Payap University Road study at Payap University Chiang Mai 50000 TH

Esmeralda Agolli PO Box 8309 Individual to provide additional support to 550 Tirane 355 study at University of California AL

Esmeralda Agolli PO Box 8309 Individual to provide additional support to 4,687 Tirane 355 study at the University of AL California, Los Angeles

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Eteri Giligashvili 9 Vaja-Phshavela Individual to participate in the Civil 18,594 ap 43a Service Awards program (CSA) Tbilisi 194 GG

European Center for Constitutional NC to undertake advocacy in 45,042 and Human Right Zossener Str 55- Germany and Europe to target 58 Aufgang D forced child labor in Berlin D-10961 Uzbekistan's cotton industry, GM by increasing engagement with European importers of Uzbek cotton and textiles, the International Labor Organization, the EU, and the German government and ensure they exert all available leverage on their Uzbek counterparts to end the practice

European Stability Initiative NC to provide core and institutional 50,000 Grossbeeren str83 support Berlin D-10963 GM

European University of St Petersburg NC to support the establishment of 653,338 Gagarinskaya str 3A the Department Development St Petersburg 191187 Partnership Program (DDPP) RS with Kazan, Perm and Tomsk universities and NGOs to build units of social science education and training

European Youth Forum rue Joseph II NC to support the formation of a 76,801 120 League of Young Voters Brussels BE

Evgeny Grishin Tovarishcheskii Individual to provide additional support to 535 prospekt 12/2 kva study at University of Kansas St Petersburg 193312 RS

Evgeny Grishin Tovarishcheskii Individual to provide additional support to 5,000 prospekt 12/2 kva study at University of Kansas St Petersburg 193312 RS

Facundo Alejandro Chavez Penillas Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 58,945 652 Acevedo Law with a specialization in Buenos Aires C1414DJN Human/Disability Rights and to AR equip you with the necessary expertise to develop new legislation, jurisprudence, impact litigation, and scholarship in your home country, thereby taking advantage of the innovations and opportunities offered by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

Falastine Almallahi Elborham St Individual to pursue an LLM at Wake 17,341 40/37 Zaitun Neighbor Forest University Gaza City, Palestinian Terri OC

Falastine Almallahi Elborham St Individual to pursue an internship at Al 5,004 40/37 Zaitun Neighbor Mezan Center for Human Rights Gaza City, Palestinian Terri OC

Fangchao Fan Kongchi Village Individual OSIRG is designed to inspire a 6,728 Manghe Town Yangc new cohort of practitioners Shanxi Province committed to working both in CH the public interest and at the forefront of global policy You will focus on Hungary's policies with regard to civil society organizations to compare this with China

Fardin Waezi Bakery Bus Stop St 24 Individual to produce a photo 5,523 Kabul, Kabul H288 documentary on life during the AF war in Afghanistan

Farrukh Usmonov Khovaron 4 B Individual to provide additional support to 2,500 street study at University of Tsukuba Dushanbe 734001 TI

Felecia Magiri Mburu PO Box 66241- Individual to receive an OSI Disability 19,577 00800 Rights Scholarship Program Nairobi Fellowship The purpose of the KE Fellowship is to allow you to obtain a graduate degree in Law with a specialization in Human/Disability Rights

Fernando Moleres Sevilla n 1 atic 2 Individual to attend the opening of Moving 3,964 Barcelona Walls and surrounding events SP

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual , Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

FiodorDudarenco strSoseaua Individual to study at Duke University 581 Balcani 8 / 1 apt 58 Chisinau MD 2071 MD

Florence Ndagire Kireka-Namugongo Individual to receive an OSI Disability 25,508 Rd Rights Scholarship Program Kampala Fellowship UG

For Our Children Foundation Building NC to increase the well-being of 57,146 13B fl 2 Mladost 4 1 B children aged 0-3 in Bulgaria Sofia 1766 by developing a model of early BU childhood intervention services

Foundation for an Open Society 33 NC to provide general support to 2,723,394 Caderea Bastiliei str 1st Dist the Foundation in its transition Bucharest 10613 into a fully independent entity RO

Fraidoon Poya Walayat Street Individual to produce a photo 5,431 Herat documentary on self- AF immolation in Afghanistan

Frankson Musukwa Zambia Deaf Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 46,166 Youth Women Plot No Law with a specialization in Kitwe KT Human/Disability Rights and to ZA equip you with the necessary expertise to develop new legislation, jurisprudence, impact litigation, and scholarship in your home country, thereby taking advantage of the innovations and opportunities offered by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

Fundacion Mi Sangre Carrera 34 7- NC to empower youth and women 94,140 84 Barrio Provenza by strengthening their citizen Medellin and leadership abilities to CO become active agents of change in the San O nofre and EI Salado towns of the Sucre and Bolivar Departments of Colombia respectively

Fundacion Pro Acceso Mariano NC to support efforts to deepen the 86,500 Sanchez Fontecilla 344 cas capacity of Chilean civil Santiago 7550296 society to demand information CI and broaden access to information around education and privacy

Furkatjon Lutfulloev 37/1 Bokhtar Individual to study Social Work at a U S 12,569 Street Vefa Center U university Dushanbe 734042 TI

Gabriel Joao De Barros 821 R /C AV Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 18,553 Mohamed Siad Barre Law with a specialization in Maputo Human / Disability Rights and to MZ equip you with the necessary expertise to develop new legislation, jurisprudence, impact litigation, and scholarship in your home country, thereby taking advantage of the innovations and opportunities offered by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

Ganna Koicheva 59IACVilyamsa Individual to study at the University of 9,263 Street Apt37 Montana Odesa 65089 UP

Gent Carrabregu 18 Qamil Morina Individual to provide additional support to 3,000 Peja 30000 study at Northwestern RI University

Georgian Young Lawyers' Association NC to support the second year of a 51,108 (GYLA) 15 Kakhidze St two-year advocacy project to Tbilisi 102 research and address specific GG problems experienced in prison healthcare, as well as addresss ill-treatment in prisons and detention centers

Gesr Centerfor Development ( GCD) NC to support Huda Shafig ' s 1,380 House 22 Street 37 Amarat attendance and participation in Khartoum the 2013 Commission on the SU Status of Women

Gheorghe Ambrosi 171 Street Primar Individual to allow you to obtain a 45,153 Gherman Pantea graduate degree in Public Chisinau MD 2045 Administration or Public Policy MD from a North American university to enable you to pursue a career in civil service and to apply that knowledge in your home country

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Gin Sian Lun Ta 2/29 Nguwa St Bet Individual to provide additional support to 8,350 63th x 64th study at Mahidol University Mandalay BM

Global Voices Foundation NC to support core staff and 100,000 Kingsfordweg 151 activities, provide a platform Amsterdam 1043GR for innovative citizen media and NL advocacy projects, the exploration of sustainability models and the further development of innovative projects such as its multilingual newsroom

Gohar Vardanyan VII Nor Nork 23 Individual to take up a grant at Tufts 22,066 Apt 16 University as part of the Global Yerevan 92 Faculty Grants Program AM Academic Sabbatical awards 2013-14

GONG Trg bana Jelacica 15/IV NC to carry out core activities to 83,333 Zagreb 10 000 monitor and promote increased HR transparency and accountability of the Croatian government, focusing on implementation of the law on free access to information, political financing, and conflict of interest (1 2 matching funds basis)

Goon Nan No 13 3rd Floor Chyaung Individual to provide additional support to 8,525 Lan Myen study at University of Yangon 11111 Phillipines Los Banos BM

Govinda Pathak Kohalpur-1 Individual to obtain a MA in sustainable 15,907 Banke development practice from NP TERI University

Grisenta Qosja rrAli Demi P3 H2 Individual to study at The University of 253 Ap6 BIvQ Texas at Austin Elbasan BK

Gulbahor Saraeva Apt 53 Ismoili Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 14,281 Somoni Street 105/ Political Science from Rutgers Dushanbe 734048 University TI

Gulbuddin Elham Parwan 3 Individual to produce a photo 6,855 Kabul documentary on the Sikh and AF Hindu communities in Afghanistan

Gulshan Mosleh Kabul Individual to obtain a MA in sustainable 15,972 Kabul development practice from AF TERI University

Gunay Ismayilova Rafig Individual to study Social Work at a U S 1,500 Dunyamaliyeva StreetApartment university Absheron,Baku A20116 AJ

Gyanu Chhetri Kuleshwor-14 Lik Individual to take up a grant at Cornell 13,428 Marga 585/26 University, as part of the Kathmandu Global Faculty Grants Program NP (Track II Research Track)

Hakem Al-Darawsheh PO Box 4590 Individual to obtain a Master's degree in 29,994 Amman 11131 Journalism from the CU NY JO Graduate School of Journalism

Hakim Zainiddinov 4 Aini Street Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 15,796 Vahdat 735400 Sociology from Rutgers TI University

Halla Shoaibi Al-Isral St Individual to provide additional support to 2,559 Ramallah, Palestinian Terri study at American University OC

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Haneen Al-Rashdan Ahmad Suliman Individual to study for a Masters of Social 23,206 Al-Nijdawi Street Beh Work degree at Columbia Rabieh,Amman 11191 University JO

Haneen Maqboul Blibos Street Individual to pursue an LLM at Penn State 9,268 Nablus, Palestinian Terri University OC

Hasht-e Sobh Daily House 393 NC to provide daily newspaper 96,047 Street 5 Karta e Sae D coverage to five provinces in Kabul Afghanistan, and expand AF coverage to an additoinal five provinces

Hassan Al-Baran Building 6 Individual to take up a grant at Yale 9,442 Apartment 5 Assad Hamu University as part of the Global Amman Faculty Grants - Research / JO Publication grant

HazarAsfoura Khalafaledwan Street Individual to study Social Work at a U S 34,273 Amman university JO

Hebatallah Naim Ali 66 Youssef Individual to obtain a Master's degree in 45,477 Abbas StMadinet Nasr Public Policy at Brandeis Cairo University EG

Helsinki Citizens' Assembly - NC to support rights monitoring, 73,198 Vanadzor 59 Tigran Mets St litigation, and support for the Vanadzor 2001 human rights movement of AM Armenia, including issues related to conscription, the rights of drug users, and monitoring of laws related to expenditures in public health, as well as ongoing litigation related to torture, property, and freedom of expression and access to information

Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights NC to support the project 138,400 Poland ul Zgoda 11 Advanced Training on Human Warsaw 00-018 Rights Protection PL

HFH International Hungary NC to support the introduction of 52,136 Szolgaltato Nonprofit Kf Hajos u 9 social rental agencies, as an IV/16 alternative model of social Budapest 1065 rental management HU

Hiba Birat Kafer Malik Individual to pursue an internship at 336 Ramallah, Palestinian Terri Human Rights First OC

Hkawn Din Spicer Memorial College Individual to provide additional support to 900 Aundh Road study at Spicer Memorial Pure, Maharashtra 411007 College IN

Hkawn Ja Aung No 551 Kyun Pin Individual to provide additional support to 6,025 Thar study at University of Myitkyina,Kachin 95 Philippines Los Banos BM

Hkawng Lum Noll lamyang Individual to provide additional support to 900 Myitkyina,Kachin 1001 study at Martin Luther BM Christian University

Hkawng Lum Noll lamyang Individual to provide additional support to 1,100 Myitkyina,Kachin 1001 study at Martin Luther BM Christian University

Hosai Qasmi Mackroryan 3 block Individual to pursue an MA in 8,834 129 Apt 39 Communications from the Kabul University of Ottawa AF

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address ( home or any foundation manager recipient business ) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Hourn Sen Group 36 Chamkar Individual to allow you to obtain a 9,186 Samroang I villag graduate degree from City Battambang , Battambang Provin University of Hong Kong 2354 CB

Hovhannes Hovhannisyan Apt 80 Individual to allow you to spend one 8,682 45/1 Komitas street academic term (not to exceed Yerevan 375051 five months ) at Yale University AM (Host University)

Hovhannes Nahapetyan Individual to provide additional support to 5,000 Tuphagortsneri 39a APT 16 study at University of Artik 377177 Pittsburgh AM

Hta Lian Sui 3rd Floor No 13Kyaung Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 Street study at University of Yangon Philippines Los Banos BM

Htoo Paw 10630 120th Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 StreetApartment 104 study at Selkirk College Edmonton ,AB T5L4H5 CA

Htu Sam ShanzuS Myitkyina Kachin Individual to provide additional support to 6,770 State study at University of the Myitkyina,Kachin State Philippines BM

Human Rights Action NGO NC to support Human Rights 40,175 Montenegro Slobode 74/ II Action (HRA) in Montenegro to Podgorica 81000 carry out the monitoring of MJ fundamental human rights in the country focusing on freedom of expression, judicial independence and accountability , bringing key laws in conformity with international human rights standards, war crimes, and strategic litigation

Hungarian Civil Liberties Union Tatra NC to continue the Roma self- 95,235 utca 15 / b I/1 defense program Budapest 1136 HU

Hye Ryeon Hong 202-103 Deokyu Individual to provide support to study at 14,903 Village Joong 3 Do Ewha Womans University Bucheon City , Gyeonggi KS

Ian Teh Unit 3 - The Hangar Individual This grant would enable Ian 2,738 Perseverance W Teh, a photographer whose London E2 8DD work is appearing in Moving U K Walls 20, to attend the opening and surrounding events

Ibrahim Faris PO Box 3663 Al-Bireh Individual to pursue an LLM at the 15,572 Nablus Str University of Pittsburgh Ramallah, Palestinian Terri OC

Ibrahim Faris PO Box 3663 Al-Bireh Individual to pursue an internship at the 4,500 Nablus Str Palestinian Association of Ramallah, Palestinian Terri Certified Public Accountants OC

Idara-e-Taleem - o-Aagahi (ITA) 41L NC to undertake the Annual Status 150,000 Model Town Extension of Education Report (ASER) Lahore that collects information on PK children ' s schooling and basic learning at the household and district levels in Pakistan

IDEA Central Foundation Rue de la NC to hire staff and to support the 273,134 Presse 4 creation of an IDEA office in Brussels 1000 China BE

Igor Zhadan 5th Zarechny street Individual to provide additional support to 261 apartment 37 study at University of Buffalo Kryvyi Rih 50081 SUNY UP

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Ihab Dakkak 11 Al-Hariri St PO Box Individual to study social work in the U S 14,059 20187 East Jerusalem IS

Ihab Saad Almazraa Sharkeh Village Individual to support study in political 11,049 Ramallah, Palestinian Terri science as part of the 0C Palestinian Faculty Development Program

Ilhom Abdulloev Bokhtarstr 37/1 Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 13,685 Room 402 Economics at Rutgers Dushanbe 734002 University TI

Ilkin Huseynov Metbuat Avenue Individual to produce a photo 6,218 2AApt 35 documentary on the impact of Baku the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict AJ on the Azeri city of Ganja

Inaki Esteban Regueiro 3818 Bogota Individual to receive an OSI Disability 32,555 Buenos Aires C1407ESL Rights Scholarship Program AR Fellowship The purpose of the Fellowship is to allow you to obtain a graduate degree in Law with a specialization in Human/Disability Rights

Inclusion International KD203 NC to provide general support for 348,400 University of East London Inclusion International to London E16 2RD strengthen its organizational UK capacity to support people with intellectual disabilities and their families make change in their communities

Inga Saitadze 4/6 Melashvili Street Individual to obtain a PhD in Social 35,953 Apartment 25 Welfare at CU NY Hunter Batumi 6000 College's Silberman School of GG Public Health

Inna Mkhitaryan Komitas 50 apt48 Individual to produce a photo 3,132 Yerevan documentary on trafficking in AM Armenia

Innocentia Nobuhle Mgijima 3073 Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 18,549 Elizabeth Windsor Law with a specialization in New Malbrough, Harare Human/Disability Rights and to ZI equip you with the necessary expertise to develop new legislation, jurisprudence, impact litigation, and scholarship in your home country, thereby taking advantage of the innovations and opportunities offered by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

Insan Association (Lebanon) Adib NC to protect migrant workers' 43,250 Ishak Street rights and challenge Beirut discriminatory laws and LE practices in Lebanon through the provision of legal aid and raising awareness ofjustice personnel

Institute for Criminal Justice Reform NC to reduce unwarranted pretrial 51,356 JI Cempaka No 4 Poltangan Area Pa detention by developing Jakarta 12530 guidelines for judges, police ID and prosecutors

Institute for Human Sciences NC to provide support for the 129,787 Spittelauer Lande 3 Permanent Fellows, Visiting Vienna A-1090 Fellows, and Junior Visiting AT Fellows programs and to organize lectures, seminars, workshops, and conferences

Instituto de Defensa Legal (IDL) Av NC to support litigation and legal 70,000 Pardo y Aliaga N 268-272 San Is defense efforts, organize Lima 27 international training PE workshops, and undertake public awareness work on pretrial detention in Peru

Instituto para la Seguridad y NC to carry out advocacy and 300,000 Democracia AC (IN Carolina 80-1 provide technical support on Col Ciudad de los D security and justice issues in Mexico, D F , Distrito Federal 3710 Mexico to achieve safer MX communities with democratic police and security institutions

Instituto Sou da Paz Rua Luis Murat NC to use quantitative and 50,000 260 - VI Madalena qualitative approaches to Sao Paulo CEP 05436-050 monitor the impact of new BR legislation on pretrial detention and assess how the judiciary is applying alternatives to pretrial detention

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Intellectual Property Watch 1-5 NC to support intellectual property 80,000 route des Morillons CP 2100 investigative journalism with Geneva 2 1211 the aim to keep policy makers SZ and other stakeholders well- informed on the ongoing policy debates

Intermedia Pakistan House 42 NC to create a set of sustainable 123,553 Street 32 F6 forums between media and Islamabad 44000 government authorities to help PK develop consensus and implement policies for safety and security of media practitioners, help journalists in distress through legal aid/assistance, and assert the rights and responsibilities of media and authorities to promote a safer environment for independent journalism across Pakistan

International Bar Association 4th NC to create a series of moot court 80,000 Floor 10 St Bride Street problems based on ICC cases London EC4A 4AD UK

International Centre for Prison NC to expand the World Prison 73,750 Studies 1st Floor The Merchant Brief to include additional Centre 1 Ne categories of information for London EC4A 3BF which official data is available, UK such as the number of deaths in custody or access to legal representation

International Children's Palliative NC to build the capacity of Grantee 75,000 Care Network Cluster Box 3050 by providing salary and project Assagay, Kwa Zulu Natal 3610 support to advance and expand SF the organization's international education and training program

International Commission of Jurists NC to promote the rule of law and 67,500 33 rue des Bains PO Box 1211 independence of the judiciary in Geneva 1211 Arab transition countries SZ through intensifying engagement in Egypt and Tunisia, expanding activities to include Libya and enhancing the organization's human capacity and presence in the region

International Commission of Jurists NC to increase the capacity of 55,318 33 rue des Bains PO Box 1211 lawyers in Central Asia to Geneva 1211 protect human rights, to SZ strengthen the institutional capacity of the legal profession and bar associations to operate independently and to protect lawyers under threat

International Debate Education NC to support maintenance and 191,212 Association UK 96a Curtain Road development of the idebate org London EC2A 3AA website UK

International Detention Coalition NC to support IDC in building civil 100,000 C/O HUB Melbourne Level 3 673 Bou society capacity internationally Melbourne, Victoria 3000 to engage and collaborate with AS governments on alternatives to immigration detention initiatives, particularly in mixed destination and transit contexts

International Disability Alliance 150 NC to help DPOs develop a fully 152,596 Route de FerneyPO BOX 2100 CRPD compliant advocacy Geneva 2 CH1211 strategy at both the national SZ level and towards UN Human Rights Monitoring systems

International Drug Policy Consortium NC to provide core funding to 400,000 5th floor 124-128 City Road strengthen the Grantee's role London ECIV 2NJ as a center of expertise on drug UK policy issues, to expand the knowledge base around the issues related to existing drug control policies, and to open up the political space for constructive debate at the national and international level

International Lesbian Gay Bisexual NC to provide general support to 225,000 Trans and In rue Belliard straat 12 reshape and implement the Brussels B-1040 organization's capacity building BE programme

International Media Support (IMS) NC to provide support for the 76,809 Norregade 18 2nd floor project, Lakome, an Copenhagen DK-1165 independent online Moroccan DA news publication that publishes in Arabic and French

International Network of Women's NC to provide general support 80,000 Funds (INWF) Mirlo No 53 Colonia El Rosedal C Mexico City, Distrito Federal MX

Ion Marandici Gradinilor 21 Apt 43 Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 12,088 Chisinau 2001 Political Science from Rutgers M D University

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Irakli Japaridze 47 Nalbandyan str Individual to provide additional support to 964 apt 13 study at McGill University Yerevan 25 AM

Irina Demetradze 5 I Abashidze Individual to particiate in the Faculty 13,715 Street Development Fellowship Tbilisi 179 Program, to allow you to spend GG one academic term (not to exceed five months) at the University of California - Berkeley (Host University) and return for the next academic term to your university of employment in your home country (Home University) to resume your responsibilities and apply the skills learned the previous academic term

Irma Nicorici 12 31 August St Individual to obtain a PhD in Sociology at 31,369 Apartment 48 Rutgers University Drochia MD 5202 MD

Irene Kherkheulidze Iv Javakhishvili Individual to participate in the Faculty 9,153 st 95 0160 Development Fellowship Tbilisi 112 Program GG

Irma Khonelidze 8 Budapesti Street Individual to allow you to obtain a 27,290 Tbilisi 160 graduate degree in Public GG Administration or Public Policy from a North American university to enable you to pursue a career in civil service and to apply that knowledge in your home country

Iryna Riechkina Rustavi 12 11 Individual to study at the University of 9,484 Zaporizhia 69093 Montana UP

Islam Aly Appartment 92 ninth Individual to provide additional support to 9,249 floorl Abd El study at University of Iowa Nasr City, Cairo 11471 EG

Ismail Siyam Manshiat Bani Individual to obtain a Master's degree in 24,356 HashemGaza Jerash C Social Work at Washington Jerash University JO

Ismoil Khujamkulov 34/1 Gafurov Individual to provide additional support to 1,199 Street Apt 38 study at Carleton University Dushanbe 734064 TI

Ismoil Khujamkulov 34/1 Gafurov Individual to provide additional support to 3,500 Street Apt 38 study at Carleton University Dushanbe 734064 TI

Itthirit Suwannakam 100/1 Moo4 Individual to provide additional support to 6,009 M uang District study at University of the Ta-Ong,Surin Province Philippines TH

J Maung Maung Aye No 31 Thin Individual to allow you to obtain a 9,215 Street Phawkan Insein graduate degree from City Yangon,Yangon University of Hong Kong BM

Ja San Ra faculty of Social Work Individual to provide additional support to 1,100 Department study at Martin Luther Shillong, India 793001 Christian University IN

Jamaluddin Jamal Mohammadi PO Individual to study counseling at the Tata 12,095 Box 5753 House No 41 Street Institute of Social Sciences, Kabul India AF

James Mwakazi Lenana Road Individual to receive an OSI Disability 19,449 Nairobi Rights Scholarship Program KE Fellowship

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Jarkyn Shadymanova Ak-Tala str 17 Individual to take up a grant at 9,511 Bishkek Wageningen University as part KG of the Global Faculty Grants - Research / Publication grant

Jiazhe Wu Room 103 No 14 Block Individual OSIRG is designed to inspire a 11,948 No4 Haibin new cohort of practitioners Shanghai committed to working both in CH the public interest and at the forefront of global policy You aim to explore the role of mass media and their relationship to and control by the government

Jihene Ferchichi 27 Sidi Daoud Street Individual to obtain a Master's degree in 24,698 El Mourouj 5, Ben Arous law at Pittsburgh University TS

Jonah Engle 4131 Avenue de Individual to investigate the economic 2,264 (Esplanade 1 and institutional interests that Montreal, Quebec H2W-1S9 profit from drug prohibition CA

Journalismfundeu vzw Rozenweg 4b NC to provide support to Fonds 106,064 Zellik B 1731 Pascal Decroos for the BE continuation of the European Fund for Investigative Journalism (EFIJ) for cross- border investigative reports in Europe

Juan Ignacio Perez Bello Sanhez De Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 27,135 Bustamante 2656 3 B Law with a specialization in Buenos Aires 1425 Human/Disability Rights and to AR equip you with the necessary expertise to develop new legislation, jurisprudence, impact litigation, and scholarship in your home country, thereby taking advantage of the innovations and opportunities offered by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

Juan Sebastian Rodriguez Alarcon Individual to receive an OSI Disability 17,134 CLL 22B 58-21 Apt 918 Rights Scholarship Program Bogota Fellowship The purpose of the CO Fellowship is to allow you to obtain a graduate degree in Law with a specialization in Human/Disability Rights

Justica Global Av Beira Mar NC to strengthen legal assistance 78,500 406/1207 to pretrial detainees in five Rio de Janeiro 20021-900 states in Brazil BR

Justice and Rights Associates NC to increase access to justice 105,369 (JURIA) P 0 Box 29889 for Women and Children Kampala Survivors of Sexual and Gender UG Based Violence in Northern Uganda

Justice Center for Legal Aid 4 Imam NC to analyze access to counsel in 87,500 Malek Street Jabal 1st Ci criminal cases, to Amman 11184 institutionalize and develop the JO professionalism of legal aid providers and to promote dialogue on legal aid to the poor

Justice for All Organization Shari- NC to raise public legal awareness 60,638 naw-Charahi Hari Yaqoob-besid and provide free legal aid Kabul 240000 services for the indigent AF people, particularly women, children and accused individuals, seeking representation for their cases pending before both criminal and family court in Kunduz and Khost provinces

Justice Kwaku Srem-Sai No 24 Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 9,952 Agbamey Street Kokomlemle Law with a specialization in Accra Human/Disability Rights and to GH equip you with the necessary expertise to develop new legislation, jurisprudence, impact litigation, and scholarship in your home country, thereby taking advantage of the innovations and opportunities offered by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

Kanykei Ergesheva 139 Toktogul Individual to study Social Work at a U S 1,500 Street university Bishkek 720001 KG

Kap Do Thang Spicer Memorial Individual to provide additional support to 900 College Mens Host study at Spicer Memorial Pure, Maharashtra 411007 College IN

Kareem El Damanhoury 1 El Zohour Individual to obtain a Master's degree in 15,153 StMatbaa Faisal St Media Studies at Ohio Giza University EG

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual , Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address ( home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Karyna Tytar 21 Independence Bvrd Individual to study at The University of 566 83 Montana Dniprodzerzhinsk 51928 UP

Katarina Gajic Ustanicka 65/22 Individual to study at The University of 395 Belgrade 11000 Montana RI

Katharina Hesse 28 Dongfengnanlu Individual to attend the opening of Moving 4,836 1-2-201 Dongrunf Walls and surrounding events Beijing CH

Katty Alhayek Dahyiat Harasta Flat 4 Individual to pursue a masters degree at 21,762 - Bldg 50 - Ohio University Damascus SY

Kavitha Sivadasan 2941 Sector 23 Individual OSIRG is designed to inspire a 9,989 Gurgaon 122017 new cohort of practitioners IN committed to working both in the public interest and at the forefront of global policy You aim to create awareness that disability is a human rights issue and advocate for inclusion

Kefah Barham Bazzar Bldg A Apt 10 Individual to study education in the U S 14,094 Jawwal St Ramallah, Palestinian Terri OC

Kelly Elizabeth O'Connor 3270 Individual OSIRG is designed to inspire a 7,788 Wildwood Road new cohort of practitioners Kelowna, British Columbia V 1W 2S4 committed to working both in CA the public interest and at the forefront of global policy You will explore questions of governance in the context of conflict-affected and developing states

Kenya Hospices and Palliative Care NC to carry out training and 60,000 Association ( KE Suite 2-2 Top Plaza education of health care Kindaruma Roa workers in palliative care with Kilimani, Nairobi 202 the aim of integrating palliative KE care into health systems, to advocate for the inclusion of palliative care in other policies and strategic plans, and to advocate for the legal needs of people with terminal illness

Ketevan Gurchiani Cholokashvili Av Individual to participate in the Faculty 10,704 3/5 Development Fellowship Tbilisi 162 Program , to spend one GG academic term (not to exceed five months) at Columbia University (Host University) and return for the next academic term to your university of employment in your home country (Home University ) to resume your responsibilities and apply the skills learned the previous academic term

Khaikham Xaynhaphoum 054/2 Individual to participate in the Asia 99 Haisok Village Chanthabouly Pacific Scholarship Consortium Vientane (APSC) LA

Khalid Rahman 2nd street Charah-e- Individual to obtain a MA in sustainable 16,079 Qamber development practice from Kabul TERI University AF

Khandmaa Sukhbaatar Choidog Individual to take up a grant at Columbia 22,499 Street 48 /9 University as part of the Global Ulaanbaatar 976 Faculty Grants Program MG Academic Sabbatical grant

Khatuna Martskvishvili 12 Uznadze Individual to take up a grant University 10,999 Street College London as part of the Tbilisi 102 Global Faculty Grants Program GG (Track II Research Track)

Khe Longkeat 33AEo St 146 Sangkat Individual to provide additional support to 6,413 Phsar Depo study at University of the Phnom Penh Philippines CB

Khen Kap Za Muan Spicer Memorial Individual to provide additional support to 700 College Aundh Road study at Spicer Memorial Pure, Maharashtra 411007 College IN

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Khin NandarChit 300 Bedded Individual to provide additional support to 7,500 Teaching Hospital study at University of Malaya Myo Thit, Mandalay 5041 BM

Khin Nyein Thit Corso Individual to provide additional support to 2,000 GaribaldiApartment 20M study at Scuola Super Studi Pavia 27100 Pavia IUSS IT

Khin Thet San St Marry St Delacosta Individual to provide additional support to 6,925 Homes No 8 study at Asian Social Institute Q uezon RP

Khine Thi Thi Win No 3/1 Soi Sayri 3 Individual to provide additional support to 5,375 Room 410 Ramk study at Ramkhamhaeng Bangkok 10240 University TH

Khou Hav N 65E2 St 128 Sangkat Individual to allow you to obtain a 9,612 Monorom graduate degree from Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh University of the Philippines CB Los Banos

Khudodod Khudododov Rudaki 137 Individual to obtain a PhD in Social Work 29,737 Dushanbe 734000 at Hunter College of The City TI University of New York

Khun SawAung No 15 Ye Htwet Oo Individual to provide additional support to 8,950 Street Shan Sta study at University of the Taunggyi Philippines Los Banos BM

Khun Seng 254 PM Apartment Individual to provide additional support to 8,725 Bangkok 10240 study at Assumption University TH

Kilimanjaro Women Information NC to advocate for the genuine 60,000 Exchange and Consult PO Box 376 inclusion and participation of Moshi women from Tanzania's TZ Kilimanjaro region, with particular interest on rural women in the current constitution review process

Kiran Chandra Wagle Kyamin-1 Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 18,167 Tanahun Law with a specialization in NP Human/Disability Rights and to equip you with the necessary expertise to develop new legislation, jurisprudence, impact litigation, and scholarship in your home country, thereby taking advantage of the innovations and opportunities offered by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

Klodian Rado Rr Mihal Grameno Pall Individual to provide additional support to 1,324 12 Katesh study at York University Tirane 355 AL

Krishna Timsina Biratnagar-6 Individual to provide additional support to 5,000 Sumjhana Tole House study at The Asian Institute of Biratnagar, Koshi 977 Technology NP

Kyaw KyawAye No 99 85th Street Individual to provide support to study 13,250 Mandalay 5021 Public Health at Mahidol BM University

Kyaw Kyaw Win Maung No 2 Insein Individual to provide additional support to 3,248 Road8th Floor study at Hendrix College Hlaing Township,Yangon BM

Kyaw Myo Oo No17 Yarzaderit Road Individual to provide additional support to 7,336 Aung ThuK study at University of Malaya Ye Town, Mon State BM

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

KyawThu Latt SwetapinMinbu Individual to provide support to study 12,500 Township Public Health at Mahidol Magway Region University BM

Kyaw Tun P haung Daw0o School Individual to provide additional support to 10,100 between 19st study at University of Malaya Mandalay, Mandalay Division 5011 BM

Kyi ZawWin 99 Moo 18 Paholyothin Individual to provide additional support to 2,500 RoadGolf View study at Thammasat Pathumthani 12121 University TH

Kyryl Luchkin 202 Klochkovskaya Individual to study at University of 1,212 Str hostel room Wisconsin-Eau Claire Kharkiv 61045 UP

L Diana Seng Hkawn Building 10 Individual to allow you to obtain a 13,391 Room 1 Uwisara Housin graduate degree from De La Yangon,Yangon Salle University BM

L Zau Dim 247 Soi Ramkhamhaeng Individual to provide additional support to 4,775 Road PM Apart study at Assumption Bangkok 10240 University TH

La Ring Martin Luther Christain Individual to provide additional support to 1,100 U niversity study at Martin Luther Shillong, Meghalaya 793001 Christian University IN

LahtawZau Raw WZ-10C Asalatpur Individual to provide additional support to 1,500 A2 Block Ground study at Delhi University New Delhi, New Delhi 110058 IN

LahtawZau Raw WZ-10C Asalatpur Individual to provide additional support to 1,500 A2 Block Ground study at Delhi University New Delhi, New Delhi 110058 IN

Laila Abdul Majeed PO Box 830505 Individual to study Social Work at 14,450 Amman 11183 Columbia University JO

Laila Rizk 175 Gisr El Suez St Individual to take up a grant at Columbia 4,497 Heliopolis University as part of the Global Cairo 11351 Faculty Grants - Research / EG Publication grant

Lala Aliyeva Sharifzade street 130 Individual The purpose of the Fellowship 14,666 apartment 1 is to allow you to spend one Baku 1122 academic term at the host AJ university

Lalropari Chhakchhuak Worriers Individual to provide additional support to 900 HostelRoom No39Spicer Mem study at Spicer Memorial Pure, Maharashtra 411007 College IN

Lara Vujovic Mila Boskovica H13 Individual to provide additional support to 8,187 Bar 85000 study at Tufts University MJ

Lasha Kokilashvili 60 Nutsubidze Individual to obtain an Ed D in 30,244 Street Educational Policy & Tbilisi 177 Leadership at the University of GG Massachusetts - Amherst

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Latvian Center for Human Rights NC to support the Center's 49,500 Alberta str 13 continued advocacy and Riga LV-1010 strategic litigation in promoting LG anti-discrimination standards with special focus on national minorities and homophobic and racist crimes

Lawyers for Justice in Libya 4th Floor NC to promote human rights and 122,874 21-22 Great Sutton Stree the establishment of London EC1V ODY accountable, democratic UK structures in transitional Libya by enhancing the independence of judiciary, pursuing advocacy, and raising public awareness about laws and governing models to augment active citizen engagement

Lela Janashvili Vani Str4/227 Individual to take up a grant at the 8,442 Tbilisi 154 Autonomous University of GG Barcelona as part of the Global Faculty Grants Research/Publication award

Li Chamroeun 10 St 33BT Individual to participate in the Asia Pacific 99 Phnom Penh Scholarship Consortium (APSC) CB

Lia Mamatsashvili 45App 8B12nd Individual to allow you to obtain a 33,868 Block 2nd M/D Nuts graduate degree in Public Tbilisi 183 Administration or Public Policy GG from a North American university to enable you to pursue a career in civil service and to apply that knowledge in your home country

Lika Gamgebeli 13 A Tamatashvili Individual to participate in the Civil 31,674 St Apt 82 Service Awards program (CSA) Tbilisi 162 GG

Lilia Raileanu CP 2979 Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 11,973 Chisinau MD-2071 Sociology from Rutgers M D University

Lilit Harutyunyan 24G Baghramyan Individual to take up a grant at Boston 1,177 Street University as part of the Global Yerevan 19 Faculty Grants Program (Track AM I Teaching Track) award

Lima Bustami PO Box 1046 Individual to pursue an internship at 8,340 Nablus, Palestinian Terri Solidarity International for OC Human Rights

Lina Harridan PO Box 141500 Individual to study Social Work at 11,649 Princess Taghreed St Columbia University Amman 11814 JO

Ling Ki C/O DawYaung Kee Junior Individual to provide additional support to 6,353 Clerk My study at University of the Taunggyi, Shan State Philippines BM

Liping Mian No 3 Huixin Street Individual OSIRG is designed to inspire a 6,470 Hongguozi Zhe new cohort of practitioners Shizuishan City, Ningxia A R committed to working both in 753200 the public interest and at the CH forefront of global policy You will conduct research on children's rights as they relate to rights advocacy for the LGBT community

Liudmila Moran 7 Cosmonautilor Individual to allow you to obtain a 31,680 street graduate degree in Public Chisinau MD 2005 Administration or Public Policy MD from a North American university to enable you to pursue a career in civil service and to apply that knowledge in your home country

Lo Ki Darusan Phabaw Mae Hong Son Individual to provide additional support to 900 Mae Hong Son,Thailand 58000 study at Martin Luther Christian TH University

Lo Ki Darusan Phabaw Mae Hong Son Individual to provide additional support to 1,100 Mae Hong Son,Thailand 58000 study at Martin Luther Christian TH University

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual , Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address ( home or business ) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Lokranjan Parajuli GPO Box 13470 Individual to take up a grant at the 8,226 Kathmandu University of Illinois at NP Chicago as part of the Global Faculty Grants Program (Track I Teaching Track) award

Louis Olanya Oyaro PO Box 4794 Individual to receive an OSI Disability 25,965 Kampala Rights Scholarship Program UG Fellowship

Lucas Correa Montoya Carrera 4 este Individual to receive an OSI Disability 17,665 No 19B-13 Apto 204 Rights Scholarship Program Bogota Fellowship CO

Luiz Kiadtikhunphaibun MLCUs hostel Individual to provide additional support to 1,100 KPJA Conference Cent study at Martin Luther Shillong, Meghalaya 793001 Christian University IN

Lunaria Via Buonarotti 39 NC to strengthen existing 50,000 Rome 185 strategies through IT simultaneous research, communication, advocacy, and cultural initiatives towards three social groups intellectuals, journalists, and political decision - makers

Lusine Nahapetyan Tuphagortsneri Individual to provide additional support to 455 39a APT 16 study at University of Georgia Artik 377177 AM

Lusine Nahapetyan Tuphagortsneri Individual to provide additional support to 5,000 39a APT 16 study at University of Georgia Artik 377177 AM

Lyda Chin 347Eo St 205 Takhmao Individual to provide additional support to 1,095 City Kanda study at University of Hong Takhmao, Kandal Kong CB

Ma Kham Yin Martin Luther Christain Individual to provide additional support to 1,100 U niversity study at Martin Luther Shillong, Meghalaya 793001 Christian University IN

Ma Krizna Santiago Gomez Blk 6 Lot Individual OSIRG is designed to inspire a 10,573 13 St Mark Street St new cohort of practitioners City of San Fernando , Pampanga committed to working both in 2000 the public interest and at the RP forefront of global policy You will conduct field-based research on the development of CSOs in Uganda

Ma Krizna Santiago Gomez Blk 6 Lot Individual to provide support forthe OSF 39,037 13 St Mark Street St Presidential Fellowship City of San Fernando , Pampanga 2000 RP

Ma Singasiri Punjabi University Silver Individual to provide additional support to 900 Jubilee study at Punjabi University Patiala,Punjab 149002 IN

Ma Singasiri Punjabi University Silver Individual to provide additional support to 900 Jubilee study at Punjabi University Patiala,Punjab 149002 IN

Ma'an Forum of Bedouin - Arab NC to reduce all types of violence 50,000 Women's Organizations PO Box 3412 against women and children in BeerSheva 84133 Bedouin society as well as to IS provide support to victims of violence and abuse, through conducting awareness raising sessions within the Bedouin population and the provision of hands on emotional and legal support to victims

MADA al-Carmel - Arab Center for NC to contribute to better 75,000 Applied Social Re PO Box 913251 understanding of the modes of Allenby Street political participation amongst Haifa 31090 Palestinian citizens of Israel IS and draw conclusions for enhancing its impact in the future and countering the continued erosion of democratic values in Israel

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Madhav Kafle Saimarang-3 Individual to provide additional support to 3,000 Saimarang, Kaski 977 study at Pennsylvania State NP University

Mae Suzanne Tanner 47 Osborne Individual OSIRG is designed to inspire a 9,545 Esplanade new cohort of practitioners Kingston Beach, Tasmania, Tasmania committed to working both in 7000 the public interest and at the AS forefront of global policy You will assess the political, legal and resource-related impediments to addressing human rights in Burma

Magda Kobakhidze Postis Individual to provide additional support to 6,000 Shesakhvevi 18 study at The University of Tbilisi 103 Hong Kong GG

Mahmoud Mourad 1132 6th Individual to obtain a Master's degree in 29,536 Districtlst Neighborhood Law at Penn State University 6 October C ity, Giza EG

Mahmoud Elkasabi 34 Emtedad El- Individual to provide additional support to 470 aural El-Maadi Apt 4 study at University of Michigan Cairo 48105 EG

Mahmoud Elsaman 178 G Hadayek Individual to pursue an LLM at the 15,902 Alahram City Remaya University of Pittsburgh Giza 12561 EG

Maia Araviashvili N8 Tmaniani Street Individual is to allow you to spend one 11,695 Telavi 2220 academic term (not to exceed GG five months) at The New School for Social Research

Maia Mikashavidze 2 Mtskheta Street Individual to provide additional support to 464 Tbilisi 179 study at University of South GG Carolina

Maia Mikashavidze 2 Mtskheta Street Individual to provide additional support to 2,000 Tbilisi 179 study at University of South GG Carolina

Mais Qandeel Mukhmas Building 4th Individual to pursue an internship with the 10,008 Floor Ersal Young Palestinian Lawyer Ramallah, Palestinian Terri Association OC

Maja Dordevic 623 Stojana Aralice Individual to study at The University of 350 street Texas at Austin Belgrade 11000 RI

Majd Mariam Mariam Street House Individual to obtain a Master's degree in 16,183 4Damascus Sub Media Studies at Ohio Alqtaifi University SY

Makerere University Mulago Hospital NC to establish and evaluate an 49,000 and Makerere Univer academic palliative care Kampala service offering clinical support UG within a national referral hospital

Malika Bahovadinova 13/23 Mirzo Individual to obtain a PhD in 19,561 Tursunzade Anthropology from Indiana Dushanbe 734000 University-Bloomington in the TI United States and to apply that knowledge in your home country, preferably within academia

Malika Iskandari Apartment 4 142/4 Individual to study Social Work at a U S 32,106 Yakkachinarskaya university Dushanbe 734000 TI

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

MalkhazToria M Aleksidze Str 1 Individual to take up a grant at Mount 1,586 Block 3 Apt Holyoke College as part of the Tbilisi 193 Global Faculty Grants - GG Research / Publication grant

Man Deih Lun Spicer Memorial Individual to provide additional support to 800 College Worriers Ho study at Spicer Memorial Pure, Maharashtra 411007 College IN

Manal Husein PO Box 140401 Individual to study Social Work at a U S 34,273 Amman 11814 university JO

ManarMarouf Adu Ubaida Ibn Al- Individual to obtain a Master's degree in 44,652 Jarrah St Gender Studies at Brandeis Banias-Tartous University SY

Manita Raut Seti OP Marg Individual to obtain a MA in sustainable 15,530 Koteshwor, Kathmandu development practice from NP TERI University

Manizha Sharifova apt 31 Building 6 Individual to obtain a PhD in Economics 9,856 Microdistrict at the University of California - Khujand 735718 Santa Cruz TI

Manolin Thepkhamvong Soi 4 unit 12 Individual to allow you to obtain a 9,002 house no153 Nolvu graduate degree from Vientiane University of the Philippines LA

Marcelo Mangini 5476 Dr Pedro Individual to research intervention 12,416 Ignacio Rivera 5476 strategies that boost civil Ciudad Autnoma de Buenos Aires participation in mineral 1431 resource governance AR

Marcus Garvey Pan-Afrikan Institute NC to support 'Promoting inclusive 60,000 (MPAI) UpperMooni Mbale narratives to foster social Municipality P cohesion in Uganda' Mbale UG

Maria Creciun 35 Puskin Street Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 8,888 Apartment 60 Economics at Brandeis Chisinau MD 2005 University MD

Maria Stratan str 31 august 13 Individual to study at University of 658 Peresecina,Orhei MD 3541 Wisconsin-Eau Claire MD

Mariam Amurvelashvili 3 Beriashvili Individual to produce a photo 6,004 Street documentary on Chinese and Tbilisi 132 Indian labor migrants in GG Georgia

Mariana Zubenschi Albisoara St Apt Individual to participate in the Faculty 10,203 24 78/1 Development Fellowship Chisinau MD 2005 Program, to spend one M D academic term (not to exceed five months) at Columbia University (Host University) and return for the next academic term to your university of employment in your home country (Home University) to resume your responsibilities and apply the skills learned the previous academic term

Marija Vuletic Ilije Engela 14 Individual to study at University of 599 Sarajevo 71 000 Georgia BK

Marin Cerchez 16/2 Ion Creanga St Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 27,207 Chisinau 2069 Byzantine History from the M D University of Wisconsin - Madison

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Marina Kudasova p Donskoye Individual to provide additional support to 3,100 Sadovaya street 9 apt study at Lehigh University Kaliningrad 238570 RS

Marina Lukmanova Flat 72 6 Individual to take up a grant at Indiana 14,298 Kostanayskay University - Bloomington as Rudnyi 459120 part of the Global Faculty KZ Grants Program Academic Sabbatical grant

Marina Mendez Erreguerena Hipolito Individual to receive an OSI Disability 18,531 Yrigoyen 3751 Rights Scholarship Program Mar del Plata 7600 Fellowship AR

Mark Gevisser 11 bis Rue Faidherbe Individual to examine sexual orientation 68,620 Paris 75011 and gender identity within the FR context of globalization by looking at how people are changing the ways they imagine themselves and lead their lives, and how such changes are themselves changing the world

Maryna Pozdniakova Chersonske Individual to study at Duke University 8,434 Shose 40 Apt 58 Mykolaiv 54024 UP

Mashura Akilova 8th Microregion Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 13,375 House 78 Apartmen Social Work from Columbia Khujand, Sughd 735700 University TI

Mashura Akilova 8th Microregion Individual to provide additional support to 9,000 House 78 Apartmen study at Columbia University Khujand, Sughd 735700 TI

Masooma Mahtabi District six Individual to obtain a MA in Counseling 11,508 Kabul from Tata Institute of Social AF Sciences, India

Masuma Moravej 45 BanksidarSt Individual to pursue an MA in 13,687 Kabul Communications from the AF University of Ottawa

Matiullah Kamran Chelstoon 7th Individual to obtain a MA in sustainable 16,022 district development practice from Kabul TERI University AF

Matvey Lomonosov Lenina 82/53 Individual to provide additional support to 4,500 Perm, Perm krai 614068 study at McGill University RS

Maung Seng Lawn Martin Luther Individual to provide additional support to 800 Christain University study at St Anthony's College Shillong, Meghalaya 793001 IN

Maxo Erick Val 16 Clercine 20 Individual to establish a waste 5,000 ATabarre management program at the Port au Prince Damien campus of Universit HA d'Etat d'Hati that allows proper solid residue treatment that increases the standard quality of life on campus, and that can be used as a teaching unit for the students and local community

Mayada Saadoun 100 Zaker Hussen Individual to obtain a Master's degree in 45,477 StPhase 1 Apt 32 Public Policy at Brandeis Zahraa Nasr City University EG

Mayvong Sayatham Phonesavang Individual to provide additional support to 20,437 Village Chanthabuly Di study at Asian Institute of Vientiane Technology LA

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Meatra Mean Pong Ro village Individual to provide additional support to 6,591 Kampong svay commu study at University of the Pong Ro,Banteay Meanchey Philippines CB

Media Frontiers Norregade 18 2nd NC to continue assisting on-line 50,000 floor media in closed and post- Copenhagen DK-1165 conflict countries, as well as in DA exiled and diaspora communities, through secure internet hosting and communications (Virtual Road), and a social purpose advertising network (Protore)

Meenraj Panthee Bhanbhane-5 Individual to receive an OSI Disability 25,849 Gulmi District Rights Scholarship Program NP Fellowship

Mei Tang Room 2105A Zhongsheng Individual to obtain a Masters of Law from 6,061 Office Build Hong Kong University Beijing, Beijing 100038 CH

Mental Disability Advocacy Center NC to prevent torture, inhumane 50,000 (MDAC) Hercegprimas u 11 and degrading treatment or Budapest 1051 punishment against people with HU intellectual or psycho-social disabilities in Europe

Mihail Belousiuc 134 Bulgara Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 1,150 Balti 3112 Public Administration or Public MD Policy from a North American university

Minyori Agency for Transformation NC to provide general support 25,000 and Development Maridi Road Yei OD

Mirzobobo Yormirzoev 191 Hakim Individual to obtain a PhD in Economics 11,702 Karim Street at Washington State University Khujand TI

Mo Mai 333Eo St 105c Sangkat Individual to participate in the Asia 99 TeokthlaSe Pacific Scholarship Consortium Phnom Penh (APSC) CB

Moe KyawThan 52/245 Lhakhoh Individual to provide additional support to 4,053 Muang Suksabay 1 P study at New York University Bangkok 12000 TH

Mohamed Taha 34 Khaled Amin St Individual to obtain a Master's degree in 32,525 Haram St Law at Georgetown University Giza EG

Mohammad Abushehab Rafedia Individual to pursue an LLM at American 26,807 Street University Nablus, Palestinian Terri OC

Mohammad Abushehab Rafedia Individual to pursue an internship at 10,274 Street Washington College of Law's Nablus, Palestinian Terri Center for Human Rights and OC Humanitarian Law's Initiative for Human Rights in Business

Mohammad Haroon Flat 27 Street 1 Individual to study sustainable 15,820 Block 3 S development practice at TERI Kabul University, India AF

Mohammad Naser Sidiqee Jadey Individual to study sustainable 14,666 Sangtrashee Kochei Masjid Sa development practice at TERI Kabul University, India AF

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Mohammad NazerAlemi Street 3 Individual to study counseling at the Tata 12,245 Mazar-e-sharif, Balkh 93 Institute of Social Sciences, AF India

Mohammad Sediq Bezhan Aid Individual to pursue an MA in 2,917 Management Directorate Pashtun Communications from the Kabul University of Ottawa AF

Mohammad Shafiq House No 272 Individual to pursue an MA in 6,912 Street No 1 Galai Na Communications from Ohio Kabul University AF

Mohammed Ikhlawi PO Box 19665 Individual to obtain a Master's degree in 28,310 Jerusalem 91196 Law at Wake Forest University IS

Mohannad Kababji PO Box 1542 Individual to pursue an LLM at Duke 7,527 Nablus, Palestinian Terri University OC

Mohannad Kababji PO Box 1542 Individual to pursue an internship at An- 9,693 Nablus, Palestinian Terri Najah National University O C Faculty of Law

Moien Odeh PO Box 20003 Silwan Individual to pursue an LLM at the 13,229 East Jerusalem, Palestinian Terri University of Pittsburgh OC

Moien Odeh PO Box 20003 Silwan Individual to pursue an internship at 6,044 East Jerusalem, Palestinian Terri Global Solutions Pittsburgh OC

MOJAZ Foundation Opposite DCO NC to develop a scalable model for 48,787 House the improvement of service Narowal delivery in primary and PK secondary education

Monir Sarhan PO Box 214 Individual to take up a grant at the 5,933 Ramallah, Palestinian Terri University of Liverpool as part 0C of the Global Faculty Grants Program (Track II Research Track)You are expected to focus on research, together with a host faculty member, which will eventually lead towards publication in a peer- reviewed journal It is also expected that you will facilitate institutional linkages between your Home and Host Universities

M uath Saleh Al Amal Building Al Individual to pursue an LLM at 20,459 Irsal Street Georgetown University Ramallah, Palestinian Terri OC

M uath Saleh Al Amal Building Al Individual to pursue an internship at the 4,500 Irsal Street Ramallah Center for Human Ramallah, Palestinian Terri Rights Studies OC

Muhammed Abedal-Hadi Almahatta Individual to provide additional support to 4,598 DerAlbalah study at University of Arkansas Gaza City, Palestinian Terri 972 OC

Mung Don No3/110 mile village Individual to provide additional support to 10,263 Nawng Nan study at University of Hong Myitkyina,Kachin State Kong BM

Muntada - The Arab Forum for NC to raise awareness in the 55,375 Sexuality and Health PO Box 8502 Palestinian community on sex Haifa 31085 education and sexual health IS especially among youth, to create a professional and scientific foundation for the development of knowledge and skills of professionals working in these areas, and to enhance sexual rights of individuals

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address ( home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Muquaddas Pulotova 13th Individual to obtain a PhD in Economics 29,683 Microdistrics 25/1 Apartment from Rutgers University Khujand 735703 TW

Murtaza Noon Ghazni Individual to obtain a MA in sustainable 15,958 Ghazni development practice from Teri AF University

Myanmar Development Resource NC to support activities promoting 300,000 Institute ( MDRI) Suite 102 Myanmar comprehensive and inclusive Info-tech Buildi development in Myanmar Yangon BM

Myo Min Lwin 897/898 Theingi 2ns Individual to allow you to obtain a 1,662 StBlock 5 HI graduate degree from Mahidol Yangon,Yangon University BM

Myo Naing PO Box 269 Fourways Individual to provide additional support to 1,000 North 2086 study at the University of Johannesburg , Gauteng 2086 Witwatersrand SF

Nadace Open Society Fund Praha NC to promote inclusive education 50,000 Prokopova 9 in regional Governorates in the Prague 130 00 Czech Republic in close EZ collaboration with regional authorities

Nadejda Mazur 35/3 Trandafirilor Individual to obtain a PhD in 10,475 Street Apartme Anthropology from Indiana Chisinau 2038 University-Bloomington in the MD United States and to apply that knowledge in your home country, preferably within academia

Nadia Chebbi 87 Avenue Abdelaziz Individual to obtain a Master's degree in 32,402 Thaalbi Law at Duke University Tunis TS

Nagwa Abdallah 1B Flat 14 306 St Individual to pursue a masters degree at 51,556 SagrQuraish American University Cairo 11435 EG

Nan San Nwe 52/24 Moo 7 Lak Hok Individual to provide additional support to 3,550 M uang Ake Pa study at Rangsit University Bangkok 12000 TH

Nan She LarAye Soi 24 Individual to provide additional support to 6,175 Ramkhamhaneg Rd Huamak Ban study at Assumption Bangkok 10240 University TH

Nancy Tin Spicer Memorial Individual to provide additional support to 700 CollegeGirls Host study at Spicer Memorial Pure, Maharashtra 411007 College IN

Nancy Tin Spicer Memorial Individual to provide additional support to 700 CollegeGirls Host study at Spicer Memorial Pure, Maharashtra 411007 College IN

Nandar Nwe Oo No12 / 202 Nguwar Individual to allow you to obtain a 14,958 Street Ayeyikemo graduate degree from Yangon,Yangon Chulalongkorn University BM

Nandi U Thudathana Individual to provide support to study 12,750 StreetThumingalar Housin Public Health at Mahidol Yangon University BM

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Nang Bawk No671 Lekone Individual to provide additional support to 1,100 Myitkyina, Kachin 1001 study at Martin Luther BM Christian University

Nang Bawk No671 Lekone Individual to provide additional support to 1,100 Myitkyina, Kachin 1001 study at Martin Luther BM Christian University

Nang Haeo Hseng Yangon Individual to allow you to obtain a 249 Yangon,Yangon graduate degree from BM University of the Philippines Los Banos

Nang Hseing Hein Martin Luther Individual to provide additional support to 1,100 Christain University study at Martin Luther Shillong, Meghalaya 793001 Christian University IN

Nang Khin Kyi Lin D/1B Harnthayake Individual to allow you to obtain a 13,731 Mon Building M graduate degree from De La Yangon,Yangon Salle University BM

Nang Noam Mo Anawrahta Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 HousingPyay Road8-A/3 study at Mahidol University Yangon BM

Nang Noom Wan Martin Luther Individual to provide additional support to 1,100 Christain KJPA Confe study at Martin Luther Shillong, Meghalaya 793001 Christian University IN

Nang San Mon 71 Sannum Kila SoiUn Individual to provide additional support to 8,500 A ri Soi 4 T study at Rangsit University Chiang Mai 50200 TH

Nangzing Lu Awn 9938 Mt Makiling Individual to provide additional support to 3,500 Street U mall Sub study at University of the Laguna 4031 Philippines Los Banos RP

Narantuya Ganbat 42/44 Dorj Individual to provide additional support to 7,500 StreetPO B 778/49 study at The Australian UIaanbaatar National University MG

Nargis Tashpulatova ul Individual to participate in the Faculty 9,932 Turkistanskaya House 12 Apt Development Fellowship Tashkent 100015 Program, to spend one UZ academic term (not to exceed five months) at New York University (Host University) and return for the next academic term to your university of employment in your home country (Home University) to resume your responsibilities and apply the skills learned the previous academic term

Nasawiya Shahrouri Area Braidi Bldg NC to provide continued support to 85,000 1st fl the Anti-Racism Movement Beirut (ARM) program that seeks to LE build a constituency for migrant workers' rights in Lebanon

NaserYacoub PO Box 621 Individual to obtain a Master's degree in 44,641 Ramallah, Palestinian Terri Gender Studies at Brandeis O C University

Nasima Oman Masjed Koeti Street Individual to obtain a MA in sustainable 15,975 Block 1 4th fl development practice from Khoshal Khan, Kabul TERI University AF

Natalia Amarfii 11 Sciusev Individual to allow you to obtain a 30,202 Rezina 5400 graduate degree in Public MD Administration or Public Policy from a North American university to enable you to pursue a career in civil service and to apply that knowledge in your home country

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Natalia Grincheva Elektronnay St 7- Individual to provide additional support to 5,000 45 study at Concordia University Saratov 410064 RS

Natasa Duricic Milesevska 20 Individual to provide additional support to 475 Belgrade 11000 study at University of Maryland RI

Natcha Walaikeereepong 340/7 Soi Individual to provide additional support to 3,500 Wat Prayool 2 No 706 Pat study at Rangsit University Bangkok 12000 TH

Natela Phartskhaladze 181 Individual to attend the UnicefIndonesia 2,747 Agmashenebeli Avenue 2/16 and SMERU Research Institute Tbilisi 380012 conference on Child Poverty GG and Social Protection

Natia Mzhavanadze I Nutsubidze Individual to obtain an Ed D in 30,856 Plateau block 16 Apt Educational Policy and Tbilisi 183 Leadership at the University of GG Massachusetts - Amherst

Natia Sibashvili Dolidze 29 Flat 105 Individual to study Social Work at a U S 12,074 Tbilisi university GG

National Consortium for Public Ethics NC to provide technical assistance 200,000 (PROETICA) Manco Capac 826 to the new Ministry for Social M iraflores Development and Inclusion Lima 18 (MIDIS) for the design ofa PE transparency and integrity model for Peru's social programs, maintain issues surrounding anticorruption reform on the public agenda, and monitor Peru's Action Plan under the O pen Government Partnership

Nattarikarn Thongsomboon 9/201 Individual to allow you to obtain a 12,680 Mae Sot villa so16 Indhara graduate degree from Hong Mae Sot,Tak 63110 Kong Polytechnic University TH

NawCaroline Ma/41 Nanthagone Individual to provide additional support to 6,025 Street study at University of Yangon Philippines Los Banos BM

Naw Khet Mar 18 Udomchaonithed Individual to provide additional support to 6,500 RoadJongkham study at Rangsit University Muang,Mae Hong Son 58000 TH

Naw Seng Martin Luther Christain Individual to provide additional support to 900 U niversity study at Martin Luther Shillong, Meghalaya 793001 Christian University IN

NawSonia 72 U Wisara Road Dagon Individual to provide additional support to 900 Township study at Spicer Memorial Yangon,Yangon 11191 College BM

Nawaat 42 bis Avenue Bab Bret NC to give voice to marginalized 187,000 Tunis 1019 citizens during the transitional TS period in Tunisia through the use of the Internet

Nay Lynn Oo No3 Quarter5 Club Individual to provide additional support to 8,632 Street Pyin study at Mahidol University Mandalay BM

NayefAkhawaldeh Ali Ben Abi Taleb Individual to obtain a Master's degree in 31,134 StreetSouthern Qu Public Policy at Duke Balama-A l-M afraq University JO

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Nazar Mammedov Murgap Street 54 Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 Bayramaly, Mary 746000 study at Brown University TX

Nazik Armenakyan 10/29 Charents Individual to publish a photography book 5,000 str Avan district on the LGBT community in Yerevan 60 Armenia, which will accompany AM private exhibitions and related programming, co-organized by PINK Armenia

NAZRA for Feminist Studies 14 El- NC to promote and advocate for 125,000 Saraya El-Kobra St Former) the rights of Women Human Cairo Rights Defenders (WHRDs) at EG Egyptian national and regional levels, and to increase the possibilities for women to participate in the decision- making processes in their communities and at the regional level

Neda Todorovic Milana Jesica Ibre Individual to provide additional support to 200 18 study at University of Becej 21220 Connecticut RI

Nedim Krajisnik Ferida Dizdarevica Individual to study at The University of 647 br21 Montana Gorazde,BPK-a 73000 BK

Nelli Shishmanyan A Khachatryan Individual to produce a photo 6,366 House 36 documentary on village daily Yerevan 12 life along the Armenian- AM Azerbaijan border

Neou Vannarin 99s Street 357 Individual to participate in the Asia 99 Phnom Penh Pacific Scholarship Consortium CB (APSC)

Ni Cung Thang No 410 Tida Road Individual to allow you to obtain a 19,644 New Bazaar graduate degree from Asian Hakha, Chin State Institute of Technology BM

Nihal Said 19 Saqalia St Sixth Zone Individual to pursue a masters degree at 21,447 Nasr City Ohio University EG

Nikolaos Pilos Xanthis 8 Individual to allow Nikos Pilos, whose 3,000 Athens 11361 work will be exhibited in Moving GR Walls 21, to attend the opening and related events in New York City

Nino Danelia 1107 B Maple street Individual to provide additional support to 2,000 Tbilisi 29205 study at University of South GG Carolina

Nino Jvania Nutsubidze Plateu 4 18- Individual to take up a grant at New York 17,795 44 University as part of the Global Tbilisi 183 Faculty Grants Program GG Academic Sabbatical awards 2013-14

Nino Tsikhishvili Varketili Zemo Individual to take up a grant at the 8,592 plateu 2m/r Buildi European University Viadrina Tbilisi 163 as part of the Global Faculty GG Grants Program - Research / Publication grant

Nipunar Linkarra International Hostel Individual to provide additional support to 1,000 No7 study at Banaras Hindu Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh 221005 U niversity IN

Nipunar Linkarra International Hostel Individual to provide additional support to 1,000 No7 study at Banaras Hindu Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh 221005 University IN

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Nityanand Kumar Shah Shree Individual to study counseling at the Tata 11,737 Janibikas Higher Secondary Sc Institute of Social Sciences, Biratnagar-21 (Rani) Majhare-9 India NP

Noor Majdalani Building 11 Abed Individual to study Social Work at a U S 34,273 Azeez Asfour St university Amman 962 JO

Nop Virak 120B St192 Individual to participate in the Asia 99 Phnom Penh Pacific Scholarship Consortium CB (APSC)

Norin Im 7E1 Street 81 Daun Penh Individual to allow you to obtain a 10,888 Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh 12200 graduate degree from CB University of Malaya

Norwegian Helsinki Committee NC to support the work of the 50,000 Kirkegata 5 Turkmenistan Working Group Oslo 153 as its Secretariat NO

Nour Maria Building 87 Individual to study Social Work at a U S 34,882 Amman 11121 university JO

Nu Nu Aung 129 B Nyaung Pin Lan Individual to allow you to obtain a 1,512 Twel Near graduate degree from Mahidol Pyin Oo Lwin,Mandalay Division 85 University BM

Nuha Dwaikat-Shaer PO Box 1177 Individual to provide additional support to 3,000 Nablus, Palestinian Terri study at McGill University OC

Nwe Nwe Htun Thonehtet Monastrey Individual to provide additional support to 6,273 Bahan 3rd St study at University of the Yangon Philippines BM

Nyo Min 177/7 Soi 3 Wangsingh Individual to provide additional support to 11,150 KhamChang P study at Chiang Mai University Muang 50300 TH

Octavian Bodareu Malinovschi Street Individual to participate in the Civil 31,719 3/10 Service Awards program (CSA) Balti MD-3100 MD

Ognjen Kojanic Njegoseva 7/3 Individual to study at University of 350 Lapovo 34220 Georgia RI

Oleg Tofilat Street Sciusev 68 Individual to allow you to obtain a 32,936 Apartment 10 graduate degree in Public Chisinau MD-2012 Administration or Public Policy MD from a North American university to enable you to pursue a career in civil service and to apply that knowledge in your home country

Olena Kireieva Lustdorfska Individual to study at The University of 823 dorogabl176/1 apt6l Texas at Austin Odesa 65113 UP

Olga Bimbashi PO Box 21809 Individual to pursue an LLM at the 9,445 Jerusalem - Beit Han, Palestinian Central European University Terri OC

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Olga Bimbashi PO Box 21809 Individual to pursue an internship at the 9,792 Jerusalem - Beit Han, Palestinian Palestinian Bar Association Terri OC

Omnia Elsayed 9 Mustafa Kamel Individual to pursue a masters degree at 40,099 StLazoughly Syracuse University Cairo EG

Open Estonia Foundation Estonia NC to provide general support to 1,363,505 Avenue 5a the EU7 Foundations as they Tallinn 10143 transition into independent EN entities

Open Estonia Foundation Estonia NC to support the Rural Women 131,289 Avenue 5a Microcredit project to provide Tallinn 10143 low-interest loans and flexible EN self-financing opportunities to women in rural areas, villages and mono-functional settlements who intend to start their own business or expand their business activities

Open Estonia Foundation Estonia NC to support the project Family 55,863 Avenue 5a Strengthening Program for Tallinn 10143 Multi-Crisis Families in Narva EN City to expand the professional psychosocial help to multi- crisis families living in Narva City and to assure the protection of children's best interests in those families

Open Society Foundation - Bratislava NC to provide general support to 1,287,961 Bastova 5 the Foundation in its transition Bratislava 811 03 into a fully independent entity LO

Open Society Institute Budapest NC to provide general support 8,000,000 Foundation O ktober 6 u 12 Budapest H-1051 HU

Opeyemi Mensah Felix Bello Block Individual OSIRG is designed to inspire a 10,890 425 Flat 2 Jakande Estate new cohort of practitioners Lagos, Lagos State committed to working both in NI the public interest and at the forefront of global policy You will explore the causal relationship between abundant natural resources and under- development

Osama Abubaha Baten Sharki Individual to provide additional support to 4,500 Betunia study at International Islamic Ramallah, Palestinian Terri University Malaysia OC

Oun Somrach No 91 St Plov Individual to participate in the Asia 99 LomSteoung Meanchey Pacific Scholarship Consortium Phnom Penh (APSC) CB

Palestinian Working Women's Society NC to support the empowerment of 75,000 for Developmen 3rd Floor Real Estate Palestinian women by Company Buil increasing their access to Ramallah, Palestinian Terri justice and legal support O C resources, while simultaneously increasing government and judicial capacity by training lawyers, judges, police, and other women leaders

Palina Prysmakova Serdicha st bldg Individual to provide additional support to 493 7 apt 23 study at Florida International Minsk 220082 University BO

Palina Prysmakova Serdicha st bldg Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 7 apt 23 study at Florida International Minsk 220082 University BO

Palliative Care Association of Uganda NC to support awareness raising 90,000 (PCAU) Plot 8804 Block 383 on palliative care as a human Kitende Enteb right amongst district Kampala leadership, hospital UG administrators and health workers, to monitor morphine stocks in the various public health facilities and conduct advocacy for increased access to morphine (one of the most effective and affordable pain management drugs)

Pan Thanda Htun NO 34 No 34 Individual to allow you to obtain a 21,009 Padaythar Road Myay graduate degree from Asian Yangon,Yangon Institute of Technology BM

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual , Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address ( home or any foundation manager recipient business ) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Parvina Abdulhamidova 9/4 a 83 M Individual to take up a grant at the 13,285 Khudodova str University of Kentucky as part Khorog 73600 of the Global Faculty Grants TI Program Academic Sabbatical grants

Pavjo Gjini At Gjergj Fishta Pa118/63 Individual to study at Duke University 9,171 ingPa Rreshen,Mirdite 355 AL

Pavle Stojanovic Generala Milojka Individual to provide additional support to 2,500 Lesjanina 29 / 1 study at Johns Hopkins Nis 18000 University RI

Pellumb Kelmendi Ali Hadri 14 Individual to provide additional support to 378 Prishtina 10000 study at Brown University KV

Pellumb Kelmendi Ali Hadri 14 Individual to provide additional support to 3,000 Prishtina 10000 study at Brown University KV

Peshal Khanal Mahadevsthan-7 Individual to take up a grant at Arizona 17,714 Chandragiri Aswash State University as part of the Kathmandu 21363 Global Faculty Grants Program NP Academic Sabbatical awards

Peshawa Mahmood AUI Kirkuk Main Individual to pursue a masters degree at 38,515 Road - Raparin Syracuse University Sulaimani IZ

Peter Morris Gasten Ngomwa P 0 Box Individual to receive an OSI Disability 26,309 28 Mbame Rights Scholarship Program Blantyre Fellowship MI

Petina Gappah 3 Autumn Individual to examine the effect of 48,644 CloseGreendale Africa's Pentecostal churches Harare Greendale on the values of an open ZI society, particularly social justice, human rights and democracy

Petru Butucel Alba Iulia 188/2 AP Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 1,534 33 Public Administration or Public Chisinau 2071 Policy from a North American MD university

Phairin Sohsai 53/1 Soi Saboran Individual to allow you to obtain a 9,429 Saboran Road Mung graduate degree from Surin,Surin Province 32000 University of the Philippines TH

Phanysone Samounthry Ban Vatsop Individual to allow you to obtain a 4,424 Unit 05 Sisatanak Dist graduate degree from Vientiane University of the Philippines LA Los Banos

Phetsaphone Thanasack Tad Thong Individual to participate in the Asia 99 Village Sikhottabong Dis Pacific Scholarship Consortium Vientane (APSC) LA

Phonesavanh Sangsomboun Syhom Individual to provide additional support to 18,957 Vientiane study at Hong Kong Baptist LA University

Phonesavanh Sivilay Phonsaat Individual to provide additional support to 8,392 village study at M ahidol University Vientiane LA

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Phuntsho Choden Cabinet Individual to obtain a Masters of 17,042 Secretariat Gyalyong Tshog journalism from Hong Kong Thimphu University BT

Phyu Phyu Lwin Q-4102 Queens Individual to allow you to obtain a 11,624 Tower Soi 24 Ramka graduate degree from De La Bangkok 10240 Salle University TH

Pierre Duclona 46 Verret II Individual to contribute to the 4,843 Les Cayes improvement and teaching of HA agriculture at Universit Notre Dame d'Hati by implementing a project that would increase soil quality through organic fertilizers

Piruza Khalapyan 45 Komitas Apt 30 Individual to produce a photo 6,366 Yerevan 51 documentary on everyday life AM for Syrian Armenians

Piseth Chinh 92 St 134 Sangkat Individual to allow you to obtain a 152 Psar Depo II graduate degree from Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh University of Malaya CB

Pong-Rasy Pheng 66 Preah Sihanouk Individual to allow you to obtain a 11,985 Blvd graduate degree from De La Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh 12000 Salle University CB

Pooja Bhandari House Number- Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 18,340 337/77 Law with a specialization in Kathmandu Human/Disability Rights and to NP equip you with the necessary expertise to develop new legislation, jurisprudence, impact litigation, and scholarship in your home country, thereby taking advantage of the innovations and opportunities offered by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

PrednerDuvivier Faculte dAgronomie Individual to train students of FAMV and 5,000 et de Medecine community members in vertical Port au Prince HT6116 agriculture by establishing a HA pilot vertical agriculture center in Damien

Prem Phyak Lumde-1 Individual to provide additional support to 709 Ilam,Mechi 977 study at University of Hawaii at NP Manoa

Prem Phyak Lumde-1 Individual to provide additional support to 4,132 Ilam, Mechi 977 study at University of Hawaii NP

Prem Singh Tharu Fattepur-7 Individual to receive an OSI Disability 24,234 Nibuwatar Rights Scholarship Program Banke Fellowship NP

Privacy International 62 Britton NC to support the implementation 111,000 Street of a new strategy and London EC1M 5UY reorganization plan UK

Privatna Klasicna Gimnazija s Pravom NC to mitigate the effects of the 48,135 Javnosti Harambasiceva 19 economic crisis by supporting Zagreb 10 000 access to quality education for HR young people from families who have been severely impacted by the crisis

Pro ACT Suport - Association Sector NC to provide 3 years of support to 164,889 4 No 34 soldat Simion St the Grantee to help improve the Bucharest quality of life of vulnerable RO groups, with a focus on promoting social justice, dignity and wellbeing of people with mental disabilities

Project Counselling Service for Latin NC to provide strategic litigation 100,000 American Ref Carrera 7 No 32-83 for sexual violence in armed Oficina 902 conflicts in Meso America Bogota, DC through regional partners in CO Guatamela and EI Salvador and through exchanges in Chiapas, Honduras, and Nicaragua

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual , Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address ( home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Public Organization Center for NC to provide support for the 20,978 International Law G Ahmatova str implementation of the second 10-1 year phase of the ReSET 2011 Odessa 65016 project entitled 'Wealth, UP Poverty and Life Satisfaction in Transition Societies'

Qamaruddin Sidiqy Azizi Bank street Individual to study sustainable 14,926 Balashahr 17th development practice at TERI Kabul University, India AF

Rachana Bunn 18T Village Toeuk Individual to provide additional support to 12,002 Thlar Sangkat study at City University of Phnom Penh Hong Kong CB

Raghda Butros 5 Mashahreh st Individual to study Social Work at a U S 35,759 Rabieh university Amman 11941 JO

Rajendra Thapa Tamghas-1 Individual to receive an OSI Disability 18,671 Nayabazar Rights Scholarship Program Gulmi, Lumbini Fellowship The purpose of the NP Fellowship is to allow you to obtain a graduate degree in Law with a specialization in Human / Disability Rights

Rakhat Zholdoshalieva 12 Toloikon Individual to provide additional support to 7,500 mikrorayon Apt 62 study at University of Toronto Osh 714000 KG

Ramesh Sunam 132 Lennox Crossing Individual to provide additional support to 7,500 Crawford Schoo study at Australian National Canberra , Australian Capita 200 University AS

Rana Assi Darras Building 6th Floor Individual to pursue an internship at the 5,508 Irsal S Palestinian Center of Ramallah, Palestinian Terri Researches and Strategical O C Studies

Rana Younes 72 Hassan Maamoun Individual to pursue an LLM degree from 22,779 Street American University Nasr City EG

Rana Younes 72 Hassan Maamoun Individual to pursue an internship at the 6,144 Street Office of the High Nasr City Commissioner for Human EG Rights

Ranjita Sapkota Lokanthali Individual to obtain a MA in sustainable 15,656 Bhaktapur development practice from NP TERI University

Rasha Abbas PO Box 17273 Individual to support an internship at 4,752 Ramallah, Palestinian Terri Jerusalem Center for Human O C Rights

Razan Kafiety - Stiban PO Box 20433 Individual to pursue an LLM at the 22,152 Salah Eddin St University of Michigan East Jerusalem , Palestinian Terri OC

Razan Kafiety - Stiban PO Box 20433 Individual to pursue an internship at the 4,506 Salah Eddin St Human Trafficking Clinic (HTC) East Jerusalem , Palestinian Terri in the University of Michigan O C Law School

Red de Seguridad y Defensa de NC to provide support to the 190,500 America Latina (RESD Av Corrientes project, Strengthening 1785 2 D Democratic Governance and Buenos Aires 1042 Transparency in the Security AR Sector

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Rentsendorj Bazarsukh PO Box 1095 Individual to produce a photo 6,810 Code 210646 documentary on Mongolia's Ulaan Baatar 46 largest market place, Naran MG Tuul

Resources Oriented Development NC to address problems 168,750 Initiatives (RODI) PO Box 746 associated with the Ruiru 232 administration of justice and KE crime in Kenya

Reward Hajjaj 184-15 Al-Turkman Individual to pursue an internship at the 19,152 St Palestinian Center for Human Gaza City, Palestinian Terri Rights, Sharek Youth Forum, OC and Redress

Right to Information Initiative Plot NC to promote the implementation 60,255 3685 Erie Close Off Erie Cres of the Right to Know in Nigeria A buja NI

Rodica Zadnipru 46/5 GH Madan Individual to allow you to obtain a 34,657 Street Apartment 11 graduate degree in Public Chisinau MD 2020 Administration or Public Policy MD from a North American university to enable you to pursue a career in civil service and to apply that knowledge in your home country

Ros Vutha 46 Kakab Dongkor Individual to participate in the Asia 99 Phnom Penh Pacific Scholarship Consortium CB (APSC)

Rouslan Jalil Gogol 11-55 Individual to obtain an Ed D in 31,587 Bishkek 724000 Educational Policy Studies and KG Evaluation at the University of Kentucky

Rreaksmey Hul N90 St 110 Tuol Kok Individual to provide additional support to 19,369 District To study at Hong Kong Baptist Phnom Penh University CB

Rupinder Kaur Bhalla AGM 21 Galla Individual OSIRG is designed to inspire a 7,423 Mandi Udham Singh Na new cohort of practitioners Rudrapur, Uttarakhand committed to working both in IN the public interest and at the forefront of global policy You will explore women's empowerment, especially elected representatives

Rytmus - od klienta k obcanovi ops NC to support Rytmus to develop 29,153 Londynska 81 an effective interconnection Prague 212000 between special educators and EZ mainstream school teachers of both kindergarten and primary schools

Sadiqa Basin House No 2 Street No Individual to pursue an MA in 10,027 1 Sarak-e-No Communications from the Kabul University of Ottawa AF

Safina Abdulloeva Rudaki str 131 apt Individual to study Social Work at a U S 1,188 11 university Dushanbe 734003 TI

Sai Kham Phu 52/385 Moo 7 Muang Individual to provide additional support to 3,725 Ake T Lak Hok study at Rangsit University Pathumthani 12000 TH

Sai Kyaw Zaw Myint Martin Luther Individual to provide additional support to 1,100 Christain University study at Martin Luther Shillong, Meghalaya 793001 Christian University IN

Sai Moon Naw Thrasawong Road Soi Individual to provide additional support to 7,850 3 No 5 study at Payap University Chiang Mai 50000 TH

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address ( home or business ) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Sai MyintAung Martin Luther Individual to provide additional support to 1,100 Christain University study at Martin Luther Shillong, Meghalaya 793001 Christian University IN

Sai Myo Khaing Soi 7 Soi ABAC Individual to provide additional support to 2,200 Ramkhamhaeng 24 1 study at Assumption Bangkok 10240 University TH

Sai Thiha No2 /C5 Kaba Aye Pagoda Individual to provide additional support to 766 Yangon study at Berea College BM

Sai Yawn Lu Noree Apartment No Individual to provide additional support to 7,925 165 Hua Mak B study at Assumption Bangkok 10240 University TH

Said Ahmad Najafizada 174 Owl Dr Individual to provide additional support to 733 Ottawa, Ontario K1v9p6 study at University of Ottawa CA

Said Ahmad Najafizada 174 Owl Dr Individual to provide additional support to 6,000 Ottawa, Ontario K1v9p6 study at University of Ottawa CA

Salai Myo Minn Latt 58 Moo 9 Individual to provide additional support to 3,000 Paholythin Road KM 42Apt study at Asian Institute of Klongluang Pathumthani , Bangkok Technology 12120 TH

Salima Kasymova 116/1 Individual to obtain a PhD in Public 33,741 Nazarshoeva Street Apartment Health at the University of Dushanbe South Carolina TI

Salome Namitcheishvili Digi digomi Individual to attend the INDOSOW 2013 799 III m/d IV bldg flat Summer School at St Polten Tbilisi 131 University of Applied Sciences, GG A ustria

Samira Najjar 25 Amra Street Um Individual to study Social Work at 14,969 Uthaina Columbia University Amman JO

Sana Alhyari PO Box 121 Individual to study for a Masters of Social 22,776 Salt 19110 Work degree at Columbia JO University

Sandra Radulj Gunduliceva 7/8 Individual to study at University of 5,956 Banjaluka 78000 Washington BK

Sang Hnin Lian Kirori Mal Hostel Individual to provide additional support to 1,500 Room No72 study at Delhi University New Delhi, New Delhi 110007 IN

Sanjeev Poudel PO Box 19366 Individual to study sustainable 15,438 Tukucha Marg development practice at TERI Baluwatar University, India NP

Sanju Koirala 97/20 Dhabu Marga Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 Galkophaka study at University of Otago Kathmandu , Bagmati 977 NP

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Santiago Lujan Curial Ascasubi 940 Individual OSIRG is designed to inspire a 8,920 Longchamps new cohort of practitioners Buenos Aires 1854 committed to working both in AR the public interest and at the forefront of global policy You will explore the relationship between drug use, politics and public policy

Sapana Thapa Pokhariya Biratnagar - Individual to obtain a MA in Counseling 10,469 2 from Tata Institute of Social Biratnagar Sciences, India NP

Sara Capaliku Ali Demi 16 Individual to study at the University of 12,463 Tirana 35347 Texas AL

Sara El Shaarawy 12 Mohamed Ali Individual to obtain a Master's degree in 30,287 Genah StGarden City Law at Duke University Cairo EG

Sarah Spencer The Gables Park Individual to investigate why 50,049 Streetlron Acton governments across Europe, Bristol BS379UJ counter-intuitively, allow many UK of its 3 8m illegal migrants access to services, and to make a powerful case for the necessity and normalcy of such arrangements and empower advocacy for their defence so that adults and children are not deprived of the essentials of daily life

Saranchuluun Otgon 1-40 myangat Individual to take up a grant at Columbia 21,666 street Sukhbaatar dis University as part of the Global Ulaanbaatar Faculty Grants Program MG Academic Sabbatical awards

Sarhad Rural Support Programme NC to strengthen the capacity of 76,541 (SRSP) SRSP House No 129 Street 8 disadvantaged communities to Defen protect their rights and to Peshawar participate in and hold public PK institutions accountable

Saroj Koirala 1601 Highway Sector Individual to take up a grant at Rutgers, 19,418 Malepatan Po The State University of New Pokhara 33700 Jersey as part of the Global NP Faculty Grants Program Academic Sabbatical awards 2013-14

Sarom Monory 24E1 Group 14 Individual to participate in the Asia 99 Phnom Penh Pacific Scholarship Consortium CB (APSC)

Saule Sarkenova Pereulok Hvoiny 14 Individual to participate in the Faculty 11,108 Karaganda 100029 Development Fellowship KZ Program

Saule Ualiyeva Apt12 Vinogradov Individual to take up a grant at the 15,351 St19 University of California - Santa Ust-Kamenogorsk 70010 Barbara as part of the Global KZ Faculty Grants Program (Track II Research Award)

Saw Lah Kwe 310 M009 Mahawan Individual to provide additional support to 5,525 Mae Sot,Tak 63110 study at Ramkhamhaeng TH University

Saw Min Maw Bahan 2nd Street 33 Individual to provide additional support to 1,140 Yangon study at Grinnell College BM

Saw Min Maw Bahan 2nd Street 33 Individual to provide additional support to 2,500 Yangon study at Grinnell College BM

SawThandar Syn 810 Bogyoke Aung Individual to provide additional support to 6,100 San Road study at Mahidol University Yangon BM

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Saw Vintage Shwe Spicer Memorial Individual to provide additional support to 700 College Hostel Ro study at Spicer Memorial Pure, Maharashtra 411007 College IN

Saw Vintage Shwe Spicer Memorial Individual to provide additional support to 700 College Hostel Ro study at Spicer Memorial Pure, Maharashtra 411007 College IN

Sawty 37 rue Sidi Ben Arous La NC to develop the notion of 56,360 Kasbah citizenship among young Tunis 1000 people and raise awareness TS among them of issues related to the civic and political life

SC European Project Consulting SRL NC to increase the capacity of 118,940 (EUPC) 62A Popa Tatu Street local authorities in rural areas Section D D9 with sizable Roma inhabitants Bucharest 10803 to generate projects for EU RO funds through i) developing and implementing a program for increasing the capacity of local authorities for the absorption of EU funds for local development, ii) developing partnership cooperation among local authorities and Roma communities in project design and implementation, and iii) providing technical assistance for the design and implementation of E U funded projects

Selia Prum 141 ST1019 Phnom Penh Individual to provide additional support to 6,358 Thmey Kh study at University of the Phnom Penh Philippines CB

Selina Amsugut Iseme Harambee Individual to receive an OSI Disability 25,741 Ave Rights Scholarship Program Nairobi Fellowship KE

Seng Aung Sein Myint No 383 Individual to allow you to obtain a 2,094 Khemarthiri Qr graduate degree from Mahidol M yitkyina, Kachin State University BM

Seng Gu Room 7 5th Floor Myaung Individual to provide additional support to 12,145 Mya St S study at City University of Yangon Hong Kong BM

Seng Mai Lanau Martin Luther Individual to provide additional support to 1,100 Christain KJPA Confe study at Martin Luther Shillong, Meghalaya 793001 Christian University IN

Seng Nu No 57A 4th FloorNyaung Individual to provide additional support to 5,600 Dong Stre study at University of San Chaung,Yangon Philippines Los Banos BM

Seo Yoon Jung 303 Family Individual to provide support to study at 15,354 Commercial Housing Geo Ewha Womans University Seo-gu,Incheon 601-1 KS

Sergiu Conovalu 15 Calea Jesilor Individual to allow you to obtain a 34,520 Chisinau MD-2069 graduate degree in Public MD Administration or Public Policy from a North American university to enable you to pursue a career in civil service and to apply that knowledge in your home country

Sergiu Musteata 1 Ion Creanga St Individual to participate in the Faculty 16,442 Main Building Development Fellowship Chisinau MD 2069 Program, the purpose of the M D Fellowship is to allow you to spend one academic term (not to exceed five months) at Stanford University (Host University) and return for the next academic term to your university of employment in your home country (Home University) to resume your responsibilities and apply the skills learned the previous academic term

Serhiy Kovalchuk 19 Gulak- Individual to provide additional support to 2,500 Artemovskiy Apt 53 study at OISE, University of Lutsk, Volyn oblast 43007 Toronto UP

Shahnoza Nozimova 20 Individual to obtain a PhD in Political 14,774 Microdistrictl5 Aptartment 124 Science from George Mason Khujand 735700 University in the United States TI and to apply that knowledge in your home country, preferably within academia

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Shalala Mammadova Z Buniyadova Individual to take up a grant at the 12,562 21 58 University of Texas - Austin as Baku AZ1108 part of the Global Faculty AJ Grants Program Academic Sabbatical awards 2013-14

SharafOshurbekov 18 Konunov Individual to provide additional support to 995 Street study at York University Khorog, GBAO 736000 TI

Sharofiddin Soliev 2 Ispechak Str M Individual to participate in the Faculty 10,892 11 House 3 Apt Development Fellowship Dushanbe 734010 Program, the purpose of the TI Fellowship is to allow you to spend one academic term (not to exceed five months) at George Mason University (Host University) and return for the next academic term to your university of employment in your home country (Home University) to resume your responsibilities and apply the skills learned the previous academic term

Shin Thant No 451 6th Floor A Individual to provide additional support to 6,000 Kyaikkasan R study at City University of Tamwe,Yangon 11211 Hong Kong BM

Shirin Kazimov 178 M Aliyev St Individual to provide additional support to 2,500 Baku AZ1009 study at Wheaton College AJ

Shymaa Allam 3 El Khalifa Al Watheq Individual to pursue a masters degree at 51,730 St Distric Brandeis University Nasr City EG

Si Thu Soe Thammasop NP 4006 Individual to provide additional support to 9,500 66/78 M 4 Sal study at Mahidol University Nakhompathom 73170 TH

Sidreh Lakiya Negev Weaving PO NC to promote women's 50,000 Box 1588 engagement in public life in Omer 84965 Negev by improving their social IS position, encouraging their meaningful participation, and promoting the realization of women's rights as well as freedom of information and expression

Simate Simate Munali Teachers Individual to allow you to obtain a 47,450 Compound - Great E graduate degree in Law with a Lusaka 10101 specialization in ZA Human/Disability Rights and to equip you with the necessary expertise to develop new legislation, jurisprudence, impact litigation, and scholarship in your home country, thereby taking advantage of the innovations and opportunities offered by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

Simion Jimion Nyanda Paul Kagame Individual to allow you to obtain a 9,727 Road PO Box 6785 graduate degree in Lawwith a Lilongwe specialization in MI Human/Disability Rights and to equip you with the necessary expertise to develop new legislation, jurisprudence, impact litigation, and scholarship in your home country, thereby taking advantage of the innovations and opportunities offered by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

Simon Fraser University 8888 NC to support the Canadian Drug 72,980 University Drive Policy Coalition Burnaby,BC V5A 1S6 CA

Simon PeterOdongoi PO Box 5550 Individual to receive an OSI Disability 16,108 Kampala Rights Scholarship Program UG Fellowship

Sindile Kevin Mhlanga 71197 Individual to allow you to obtain a 47,294 Lobengula West PO Magwegwe graduate degree in Law with a Bulawayo specialization in ZI Human/Disability Rights and to equip you with the necessary expertise to develop new legislation, jurisprudence, impact litigation, and scholarship in your home country, thereby taking advantage of the innovations and opportunities offered by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

Sitara Ibrahimova Shaktinsky str Individual to produce a photo 6,447 38/40 documentary on selective Baku AZE 1141 abortions in Azerbaijan AJ

Sithisack Paninhuane Nam Et Phou Individual to allow you to obtain a 9,310 Louey National Protecte graduate degree from Viengthong University of the Philippines LA Los Banos

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Smita Sharma GPO Box 2948 Individual to obtain a MA in sustainable 15,907 Sundhara, Kathmandu development practice from NP TERI University

Snezana Otasevic 24 Bogdana Individual to provide additional support to 200 Zerajica Apt 51 study at Rutgers University Belgrade 11000 RI

Snezana Otasevic 24 Bogdana Individual to provide additional support to 4,165 Zerajica Apt 51 study at Rutgers University Belgrade 11000 RI

Snizhana Radzetska 18 Kornijchuk Individual to provide additional support to 455 Street apt 26 study at University of Georgia Kryvyi Rih, DP 50076 UP

Snizhana Radzetska 18 Kornijchuk Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 Street apt 26 study at University of Georgia Kryvyi Rih, DP 50076 UP

Socheat UI 153 El St169 Sangkat Individual to allow you to obtain a 951 Veal Vong graduate degree from Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh University of the Philippines CB Los Banos

Socio-Legal Information Centre NC to reform the state-funded legal 100,000 (SLIC) 576 Masjid Road Jangpura aid system in India for indigent New Delhi, 576 Masjid Road 110014 criminal defendants IN

Sofia Lebanidze 35 Saburtalo Str Individual to participate in the Civil 18,364 Tbilisi 160 Service Awards program (CSA) GG

Solomon Menabdishvili Mukhiani Individual to take up a grant at the 6,235 Dumbadze ave 4a distr4 University of Durham as part of Tbilisi 172 the Global Faculty Grants GG Program (Track I Teaching Track) award

Sonephavanh Liemphachanh 13th Individual to participate in the Asia 99 Road Donnoun Village Xaythan Pacific Scholarship Consortium Vientane (APSC) LA

Sorita Ann PO Box 2035 Boeng Individual to provide additional support to 12,814 Pralit Post Offi study at De La Salle University Phnom Penh, 1004 Phnom Penh 3 CB

Soros Foundation - Kazakhstan NC to provide support for non- 1,440,214 111A Zheltoksan St Office 9 lobbying activities, including Almaty 50000 activities that foster tolerance, KZ increase public engagement in public affairs, and improve government transparency and accountability

Soros Foundation - Latvia Alberta 13 NC to support the transformation of 583,573 Riga LV-1010 schools into multifunctional LG community resource centers with primary emphasis on crisis-hit communities in rural areas of Latvia

South Consulting Africa Ltd Unit 3 NC to ensure that the Kenya 375,000 Lavington Green Jame Gichur National Dialogue and Nairobi Mediation Accord is properly KE monitored to ensure as much compliance as possible

Southern Africa Litigation Centre NC to support advocacy, training 37,500 Ground Floor 1 Hood Avenue Roseba and litigation on pretrial Johannesburg 2050 detention in Malawi, Zambia SF and possibly Zimbabwe

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Stanislaw Brzozowski Association ul NC to support the public debate on 100,000 Foksal 16 drug policy in Poland, Ukraine, Warsaw 00-372 and on the global level by 1 ) PL promoting evidence-based drug policies, based on human rights and public health rather than a criminal justice approach among broad public opinion in both Poland and Ukraine, 2) sharing experience between Political Critique in Poland, organizations from Ukraine, and global bodies such as the Global Commission on Drug Policy, in reshaping mainstream public discourse on drug policy on national and global level, 3) enabling Eastern European countries to articulate their specific 'post- socialist' experience of drug policy- related problems on a global level

Stefan Batory Foundation 10a NC to provide general support to 2,289,476 Sapiezynska Street the EU7 Foundations as they Warsaw 00 215 transition into independent PL entities

Strategic Initiative for Women in the NC to continue a previous IWP- 68,104 Horn of Afri PO Box 1805 funded project regarding Omdurman SIHA's awareness campaigns SU against the Public Order Regime's legitimation of violence against women

Street Law (Uganda) Plot 41 line D NC to provide legal and bail 50,000 Nsambya Housing Est support to indigent pro- Kampala democracy advocates in UG Uganda

Su Hnin Ei Win D Kan Individual to provide support to study 10,250 StreetApartment 205 Public Health at Mahidol Yangon 11051 University BM

Su Su Yin P 0 Box 4 Klong Luang R Individual to provide additional support to 2,125 201-A study at the Asian Institute of Pathumthani 12120 Technology TH

Subash Khatry Maharani Jhoda-7 Individual to provide additional support to 2,500 Doramari study at University of Houston Jhapa, Mechi NP

Suhaily Mamdraimov 217 Lenina Individual to study Social Work at a U S 9,519 Street university Khorog 736100 TI

Sujata Thapa Bhattarai Ratnanagar - Individual to provide additional support to 686 12 Chitwan study at University of Toronto Ratnanagar,Chitwan NP

Sultan Mamytov 2-190 Aliev Street Individual to study Social Work at a U S 16,084 Osh 723500 university KG

Sun Tun 12th Street Apt No 260 Individual to provide additional support to 9,000 South study at Universiti Sains Yangon,Yangon 11091 Malaysia BM

Sunita Basnet Damak - 3 Individual to obtain a MA in sustainable 15,593 Jhapa development practice from NP TERI University

Suon Raksmey 45 Kruos Village Individual to participate in the Asia 99 Sangkat Svay Dan Pacific Scholarship Siem Reap Consortium (APSC) CB

Sushmita Dawadi Syuchatar8 Individual to obtain a Masters of 16,365 Kathmandu journalism from Hong Kong NP University

SWAN Foundation for the Human NC to build the capacity of sex 185,000 Rights of Sex Worker Bertalan Lajos u worker advocacy organizations 22 fsz6 and promote the human rights Budapest H-1111 of sex workers across Central HU and Eastern Europe and Central Asia (CEE/CA)

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Sysomphane Sengthavideth Nam Et- Individual to allow you to obtain a 11,151 PhouLoey National Protected graduate degree from Viengthong University of the Philippines LA

Tahani Al Zoubi Tawfeeq Abu Al Individual to obtain a Master's degree in 27,546 Huda Public Policy at Syracuse Amman University JO

Takhmina Shokirova 46 Gaphurova Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 St apt 6 study at Wilfrid Laurier Dushanbe 734041 University TI

Tamar Aladashvili AP145B3223A Individual to allow you to obtain a 39,054 M/R 3 Varketili graduate degree in Public Tbilisi 163 Administration or Public Policy GG from a North American university to enable you to pursue a career in civil service and to apply that knowledge in your home country

Tamar Lomiashvili 9 Zarzma Street Individual to obtain an Ed D in 29,151 Apt 21 Educational Policy and Tbilisi 153 Leadership at the University of GG Massachusetts - Amherst

Tamara Dimitrijevska st Prolet No33 Individual to provide additional support to 3,229 Skopje 1000 study at University of Central MK Florida (UCF)

Tamara Pavlovic Vojnicki trg 12/16 Individual to study at Bard College 350 Vrsac 26300 RI

Tamara Rida PO Box 950 Marj Al Individual to pursue an LLM degree at 7,500 Hamann Duke University Amman 11732 JO

Tamara Rida PO Box 950 Marj Al Individual to pursue an internship with the 12,504 Hamann United Nations Office on Drugs Amman 11732 and Crime JO

Tamer Azar Al-MesberBld Al- Individual to pursue an LLM at American 28,387 Mamsoar 1 St University Katana SY

Tamer Azar Al-Mesber Bld Al- Individual to pursue an internship at the 7,146 Mamsoar 1 St Project on Government Katana Oversight SY

Tamta Megrelidze 24 Melikishvili Individual to allow you to obtain a 38,182 street graduate degree in Public Batumi 6010 Administration or Public Policy GG from a North American university to enable you to pursue a career in civil service and to apply that knowledge in your home country

Tanya Merceron 61 Rue Becassine Individual to provide a teaching model at 5,000 Carrefour Feuill Universite Notre Dame d'Haiti Port au Prince HT6116 (UNDH) of a periurban farm HA combined with an ornamental garden on UNDH's campus that will demonstrate its importance for environment, food sovereignty and community empowerment

Tara Adhikari 15 Individual to study counseling at the Tata 11,582 MadhyapurThimi 10211 Institute of Social Sciences, NP India

Tatevik Sargsyan 16 Taghamas bld Individual to provide additional support to 6,000 44 apt 117 study at The American Yerevan 48 University AM

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Tatjana Damnjanovic Visoka 12 Individual to provide additional support to 4,413 Belgrade 11080 study at Sam Houston State RI University

Tayana Arakchaa 3 A Kechil-oola Individual to provide additional support to 966 Street Apt32 study at University of Alaska Kyzyl, Tuva Republic 667003 Fairbanks RS

Tayana Arakchaa 3 A Kechil-oola Individual to provide additional support to 7,000 Street Apt32 study at University of Alaska Kyzyl, Tuva Republic 667003 Fairbanks RS

Temur Kobakhidze 2 Shota Individual to take up a grant at the 9,116 Nishnianidze Street University of London as part of Tbilisi 105 the Global Faculty Grants - GG Research / Publication award

Tengiz Simashvili 52 Leonidze Street Individual to participate in the Faculty 8,514 Telavi 2200 Development Fellowship GG Program

ThadarTint Swe F-blockF-15 2nd Individual to provide additional support to 1,500 FloorVikaspuri study at Delhi University New Delhi, New Delhi 110018 IN

ThadarTint Swe F-blockF-15 2nd Individual to provide additional support to 1,500 FloorVikaspuri study at Delhi University New Delhi, New Delhi 110018 IN

The Chinese University of Hong Kong NC to support the Centre for Rights 63,099 Centre for Ri Room 644 Lee Shau and Justice's programs for the Kee Building Sh Promotion of Human Rights and Hong Kong Public Interest Law in China HK

The Communities Living with HIV NC to strengthen the institutional 180,000 Tuberculosis and Eerste capacity of and provide general Helmerstraat 17-B3 operating support to the Amsterdam 1054 CX Communities Delegation to the NL Board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

The Galilee Society - The Arab NC to support its programs to 75,000 National Society fo PO Box 330 promote the rights of Shefa-Amr 20200 Palestinians Citizens in Israel IS including the Health Rights Center (HRC), Environmental Justice Center (EJC ), Rikaz Databank Center and the Naqab Department

The International Federation for NC to provide general support 200,000 Human Rights 17 passage de la Main dO r Paris 75011 FR

The Lebanese Centerfor Policy NC to research decentralization 94,937 Studies (LCPS) Sadat Tower Tenth models in the region on Egypt, floorPOB 55-21 Libya, Tunisia, and Lebanon Beirut LE

The Saint No 136/138 Third Individual to provide additional support to 7,325 Floor84th Stree study at Hong Kong Mandalay Polytechnic University BM

Thi Ha Thu Shwe Hnin Si 1st street Individual to provide additional support to 8,750 25 Ward N study at University of Yangon Philippines Los Banos BM

Thida Hun 44J Street 598 Toul Kork Individual to provide additional support to 8,133 Village study at De La Salle University Phnom Penh CB

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Thida Moe 76th Street Between 34th Individual to provide additional support to 8,225 35th St study at M ahidol University Mandalay 4802 BM

Thipphavanh Chanthapaseuth No 1 Individual to allow you to obtain a 1,563 Soxkham Village Saysetha Dis graduate degree from Mahidol Vientiane University LA

Thin Zaw Building 1 Room 8 MRTV Individual to allow you to obtain a 2,826 Housing N graduate degree from Hong Yangon, Kamayut Township Kong Baptist University BM

Thu Zar Zar Soe No 48 U Aung Min Individual to provide additional support to 6,500 Street study at Mahidol University Mayangone Township, Yangon 11 BM

Tiberiu Scutaru Botanica Veche 6 Individual to obtain a PhD in Economics 13,687 Apartment 11 from American University Chisinau MD-2062 MD

Tijana Milosevic 16 Prvomajska Individual to provide additional support to 458 Street study at The American New Belgrade 11070 U niversity RI

Tijana Milosevic 16 Prvomajska Individual to provide additional support to 5,500 Street study at American University New Belgrade 11070 RI

Tin Maung Htwe 1620/Thudanu St Individual to provide additional support to 99 55 Ward South D study at City University of Yangon Hong Kong as identified in your BM application materials (the University)

Tin Tin Mar No 2 Main Street Individual to provide additional support to 9,125 Zarkhalale Villag study at Assumption Mon State University BM

Tina Tsomaia 75b Chavchavadze Individual to take up a grant at New York 6,981 Avenue University as part of the Global Tbilisi Faculty Grants Program (Track GG I Teaching Track) award

Tofig Ahmadov 84 R Dadashov str Individual to participate in the Faculty 14,629 Baku 1141 Development Felowship AJ Program

Tsogtbaatar Byambaa Apartment 24- Individual to provide additional support to 1,090 65 Sukhbaatar Distric study at Simon Fraser Ulaanbaatar University MG

Tsogtbaatar Byambaa Apartment 24- Individual to provide additional support to 5,000 65 Sukhbaatar Distric study at Simon Fraser Ulaanbaatar University MG

Tunisian Forum for Economic and NC to promote government 195,000 Social Rights (FTD 17 Al-Habeeb accountability and further the Thamer Str First Floo social justice agenda during Tunis the transitional period in TS Tunisia through documentation and data collection, organizing regional forums on economic and social rights, and mobilizing the community and raising awareness on economic and social rights

Tunisian Institutional Reform 5 Rue NC to promote accountability and 69,600 Mustafa Sfar 1002 Belvedere dialogue around police reform Tunis in Tunisia through monitoring TS and reporting, awareness raising, and community oversight over the police

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Turan University 16-18-18- NC to provide support for the third 22,799 Satpayev St year phase of the ReSET 2010 Almaty 50013 project entitled Writing History KZ From Below' New Social History of Central Asia organized by Turan University

Turkhan Sadigov January 20 str40 Individual to provide additional support to 316 Apt 60 study at State University of Baku AZ1102 NewYork at Albany AJ

Turkhan Sadigov January 20 str40 Individual to provide additional support to 6,000 Apt 60 study at State University of Baku AZ1102 NewYork at Albany AJ

Turkmenistan Independent Lawyers NC to provide free legal assistance 86,946 Association Bloemstade 467 and preparation of statements Maarssen 3608 XN for the UN Human Rights NL Committee

U Mettacara University of Mumbai Individual to provide additional support to 1,200 KBP Boys Host study at University of Mumbai Mumbai, Maharashtra 400098 IN

U Mettacara University ofMumbai Individual to provide additional support to 1,200 KBP Boys Host study at Mumbai University Mumbai, Maharashtra 400098 IN

Udeep Regmi Aastha tole Chitwan Individual to study sustainable 15,331 Bharatpur 44600 development practice at TERI NP University, India

Ukrainian Step by Step Foundation NC to support the Ukrainian Step 50,000 (USSF) 9A Pushkinska apt4 by Step Foundation develop Kyiv 1001 inclusive environments in UP regular pre-schools and primary schools in four oblasts of Ukraine through developing teacher competencies and promoting whole school approaches to inclusion

Umedjon Ibragimov UI Individual to obtain a PhD in Public 48,306 Mukhamadieva Building 3 Apt Health at a U S university Dushanbe TI

Universidad de los Andes Carrera le NC to create the Research Center 70,300 No 18a-10 Bloque W on Drugs and Security to Bogota encourage research on the CO different dimensions of drugs, drug policy and security issues in Colombia, placing special emphasis on analyzing the efficacy of different anti-drugs strategies, the direct and collateral costs of violence, insecurity, corruption and institutional disruptions caused by the links between drug trafficking and politics

Universidad Rafael Landivar Vista NC to support public service 57,500 Hermosa III Campus Central Z content production and Guatemala City CP01016 investigative journalism GT

University of Oxford Centre for Socio- NC to support the expansion of the 74,933 Legal Studi Manor Road Price Media Law Moot Court Oxford OX1 3UQ Programme UK

University of Pretoria University of NC to provide scholarships 54,000 Pretoria support to 6 African students Pretoria 2 to pursue an LLM in Human SF Rights and Democracy at the Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria

University of the Western Cape NC to establish a regional 76,340 Private Bag x17 resource on pre-trial justice Bellville 7535 that will promote good SF practices and enable information sharing

Vaghinak Ghazaryan Estonakan 7 Individual to produce a photo 6,366 Apt 15 documentary on children with Yerevan 38 disabilities in Armenia AM

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Valeriia Overkovska 57 Gagarina Individual to study at the University of 11,262 Avenue Apt 912 Wisconsin-Eau Claire Dnipropetrovsk 49005 UP

Valeriia Sytnikova 4 Leninska Strapt Individual to study at the University of 6,281 6 Arkansas Kupjansk 63709 UP

Vasil Makharashvili Village of Skra Individual to participate in the Civil 34,772 Gori district Service Awards program (CSA) Gori, Shida Kartli 1418 GG

Vasile Rotaru Pandurilor70 b12 Individual to participate in the Faculty 10,240 apt31 Development Fellowship Chisinau 2015 Program, the purpose of the M D Fellowship is to allow you to spend one academic term (not to exceed five months) at the John Marshall Law School (Host University) and return for the next academic term to your university of employment in your home country (Home University) to resume your responsibilities and apply the skills learned the previous academic term

Veng Rachana 48 St Lum Sangkat Individual to provide additional support to 99 Teok Laak I study at Hong Kong Baptist Phnom Pehn University as identified in your CB application materials (the University)

Veronica Nica 53 A Alexandru cel Individual to participate in the Civil 31,988 Bun Street Service Awards program (CSA) Singerei City MD-6201 MD

Veronica Uncu 106 Doina Street Individual to obtain a PhD in Sociology 24,726 Apt30 from the University of Ottawa Chisinau 2000 in Canada and to apply that M D knowledge in your home country, preferably within academia

Veronika Korovianska 15 Heroiv Individual to study at the University of 11,492 Avenue 35 Washington Dnipropetrovsk 49100 UP

Vicheth Pak 179B St 31 BT Boeung Individual to allow you to obtain a 8,200 Tompon Mea graduate degree from Hong Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh 12350 Kong University CB

VictorOrindas StrMaria Dragan 10 Individual to participate in the Civil 174 ap 22 Service Awards program (CSA) Chisinau 2044 MD

Victoria Fedorisin strGrenoble Individual to study at George Mason 1,016 159/6 apt 52 University Chisinau MD 2019 MD

Vilena Lysenko 85 Chernyshevskiy Individual to study at the University of 14,868 Str apt 19 Wisconsin-Eau Claire Kharkiv 61002 UP

Vitalie Sprinceana Dumeniuc Ion Individual to obtain a PhD in Political 18,046 Profesor 16 Apartment Science at George Mason Chisinau MD-2075 University MD

Volodymyr Ryzhkovskyi Vysoka St Individual to provide additional support to 458 25 A study at University of Maryland Uzhgorod 88000 UP

Volodymyr Ryzhkovskyi Vysoka St Individual to provide additional support to 3,700 25 A study at Georgetown Uzhgorod 88000 University UP

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Vung Khawl Zam Kim Spicer Individual to provide additional support to 700 Memorial College Worriers Ho study at Spicer Memorial Pure, Maharashtra 411007 College IN

Wael AH Dokhan Department of Individual to study political science in the 1,728 Political Science Al U S Gaza, Palestinian Terri OC

Wahidullah Mayar Health Unit US Individual to pursue an MA in 10,175 Embassy Great Maso Communications from the Kabul University of Ottawa AF

Wai Wai Lwin No 176 3rd Sabai Chan Individual to provide additional support to 18,256 Street 11 study at Polytechnic University Yangon BM

Wail Qut Madama Village Individual to support an internship at 6,243 Nablus, Palestinian Terri Palestinian Centre for Human O C Rights

War Child Canada 489 College NC to increase access to Justice 200,097 Street West Suite 500 for Women and Children Toronto, Ontario M5V 3A8 Survivors of Sexual and Gender CA Based Violence in Northern Uganda

Wattan TV (Safad Advertising NC to provide quality, public 202,500 Company) PARC Building 5th Floor interest news and programming Ramallah, Palestinian Terri to Palestinian communities in 0C the West Bank, Gaza, and in the Diaspora through TV and online platforms

Welad Elbalad Media Services Ltd 3 NC to support the emergence and 621,500 Ibn Nabih St Zamalek Cairo development of local, Cairo community-based news outlets EG in marginalized areas outside of Cairo with a focus on rural and marginalized communities

William Aseka Oluchina PO Box Individual to receive an OSI Disability 31,700 57180-00200 Rights Scholarship Program Nairobi Fellowship The purpose of the KE Fellowship is to allow you to obtain a graduate degree in Law with a specialization in Human/Disability Rights

Win Min No337 7th Floor Pansodan Individual to provide additional support to 992 Street study at U niversity of Oregon Yangon BM

Win Min No337 7th Floor Pansodan Individual to provide additional support to 3,015 Street study at the University of Yangon Oregon BM

Women and Children Legal Research NC to promote measures to protect 66,300 Foundation De now Debora Rd Street the rights of women and girls 5 H 43 under the 'Elimination of Kabul Violence against Women Law' AF

Xhorxha Nikolli Rruga e Durresit Individual to study at the University of 11,991 pallati 266 shk Texas Tirane 1016 AL

Xuetao Huang Room 310 Zhongai Individual To support a travel grant to 1,269 Office Building enable Ms Huang Xuetao to Shenzhen, Guangdong Provinc attend a conference on 518055 Psychosocial Disabilities CH

Yan Naing Hein No 14 6D 161st Individual to allow you to obtain a 2,689 Street Tamwe Tow graduate degree from Hong Yangon,Yangon Kong Baptist University BM

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address ( home or any foundation manager recipient business ) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Yashas Vaidya 41 Dhanwantari Marg Individual to provide additional support to 4,737 Lalitpur study at Brown University NP

Yaw Htung Palm Drive Street No 1 Individual to provide additional support to 3,250 Losbanos, Laguna study at University of RP Philippines Los Banos

Yelena Petrosyan 250 Vaughan Road Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 Toronto, Ontario M6C 2M6 study at University of Toronto CA

Zam Khen Pau Spicer Memorial Individual to provide additional support to 700 College Mens Host study at Spicer Memorial Pure, Maharashtra 411007 College IN

Zarni Htet 2 Pyay Road 10 Ward Individual to provide additional support to 916 Hlaing Township study at Cornell College Yangon 11377 BM

Zarrina Juraqulova 36 Mayakovskiy Individual to obtain a PhD degree in 27,673 Street Apartment 32 Economics from Washington Dushanbe 734043 State University - Pullman TI

Zaw Lin Htun 2nd floor Bldg 84 Individual to provide additional support to 6,729 157th Street study at University of the Yangon Philippines BM

Zaw Myat Htoo 113 Second Floor Soi Individual to provide additional support to 5,500 4 Puttammon study at M ahidol University Bangkok 73130 TH

Zeina 0 Jallad Birzeit University Individual to pursue a short-term 8,406 Birzeit-Ramallah fellowship at Columbia Ramallah, Palestinian Terri U niversity OC

ZhanarJampeissova Tarkhan Street Individual to take up a grant at the 11,642 9 f463 University of Manchester as Astana 10000 part of the Global Faculty KZ Grants Program Academic Sabbatical awards

Zhen Ni Room 902 building A No 12 Individual to obtain a Masters of Law from 7,380 Yumin Hong Kong University Beijing, Beijing CH

ZhyldyzTegizbekova Tunguch Individual to participate in the Faculty 10,899 microdistrict 36-53 Development Fellowship Bishkek 720048 Program, the purpose of the KG Fellowship is to allow you to spend one academic term (not to exceed five months) at DePaul University (Host University ) and return for the next academic term to your university of employment in your home country (Home University ) to resume your responsibilities and apply the skills learned the previous academic term

Zhyldyz Urbaeva 52-59 Turusbekov Individual to provide additional support to 7,000 Street study at Arizona State Bishkek 714010 University KG

Zhyldyz Urmanbetova Suyunbaev Individual to take up a grant at the 10,910 140-5 Kennan Institute, Washington Bishkek 720011 DC, as part of the Global KG Faculty Grants Program (Track II Research Track)

Zin Lin Shwe Sudarshan Nagar Individual to provide additional support to 900 SN082 / 1/2/1 Flat study at Spicer Memorial Pure, Maharashtra 4110027 College IN

Total ...... lllk^ 3a 80,651,923 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Zubayda Bakhtibekova Lenin Street Individual to study Social Work at a U S 46,351 93 university Khorog 736000 TI

Zulaika Esentaeva Vostok-5 building Individual to obtain a Doctor of Public 21,562 2 apt 61 Health degree at the Graduate Bishkek,Chui 720000 Center, CUNY School of Public KG Health at Hunter College

Total ...... 3a 80,651,923 efile GRAPHIC print - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124 Schedule B Schedule of Contributors OMB No 1545-0047 (Form 990 , 990-EZ, or 990-PF) 1111 Atta ch to Form 9 90, 990-EZ , or 9 9 0-PF. 2013 Department of the Treasury 1111 Information about Schedule B (Form 990 , 990-EZ , 990 -PF) and its instructions is atj Internal Revenue Service or

Name of the organization Employer identification number OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE 13-7029285 Organization type (check one)

Filers of: Section:

Form 990 or 990-EZ r 501(c)( ) (enter number) organization

r 4947( a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust not treated as a private foundation

r 527 political organization

Form 990-PF F 501( c)(3) exempt private foundation

r 4947( a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust treated as a private foundation

r 501(c)( 3) taxable private foundation

Check if your organization is covered by the General Rule or a Special Rule. Note . Only a section 501(c)(7), (8), or ( 10) organization can check boxes for both the General Rule and a Special Rule See instructions

General Rule

F For an organization filing Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF that received, during the year, $5,000 or more (in money or property) from any one contributor Complete Parts I and II

Special Rules

fl For a section 501(c)(3) organization filing Form 990 or 990-EZ that met the 331/3% support test of the regulations under sections 509(a)(1) and 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) and received from any one contributor, during the year, a contribution of the greater of (1) $5,000 or (2) 2% of the amount on (i) Form 990, Part VIII, line 1h, or (u) Form 990-EZ, line 1 Complete Parts I and II

fl For a section 501(c)(7), (8), or (10) organization filing Form 990 or 990-EZ that received from any one contributor, during the year, total contributions of more than $1,000 for use exc/us/ve/yfor religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes, or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals Complete Parts I, II, and III

fl For a section 501(c)(7), (8), or (10) organization filing Form 990 or 990-EZ that received from any one contributor, during the year, contributions for use exc/us/ve/yf or religious, charitable, etc , purposes, but these contributions did not total more than $1,000 If this box is checked, enter here the total contributions that were received during the year for an exclusively religious, charitable, etc , purpose Do not complete any of the parts unless the General Rule applies to this organization because it received nonexclusively religious, charitable, etc , contributions of $5,000 or more during the year ...... Ilk- $

Caution . An organization that is not covered by the General Rule and/or the Special Rules does not file Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF), but it must answer "No" on Part IV, line 2, of its Form 990, or check the box on line H of its Form 990-EZ or on its Form 990PF, Part I, line 2, to certify that it does not meet the filing requirements of Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF)

For Paperwork Reduction Pct Notice , see the Instructions Cat No 30613X Schedule B (Form 990 , 990-EZ , or 990-PF) (2013) for Form 990 , 990-EZ , or 990-PF Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2013) Page 2 Name of organization Employer identification number OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE 13-7029285

Contributors ( see instructions) Use duplicate copies of Part I if additional space is needed (a) (b) (c) (d) No. Name , address , and ZIP + 4 Total contributions Type of contribution

1 Person F Geosor Corporation Payroll 888 Seventh Ave $ 40,001,500 Noncash r

New York, NY 10106 (Complete Part II for noncash contributions

(a) (b) (c) (d) No. Name , address , and ZIP + 4 Total contributions Type of contribution

2 Person F Andrea Soros Payroll 888 Seventh Avenue $ 550,000 Noncash r

NewYork, NY 10106 (Complete Part II for noncash contributions

(a) (b) (c) (d) No. Name, address , and ZIP + 4 Total contributions Type of contribution

3 Person F Enterprise Foundatio n Payroll 888 Seventh Ave $ 550,000 Noncash r

NewYork, NY 10106 (Complete Part II for noncash contributions

(a) (b) (c) (d) No. Name , address , and ZIP + 4 Total contributions Type of contribution

Person Payroll $ Noncash r

(Complete Part II for noncash contributions

(a) (b) (c) (d) No. Name , address , and ZIP + 4 Total contributions Type of contribution

Person Payroll $ Noncash r

(Complete Part II for noncash contributions

(a) (b) (c) (d) No. Name , address , and ZIP + 4 Total contributions Type of contribution

Person Payroll $ Noncash r

(Complete Part II for noncash contributions

Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2013) Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2013) Page 3 Name of organization Employer identification number OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE 13-7029285

I^IOncas h Property (see instructions) Use duplicate copies of Part II if additional space is needed

(a) No. (b) (c) (d) from Description of noncash property given FMV (or estimate) Date received Part I (see instructions)

(a) No. (b) (c) (d) from Description of noncash property given FMV (or estimate) Date received Part I (see instructions)

(a) No. (b) (c) (d) from Description of noncash property given FMV (or estimate) Date received Part I (see instructions)

(a) No. (b) (c) (d) from Description of noncash property given FMV (or estimate) Date received Part I (see instructions)

(a) No. (b) (c) (d) from Description of noncash property given FMV (or estimate) Date received Part I (see instructions)

(a) No. (b) (c) (d) from Description of noncash property given FMV (or estimate) Date received Part I (see instructions)

Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2013) Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2013) Page 4 Name of organization Employer identification number OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE 13-7029285 Exclusively religious , charitable , etc., individual contributions to section 501(c)( 7), (8), or (10) organizations that total more than $1 , 000 for the year . Complete columns (a) through (e) and the following line entry For organizations completing Part III, enter the total of exclusively religious, charitable, etc , contributions of $1,000 or less for the year (Enter this information once See instructions ) $ Use duplicate copies of Part III if additional space is needed (a) No. from (b) Purpose of gift (c) Use of gift (d) Description of how gift is held Part I

(e) Transfer of gift Transferee's name, address, and ZIP 4 Relationship of transferor to transferee

(a) No. from (b) Purpose of gift (c) Use of gift (d) Description of how gift is held Part I

(e) Transfer of gift Transferee's name, address, and ZIP 4 Relationship of transferor to transferee

(a) No. from (b) Purpose of gift (c) Use of gift (d) Description of how gift is held Part I

(e) Transfer of gift Transferee's name, address, and ZIP 4 Relationship of transferor to transferee

(a) No. from (b) Purpose of gift (c) Use of gift (d) Description of how gift is held Part I

(e) Transfer of gift Transferee's name, address, and ZIP 4 Relationship of transferor to transferee

Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2013) l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Accounting Fees Schedule


Category Amount Net Investment Adjusted Net Disbursements for Income Income Charitable Purposes

ACCOUNTING FEES 413,415 400,365 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Compensation Explanation


Person Name Explanation






TY 2013 Contractor Compensation Explanation



Note: To capture the full content of this document, please select landscape mode (11" x 8.5") when printing. TY 2013 Depreciation Schedule

Name : OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE EIN: 13-7029285 defile GRAPHIC print - DO NOT PROCESS I As Filed Data - I DLN: 93491318019124

Note: To capture the full content of this document, please select landscape mode (11" x 8.5") when printing. TY 2013 Expenditure Responsibility Statement


Grantee' s Name Grantee ' s Address Grant Date Grant Grant Purpose Amount Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of Amount Expended By By Grantee? By Grantee Verification Verification Grantee

Abt Associates Inc 4550 Montgomery 2010-12-06 8,000,000 to support Innovative Strategies for Increasing 2,391,958 NO 12/31/2013 Avenue Suite 800 N Self Su fficiency, a program that will utilize federa Bethesda, MD 208143343

Alliance for Educational C/O Make the Road 2011-11-17 150,000 to support the Alliance for Educational Justice 67,846 NO 7/3/2014 Justice New York 301 Grov Brooklyn, NY 11237

American University in 420 Fifth Avenue Third 2011-10-19 455,000 to provide scholarships for fifteen young, 140,638 NO 7/15/2014 Cairo Floor promising Eg yptian civil society activists for New York, NY 10018 higher edu

American University in 420 Fifth Avenue Third 2011-12-12 894,000 to provide 10 Masters Degree scholarships to 287,722 NO 4/24/2014 Cairo Floor Egyptian, Libyan, and Tunisian graduate students New York, NY 10018 in th

American Values Institute 24 E 35th Street 2011-06-10 275,000 to lead a broad national network of thought 120,800 NO 11/26/2013 New York, NY 10016 leaders, gr antmakers, advocates and other key stakeholde

Arab Studies Institute 10832 Oakcrest Court 2012-11-06 283,390 to support the production and exchange of 138,549 NO 7/15/2014 (ASI-KP) Fairfax, VA 22030 knowledge, an alysis, and information about the Arab world,

Arab Studies Institute 10832 Oakcrest Court 2012-03-20 250,000 to create a series of databases and organized 286,567 NO 4/12/2014 (ASI-KP) Fairfax, VA 22030 debates t o study, document, and understand the dominan

Building Bridges 1311 Pacific Street 403 2011-11-11 100,000 to support the Faith Leaders in Communities of 10,114 NO 6/10/2014 Brooklyn, NY 11216 Color In itiative

Capital Litigation c/o Squire Sanders 2012-09-24 200,000 to support the Capital Litigation Communications 100,000 NO 6/27/2014 Communications Projec Dempsey1201 P Projec t Washington, DC 20004

Center for Responsible 302 West Main Street 2011-11-08 150,000 to support efforts to eliminate abusive financial 183,906 NO 2/3/2014 Lending Durham, NC 27701 pract ices within the mortgage lending industry

Charles Stewart Mott 503 South Saginaw 2010-11-11 7,500,000 to support the Earn and Learn Initiative, which 5,047,000 NO 3/25/2014 Foundation Street Suite 120 will ut ilize national and local philanthropic invest Flint, MI 485021851

Citizen Engagement Lab 2150 Allston Way Suite 2012-07-20 300,000 to support Color of Change for its work to 115,787 NO 1/31/2014 Education Fund 360 promote civi c engagement Berkeley, CA 94704

Citizen Engagement Lab 2150 Allston Way Suite 2012-05-23 400,000 to support Color of Change to develop and 199,082 NO 4/22/2014 Education Fund 360 implement a B lack Men and Boys Culture Project Berkeley, CA 94704 and to supp

Citizen Engagement Lab 2150 Allston Way Suite 2012-07-23 150,000 to support the API Project for cultural organizing 107,359 NO 4/2/2013 Education Fund 360 Berkeley, CA 94704

Council for Global 1220 L Street NW Suite 2012-04-20 80,000 to provide general support 20,000 NO 6/13/2014 Equality 100-450 Washington, DC 200054018 Grantee ' s Name Grantee's Address Grant Date Grant Grant Purpose Amount Expended Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of Amount By Grantee By Grantee? By Grantee Verification Verification

DTI Associates Inc 2920 South Glebe 2011-02-04 3,000,000 to address the low-literacy levels of low-skilled, 246,784 NO 7/31/2013 Road un- underemployed adults, specifically targeting Arlington, VA 22206

Death Penalty 1015 18th Street NW 2012-05-02 200,000 to provide general support 100,002 NO 1/31/2014 Information Center Suite 704 Washington, DC 20036

Design Studio for Social 1946 Washington 2011-10-12 100,000 to provide core project support for the Design 22,257 NO 10/22/2013 Intervention Street 2nd Floor Studio f or Social Intervention's social justice Roxbury, MA 02118 advoc

Durham Technical 1637 Lawson Street 2012-08-03 19,038 to support a debate club at Durham Technical 17,616 NO 6/5/2014 Community College Durham, NC 27703 Community College Found

Faithful America 1111 14th Street NW 2012-08-10 150,000 to support a large scale faith-based online 88,890 NO 7/28/2014 Suite 900 advocacy prject Washington, DC 20005

Foundation to Promote 224 West 57th 2012-02-08 245,000,000 to support charitable activities and programs 210,000,000 NO 9/30/2014 Open Society Street promoting open, democratic societies both in the New York, NY Unite 10019

Funders' Collaborative on 20 Jay Street Suite 2012-11-06 100,000 to support the leadership of young people of 81,850 NO 10/1/2013 Youth Organizi 210B color in m ovements for social justice Brooklyn, NY 11201

Global Action for Trans 116 East 16th Street 2011-10-12 50,000 to support the development and promotion of a 21,749 NO 8/8/2013 Equality 7th Floor technical report to the World Health New York, NY Organization's se 10003

Global Action for Trans 116 East 16th Street 2011-11-15 200,000 to provide general support 125,757 NO 6/26/2014 Equality 7th Floor New York, NY 10003

Groundswell Fund 436 14th Street 2012-09-26 360,000 to support the Catalyst Fund and the 65,000 NO 12/11/2013 Suite 1312 Reproductive Justi ce Fund Oakland, CA 94612

Immigrant Defense 28 West 39th Street 2011-10-21 400,000 to support Immigrant Defense Project's work to 83,908 NO 9/30/2013 Project Suite 501 protect the legal, constitutional, and human New York, NY rights o 10018

Institute for New 570 Lexington 2012-07-23 6,250,000 to provide general support 6,250,000 NO 7/7/2014 Economic Thinking Avenue 39th Floor New York, NY 10022

Institute for New 570 Lexington 2011-02-18 5,000,000 to provide general support 9,689,536 NO 7/7/2014 Economic Thinking Avenue 39th Floor New York, NY 10022

Institute on Medicine as a c/o CMAP 630 West 2010-05-05 89,664 to support the Task Force on Preserving Medical 4,265 NO 3/18/2014 Profession I 168th Street P Profess ionalism in National Security Detention New York, NY Cente 10032

International 716 E 47th Street 2012-08-27 175,000 to provide parenting skills, life skills, job 87,500 NO 1/15/2014 Neighborhood 2nd Floor South readiness skills, and employment opportunities Collaborative Chicago, IL 60653 to prep Grantee's Name Grantee ' s Address Grant Date Grant Grant Purpose Amount Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of Amount Expended By By Grantee? By Grantee Verification Verification Grantee

Kentucky Foundation for 332 West Broadway 2011-12-07 50,000 to engage children and families of people 11,110 NO 12/3/2013 Women Suite 1215 incarcerated at the Louisville Metro Jail in a Louisville, KY 40202 program wit

Keystone Human 124 Pine Street 2011-05-31 222,480 to support the Community for All Moldova (C4A- 104,901 NO 10/1/2013 Services International Harrisburg, PA 17101 MD) team o implement successfully the first pilot clos

Law Enforcement 810 3rd Avenue 8th 2010-11-01 400,000 to launch, direct, and evaluate the Law 115,842 NO 6/9/2014 Assisted Diversion Polic Floor Enforcement Ass fisted Diversion project, a Seattle, WA 98104 prebooking diverse

Life of the Law 6022 California Street 2012-11-26 100,000 to support a national radio show and website that 100,000 NO 6/5/2014 San Francisco, CA exams nes the role and function of law in American 94121

Medicaid Matters One North Charles 2011-11-30 100,000 to ensure that addiction treatment providers have 26,663 NO 5/5/2014 Maryland Street 200 acces s to accurate and timely information on Baltimore, MD 21201 Medic

NGO Working Group on 777 UN Plaza 7th 2012-07-24 24,990 to provide general support for NGO Working Group 15,397 NO 6/28/2013 Women Peace and Se Floor on Wom en, Peace and Security New York, NY 10017

Namati Inc 1824 Jefferson Place 2012-04-12 500,000 to strengthen legal empowerment approaches to 500,000 NO 7/12/2013 NW justice a nd development through extensive Washington, DC empirical re 20036

National Fatherhood 20 F Street NW 7th 2012-11-16 100,000 to support research and advocacy and address the 50,000 NO 10/31/2013 Leaders Group Floor posits ve roles that fathers can play in strengthens Washington, DC 20001

National League of Cities 1301 Pennsylvania 2012-08-22 500,000 to enable the Institute for Youth, Education and 215,804 NO 7/16/2014 Institute Avenue NW Suite Famili es to strengthen municipal leadership that is Washington, DC 20004

Native Public Media PO Box 3955 2011-09-16 200,000 to support Native Public Media, which promotes 49,690 NO 2/19/2014 Flagstaff, AZ 86003 healthy, engaged, independent Native communities by s

New Bottom Line 810 North Milwaukee 2012-08-27 150,000 to support the New Bottom Line campaign's 83,115 NO 4/30/2013 Avenue communication and organizing efforts Chicago, IL 60642

New Orleans Coalition on c/o Greater New 2011-10-31 314,000 to provide support for the coordination and shared 371,371 NO 5/14/2013 Open Governance Orleans Foundation acts vities of the New Orleans Coalition on Open G New Orleans, LA 70130

New York State 150 State Street 2nd 2012-02-29 63,400 to support the National Leadership Initiative on 63,400 NO 3/31/2014 Permanent Judicial Floor School Justice Partnership Commis Albany, NY 12207

North Carolina Central 1801 Fayetteville 2012-09-28 75,000 to support the North Carolina HBCU Student 0 NO 6/19/2014 University Street Engagement a nd Empowerment Network Durham, NC 27707

Oakland Unified School Transpacific Center 2011-09-16 400,000 to support the Department for African American 186,000 NO 10/20/2013 District 1000 Broadway Male Ach ievement, a program dedicated to Oakland, CA 94607 closing the Grantee' s Name Grantee' s Address Grant Date Grant Grant Purpose Amount Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of Amount Expended By By Grantee? By Grantee Verification Verification Grantee

Purple States LLC 409 Humphrey Street 2012-04-11 46,000 to mobilize public and political support for the 46,000 NO 7/10/2014 New Haven, CT Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and 06511 Malaria

Rap Sessions PO Box 450832 2011-06-15 125,000 to conduct a national discussion tour by hosting 81,550 NO 5/6/2014 Westlake, OH 44145 town h all meetings connected to a series of commune

Sat Mic Film 124 First Place 2012-04-03 46,765 to generate a discussion among European 24,150 NO 7/14/2014 Brooklyn, NY 11231 Parliament and the European Commission officials about best

Sawbuck Productions Inc 517 S Euclid Ave 1 2012-12-06 10,973 to produce a fifteen-minute film, and shorter 10,846 NO 12/10/2013 Oak Park, IL 60304 three min to segments suitable for Youtube distribution

Sawbuck Productions Inc 517 S Euclid Ave 1 2012-12-06 10,973 to produce a fifteen-minute film, and shorter 127 NO 6/25/2014 Oak Park, IL 60304 three min to segments suitable for Youtube distribution

Service Providers and 2444 Washington 2012-07-20 100,000 to support the Service Providers and Civic 50,000 NO 10/4/2013 Civic Engagement P Street Suite 220 Engagement P roject Denver, CO 80205

Service Providers and 2444 Washington 2012-12-03 50,000 to support the Service Providers and Civic 50,000 NO 3/5/2013 Civic Engagement P Street Suite 220 Engagement P roject Denver, CO 80205

SilencelsViolence 520 Port Street 2010-11-04 80,000 to provide support for the SilencelsViolence 40,000 NO 6/5/2014 New Orleans, LA project 70117

Songha & Company 2 Washington Square 2011-09-08 300,000 to support the launch and execution of a national 0 NO PHH progr am based on Songha & Company's Question New York, NY 10012 Bridg

Soros Economic 224 West 57th Street 2013-05-07 1,382,559 to support operating expenses 1,382,559 NO 9/2/2014 Development Fund New York, NY 10019

Spark Camp Inc 101 Saint Dunstans 2011-11-08 45,000 to support three meetings of professionals 30,000 NO 7/7/2013 Road Suite 100 working in j ournalism, technology, public policy, Baltimore, MD 21212 broadba

Spitfire Strategies 1800 M Street NW 2012-06-28 200,000 to build the communications capacity of public 95,895 NO 1/15/2014 Suite 300 North defenders and advocates working to improve Washington, DC public def 20036

The Lens 6363 St Charles 2012-06-18 400,000 to support a New Orleans based reporting 182,403 NO 3/18/2014 Avenue Box 202 initiative tha t provides news, information, and New Orleans, LA access to d 70118

Z Smith Reynolds 147 South Cherry 2011-07-21 1,500,000 to provide subsidized employment opportunities to 829,047 NO 2/27/2014 Foundation Street Suite 200 up to 1,000 unemployed, lowincome adults (they WinstonSalem, NC mus 271015287

1956 Institute Foundation Tuzolto u 23 111/6 2012-06-05 200,000 to support two research programs 'Underground 57,238 NO 1/30/2014 Budapest 1094 Streams' and Our Twentieth Century' HU Grantee ' s Name Grantee' s Address Grant Date Grant Grant Purpose Amount Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of Amount Expended By By Grantee? By Grantee Verification Verification Grantee

AHEL for Training PO Box 950654 2012-07-11 150,000 to develop capacities of local marginalized groups 95,431 NO 11/18/2013 Amman in Lebanon and Palestine in community organizing JO

AIDS Care China Flat 903 9/F Parkes 2011-12-09 205,168 to strengthen and scale up community-led 7,298 NO 9/8/2013 Comm Ctr 2-8 advocacy for i proved access to harm reduction, Hong Kong HIV/AIDS and HK

AIDS Law Project (ALP) Hazina Towers 13th 2012-09-24 117,789 to sensitize people living with HIV and other 50,375 NO 2/23/2014 Floor Door 3 P stakehold ers through legal trainings to claim their Nairobi 200 ri KE

ASSABIL Association of Mohammad el-Hout 2012-05-09 123,940 to support the organization of debate clubs for 39,966 NO 1/15/2014 Friends of Publi Street Naoura Bui seconds ry school students at libraries in Beirut Beirut LE

ASSABIL Association of Mohammad el-Hout 2012-03-14 200,000 to provide core support for its efforts to promote 71,136 NO 7/8/2014 Friends of Publi Street Naoura Bui acce ss to public libraries in Lebanon and strengt Beirut LE

Access to Information 76 Vasil Levski 2012-09-18 110,000 to provide support for access to information and 125,954 NO 6/10/2014 Programme Foundati Boulevard 3rd Flo govern ment accountability work Sofia 1000 BU

ActionAid International House 1117 Street 5 2012-07-18 115,358 to empower youth in Afghanistan as active citizens 75,243 NO 7/2/2014 Afghanistan Qalai -e- and drivers of social change towards deepening de Kabul, Kabul 1007 AF

AdvocAid 1st Floor 39 Liverpool 2011-07-28 97,000 to strengthen access to justice, protect rights and 76,783 NO 1/10/2014 Street pro mote messages for preventing violations again Freetown SL

Afghanistan National Darulaman Road 2012-07-18 116,796 to raise public awareness about human and civil 61,468 NO 7/12/2014 Participation Organ Across from Kabul D rights both in urban and rural areas Kabul 20 AF

African Gender and 3rd Ngong Avenue 2012-09-21 244,000 to spearhead a series of interventions through a 244,000 NO 6/19/2014 Media Initiative Trus Upper Hill Garden public awareness campaign on sexual and Nairobi reproductiv KE

African Palliative Care PO Box 72518 2012-05-14 125,000 to provide capacity building support to the African 109,066 NO 1/22/2014 Association Kampala Pal liative Care Association (APCA) for staff sal UG

African Policing Civilian Suite 103- 105A 2012-05-11 195,000 to develop an action plan to promote a rights- 59,299 NO 7/25/2014 Oversight Foru Building 17 The Wa based app oach to pretrial detention in Africa, with Cape Town 7925 a SF

African Policing Civilian Suite 103- 105A 2011-08-10 266,000 to develop organizational capacity in order to 69,523 NO 10/16/2013 Oversight Foru Building 17 The Wa properly carry out the mandate and deepen Cape Town 7925 presence on SF

African Public Radio Boulevard du 1 2012-08-15 150,000 to support public service radio programming 75,000 NO 4/30/2014 novembere parcelle Bujumbura BY

Aigine Cultural Research ul Toktogula 93 2012-05-31 124,425 to provide support for the implementation of the 42,577 NO 6/30/2013 Center Bishkek 720040 final year of a three year phase of the ReSET 2010 KG Grantee's Name Grantee ' s Address Grant Date Grant Grant Purpose Amount Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of Amount Expended By By Grantee? By Grantee Verification Verification Grantee

Aigine Cultural Research ul Toktogula 93 2012-05-31 124,425 to provide support for the implementation of the 42,577 NO 6/30/2013 Center Bishkek 720040 final year of a three year phase of the ReSET 2010 KG

Al Mezan Center For 5/102-1 Al Mena Omar 2012-04-12 160,000 to promote protection and accountability for 42,992 NO 6/17/2014 Human Rights El-Mukhtar St human righ is violations in the Gaza Strip through Gaza 972 docum IS

Al-Bawsala Habib Bourguiba Street 2012-07-11 142,000 to promote transparency and access to reliable 99,032 NO 7/9/2014 43-45 informat ion and to strengthen good governance Tunis, Tunis 1000 by moni TS

Amel Association Mussaitbeh - Daou Abu 2012-03-08 350,000 to support the 2012-2014 strategic plan oriented 171,064 NO 7/7/2014 Chacra str A toward 1) the advancement of legal knowledge Beirut 14/5561 and ed LE

Applied Social Science 4 Rue de Damas 2011-12-20 340,000 to enhance the quality of social science research in 183,100 NO 3/19/2014 Research (ASSF) Tunis th e Arab World by establishing a research polls TS

Arab Foundations Forum 15 Rue Dupre 2012-07-17 200,000 to build institutional capacity to become an 96,916 NO 3/31/2014 (AFF) Brussels 1090 independen t functioning platform for promoting BE philanth

Arab NGO Network for Wata Museitbeh - 2012-07-17 200,000 to enhance the role of the Arab civil society in 158,474 NO 7/11/2014 Development Zoheriy bldg - 3rd influe ncing social and economic policymaking Beirut proces LE

Arab Renaissance for Jabal Amman 3rd 2012-06-07 110,000 to increase protection for the rights of Syrian and 55,075 NO 7/14/2013 Democracy and Devt Circle Khalil Mar Ira qi refugees in Jordan through legal aid prove Amman 11193 JO

Arab Women 7 Rainbow Street Jabal 2012-11-06 300,000 to investigate and address emerging human rights 130,489 NO 1/14/2014 Organization Amman PO B violat ions against women refugees from Syria's Amman 11181 ongo JO

Art for Freedom Film No 38 3rd Floor Marlar 2012-04-30 10,000 to support a human rights film festival in Rangoon 0 NO Festival Myaing 2 Yangoon,Yangoon BM

Asociacion Civil por la Av de Mayo 1161 Piso 2012-05-11 167,100 to promote and increase the educational inclusion 80,210 NO 2/17/2014 Igualdad y la Ju 5 Of 9 of ch ildren with disabilities in Buenos Aires Buenos Aires AR

Asociacion Instituto de 13 calle 2-14 Zona 1 2011-06-15 175,000 to provide support to the project, 'Implementation 77,780 NO 10/25/2013 Estudios Compara Guatemala City and Consolidation of the Model for Reorganizing D GT

Asociacion Servicios ]iron Mayta Capac N 2012-11-20 147,100 to contribute to the prevention and transformation 147,100 NO 4/23/2014 Educativos Rurales 1329 Jesus Ma of v iolent social and environmental conflicts con Lima 11 PE

Asociacion para una Residential Bajos del 2011-08-22 100,000 to provide support to the project, 'Social 191,694 NO 12/13/2013 Sociedad mas Justa ( Trapiche Seg Monitoring, Investigation, and Advocacy for Public Tegucigalpa, Francisco Health Morazan 11101 HO

Asociacion por los Cordoba 795 8 peso 2012-09-19 135,451 to support the project, 'Inclusive Education,' 81,112 NO 5/8/2014 Derechos Civiles (ADC Buenos Aires promotin g crosssector dialogue and carrying out C1054AAG case AR Grantee' s Name Grantee's Address Grant Date Grant Grant Purpose Amount Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of Amount Expended By By Grantee? By Grantee Verification Verification Grantee

Asociacion Probienestar de Calle 34 14-15 2012-06-26 200,000 to strengthen access to justice for women and 91,899 NO 3/1/2014 la Familia Co Bogota girls wit h intellectual and psychosocial CO disabilities

Asociacion TV Cultura Ca Capac Yupanqui 2012-08-20 170,453 to suppport a Bridge project to the TV Cultura 94,500 NO 11/27/2013 2730 - 602 Linc and Red TV television channel It is aimed to the Lima 14 mai PE

Associacao ARTIGO 19 Rua Joao Adolfo 188 2012-05-16 261,030 to promote the right to information in Brazil 159,548 NO 5/27/2014 Brasil cjto 802 Cent through a sectorial approach improving access to Sao Paulo, SP 01050- infor 020 BR

Association Drustvo Patriotske lige 33 2012-08-29 109,753 to support the creation of a functioning model of 47,246 NO 3/14/2014 ujedinjenih gradjan Sarajevo, 71000 insti tutional collaboration between special school BK

Association Human Rights Centre MBE 140 16 rue 2012-05-04 121,182 to provide documentation of human rights 60,591 NO 7/8/2014 in Central Asi de Docteur violations in Uzbekistan and report to Le Mans 72000 international instit FR

Association Tunisienne des 21 Street Charle Nicole 2012-11-06 356,400 to promote full participation of women in the 231,439 NO 4/27/2014 Femmes Democr 1000 democrati c transition processes through Tunis empowering wo TS

Association for Prison Rua da Assembleia 10 2012-04-23 120,000 to use quantitative and qualitative approaches to 69,950 NO 8/26/2014 Reform sala 810 Cen monit or the impact of new legislation on pretrial Rio de Janeiro 20011-901 BR

Association of 3 Javakheti I st Samgori 2012-05-24 142,617 to provide support for the implementation of the 77,371 NO 8/2/2013 Anthropologists of Georgi district third year phase of the ReSET 2010 project Tbilisi 182 entitled GG

Associazione Culturale Via Valgimigh 4/a - 2012-08-31 137,000 to strengthen Zalab as an organization that 109,915 NO 2/20/2014 ZaLab 35125 Padova produces an d promotes video material for social Padova, Veneto 35125 change a IT

Associacao Direitos Rua Barao de 2012-03-05 450,000 to provide support to the project, 'XII, XIII and 150,000 NO 3/6/2014 Humanos em Rede Itapetininga 93 - 5 XIV I nternational Human Rights Colloquium Sao Paulo 01042-908 Strengt BR

Associacao Direitos Rua Barao de 2010-07-07 450,000 to provide general support, including support for 145,522 NO 8/2/2013 Humanos em Rede Itapetininga 93 - 5 the o rganization's institutional capacity building Sao Paulo 01042-908 BR

AswatPalestinian Gay 118 Arlozorov Street 2012-07-17 160,000 to empower Palestinian LBTQI women and raise 53,175 NO 6/16/2014 Women Haifa 33276 awareness about sexual orientation and gender IS identity

Autism Society of Kenya PO Box 1762 2012-07-16 100,000 to mobilise parents to form support groups and 49,278 NO 1/13/2014 (ASK) Nairobi 200 to advoc ate for facilitation of appropriate KE programs

Avocats Sans Frontieres Rue de Namur 72 2012-06-13 210,000 to promote rule of law and judicial reforms in 186,093 NO 3/21/2014 Brussels 1000 Tunisia by developing the technical capacities BE and en

Bahcesehir University Ciragan CadOsmanpasa 2012-03-05 100,000 to collaborate on a research project to assess 0 NO Mektebi Sokak the impl ementation of the new Code of Istanbul Criminal Proced TU Grantee' s Name Grantee's Address Grant Date Grant Grant Purpose Amount Any Diversion Dates of Date of Results of Amount Expended By By Grantee? Reports By Verification Verification Grantee Grantee

Bar Hostess Kasarani Road Vince 2012-04-20 100,000 to mitigate violence against sex workers through 50,854 NO 6/17/2014 Empowerment and House Suite 6 partne rship for change in Kenya Support Prog Nairobi KE

Berlin Debating Union eV Bornemannstrasse 6 2012-07-27 347,429 to support the Worlds University Debating 0 NO Berlin 13357 Championship 2012 GM

Birzeit University Mar) Street 2012-02-08 340,000 to support planning activities in order to establish 77,484 NO 7/3/2014 Birzeit, Palestinian Terri a doctoral program in the social sciences


Blogosfera Producciones Calle 26 B 4 A 45 2012-03-02 125,000 to produce news, analysis and information on 33,234 NO 7/29/2013 SAS Bogota Colombia CO

Brazilian Forum on Public Rua Mario de Alencar 2012-08-06 148,570 to increase transparency and accountability in the 133,898 NO 2/3/2014 Safety 103 - Vila Ma area of public safety in Brazil, focusing particu Sao Paulo, SP 05436- 090 BR

Breaking the Silence PO Box 51027 2012-05-22 100,000 to promote the protection of human rights in the 34,384 NO 6/30/2014 Tel Aviv 6713206 Occupi ed Palestinian Territories (OPT) through IS docu

British Council Burma 78 Kanna Road 2012-01-13 45,000 to support the 'Capacity Building for Active 45,000 NO 9/3/2013 Rangoon Citizens' program BM

Burma News International PO Box 76 Chiang Mai 2012-08-16 190,000 to support the evaluation on sustainable 127,691 NO 9/13/2013 University development of BNI and its member Chiang Mai 50202 organizations, use ethnic TH

CARAM Asia - 8th Floor Wisma MLS 31 2012-06-20 121,275 to strengthen the field of Asian organizations 89,106 NO 7/17/2014 Coordination of Action Jalan Tuan working to promote the rights of migrants by Rese Kuala Lumpur 50100 enabling MY

CMC Project TEAM Alexandru Balasanu nr 8 2012-08-17 147,600 to support capacity building of local 147,600 NO 10/1/2013 Consulting corp A s administration to generate and implement Bucharest projects funded by th RO

Cairo Institute for Human 21 Abdel Maged El 2011-08-08 200,000 to promote the human rights and rule of law 168,973 NO 1/6/2014 Rights Studies Remaly Street B agendas bef ore the Human Rights Council Cairo (HRC) and to inc EG

Canadian HIVAIDS Legal 1240 Bay Street Suite 2012-03-16 132,280 to promote human rights issues at and beyond 21,027 NO 6/4/2014 Network 600 the XIX In ternational AIDS Conference by acting Toronto, ON M5R 2A7 as the CA

Canadian HIVAIDS Legal 1240 Bay Street Suite 2012-03-13 225,000 to research systemic factors that lead to the 34,351 NO 6/23/2014 Network 600 overuse o f incarceration in case of drug offenses Toronto, ON M5R 2A7 in R CA

Canadian Journalists for 555 Richmond Street 2012-05-11 500,000 to develop and roll out a dynamic approach to 306,170 NO 9/5/2014 Free Expression Suite 1101 PO using the content produced by monitors of Toronto, ON M5V 3B1 freedom of e CA

Center for Cultural- Michurina Str 4 office 2012-06-04 115,695 to provide support for the implementation of the 54,107 NO 9/7/2013 Anthropological Stud 111 second year phase of the ReSET 2011 project Kyiv 1014 entitle UP Grantee' s Name Grantee' s Address Grant Date Grant Grant Purpose Amount Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of Amount Expended By By Grantee? By Grantee Verification Verification Grantee

Center for Supporting So 3 34A/5 Tran Phu 2011-11-08 123,000 to support institutional capacity building efforts by 91,657 NO 6/30/2014 Community Developm phuong Dien e nabling the hiring of qualified midlevel staf Ba Dinh, Hanoi VM

Centre for Adult Bleiweissova 15 2012-03-21 106,281 to support the establishment of a training center 106,281 NO 3/19/2014 Education VALIDUS Zagreb that will prepare professionals for the provision HR

Centre for European 14 Great College 2012-03-15 158,303 to provide institutional support for the continuation 79,151 NO 7/5/2013 Reform Street a nd expansion of debate programs, publications London SW1P 3RX UK

Centre for Law and 39 Chartwell Lane 2012-09-26 213,000 to support the project 'Promoting the Right to 105,348 NO 7/16/2014 Democracy Ltd Halifax, NS B3M 3S7 Informat ion in Indonesia Phase IF CA

Centro de Estudios de Carrera 24 34-61 2010-09-09 270,000 to monitor the implementation of legal 8,890 NO 1/7/2014 Derecho Justicia y Barrio La Soled frameworks with respect to women's human rights Bogota and research CO

Centro de Estudios de Carrera 24 34-61 2012-08-06 120,000 to engage more broadly in research and public 87,472 NO 7/31/2013 Derecho Justicia y Barrio La Soled policy de bates on drug policy and organize crime Bogota topic CO

Centro de Estudios de Carrera 24 34-61 2012-06-14 100,000 to examine the theoretical and empirical 84,989 NO 11/27/2013 Derecho Justicia y Barrio La Soled relationship b etween security policies and Bogota inequality, iden CO

Centro de Estudios para 11 calle 0-48 Edificio 2011-05-26 90,256 to support indigenous communities in ten rural 1,564 NO 6/16/2014 la Equidad y Gob Diamond ofi municipa litres in Guatemala to hold local Ciudad Guatemala authorities


Centro de Estudios para 11 calle 0-48 Edificio 2011-12-14 201,674 to support the establishment and strengthening of 106,427 NO 3/27/2014 la Equidad y Gob Diamond ofi a Com munity of Practice on Community Ciudad Guatemala Monitoring in


Centro de Estudios para Jr Los Tulipanes 118 2011-03-17 150,000 to promote alternative measures to pretrial 15,540 NO 8/27/2014 la Justicia y la oficina 106 detention i n Peru Lima PE

Centro de Estudos de Rua da Assembleia 10 2012-08-06 142,000 to develop a communication strategy within Brazil 71,704 NO 12/4/2013 Seguranca e Cidadan Sala 810 to of fectively discuss the advantages of decrimina Rio de Janeiro BR

Centro de Investigation y Carretera Mexico - 2012-03-26 150,000 to establish a Drug Policy Program with the 126,648 NO 9/2/2014 Docencia Econo Toluca 3655 Col purpose of becoming an academic hub generating Mexico, D F 1210 original, MX

Centro de Investigation Avenida Republica de 2012-08-24 93,600 to erect and/or strengthen legal and political 36,147 NO 3/4/2014 Drogas y Derecho Panama 6598-A barriers visavis the unintended consequences of Lima 18 the D PE

Centro de Investigation y Calle 25 de Mayo 2010-07-06 150,000 to support the study, implementation and 31,710 NO 7/28/2014 Docencia en De 2855 8 peso Uni monitoring of the CRPD within the IberoAmerican Mar del Plata CP region 7600 AR

Centro de Participacion y Los Pinos 230 2012-07-23 199,500 to create a more transparent and accountable 136,470 NO 4/3/2014 Ciudadania San Isidro, Lima Lima government in Peru by creating positive incentives 27 for PE Grantee's Name Grantee's Address Grant Date Grant Grant Purpose Amount Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of Amount Expended By By Grantee? By Grantee Verification Verification Grantee

Chancellor Masters & University Offices 2010-09-23 4,687,880 to support a new institute that will address the 1,073,200 NO 8/1/2014 Scholars of the Un Wellington Squa comple xities of economic analyses, policy, Oxford, Oxfordshire empirica OX1 23D UK

Civic Association The Way UI Dr Janskeho 9 2012-07-12 111,096 to support the implementation of the first year of 60,536 NO 8/6/2013 of Hope - ob Ziar Nad Hronom a th ree year initiative, the 'Roma Parents Confid 965 01 LO

Coalition for an Effective 64 Haile Selassie 2012-07-19 197,710 to provide capacity for the secretariat which has 149,236 NO 9/10/2014 African Court Road PO Box 1 overa II responsibility for the implementation of a Arusha TZ

Coalition on Violence Valley Field Court 2011-11-14 170,831 to enhance women's capacity to effectively 133,225 NO 11/15/2013 Against Women - Ke Suite no 2 Ko participate in the new governance structures in Nairobi 100 Kenya KE

Comision Mexicana de Tehuantepec 142 2012-06-14 60,600 to work to eliminate and/or restrict the use of 57,300 NO 4/16/2014 Defensa y Promotion Roma Sur Mexico 'arraig o,' a form of arbitrary detention Mexico City 6760 incompatibl MX

Commonwealth Human B-117 First Floor 2012-05-11 140,000 to implement demonstration projects in two 105,914 NO 5/26/2014 Rights Initiative Sarvodaya Encla states incre asing access to early and effective New Delhi 110017 legal aid IN

Commonwealth Human House No 9 Samora 2012-08-28 110,000 to promote the right to information in Ghana and 82,234 NO 1/21/2014 Rights Initiative Gh Machel Road Asy Common wealth in Africa by creating awareness Accra and bu GH

Community Media 4th Floor 142 Arar 2012-03-08 120,000 to develop specialized knowledge for Journalists 23,055 NO 7/15/2014 Network Street Wadi Sa and create new, quality media content in the Amman underr JO

Community Media 4th Floor 142 Arar 2011-08-18 220,551 to provide support for a two-year strategic plan 0 NO Network Street Wadi Sa to inc ease the effectiveness of news and public Amman aff JO

Community Research and Arusha Sakina Kwa 2012-09-06 123,853 to enhance legal awareness on pastoralists' land 64,981 NO 3/7/2014 Development Servi Iddi POBox 111 rights in Northern Tanzania Arusha TZ

Consejo de Redaction Transversal 4 No42- 2012-03-28 230,000 to promote investigative journalism in Colombia 157,809 NO 6/14/2013 00 peso 6 Univ Bogota CO

Consultoria para los Carrera 6 No 34 - 62 2010-08-26 179,826 to research the phenomenon of sexual violence 40,476 NO 6/25/2014 Derechos Humanos y Of 302 through t he study of massacres and forced Bogota 11001 displacement CO

Corporation PARTICIPA Profesor Carlos Porter 2012-08-30 100,054 to work with the INCIDE network to advance 100,054 NO 7/29/2013 8 Dto 201 transparency at the local level in Chile Santiago 8330038 CI

Council for the Avenue Cheikh Anta 2011-10-31 182,380 to provide funding for the XIIIth General 203 NO 6/11/2014 Development of Social Sc Diop X Canal IV Assembly of C ODESIRA on the theme 'Africa and Dakar 35125 the Challen SG

Counterpoint Global CIC Somerset House 2011-12-19 491,653 to support a research and advocacy project 101,942 NO 11/6/2013 South Wing The Str 'Recapturing Europe's Reluctant Radicals London WC2R 1LA Countering Popu UK Grantee ' s Name Grantee's Address Grant Date Grant Grant Purpose Amount Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of Amount Expended By By Grantee? By Grantee Verification Verification Grantee

Creative Media House No 38 3rd Floor Marlar 2012-04-27 20,000 to support an independent media center to 0 NO (CMH) Myaing 2n research and develop a documentary on Aung Yangon 95 San Suu Kyi BM

Culture Resource -- Al 43 El Mequyass 2012-05-18 192,500 to support ongoing programs including Al 170,000 NO 3/31/2013 Mawred Al Thaqafy StreetRodhaMohande Mawred's Sprin g Festival, to support the Cairo 11451 establishment of a EG

Democratic Values 2/2A Malanyuk Sq 2012-06-04 102,925 to provide support for the implementation of the 1,845 NO 6/30/2013 Foundation Lviv 79000 third year phase of the ReSET 2010 project UP entitled

Democratic Values 2/2A Malanyuk Sq 2012-06-04 102,925 to provide support for the implementation of the 1,845 NO 6/30/2013 Foundation Lviv 79000 third year phase of the ReSET 2010 project UP entitled

Democratic Voice of PO Box 6720 Saint Olavs 2012-08-15 220,000 to produce up to date news, reports and analysis 90,608 NO 7/8/2014 Burma Plass to be broadcast on TV, web and radio platforms Oslo 130 in B NO

Demokratie & Dialog EV Alt-Moabit 89 2012-05-09 422,000 to support the cultivation of evidence-based 114,453 NO 6/17/2013 Berlin 10559 youth poll y GM

Documenta analisis y Fuego 965 Jardines del 2012-05-16 100,000 to strengthen the judicial rights of persons with 56,731 NO 5/22/2014 accion para la jus PedregaI A disab ilities in Mexico City Distrito Federal, Distrito Federal 1900 MX

Eastern African Sub- Plot 87 Bukoto-Ntinda 2011-08-23 120,485 to contribute to strengthening a network of 195,089 NO 9/30/2013 regional Initiative Road PO Box active loca I nongovernmental organizations in Kampala conflict p UG

El Centro de Estudios Piedras 547 1 2012-08-16 130,600 to provide funds for CELS, Conectas, Dejusticia, 89,007 NO 10/25/2013 Legales y Sociales Buenos Aires CP DPLF a nd IDLto carry out urgent coordinated C1070AA action AR

El Centro de Estudios Piedras 547 1 2012-08-31 195,900 to support the Center for Legal and Social 79,081 NO 2/28/2014 Legales y Sociales Buenos Aires CP Studies' foreign policy program C1070AA AR

Equal Education Washington Square Capital 2012-09-18 289,000 to advance education equality in government 289,000 NO 7/8/2014 Drive T education s ervice delivery in South Africa Cape Town 7784 SF

Equatoria Women's Yei River County 15 mile 2012-07-11 150,000 to provide support for the Sustainable Women 65,866 NO 7/1/2014 Association (EWA) Yei Congo Empowermen t and Action Program Juba OD

Eurasian Harm Svitrigailos 11B 2011-04-04 163,000 to strengthen the institutional capacity and 69,002 NO 4/29/2013 Reduction Network Vilnius LT-03228 financial sustainability of the Eurasian Harm LH Reduction

European Center for Zossener Str 55-58 2012-08-21 100,322 to undertake advocacy in Germany and Europe 37,862 NO 7/1/2013 Constitutional and H Aufgang D to target f orced child labor in Uzbekistan's Berlin D-10961 cotton indu GM

European Roma Rights Madach ter 4 2012-03-27 415,650 to carry out core activities on monitoring and 37,408 NO 7/24/2014 Centre Budapest 1074 advocate ng for the promotion and protection of HU the fu Grantee' s Name Grantee ' s Address Grant Date Grant Grant Purpose Amount Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of Amount Expended By By Grantee? By Grantee Verification Verification Grantee

European Stability Grossbeeren str 83 2012-06-11 100,000 to provide core and institutional support 50,000 NO 6/18/2013 Initiative Berlin D-10963 GM

European Youth Forum rue Joseph II 120 2012-07-31 176,801 to support the formation of a League of Young 128,154 NO 8/21/2014 Brussels Voters BE

For Our Children Building 13B fl 2 2012-08-28 114,291 to increase the well-being of children aged 0-3 in 49,636 NO 4/8/2014 Foundation Mladost 4 1 B Bulg is by developing a model of early childhood i Sofia 1766 BU

Forumul de Studu str Studentilor 2012-05-31 119,306 to provide support for the implementation of the 33,087 NO 9/7/2013 Interdisciplinare PLU 7/3/135 second year phase of the ReSET 2011 project Chisinau MD- entitle 2045 MD

Friends of the Moscow 25 Chester Road 2011-11-09 410,500 to provide support for the development of the 275,235 NO 8/21/2014 School of Social a London N10 5DF Moscow Sc hool of Social and Economic Sciences UK and to c

Fundacion Facultad de Pio Nono 1 2012-08-03 200,000 to provide support for two 18-week long 119,838 NO 3/24/2014 Derecho Universida Providencia postgraduate di loma programs on transparency, Santiago accountability CI

Fundacion Residential Bolonia 2012-10-26 127,000 to support the work of the Civil Society Leadership 127,000 NO 11/12/2013 Iberoamericana de las Del Hotel Mans Ins titute (ILSC) to build the capacity of young Culturas Managua NU

Fundacion Ideas para la Calle 100 No 8 A 2012-06-20 148,074 to provide support to VerdadAbierta com, which 148,290 NO 7/31/2013 Paz 37Torre A Oficina seeks to reconstruct, preserve and disseminate Bogota histor CO

Fundacion Insight Crime Calle 15 Sur 32B-56 2012-04-16 200,000 to support Insight Crime, an internet news outlet 111,815 NO 4/7/2014 Bogota that seeks to inform and provoke debate on organiz CO

Fundacion Mi Sangre Carrera 34 7-84 2012-03-16 225,487 to empower youth and women by strengthening 105,966 NO 5/8/2014 Barrio Provenza their citiz en and leadership abilities to become Medellin active CO

Fundacion Poder Piedras 547 2012-05-31 125,868 to provide support to the project, 'Information for 125,868 NO 12/10/2013 Ciudadano Buenos Aires Act ion IF C1070AAJ AR

Fundacion Pro Acceso Mariano Sanchez 2012-07-11 173,000 to support efforts to deepen the capacity of Chilean 79,562 NO 1/16/2014 Fontecilla 344 cas ci vil society to demand information and broaden Santiago 7550296 CI

GESOC Agencia para el Presidente Carranza 2012-11-07 73,864 to support Mexico's civil society Transparency 71,656 NO 1/31/2014 Desarrollo AC 133 Col Villa Collecti ve and its advocacy strategy to encourage Mexico City 4000 the MX

GONG Trg bana Jelacica 2012-05-10 83,333 to carry out core activities to monitor and promote 83,333 NO 1/30/2014 15/N inc reased transparency and accountability of the Zagreb 10 000 HR

Georgian Young Lawyers' 15 Kakhidze St 2012-07-09 114,308 to support the project Promotion of Transparent and 40,779 NO 11/5/2013 Association (GYL Tbilisi 102 Acc ountable Governance in Georgia, to facilitate GG Grantee' s Name Grantee ' s Address Grant Date Grant Grant Purpose Amount Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of Amount Expended By By Grantee? By Grantee Verification Verification Grantee

Georgian Young Lawyers' 15 Kakhidze St 2012-07-18 94,277 to support the second year of a two-year 43,827 NO 7/4/2014 Association (GYL Tbilisi 102 advocacy proje t to research and address specific GG problems e

Gesr Center for House 22 Street 37 2013-03-07 1,380 to support Huda Shafig's attendance and 450 NO 7/1/2013 Development (GCD) Amarat participation i n the 2013 Commission on the Khartoum Status of Women SU

Gesr Center for House 22 Street 37 2012-09-21 20,000 to support the Grantee's strategic planning 20,000 NO 2/3/2014 Development (GCD) Amarat process wit h activities that will include a fourday Khartoum trai SU

Global Public Policy Reinhardtstrabe 15 2011-11-29 440,823 to support the 'Public Policy Schools in the 21st 140,703 NO 2/3/2014 Institute Berlin 10117 Centu ry A Global Approach' project GM

Global Voices Foundation Kingsfordweg 151 2012-06-28 165,000 to support core staff and activities, provide a 34,143 NO 6/9/2014 Amsterdam 1043GR platform for innovative citizen media and NL advocacy p

Global Voices Foundation Kingsfordweg 151 2011-12-12 85,000 to support the ongoing initiative, RuNet Echo, 19,222 NO 7/31/2013 Amsterdam 1043GR which provides original reporting and analysis of NL the

Green Generation Group 284 Ka Waiza Yantar 2012-06-07 25,000 to support a rehabilitation program for political 25,000 NO 7/15/2013 (3G) Road Thinga priso ners Yangoon,Yangoon BM

Greenwatch Uganda Plot 6 Suite No 5 2012-08-23 146,000 to strengthen the oversight capacity and effective 68,354 NO 1/31/2014 Ground Fl Airw part icipation of civil society and local communit Kampala UG

Grupo de Monitoreo Residential Decapolis 2012-09-05 448,180 to contribute to the integral defense of migrant 7,950 NO 2/10/2014 Independiente de El S Calle San Ca workers' labor rights in three selected Central San Salvador Ame ES

Gulliver Clearing House Ljuben Karavelov Str 2012-05-18 325,647 to support the Time to Talk Debate Series 65,129 NO 7/30/2013 Foundation 15 Sofia 1142 BU

HFH International Hajos u 9 IV/16 2012-07-10 104,273 to support the introduction of social rental 95,206 NO 3/17/2014 Hungary Szolgaltato No Budapest 1065 agencies, as an alternative model of social rental HU mana

Hasht-e Sobh Daily House 393 Street 5 2012-07-18 192,094 to provide daily newspaper coverage to five 89,524 NO 9/26/2013 Karta e Sae D provinces i n Afghanistan, and expand coverage Kabul to an addi AF

Helsinki Citizens' 59 Tigran Mets St 2012-07-16 146,396 to support rights monitoring, litigation, and 75,231 NO 7/15/2014 Assembly - Vanadzor Vanadzor 2001 support for the human rights movement of AM Armenia, incl

Helsinki Foundation for ul Zgoda 11 2012-07-27 276,800 to support the project Advanced Training on 168,855 NO 4/28/2014 Human Rights Po Warsaw 00-018 Human Righ is Protection PL

Henry Dunant Centre for 114 Rue de Lausanne 2011-06-28 150,000 to support the project 'Women at the Peace 53,066 NO 4/25/2014 Humanitarian Dia Geneva CH-1202 Table Enhan cing Women's Participation in SZ Mediation in Af Grantee' s Name Grantee's Address Grant Date Grant Grant Purpose Amount Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of Amount Expended By By Grantee? By Grantee Verification Verification Grantee

Human Rights Action Slobode 74/ II 2012-08-17 80,350 to support Human Rights Action (HRA) in 40,893 NO 7/4/2013 NGO Montenegro Podgorica 81000 Montenegro to c arry out the monitoring of MJ fundamental human

Human Rights 11 Rue de Cornavin 2011-11-29 190,000 to build on previous experience by 190,900 NO 1/16/2014 Information and Geneva CH-1201 strengthening and im plementing technical Documentati SZ human rights data tools

Hungarian Civil Liberties Tatra utca 15/b I/1 2012-06-27 152,540 to support the European Drug Policy Initiative 97,278 NO 2/3/2014 Union Budapest 1136 (EDPI) a n international cooperation project to HU provi

Hungarian Civil Liberties Tatra utca 15/b 1/1 2012-08-31 95,235 to continue the Roma self-defense program 95,235 NO 3/6/2013 Union Budapest 1136 HU

Hungarian Civil Liberties Tatra utca 15/b 1/1 2011-09-01 156,918 to support the Grantee's harm reduction and 43,829 NO 5/3/2013 Union Budapest 1136 drug policy advocacy work in Hungary, as well HU as technic

Hungarian Helsinki Bajcsy-Zsilinszky ut 36-38 2011-11-30 189,020 to undertake a regional capacity- and network- 84,678 NO 7/17/2014 Committee 1/12 building itiative on pretrial detention in order to Budapest H-1054 p HU

IDEA Central Foundation Rue de la Presse 4 2012-04-05 873,134 to hire staff and to support the creation of an 344,461 NO 11/18/2013 Brussels 1000 IDEA of face in China BE

Idara-e-Taleem-o- 41L Model Town Extension 2012-06-22 300,187 to undertake the Annual Status of Education 100,062 NO 7/5/2013 Aagahi (ITA) Lahore Report (ASE R) that collects information on PK children's sc

Idara-e-Taleem-o- 41L Model Town Extension 2012-06-22 90,338 to popularize reading among children (4-18 22,585 NO 7/4/2013 Aagahi (ITA) Lahore years old) t rough a nationwide campaign PK promoting reading

Inclusion International KD203 University of East 2012-05-07 260,000 to provide general support for Inclusion 261,914 NO 7/7/2014 London International to strengthen its organizational London E16 2RD capacity to UK

Independent Medico- David Osielo Rd Off Old 2012-08-31 525,000 to support the current strategic plan which has 156,197 NO 2/17/2014 Legal Unit (IMLU) Waiyaki Wa five st rategic objectives to inform policy on Nairobi tortu KE

Informational and 10/11 2012-06-04 119,953 to provide support for the third year phase of 18,479 NO 9/13/2013 Research Center Global Panteleymonovskaya Str the ReSE T 2010 project entitled The EU as an Odessa 65007 Emerging UP

Initiative and Civil Action Radiceva 2 2012-07-09 158,454 to build the capacity of organizations of persons 92,793 NO 3/25/2014 (ICVA) Sarajevo 71000 with disabilities in Bosnia and Herzegovina to BK bet

Insan Association Adib Ishak Street 2012-06-13 86,500 to protect migrant workers' rights and challenge 44,645 NO 12/5/2013 (Lebanon) Beirut discri minatory laws and practices in Lebanon LE throug

Institute for Criminal JI Cempaka No4 2012-06-11 154,067 to reduce unwarranted pretrial detention by 95,482 NO 9/3/2014 Justice Reform Poltangan Area Pa developing guidelines for judges, police and Jakarta 12530 prosecutors ID Grantee ' s Name Grantee' s Address Grant Date Grant Grant Purpose Amount Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of Amount Expended By By Grantee? By Grantee Verification Verification Grantee

Institute for Human Spittelauer Lande 3 2011-11-28 277,662 to provide support for the Permanent Fellows, 128,987 NO 4/29/2014 Sciences Vienna A-1090 Visiting Fellows, and Junior Visiting Fellows AU programs

Institute for Human Spittelauer Lande 3 2011-11-16 214,709 to fund a three-part seminar series on The Political 43,038 NO 6/30/2014 Sciences Vienna A-1090 Lo ics of Disintegration AU

Instituto Sou da Paz Rua Luis Murat 260 - VI 2012-08-06 166,520 to improve police stop and frisk policies and 102,763 NO 7/31/2014 Madalena practices in Brazil Sao Paulo CEP 05436-050 BR

Instituto Sou da Paz Rua Luis Murat 260 - VI 2012-04-23 100,000 to use quantitative and qualitative approaches to 43,572 NO 4/14/2014 Madalena monit or the impact of new legislation on pretrial Sao Paulo CEP 05436-050 BR

Instituto de Defensa Av Pardo y Aliaga N 2012-06-05 280,000 to support litigation and legal defense efforts, 131,181 NO 6/18/2014 Legal (IDL) 268-272 San Is organi ze international training workshops, and Lima 27 unde PE

Instituto para la Carolina 80-1 Col 2011-12-05 220,000 to provide support to the project, 'Civilian 75,992 NO 1/3/2014 Seguridad y Ciudad de los D Monitoring of Police Agencies in the Mountain Democracia Mexico, D F , Distrito Region of Federal 3710 MX

Instituto para la Carolina 80-1 Col 2012-11-09 300,000 to carry out advocacy and provide technical 102,463 NO 2/1/2014 Seguridad y Ciudad de los D support on security and justice issues in Mexico to Democracia Mexico, D F , Distrito ache Federal 3710 MX

Instituto para las Ave Mexico No 2012-07-21 100,000 to advocate for the protection, safety and 71,514 NO 7/11/2014 Mujeres en la Migraci 188Colonia del Carm empowerment of women migrants and their Delegation Coyoacan, families in Mexic Distrito Federal 4100 MX

Intellectual Property 1-5 route des Morillons 2012-07-24 160,000 to support intellectual property investigative 41,441 NO 6/29/2014 Watch CP 2100 journali sm with the aim to keep policy makers Geneva 2 1211 and oth SZ

Interights New Loom House 101 2012-06-27 120,000 to provide continued support to extend women's 111,991 NO 4/30/2013 Back Church Lan rights w ork across Central and Eastern Europe London, Kent El 1LU and the UK

Intermedia Pakistan House 42 Street 32 F6 2012-06-20 247,106 to create a set of sustainable forums between 99,245 NO 12/9/2013 Islamabad 44000 media and government authorities to help develop PK conse

International Bar 4th Floor 10 St Bride 2012-08-03 121,400 to create a series of moot court problems based 36,950 NO 1/27/2014 Association Street on ICC cases London EC4A 4AD UK

International Catholic 1 rue de Varembe PO 2012-11-14 130,000 to strengthen civil society organizing in a global 84,666 NO 4/11/2014 Migration Commiss Box 96 proc ess leading up to the 2013 UN High Level Dial Geneva 20 CH-1211 SZ

International Centre for 1st Floor The Merchant 2012-11-08 147,500 to expand the World Prison Brief to include 117,185 NO 6/16/2014 Prison Studies Centre 1 Ne additional categories of information for which London EC4A 3BF official UK

International Charitable vul Frunze 24-B Of-1 2012-05-31 112,810 to provide support for implementation of the third 0 NO 11/9/2013 Foundation for Kyiv 4080 year phase of the ReSET 2010 project entitled Tea UP Grantee ' s Name Grantee ' s Address Grant Date Grant Grant Purpose Amount Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of Amount Expended By By Grantee? By Grantee Verification Verification Grantee

International Children's Cluster Box 3050 2011-12-13 150,000 to build the capacity of Grantee by providing 76,813 NO 1/31/2014 Palliative Care Assagay, Kwa Zulu salary an d project support to advance and Natal 3610 expand the o SF

International Commission 33 rue des Bains PO 2012-08-06 195,900 to advance and promote the independence of the 93,000 NO 6/2/2014 of Jurists Box 1211 judiciary and the legal profession in Venezuela Geneva 1211 SZ

International Commission 33 rue des Bains PO 2012-08-17 110,635 to increase the capacity of lawyers in Central Asia 90,624 NO 6/16/2014 of Jurists Box 1211 to protect human rights, to strengthen the insti Geneva 1211 SZ

International Commission 33 rue des Bains PO 2012-06-20 135,000 to promote the rule of law and independence of 112,573 NO 2/3/2014 of Jurists Box 1211 the Judi nary in Arab transition countries through Geneva 1211 in SZ

International Debate 96a Curtain Road 2012-07-31 341,212 to support maintenance and development of the 160,835 NO 2/17/2014 Education Associati London EC2A 3AA idebate o rg website UK

International Detention C/O HUB Melbourne 2012-06-22 300,000 to support IDC in building civil society capacity 201,020 NO 4/11/2014 Coalition Level 3 673 Bou inter nationally to engage and collaborate with Melbourne, Victoria gov 3000 AS

International Disability 150 Route de 2012-08-22 305,192 to help DPOs develop a fully CRPD compliant 324,419 NO 7/17/2014 Alliance FerneyPO BOX 2100 advocacy st rategy at both the national level and Geneva 2 CH1211 towards SZ

International Doctors for 5th Floor 8-12 2012-04-12 200,000 to increase the participation of medical doctors in 106,000 NO 5/2/2013 Healthy Drug P Camden High Street dru g policy reform London NW1 OJH UK

International Drug Policy 5th floor 124-128 City 2012-05-23 400,000 to provide core funding to strengthen the 400,000 NO 4/15/2014 Consortium Road Grantee's rol e as a center of expertise on drug London ECIV 2NJ policy iss UK

International Lesbian Gay rue Belliard straat 12 2012-05-24 150,000 to provide general support to reshape and 262,971 NO 7/4/2014 Bisexual Tr Brussels B-1040 implement the organization's capacity building BE programme

International Media Norregade 18 2nd 2012-05-11 162,039 to provide support for the project, Lakome, an 163,487 NO 7/9/2014 Support (IMS) floor independ ent online Moroccan news publication Copenhagen DK- that pub 1165 DA

International Network of Mirlo No 53 Colonia El 2011-08-16 80,000 to provide general support 55,697 NO 2/3/2014 Women's Funds ( Rosedal C Mexico City, Distrito Federal MX

Journalismfundeu vzw Rozenweg 4b 2012-08-09 212,130 to provide support to Fonds Pascal Decroos for 58,440 NO 8/18/2014 Zellik B 1731 the cont inuation of the European Fund for BE Investigati

Justica Global Av Beira Mar 2011-09-26 314,000 to strengthen legal assistance to pretrial detainees 186,430 NO 7/25/2014 406/1207 in five states in Brazil Rio de Janeiro 20021-900 BR

Justice Center for Legal Aid 37 Al-Lud Street Jabal 2011-12-19 175,000 to analyze access to counsel in criminal cases, to 75,874 NO 7/13/2014 Al-Hussein inst itutionalize and develop the professionalism Amman 11184 JO Grantee' s Name Grantee's Address Grant Date Grant Grant Purpose Amount Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of Amount Expended By By Grantee? By Grantee Verification Verification Grantee

Justice and Rights P 0 Box 29889 2012-06-22 234,993 to increase access to Justice for Women and 122,650 NO 7/23/2014 Associates (JURIA) Kampala Children Su rvivors of Sexual and Gender Based UG Violence i

Justice for All Shari-naw-Charahi Hap 2012-07-13 121,275 to raise public legal awareness and provide free 62,075 NO 12/13/2013 Organization Yaqoob-besid legal aid services for the indigent people, particu Kabul 240000 AF

Kachin Women PO Box 415 2012-05-02 41,087 to build the capacity of Kachin women to 23,907 NO 6/17/2013 Association Thailand Chiang Mai 50000 participate in the process of peace building and (KWAT) TH reconcilia

Kenya Hospices and Suite 2-2 Top Plaza 2012-05-21 230,000 to carry out training and education of health care 205,179 NO 4/25/2014 Palliative Care Assoc Kindaruma Roa work ers in palliative care with the aim of integr Kilimani, Nairobi 202 KE

Khwendo Kor House 130 Street 4 2011-04-27 328,618 to galvanize and build the capacity of communities 168,523 NO 7/1/2012 Sector 3 Ph of f our districts (Dir upper and lower, Peshawar Peshawar PK

Kilimanjaro Women PO Box 376 2012-09-10 173,897 to advocate for the genuine inclusion and 123,516 NO 8/18/2014 Information Exchange a Moshi participation of women from Tanzania's TZ Kilimanjaro region,

Latvian Center for Alberta str 13 2012-07-17 99,000 to support the Center's continued advocacy and 99,000 NO 6/17/2014 Human Rights Riga LV-1010 strategi c litigation in promoting antidiscrimination LG

Lawyers for Justice in 4th Floor 21-22 Great 2012-04-17 166,016 to promote human rights and the establishment of 84,373 NO 6/30/2014 Libya Sutton Stree accoun table, democratic structures in transitional London EC1V ODY UK

Legal Aid and GPO Box - 3216 Man 2011-08-17 150,000 to provide access to justice for female survivors of 71,982 NO 2/19/2014 Consultancy Center Bhavan Lalitp do mestic violence through free legal aid Kathmandu NP

London Metropolitan Hendon CampusCollege 2012-03-28 150,000 to provide continuing support to the European 74,818 NO 3/1/2013 University BuildingThe Bu Human Rig hts Advocacy Centre (EHRAC) to work London NW4 4BT with Russ UK

Lunaria Via Buonarotti 39 2012-08-07 108,132 to strengthen existing strategies through 27,986 NO 1/20/2014 Rome 185 simultaneous research, communication, advocacy, IT and cultur

MADA al-Carmel - Arab PO Box 913251 Allenby 2011-06-08 150,000 to contribute to better understanding of the modes 59,552 NO 10/11/2013 Center for Applied Street of p olitical participation amongst Palestinian ci Haifa 31090 IS

MOJAZ Foundation Opposite DCO House 2012-11-07 98,787 to develop a scalable model for the improvement 98,787 NO 2/28/2014 Narowal of serv ice delivery in primary and secondary PK educati

Ma'an Forum of PO Box 3412 2012-07-17 100,000 to reduce all types of violence against women and 50,440 NO 7/23/2014 Bedouin-Arab Women's Beer Sheva 84133 child ren in Bedouin society as well as to provide Ong IS

Makerere University Mulago Hospital and 2012-05-22 98,000 to establish and evaluate an academic palliative 59,176 NO 5/6/2014 Makerere Univer care s ervice offering clinical support within a nat Kampala UG Grantee's Name Grantee ' s Address Grant Date Grant Grant Purpose Amount Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of Amount Expended By By Grantee? By Grantee Verification Verification Grantee

Marcus Garvey Pan- Upper Mooni Mbale 2012-06-11 160,000 to support 'Promoting inclusive narratives to foster 13,491 NO 8/21/2014 Afrikan Institute (MPA Municipality P so cial cohesion in Uganda' M ba le UG

Media Frontiers Norregade 18 2nd 2012-07-06 100,000 to continue assisting on-line media in closed and 50,000 NO 1/17/2013 floor post- nflict countries, as well as in exiled and di Copenhagen DK- 1165 DA

Mental Disability Advocacy Hercegprimas u 11 2012-08-31 100,000 to prevent torture, inhumane and degrading 101,190 NO 7/3/2014 Center (MDAC) Budapest 1051 treatment or punishment against people with HU intellectual

Minyori Agency for Maridi Road 2012-03-01 50,000 to provide general support 27,825 NO 11/22/2013 Transformation and De Yei OD

Mon National Education Songlhlia Inn Road 2011-10-26 20,000 to support a teacher training program in Mon state 0 NO Committee (MNEC) Sangkhlaburi, Kanchanaburi 71240 TH

Moremi Initiative for 22 Arku Korsah St 2011-06-22 125,000 to engage, inspire and equip young women 943 NO 1/23/2013 Women's Leadership Roman Ridge leaders with t he skills, knowledge and support Accra they need to GH

Muntada - The Arab PO Box 8502 2011-10-13 221,500 to raise awareness in the Palestinian community 115,315 NO 1/14/2014 Forum for Sexuality a Haifa 31085 on sex education and sexual health especially IS among

Myanmar Development Suite 102 Myanmar 2012-05-17 600,000 to support activities promoting comprehensive and 300,678 NO 6/7/2014 Resource Institute ( Info-tech Buildi inclu save development in Myanmar Yangon BM

NAZRA for Feminist 14 El-Saraya El-Kobra 2012-07-19 250,000 to promote and advocate for the rights of Women 91,223 NO 3/30/2014 Studies St Former) Human R fights Defenders (WHRDs) at Egyptian Cairo national EG

Nasawiya Shahrouri Area Braids 2012-08-07 170,000 to provide continued support to the Anti-Racism 81,750 NO 7/17/2014 Bldg 1st fl Movemen (ARM) program that seeks to build a Beirut constitu LE

National Consortium for Manco Capac 826 2012-06-14 200,000 to provide technical assistance to the new Ministry 162,356 NO 4/14/2014 Public Ethics (P Miraflores for Social Development and Inclusion (MIDIS) for Lima 18 PE

Nawaat 42 bis Avenue Bab 2011-08-03 187,000 to give voice to marginalized citizens during the 151,860 NO 1/8/2014 Bnet trans itional period in Tunisia through the use of Tunis 1019 TS

Network of University City Plaza Plot 596 2012-05-11 150,000 to develop law school-based law clinics in an effort 37,558 NO 5/23/2014 Legal Aid Institut Ahmadu Bello W to address the problems of pretrial detention in Abuja NI

Nijera Kori 7/8 Block-C Lalmatia 2011-01-18 184,040 to support a pilot project publicizing right to 16,151 NO 8/11/2014 Dhaka 1207 informa tion laws to stregthen accountability, and BG in

Norwegian Helsinki Kirkegata 5 2011-05-17 150,001 to support the work of the Turkmenistan Working 28,197 NO 6/27/2014 Committee Oslo 153 Group a s its Secretariat NO Grantee' s Name Grantee' s Address Grant Date Grant Grant Purpose Amount Any Diversion Dates of Date of Results of Amount Expended By By Grantee? Reports By Verification Verification Grantee Grantee

One World Research 50 A Lamb Lane 2012-05-24 103,000 to challenge the most extreme rights violations 53,837 NO 6/19/2013 Services Ltd (OWR) London E8 3P] committ ed in the name of counterterrorism in UK Eastern

Open Society Institute Oktober 6 u 12 2012-08-16 60,015,199 to provide general support 7,829,473 NO 5/13/2014 Budapest Foundati Budapest H-1051 HU

Palestinian Working 3rd Floor Real Estate 2012-08-17 150,000 to support the empowerment of Palestinian 75,017 NO 4/3/2014 Women's Society for Company Buil women by incr easing their access to justice and Ramallah legal supp IS

Palliative Care Plot 8804 Block 383 2012-09-18 180,000 to support awareness raising on palliative care as 127,339 NO 3/21/2014 Association of Uganda (P Kitende Enteb a hu man right amongst district leadership, hospit Kampala UG

Pastoralists Indigenous Sakina Kwa Iddi 2012-09-07 100,658 to conduct a series of workshops and training of 57,770 NO 3/12/2014 Non-Governmental Opposite Njake Pet traine r sessions on the Tanzania Constitutional Arusha Rev TZ

People's Legal Aid Abulela building 2012-07-26 140,000 to support the provision of legal advice to these 30,459 NO 3/24/2014 Centre (PLACE) Parliament Street denat ionalized 'southerner' in Sudan by supporting Khartoum SU

Pivot Legal Society 121 Heatley Avenue 2012-08-16 153,800 to support advocacy and strategic litigation to 62,748 NO 9/27/2013 Vancouver, BC V6A advance the right to harm reduction and sex work 3E0 dec CA

Privacy International 62 Britton Street 2012-07-19 222,000 to support the implementation of a new strategy 111,796 NO 6/4/2014 London EC1M 5UY and reo rganization plan UK

Privatna Klasicna Harambasiceva 19 2012-03-05 160,450 to mitigate the effects of the economic crisis by 78,621 NO 7/15/2013 Gimnazija s Pravom Jav Zagreb 10 000 suppo rting access to quality education for young p HR

Pro ACT Suport - Sector 4 No 34 soldat 2012-09-26 495,856 to provide 3 years of support to the Grantee to 235,497 NO 5/20/2014 Association Simion St help im prove the quality of life of vulnerable Bucharest group RO

Project Counselling Carrera 7 No 32-83 2011-12-05 300,000 to provide support to the project, 'Preventing 131,869 NO 5/28/2014 Service for Latin Am Oficina 902 Future H uman Rights Violations Against the Bogota, DC Victims of CO

Project Counselling Carrera 7 No 32-83 2012-04-27 100,000 to provide strategic litigation for sexual violence in 71,311 NO 4/21/2014 Service for Latin Am Oficina 902 armed conflicts in Meso America through regio Bogota, DC CO

Promotion de la Cultura Blvd Jorge Vertiz 2012-04-05 372,000 to support the 2012 IDEA Youth Forum and help 53,502 NO 8/23/2013 y la Education S Campero 1640Ca establish an IDEA office in Mexico Leon 37238 MX

Proyecto de Derechos Zamora 169 Despacho 2012-06-21 185,000 to provide support for the construction of a model 92,532 NO 5/5/2014 Economicos Sociales B2 bina tional strategy to strengthen policy protects Mexico City 6140 MX

Psicotropicus Rua Francisco 2011-11-10 187,837 to support Advocating Drug Policy Reform through 25,708 NO 7/8/2013 Otaviano 49 apt 308 Law, I nformation, Communication and Drug User Rio de Janeiro Organ 22080-040 BR Grantee' s Name Grantee ' s Address Grant Date Grant Grant Purpose Amount Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of Amount Expended By By Grantee? By Grantee Verification Verification Grantee

Public Organization G Ahmatova str 10-1 2012-06-04 119,978 to provide support for the implementation of the 20,978 NO 7/22/2013 Center for Internat Odessa 65016 second year phase of the ReSET 2011 project UP entitle

RAND Europe Community Westbrook Centre 2011-12-21 200,203 to support the 'Intolerance in Western Europe' 37,703 NO 1/27/2014 Interest Company Milton Road study Cambridge CB4 1YG UK

Red de Seguridad y Av Corrientes 1785 2 2012-03-05 190,500 to provide support to the project, 'Strengthening 187,817 NO 7/11/2014 Defensa de America La D Democ vatic Governance and Transparency in the Buenos Aires Secu 1042 AR

Release Leads Ltd 124-128 City Road 2012-07-02 120,000 to support Talking Drugs, one of the few 30,000 NO 5/23/2013 London, Greater international m ultilingual public media outlets London EC1V 2NJ focusing exc UK

Resources Oriented PO Box 746 2012-06-29 225,000 to address problems associated with the 113,264 NO 1/9/2014 Development Initiativ Ruiru 232 administration of justice and crime in Kenya KE

Rift Valley Institute - UK 1 St Lukes Mews 2012-01-31 375,000 to establish South Sudan country office and 93,923 NO 9/8/2014 London W11 1DF strengthens ng of Kenya regional office UK

Right to Information Plot 3685 Erie Close 2012-08-31 120,510 to promote the implementation of the Right to 58,826 NO 4/28/2014 Initiative Off Erie Cres Know in N igeria Abuja NI

Rytmus - od klienta k Londynska 81 2012-08-23 116,610 to support Rytmus to develop an effective 76,074 NO 8/13/2014 obcanovi ops Prague 212000 interconnects on between special educators and EZ mainstream s

SAWA- All The Women PO Box 69429 2012-06-14 150,000 to support work against all types of violence 52,122 NO 7/2/2013 Together Today And Shuafat against w omen and children through initiatives Jerusalem 95908 such as IS

SC European Project 62A Popa Tatu Street 2012-09-12 237,878 to increase the capacity of local authorities in rural 196,844 NO 2/18/2014 Consulting SRL (EUPC Section DD9 areas with sizable Roma inhabitants to genera Bucharest 10803 RO

STOPAIDS Grayston Centre28 2012-06-25 55,596 to support advocacy for an increased UK 55,596 NO 8/12/2014 Charles Square contribution to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, London N16HT Tuberculosis UK

SWAN Foundation for the Bertalan Lajos u 22 2012-08-22 185,000 to build the capacity of sex worker advocacy 141,824 NO 6/4/2014 Human Rights of fsz6 organizati ons and promote the human rights of Budapest H-1111 sex worke HU

Saathi Ekantakuna Post Box 2012-05-22 133,000 to contribute towards reducing gender based 76,223 NO 11/27/2013 7770 violence an d domestic violence in Nepal Kathmandu NP

Sarhad Rural Support SRSP House No 129 2012-06-26 153,081 to strengthen the capacity of disadvantaged 25,871 NO 8/13/2013 Programme (SRSP) Street 8 Defen communities to protect their rights and to Peshawar participate i PK

Sawty 37 rue Sidi Ben Arous 2011-12-12 225,440 to develop the notion of citizenship among young 55,374 NO 4/22/2014 La Kasbah people and raise awareness among them of issues Tunis 1000 rel TS Grantee' s Name Grantee ' s Address Grant Date Grant Grant Purpose Amount Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of Amount Expended By By Grantee? By Grantee Verification Verification Grantee

Shabab Libya FM Down Town Musrata St 2012-03-23 75,000 to enable the broadcast of an upstart 0 NO Banghazi 21861 independent, yout h radio station in Libya that LY airs on FM freq

Sidreh Lakiya Negev PO Box 1588 2012-07-17 100,000 to promote women's engagement in public life in 45,719 NO 5/28/2014 Weaving Omer 84965 Negev b y improving their social position, IS encouragin

Simon Fraser University 8888 University Drive 2012-04-12 172,980 to support the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition 99,685 NO 7/4/2013 Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6 CA

Social Science Baha 345 Ramchandra Mang 2012-03-06 551,015 to support the project 'Alliance for Social Dialogue 17,494 NO 4/9/2014 Battisputali 20 12' Kathmandu 44600 NP

Society for the 65-C Garden Block 2012-02-01 194,161 to support the Campaign for Quality Education 0 NO 7/21/2014 Advancement of New Garden Town (CQE) pro ject, 'Parho Aur Agay Barho,' an Education Lahore educational PK

Socio-Legal Information 576 Masjid Road 2012-05-11 600,000 to reform the state-funded legal aid system in 195,225 NO 6/25/2014 Centre (SLJC) Jangpura India fo indigent criminal defendants New Delhi, 576 Masjid Road 110014 IN

Soros Foundation - 111A Zheltoksan St 2012-12-14 1,440,214 to provide support for non-lobbying activities, 1,440,214 NO 1/17/2014 Kazakhstan Office 9 include g activities that foster tolerance, increase Almaty 50000 KZ

Soros Foundation - Alberta 13 2012-09-21 1,155,060 to support the transformation of schools into 1,155,060 NO 1/31/2014 Latvia Riga LV-1010 multifunc tional community resource centers with LG primar

South Consulting Africa Unit 3 Lavington Green 2012-09-07 750,000 to ensure that the Kenya National Dialogue and 345,691 NO 2/6/2014 Ltd Jame Gichur Mediatio n Accord is properly monitored to ensure Nairobi as m KE

Southern Africa Litigation Ground Floor 1 Hood 2011-04-06 150,000 to support advocacy, training and litigation on 42,200 NO 10/3/2014 Centre Avenue Roseba pretria I detention in Malawi, Zambia and possibly Johannesburg 2050 Zi SF

Stanislaw Brzozowski ul Foksal 16 2012-03-06 500,000 to support the organization in pre-existing and 91,639 NO 7/1/2013 Association Warsaw 00-372 newly d veloping activities through Krytyka PL Politcyzn

Stanislaw Brzozowski ul Foksal 16 2012-08-17 100,000 to support the public debate on drug policy in 146,898 NO 6/30/2014 Association Warsaw 00-372 Poland, Ukraine, and on the global level by 1) PL promot

Stellar Foundation 15 Panchan Street 2011-12-16 43,000 to support an integrated counseling, treatment 43,000 NO Rangoon 11111 and care program for people in Burma living with BM HIV/

Strategic Initiative for PO Box 1805 2012-06-22 161,508 to continue a previous IWP-funded project 77,839 NO 2/3/2014 Women in the Ho Omdurman regarding SIH 's awareness campaigns against SU the Public Ord

Street Law (Uganda) Plot 41 line D Nsambya 2012-09-24 101,220 to provide legal and bail support to indigent pro- 51,601 NO 11/28/2013 Housing Est democ acy advocates in Uganda Kampala UG Grantee ' s Name Grantee' s Address Grant Date Grant Grant Purpose Amount Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of Amount Expended By By Grantee? By Grantee Verification Verification Grantee

Sudanese Plastic Artists South Ozone Park 2012-09-27 100,000 to promote the role of culture and arts in 39,000 NO 5/16/2014 General Union ( Facing to the Fami enhancing hu man rights awareness in Sudan and Khartoum 2 advocating SU

Support for Information 2 Hussen elmeamar st 2011-05-25 210,400 to provide open source digital archiving of major 1,819 NO 9/25/2014 Technology -from Mahmud Egypt ian print media, human rights reports, and Cairo 11311 re EG

The Arab Culture 17 Tawfeeq Zayad 2012-03-14 144,000 to empower students who are Arab Palestinian 56,797 NO 11/21/2013 Association (ACA) Street PO Box 4 Citizens i n Israel (APCI) by providing them with Nazareth essent IS

The Chinese University Room 644 Lee Shau 2012-06-04 139,023 to support the Centre for Rights and Justice's 51,054 NO 6/13/2013 of Hong Kong Cen Kee Building Sh programs for the Promotion of Human Rights and Hong Kong Public HK

The Commission for the Jalan Borobudur No14 2012-04-16 100,000 to support the project 'Building an Indonesian 55,135 NO 8/21/2013 Disappeared and V Menteng Human Ri ghts Society, Pushing for State Jakarta Pusat Accountabilit 10320 ID

The Communities Living Eerste Helmerstraat 2011-08-11 80,106 to strengthen the institutional capacity of and 112,914 NO 3/26/2014 with HIV Tubercu 17-B3 provide general operating support to the Amsterdam 1054 Communities CX NL

The Galilee Society - The PO Box 330 2012-04-18 150,000 to support its programs to promote the rights of 75,000 NO 7/14/2014 Arab National Shefa-Amr 20200 Palest inians Citizens in Israel including the Healt IS

The International 17 passage de la Main 2011-11-29 200,000 to provide general support 0 NO 5/22/2014 Federation for Human R dOr Paris 75011 FR

The Lebanese Center for Sadat Tower Tenth 2012-08-07 189,875 to research decentralization models in the region 22,006 NO 6/25/2014 Policy Studies ( floorPOB 55-21 on Eg ypt, Libya, Tunisia, and Lebanon Beirut LE

The Myanmar Institute of Seminary Hill Insein 2011-11-23 30,000 to provide scholarships to students enrolled in the 30,000 NO 8/3/2013 Theology (MIT) Yangon Bac helor of Arts and Religious Studies programs BM

Tony Blair Governance PO Box 60159 2011-12-07 601,753 to work with Guinea's Cabinet Civil (the Executive 175,929 NO 9/24/2012 Initiative London W2 7JU Offi ce of the President) and President Conde to UK m

Transform Drug Policy 9-10 King Street 2012-04-12 204,237 to support Transforming Drug Policy Counting the 204,237 NO 2/28/2013 Foundation Bristol BS14EQ Costs and Beyond UK

Transparency Alt Moabit 96 2011-10-05 200,000 to provide support for the project, Economic 129,908 NO 12/20/2013 International Deutschland Berlin D-10559 Equality i n Latin America (EELA) II Strengthening e GM Tran

Tunisian Forum for 17 Al-Habeeb Thamer 2012-04-16 260,000 to promote government accountability and further 69,847 NO 11/27/2013 Economic and Social R Str First Floo the so cial justice agenda during the transitional p Tunis TS

Tunisian Institutional 5 Rue Mustafa Sfar 2012-11-08 139,200 to promote accountability and dialogue around 139,200 NO 8/7/2014 Reform 1002 Belvedere police re form in Tunisia through monitoring and Tunis report TS Grantee ' s Name Grantee ' s Address Grant Date Grant Grant Purpose Amount Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of Amount Expended By By Grantee? By Grantee Verification Verification Grantee

Turan University 16-18-18- Satpayev 2012-05-24 109,179 to provide support for the third year phase of the 22,796 NO 8/28/2013 St ReSE T 2010 project entitled 'Writing History 'Fro Almaty 50013 KZ

Turkmenistan Bloemstade 467 2012-08-21 86,946 to provide free legal assistance and preparation of 86,941 NO 7/7/2014 Independent Lawyers Maarssen 3608 sta tements for the UN Human Rights Committee Associa XN NL

Ukrainian Step by Step 9A Pushkinska apt 4 2012-08-22 199,914 to support the Ukrainian Step by Step Foundation 36,906 NO 2/26/2014 Foundation (USSF) Kyiv 1001 develo p inclusive environments in regular UP preschool

Universidad Rafael Vista Hermosa III 2012-08-16 115,000 to support public service content production and 63,240 NO 12/6/2013 Landivar Campus Central Z invest igative journalism Guatemala City CP01016 GT

Universidad de los Andes Carrera le No 18a- 2012-05-21 170,300 to create the Research Center on Drugs and 63,825 NO 6/12/2014 10 Bloque W Security to encourage research on the different Bogota dimension CO

Universidad de los Andes Carrera le No 18a- 2012-06-14 165,000 to support the UNIANDES' and SSRC's partnership 13,800 NO 8/7/2013 10 Bloque W on the Drugs, Security and Democracy Fellowship Bogota Pro CO

University of Essex Wivenhoe Park 2011-12-06 200,130 to support a series of debates on drug policy at 121,153 NO 2/26/2014 Colchester, Essex the Hu man Rights Centre and School of Law at C04 3SQ the Un UK

University of Oxford Manor Road 2012-11-19 199,933 to support the expansion of the Price Media Law 138,407 NO 7/22/2014 Centre for Socio-L Oxford OX1 3UQ Moot Co urt Programme UK

University of Pretoria University of Pretoria 2012-09-06 108,000 to provide scholarships support to 6 African 54,000 NO 4/7/2014 Pretoria 2 students t o pursue an LLM in Human Rights and SF Democracy

University of Tilburg Law PO Box 90153 2011-05-25 303,000 to support a research and advocacy project on 80,170 NO 3/24/2014 School Tilburg 5000 LE stateless ness in the Middle East and North Africa NL

University of the Western Private Bag x17 2012-06-06 152,680 to establish a regional resource on pre-trial justice 83,899 NO 6/3/2014 Cape Bellville 7535 t at will promote good practices and enable inf SF

War Child Canada 489 College Street 2012-07-11 200,096 to increase access to Justice for Women and 281,299 NO 4/1/2014 West Suite 500 Children Su rvivors of Sexual and Gender Based Toronto, Ontario Violence i M 5V 3A8 CA

Wattan TV (Safad PARC Building 5th 2012-08-17 405,000 to provide quality, public interest news and 191,570 NO 2/20/2014 Advertising Company) Floor programmin g to Palestinian communities in the Ramallah West Bank IS

Welad Elbalad Media 3 Ibn Nabih St 2012-07-17 1,243,000 to support the emergence and development of 497,273 NO 6/27/2014 Services Ltd Zamalek Cairo local, comm unitybased news outlets in Cairo marginalized areas EG

Women and Children De now Debora Rd 2012-07-18 132,600 to promote measures to protect the rights of 79,471 NO 7/9/2014 Legal Research Founda Street 5 H 43 women and girls under the 'Elimination of Violence Kabul agar AF Grantee ' s Name Grantee ' s Address Grant Date Grant Grant Purpose Amount Any Diversion Dates of Date of Results of Amount Expended By By Grantee? Reports By Verification Verification Grantee Grantee

X Kommunikacios Csanady u 25/B 2012-01-23 403,625 to support a project to use methods of 157,530 NO 9/26/2013 Kozpont Kft Budapest 1132 communication to generate changes in social, HU ethnic, and demo

Youth Non-Government vul Antonova 2012-06-04 119,905 to provide support for the implementation of the 58,841 NO 9/17/2013 Organization Youth Aviakonstruktora 41- second year phase of the ReSET 2011 project Kyiv 3186 entitle UP

openDemocracy Limited 18 Ashwin Street 2011-12-12 199,913 to continue oD Russia as a publishing platform 352 NO 8/8/2014 London, Greater London for cove rage of Russia and the postSoviet E8 3DL world, and UK

Magyar Soros Alapitvany Oktober 6 UTCA 12 H- 2008-03-31 450,500 To provide painted works of art by 20th century 18,277 NO 11/7/14 1051 Hungarian Artists Budapest HU

The Baltimore Fund C/O The Annie E Casey 2002-09-01 5,000,000 PRI to direct investment into small businesses in NO 5/16/2014 Foundation I the Baltimore metropolitan area Baltimore, MD 21202 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 General Explanation Attachment


Identifier Return Explanation Reference

Note 1 - PART VIII Effective October 1, 2007, the Foundation established a Group Long Term Care Insurance Ran covering Parts VIII INFORMATION employees with ten years of service, consultants with ten years of service as an employee and their ABOUT spouses and domestic partners The plan provides, among other things, that after premiums have been paid OFFICERS, for ten years for an employee and the employee spouse or domestic partner, their coverage w ill be DIRECTORS, automatically renewed for the rest of their lives without any further premium payments Effective October 1, TRUSTEES 2008, the foundation established a Group Life Insurance Ran covering employees with ten years of service and their spouses and domestic partners The benefit for the employee is a permanent individual life insurance policy of $500,000 ($250,000, if compensation is less than $100,000), while the benefit for the spouse or domestic partner is a similar policy in the face amount of $250,000 The individual policies are owned by the employee and are issued under the group plan Each employee policy is designed to be fully funded after the payment of five annual premiums by the Foundation (approximately seven years as to each spouse or domestic partner policy) Identifier Return Reference Explanation

Note 2 - PART VIII INFORMATION Effective October 1, 2007 , the Foundation established two related, unfunded deferred Parts VIII ABOUT OFFICERS, compensation plans which together provide an annual benefit in excess of the maximum DIRECTORS, TRUSTEES contribution allowed by the Internal Revenue Code for the year under the Foundation's Tax Sheltered Retirement Plan Identifier Return Reference Explanation

Note 3 - Part Part XV - Questions For the grants to individuals paid during the year and the grants approved for future payment to XV 3A and 3B individuals , none of the individuals have any relationship to any foundation manager or substantial contributor Identifier Return Explanation Reference

Note 4 - Part I, Part I, Line 19 Description Date Cost FY CY Depr CY Meth Life Acq Accum Depr & Disp Accum Dep ------Line 19 - - Depreciation ------Lhold Improv VAR 53,375,096 6,054,687 (3,248,268) 2,806,419 SL VAR Comp Equip Depreciation VAR 3,448,595 3,621,880 (2,475,169) 1,146,711 SL 3 Software VAR 8,680,992 837,828 2,284,660 3,122,488 SL 3 F&F VAR 5,062,121 2,438,822 (647,117) 1,791,705 SL 5 Office Equip VAR 320,179 792,368 (563,689) 228,679 SL 5 Software VAR 215,040 2,728,277 (2,725,872) 2,405 SL 3 Automobiles VAR 22,341 -0- 2,234 2,234 SL 5 ------Total 71,124,364 16,473,862 (7,373,221) 9,100,641 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Investments - Land Schedule

Name : OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE EIN: 13-7029285 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Investments - Other Schedule


Category / Item Listed at Cost or Book Value End of Year Fair FMV Market Value QUANTUM ENDOWMENT FUND IRELAND PLC CLASS C SHARES QUANTUM ENDOWMENT IRELAND LIMITED SERIES 2013 - PPN 1,458,921,234 1,458,921,234 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Land, Etc. Schedule

Name : OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE EIN: 13-7029285 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Legal Fees Schedule


Category Amount Net Investment Adjusted Net Disbursements for Income Income Charitable Purposes

LEGAL FEES 643,213 691,127 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Other Assets Schedule


Description Beginning of Year - End of Year - Book End of Year - Fair Book Value Value Market Value

PREPAID AND OTHER ASSETS 3,485,059 3,773,589 3,773,589

ARTWORK 57,400 57,400 57,400

OSI MANAGEMENT SERVICES, LTD 15,050,648 13,398,918 13,398,918



BALTIMORE FUND, LLC INVESTMENT 178,251 33,880 33,880

COLLIERS - ARGONAUT ADVANCES 83,027 122,117 122,117 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Other Decreases Schedule


Description Amount ROUNDING DIFFERENCE 5 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Other Expenses Schedule


Description Revenue and Expenses Net Investment Adjusted Net Income Disbursements for per Books Income Charitable Purposes

OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,651,392 1,638,079

OFFICE SERVICES 3,147,018 3,060,228

TELECOMMUNICATIONS 1,612,403 1,707,833


BANK CHARGES 151,932 157,239







MEMBERSHIP FEES 249,503 263,937

SOFTWARE & LICENSE FEE 2,456,989 2,724,623

OTHER EXPENSES 25,168 158,205 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Other Income Schedule


Description Revenue And Net Investment Adjusted Net Income Expenses Per Books Income

ROYALTY INCOME 910 910 910



DISPOSAL OF FIXED ASSETS -1,084,418 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Other Increases Schedule


Description Amount FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSLATION DIFFERENCE 228,280 UNREALIZED APPRECIATION - QEIL PPN 484,927,918 FASB STATEMENT 158-4TH YR EFFECT 10,700,187 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Other Liabilities Schedule


Description Beginning of Year - End of Year - Book Book Value Value PAYABLE TO IMAP/QEF ENDOWMENT 5,337,151 1,791,357 DEFERRED EXCISE TAX PAYABLE 5,038,435 14,736,994 BANK LINE OF CREDIT PAYABLE 60,000,000 30,000,000 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Other Professional Fees Schedule


Category Amount Net Investment Adjusted Net Disbursements for Income Income Charitable Purposes

OTHER PROFESSIONAL 17,071,150 17,134,478 FEES/CONSUL l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Taxes Schedule


Category Amount Net Investment Adjusted Net Disbursements for Income Income Charitable Purposes

FEDERAL EXCISE TAX 11,536,822 1,311,564 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Transfers F rm Controlled Entities


Name us / EIN Description Amount Foreign Address

Open Society Policy 224 West 57th Street 52-2028955 Transfer was made as 1,700,000 Center New York, NY 10019 an advance payment to OSI for expenses

Open Society Fund 224 West 57th Street 13-3095822 Transfer was made 989 Inc New York, NY 10019 for expense reimbursements to OSI

Foundation to 224 West 57th Street 26-3753801 Transfer was made 1,785,221 Promote Open New York, NY 10019 for expense Society reimbursements to OSI

Alliance for Open 224 West 57th Street 81-0623035 Transfer was made 70,334 Society International New York, NY 10019 for expense reimbursements to OSI Tota l 3,556,544 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Tra nsfersToControlled Entities


Name us / EIN Description Amount Foreign Address


Foundation to 224 West 57th Street 26-3753801 There were no 0 Promote Open New York, NY 10019 transfers to FPOS for Society 2013

Alliance for Open 224 West 57th Street 81-0623035 Transfer was made as 5,263,087 Society International New York, NY 10019 a grant Tota l 5,263,087 defile GRAPHIC print - DO NOT PROCESS I As Filed Data - I DLN: 93491318019124

Note: To capture the full content of this document, please select landscape mode (11" x 8.5") when printing. TY 2013 Category 3 filer statement


Amount Type Name Address Identifying Number Of Shares Of Of Number Indebtedness Indebtedness N/A OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE 224 WEST 57TH STREET 13-7029285 NEW YORK, NY 10019 defile GRAPHIC print - DO NOT PROCESS I As Filed Data - I DLN: 93491318019124

Note: To capture the full content of this document, please select landscape mode (11" x 8.5") when printing. TY 2013 Category 3 filer statement


Amount Type Name Address Identifying Number Of Shares Of Of Number Indebtedness Indebtedness 0 NONE OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE 224 WEST 57TH STREET 13-7029285 30000 NEW YORK, NY 10019 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Investment in Subsidiaries Statement


Description Beginning Amount Ending Amount

INVESTMENT IN SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES 5,913,112 5,952,192 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Itemized Other Current Liabilities Schedule


Corporation Name Corporation Description Beginning Ending EIN Amount Amount

Other Payables 8,000 2,000

Wages, Salaries & Benefits Payable 5,000 4,000

Prepaid Rent 0 8,000 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Itemized Other Current Liabilities Schedule


Corporation Name Corporation Description Beginning Ending EIN Amount Amount

Deferred Income 14,000 11,000 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Itemized Other Current Liabilities Schedule


Corporation Name Corporation Description Beginning Ending EIN Amount Amount


ACCRUED EXPENSES 549,573 953,945




PAYABLE TO SUBSIDIARY 7,372 69,759 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Itemized Other Current Liabilities Schedule


Corporation Name Corporation Description Beginning Ending EIN Amount Amount


TRADE AND OTHER PAYABLES 56,909 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Itemized Other Assets Schedule


Corporation Name Corporation Other Assets Description Beginning Ending Amount EIN Amount

trade account assets 80,000 197,000 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Itemized Other Assets Schedule


Corporation Name Corporation Other Assets Description Beginning Ending Amount EIN Amount

ADVANCES & LONG TERM ASSETS 11,700 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Itemized Other Current Assets Schedule


Corporation Name Corporation Other Current Assets Description Beginning Ending Amount EIN Amount

Other Receivables 110,000 1,000

Other Current Assets 4,000 0

Short Term Bank Deposit 105,000 0 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Itemized Other Current Assets Schedule


Corporation Name Corporation Other Current Assets Description Beginning Ending Amount EIN Amount

PREPAYMENTS 65,793 52,489 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Other Deductions Schedule


Description Foreign Amount Amount (should only be used when attached to 5471 Schedule C Line 16) Operating Costs 106,000 140,710 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Other Deductions Schedule


Description Foreign Amount Amount (should only be used when attached to 5471 Schedule C Line 16) Administrative Expenses 75,160 1,620 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Other Deductions Schedule


Description Foreign Amount Amount (should only be used when attached to 5471 Schedule C Line 16) ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES 722,669 FINANCE EXPENSES 9,287 DONATION TO RELATED PARTY 1,225,793 PROVISION FOR IMPAIRMENT 619,468 REVERSAL OF IMPAIRMENTS -571,530 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Other Deductions Schedule


Description Foreign Amount Amount (should only be used when attached to 5471 Schedule C Line 16) ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 71,081 94,357 FINANCE EXPENSE 1,684 2,235 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Itemized Other Investments Schedule


Corporation Name Corporation Other Investments Description Beginning Ending Amount EIN Amount

Equity Investments 4,000 4,000 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Itemized Other Investments Schedule


Corporation Name Corporation Other Investments Description Beginning Ending Amount EIN Amount

INVESTMENT PROPERTY 9,967,507 8,795,736 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Itemized Other Investments Schedule


Corporation Name Corporation Other Investments Description Beginning Ending Amount EIN Amount


OTHER INVESTMENTS 73,529,766 0 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Itemized Other Liabilities Schedule


Corporation Name Corporation Other Liabilities Description Beginning Ending Amount EIN Amount

Total Non Current Liabilities 1,000 3,000 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Itemized Other Liabilities Schedule


Corporation Name Corporation Other Liabilities Description Beginning Ending Amount EIN Amount

Deferred Tax Liabilities 125,000 119,000 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Itemized Other Liabilities Schedule


Corporation Name Corporation Other Liabilities Description Beginning Ending Amount EIN Amount

INCOME TAX 22,135 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Other Income Statement


Description Foreign Amount Amount Revenue from Financial Transactions 1,000 1,327 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Other Income Statement


Description Foreign Amount Amount FINANCE INCOME 32 OTHER INCOME 100,000 2,155 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Other Income Statement


Description Foreign Amount Amount FINANCE REVENUE 104,741 71,000 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Other Income Statement


Description Foreign Amount Amount other revenue l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Other Income Statement


Description Foreign Amount Amount GAIN ON DISPOSAL 507,582 REVERSAL OF IMPAIRMENTS l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Other Income Statement


Description Foreign Amount Amount UNREALIZED GAIN 800,789,459 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Other Income Statement


Description Foreign Amount Amount OTHER INCOME 35 46 FINANCE INCOME 91 121 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Owns Foreign Partnership Statement


Other Forms Name of Tax Matters Foreign Partnership Tax Year Name DN or SSN Filed Partner Beginning Date Ending Date

QUANTUM EMERGING 98-0121767 1065 QUANTUM EMERGING 2013-01-01 2013-12-31 GROWTH PARTNERS CV GROWTH PARTNE l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Paid-In or Capital Surplus Reconciliation Statement


Description Beginning Amount Ending Amount

Additional Paid-In Capital 66,000 66,000 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491318019124

TY 2013 Statement if return is required because shareholders became US person


Name Date Became U.S. Person OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE 2013-03-12