$IAYIA» 4 cans Youth Week Mayor, Council] Chanter to Meet f/ecfed by HS Sfudenrs later Co. Denies Charge of Walter C AiMte, who served as a councilman laat year, lias been elecUd as this year's Youtht Week mayor >y his Local Mushy Using Passak River fellow students in Summit High School. Summit Chamber of haa .ch*duled a MMffjwtCa ftovtrbetmikina of th« efforts of UM OofaaxfOt The council, which will serve with Mr. Ande, ia com ing wita laadcn of industry to tkto Water Co. to cooatruct« proposed retenroir near «n odiU posed of four girls and three boys. Those chosen were area to b. held MeMay, Affrl * tnf reaervoir in an »jea bounded by Ovem Brook rats), Hsrioa, Beaton, Route Oppen- ia the YMCA auditorium at •:» the PaMak River and the Canoa Brook Country Club wet* Nancy fisWtll, Marcie, P< "I* heard at the Monday night meeting of the Board of Health. secretary of board of tax assessor*, According to President Arthur Root, Lee Davis. Nelion Sharp and city clerk, joint meeting represen- They ana* when J. Lorae Kae* George WlUiiunfOBv Becker of the Chamber of Com- Dougall of the Canee Break : tative, librarian, director of wel- merce, it ia planned to accompiMh presented what he interpreted ae Youth Week, wbjtti is jointly fare, chairman, planning. board, hy .tH'-nVCa, tbe three things at thf meeting: t> UseofHuorine figures te prove that UM water secretary of toning board of ad- statement of what the particular I eompany wee using Piataie Rttw and Che Uacola YMCA, In justment. cooptraUoa wUh the Wlgh School industry is doing in thii ana; To Prevent Dental water as part ef iu source ef be /rott May 6-» and will In order to secure appointment anticipated employment through. I supply for iU present setup. lve these students as we! to any of ^the above positions, it is January l, iMf, and what u> lade* While tht wieatiea of tht con- : ing in Summit that iadustriea who fill appointive offices necessary that an application struction of UM aew reservoir «M blank be filled In and returned to would like to see established her*. Caries Studied net eater tate Monday night's the opportunity to participate In Under the latter head. President Tlie Bosjrd of Health haa held deliberaUona, tt was appareftthr md understand Summit city gov- John Dilson, Room 213, High School, by April 15. Becker made special mention of ever for farther study an e* very much la the baolccwuad be- trnrneni. r possible needed shopping aad, pUnatory report made at IU cause the Canoe Brook FstftneMut Offices filled by appoint- transportation improvement*. Monday night meeting en "Fluor- helped to spearhead tht oppeet^en ment of the mayor and common ine and Its Use la the Prevention to the proposed enlargement ef Scout en Plan The Chamber president, Who ef Dental Carles." The report council are: Executive official, re- made the announcement of the tjbe water company's faetlitlee. ceiver of taxes, city engineer, was made by Dr. J, It Wisan, Annual Banquet forthcoming conference at Tues- chief of the Division ef Dental The InttrpreUtloue gives "frj •building' Inspector, five member* day's Kiwanis luncheon, stated the Mr, MaeDougall were eupfcaOeaUy 1 of the board of education, superior Hygiene of the Skat* Department industry leader* were asked not ef Health. denied by Manager Thomas W» undent of schools, clerk of police At William Pitt to pat Summit on the hack, but "to Coleman of the water compaay .court, Judge of police court, city The annual banquet of District tell us in no uncertain terms what The Mate man recommended which maintains offices la fieeeh- * solicitor, city treasurer, five mem- No. 3 of the Watchung Area Coun- is wrong with us." the use of one part ef fluorine wood road. A BUST of the pickets who to a million parts of water and bers or the beard of recreation, cil, Boy Scouts of America, which before the Springfield avenue business effloa aad The appearance of Mr. Ooleawa director of recreation, five mem-. President Becker said an invita- appeared early Mi before the New the company's garage at Broad street and Mortis to have It administered by the includea Summit and the Borough tion had been extended to all Sum- at the meeting, sa was explained btrs of the board of health, chief Jersey Bell Telephone 'a Summit Central avenue. Picketing wan orderly and supervisory per- Commonwealth Water Co* which by Dr. C. Hartley Berry. presMeat of police, five patrolmen, chief of and Township of New Providence, mit service clubs to attend the Office building on* after prec*' sonnel who kept tines open for emergency calls ex- system supplies Summit aad a meeting. ef the board, was predicted en the fire department, five firemen, will be held April 23 at 7:15 p. in. tically alt operators had switchboards in perienced no difficulty in entering or leaving com- number ef neighboring com- letter to Mr. Coleman asking; bis at the William Pitt in Chatham. It is expected that representa- a nationwide strike local communl- pany buildings. (Pboto by Jules A. WoUn) munities. He said "the better the opinion if tbe dumping of refiie tives from Clba Pharmaceutical cation lines. Other ales** were termed later teeth, the snore freorine there la the Passsic River would "tot to This waa' announced yeatcrday by Products, Inc.,. Bell Telephone is In the enamel." Dr. wtsen .^ Quatav S. Fischer, district chair- after the properties ef the weiet.* FortnighHy Club Laboratories, Inc., Air Reduction, Ike use of fluorine In the wa- Dr. Berry eald the queiywaaaede man. Celanese, and the Manufacturers ter system would cut teeth decay beoanea tht beard bad before It It is expected that 10 «e outers, Chemical Co. among others, will Summit Telephone Service on "bnergericy Only'' Bask among Infanta and young chil- an application of an Industrial attend the meeting. . * dren by 49 per eent He ex- Donates 12 Books their wives' and friends of scout- All Thrtt Load FUOM workers had as difficulty in en- plant to dump refuse la tbe *tmr> ng will attend the dinner meet- Cloth M Bell Lab* plained that the east weald tange tering or leaving buildings, between 4 and 6 cents per per- Manager Coleman ceisgortoaily ng at which time officers and (Sash, at Be* Labs Man Area Strike Seem stated "We dent use any ef the To Public Library membene-at-large of the diatrlct son bated on the citys popula- Convention Fusion Bxcept for a trickle One exception was at the Bell ley who posted the premises Fri- Veesale River water." He also *ald The generous gift of twelve will be elected: The meeting will tion, certainty net more than gency" calls, SunalHi, Lahs at Murray Bill where Tues- day with a letter addressed to IWWO • year. Labeling the use to Dr. Berry's question eek- books, presented to the Public afford an opportunity to 8coutera day morning workers were molest- communities etaplnyeea ae fellows:,''' • ' - ef fluorine as a "massy aevtasT IB« rDees any backwater f real tbe Ubraryfbjjf tte Fortnightly Clu* of thl» ar*a to meet Russell C. Slate kdudes ed by a small number of picket* Paasate flew tale tbe Canoe Btfek tion dependent '*.,. , Mattse* Fo*t«d device,- the State man said It are now on nd between dental owdlttoas p» emteatton, watch be did n founder. Hid Mary Skidmore, who sey~ Bell 'telephone Co! a fusion Union County ticket, can y»boratory grouada* eta and the building to allow mow fo.

! Interest to anyone who collects On School Aid Bill avenue and the garage at Broad are embarrassing or intimidating. is no proof that fluorine benefits ed proved his point These statU- Chinese camel Ivories. County Commttee in approving tbe was reported by witnesses that tics came from State records for Summit school officials, Com- slate. street and Morris avenue. On "If. at any time, there should other people, though It has been An autobiography ot Bruno Walter Tuesday morning a picket line windshields were broken on some the last quarter of 1S«3 and for •ntitlrd - "TheftM and Variations," mon Council, the Summit Teach- appear to be danger of physical established that folks up to SI ihicli Is translated from the German. The slate includes Mrs. Gene was formed before the business cars during the brief fracas Tues- will gain! the years 1M4 and 1945. The book Is vide In appeal and will day morning and. a Summit High harm in crossing the picket lines, interest music-lovers as well at those ers Association and various PTA Williams Miller of Summit and office at 334 Springfield avenue. Mr. Coleman emphasised at this »'ho usually do not read music books. William L. Had ley of Plainfleld, School senior girl said she saw the Company will not expect lta Dr. Wisan told of the experi- point that the whole question groups will have their ears at- City police were detailed at all employees to do so.** "Folk Art or aurar Pennsylvania"— tuned to Trenton this afternoon both independents; Common Pleas picket lines as a precautionary a picket rip the coat off one man's ments his department had been raised by Mr. MaeDougall was one By Frances Is a beautifully Judge Edward „ A. McGrath, a back. Summit and Chatham switch- conducting In South Jersey on illustrated book on the arts and emits when a public hearing is held in measure but picketing In general of interpretation. While admitting it the Pennsylvania Germans. Democrat; District Court Judge Picketing of the Labs was anti- boards, which are boused in tbe the effect of fluorine which is that the figures used by the 8tate The last selection tor the Wllcox the Assembly Chamber on Senate was orderly and supervisory per- Urmorlnl was a new edition of "Our Milton A. Feller and Attorney sonnel and other nonstriking cipated by President O. E. Buck- Continued on page 17) particularly prevalent In the wa- board were furnished by Common* tmerlcan Music"—by John T. How- Bill 166, sponsored by Senator Sigurd A. Emerson, Republicans. ter supply. He said fluorine is >rd, with a complete history of music wealth, be sWd that the State >n the United States from the very Herbert J. Pascoe, Union County, With both major parties endors- very noticeable In a line about when using the tern "Passale earliest days to the present. Burglar Alarm S«r 15 miles in from the Delaware which would make an additional ing the .ticket, it * means that no River" Included also the trlbuU* Since Mrs, Skidmore always was Cancer Gifts Will Off by Wiring Kathleen ffiimi River and extending along the ries such as Canoe Brook. interested In peace and interna- $13,000,000 available for State aid other canddatcs can run under whole western, section of the to schools throughout the State. Republican or Democratic banners The burglar alarm in Root's De- In presenting hb case for the tional affairs, the books chosen State. Children at Woodstown, water company, Mr. Coteman was lor her memorial deal with these Known as "Plan B" this bill, as under a law a candidate using Help Save Seven partment Store in Springfield ave- In Dance Recital natives of that town, have lit- the name of either party must get nue, west of Maple street, went in- supported by Charles Trowbrldge, subjects. This year Mrs, M. W. which was. b e f o r e the Senate tle or no dental carles, the speak- chief sanitary engineer of the Banton. the chairman, and Miss Committee on Appropriations last the endorsement of that party, to operation shortly after 11 p. m. er asserted. Seventy per cent of plus 300 signatures.—However, Monday as a result of a defect in American Water Works, of which Spccr tried to include a group of week, increases the present guar- Lives Each Hour For YWCA Fund them have perfect teeth, the Commonwealth Water' Oo. is a books which presented the world anteed equalization basis from there probably will be some inde- "Do you know that you can help wiring, police report. Pedestrians Miss Kathleen Hinni is present- State man declared. pendent candidates. The fusion subsidiary, and W. D. Monie, Com- problems of today, Seven were $94 per pupil year,to $110 and* oave the lives of seven Americans and motorists became curious. Among the Interested listen- ticket was worked out by leaders some seemingly expected to hear ing a dance recital at tbe High monwealth chemist. rhoscn which includes one by Vcra raises the present $3 per pupil every hour?" Thl» 1* the opening ers to Dr. Wisan's presentation h of both parties in order to assure (Statement in the letter the people an exchange of gun play between School Auditorium on Thursday, In reiterating u> conviction Mlchelw Dean, who has spoken minimum aid to *30, effective July were Thomas W. Coleman, man- that Commonwealth takes "some to the Fortnightly Club: 1 of this year. representation from Union County of Summit are receiving this p~olice and~~pQseib1e burglars. This j April IT at 8:30 p. m. Miss Hinni ager of Commonwealth Water from the Democratic minority. water from the Passaic," Mr. Mac "Rimla—Menace or Promise," Vcra Common Council went on rec- week from the Summit Commit- curiosity waa heightened by the is tbe founder and president of Co.; Charlea Trowbrldge, chief Mli-helcu Oea-n. The New York Herald tee for the American Cancer appearance on the scenic of a Dougall stated In referring to the Tribune aays: "An expert answers ord last week endorsing the Pas- the Duncan Dance ^3ui Id which is sanitary engineer of the Amer- t' questions about Russia's nla- Campaign. The quota for Summit quartet of cops. After the alarm State records that They seem to 1 coe Bill and Governor Alfred E. the organization of all Duncan ican Water Works, and W. D. '-"•''. policy, uhlloaopbr and inten- Jma been set at $5,200. had rung for the better part of an support us that you (Common- lions." Driscoll, members of the Assem- Multiple Listing dance groups. Her Summer School Monle,- ohemlst - for Common- wealth) are using Passaic River Nehru's "Glimpiet of World Hls- "Cancer is now killing Ameri- peared and let the police in to wealth Water Co. inry." which were letters written to bly from Union County and Sen- of Creative Art* in Connecticut i* water. The Canoe Brook Farms* llls cans at tbe appalling rate of one investigate and at the same time tiiwshter while In prison, .and. Is ator Pascoe have been so In- to shut off the alarm. well known throughout the United Should Summit adopt the use man also asserted "I saw plenty fiHdHble rumbling history with many formed. School Commissioner every 3 minutes—21 every hour— of fluorine in 1U water system, of backwater pumped." •!»»pters on the country of India. System Adopted by 604 every day—184.000 every year," States and will be- resumed this "Betrayal In the Philippine*" It Leonard E. Best is a member of it would be tho first city In New Canoe Brook Never Reverted "iir.pii by n Filipino who presents a a lay committee pushing the pas- the letter quotes from the statis- year. Last summer Miss Hinni Jersey to take such action. One iimire quite oppORtte to Komulo's tics of the American Cancer So- In supporting his viewpoint, Mr. 1 8 has been on the sick list for confined to the list of a single OUmour Bo: a past president of the board, *p» broker, Is often retarded because Mr. Maihack said that last year through marriage or court order Pastoral* eaic avenue, Morris avenut rear •he past two months, entered Over- are tbe eligible citizens, who must The Chase ' (Continued on page 3) wk Hospital last Friday for a of iU failure to meet the require- the people of Summit showed RuMttan Lullaby* of Faitoute's row at the hill, Den- ff Correction register If they want to vote, the »mpict» checkup and observa- ments of the clientele of that par- their deep concern for the vic- rantaatle Dancra . . .Bho*UKO»ltch man place and lower Overlook The Athenaeum will m**' to- clerk said. IntrrmUtlon—fire mlautM ion. ticular broker. On the other hand, tims of cancer by contributions Rttuti rm Dance He Faila road—this fire communicated It- Early Copy, Pletue! night at 8:13 at Ihr Summit under the multiple listing system, which gave the city a proud rec Enrolment may be accomplished Spiritual*— self to the roof of a house In Hlih School to hear Dr. Fay, the Realtor who lists the property ord in county and state. "We feel at the city clerk's office In the Dtdna' My lord D*U**r Daniel Where to Find It trery Time t Feet the Spirit which a small hols was burned. Because of the extreme dtt- (Voper Coir, chairman of the de- for sale accepts a definite re- sure," he said, "that even greater Munlcipat Building or the County D»r«» tfo mdlnx nao* Down Here West End'avenue near the city Page Honor Honor Acuities uiYelved In PttbMsh- partment of anthropology of Ihe sponsibility to properly serve the .publif understanding this year Election Board in the courthouse dump, near Celanese Corporation '•'liurch 4.8 University of Chirato, who will at Elisabeth. Until the last four Dance Croup—Ion! Beck, Bar- lag a Mwspapar without tele- Uy seller. Such service includes co- will enable us to surpass our In Bast Summit, St. Teresa's higher quota of $9,300." days, registration will be accepted bara Chifoa, Lorraine Collanl, pbeaa Berries. The HeraM [ IB apeak on the loplc operation between all Realtors In Cemetery, Beechwood road. this area at no added expense to at regular office hours in the Electa Driscoll, Jean Jile, Patsy •amtwUy reeueata that far the fl Our Prejudices." Thin will be .Checks should be mad* pay- duration ef the 'phase strike e the final program of the current either seller or buyer, c :, able to the American Cancer So- city clerk's office from »:»•• »- Gulick, Joanne Howell, May Kubi- The fire on Monday was op- Guest tickets may be ciety and sent to'J- Sherman By- until 4:80 p. in. On April 21, », 23 chek. Betay Olwine, Susan Smith, posite the Eastern Fuel Company for a coiffure styled by our sMII*d ^laaP esvls^e n^s/1 ^isss ^PB^S^F ^ P. Borough 8 season. and 3ft the clerk's office will be Elisabeth Btldger, PoSly Under- and was answered by Hose Com- v^^p esslHV ^ f. Township .'. ».2< •xperu set flBWWOOD HA»- land, treasurer, at the Summit s open free. §m a. au until • p. m. wood* ,, pany No. 3, °ci«l < 14,18, 1M summit a*e. tu /Trust Oo. f 1W SUMMff HRALD. THUMOAY, ANIL 10, IM7 es wuiea HV# • wwra • a»u to aot it *•• dayny ported in Nnr York City, one of which wai Jatfl Doctors Berry Mrs. L Hawthorn* Ader. Boat* aad Dealer answered that local ef Healtlt aurw, ask«4 If theftOai* would leimbuxse few for atekels AMOCO STATION te aek what -step* tb« physicians m*n being notified to used la parkin* meters WUM aha health aatharftiee wm takJa* te urge adult vacelnattaB. Mr. Davis WM OB official duty. She vu told accused. The Stats Is making a that arrasftmsats would he made with the police where** ajgr Boat* of Health ptrsosuel woaM aot t» inquired to pay into the neiets. CAM WASHB mi Mr*. Ruth R- Wrisjht etf the hear* suggested the advisabilitjL SMONDEB — *UAUD of community committees ts> study

people «B tin Question of laocv ma - Turn — 8ATTuuo lating the canine pets against rahtes. IttBowiaf •> iMNt ooafOf. lATTBUB RfCHAIWD in Tr*a to* devoted to thsdof WHUA aittiatioe), of whtoh A report «M us* la tho March*} Herald. Mrs. ALL KINDS Of REFAIRS Wright espresso* p about tb« possibility «f ajar g latloa that would «ake iaoeiila* tloa mandatory parttadarbr mm 0/ tbo *iBt0CMttH to. such action. Judft Jobs U Hughes, attonur *•* the hear* reported a* was UtdlcaUd la ttM 99 Hanld, that Council hat itador voaaidtratioa I tb« iatroductimi of aa ordlaaoeo f that would mak* powlbla tho «a* eouimc«awBt of tbt InoouUtfoa of dot*. '\ " In answer to a quwUoa by Or. PHILCO A wmkmmooum rwamat-jL group or summit D*n«-ler«to wbat CommanwoaJUi woman meat rogutorlx t* BMIM amrgical dMialnga MM. Ghnriat a Waltera, MM. Martin Adef, Mra. Water Co. WM doing with th« mir* 1 for canoer patieata. Draaming* aft much in demand Baldwin, Mrs. Raymond I. Nelson, Mrs. Harry face w»t«r lake ? behind tbt Card and groupa aueh aa theae art the) main oource of Dowart, Mrs. WlHlam WnHfleld and Mrs. Cheater •bed, Mr. CMeman atattd that tho supply for the various county Cancer Societies. Smith, unit leader. Three other members, Mrs. Eutx County Moaqulto Coramit* Pictured above- at the horn* of lira. Leroy Baldwin Charles P. Walters, Mrs. Fred McMane and Miss •ion waa draining off nich water. on Greenfield avenue are, left to right. Mated, Mrs. Maipr Dean w«r« absent (Photo by Jule» A. Wolln) la anvwer to queitlon by "an Harry WUliamaon, Mrs. John flobrumpf and Mrs. lntereated cltiien" as to what waa being done to ellminaU th« M«ur- moaquitoes breed. All tht uoaqul RADIOS fae* waUr lake' behind the, Card Now Available at property la Woodland avenu* aa toes her* aro wafted ia from out Cancer Fads Al Should Know a poMibl* aource for moaqulto of town.' He also told of his ef- How Widespread Is Caaoorf picious symptoms: any sore that breeding, E>r. Dengler aald the lake forts to get spraying machines for use here this summer. Caneer strikes one eat of every does not heal, particularly about wai not a place for breeding moa- twe funlliest children or men or the tongue, mouth or lips; a pain- quitoea becauae the Union County Walter Crann, sanitary laepec* women. It Is the greatest killer tor, said the cause of a complaint less lump or thickening,, espe- Mosquito Comtnlaalon waa ipray- of women between W and M, the cially in the breast, lip or tongue; Ing it every ten days during tbo against Rudolph Becker of Shady- second greatest killer of men, irregular bleeding or discharge breeding leaaon. The health offi- aide avenue about the disposition among diseases. from any natural body opening; NOEL cer took occasion to say, "fhere of the garbage cans of Ms six Caneer kills one, out of every S progressive change in the color ar« no aourcei In Summit whero tenants, had been remedied. Americans—one every S minutes— or size of a wart, mole or birth- 21 every hour—604 every day— mark; persistent indigestion; per- Record and Appliance Shop 1M.0O0 every year. sistent hoarseness, unexplained 4 S* e-MS7 immh.H. But at least ene-taird of these cough or difficulty in swallowing; Beechwood Hotel vietima can be saved if their can- any change in the normal bowel cer is detected and treated in time. habits. If you note eny of these What Is Cancer* symptoms, go at once for an ex- Enjoy Television in Our Beautiful Cocktail Lounge Canoer is an unexplained wild amination. If you do not, you are risking your life. Saturday-—Gianti vi. Cleveland—-April 12 growth of cells which usually form READ IIMI1 FLiM ENAMEL a small tumor at one place in the c. Give to this Cancer Fund body. It 1st commonest on the skin, this month M others can keep Saturday Eveatoo, Ht* IN THE CRYSTAL ROOM in the mouth, throat, breast or fighting for you against this dread internal organs. It may be cur- disease.. Spend Your Cocktail Hour With U$ able while It la atm localised but | n Htm u§ ApHI Hk, 1947 after it has apresd to other parts SWMlit SoMtar Starts Hen d'oeuvrei tervod from 5:00 to 6:30 P. M. of the body—as many types do— |#%_j_ _ . . m . , WILLIAMS it may be hopeless. So it is up to Then Call Lunch in Tht Crystal Room or Main Dining Room* OrdnosKw Training School you to guard ia advance against Corporal Hobart K. Woodslde, SPECIAL BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH cancer. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood- SPENCER Me MABEN Hew Oak Yea Guard Against aide of Shadyside avenue, has . 85c Oanoerf started his training at Atlanta 11:00 to 2 P.M. a. After you reach the age of Ordnance Training School, Ord- have ft general examination, nance Depot, Atlanta, Ga. Prior including caneer check-op, nwf to his re-enll»tment on February Beechwood i» famotu tor its cuisine six months, by your physician or at a diagnostic clinic. It is simple 4 last, Cpl, Woodside was em- ' All Facilities for Large or Small Parties and an urgent precaution because ployed at the Savage Eaeo Ser- Banquets, Dances, Meetings, Weddings, etc. some types of cancer do not show vice Center here. A veteran of 27 Call in person or phone J. V. Carnot, Manager symptoms a layman can recognize, months servloe, 16 months of and few cancers give pain rn their which were spent with the 20th Summit, N. J. Summit 6*1064 early stages. Army Air Force on Guam,. Cpl. b. Watch for the following sus- Woodslde Is the Holder of the Bronze Medal with two stars, a Presidential Unit citation, the Victory Medal and the Asiatic- Pacific Ribbon. He attended Sum- mit High School two years before entering the AAF. Hla brother, Daniel L. Woodside, an AETM 2/C with the Navy, is presently SUMMIT TRUST COMPANY stationed at the. Navy Ex- perhnental Station, Key West, __ |$TAILI$HID It 9 I Fla.


<• <•


On Hand and Dut from Capital Stock .... $600,000.00 B-»b ...... $ 2,9* IJ17.43 Surplus and Un- UnHod States Government and divided Profits . 499,091.84

&*"•' Readily Marketable $ 1,099,091.84 Securities* 10,588,100.34 Reserve For Taxes, Interest, etc. ...v.^.^^ ^^ 82,583.67 and Discounts 2,737,396.94 Unearned Discount ...... 11,898.87 _Uans .,vv...... 3,037,242.64 Official Checks Accrued Income Receivable . 82,259.56 Outstanding 35.36o.48 ••What COM With What" & pages of decorating federal Reserve Bank Stock . 30,000.00 DEPOSITS iecr t Time ...... $ 8,284,905.79 « «-«h«>ws how to get the ••"king. House ... .. 4...... 233,402.64 Demand** .. 10,186,272.90 most from your decorating • • how color can 18,471,178.69 in" carpets, walls, , . etc. 50 color $19,700,119.55 $19,700,119.55 ' coiot ami Ulustratioiis-liviiig rooms, Let Us ^^iSwSf* dlul11* wonwb hedrooms $io,?«0,000.00 U. 5. Govornmtnt i»m andh^n.. Aek for your depeiltt aogreaatinfi 1*75,915.50 Help You Keep It That Way! our Carpet Dept. The Oldest and Largest Bank jja the Summit Area Regular Cleaning means longer life for your gar- ruxm Member Federal ments. •• Member ft Insuranea Su. Federal Reserve •»?• • Cafporation System LIBERTY E. L RTTERER CLEANERS ft DYEBS CAR-IT— RU6S-LIN0LEUM

•«••. We Can and Deliver 14 leechwood Rd. W. 4-2241 T. Kirk and a number of political THE SUMMIT HEtU^LD, THU1SDAY, and civic leaders 'will attend V if4? i the dinner and lecture. ail, former governor «f Wagner, chairman of the Georgia, will ipiik on "Whose Some tuna ago, a committee ri it tfcta. Aagjway.^ at league will be in charge of the At Camp Wafcawag for Boy Scouts meting, MM. Max Green of from the Summit Garden dub Two sew stoves for the giam. due to the nature ef the p. BB, Saturday, April 12, Set met with a group from the Ameri- a hot water Beater ia the kttebea. promotion for camp attendance. »s* Seaaai. Herri* ave- Madison avenue. Elisabeth u gea- erarcttkirman of the affair. The can Legion and L. G, Dapero, three capable chefs, a Soauu wiU be encouraged to at- sat Uaioit The femer govern- league m affiliated with Progts- representing the Common Coun. post. Use completion ef the t*»4 as a part of their troop pro- Lounge or Action... af, taHt ytB *» iaaaamr«4 sy.tjie ««vt dozens of America til They 'made plan* for theduung bail, *re aU itawa ttat vill gram. Registration for camp aad County CeuacU. New J«- Planting of ahrufce and tiewere be ready for tha'Bojr loouta of the promotion ef attendance for butependtat Cttiseaa League. Patience ia not passive: "os the •bout the grounds of the veteran!' the Wttchung Arta Oeoacll wfcea camp will be made through the H will bt greeted at a dinner contrary it ii active; it i* con- h»«ne» on Broad etrett betweea they enter cams Juae 3a, Ui Wen Scout's troop, his scoutmaster, at i.» p. au ia tlM Wiafield 8cott centrated atrength. — Bulwer-Lyt- Summit avenue and Elm street. Gardner. The troop committee, and sponsoring Hotel EUaafceta. Mayor James ton. • • "f At the building, are not com-knows by Paul BcrMa of Faawoed, institution. It is the opinion of Pitted. Mr. Papero bat advised acting chairman o€ the Oewcil the camping committee taat the that it will be too late for anyCamp Committee at iu Scouts' experience ef camming at •Prtng planting. The committees regular bi-monthly meeting ia the Camp Watchung should be a nor- art disappointed but expect to council*' office, PIstnfleM, mal and natural part of bis Scout carry out their plans In the fall, -Watchung Council expects its program, and should come under According to Mrs. J. Boyd Ri»k, largest attendanee during toe leadership of the troop. representing the Garden Ctub. Surretwill summer organised camping pro* If ten or more Scouts of a troop go with their own scoutmaster or leader, and choose to eat la the SLACKS mesa hall, tha charge per week will be 111 per boy and the leader first Church of Christ. Scientist will be free. If the Scout camps 292 without his troop of nine or more Harold l\ Hudaea other boys, and tbo leadership of A Branca of Tha Mother Church. The first Church at an adult, his fee per week will be School Head Scientist, tn Boston, Massachusetts. IU. In the latter case, Camp Sunday Services at 11 A. M. Sunday School 11 A. M. Watchung will provide both food Asks for Better Wednesday Meeting at 1:11 P. M. and leadership. The Camping Committee dav«l> Private Teachers oped a complete program of camp At a special panel, discussion Christian Science Reading Room attendance by troops which In- conducted by the Eastern Com- cludes the slogan of "CU at CW mercial Teachers Association dur- OWN TO THE PUBLIC and "47 per cenj of the troops at- ing their golden anniversary meet- Set BPttlNUnXLO AVBNCB tending Camp Watchung during Ing in the Statler Hotel in Boston, OMD dally 11 to 4:»0 axe pi Bandars aad holidays; also rrisas- '•7." Harold P. Hudson, president of •vanlnga T:»8 to »:M *nd afUr tha Wadnaadajr maatln» the Summit Secretarial School, ad- Literature oo ChrUtlaq Boiesee may to read, borrow** or sarniMi dressed a group of nearly 300 pri- Rtarton to Spttortwod vate school executives and depart- t CWUK 'tie etuivi lorn* Ownership Wt«k ment heads. The realtors of New Jersey will Mr. Hudson spoke on "Adjusting I spearhead the annual observance Curricula and Standards to Meet •a of Home Ownership, Week begin- Employment Objectives." He re- 9. ning Monday.'April 21, with the ferred to some of the recent TO GET A LOAN 0 official approval of Governor Al- changes that have taken place in if edrosian Offers •* fred E. DriscToU, Henry N. Stsm, the^ummlt Secretarial School and *Ph«na Summit 4-4000. Aik for Mr. lohne. "8 president of the State Association majjle a strong plea for better of R«al Estate Boards has an-classroom facilities and better Tefl him you went a loan. Ifyou're qualified— The Largest Selection nounced. teachers within the private Mr. Stam said the realtors, schools. He pointed to the fact and most paopla are—drop around in an hour proud of their record of having that young people who attend the of Sumnier Rugs in provided homes for more war vet- better private business schools are and pick up tHe cash, on your signature only. erans and other residents than high school graduates and that any other group, but realizing they attend the business school At -Hrtt National you borrow «t low bank 5 Years much more remains to be done, not because they want a less effi- will place emphasis on fulfilling as cient training but because they, rata*—no eiifras—and rapay out of Income quickly as possible the obligation want a shorter training. • . " -'•" We havt 'esa, dtotc to provide living quarters for all Once again you can eboese the Wad ef summer rug yea Mr. Hudson said business jchool coiorful ill small, monthly installment!.- •. . who need them." teachera should therefore he com- waatt fron a variety ef imparted and dammtlt) rags. : " " "~~~ ] .-•••••' . '•'••!..•' Meetings, forums ' and radio parable in general background and broadcasts will be held throughout in teaching skill to the teacher in i get most out of leieauc the State to mark' the occasion, the college or university. Whenever you need money—to catch up on hour*... Surretwill sJacks. The luxurious ail>wool fabric Rrvrr»ililr Kraft Fiber Rtigs arrangements for several of The convention was attended by which have already been mack, your bills—to meat an emergency—to pay more than 3,000 commercial edu- Mr. Stam said. cators from all sections of the by Pacific Mills is soft, smooth yet am aad nggcd . .. Good domestic Delfibre ruga In solid ceJsr with eeeaeieaal taxes—to modernize your home—to purchase eastern part of the United States. Interrupted stripes. Cheerful In any room. Blue, grata, Amtricon Legion Officers The panel on which Mr. Hudson hs* a lustrous woven-io sheen . . . holds its shape aad ; spoke waa presided over by E. J. <.furniture, a car or an appliance—or for any -ese, tan or gray. ' ' • • *• •; Confftrtneo on Sunday crease! Tailored to a geodeman's taatc by Rose Btochcn The seventeenth annual Post and Purvis, vice-president of the Strayer College In Washington, other sound purpose, see First National first. County Service Officers Confer- -. •; . plcau and wpper claawret, Yes, they arc tlackt of 9x15-24.95 ence of the 442 posts of the Amer- DC. Other speakers on this same panel were J. Goodner Gill, vice- You'll like tho friendly, confidential service— ican Legion, Department of New unusual beauty in an eye-dauling array of rich pattets Jersey, will be held in the Tren- president of Rider College, Tren- and you'll save money. _^_^L_ ton Memorial Building, Sunday at- ton; and M. A. Smythp, president Jernoon at 1:30 o'clock. of the National Business College iivd aarief solid tpndJSee tb«m today! " The purpose of the conference lit at Roanoke. Virginia. to present important information concerning the entitlements of veterans under New Jersey State TIONAL BANK law*. Speakers will be San ford Summit Tax Rate BedrosiaiTs Bates, commissioner of New Jersey Institutions and agencies; Charles To Be Set Today; R. Erdman. of the New Jersey 428 SPRINGFIELD AVE. economic development compuls- Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. SUMMIT 6-0500 ion,-and C. V. Bleeker, rehabili- County Rate Up 12 tation director, New Jersey depart- ment of labor. F. Edward Bicrtuempfel, chair- man of the Union County Tax Board, announced last Thursday that the tax rate for the county will be 2.2 points higher than last year - .723541834 -aa* against .701675358. Tax rates for the individual SESyJCE^SUGGESTLONS municipalities' in the county, In- cluding Summit, were tentatively set on Monday, but owing to the fact that the Herald was printed before the announcement, these will be given in next week'a Usue. ^Here's A Splendid Usually tb« rates arc set on April 1, after equalizing the various tax revenues from real and personal properties. commercial bank INVIGORATING TONIC stock* and second clasn railroad valuations. This year, because of a change in the law requiring municipalities to make,a,separate for your car! certification of their complete "School budgets, the (late was post- The most Important car In the world to you Is the car you now poweta. Tear ear on the road poned. WHEN YOU NEED , ia worth two on order, so do not allow your car to get Into a dangerous state of neglect. The valuation on which the county rate was based this y^ar GOOD BRAKES THIS SHOULD BE DONE NOW! was $520,018,537 as againat (509,- Drain and flush cooling Drain and refill transmission Adjust carburetor 874,368, an increase of 120,016,837. TEXTROH:S* -•• YOU NEED THEM BADLY! Drain and refill differential system Clean air cleaner Summit Dentist to Tan swwr can tell at what moment your life or Tighten all hose connections Fin steering gear housing Check generator charging STREAMLINED SHORTS the Hvn of othrra may depend on your brakes. Tune up motor rate Htod County Society Tighten cylinder head nuts Clean and adjust spark plugs A slate of nominees for the en- •"• '• , . (• • SAFETY h| no*, a matter of luck! You owe It to Adjust fan belt to proper Clean and adjust distributor Test battery, dean terminals suing year, headed by Dr. C. T/xse handsome ra)on boxer shorts art typicalofT'xtrort't yosjnelf as well a» your family to nave your brakes tension . points ' and add water Eleom Burroughs of Springfield checked far defect* that so often lead to accidents. Drain and refill crankcas* Scientifically tune ignition Repack and adjust front avenue, for president, was pre- thoughtful tailoring. From start to finish, they art dtsigned Clean carburetor strainer sented to the Union County Den- Lubricate all connections wheel bearings tal Society Thursday night at the with your comfort in minJ. fa before tne neb tor a Beechwood Hotel. The slate will $14.95 b© voted upon at a meeting May 1 Elastic waist band to flex with your every moptmint; m INCLUDES LABOR. OIL AND GREASE — PARTS IF NEEDED ARE EXTRA at the Suburban Golf Club. Union. COMPLETE MOTOR OVERHAUL Among those elected to member- buttons to pop off or lose in the laundry; boxer-tjpi so popu- or \ ship were Dr. Frederick" B*hrlng lar with all men; washable, of course, and available in s A Luxurious Beauty Treatment for Spring of Summit. ENGINE EXCHANGE variety of handsome colors. Sizes 30 to 44 $1.50- mid' We will wash, polish, vacuum clean upholstery, .clean the motor, bump out any dents in the The average age of GIs who li»t We ran revitalise your car for trigger-fast starting, fenders, remove rust spots and touch-up scratches. 1st. Us. ha OV. • J smooth, economical operation. their lives in the last war has been Add Glamour and Gayety figured at 24% years. A Must for Rust! You'd be surprised what handsome elegance a new set of slip covers can add to your car. Kidneys Must Textron Pajamas •even* flush ia recommended to remote winter from tsw radlaler. Radiator should then be Ou are expert factory-trained men who know your car and wiU Work Well- $6.95 and $10.00 with clean water, conditioned with rust give it the kind of servicing that will save you time and money in the long run. We us* rorYesiToFaalWeU genuine parts, factory methods of time-saving equipment You'll get more service out of your U BOOH awy day. T car If you let us care for It! Wo wM gladly «uote •" this operation. OPEN DAILY 9 A. M. TO & P. M. If •or» pwpl* *tr» i«m at hvm MM Iridnnn nm constantly rrarara tar- V STEERING V SHOCK ABSORBERS V WHEEL ALIGNMENT plus fluid, HIM acids i»d rtbar wstu Butter that cuaot Mar in tka Wood FRIDAY 9 A. M. TO 9 P. M. «r TIGHTENING V CLUTCH TIRE ROTATION without tajury to iMaltl, tbara would When Did You Check: 1M bHUf udtraUndlni of w»» MM whoU arttm la »t»*t viMaildacfs laa to fvoetloa propatfr. Bunslag, acaaty er too traqamt artta- Member of Ike Chamber of Commerce of Summit, N. I. COLLISION EXPERTS tlos aosMrtiBMiU a wanwss tkatktt aoawtblatblft WE REPAIR ALL MAKES OF CARS sw asfai a aadlein* rtcoaiBMaaal aaantty av*r. Otaa'i dlaiaUt. tka tioa of tba kldntri aad MB tbtai to fluaa «ut pei«)nou» mU {raw tka MEYER-WERNER MOTOR CO. Maa4. Th*r eoaUla aethlaf; karairal. Ott/Maa'i todajr. Usa wit* ------—• VHRYSLERPLYMOUTH SALES AND SERVICE AtaUdnaisUiNa. SUMMIT. N. J. SUMMIT, N. J. SUMMIT 6-4343 517 SPRINGFIELD AVE. 4 1HI SUMMIT HERALD. THURSDAY. AWL 10. ,1947 Services and Coming Events in 5umrnit Churches Churchwomen Francii Foncheon Witt y.j Dr. F. C. StifW Central Presbyterian Receives Bt O«kintd M«y 31 be will say h* flrat naai Urged to Unite Francis FuAcheon, son of Mr. ordinatias. l» it T*re«a« Opens New Series 139 Hew Members on Holy Thursday wad Mn. Jaaaa J. runobaea «t KML attnsntito For Great Ideals Walnut street, wiU be ordained Mr. Fusickeon U a student u . OMtiaf Prea*jrt«ria« Churcb at maaa, SM & the TmmsMUt* Conception Of Radio Talks Its Hoh/ Tbsirsday Commuaion , Th* Wosaen's Alliance of tha to the priesthood la St. Patrick's . KaOurts* Cathedral Newark, on Batttrday. nary to Paritngton. "Sine* th« printing of U»» first aarvlcas rtcsivtd VU naw OMBUBttttlty Cburchr held an later- Bib)* by Jonann GuUnberg „ In km into nMivbersbip from nia* «h«nh hutonsM and Ma«UBff on (formally WO jwar* ago, tba &1M* attffwsat daoc InduiUni April 1 which was attended hy hat Btv«r been out of print," Dr. on conftaaion or raatttma- about 10 women, many of them Fraact* OUT Stiller told hta radio of faith, oa conXaasloii of fsjaat* from the varloua dmKhsa audkaoe on the morning of April faith aai by laitor f^ dkasaea. It kas> been an- It Is not necessary for all men were elected by Calvary Episcopal Church, Rev. Leonard V. Busch- and when sanitary conditions were lacking. Every time you at the retirement of Mr. Ktiuolv< ay JMia* »«*olnlck, Church Monday night at the larg- man, D.D., pastor, reported th* to be great in action. The greatest take a cup of coffee or tea, you"are proclaiming by your act Ing waa> named minister in charge, •ff Hke •dacation com cat parish meeting In the history action of the Session to hold two 2 and sublimest power is often sim- that you believe that this old fashioned custom Is O.K. when He came heir* five years ago. He of the church. Charles Cue was services on Communion Sundays ple patience.—Horace Bushnell. as a matter of fact, you are making yourself less able ttr unanimously elected warden. Nam- is head of the Sunday school, which during the remainder of the year, now has1 an enrollment of 320. survive in this high speed world that la constantly .getting ed vestrymen are F. Ludvick Hell- "to accommodate our growing faster. qulst, Earl A. Lamb, Edward A committee from the parish congregation.'' was named several, weeks ago t Similarly when people go along the street with-a cigar- Veitch and Ernest Hay. According to th« plan, an early recommend Mr. kinsolvlng's sue ette or pipe in the mouth,.they are doing more to advertise service;, identical with the regular Two hundred and forty two cessor. This committee has visited and sell the tobacco habit than a salesman for the Industry. voted, compared with 48 at thea number of parishes. morning worship, will be held on next largest gathering. Interest special Sundays at 9 a. m. The These two habiu need to be overcome because they may centered in the fact the wardens Announcement was made that regular time of service W 11 a. m. lead 'to an even worse addiction In the us* of liquor. The* the Easter collection amounted to and vestrymen, 14 in all, will have "We have been driven to such three habits and the life that they produce are largdy the selection of a rector to succeed $1,782, compared with 3,100 las action by the growing member- year. responsible for the death of 100,000 people per year killed m Rev. Walter 0. Klnawtvlng, who ship of Central Church," Dr. accidents, to 187,000 deaths due to cancer, 90,000 tuberculosis retired about two months ago. He * Moore, Case and Phtletus Hoi Buachman told the Easter crowd*, victims and 600,000 whose hearts become defective. il now serving two parishes, Eas- were named delegates to the an "and by the rapidly Increasing ton and Weston, Conn. nual Diocesan Convention. numbers attending our commun- Resolve now to help make this a better wdrld by bcinf 1 Moderator of the meeting was ion services. ? an advertiser of a better way of life. By so doing you will the senior warden, W. E. F. Moore. Food Sale to Be Held The Sundays on which an early Rev. William M. McGriff save money and Increase your earning power because you communion service In addition to will be known as a sober, cheerful, dependable individual Secretary waa Joshua Ward. Leo- The Comfort Group of the Worn Beginning Monday evening and " ViFd E. Best, chairman of the en's Auxiliary of Calvary Episco- the regular communion will be with a clear mind, good health and a will to win. The more held are May 4, June 15, andcontinuing through April 28, PU- nominating committee, presented pal Church will hold A food s grim Baptist Church will hold you do to help others, the more others will do to help you. • slate of four nominees for ves-in the parish house on Friday, October 8, with the probability that this plan will be extended service* each evening except Sat- trymen, that number of terms ex- April 18, from 10:30 a. m., untl! urday in celebration of their latsjIIMl y^^tis«d*ar e^l awl HaaVtstaadiaff to piring every year. The slate con- their stotfk ia sold. . . to Chrtetma*, Palm Sunday, Eas- af «Ms lailsg gift » her stesseey. ter, and the January communion. fourth year of work. The church burned its mortgage recently, un- HOWARD B. BISHOP, B.Sc. The Session's study of the pro- der the leadership of fUnr. Wil- LL MANNING & SON posal revealed that at the present liam M. McGriff, pastor. membership of the church, nor- EMahflsbed 1M1I mal attendance at each of the Rev. Alfred G. Dunston,. pastor tSXUKS MJ1 Owner Human Engineering Foundation services should exceed the capac- of Wallace Chape!, will preach th* St. ity of the church by as much as introductory oermon cm Monday t«L PL 4-07M 2Ht1tHllf| N* J« 300 pensone. Central Church has evening, assisted by hi* choir swi a normal seating capacity of congregation. The Pilgrim ChttrcSi SfEOAUSTS IN SatCT BARRE GRANITE MIMpRIALS WRITE FOR FRISK-BOOKLET about 700. missionary circle, Mra. Utarte Cherry, president, is in charge. The ministers who will preach Churchwomen Plan each evening of the first week art: Rev. A. D. Gray, of Enon Baptist May Fellowship Church, Vauxhall, Tuesday; Rrr. The Council of Churchwomen, a Turner Elijah, of Antioch Baptist dlvlaion of the Summit Council of Church, Springfield, Wednesday; Churches, will observe the national Rev^ W. M.'Williams, of Mt CKiw "May Fellowship Day" of protes- Baptist Church. Jersey City, aTIZENS TRUST COMPANY | tant church women throughout Thursday; Rev. S. L. Foote, «f the United States at a luncheon New Point Baptist Church, New- of Summit* New Jersey •••.-..'.••c/SSi for all Summit's church women ark, Friday. Appropriate musical selection* played by our organ- on .Thursday, May 1, at 1 o'clock Other groups who wilt be fca Comparative Statement of Condition -. - ^ at the Central Presbyterian parish charge of the services will be t&e ist on the Hammond Organ in our Funeral Home house. Usher Board, Sister Bessie Bear>- March 31, 1946 ond 1947 era, president; the Willing Work- provide a beautiful and sympathetic background Mrs. Roland P. Beattle Is chair- man of the May Fellowship com- ers Club. Slater Abbie Weathers. •." " . • • RESOURCES ' • ' •____^— for any service, mittee for the Council of Church- president; the Sunday JSdiool. Sla- women, and is working with a ter Lizzie Cherry, superintendent; _^ March 31,1946«-»llMi*.»lrlWTf the Men's Auxiliary. Brother special committee of women from and due fr^ Banks „„ ._..$ 702,181.74 f 712,921.27 the various churches. James Baker, chairman. _The\ program 'will consist of IL & Govenunent Securities _....._. 3,786,127.58 3,492,151.18 Robert D. Brough _> music, a skit by local women, Fifth/ Anniversary 'Other Bands and Securities _u ... 204,934.97 none and a talk by Mrs. Ruth Mougey Service, to Be Held Federal Reserve Bank Stock 6,000.00 7,500.00 JMtarrell of N«w York City, ex- Loans and Discounts 854,181.64 1,107,2324)0 Funeral Home ecutive secretary of the United Special service* will be held to US Springfield Avenue " Corner of Morris1 Avenue Council of Churchwomen. - ' mark the fifth anniversary- of U» Mortgage Loans ...... ___ 460,759.55 711,158.04 Tickets for the luncheon may Spiritualist Temple of Light at Banking House .___.____. 56,940.00 55,600.00 Summit 6-0218 be obtained from representative Irvington Auditorium, 1040 Spri-ag- Vaults and Fixtures _„ '.. 13,500.00 14,780.00 women in each church. fleld avenue, Irvington, on SOB- Other Real Estate ._-...... _ „__ 2,800.00 none'"* day, April 13 at 3 p. m. and 7:30 A friend should be one in whose p. m. Admission Is free. understanding and virtue we can Rev. F. Palmer Gibson, nation- $6,087,425.48 $6,101,842.99 equally confide, and whose opin- ally known Chautauqua lecturer UABILXTIE8 Lawn Making is Easy with SCOTTS! ion vite" can value at once for Its and psychic-executive secretary of Capital _.,_.„. _$ 120,000.00 $ 150,000.00 Justness and its sincerity.—Rob- the Psychic Research Society of ert Hall. Surplus ... 80,000.00 KKMXMMW Florida, will be guest speaker. ISidrnded Pitrfits __ _ 24,327.44 55,209.56 Reserve for Contingencies , 15,000.00 80,000.00

$ 239,327.44 $ 3S5,109.S6 Bsjseivu for Interest, Taxes, etc. _ 6,299.33 13,411.65 Other liabilities ~. - 19,932.49 8,000.00 Deposits: Time'and Demand .. 5,023,810.06 5,668,77&S2 U. ^Government—War Loan „ 798,056.1$ 80,943.68 ,, $6,087,425.48 $6,101,842.99 DIRECTORS Anyone eas saeeeei wltk icetta Lawn Care proaort«, tint rail en the •ufie of sretts Weefl>Cmtret to banlih aanddians, plantain, fcutk- HASKT W. EDGAR RAYMOND T. PARROT MARCY p. STEPHENS bora ana the like. Jfert, restore irau health and roior mm a meal Our funeral ftomc at 309 Springfield Avenue •f Seetta T«rf BqUstr. «l la tare spots with vUoroiu Jrowlnf BtStU JOHX D. HOOD ROBERT O. PETERSON JOHN K. P. STONE, JR. CADWKLL B. KEENET MELVILLE M. RUTAN FREDERICK K. TRU8LOW Every service, regardless of cost, is complete OAVID H KNOWLE8 WILLIAM C. 8IEBERT FRANCIS U. VOS8 ajOOTTft WEED CONTROL—Quirk destruction of weeds wttaosfthann to graaa. $IM, SMS. In every respect SCOTT19 TTRF HDTLDER-Coniplrt*. food for graaa. Mambsr of Ftdvral DtpoiH tnturanc* Corporation Qolok acting a*4 leu* tasting. M lbs - fSJs feeda MM E. P. Burroughs & Son Member Ftdersl Rtierve Syitem ssjft. M tt» • SMt fta* «••• H ft LAWN gOBD-Triple eh** a»Jl», weadftw It IVIHY »ACIUTY O« MOMRN lANKINft fc* tan aan, Mgtit sswde. I * IU5 I Iba M4« Funeral Home swlidt the accounts of Individuals, Firms and Corporations and will be pleased U 18 CO •hw the inquiries of those who are desirous of establishing banking oonneetlom. A aVscTeaaive Trost Ootnpany Devoted te> Ifce DevslsBnisat m" Summit Hardware & Paint Co. 309 Springfield Avenue • Summit M>259 »»tf*la«fieMAv*»s» *•»!« Ptmnn A. Burmugtu Robtrt U Knhr John Dmithtm, Jr. THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1947 I

7:80 p. «., Twee AMEZk CHMRCH DIRECTORY * p. a., annual nfsafs. *•*. W. a •tHi.Mai ••etar Tuesdsy—1O:W a. so., Wrktmtkj GOING PLACES WITH PINE LUGGAGE Qrele, with u& Tiinrlwftii at 1 Th« M«*Hodift Church the theme, "Looking Forward to All Our Price, Reduced B«T. a c wefceev Tko. y p. m, tneTHshops p. m.; I:is p. a., Juaiar Chair; the Coming of Christ." for young people of Diocese 4:15 p. m.. laurmttitU Omit; Tuesday-* p. m., Group I wlU 5 p, m-, S«ator m 'Cfcuii; *M Sunday—•:<* •- *»» the Junior of Newark at th« CHoeeaaji Bous*. • «s>ecl*l meet at th« home of Mrs. j. u. 24 Rector street, Newark. p. nu. Central Club Heat*, lastys. Department will have it« own wor- Unuwel lerfe »e- Harehol, 19 Oakland place, for de* Sunday—S a. m,, Holy Commun- Wednesday—t p. m. gradu«ti.n flft ship services la the upstairs'a«. ion; »:3O a. m., Church School; 11 service, Dr. Frederick J. Uction ef top •ert; 1:30 p. m., Group 1 wilt meet a y row*, with Mrs. HUyard's at the home of Mn. J. G. Nordahl a. m., morning prayer and sermon recently returned frwsi kis t»h> t» is ch*Tft. All Cent-A-Meal by Mr* Francis. (Nursery in the China; 8:45 p. m., Cbarefc Scbeol and vac.tied. grain cowhid. m 151 Cantte Brook Parkway, for dee Council, . . b^ are to fct brought in so that •ert. pariih house) 4 p. «., confirma- Rawhide; I and 2 , full offering nay bt sent over- tion class; T:» p. n.t Young Peo- • r a v . I -. Hand- ple's Fellowship. TVS* Community miters 'Werdreb* mt to buy food and clothing u Monday—8 p. m., meeting o! the • . • • iii come .matched toon M possible; t\ s\i m., worship Mt. Olive Holiest Church ."«•». i. C. fisher Guild Council of tht peuiah. Bev. trunks. ,ervice with sermon by the guest luggage » Sturdy Wedne»day-« p. m^ Ve*try a. aa, sM^rtaag «f the preacher, R«v, Georfe Y, Flint, meeting. Sunday — »:30 a. m» 8unday-10 a. m., Bible Church ml PMeseis at fee Central district «up«rint«n. the morning service A sockal kalf- Tu«day and Thursday—S p. m., Met, hour will be held ia the panel discussion will be held on weekly services. canvas • • bound 1 Fathion* in Pinett Sunday—8:45 a. m., Church munity House; the entire II" K II' Caiei school; 11 a. m.,, morning woranip. gation is invited to this Uata*sa*i with §. RII in. Itafuiar Price, „__„__ 1XM Leathers and Dr. BarnweU'f jsermon subject will get-together; 8:30 p. au Coav- U\9 Wee MS* munity Young People wiH a»eet Mettlct be "Why 'the Resurrection of the leather. T also luggage to match Body1?" 7:30 p. m., Senior High in the Community Home. m% rut NEW SPRING SEMESTER Fellowship youth forum, with Lt. Monday—« p. m-, the Metn»poil- Luggafe from SU.SO to $124.50 each W. E. Kijlp, apeaker. Wallace tan Conference of Free Chttrclie* at Chapel younr people will be guesU. will hold » dinner meatlag at AU Septsatker Monday—7:30 p. nu, Boy Scout Souls' Church, N.Y.C. Sttftject: Enrollmmts Troop M2. "What Publicity and Praspatiea! & Now Being Wednesday—0:49 p. m., Father Can Mean to th« Local Chure*.* STAFFORD HALL Accept** and Son dinner under the auspices Leader: Edward Darling of tic • < •' • •••" ••« * of the Men's Club. American Unitarian Association STARTS APRIL 14th Thursday-« p. m., choir re- Tuesday—-l:3M p. m., a stwtss; Exclusive' Hign Grade hearsal, • group wiU meet in the Comauistfty House %o make garments for the? Secretarial and Accounting Summit Jtwish C»nttr Unitarian Service Committee. 31? SpringritW Aye.* , Summit 64674 ,v Christian Sciene* Clmrck tral Register NOW Friday Evening Service — « . „ '•(•••• o'clock. Last day of Passofer. "Are Sin, Diseeje, and Dtath Real?" U the Lesson-Senaom sub- Day and Evening School Topic of sermon-lecture, "Oases of Judaism." ; ject for Sunday, April 13. STAFFORD HALL Saturday - 10 ay m., Sabbath Golden T«xt: "Art thots Hat Service*—(Yiikor Service). from everlasting, O Lord MT Qpd, mine Holy One? w« shall « The Summit SmcMvUl School Monday^-7:» p. nu, . Youn« not die ... Thou* art of Judea. Summit 6-3635 185 Summit Ava., Summit, II J. eyes than to behold evil and -C—S Tuesday and Thursday—Hebrew not look on Inqulty." (Hab. School. 3:30 p. m., younger group; 13) -4:30, oder group. Berinon. Passages from the; Wednesday—7:80 p. m., Jewish Youth OrpanUation. King James version of th« Btbfce Thursday—* p. m., Jewish Toting include: Men's Organization. • • "Blest the Lord, O my Soul, and forget not all his benefits: Wbft Central Church forgiveth all thine iniquities; wi» For Flowers healeth all thy diseases^ who w- PrwbyWrlan deemeth thy life from destrw- sUv. L, V. Boanhmaii, OJK tion"; (P*v 1O3:2-I> CorrtJathr* Mum. Henry D. Hartnaaa paaaages from 'Science and Health Thursday—7;45 p. m., choir re- with Key to the Scriptures" *y hearsal. Mary Baker Eddy include: Friday—* p. m., Central Club "There is but one primal cause. visits Chatham 20-30 Club, Ogden Therefore there can be ne> effect Memorial Church.' from any other cause, and there Saturday—8 p. m., Fellowship can be no reality in aught which, Group. does not proceed from this great Sunday—9:40 a. m. Church and only cause." (P.2O7) School; 10 a. m.. Women's Bible Class; U a-!»., Morning Worship, Oalces Memorial Churcfc with Junior Church and Church- Rev. Mevta Catttjp SUMMIT. N.J* time Nursery. Sermon- by Dr. Buschman, "The Pyramid of Sunday—»:« a. in.. Sunday Character." 7:30 p. m., Senior Hi School; 11 a. m, publit wurahipt Fellowship; 7:30 p. m., Couples' Sermon subject, "Certainty of 431 Spr?n fi«ld Av«. Club •upper meeting. Conquering with Christ"; T p. au 9 Su. 6-1051 Youth Fellowship. Monday—10 a. m., All Day Sew- Ing Group; 4:30 p. m., Troop 9, Monday—« p. m., naeetinr »* **• Woman's Council in th* perish house. Tueflday—8 p. m, the Official Board will hold their last regular business meeting of the Confer- ence year at the church. St. John's Lutheran Church Bar. W. S. Htamaa. WkJK. Sunday—9:45 a. net;, Bible wboel; Buck-up Spirits All You 10:80 p. m., worship, sermoa, 'Faith the Source of Life;" S:» p. no. Luther League. Monday—7:30 p. m., Boy Scout "Budgeteers"! Troop W. Friday-«:16 p m,. IVHowshlp Guild at home of Mr. and Birs. WU- Ham Vlerling, 14 Valemont way. Edward Dunbari a lawyer, wiLL ad- dress the group. Saturday—8:30 a. m., Catecheti- cal class; 9:30 a. m., junior choir. Rug Shampooing Topcoats STRUBLE Morristwwsi Tel. MO. 4-itSe ONLY A rvi\ DEMAND ON YOUR PURSE 47 THE BLANKET WITH A BRAIN Seeing Is Believing! AH You Do It Stt H» Wd

• G.ntlt, ftaady, healthful warmth all night long • Adjurti Itself Jo temp.rj.

tur. ch.n9., t Plug, into any r.gul.r .oclc.t • Giva, warmth without, only fiv. pound,) • High-qual ty f.brfe, .va.bbl. In ,oft .had., • Equipped with ,.f.ty *h.rmo,t. . • Approved by UntJ.rwrlt.r,' Laboratori... Inc. # A n.w thrill in r.,tful , comfort.

Singl* and *>«wl Control! JLillian

Extitlna loan* reflnenceel end new loans mede against the loan velus of Bay Shore, LI. GEDDIS HOME and AUTO SUPPLY STORE life inturence policies at WesffieM low tntereir rates. Ws atual I* an Palm Beach Good Year Spring lake Authorized General Dealer Electric SUMMIT

lit Avt. THi SUMMIT HMA10. THUHSDAY, APRIL 10, If47 S r|n«fl«li. Be*. at the apvroaca «f -iff- nay ae mr rsscaliw- IPbat stay P Mosquito Relief be teaaporery relit* for Uw rail- Dr. Leonard V*. Boaehaua pastor jjrke of Central Presbyterian Church. tbrougnoat their live, road* assy sseaa disaster to the Kill i Last week a group of Summit citizens re- lXMXia.009 etttsuu of tbw United Burial was in Fair Mount Ceme- were Kill active a YourMen Ury, Chatham SUMMI ERALD quested that the City Council act on the prob- / ^S - The railroads, la reoutatiiia; la- Mrs. Williams, widow «f the late . Bell, lem of fumisWiig relief from mosquitoes which COSTS N. WiUiuna, former city sister, Mrs. H- Marvia eresaat, aw BtMMaf a tot potato. annually plague many sections of die city. sottdtor, dtoi Friday at the hone Asa Artor. Mk ,, „ . aflak KMJMUI With preside]* Truman eaJUaf of her cUuabter, Mr* Nathaniel The Council, in replying, made certain state- for pries cats,- with IX. i. I 'aawetetiea : W^F Assortattoa turn easMfderUiff sanu- C. Reed, st Whwlin* West Vs. r-*-;~~-™- ^sjisW wesiaei «f *•* 4«ra». to*. ments withwhich The Herald tafces excep- higher prices mean high** She was bora ia Newark •» years WASHINOTOW-Tfce Bif 1W auftu give striotjs and noted t» SAimmJt in IBs*. Private fsaeml setvitc for Audit Bureau of Circulation tion. Shan the IOC contribute to the Mr*. Marvuet WsoaraS m The Summit fMMMK Mew Chdde) roMifn Minister* reaaata to the Freacb-lluasiaa treiaaal." Bhe wwl to Ure with a«r asagstter TaiiMiu Vim nmiun in nn rmir nmiutiiif locked la Moscow, aa4 as asserted, adding "tort Fraaee sjiralf Will not a wag* taaaad wife of the late Oft, a Beat Street. Saamtt. If 4. bund at seeeea For instance, the Council said that mos- by railroad sasnloyaaa eancel say SI years ago following the death ley. who died < y earn swttar October I, UHUUM port e«et, Summit. art that the cosfweaet »ia aa awful sttt*-aa» asigat §• quito control "is best when exercised by the either way politically, rate iacresses? ef her husband. held Tuesday la tae E. P. | - ».l,.M»r.i«»iitt|i»ltj|,| If-...... ; up without * atrttesBtat a* tht Besides her daughter, Mrs. * H par year ta ad»ane« 81a*i« eoptaa « c«U county or state." That is true.only when major fete. Bis> eefvable last tas thai! the ICC disregard Presi- roughs * 8ea Pttaeral ge*t obstacle in the path tf Bar- might tax* «*«r. Ia that dent Truaun's foresight aad ia> leaves two seat, former Springfield avenue. [ lNnaaaftGaris- \ :. Editor there is an active Mosquito Control Commis- many U tae a«e*tita et ttattat French-Russiaa participation ia ferrcd warning? Possible disaster Court Judge Robert B. Besides Dr. Beask t Beward W. HMiaad Advertteiiif Director »ion in tht county and from what we have of tht Ruhr, waste Qetwajr ass eostrollin* tbe Ruhr weald as of a runaway inflation rest* upon WUJlams ef Summit sad Edgar ley It survived By another ee. - Issstries JC Arthur Adwerttsitf Msaafer 11 men, ihe Interstate Commerce R. WiUlame who divides his time Morris D. Beasley of — been able to learn Summit derives little or T8 per eeat ef its war J? Oerl at Estate Not only Is there i between Aahviils, K. C. and MISJP* Grove, Mo. Iatermeat was J no benefits from the Union County Commis- among toe *§ Four, tat a dhrcr- UDSLUB BALDWIN, Beach, n«. Fair MouAt Ceawtety, J' ' ' li fa—y—riy ftywMW ifct tl—M/wr .Summit's Rtp*»*en»atim £' fallnh —fcwtlH—V. ;o of cuotis. It is what is underneath that matters made that 'local action would be only lim- cil should therefore formulate 0. Clifford TboRwa (R), KUsa- Faulkner, 74, of Philadelphia, turn home. policy for tbe Ruhr. The Anglo- Nth. , , EL.LA DALr KING, daceasnl »• ;i ited." Other communities and privately- r Wf re held Monday afterneon at Mr. Kern was a member of the be audited end ate ted by the i^ro- for tht proposed legislation makes provisions American Moie wptid turn over Chu-lta R gate, and reported for .settUmcn* to owned areas have obtained considerable relief the Robert Brough Funeral Independent Order of_ Foresters. the Orphan*1 Court H th« Ows'j .^f for the Surgeon General to act not only on direct management of the Ruhr Home, Springfield avenue. The He leave* bis wife, Mr* Afnes Union, oa Friday, th« SCCOIM! da)- ot through local action. It is recognized that to the Germans, on the theory Rev. Jacob Trapp of the. Com- Rafferty Kern; four children, Mrs. Hay next »t 9 :3O a. m. ..the abatement of pollution of navigable that you will get more goods to LETTERS Dattd: March II«t, l»<7. the county and the community must work munity Church conducted the Robert Cosgrove of'Madison and CHA.KLKS DALY KINtt- waters but also—and here is the joker—on export to lSeedy neighboring coun- Wamhag (of C. Daly King). April 3, 1M7 services. Burial was in Ocean William F., Jr., Richard «nd Rob- together on mosquito control and in most tries, since the Germane balk - •• "Ex«cutor. surface and underground waters t View Cemetery, Staten Island. ert Kern of Summit; a brother, McCarter. English1* Siijde-r, Fr 30 A. it nation. Union County, as a member of the a bigger stake in the Ruhr than equitable adjustments for carriers Dated: March,»,!»«. Mrs. Oorra N. William* Bell survived by Just six months THK SUMMIT TBO8T COMPAST. by city, county and state health depart- Pour County Commission, should be a part- any of the great powers except and for people served. A mere de- Funeral service* for' Mrs. his twin brother, George Fred- France. Thus, he would, permit or exnasTi, M. J. ments. cision in favor of Increases) in Martha B. Williams were hold erick, who WM buried en his 93rd ner in this project but for some unexplained France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Eiecuter. this particular Instance is not the Monday afternoon at the E. D. birthday. The two brothers were 8CHMID « BOURN*, froctort, Thest bills are just another attempt on the reason it is not. Chechoslovakia aad Switzerland main issue Involved. The results ' Burroughs A Son- Funeral Home, 38Summit3 Bprtneflel. N. J.d An.. t» direct aad allocate Ruhr pro- said to be the oldest living twins 43-44-«-«-47-Sit N J o niw frn-U » part of Washington to undermine home rule For tht last ftw years the three counties duction. by taking over duties and other functions of have been deepening, widening and straight- Obviously, the British and municipal bodies. No one seated behind a ening the river so that breeding grounds Americans would never agree to the Franco-Soviet 'proposal for desk in tht District of Columbia can intel- formed in lowlands adjacent to the river banks after every heavy rainfall will be even- they do not want to give Russia ligently judge and act on a situation perti- a toehold In the Ruhr. likewise, tually abolished. Mosquito authorities firmly they would never agree to the nent to Summit, or some other towns, as well believe that when the job is done the mos- Dulles proposal, which gives them as the city's own health department. quito will become a rarity in this part of the no voice in control. state. The only drawback to that good news If no agreement is reached on _ The proposed bills art not new, they were is that the project will require an estimated the Ruhr, the British and Amer- opposed last year by the New Jersey dele- icans will be left undisturbed for seven more years to complete—and that is a gation. Now they pop up again and unless the present In their joint admin- long time to wait for mosquito relief. ~' otHer towns act as promptly and as intel- istration Of the Ruhr. '— ••"'"•"••'•" ligently as Summit has , we may find our- Although Senator Smith has In the meantime, while the dredge inches "long respected Mr; Dulles' opin- selves with the Surgeon General an unofficial, its way down the river to eventual mosquito ions and views," he feels that In but very important, member of some of our riddance, Summit faces the urgent problem this Instance the plan la more city departments. of the pests each summer. Outdoor functions, idealistic than practical. Thus he la Inclined to favor the American whether they be backyard barbecues or twi- delegation theory of econome Arbor Day's Diamond Jubilee light ball games, all are subject to the whine unity for Germany. and sting of the mosquito. In addition to the Pointing out that after World Seventy-five years ago this month, Ameri- effect upon physical comfort and a possible War I a lax policy permitted ca's first Arbor Day was celebrated in Nebras- decrease in real estate values, the Jersey mos- Germany to convert her farm ka. In tht words of its founder, Julius Ster- quito is a malaria carrier and public health cninery and automobile industries ling Morton who later became secretary of Into an armament industry, Smith records show that this state has a high rate agriculture, it was the only national memo- emphasised the need for* "con- in that disease. tinued supervision of the products rial which looked to the future, rather than manufactured in such a highly the past. It still is. The Council appears to be confused on the industrialized area as the Ruhr." difference between mosquito control and He described as "impossible," It was natural, perhaps, that this cere- mosquito elimination. Elimination it being however, the Morgentheu idea of mony based upon the planting of trees should taken care of by Morris, Essex and Passaic an agrarian Germany. "Germany originate in Nebraska, which, at that time, is primarily an Industrial unit of Counties and will no doubt become a reality .high productlye capacity," be de- was regarded as being on the edge of the after seven years. Control, as far as Summit "great American desert." Lacking trees, clared, addng, "her products are is concerned, is definitely lacking although the necessary for European welfare." Nebraskans appreciated them more than those need is urgent and immediate. As the Army Smith recognises that "every- to whom forests were commonplace. They discovered during the last war, the most ef- body wanti to get something out made a great start in Nebraska three-quarters fective mosquito control is use of DDT, of the Ruhr to compensate for his war losses," but warned, "the ho says you're only young once P Important Person who's arriving. of a century ago. One million trees were either by air or ground spray. . bile, in fact Definitely not die num- planted there on that first Arbor Day. question of reparations must be decided by the United Nations. ber to be picked up off the counter The Council, we feel, is being overly cau- Take a look at this trim, new Buick Take it through the tangle of traffic Mr. Morton himself could scarcely have It is very important that the UN tious when it says "nobody is sure of the ulti- - or better, take its wheel — and see any time, anywhere. foreseen the day when tree-growing would be permitted to make the decision, and see how nimbly it maneuvers — mate use of DDT ... it may upset the whole for we must give the child respon- become a national cause, not alone on the just how wrong that old ssw ist check it at a boulevard stop and see That's why forethought pays and scheme of pollination." One could also say sibility If it is to develop and be treeless plains, but nearly everywhere. Forest how sure and positive its controls are. that nobody is sure of the ultimate use of independent" prompt decision gets results. You industries havt learned that trees are a crop, Senator Hawkes. One look at these sleek lines, the atomic energy which may also upset the whole In i forceful are simply playing safe when you and more and more we are treating our wood- statement to this reporter, as- long, taste>of>tomorrow fenders — In all truth, here's s car that's any get your ordtr in now! lands, not as something to be cut down, but scheme of pollination. It is known, however, serted, "my position is and hew and just watch yourself start getting man's darling, every man's pride. A. as true croplands from which successive har- that the New Jersey Agriculture Experiment been that the Germans) should Station, the department of entomology at be kept under control for 80 young ideas. ear mat not only meets your needs vests of trees can be taken. "Tret farming" years." i I lias become an organized movement in 16 Rutgers and the U. S. Department of Agri- for transportation, but satisfies "That does not mean," he made , Find an open road, gun this beauty states. In 1872, forest protection was con- culture all maintain that DDT, if used in clear, "that I would destroy the your every hankering for size snd diluted form such as is sold commercially, just a bit - and see how the spirit of spicuous by itt absence. Today, private in- German people-l was never in power, style and room, solid dustry, state and federal governments spend will not prove injurious to wildlife, be it bird favor of that—but we have to springtime wells up in your soul and or small animal, but it will kill mosquitoes. control the war potential of her worth and top-dollar value. more than $27,000,000 a year to protect for- Industry." sets the red blood coursing. ests from fire. A national educational move- Summit's mosquito problem will not be Aa a businessman, Hawkes is Naturally, it's a much wanted car. ment, under the banner of "Keep America solved until the Passaic River project is com- convinced that "Germany must Good road or bad, on these soft all- America's most wanted automo- Green," has been organized in 18 forested pleted but during the seventy.tars it will produce to pay her bills." There Un't any^other way of doing It, coil springs you take everything with states to stress the fact that most forest fires takt to accomplish this thefipinould be local he contends, and "there isn't any youthful zip and zest, quite freed can be prevented because nearly 90 per cent relief. Tht Council should revise its plans reason why we should always have of them are man-caused. with this in mind and with a view focused to foot the bill." from jar or jolt directly upon the approaching summer months . He agreed with the American Economics has played a decisive role in and not the distant future. delegation that "Germany should City street or country road, with all bringing about this change. Expanding forest be controlled as an economic unit, dub poised and husky rosdweight industries today provide markets which make not as a patchwork quilt belong- beneath you, you travel your level tree-growing profitable. Consider this fact A Citizen's Suggestion ing to several different nations" •lone: In 1872, little more than 2,000 cords The United States, should have course, steady and non-swervinj a real voice in controlling tlw of wood were used for paper making in the We pass along a suggestion made to us Ruhr, he said, "if for no other even oa curvet. United States; today more than 16,000.000 Friday afternoon by an exasperated citiaen reason than to see that there Is cords are used annually for this purpose and who. not knowing that Good Friday had been not a recurrence of what hap- Pull up somewhere -and see'how still the supply is insufficient. In the day declared a "meter-free" holiday, had been pened after the last war when we people turn to note the Very when our forests were almost untouched and depositing nickles in various meters in a law- paid for Germany's recovery and abiding fashion until a policeman had be- In doing so, paid for the damage tilt uses for wood relatively few, there was Germany was to inflict with that Httlt incentive to grow trees. Today, farmers latedly informed him it was unnecessary. very same recovery." tee Je HIHtr I. MYIOI «•*»***» met* and other small woodlot owners who collec- However, be frowns oa the con- tively own nearly 60 per cent of all our com- He proposed that meter returns for the cept that the United States should day be donated by the city to the Red Cross mercial forest lands are learning that forest become the "policeman of the or Cancer Society campaigns, or to some management really pays. world." and urges that the future other charity. of Germany be thrashed out joint- Tht pioneers of Arbor Day built upon a ly by the Big Four. Our first thought is that there are no • • « ' strong foundation when they selected the fu- doubt legal restrictions to such diversion of Rep. Clifford P. Case believes ture, rather than the past as their cornerstone, funds but we do think that shoppers should the American delegation plan ap- SUMMIT BUICK COMPANY Tlw significance of Arbor Day is greater on be notified in advance of approaching "meter pears 'sounder' »t first itu«|y, its diamond jubilee but nukes clear that his views JoHday- «o that they won't be tossing their are subject to change fcif addi- 49-71 PLACE started. mua 1 ^ ' away. tional facts are brought out." SUMMIT M. J. "If France were stronger, we THE SUBMIT HilAXP, THURSDAY, APtli 10. If4> Veteran? Waned **• *«U represent*, Tin Meyer- the safety departoMax aff the who gave an ouUlne of legiala- W«n»r Motor era; and Courtney Whitman, a of both ftsaociationj, Do not think thai aotMbg i» W Co, executive Suu motor vthleli Uoii new Boadtag; Martin Moore, »tiaber, had preaideat of the lasex County and requested dealers to conduct happening because ><»u

iffrathh tgr the Vet- Artariaismtlaa hat caused ^^ iadrrida**) U nwt *» ^ {41 tactics «• tns setting pries wiia* t* Our** VA directs* af

the aaMag P**** «* « tkt VA mf§tm\u4 walue. BSjfKSft^Sr ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^BJ^*-^'^^^^^^^l'aBBSSB' 4Mv mmmit cc nude whereby the difference ia cash "aader the counter." transactions euw entirety and" iadrvidaaar who | p V a19 • County representative, tiitiao aader Federal statute. VA (above), dean of the New Jer- ca&ets infowsatioa oa these cases sey Assembly was, according to tai Hums it am Is the local U. 8. & far action. _ • a dispatch by the AF, honored at the annual dinner of the Associa- wejtetan who engages in transactions heists to break tion of tgajroer Assemblymen held the appraisal system which March iffflk Trenton. Qov. Alfred d

The Union County Auto Deal- ers Association reecntly held a general meeting in the Park Ho- tel, Plainfleld. The membership

ft%M thai way for say kind of watch repair. Maybe ywua only needs a cleaning to set it "right on the dot" ADELMANN'S "Howe" Folding Tables PHARMACY Open Bandars are » Ug convenience... no locks to • to 1 ~ 1 to !• with ... no pinche4 fingers!

BonvaHt-MU iiniinimi All-Purpose Table Wliy ... Whea ¥••€•• Ml .... '•*,-. T'-- , Use this household marvel for gin rummy, other games, sewing, typewriting, for bed- side use, to hold your movie projector ..» and for many other purposes! Maple or will do the work! mahogany finish. (sketched, above),.. •»•§.. Ironing the oW way (standing for hours, lifting aad pu*hbg Cocktail Table an Iron) to hard work. Here's ihe "Horion" to make Ironing tsjty. Hardwood with plywood top. Mahogany finish. YOU SIT DOWN TO IRON when you me this portable, lost phtf K In and you'll enjoy ironing this easier, more efficient way! Basket Tray and Hostess Table Hardwood with plywood Children's top. Mahogany finish. Slippers •• Women s 11.75 • Ironing shoe Is 22" long and V in diameter, Play-Shoes Single Unit • Roll is open at both ends . . . welcomes long lengths suek em Bar Tray tweets and table cloths. 34 DE FOREST AVE. Hardwood with plywood SUMMIT, N. J. top. Mahogany finish. * Only one centralized control lever that starts, stops, presses. (Sketched Left) 13.W * Accurate thermostattc heat control selection for every kind of "Krene" Gay fabric. -:— -,-- --..-.-- Ribbon Stripe Touil enthuse over this • Floating shoe always gives correct equal pressure even over newest pattern in runout varying thicknesses. " "Krcne" plastic ensemblM thst will not mildew rot or eraekt Dominating * So oiling necessary. tones of light blue, yel- low, emerald STeett, llghi • Easy-to-clean, gleaming porcelain enamel. sreen, red, peach, black and white. Shower curtail) or window draperies. IOMI mm Aluminum Lawn Mower FASTER . . . Ir This "Suekejre" Father. cellsmr *• aiale . . . with th«

Ught yet sturdy alumlnvm anoy has trm It" cruelhU tool steel blades. You'll find It rery easy to handle General Electric and It stands vertleal. when not to use, for easy storage. 19.95 "Airilo" Cleaner

Here Is the tank cleaner that penetrates Into every The New nook and cranny of your home ... that yooll use *ThHmodsncJ colonial home u ; guide, hot a building Echo Cooker far Jast about everything besides rag cleaning ... a bright; new addition to our etef- s^iideas well, illustrating theprin- Thanks to Its estra cover, even for noth-proonng and palnt-sprayiafl Ufa fowmg WeyeihaeuMr 4-Squate tiples of sound construction. you ean use this new Beko as a regular pressure Home Bo3ding Smicc with ra Every borne is architect designed oooker to serre delicious hattt with the features yon'vs always waaati .. • ind Weyerhaeujer engiocered. •ratts of modem hones. meals In less than half the •verslse telescoped hag, convenient toe-tip time .. . sad as a regular Come in soon and see « fuB EihaSating the dmugtuful pitti- saucepan, according *• high-speed 0. E. motor, long kinkiest i ng ooaunon to all the other de> color reproduction of Home No. four needs. Tee ... this aouUe-duty pan Is a real to mention Just a few. Hie slip-on it demonstrates the value 3119 and all the other homes in kitchen treasurel 4 a*. rwJakhiaaotonlra the service. at* attached In a jiffy. 69.95 VM m Kr*wfl**mrk Deftmi Fmymmnt Wen on awrewae—, of $M5 mU emit. Terms mrrrnngml to $mlt imdlwtdmml was

SPRINGFIELD AVE. (V Beochwfrod Rd.) Use a KresofNewark deferred payment plan on purchases SUMMIT of $25 and over. Terms arranged to suit Individual needs. Fire Chief Dayton Paroelis ef Fireman "A" won groes hoaon Army twsc Cups for tbe April 3 natcbes with Mft. Church of the M * M team Yetavtifed high individual honors with e\m. •" - •' -• --;-•— George MOKI rvyiicwai *• nff mm John ft Wright U • oeadi BOROOCW — date fee the iwesptaeA «aa*-?eej? BORX5UGH-A supper meeting nue, Scrantoa, Pa, aaaeaaes tbe ef the Methodist Social Club will MeznccittSedi term made vacant by Fired A, Lot- fertbeoeting aasjrriea* ef tbeir ants when be reaigned to accept be held Friday at 7 p. m. in til* daughter, Alyae Bthei. te cfaarcb partora. At I:U p. B»H Or. appointment as' borough attorney. Maneo, a*» of Mr. aad Mrs. The foursome of candidates ia ftofeert MJller of Summit will gret completed by Carl iteuhJer of atsi illustmted lecture with pic* auc Murray Hill tare* Mayor aad Mn. B. it rairview avenue, a aewoWBtr ia The double rtag seiwaj wt8 ForBoro Cound tbe Held. He to a fonaer Navy Hansel) and Mr. and Mrs. William BOROUGH — While the e*e«u- be performed Saturday, AprB U. Oe Hart will be boats. lieutenant in World Ward 1L Pro- at i:M p. m. la the Jesse Measefi- ttv* committee of the Republican feationaUy Mr. Sleuhler ia an engi- Club at its Friday night meetiitg ai Cbapei of the Bam Park neer with the Public Service. Church, Bcraatou, with Use Rev. at Borough Hall took DO action to The term* of Councilman Her* Jcaaie Wilson officiattag. Orgaa sick a candidate for Borough bert D. Taylor and WlUiam W. muaic wUl be tendered by Mia. Council for the place on tbe Bor- BOROUGH - All committee Cunningham will expire at the end Frank Jonas. chairmen have been aaked to at* ough Council slate declined by of thi* year. Mra. Dougla* B. Ryeraon of Sprtng- Miaa R«ed baa cheats her sis- tead a tbe bone of To date the alate of council oaa- ter-in-law, Mr*. Doaatd Seed ef lira. George Sawyer, South street, field avenue, it was learned that didatea i* confined to the Repub- Florida. N. T. as her oaly at- Larry Messacca of Livingston Murray Hill, on Thursday, April lican ticket It ii not believed that tendant. James D. Bttaaaaers ef M, at i p. m- , • , avenue, secretary of the club. Is any Democrat* will enter the field. Quiney avenue, Seraatea, will be circulating petitions signifying Tbe purpose of the meeting la to best man. Donald Reed, ata* ef formulate plan* for the coming THE BKIDtiE WON. After orajhlug over the Pa*- the police after the accident at about «:ao p. m , bis intention to file for tbe nomi- rida, brother of tbe brloe-elect nation at the June 3 primary elec- •awer show of the New Providence s&ic street bridge in New Providence Borough, April Chief RuatemBey of the Chatham Township Pohce and Nicholas Maauco ef Orange, Gardif Club, which 1* scheduled 7, tbe car of Harry McCann of Chatham Township, Department (left) eUtes that McCann fell asleep « tion , • • • April 24 Deadfine brother of the prospective bria*- to take place the' latter part of 1* shown above almost totally demolished. McCann, the wheel. Chief Harry High of the New Frovirk>nce Bereagb Xeaieewt » Yean groom, will Mrve aa ushers. May. - ' *•.•••" • the sole occupant, was unharmed except tor a few Borough Police Department ia shown to the right Mr. and Mrs. Messacea, who For Registration; Mlas Raed, an R. N.. |« a grad- minor injuries and walked from the car to phone of the picture. (Photo by Schatf(et) own their borne ia Livingston ave- uate of the Senates Itate HospW nue, have two sons, Anthony, 11, tal, Scranton. and' ia a veteaep ef jYo««9 Feoplt*s Society Hill was one of 52 person* in the and Richard, 1 Mr. Meuacca, a Bora Qeifc Warns 33 months active duty with the t tta aaaawa but' **f%f a* tbe AttMds Svpist Strvict Easter f*j*j Hunt St. Luk.'s R«f. Epbcopd f( county recently made neW'citizens' resident of the borough for 88 BOROUGH—Two week* remain Army Nurse Corps, 23 montba of Herali mat 1m psass. II * X lad BOROUGH — The Young Peo- Bev. Frank C Boppelt which were served in tbe HT.O- Atfracft 265 Children years, is affiliated. with many before the registration books will plenty te> searr an srier awrloaa- ple* Society of the Methodist in Naturalization Court, Elizabeth. community interest*. He. num- be closed for the June 3 primary She wu discharged a* a tlrat BOROUGH — The annual Eas- Sunday—11 a. m., morning pray- leutenint Until recently abc was aacea ,t» 'sew »» tbe title for the Church attended tbe Easter Sun- ber* among hi* affiliations mem- election and the vote on tbe State rise Service at Eagle Rock. The ter egg hunt sponsored Thursday er and sermon. Topic, "Incom- Dancing ro Follow , bership in Our Lady of Peace constitutional convention,- Bor- on the graduate staff of tbe pleted Action." The sacrament of At the April 2 saafcrae* «a tbe (group numbering 35 were driven Upward Ho Shows Church, the Planning Board, the ough Clerk Thomas C. Musson Scranton Hospital- by the Recreation Committee and baptism will be observed, 8 p. ra, HT—Way Bawl aSejFs H ; there in five can by Allen W. Rob- ld at Lincoln School attracted BOROUGH - Hose Co. N«. I Pace C3ub and tbe. Holy Name warm. Mr. Maiuco is employed *y M * M todk two estt atf tbrce erts. Mr." and Mrs. Richard Badg- evening service, -Sermon topic, "In Society of which be is secretary. 65 pre-school children and tbeir has completed arrangements for April 34 will be the last day for Dale: N. J., Inc., Newark, aad is Firemaa "A". Flucsaaat "V, Fire- ky and Mr. and Mrs. Birchard. Remembrance of Me.'' dancing that will follow the pre- Formerly assistant ecoutmaster of qualified citizens to get their a veteran with four year* service maa tT-aad tbe Jaalar Onler a#- .Following the service*, the bor- mothers. At the 10 a. m. hunt for sentations, tonight, tomorrow ;md Troop No. 63, he ii now chairman namei on the voting registry. with the A..A..F.. one year of which miai*tef«l 'like ireatamestf to tbe school children, there were 200 CifiwiisMp Granted Saturday of Upward Ho by. Tur- of'the activities committee of the Men and women who have was *pent in the Pacific. He was ough group tarried at South Moun- Five *£*** tkBA L astd the tain Reservation and prepared youngsters that participated with - BOROUGH—Bertha Irene Co- key Town Players' at Lincols.. Troop Committee. Mr Meuacca reached voting age since the lait discharged with tbe rank ef their teacher*. sanka of Grand avenue, Murray SchooJ. p.:,.. after completing Lincoln School general election In November, I their own breekraata. * attended Summit High School of people who have failed to vote at which he is a graduate. He is also least once in four years, and those a graduate of the Dayton School who have moved to new voting of Aviation. In business, Mr. Mea- diitricta or who have changed Three Ordinances aacca Is associated with the Bruce their names through marriage or Manufacturing Co. at its Newark court order are tbe eligible citi- To Have Pubic plant zen* who mutt register if they want to vote, the clerk warns. To complete the elate for the Enrollment may be accom- Hearing Tonight four council port* to be filled this plished at the clerk's office in BOROUGH — Borough Council year, Councilman J. Riiaatl Jonea Borough Hall on Monday through will hold a public hearing tonight it a candidate to succeed himself Friday from 9 s. m. until 5 except at »:30 in Borough Hall on three far the one-year term made va- between 12 noon and 1 f, m., ordinance* which were approved cant by the resignation of E. R luncheon hour. The clerk's office at first reading on Mar^n It. Tbe Hansell at the atart ot the year will also be open April 21, 22, 33 ordinances Include the 1M? scalary when he became mayor. Councll- and 24 from 5 to » p. m. Mings for borough employees, tbe establishment of a new building Applications code and the vacating of Janus street, at present a paper street. FROM Being Taken for The salary ordinance provides for Increases in salary for prac- Police OHicer tically all borough personnel Ke> BOROUGH-Cotmcllman Wil- opposition is expected because tbe liam F. Cunningham, co-chair- Increases were provided when tbe man of the Borough Council's po- budget was approved, February JO, lice committee, has Instructed without opposition. Chief of Polloe Harry High to ac- The proposed new building code cept applications for_ khf positi of police officer; One full time by the National Board of Fire Vm- man will be added to the depart- derwriters. It* application to local ment. use was made by Councilman Jobs The applicant must be, a cltiten a Wright, chairman of the build- of the United States and a real* ing committee. dent of this municipality for two The vacating of James street, yean next preceding hi* applies north of Westvtew avenue, hi being Uon. effected on the recommendation Applications will be accepted up of the Planning Board because to and including May 1. Those houses in that area are too dose men Interested may secure an ap- to the tinea of the street to pro- plication and any pther informa- vide necessary width for a road- tion from Chief High at hiai office way. in Borough HalL ,4- | Fellowship Will Be WSCS Topic BOROUGH—A change baa been made in tbe date of the April meeting of the Methodist Wotn- en'e Society for Christian Servtce. from the usual second Wednesday The Big of the month, to Monday, April 14, at 8 p. m.. at tbe church. Thi» will be a Joint meeting of tbe after- noon and evening groups. The guest speaker will be Miss MISTAKING THOSE OH I YOU FOLKS AND HOW! Lots Hwong of China, who will ME TOR A ROUSING CHEERS PRIZE A WHISKEY THE PERFECTLY use as her topic "Cnisad* Fellow- RETURNIN9 ARE FOR THE ship." Miss Hwong has been in THAT'S RICH YET BALANCED BLEND this ' country since September CEUMIfV. ARRIVAL OF CARSTAIRS LIGHT, MILD YET MEANS A PERFECTLY in a Home studying at Drew University. Her ARilTT TOU? WHITE SEAL WHISKEY HEARTY, EH? WONDERFUL TASTE! talk will be In observance of the IN QUANTITY! 100th anniversary of Methodism USUALLY Cost GARDEN of Money TOOLS GRASS Sllft 6ARDIN SUM

teerytfting for Yomr Cmfas WNKTIS MOKE, ITS GOSH! I'M GLAD THERE'S PLENTY ... BUT KOT ALWAYS rn OF. IT 1 HERE'S one big thing in your hona AROUND NOW! CARSTAIRS yooM never think of doing witbont—your COME AND GET tapprf of pan, IT, FRIENDS! water.

j ET, for apprwdmtttly the eort of a package of gum—yea, a* little *s S mats a «ls»—yoor family gets all tbe water it needs for health and cleanliness. Small wonder you hard)* erer Hop to question the wrjstaaet of your water supply. It barely tenches your pockctbook, though h tonAaa almost etery phase of your I JailyJMftf. NEW WOV1DINCE HAJtDWARE A APPLIANCE STO*I wncedBlend Oar. SprlngfteM Ate. 4 Water Company 8*, New THI SUMMIT HIIAU), THURSDAY, AMUL 10. tW

fire Equipment Asked; Park to Bt Improved ^p^JMp Committee h«. audy a reauett atafe before it April 2 to supply %£ tel fire fltfrtiiif equipment" to the retident,of the,Bt2e Mt. Faraw w» to be uied in fighting brush firetknd S425 ^ ft r* * ** - Evtrett Smith of Twin Fall* road, who made toe request on ochsif considered as Ute desirability, of et u># petitioners. Mated occasion* the township encouraging the con. "whlch BIu. cn - - TmX&ACKttM-Dt, Bases Vuecessfully put out gnus fires in menu here. He pointed to the G. Werner, head of the practical Pkked Garden Fresh From their nalfhteorhood-wttbout catling "very tangible increase in rata- theology department at Drew out the IiKttftt. He Mid the ptsc ble*" that would ensue to the Seminary, Madison , will preach California and Rushed lbs. township la »u h an event Inas- ing of equipment In tfab area would c at the 11a. m. worship service flavor Perfect to Your Table to check any serious brush much as the townsltip has no san- Sunday at the Union Village until Ufa arrival of Ute fir* itary sewer system, members of Church. He has held pastorates company. the committee rhetorically asked at Detroit and Flint, Mien., and Chairman George W. Bobbins, what the apartments would use for Daytn, 0. The author of "And sewer facilities. jr of the Towiuhlp Committee We Are Whole Again," Dr. Werr mated the question of persona] State Bead Aid Pondered ner edits a weekly page on, per- liability would have to enter into Mr. Segelken informed the com- sonal counseling in New Life the study of Uit request. mittee that under the proposed magazine. New Potatoes CommiUeenaan Charles H new plan for Bute aid, the town- Monica, recreation chairman, WM ship would receive approximately are required by public utilities authorised to spend $760 for im 17*10 annually for road k A companies prior to the erection of firm Headt previous report had li Green Cabbage provement of the park area oppo- service poles. site the Municipal Building. The amount as |3,6oo. The amount to Oommltteeman P. L. Procter re- be received by a municipality Is money will be uaed to buy a s«c- ported progress on his conferring Tender, Young tlon of bleachers to seat 50 at based on population and road with a number oMocal residents on Rosebud Beets the aoftball diamond which will be mileage, he said, . charges of alleged violations of the shaped up also under the appro- Township Attorney Frank A. building code in relation to the priation. Seeding and further Pissl reported h« had been in- construction of turkey runs. ^ . Sweet, rul Pods gradingjind'tb* construction of a formed that the township- would Queried by Mr. Smith as to what1 \ackitop will also be# undertaken. receive approximately 18,000 in was being done for future sewer Chairman Monica said the bleach Stale aid funds for road work plans, Mr. Procter said the Plan- Cstt^ Pieri«>, Veha eiii would be placed along Bolton under the proposed new legisla- ning Board had been working for boulevard in the shade where fans tion. Mr. Plul also reported that some time on the matter and that CamU 0^55/ could watch games In comfort He the proposed Mountain avenue a report could be expected at an fr^Cr^-To indicated that most of the or- cut-off, which the- township and early date. ScilliNt .. 4^25/ ganiied softball fames would be Borough of New Providence are, Assembly BlU 3OT Opposed -.1' }•:!>'.•»/',• played on this Held. . jointly agreed upon, and which The committee was unanimous is to be constructed with State n going on record against enact- Apartment House* Askei.. aid funds, must be built this year, Birdseye Com ^ ^19/ John 0. Segelken, Jpedal repre- ment of Assembly Bill 387 which otherwise the Bute funds will be would make mandatory a 40-hour sentative of the Bell Telephone cancelled for this project. Laboratories at Murray Hill sug- week for policemen. Township Birdseye Rhubarb - ^19/ gested to the committee what he Two Streets Extended Clerk William C. Russb was In- Mr. Monica, as road chairman, structed to forward copies of was authorised to extend Snyder the resolution opposing the bill to Green Beans ^IZ ^ ^ 25/ Green Peas avenue 100 feet south at a cost •6UU Senator Herbert J. Pascoe OB lak at AM Mmmmd Umimm JIMMM* ' Defedouiry Tender and Sweet not to exceed $300. This work and the Assemblymen from Union WHY BE FAT will also include the laying of * County. Verioui Brands 30-foot dralnange pipe. The road Extra Standard chairman was also authorised to Rtotofto] Studs loxos extend Putnam avenue 100 feet £ east at a cost of $300. To European ChlWrtn TOWNSHIP—Members of Re- As chairman of recreation, Mr. gional High School French classes Monica said a townahip-wide have prepared brightly decorated Freshpek Easter Egg Hunt was held boxes filled with gifts for unfor- Evaporated Milk last Thursday at Columbia School tunate children of France and grounds.«, Corsica. ., Various Brands Referred to Township Attorney Having received through a na- Whole or Halves Na2VieMi, Plul for Investigation was. a peti- tional service the names of some tion signed by the Horseshoe road French students wishing to corre- section of the township that a re- spond With Americans, some of , Comitodi Chorfat'i Car iott vised map vacating several paper the members of Regional's French streets be approved. Etnll Wllhelm 43< Kirkman, whtn avail. , JJ . Long lilwd Aii flaky. ;WhiM f%m HENRY G. NULTON, lertxteap . , n*ta>ll/ b Eil timmkn . . . 23< Ced Steiki . . ' 25< County Clerk. Union County, ' . Titly, Ftn* Fltverwll Court Houst, Oysters . • . EftMbtth, N. J. tQU. ^*V<< *+?&•&

"< - •'


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la the war yean whcn.ojyLbQyaiacedthe scream and terror of Stukas, fought But a.bigger and surer way to fight it, is to join the American Cancer monster Tiger.tanks, prodded the Jap from a thousand pillboxes... more Society's drive for funds in April. Join ivith your nickels. Your dimes. Your than twice as many people were killed at home—by cancer. dollars. Join to help the scientists conquer cancer. "Every dollar you give We're not telling you thi$to frighten you. We're telling you this to enlist • helps to support this research program ..-. provides better facilities for idjfijIhildi. A disease that str4W=.on the average—one ^f?^8:8^"treatment. .'. brings closer the day when they'll find a cure out of every two American familiesili . ... and they're going to find a cure. : - One way you can fightlfrw "to-sec--a.doc1torthc rniriute any member of pitch in. We couldn't give to a better cause . .. the cause if yowr family develops one of cancer's danger signals*. hope insteM of despair, . ^

LIFE-AND-DEATH FACTS ABOUT CtftfCER Y •CANCER'S DANGER SIGNALS One-eighth of our entire population - 17,000,000 Americans - are today 1.. Any ivn thai dots not ^...particularly •hmil Nw longvt, mouth, or lip*. doomed to die of cancer. This is a shocking, but absolutely true fact. 2.•• A painUt. lump or Miickoning, in fho lmmlr But there is hope... even today, one out of three may he cured of cancer, lip, orfongu*. and in at least one type, 92% U curable - when caught in time. 3. Bloody ditchargt from th« nipplo or Intgulw And to help science finally conquer cancer, the American Cancer Society from any of tho ofhor natural body openings. has made more than 100 grants for research projects. Right now, the 4. Progrottiv* chana> in th« color or >izt off • woH or mofo. 5. fortUttnt indigoition. r same scientific group responsible for the atomic bomb is directing the research to conquer cancer. Every dollar you give speeds the search. 6. Nrilttont hoanonoti, untkplalnod to^, In swallowing. 7. Any radical change in normal bowel haMH.

The American Cancer Society THIS SPApt CONTRI8UTE0 BY 'HARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS THt SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY. >HUL JO, If47 M S|S^iiBHa«tMN*i^SlSMSSHSBVSaS»«Ssa«SaSHa«»B«BISMa|BiBWSSIMi students of which S.MJ ar« vet- •o Includes ljiio stodentt in the erans. TWCA Co-Bd Council aa4 haa so«, a Newark minister* vice commander; Harold PiUey, New Jersey College for Wonem, as IU general tbua* "Youth's Those attending from th* \i»$,\ m»**#mtM*t; 14w*rd SoeJith. ad- Norman G. Miller of Uni- 295 graduate students, til W Pan in World Peace - Program dub, which is sponsored Jointly A» VFW jotast; Walter SpaaWiag, post ad- versity College recently predicted Bfht numbers of th» Co-T-W Beacon Hill Post, W0. Veterans roUtd in short courses la agricuW dub wUl attend the aaasal Tosth features will include movita, trea- bjr the YWCA and Lincoln Y1ICA, vocate: P*t*r ativaii, chapkuB.' that tb« evenlnr divbUmi will of Foreign Wars, at their Broad Kc!aoa, surgfoa and James tur*. i,6M who attanded the 1MI Confereaee at the OMtft Street sure hunt, and aocial hour with wiii be Shirley Humes, Ethlyn wach a record enrollment of 10,. street headquarters* Monday sight , saVcer af the day. Summer Seaslon, mad M80 taking TMCA fn Newark Baturdayv April aa Baatcr parade, Speakers at RoberU. Winifred Smith, Bar- installed Joseph Manger as com* 000 students by June 80, the end the confereaee jatiude Charles bara Dtggt, llarshall Andrews, of the academic year. extension courses ia the - 59c Legs of Lamb ». 55c Insurance Plate Beef — *25c The Government says it's good, it must be good? 65 Union Place, Summit, N. J. lb TeLSu. 64)177 < - 39c Rib Lamb Chops »> 65c ChoppeSJ • d Beef Smoked Tongues lb- 43c Loin Lamb Chops ib 75c don't l«t it k Fresh Fillet Haddock 39c Shoulder Chops >:57c little f lb BuckShad-35c* Rw Shad* 45c Stewing Lamb - 25c Smelts -39c 3-Mfnufe Oafs „. VealX-49t Shoulders r,B-43c 1 fe?r Cream of Rice *r Red Salmon -45c lk Smoked Cartage Hams 79c 13c Oysters «^""«» '"vlaUfCfl WFllPiall ^^^ Grahams ££ *• NOW-just SOAK '•>s.^ * Visit O«r dishes clean DAIRY Department Acme dairy deportments are famous tor Louella prize butter, Gold Seal eggs and a '•-*!. can great variety of the finest cheese. Gold Seal Urge Reef Carton of 12 _ 2'^T The ideal egg for every need! Carrot or on^^t- - • -. MO ICtVMIW*. fgg Noodles NO Mtt»INv... Silver „55c •*aIT ytt china ckaas fretk 2 - 25 war* iparktsM. New- —. «nd carrots. AKO Sliced Bacon 2 C 75( formula IMF Is satis Peas P tptdany for nonet* lest Pure Lard - V^38c trstes stlck|>f*tt OiatESB SJTMM MM .am* ^^ tiuIlr«UM"ltta«as, Kraft Yelveeto 2^ 99c It awe* fjjsitiaflflr otUM 04*' fiO# Kraft American ^ 29c c Prunes A FAMOUS Modiuw Sharp S,r* 59c \,tt, ;, -:ut) PRODUCT C'9mClip 2 Swiss Grvyere '££*£' 37c m<1B11 •- Jwansdown "r 35C "WJOUD "JO™""** 1tm Spratfs "" Pancake Roi 2 ldfoglish^;^32e miM -»- ». 12c RamOrops, Swfw Cheese ^* 21c O


Tht Am&fcanStores Catfm/ Blu«-Whlf« Flak«f HENSLER A MofM>«cl Sproy Moth-IM Spraymv Liquid Starch*-'K*2k SPRY -51c-1.46 69c 0UM PRODUCT n THraiMMiT mum THUKPAY.AHW TO, i«4> -r peaL Ths main, points of tba Th* waal speaker's own stataments were: Hot condoning, tat The fifes Mid tbe important rokt terrorism, the apeaker thought color plays la the social and eco- The 2,000,000 homeless Jews left AWOSTING in Europe after Hitleriun had nomic life of the nation (other this came chiefly from a sense C«»a. destroyed 6,000,000 of , their •s»U« |Uta» ft**, •*.*!»•»« ttioaj as well.) It took ths audl- of frustration, Aa neither a Jew ! brethren, were sadiy Is nted of 1 .imn N,T.C. For boti iee Into the great factories, of nor an Arab, simply u a vet- ot an Ml is s M* a ftmt*. iaiUas, »*lni- a homeland. The earlier settlers, mlnf. caaetttif, fUfair«; tenati, tactile, leather, plastic and paper eran of World War XL oft ths track tad otMr »poru; rlfler», buying land and organising some •hop, trip*. Industrie* where color i» blended democratic side, ht favoreC a with tvary type of jjroduct to meet Industrial but chiefly agricul- Founded %m tural communities, had made National Jewish state U Pales- Writ* In Pre»ton. Beaver, Director the consumer Bovtib and taatea. It Chatfcua Arm*, Ch&tteis, N. J. told of tbe vast organisation of much of the land and many of people engaged la the task of their children "to Uoasom as • color manufacture; of the Impor- rose," tralninr the people by tant role that color plays la mod- modern methods and equipment "Cheerful Earful em packaging, labeling and ad- to produce this result vertising for mass distribution of MllUons la Bible Times the products of American fae* In Biblical times, the speaker tarics; of tb* preparation or pig. said, Palestine had from 8 to menu in the paint Industry to pro- T, million Inhabitants; today Cheap Clearing J0ttia4 beautify American home*; about 1,800,000 and 1,200,000 Arabs, and of tbe printing plant* where but in the last' few yean tbe Inks of every color are used for la&er have flocked to Palestine M ^iinmmm[THHS—H i i u i m decorative and utilitarian pur- largely to gain the benefit' of is like fUSttlNO U aere thu aa easrdse. It to * relax** taattm poses. Jewish development- Largely If dons over tht two milts of bridle path* is the park syiataaa Ha attt* Tht pictures also showed views through the Inflwace of {he ffaa, park officials haw* pjanacd park footpaths sad «ea4s, wttfc • of tht plant of the Cako Chemical Mufti of Jerusalem, who really ctmsidsratioa for bicyclists. Last year, MM?4 bike riders wa*4 the Division of the American Cyana- favored the Nazis, Great Britain 'FeaJfcer-Dusting" park facilities end nearly half of them were recorded la spring aad tai4 Co. at Bound Brook, where was led to issue the famous early summer. • , dyes and intermediates are manu- "White Paper" guaranteeing an factured for the color consuming Arab majority, although she had color* go by tt their Ifaaoajr Industrie*, showing ths research accepted a League of Nations it sissply inters ths seil luncheon. and sales application laboratories mandate for the benefit of the Rotarians See AI Jews, who had been great suf- They were shown * technicolor where #c!eotitt* strive to put together the ]lg«aw puult from ferers and many of them bad The many, many gallons of crystal clear picture, "Portrait of Aa Indus* Colon of Rainbow which dyes are made, and ths been brave fighters for tbe Allies solvent required'to Quality Clean a try," which began with MI artist eartfuliy controlled processes for in the second World War. - -AN DfPOKTED WINE FROM DAVE'S, garment, and the constant filtering painting a picture of tilt young the manufacture of dyes and pig- WILL MENEW YOUB ENERGY!" and cleansing of that fluid to keen it In Industrial film Englishman, William Henry F»r> meat* • - Rotariana took a day off from kina when be accidentally dta- crystal clear and to flush out every Tbe watchers were made con- W«ea appeUt* «r s«Mts Ug, a glaaa of properly dulled nine the consideration of such weighty covered the first synthetic dy« hi scious of the highly technical HEARING AID particle of soil, is an expensive opera- subject* aa scheol budgets,, the 18M, which wu continued with a operations where accuracy in pro- will set you right Tie seleettesi of fine Imported BWi • lion that adds to the extra cost of Four Freedom*, Juvenile delin- running story of th« development duction and constant research itsaestte wtees at DAVE'S Is sure U include your favorite quency, later trouble* (only light- of colon ai they ate, seen today. work hand in band to create bfaad aad It's aet ascessary to shop for your vintage needs Quality Cleaning—but it's worth it ly referring to the telephone A. C. Haai of JJound Brook waa For Any Corree$mbb Htmrimg ' in a dearer,* cleaner, odorless garment. * dyes of the highest quality. ~)ns* phtsw and ymw erder will be promptly delivered. strike), ON and other > topics of the operator oMfce motion picture aimed New Hate For. All Inttrument* thw -day, sat back and watched machine. Visitors were introduced by * EXAMINATION Raymond W. Stafford: Joshua R. QUALITY CLEANING 5EE FIRST NATIONAL FIRST GolijbtJy, Ralph Seymour, Mill- * HEARING AIDS burn; W. Welsh, Union; Anton Vit, Karll Mould, Hillside; Herbert * IATTIWI5 goes deeply §ni PearWSn, New York City; Thomas PERSONAL LOANS VickeM, Syracuse. * EAIMOLDS thoroughly removes the soil at lew bonk rotes John D. Tioaback, for'the nom- * CAMIIH5 inating committee, submitted the UORS • •-•'• ' -.•• ON A 12-MONTH PAYMENT PLAN following as the committee's selec- * RIPAliS tions for officers for the ensuing AMOHt Total *•• Tns llMi year; President, Joseph B. Engle; A rieJa OmitrCleeMd A PresMeV •f Sol* Cv»t Moilkly Rev. Leonard V. Buschman, D. D., IS*. ISI4I I.M vice president; Walter S. Eddy, Phane: ORange 5-3D30 IIS. m.u IMS Call & Delivery Service Directly in. IM« • M4.M SMS secretary; Allan R. Devenncy, 25 UNION PUCE SUMMim IM» WI.H UM treasurer; Leonard E. Best, Louia HI. from Plant Phone Sum. 6-3100 Other ASSOHtS Up (• •WSJ At San* lain F. Stahl, directors. Officers arc to be elected at the first meeting in SEARS SUMMIT STORE Any applicant of good character with steady In-" May. come may borrow on - own aignature. If Incon- Dr. P. F. Yonkman, research di- venient to come in for interview rector, Ciba Pharmaceutical Prod- Fhonm Mr. Bohng, Summit 6-4000 ucts, Inc., will be the speaker next Monday. His topic,will be: "Some of Your Ovro Medicine." Stan: 47 Union Mac* IIST NAJIONAIMNK ktab) OMu mi HM CMM M, SamM Army Chaplain Tells A3NOW 3AVS QNV Old Guard Story of Jews in Palestine The story of "The Jews in Palestine-" -was-*present*rif~"t'o the Old Guard on Tuesday by Rev. John I. Daniel, a former Army chaplain, now a resident of Ma- plewood, He first Introduced a colored sound film which showed a ship with 900 Jews, sick and well, landing on the. coast and traced the progress of Jewish settle- ments. This was the pictorial side of the United Palestine Ap- What Jo you think nilroads make? What do you think they should make? What art the facts?

• KITCHEN CABINETS tiff public thiiks Tli pMic tbtoks 10% wwM to fair fctuUjr tto railroads carnet m nakt 1S% Mly 2%% m 1945. • SCREENS Ti pravMf tlw strvki yau Knit, riHrMsj and to urn at least • BOOK CASES 8%. lot tstimatis indkttithat • CABINETS _ •f M withtN rtcsnt friiftit nti Incrusi, tto return for 1947 Did • PORCH ENCLOSURES •I Mly about half Superfine Grass Mmdm 19 (him Seed Mixture Robert N. Cherry For Hardy, Velvety Lawn*

115 FavlrmouDt Ave. 98c "4.75 i

ChaUiaiB, N. S. Garden Master iuperfin« mixfure is everything the name implies. A fine Why it takes 6% to make the grade.,. blend with a high percentage of per* -'iffalimf^MiTlaTgoly Kentucky Blue Impartialiei«irchpoIlft8howtha{,onthB were in effect for only part of 1946 but So when the railroads make only 2H and Astoria Bent. For a durable, thick •T«rage,p©6plethinkwemakel55e.They i will be in effect for all of 1947; because velvety lawn; Best price for you. •ko think a fair return would be 10%. cents on each $1.00 of their net prop- of increased special payroll taxea on erty investment, it concerns you.* railroads; and because of a decline in What We Make The funds for future new equipment passenger business. But for tbe year 1946, with the biggest and improvements must come from rail- peace-time traffic in history, the rail- What Doe» Thit Mean To You? road earnings and also from investor*. Gord#fi Muster roada earned only . . . 2U%. This is They will furnish money on reasonable TERMITES The answer is "Plenty!" Your standard terms only if they have confidence in I«M than one-half the comparable earn- of living is the highest in the world be- ings for other industries. the future earnings of the railroads. cause of MASS PRODUCTION. But mass CAN BE Striicins Low r>kes Tht leaaona for this low rt-turn are production would not be possible with' You Hate Another Stake In Thit not hud to find. Since 19.19 railroad out MASS TRANSPORTATION, which the wagea have increaaed 52«/io<£ and the Even if you do not own any railroad STOPPED F prioea of fuel, materials and supplies railroads provide at low cost. stocks or bonds, insurance companies 98c and savings banks do. So you still have hav« gone up 61*/M>X. Termites are now active Why t%h Needed a special interest in seeing that tbe rail- But freight imtta have just recently throughout New Jersey. Watch The kind of service your standard of roads are allowed enough to do a good for. "swarms" of "Flying Ants" been incMfttwl an average of only job ... for you. that com* with Spring, ihed l7fyoX--*y^id*«th» effective date Hying requires taken a lot of money for new equipment and improvements. To , We are publishing this and other their wings, then disappear. Karp«tMix of the Uatb^ wife increase. These are termites. We special- carry out the post-war improvement Advertisements to talk with you at first L b « its exclusively In protection of ^I yVUwV BUPy For Quick Lawns 4?C program for better equipment, tracks, hand about matters which are impor- property against Decay, Ter- Wh»t About ThU Year? to grow, they b*or Wxiirloua, TW» fross ss*d,u,,». ». TO—, , terminals and modern safety devices, a tant to everybody. mites and other wood-destroying bfcwi red fop, and domestic ry«, ItbeaUBMtodtUtthereturnforl^T, HUfyiUm IKFWWnk VHWS4J IfOKI minimum return of B% is needed. •On total property investment, tht railroads Insects. Our methods are dif- ' « a quick cover of gio**- tno with tfaa noant freight rate in- ferent and thorough. Consult us ftw tor0# setacaoih * flsrnkmHofi test.. , wfllh* only about half the r,^; concerning all Termite problem*. to provide • • tlw hnprovenienta and service needed. M*ny local rc/erene*i Thfci will t» because of increased costs mtmllmbli 335 SPRINGFIELD AVE. °"" ^ of oatarWs and supplies; because cer- tsJnwag* - —^ - EASTERN RAILROADS Termite Control Bureau Beselle Park, N. t. SUMMIT, N. J. Ellmbeth. S. I. IM • »« UBUtlV, SYRCET • NEW YORK, \O*t rkosis BOselle 4-14W SU. 6-3282 -j THI SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1*47 If -an


Slenderizing! R«|«xl N« Exercise Spftt JU&efNf With SUnd* Vogue Reducing System


John E. Anderson, S/Zc, USN,PiMclimy son of Mr. and Mif. John A. An- META and EDWARD derson of 11 Park avenue, has Adds 110 New SSMfTV SWIM beta graduated from the basic Room 310 Bassett Bldg. engineering school, Naval Train- 382 Springfield Ave. Summit Books in March lag Canter, Great Lakes, 111. Addition of 110 new books to Summit Free Public library shelves' during the test was announced this week. Tie new books arc of all categories in- cluding fiction, fine arts. Star- ature, travel, philosophy, biog- forecast ff«r Aprils raphy and others. Among recent fiction works arc •• ' • • ! '"' Banner By the Wayside*" by ' • •> • L H. Adams; "Mr. Kandnag Build* His Dream House/* by E. Hodgins; "The Long Swim." by R. C Angell and "Showpiece." by SHOWERS Booth Tarkington The complete list of book* is aa follows: DESIGNED FOR THE BEST FICTION Baaner By the Little Sorrowful Keep *y—bring in your BaikKoat for otw epedil The Long Swim. LoaellyBUIr A . OUTDOOR LIVING The Twin Kililfg The Life Sentence Water-repellent ProceaeiBf. YoaH actually enjoy Solitude Range Wings of Death...-. t. Thirty Stories Bojle. Riddle of the Sands HH the shower* when you have this positive protection. All That's Mine Covert. Dead at the Take-Off— Appointment at Nine DtsBty. D. STAND AND HAMMOCK, this atari? The Pitfall :...nrat»«r. Oray Canaan Gaitb. can be quickly assembled or dismantled far Through the Storm Gtbcn* p. Mr. Blanding Builds Bia Dreasa Ml Bouse - Sodgtfts. Straight from Boot hill Hopsoo. W. Man or Brittany of heavy duck in red, green or blue. f,f| prompt cleaners Boston, Cradle of U OUDEH with spring base and a back that HalaloCotton woor Nobodid Law, sT»mr>er. D- T. 19 UnioB Pbee —^ Opp7Ft»ttb1i"~ A Garden to the Eastward - laa&fe. B. to two positions. Frame in white enamel tints*. West of the Wolverine.-Lehmam. P. C Again to the North MafkrwHr. C leatherette cushions In green and white or few* A Treasury of Anunml Stottes Many, av L. white. ,EN WEN My Part Was An BMl Btvtr . ~ MOte; O. B~ Pere Antolne Murpcy. B. F. (I 8011 CSAIB Is wen constructed with varnished hard- Th# Chequer Board NorwmT. B.- B. *• West-Country Stories Bowse. A. L. aw. You can adjust the back to five poaiUaaa Wayfarers' Friend Savage. C Jl Another Love. Another Sprtog sjetting up. Coasplete with canopy and fooi- Cross Section—1M7 Seavtr. B.-' The Mountain Lion...- _ StaSasnL X. : '•. " .• •• ••••" f.fl. Rumor Hath It Stevens, F. M.!' The Dove Found No Bast StcrEL Do ' The Dead Lie StUl Stuart. .W. L WBOIJOtTT IBON WNWTfo SET has gUaa-top tahte In Wedlock Wnke . Sturges-Joues. M Show Piece Tarktngtoo. B three side chairs and one arm chair, Dead Ernest Taylor. P. A., The Wagon and the Star .Turner.-L L > ta wWteer pompelan green with a rost-re- The Quarry .- ....Walker. Mi Wolf Dog Range Watson., W. Jed Blalnes Woman.. WtSs. E. Bed Clark at the Showdown Totmg. O R to fit the seats. Each 2.00

Fhiloaopsry AUnUNUM CHAISE LONGUE with pollabed ruat- Our Teen Age Boys and Cnia Craw. IV D. ptweff frame. The back adjusts to three positions and the Adolescence and Youth Landta. P. B Emotion and Conduct tnjldor may be mod as a full length cot. S-lnch thick Tou Can Be Happy -- covered with water repetlent plastic. 44.95 Social Seiewee Selections for Today (edited by A. B. TcmrtcBM* en Furniture, Dowsstalri Bverrday Problems in Btutiumaea StBBOtU By Vote of the People. ja*Btn«cr. w. J. Tb* Birrlla Btste Befflae. •_ .. Con for Here Comes Ti Fundamental Business Law Exclusive Patented Plastic Christ. 3. r. Assures Individualized Primer of Celestial Nartgattao '• Fa Bow to Navigate Today.—--JBjjn NauUcU Mathematica and BUrtae Navigation WaBB^S Absolute Weapon Start in Meterolocy — Field Book of Basterni —-—_ _ Ha-osmajs. tV UacMAHa Lady Be Fit;..,—-v.j^S Common Ailnents of Man ra Oardaner'a BUK Book TouTl Bat It Up Soybean* from Pressure Cookery.Carron. »**•--- Sew » Tourself Or!*?**. Plastics Mold BnglneertnK^^ Fine Arts All About Bouse Plants .;.----—. Bbw to Remodel a BousjDaSasJI. J Old American Bousea WHttsBK. B. Chinese Ivory Sculpture — w AnUquea for the Home.. ---——-__- Tour Career in Music Joftmoa. Band Instrument B*patrtn«lfcBraaI New Otndt ot Recorded Treasury of Stephen Trout Lore Martin. ML Utpratssr* Treasury of Russian Life n ChoseOreenn Son '*»«g and»i Othevi^ri alHalatai Street An Btsay on —-.-—_-- Mama Took Op Travel V&M Rldln' the "atnhow EAST ORANGE Travel Oreat Adventure* sad Stricken. Land. 44 THi SUMMIT HEKAID, THURSDAY, APRIL 10. l«47 Ruth Draper Js Guest Artist for Miss Robertson Barbara Jackson's Betrothal BettyMcNamgra College Club Smith College Clubs' Benefit Show Becomes EngagedAnnounced to Robert F. Hughes Bride Saturday of Chooses Day for I g.. Now Zealand. Australia, Egypt, Im atid f To Franklin Wood Mr. and Mrs, Clarence V. A. , for ner soto-dramas, will ap- 'Java, Slant, India, and Burma, David Haberstroh Annual Luncheon At a cocktail party Easter SUB* Jackson of Glesi Oaks avenue an- rUar eveaing, Mar I, ataad is as well-known ia Canada The wedding of Miss Betty Ass as sh« is i« England aad tilt i*r afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. David The College Cask Mttiken High School. Tbt show nounced the engagement of their McNamara, daughter of Mr. aad United States. Robertson of Kaat avenue, Larch* Talking 1* feeing sponsored by tbe 8um- Mm Andrew A. McNamata of moot, S. Y, formerly of Bumaoit daughter, Barbara Kathrya, to a^^^at^oiecil Mtt, iltert Hills and Chatham Tickets will cost SMO and stay Summit avenue, to David Hsber- announced the engagement of at Canoe Bi •salts College CTwN for Benefit of be bought at Roger's Pharmacy, Robert F. Hughes, son of Mr. and stroa, soa of Mr. and Mrs. f^aaefa their daughter, Marlon, to ^t**^: The gaest aajalier wiB be the TOth Anniversary Fu»d. MS Springfield avenue, or by end- J. Haberetrob of Deforest avenue, ing a stamped, *eif<«adressed en- lln Jerome Wood, aw ef MB. and Mrs. Ray A. Hughes of Shaker [About.. - Mia* Draper hi* • auerter- took place Saturday in Saint Te- velope to Mrs. C. H. Krusle, T Mrs, JUcbard F. Wood of Briar is at aeatttry of theatre activity to be* Heights, Ohio, formerly of Ma- resa's Church. The ceremony was Oaklawn road. Close, L&rcnmoet, W. Y, ,*T Dorrl eredit, tad has just finished a six- plewood, at a cocktail party performed by Rev. Edward Flem- r B ILUa Robertson Is a graduate of at Bartrftffs ? "ttt Her sobjaet week ettgageaMnt at the Empire ing. A reception for the families Summit High School, West Vir- Sunday. .. -r- • •' • wig be Tto-Bsrlsis of Yaeatre in New York, Her recent Br«H-Surmant on Way followed at the Hotel Suburban. ginia University, and the Ballaxd Peat-War •ctlWUw have beta divided be- To Eait Africa ' Miss Jackson attended LaeeU Mrs. Leroy Pease, Jr, of Sum- School. She Is a member of Alpha t» Mrs. tween appearances in North and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brett-Sur- I Junior College and ia a graduate hit, was the brides only attend- £5£ Xi Delta national sorority, and th« H- ITetener, cnaimaa af Us* *^^pa^*™*^nsn^Bajs. ilHBjnjsn^g/ SABtadBL k& •out* America, a aummer in Eng- man, former residents, sailed from ant Douglu Haberstroh, Use today must fa. American Association of Univer- of tit* Kath«rine Cibbs School, the FWsewsni» ^~w-««»-- for the easeful shopper. Just a fJ land, and tile trips ahe undertook New Tork yesterday on the SB bridegroom's brother, served aa> J sity Women. College Chili, Mss Kleler ha* a ag* there appeared a B.M far benefit of the R*d Crow. ID "Robin Tuxford" for Mombasa, New York. Mr. Hughes attended best man. Mr. Wood attended George repstatien as an iatevestiag and she made • Joint appearance East Africa, and will visit Cape- Amberat where be waa a mem- The bride was graduated froat written, by the Washington University, and fat la New Tork wltfc b«r dancer town and Durban en route. They ber of Theta Delta Cat. He is Oak KaoU School and attended of eae of New • York's now a junior at the University of s, which 1, . nephew, Paul, Draper. will live in Nairobi, Kenya Colony,. BOW attending Case School of Ap- Harcum Junior College, Bryn East Africa, for several months Virginia. He served as a photo- Mawr, Pa. Mr. Haberstrob was may be seat to Mrs. Wmthre» J. effect, poUted up the same thing! Her career started In 1>1I when graphic expert with plied Science, Cleveland, attar Means. » Whtttredge toad, Swat- she mad* her only appearance in and expect to spend some time in graduated from Summit High Madagascar, Reunion, Mauritius Corps, and later with they serving three years in the Pacific School and served more than four salt *-«41T-J. and should be asade The newtpapars hailed thu • play with other acton, "A Lady's Air Corps on Okinawa. byAprt! tt. Name." She entertained the and Egypt before returning to theater with the U. a Army. years in the Army. ~ 7 statement as a great eontrtbuUot this country. The wedding will take place 1B in the fight against inflation. Th*t A. E. i*. la France for seven the early part of Jane, Months after the Armistice in Mr. Brett-Wurman was with Ciba Nature Trip CanceUed it was snade by a retailer metat Pharmaceutical Products, Inc., BIRTHS that the growing *»<*„,0Vm , ltll, and bad an annual season in Harriet A Hall Brayton Approves The trip of the London theatre* for twenty con- white living here. Overlook Aux. To Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Haad- whatf we are all going b not th. ville of Orchard street, a daughter, salt Nature Oat which was to special problem of any one group. aecutive years. She has played Betrothed Teachers' Salary have lytoBow- to audiences is France, Spain, No Reserved bora. Tuesday, April L at Overlook. The cycles* boom aaa bust which Fashion Show Mr. and Mrs. Henry Twltchell Hill, Mew Hate, Pa, t» view "italy;Germany, Scandinavia, Hospital heretofore ssMsnti ts> be a part ol For Musical Revue Hall of South Orange announce Recommendation the wild flewera, has been can- South America, Booth Africa, the history of free enterprise must Those who wLsh to see and bear And Luncheon the engagement of their daughter, The teachers' salary recommen- celled, due to the absence of Docp'i of East Orange Miss Harriet Aurella Hall, to Era* dations of the Lay Committee on To Mr. and Mrs. Grant Lennox be avoided if that system U to "Apple Blossom Time," the spring of Beech Spring drive, a son, bora enough flewens to snake it worth thrive. revue to be presented at the Sum- present the fashion show during eat O. Dleterlch, of Cambridge, Education were unanimously ap- while. The tssMsnsalry let* spring Wednesday, April 3, at Overlook The reapetuObUity for a sUbif CA>UL/ mit High School for a limited en- luncheon at the Hotel Suburban Mass., formerly of Akron, Ohio, proved by the Brayton Parent- is given as the cause. Q. NORCROSS Hospital. economy rests no longer with our gagement of two. performances by April 22. Sponsored by the Wom- son of Mrs. Ernest C. Dieterich Teacher Association at a special The geology trip planned for the legislative abilities in a period of St. Teresa's parish, are urged to en's Auxiliary of Overlook Hospi- and the late Mr. Dieterich/ Miss meeting held on Tuesday, April To Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mondelli following Saturday. April 19, will crisis. This responsibility must get their tickets soon, at there tal, the proceeds will purchase a Hall was graduated from Kent 1. Upon action of the Association, Whirl Fool Bath for the physio- of Summit avenue, Berkeley be taken if the weather is clear. become part of the moral Integrity. will be no reservations held. Place School, and in 1M6 front Mrs. R. W. Hyde, president of the therapy department of the hos- Heights, a daughter, born Wednes- If aot it will be postponed until of the organisations that profit The cut of 129 has worked tire- Vassar College. She is studying Board of Education, has been ad- pital." - day, April 2, at Overlook Hospital. the following day, Sunday, April from our system of free enter- lessly to add-freshness and'appeal mathematics ia the Radcliffe Col- vised that the membership "con- Miss Kay, style coordinator for curs In the recommendations of 30. prise. , to the song* and dan tea that are lege graduate school. To Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stone Doop's, will comment on the the Lay Committee on Education We are not talking about i being revived on the two evenings Mr. Dieterich, alumnus of of Hill Crest avenue, a son, bora fifty eruembles which will accent on the matter of teachers'salaries Professional boxing grossed f 14,- handful of manufacturers who of Thursday and Friday, April 24 Western Reserve Academy, Hud- Wednesday, April 2, at Overlook the feminine, and feature lowered and strongly urges that all phases 000.000 in IMS, with IL500.000 go- think seriously about this prob. and 25, beginning at 8:30 o'clock. son, Ohio, is a senior at Harvard Hospital. hems, pleats, tiered ruffles and College. During the war he served of the Committee's proposed sal- Ing in taxes to the states in which lem. An automobile manufacturer y HUIHIIIIMI cape'leU. The store has also do- in the Naval Reserve as an in-ary schedule and plan for financ- the sport Is legalised- here, and a hosiery manufacturer nated a U00 gift certificate which, ing be adopted forthwith." To Mr, and Mr*. Peter CaproW structor. Orchard street, a daughter, bora there who in spite of the spectre REPAIR SERVICE will be sold on shares during the An Informative discussion of of large profits refuse to take ad- luncheon. ' ". Thursday, April 3, at Overlook • WATCH REPAIRS the findings and recommenda- vantage of the American people. The Whirl Pool Bath U needed Hospital. , • PEARLS RESTBUNO Girl Scout tions of the Lay Committee were NORCROSS In the physiotherapy department given by a panel of four Lay Com- We are tasking about the great • JEWELRY" REPAIRS of the hospital for the treatment To Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Guer- AMERICA'S BEST-LOVED Training Session mittee members. A number of riero of Livingston avenue, New mass of producers and distrib- GREETING CARDS • PLATING of patients suffering from joint Association members, stated that diseases, "arthritis and fractures The Board of Directors of the Providence, a son, born Thursday, utors who should recognise that s they were speaking not only as in- April 4, at Overlook Hospital. quick gain now will only be dii- as well as in post polio cases, Summit Girl Scout Council met terested parents but also as tax- at the home of Mrs. M. S. Edgar, sipated in the Inevitable bust t» CARLAN'S Those wishing to make contribu- payers who wanted the highest To Mr. and Mrs. Prlmo Posu S/fGEL'S 124 Hobart avenue, Tuesday at come. Tear Community Jeweler tions to the Whirl Pool Bath quality of educational standards of Cottage lane, a daughter, born Stationery Shop fund ehould make checks payable 10 A.M. for a training session in Summit and were willing to At de Leon's we feel our pur- BflSj^llOlU ITWM let Springfield Ave. 8a. B-144SJ Friday, April 4, at Overlook Hos- to the Women's Auxiliary of Over- and luncheon. pay the tax costs Involved. pital. pose is to bring the cost of our Sommll.N.J. Open IH Evenings 111 • PJL look Hospital. Any money col- Miss Katherlne Smith of Re- At the conclusion of the meet- merchandise down. We have dose lected over the purchase price of gion 11 Field Staff was present Duo Piano Recital Just that through greater selec- the bath will be used to buy ad- She discussed the function of Ing, In addition to the official XJOCXXXXXXXXDOOCO endorsement voted to be sent to tivity In buying and in working. ditional medical equipment. committees within the scout At Jr. Fortnightly closer with those firms who have organisation, and how they could the Board of Education, the mem- Those who have purchased tick- bers adopted a vote of thanks Mrst. George E. Kanouse and steadfastly refused to raise prices. ONE BY ONE etl and cannot use them, are best tie up with other commit- Mrs. Plerpont Splker gave a two 1 to the Lay Committee "for the In striving for better values In ashed to call or return them to tees. '' ' • '• • ' '•• piano recital Wednesday evening, tntngi are earning backl This WMIC w« have [utt had tireless efforts expended in the oar merchandise and agitating for Mrs. C. Hartley Berry, chairman, The Junior Council of the Sum- attainment of its objective." April 9, at the Junior Fortnightly lower prices in our column we • shipment of dressing table •tools-—oblong, ov#l, 47 Ox Bow lane, Summit 8-2839. mit Girl Scouts held its month- Club meeting at the home of Mrs. feel we are doing bur bit for i Thoae who have bought tickets ly meeting Wednesday, April 2, round, swivel, with backs, without backs. You Dahlia Society Will Kanouse, 20 Lenox road. better and more stable economy. should make table reservations at the, office on Beechwood road. «n The Misses Ruth Smith and -SdT. surely find fht one you're looking for for four or more people with Mra. The Council Is made up of two Hear Rutgers Man Dorothy Perier were the hostesses. Berry. representatives from each troop. The spring meeting of the Nancy Golding of Troop 13 Is the Dahlia Society of Mew Jersey will be held at Trinity parish "Apple Blossom Time" Amaranth Order president, Nancy Wolfe ef Troop The cast of "Apple Blossom To Install Officers 4 is this editor of the Junior house, Rector street, Newark, Time," now in rehearsal at St. vsauiu Saturday, at 2:30 p.m. fidelity Court, Order of theCouncil News. Judith Carlson of Teresa's auditorium, will give a 16 Maple Street Troop 10 is assistant editor. The Or. Clyde C. Hamilton of Rut- matinee performance at Summit Amaranth, will hold their installa- gers University, will speak on tion of 1M7-48 officer* at the Ma- games played following the meet- High School on Sunday, April 20 Ing were planned by Alethe "Insects of Dahlias and Orna- at 2:30 p.m. 4.1M0 sonic Hall, in Millburn,' on Friday, mentals." Door prises of dahlia April 11. Laird and Margaret Thomason The final rehearsal will be held of Troop 10. tubers will be awarded. The pub- Sydney Hall of New Brunswick, lic is invited. Sunday, April 13 in the High School auditorium at 7 p.m. Grand Royal Patron of the state, The first physician to preach will be the installing officer, and that obesity was dangerous to Your crowning Short and Smart Mrs. Harry E. Smith of Laurel avenue, will be Coronation Matron. health and to advocate weight re- beauty is your hair- duction was Hippocrates. For the warmer * days The officers to be Installed are Take care of it- Mr. and Mrs; Charles Luger of ahead—this cooler look* Union, as Royal Matron and Royal Wear it in the most Ing hairdo—cut and styled Patron; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Con 4-0221 becoming style— by us—juit for you. Keenan of Union as Associate Have it treated and Royal Matron and Patron; Mm. Alfred Gibson of Springfield as HAM CRESCENTS styled now for treasurer; and Mrs. Harry E. 1.20 Dos. the new season MR. JOSEPH Smith of Summit as secretary for formerly of Meyers Bros. the ninth year. Mrs. Smith has SANDWICHES ahead. MR. MICHAEL also served as grand fraternal 5.00 per 100 correspondent far the state. formerly of Hahne * Co. Mellie Weiss "Where Quality It r Inoculation against smallpox was practiced by Chinese physi- 24 Taylor Si, Millbnrn EtL 1913 cians as long ago as the eleventh Aeross frosi Wssslsgtea Bckoel century. Here's the value event 4WIRDRBSEKS You've waited for 10 Kent Place Blvd. FORTNIGHTLY CLUB Glamorous Spring Hats Reduced Now for Saving* Tfeeioolt that Welfare Committee 430 Co*!* Ave. The eighth annual spring; cleaning: sale Old City Hall y .Springfield Avenue

We wHIbe open April 21,1% 23, from 10:80 a. m. to 4 p. mu—to receive articles you wiedi to contribute. bar* Ill Summit Are.

•• •* Summit, N. J. Sale—April 24th thru 26th & During Sale we will be open from 9:00 A. M. to 9:00 P.M. DANCE RECITAL

• Ntw Jtmtrs usoist AUTO KATHLEEN HINNI win wi tun at th» YOUlCAi ... High School Auditorium

Laos dear Color Hnff VT

taning paint fm Thursday, April 17th, 8:30 P. M. T aalng I. tae Oe4 Tickets $1.20 WWt m* Hm4*m. Strip*. ...

OSJ Sol* at Y.W.C.A. SMSJ Local Starts Judy 'r, Jill frock of Hop. Sklllman cotton ... Mlgner, Inc. MABINO'S blusj, brown or gron wifh wh,a# ## , SJjEff j'if^sajS^piiSJIPPj HI-I* WAVttlWOOe PAMt IENEHT OF ROUND-THE-WORLD Summit 4-0039 7fol5' rumniu, N. J. V Y.W.C.A. RECONSTRUCTION FUND A> fMfur^ •" Junior Baxaar, April I I

ll > ^^^^^^^^***** ^ ssisjs|sssswisjej)BaBal^M|l-^>^^^^^^^^ , a^si^ THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, ANIL 10, If47 If as usual. Guest tickets nay be Chatham Teacher "Elizabeth the Queen" Ca$t purchased by members only at tin q Thunda Reveals Troth Book Shop or by ookUctlng Helen The wedding of MrsM . Alyce Mar. Announced by Playhouse Group Broujrh, busia«ss maaagar, paoas to Coma, daughter of D* sad The Playhouse Association will Hull assisted by Bernard Cow- Summit f-iaofM. Mrs. George H. Martin of Euclid To Summit Man present the third production of the pcrtbwaite, Henry Slack, Archi- S"11 ,°«»«Ii « Stephen Mr. and Mrs. Joha si Bennett, season, "Elisabeth the Qu««o," the bald Murray. Alfred Parktr, Ralph S'"Howsll, so n o°f Mrs . SW. Basye Jr, of Port Moomouth, announce week of April 21, Blanck, William Yager,' Richard HowaU of LouiavUk, Ky, sad the to* engagement of their daughter, The Association takes pleasure Moflett and Woodward McDowell. late Mr. Howcl!, took place Tour*, Beatrice, to Joha K. StrosMBfer, in announcing: the following cart: Stag* manager, Jack Rose; stage day, April 3 at Central Pretbyte. Jr.. soa of Mr. and Mrs. John & Sir Walter Rakigh. Donaht Har- •etti&ff. Edna ChamberUn; assist- your eyes! Tha sun Is Han Church. The Rev. Leonard Stromenger of Glen Oaks avenut. mon; Penelope Cray, Bertha ed by Louise Msybet; lighting and Busdunan, DJD., performed the Miss Bennett is a graduate of Ay«rs; Sir Robert Cecil, Frank sound effects, Bernard Cuwp«r» mOtn with sun flat*. ceremony. A reception followed at aUddietawa Townsfcip School aad Daniels; Franei* Bacon, John tbwait*. properties, a*ai*ttd by Anspaea Bwtttif. Optt- Milne; Lord Eaatx, Jack Pylc; . f r«fire o»w -fat J jwtfwwt the Brook. t • Ann Bellows and Jeuka Moon; mtmnd switiam, Etiaslsjr- Mrs. Douglas H. Roto of South Elisabeth, Marjorie Jefferson; costumes, Jessie Boak. assisted by tniut4 MCMttiMt •« sincjitii to you* Orange was the bride's attendant Lord Burghley, John Wisntr; Th* Marjory Froet, Dorotoy Griffin, with • wiit vtrtary •! faiJews Fool. Elliott Drake; Mary. Edythe u4tti«ai. Cmnm tm tisjk- C. Bowman Brown of Summit Millicent Hendmon and Virginia l 4 ll served as best man. The couplt Firth; Ellen, Saliie McWUnney; Savage; prompter, Patty Scurry; Bridw! Here'i * short lsssoii in Trust, Sally Mathiassen; Marvel, ; f will make their home in Louisville, make-up, Samuel Dawson; public- PlMontat Scrvkt. Cat- «**• ta* Hafcl 8U- Roderick Macdonald; * courier, y «<»• ••*"•*• yoor wsd- ity. Mellicent VaaCite. •l«ffac Write fat MbiM. Thomas LaRue; a herald, Darryl New farsi ISJIM imm M Avwiut shops. Tracy of Oak Ridge avenue en- Guards, Bryant Griffin, Leonard wa/fpaper •.. tertained Sunday afternoon in Brlggt, Darryl Turgeon, Gwynne Kenny-Daiuto a cwvwlaat ceaiw»trati«w of all Ntw V«rk aad Ntwark Shawreaaas. Scarfs **• *» rtyls. Esptcially if honor of their daughter, Polly, Alice Moll Pearson, Alan Ifsthiasen. Roger ^y gre imported silk or beautiful who Is spending the Easter re- Spalding. faatatlan aaa apftepaiatt taialtUawt vUmaM, 4«atisa4 ase asacttas Troth Announced s»»ar**lesi «r EUEANOB «UC« MOLTK. Mas»h«r af toft fur-such a* Madame Delia of cess from Wheaton College with Betrothed Director is Mar joint Jefferson; James Kenny of Orange has an- asaartcaa iMUtatt el D*cawtan. i Undon i* showing. Some are for her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Mol assistant director, Marianne Pylc; and drcMWi, others strictly nounced the engagement of his of Morris avenue announce th production manager, W. J. Pyte; TW L H. NOLTI CO. daughter, Miss Catherine Kenny, engagement of their daughter, ««entials. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Kent technical director, Jack Rose; as- sii In. • • • of Bbadyshide avenue spent the to John Daiuto, son 0/ Al Daiilto Alice Lorraine, to Joseph Francis sistant technical director, Bernard Easter week-end with their sou and tht late Mrs. Daiuto «f (Sates Stymacks, son of Thorns* Sty- Cowperthweite; set design, Jack •soy 8tsk« your claim to one of the avenue. beautiful bra*« lamp* that flitter and daughter-in-law, Mr. and macks of Chatham. Rose; set construction, Robert Mrs. Kent, Jr.; of Eastern, ltd. The Bride-elect, daughter of the Was Moll is a graduate of Sum in mcb profu»ion at David J. late Mrs. Kenny, is a graduate of Flood's. For above the usual ran- mit High School and the Overlook Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Lend, Orange High School. Mr. Daiuto Hospital School of Nursing. Mr. tf-ths-mill lamp*, Flood'* are BUSS Beatrice Beanett Eileen Lostys Jr, of Oak Ridge avenue have is a graduate of Summit High Stymacks attended Chatham High to Make really strikingif lovely. 1 returned from a trip to Williams- School Trenton Teacher * College. She 1*School and served five years

•••'••'. Troth Is Told burg, Va, and Asheville, N. C. at present on the faculty of the gunners mate with the Navy In If you want the, real ineide dope Chatham Borough School where Mrs. Anna Lotty of Asfawood Miss Shirley Lend, a student at she is a senior. She was a mem- the Pacific and Atlantic theaters on chee>M, do your shopping' at she teaches kindergarten. avenue h*s announced the engage- Briarcliff Junior College, and ber of the combined chorus of of war. Brookdale delicatessen. Once again ment of. her daughter, Miss Eileen Dexter Lend, a student at Syra- the' Cedar Crest choir and Mr. Stromenger attended Sum- Brookdate boasts imported Italian, cuse University, are spending the mit High School, Admiral JRarra- Losty, to Joseph M. Farley, son of of Your Muhlenberg College glee dub Mr. and Mr*. Matthew J. Farley Dutch and French cheeses. If you holidays with their parents. which presented "The Messiah." gut Academy and Pace Institute Bird Migrafion cherish cheeie, it's Brookdale. in New York City..He served two of Xngersoll terrace, Union. Miss Losty U employed jtt tht Figur* Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Van Cise Miss Nancy Watson, daughter and one-half years with the Navy To Be DAR Topic Plotting a party? Then make of Lenox road had- as their guests of Mr. and Mrs. Brian Watson of in both the Atlantic and Pacific James B. Hawley of Tulip Monroe Calculating Machine Co. plant lit Blue Lantern Tea Room over Easter, Mr., and Mrs. James Woodland avenue, is spending a theatres of operations. He is at street, past president of the Sum-of Orange. Mr. Farley, a former for plei or cake* by Ora Lynch. Qulnn of West Point Island and few days in Washington as the present; with the f. W. Woorworth mit Nature Club and chairman of member of the U. S» Army Air Our They assure a smashing luceets John Corbett, home from Wil- guest of Dr. Clarence Williams A Co, Inc., of New York City. the Summit Winter Bird Feeding Force, is employed by th« Ellsa- of any gathering. Need I say liams College, and his sister, Miss and Roblnhood Williams. project, will be the guest speake bethtown Consolidated Gas Co. at Ronnie Corbett of New York. Ellwbeth. No date has been set Conatitrfl more? - before the meeting of the Beacon turned from an automobile trip Fire Chapter, DAR, Thursday, for the wedding; • * * - • Miss Barbara Llewellyn, daugh- Miss... Nancy Blades, daughter to Florida. Elgin's new dura-power main- of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Blades April 17, at the home of Mrs. John An«lyt!s ter of Dr and Mrs. Frederick B. D. Morgan, Beechwood road. spring is another scientific sur- of Colt road, returned Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Bdwln J. Oohr Pledged to Bata Phi Llewellyn of Plymouth road, will "Migration of Birds, and Varie prise.. The only one of Its kind, it have as her guest this week-end to Connecticut College for Wom- •f the Hotel Suburban had as Gamma at Stepkens en after spending the spring Ues to Look for" wlU be Mr; Haw. eliminate! 99% of mainspring re- a former classmate at Smith Col- guests for the Easter week-end • Miss Martha Dudley of Ashland holiday with her parents. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. ley's topic, chosen especially be- road was formally pledged to Bata pair*. Eugene' Jung, Jeweler, lege, Miss Barbara Lane. cause of its timeliness with th claims it li a fine discovery. Mclntyre of Houlton, Me. Phi Gamma, national honorary Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Barton, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. imminent approach of the swal- Journalism fraternity, in a cere- The Fashion Store - . • •• • Rieder returned Monday to their lows, warblers, flycatchers, and who formerly lived at the Hotel Hotel Suburban Notes mony held recently at Stephens Thrift often meant you have to Beechwood, are In Washington home on Druid Hill road after other varieties of migrant species. College, Columbia, Mo. 415 SsrtBcfleM Ave. be tough and technical to make awaiting passage to Iran, where spending a few days st the Ho- Admiral and Mrs. Richmond K. Ideas will also be given for ways Members of the fraternity, that semi-monthly deposit at Mr. Barton is an attache in the tel Dennis, Atlantic City. Turner, who. have been residing ot attracting bird* to the garden, which promoter better Journal- •-X1M Summit Federal Savings ft Loan. American Embassy at Tehran. at Hotel'Suburban for the past for studying their ways, identify- istic writing on the campus are To be a self-sufficient person re- Mr; and Mrs. Fred L. O'Con- year left this week for their for- ing them, and making permanent chosen from the staff of the school quires plenty of Will power. Wade C. Johnson, son of Mr. nor of Boston are at the Hotel mer home at Carmel, Calif. The records of one's observations. Suburban, publications in recognition of • » • . and Mrs. Harding Johnson of the admiral, who has been head of all their outstanding work in that the amphibious forces in the Pa- Sons of Poland to Meet There are still plenty of us" left Hotel Beechwood, has gone to the Miss Charlotte Cabrera, daugh- field. cific and Naval Advisor for the Group 100, St. Wojiech Society, with old cars. Proper repair and 8tate University of Iowa where ter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Mlw Dudley who is business UN, retired from active duty Association of the Sons of Poland OPEN.SUNDAYS TO'5jP.M. especially for us. A periodic he will study in the graduate Cabrera of Beekman road, vis- manager of the Stephens Life, is check-up at Meyer-Werner Motors April 1. ill meet Sunday afternoon at 3 school while serving in an admin- ited her grandmother, Mrs. A. R. the daughter of Mr. and Mn. ipAIL.Y4TO'9P.M/'. often eliminates a breakdown. o'clock, at the horns of Mrs. Jose- istrative internship at the Uni- Cabrera of Media, Pa., while on Homer W. Dudley of the above ad- « • • versity Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Mclntyre of phine Stanewich, 31 Park avenue, spring vacation from Kent Place Houlton, Me., have been the At their March meeting, the So-dress. If all of Bedrosian's stunning School. shag rugs were laid end, Miss Mary Elizabeth LeMare, Easter guests of their daughter^ ciety, voted to contribute the sum Shoeldiji. they'd probably reach from Sum- who has been spending the spring Lloyd Curtis, jr.. a student Mrs. Edwin J. Gohr. of $5.00 each to the Summit Chap A. farmer in lows~fo>t nixed up mit to Mlllburn. If you have a vacation from Elmlra College at the University of Virginia, ter American R«d Cross, bo thewith his oorri and till into a badroom, bath or hall needing a with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.spent the Easter week-end with Lloyd Curtis, Jr., who is a stu- Polish Refugee Orphanage, and to whirling cornpicklnf machine. rug see Bedrosian's shags. Robert LeMare of Templar way, his parent*., Mr. and Mrs. Curtis, dent at the University of Virginia the national infantile Paralysis Result: he came out ally*, but was a guest at the University of Sr. of the Hotel Suburban. at Charlottesville, spent his Eas- Fund. most of his clothes went ihe Vay Virginia for the spring fraternity ter vacation at the hotel'with bis of all corn husks. Easter guests registered at hotel. Within each bottle of Golden activities. Mrs. Charles M. Edwards, Sr. parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Lloyd of Richmond, Va., is visiting her Curtis. Guernsey milk goes the guarantee Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Joy of Walter B. Woodbury, formerly son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and ot Brooklyn, N. Y., became a per- of the highest quality milk you Spokane, Wash., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs! Charles Cornell of can serve'your family. Btrlct reg- Mrs. Edwards, Jr. of Hobart ave- manent resident last Week. Mr. and Mrs. Hallam E. Menden- nue. Scranton, Pa., were Easter visi- ulations at Schmalt ..Dairy Farm hall of Oak Ridge avenue. Miss tors in Summit, staying over the George L. Courtenay of Canoe insure high butter fat and Althea Is home from Robert Cowan,, son of Mrs. weekend at the hotel. . Brook parkway has moved to the mineral content Hood College for the spring va- James D. Cowan of Oak Ridge hotel for the summer season. cation. She has as her guest a avenue is home from Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. O'Conner, classmate, Miss Abby Melcholr. College for the Easter holiday. of Boston, were guests during the At last there is a lawn mower past week. / easy enough for anyone to oper- Mr. and Mrs. Selby H. Morse Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lohman, Jr. ate. The Rumsey Electric is faster, and children, who have been liv- and Mrs. Lohman, Sr, of Brook- easier and cuts cleaner than any ing in California the last two lyn spent Easter week-end at moved from New York City to you ever dreamed of. Noel Appli- years, have returned to theb1 the Hotel Suburban. Summit where he will reside at ance Shop has them! adv. home In Plalnfleld. Mrs. Morse the Suburban. Miss M. E. Allison of Darien, was the former Peggy C. Webster Conn.* is visiting Mrs. Etta Edg- of Summit. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lohman, Jr. comb of the Hotel Beechwood. and Mrs. J. F, Lohman, Sr. of Brooklyn, N. Y., were among the HEADQUARTERS CHELL FRANTZEhi Mrs. Raymond W. Stafford of Miss Phyllis Ann Steele Is STUDIO Springfield 'avenue entertained spending the Easter vacation fir Tuesday afternoon in honor of from Knox School. Cooperstown, Miss™ Jean Turner, daughter- of f Portrait, Commtreisl T^rwitH" her-parents;-Mr." and" - First Afmivefsary — KIDDIES FOOTWEAR Mr. and Mrs. William B. Turner Mrs. Robert H. Steele of Sum- WrfrVTourNew and Candid of Pembroke road, who will be mit avenue. Mothers will be interested to PHOTOGRAPHY married in June to Harry Baker SPECIAL Spring Hat— know that our ihoci tre ton- of Philadelphia. Miss Gene Edgar, a student at •traded on ls»li which art Middlebury College, Is spending try a soft, becoming Fernwood orihopsedirally correct for tha MIBS Margery Reeve, daughter the spring recess with her par- 3 Satchwood Rd- 3 Beautiful Portraits permanent that will bring more ironing foot. of.Mr. and Mrs. Lester M. Reeve ents, Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm S. flattering comment than the-. FLEMINQTON WR Co. hat a SpedH -— Summit ~4=2i«—~ of Franklin place, is on vacation Edgar of Hobart avenue. An- of Your Child hat itself. from Cedar Crest College where other daughter, Miss Mary Ed- •"'• talent for making vf^-^~—— gar, spent the week-end at home Call Su.'6-o399 from Wells College, Taken at HARRISON Home or Studio Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Baum FERNWOOD BROTHERS NEW LITXLE F.URS 1 of Mountain avenue have re- $5.95 1' HAIRDRESSERS MONTCLAIR: 540 UasMfieM Ava. of Quality * and presenting them at Bystander IAST ORANGE: SSI Main Street "DO YOU In Rome, an lB-month-old baby 116 Summit Ave. a phenomenally low price fell from the ledge of his par- Jules A. Wolin OME HOME ents' apartment and plunged six 67 Union Place RUSSIAN SQUIRREL^ CAPES stories into the sturdy arms ot Summit 8-0087 AT FIVE — fruit vender. Injuries: one Columbia Cleaners Bldg. SILVER' FOX * JACKETS sprained ankle (the vender's). Your Husband at Six?" S

* phis 207c Ftdtctl Tu

How to Solve Your j If you are a smart shoppcr.lintercsud^obtasning the maximum quality at the minimum • price> com-, Dinner Problem! f PRESCRIPTIONS patiblc with such quality — SHOP and COM PARE — Treat yourself and your "hubby" to a new thrill | see all there is to see t—„ then visit the Flemiagton In testy food idth a delicious FROZEN FOOD § Fur Company. , DINNER. Try our special thfa week! | So certain'are'we* /that our Jackets of luxurio«j*ry SPECIALISTS IN SCIENTIFIC flaitehng. bright-with-white-Silver Fox — oar 'Sling', CHICKEN and VEGETABLE * COMPOUNDING and Suiter* Capes of rich. Mink-blended. Top-Qual- 42c 1 ity Russian Squirrel — are unexcelled values because DINNER YOUR MOST DEPENDABLE SUPPLIERS OF: SAY IT TODAY WITKA GIFT! we bought our pelts when raw fur prices were lowest What bettor way to delight your friends than coupled with o*ir Low Mark-up Policy —, that we Svrqlcd Idts and Truss** T Our Fro*en Foods are to give a gift—especially when you choose the confidently urge you to make this comparison." Diob«Hc Foods "right" gift for a spring wedding or a birthday properly handled to pre- •oby Nttds remembrance! serve flieir full, rich ftawor. We believe you'll find the gift that plea«eft~~ •TftlCT Compltt* Urinolrsis *•• Dtilvory whatever the occasion—among our unique, moder- FLF.MINOTON Store Hours: Weekdays 8 A.M. tit 9:30 PM. ately priced wlrctionn. Why not come in now— PENGUIN Sundays 9 AM. to 2 P.M. browse around and New Jersey Sa 64S2* GIVE A GIFT FROM HIOZEN FOODS, Inc. FRUCHTMAN'S TELEPHONE Free Parking 8(7. 8-4329 12 M«pk St., Summit, N. J. 'YOUR HOME' J*n*f% Cwftsf Facilities ' PRESC IPTION 29 Beechwood Road Summit, N. J. -SO MAPLE 8TBEET SUMMIT, N. J. CENTER (Jaal Arunnd The Comer From Summit Trail Co.) fl tHt JUMMtr HBULD, THUKSDAY, AMU »•. »*7 -•L Old New York Brought BEftaff Red CrcufhU who will ah* r, , College tmhlert Will Milt. Millburn. in Love Wagon Address Alumna* at Luncheon Here Director to Wed Old N*w Tork, the city of th* OUta— r player• s an-Jd atafar* who ar** MaAfe* Hftrtea, aooend t**tb tk* eta* aataaa aft • laV* ha* baas ra-ef*atf4 la th*uarry out the artloa of tba •ptr* WjUaaliy (Mat* a«4 recaption. Tfc* W«Uaat*y Dr. Albert Rauh of "Th* LOT* Wafoa," ttu art Albert Carroil, Me/7 aoppVt, 0, Diwrtd Baxtar. Hal „ ^^sfianpaw wF^»»«a? ^RawaW^waiBpapWi W» ia alao ptaaMmt af Ota Mr*. 'Jubilant B*W musioal ajburtasf Sonklin, Asa Par*. Lawiaaoa Pa* 'It ia* faaat spsaltir at tkt aaaual ^g** • tras**a m Dorothy gaadtla, which begins iU -Ma* *«w WW^^ CWk i«cfc- th* tuts. Or* Alexander aad Laalla «f Walnut wilikkmi, Daaa BaJS ft* aaeaad w**k at the Paper Mill ««• whi«h will to MM at tkt Baud as fir Playhouse, MiUburn, o» Meoday Barratt Tba oompaay BM beea •abtrbaa Saturday, April St\ atSchool aa* NorUva*i* uigmaated by a aingiag ehorus of ia vie* p«eid*at at tit (April 14), Ip-av O, Ra«k af Th* awven aattinfa designed fey M vote** aai a larg* danelaf Board for Christ!** rroup, .to eharf* of Richard Atea Dartag tha laaabaaa awetiaf Coiuaad aarvaa ae ar K*nneth Lloyd Mapas oaplat Mm. Datlsy A. Ryw of Oak Itiaf* Wi *»««» as it was la th* YaaeUag University th* days wh*n botaaa,wara th* avaaw* will b* UuUlitd a* tr«*> t** «f th* BawdL £* aliitisay aba aa* is aaar aarftag «a *n*M fit* only means of transportation, aad ia a auHBk«r at **•** at tiractaro at ta* V. «. Vi th* Unioa Rao* Track, which was Th* axrttng wUi mar* MM, of Kob* (Japaa> ITaUwwtty, ik« Jtt-^4mm~9 Barton'* tret visit t* Maw Jetaey Oorporatioa. at th* «ra«aate of Barraitf Madieal th* seen* of th* gala competitions *ScottLawn! of th* days before the Civil War. la aavarat yaars aad aha will at IttaUtut* far Girls ia can own a beautiful. tha eoaxaaUt** tar M a Major ta tia* r With th* company compl«Uly coa- Cooperation af th* latewsttfaaal Xa«f»l Oarf* H* is aow at the tuj$*d in the picturesque clothing Scofr lawn this aa«y w*y; r*d*r*tion of Vuivtnlty U. a. VafwraM HoapitaJ at Ifoa*. of th* period,. Th* Love Wagon" lanlsfc dandelions, buck! ateuM* noetalgio racoUsctioai of a Only You Mrs. Oaorf* D. Jons* of Mafia. Th* wwMtaf will to m first day horn and fha lib with wood will ifttrodae* Mrs. Hartaa. «f Jim* at I«egmea4ow. '., way of life that Is no longer to be found. Seotts Weed Control. R,. Tba affair ia spaa t# afi Clarenc* Kord*trom, favorit* •tort grass sparIHa and bars or th* ehife or ether Welfare Group DATES Wriqhtlrlolp comic of MiUburn audiencei, ap- health with Turf Builder. living la tliia vicinity. pear* in the garb of the Irish MOBS should b« made before April AWUL Fill la bare spots with 10—Thurt., 8:15 p. m.—Athe- Engagement coachman who drives "The Love 16 with Mr*, C Judd Meal, Cal- Announces Dates Wagon" and adds to th* entertain- vigorous new grass from liBfWObd road, liapl*w«ee\ wh* ia> naeum — Dr. Fay-Coopar Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M. Wright ment of the work which features in chart* of th* toacbeaax. Cole—High School. of Walnut street announce the ScoHs Lawn Seed. Of Spring Sale engagement of their daughter, music by Harriet War*. The story U-^Frl. — Fortnightly Family y Ta* Weatara and Service Cora- * • •» JSarty. Elisabeth, to Charles Joseph of the Kentucky belle who brings aaitta* ut the Fortnightly dub, Triolo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jo-her famed race-horse to New fork fat law m Bgat aaaia. will know iff not a Elementary 11 14—kon., 8 p. m.—TWCSA— SOOTTSLAWN Mra ftetlaaa K. M—ft^^tv and seph Triolo of Springfield ave- was written by Frank Carrington lta.fUa I Mlhs* mm.,, Saetts f*r new dress. Mr*. Itcarjr Varay, co-chairm*n, Board . of Directors. 1&—Tues., 10:30 a. m. —Old nue. • and the lyrics by Agnes Morgan Dense Shade, prto—. Cooking Course the dates of the Miss Wright is a graduate of and Antoinette Scudder. Reshaping, not m*r* pressing. "spring cleaning Guard—"Chine** Commu- nlsU'-Gregory Hewlett— Summit High School. Mr. Triolo, The romantic interest with Mias fJOOTfS TURF BinOLOCE-CMnpM* IMA f*r hungry ^Js_M«Mlualv*ji(ray..wj*bav* Starts Today Thursday, Friday and a graduate of Summit High gnus, m lbs - St-W feed* WOO af ft B* ttw W feeds reviving »tyU Unas of clothes. April U, » and 90, YMCA. Sandlin is shared in song and "Cooking Claaaes for School; was attending Lafayette a« ft Me lbs - S«:M f«ed* llyMf ay ft. Croaa t mm. to t pm, and the IS—Tues., 8:90 p. m.—Coounon story by Davis Cunningham, new series of *rt* coarse* I* Council-City Hall. College when be enlisted in the ft*** as the old city toalL"Th e Armed Foroes. After three years leading man of the Paper Mill Suiti and Dresses...75c tary cooking, wiK b* taught 16—Wed., 8:15 p. m.-8um- production. A secondary romance SOOn SPBEIDKBH Hsnrty for

'•*•••-. noaas will be open OB Monday, Public Service, Sit Spring* mit Mature Club — "Bind of service, thirty-two months of «oiek aeedhy and fewttag. M tb Tiaeadsy auad Wednesday, April which were spent in the Pacific, with comic overtones is supplied Jsas W% discount tor nus, Summit, by Hetea Banding" - Mrs. Herbert by Peter Birch and Ronnie Cun- rubber tirea, flUA. Clark, horn* economist, Tlnsraday a. 7X. aad ZJ. to receive con- Carnes—TMOA. he has now resumed his studies twm t:M a. in. to 4 at Lafayette College. ningham, whose singing and danc- ^••'••'• Drive-in Seprice afternoon*, April . 17—Thura., J:15 p. m.—BAR— SOpTTS WEED CONTROL-<*ulck and pennatient N* with Mr*. Charles J. ing is one of the many highlights Hay 1-8-15. ^Bird MlgraUon".-J. B. Juuni to grasa. $Ufl and |UU. Sdsacfer ia charge- of the show. CHATHAlf 4-SMO SU1DIIT. 6-1518 The** courses, Hawlear. Bird Banding Will Th* caaJunctioB of the sale 17—Thur*^ 8 p. m.—Wast Sum- to appeal to brides, ar* with tk« aaaual proclivity of Be Nature Club Topic sarlly for girls who an last re- mit Civic Association—Field Mrs. Herbert Carnes of Tenafly, Summit Hardwart & Point Co. to "spring bouse- House. cently married, but ar* sen ta has always been a i happy state bird chairman of the New Springftakl Avenue SVmcnit CHttlt anyone who wants to War* ta caak. 17—Thura., 8:30 p. im.—Dance IKUIFOUKST acoordUB^ to the working Jersey State Garden Club, will be The subjects will cover vegetable Recital-Kathleen Hlnnl- the speaker at the meeting of the NtwY-rtn cookery and sauces, breakfast cMaaaittee, aad many a finecon - YWCA. haa been made to the Summit Nature Club next Wed- foods, quick breads, pastry, cake*. 18—Frl, 1 p. m.—College Club nesday evening, April 16, at the It MCiUTNl A SPENCER meat cookery, and men* of this opportunity —Annual Luncheon—Canoe to ami glad recipient of some- Summit YMCA, beginning at 8:18. Th* Summit Red Cross Nutri- Brook. The public is Invited. SUPPORT thiaw fevcad is the cellar or attic 18—Frl.j 9:15 p, m.—Garden De- tion Department under the direc- who have al- "Bird Banding" will be Mrs. ti win |h. tion of Mra. WlWaas Sertoriaoa, partment—John Jennings— Carnes' topic. She Is a licensed Uw yearly chore : Field Houee. HYBRID BLUEBERRIES JT/ ye* and th* Nutrition Department eg bird bander, one of the 2,000 peo- hanw dearafed a number of at- 1»—Sat., 2:80 p. m.~4oap Box th* Millburn-Short Hill* Chapter tractive "white elephants," such ple so honored by th* United Lar9« Fruited — Cultivatwd Varierles •way every are cooperating with Mrs. Clark Derby—Warwtok Road HIU States government, out of the aa two atamiaum water pitch- —Cub Pack IM- on this cooking claaa project. era. • eoCfe* table, lamp bases, a great numbers who have applied Red Cross Nutrition certifies!** 21-Mon., U:i5 p. m. — FS5O for such permits. She will tell of a WMUU av*. wrought aactal rroot.for...,.§ grate : Luncheon. ••MM I-Mll-W will be issued to all those Wnplaf*. *Ad • hand-carved her entertaining experiences in ing tit* cours*. 21 to 26—Mon to Sat., 8:10 p. m. trapping and banding birds and tauaai-way ctibbag* board, Playhouse-"Blisabeth the OTHK MUIT GARDEN PLANTS Anyone Interested may register of the data gathered" and conclu- MR. Reftaad B. Kremera Is Queen." sions reached through this ac- at th* Public Service or at Redehairmaa ia charge of sales- 3»-Wed., 2:80 p. ».—Fortnight- AMJ — rlACH — RHUIAW Cross HeadquarUrs, 33* Spring- tivity toward the importance of wwm, and Mrs, Sherwood ly—Fashion Show — High birds in man's economy. fleld avenu*. &alght wiB act aa cashier. School- ASPAHA«U$ — PIAR — CHIMY Mr »; and 2«=ThiursTTH;; inn Scholarship Voted the proceeds of their Sat., 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.— GRAPfS — STftAWMMY When iff "APPLE BLOSSOM TIME" in . Fortnightly Spring Cleaning To Student Nurse Mttts diefe* &U to tli* spring cleaning sale to fl- SMM •*• *MS *f wwssass t**a, Summit, . their work for the year Sale—Old City Hall. The Welfare Committee of the a^a** VaWvf* a^F VVMavvVI W*V Last, year aoaae of the contribu- 24 and 25—Thurs. and Frl.f 8:30 Fortnightly Club called a special We will meet in the High School Ami. saadc from the successful p. m. — "Apple Blossom meeting Monday morning at the w*x« S8H ta> Cancer Fund, Tlme"-*High School. home of the chairman, MrB.H. E. Thi miisfc will memorie* awefke, CM far the children's ward at 25—Fri., 2 p. m.-i-Antlque Auc- Mendenhall, Oak Ridge avenue, PLANT MARKET Ontiook Hospitja, |S0 to the vis- tion—World Service — Cal> and voted unanimously to give a ^^sWaaWW sj^HaWMJ^ arvSa^^yvv^^ av a^aBs^Piar And you'll tap it, and hum it itiag Red Cross none for "small ,.. vary Church. , $250 scholarship to a student en- EUGENE HOWE 28—J'ri., 4 p. m. — Children's tering the School of Nursing at roaafotta." *JMI m for a wheel 201 Malt Street Madissn, N. J. With the friend you take, chair for a paralysis victim. Auction — World Service- Overlook Hospital. RIGBFS Calvary Church, This course Includes a period of When if» "APPLE BLOSSOM TIME* in Gsauaercaal forest* occupy 27—Sun., 2 a. m.—^Daylight Sav- training for three years, with tui- Summit per eeat of *H land m th* South- ing Begins. tion and all expenses paid. Selec- en Halted State*. tion of the candidate will be made Reserve Naval Officers by the admissions committee of the faculty of the Overlook School To Meet in Chatham of Nursing with the approval of A meeting of bid Forge* Chap- the Nursing School Committee. ??PROFESSOR WHIZS QUIZ?? ter, Reserve Officers of Naval The money given toward this CLLR. IS A 6LHtt Services, will be held Tuesday, purpose is raised through the trmKC A SMALL 6RITTL1T April 15, at 8 p. m. at the Amer- "spring cleaning sales" which are SNRKE-RQLRZIER'S ican Legion Home, North Pawalc held annually and the funds of .TOOL. ORR LIXftRO? avenue, Chapter. This will be the which-are divided among several first real meeting of the organ- local causes. The coming sale will isation which consist* of former be held on April 24, 25 and 26 in naval and Marine .officers in thethe old city hall. Summit area now in reserve status Richard Bain is member- ship commiUeeman for Summit. Of particular Interest to all PAINTING servicemen will be a talk on new benefits in National Service' Life DECORATING Insurance to be given by William Schmidt, an authority on the sub- Reasonable - ject. Other event* on the program Workmanship Guaranteed are organization work of the WALLPAPERS Chapter and a film on naval ac- PAINTS 4km. ;'••'•' SANITOS MUnfl In normal times, the world'* qf. pqrk, excluding lard, FRED PIEPER SPRINGFIELD, ti. J. K>» IMMEOUTC DOlYBtTI ^averages 27,328,000.000 Phone Millburn 6-0799-R pounds. The PHILCO HOME FREEZER

FrwMfi Restarts, fee craam, maatl, fruits *nd v*get*W*» wiU always ba Kandy for fh« family or sptcial occasions and partial. TK* tm*ll family can now hav* thi advantage of • large roast because alt an«atew portions can b* stored for as long a time as desired before it need b* used. Large famttiat can buy In quantity and save money as wall as have the co«vafiiance) of It9s Here At Last! A Beautiful, Well- j shopping avary two waaks instead of avary day. Visit ut and find now w* Known Make Spinet Piano /» Mahogany can ba of sarvic* to you—The Modam Locker Plant. r*toai ana* Primmvm tiightty higher

You have been loping for it-«d ^iagfo r itl &,h .Te ^ Nw .^ j^ Hal DfLJVUT Twlea • Dwy — II A. II.- 4 P. M. WMs Awf SUM A bewuful, dependable spinet in the very newest styling at a price you can wy/lIIOING gifts, penootl effects, bustaen afford to pay-^on term, no longer government restricted. Here are juat a few •• records, Tilted possessions,.. Store of tbe^fine punt, of this low-priced spinet piano: It ia made by Winter & Co., them ia one of our frnmH faktd rcomt at manufacturers of the famous Winter and MwKW piano*. It take, up only a. much space as the average-aoed throw rug. Full scale 88 note keyboard. Pine nomiaal cost. Your goods are safer stored ^quahty materHd throughout and a .urpri« g| rounded musical tone. Immedi- bets) tban in your ewa borne I Inspect our O y ate delivery. Thoroughly guaranteed by both the manufacturer and Griffiths, 'Modem storage fedltties without obligation. tmnem soon if you want one of these spinets. • ptff

"Th* Muilc Center of New J«nmy" SftHi Oroft Sforaft Corporatlw GRIFFITH PIANO COMPANY ALLIED VAN UHCs. INC. STEINWAY REPRESENTATIVES BmpndmU* ~ «fiie* I f*9 lit Vdky Strwt* Soatb Oraafe 2-W00 605 BROAD STREET, NEWARK 2, NEW JERSEY J*IB a. csMpbttt, Qsa. JiST. • f reeisre* OPM WEDNESDA Y BVKNlHGS VNTIL NlNK THE ado* the ppW lower, having t ke, notably NOO**, mo •&• to jVVa*lUngtoa of Uaion placv, $lu tit* AmetUnn Legion wu Uw maim Court Finot driving;. On complaint of at the Katk*al Qnma ••^•^•^••Ml /-• HiRR •end i»lla into Sumnlt «a4 *u- Tou$»eyWJM j cacb on complaint of Patrolman man George Genty, Thomas E. t national Mpufantiim to meroui husbanat with ottlon la ASoyiiiius Duffy; Wilham Haihew .Smith of Stirling waj fined $? for Septe»b« IT, fraii Pag*- i) these ciUea dapartad far wofk First Prlie for Appearing Thursday night be- of (.llt'nwoiHi pjiicp, $U) on com- driving without mi n>giitrs,U«n O«*f*i Office sxsUding «B Spring- aacb day burdened dowa• .with fore Acting Judge Peter C, Tnolo plaint of Patrolman Mrrnii Brut. on hitt automobile. field aveaae, wer« asaaaed by «u- loag llau of caila to aaait* into on C/C la Summit Police Court, the fol- On complaint , of Patrolman *«*»orjr'watte* win wete ac- Summit, ftewral kmf distance nnett EL Tousley, }r, of Lo- lowing persons were found guilty A kOifuoo and religious regard eaujr eeflerfency call*. calU from Summit watt honored, cust drive and a member of The of disorderly conduct and fined as Theodore J. Corcoran, Alma Holm- to spiritual and «t«rnal thingi ia DelMiey, tedJ manner one being em emergency call to Dyaunic Speskers Club of Weat- indicated: Wilma Holmes, Gregory ts of Grtgory avenue, East Or- aa indiip«nial>le element of all LINOLEUM for the telephone eonpaay. said Texaa where the Km of « Busomit lnghouce International, Kew York, avenue, East Orange and LeRoy ange, was fined $18 for careless tsue greatness.—Daniel Webster. t&at Htk calls vet* being handled resident ia atationed «t an Army won first prlje Thursday sight at wiiiwat unable and delay and base. The phone cojaBaay re- the club's monthly dinner meeting tie* laeal safcaeribeu were e*> ported that all calls to Overlook »t the Churchill Restaurant in •»• txe»t3y twptmtw by not at- Hospital, doctor's officea, police Broadway, Kew York City, with IVSMINfiS. Lewptutg t« place calls of a non« and fire department* wera being his fddrea* on "The Counter In- enessttal suture sader the guise speedily taken care of. telligence Corps.'' •r The Western Union office in Mr. Tousley received his honor- the Lsokawanna station appeared Oaeei able discharge from the CIC in to be rushed with telegrams but NoWber, IMS with the rank of phone roasygny'a business refused to give any Information serg|ant after T three and a half office was as "htssioaBS-as- or make any comment as to how yean' tour of duty, some of which ww^ basia and picketing at that the atrike wai affecting the vol- was tpent in the European Theater ftlftCflt *HtkS JMBftMBttttdilC " MET ''s^daU&sW ume of business. of Operations. waa oa hand during day Vusinesi Mr. Deianey estimated that The prise winner after explain- hewn aad at nights was doing < practioally all traffic workera In atlat before the switchboards a} ing the background and activities the local office had lift their of the CIC told how the group the Oeatral Office. Other super* fobs. However, a few union mem- vtaorr • trngSmymm from N«*srk developed from a small number of bers Ignored the atrike edict and personnel to levers! thousand. He aad ether large ctty'oflicea sup- atuck to their posts along with jti Mwattiil the local staff. said that some of the top secrets the supervisory personnel. Per- of the war were guarded by the The atrike was not without its eoni trying to place caHe Monday CIC, "quietly and efficiently," were startled to hear a male voice lighter aJdel A very disgusted Among these secrets he lilted the reply instead of the customary stiUuaaa said that he waa delayed "Manhattan Project" or the de- three homes oa his routs Monday femals voice. Ueate war* being served to workers at the, Oeatral velopment of the Atom bomb. becMMf he had been pressed Into WhiW admitting that not many ae/viee as a measenger boy and Office but no arrangements were being made to "sleep in" person- people know about the work of haadysaaa by harried housewives. the CIC, Mr. Touiley gave us his I* additiea to delivering milk, nel because of the fact that they were being unmolested while pass* belief that this group "U absolute- the ua'ortunate man was asked ly necessary for the preservation to aead junior home from a neigh- ing picket lines. of peace." He explained how the bor's) house, deliver notes to other Some Summit residents with aleog the route, leave CIC worked band in hand with the friends or relatives living in rural OSS. The Locust drive man, laid grocery orders at downtown Vprren County were,envious, for stores aad even unsnarl a twisted the CIC "actually caught spies" in * that county there were few and did considerable work "re- dathealBse- One large grocery worries about phone service. The which usually does a comid- garding invasions in'various the- West Jersey Telephone Co., an aters." eia&e amount of buslnesa over independently owned firm whose the pheae, sent out delivery boys employees have no union, Had Mr. Tousley, a graduate of to take orders from homes of cus- unlimited conversations within Princeton, Is associated with the the county. Their, connections distributor Sales., department of Custom Made Westing-house International. His A few places having dial aerv- with the outside world, however, depended upon the urgency of the father is manager of the Beljevue call and the good nature of the Stratford Hotel in Philadelphia. SLIPCOVERS Bell Company which controls the long linea. There is no tyrant like custom, and no freedom where its edicts Summit- Mem Must* Fay are not reiisted.—Bovee.

All our join fit the *ST liter ihouM—rut snJ fitted •*•» A* fanutar* $500 as Larcony Aid in your own home! W« offer 7011 • choice •! ikirt fiaiikw. fc*x Appearing Thursday before pleati, ruffle* and kick pleat»— sipperr or snap*. We ha** sffriiaro' Judge Walter L. Hetfield in Quar- HOME REPAH teveral thonaand yard* of. new prints, ttripet, taiklotk aad fihar ter Session Court In Elizabeth, dine* and by siting now you nay lake advantage «4 tbm* Ear aaa- Raymond C. Holbert, a wire draw- lerials and our unuiuilly low priest! 'MODERNIZATION' er of ^ark avenue, who pleaded LOANS Couch and 3 cushions, complete with wattiwaji non vult to receiving stolen goods and siaparf—a* low — • - ... that included machinery tool* and other equipment taken in, Kenll- CLINTON and cushion, worth, was fined $900 and given TITLE andMORTG AGE &UARANIKO at lew as ^dOHfj yooi ostoM to nouiiQ a suspended sentence. He was 515CLIN10N AVt NEWARK S S. ; 22.75 put on probation for two years. Our Mill-End Department it now offeriag • Spatial dearaaca sat new fabrics—come in sad make yaw *m selaciisaj. ^

REUPHOLSTER NOW •OH of yoov IMNM htf w«. Cloilnt out tar nvbolittir f*b> PHILCO dMOMki. W# will rt-uphoUttr »DT 3 pe. Mt—UXK MfW—la- (tniUnt »te«Mori«. cauia—*• Uw »« ^ HEADQUARTERS CODGO—JU Mr a* »•••• : ——7-0-

Cor ond Mofiiw

Call Us For ^othex IVSOtANCB Dotp Frotio Lockors SPECIRLTV CD. AI Motti of Radios Ropolrtd

KM Central Ave. lott Ora T«L Oft 4-2443 CalWforcnidDwnvtrtd IrfaUnhtd M f n. Visit our yard goods department Perry T. Brown •rood and Summit Avt. SUmmit 6-0913 Everywhere, you hear if said ONLY CHEVROLET GIVES BIG-CAR QUALITY CONTRACT NOW Handsome is as handsome does! And that handsome AT LOWEST COST head on a glass of Krueger Beer or Ale does a withthe :grand job of telling you what's to eome in the way of downright good taste—mellow-mild smoothness "MITCHELL —and gay natural liveliness! For thai head is . Nature's work—the result of natural carbonation. MAN" Count on it—Krueger is the brew with a for O»€» vroUl 1947 The ntw and tv«n head of its own— ts NEXT is tht only ear in »• performance and WINTER'S Big-Cor beauty, comfort y of a Valvo- and tafoty of Body by in-Haad tkriffl-Mattor Fithor that krinaja Y»»

fmstwrea of lig-Cs\l QUALITY AT IOWBT FUEL OIL SUPPLY COST, Cliswalal •*»• You are assured of efficient, courteous, 24- »tand» owt m% lia boui tervice. Your fuel oil supply checked lowe»r-pr.ces» fiaw of automatically—never any need to worry about running out. Expert* are alwayi on call to service ind repair your automatic heating g rWino-tmoothMM *. # • Big-Cor safaty of »o»Wvo- equipment. And of couree you get the highest and road-ttoadinost of grade fuel oil. Phone the "Mitchell " UnMitd Knoo-AcKon Man" today.

Phone Mitchell 2-8155 a

MITCHELL OIL SALES COMPANY a, InM BOTIMI O». MMMk S. M. I. SIIFARTJIEES CHEVROLET. IMC. SI Ctfltnl AVMM in smuwrau AW. SWBW.H.* It THt SUMMIT HERALD. THURSDAY, APRIL 10, IM7 sat Olsst *•* WkAv •JMPBBMBM) ' to ttaeut* eaatttets, ** «a roll tall NJSGA Members OMMMI (*)-TreeboM«7am»tl> for tb» Fl- naaot Committee, awtorlag tem- Scores of Local Bowling Leagues Of porary appomtasnt of Butb Marab aa Scalar Cters; Sttaagrapfcer ta ttw Submit Names for Btftdar tat Vnlon County Adjuster'* offtet at a salary liM Ml Course Is Ready; County " cboMn frtensidsts KutM ot lUOOAO per annum, agtettws Clttk r. MM R. 148 111 Ml was Court Boose, Btea- 1X7 B. FU 111 N 117 Tota* R. mam 100 UO 116 Cat» Ammi Bmmm Althouih there hw bets MM tat point that bag tottf* art being Mlved »n7 ordered ftUtf: 1*3 761 460 6» Tat Battsr e. IM 1ST ToUU wjntcr play at tht count, partici- selected for an education at Rut- ' ayotpatby. » 149 Sawjer pation haa risjtn sharply ainct g»rs. Oommitt«e, advlatag bids C. SWire L RatUos 141 131 IM rtittvtd lor window rJeanlng lor tat W-Srade Typewriter Stationery Co. 1*4 m Member clubs of tho NJ8GA, Vandwbooi 1*1 146 14S opening of th» atsuoa April 1. At Court Bous* ButtaiajB IM neoav* including Canoe Brook and Bal- mead award of eontraot to lowest 4*1 113 D. Sj ISI iaa 112 that tim« tbt aummtr ratt* went IS tea* Street lt«rrlftow« 4-2S64 ToUH <»)• T» fl Uerrttt 131 tusrol, were asked Saturday by Mddtr. msabtta Window tasaatai •. A L. AM'« D. 1U lao iu 130 into effect, replacing UM reduced Co., was referred to Oratuds »*ti Datus Ut 14S 4*2 Dr. Stephen Q. Ltt, Jr., of Canoe Buildings CoumltU*. 137 111 winter rattc effectivt cine* No- Bhertfl. advtstgg sX atepbm Oemmf. Now A- MWM HI IM 124 Total* «76 631 *«• Brook, president of the atat* Garage vtmber 1 fdtnttOcatioa rasra, t* dot lor an T Uavoo 111 12S group, to submit namts of boy* apMMl inennent at SJ00.00, atttettft 141 B. D«1U IU 147 143 Bt4aW 131 J. DelBero Ul Summer rate* for county r*f> Marc& M, 1MT. Ruck IM 141 lie iMfor* April 18. Bach club has , Bupt. oJ Weights and Msasurt*. ad- IM D. Amodeo 197 137 » dents art 75c w«*kdaya, VU» oa Own* W. Rutao, }t, 124 been invited- to nominate one or vtstag amount forwarded to Butt. **T IM Saturdays, Suadayi an4 holldaya,' Total* IM IM n two caddies for fMO scholarships County Attorney, advtal&g as bas 100 while double thue amwuti arf granttd slok leave, wttb pay to Flor- m tor ••««• at Rutgers. The first caddies tnct B. KohUabtrgtr, from Ftbniaxy 164 charged for out-os'-couBtjr players. 1TU» to March 3rd. 111 * >Ua£tSfigK *!. B&Bzdv aoctrojfift&dp^ £f LOANS US s tnroug-b the fund. abstaet wttboutrpay telln. any day for county gotta*, ethers Ltttttrt to llareallst. coatlnulag m Wei Stocked pairing double. Season tklttta for Candidates must bavt two year* Mr*, title BcblMisler la bar place and u IM of successful work at caddies and continuing strvioe* of Mttn Thomas county playert are purehaMfclt to March 31st. Aatswt* at th» golfhotiM for |». To In. must establish tbt fact that they Beglatar. advising Mr. Edward Baatr wSX, 111 ' IM Trout Streams •urt only county players of the couldn't go to . collet* wlthou died oa rtb.3ttb.lMT, and lira. Butto 161 UT B. LtPrts was out sick for on* day iii i 147 Ul low M*ld«nt rates, identification scholarship aid. A high school di- without pay. MNmrfMkV IM Ml ploma is necessary and only thost ~ . ot FubUo Works, granting 6 111 U6 cards art Issued. ; tsnployts sick leave with pay. PUI mm Ready for April 15 RtMrvations f#r tte-off time ranked in the upper quarter of -Purebastn - t commlttM. advistK d recalwd for Bosd Dtpt.. nu» J Fishermen will find well on week ends and holiday* en bt the school class will be consid- for Bond oua & 0nisb«4 Stoat, was MM

ered. Candidates must be out- referred to Road Committee. tma» Hi s mm •tacked trout •treanu through- made at the golf house, or by call- Chairman, Purchaains. CommltUt. out New Jersey next week when ing Unlonville 2-09M. Tho advance standing in character, integrity advislnV bid recrtred (or two new and leadership and those quali- CbsrroUl Coupe* for tht probation Oftho- BBMNUtl H,Whi PINHJWtlM 147 the annual trout season . reservation* are (paced tea Department, was referred to PurehJ*- 117 minutea apart, allowing those who ties must have been proved lng Commlttte. Ifl under way, the State Fish and through participation in extra cur- Chairman, Purehaalnf Committee, Tw Mad N«t Be AaDMMltW MI Qtme Council of the State De have not reserved a starting time advlatn* of bid received for one ear to t»e off on the alternate five- rlcular, civic or community activi- and one truck tor the County En- ION SOT IM . IM "m partment of Conservation, said ties, gineer, was referred to Purcbsslog IU 1S1 160 minute period*. Committee. IM JM 18* 140 today. The Legislature haa US 1*0 141 The layout actually consists ot Dr. Lee asks the golf cluhs of Chairman, Purchasing Committee, 14T 1*0 IM T. TM)\f passed a measure prohibiting the NJSGA to submit names to advising' of Md received for a new K R»llly two couraes; an 18-bole courte, truck tor the County Boad Dept., was PMlUpt fishing before 8 a.m. on the open- 6,319 yard* long, with a par of 72, blm at bis dental offices, 144 Har- referred to Purchasing Committee. «mon 181 Chris Meyers, calling attention to 143 Ing day. The season will extend and a 9-holt, 8,500 yard*, par 97. rison street, East Orange, 1ft* 181 CtOM poor condition of poeta and railing* 1ST Ul to July 15. . Care of these ground* 1* under on ramp oil bridge ba Central A*«.. US 1*4 Totall IU 717 Clark Twp., over the Lehlgn Valley •Mandleaya •"Frank J. Valgenti of Madison, supervision of Edward T. Brlttain, Y Stnior ImktfM Batlroad, was referred to Boad Com- 1T4 101 of the construction and niainte* araiL • •< mittee. MS ISO the SUtt Fish and Game Com- tmvvn Bom* Demonstration Agent, advis- missioner in charge ot the nance department of the county BlBgen ts> ing Buth Marsh resigned as Clerk- •• n< Btaatem <•) Mackettstown Fish Hatchery park system. * ' .. • Forfeit cam*, StenotPTWer, tffectlv* March ». 1W7. t Bwalu County Attoraey.-Adjuster, grantlnf; I'm tn and distribution, report* that all Professional instruction and lea- Crawler* (44) leave of abeenoe without pay to flor- F. Ernie Ul 127 141 public trout streams will be son» are offered by Daniel Kedfly tnos «. Kohlenberger. effective Marca 8. Kanh IM 111 147 T. J1.1M7. n. Fifliolino 14» 123 IM stocked with thousands of Brook, of Roaelle Park, who Is pro-man- Kemp, rf *0 v 8 Following monthly reports were re- T. Fisher IM 213 170 Brown and Rainbow trout, by the Richmond, M 0 ' • ceived and ordered filed: County Dummy 100 100 100 ager of the course. Assistant Swing; If . ' ' 0 e Treasurer; Third District Court; opening day. Tank trucka have manager la Joseph C. ifcElwee, Copify, e 2 Trowbrldge, i( so Fifth District Court; Supt. of Weights Totals 63i "tn been transporting the trout to of the «am« town. 2 2 and Measures and County Physician. Bryaa's Drove*, rj 0 0 Following reports were received and A. Gold Owaft IM ioa the streams for several weeks Facilities at the golfhouse In- Harltlnter,' 1* 2 8 ordered filed: D. Brvan ui 104 114 and by the opening day every ToUU ," ..... Bridges, Drainage and Flood Con- T«ei|M 3. Erlckaon IM 181 clude a small restaurant, pro shop, » 6 . 44 trol Committee, recommending the KMU vt CarUr PuMUhini Co. M stream capable'of holding trout <»4> O. 117 149 171 locker, shower and wash room*, •cett • t Iron and steel work on six bridges OharuftM ««. Aaxrletn Ufloo, A. 172 will have a large supply, Com- F. T. In Cranford be cleaned and painted. Ml cigar and candy counter, and a Kllnck, rf al. 2 4 IM Bridges. Drainage and Flood Con- Totals 8W 6M 730 missioner Valgenti jaid. lounge. A practice green is also Ouida, If t - 1 U trol Committee, recommending a new Ocntllc.c 8 0 10 bridge be constructed on Kenllworth Berkeley A. C. Each truck load of trout available for use by registered Moore, r* 0 1 1 Boulevard about 800 feet easterly A*. •hipped from the world-famous Cook, If - 0 • from the Bahway Valley Railroad la I. Mondtllt IU IM 113 e players. Last year approximately •'.'--•- MAM 7M S. Ttst* IM IM 184 hatchery pool contains a propor- the Boro of Kenllworth. Mta'f Club Tftl 3. BtMgerlo 124 US 204 68,000 people registered to play at Totall 18 4 14 Following resolutions Were Intro- Tinmen "A" 7*2 A. Btlller 164 IM 135 tion of trout over twelve inches the course. duced and moved for adoption: Junior Ordtr ' 702 O. Clark IM 200 176 In length mixed with those of «*U Dan " (1)—Freeholder Brokaw for Com- Fl*« Act* a. F. T. mittee on Bridges, Drainage and Flood «. * L. AM'n m Totals *6M "im Hi average size so that anglers on Zottl, rt 0 . 1 Control, authorizing bids be received Flrvmti "B" Oangrr, rf 0 0 0 for cleaning and painting sis bridge* ru "C" SM Berkeley Heights Fire Co. any stocked stream have an ttfi M. DelDuc* 148 14S 103 Pedicini Becomes Nelwn, If i 0 2 In Cranford, was on roll call unani- 418 O. Delta 124 132 113 equal opportunity to land the Bunditrum, c 2 0 4 mously adopted. T. DelDuc* 131 109 190 larger ones. Mornty, rg 4 1 » (3)—Freeholder Brokaw for the UT R. Olavatlcb 143 147 116 • V Scherier, rg • . 1 1 3 Committee on Bridges. Drainage and Dtlla Ml 128 Dummy 100 100 100 Trout must be seven Inchea Van Dyki. 1* 1 1 3 Flood Control, authorising- Commit- A. Cfcurtta UT IM 17* long to be taken legally during Season's First Maffle, 1* 0 0' 0 tee to receive bids for a new concrete 4. Cto* HI 211 1*3 644 633 Ml pipe bridge on Kenllworth Boulevard Totals —-A-- the season and the legal catch is •Tottfli -; r —•—— —« 800 feet easterly from the Railway . HIU CliX HI Valley Railroad In the Boro of Kenll- limited to ten trout datfy. The V worth, was on toll call unanimously H.S. Nine Casualty : • . • -i. G. t. season is the fore-runner of oth- Trowbridit^. tt'.--•;:--;•--••'- •-vtr. • 8 adopted.. • er 1947 fishing seasons In New Cosimo Pedicini, star shortstop, Mantel, rf 2 l S (3)—Freeholder Smith for the Pur- 3 -» chasing- Commlttte, approving pur- Jersey, lnclu.d|n| pike, pickerel pulled up with a bad arm and Mgnigonwiy, W- -* - T chase of one 1947 Chevrolet and one shoulder at Monday's practice of Dli-tChK. c 3 2 4 Chevrolet Truck for the County En- aifd pike-perch season which Zimmerman, rg ~ 3 • 0 4 gineer, at a cost of $987,30 for the opens - on 'May 20 and the bass the High School nine. Whether DavH, If . 1 4 t Chevrolet Sedan and 11,328.37 for the the injury will keep him out ot Benner, lg . 0 o • 0 truck, was on roll call unanlmouily season which is schedulod to adopted. open on June 15. The trout sea- the line-up remains problema- TotaU 13 38 (4)—Freeholder Smith for the Pur- tical, Coach Elwood C. Cornog chasing Committee, approving for the son will be reopened from Sep- Probation Dept., the burchase of two tember 1 to 30, reports. new 1M7 Chevrolet Coupes at a net Pedicini, a veteran of three Strong America delivery price for two units of 11890.90, The State Fish and Game eencOun from the Moore Chevrolet Co., of Council expects a greatly in- years' experience, had b *" Elizabeth, was on roll call unanimous- ereased number of licensed fish- cd on heavily by Cornog to spark ly adopted. s <9>—Freeholder Smith for the Fi- ermen to participate in the IM? the nine's infield, Too, the dis- Kiwanians Told nance Committee, approving for the abled shortstop, had played two Road Dept., the purchase of a 1947 trout season. All persons plan- Chevrolet Sedan delivery truck at a ning to take part on the opening years with the Summit Red Sox net cost of $1241.15, from the Morris during which time he developed Is Key to Peace Chevrolet, Inc., of Westfleld, vu on day are requested to secure roll call unanimously adopted. Yfir Siriigs their fishing; licenses now. considerable poise. He is one of "A strong America Is a peacefu (6)—Freeholder Bauer tor the Road the fast men on the baseball squad. America," declared Lt. Col. Arthui Committee, awarding bids for Road o Oil. be accepted from the lowest bid- Not taking any chances, Cornog Bell, U. S. Army retired, warden den, and authorizing Director and s pointing lanky. Sophomore Rus of the Union County fail, as he ad Clerk to execute contracts, waa on roll til Piy in-. call unanimously adopted. ANNUALLY May to stop the gap at short. dressed Summit Kiwanis at theii . (7)—Freeholder Rowland for tho Eight l

wm o*J] Iw, repair Ml| deliver your ndto.

Prompt Service BUY UNITED STATES SAVINGS BONDS guarantee oar work to complete MtlafactJoa. • 10 MOMINTS SUMMIT RADIO 1T06ST im sight«f that fasaova t4M-tt» "flying BefcW-doIni •«*"«:>» P. It, WNBC A-1T1-4T ports'Sidelights IHE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, APRIL 10. |«4> »? r AtL FA^OR SX1ECI81, FEW TAKE IT Aa interesting **ct that presents itself in the latest City Softball Leagues Start April 27, May 5 Wuirt iportt J»B U that tilt proverbial 99 Itbat . . exercise, Wit OB flat other hand a very ^. 14 Teams Enter Board' follow the dictum. In th|t xespect the the most prominent form of cxercit« for in everyday life. This list is headed by % Of Recreation Softball

CIli»uienics, bowlinf, §»lf, tennis, swimming Two softbsll leafssw apoasured by the Board of dincing following In that order. Etcreation with s total of 14 teams and having more than tag the battot oaty 19 par cent of the normal *au» 200 players on their rosters have completed organization deliberstely paj^lpata in some form of eierdst for tneir and schedule plans* for the coming season. The Class A own benefit. Tata figure corresponds quite closely to • Z League with eight teams will open Sunday. April 27, with etnt iurvty made of national health statistics which bear will open Monday evening. Hay a. out tbt fact that only 14 per cent of the nation's citizen, are Tht am gam* of tae AsxB XT Oat* A League cat* will start at Moretey Looks to naltdy or impaired physiological function. 3:M ». nv. with tfc* inwriraa La- HIGH SCHOOL SPRING ATHLETICS lion, last year's title wiaaan. playing tht Buasait Diner. la WHh Summit High School's spring program fa interscholastic »tf aisAtean tw*> ••« tjMMK M athletics lists X events: 1$ baseball games, 10 track meets ta* IMSH* win ctaah. the Baach- Set* Hal Cagers START and 10 tennis matches. It is estimated this set-up will or* eomber* sad the Yoaa* Maa* Ovic CounciL fa* completed a long vide participation for more man 100 boys. and *uc*e**f*il season with th« YOUR SPRING AND SUMMER SPORTS PROGRAM On Monday, April M. a* dsas aigbly looted Setoa Mall basket- A League card will ceattaa* at T ******* •»* Pwticipmts in Summit and the Town- ball team, Robert "Whit" Moroncy, p. n., with LtacoU Y meeting Summit basketball star, will now GARDEN ,hiP and Borough of New Providence won't have to wait Eastern FueL On Tacaday; April torn bis attention to community much longer before the cumin goes up on the 1947 spring * also tt T f a,, DteckaY wia sports aad await the opening play Bosco A. C NOW! wd summer menu svailable to them. Whether it be bssebalL whistle of tae 1M7-4S basketball wftball, tennis, track, golf or swimming, there win be plenty Tht Class A League piaa* to play two guns* aaeh Sunday af- *aoa' with the collegians. Agriofanl UM of opportunity for both fans and players. ttntoon until JOB* 1*. Tiiiars will Flaying on one of the top cage The newly organised Summit Sports Club is introduc- then be played on Monday and team* of the nation, which poe- Tuesday evening* with Wedaas- •ueh luminaries a* Bobby ing something new in a city league whose garnet will be Wanner and Frank Saul, Moroney played under the lights at Washington Field on Friday d*y and Thursday evenings oaea (or postponed ganwa considered a valuable reserve nighti. On Sunday nights this team will be host to games TOKENS OF VIOTOKY-W. Kenneth GeddU, man- donor of th* Latter Trophy, which most be woo Both league* win play tkeir wao participated in a majority of VlfOT. in the State Softball League. Then the Board of Recreation ager and sponsor of the Geddls Service Station, three time* by anyone team before permanent pos- games nt Ifaatorial PMd. m 77 gnaw schedule. it continuing its sponsorship of two softball leagues. The winner of the Board of Recreation sponsored Com- session is given, is watching UM proceeding! from ' Leagnee- Enwt Osaaasa •• - On returning from,* three-year tear of duty with the Navy in No- latter leagues gets under way on Sunday, April 27, with two munity Basketball League, is here seen looking at the other *nd of the table. The Lester trophy, Andrew A. Cattaao kas keen , IMS. Moroney soon re- games. All in all, Summit is assured of seeing some of the the first place trophy given by the Board of Recrea- which waa also received by Mr. G«4dis, stands be- elected to succeed himself n* ptaa. idmt of tht data A Leagae. Other covered bis pre-war skill which fattest softball teams in the State. tion and held by President Ernest P. Patten (left) tween him and'the mayor. (Photo by Jay) of the board. Mayor Maxwell Lester, Jr., (right) Class A League ofieata ladade rated him as one of the best bas- Nor will baseball fans be ignored, though it seems at Fred Hcnsler, vke-ptatideat: ketball players Summit High ever produced; this writing that the Summit Athletic Association, Inc., will WUhaa DeGutlo. treaaarcr. aad Klttmto* Ultwd as Kailan 8. Kennedy, secrrtary. Carrying the burden of long not be able to,field -a team through lack of interest on the Geddls Receives Carteret Outfielder Tennis Club Makes Tom Crow* ana been elected practice noun and a gruelling part of local players. The experience of the association the president of the Class B Ltagae; schedule did not keep Moroney Garden Tooh of All past two seasons in fielding the Summit Red Sox proved a Joseph KleUman, son of Mr. Charles Dletrksk. vtee-preaidcat: idle locally. He was one of the and Mrs. Leo Kietzman of Moun- financial failure though an artistic success. Summit fans were Trophies for Season's Plans; Robert Reynolds, tnasnsrer, aad eogs In the Geddis Service Kind* tain avenue, is listed as an out- Station cage team that won the conspicuous by their absence at the Red Sox games. Last Kennedy, secretary. fielder with the Carteret School To date six team* nave eatered Community League title last summer three Summit business and professional men were Cage Loop Title nine. KleUman, a graduate of Starts Play Sunday the B Lotgue with a pooatnfiity week. . -- . • •••'••"•• "sugar daddies" for the Red Sox to the tune of $150 each. Summit High School, also played Work to ready the courts of tht that two more may be At a banquet meeting Monday Nothing can snake a man trully It would seem that all the svailable players for "such a team night at the Field House cele- on the Carteret eleven. .He won Summit Tennis Club for the com- Bell Telephone Labs, his letters in both sports at Sum- ing season has been started. It lUUcr. aba, Roota Mcn'a greet bat being truly good, and I as the Red Sox are sofeball-minded. All of this means that brating th« close of the Com- aartakiag af gad's holiness- munity Basketball League sea- mit High. Carteret opens April IS is expected, weather permitting, Geddis Taxi aad the the Summit A. A. has given up its franchise in the Essex aUUhew Henry. son, *W. Kenneth Geddis, spon- against the .Pennington School in that two courts will be ready for Sports Club. T» date tae Water County League by default. sor and manager of the Geddls a 13 game slate. play , by Sunday. All five clay Co., on* of last year's eatries has While no action has been taken to date, it is believed Service Station team, title win- courts will be readied floon there- not signified Its iaanUoa*. Oaa after. is also considering the entry of that Summit Kiwanis along with other similar clubs along ners, received two trophies, sym- In preparation for th« season. a second team. I the Lackawanna will continue to sponsor the Choo-Choo loop bolic of his team's attainments. Sports Club to The presentations were made President Edward A. Pixil hu an- Admission to the games is free. I (or baseball, the players being members of the high school by Mayor Maxwell Lester, Jr., nounced committee appointments teams in Millburn, Chatham, Summit and Madison. who tendered a trophy given by Sponsor Two for the year with Frank R. Romanow and Guitav L. Oraef Too, the High School diamond outfit has eight games himself and which must be won three times for permanent pos- being associated with him on the scheduled at home. Softball Teams executive committee. Other com- After the second bole oa WATCH session. Also on behalf of the Golf addicts will be provided .'or, not only at Canoe mittee appointments: Finance, opening day of the MastetaToara- Board of Recreation, the mayor Summit Sports dub completed ament at the Aagasta (OaJ Brook Country Club and Baltusrol, but also at Galloping plans Thursday night at its Chairman Oraef, Clarenct J. Mac- alao presented Mr. Geddis anoth Daniels and Philip N. Trow NaUonal Golf Chan, oa Tharadny. Hill. It is expected that complete tournament programs for meeting in the VFW halt in er trophy. bridge; tennis, Chairman Ro- Johnny Parrell of these courses will be announced at an early date. In fact, the mayor was kept Broad street to sponsor two soft- manow, J. Harry Ham, Jr., Ernest National Open chaatptoa ia Tennis did you say? Summit Tennis Club is looking busy making presentations. Also ball clubs for the coming season. M. May, William R. Glleon. Mrs. settled down to make tae raat at • Iff OLD on behalf of the Board of Rec- Besides its entry in the State ahead to its most active program in history. Then there is Trowbrldgc, Charles F. Rutiler, the tourntmtnt n social reation he presented miniature Softball League, the club will John started Wtn and reined. the Board of Recreation program on the courts at Brayton Jr., and John A. Hornbeok; Junior gold basketballs to each member have a team in the Board of Rec- activities, Chairman Gibon, Mrs. School and the YWCA courts. Consequently all of the de- of the Geddis team, namely Bill reation Class "B" loop. William W. Jaokson, Richard S • It'* NEW mands for tennis will be well taken care of. A survey of the Geddis, Robert "Whit" Moroncy, Manager Frank Pryce an- Robey, Mrs. Bernard J. Cleric Tom "Red" Reynolds. Robert nounces that he has the follow- city shows that 138 homes have their own courts, not to and Oliver Van Clse; member-/ Bunanft Soccer Club win he "Ace"' Bailey, John Glanopoulos, ing players on his "B" League ship, Chairlady Mrs. Trowbrldge, host Sunday at 3 p. sa. on Celaaeee mention the courts at Kent Place School for Girls. Want to Rocco "Buddy" Lolatte, Hugo team: Henry Long, -Fred Faul, Jack Call away and Mrs. James Field in East Summit to the New- watch some fast and hotly contested matches? Watch the Parrottc, Donald Hufnail, Ed- Larry Brydon, Joe Kubach, Fred • And, Oh H. Maroney; grounds, Chairman ark Portuguese Ctaa. sports columns of the Herald for listings of the High School gar Hazelton and John Sturm. McCue, Pep Valgenti, Don Pier- Charles B. Cottrell, Davlo^Lud- home games which start May 6. .. - The mayor presented a second son, Abby Trengrove and Louis low and Lloyd 8. Young. Greatness is a spiritnal "Murph" Twill. Swimming? Well, it is generally agreed that facilities place trophy to Manager George The tennis committee will meet tion worthy to excite lewt, inter- Balish of the Balish Beverage Blue and Gold was adopted as est, and admiration; and the oat- • So GOOD in this field are limited mostly to those who have privileges soon further to promulgate plans team and a third place trophy to the colors for all teams repre- ward proof of possessing gnat at Canoe Brook Country Club or the YMCA. Otherwise senting the club. for the year. It is expected that Manager John Puonocone of the the tournament season will be ness is, that we excite awe, inter- you have to travel away from Summit. Ciba team. The latter presided Any person living in Summit is opened with tournaments over est, and admiration.— Oh, yes, the New Providences. They have been making at the meeting. eligible for membership of which Memorial Day week-end. A pro- Arnold. 35 were In attendance at Thurs- progressive strides for the past three years. This year the President Ernest P. Patten of gram for the instruction of jun- the Board of Recreation paid day's meeting. It Is anticipated iors is also being embarked upon. Berkeley Heights Softball League will be conducted four the membership will grow to 75 tribute to the Lincoln Y entry The courts have been offered nights S week on a new and better field opposite the Munici- in'the loop which he said "was before the end of the month. Reg- • * * • * *,;•*• w www * *>* gular meetings' are held the first to the Summit High School tennis pal Building. Too, the Red Wings are expected to give town- tops in sportsmanship through- team* for their opening match Tuesday night of each month. By- ship fans a "hot-off-the-griddle" menue of baseball. The New out the season, playing hard and here May 7. laws were adopted at Thursday's Providence Township Recreation Committee under the spir- clean in all games won \>r lost." meeting. New uniforms have been Womtn't Met. G. A. ited leadership of Charles M. Monica of the Township- Com- Foul Shooting Finals ordered, for the club's State en- mittee will provide for the third consecutive year a complete try. • • •' , Pick* Plainfield C.C. sports program for the youngsters under thedirection of a Set for Saturday or Y Season tickets, are available, Plainfield C. C. has been picked by the Metropolitan Women'a-Golf competent supervisor. In the borough the Recreation Com- The•" Mmi-h'nals" and* finals fdr good for all league games, at $10 the intermediate boys' annual foul per ticket Association for the intersectlorial mittee is conducting s softball league and an enlarged play- shooting contest at the Y.M.C.A. playoff matches May 15 among the ground program of sports under a proven supervisor. will be held Saturday morning at Dungarvon Wnoopers New Jersey, Long Island and Jttie Y.M.C.A. At Saturday's pre- Westchester teams. April » will Vying for this year's possession liminaries for three rounds, Mo- Set for Salmon Quest mark the start of the interclub County Skttt Titk of a 3-win trophy, contestants roney led the pack with six shots The Dungarvon Whoopers, gen- team matches with five players Match Stt for April 13 will fire at 60 targets each. Six- out of ten in each round. Others erally recognized as the top spe-in each group. Baltusrol has en seven-eight grocery awards will followed in the order mentioned, cialists among New Jersey salmon tered four teams. Other dates for The sixth annual Union County fishermen, plan to leave Tuesday the matches are May 2, 6, 9 and 13. also be made. the number given being the num- 1 Skcct Championship will start at ber of successful shots out of ten for a two weeks' quest in the Mrs . Homer Lichtenwalter of Bal 130 p. m. Sunday (April 13), at Ray Lueddoke of Scotch Plains, toe 1MB winner, is expected to de- tries: Kimber 3,8,6; Hanlon, 6,6,4; waters of the Mlramichi River in tusrol is chairman for the matches. the Union County Park Commls- New Brunswick, Canada. The MORTGAGE PROBLEMS fend hit championship. Christie 3,5,4; Maffel 2,4,5; Zotti «ion Trap and Skeet range off 3.2.6; Scherzer 4,3,3; Bontempo largest delegation from the group Conot Brook Addtd ienllworth boulevard, Cranford, If any man xeeks for greatness, 3,4,3; Ryan 2,3,4 and O'Brien 2,2,3. will be from Summit, Director To Golf Lcagut ; • •.••• '. • & • it wai announced today by F. 8. let him forget greatness and ask William,I. MoMarie of the Board The officers and employees of this Life has no blessing like a pru- of Freeholders; Judge John L. The Orange Mountain Golf Matnewson, superintendent of for truth, and he will find both.— League has been enlarged to a Horace Mann. dent friend.—Euripides. Hughes of the Third District Court association always have time to talk .with recreation. and former Mayor G. Harry Cul- seven-club circuit with the ad- 1U. Other members of the Dun- dition of Canoe Brook. Opening you concerning your mortgage problems, garven Whoopers planning to make day will be April 37 when Glen the trip Include Judge WaltersLJ, Ridge plays at Canoe Brook, Mont- that is our primary purpose for Eyeing in Hetfleld, 3d, of the Union County clair visits Upper Montclalr and courts; Freeholder Story Roland, Essex county goes to Essex Fells. business. George Bates of the American Jack Pointer has been named cap- Water Works; Richard Bueochell, tain at Canoe Brook. county Insurance adjuster, and Al Cuitom may lead a man into The attitude of the Harmonia is to co- MOST TALKED ABOUT Randolph of PlalnflekJ, road anV^profi, but it justifies none. NEW CAR ON builder. —Fielding. operate in every way in making it possible for its members to own their own homes. THE RADIO AND EVERYWHERE WATCH THE SHRUBS We feel that the American home is the cantor of the American way of life. • Don't worty ffeout your lawns and driftway ... or the neatn«aa of your hbmc. Fuel-on deliveries made by courteous SheH men art handled as carefully as If you personally were to make them. No spilling* No mttsarht. Every delivery Is clean and neat, for Shell wants to be a friend of the family. Ffori Oinmna IN m « V*orW'» only , Pennsylvania Hotel, Park Central for radb .. _ „ w* atom life tad music of tbe late famed composer, Jerome. Ktra, baa. • •DOWW magoDBt The Love Wagon AvrU II, IC U Mttk by HA1MET WARE breath-taking array of stellar personalities, among them LttCill* •Lowi wqtjjt m sflODoo" Bramei, Judy Garland, Kathryn Grayfon, Van Heflin, Lena Hornc, THIaT OT^ AyHI M—OH Van Johnson, Angela Lanabury, Tony Martin, Virginia O'Brien, Dinah 8HAWOHAI .„„ MAAV Hornc rrrcn SUSUM. C. osviv Shore, Frank Sinatra and Robert Walker, »• Jerome Kern. "Hotnunsmtv DAUOHTIB- April itTifc If .. ' ALBEBT i "SHOW Off" PRICK: )£?Vt!l ••Accoafpucr* iMiueiai rai I -We*. * fat. «a*t»~ »J»- MJa. «M* TtcalU ata* •• Mi* at Kni

' ** *•' •^

/ STITS' IF YOB WOULD VQU? WBE SPECIAL -• LADIES QUIZ MATIN HE COCKTAIL LOUNGE NORA PRENT1SS : (for Women Onlj> THURS., APRIL 17-2 P. M. Ed Staley VALUABLE GIFTS STAGE INTERVIEWS *« UM b**t ui»w«r t* IJw query "If Attbeituo You wrrr Norti Pn-nlkw wo«M yiw kt^ii yuur meatlt Mratf"

Frfcfay art 8«hird.y . / MOUTH MAKE JOIN IN ..iipMi 9 r. M. u> s A. SHOT? UP A * M THE PARTY FUN Skriaip Codrtaub ,'.. . - ^ 1 .'»-. ' tA < s > .it V, STABTS THVB&, APBIL IT 4 TA1XOB STREET MILLBUBN r- V-M^ivrt, '^^^* 4yM0vkHJV. GIFTS FROM 6-1729 PIANO-SONG TKA.M—Joe Crawford an ^Reginald Beane, now ap- pearing for a two-week engagement at Carouse), Ease* House, New- JUNUBE HOUSE 01EST ARTIST-Nnn Merriman, ark. Beane, the piano portion of the team, his appeared in many above, meuo-ioprano, and tbe Katherine Dunham and Ethel .Waters musical productions. Following combined Princeton and Rutgers the Newqrk spot, the duo will journey to Hollywood to appear with glee clubs will be guest artists with James Cagney In "Time Of Your Life." the New Jersey symphony orches- tra when it appears at the Mos- HEAVE'S IMOHRISTOYilv Monte Crisfo Returns Summit, in the screen play, "The Return of Monte Cristo." And que theater, Newark, on Saturday TW* TInw at Strand while he's about it, the fate of an evening, April 26. The concert is sponsored by the Griffith Mudc The Count of Monte Cristo, that empire hangs in the balance aa It 4Yt.lTOTCII rLAISi fabulously rich and fabulous es- Loui* Hayward "weeps beautiful Foundation. O^Wif caped convict who came back Barbara Britton into hia 'arms. •I ort orr tavTBit from the dead, comes back again, Final result—well, the picture's this time to the Strand Theatre, end wm tell. - «•- MAPLEWOOD THEATRE NOW PLAYING THRU SATURDAY Mat. 2:00. Eve. 1:00 Continuous Sat. and Am, from t a. m. A Great All-Star C»it •ramnmtip A TE. torn wit mw "Till the Clouds Roll By" • NOW PLAYING THRU SAT. * In Technicolor The Life and Music of Jerome Kern . SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY r... the boldest , J«mei Cnga«y - AnaabeUa adventurer... •I 13 RUE MADELEINEii ever to bear the Alts Francn Lang-ford • Gene Krupa ** Monte Cristo name! "SEAT THE BAND" "Lov» Loughs at Andy Hardy* "Ange" l On My Shoulder" A NW ^ IN tfc* movi* •ky! guimniiimmuHtnmiiiiiinuiiiiiiiiimiinnniiiHiiimiiiinitmiiiiiiii u 8f

I Beednrood BOMI SCmmtt »-«OT» = Monte Cristo illlllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllimilliliillilllllillilllHlltllllllllllllllli * NOW PLAYING THRU WED. + FITZGERALD SMALL SONNY TUFTS CO-FCATURl DIANA LINK PENNY StNGLETON r ARTHUR LAKE ' —IN— ' " ': "ILONDIE KNOWS lESr

SUNDAY - MONDAY • TUESDAY A Uvt and an*=s Louqh Riot!

JL OU treat me like


Story by Cvy laHon • Arfepltd by Gtergt • Scr^i Hoy by Myf« April 15 for 1947 Season Conno«y md hm Ho«o*oy • tawd en Itw IM• and Mwk of JEKOMt KWH '0OWN MISSOURI WAY* Dk«Hd by ROIHT AITON • Dir*(ttd by RICHARD WHOIF WtHi • continued high standard of qualify foods in Prod«c«d by AJtTMUII WHO • A M*te»-OeM«yn-Moy*t rtctur* • comfortable, ,fr!«ndly atmoiphere of fh« country.

Luncheon 12-2 WMfcdan - f.Sf, 1t««, B:l» CCMVATURI wa*di>i> i Sat,and Sun. — »:00, 4s«, t , tilt Diniitr SilO • 9:30. Sun. I . 9 FRANCES LANOPOBD -. KALPU EDWARDS \. IN la Technicolor G. M. RYMAN iM "THIEF OF BAGDAD" HI MPHREV BCKiART - UZABETH 8C0TT KAT THE IAND"

is \ ~* *', * ^ • 251-2 AprApriil U-l. "MAD 1ECK0MIH6" Eddie Braeltea in "LADIES' MAN" Anita Louise la "SHADOWED" mmmmk$uL***M:-~je&?' If itVtfue that "* peatijr m& U a Special Events tor* Jersey pennr earned," you can collect a tidy tun by thopimig regularly at your New Date Book lists 342 AW* Super Market. For the hundreds . •* . _ *t* . ' fe#.M^H ^MIM 111 mmt f^A. — .„ .. .. - . .. ««*ata evvwriag every type of ac- w- of good dungs in this big, modern food ia»awftaa« tivity in ta« period M»m April rfts is « »*• -yvan 1 aad OoeMabtr JL It include* department store are priced for thrift completed aw* ««»lr tor ois- paseasts, art shows, every day in the week. Stop in today uoa it iH Uiww4 to- coaeertt, dramatic and tee how A&P helps keep appetites b, Charles IL Sv&aaaa, Jr, historic a&aivcr- of ta» K*W Jer- •aries, eaUcf* baaeb&U, football a-tingle and piggy banks a-jingle! Hy Depirtmeat oi ISroftomk aad Irerets; Uaai* and golf Developmeat. wiitCBtts, rowi&c &Bd saitiag race*, be D*t« Book fcs prepared by awrse mint dates, automobil. New Jem* CWUKB, * tout caeca/taw State fair *&d county )8 tbe 8t*t* OcpwrtOHWl of Ec*- fain, ataek aad bathiag KUWU c Dcvelopnntf, sad ' was published but year, warn it with *• cstbtsHMfe ntcra. Cayiea THRIFTY tio Tbt M*T wlltio. fcas tecs Edwin L. Gerfeer .managing DAfflY FOODS The new sdittasj aotss 342 ke lajMS c«pi«« aad a revised edition witt be nude whea this Country-fresh favorites at budget-wise prices. "The 1H7 Dtt« Book is in- teaded to ke a guide aad refer- ea«e aid to viators and vacation- ists sad to New Jersey residents," Mr. Gerker said. "It proved im- Aged Cheddar Cheese -63c awaselr popular last year and every effort kas been made to aaake the 1MT edition even more complete aad more helpful" Ched-O-Bit iis .^ TINDER "SUPER-RIGflr MEATS Iaformatioa contained in the Date Book was compiled with tbe Mnenster Cheese §.49* Specially selected by AiP'i meat experts from fine-quality corn-fed beef and pork, milk-fed veal iof newspaper editors, and tender larnb. Close4rintined before being weighed to'eliminate excessive taila on steaks, long i couaty aad State officials, schools and colleges and Provolone Cheese rib bones on chops and roasts, and other waste you have to pay for whea ordinary cutting of business, social, civic methods are used. So to get more good solid meat without paying more, buy "Super Right" cuts! aad fraternal organisations. Romano Cheese «59« The pwUieatioa will be sent to Broilcrsi A Frjera JJJ '• 43c an aewsfaper editors throughout Legs off Lamb Ike State and will be distributed Cream Cheese ^kwatT •»«-25« the country in con- Pork Loins tJ Veal §houlders^2> 55c wfth the Councils na- Smoked Cheese *mm i^r^35« Sirloin Steal Top Round Steak • . . . *69« advertiaing program on Porterhouse Steak bars wart ast «.67« Lamb Chops *-**» »59« Tbe mtt New Jersey Date Book Process Swiss *«**> tafc.aM.S7* Is available to individuals, schools, Boasting Chickens 4 a*..*** w<49e. Leg or Rump of Veal » a a »-55e MM fc colleges, dubs or other organiza- Margarine **«V »-^42« Fowl sw»4aa»45e 4Ss.MilMrfc.49e Fork Chops * 49« tions on' request. Copies can be obtained by writing to the New Kraffs Velveeta • **>•*•. 27* Top Sirloin Roast Reef Tongues •awsst »45« Jersey Council, State House, v Trenton. Cottage Cheese •»-«*• ;r ••<-•*«. 14e Pot Roast Fine Qsialiij SCSBISMNI Pot Roast asRaSat CodSteakfraw»25e Cod Fillet »S5« Fnows to Cosftf Ducklings Flounder rrwa ». 25« Clams »*•**» *^43e The •ccoBd degree of Oddfel- krwaaip will ke conferred on twen- CeMst BOMM*1 (It's Good) ry cnwildstea tonight (April 10) v by the. decree team of Crystal Old Quebec Pea Soup mii s Lodge in tbe lodge rooms in Masonic Hall. The tkird degree will Be con- rfMoh-Caa»w«Styt« ferred on candidates in the rooms CHOICE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES... FARM FRESH SUITS U by the nuktrt of the (smew Friend** Itktd

of the Bemardsville lodge on "•'•-••' ! • • • Tuesday evening. April XX. Rushed right from the country'! leading farms, groves and orchards The installation of officers of Crystal Lodge will take place on Friend's Baked Beans . a • a • • ««-—19e to give you delicious down-on-the-larm flavor at down-to-earth prices. evening. April H. DRESSE Friend's Beef with Gravy . ... «*-49e JK[ MiserablE Libby's Deep Brown Beans a • • •»<«.«. 14« fresh Asparagus with backache'5 AnnPageBeans . . . .••• j •»-••- ^^ Fresh §pinaeh String Beans snwisi wswart ««.««« \\\A String Beans ' aniiia rrawaitna wtiswlTs New Carrots Insist, ltsmlnn. in—v r *" aa^swaasjaa aad ai««a IP* Wax Beans lawaissnai WSJSJB yasi vasi SJPSOL asivossf * Fresh Peas etpodaty-let Red Beans or Red Kidney Beans Crtsf-Ttssar Cor. 8*. Aw. * VaBty ML ySw vVMnlQwS wK yaac fbsy tnn lona Brand Cut Beets . • • • __ *o*th OniR Pascal Celery Cor. Haylfuad lm A Pickled Beets*sas » .15« Hlfklan4 H, MMlmnl M| lona Brand Diced Carrots iT~a • • 2^^15e Grapefruit Lettuce S10« OAN SPILLS Lord Mott Carrots iMasiiMa VtZlZt S.iSs.1 Srast Teua-Ssiwf first Sweet Com aWSaaH faaafSrasaWiis «a-.««17e Potatoes 10t5943« New Cabbage • » 5« Whole Kernel Corn or raw* MM.«.17e lona Brand Sweet Peas . . . . • . 2*221* Reliable Brand Sweet Peas t*m—*t »^-19o MARVEL ENRICHED BREAD FRESH A&P COFFEE The bodybuilding proteim »od mineril* that help growtni youngiters feel snd set their best 1LAR1DCE are plentiful in Murvel Enriched Bresd. And ererr wlioletome loaf it guaranteed fresh. Re- Eight O'tloeh 2 £, 77e CORXED BEEF HASH member — t»hen fresh- neu fidei, flaror fades. As wtstssAig vahii, So look for the date on sssM'tnisiH! lib. can the wrapper!

Claridge Hamburgers 49c S / To Rod YviT hvvritt TASTK SITTSa WHITE HOUSE EVAPORATED MILK Fancy Spinach TOASTS Birrs* Ideil for infant feeding, ss well at lor cooking, baking snd be»er»gei. FROSTED FOODS AT Tomato Juice NMSI SritlAM •BTTIi MIPS BITTM A4Fs popular Frosted Foods DepartaKOt is Libby's Tomato Juice stocked with tender vefetaUea, s«*ip«ss8d QUARANTIIO fRCHf ... and fine-toling pootay. We'« *£BJ Hunt's Tomato Sauce J brands and a wide variety lo choose from. Come- Red Cheek Apple Juice to ASP today for mcab in a raiiwte * V**** *° 4 lo*r you won't give them a seoowdTs tbooght. | V Unpeeled Apricots Uncle Ben's Converted Rice . . . »»*17« Marshairs Kippered Herring kw-rtaisastsi u« *35e Fancy Applesauce * Carolina White Rice . . Norwegian Sardines .••••• »»--*'21»

Fruit Cocktail *oM.«» 38e Ann Page Ketchup ...... »••» 20c APPI Nescafe MMMM Brorrw>li Cats Yellov Cling Peaches kssw 27e Dromedary Corn Muffin Mix • • • • *• 17e Ann Page Chili Sauce ..... "••" 26c Prune Plums Royal Puddings wintwi »»• 7e Pure Crape Juice **»srtaa H/M.25O *M.47e Grapefruit Sections Sparkle Puddings ttswiate:faw)M« smart** »n-6e Y-8 Vegetable Juice Cocktail »«.«15« «.«-31c Dried Prunes t».*«23e ta.M4.45e Apple Butter **><*** JI-^23* Ann Page Grape Jelly or Jam . . . '»*25e Comstock Sliced Apples • • • • • Peach Preserves tas»nair» >»t«35« Nabisco Shredded Wheat . ... . "'15c Grcea W Apple Pyeqoick SMTUWSI r«s *»* «w ss —t, tu Nabisco Graham Crackers . • . • »»»»• 26e Betty Crocker Breakfast Tray »sswtaiswssia *i.25e Crispo Cookies timit. inswii w M—> wtwst Sardines wawisiPaTwos«s lawl Heinz Strained Baby Foods «<••&> 12 •« 95c SlrawiterrW* M&Wt Candy Coated Milk Chocolate Two values you can't afford to miss! A tea to suit your taste and purse! Tomaioes . • '^19e Nectar Tea Balls ,%36e lana snd olhar brands P.ko* snd orsng* p«feo« v Sauerkraut 3 u^25c Our awn Tea Balls 21 HnOBI AfDIQE - AiP brsnd-Fancy A lulHlavortd and Hirihy b»«i»d IUMM Unad SlJMt ••» IVORY SOAP WORT SNOW SPIC and SPAN NEW 1947 LUX SOAP FLAKES SWEETHEART SOAP For your fine fabric* for MM and bath *er diihai. laundry and bath • •w NMHIMfiflf ftM nbnCi far citartlnfl paMad itritcm SUPER SUDS i For tfishaa artdl dwdi ,




Ovpentry - AHeraUon* - Driveway* gtoewalks — MMtonry Wall* Swimming Foot* Tettni* Oourts CLBAM trap rook Week for sale. *-«1 errer* mn mm ********* W* i»e*rtto* f fURNACE Cleanmg - Save jmt tftae •***-*. ail U adtwteo to — «res ***•*•»"- AIR ri| «M« ewgaru Call * te furnace eteaaed by vaeaum. Ifortb ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS and *i!»»FatlMpt latTmce. Vuto*. Jersey Engineering Co. Oh*Uum WOMAN Alia 4-0174 Adults. Sbort drilla. nOPICAL fish, B*a food, rawarlw. Hills SU. 341 ~Uaa%«tk lSTilto and pet aappUea. Bul- "DO YOUR FLOORS SAG? SAHD iteoograpiMr wishes work it* low i-llTI. Pataatto Adjuata-l»o*t* .-sues *'ow IstrtNwtO" BEKBIUERATIOS CO LADT to solicit leads on phone tor FORRKNT W. 1. ty, support* permaaeaUy ^SB«rl *R£ Bstaai t-ltu. GMiarantsad repalri: ' busin i Unvl 3-Ue» »(w Saturday*. Stt- t-JBJS-W Horn 4 to woramaotbin. Free esUavttas, Call make*. S4-lir. —r- 4 p.m. • p m. • HOOT Tree Surga WANTED TO BUY lt* Carne* LL 8BARS ROEBUCK CAMSTBESe, oi» dav.weeUjr. •fenc- Ftoor ADJUSTA-POOT GO. OF N. J. ttl Morris Ave, Springfield. ». t. pllanoel COLDS POT. ing *n»d Ooulda, Wtateo, ratrMnka. Horn* So Orange »Wl Asphalt and Drainage. No Job 1*7 Btuyveaant Ave,, Irvlnfton, N ' Juir and Augurt. Loss* toUcd «*• la _il brabc-t* of a«a_"tlc MrtrSc«, pm •adBta. Ugbttiut ojaat* Even Deliveries and Hauling, t- CHECKERS taor«. Two adult*, out fUl, eleven IXOBEST prtc«*> paU. Juni mat- Too Small • ton Truck. KCPBlODUTIdil SERVICE All tnakM year*, (boy «t Boarding (SchoolI• Enploynunt, ' Agency has f air coniprawiari Waatlni- autoatoMle batfeeriea; newa- J. DeSIMONE Also Cellars Cleaned and White- repsired, domestic or *-* * Write airing reference! tod salary , man for f tufan a day out- Cmturmtury aand V. •- BaetlM rag*, metals, washer*, re- washed. ATTwoodward. side. Wanted 1 salesgirls. Salary Motors. IWrleai s fan* U .... II Bedford St.. last Orange •gycrknocd Preferred. But •tpected top O Bos 103. Short Hill*, Inserawora We pick up. OaU Kenny. • Snore Trip* Mad*. -=—.-• «*Pa4rs aal *. J. 80. I dav week. Call Su 6-6334. complete stock of pumps, air com* linden 2-e736-W. Orang* 8-4157 JOHN A. WHIPP footKectsssur prsasom. pulUys, motor*, fan* Mow- Call DUKR-For Unvl. 2-3141 Bervtet OPTICS Klrt Opportunity '?S. Immediate delivery. SINK and tub comtilnatloa. HO. Mt» dore Oanerutti. Proprietor. 373 Mlll- BARAGER HOOFING CO. OENERAL HANDY MAN Broken tUtes replaced. New . SMITH-TBAILER BALEB. " Vsuinatt road. Union. burn Ave. Mlllbum. Mlllburn t- HI Main BL East Orange N. i. Cellars cleaned. Minted, white washed and gutters. Leaky windows and door '/ Automatic Increase No I Linden. N. J: 17«5. Orange 4-0359 Interior and exterior painting Al- casings sealed with caulking com. Tho Grand Union MaflctT OOALOMATIO stoker, very food con- terations, walls washed, etc. Veteran. pound. ' i EMPLOYMENT t—BICtCLKa dition. |14I\ Oarage doors. IS. WEKEBD SOS MiUburn 1-1261 or Mlllburn 6-40M-J. Unvl 3-Om . , BINOER 8BWIMO MACHIIfES Hillside Contractors J. O'DONNELL .tti MiUburn AW, MUlbum Orouj) iniurtDO* : Will pay 123 cash, for any round OIL BURNER installations, cleaned OIRL'S Blue Swtnn bicycle. Oood KKBRflON porUblt; M In. rifle; III Permanent Driveway — Parking 76 Mill St, , flloomlleld, H. ; i>*ntlon Plan' condition, BO *-U». bobbin Drophead Singer Sewing Ma- • Area* and Mrviccd; electric wiring. *j)Dll Phone Bloomfleld 2-7837 ' ' Ho»plt«llr«tlon Oriental runner; 2-ln-l table; t * IS chine (regardless of condition or age-) Power Rolled ancts repaired. 8. F. Romano, tele- r'tlrt Vacatloni BICYCLC, Bfrculea, EogilcJ) racer, cut broadlcotn rug <6*lfe) under A little lea* for long bobbin. Box IS. phone Unvl 2-l27a. roil ANY KIND OF ROOFING Bua«M * and-1 com« rlnht to tht |MT, 2 ipir* r*ccr Urat, |U. Oood pad and iununer mi to match. Linden Observer. Linden 2-3344. WORK Call RAfiltfl ROOFISQ plant •ntrinc*. oondltloa. 8u. e-tttti. 1407 Morris Avenue. Union, Ajpt. 301 LANDSCAPING WE FIX ANYTHING CO BKJELOW l-itit-T: 610 SO WANTED—Old furniture, fin* china, Reasonable Rates Economy EnttrprUea, 491 Ixvington Uth 3TREEH'. NEWARIv, N. J. atltl'B bicycle, cxceUtot condition THOB Oladlron 1M7 model. Mton* silver, Jewelry, vaaea. bric-a-brac, 1170 Liberty Ave., Hillside ava. SO J-9696. METALS Se«n any time, 43J Preacott ro»d, SJJ 6-3243-W, ••-.-. mrlo cablneta, war *ouvenlra. What Ells. 2-3724 ALL 1 types of roofing applied or re- Union. CU1 Un»l 2-JSH-U. DOORS overhead garage seeUonal CULTTVATOB, Planet Junior, steel have you to aell? Louli Jaeoby. 1M r paired. No Job too small; no wilt- DISINTEGRATING BOT'8 Mcycle, $12. Call Bu. 4-11M-R. frsm*. all attachmenta. Benlts, 1S«) Chancellor, avtnue, corner Maple CABINET WORK - I' s V—14" i 7'-10 « 7.' Immediate Ing; all work .guaranteed: lowc*t i Ot *g* Walker avenue. Union. Unvl. avenue, Newark. WAverljr 3-9SM, or REMODELING delivery. Installation, Eases 3-7111. rates In this area. Stan-Aug Roof- COMPANY (•A) Bt>4T» CStex 1-4796. ing. 41 Frederick Ter, Irviagton. Job* Only 3^08JW Remodel your kitchen or rscrtatlon EXPERIENCED hand laundress. E* 3-6133. tilt Uorrl* room now. We offer prompt service. Specialise* In fancy illks, linens Union Qtt TOtWJ BOAT ENOU»E8 RKADT CARRUOK in food condition. IIS. 'and other wearing appar*l. Wll ICAfttMK EXOINES Ibt. BeUaer, Kim 3-3*33. SARAH SHAW FREE ESTIMATES - COMPETENT d othr g •>—CPROLSTEftfKO' SS OPERATORS WORK. l f d dl UN. 2-S3U2S3U. COMtPLmXY OVBRHAVLJZ). KLKCTRIC refrigerator. «eeU«Bt con- 41* So. Orange Ave.. South Orange call for and dellvsr. Taken out of boata anil coropleUt; TAVERN BARS - HOME BARS MAKE YOUR OWM aUARAMTEED work on custom, in- ASSEMBLERS dition. Also boy'i 31" bicycle. Sum- Aluminum Venetian Blinds tlqu* or tutted pieces. Btpstn. Boa rebuilt. mit «-sm US Woodland avenue. Will par htgtieat prices tor any- MODERN WOODCRAFT CO. springs, mattresses made to ordtr. WB ODABAKTIE ALL WORK. thing you have to sell. Bis** 17 to MxM / for further infornutlon call Billy PBACT1CATLT new Corona portable. Ill Valley St. Orange, N. i Color, off whit* XTYears of enerteao*. 1.11. Thorp*, - Steadf Work Complet* for ustmbllng lAtlngaton l-30e*. " _ _*y week BUTCHER Penhale. "' 2S3 Bprlnifleld avenue. Su. MOM CHINA • SILVER • PICTURES Phone Orang* 1-1177 «. Motors; Caldwell B-03U after >p. n. OLD GOLD ANI> JEWELRT IS.JO each HAROLD V. MACKIB 6 »ald boUOays and vacation GEORGE OSSMANN O. 0. DOWNS CO. LTD. n-M Sturvtaant Av». Newark _..._ — CRUISERS - SAILEBS — LAROE aaaortment of curtains, WATCHMAN for Sundayi and bU Kagle Rock Knitting M11U Jewelry, maps, books, doll*, china, coating to your vtrtlble Coupe. Blue with black U>& For Young Women dayi. Apply in peraon to American fllDga«. H. J. KITCHEN cablneu ready or cus- •rlmssware. copper, pewter, bras*, i<—r LOOSING Radio, llaaur, white wall*, back ni Concrete Pipe Co. 2121 Stanley Ter. tom made; porcetkln, formica^ atain. painting? in oil*, watercolon, pa*. light, *par« tin. 12195. Mall Ord« Dept. lets steel atnk tops, Oomplete Una DELMAR FLOOR MAINTENANCE 'SCREENS, race, Union, W, J. tola; antique quilts, sampler*, Floor scraping and reflnlshlng SPITLBR MOTORS THE ROBIN HOOD SHOP. 3 Taylor plumbing and heating. Pitt board, tinted traya, bandbozea, eta Phon* PORCH and LAWN 11» ttthway Avt. Bllxatxth, H. I TO UNO roan over 21 with mechanical Street. MUlburn., has uwd clotstng oongowall, chrome, lucltt, cr por- en«Bam 1-O09* before t a. m. Spwlaiuing In residential work ability to assemble and ship pboto of better quality for aale. Mercbin- oelain. bathroom axceraorlea. medium S EMtH Phon* Elliabeth S-1300 Summit trust Co. dlae takes on conslpomtnt. MUlburn FURNITURE equipment:-alto a man for sale* and oaMhets, clothe* hampers, pearl MAPLE china oloaet and ladder- FLOOR-BANDINQ, reflnUhlng, wai- WANTED service. Veteran preferred. Position 6*4124, •eats. Community Supply Co., 100 back chairs. Also 9x11 rug, booked tng, pollahlng. Experienced work B. Ic E. Finishing Co. permanent. Oeneral Photo Product* Rout* 29, Hillside. Waverly t-((SS. pattern. Cranford 6-lSt7-J. Union, N. J. MtCHANIC WILL PAY TOP DOLLAB Sat M tftew dctical peattiooa Co. 15 Summit Ave., Chatham. N J. men. Free Estimate*. SO 3-10M. Unvl. 2-2499-R Dnvl/ 2-1421 WB NUED TOUR FURNTTURK! for any car or truck in any condi- ORAVTSMAJCfl dreolar aaw. Jig FLOORS machine waxed. 12.00 room, tion. Jack Kelly, 137 Hudson Strtet, far yessc nan from UM YARDMAN, taalf day week or one day COW manure and top toll. Blla Hay, saw. compressor, on portable tables. Furniture polished. Linden 3-3623-W, PAINTING—Inside and out. Paper every two weeks. Short Hill* Jr. Chatham 4-47T7, f*l*xlbl» shaft, motor*, aoeeesorles, HIGHEST PRICES PAID hanging and floor scraping. Ettl Newark. Market 3-M19. vbo arc M«b eebooi 0ON*?ENT8 OF THE ENTIRB FLOOR scraping and finishing.- All mates cheerfully given. Call Sum- USED CARS WANTED at highest MAM for regular outalde work, no gar> COW or horw manure. Blch black workbench. In one lot, KM, Pfcone type* of floors, Experienced man. mit 6-1893 or Essex 1-7735 alter den knowledge neceaaary. Call «-7 , topwjll. cuaranteed the beet. De- SO. 1-1700. 16 a. m.-4 p m. HOME cash prices. Dillon Moton. Inc., 530 pnfcrabir «lth eom> evening*. Short HllU 74302. livered, to k up. Chettsut Brook Mus Larson. 411 Robins street. Ro- 6 p. m. Springfield Ave. Bu. 6-4200. Farm. HUUlde. Write portU or call BHOUSH bone china tea set, |7». seUe. Phone Roselle 4-6109 NORMAN CARPENTER '' tnlstag. MEM wanted for lanscaping and Unv| 3-1524-8. CALL ORANGE 2-3443 413 So. 17th Street, Newark,.*!. J. tardening. W. R Conklm, landscape after 4 P. M. Dnvl. J-O213. FLOOR SANDING AND INSTRUCTIONS Contractor. Chatham 4-25U. APPLE8, iweet elder, buckwheat flour, OIBI.'S iprtng plaid coat, has and bag WE PAT CASH for your uaed furni- FINISHING CARELLA BKOTHER8 maple *yrup, honey. Mow taking or- to match, ilie 11 Seed baby car- ture, antique* silver, books, bric-a- ESTABLISHED 1129 PAINTERS and DECORATORS. II aOrPEtUXNCKD teacher will tutor Vtlll OH -den for cations - of syrup. 1947 crop, riage; bird cage and stand: rug ant brac, painting*, work* of art, etc. REES POWELL Willow St. or it Meeker St, Milt elementary and high school studies April deuvery. Wightman's Farm*, pad: all In good condition. Call Mil. 1-0084-J burn, N. J. Estimate* cheerfully Box 4S6, Short Hill*, H. J. Unvl. 3-3666. GEORGE'8 AUCTION ROOMS SUMMIT 6-0062 MorrUtoim-BernardirUle Road. S3 SUMMIT AVE. M-A—HOUSECLEANitre SEBTICI A CAJUBBft IN ART DESIGNERS PARKLAND terpsoU and manure. E. W or Mlllburn 6-91M R ORDER YOUR BABT CHICKS Brunner, SO Jesse place, Union. TeL Summit 6-0991 Fashion. Illustrating, detlgnlng. e«r- & DRAFTSMEN We will bay ycur attic contents. WALLS. CEILINGS, RUGS AND -«-;-j--— - Decortttng. Interior, toonlng and all other brtncht* .Mod- NOW! Unvl. 3-4260. UPHOLSTERT Eiterlor. Pree Estimates. A. E. STENOGRAPHER, TYPIST Cleaned by machine , Jam... so »-05M. If no answer, ern methods. perMonallsed Instruction, PBRMANXNT KMPLOTMENT Rhode Island, New Rampahtre Red*. THE HERBERT GALLERY call evening*. Cl«an classrooma. All material* In- White Leghorns, Rock Crotee*. now MIRRORS THE WAUAiASTER WAT cluded. Day and evening elasJW- Son** Shorthand liperlenced oa: hatching. Blood teeted itock. Oood large aelectlon of framed plate 101 Summit Ava, Summit. N. J. No muii, streaks, cdor or noise. SANTICH A KE88LER "~~" PHONE MARKET 2-TOI5. Structural Steel layen. Chicks guaranteed. glass mlrroxt. Plat* glass furniture Call Orange 4-3321 tor estimate. PAWTINO - DECORATING APPROVED FOR VETERANS la Alrcratl 8»lM Offtc* Reinforced Concrete WANDUNG HATCHERY top* mad* to order. Will pay high ossb price* for you Interior-and extwlor. Dutch Boy lUt School Today S A M. to 9 P. »• Piping and Pressure Vetaet* INSTITUTE OF ADVERTISING Oood Salary. State Age and Ksperlenc .; Port Murray, W. J. Ertabllahed 1|13 (welry, furniture. or Blgelow I-6M0. TOP quality cow manure, no saw- NEWARKGtASSXOr SUMMIT 6-5217 PNEUMATICALLY blown. Black Rock- ARTS Write Box 32. Linden Obaerver I PLEASANT WORKINO CONDITIONS duit or ahavlnga, minimum amount wool lor Winter Economy. Stop* t» Market St, Newark I, N J. 373 Market Street. Newark. It, jr. VIOUN'S H-ANrBD—Any condition, for EX oda lountatn lurichFonette. SALESMEN OR SALESWOMEN — TO 10VP1ECB dining room »et, good! con- Ivlngton, N. J ES 34110-21 OWWED ft OPKRATXD BY DAN _AMERICAN LANDSCAPINO CO. «V,5* ^Schmidt for PA1NT- •onU Problems Conducted by Psy- Full time or part time. Mlllburn aril established household terries. dition, Reasonable. Call after S- p. m. PLATT. Service station now open. Re- mmSKRTMXN TREE SURGEONS INO, DECORATING and PAPER- chologists with 25 Y»ar*' sftpernnce. •-201$ 59 Main street. MiUburn. Pull or part time. Easy to tell— Mahon. 310 Laurel avenue, Union. palm on all makes or ear*. Complete Uwn* renorated, Top-soiUng, Medlng. HANOINO. UnlonvlU* J-71M PSYCROLOOICAL OUrDANCB FOR SALE, For Rent, Mo Treapa»- _ . • * TESTING CBWTER . ,,,, Kood pay. MAHOOANT vanity and bench, ex- line of new batteries. Hew tires and sodding, planting, pruning, feedin POR better painting and paper hanr- 37 PCRIc cleaning woman, Fri- STILES SOFT WATER SERVICE Ing, etc. signs. 10c each. The Item. tubes. Snow plows for all jeeps. ltrtrt at p M Branford PI. Market J-" day tech week, white. Call MiUburn cellent condition, pre-war construc- 391 MiUburn Av*^ Jllllbunt ? * rt" Suit* ail • 4MH7.W. ft" aienalde Avenue Bummtt 6-5803 tion. Phone Chatham 4-S7M. 312-324 Rahway Are.. Elisabeth It's dedicated to beautify and preserv l-Bill. Eltel sjid Fader. Bis. 3-S65S of Etti. 3-3767 ornamental ahrubbery, fruit And ahade ASSISTANT hautekeeper and house- DIHINO nOOM-10 piece. Orand Rap- FIREPLACE wood, well •eaaonet. ^ • PAINTINO ABB you over 3) or under 60? Would ready for delivery. Su. t-4151. ttee*. Uwn and garden material on LOST you like Working for »n established man. BU. 6-1034. id*, walnut suite. New mahogs,ny HERTZ DRIVE-Ua-8EL,r SYSTEM Exterior and interior. Pree low boy credenea. Walnut console J. PRANK CONNOR, License* band for early tprtng deUvery. 25.001 Pure Unseed oil used oi KCrCLE. girl'a small two wheel bl«» firm, operating from your own home, OPERATOR. Josephine'* Beauty Shop. PBINTINO—All form* or tmalness rd* of soil; 1,000 ton* cow,manure •Wowalk bicycle on Friday afternoon. and earning a steady Income? CALL radio, excellent speaker. Walnut and social printing—matohed Utter- PAB8ENOER CARS A TRUCKS TO •Id* painting. end table. South Orange 3-3447, HIRE—INSURANCE PROTECTION Rant*, shrub*, flower*.' ' April 4th. Last seen ridden by 7- SUMMIT 6-4M1-M between B-10 a. m. heads, envelopes, and cards, bro- A A T SPA0088 ^ ORIVEWATS B at M Trcar-bM boy near Memorial Pl*w or 1-3 p. m. OVERLOOK HOSPITAL ohurei,'folders, bouse orgaaa, direct U Plan* St. Newark, V. JM 1M0 555IMt Jf'>>nn -SPATerTerrr ^ ORIVEWATS FRENCH Love Seat, perfect condi- (Corner Jamee 8U ^^ - •»»••»»** OOrang f NN. 1, Su e-4061-M Reward for Information leading <" .- CBUMBEIA Part or full time. MAIDS, porter*, meals Inclined. Re- tion, trimmed with African Mahog- , mall advertlilng letters, programs, PHONE ORANOE 4-2442. JU recovery. Box 93, c/o Summit lief operators, swltchbonrd—oeca- any, Call Madison 6-12M. announcements, Invitations, etc. Call Hnmboldt 2-UOO—2-S414 ' Bleep in ot out. " The DeBary, 283 •lannl. See Mr. Lee*. Ward aldea, Fhoto-off*»t. letterpresa and U»«r- LAlfpSCAPB OARDENBR. Expert, Fair" Herald. Bprtngfledd Ave- Summit. Bu «-60i9. Xa—CAUEMTEBg Price*, Veteran. Phone. Short Hill FMNTINO-Int«ior and -exterior, feinalr. tloo plus meals and laun- 1—rvas moiraphlc embossing- methods. Art 7-2525 W. , Low estimates. Mlllburn I-40SQ-J BANKBOOK No. 2573a. Please return girl for bakrry. Experienced dry set Directress of nursei. work, layout and copy atclitanc*. lv~B SMCISUX* in carpentry Jobbing. to The Summit Trust Co.. summit erred, 270 Morris avenue. Spring- TWO fur coats, alee 26, one .black Union Register'* Community Print Mo job too small or too large. Wort LANDSCAPINO—All kinds of garden- PAINTINO, decorating, , Phone MiUburn 6-0S40. ASSISTANT for drug or cigar counter. caraeni, other brown muikrat. ralr. wg, tntarlrr and estertor. JEatimat., BANKBOOK No. tm, PI«a*s rsturj Whelan Drug, 7S South Orange avt.. Very chear MeaMBt working condition* Bu clerical work In Gs» Utility office. nation coal and gas range. Reason- II-MCS1CAL IWBTSTJMBWTr twwn 4-30tI. LANDSCAPmo Contractor; LawSsT at return book to bahfc. 4M3M. 116 Summit Ave.. Bummlt. trplnii required, Mall application, able. Chatham 4-Mll-B, Driveway*, Bidewalk*, ttc. Wor JTiTlmaj nwh St.. HllUld*. NTjr? ow t bk t hk and sales aaslatanw for wall- •talli\K qualifications and - expert- •CA TABLI RADia Short HUle OAJRCEN- WORK Guaranteed. Mllllngton 7-OWO-R. •MROTJMrrg braceJrt, Sunday •*• _nf». If any, to Box' Il». Summit. M. i. O, K. WA8HKR, 3 tion. Rea- 7-2941. •t it. Teresa's, Union place «r Wai- feper *nd interior decoraUng atudio. aonable. Call Mason work, painting, screen* painted A. W^UTI nut it. B u lm|.mii . orfeiiATOH for Lake Surprise refreah- hatham 4-4967-J. OAFEHART-lMl model, excellent con- rnent stund. Phone Elisabeth 2-«t3l, KtTClIErl cabinet. Olenwood com- *t*t« *g«. «PeTi- jUtloii. Co«t I1.1W, will nil 1750, OENERAL CONTRACTOR WHKBOOK Ko. aill. «eaw I«tOT txtemlott u, between B a.m. and blnatlert coal and gas •tojte. Re*. Box 17, c/o The Item, Mllltrum . Landscaping to Tht Pint Rational Bank fc Trust —™ ealary rapected. Boa a pm. •onable. Chatham 4-M17-, materials. Top soil, Gardening JACK «-..«„. I. Onion Begister. Union. humus, seeds, line, turf builder, etc Oo,, Summit. MEN or «ompn to work part time In short wave caljffiet model PIANO, baby grand, excellent condl- Permanent Drlvewaye PAINTBR0 gnd DB00RA1XMU NO lady for general office worlt. 1!°"^ "mechanically and otherwise, Aim mason work. Appollto's. M General Work «M*K1IOOK H». t»k HetsTwtWti rrtrrshniem otanil Apply 4-« p.m. 4-34i»-WS condl«lon- Chatham Wo dealers. Call Cran 6-01M-J. Main rtwet, Bpringfield. MUlburn •01 Park Ave., N. j to The Cltnen* Trust Co., Bujnrnlt • wperlenee accessaryaccessary.. Apply In Unlnn Urlve-Irt Theater WHILE frost 1* still here; this is th •Mraon at UtilitUtility LdyLaundry . 1 Baal LADT-B wrtstWateh with 1 diamond Oreenhouse work, full or O. t. T~cu it SHALL itudlo upright piano, boel' time, to hat* your pruning taken eWanaa •hips, lost on Saturday be**"" MlJ« ft., Chatham, N. m fhone 8um lent condition, lacrtflce. 1407 Mor PAVINO and OonstructkHi Co. of care of by Mareantonlo an< 11 girl or woman between agee i«,V n mit, %-nn ru Avenue. Union. Apt, 304. Union specuiist. m permanent DAndrea, Landscape, Gardener, t-Wt-W Pennsylvania BtaUon »n« f* *"* trpe Wa«k top drlrawar*. eoncret* •venue. LJndea. Reward, Linden r JO, to work part-time as *>les- or« Buex Flowers, lno:, itBta. NRW Spinet piano, used Grande and na u General Contractor. Telephon laief u> beoftn* foll-tlrn* work- tton, Murray Hill. M. J, TilltKK mnpli twin brill: ra

*.«*.<• THE SUMMIT HEKAID, THURSDAY, AMIL 10, appttaattoo «a* ta« aadsssfsssesL m as Exscator of tt* sjsiaAs afsBjA'ia. IW* MMeA moUm k 6? jjfViS creditota at aaM Cwitttt of an Oder of CSoun wrll ... of the SUM wr tb* eatau of ssM i Ualoa Goaa^r pouitrynaen wiU fsctaa to w* <%• - on the 1st day of sU Baoatus trasrSc tompttt with. t»uJtry brt4d*rs in la a eauae wbutui InaetM. Trai t alat Bortheast«ra state* lB toe. «H bom is petitioner and rw in m tbs aasa* ataiaat the Oousty liikiag INT phast of tht nationwide wmm iStTtiTpeSSj^ "I—-* Chicken - of- Tomorrow profrratt or before the 2nd d*y1of will jtte ia efcariag A7RZL AD., IN?, »nd in default „ f the Aj»paiachiaB Trail Sun- with more than 100 poultry raisert ., IW<» o','clocc k (Dajcllght Saving Tlruo will be rendarsd anlaat you si" tba from tsb county eligible to cater *'.,J tfirteraoot o of aaaalMd dayday. day (Aprtl u». uader the guidance t SLsa, ChkficeUor shall *+ti$ Vbt taster)? line of of Dtnvillt, Ivor gttca of UttkUMB eUdts hatched April 13," Mr. hand of said Van Clae North one de- eta u&d dippers. Water will to duly autheatlcatSI smwm T roKd, R D. Slade said. Those entering should ,,,.(. five and ona-half minutes east eedtog fta- th \S ES availahk at SMOB, aid there wiU four hundred fist: taeaw (II at right J"-*TE OF HARBIBT 4. PARK Mftratta, proprietor of the contact Gcraid Zieh, State Dc- to said Van Cist Line South HURST (ai»o known mi HAhklE probably se a ire tee Poultry Para, yartment of Agriculture, Trenton, -fight de*r«ws fifty-four and ALMA JfABKHURST. S which will Hlk*r« ar* «*Jted t» m*«t at the I ,,cr-littlf mi«ut«s east one hundre< or4 r tt Oorpormtlon, » e At ^JSSHi? S* * •' CHARLES AdmlaUtraUotj Building. Warin- MUK chairman for this state. forty-one *>>d tw«nty-Bin» hundredth* hi. 8t«t«, whoae prtac - OTTO. JR.. 8ur«w«t« of tb. C«w «ff l«ylB« contest »t Witt; thene* (I) parallel with said •Uuattd »t Ho, 382 •y .«' Union, m»d«"s» u»« twtnty- the Morrii County fair Ob y*«r. anc* Park, Elisabeth, at t The contest carries a *&,0GO tlghth day of March 4.» 1M7.- epos Y*n Cm Hue South one degree five «»&.«» ^« City Of SiinSit. v or at Brows"s HoUli Greenwood grand prise in IMS provided by and one-half minute* west thret hun ot Union, State of New Jersey (W Uie applicaUoo «f the undersigned a« Tht contest will open «a Arid forty-Bin* and sixty-two hun- A. Wrk, being the agent therein »^ Administratrix of the estate of (aid de- Augunt 1?, s>nd coatlEUr until Lake. «i 145 A st P Food Stores and JS.000 in dredths feet to die middle of aald in charge thercef. upon whom process (icased, notice Is herbby given to the regional pritci. . Top award goes Springfield Avenue; and thence (O m«y be served), bas complied with creditors of *aid dece«ted to exhibit urd*y night (oUowing Each poul- I along th« middle of saJd Springfield th* requiremente of Title 14, Corpo- to the subscriber under oath or affir- try raiser entering the coetwt will to tot breeder who develop* the Avenue WHIUJ s»vtnty-on# de«re» mation their claims and dewaeds most improved meat-type chicken. twenty-eight minutes west one hun- against the estate of aald deceaMd p]*c« »ix pulltii in out ef tbt> pn- drr'i fifty f*et to the place of Begin within *lx months from the date «{ parcd ptn* on .Sawrdajr ti«ht. LMMMM tMnral Pott laid order, or they will be forever 4t*mU(*if\HkHQ\ki MATTER The pens will be number*! and the HoR»rook M. MacKeUle, son of "SECOND THA.CT! Beginning at the Marsh, Secretary of State of the State barred from prosecuting or recover- i northeasterly corner of ths foregoing of New Jertey, bo Hereby Certify that ing the same ag»ln#t the subscriber. bird* in each pea will wtar e»*Uy Mr*. Perry R. MacNellk, 1 Euclid JESSIE E. PARKHUR8T, triit and running- th«nc« (1) along the said corporation did, on the Sev- distinguished numbered teg hands avenue, head of be Office of Na- Your Doctor IAJ«|||2|||| A |SJB^S\MAriaAJShA W^Mft ft#% li^SsSsiA ^UF the easterly line of said lot south one entl, d«y of April, 1W7. file in my , .»,A,, AdmlnUtratrlx. 1 - p-et five and on«-halt minutes wtet office a duly executed and attested ALFONSO BIVONA, Proctor, The contest is open to the world val Research at London arrived in bwy • Kama isaa importwrf KnoAciol , lB(e* hundred forty-nlna and sixty. consent In writing to the dissolution 8"7 Washington Street, *nd the first ten pew entered will the United States Friday aboard runs our J two hundredth* feet to the center line or said corporation, executed by all Hobok«n, N. J. m«N«f we con transect to your antira Lt,f Si>ringtle\i Avenue and the. south- the stockholder! thereof, which s»ld «3-44-45-46-47—oawSw Fees—17.»0 be accepted. Alt rules and regui*<- the Army Transport General Tay- l easterly comer <*f aaid lot; thence consent and the record of the pro- tloiu may be secured from the lor. r Mtitfoction. Owr fodStiet provide « J (2) along said center line of Sprlng- ceedlngg aforesaid »re now on file in NOTICE TO CREDITORS Fair office At 23 Washington fldd Avenus North seventy-one de- my aald office as provided by law ESTATE OF CHARLES W. HUR8T Mr. MacNeille went to England C9fit0l9te* w#B~foiiiMJ#d out fffrofffloo# xni-» twenty-eight minute* mn one IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have Deceased. ttreet, Morris town. three yean ago with the Office • Yet, we admit it—your Doc- hundred foeti thence (J) parallel with hereto aet my hand and affixed my Hi ML Pro*fom *° irtdividuoMy wit |»oparly the fli st described line North one de- Purtuant to the order or CHARLES Prisei wilt be awarded. Poultry. of Scientific Research and De- tor i« our bo»«. And we believe A. OTTO. JR.. Surrogate of the I (jret! five and one-half minutes east JSBAtOPTHE ton, this Seventh "ay breeders will undoubtedly watch velopment. At the end of the w«r that's the way you want it. You unki & ownart anil pfospactiv* property own- to » -point which would be Intersected 8TAT*»PNEWof AprlU AD, one County of Union, made on ths Fourteenth day of March A. D.. IM7. the contest with Interest he transferred to the Offioe of have confidence in your Medkal i|.ythi> Noi tlierly line of said Votings JBaiSEY) thousand nine hun- upon the application of the under- •n as proven by our 20 years service. ! |,*-t if Mid jlne was continued east. dred and forty-seven. signed, as Executrix of the estate of Naval Research. After reporting Practitioner. We share that con- ' trly: a-M thence (4) North tlghfy- U.OVD B. MAE8H, G. I. horn* loon •ppKconts ort invited" said deceased, notice is hereby given Spoghttti DiftiHrr Ghrta to Washington, he will await re- eixlit degrees fifty-four and one-half Secretary of State. to the creditors of said deceased to fidence. That** wiiy we follow tulnutrs west to the point or place Pees~$15.04 exhibit to the subscriber under oath Jo* Lours Gro-Y CU> . assignment his directions implicitly. K» a ls> consult with vs. 1 or affirmation their claims and de- , KxiViillAg' from the foregoing dt- KOTICE O* SETTLKMEVr mands against the estate of said de- Mrs. Elizabeth Coofer enter- further atrp in your interest, we I «ir!l> • -• ••••• the prizefighter Joe Louis, la ceated, will te auMHed arid stated by 744 Broad St. per cent discount. North Jersey AI^EX CAMfBEI-t,, Sheriff. the Surrogate, and' reiorted for Bet- Newark 3. N. 3. sponsored by the Boys' Division CfcartiM's Cut Reft K h. MrKIBOAN. 8ollfiitor, :lenient to the Orphans' Court of the 41-42-13-44-4J-O a w 3 w of the YMCA, and is composed of District Director Robert W. Allan all 43.H45-44—EDJftSH—CXj63-C-? County of Union, on Friday, the 2nd Fees—flM Fe*»—IS7.U boys in the elementary grades of of the War Asset! Administration 8*MMllt, «. J. day of May next at 9:30 A. M. NOTICE TO CKEDITOK* Dated: March 17th,, 1947.' . school. announced today. •aasalt t-m* BUSINESS jrpTICK TO CHEIUTOHS ANNA M. FLKjlING, ESTATE OF MART P. MacCUTCHEON, Earl Nelson, Jr. is presides* of Previously only Institutes of HBNEY PLATE, Deceased * . . *" . ' •> • college level were allowed to par* ESTATE Otf 8ETH E. WIKANDEK, Trustee* Pursuant to the order of CHARLES the boyV club, while Mrs. Confer Peceal**: , HENBY PLATE, Procter, of Tru*tee», . OTTO. JR., Surrogate of the County is club mother. Ucipate in the plan to buy machine tniriuant to the ordj^t of CHARLES No. »52. Virgil Ave., Illdgefleld, N. J. of "Union, made on the Fourteenth tool* at S per cent of "fair value," DIRECTORY A. OTTO, JR.. Surrogate of the Ccun- 2.43.44-4S-46—oawBw Feel $5.20 ay of March A. D., 1947. upon the Also present were Mr*. Earl ANTIQUES INSULATION BOUUHT apd SOLD ROMANO HOME INSULATION FOR SALE APPRAISALS AUCTION ROOUS AND nooroia COMPANT MORTGAGES IS Summit AveniM Barkeley Avenue. Barktlagr FOR RENT Summit M9M HalfhU. Summit «-gsja. REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE CLASSIFIED MANAGEMENT SUIOIIT AUCTION ROOltt LAUNDRIES 47-4B Summit AvaniM Telephone Summit OORBrS ENTERPRISE WANTED TO RENT MORTGAGE LOANS LAUNDRf. INC SUMMIT REALTORS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1—SUMMIT WE are writing Mortgages up to Refini8hing - Restoring IT Summit Avenu* II II RENTALS M ysara. Low tntereat rates. No Summit 6-1000 OBIUO. ELWOOD M. 8U. 8-043S SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT feral fees. V.H.A. and convention- and Upholstering I1ICHLAND CO. " «-33U SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Realtor al mortgages aollclUd. 8WEKT-KXJBEN LAUNDRT. IMU apartments and houses are urgent* HOME A88IJRKI) MORTOAQB RLNHART. ELMER M. Home of Charm $25,000 Howard M. Grill t$-U Industrial Plae« Home (Rural setting)-.-- 117.000. rjr aeeded by the supervisory and COMPANY & CO. " 6-OOM Summit Home (3/ bedrooms) ...118,000 laboratory personnel of M SUMMIT AVK SUMMIT. N. J. Short Hills 7-3715 Summit 6-1711 [t ANDERSON. AtFRKD 8. ' " 8-3123 PHONE SUMMIT t-liti Chatham Cape Cod (4 B.R.)...$12,300 th« form dtsignatat fhost pcrsom in THE CELANESE CORP. Bl Phone Westtleld t-0111 BUTLKR, EDWARD A. " »-«040 New Bungalows (Very good)...$11,900 APrUANUES MASON CONTRACTOR CUrtBROOK, U. McK. "8-M3J Bungalows (Your choice) .$ 9,000 th» r««l •»••*• buiinasi who hava available W; McNAWARA. Realtor OF AMERICA UNLIUl'tUU rilA-til-ANU CON- EASTERN FUEL COMPANY CLEM OAKS AOKHOr " 6-3OU 8u. 0-J880 Bu. 6-1491-R. Ch 4-5740 VENTIONAL MOHTUAUB MONE.T JOSEPH DE LUCA to Hi»m the accumulated knowledge of SUMMIT, N. J. 353-238 Broa* Strtet DENBY. CRE8TKR 0. " 6-1WI 37 Maple Street AVAILABLE AT Mason Contractor HOLMES AOKNOT "6-1338 MINIMUM 1NTKHB3T RATES Summit 6-0006 2-SUMMIT VICINITY thirty-tix years of experimentation and re> Brick and cement work, patch- HOU8TOW, 8. I. * 1. a. '' «-»«* " Owners who have raeandae now Prompt Service — Reasonable Fees ACRE—High elevation; view, .^treea.. srta lit future, trlthln ooramut- ARTIST and Ing or any kind of mason work JOB8-BKCK-8CHMIDT CO. " 6-10JI lag silsunos of Summit, please JERSEY MORTGAGE COMPANY ' Dignified center hall home In ex- Electric hammer for rent KOHLE». JOHN H. " S-4818 cellent condition, 4 bedrooms, 2 standards. Realtors *r* thoie who, in contact Robert H. Wright, the HANDICRAFT MATERIALS JIcNAWAKA. W. A. " 8-3W8 baths 2nd floor. Servants' quarters eompany's boualns espedltor, for APPROVED LENDING INSTITU- 47 Michigan Ave. Summit 8-4200 MABEN, SPENCER U. " 8-1900 3rd. Oil heat, 2-car attached garage. judgment of their p»»t% In their business, Information regarding these very TION OF" FEDERAL HOUSING JOHNSON'S ARTS * CRAFTS dselrable Unanta. ADMINISTRATION. Mexican Imports, Jewelry, Pottery, 8TEELE, ROBERT H. " 8-0057 Price $2S,000. tts No Broad St. Kllratwth, N. J. WILLIAM J. MATTEO MOUNTAIN. WHITEMORK THE R1CHLAND CO., Realtor* are parsons with personal standards and Glass, Tinware, Leather 41 Maple Street Summit 8-3311 Call eXT 8-IMO. PHONE ELIZABETH PO9O0 Mason Contractor and Builder. & JOHNSON £& SU. 6-1404 business competence of sufficient merit, ta 447 Springfield Ave. Estimates given on jobbing and MUNROE. THOMAS T. " «-l«16 5-CHATHAM •Malaga; ChatBaa 4-4771-R warrant entrusting them with the important Summit contracting. TWO lots, 50x129, at 13.Clark St., HOME OWNERS §X>R JtfME 1st occupancy. House or Phone SUmmlt 6-0533. \ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Chatham Manor, reasonable. M. fiduciary relationships involved in real eitste apartment Brayton Schoci district Offset the higher cost of living with CARPENTER CONTRACTORS Oorog. 58-47. Bell Boulevard, Bay- 6 Linden Place, Summit, N. J. 1-fiUJiMlT aide Hills. N. Y. prsfarredL Children It and 11. Erlc- reduced monthly mrrtg-ag-e payments. transactions. They have voluntarily pledged lion pending; Summit S-UM. If you ars paying mors than a 4% ALTERATIONS - REPAIRS 11RAYTON SCHOOL DlBTKiCT—l LOT 75' x 168'. WESTON AVENOK. themselves to a code of ethics governing rETEAAN. wife sfeelre three-room rate on your mortcag-e. Investigate GENERAL CARPENTRY MOTOR ItttMUUttt ceiit to BolOlers WeroorUl i'leld;. 1«46 CHATHAM 4-5781. apartment Call Cranford S-l»l$-M our refinancing plan. Cape Cod colonial. First Xloor. ex- G. S. ENGSTROM EASTERN FUEL COMPANY 10-C—LAKE MOHAWK their business conduct, their relations with tra room ' colored tile bata In MKBCK KNOINEKR (Veteran) and MUlburn 6-1872-M 3U-23» Broad Street addition to large Uvlng room, din- PTJBNISHED Modem Cottage, fire- each other, and their relations with tht public bride, wish 2-3-4 room apartment or Phone E8. I-1B00 Ing room and kitchen. Second lloor, place, screened porch, large lot. garage apt. in fair location. Will and ask for Mr. Johnson or call at the Summit 6-OOM lajge studio or bedroom plus two rant Immediately or after June 1st. . 1RVINOTON NATIONAL BANK BUILDING MATERIALS •4800. Sh. Hills 7-3878. Excellent references. Phone West- bcarooms »ad colored tUe bath. Oil at the Center MOVING * MTUKAUB air conditioned heat, two car attacbea 11—MADISON Odd 3-ZTtt Inrlns;t«i, N. J. UTEPHENS-MTLLER CO. garage. ' Immetllatt occupancy. tt RusaaU Plaea IMMEDIATE POSSESSION; conven- WANTED to rent, furnished or un- SUMMIT EXPRESS CO, INC, |J5,0O0. ~ tarnished house, IIJ& monthly max- REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE! Summit i-00» EDWAKP A. BUTLER. Realtor ient to station and stores; seven imum. References. Eml!e Coene, 66-76 Railroad Avenu* 7 Uecchwood Road Summit 6-6010 rcoms bath; newly decorated; two- CONSULT A REALTOR Jr.. % Yale Club, New Tort City Summit 6-0314 car detached garage; lot 120x150: EXCHANGE BUILDERS WE HAVE a 7 room. * Data, compact steam heat: taxes $185. Price $15,500. FOUR to six rooms, unfurnished We have a party who would Ilk* to Remodeling— Repairs- home with gas neat, convenience A. J. HARMAN A SON, Realtor* Family of three adults. XUsabcth purchase Colonial type 4-bedroom, 1- Painting and Decorating and In perfect condition, owner !S Green Ave. Madison 6-0448. J-3O7. bath house In Summit. Will exchange General Carpentry will aell lor a arm price of $l$.80O Your Seal of Safety nVK-BOOsl apartment near Maple- •-room modern house. Irons tt Connell Interior and Exterior to someone who can produce * 2- 14-MILLBUKN wood. S adults. 8. O »-«»• or SPENCER M. MABEN, Realtor A )ob w«ll don* Is worth bedroom apartment in a Summit Box SI. Uaplewood News. 24 Berchwood ltd. Su 8-1900 Summit 6-2647 a recnmnnendatlnh apartment house. CENTER HALL COLONIAL — Newly WILL KXCHAMOE apartment In Bal- MOUNTAIN VIEW PAINT SHOP H. McK. OLAZEDROOK, Realtor Carl Holmquist painted. Large lot—8 rooms, bath, REAL ESTATE WANTED timore for bouse or apartment In WIliLIAM PIEPKR. Proprleior 333 Springfield Ave. Summit REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WANTED TO RENT - - Tile Contractor BEAUTIFVL modern two-bedroom the value of this home. Price $19,800. SO YOU WANT TO SELL EXCHANOE, 3% room - Oarden apart- bungalow, alr-conctltloned. tiled bata Call Mrs. Wallace. 22 UNION VETERAN, wife and child urgently Estimates Cheerfully Given fjLtJMBtNU, UKATIMU, and kitchen, large open second floor. GEORGE A. ALLSOPP, Inc.. Realtor YOUR HOME? ment, Elizabeth, rent $83 per rhonth, need three or four roonia. unfur- for rental larger.apartment or small Su. 6-3514 SUEEI METAL WOlUa In good neighborhood. Immediate Or. 3-1787 Evenings Mo 2-9381 UNION REALTORS nished, due to Imminent eviction. house, MUlburn to Madison. Eliza- occupancy. Call Chatham 4-5138-W. We have a booklet. "II Suggestions beth 2-743S after 7 p.m. JOHN R CROOT * 8ON QLKN-OAK8 AGENCY. Realtors 18-A-SEASHORE WILLIAM BAUER. JR. That Will Help You" In selling your LAS A PUOTOURAFUJC Dnlonvllle 3-2400 APARTMENTS and homes for em- 235 Morrta Arenue 40 Beechwood Road Summit e-2023 SHORE ACRES property; It's yours for the asking; a SUPPLOBB R. MANGELS & CO. ployees of Standard Oil Develop- postcard or phone call, will bring It OFFICES FOR RENT Summit 6-O480 Beautiful Colonial Home—an archi- ON BARNEGAT BAY Unlonvllle 2-3000 ment Co.; within commuting du- tectural sem, modern, convenient, In VENICE OF THE JEBSEY SHORE L. J. ZEHNBAUER . tance of Bayway Refinery. Linden. HOLLAND. 444 Chestnut 8t.. Ro. 4-1050 DESK SPACE In office, centrally lo- EASTMAN'S Perfect condition. Wide center hall, "IS YOU IS OR IS YOU AJ[NT A Unlonvllle 2-2300 Write or conUct Service Depart- Realtor: open evenings. El. 2-1350. cated, in Bummlt. Box B0 % Summit »4* Sprlnrfleld Arena* RADIO A RADIO RWAIMNU BOAT LOVER?" Either way we have ment, Standard Oil Development Herald. lurge living room, dining room, kitch- everything you want-for health, rest 22-B UNION COUNTY en, bedroom or den and bath. Sec- Co.. P. O, Box 243, Elizabeth B. HOMBS A INVESTMENT STOBE & DISPLAY SPACE Summit a-SlOO ROSS RADIO SERVICE and play time. New Cape Cod Picture N. J.: phone EL. 2-3900. e«t. 2*37. ond noor has lour large bedrooms, window WATERFRONT Cottages. FACTORY BUILT PROPERTIES Approximately 1SO0 Sq. Ft. (total). 87 Summit Avsnua two tiled baths, ample closet*. Oil Turnished resales ready to occupy. APARTMENTS 3 or < rooms In Sum- Suitable, offices, light work-shop or e/utrtn a BUG CJIJCANINU heat, recreation room, attached gar- , 12 HOMES TO CHOOSE FROM Wanted—fn the Oranges, afaple- storage. New building, good trans- Summit 6-I06S Ideally located scenic Sites for build- One to seven rooms and bath mit, by couple, no children, per- wood. Short Hills, Summit. «tc ».$ Repairs—Prompt Service CENTRALLY LOCATED PLOTS All lots are 50 x 100, Good title, splen- WEST'S FARM AOENOT DIVISION, quire apartment or taous*. Quiet. AUTHENTIC HISTORICAL , line. 8U 8-83BB-J. , Summit 6-1531 did Pin* Woods, one mile to Ocean. c/o W. H. TOUNO. 110 Mill St., clean, honest. Fhone Fanwood WASHINGTON INN aoonjva 13 i ISO-Pine shade trees. 150 up. AL8O 34 LOTS 3 blocks from 3-S445-W-1. ' Erected In 1743, located In Maple* NEWLY furnished room/ nnxt to bath, 100 x 150 x 154 In rear. Attractive HacketUtown,' N. J. for gentleman. Quiet, convenient LARRY MAY Ocean, paved atreets and Improve- BUCK ft WEST wood: picturesque grounds; four' din- PVEL astdOU. • North side, shade. 1 Acre North ment! W x I2J ft. #500 up. CASH or FURNISHED Rous*. 4 (edroome and 1 Ink rooms: Income S40.0M yearly: rent to bus. Oarage optional. Call after 16 Sylvan Terrace . Mde. abade tre«*, 10 MONTHLTf, HACKETTSTOWN VICH«TT baths. 3 months only, June IJth to S190; submit offer through exclustvs «:30 p.rn!. B.O. '2-3768. , STEPHENS-MILLER CO. Phone Su 6-S3SS '» x 143—Space for two homes, Hlll- 100 Acre Fruit ft Poultry Farm, mod- Bept. 15th: |3S0 per month. Refer- broker. WOOD CONSTRUCTION CO. VETERAN, wlff, colli!j?e graduates, 38 Russell Place •Ide plot, shade. A BARGAIN. Lakewood Road Cor. Boulton Avs. ern 8 room house, price $10,000. 130 encea required, Summit S-lW*. CHARLES R BEA. Broker buslnesa couple, desire furnlahe^l OTHER PLOTB AVAILABLE Ac. Dairy Farm with large Colonial TREE EXPERTS Phone Point Pleasant 5-1173 EXECUTIVE and wife desire three or N Park Ave. E." Orange Or 3-0405 room near Maplowood Center. Box Summit 6-00» All sizes and prices. house to be restored, also.potid site. four room unfurnished apartment 88, Maplevood News. J0BS-BE0K-8C1IM1DT CO. 19-SHORT HILLS Price 111,000. FOR SALB-rLsdl**' Shop. EsUblUhed EASTERN FUEL COMPANY N. J. CERTIFIED TREE EXPERT and garage. Oeore* E. Clements, BUSINESSWOMAN would Ilka single Realtors HAROLD GIBBS, Broker Sale* Manager, Clifton Conduit Oft, businasB with good 3-year lease. 333-239 Brood Street Removal Specialist 31 Union Place Summit 6-1021 ATTRACTIVE"NEW USTING 75 Montgomery str«et, Jersey City.' Price: Cost of futures *2.0O0 (cost) room, or will share apartment In Located corivenlent to schools and 76 Main St. Backettstown, M. j; plua dollar for dollar on merchan- 8 O. Center. Reply Box 10. B. O. Summit fl-0006 J. G. Fiah Su «-336«-J ATTRACTIVE home. Kent Boulevard, Short Hllln station. Excellent nelgh- Tel. Hackettstown Bl» RESPONSIBLE Executive desire* sub- dise; Term*. Call between 4 and Record. Bummtt 1 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1st BLAIRSTOWN AREA — Stvra room let furnished three bedroom house • p. m- aiO North Wood avenue, tin- wrhood. WHI constructed and In good or apartment. May-June. Pliwse call FURNISHED third floor room for one FUNERAL SERVICE WA8HIN0 MA1S1NI floor laratorj. Corner lot 85 i 340, condition Includes 3 spncious bed- brick house, bath, heat, fireplace, dw. Unden 2- MOI-M la fully •nsu'.'te:!, ir»» furnlahsd. Utttrmen Write Bos for Home. Club. School. Church. estimate call Bu. 6-6380. THB. Good train service to «. T. and Rental and Sale* Air Conditioned Units fired, air eondltloned hear, pine 1»-A-SOTJTH ORANGE Phila. »6 ACRB Country place with 91, e/o Summit Herald. WINDOW SHOP. P»i riled recreation room In b#se- CKMETERIE8 SPAGIOOS OLDER WLOWAL-»a^000 two fine homes, beautUul grounds, KL.ECTRICIAM and famflr desire 1 or COMMUNITY FILMS m«nt. 128,750. '•-, fine shade Stock barn and poultry 4 room apartment, will do own ORKKNI.AWN MBMdHlAL PARK INSULATION 111 Clinton ikveniM Newark. N. J. ML Airy FtoaO Bernardavllle, H 1 ttndr &> 4»ton Hall; Marshall and houies. Ill ACRES, all or part, decorating and necessary minor re- Blgclow 3-4171 ?W m atorjr hotne. first floor has newly renovated • room Colonial pairs. (Sni tm»i a-3oi. Member, National Cemstery Aasn JOHN8-MANVTLUB H'lnt room, Kitchen, dinette, tath learns SchooU. 1st: Hall, living home with fireplaces, beamed eell- Tal Bern S-OIM or I-OISI-M larse sun porch, dining room, FURNISHED apartment wanted by MODERN BODY MASSAGE HOME INSULATION »nrt two bedrooms. Stair* to second pantry, fid: « •»«»"% » Ifip. random width floors, 2-bathi, floor baa room for 2 additional bed- Kin pantry, fid: « •»«»"% » brook and excellent outbuildings. young Christian couple, by May. riRMs. TRIMS, wmcts tnenm. BPmWOFlfXD 6T-T1 Union Place lit bbaths. 3rd3rd : a roomsroom , bath Hot veteran. I rooms and kitthtnette ntCSBYTsmiAN CEUKTXRY BUY BONDS rooms. 8U$29, Mortgage of Sio.SOO. (ll> a car garage. »lst» roof. 80 ACRE dairy farm, modern build- REDVCEBt 8LKHPEBATOB Main 8t, BprtngfUld. M J. Summit, N. J. Available for veterans. water in ftn with georgepus view. THEO- Union preferred. Write , W „ O. CSWTIUL HEALTH WSTITU11 „ BPBMCIR if. MABXN, Realtor Wyekoff, 1310 East Front AU plot* sold under perpetual ear*. DORE C VERFXIND. Pennlngton, 4M OMtral Ave. East Orange Tef MUlbum 9-400$ or ail. 6-!U1 Summit f*U90 •< BMcnwood Road Summit «-<*£ N, J. Plioae 1S-J-U ivsnings. nalnfleid, X. 3, S AJf. to i fM. Dally, OB. *31 | and mnlags~flu. 8-J084-I478 I.- HERAJP, THURSPAV, A»RtL 10, 3* m was nsh.r's Ant *»**• * ,|A»«M eitfsea •* Copeahaft* April 241$ Latt i «* acportloB ip*r ts Aprl Prodained Mary «&d Joan Cmnliurhani for and Clark tare*. Clark booatad hit *a* Bit hy a trsia. The ooly ia- torn cam ttto ye*r residence recently purchased on averaga U piss to lit J to tak* *|Rnw «ue to the uwt sad to Re$tstraiiom Day the lead from Rattina wbo ' St eMsea'a soctotfcoofc He w« Regional ft-A Phkinfieid avenue. Bdward D. To Hold Anttal TOWNSHIP • — Cancer Control Holmes of Summit was tbe broker dropped slightly in the averafe Gusrd tiwae you love eraered U» pay tha state railway • wain before the column for the first time is eleven ooa^uer oaacer ft* ijt-^r— to the Holds Forum on Mr. Cunningham is chkf of tht f will be closed for Uw Jutt t Newark Evening Nova 8ummit weeks. Diimer, April 24 primary election and the vet* oa Month in Township bureau. Youth Problems to* State f««ffM»^ffli«i; eonvea- New Provi- tOW1«SHIP'-(^iairiaaii George Swrkater A. C TOWNSHIP — Tbe R*fi&aal Uon, Township Clerk WlUian C dence Township Bowling League W. Bobbins Jr. It tbe Township Btrkater Barbsi* High School PTA. at a receet Russo warned yesterday, April 34 Commitu* tu authorixed at the Dslta's will hold its annual dinner April Beriteley Heights Ha* Troe Ins teunf faeid a qaeiUou box pro- will bt the last day toy qualified April 2 meeting of the Township 24 snd make the presentation of voters to set their names oa the nr* Co. M M gram on probieoi* of bigta achool Committee to proclaim April as UIMUS-S Dairy various prizes attendant to the voting registry. li«a aai Sarkaisy Ohtfags youtls. *fcjcb included report card* "Cancer Control Month." Tbe Ke^ers to Start years schedule and the iWM^. | «*ohave reached proclamation prepared by Town- radio *«d bwnewcrk, and facial I Jt «. ..• ., v. ^ r* ** » ftwnl clectiea is No- ship Attorney. Frank A. Piiti de- Ne «o»a, N* WeaMMi i actmtie* durlfig »?Ipool week. A Sweeps, April 23 stakes. Tb« dinner mil b* W ^( f-opk ^ ^ ^ clared ia part: Ladies, your boadery problems 4-du— e o-f parcnu, teaebera ajid atu Tost 184,000 Americana are dying Your st the stouniainsid* Inn, sttrting I ttan>vod t«tbo# ,» ejess wht onco bave is* foumover yeand to, Batches oompleting the season's may tooa be solved wits *Ulnleaa j denti di»cu*Md the problemi. Prin- each year of cancer. That oat in st 1:30 f m. i new votiag district* or wbo bav* schedule, the Berkeley Hfifhts steel stockings. It is said that NAME PRINTtO eight will die of cancer unless we i cipa! Warren Halsey act«d a* mod- At Friday night's start of the changed their natmea tnrough ntar. Bowling League haa completed runa and wear-outs -will be prac- met. That during April a fund- j crator. annual sweepstakes. Gold leads ri*g« or court order *r» the eli- plans for a sweepstakes' bight to tically impossible is these unbe- ffl EACH ONE AT raising campaign is being conduct- wmisnur tbe pack with his 681, followed gible citiseas. who mu«t regitta* be held April 23 on the Mountain- lievable stockings. ) Ifn. Hugb DUDS of Cou»lry»idt ed here to help provide funds for 1 drivt, preaideBt of the P.T.A., pre- io second plate by Guenther's ir they want to vote, tin* der* side Inn alleys in Routs 2ft. tbe cancer control program. These AT N CIST Tt YOU! ^tested tb« viewpoint that the par- 664; Belen third with. «1; Fttsco explained. After tbe AprU 2 matches, the fourth with 4V46. These men are funds axe to be expended for co- lent ii*up uphold* Senate Bill Kaiotsoaat May be accompUahed team standings remain unchanged- »OYS' iOMPLETt^ S-PIECE T» obtain this free service, followed in order by Buckingham ordinated national research to j to increa** State aid fr«n M to eitber by calUag tt* clerk «t bit Delia's and tbe Berkeley Barbers with 639, Anglebcck: «Q. Dasyo discover the causes and cure of we invite you to open a {130 per pupil. She a*ked thoie in borne this week or next week or each won their same for tht eve-. BASEBALL ©I TUT 620, Allison fit, Eicb «02, Crock- cancer, for nation-wide, state-wide checking account st Morris I attendance to write Senator Her- by registering at tbe Municipal ning. This leaves the Barbers still ett W8, Treawncl 8*5, Friedman and focal educational programs. IM AM» 4 TO l» Uwa Tru»l Company. A ' bert J. PttACoe, tpomor of tht bill Building, April M, «, » or U holding second place by a single 686, Galio 574, Damanaki 67*, Erny A Urge percentage of the funds IPOR A OOOO OAMEOF BALI cordial welcome awaiu you. j and the four Union County Ai- from « to » p. m. game over Delia's. With three ! teinblymen urging their aupport 571, Lauten 90S, Andrus Ml. Glaa- contributed here and in Union I OR JUST ANOTHER OUTFIT quiatD 5M and Erioitson &31. County will be expended to im- matches last night and three for 1 If it i» inconvenient lo in the paasage of the bill. next Wednesday night, the Barbera fOt THf ACTIVf BOY. With two more nights of com- UU70 Building prove services and equipment in cone to the tank you m»y Wtth Misa Evelyn Porter of the petition, the scores above are not the cancer diagnostic and treat must tajce the measure of the (acuity as chairman, tbe Domin- apes your account and expected to stand much of a ment clinics of established general Berkeley Garage and the Berkeley Mode of gray Ironclad ating committee is expected to Work Aufhorned chance, so the boys yet to howl hospitals In the county, or for Heights Fire Co. while Delia's are fflcrteriel. Shirt and •take KTOiM hi* afrowBl t*em tbmtgtl tain avenue, $1,«00; one-family ing activities: 44 arrests, 74 calls GARDEN;; hi* sigMttir* m*r swt B«' And Stunt Races dwelling, James. Ei-win, Plainiteld and complaints, 6 fire calls, 6 dog perfrrily Irgiklf. TOWNSHIP - The Township .avenue, $7,000; alteration, Leon- warden calls, J ambulance calls, 2 #. He has aa Recreation Committee held its sn- ard HuUing. Mountain avenue, $1/ persons reported missing and wraiM of /nual Easter Egg hunt Thursday SO0; construction of two-cax gmr- found, one car reported stolen and if hit cfceefc l*M»k on the Columbia School play- age. Basilic Pagsno, Snyder ave- and recovered and 10 investiga- , »hould happm to be lo»t U.S P«t.Oft -Patwib Pmdint tions. ^ he l» more apt U» hate it ground with an estimated 350 chil- aue, $975; demolish thret-car gar- r*tnrs*«L dren attending. The committee age. Mr. Pagano, Snyder avenue; Police Recorder Joseph Mulhol- wu assisted by Supervising Prin- porch alteration, Alfred Campbell, land reported $89 receipts for Feb- f. He ran with Iras trouble cipal William F. Aiiurworth and Kline boulevard, $100; addition to ruary and $14«.S0 for March. The file and refer lo bit ran* CCINI cbrrk* Mare ibfir these member's of hia teaching building. Eliot Gorton. Hill Top request of the Board of Education road, $1,400. and alteration, Elmer SHUnbrriMg Kakf* it rmnf staff, James B Robinson, Richard for $9400 to meet current expenses Sf*l BloJ* to k*tp thtmi ia an order- A.. Rush, Miss Agnes M. Sayer K. Dlckinaon, Baker avenue, ly and M'as; Harriet Crpnln.^, 1*500: • "- •-; -— - - ' •>- HANDLE ,. II* it saved the t*»uU* of Recreation Commissioner Mi- Fees of $80 received for these SHOVEL writing km aou mty do w. r oaaros 'Autograph' 8.75 ENJOY DRIVING WITH *-s>fy rrosH GOOD MAKES Frame made^fisetected qual- ity white ash and fibre. Your brakes cannot be taken for granted. Perforated leather gnp. Thrw weights — light, ..medium,. _and. Let us teat them for you, so you can al- if ore you enroll for dance lessons : ways feel wire. s lk strings. Jf 'Aristocrat'. EXPERT SERVICE ALWAYS For 25 Year*, Quality Always Conrw—tcotfctr Trlimntd PLANNED Golf Bag* ECONOMY Ttii* type of tbrtk book i« dr- THOMASON BROTHERS WHERE WILL I GET THE BEST signed for tbe professional man, Phone Slmmlt S-0MS tbe bttcineM woman or thr Official tVndix and Lockheed Hydraulic Brak* Settle*- New! Cratf* bone manager. Tbere if a fall. •age of stab fp#t* far rerord- BROAD STREET SUMMIT, N J. MY MONEY? ng tbe details *f every

At Arthur Murray's you dance at onc«r- *nd learn by dancing-thanka to his Magic Step.,. Line ... 19c !*»• When Arthur Murray discovered that this one simple step is the basis oi most modem dances he revolutionized the teaching of dancing. Through hia 33 Up Your Cor WsllTK NIDEWALL Know the aerrrU of experts! The choke of leading Landscape years of teaching ho has brought his VRtSA Architects—I'lanUpur—thr beat and cheapest food for lawn* methods to matchless perfection. TIRE RIIVCS 1Ua ta At ro«rr«tio«J tbtre. and gardens. Hpum growth. Increases soffa capacity for water. , That's why you can become a good »—* eb»tk f Stntain* nitrifying bacterial action. Weed-free, non-burning, dancer so quickly and easily at Arthur IN STOCK It k a»aUable im aevrral y odorless, clean. I'LANTSPllR U the complete fertiliter "or- Murray's. Lessons ai» a joy with hia «id ealan. It it bawkl i» a flat- ganic chrmlrar—buy It from op****. ei«l*rW re«labl< irfcndly. charming experts. They're in- binder and it «wwlabi> hi qnan. apired teachers, thoroughly trained in Ihiea «f tbree hmdnd eberka Here's an easy way te a*M M «r maw depeMHag w#» Iba MN his unique methods.. f l*rr—IM lb». «» ensmel finkh. Bales are moderate and you tare IN EASY »ot scuff M «»bt. Fit all TO MAM>LK money because you learn so fast Why wcan PLANTSPUR wait to become the sought-after partner Plant Food Supreme you've always wanted to be? Phone or Tkusr COMPANY com* in today. it rA»st PLACB ARTHUR MURRAY

•om Sim*), om* DA*»-,