The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
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THE SUN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1919. 9 1S9S Expected tier enthusiast an already owns many NOTES OF THE SOCIAL WORLD OBITUARIES. From to 1897 he was Instructor of Mrs. Vnnderlillt In Aiken. WHISTLER PRINTS . examples: so that the collection will AMERICA TO. MRS. HER English at New 'York, University. He Special Despatch to Tnr. Sun. nave, so to speak, good QUITS FISKE AT is by live a home. to- survived Ms widow and AlKKie, S. Feb. 4. Lieut. William ror mat matter, de- Countess Jean de la Grese will sail children. C. the collection day In GKhV. JOHN COALTBR BATKS. Atnater, who has been hero since his serves one. It Is probably the finest col- on the Lorraine for her home SOLD Lieut-Ge- n. sen-Ic- In Italy, gon FOR $500,000 lection of Whistler prints, Judged France. Ban Drcao, CaL, Feb. 4. return from has from JOIN BERNHARDT corns BEST IN DUAL ROLE FRANKLIN J. MORTON. to his home In Now York. Mrs. Will- the point of quality, In existence. Mr. Mrs. Stephen 11. P. Pell has John Coalter Bates, U, A., retired, from Washington to the Chatham. a Special Despatch to iam K. Vandorbltt, who has returned Freer's collection, which already to-d- ago Tas Br. has Rtegsl-man- n, died at his home here at ths Is expected to occupy been given to the nation, may be some- The marriage of Miss Kthel BatTlMosc, Feb. 4. Franklin Joy from France, her what more complete, daughter ot Borough President Ed- of 7 years. His nearest relative, Mrs. Morton, widely known In shipping winter home here thin seamin. Howard Mansfield's Famous but Mr. Mansfield's" Beverley Sltgreaves, Ag Lynch, cir la of an extraordinary high level ward Rlegelmann, to Charles E. Scdrcs New Triumph in "Mis' E. B. Enos, a sister, lives here. cles, died to-d- ay at the age of S6. With Collection of Etchings throughout, and many of hU examples Jr., will take place this evening at the nis Brother he owned a large neet or grieved, Says She Novor BU Brooklyn. f urplna' 'ovellness and rarity : Hotel George. Nelly of N'Orlcnns" at Gen. Bates was retired from ths ac- square rigged vessels plying between i Mr. Mrs. will go to Lost to New York. with the seal of not only Mr. Mansfield's and Robert Graves April 14, forty-fiv- e Baltimore and the La Plata River. He approval on Will Bctnrn. Palm Beach this week. Miller's tive lint ltOtV.after HIGHLY IMPORTANT them for he la an authority Theatre years before was active In the formation of the Crown but also that of the great Whistler Mr. and Mrs. William Lawrence Green of service. A few months Cork and Seal Company, acting as treas- UNRESTRICTED SALES BUYER'S IDENTITY SECRET himself. and Mrs. Green's mother, Mrs. A. he was 19 he entered the Eleventh Regu- urer and director until HOC, when he Mr. Mansfield knew the arUst In- Bleecker Banks,, are In Palm Beach. with, retired from business activities and de SHE IS TO PLAT IN PARIS la with MARDI GHAS AIDS PLAY lar Infantry the rank of First timately, took long Journeys with him Miss Flora Payne Whitney was voted his time to philanthropic lntorests. to his sketching her aunt, Mrs. Willard Straight, In Lieutenant on May 14, Ul. He grounds and was as- made a Captain two years later, holdlag Mr, Morton is survived by three sons, Noted Artist Aided in Selec- sisted in making his selections of prints Aiken, .8. C. Lieut Dudley J. Morton, stationed at Mrs. Boston has that rank until July, IS It. Ha fought by Whistler. Two wonderful Impres-sion- s Florence Walden Sails to Wirt Dexter of George Lakewood, N. J. ; Ensign F. Craig Mor uirru trfUM tftrmi WxAVtl wtnf vnor rrtv Subjects Many Join Joined her daughter, Mrs. Stanley Irene Haisman , and In torn of the most sanguinary battles ' aWttWtv r4y tsVtflll KAUuu mhi UNUli tion of and from the famous plates, "The civil war, among them being ton, stationed In New York, and Alfred Palaces and the ' at the Plaxa. of the B. Morton; one daughter, Mrs, "Two Doorways" have Maurice in French come Henovan and Model Friqst the second Bull Run, Fredericks- Norval Arc Autographed. the Mans-nal- Mrs. William F. Sheehan has words "Selected for Howard d burg, Chancellorsvllle, Gettysburg and E. Byrd, and one slater, Mrs. Horatio P. written on the back by Whistler. Capital. from ICnollhurst, her country plan In Dyer of Rye, N. Y. ON FREE VIEW. 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Roslyn, L. I., to the St. Regis. Give Good Support. the final campaign around Rlchmoad. The dlerrara" nniiur ....t .i,i At' ths tlms he waa given his cap- Howard Minefield sold his hsw the same Inscription by Whistler! Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Upham ot TO BE SOLD hu famous Chicago are at the Plaxa. taincy he was detailed to Gen. Meade's WILLIAM JAMBS RILEY. eollectlon of WhlsUer prints, etching's Known to have said that It was Beverley staiT, serving upon until ths snd of of Friday the Sltgreaves. who has long Mrs. C. Oliver Iselln, who has been In It 4. On the Afternoons and finest impression that had been taken been neary war. He was twloe brevetled for Paris, Feb. William James Riley and lithographs for a ium not slated but from a welt known actress on ths New Nsw Tork for a brief stay, will return "Mis' NeOy of N'Orleans-- U the 1147 Broadway, Saturday of This Week that particular plate. During Tork stage. Is tearing for meritorious services and gallantry. He of New York, a secre esttmated to b In the nelfhborhood of many year Vr. Mansfield neglected to Aiken, 8. C, on Friday.' Miller's Theatre. tary In the Knights of Columbus, died no Franos with La Lorraine. She goes In women Pennsylvania So- AngeMque Deris Moore servsd upon the Western plains during ar- opportunities to Improve the quality of The of the Saturday of pneumonia. Mr. Riley was February 7th and 8th, at 2:30 o'Clork f 100.000. The affair, which waa answer to two Invitations Barah Bern ciety give n the thirty years following the civil war. his collection and was an assiduous will a tea at the Zephyrlne Eva Benton buried In the American military ceme- ranged by Arthur If. Hahlo A Co., waa buyer hardt haa sent to her. She will be Mme. February II. a D.lphln. Falalta Irene At the outbreak of the Spanish war at all the great European sales Brigadier-Gener- tery at Suretnes. Bernhardt's guest and will act with her Moncure Robinson has gone to Santa Georges ha was commissioned a The Very Important Collection eensummatsd yesterday morning and the when Whistlers came upon the block. Felix Durend........ nenavent after- In productions which ths French actress Barbara, Cel., to remain until the early Unc' Boss Jsieph Dunn of volunteers and waa soon of large Major-Qenera- check In tlx figures changed hands. contemplates at her theatre. ward made a l. His men VerF Pew Etchings Missing. Paris part of April. Pers Andre Clement FYederlo Burt MISS CLARK TO BE A BRIDE. The name of the signer of the check was "The most interesting feature of my Nelly did much to make the capture of San trip," Sltgreaves said, to Daventry Mrs. Ftske Hill by the colored troops and Ancient Arms, not announced. It Is known only that His collection numbers 420 etchings Miss "at least ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED. Georges Durand Hamilton Itevtlla Juan Marriage to S. Taber Will Take from plates, me, Is the fact that I am not coming Rough Riders possible In the Cuban J. the new possessor ot the prints Is from 10 and Its completeness al- Melanle Cardanne Zola Talma Weapons may be Judged by back. I don't say that I shall be campaign. Place In Madison Ave. Church. and Armor out of town. the fact that the ways In France. There Is England, for Mr. and Mrs. Raymond lusher. 65 In ths spring of 1119 Gen. Bates Formed by the ConnolMeur Kennedy catalogue lists but 44! etchings. Flfty-flft- h Miss Catharine Clark, daughter of Mr. Mans-Hel- d go East street, have announced Philippines placed Neither Hahlo Jt Co. nor Mr. Of lithographs lastance, and after a while I may The return of Mrs. Flske to New York was sent to ths and and Mrs. Charles M. Clark, 71S there were 161 from US one thing am the engagement of their daughter, Miss In command of the Southern Park Mr. Theodore Offerman would give precise details of the subjects. Mr. Way, there. But la settled. I night In Eyre's play "Mis' district avenue, will be married to John Starr Whistler's printer never to return to this country. Madge Raymond Lesher, to Lieut. last Lauronca which Included Jolo and Mindanao. He To which added transaction, which Is the moat Important and friend, lists but 186 subjects In his Charles 8. Bartow, U. 8. N eon ot Nelly of waa triumphal brought Taber of the British Aviation Corps, son has been a number "My experiences In the laat two years Jr., N'Orlsans" a negotiated the treaty which ot Mr. Mrs. Cin- that haa occurred hare since the out- catalogue. Mr. and S Bartow, 33 West Bulu. Ttetum-in- g and Francis Tnbir of of fine specimens from several other Among have convinced me that I am altogether one. A friendly audience received the peace with the Sultan of cinnati.