AAP Demands Sukhbir Badal's Arrest Over Blast

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AAP Demands Sukhbir Badal's Arrest Over Blast Indian Horizon National English Daily [email protected] www.indianhorizon.org RNI No: Deleng/2013/51507 In memory of Dr Asima Kemal and Prof. Dr. Salim W Kemal [email protected] Volume Issue No: 32 Published from New Delhi & Hyderabad Price: 3.00 No: 5 New Delhi, Thursday, February 2, 2017 Pages 12 + 4 pull out (P16) Budget clueless, with Supreme Court choice Neil Andre Russell gets no roadmap for country: Gorsuch draws Democrat one-year ban for doping Mamata Banerjee breach P-5 P-8 P-11 Briefs Tax sops for individuals, small BUDGET Budget at a Glance firms; more money for welfare: 2017-18 In` crore Receipts Expenditure FM Arun Jaitley Revenue Capital Scheme Other than placing a cap of Rs 2,000 on stantial increase in alloca- Schemes the donation which any party tion on affordable housing, can receive from one source job-guarantee scheme, agri- 15,15,771 in cash. culture sector, and the rural 14,23,562 6,30,964 6,01,038 5,95,748 5,90,845 The budget, which pegs the economy in general, Jaitley 13,77,022 11,76,094 12,01,657 11,95,025 11,44,560 total expenditure for 2017-18 also sought to hike the de- 10,65,669 9,45,078 8,69,847 at Rs 21.47 lakh crore -- with a fence budget for the next fis- 8,01,966 7,25,114 25.4 per cent jump in capital- cal by 10 per cent to Rs 2.74 side outlay -- continued with lakh crore. He said the budget 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 the government’s focus on has 10 distinct themes: Farm- (Actuals) (Budget Estimates) (Revised Estimates) (Budget Estimates) New Delhi, Feb 1 (IANS) curbing black money by lim- ers, rural population, youth, Per cent of GDP Hoping for a 17-per cent iting cash transactions to less the poor, infrastructure, fi- Deficit Trends growth in taxes revenues, Fi- than Rs 300,000. nancial Sector, digital econo- Fiscal 3.9 nance Minister Arun Jaitley In his 110-minute budget my, delivery of public service, 3.5 on Wednesday presented the presentation, Jaitley also as- prudent fiscal management 3.2 3.2 20162016 Union Budget 2017-18, offer- sured a law to confiscate the and a tax administration that Deepika Padukone demands for stricter laws 2.5 ing more money for welfare assets of fugitive economic of- honours the honest. Revenue 2.3 after the Bengaluru mass molestation case 2.1 schemes, minor tax sops for fenders. The total allocation for the 1.9 Effective 1.6 individuals and small firms, On demonetisation, he rural, agriculture and allied 1.2 Union budget disappointing: Revenue 0.9 with a fiscal deficit of 3.2 per said, it will have substantial sectors has been hiked by 24 0.7 0.7 cent of GDP. long-term benefirs and spur per cent to Rs 1,87,223 crore, Himachal CM Primary 0.3 0.3 In his fourth budget as Fi- growth, and added that with and infrastructure status has 0.1 Shimla, Feb 1 (IANS) Himachal Pradesh nance Minister presented in the current pace of remon- been accorded to affordable 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh on Wednesday the Lok Sabha, Jaitley also etisation, the impact will not housing so that it can avail of (Actuals) (Budget (Revised (Budget termed the union budget as disappointing and made some far-reaching spill over to the next year. the associated benefits such as Estimates) Estimates) Estimates) disheartening for the people of the state. changes in political funding, Apart from the sops and sub- low-cost project loans. KBK Infographics He however welcomed the step to reduce the limit for cash donation to the political par- ties from Rs 20,000 to Rs 2,000. to their injuries. The victims “It seems to be the budget of mere promises Agriculture, include two men and three and commitments in which interests of the AAP demands Sukhbir children. common man had been completely ignored,” Earlier, Delhi Chief Minis- he said in a statement. allied sector gets ter Arvind Kejriwal demand- The Chief Minister said the people of the Badal’s arrest over blast ed the arrest of Sukhbir country were expecting some respite after Rs 58,663 cr in budget Chandigarh, Feb 1 (IANS) February 4. An Aam Aadmi cess,” he said. He said that Badal, son of Chief Minister passing through the phase of hardship due Blaming Punjab Deputy Party delegation led by San- Akali Dal and Congress lead- Parkash Singh Badal and to demonetisation process but the central New Delhi, Feb 1 (IANS) total area sown under Kharif Chief Minister Sukhbir Badal jay Singh met Punjab Chief ers were hand in glove to also the Home Minister. government had failed to come up to their Seeking to double farmers’ in- and Rabi crops are higher for the Tuesday bomb blast, Electoral Officer V.K. Singh create a tense atmosphere in “To ensure peaceful elec- expectations. come by 2022, Finance Minis- than the previous year. the AAP on Wednesday here and sought the panel’s the state. Sanjay Singh said tions, Sukhbir Badal should ter Arun Jaitley on Wednesday He said coverage of Na- urged the Election Com- intervention. the Punjab government had be immediately arrested. European Union, West slam allocated Rs 58,663 crore to tional Agricultural Market (e- mission to intervene and get “AAP has given a com- failed to solve any of the sac- His role in (the) blast be Donald Trump agriculture and allied sector NAM) will be expanded from him (Sukhbir) arrested. plaint against Sukhbir Badal rilege cases of Guru Granth probed. He will cause more for 2017-18 and increased the the current 250 markets to 585 While alleging that Sukh- to the Election Commission, Sahib, high-profile murders violence,” the AAP leader Brussels/Paris/Tokyo, Feb 1 (IANS) Donald farm credit target to Rs 10 lakh APMCs (Agriculture Produce bir Badal and the ruling seeking his arrest and inter- in Jalandhar and Ludhiana tweeted. Trump came under attack from Western allies, crore in the fiscal. Market Committees), while Shiromani Akali Dal lead- rogation,” Singh told the me- and the Nabha jailbreak by “Sukhbir Badal is a hard- with EU President Donald Tusk dubbing the new Of the allocation, which assistance up to a ceiling of ership in Punjab could be dia here. gangsters. ened criminal who will go US President an “existential threat to Europe”. is around 10 per cent higher Rs 75 lakhs will be provided to behind the Maur Mandi car “We have no doubt that The death toll in Tuesday to any extent to ruin Punjab French Minister of Economy and Finance Mi- than Rs 52,821 crore (re- every e-NAM market to set up blast, AAP General Secretary the frustrated SAD and Con- evening’s car bomb blast and its peace. Election Com- chel Sapin said the Trump administration posed vised estimates) in the last cleaning, grading and packag- Sanjay Singh said Sukhbir gress were behind incidents near Bathinda city rose to mission MUST arrest him to “a serious risk to world trade order” while Japan fiscal, the allocation for the ing facilities. Badal’s arrest was essential of violence and they can five on Wednesday with two ensure peaceful elections,” rejected Trump’s charges of manipulating its for- Agriculture and Farmers’ Urging states to de-notify to ensure peaceful assem- commit any heinous crime more children who were se- added Kejriwal, who is cam- eign exchange market. In an extraordinary attack Welfare Ministry was in- perishables from APMC as bly elections in Punjab on to disturb the election pro- riously injured succumbing paigning in Punjab. on Trump, the European Union chief called Trump, creased by around six per it would give opportunity to elected as the US President on January 20, an “exis- cent as it got Rs 51,026 crore farmers to sell their produce tential threat to Europe”, the Independent reported. as opposed to Rs 48,072 and get better prices, he said New Delhi, Feb 1 (IANS) To en- lier. Further, the Reserve Bank of In an open letter to leaders of the 27 mem- crore (RE) in 2016-17. that there was a proposal to Electoral sure greater transparency in politi- India (RBI) will issue bearer bonds ber states, Tusk included the Trump adminis- Presenting the budget, Jait- integrate farmers who grow cal funding, Finance Minister Arun that a donor may buy through tration as part of a group of “dangerous” chal- ley said that agriculture was fruits and vegetables with agro Jaitley on Wednesday sharply cut cheques and digital payments. He lenges facing the bloc, citing Russia, China and expected to grow at 4.1 per processing units for better bonds, Rs 2,000 the cash donation a political party or she can then give the bond to a radical Islam as other threats. “The change in cent in the current fiscal due price realisation and reduc- can accept and announced “elec- political party which must deposit Washington puts the European Union in a dif- to better monsoon and the tion of post-harvest losses. cash limit to toral bonds” to promote legitimate it within a month in a pre-deter- ficult situation, with the new administration funding of parties. mined account. While this gives seeming to put into question the last 70 years of Any anonymous cash dona- the donor the option of remain- American foreign policy,” Tusk said. Trinamool boycotts budget clean up politi- tion to a political party will now ing anonymous, both ends of the be limited to Rs 2,000 -- a sharp transaction will happen through Sensex BSE 28,141.64 day amid acrimony with BJP cal funding drop from the Rs 20,000 limit ear- the banking system.
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