Special Publications Museum of Texas Tech University Number 59 26 August 2011

He l m i n t h s o f Sm a l l Ma m m a l s (Erinaceomorp h a , So r i c o m o r p h a , Ch i r o p t e r a , Ro d e n t i a , a n d La g o m o r p h a ) o f Mo n g o l i a

Da v i d S. Ti n n i n , Su m i y a Ga n z o r i g , a n d Sc o tt L. Ga r d n e r Front cover: Left: Metacestodes of the Taenia from the body cavity of meridianus, NK166316, MSB199748, from , Gobi Gurvan Saikhan National Park; Khongorin Els; Saxaul Forest; 24 July 2009. Top right: Long-eared , auritus, in the Gobi Gurvan Saikhan National Park. Bottom right: Typical Mongolian “Ger” in the countryside near Ikh Bogd Mountain, Mongolia. Photographs by team members of the Mongolian Vertebrate Parasite Project. Special Publications Museum of Texas Tech University Number 59

He l m i n t h s o f Sm a l l Ma m m a l s (Erinaceomorp h a , So r i c o m o r p h a , Ch i r o p t e r a , Ro d e n t i a , a n d La g o m o r p h a ) o f Mo n g o l i a

Da v i d S. Ti n n i n , Su m i y a Ga n z o r i g , a n d Sc o tt L. Ga r d n e r Layout and Design: Lisa Bradley Cover Design: Scott L. Gardner Production Editor: Lisa Bradley

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Special Publications of the Museum of Texas Tech University, Number 59 Series Editor: Robert J. Baker

Helminths of Small (Erinaceomorpha, , Chiroptera, Rodentia, and Lagomorpha) of Mongolia

David S. Tinnin, Sumiya Ganzorig, and Scott L. Gardner

ISSN 0169-0237 ISBN 1-929330-23-5 ISBN13 978-1-929330-23-2

Museum of Texas Tech University Lubbock, TX 79409-3191 USA (806)742-2442 He l m i n t h s o f Sm a l l Ma m m a l s (Erinaceomorp h a , So r i c i m o r p h a , Ch i r o p t e r a , Ro d e n t i a , a n d La g o m o r p h a ) o f Mo n g o l i a

Da v i d S. Ti n n i n , Su m i y a Ga n z o r i g , a n d Sc o tt L. Ga r d n e r

Ab s t r a c t

Ninety-eight of small , excluding carnivores and ungulates, are currently recognized in the fauna of Mongolia. A list of species of helminths known to infect these species, both within Mongolia and across their range, is presented in an effort to aid in their study. A detailed bibliography of pertinent survey and related publications is provided.

Key words: Acanthocephala, bat, cestode, helminth, insectivore, lagomorphs, mammal, Mongolia, nematode, , trematode


Within the fauna of Mongolia there are currently Of these 98 species of small mammals known 98 recognized species of small mammals (Erinaceo- from Mongolia, 63 currently have no known parasites morpha, Soricimorpha, Chiroptera, Rodentia, and within the country. Of the 35 mammal species from Lagomorpha). None of these species are endemic to which helminths are known, only 6 currently are known the country, and their known geographic ranges are to be hosts for more than two species of parasite. From highly variable, ranging from narrow distributions these host species there are 31 species of helminths along the borders of Mongolia and neighboring regions known within the country. Across their entire Eurasian of northern China or Transbaikal , to Holarctic. ranges, 31 of theses mammals have no record of being Most however, as currently recognized, are moder- hosts for parasites. Twelve of those studied across their ately distributed across Central Asia (Bannikov 1954; ranges are currently only known to host a single species Sokolov and Orlov 1980; Tinnin et al. 2002; Clark et of helminth. Currently there is a total of 384 species of al. 2006). helminths known to infect these small mammals across Eurasia outside of Mongolia. Much of the literature concerning theses species and their helminths is found in disparate, and sometimes Data for the list was compiled from examination questionable, sources from across Eurasia. Few current of a total of 449 publications. Due to the evolving papers have been published on the parasite biodiver- nature of our understanding of species limits within sity of the region so, in an effort to aid in the study of helminths, a concerted effort to resolve all synonomies the biodiversity of parasites of small mammals of the among species reported, over the course of the last Mongolian and Central Asian region, we reviewed the century, was not undertaken. As it is easier to resolve literature to provide a list of known parasites from those the ultimate identity of a species from its most restric- species. As can be expected, species with the widest tive identification rather than its recent, or past, broader distributions, particularly those that occur through Asia synonomization, it was deemed wiser to list them as and into Europe, are those that have been studied the identified. However, some effort was exerted to make most. Those species with more limited distributions, the species reported, in terms of generic membership, particularly those restricted to Central Asia or narrower consistent as far as recent is concerned. ranges, are the least studied, or often, these species have never had parasites reported from them and are totally unknown.

1 2 Sp e c i a l Publications , Mu s e u m o f Te x a s Te c h Un i v e r s i t y

Hopefully, this list can serve to emphasize what parasite relationships and the natural history of species is known, parasitologically, from the region, and as from the region. a starting point to further our understanding of host/

Sp e c i e s Ac c o u n t s

Erinaceomorpha Mesechinus dauuricus (Sundevall 1842) Hemiechinus auritus (Gmelin 1770) Long-eared Hedgehog Distribution.—The Daurian hedgehog ranges from central China across Mongolia into the Amur Distribution.—Hemiechinus auritus is found region of Siberia. In Mongolia they are found in the across northern Eurasia from eastern Ukraine to Mon- northeast part of the country in and forest-steppe golia, and in the southern part of its range from Libya habitats. to western Pakistan. In Mongolia, it is found across the desert and semi-desert areas of the northwestern Parasites.—In Mongolia: Moniliformis monili- and southern parts of the country. formis (Bremser 1811). Across range: Macracantho- rhynchus catulinus Kostylew 1927. Parasites.—In Mongolia: Acanthocephala - Moniliformis moniliformis (Bremser 1811). Across Literature.—Barus, Kullmann, and Tenora range: Acanthocephala - Moniliformis 1970; Tinnin et al. 2002; Hutterer 2005a; Tinnin et moniliformis (Bremser 1811), Nephridiorhynchus al. 2008. major (Bremser 1811); Cestoda - Mathevotaenia skrjabini Spassky 1949, Mesocestoides lineatus Soricomorpha (Goeze 1782); Nemata - Physaloptera anadonta Soricidae Shaldybin 1960, Physaloptera dispar Linstow 1904, sibirica Dukelsky 1930 Physaloptera erinacei Tokobaev and Erkulov 1970, Siberian Rictularia shaldybini Skrjabin, Sobolev, and Ivaschkin 1967, Rictularia sp., Skrjabinus sp., Sobolevispirura Distribution.—The Siberian shrew ranges across arali Shaldybin 1960, Spirura rytipleurites seurati southern Siberia, Mongolia, and China. In Mongolia (Deslongchamps 1824), Trichinella nativa Britov and they are known from the Mongolian Altai, Khangay Boev 1972. Mountains, and from scattered localities in the eastern Gobi and southern desert near water sources. Comments.—Boev et al. (1975) confirmed iden- tification of T. nativa in Kazakhstan, not T. spiralis as Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. previously reported by Boev et al. 1966. Across range: Cestoda - Hepatocestus hepaticus (Baer 1932). Literature.—Spassky 1949; Shaldybin 1960; Kurashvili 1967; Skrjabin, Sobolev, and Ivaschkin Comments.—In northern regions, these 1967b; Gafurov 1970; Barus, Kullmann, and Tenora are known to occasionally inhabit mole tunnel sys- 1970; Davlatov 1974; Tokobaev 1976; Boev et al. tems. 1966, 1975; Erkulov and Moldopiyazova 1986; Tinnin et al. 2002, 2008. Literature.—Karpenko 1996; Tinnin et al. 2002; Hutterer 2005b; Batsaikhan et al. 2010. Ti n n i n e t a l .—He l m i n t h s o f Mo n g o l i a n Ma m m a l s 3

Neomys fodiens (Pennant 1771) Thominx blarinae (Ogren 1953), Trichinella spiralis Eurasian Water Shrew (Owen 1835), Trichuris (= Trichocephalus) neomi Lyubarskaya 1962; Trematoda - Brachylaemus Distribution.—Water shrews are found across oesophagei Shaldybin 1953, Brachylaemus spinulosus Eurasia from Great Britain to Korea and Sakhalin (Hoffmann 1899), Cephalotrema elastica Bregenzer Island. In Mongolia they are found in the northern 1916, Cephalotrema minutus Baer 1944, Ectosiphonus mountains and Great Lakes regions. sp., Euryhelmis squamula (Rudolphi 1819), Leuco- chloridium skrjabini Shaldybin 1953, Maritrema car- Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. pathica Matkasi 1984, Maritrema pyrenaica Deblock Across range: Acanthocephala - Polymorphus & Combes 1965, Metorchis albidus (Braun 1893), minutus (Goeze 1782); Cestoda - Choanotaenia Microphallus gracilis Baer 1944, Nephrotrema trunca- estavarensis Euzet and Jourdane 1968, Choanotaenia tum (Leuckart 1842), Opisthioglyphe locellus (Kossack filamentosa(Goeze 1782), Coronacanthus integra (Ha- 1900), Opisthioglyphe megastomus Baer 1944, Opis- mann 1891), Coronacanthus magnihamatus Vasileva thioglyphe oschmarini Shaldybin 1953, Panopistus pri- et al. 2005, Coronacanthus omissa (Baer and Joyeux cei Sinitsin 1931, Parabascus combesi Jourdane 1973, 1943), Coronacanthus vassilevi Genov 1980, Cryp- Pseudocephalotrema pyrenaica Combes and Jourdane tocotylepis globosoides (Soltys 1953), Ditestolepis 1969, Opisthioglyphe exasperatum (Rudolphi 1819), diaphana (Cholodkosky 1906), Hepatocestus hepatica Plagiorchis neomidis Brendow 1970, Plagiorchis ob- (Baer 1932), Hymenolepis alpestris Baer 1931, Hy- tusus Strom 1940, Plagiorchis opisthovitellinus Soltys menolepis anacetabulata Soltys 1953, Hymenolepis 1953, Pseudoleucochloridium soricis Soltys 1952, Psi- fodientis Vaucher 1971, Hymenolepis globosa Baer lotornus confertus Machalska 1974, Skrjabinophyetus 1931, Hymenolepis magnirostellata Baer 1931, Hyme- neomydis Dimitrova and Genov 1967. nolepis polyacantha Baer 1931, Hymenolepis neomidis Baer 1931, Hymenolepis tridontophora Soltys 1953, Comments.—In Germany, Brendow (1970) found Insectivorolepis infirma Zarnowski 1955, Lineolepis the sporocysts of Plagiorchis neomidis in the snail scutigera (Dujardin 1845), Metorchis revilliodi Baer Radix peregra and the metacercaria in caddis-flies; 1931, Neoskrjabinolepis schaldybini Spassky 1947, while the snail compressa and amphipod Pseudobothriolepis mathevossianae Shaldybin 1957, Gammarus pulex were hosts to the larvae of Cephalo- Soricinia soricis (Baer 1927), Sinuterilepis diglobovari trema elastica. Combes et al. (1974) determined that Sadovskaya 1965, Staphylocystis bacillaris (Goeze in France, Bythinella reyniesii is the first and Rana 1782), Staphylocystis jacobsoni Linstow 1907, Staphy- temporaria the second intermediate host of Euryhelmis locystis loossi (Hilmy 1936), Staphylocystis pistillum squamula. Jourdane (1972) found that in France, the (Dujardin 1845), Staphylocystis tiara (Dujardin 1845), slug Arion lusitanicus is an intermediate host for the Taenia leuckarti Krabbe 1869, Triodontolepis boyan- cestode Choanotaenia estavarensis. Jourdane (1977 ensi Vasileva et al. 2005, Triodontolepis bifurca (Ha- 1979) found that in the Pyrenees Microphallus gracilis mann 1891), Triodontolepis hamanni (Mrazek 1891), and Maritrema pyrenaica use the mollusc Bythinella Triodontolepis kurashvilii Prokopi and Matsaberidze reyniesii as the first intermediate host, and the second 1971, Triodontolepis skrjabini Spassky and Andreiko intermediate host is Gammarus pulex. According 1968, Triodontolepis torrentis Murai 1987, Vampirole- to Mas-Coma (1978), the presence of Psilotornus pis heleni Shaldybin 1964, Vigisolepis barbascolex confertus and Pseudoleucochloridium soricis likely Spassky 1949, Vigisolepis spinulosa (Cholodkowsky represent accidental infections as the normal hosts for 1906); Nemata - Capillaria oesophagicola Soltys these trematodes are birds, such as members of the 1952, Capillaria incrassata (Diesling 1851), Capil- genus Turdus. Muari (1987) indicates that Gammarus laria konstantini Romashov 1999, Crenosoma skrjabini spp. are the likely intermediate hosts for the cestode Pologentsev 1935, Eucoleus bernardi Romashov 1983, Triodontolepis torrentis. Theron (1976) reports that Longistriata neomi Lyubarskaya 1962, Physaloptera the first and second intermediate hosts, respectively, of soricina (Baylis 1934), Porrocaecum depressum larval Plagiorchis neomidis in the Pyrenees are Radix limosa (Zeder 1800), Syphacia obvelata (Rudolphi 1802), and the alder flySialis lutaria. 4 Sp e c i a l Publications , Mu s e u m o f Te x a s Te c h Un i v e r s i t y

Literature.—Baer 1931; Baer 1932; Baer 1944; Staphylocystis sibirica (Morozov 1957), Vigisolepis Dollfus and Callot 1945; Karpinski and Kaminska amurensis Karpenko 1984, Zarnowskiella stefanskii 1948; Soltys 1952; Ogren 1953; Shaldybin 1953; Soltys (Zarnowski 1954); Nemata - Capillaria capillaria 1953; Morozov 1960; Spassky 1960; Zarnowski 1960; (Linstow 1882), Capillaria hepatica (Bancroft 1893), Bernard 1961; Lyubarskaya 1962; Shaldybin 1964; Mi- Capillaria kutori Ruchladeva 1946, Capillaria os- tuch 1964b; Sadovskaya 1965; Chirac and Hamar 1966; chmarini Nadtochy and Rassakazova 1971, Capillaria Dimitrova and Genov 1967; Euzet and Jourdane 1968; sp., Longistriata ljamkini Eltyshev 1975, Longistriata Spassky and Andreiko 1968; Combes and Jourdane yamashitai Chabaud et al. 1963, Paracrenosoma skrja- 1969; Euzet and Jourdane 1970; Jourdane 1971; Proko- bini (Pologentev 1935), Physaloptera soricina Baylis pic and Matsaberidze 1971; Vaucher 1971; Jourdane 1934, Soboliphyme baturini larval Petrow 1930, Stefan- 1972; Prokopic and Matsaberidze 1972; Jourdane 1973; skostrongylus mascomai Kontrimavichus & Delyamure Combes et al. 1974; Machalska 1974; Eltyshev 1975; 1979; Trematoda - Alaria alata (Goeze 1782), Cor- Combes et al. 1976; Theron 1976; Jourdane 1977; Mas- rigia sobolevi Nadtochy 1965, Opisthioglyphe sobolevi Coma 1977; Mas-Coma 1978; Jourdane 1979; Genov Shaldybin 1953, Plagiorchis eutamiatis Schulz 1932, 1980; Yanchev and Stoikova-Khadzhinikolova 1980; Sorexeglyphe kamtschatica Nadtochy 1965. Romashov 1983; Genov and Khadzhinikolova 1984; Matkasi 1984; Matsaberidze et al. 1986; Murai 1987; Literature.—Morozov 1957; Chabaud et al. 1963; Tkach 1991; Karpenko 1996; Gulyaev and Kornienko Nadtochy 1965; Sadovskaya 1965; Nadtochy and 1999; Romashov 1999; Tinnin et al. 2002; Ribas et al. Rassakazova 1971; Eltyshev 1975; Kontrimavichus 2005; Hutterer 2005b; Vasileva et al. 2005. & Delyamure 1979; Domnich 1982; Karpenko 1982; Karpenko 1983; Spassky and Karpenko 1983; Domnich caecutiens (Laxmann 1788) 1984; Karpenko 1984a; Karpenko 1984b; Karpenko Laxmann’s Shrew 1984c; Karpenko and Shakhmatova 1985; Karpenko 1989; Karpenko and Chechulin 1990; Afanaseva 1993; Distribution.—Laxmann’s shrew ranges from Iwaki et al. 1993; Tinnin et al. 2002; Ganzorig et al. eastern Europe across to eastern Siberia, south into 2003; Melnikova et al. 2005; Tinnin et al. 2008. Ukraine, northern Kazakhstan across the Altai Moun- tains into Mongolia, northeast China and across into Sorex daphaenodon Thomas 1907 Korea, as well as Sakhalin Island. In Mongolia, they Large-toothed Siberian Shrew are restricted to regions of the Khentey and Khangay Mountains. Distribution.—This shrew is found from the Urals Mountains in Russia across Asia, into Afghani- Parasites.—In Mongolia: Nemata - Soboli- stan to Korea and Sakhalin Island. In Mongolia it is phyme ataahai Ganzorig et al. 2003. Across range: known from the northern Khangay Mountains, east to Cestoda - Cucurbilepis trifolia Karpenko 1983, the border through the Khentey Mountains and northern Ditestolepis diaphana (Cholodkowsky 1906), Dites- steppe regions. tolepis quarta Karpenko 1983, Ecrinolepis mirabilis Spassky and Karpenko 1983, Ecrinolepis orientales Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. Melnikova et al. 2005, Lineolepis borealis Karpenko Across range: Cestoda - Ditestolepis quarta and Shakhmatova 1985, Lineolepis scutigera (Du- Karpenko 1983, Ecrinolepis mirabilis Spassky and jardin 1845), Lineolepis spasskii Karpenko 1984, Karpenko 1983, Mathevolepis larbi Karpenko 1982, Mathevolepis larbi Karpenko 1982, Neoskrjabinolepis Mathevolepis triovaria Karpenko 1990, Neoskrjabi- schaldybini Spassky 1947, Pseudodiorchis prolifer nolepis schaldybini Spassky 1947, Soricinia aporalis (Villot 1890), Sinuterilepis diglobovari Sadovskaya Karpenko 1984, Soricinia collaris Karpenko 1984, 1965, Soricinia aporalis Karpenko 1984, Soricinia Soricinia macrospina Karpenko 1984, Spasskylepis bargusinica Eltyshev 1975, Soricinia cirravaginata pheodorovi Karpenko 1984, Zarnowskiella stefanskii Eltyshev 1975, Soricinia collaris Karpenko 1984, (Zarnowski 1954); Nemata - Soboliphyme baturini Soricinia macrospina Karpenko 1984, Soricinia soricis larval Petrow 1930. (Baer 1927), Spasskylepis pheodorovi Karpenko 1984, Ti n n i n e t a l .—He l m i n t h s o f Mo n g o l i a n Ma m m a l s 5

Comments.—Karpenko (1985) reported on the Sakhalin and Hokkaido. In Mongolia they are found use of S. daphaenodon, in which he found encapsulated across the mountain and in the northern half larvae, as a paratenic host for Soboliphyme baturini. of the country. The intermediate hosts of this nematode, whose defini- tive hosts are mustelids, are oligochates in the family Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. Enchytraeidae. Across range: Cestoda - Mathevolepis larbi Karpen- ko 1982, Neoskrjabinolepis schaldybini Spassky 1947, Literature.—Karpenko 1982; Karpenko 1983; Soricina macrospina Karpenko 1984, Staphylocystis Spassky and Karpenko 1983; Karpenko 1984a; Karpen- sibirica (Morozov 1957), Zarnowskiella stefanskii ko 1984c; Karpenko 1985; Karpenko 1989; Karpenko (Zarnowski 1954). 1990; Karpenko and Chechulin 1990; Tinnin et al. 2002; Ganzorig et al. 2003; Hutterer 2005b. Literature.—Morozov 1957; Eltyshev 1975; Karpenko 1982; Karpenko 1984a; Karpenko 1989; Sorex isodon Turov 1924 Karpenko and Chechulin 1990; Tinnin et al. 2002. Equal-toothed Shrew Sorex roboratus Hollister 1913 Distribution.—The equal-toothed shrew ranges Flat-skulled Shrew from Scandinavia across Russia to the Pacific, south into Mongolia, China and Korea, as well as onto the is- Distribution.—This species is found from Russia lands of Sakhalin and Hokkaido. Its range in Mongolia across to Mongolia and China. In Mongolia, the flat- is unclear as there have been only a few collections of skulled shrew is restricted to the extreme north in the this species from the Khentey Mountains. Khentey and Hovgsgol Mountains.

Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently Across range: Cestoda - Ditestolepis quarta known. Across range: Cestoda - Ditestolepis Karpenko 1983, Ecrinolepis mirabilis Spassky and quarta Karpenko 1983, Lineolepis borealis Karpenko Karpenko 1983, Mathevolepis larbi Karpenko 1982, and Shakhmatova 1985, Mathevolepis larbi Karpenko Neoskrjabinolepis schaldybini Spassky 1947, Soricinia 1982, Soricinia aporalis Karpenko 1984, Soricinia col- bargusinica Eltyshev 1975, Soricina collaris Karpenko laris Karpenko 1984, Soricinia macrospina Karpenko 1984, Soricina macrospina Karpenko 1984, Spasskyle- 1984, Spasskylepis pheodorovi Karpenko 1984, pis pheodorovi Karpenko 1984, Vigisolepis amurensis Zarnowskiella stefanskii (Zarnowski 1954). Karpenko 1984; Nemata - Soboliphyme baturini larval Petrow 1930; Stefanskostrongylus mascomai Literature.—Karpenko 1982; Karpenko 1983; Kontrimavichus & Delyamure 1979. Karpenko 1984a; Karpenko 1984c; Karpenko and Shakhmatova 1985; Karpenko and Chechulin 1990; Literature.—Kontrimavichus & Delyamure Tinnin et al. 2002; Hutterer 2005b. 1979; Domnich 1982; Karpenko 1982; Karpenko 1983; Spassky and Karpenko 1983; Domnich 1984; Sorex tundrensis Merriam 1900 Karpenko 1984a; Karpenko 1984b; Karpenko 1984c; Karpenko 1989; Afanaseva 1993; Tinnin et al. 2002; Ganzorig et al. 2003. Distribution.—The tundra shrew ranges from western China across Beringia into Alaska and Canada. Sorex minutissimus Zimmerman 1780 In Mongolia this shrew is found in across the mountains Miniscule Shrew and steppes in the northern half of the country.

Distribution.—The miniscule shrew ranges Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. from Scandinavia to Siberia, south into Mongolia, Across range: Nemata - Soboliphyme baturini larval China and South Korea, as well as onto the islands of Petrow 1930. 6 Sp e c i a l Publications , Mu s e u m o f Te x a s Te c h Un i v e r s i t y

Comments.—Karpenko et al. (2007) also dis- Parasites.—In Mongolia: Nemata - Litomosa covered that S. tundrensis serves as a paratenic host sp.; Trematoda - Plagiorchis vespertilionis (Müller for Soboliphyme baturini. See comments under Sorex 1780). Across range: No other helminths are known daphaenodon. from this bat.

Literature.—Tinnin et al. 2002; Hutterer 2005b; Literature.—Tinnin et al. 2002; Tinnin et al. Karpenko et al. 2007. 2008.

Talpidae Eptesicus nilssoni (Keyserling and Blasius 1839) altaica Nikolsky 1883 Nilsson’s Bat Altai Mole Distribution.—Nilsson’s bat ranges from Europe Distribution.—The Altai mole ranges across across Russia and into Mongolia and China. In Mon- western and central Siberia into Mongolia. In Mongo- golia, this species ranges across the mountains and lia, they are only known from the Hovsgol and northern steppes in the northern half of the country. Great Lakes region. Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. Across range: Cestoda - Vampirolepis balsaci (Joy- Across range: Nemata - Tricninella sp.. eux and Baer 1934), Vampirolepis ezoensis Sawada 1990; Trematoda - Lecithodendrìum chosenicum Literature.—Fedorov 1976; Tinnin 2002; Hut- Ogata 1941, Lecithodendrium granulosum Looss 1907, terer 2005b. Lecithodendrium hovorkai Mituch 1959, Lecithoden- drium linstowi Dollfus 1931, Lecithodendrium mysta- Chiroptera cini Zdzitowiecki 1969, Lecithodendrium spathulatum Vespertilionidae (Ozaki 1929), Plagiorchis eptesici Ogata 1941, Pla- Eptesicus bottae (Peters 1869) giorchis vespertilionis (Müller 1780), Prosthodendrium Botta’s Bat ascidia (Beneden 1873), Prosthodendrium aelleni Dubois 1956, Prosthodendrium longiforme (Bhalero Distribution.—Botta’s bat ranges from Greece 1926), Pycnoporus megacotyle (Ogata 1939). into the Middle East, through Central Asia to Pakistan and China. Although this species has been reported Literature.—Ogata 1941; Spassky, Ryjhikov and as occurring in Mongolia, its distribution within the Sudarikov 1952; Dubois 1956; Mituch 1959; Zdzitow- country is unknown. iecki 1969; Zdzitowiecki 1970a; Sawada 1990; Tinnin et al. 2002; Simmons 2005; Tinnin et al. 2008. Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. Across range: None currently known. Eptesicus serotinus Schreber 1775 Serotine Literature.—Tinnin et al. 2002; Simmons 2005. Distribution.—The Serotine ranges from North Eptesicus gobiensis Bobrinskii 1926 Africa and Europe across southern Asia to south-eastern Gobi Bat China. In Mongolia they are known from the southern Gobi. Distribution.—The Gobi bat is found from Tajiki- stan east through Mongolia and northwest China. In Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. Mongolia the Gobi bat ranges south from the Khangay Across range: Acanthocephala - Macracan- Mountains, into the eastern Mongolian Altai, Gobi Altai thorhynchus hirudinaceus (Pallas 1781); Cestoda and southeastern parts of the country. - Hymenolepis christensoni Macy 1931, Myotolepis Ti n n i n e t a l .—He l m i n t h s o f Mo n g o l i a n Ma m m a l s 7 crimensis (Skarbilovitsch 1946), Myotolepis grisea Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently (van Beneden 1873), Staphylocystis syrdariensis known. Across range: Trematoda - Plagiorchis (Skarbilovitsch 1946), Vampirolepis acuta (Rudolphi elegans (Rudolphi 1802), Plagiorchis koreanus Ogata 1819), Vampirolepis balsaci Joyeux and Baer 1934), 1938, Plagiorchis muelleri Tkach and Sharpilo 1990, Vampirolepis rysavyi Tenora and Barus 1960, Vampi- Plagiorchis vespertilionis (Müller 1780), Lecithoden- rolepis skjabinariana (Skarbilovitsch 1946); Nemata drium linstowi Dollfus 1931, Prosthodendrium ascidia - Litosoma sp., Molinostrongylus alatus (Ortlepp 1932), (Beneden 1873), Prosthodendrium chilostomum (Me- Physaloptera myotis Babos 1955, Rictularia bovieri hlis 1831), Prosthodendrium longiforme (Bhalerao Blanchard 1886, Strongylacantha glycirrhiza (van 1926), Parabascus duboisi (Hurkova 1961). Beneden 1873); Trematoda - Allassogonoporus amphoraeformis (Mödlinger 1930), Castroia nyc- Comments.—Five individuals from Mongolia tali Gvozdev 1953, Lecithodendrium hovorkai Mituch were examined by Tinnin et al. (2008), but they were 1959, Lecithodendrium granulosum Looss 1907, Leci- uninfected. thodendrium linstowi Dollfus 1931, Lecithodendrium spathulatum (Ozaki 1929), Ophiosacculus eptesicus Literature.—Ogata 1938; Tinnin et al. 2002, Matsaberidze and Khotenovskii 1966, Ophiosacculus Demidova and Vekhnik 2004; Simmons 2005. mehelyi (Mödlinger 1930), Parabascus duboisi (Hurko- va 1961), Parabascus lepidotus Loos 1907, Plagiorchis Myotis daubentoni (Kuhl 1819) asper Stossich 1904, Plagiorchis koreanus Ogata 1938, Daubenton’s Myotis Plagiorchis vespertilionis (Müller 1780), Mesotretes peregrinus (Braun 1900), Prosthodendrium ascidia Distribution.—Daubenton’s bat is found from (Beneden 1873), Prosthodendrium aelleni Dubois the British Isles across Europe and northern Asia to 1956, Prosthodendrium carolinum Hurkova 1959, Japan, as far south as India. In Mongolia it is known Prosthodendrium chilostomum (Mehlis 1831), Prost- from Lake Hovsgol, the Khentey, Khangay, and western hodendrium ilei Zdzitowiecki 1969, Prosthodendrium Altai Mountains. longiforme (Bhalero 1926), Pycnoporus heteroporus (Dujardin 1845), Pycnoporus megacotyle (Ogata 1939), Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. Prosthodendrium magnum Rysavy 1956. Across range: Cestoda - Hymenolepis christensoni Macy 1931; Nemata - Capillaria neopulchra Babos Literature.—Ogata 1938; Dubois 1956; Mituch 1954, Capillaria romana Ricci 1949, Molinostrongy- 1959; Soltys 1959; Tenora and Barus 1960; Matsa- lus daubentonii Zdzitowiecki 1970, Molinostrongylus beridze and Khotenovskii 1966; Kurashvili 1967; spasskii Andreiko et al. 1968, Physaloptera myotis Andreiko and Skvortsov 1968; Zdzitowiecki 1969; Babos 1955; Trematoda - Plagiorchis vespertilio- Skvortsov 1970; Zdzitowiecki 1969; Groschaft and nus (Müller 1780), Lecithodendrium linstowi Dollfus Tenora 1973; Chiriac and Barbu 1973; Groschaft 1931, Limatulum duboisi Hurkova 1961 see eptesicus, and Tenora 1974; Tkach et al. 1985; Tokobaev 1976; Parabascus joannae (Zdzitowiecki 1967), Parabascus Khotenovskii 1978; Sawada 1990; Alvarez et al. 1991; minor Khotenovskii 1985, Parabascus semisquamosus Tkach and Swiderski 1996; Shimalov et al. 2002; Sim- (Braun 1900), Prosthodendrium carolinum Hurkova mons 2005. 1959, Prosthodendrium chilostomum (Mehlis 1831), Prosthodendrium hurkovaae Dubois 1960, Prostho- Myotis brandti (Eversmann 1845) dendrium ilei Zdzitowiecki 1969, Prosthodendrium Brandt’s Myotis longiforme (Bhalerao 1926).

Distribution.—This bat is found across Europe Comments.—Tinnin et al. (2008) examined 6 and Asia. In Mongolia it is found in the Khentey and individuals from Mongolia, which were uninfected. Khangay Mountains as well as in the steppes of the northeastern part of the country. 8 Sp e c i a l Publications , Mu s e u m o f Te x a s Te c h Un i v e r s i t y

Literature.—Hurkova 1959; Soltys 1959; Dubois Prosthodendrium carolinum Hurkova 1959, Prostho- 1960; Hurkova 1961; Matskasi 1967; Zdzitowiecki dendrium longiforme (Bhalero 1926), Prosthodendrium 1967a; Andreiko and Skvortsov 1968; Andreiko et parvouterus (Bhalero 1926). al. 1968; Zdzitowiecki 1969; Zdzitowiecki 1970b; Groschaft and Tenora 1973; Bakke and Mehl 1977; Literature.—Ogata 1938; Dubois 1956; Hurkova Khotenovskii 1985; Tkach et al. 1985; Tkach et al. 1959; Mituch 1959; Hurkova 1961; Mituch 1964a; 2000; Tinnin et al. 2002; Shimalov et al. 2002; Tinnin Andreiko and Skvortsov 1968; Zdzitowoecki 1967b; et al. 2008 Zdzitowiecki 1969; Zdzitowoecki 1970a; Zdzitowoecki 1970b; Rysavy 1971; Skvortsov 1971; Yanchev and Myotis ikkonikovi Ognev 1912 Stoikova 1973; Tokobaev 1976; Barus and Tenora Ikkonikov’s Bat 1977; Shinde and Solunke 1983; Khotenovskii 1985; Tkach and Swiderski 1996; Tkach 2000; Tinnin et al. Distribution.—Ikkonikov’s bat is known from 2002; Demidova and Vekhnik 2004; Simmons 2005. eastern Russia south through Mongolia, China, and Korea, as well as Japan. In Mongolia this bats has only Nyctalus noctula (Schreber 1774) been found on the eastern border of the country in the Noctule Ikh Hyangan Mountains, and from along the Orkhon river in the north central part of the country. Distribution.—The noctule is known from across Eurasia into Southeast Asia. In Mongolia they are only Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. currently known from the Great Lakes Region. Across range: None currently known. Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. Literature.—Tinnin et al. 2002; Simmons 2005; Across range: Cestoda - Hymenolepis christen- Dolch et al. 2007; Batsaikhan et al. 2010. soni Macy 1931, Vampirolepis baeri Murai 1976, Vampirolepis acuta (Rudolphi 1819), Vampirolepis Myotis mystacinus (Kuhl 1817) skrjabinariana (Skarbilovitsch 1946), Vampirolepis Whiskered Bat spasskii Andreiko et al. 1969; Nemata - Capillaria neopulchra Babos 1954, Ascarops strongylina larval Distribution.—The whiskered bat is known from (Rudolphi 1819), Molinostrongylus skrjabini (Ortlepp across Eurasia into Southeast Asia. In Mongolia they 1932), Molinostrongylus tipula (Beneden 1873), Physo- are found across the country. cephalus sexalatus larval (Molin 1860), Physaloptera myotis Babos 1955, Riouxgolvania nyctali Bain and Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently Chabaud 1979, Skrjabinocapillaria eubursata Skar- known. Across range: Cestoda - Pseudandrya bilovich 1946, Spinostrongylus johnstoni Trivedi and myotisi Shinde and Solunke 1983, Vampirolepis balsaci Gupta 1990, Spirocerca lupi larval (Rudolphi 1809); (Joyeux and Baer 1934), Vampirolepis novadomensis Trematoda - Castroia nyctali Gvozdev 1953, Rysavy 1971; Nemata - Capillaria romana Ricci Lecithodendrium granulosum Looss 1907, Lecithoden- 1949, Molinostrongylus vespertilionis Morozov and drium linstowi Dollfus 1931, Lecithodendrium macros- Spassky 1961, Rictularia bovieri Blanchard 1886; tomum (Ozaki 1929), Lecithodendrium rysavyi Dubois Trematoda - Acanthatrium tatrense Zdzitowoecki 1960, Lecithodendrium spathulatum (Ozaki 1929), 1967, Allassogonponts amphoraeformis (Mödlinger Parabascus semisquamosus (Braun 1900), Plagiorchis 1930), Lecithodendrium hovorkai Mituch 1959, Leci- asper Stossich 1904, Plagiorchis vespertilionus (Mül- thodendrium linstowi Dollfus 1931, Lecithodendrium ler 1780), Prosthodendrium ascidia (Beneden 1873), mystacini Zdzitowiecki 1969, Limatulum duboisi Prosthodendrium chilostomum (Mehlis 1831), Prost- Hurkova 1961, Parabascus minor Khotenovskii 1985, hodendrium ilei Zdzitowiecki 1969, Prosthodendrium Plagiorchis amplehaustoria Mituch 1964, Plagiorchis longiformes (Bhalero 1926), Prosthodendrium raabei koreanus Ogata 1938, Plagiorchis vespertilionus (Mül- (Soltys 1959), Pycnoporus heteroporus (Dujardin ler 1780), Prosthodendrium ascidia (Beneden 1873), 1845), Pycnoporus megacotyle (Ogata 1939), Prosth- sodendrium magnum Rysavy 1957. Ti n n i n e t a l .—He l m i n t h s o f Mo n g o l i a n Ma m m a l s 9

Comments.—Sharpilo et al. (1996) discussed how iecki 1967, Lecithodendrium linstowi Dollfus 1931, Nyctalus serves as “trap host”, a dead-end paratenic Parabascus lepidotus Loos 1907, Parabascus minor host, as the parasite cannot be transmitted to defini- Khotenovskii 1985, Plagiorchis vespertilionus (Müller tive host from such species for Ascarops strongylina, 1780), Prosthodendrium chilostomum (Mehlis 1831), Physocephalus sexalatus, and Spirocerca lupi. Prosthodendrium longiforme (Bhalerao 1926).

Literature.—Gvozdev 1953; Soltys 1959; Dubois Comments.—A preliminary analysis of the genus 1960; Dancu and Capuse 1966; Matskasi 1967; An- Plecotus conducted by Spitzberger et al. (2006) based dreiko et al. 1969; Zdzitowiecki 1969; Skvortsov on morphological and molecular data suggested that 1970; Zdzitowiecki 1970a; Groschaft and Tenora P. auritus found in Mongolia and Siberia should be 1973; Chiriac and Barbu 1973; Yanchev and Stoikova recognized as Plecotus ognevi Kishida 1927. Pend- 1973; Guildal 1976; Murai 1976; Tokobaev 1976; ing further analyses we retain it here as P. auritus, but Khotenovskii 1978; Bain and Chabaud 1979; Erkulov make mention of this fact as some recent publications and Moldopiyazova 1986; Trivedi and Gupta 1990; recognized the revision. Currently, there are no known Genov et al. 1992; Sharpilo et al. 1996; Tinnin et al. endo-parasites known from the nominal P. ognevi. 2002; Simmons 2005; Tinnin et al. 2008. Literature.—Desportes 1946; Biocca and Cha- Hypsugo alashanicus Bobrinskii 1926 baud 1951; Spassky, Ryjhikov and Sudarikov 1952; Alashan Bat Coil and Kuntz 1958; Soltys 1959; Andreiko and Skvortsov 1968; Zdzitowiecki 1969; Skvortsov 1970; Distribution.—The Alashan bat is found in Zdzitowoecki 1970a; Tokobaev 1976; Sawada 1980; eastern Siberia, Mongolia, China, Korea, and Japan. Khotenovskii 1985; Sawada 1990; Tkach et al. 2000; In Mongolia they are found in the Gobi Altai, and Shimalov et al. 2002; Tinnin et al. 2002; Spitzberger desert and steppe regions in the southwestern part of et al. 2006; Dolch et al. 2007; Tinnin et al. 2008; Bat- the country. saikhan et al. 2010.

Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. Plecotus austriacus (Fischer 1899) Across range: None currently known. Grey Big-eared Bat

Literature.—Tinnin et al. 2002; Simmons 2005. Distribution.—The grey big-eared bat ranges from Europe east to China. In Mongolia they are known Plecotus auritus (Linnaeus 1758) from the southern Khangay and Mongolian Altai across Brown Big-eared Bat the south of the country.

Distribution.—Members of this species are found Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. from Norway, Ireland, and Spain across to Sakhalin Across range: Cestoda - Vampirolepis acuta (Rudol- Island and Japan, south into China and Nepal. In phi 1819); Trematoda - Plagiorchis vespertilionus Mongolia it is found in the northern steppe and forest- (Müller 1780), Prosthodendrium parvouterus (Bhalero steppe regions. 1926).

Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently Comments.—Similarly to P. auritus, Spitzberger known. Across range: Cestoda - Vampirolepis et al. (2006) suggested that Plecotus kozlovi Bobrinski balsaci (Joyeux and Baer 1934), Vampirolepis ozensis 1926 should be recognized as the form inhabiting Mon- Sawada 1980; Nemata - Capillaria sp., Litomosa golia. In addition, Spitzberger also recognized Plecotus filaria (Beneden 1873), Molinostrongylus skrjabini strelkovi Spitzberger 2006 and P. turkmenicus Strelkov (Ortlepp 1932), Seuratum mucronatum (Rudolphi 1988 as valid species separate from P. austriacus, both 1809); Trematoda - Acanthatrium sogandaresi of which have been reported from southern Mongolia. Coil and Kuntz 1958, Acantharium tatense Zdzitow- See comments above. Currently, there are no known 10 Sp e c i a l Publications , Mu s e u m o f Te x a s Te c h Un i v e r s i t y endo-parasites known from the nominal species P. Literature.—Soganderes-Bernal 1956; Sawada kozlovi, P. strelkovi, or P. turkmenicus. 1967; Sawada 1990; Sawada and Harada 1998; Tinnin et al. 2002; Simmons 2005; Batsaikhan et al. 2010. Literature.—Yanchev and Stoikova 1973; Murai 1976; Shimalov et al. 2002; Tinnin et al. 2002; Sim- Murina leucogaster Milne-Edwards 1872 mons 2005; Spitzberger et al. 2006; Dolch et al. 2007; Greater Tube-nosed Bat Batsaikhan et al. 2010. Distribution.—This species ranges from southern Vespertilio murinus (Linnaeus 1758) Siberia through South-East Asia. In Mongolia they are Particolored Bat found in the northern Khentey Mountains and Hovsgol Lake. Distribution.—The particolored bat is found from Norway and Britain to the Ussuri region of Rus- Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. sia, south into Afghanistan, Mongolia, and China. In Across range: None currently known. Mongolia this species is known from scattered locations in the Khentey, Khangay, and Altai Mountains, as well Literature.—Tinnin et al. 2002; Simmons 2005. as the southern Gobi Desert and eastern steppe areas. Rodentia Parasites.—In Mongolia: Plagiorchis vespertil- Sciuridae ionus (Müller 1780). Across range: Nemata - Lito- Marmota baibacina Kastschenko 1889 mosa ottavianii Lagrange and Bettini 1948, Litomosa Gray Marmot vaucheri Petit 1980, Rictularia bovieri Blanchard 1886; Trematoda - Parabascus magnitestis Khotenovskii Distribution.—The gray marmot ranges from 1985, Plagiorchis vespertilionus (Müller 1780), Prost- Kyrgyzstan through Kazakhstan, southern Russia and hodendrium ilei Zdzitowiecki 1969. into Mongolia, and China. In Mongolia it is only found in a small area of the northwest Mongolian Altai. Literature.—Blanchard 1886; Lagrange and Bet- tini 1948; Khotenovskii 1985; Tkach 1989; Tkach and Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. Swiderski 1996; Petit 1980; Tkach et al. 2000; Tinnin Across range: Cestoda - Ctenotaenia marmotae et al. 2002; Dolch et al. 2007; Tinnin et al. 2008; Bat- (Frölich 1802), Paranoplocephala ryjikovi Spassky saikhan et al. 2010. 1950, Anoplocephaloides transversaria (Krabbe 1879); Nemata - Ascaris tarbagan Schulz 1931, Citellina ala- Vespertilio sinensis (Peters 1880) tau Spassky, Rhyzhikov and Sudarikov 1950, Citellina Asian Particolored Bat kapitonovi Gvozdev and Sharpilo 1978, Dictyocaulus filaria (Rudolphi 1809), Ostertagiella circumcincta Distribution.—This species is known from far (Stadelmann 1894), Tricocephalus surka (Garkavi eastern Russia south through China, Korea, and Japan. 1950); Trematoda - Dicrocoelium lanceatum Stiles In Mongolia they are only known from riparian and and Hassall 1896 lake habitats in the eastern steppes. Comments.—Lin et al. (1982) reported that the Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. oribatid mites Scheloribates chauhani, Scheloribates Across range: Cestoda - Vampirolepis multihamata sp., and Parakalumma lydia served as intermediate Sawada 1967; Trematoda - Prosthodendrium hosts for Anoplocephaloides transversaria in China. thomasi Soganderes-Bernal 1956, Acantharíum jonesi Soganderes-Bernal 1956. Literature.—Schulz 1931; Spassky 1950; Toko- baev 1976; Gvozdev and Sharpilo 1978; Lin et al. 1982; Tinnin et al. 2002; Thorington and Hoffmann 2005. Ti n n i n e t a l .—He l m i n t h s o f Mo n g o l i a n Ma m m a l s 11

Marmota sibirica (Radde 1862) rorum Galli-Valerio 1932, Aspiculuris dinniki Schulz Tarbagan 1927, Aspiculuris tetraptera (Nitzsch 1821), Capillaria hepatica (Bancroft 1893), Citellina levini Li 1933, Ci- Distribution.—The tarbagan marmot ranges tellinema orientale Schulz 1933, Enterobius apapillus from Kirghizia and Kazakhstan into southern Siberia Skrjabin and Schikhobalova 1951, Enterobius sciuri and across into Mongolia and China. In Mongolia it Cameron 1932, Heligmosomum ussurensis Lubimov is found in the mountains and steppes of the northern 1932, Mastophorus muris (Gmelin 1790), Mastophorus part of the country. petrowi Belayeva 1959, Physalopteriata schulzi (Lu- bimov 1935), Rictularia skrjabini Matchulskii and Parasites.—In Mongolia: Acanthocepha- Wosnesenskaja 1967, Syphabulea mascomai Hugot and la - Moniliformis clarki (Ward 1917); Cestoda Feliu 1990, Syphacia sp., Syphacia sobolevi Gubanov - Ctenotaenia marmotae (Frölich 1802); Nemata - 1964, Syphacia tjanschani Ablasov 1962, Syphacia Ascaris tarbagan Schulz 1931. Across range: Acan- toschevi Petrov and Bayanov 1962, Syphacia ungula thocephala - Macracanthorhynchus catulinus (Linstow 1907), Thominx sadovskajae Morozov 1959, Kostylew 1927, Moniliformis clarki (Ward 1917); Trichostrongylus retortaeformis (Zeder 1809); Trem- Cestoda - Anoplocephaloides transversaria (Krabbe atoda - Dicrocoelium dendriticum (Rudolphi 1819), 1879), Ctenotaenia marmotae (Frölich 1802), Mesoce- Opisthioglyphe exasperatum (Rudolphi 1819). stoides lineatus (Goeze 1782); Nemata - Abbreviata leiperi (Skrjabin 1924), Ascaris tarbagan Schulz 1931, Comments.—Dollfus (1951) regarded his report Citellina schulzi Korneev 1954, Physaloptera massino of 3 adult Hymenolepis diminuta in one squirrel to be Schulz 1926, Streptopharagus sp., Trichuris syrca an accidental infection in a captive host. Garkavi 1951. Literature.—Schulz 1927; Galli-Valerio 1932; Li Literature.—Schulz 1931; Machulsky 1958; 1933; Dollfus 1948; Dollfus 1951; Spassky, Ryjhikov Barus, Kullmann, and Tenora 1970; Sulimov and and Sudarikov 1952; Chabaud 1956; Machulsky 1958; Obukhov 1975; Meszaros 1974; Zhaltsanova et al. Belayeva 1959; Ablasov 1962; Petrov and Bayanov 1980; Zhaltsanova and Shalaeva 1990; Ganzorig et al 1962; Horning 1963; Gubanov 1964; Matchulskii and 1998; Tinnin et al. 2002; Ganzorig et al. 2007; Tinnin Wosnesenskaja 1967; Hartwich 1971; Eltyshev 1975; et al. 2008. Rocamora et al. 1978; Chiriac and Popescu 1982; Sharpilo and Lugovaya 1984; Hugot and Feliu 1990; Sciurus vulgaris Linnaeus 1758 Zhaltsanova and Shalaeva 1990; Chechulin and Guly- Eurasian Red Squirrel aev 1998; Ganzorig et al. 1999; Shimalov and Shimalov 2002; Tinnin et al. 2002. Distribution.—This squirrel is found in forest habitats across the Palearctic. In Mongolia, it is found Spermophilus alashanicus Buchner 1888 in the forest of the northern mountain regions. Alashan Ground Squirrel

Parasites.—In Mongolia: Catenotaenia den- Distribution.—The Alashan ground squirrel dritica (Goeze 1782). Across range: Cestoda - has a narrow distribution across the Alashan and Tien Catenotaenia dendritica (Goeze 1782), Cladotaenia Shan Mountains of China and the Gobi Altai of Mon- globifera larval (Batsch 1786), Hymenolepis arvicolina golia. This species is restricted to the Gobi Altai in Cholodkowsky 1912, Hymenolepis diminuta (Rudolphi Mongolia. 1819), Hymenolepis horrida (Linstow 1901) , Multi- ceps serialis larval (Gervais 1847), Paranoplocephala Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. longivaginata Chechulin and Gulyaev 1998, Para- Across range: None currently known. noplocephala omphalodes (Hermann 1783), Taenia polyacantha larval Leuckart 1856, Taenia crassiceps Comments.—Vuitton et al. (1998) indicated that larval (Zeder 1800); Nemata - Acanthoxyurus sciu- a previous report of larval Echinococcus multilocularis 12 Sp e c i a l Publications , Mu s e u m o f Te x a s Te c h Un i v e r s i t y

Leuckart 1863 found in Spermophilus alashanicus in and Hoffmann 2005). Currently, the status of S. pal- China may possibly have been from Spermophilus lidicauda as well as the existence of the other putative dauuricus. species in the group, S. erythrogenys and possibly S. brevicauda, within the country merit additional inves- Literature.—Vuitton et al. 1998; Tinnin et al. tigation. 2002. Literature.—Tinnin et al. 2002; Harrison et al. Spermophilus dauricus Brandt 1843 2003; Thorington and Hoffmann 2005. Daurian Ground Squirrel Spermophilus undulatus Pallas 1778 Distribution.—The Daurian ground squirrel Long-tailed Ground Squirrel ranges from Transbaikalia south through Mongolia and China. In Mongolia it is found in the eastern steppes Distribution.—The long-tailed ground squirrel of the country. ranges from eastern Kazakhstan across southern Siberia and into Mongolia and China. In Mongolia this species Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. is found in the steppes of the Khangay and Khentey Across range: Echinococcus multilocularis Leuckart Mountains, the Mongolian Altai, and from the vicinity 1863. of Lake Hovsgol.

Comments.—Vuitton et al. (1998) indicated that Parasites.—In Mongolia: Acanthocepha- a previous report of larval Echinococcus multilocularis la - Moniliformis clarki (Ward 1917); Cestoda Leuckart 1863 found in Spermophilus alashanicus in - Anoplocephaloides transversaria (Krabbe 1879), China may possibly have been from Spermophilus Ctenotaenia citelli (Kirschenblatt 1939), Ctenotae- dauuricus. A further survey for E. multilocularis in nia marmotae (Frölich 1802), Hymenolepis suslica Ningxia China showed that although 27% of Vulpes Shaldybin 1965, Mesocestoides sp.; Nemata - As- vulpes were infected, only 0.2% (3 of 1500) O. dauu- caris tarbagan Schulz 1931, Physaloptera massino ricus and none of the other 12 rodent species examined Schulz 1926, Streptopharagus kutassi (Schultz 1927). were infected (Li et al. 1985). Across range: Acanthocephala - Macracantho- rhynchus catulinus Kostylew 1927, Moniliformis clarki Literature.—Li et al. 1985; Vuitton et al. 1998; (Ward 1917), Moniliformis moniliformis (Bremser Tinnin et al. 2002; Thorington and Hoffmann 2005. 1811); Cestoda - Anoplocephaloides transversaria (Krabbe 1879), Aprostandrya macrocephala (Douthitt Spermophilus pallidicauda (Satunin 1903) 1915), Catenotaenia cricetorum Kirschenblatt 1949, Pallid Ground Squirrel Ctenotaenia citelli (Kirschenblatt 1939), Echinococ- cus multilocularis larval Leuckart 1863, Hymenolepis Distribution.—The Pallid ground squirrel ranges diminuta (Rudolphi 1819), Hymenolepis megaloon across Mongolia and Inner Mongolia, China. In (Linstow 1901), Hymenolepis suslica Shaldybin 1965, Mongolia this species is found from the Great Lakes Mesocestoides lineatus (Goeze 1782), Paranoplo- region to the eastern border of the country in desert and cephala brevis Kirschenblatt 1938, Paranoplocephala desert-steppe habitats. dentata (Galli-Valerio 1905), Taenia solium larval Lin- naeus 1758; Nemata - Abbreviata leiperi (Skrjabin Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. 1924), Ascaris joffi Schulz 1931, Ascaris tarbagan Across range: None currently known. Schulz 1931, Ascarops tuvensis Sulimov 1961, Bay- lisascaris laevis (Leidy 1856), Capillaria armeniaca Kirschenblatt 1939, Capillaria sibirica Romanov 1960, Comments.—This ground squirrel has frequently Mastophorus muris (Gmelin 1790), Physaloptera been listed as a of the Spermophilus eryth- citilli (Rudolphi 1819), Physaloptera massino Schulz rogenys Brandt 1841, but is currently regarded as a 1926, Physaloptera soricina Baylis 1934, Protospirura separate species (Harrison et al. 2003; Thorington Ti n n i n e t a l .—He l m i n t h s o f Mo n g o l i a n Ma m m a l s 13 suslica Schulz 1927, Streptopharagus kutassi (Schultz miatis Schulz 1932. 1927), Streptopharagus sp., Subulura citelli Sulimov 1961,Syngamus citelli Ryzhikov 1956, Syphacia ob- Comments.—Ganzorig et al. (1998b) discovered velata (Rudolphi 1802), Trichinella spiralis (Owen the cestode Passerilepis passeris, normally found in 1935), Trichostrongylus colubriformis (Giles 1892), passerine hosts, in a chipmunk in the Hovsgol area. Trichuris citellorum (Kirschenblatt 1939), Trichuris muris (Schrank 1788); Trematoda - Plagiorchis Literature.—Schulz 1932; Schulz 1933; Spassky, eutamiatis Schulz 1932, Plagiorchis muris Tanabe Ryjhikov and Sudarikov 1952; Machulsky 1958; Ro- 1922. manov 1960; Gubanov 1964; Durette-Desset 1970a; El- tyshev 1975; Domnich 1984b; Asakawa and Ohbayashi Literature.—Schulz 1931; Spassky, Rhyzhikov 1986a; Zhaltsanova and Shalaeva 1990; Ganzorig et al. and Sudarikov 1952; Rhyzhikov 1956; Machulsky 1998b; Tinnin et al. 2002; Batsaikhan et al. 2010. 1958; Romanov 1960; Sulimov 1961; Shaldybin 1965; Nadtochi et al. 1966; Gvozdev et al.; 1970; Eltyshev Pteromys volans (Linnaeus 1758) and Maklokova 1971; Eltyshev 1975; Tokobaev 1976; Siberian Flying Squirrel Shalaeva et al. 1987; Bessinov 1998; Ganzorig et al. 1998; Ganzorig et al. 1998b; Tinnin et al. 2002; Zhalt- Distribution.—The Siberian flying squirrel sanova and Shalaeva 2004; Ganzorig et al. 2007. ranges from Scandinavia across Siberia to Hokkaido and Sakhalin, and south into China. In Mongolia they Tamias sibiricus (Laxmann 1769) are found in the Mongolian Altai, Hovsgol, and the Siberian Chipmunk Khangay and Khentey Mountains.

Distribution.—The Siberian chipmunk occurs Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. across northern Europe through Siberia and south Across range: Citellina petrowi Schulz 1930. into Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and China, as well as on Sakhalin, Hokkaido, and the Kuriles. In Mongolia Literature.—Spassky, Ryjhikov and Sudarikov they are found in the taiga and mountain forests of 1952; Machulsky 1958; Tinnin et al. 2002; Thorington the Khentey, Khangay Mountains and the Mongolian and Hoffmann 2005. Altai. An additional population is also known from the Nomrog River in eastern Mongolia. Castor fiber (Linnaeus 1758) Parasites.—In Mongolia: Cestoda - Passer- Eurasian Beaver ilepis passeris Gmelin 1790; Nemata - Syphacia sp. Across range: Acanthocephala - Macracantho- Distribution.—The beaver is found across north- rhynchus catulinus larval Kostylew 1927; Cestoda ern Eurasia. In Mongolia they are only known from - Hymenolepis diminuta (Rudolphi 1819), Hymenolepis the Djungarian Desert in the southwestern corner of the horrida (Linstow 1901), Hymenolepis sp., Mesoce- country; they have been reintroduced into the Mongo- stoides sp. larval, Paranoplocephala omphalodes lian Altai and Khangay Mountains. (Hermann 1783); Nemata - Brevistriata bergerardi Durette-Desset 1970, Capillaria hepatica (Bancroft Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. 1893), Capillaria sibirica Romanov 1960, Citellinema Across range: Cestoda - Echinococcus granulosus orientale Schulz 1933, Heligmosomum ussuriensis larval (Batsch 1786), Echinococcus multilocularis Lubimov 1932, Physaloptera massino Schulz 1926, larval Leuckart 1863, Taenia hydatigena larval Pallas Rauschivingylus asiaticus Domnich 1984, Rictularia 1766; Nemata - Ascaris castoris Rudolphi 1819, Cas- amurensis Schulz 1927, Spiruracerca petrovi Gubanov torstrongylus castoris Chapin 1925, Trichostrongylus 1964, Streptopharagus kutassi (Schultz 1927), Thominx axei (Cobbold 1879), Trichostrongylus capricola Ran- sadovskajae Morozov 1959; Trematoda - Dicrocoelium som 1907, Travassosius rufus Khalil 1922; Trema- lanceatum Stiles and Hassall 1896, Plagiorchis euta- toda - Echinostoma orlovi Romashov 1967, Fasciola 14 Sp e c i a l Publications , Mu s e u m o f Te x a s Te c h Un i v e r s i t y hepatica Linnaeus 1758, Opisthorchis felineus (Rivolta Allactaga elater (Lichtenstein 1828) 1884), Psilotrema castoris Orlov 1946, Stichorchis Small Five-toed Jerboa subtriquetrus (Rudolphi 1814). Distribution.—This species of jerboa is distrib- Comments.—Markov et al. (1977) reported that uted from Iran east to northern China and southern among other demographic factors, river pollution has Mongolia. In Mongolia it is narrowly restricted in the influenced infection rates ofStichorchis subtriquetrus Djungarian region of the far west, south of the Gobi and Opisthorchis felineus in the Volgograd region of Altai. Russia. Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. Literature.—Orlov 1946; Moskalev 1954; Ro- Across range: Acanthocephala - Moniliformis mashov 1958; Potekhina and Belyaeva 1959; Joszt moniliformis (Bremser 1811); Cestoda - Apros- 1964; Romashov 1967; Romashov 1973; Romashov tatandrya caucasia (Kirschenblatt 1938), Catenotaenia 1976; Sharpilo 1976; Markov et al. 1977; Solovev et al. cricetorum Kirschenblatt 1949, Catenotaenia dendrit- 1983; Shimalov and Shimalov 2000; Tinnin et al. 2002; ica (Goeze 1782), Echinococcus multilocularis larval Janovsky et al. 2002; Koubkova et al. 2002; Maleika et Leuckart 1863, Taenia taeniaeformis larval (Batsch al. 2003; Drozd et al. 2004; Helgen 2005. 1786), Mathevotaenia symmetrica (Baylis 1927); Nemata - Abbreviata leiperi (Skrjabin 1924), Mas- tophorus muris (Gmelin 1790), Subulura turkmenica Allactaga balikunica Hsia and Fang 1964 Babaev 1967, Syphacia obvelata (Rudolphi 1802); Balikun Jerboa Trematoda - Dicrocoelium lanceatum Stiles and Hassall 1896. Distribution.—The Balikun Jerboa is narrowly restricted to Xianjiang China and southwest Mongolia. Literature.—Sadikhov and Tarzhimanova 1965; In Mongolia this species is only known from the desert Babaev 1967; Tokobaev 1976; Shakenov 1987; Tinnin regions south of the Gobi Altai. et al. 2002; Holden and Musser 2005.

Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. Allactaga sibirica (Forster 1778) Across range: None currently known. Mongolian Five-toed Jerboa

Literature.—Tinnin et al. 2002; Holden and Distribution.—The Mongolian five-toed jerboa is Musser 2005. widely distributed from the Caspian Sea to Transbaika- lia, south through Mongolia into China. This species is Allactaga bullata Allen 1925 found in forest- steppe, steppe, and semi-desert areas Gobi Jerboa throughout Mongolia.

Distribution.—The Gobi Jerboa ranges across Parasites.—In Mongolia: Nemata - Kasza- southern Mongolia and northern China. In Mongolia it bospirura steinmani Meszaros 1975, Skrjabinocerina is known from the Valley of the Lakes, the Great Lakes petrowi Matchulsky 1952. Across range: Acan- region, and the desert and desert-steppe in the southern thocephala - Moniliformis moniliformis (Brem- half of the country. ser 1811); Nemata - Eucoelus sp., Skrjabinocerina petrowi Matchulsky 1952, Streptopharagus sp., Subu- Parasites.—In Mongolia: Mesocestoides lin- lura sp. eatus larval (Goeze 1782). Across range: No other helminths are known from this species. Literature.—Machulsky 1958; Meszaros 1975; Asakawa et al. 2001; Tinnin et al. 2002. Literature.—Danzan 1978; Ganzorig et al. 1998; Tinnin et al. 2002; Holden and Musser 2005. Ti n n i n e t a l .—He l m i n t h s o f Mo n g o l i a n Ma m m a l s 15

Cardiocranius paradoxus Satunin 1903 Literature.—Asakawa et al. 2001; Tinnin et al. Five-toed Pygmy Jerboa 2002; Holden and Musser 2005.

Distribution.—This species of jerboa ranges Pygeretemus pumilio (Kerr 1792) from the Tuva region of Russia south through eastern Dwarf Fat-tailed Jerboa Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and China. In Mongolia it is found in the Great Lakes region, the Valley of the Lakes, Distribution.—The fat-tailed jerboa ranges from and across the desert and desert-steppe in the southern Iran across Central Asia to Mongolia and China. In part of the country. Mongolia they are found in the Great Lakes region, the Valley of the Lakes and the southeastern Gobi Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. desert regions. Across range: None currently known. Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. Literature.—Tinnin et al. 2002; Holden and Across range: None currently known. Musser 2005. Literature.—Tokobaev 1976; Tinnin et al. Dipus sagitta (Pallas 1773) 2002. Northern Three-toed Jerboa Salpingotus crassicauda Vinogradov 1924 Distribution.—The northern three-toed jerboa Thick-tailed Pygmy Jerboa ranges from the northwest coast of the Caspian Sea south into Iran, east through Central Asia to the Tuva Distribution.—Members of this species range region of Russia, Mongolia and northern China. They from eastern Kazakhstan into Mongolia and China. are found in the Valley of the Lakes, the Great Lakes In Mongolia this pygmy jerboa is found in the Great region, Gobi Altai, and throughout the desert and semi- Lakes region, the Valley of the Lakes and across the desert regions of southern Mongolia. southern desert and desert steppe.

Parasites.—In Mongolia: Cestoda - Mesoces- Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. toides lineatus (Goeze 1782). Across range: Nemata Across range: None currently known. - Aspiculuris tetraptera (Nitzsch 1821), Mastophorus muris (Gmelin 1790), Syphacia obvelata (Rudolphi Literature.—Tinnin et al. 2002; Holden and 1802). Musser 2005.

Literature.—Tokobaev 1976; Ganzorig et al. Salpingotus kozlovi Vinogradov 1922 1998; Asakawa et al. 2001; Tinnin et al. 2002. Kozlov’s Pygmy Jerboa

Euchoreutes naso Sclater 1891 Distribution.—Kozlov’s pygmy jerboa is found Long-eared Jerboa in southern Mongolia and northwestern China. In Mongolia it is restricted to the Trans-Altai southern Distribution.—The long-eared jerboa is only Gobi deserts. found in southern Mongolia and northern China. In Mongolia this species is restricted to the Trans-Altai Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. Gobi. Across range: None currently known.

Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. Literature.—Tinnin et al. 2002; Holden and Across range: Nemata - Subulura citelli Sulimov Musser 2005. 1961. 16 Sp e c i a l Publications , Mu s e u m o f Te x a s Te c h Un i v e r s i t y

Stylodipus andrewsi Allen 1925 Distribution.—The large-eared ranges from Andrew’s Three-toed Jerboa the Altai Mountains of southern Siberia and northwest China through Tuva to the Lake Baikal area. In Mon- Distribution.—Andrew’s three-toed jerboa is golia this species of vole is found in the Altais of the only found in southern Mongolia and northern China. west and in the Lake Hovsgol region. In Mongolia this species ranges from the Great Lakes and Valley of the Lakes through the desert-steppe in Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. the south-central part of the country. Across range: Nemata - Syphacia obvelata (Rudolphi 1802). Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. Across range: None currently known. Literature.—Machulsky 1958; Tinnin et al. 2002; Musser and Carleton 2005. Literature.—Tinnin et al. 2002; Holden and Musser 2005. semicanus (Allen 1924) Mongolian Mountain Vole Stylodipus sungorus Sokolov and Shenbrot 1987 Djungarian Three-toed Jerboa Distribution.—The Mongolian mountain vole ranges from The Tuva region of Russia through north Distribution.—The Djungarian three-toed jerboa and central Mongolia into Inner Mongolia. In Mongo- is only found in southern Mongolia and northern China. lia this vole is commonly found from the Great Lakes In Mongolia it is restricted to the Djungarian desert in region through the Khangay Mountains and east across the southwestern corner of the country. the steppes of most of the country

Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. Parasites.—In Mongolia: Cestoda - Apro- Across range: None currently known. standrya sp., Hymenolepis horrida (Linstow 1901), Hymenolepis meszarosi Murai and Tenora 1975, Para- Literature.—Tinnin et al. 2002; Holden and noplocephala dentata (Galli-Valerio 1905); Nemata Musser 2005. - Cephaluris andrejevi Schulz 1948, Syphacia sp. . Across range: None currently known. Literature.—Murai and Tenora 1975; Ganzorig Alticola barakshin Bannikov 1947 et al. 1998b; Tinnin et al. 2002. Gobi Altai Mountain Vole Alticola strelzowi (Katschenko 1899) Distribution.—This species of vole ranges from Strelzow’s Vole the Tuva region of Russia south through Mongolia into China. In Mongolia they are found in the western Distribution.—Strelzow’s vole is found from Mongolian and Gobi Altai. Kazakhstan east into the Altai Mountains of Siberia, Mongolia and China. In Mongolia they are restricted Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. to the Mongolian Altai in the far west of the country. Across range: None currently known. Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. Literature.—Tinnin et al. 2002; Musser and Across range: None currently known. Carleton 2005. Literature.—Tinnin et al. 2002; Musser and Alticola macrotis (Radde 1862) Carleton 2005. Large-eared Mountain Vole Ti n n i n e t a l .—He l m i n t h s o f Mo n g o l i a n Ma m m a l s 17

Alticola tuvinicus Ognev 1950 1973, Syphacia obvelata (Rudolphi 1802), Trichinella Tuva Mountain Vole sp. larval, Trichuris arvicolae Feliu et al. 2000, Tri- churis muris (Schrank 1788); Trematoda - Echi- Distribution.—The Tuva vole has a distribution noparyphium sisjakowi Skvortsov 1934, Echinostoma from the Altai Mountains of Russia and Mongolia east miyagawai Ishii 1932, Echinostoma revolutum Froelich through, of course, Tuva to Lake Baikal. In Mongolia 1802. Gastrodiscoides hominis (Lewis and McCon- they are found in the western Altai mountains and the nal 1876) , Leucochloridium holostomum (Rudolphi Hovsgol region. 1819), Notocotylus noyeri Joyeux 1922, Opisthorchis felineus (Rivolta 1884), Plagiorchis arvicolae Schulz Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. and Skwarzow 1931, Plagiorchis eutamiatis Schulz Across range: None currently known. 1932, Psilotrema marki Skvortsov 1934, Psilotrema simillimum (Mühling 1898), Psilotrema spiculigerum Literature.—Tinnin et al. 2002; Musser and (Mühling 1898), Quinqueserialis wolgensis (Skvortsov Carleton 2005. 1934), Strigea falconis larval Szidat 1928, Tetraserialis tscherbakovi Petrov and Chertkova 1960. amphibius (=terrestris) (Linnaeus 1758) Water Vole Comments.—Some authors (see Musser and Car- leton 2005 and discussion there-in) use A. amphibius Distribution.—The water vole ranges across for the Eurasian water vole due to recent synonimiz- Eurasia. In Mongolia they are only known from a few ing of the two species and its priority. However, as localities in the Mongolian Altai and Hovsgol. what was previously recognized as A. amphibius was restricted to the British Isles most of the relevant data Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. pertaining to the continental forms will be listed under Across range: Acanthocephala - Aprostatandrya A. terrestris. macrocephala (Douthitt 1915); Cestoda - Cladot- aenia cylindrica larval (Krefft 1873), Echinococcus Biserkov et al. (1998) provides a redescription of granulosus larval (Batsch 1786), Echinococcus mul- Heligmosomum glareoli. tilocularis larval Leuckart 1863, Hymenolepis horrida (Linstow 1901), Limnolepis transfuga Spassky and Chechulin (1988) reported that in the area of Merkusheva 1967, Parandrya feodorovi Gulyaev and Novosibirsk, the intermediate hosts of Notocotylus Chechulin 1996, Paranoplocephala aquatica Genov noyeri were the snails Anisus contortus, Segmentina et al. 1996, Paranoplocephala blanchardi (Moniez nitida and, Planorbis planorbis. 1891), Paranoplocephala dentata (Galli-Valerio 1905), Paranoplocephala omphalodes (Hermann 1783), In several regions of Russia, water were Paranoplocephala sp., Taenia crassiceps larval (Zeder found to commonly be final hosts for trematodes whose 1800), Taenia hydatigena larval Pallas 1766, Taenia normal hosts were birds or other carnivorous mam- laticollis larval Rudolphi 1819, Taenia taeniaeformis mals. Gubskii (1965) found Strigea falconis, normally larval (Batsch 1786); Nemata - Aspiculuris tetraptera in marsh birds, in water voles along the lower Dnestr (Nitzsch 1821), Boreostrongylus minutus (Dujardin River. Sulimov et al. (1983) found the bird trematodes 1845), Capillaria hepatica (Bancroft 1893), Capillaria Leucochloridium holostomum and Echinostoma revolu- wioletti Rukhlyadeva 1950, Capillaria sp., Eucoleus tum in Arvicola at Lake Tenis near Omsk, Russia. bacillatus (Eberth 1863), Eucoleus lemmi (Retzius 1841), Heligmosomum costellatum (Dujardin 1845), In the Don River basin, Lisitskaya (1958) found Heligmosomum glareoli (Baylis 1928), Heligmoso- 52% and 5% of cats and water voles, respectively, mum polygyrum (Dujardin 1845), Longistriata minuta infected with Opisthorchis felineus. Intermediate (Dujardin 1845), Longistriata wolgaensis Schulz 1926, hosts in this region included the snail Bithynia leachi Mastophorus muris (Gmelin 1790), Strongyloides and cyprinid fish. In Kazakhstan, Smagulov et al. papillosus (Wedl 1856), Syphacia arvicolae Sharpilo (1985) reported the intermediate of O. felineus as the 18 Sp e c i a l Publications , Mu s e u m o f Te x a s Te c h Un i v e r s i t y fish Leuciscus idus. Final hosts, besides A. terrestris, cestoides sp., Paranoplocephala brevis Kirschenblatt included foxes, mustelids, and wild boars; prevalence in 1938, Paranoplocephala kalelai Tenora et al. 1985, domestic cats was 100%, in domestic dogs 11%, while Paranoplocephala buryatiensis Haukisalmi et al. human prevalence was up to 19% in some areas. 2007, Paranoplocephala omphalodes (Hermann 1783), Relictolepis feodorovi Gulyaev and Makarikov 2007, The diet of the water vole varies by area and sea- Taenia taeniaeformis larval (Batsch 1786), Taenia son; although they usually feed on aquatic and riparian mustelae larval Gmelin 1790; Nemata - Capillaria plants, they may also be highly carnivorous. murissylvatici (Diesling 1851), Capillaria hepatica (Bancroft 1893), Capillaria sp., Glirovingylus roden- Literature.—Skvortsov 1934; Rukhlyadeva tius (Gubanov and Fedorov 1965), Heligmosomum 1950; Lisitskaya 1958; Merkusheva 1958; Bernard costellatum (Dujardin 1845), Heligmosomum petrovi 1959; Petrov and Chertkova 1960; Sadikhov 1960; Krotov 1953, Heligmosomum polygyrum (Dujardin Gubskii 1965; Chiriac and Hamar 1966; Horning 1968; 1845), Heligmosomum yamagutii Chabaud et al. 1963, Sharpilo 1973; Tokobaev 1976; Genov and Yanchev Heterakis spumosa Schneider 1866, Mammaniduloides 1980; Fameree et al. 1981; Kovalchuk and Bonina hokkaidensis Ohbayashi et al. 1968, Mammolong- 1981; Genov and Yanchev 1982; Deblock and Petavy istriata mammovitae Dubinin 1953, Mastophorus 1983; Fatalijev 1983; Sulimov et al. 1983; Feliu et al. muris (Gmelin 1790), Rhabditis orbitalis Sudhaus 1984; Smagulov et al. 1985; Artois and Le Pesteur and Schulte 1986, Rauschivingylus asiaticus Domnich 1986; Bonnin et al. 1986; Tenora et al. 1986; Chechulin 1984, Syphacia montana Yamaguti 1943, Syphacia 1988; Bonnin et al. 1989; Genov et al. 1996; Gottstein obvelata (Rudolphi 1802), Syphacia stroma (Linstow et al. 1996; Gulyaev and Chechulin 1996; Petavy et al. 1884), Tenorastrongylus speciosus (Konno 1958), 1996; Biserkov et al. 1998; Chen et al. 2001; Tinnin Trichinella sp., Trichuris sp.; Trematoda - Brachy- et al. 2002; JunJie et al. 2003; Chechulin et al. 2005; laima sp., Brachylecithum rodentini Agapova 1955, Musser and Carleton 2005; Deter et al. 2007; Batsai- Corrigia vitta (Dujardin 1845), Quinqueserialis quin- khan et al. 2010. queserialis (Barker and Laughlin 1911), Plagiorchis muris Tanabe 1922. Clethrionomys (=Myodes) rufocanus (Sundevall 1846) Comments.—Although Clethrionomys has been Gray Red-backed Vole in common usage for over 80 years as the genus-name for red-backed voles, Myodes has priority and is used Distribution.—Members of C. rufocanus are by some researchers. found throughout northern Eurasia from Scandinavia to Kamchatka extending south as far as the Urals in Literature.—Dubinin 1953; Krotov 1953; Aga- the west and Mongolia in the east. In Mongolia these pova 1955; Machulsky 1958; Chabaud et al. 1963; voles are found in the northern mountain regions of Ohbayashi et al. 1968; Barus, Kullmann, and Tenora the Altai, Hovsgol region and Khentey and Khangay 1970; Surkov and Nadtochy 1971; Ishimoto 1974; Mountains. Eltyshev 1975; Fedorov 1976; Asakawa et al. 1983; Domnich 1984b; Hatakeyama 1986; Tenora et al. Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. 1985a; Sudhaus and Schulte 1986; Tenora et al. 1986; Across range: Acanthocephala - Moniliformis Tenora et al. 1991; Asakawa et al. 1992; Tranbenkova moniliformis (Bremser 1811); Cestoda - Andrya 1992; Iwaki et al. 1993; Sato et al. 1993; Iwaki et al. microti Hansen 1947, Anoplocephaloides dentatoides 1996; Abe et al. 1997; Ganzorig et al. 1998; Asakawa Sato et al. 1993, Anoplocephaloides sp., Aprostandrya 2001; Tinnin et al. 2002; Musser and Carleton 2005; sp., Catenotaenia sp., Echinococcus multilocularis Gulyaev and Makarikov 2007; Haukisalmi et al. 2007; larval Leuckart 1863, Hymenolepis diminuta (Rudolphi Batsaikhan et al. 2010. 1819), Hymenolepis horrida (Linstow 1901), Meso- Ti n n i n e t a l .—He l m i n t h s o f Mo n g o l i a n Ma m m a l s 19

Clethrionomys (=Myodes) rutilus (Pallas 1779) Surkov and Nadtochy (1971) found the waterfowl Northern Red-backed Vole cestodes Dicranotaenia coronula and Nadejdolepis sp. in C. rutilus on Sakhalin Island. Distribution.—The northern red-backed vole is Holarctic in distribution, across Eurasia south into Literature.—Rausch 1952; Dubinin 1953; Krotov China and Korea in Asia, and as far south as central 1953; Rausch and Schiller 1956; Rausch et al. 1956; Canada in North America. In Mongolia they are found Leikina et al. 1959; Rausch 1962; Machulsky 1958; in the northern mountains similar in distribution to C. Morozov 1959; Bernard 1966; Hasegawa 1970; Shults rufocanus. 1970; Surkov and Nadtochy 1971; Yushkov 1971; Egorova and Nadtochy 1975; Eltyshev 1975; Fedorov Parasites.—In Mongolia: Cestoda - Apro- 1976; Wiger et al. 1976; Domnich 1984b; Bangs 1985; standrya caucasia Kirschenblatt 1938; Nemata Sudhaus and Schulte 1986; Asakawa and Satoh 1987; - Rictularia amurensis Schulz 1927, Syphacia sp. Fedorov 1989; Tranbenkova 1992; Haukisalmi and Across range: Cestoda - Andrya arctica Rausch Tenora 1993; Chechulin and Gulyaev 1998; Ganzorig 1952, Catenotaenia cricetorum Kirschenblatt 1949, et al. 1998; Ganzorig et al. 1998b; Asakawa 2001; Catenotaenia henttoneni Haukisalmi and Tenora 1993, Asakawa et al. 2001; Tinnin et al. 2002; Musser and Catenotaenia pusilla (Goeze 1782), Catenotaenia sp., Carleton 2005; Haukisalmi et al. 2007; Batsaikhan et Dicranotaenia coronula (Dujardin 1845), Echinococ- al. 2010. cus multilocularis larval Leuckart 1863, Echinococcus sibiricensis Rausch and Schiller 1954, Hymenolepis tancrei Blasius 1884 diminuta (Rudolphi 1819), Hymenolepis horrida Zaisan Mole Vole (Linstow 1901), Mesocestoides kirbyi Chandler 1944, Nadejdolepis sp., Paranoplocephala longivaginata Distribution.—This mole vole has a broad geo- Chechulin and Gulyaev 1998, Rodentolepis straminea graphic distribution from northeastern Turkmenistan (Goeze 1782), Taenia martis larval (Zeder 1803), and Uzbekistan east through China and Mongolia. Taenia polyacantha larval Leuckart 1856, Taenia They are found throughout the desert and desert-steppe taeniaeformis larval (Batsch 1786), Taenia tenuicollis regions of the country. larval Rudolphi 1809, Taenia mustelae Gmelin 1790; Nemata - Angiocaulus ryjikovi Yushkov 1971, Capil- Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. laria murissylvatici (Diesling 1851), Glirovingylus ro- Across range: Capillaria hepatica (Bancroft 1893). dentius (Gubanov and Fedorov 1965), Heligmosomum borealis (Schulz 1930), Heligmosomum cornucephale Literature.—Asakawa et al. 2001; Tinnin et al. Egorova and Nadtochy 1975, Heligmosomum costel- 2002. latum (Dujardin 1845), Heligmosomum mixtum Schulz 1929, Heligmosomum petrovi Krotov 1953, Heligmo- luteus (Eversmann 1946) somum polygyrum (Dujardin 1845), Heligmosomum Yellow Steppe yamagutii Chabaud et al. 1963, Mammolongistriata mammovitae Dubinin 1953, Mastophorus muris (Gme- Distribution.—This species of lemming is nar- lin 1790), Pterygodermatites sp., Rauschivingylus rowly distributed through eastern Kazakhstan, western asiaticus Domnich 1984, Rhabditis orbitalis larval Mongolia, and northwestern China. In Mongolia, they Sudhaus and Schulte 1986, Rictularia sibiricensis are found in the western Trans-Altai Gobi. Morozov 1959, Syphacia petrusewiczi Bernard 1966, Trichinella spiralis larval (Owen 1835), Trichinella Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. sp.; Trematoda - Alaria alata larval (Goeze 1782), Across range: Nemata - Trichuris muris (Schrank Plagiorchis sp.. 1788). Comments.—See taxonomic comments under C. Literature.—Asakawa et al. 2001; Tinnin et al. rufocanus. 2002; Musser and Carleton 2005. 20 Sp e c i a l Publications , Mu s e u m o f Te x a s Te c h Un i v e r s i t y

Eolagurus przewalskii (Büchner 1889) gregori Schulz and Andreeva 1950, Syphacia nigeriana Przewalski’s Baylis 1928. Across range: Cestoda - Echinococ- cus multilocularis larval Leuckart 1863, Echinococcus Distribution.—Przewalski’s lemming is found russicensis larval ChongTi et al. 2007, Echinococcus in northern China and Mongolia. They are found in sibiricensis larval Rausch and Schiller 1954, Meso- the Great Lakes region east across the Gobi region of cestoides lineatus (Goeze 1782), Paranoplocephala southern Mongolia. brevis Kirschenblatt 1938, Paranoplocephala ompha- lodes (Hermann 1783); Nemata - Syphacia obvelata Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. (Rudolphi 1802). Across range: None currently known. Comments.—This species forms large colonies, Literature.—Tinnin et al. 2002; Musser and undergoes significant cyclic population expansions, Carleton 2005. serves as a primary food source for many steppe raptors, and is regarded as a significant pest species in many lagurus (Pallas 1773) areas across its range. Steppe Vole Literature.—Schulz and Andreeva 1950; Machul- Distribution.—The steppe vole ranges from the skaya and Machulsky 1961; Meszaros 1974; Ganzorig, Ukraine across Siberia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and et al. 1998; Ganzorig, et al. 1999; Tang et al. 2004; China. In Mongolia they are patchily distributed in Tinnin et al. 2002; ChongTi et al. 2007a; ChongTi et the western Trans-Altai Gobi, north of the Gobi Altai al. 2007b; Batsaikhan et al. 2010. and in the Great Lakes region. mandarinus (Milne-Edwards 1871) Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. Across range: Cestoda - Echinococcus mul- tilocularis larval Leuckart 1863, Taenia polyacantha Distribution.—The Mandarin vole is distributed Leuckart 1856; Nemata - Rhabditis orbitalis larval from Transbaikalia and eastern Siberia south to central Sudhaus and Schulte 1986, Syphacia laguri Pleshchev China and Korea. In Mongolia they are only reported 1978, Syphacia sp. from the northern Khangay Mountains and in the Ork- hon and Selenge river valleys in the north. Literature.—Pleshchev 1978a; Pleshchev 1978b; Sudhaus and Schulte 1986; Martynenko et al. 1988; Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. Asakawa et al. 2001; Tinnin et al. 2002; Musser and Across range: None currently known. Carleton 2005. Comments.—Min (1979) examined specimens Lasiopodomys brandti (Radde 1861) from near Seoul, Korea, but all were uninfected. Brandt’s vole Literature.—Min 1979; Tinnin et al. 2002; Distribution.—Brandt’s vole from Transbaikalia Musser and Carleton 2005. through northwest China. In Mongolia they are found across the steppe and mountain steppes through the arvalis (Pallas 1778) center of the country.

Parasites.—In Mongolia: Cestoda - Cateno- Distribution.—The common vole covers the taenia afghana Tenora 1977, Cladotaenia globifera western Palearctic in distribution, from Europe south (Batsch 1786), Mesocestoides sp., Taenia mustelae to Iran and east to the region of Tuva then south into Gmelin 1790, Taenia polyacantha Leuckart 1856; China. In Mongolia they are known only from the west- Nemata - Rictularia cristata Froelich 1802, Smirnova ern Altai and Hovsgol Lake regions of the country. Ti n n i n e t a l .—He l m i n t h s o f Mo n g o l i a n Ma m m a l s 21

Parasites.—In Mongolia: Acanthocepha- sky 1954, Plagiorchis microti Soltys 1949, Tetraserialis la - Moniliformis moniliformis (Bremser 1811). tscherbakovi Petrov and Chertkova 1960. Across range: Acanthocephala - Moniliformis moniliformis (Bremser 1811); Cestoda - Andrya Comments.—Microtus obscurus (Eversmann bialowiezensis Soltys 1949, Andrya sp., Aprostatandrya 1841) is currently recognized as a subspecies of the caucasia (Kirschenblatt 1938), Aprostatandrya mac- more broadly distributed species M. arvalis. However, rocephala (Douthitt 1915), Catenotaenia cricetorum many authors have recognized it as a separate species, Kirschenblatt 1949, Catenotaenia pusilla (Goeze and information concerning the Mongolian form is 1782), Cladotaenia sp., Echinococcus granulosus sometimes reported under M. obscurus. larval (Batsch 1786), Echinococcus multilocularis larval Leuckart 1863, Hymenolepis arvicolina Cholod- According to Feliu at al. (2000), reports of Tri- kowsky 1912, Hymenolepis asymmetrica Janicki 1904, churis muris in arvicolids previous to their work likely Hymenolepis diminuta (Rudolphi 1819), Hymenolepis represent T. arvicolae. horrida (Linstow 1901), Mesocestoides leptothylacus larval, Mesocestoides lineatus larval (Goeze 1782), Literature.—Schachnasarova 1949; Soltys 1949; Paranoplocephala brevis Kirschenblatt 1938, Parano- Spassky, Ryjhikov and Sudarikov 1952; Chalupsky plocephala dentata (Galli-Valerio 1905), Paranoplo- 1954; Akhumyan 1956; Morozov 1959; Bernard 1960; cephala janicki Tenora et al. 1985, Paranoplocephala Petrov and Chertkova 1960; Bernard 1961b; Lupu omphalodes (Hermann 1783), Rodentolepis asymmet- and Coroneanu 1962; Erhardova 1964; Chirac and rica (Janicki 1904), Rodentolepis straminea (Goeze Hamar 1966; Kurashvili 1967; Dorosz 1968; Prokopic 1782), Taenia crassiceps larval (Zeder 1800), Taenia 1970; Barus and Daniel 1972; Kisielewska et al. 1973; hydatigena larval Pallas 1766, Taenia mustelae larval Merkusheva 1973; Murai and Tenora 1973; Sharpilo Gmelin 1790, Taenia pisiformis (Bloch 1780), Taenia 1973; Baba 1974; Erkulov and Moldopiyazova 1975; polyacantha larval Leuckart 1856, Taenia taeniaeformis Murai 1975; Tenora and Meszaros 1975; Sharpilo 1976; larval (Batsch 1786), Taenia tenuicollis larval Rudolphi Tokobaev 1976; Meszaros 1977; Genov and Yanchev 1819; Nemata - Boreostrongylus minutus (Dujardin 1980; Loos-Frank 1980; Genov and Yanchev 1982; 1845), Capillaria hepatica (Bancroft 1893), Capillaria Delattre et al. 1985; Tenora et al. 1985b; Bonnin et al. muris sylvatici (Diesling 1851), Eucoleus lemmi (Ret- 1986; Sudhaus and Schulte 1986; Brglez 1989; Barus zius 1841), Heligmosomoides laevis (Dujardin 1845), and Hrab 1991; Gubanyi et al. 1992; Le Pesteur et al. Heligmosomum azerbaidjani Schachnasarova 1949, 1992; Petavy et al. 1996; Feliu et al. 2000; Asakawa et Heligmosomum borealis (Schulz 1930), Heligmoso- al. 2001; Tinnin et al. 2002; Grikieniene 2005; Musser mum costellatum (Dujardin 1845), Heligmosomum and Carleton 2005; Tinnin et al. 2008. halli (Schulz 1926), Heligmosomum longispiculum Tokobaev and Erkulov 1966, Heligmosomum mixtum Microtus fortis Büchner 1889 Schulz 1929, Heligmosomum polygyrum (Dujardin 1845), Heligmosomum skrjabini (Schulz 1926), He- ligmosomum sp., Heligmosomum turgidum (Walten Distribution.—The reed vole is found from Trans- 1923), Mastophorus muris (Gmelin 1790), Rhabditis baikalia to the Amur region of Russia south through orbitalis larval Sudhaus and Schulte 1986, Syphacia Korea and central China. They are known from the microtus Erkulov and Moldopiyazova 1975, Syphacia steppe and mountains of the extreme northeast of montana Yamaguti 1943, Syphacia nigeriana Baylis Mongolia. 1928, Syphacia obvelata (Rudolphi 1802), Syphacia sp., Thominx sadovskajae Morozov 1959, Trichinella Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. spiralis (Owen 1835), Trichinella sp., Trichuris muris Across range: Trematoda - Catatropis morosovi (Schrank 1788), Trichuris arvicolae Feliu et al. 2000; Gubanov et al. 1966, Plagiorchis eutamiatis Schulz Trematoda - Alaria alata larval (Goeze 1782), 1932, Tetraserialis tscherbakovi Petrov and Chertkova Brachylaemus spinulosus (Hoffmann 1899), Notocoty- 1960. lus noyeri Joyeux 1922, Plagiorchis blatnensis Chalup- 22 Sp e c i a l Publications , Mu s e u m o f Te x a s Te c h Un i v e r s i t y

Comments.—Dvoryadkin (1987) reported that the Literature.—Machulsky 1958; Nadtochy et al. intermediate host of Catatropis morosovi in the Amur 1966; Tokobaev 1976; Ganzorig et al. 1998b; Tinnin region of Russia is the snail Bithynia contortrix. et al. 2002; Musser and Carleton 2005.

Literature.—Machulsky 1958; Eltyshev 1975; Microtus limnophilus Büchner 1889 Dvoryadkin 1987; Dvoryadkin 1989; Tinnin et al. 2002; Lacustrine Vole Musser and Carleton 2005. Distribution.—The lacustrine vole ranges from Microtus gregalis (Pallas 1779) western Mongolia south through northern China. In Narrow-headed Vole Mongolia they range from the Mongolia Altai and Great Lakes region south across the Gobi Altai and Distribution.—The narrow- headed vole has a Trans-Altai Gobi. fragmented distribution in areas across Russia, through Central Asia to Mongolia and northern China. In Mon- Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. golia this species is known from the Mongolia Altai as Across range: None currently known. well as the mountain and steppe region over much of the northern part of the country. Literature.—Tinnin et al. 2002; Musser and Carleton 2005. Parasites.—In Mongolia: Cestoda - Apro- standrya caucasia Kirschenblatt 1938; Nemata Microtus maximowiczii (Schrenk 1859) - Syphacia sp. Across range: Cestoda - Apros- Maximowicz’s Vole tatandrya macrocephala (Douthitt 1915), Catenotaenia pusilla (Goeze 1782), Echinococcus multilocularis Distribution.—Maximowicz’s vole ranges across larval Leuckart 1863, Hymenolepis diminuta (Rudolphi from Lake Baikal to the Amur region of Russia, 1819), Mesocestoides lineatus (Goeze 1782), Paranop- south into eastern Mongolia and northeast China. In locephala brevis Kirschenblatt 1938, Paranoplocepha- Mongolia they are known from the eastern Khentey la dentata (Galli-Valerio 1905), Paranoplocephala Mountains. omphalodes (Hermann 1783), Taenia polyacantha larval Leuckart 1856; Nemata - Aspiculuris tetraptera Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. (Nitzsch 1821), Capillaria hepatica (Bancroft 1893), Across range: Cestoda - Parandrya feodorovi Gu- Capillaria muris-sylvatici (Diesling 1851), Eucoleus lyaev and Chechulin 1996, Paranoplocephala ompha- lemmi (Retzius 1841), Heligmosomum azerbaidjani lodes (Hermann 1783); Trematoda - Tetraserialis Schachnasarova 1949, Heligmosomum costellatum tscherbakovi Petrov and Chertkova 1960, Catatropis (Dujardin 1845), Heligmosomum longispiculum Toko- morosovi Gubanov et al. 1966. baev and Erkulov 1966, Heligmosomum polygyrum (Dujardin 1845), Mastophorus muris (Gmelin 1790), Comments.—Dvoryadkin (1987) reported that the Rictularia cristata Froelich 1802, Rictularia sibiri- intermediate host of Catatropis morosovi in the Amur censis Morozov 1959, Syphacia obvelata (Rudolphi region of Russia is snail Bithynia contortrix. 1802), Trichinella spiralis (Owen 1835), Trichuris muris (Schrank 1788); Trematoda - Alaria alaria Literature.—Machulsky 1958; Dvoryadkin 1987; (Goeze 1782), Dicrocoelium lanceatum Stiles and Dvoryadkin 1989; Gulyaev and Chechulin 1996; Tinnin Hassall 1896. et al. 2002; Musser and Carleton 2005.

Comments.—According to Feliu at al. (2000), Microtus mongolicus (Radde 1861) reports of Trichuris muris in arvicolids previous to their Mongolian Vole work likely represent T. arvicolae. Distribution.—The Mongolian vole is found in Transbaikalia, of course, Mongolia, and northeastern Ti n n i n e t a l .—He l m i n t h s o f Mo n g o l i a n Ma m m a l s 23

China. This vole ranges across the Khentey and parts Rausch 1969, Syphacia nigeriana Baylis 1928, Toxas- of the Khangay Mountains as well as the Hovsgol caris leonina larval (Linstow 1902), Trichinella spiralis region of the country. (Owen 1835), Trichinella nativa Britov and Boev 1972, Trichuris muris (Schrank 1788), Trichostrongylus colu- Parasites.—In Mongolia: Cestoda - Taenia briformis (Giles 1892); Trematoda - Dicrocoelium mustelae (larval) Gmelin 1790. Across range: No other lanceatum Stiles and Hassall 1896, Notocotylus noyeri helminths from this species are known. Joyeux 1922, Plagiorchis muris Tanabe 1922, Psilo- trema simillimum (Mühling 1898), Quinqueserialis Literature.—Ganzorig et al. 1998; Tinnin et al. quinqueserialis (Barker and Laughlin 1911). 2002; Musser and Carleton 2005. Comments.—According to Feliu at al. (2000), Microtus oeconomus (Pallas 1776) reports of Trichuris muris in arvicolids previous to Root Vole their work likely represent T. arvicolae. Biserkov et al. (1998) provides a redescription of Heligmosomum Distribution.—The root vole is Holarctic in dis- glareoli. tribution. In the Old World, it ranges from Scandinavia south to the Baltic and east across Siberia, south into Kovalchuk (1981) conducted experimental work China as well as on Sakhalin and the Kurile Islands. In on Trichinella spp. in Siberia. He found that the local North America they range into north central Canada. carnivores were infected with T. nativa and that In Mongolia, this species is found in the Mongolian M. oeconomus and Apodemus agrarius could only be Altai, Khentey and Khangay mountain ranges as wells infected by T. nativa and not T. spiralis. Many of the as the Hovsgol region. records of infection by T. spiralis in rodents, at least in this region, may have to be reexamined. Parasites.—In Mongolia: Cestoda - Cteno- taenia citelli (Kirschenblatt 1939). Across range: Literature.—Rausch and Schiller 1951; McPher- Cestoda - Andrya microti Hansen 1947, Apros- son and Tiner 1952; Rausch 1952; Erhardova 1955; tatandrya macrocephala (Douthitt 1915), Cladotaenia Machulsky 1958; Leikina et al. 1959; Rausch 1962; circi Yamaguti 1935, Echinococcus granulosus larval Nadtochy 1966; Nadtochy et al. 1966; Rausch and (Batsch 1786), Echinococcus multilocularis larval Rausch 1969; Nadtochy et al. 1971; Murai 1975; Tenora Leuckart 1863, Hymenolepis horrida (Linstow 1901), and Meszaros 1975; Tokobaev 1976; Rausch 1977; Paranoplocephala brevis Kirschenblatt 1938, Parano- Tenora et al. 1977; Pleshchev 1978b; Kovalchuk 1981; plocephala dentata (Galli-Valerio 1905), Paranoplo- Kovalchuk and Bonina 1981; Domnich 1984b: Sudhaus cephala infrequens (Douthitt 1915), Paranoplocephala and Schulte 1986; Tenora et al. 1986; Shakhmatova and omphalodes (Hermann 1783), Paranoplocephaloides Yudina 1989; Fujita et al. 1991; Matskasi et al. 1992; schachmatovae Gulyaev 1996, Hymenolepis asymmet- Sato and Kamiya 1992; Tranbenkova 1992; Haukisalmi rica Janicki 1904, Taenia mustelae larval Gmelin 1790, et al. 1995; Gulyaev 1996; Asakawa et al. 2001; Tinnin Taenia polyacantha Leuckart 1856, Taenia twitchelli et al. 2002; Grikieniene 2005; Musser and Carleton larval Schwartz 1924; Nemata - Capillaria hepatica 2005; Ganzorig et al. 200 (Bancroft 1893), Capillaria muris-sylvatici (Diesling 1851), Heligmosomum costellatum (Dujardin 1845), Myopus schisticolor (Lilljeborg 1844) Heligmosomum glareoli (Baylis 1928), Heligmosomum polygyrum (Dujardin 1845), Heligmosomum ryjikovi Nadtochy et al. 1971, Heligmosomum schulzi Nad- Distribution.—The wood lemming is found from tochy 1966, Heligmosomum sp., Mastophorus muris Scandinavia across to Kamchatka and south into the (Gmelin 1790), Rauschivingylus asiaticus Domnich Altai Mountains, Mongolia and northeast China. In 1984, Rictularia microti McPherson and Tiner 1952, Mongolia they range across the northern mountain Rhabditis orbitalis larval Sudhaus and Schulte 1986, regions. Syngamus sp., Sobolevingylus microti Rausch and 24 Sp e c i a l Publications , Mu s e u m o f Te x a s Te c h Un i v e r s i t y

Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. 1988; Tranbenkova 1992; Genov et al. 1996; Tinnin Across range: Paranoplocephala dentata (Galli- et al. 2002; Maleika et al. 2003; Musser and Carleton Valerio 1905), Paranoplocephala gubanovi Gulaev 2005. and Krivopalov 2003, Paranoplocephala omphalodes (Hermann 1783). Cricetinae Allocricetulus curtatus (Allen 1925) Literature.—Yushkov 1971; Tinnin et al. 2002; Mongolian Gulyaev and Krivopalov 2003; Musser and Carleton 2005. Distribution.—The Mongolian hamster is distrib- uted across China and Mongolia. In Mongolia they are Ondatra zibethicus (Linnaeus 1786) found in the Great Lakes region and east across the Gobi and Gobi Desert.

Distribution.—This North American species has Parasites.—In Mongolia: Moniliformis clarki been introduced to the Palearctic and now is spread (Ward 1917), Mesocestoides lineatus (Goeze 1782). from Europe across Siberia and south into Mongolia, Across range: No other helminths from this species China, Korea as well as Japan. In Mongolia at one are currently known. time they were known across the Khentey, Khangay, and Hovsgol regions of the country. Literature.—Ganzorig et al. 1998; Tinnin et al. 2002; Musser and Carleton 2005; Tinnin et al. 2008. Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. Across range: Acanthocephala - Macracan- barabensis (Pallas 1773) thorynchus hirudinaceus (Pallas 1781); Cestoda Striped Dwarf Hamster - Aprostandrya macrocephala (Douthitt 1915), Echi- nococcus multilocularis larval Leuckart 1863, Para- Distribution.—The striped dwarf hamster ranges noplocephala aquatica Genov et al. 19996, Taenia from southern Siberia across Mongolia into China and polyacantha Leuckart 1856; Nemata - Capillaria Korea. In Mongolia they are found across the northern sp., Trichinella spiralis larval (Owen 1835), Trichuris half of the country as far south as the southern Khangay suis (Schrank 1788); Trematoda - Echinostoma Mountains. miyagawi Ishii 1932 , Opisthorchis felineus (Rivolta 1884), Plagiorchis arvicolae Schulz and Skwarzow Parasites.—In Mongolia: Cestoda - Cateno- 1931, Plagiorchis eutamiatis Schulz 1932, Plagiorchis Tenora and Murai 1975; Nemata proximus Barker 1915, Plagiorchis sp., Quinqueserialis - Syphacia nigeriana Baylis 1928. Across range: quinqueserialis (Barker and Laughlin 1911). Acanthocephala - Moniliformis moniliformis (Bremser 1811); Cestoda - Catenotaenia cricetorum Comments.—As this is an introduced species in Kirschenblatt 1949, Dicranotaenia sp., Taenia taeniae- the country, only incidental records from the region formis larval (Batsch 1786); Nemata - Aspiculuris have been included in the above list. tetraptera (Nitzsch 1821), Mastophorus muris (Gmelin 1790), Nippostrongylus rysavyi (Erhardova 1959), According to a re-examination of material by Orientostrongylus chinensis Durette-Desset 1970, Genov et al. (1996), the specimens reported as Para- Syphacia obvelata (Rudolphi 1802), Viannella chin- noplocephala ondatrae by Tenora and Murai (1980) ensis (Erhardova 1959); Trematoda - Plagiorchis and as Aprostatandrya macrocephala by Spasskyi et eutamiatis Schulz 1932. al. (1951) belong to P. aquatica. Comments.—Durette-Desset (1970b) provided a Literature.—Schulz 1932; Rausch et al. 1956; redescription of Nippostrongylus rysavyi, which was Leikina et al. 1959; Gvozdev 1969; Martynenko et al. inadequately described by Erhardova (1959). Ti n n i n e t a l .—He l m i n t h s o f Mo n g o l i a n Ma m m a l s 25

Literature.—Machulsky 1958; Erhardova 1959; (Schrank 1788), Trichuris rhombomydis (Schulz and Durette-Desset 1970b; Durette-Desset 1970c; Meszaros Landa 1934); Trematoda - Brachylaemus spinulo- 1974; Eltyshev 1975; Tenora and Murai 1975; Tinnin sus (Hoffmann 1899), Plagiorchis eutamiatis Schulz et al. 2002; Musser and Carleton 2005. 1932.

Cricetulus longicaudatus (Milne-Edwards 1867) Literature.—Akhumyan 1956; Tenora and Kull- Long-tailed Dwarf Hamster mann 1970a; Erhardova and Daniel 1971; Quentin 1971; Sharpilo 1973; Eltyshev 1975; Sharpilo 1976; Distribution.—This species of hamster is ranges Tokobaev 1976; Meszaros 1977; Tenora 1977; Sahin from Tuva south into the Altais and Kazakhstan, 1979; Lin et al. 1984; Shakenov 1987; Ganzorig, et through Mongolia to central China. In Mongolia they al. 1998; Ganzorig, et al. 1999; Asakawa et al. 2001; are found across the western two-thirds of the country Tinnin et al. 2002; Musser and Carleton 2005. with the exception of the Hovsgol area and Trans-Altai Gobi. Cricetulus sokolovi Orlov and Malygin 1988 Sokolov’s Hamster Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. Across range: None currently known. Distribution.—Sokolov’s hamster is only found in southern Mongolia and Inner Mongolia, China. Literature.—Tinnin et al. 2002; Musser and In Mongolia, they are currently known along a band Carleton 2005. extending between the Khangay Mountains and Gobi Altai east into the Gobi. Cricetulus migratorius (Pallas 1773) Gray Hamster Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. Across range: None currently known. Distribution.—The gray hamster is distrib- uted from southern Europe south to Iran and Iraq east Comments.—This currently recognized species is through Russia, Kazakhstan and Pakistan and into referred to as C. barabensis obscurus or C. obscurus is Mongolia and China. This species is found in the some earlier publications. Trans-Altai Gobi, Gobi Desert, and eastern Gobi in southern Mongolia. Literature.—Tinnin et al. 2002; Musser and Carleton 2005 Parasites.—In Mongolia: Cestoda - Taenia polyacantha Leuckart 1856. Across range: Cestoda campbelli (Thomas 1905) - Aprostatandrya cricetuli Lin et al. 1984, Catenotae- Campbell’s Hamster nia afghana Tenora 1977, Catenotaenia cricetorum Kirschenblatt 1949, Catenotaenia dendritica (Goeze Distribution.—Campbell’s hamster is found from 1782), Echinococcus multilocularis larval Leuckart western Mongolia across to Transbaikalia and south 1863, Hymenolepis diminuta (Rudolphi 1819), Ro- into northern China. This species is found in steppe dentolepis meriones Tokobaev and Erkulov 1966, Ro- and semi-desert regions across Mongolia. dentolepis straminea (Goeze 1782), Taenia crassiceps larval (Zeder 1800); Nemata - Ascaris lumbricoides Parasites.—In Mongolia: Acanthocepha- Linnaeus 1758, Aspiculuris tetraptera (Nitzsch 1821), la - Moniliformis clarki (Ward 1917); Cestoda Capillaria gastrica (Baylis 1926), Gongylonema neo- - Catenotaenia sp.. Across range: Syphacia obvelata plasticum (Fibiger and Ditlevsen 1914), Physocephalus (Rudolphi 1802). quadrialatus Kirschenblatt 1949, Streptopharagus kutassi (Schultz 1927), Syphacia mesocriceti Quentin Literature.—Machulsky 1958; Ganzorig et al. 1971, Syphacia obvelata (Rudolphi 1802), Syphacia 1999; Tinnin et al. 2002; Tinnin et al. 2008. muris (Yamaguti 1935), Syphacia sp., Trichuris muris 26 Sp e c i a l Publications , Mu s e u m o f Te x a s Te c h Un i v e r s i t y

Phodopus roborovskii (Satunin 1903) 1957), Trichinella spiralis (Owen 1835), Trichuris Roborovski’s Hamster muris (Schrank 1788); Trematoda - Alaria alata (Goeze 1782), Brachylaima sp., Neodiplostomum seou- Distribution.—Roborovski’s hamster is found lense (Seo, Rim, and Lee 1964), Plagiorchis elegans across Tuva, eastern Kazakhstan and Mongolia into (Rudolphi 1802), Plagiorchis muris Tanabe 1922, central China. This hamster is found from the Great Plagiorchis stefanskii Furmaga 1956, Strigea falconis Lakes region east across the desert grasslands and Szidat 1928. desert regions of the south. Literature.—Sadovskaya 1950; Spassky, Ryjhik- Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. ov and Sudarikov 1952; Furmaga 1956; Furmaga 1957; Across range: None currently known. Machulsky 1958; Zarnowski 1960; Lukashenko and Brzesky 1962; Rausch 1962; Dimitrova et al. 1963; Literature.—Tinnin et al. 2002. Dorosz 1968; Yeh 1970; Sharpilo 1973; Meszaros et al. 1978; Genov and Yanchev 1980; Zhang and Yin 1980; Kovalchuk and Bonina 1981; Zhang 1985; Apodemus agrarius (Pallas 1771) Arnastauskene and Kazlauskas 1990; Asakawa et al. Striped Field 1990; Hasegawa et al. 1993; Asakawa et al. 1994; ChunHung and KauHung 2000; Asakawa et al. 2001; Distribution.—The striped field mouse is broadly Shimalov 2002; Tinnin et al. 2002; Hildebrand et al. distributed from Europe across Siberia and south 2004; Musser and Carleton 2005; JongYil et al. 2007a; through Mongolia, China and Korea. In Mongolia this JongYil et al. 2007b. species is restricted to the eastern border of the country in the Ikh Hyangan Mountains. Apodemus peninsulae (Thomas 1907) Korean Field Mouse Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. Across range: Cestoda - Cladotaenia globifera Distribution.—The Korean field mouse ranges (Batsch 1786), Catenotaenia pusilla (Goeze 1782), through southern Siberia from the Altai Mountains Dilepis undula (Schrank 1788), Hymenolepis diminuta to the Ussuri region and south into Mongolia, China (Rudolphi 1819), Hymenolepis fraterna Stiles 1906, and Korea, as well as the islands of Sakhalin and Hymenolepis horrida (Linstow 1901), Raillietina Hokkaido. In Mongolia, this species is found in the celebensis (Janicki 1902), Rodentolepis straminea forests and forest-steppes of the northern part of the (Goeze 1782), Taenia crassiceps (Zeder 1800), Taenia country, including the Mongolian Altai and Khentey taeniaeformis larval (Batsch 1786); Nemata - An- and Khangay Mountains. giostrongylus cantonensis Chen 1935, Aspiculuris tet- raptera (Nitzsch 1821), Capillaria hepatica (Bancroft Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. 1893), Heligmosomum aberrans (Roe 1929), Heligmo- Across range: Acanthocephala - Macracanthorhynchus somum polygyrum (Dujardin 1845), Heligmosomum catulinus larval Kostylew 1927; Cestoda - Cateno- borealis (Schulz 1930), Heligmosomum halli (Schulz taenia pusilla (Goeze 1782), Hymenolepis diminuta 1926), Heligmosomoides neopolygyrus Asakawa and (Rudolphi 1819); Nemata - Capillaria hepatica Ohbayashi 1986, Heligmosomoides sp., Heterakis spu- (Bancroft 1893), Heligmosomoides neopolygyrus mosa Schneider 1866, Pelodera sp., Porrocaecum sp., Asakawa and Ohbayashi 1986, Heligmosomum Physaloptera mustelae (Zhang and Yin 1980), Physa- azerbaidjani Schachnasarova 1931, Heligmosomum loptera sp., Rictularia baicalensis Spassky, Ryjhikov polygyrum (Dujardin 1845), Heligmosomum skrjabini and Sudarikov 1952, Rictularia cristata Froelich 1802, Schulz 1926, Mastophorus muris (Gmelin 1790), Rictu- Rictularia strumica Dimitrova et al. 1963, Syngamus laria baicalensis Spassky, Ryjhikov, Sudarikov 1952, ryjikovi Sadovskaya 1950, Syphacia agraria Sharpilo Rictularia cristata Froelich 1802, Syphacia obvelata 1973, Syphacia obvelata (Rudolphi 1802), Syphacia (Rudolphi 1802). stroma (Linstow 1884), Toxocara apodemi (Olsen Ti n n i n e t a l .—He l m i n t h s o f Mo n g o l i a n Ma m m a l s 27

Literature.—Machulsky 1958; Eltyshev 1975; Parasites.—In Mongolia: Acanthocepha- Asakawa and Ohbayashi 1986b; Iwaki et al. 1993; la - Moniliformis moniliformis (Bremser 1811). Asakawa et al. 2001; Tinnin et al. 2002. Across range: Cestoda - Mathevotaenia symmet- rica (Baylis 1927), Rodentolepis meriones Tokobaev Meriones meridianus (Pallas 1773) and Erkulov 1966; Nemata - Aspiculuris asiatica Mid-day Gerbil Schulz 1927, Dermatopallarya baylisi Skrjabin 1924, Heligmosomum azerbaidjani Schachnasarova 1949, Distribution.—The mid-day gerbil is distributed Heligmosomum skrjabini (Schulz 1926), Rictularia ba- from the Don River in eastern Russia south to Iran and icalensis Spassky, Ryjhikov, Sudarikov 1952, Syphacia then east to Mongolia and China. In Mongolia, this sp., Trichuris sp.; Trematoda - Plagiorchis elegans species is found in the Great Lakes Depression, and (Rudolphi 1802), Dicrocoelium lanceatum Stiles and south of the Khangay Mountains across the semi-desert Hassall 1896. and desert regions. Comments.—This species, as opposed to its Parasites.—In Mongolia: Acanthocepha- congeners which are found in more arid habitats, is la - Moniliformis moniliformis (Bremser 1811); primarily found around oases and salt marshes. Cestoda - Taenia endothoracius (Kirschenblatt 1948). Across range: Cestoda - Catenotaenia pu- Literature.—Schulz 1927; Tokobaev 1976; silla (Goeze 1782), Catenotaenia rhombomydis Schulz Asakawa et al. 2001; Tinnin et al. 2002; Musser and and Landa 1934, Echinococcus multilocularis larval Carleton 2005; Tinnin et al 2008; Batsaikhan et al. Leuckart 1863, Taenia krepkogorski larval (Schulz 2010. and Landa 1935), Mathevotaenia tuvensis Kadenatsii and Sulimov 1964, Taenia taeniaeformis larval (Batsch Meriones unguiculatus (Milne-Edwards 1867) 1786), Hymenolepis ognewi Skrjabin 1924, Taenia polyacantha larval Leuckart 1856; Nemata - Aspicu- luris tetraptera (Nitzsch 1821), Dentostella translucida Distribution.—The Mongolian gerbil ranges from Schulz and Krepkogorskaya 1932, Dipetalonema viteae the Transbaikal region through Mongolia into north- (Krepkogorskaya 1933), Gongylonema neoplasticum ern China. This species is found primarily across the (Fiber and Ditlevsen 1914), Gongylonema problemati- southern half of Mongolia in desert and semi-desert cum Schulz 1924, Mastophorus muris (Gmelin 1790), regions, but also penetrates north along river valleys Physaloptera massino Schulz 1926, Rictularia cau- into mountain and forest steppe habitats. casia Schulz 1927, Streptopharagus kutassi (Schultz 1927), Trichuris muris (Schrank 1788), Trichuris Parasites.—In Mongolia: Cestoda - Lin- rhombomidis (Schulz and Landa 1934). guatula serrata larval Froelich 1789, Mesocestoides sp. larval, Taenia endothoracius larval (Kirschenblatt Literature.—Schulz and Krepokogorskaja 1932; 1948). Across range: Moniliformis moniliformis Kadenatsii and Sulimov 1964; Kairov 1976; Tokobaev (Bremser 1811), Dipylidinae gen. sp., Echinococ- 1976; Ganzorig et al. 1998; Asakawa et al. 2001; Tinnin cus multilocularis larval Leuckart 1863; Nemata et al. 2002; Tinnin et al. 2008; Batsaikhan et al. 2010. - Gongylonema neoplasticum (Fibiger and Ditlevsen 1914), Mastophorus muris (Gmelin 1790). Meriones tamarascinus (Pallas 1773) Tamarisk Gerbil Comments.—This species is also known to oc- cur commonly in and around towns. They may also Distribution.—This species of gerbil ranges from use the abandoned of Lasiopodomys brandti the Caucasus Mountains east through Kazakhstan to when available. western Mongolia and China. In Mongolia, this species is restricted to the Trans-Altai Gobi. Literature.—Vuitton et al. 1998; Machulsky 1958; Tang et al. 1988; Ganzorig et al 1998; Tinnin et al. 2002; Batsaikhan et al. 2010. 28 Sp e c i a l Publications , Mu s e u m o f Te x a s Te c h Un i v e r s i t y

Micromys minutus (Pallas 1771) arova 1930, Aspiculuris tetraptera (Nitzsch 1821), Harvest Mouse Ganguleterakis spumosa (Schneider 1866), Heligmo- somum polygyrum (Dujardin 1845), Heligmosomum Distribution.—The harvest mouse is found skrjabini (Schulz 1926), Mastophorus muris (Gmelin across the Palearctic realm. In Mongolia this species 1790), Orientostrongylus tenorai Durette-Desset 1970, is restricted to the northern border of the country in Oxynema boueti (Gendre 1911), Physaloptera massino the Mongolian Altai, Hovsgol, Khentey Mountains Schulz 1926, Protospirura armeniana Aloyan 1951, and eastern steppes. Protospirura sp., Rictularia amurensis Schulz 1927, Rictularia baicalensis Spassky, Ryjhikov, Sudarikov Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. 1952, Rictularia muris Galli-Valerio 1932, Syphacia Across range: Cestoda - Hymenolepis diminuta obvelata (Rudolphi 1802), Syphaciuris rodenti Erkulov (Rudolphi 1819), Rodentolepis microstoma (Dujardin and Moldopiyazova 1975, Tenorastrongylus afghanus 1845), Rodentolepis fraterna (Stiles 1906), Taenia (Tenora 1959), Trichuris muris (Schrank 1788); taeniaeformis (Batsch 1786); Nemata - Strongyloides Trematoda - Brachylaemus recurvus (Dujardin ratti Sandground 1925, Syphacia petrusewiczi Bernard 1845). 1966, Syphacia stroma (Linstow 1884), Syphacia van- derbrueli Bernard 1966, Trichinella spiralis (Owen Comments.—This is a partial list of the known 1835); Trematoda - Plagiorchis elegans (Rudolphi parasites of Mus musculus, emphasizing those known 1802). from Central Asia. In addition to the expected as- sociation with human habitation, Mus also is widely Literature.—Karpinski and Kaminska 1948; found in oases and other dense riparian areas across Schmidt 1962; Matskasi 1971; Sharpilo and Gritsai the country. 1975; Tenora and Meszaros 1975; Meszaros et al. 1978; Genov and Yanchev 1980; Feliu and Mas-Coma 1986; Literature.—Galli-Valerio 1932; Morgan 1943; Hasegawa 1986; Tenora et al 1991;Tinnin et al. 2002; Schachnasarova 1949; Aloyan 1951; Spassky, Ryjhikov Musser and Carleton 2005; Grikieniene 2005; Zalesny and Sudarikov 1952; Akhumyan 1956; Machulsky et al. 2006. 1958; Skrjabin and Sobolev 1964; Chiriac and Hamar 1966; Kurashvili 1967; Barus, Kullmann, and Tenora Mus musculus Linnaeus 1758 1970; Durette-Desset 1970d; Eltyshev 1975; Erkulov House Mouse and Moldopiyazova 1975; Tokobaev 1976; Genov and Yanchev 1980; Erkulov and Moldopiyazova 1986; Distribution.—The house mouse is found world- Martynenko et al. 1988; Haukisalmi and Tenora 1993; wide. This species is known from across Mongolia. Ganzorig et al 1998; Vuitton et al. 1998; Tinnin et al. 2002; Batsaikhan et al. 2010. Parasites.—In Mongolia: Mesocestoides lin- eatus larval (Goeze 1782). Across range: Acan- Rattus norvegicus (Berkenhout 1769) thocephala - Moniliformis moniliformis (Bremser Norway 1811); Cestoda - Echinococcus multilocularis larval Leuckart 1863, Taenia taeniaeformis larval (Batsch Distribution.—The Norway rat has a world-wide 1786), Catenotaenia cricetorum Kirschenblatt 1949, distribution. In Mongolia they are found in the north- Catenotaenia pusilla (Goeze 1782), Hymenolepis eastern part of the country. diminuta (Rudolphi 1819), Hymenolepis horrida (Lin- stow 1901), Rodentolepis straminea (Goeze 1782), Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. Joyeuxiella rossicum (Skrjabin 1923), Mathevotaenia Across range: Acanthocephala - Moniliformis symmetrica (Baylis 1927), Mesocestoides lineatus moniliformis (Bremser 1811); Cestoda - Taenia larval (Goeze 1782), Taenia taeniaeformis larval taeniaeformis larval (Batsch 1786), Catenotaenia pu- (Batsch 1786); Nemata - Aspiculuris kazakhstanica silla (Goeze 1782), Hymenolepis diminuta (Rudolphi Schulz 1927, Aspiculuris schulzi Poppov and Naz- 1819), Mesocestoides lineatus larval (Goeze 1782), Ti n n i n e t a l .—He l m i n t h s o f Mo n g o l i a n Ma m m a l s 29

Rodentolepis straminea (Goeze 1782); Nemata - 1821), Dentostomella translucida Schulz and Kre- Aspiculuris tetraptera (Nitzsch 1821), Capillaria an- pokogorskaja 1932, Dipetalonema viteae (Krepkogor- nulosa (Dujardin 1845), Capillaria hepatica (Bancroft skaya 1933), Gongylonema neoplasticum (Fiber and 1893), Ganguleterakis spumosa (Schneider 1866), Ditlevsen 1914), Physaloptera massino Schulz 1926, Mastophorus muris (Gmelin 1790), Strongyloides ratti Syphacia obvelata (Rudolphi 1802), Syphacia stroma Sandground 1925, Syphacia muris (Yamaguti 1935), (Linstow 1884), Trichuris rhombomydis (Schulz and Syphacia obvelata (Rudolphi 1802), Trichinella spiralis Landa 1934), Trichuris spalacis (Petrov and Potekhina (Owen 1835), Trichosomoides crassicauda (Belling- 1953), Trichuris sp.. ham 1840); Trematoda - Isthmiomorpha melis (Schrank 1788), Plagiorchis muris Tanabe 1922. Comments.—This large, up to 250g, gerbil lives in large complex colony systems, which in some areas, Comments.—This is a partial list of the known such as Kazakhstan, are large enough to be viewed parasites of the Norway rat, emphasizing those known from satellite images. They are widely regarded as from Central Asia. Like Mus, this species of Rattus a pest species in some areas, and are known to be a is often found in dense riparian areas in Mongolia in prominent species involved in outbreaks of plague addition to their association with humans. (Yersinia pestis).

Literature.—Spassky, Ryjhikov and Sudarikov Literature.—Schulz 1927; Schulz and Kre- 1952; Machulsky 1958; Lupu and Cironeanu 1962; pokogorskaja 1932; Krepkogorskaya 1933; Morgan Chirac and Hamar 1966; Kurashvili 1967; Matskasi 1943; Petrov and Potekhina 1953; Shleiker and Sam- 1971; Eltyshev 1975; Meszaros 1977; Min 1979; Genov sonova 1953; Buliginskaya et al. 1956; Chabaud 1956; and Yanchev 1980; Iwaki et al. 1993; Tinnin et al. 2002; Buliginskaya et al. 1959; Chun-Syun and Alekseev Musser and Carleton 2005; Batsaikhan et al. 2010. 1960; Davlatov 1967; Kairov 1976; Tokobaev 1976; Shakenov 1987; Ganzorig et al. 1998; Skrjabin and Rhombomys opimus (Lichtenstein 1832) Sobolev 1964; Asakawa et al. 2001; Tinnin et al. 2002; Musser and Carleton 2005; Batsaikhan et al. 2010.

Distribution.—The great gerbil is distributed from Iran east through Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kazakh- aspalax (Pallas 1776) stan, into Mongolia and China. In Mongolia this spe- False cies found across the desert and desert-steppe regions of the south. Distribution.—The false Zokor is found in the Amur region of Russia, Mongolia, and northeast China. Parasites.—In Mongolia: Cestoda - Taenia In Mongolia they are found in central Mongolia, includ- endothoracius (Kirschenblatt 1948). Across range: ing the Khentey and Khangay Mountains. Acanthocephala - Moniliformis sp.; Cestoda - Catenotaenia pusilla (Goeze 1782), Catenotaenia Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. rhombomydis Schulz and Landa 1934, Echinococcus Across range: None currently known. multilocularis larval Leuckart 1863, Taenia krep- kogorski larval (Schulz and Landa 1935), Hymenolepis Comments.—This fossorial species builds horrida (Linstow 1901), Hymenolepis ognevi Skrjabin extensive tunnel systems, often of 100m in length, 1924, Multiceps endothoracius larval (Kirschenblatt which is extensively used by other species such as 1948), Taenia macrocystis larval (Diesling 1850), Tae- Spermophilus. nia taeniaeformis larval Batsch 1786), Taenia polya- cantha larval Leuckart 1856; Nemata - Aspiculuris Literature.—Tinnin et al. 2002; Batsaikhan et asiatica Schulz 1927, Aspiculuris tetraptera (Nitzsch al. 2010. 30 Sp e c i a l Publications , Mu s e u m o f Te x a s Te c h Un i v e r s i t y

Myospalax psilurus (Milne-Edwards 1874) LAGOMORPHA Manchurian Zokor Ochotonidae Ochotona alpina (Pallas 1773) Distribution.—This species of zokor is known Alpine Pika from the Amur region of Russia, Mongolia, and north- east and central China. In Mongolia the Manchurian Distribution.—The alpine pika is found from zokor is only known from the eastern border in the Ikh northwestern Afghanistan across southern Russia, Hyangan Mountains. northern Mongolia, and China. In Mongolia this spe- cies ranges across the Mongolian Altai and the Khentey Parasites.—In Mongolia: Nemata - Ascarops and Khangay Mountains. strongylina (Rudolphi 1819). Across Range: Nemata - Heligmosomum myospalaxi Nadtochy 1970. Parasites.—In Mongolia: Cestoda - Schizorchis mongoliensis Tinnin et al. 2008; Cateno- Literature.—Nadtochy 1970; Ganzorig et al. taenia sp.; Nemata - Dermatoxys schumakovitschi 1999; Elias et al. 2002; Tinnin et al. 2002; Musser and (Schulz 1948). Across range: Cestoda - Schizorchis Carleton 2005. altaica Gvozdev 1951, Hydatigena sp., Paruterina candelabraria (Goeze 1782), Taenia hydatigena lar- Myoxidae val Pallas 1766, Taenia mustelae larval Gmelin 1790, Dryomys nitedula (Pallas 1778) Taenia tenuicollis larval Rudolphi 1819; Nemata - Forest Dormouse Capillaria muris-sylvatici (Diesling 1851), Cephaluris andrejevi Schulz 1948, Citellinema orientale Schulz Distribution.—The dormouse is distributed from 1933, Eugenuris sp., Dermatoxys schumakovitschi Europe and the Middle East across Asia. In Mongolia (Schulz 1948), Graphidiella olsoni Gvozdev 1966, it has been reported from the Mongolian Altai and the Heligmosomum dubini Gvozdev 1966, Labiostomum Djungarian Desert. naimi Akhtar 1941, Labiostomum vesicularis Gvozdev 1956, Murielus harpespiculus Dikmans 1939, Oh- Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. bayashinema dubini (Gvozdev 1966), Thominx sa- Across range: Cestoda - Mesocestoides lineatus dovskajae Morozov 1959. larval (Goeze 1782), Paranoplocephala omphalodes (Hermann 1783), Rodentolepis merionis Tokobaev Literature.—Schulz 1948; Gvozdev 1951; and Erkulov 1966, Rodentolepis microstoma (Dujardin Spassky and Ryjhikov 1951; Spassky, Ryjhikov and Su- 1845), Rodentolepis straminea (Goeze 1782); Nema- darikov 1952; Gvozdev 1956; Gvozdev 1962; Gvozdev ta - Rictularia amurensis Schulz 1927, Rictularia 1966; Gvozdev et al. 1970; Savalev 1972; Fedorov and elvirae Parona 1889; Trematoda - Brachylaemus Potapkina 1975; Durette-Desset et al. 2000; Tinnin et spinulosus (Hoffmann 1899), Lecithodendrium dry- al. 2002; Tinnin et al. 2008. omi Matsaberidze and Khoteovski 1966, Plagiorchis maculosus (Rudolphi 1802), Plagiorchis talassensis Ochotona dauurica (Pallas 1776) Tokobaev and Erkulov 1966. Daurian Pika

Literature.—Matsaberidze and Khoteovski 1966; Distribution.—The Daurian pika is found in the Tokobaev and Erkulov 1966; Tenora 1967; Sharpilo steppes from the Altai across Tuva and Transbaikalia 1976; Tokobaev 1976; Erkulov and Moldopiyazova south into Mongolia and China. In Mongolia they 1986; Khudaibergenov 1986; Tinnin et al. 2002; Holden range through the Mongolian and Gobi Altai Moun- 2005. tains as well as steppe habitats in the northern part of the country. Ti n n i n e t a l .—He l m i n t h s o f Mo n g o l i a n Ma m m a l s 31

Parasites.—In Mongolia: Cestoda - Cteno- Literature.—Tinnin et al. 2002. taenia citelli (Kirschenblatt 1939), Diuterinotaenia spasskyi Gvozdev 1961, Schizorchis altaica Gvozdev Ochotona hyperborea (Pallas 1811) 1951, Taenia retracta Linstow 1903; Nemata - Ce- Northern Pika phaluris andrejevi Schulz 1948, Dermatoxys schuma- kovitschi (Schulz 1948), Heligmosomum mongolicum Distribution.—The northern pika is distributed (Danzan 1976), Labiostomum vesicularis Gvozdev from the Ural Mountains through Siberia to Sakhalin 1956. Across range: Acanthocephala - Monili- Island and Japan, and south to Mongolia China, and formis clarki (Ward 1917), Moniliformis moniliformis Korea. In Mongolia it is found in the Lake Hovsgol (Bremser 1811); Cestoda - Diuterinotaenia polycla- region and the Khentey and Khangay Mountains. da Yun et al. 2000, Diuterinotaenia spasskyi Gvozdev 1961, Echinococcus multilocularis larval Leuckart Parasites.—In Mongolia: Cestoda - 1863, Hydatigena sp. larval, Mesocestoides lineatus Schizorchis altaica Gvozdev 1951. Across range: larval (Goeze 1782), Schizorchis altaica Gvozdev Cestoda - Schizorchis ryzhikovi Rausch 1984, 1951; Nemata - Cephaluris andrejevi Schulz 1948, Schizorchis yamashiti Rausch 1963; Nemata - Ce- Graphidiella olsoni Gvozdev 1966, Heligmosomum phaluris andrejevi Schulz 1948, Dermatoxys schu- polygyrum (Dujardin 1845), Murielus tjanschaniensis makovitschi (Schulz 1948), Murielus harpespiculus Gvozdev 1962, Ohbayashinema erbaevae Durette- Dikmans 1939, Ohbayashinema abei Fukomoto et al. Desset et al. 2000, Syphacia obvelata (Rudolphi 1802), 1986. Travassospirura sp.. Literature.—Machulsky 1958; Rausch 1963; Comments.—This species is colonial as opposed Mustafaev 1968; Ganzorig et al. 1998b; Durette-Desset to many of the northern species and may reach high et al. 2000; Tinnin et al. 2002; Tinnin et al. 2008. densities during peak years. Ochotona pallasi (Gray 1867) Literature.—Schulz 1948; Machulsky 1958; Pallas’ Pika Gvozdev et al. 1970; Meszaros 1974; Sulimov and Obukhov 1974; Danzan 1978; Ganzorig et al. 1996; Distribution.—Pallas’ pika has a disjunct distri- Ganzorig et al 1998b; Durette-Desset et al. 2000; Yun bution in areas of arid mountains and high elevation et al. 2000; Tinnin et al. 2002; Ganzorig et al. 2007; steppe in Kazakhstan, the Altai Mountains, Tuva, Tinnin et al. 2008; Batsaikhan et al. 2010. Mongolia, and northern China. In Mongolia they are restricted to the southern Khangay Mountains and the Ochotona hoffmanni (Formozov et al. 1996) Mongolian and Gobi Altai. Hoffmann’s Pika Parasites.—In Mongolia: Cestoda - Distribution.—As is currently known, Hoff- Schizorchis ryzhikovi Rausch 1984. Across range: mann’s pika is narrowly distributed across the moun- Acanthocephala - Moniliformis clarki (Ward tains of northern Mongolia and Transbaikalia. In 1917); Cestoda - Diuterinotaenia spasskyi Gvozdev Mongolia they are found in the northern Khentey 1961, Echinococcus multilocularis larval Leuckart Mountains. 1863, Schizorchis altaica Gvozdev 1951; Nemata - Capillaria murissylvatici (Diesling 1851), Cephaluris Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently known. andrejevi Schulz 1948, Dermatoxys schumakovitschi Across range: None currently known. (Schulz 1948), Graphidiella olsoni Gvozdev 1966, Labiostomum vesicularis Gvozdev 1956, Murielus Comments.—This species has not been studied tjanschaniensis Gvozdev 1962, Nematodirus aspinosus aside from the original descriptions and as such is not Schulz 1931, Trichuris sp., Trichostrongylus probolu- recognized by some authors. rus (Railliet 1896). 32 Sp e c i a l Publications , Mu s e u m o f Te x a s Te c h Un i v e r s i t y

Comments.—Similarly to O. dauurica, Pallas’ Parasites.—In Mongolia: Nemata - Trichuris pika forms extensive colonies and reaches immense leporis (Froelich 1789). Across range: Cestoda - population densities during peak years. It is widely Andrya cuniculi (Blanchard 1891), Ctenotaenia den- viewed as a pest species, which competes with live- ticulata (Rudolphi 1804), Echinococcus granulosus stock for fodder. larval (Batsch 1786), Mosgovoyia pectinata (Goeze 1782), Multiceps serialis larval (Gervais 1847), Para- Literature.—Gvozdev et al. 1970; Sulimov et al. noplocephala omphalodes incidental (Hermann 1783), 1974; Ganzorig 1998; Tinnin et al. 2002; Tinnin et al. Taenia macrocystis larval (Diesling 1850), Taenia 2008; Batsaikhan et al. 2010. pisiformis larval (Bloch 1780); Nemata - Dirofilaria timidi Gubanov & Fedorov 1966, Graphidium strigo- Leporidae sum (Dujardin 1845), Heligmonella leporis (Schulz Lepus tibetanus Waterhouse 1841 1931), Nematodirus aspinosus Schulz 1931, Obelis- Desert Hare coides leporis Schulz 1931, Passalurus ambiguus (Rudolphi 1819), Protostrongylus kamenskyi Schulz Distribution.—The desert hare ranges from Af- 1930, Protostrongylus pulmonalis (Froelich 1802), ghanistan east through Pakistan, north into the Altai Protostrongylus terminalis (Passerini 1884), Subulura Mountains, and across southern Mongolia and northern citelli Sulimov 1961, Trichostrongylus colubriformis China. In Mongolia this species is found from the (Giles 1892), Trichostrongylus retortaeformis (Zeder Mongolian and Gobi Altai south through the western 1809), Trichostrongylus triramosus Schulz 1931, part of the country. Trichuris leporis (Froelich 1789), Trichuris sylvilagi Tiner 1950; Trematoda - Dicrocoelium dendriti- Parasites.—In Mongolia: Nemata - Derma- cum (Rudolphi 1819), Dicrocoelium lanceatum Stiles toxys veligera (Rudolphi 1819), Micipsella numidica and Hassall 1896, Dicrocoelium orientalis Sudarikov (Seurat 1917), Nematodirus petrovi Ivashkin 1954. and Ryjhikov 1951, Fasciola hepatica Linnaeus 1758, Across range: No other helminths are currently known Plagiorchis vespertilionis (Müller 1780). from this species. Literature.—Spassky, Ryjhikov and Sudarikov Comments.—This species has often been con- 1952; Ivashkin 1954; Gubanov and Fedorov 1956; sidered synonymous with L. tolai, which inhabits the Machulsky 1958; Kontrimavichus and Popov 1960; middle to northern reaches of the country. As such, Gubanov and Fedorov 1966; Gvozdev et al. 1970; many sources include this species under L. tolai for Meszaros 1974; Eltyshev 1975; Durette-Desset 1978; southern Mongolia. Some of the records attributed to Soveri and Valtonen 1983; Burzyantsev 1981; Belkin L. tolai across its range outside of Mongolia may in et al. 1982; Fukumoto et al. 1986;Tinnin et al. 2002. fact represent infection by this host species. Lepus tolai Pallas 1778 Literature.—Ivashkin 1954; Hoffmann and Smith Tolai Hare 2005; Batsaikhan et al. 2010. Distribution.—The tolai ranges from the Cas- Lepus timidus Linnaeus 1758 pian Sea, south to Iran, east across Afghanistan and Mountain Hare Kazakhstan, as well as into southern Siberia, Mongolia and China. In Mongolia this species is found across Distribution.—The mountain hare is widely dis- most of the country north and east of the Mongolian tributed across Eurasia. This hare is widely distributed and Gobi Altai Mountains. across northern Mongolia; in the Khentey, Khangay, and Khingan Mountains as well as the Lake Hovsgol Parasites.—In Mongolia: None currently region. known. Across range: Cestoda - Andrya cuniculi (Blanchard 1891), Andrya rhopalocephala (Riehm Ti n n i n e t a l .—He l m i n t h s o f Mo n g o l i a n Ma m m a l s 33

1891), Echinococcus granulosus larval (Batsch 1786), 1789), Trichostrongylus retortaeformis (Zeder 1809); Gvosdevilepsis fragmentata (Gvozdev 1948), Mesoces- Trematoda - Dicrocoelium lanceatum Stiles and toides lineatus larval (Goeze 1782), Mesocestoides sp., Hassall 1896, Fasciola hepatica Linnaeus 1758. Mosgovoyia pectinata (Goeze 1782), Multiceps serialis larval (Gervais 1847), Taenia pisiformis larval (Bloch Comments.—See comments under Lepus tibeta- 1780); Nemata - Dermatoxys veligera (Rudolphi nus. 1819), Micipsella numidica (Seurat 1917), Nematodirus aspinosus Schulz 1931, Nematodirus petrovi Ivashkin Literature.—Machulsky 1958; Gvozdev et al. 1954, Passalurus ambiguus (Rudolphi 1819), Proto- 1970; Tokobaev 1976; Tinnin et al. 2002; Hoffmann strongylus kamenskyi Schulz 1930, Protostrongylus and Smith 2005. terminalis (Passerini 1884), Trichuris leporis (Froelich


This study was made possible by NSF grants S. Elizabeth Racz, and Terry R. Haverkost for their DEB-0717214, DBI-0646356, DBI-9631295, and technical assistance and guidance. DBI-9411976. We would like to thank Gabor R. Racz,

Li t e r a t u r e Ci t e d

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Addresses of authors:

Da v i d S. Ti n n i n Su m i y a Ga n z o r i g

Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology Laboratory of Parasitology W 529 Nebraska Hall Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Hokkaido University Lincoln, Nebraska 68588, U.S.A. Sapporo 060, Japan [email protected] [email protected]

Sc o t t L. Ga r d n e r

Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology W 529 Nebraska Hall University of Nebraska-Lincoln Lincoln, Nebraska 68588, U.S.A. [email protected]