IBIMA Publishing International Journal of Interactive Worlds http://www.ibimapublishing.com/journals/IJIW/ijiw.html Vol. 2017 (2017), Article ID 155350, 13 pages DOI: 10.5171/2017.155350

Research Article An Innovative Solution Based on Virtual Reality to Treat

Iulia-Cristina Stănică 1, Maria-Iuliana Dascălu 2, Alin Moldoveanu 3 and Florica Moldoveanu 4

1,2,4 Department of Engineering in Foreign Languages, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Splaiul Independentei, Bucharest, Romania

3 Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Splaiul Independentei, Bucharest, Romania

Correspondence should be addressed to: Iulia-Cristina Stănică; [email protected]

Received date: 5 September 2016; Accepted date: 26 December 2016;

Published date: 21 February 2017

Academic Editor: Raja Akermi

Copyright © 2017. Iulia-Cristina Stănică, Maria-Iuliana Dascălu, Alin Moldoveanu and Florica Moldoveanu . Distributed under Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0


The current paper conducts research on the existing methods for treating , focusing on virtual reality as an innovative treatment method. After conducting a survey of the current applications using this type of treatment, we have developed our own software, Anti-PHOBIES, which proposes new ideas for treating two common phobias: claustrophobia and acrophobia. The application has been tested on healthy and suffering people, with impressive results. The main purpose of the project was to use the advantages provided by an emerging technology, virtual reality, in order to modernize the medical field and help the suffering people overcome their immense : phobias.

Keywords : phobias, emerging technology, virtual reality, treatment.

Introduction response to present events, while anxiety is a feeling representing discomfort, Nowadays, we observe an alarming uneasiness of the mind and uncertainty increase in the number of people affected caused by future events (Arlington 2003). by mental disorders. These statistics are There are various types of anxiety even more worrying if we take into account disorders, some important examples being the fact that this type of conditions is really phobias, panic disorder, social anxiety difficult to be treated. Anxiety disorders disorder or generalized anxiety disorder. are a frequent type of mental disorders, As Wittchen & all mention in their research where the sufferer shows feelings of paper, anxiety disorders are way more and anxiety. Fear appears as an immediate frequent than other mental disorders (Fig. ______

Cite this Article as: Iulia-Cristina Stănică, Maria-Iuliana Dascălu, Alin Moldoveanu and Florica Moldoveanu .(2017)," An Innovative Solution based on VirtualReality to Treat Phobia", International Journal of Interactive Worlds, Vol. 2017 (2017), Article ID 155350, DOI: 10.5171/2017.155350 International Journal of Interactive Worlds 2 ______

1), even if they do not receive the attention they should.

Figure 1: Repartition of mental disorders in Europe

Unfortunately, even if statistics regarding spaces), acrophobia (fear of heights) or mental disorders are worrying, the claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces), as sufferers can be tempted to avoid well as bizarre phobias, for instance treatment, because several methods are coulrophobia (fear of clowns). In certain expensive and inaccessible. The report situations, specialists think that the made by Wittchen & all shows that in 2011, psychical condition can be treated by 38.2% of the population of Europe were simply avoiding the phenomenon which suffering of at least one mental disorder, causes fear; in other cases, the exact considerably higher than the previous contrary: phobias can be cured by 27.4% from their 2005 analysis. The gradually exposing the patient to the object number of suffering people is growing of fear (Arlington 2013). continuously and this fact has a major impact upon the global economy. It is In recent years, specialists have started estimated that the global costs for treating seeking other psychotherapeutic methods, mental disorders have reached the colossal innovative ones, in order to help people sum of 1.85 billion euros, much more than surpass their immense fears and therefore the costs for treating cancer, diabetes, improve their quality of life. Virtual reality cardiovascular diseases or respiratory (VR) is a popular current, a technology that conditions (Insel 2011). creates a highly realistic virtual environment which could have many Statistics show that phobias are the most applications in daily life: flight simulation common type of anxiety disorders and that (Aslandere & all), surgery training (Moglia they affect a huge number of people around & all), even dance training (Chan & all). the world (Alonso & all, 2004). Each person suffers at least one time in their lifetime of Our paper has the goal of presenting Anti- a non-justified fear. When this fear attains PHOBIES, an innovative application for a high intensity, it means that the person treating phobias. Our application is based suffers from a phobia. Modern medicine is on an emerging technology, virtual reality, constantly evolving, but a universal and has the goal of reducing the costs treatment for phobias is yet to be found. needed for treating this type of mental There are hundreds of well-known disorders. Anti-PHOBIES has been phobias, such as arachnophobia (fear of implemented after surveying similar spiders), (fear of open


Iulia-Cristina Stănică, Maria-Iuliana Dascălu, Alin Moldoveanu and Florica Moldoveanu (2017), International Journal of Interactive Worlds, DOI:10.5171/2017. 155350 3 International Journal of Interactive Worlds ______

applications and it tries to improve the Traditional Treatment quality of life for the phobia sufferers. Medical treatment Types of treatment for phobias Some people consider that medicaments Phobias can be described as immense fears can be used to treat any kind of conditions, towards situations or objects that are psychical or physical. However, many hardly dangerous or even completely mental disorders, including phobias, do not harmless. In Arlington, 2003, phobia is have a universal pill which could cure any described as a “marked and persistent fear person, suffering of any phobia, in any type that is excessive or unreasonable, cued by of situation. Medical treatment consists of the presence or anticipation of a specific sedatives and antidepressants that have object or situation”. The patient behaves the goal of diminishing anxiety and irrationally as a response to the object therefore helping people relax. causing the phobia, by doing everything he Unfortunately, they have to be used with can in order to evade it (Arlington 2003). caution, as they can cause addiction (Soeter Phobias manifest through some specific and Kindt 2016). symptoms, physical (heavy breathing, dizziness, trembling, heart pounding or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy sweating) and emotional (panic, anxiety, incapacity of controlling one’s own fear, The most spread method of treatment is despite being conscious of overreacting, called cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) fainting sensation, need to escape from a and it is really efficient in many situations. place or situation) (Smith, Segal & Segal Its main purpose is to make the patient 2016). perceive differently the object or the situation causing fear. Consequently, In general, most anxiety disorders have a patients should change their thoughts and low probability of remission, after being behavior towards the influence of the treated. It is also the case of phobias. phobia upon their lives (Soeter and Kindt Today, we can find a certain number of 2016). As its name suggests, CBT has two alternative treatment methods for these components: cognitive therapy, which conditions: some of them include being describes how fear is influenced by one’s exposed gradually to the object of fear, pessimistic thoughts and behavioral while others suppose the complete therapy, which studies how the sufferer avoidance of it, if possible. reacts when facing a situation causing anxiety (Counseling Directory 2016). It is a well-known fact that a low “In vivo” exposure therapy percentage of phobia sufferers seek treatment for their conditions. This This type of therapy consists in gradually behavior can be explained by some causes: exposing the sufferer to the cause of fear, many people believe there is no actual without any real danger. It can be seen treatment for phobias or that the existing initially as the worst fear of the patient, methods of treatment are inefficient. because it involves the actual confrontation Others are scared by the idea of of the real object causing anxiety. The confronting the object of fear, giving the patient is carefully surveilled and guided fact that a possible treatment could involve by the therapist during the entire gradual exposure. There are also various maneuver. The intensity of the exposure to treatment methods which are expensive the stimuli is usually increased gradually for most patients or lack accessibility until the sufferer starts feeling more (Taylor, Horowitz, Powers & Telch 2008; comfortable, less scared in the presence of Matthews, Naran & Kirkby 2016). In the the object of fear (Joseph & Gray 2011). following subsections, we will present some of the most used methods for treating phobias.


Iulia-Cristina Stănică, Maria-Iuliana Dascălu, Alin Moldoveanu and Florica Moldoveanu (2017), International Journal of Interactive Worlds, DOI:10.5171/2017. 155350 International Journal of Interactive Worlds 4 ______

Emerging Technologies Treatment State Of The Art

As we already mentioned, the suffering In order to establish the characteristics of people may be tempted to avoid seeking our application, we have studied several treatment because certain methods are similar software products that use virtual expensive and inaccessible. It is not the reality to treat phobias. They are case of treatment methods based on applications that could be considered as advanced information technology. These important learning tools for sufferers – methods have a huge potential, as they they do not focus only on treatment, but could be very efficient and accessible for a also on the way the patients can fight great number of individuals. Some of these against their problem (Dascalu, methods include self-exposure based on Moldoveanu & Shudayfat 2014). It was an instruction, symbolic exposure (the patient essential step before starting the sees images and videos) or virtual reality conception of our application, because (Wolitzky-Taylor & all 2008). Anti-PHOBIES is a software guided by people’s needs, not by technologies. Virtual Reality Treatment Spider-World is one of the first applications Virtual reality represents a computer- of this field, having the purpose of treating generated environment, a simulated reality arachnophobia. Their first test subject was through software means. The realism of a Madame M., a woman whose phobia had virtual reality world is very high, making reached immense proportions – she was users believe they are part of a real using duct tape to keep her windows and universe. The technology stimulates two doors closed and avoid the access of senses of the user, in order to make them spiders in her home (Hoffman 2014). The live the VR experience: sight and hearing therapy was really successful – after the (Gamberini, Chittaro, Spagnolli & Carlesso treatment sessions, Madame M. was 2015). Virtual reality treatment can be capable of holding a real tarantula in her compared to the “in vivo” treatment, as it hand with little anxiety, proof that her uses similar aspects. It has however the phobia was treated (Hoffman & all 2003). huge advantage of providing a large assortment of environments and stimuli, PHOBOS – Phobia and Anxiety causing different mechanisms and Management is a complex application psychological reactions. It is not the only which uses virtual reality to treat many advantage, as virtual reality treatment can phobias, such as acrophobia, reduce the duration of the therapy, can arachnophobia, agoraphobia or provide great accessibility and flexibility. In claustrophobia (Psychological addition, patients can feel safer and be less Technologies 2014). The application is skeptical when they have to interact with a really promising – it offers a large, open virtual world, as opposed to confronting environment, which can be freely explored the object of fear in real life (Turner and by users. In addition, there is a free demo, Casey, 2014). Several studies have been available for public use. conducted about the matter and the results are encouraging. Many universities all over the world show great interest towards the development of VR-based interventions have been this type of applications. The universities of extremely successful for many anxiety Tasmania, Valencia or Delft are just a few disorders, because this technology examples and the clinical trials of their stimulates in a very precise manner the applications have had positive results frightening situations and provokes natural (Stanica & all 2016). reactions from its users (Rammirez- Moreno 2012). Ongoing research studies the use of VR for treating other conditions, such as posttraumatic stress, hallucinations, eating disorders, addictions or visual


Iulia-Cristina Stănică, Maria-Iuliana Dascălu, Alin Moldoveanu and Florica Moldoveanu (2017), International Journal of Interactive Worlds, DOI:10.5171/2017. 155350 5 International Journal of Interactive Worlds ______

impairments. Other tests have been send specific sounds when the pulse attains conducted to create distractions for burn dangerous values and the intervention victims, because being part of a virtual must stop; environment can diminish the pain (Coelho • Deciding about the technologies used for 2009). the development, analyzing the existent options and making a choice; for a better The Anti-PHOBIES application accessibility, the application is free and works really well on a medium PC, as an Anti-PHOBIES is an innovative application, executable file, whole image quality can be which uses virtual reality to treat phobias. adapted based on the computer’s It is a software product that develops a performances. flexible and interactive environment, oriented towards self-treatment. All the By taking into consideration all the aspects sufferers which hesitate to go to the doctor mentioned above, we have established a have the opportunity to experiment this series of functional and non-functional innovative aspect of the application. Anti- requirements of our application. We have PHOBIES is focused on treating two also analyzed the technological options frequent phobias: claustrophobia and concerning the game engines and the acrophobia. These two phobias have existing 3D modeling tools, in order to different scenarios, exposed in complex make the best suitable choices. environments, created with the help of virtual reality. The users have to complete Functionalities several tasks in order to advance, like in a video game. The independent modules of After establishing the wanted requirements the application allow us to add more and before starting the actual phobias in the future, depending on the implementation of the application, we had user’s needs. A self-evaluation module is to elaborate the scenes and the tasks for also present, in order to facilitate the each one of the phobias: acrophobia and monitoring of the patient’s own progress. claustrophobia. The scenes have to take into consideration the needed elements After analyzing the existing applications that could awake certain stimuli needed for and especially their drawbacks, we treating the corresponding phobia. We managed to determine what we want to have got the advice of doctors concerning achieve through our project. The goals of the chosen scenarios in order to see if they Anti-PHOBIES were the following: are appropriate or not. In addition, we also have to assure a certain gradual increase in • Choosing several phobias, the most the difficulty of the given tasks. A hard task frequent ones, and treating them in given at the beginning of the scenario can separate modules and scenarios; we saw scare or provoke unpleasant reactions of that a single scenario could reduce the the patient. The users must accustom to application’s performance; this new world before starting the real • Increasing the utility, by conceiving the work towards their healing. After application oriented towards self- completing the tasks of a scenario, the user treatment – it is an innovative aspect, receives a self-evaluation questionnaire, which offers a great accessibility to the which is later sent by email to the doctor public and can help a lot of suffering and to the developer for further analysis. people; • Assuring a high level of the sense of Scenario of use presence, for a good performance – the user will be instructed to stay calm and After configuring the controls and the stop the utilization of the application in graphical parameters, the application starts case of experiencing sickness. In addition, and shows the main menu on the screen we encourage the idea of using adjacent (Fig. 2). devices, such as fitness bracelets, which


Iulia-Cristina Stănică, Maria-Iuliana Dascălu, Alin Moldoveanu and Florica Moldoveanu (2017), International Journal of Interactive Worlds, DOI:10.5171/2017. 155350 International Journal of Interactive Worlds 6 ______

Figure 2: Main menu of Anti-PHOBIES

The menu has several options: choosing scenario, at any time, the patient can press the wanted phobia, i.e. acrophobia and the “Help” button in case of emergency and claustrophobia, help, to know what the goal the rendering of the virtual environment of the application is, how the user is will be forcedly stopped. advised to use it and what symptoms can appear if the intensity of the stimuli is too Acrophobia high, key configuration, to know the predefined controls for navigation, about, For the acrophobia, the scenario consists in which contains information related to the a trip to the mountains (Fig. 3), where the application, its developers and the release user has the main goal of reaching the date and quit, to close the application. cabin situated at the top. The tasks become more and more difficult: at the beginning, Afterwards, the user can choose the the user should get used to the wanted scenario based on his phobia - environment, taking a walk in the forest, acrophobia or claustrophobia. The two admiring the view. Afterwards, he has to scenarios will generate specific worlds, follow the signs, by traversing steep peaks, with tasks in a fixed order, characterized slopes or descending towards the abyss by increasing levels of difficulty. For each

Figure 3: Acrophobia scenario - overview


Iulia-Cristina Stănică, Maria-Iuliana Dascălu, Alin Moldoveanu and Florica Moldoveanu (2017), International Journal of Interactive Worlds, DOI:10.5171/2017. 155350 7 International Journal of Interactive Worlds ______

Reassuring tasks are also inserted along accomplish the final goal (Fig. 4). This the way, for instance the search of a rare scenario focuses a lot on the little details: flower. The most difficult task, the final the grass, the rocks, the landforms, the one, involves the traversal of a steep bridge wind – all of them are carefully placed in in order to arrive to the cabin and the environment.

Figure 4: Final task of the acrophobic scenario

Claustrophobia ophthalmologist, to the otorhinolaryngology or to prepare for an As far as claustrophobia goes, the scenario MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). As the consists in a hospital visit for a medical tasks progress, the user encounters narrow examination. This module starts with halls, full elevators, small and dark rooms. presenting the exterior of the hospital – a He must maintain his calm until the end, city with many streets, buildings and a when he enters a MRI machine, and park, where the user must walk to therefore completes the most difficult task. accustom to the application (Fig. 5). After This scenario has many animations, sound entering the hospital, the patients must effects and lights, to assure the realism and perform several medical visits, at the a high level of the sense of presence. ground floor or first floor: to the

Figure 5: First task of the claustrophobic scenario


Iulia-Cristina Stănică, Maria-Iuliana Dascălu, Alin Moldoveanu and Florica Moldoveanu (2017), International Journal of Interactive Worlds, DOI:10.5171/2017. 155350 International Journal of Interactive Worlds 8 ______

Technical Description easy and flexible approach, mandatory for games (serious or ludic), because these Architecture types of applications are created by performing repeated tests, on an accessible Even if the application has the goal of and easy to modify code. creating a realistic environment in order to maximize the immersion and thus focus on Technologies the graphics, the programming part is also important for realizing special Most similar applications which use virtual functionalities, such as animations, reality to treat phobias focus on their interface elements or player controllers. concept and results, not on the technologies used. Therefore, we had to For the architecture of the Anti-PHOBIES weigh the existing technical approaches in application, we have decided to focus on the game industry in order to choose the the one implemented inside the game better option for our serious game. After engine Unity3D: the Entity-Component analyzing the available options on the architecture. This design pattern, the root market, by comparing their advantages, of the architecture, is widespread in the their drawbacks and taking into video game industry. The main idea of this consideration the necessities of our approach is that an entity doesn’t have its application, we have chosen Unity3D as a own logic: it is implemented through its game engine and SketchUp as a modeling components. An entity is actually made of tool. By choosing Unity3D as our game multiple components, each one having its engine, the main technological features are own, unique goal (Farrell, 2014). This related to its functionalities. The principal design is extremely logical in this field, aspects of a Unity project are exemplified where each object of the virtual world is in in Fig. 6, with the characteristics fact an entity: the player, an enemy, a exemplified in our application. We will try vehicle or a building. When we want to add to present in a few words each technical a certain behavior to the object, we actually aspect of our project. add some components to the entity. It is an

Figure 6: Technical description of the project


Iulia-Cristina Stănică, Maria-Iuliana Dascălu, Alin Moldoveanu and Florica Moldoveanu (2017), International Journal of Interactive Worlds, DOI:10.5171/2017. 155350 9 International Journal of Interactive Worlds ______

Physics is essential for creating a game, placed the UI elements: image for the ludic or serious: we should have a plausible background, regular buttons, toggle acceleration, we should have collisions buttons, user inputs and texts. UI elements between the player and the objects of the can be also present in the scenes of the world, and we should have gravity and virtual world, for instance the “help” button other forces to influence the events taking which can be pressed by the user in any place in the virtual environment. moment. Unity offers the opportunity of rendering Graphics are an essential part of our the application using auxiliary devices, application, since the immersion of the such as head mounted displays. We have user can be obtained only if the virtual tested Anti-PHOBIES using an Oculus Rift environment is realistic enough to give the and the experience was spectacularly impression of being in a real world. immersive. Future ameliorations can be Fortunately, Unity3D has countless made, by modifying the camera parameters possibilities of creating spectacular visual and using a binocular vision of the project, effects: lights, materials, textures, shadows for a 100% VR experience. etc. It also contains a Terrain Engine, which allows the creation of immense realistic Validation landscapes. The software validation had two parts: The scripts have the role of managing the testing the application and having several player’s behavior, controlling other objects, people fill out a survey. A total number of managing the user’s input or creating 39 people from different social artificial intelligence systems in the game. environments participated to the The programming language that we used validation process: engineers, doctors, for scripting is C#, an object-oriented employers of the Tehnoplus Industry and language very similar to Java. Tehnoplus Medical companies, students and teachers from Politehnica University of Animations are important for improving Bucharest or from the Academy of the realism of a virtual environment. They Economic Studies. can be either created inside Unity or in a 3D modeling software and imported For the testing part, the users were free to afterwards. We have chosen the first option use their own computers, after receiving in order to create animations for opening indications related to the ways of using the and closing doors, using the elevator or application. We had thus tested the simulating the MRI procedure. application’s adaptability on totally different platforms. After this step, the test Unity has many functionalities for the subjects were asked to fill out a audio part – from 3D spatial sounds to real- questionnaire created using Google Forms time mixing. In Unity, the principle is that and containing four main sections: of transmitter-receiver: an audio source personal information, questions related to creates the sounds and the audio listener stress, discomfort or sense of presence, receives them, like a microphone. In our technical performance and user interface, application, the receiver was attached to as well as the importance of using virtual the camera of the player, while the reality for treating phobias (Balan & all transmitters were related to various 2014). It was a balanced distribution of objects in the scene: doors opening or people suffering from claustrophobia, closing, doctor speaking, water flowing. acrophobia, some other phobia or perfectly healthy people, in order to test the The user interface is very important, as it application on a great variety of subjects. represents the first element seen by the By using learning analytics approaches, user when opening the application. In such as content analysis and information order to create the main menu and the visualization, we interpreted the questionnaire, we used a canvas where we


Iulia-Cristina Stănică, Maria-Iuliana Dascălu, Alin Moldoveanu and Florica Moldoveanu (2017), International Journal of Interactive Worlds, DOI:10.5171/2017. 155350 International Journal of Interactive Worlds 10 ______

questionnaire results to draw some conclusions. We asked our respondents to give us suggestions in order to ameliorate the The sense of presence attained high levels sense of presence. We have received really for the two phobias (79.7% and 74.6% of useful propositions: using additional VR the respondents considered that the sense devices – because not all of them had the of presence was high or very high), opportunity of testing the application with showing that the scenes from the the Oculus Rift (Fig. 7), - adding more application were realistic. The stress level details, modifying the walking speed was rather high for the people suffering (making it slower or using several levels of from a certain phobia and really low for the speed), adding animations to the other healthy test subjects. The scenes related to characters based on the player’s actions, acrophobia seem to cause more stress. adding sensors to detect falls.

Figure 7: Testing the application with the Oculus Rift

The users were happy about the technical can bring satisfying results, taking into aspects, giving positive feedback to the consideration the post-treatment effects, questions related to the graphics, controls reactions or ameliorations felt by the test or user interface. The final question, subjects. The sense of presence, this related to the utility of using virtual reality sensation of being in a certain to treat phobias, was well received by the environment, is an important part of a VR users – they were delighted and open to system, which contributes immensely to its novelty, giving an average score of 9.49 out success (Juan & Perez 2010). Real of 10. emotions, positive or negative (such as anxiety or fear) are developed during the In the future, validation will be possible use of virtual reality applications. All the through adding adjacent devices in order to tests have been conducted on various surveil medical parameters – the fitness subjects and the results have been positive, bracelets like EPOC or the actiCAP devices even unbelievable (for instance in the being some remarkable examples. scenario of the Spider-World application and its first patient, Miss M.). Conclusions After talking to doctors and psychologists, By analyzing specific applications, we can we have found out that they perceive conclude that the use of virtual reality in virtual reality as a great technology, with order to learn how to treat specific phobias huge potential, which could be used to


Iulia-Cristina Stănică, Maria-Iuliana Dascălu, Alin Moldoveanu and Florica Moldoveanu (2017), International Journal of Interactive Worlds, DOI:10.5171/2017. 155350 11 International Journal of Interactive Worlds ______

create various real-life scenarios in order By using the Unity3D game engine, we had to treat different phobias. There are many successfully created an interactive virtual advantages of VR applications, such as: environment, which could be very useful as great variety of virtual environments, a means of treatment. The software can be which can be adapted based on the desired adapted anytime for mobile devices or for a phobias, great accessibility and great better use on virtual reality devices (Oculus flexibility to the user’s needs or the Rift or Google cardboard). The flexible decreasing of the duration of the therapy. A architecture of the application will allow us greater flexibility could also mean an to add more modules, to treat a larger increase of the safety and the control of the range of phobias. A future version of the therapy, as the “in-vivo” exposure could be application can also add a module for unpredictable (Duke and providing therapy under the surveillance of Behavioral Science 2016). the therapist. The doctor will have the possibility of controlling dynamically the Today, we find ourselves in the age of changing of the environment. A module for technology, so it is natural to use it also in analyzing the progress of therapy could the medical field. The significant also be implemented, based on the doctor’s improvements which were made during remarks. the last years can be easily observed in many aspects, such as speed, graphics If we analyze the advantages of virtual quality, development of adjacent VR reality, we can observe it is a great devices or the technology related to the technology, which evolves continuously detection of movement. It is why we can and which has to be constantly improved. observe an increase in the interest shown Virtual reality is a useful tool to treat towards the use of virtual reality to treat phobias, but there are also other conditions mental conditions, especially phobias. In which could be solved with the help of this addition, virtual reality is not a recent technology. We have many opportunities, discovery anymore, which can explain the we just have to keep trying to find decrease of development, acquisition, and solutions and achieve the ultimate goal - maintenance costs of a VR system (Turner improving the quality of people’s lives. and Casey 2014). Acknowledgment The “in vivo” therapy can become extremely expensive, as it involves This work has been funded by University travelling to a certain destination where Politehnica of Bucharest, through the the stimuli desired for the patient’s phobia “Excellence Research Grants” Program, can be provoked. Sessions are therefore UPB – GEX. Identifier: UPB–EXCELENȚĂ– extended. In the case of virtual reality, the 2016 “Construirea si exploatarea profilului same exposure to the stimuli can be done utilizatorilor in medii de invatare virtuale: in a standard therapy. The patient does not metode, implicatii psihosociale si have to leave the therapist’s office, so the consecinte utilizand tehnici de analiza costs are reduced considerably. The avansata a datelor – LeProVE (Learning problem of insurance companies that do Profiling in Virtual Environments)”, not want to pay for extended treatment Contract number 83/26.09.2016, code 303. sessions is also solved: VR based sessions (LeProVE). The work has also received have a short duration of 45-50 minutes funding from the European Union’s (Duke Psychiatry and Behavioral Science Horizon 2020 research and innovation 2016). program under grant agreement No 643636 “Sound of Vision” and from the Our paper did an analysis of the current TRAVEE grant of the Romanian Executive methods used for treating phobias, Agency for Higher Education, Research, especially virtual reality. The goal of our Development and Innovation Funding - project was to create a virtual reality UEFISCDI, Joint Applied Research Projects application to treat phobias, more program, project number PN-II-PT-PCCA- specifically claustrophobia and acrophobia. 2013-4-1580.


Iulia-Cristina Stănică, Maria-Iuliana Dascălu, Alin Moldoveanu and Florica Moldoveanu (2017), International Journal of Interactive Worlds, DOI:10.5171/2017. 155350 International Journal of Interactive Worlds 12 ______

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Iulia-Cristina Stănică, Maria-Iuliana Dascălu, Alin Moldoveanu and Florica Moldoveanu (2017), International Journal of Interactive Worlds, DOI:10.5171/2017. 155350