STIRRING AMERICAN CLASSIC BY CLIFFORD ODETS DIRECTED BY AWAKE MELIA BENSUSSEN AND SING! CURRICULUM GUIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS Standards 3 Guidelines for Attending the Theatre 4 Artists 5 Themes for Writing & Discussion 7 Mastery Assessment 13 For Further Exploration 14 Suggested Activities 21 © Huntington Theatre Company Boston, MA 02115 October 2014 No portion of this curriculum guide may be reproduced without written permission from the Huntington Theatre Company’s Department of Education & Community Programs Inquiries should be directed to: Donna Glick | Director of Education
[email protected] This curriculum guide was prepared for the Huntington Theatre Company by: Alexandra Truppi I Manager for Curriculum & Instruction with contributions by: Donna Glick | Director of Education Charles Haugland | Artistic Programs and Dramaturgy Lisa Timmel | Director of New Work Marian Eiben | Education Intern COMMON CORE STANDARDS IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS STANDARDS: Student Matinee performances and pre-show workshops provide unique opportunities for experiential learning and support various combinations of the Common Core Standards for English Language Arts. They may also support standards in other subject areas such as Social Studies and History, depending on the individual play’s subject matter. Activities are also included in this Curriculum Guide and in our pre-show workshops that support several of the Massachusetts state standards in theatre. Other arts areas may also be addressed depending on the individual play’s subject matter. Reading Literature: Key Ideas and Details 3 Reading Literature: Craft and Structure 6 • Grades 8: Analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents • Grades 8: Analyze how differences in the points of view in a story or drama propel the action, reveal aspects of a of the characters and the audience or reader (e.g., created character, or provoke a decision.