Community Contact

December 2010

January 2011 Remember your contacts: Ross Annie Hughes 755 4145 Hari Hari Bronwyn Mason 753 3122 Whataroa Anne Dennehy 753 4138 Barbara O’Neill 753 4224 The Community Contact team would like to Anne Kennedy 753 4050 wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and a Okarito Anne Hall 753 4266 Franz Josef Susan Miller 752 0747 happy, safe and prosperous New Year. Linda Holmes 751 0816 We would like to thank everyone associated Jacinda Halford 751 0076 And south Brenda Monk home) 751 0892 with bringing Community Contact together Brenda Monk(work) 751 0837 each month. It is a community newsletter, Haast Anita Freer 750 0104 produced by us, the community, for us, the Fax Brenda (home) 7510897 or 751 0837 community— and we can be proud of it! E-mail [email protected] Mailing address: Community Contact; C/- New Zealand Post, , Each year brings challenges, issues and South Westland. 7834 changes—this year is no exception! ADVERTISING RATES Thanks so much to Jim Costello for his many Full Page $150.00 Half Page $80.00 1/4 Page $40.00 1/8 Page $20.00 years of ensuring that Community Contact PLEASE SEND YOUR PAYMENT FOR ADVERTISING or your makes the final step each month from the donations to the above address. printer to us. He has had generations of Remember this date ….. 15th January. You need to have your information to your children helping with this task at South contact or email to the above address before this date to Westland Area School and we thank each and

ensure inclusion in . We are really the February Issue every one of you. Jim is taking a year off but going to have to stick to this deadline to ensure

Community Comes out on time each month in the you can bet your bottom dollar that we will be

Messenger. hearing from Jim quite a bit throughout the Community Contact—a newsletter compiled from the year! contributions of the people of South Westland.

This is your newsletter! Send your information now! Thanks again to all— Seasons Greetings! Send us a poem, a recipe, a story, some results, or achievements, tell us about something good that has

South Westland A & P

Show th “ Saturday 26 February Christmas gift suggestions:

2011 To your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. ) To a friend, your heart. (Note changed date To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect.”

The Year 7 & 8 students from Fox Glacier the clues. After the visit, we had a hot chocolate. School went to Dunedin 10-15 October. They I thought Larnach’s Castle was interesting and fun. visited many places and learned new skills. After the Castle, we went to find Sandfly Bay. However access was Here are their reports closed because of lambing, so after eating our lunch, we found some sand dunes and had lots of fun on them. Dunedin 7/8 Camp – by Taryn Hopkins In the afternoon we went to the Aquarium. Monday: First day. We woke up early (well early for me) at 7:30. We At the aquarium, we went out to the inlet/bay with a wire 2d square. had our showers and had a yummy breakfast. We chose 3 spots on the shore. They were 1 at low tide, mid tide and Next we hopped in the car and went to the Art Gallery where John, high tide. the guide, met us. He told us some rules and we went in. In the squares, we had to count all the little creatures and write them we went from room to room and saw these amazing works of art. My on our clip board. We found seaweed, crabs, fish and other little crea- favourite was a sculpture totally made from pencils. tures. After the art work, John took us into an art room and gave us an activ- ity. we made boomerangs out of iceblock sticks. (It was to do with After that, we went and had a look at little creatures through the mi- our Aborigine study) croscope. Later he showed us a video about Aboriginal Dreamtime. We also had a go at the touch pool. After that was my favourite part – he gave us another art activity. We The lady taking us had a very excited voice and treated us like babies. had to make our own Aborigine art gallery wall. It was heaps f fun; even Kirsty got into it and made her own little masterpiece. That afternoon we went outrigging after rushing home to change. When we finished, we said our thanks and went over to the univer- We all had a go. It was very windy but a lot of fun. sity. We looked around and found our tour guides Bridget and Bry- ony. They showed us all around the place. Everything was really BIG! The libraries, social rooms, lecture theatres, but I really enjoyed Wednesday Modelled by Miss G the geology department. There were heaps of fossils and really cool rocks and even a real 20 000 000 year old dolphin head! On Wednesday we went to the Museum. As soon as we finished around there, we went to the PE centre across We met Kiri at the entrance and she took us through to the education the road. That was also awesome. WE met up with a man and he centre where she had the space lab. showed us around. There were dance rooms and exercise areas, but my favourite was the We all climbed inside and Kiri spoke to us as she showed us the stars. flume. After that, we went around the museum to the butterfly enclosure. A flume is a small pool with jets blasting you so yo just swim in one Some of the butterflies were very beautiful and landed on us. There spot instead of heaps of laps. We held onto a rope and got the feeling were other animals there such as bird and turtles. It was very humid of it. It was actually really funny because …… well our togs weren’t inside. tight enough so we were hanging on with one hand and hanging onto From there we spent some time in the educational/ hands on area and our togs with the other. To make it funnier, there were hidden cam- Robert wanted to stay there. Kirsty got sneezed on and Taryn made eras under water and they gave us a DVD of it. We had a good laugh things move by beating on a drum. afterwards. I really loved that day – it was a great way to kick off the week. Armodeo met us and talked about his favourite subject – fossils. We made a plaster cast of our hands and put then in a sand pit for Dunedin Camp – by Jacob Sullivan later. Armadeo gave us some plasticine as we went to an exhibit, and told about different rocks. The word of the day was ‘schist’! On Thursday morning we all woke up, showered ourselves and had We also made a ‘fish swim bladder’ with a balloon and blutack. breakfast. After that we started walking down to the Chocolate Factory which We had a very quick lunch before rushing off to meet someone by the took us about 20 minutes to get down to it. Settlers Museum. Because the museum is being fixed up, we had to We entered the factory and went to sign in at the reception, before go to the Chinese Gardens. We were given a paper with designs on to having a look around. find. We found almost all of them About ½ an hour later, the tour lady came and got us. We met with the guide who helped us make a Chinese lantern. After before we started the tour we had to watch a film on what the rules yucky pork yum yum balls, we left. were and the history of the chocolate factory. After 10 minutes of watching the film, we entered the back where the That night, Oliver and Jacob made an interesting dinner and after we tour starts. went 10 pin bowling. every now and again, we stopped and talked about how chocolate was Oliver won, closely followed by Robert. made and to get the chocolate itself. we came to the end but before we left, we got a little container of melted chocolate and a spoon. It was yum! If a man is called a streetsweeper, he Then the tour ended. should sweep streets even as We walked back home. Next, after lunch, we went to go to tunnel beach, but it was closed due Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven com- to lambing so we went to another beach where we went swimming. posed music, or Shakespeare wrote po-

Dunedin Camp 7/8 by Oliver Clarke etry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will On Tuesday morning, we went to Larnach’s Castle. pause to say, here lived a great streets- At the castle, we visited all the rooms. weeper who did his job well. We had to find different things in each room, such as a lizard, using MMMaMaaarrrrttttiiiinnnn LLLuLuuutttthhhheeeerrrr KKKiKiiinnnngggg,,,, JJJrJrrr As we are reading in the news lately, there have been a lot of farm bike crashes and resulting deaths. Parental supervision can only go so far but please ensure your young one has a helmet on and has had good instruction in 2 wheel and 4 wheel motorbikes. 4 Wheelers can seem a lot safer but over confidence in Franz Josef Police their use can result in going places you shouldn't. If you are riding your farm bike down the state highway, As I write, we are unfortunately cleaning up the we expect to see you with a helmet. The kids are aftermath of a fatal car crash at Okarito. watching and will copy what you do.

Thank you to the locals at Okarito for looking after the LIQOUR LICENSING six survivors and bearing with Police whilst we closed the road to remove the deceased and map the scene With the lead up to Christmas and New Years, Police, for the coroner. the Westland Council and Public health, have been conducting spot checks on licensed premises. In a nut Also thank you to the St John ambulance, Fire, medical shell we are looking for over intoxicated patrons, staff and others that assist in times like these. Everyone serving alcohol outside licensed hours, under age is on call to drop what they are doing and lend a hand. drinkers, drugs. These have not changed much over the years. There are a lot of other rules that licensees have If there is one lesson to take from this particular crash, to abide by. always wear your seatbelt. Alcohol harm reduction is a nationwide topic at the TEXTING SERVICE FOR DEAR AND HEARING moment and we can expect change s in the future to the IMPAIRED law.

Police have been working with Deaf Aotearoa NZ, the Bar managers have a lot on their plate when it comes to fire service and St Johns to start up a 111 text service running a bar. If the bar manager or bar staff think for the hearing impaired. you've had enough, please abide by their requests. The Registered deaf and hearing impaired people can now manager can be suspended and the bar closed for a text 111 if they have an emergency. Have a look at period of time, if you cause a fuss and questions are -txt or for asked about how they are running the show. The heat more information. You must register to be able to use goes on them because you've had too much. Please the service. drink responsibly. If you know someone that is deaf, let them know about this service.


If you don't know what Twitter is, don't worry, there are many who don't. Look it up on the internet if you have it. The Police have set up twitter accounts to give an In late insight into Police work. You may be interested if your about to join up or want to see what someone in the October a white baiter was washed away and police, is doing day to day. Several Police officers presumed drowned at Okarito, whilst trying to 'tweet' using a cellphone and this comes up on the save two others that got into trouble. internet. Local SAR staff assisted by helicopters, a The accounts are: nzpgenduties, nzpcommunity, nzpdelta Kaikoura whale watch aircraft manned by trained personal and locals searched the 'delta' is a dog handler. A code word commonly used water and beaches for Mr Snoep. over the Police radio. Unfortunately at time of writing this, he still hasn't been found. WHITE RIBBON DAY (Family violence)

The 25th November was a national awareness day for With the season starting we can expect more Family violence. callouts for volunteer SAR staff with people If you saw Police or members of the public wearing a getting into trouble. white ribbon around that time, this is what it was for. Police attend numerous family violence incidents around the country each day. All the agencies that deal Have a great Xmas and New Years. Again, with family violence have come together to support this drive to the conditions on our roads and look day and increase awareness. These agencies included after your mates when out on the town. Women's Refuge and Child Youth and Family plus others. Constable Paul Gurney

CHILDREN AND FARMBIKES Franz Josef HAAST PASS 50 TH ANNIVERSARY arrival of the Dominie. Thank you to George & Jo Wallis, Geoff Robson, On the weekend of 6 th November 2010 Roger Hahn, 63B Catering & Wanaka the Haast community celebrated fifty Party Hire and JJ Nolan Transport for years since their isolation ended with the making this possible, and keeping a opening of the road linking South secret! The re-enactment was made Westland with Otago. special by our Mayor, Maureen Pugh , when she read copies of the original A lot of work went into organising our speeches from the 1960 Official Opening event and I would like to recognise those – reading from the lectern used by Keith who contributed to a great weekend. Holyoake when opened the road at Financial assistance was provided by NZ in 1965. Lottery Grants Board and Development West Coast and was With the formalities over the crowd gratefully received. moved to the adjacent airfield for our Gala Day. Thank you to Dave Saxton The weekend started off with a get- for the use of the airfield and grounds and together at the Haast Hall where Les to Dunstan Spraying for spraying the McKenzie had put together a fabulous airstrip. Rachel Norton did a wonderful photo display with the assistance of his job in organising the stalls for the market employer, Opus (ex Ministry of Works) , and it all ensured everyone had an Tony Arnold at Sign Link Graphics, the enjoyable day. Thank you also to Business Unit of the everyone who brought along their vintage Council and History House, cars and machinery – especially Joe Greymouth.. Thank you to everyone Gilman for the D8 bulldozer and who provided photographs. Old movie Ferguson Bros. for transporting the footage was shown throughout the bulldozer from Greymouth – I’m sure evening and thank you to those who John Cowan didn’t mind his paddock provided the footage and to Prue Wallis being ripped up by the ‘old boys toys’! who edited it. Hopefully we will Thank you to NZ Energy who supported arrange another viewing in Haast some us by providing with free electricity for time in the near future. A continuous all the activities at the airfield all supper was served all evening, thank you weekend . to Paul Eggeling for the crayfish, all the Saturday evening saw us back at the those who contributed whitebait, the airfield again for the Official Dinner. Haast Food Centre and to Linda & 63B Catering and Wanaka Party Hire did Grant Bolt who did such a wonderful job a wonderful job with great food and keeping the drinks flowing. equipment – right down to a dance floor. With the speeches and dinner over it was Saturday dawned another beautiful day time for Ferg and his band to entertain - but an easterly wind ripping down the they certainly made sure they got some Haast Valley almost took out one of our old bones moving until late in the night. marquees – thank to all those who were roused from their beds and secured it. Sunday dawned another beautiful day and As the sun rose higher in the sky the wind a good crowd turned out for our abated and by 11.00 am when we Combined Church Service conducted by assembled for the re-enactment it was Rev. Vivian Harbar and Fr Mike warm and calm – just perfect for the Mahoney , thank you for the lovely We had great media coverage both before service and making the special trip to and after the event for which we are Haast for our weekend. After the church grateful, especially to The Otago Daily service everyone travelled to the Times , The Greymouth Star and The Arawhata Bridge for the unveiling of a Press. memorial to Dan Greaney. Robin Manera and Mike Robson have created Finally, I would like to thank all the a very special place and a wonderful committee members for all their work, tribute to a lovely gentle man. It is worth especially Les McKenzie for his a visit if you are down this way. knowledge and contacts, Jen Farmer for A cup of tea and refreshments were her work with the numbers, Heleen served afterwards at the Haast Hall and Johnston for her attention to detail and wound up a wonderful weekend. Bill Lind for his valuable contribution to the event which included spending Many other businesses and individuals Saturday night behind the bar. also contributed to our weekend, they include: Fulton Hogan, Transit NZ, Heartland Neroli Nolan World Heritage Hotel, McGuires Chairperson Lodge, Bay Road Motels, Terrace Distributors, Hard Antler Bar & Restaurant , Tony Kerr, Roger Mahan, Thank you to Stewart Archives NZ, Acacia Motel, Central Otago Cleaning Supplies, Arnold Nimmo Photography for Products, Hannahs Homestead, Kens providing this photo Digital, Sprint Finish Framing, West Coast Historical Museum

Visit Stewart's website to see many more photos.

thank you to Evan and Jane Birchfield and their crew for all Nov 2010 Ross Ramblings. they do for the show. What a fantastic job the Fireworks Well, that’s that for another season! It sounds as if it has been Committee have done again this year. This spectacular even one of the poorest whitebaiting seasons for some time, not is the result of hard work by a very small band of workers. just here in Ross, but across the entire West Coast. Catches Well done to you Kay and to your helpers. Hopefully, your certainly seemed to improve from around Labour Weekend commitment and effort will be rewarded with a few more for some, but not for everyone. There seems to have been folk putting up their hands to help with the organising next more dissention than usual too, maybe this was caused by the year. You don’t have to live in Ross to be a committee mem- serious lack of bait, suitable spots and the abrasive behaviour ber, so don’t let that deter you. Think about it for next year! of a few, mostly visitors, who seem to think that the river is Ross Community Society: held their AGM on 1 st Nov 2010. theirs alone. Things might improve next season if they take Office holders are Charlie MacBeath – Chairperson, Gael their own advice and stay at home and fish their own river! Ledgerwood Sec/ Treasurer, Gavin Hartwig, Hall Custodian. We can only hope! In his report, Charlie MacBeath commented on the lack of The “Love Bins” Did you notice that these bins have been real progress re the Phillip May Place road. The present ver- moved from the original site near the Ross Hall? Do you re- bal arrangement is not considered adequate or appropriate. member how we (the locals) were threatened with huge fines This matter, along with the unsatisfactory state of our water ($400.) if we so much as put a used paper tissue in them? supply and lack of notices re this, and other issues, will con- Well, it seems that the bins weren’t getting used enough, tinue to be discussed in the hopes that we can generate some (surprise, surprise,) so Glenys Byrne of the Westland District positive, helpful dialogue and actions between the Ross Com- Council has instructed that they be relocated up to the Infor- munity Society and the Westland District Council Mayor and mation Centre. It seems that the Information Centre had no Councillors. say in the matter either, nor any choice as to where the bins Christmas “Christingle” Concert; this Interdenominational were to be placed. Maybe this placement will result in better event is planned for Friday 10 th Dec. It will include a BBQ, use! and a special “Christingle” story and of course, some Christ- The Ross Policeman. Positive news on this topic. I spoke mas Carols. We will have some locals providing the music with Sergeant Arnold-Kelly recently. He tells me that three for the Carols. The story will be told to us by Rev. Vivien applicants will be interviewed for the Ross Policeman posi- th th Harber, she is a wonderful storyteller and I encourage every- tion over 25 & 26 November. He commented on the high one, of all ages, to attend. I am sure you will be delighted. quality of the applicants. It is hoped that the new Policeman Bring Mum and Dad, Nana and Grandad along too if you can. will take up his position early in the New Year. The venue will be the Ross Hall starting at 6pm, with the Ross Swimming Pool: What a great start to the season. Six story time and carols starting around 7pm of our local children are in the Hokitika Amateur Swim Club. That’s all for now. Enjoy the Christmas Rush! Only 5½ They had a meet this weekend at Greymouth. All swum per- weeks to go! sonal best times. Well Done to them all. The water temp at the Pool is around 22º -- 23 º that’s really good for this time of the year. We should have a few months of really nice Community Contact Into the Future warm water for our swimming. The newly upgraded change rooms look great. Keys can be purchased from Sue Tozer Dear South Westlanders 7554155 or Bev Manera 7554011. The rates for Casual key hire have changed this year. It now costs $5.00 to hire the key I have decided that the time has come to pass (for a Maximum of 3 hours.) and $4.00 per person for a the Community Contact baton over to swim. It might be cheaper for some families to buy a season someone else who will pick it up and run with subscription at $75. Sub-holders who take extra family along it into the future. for a swim will be charged at the old rate of $2 per adult and I am not particularly competent with “modern” $1 per child. technology and know that there are very Thanks to everyone who bought tickets, helped sell the tick- capable people in South Westland who can ets or contributed to the Hampers for the very successful Raf- fle Day last week. Prizes have all been distributed to the co-ordinate and compile this newsletter each lucky winners. Next Pool Committee meeting will be held at month efficiently and effectively. the School Library, 7.30pm 24 th Nov. feel free to come along I have loved being involved for the last 24 and help us plan for the Centennial Celebration of our Pool in years or so and hope to continue contributing April 2011. in every way I can. Housie: We are continuing to have Housie on first and third I thank the many people who have helped keep Friday of the month at the Empire Hotel Ross, so the next Community Contact going over the years and th night will be this Friday 19 November. Don’t forget we are look forward to helping someone else do the planning to have a Bonus night with every house a $10 house th same. (unless shared) on Friday 17 Dec. We hope you can come Are you that person? Please let us know if you along. We are pretty sure that Santa or someone a bit like him are willing to co-ordinate and compile will be there on the night. See you there. Ross School Prize Giving: is being held at the Pool again Community Contact. this year on Wednesday 15 th Dec, starting with a BBQ around 6—6. 15pm and followed by the Prize Giving. All Welcome. Kind regards RFFC: I hope you got down to the Fireworks Festival this year. What a spectacle it was. A great crowd too. A huge Brenda Monk, Paringa SECTION FOR SALE CDO REPORT FOR FRANZ JOSEF

OKARITO Well here we go again the busy season is $75,000ONO upon us, things are heating up. You always know when you cannot get a Contact Gavin Molloy park up the street. Franz Josef—03 752 0249 By the time this goes to print lots will be happening, the road side clean up will be done and gardens tidy ready for Christmas. Dan Creaney Memorial—Arawhata River The Franz Josef School has kindly offered to help again this year cleaning up the side A Special Thanks to Robin Manera for organising and all the clear- streets. ing work he did on the south side of the Arawhata Bridge for Dan Greaney's Memorial. Dan was the road man from Jackson Bay to Thank you teachers and children. Arawhata for many years. The idea for a memorial came one day A most exciting event for us all in Franz from talking about the old times while sitting at the Bay admiring the Josef is A Merry Glacier Christmas scenery. Dan lived at the Bay between the 1950's and 60's. and was an unheralded conservationist. He loved the birds, the trees and all Being held at Top 10 Holiday Park. The nature. He discovered the lake behind the Tuning Forks which now committee of the Charitable Trust have been bears his name. Once the idea of a memorial was mooted, offers came from Robin Manera to co ordinate it, Mike Robson to design badgering away with 2 meeting a week and and build the stone cairn, Ken Hall to do the levelling and gravelling, things are really starting to come solid. I am and many many more. Now, there is a lovely place to park and re- sure it will be a memorable day for all, so flect on Dan, and admire Mike's work. It was especially noticeable that during the unveiling service how the fantails, tuis and pigeons please get your tickets now as there are a put on a great display in honour of their protector. limited number. You can purchase on line, give me a call at the CDO office on 752- 0212 or contact Anja at Top 10 Holiday Park. A HUGE THANK YOU to the fantastic The gym has lots of new members for the home bakers of Haast who once again baked season and has room for more so please do delicious goodies for the 'Baked for Heaven's pop into Fern Grove Souvenirs and join up. Sake!' cake & a cuppa stall to help raise money Pay as you go $10 for the maintenance of the local Haast Catholic 3 months $ 60 Church at the Haast Pass 50th Anniversary cele- 6 months $100 brations. Thanks must also go to Bob who set up 12 months $150 the stall and kept the water boiling all day for the cuppa, to Lynda and Phillipa who gave of their Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and time manning the stall on the day and all the other Busy New Year. people who helped in any way. Great effort, and another $700.00 towards the maintenance of the Wendy Jones church. Community Development Officer Office 752-0212 Mobile 027-261-6750 The whole weekend was a great success - well Email [email protected] done to the organisers! Office Hours Monday 2pm------5pm Wednesday 9am------5pm Tough times never last, but tough people do. Dr. Robert Schuller Friday 9am------noon

" Life is like a horse; parts of it stink and there is no end to the crap you have to deal with. But it is still a beautiful animal, if you have the courage and skills to ride."

The Sports Committee wishes Bruce Bay Sports Day to thank the following Sponsors Whitebait Raffle Results ♦ West Coast Scrap and Steel Ltd 1st Liz 03 752 0233 nd ♦ Electronet 2 Kevin Beams 3rd Rora c/- Marae ♦ Tauraka Waka a Maui Marae 4th Len Te Koeti ♦ John Pfeifer Panel 5th Helen and Ian ♦ Te Weheka Inn – Fox Glacier 6th Paula 768 7221 ♦ Fox Glacier Guiding Thank you to everyone for your support

♦ Fox & Franz HeliServices Other raffle results: ♦ Maru and Biddy ♦ Ferngrove Souvenirs Grocery hamper 260 Marlayana Liebert ♦ Country Re- Fox package 157 Cheryl Johnston treat Franz Package 166 Jeff Harris Helicopter Flight 141 Mary Laugeson ♦ Glacier Hot Pools Hoki Glass Studio 146 Hippy Hill ♦ The Landing Bar Dilmah Tea Set 116 Brenda Monk ♦ Coffee & Equipment Baking set 101 Sue Tozer Pounamu 1 st 169 Russel Alison ♦ Griffen & Smith Mitre 10 Grey- 2 nd 207 Peter M 021 025 67005 mouth Mens Raffle 141 Warner Adamson ♦ Hokitika Glass Studio ♦ Johnston Motors Haast Junction ♦ Mountain Jade ♦ NZ Shellcraft ♦ Westland Farm Centre Sincere thanks! ♦ South Westland Salmon Farm The Bruce Bay Hall Board ♦ Rainforest Motels Fox Glacier would like to thank everyone ♦ Trents involved in organising, sponsor- ♦ Terrace Distributors ♦ White Heron Sanctuary Tours ing, donating raffles and goods ♦ Glynis Condon and services and helping out ♦ Fergusons with the sports day at labour ♦ Ferngrove Franz Josef Weekend. ♦ Café Neve It is a very big task for a very ♦ Pinegrove Motels ♦ The whitebaiters who donated small community and we rely on whitebait everyone’s help. We are still ♦ Steve Monk and Debbie Condon amazed and very grateful for ♦ The Community and all the vol- the support we receive. unteers We will have made a small ♦ Fresh Connections Alexandra ♦ Neroli Nolan profit again this year after all the payments and donations Without your help this Sports Day have been sorted out and this would not be able to proceed so a big will be going towards the thank you to you all. Heritage Building project. "It's better to cry than to be angry. Anger hurts others, while tears THANK YOU EVERYONE!! ffflfllloooowwww sssisiiilllleeeennnnttttllllyyyy ttththhhrrrroooouuuugggghhhh ttththhheeee sssosooouuuullll aaanannndddd ccclcllleeeeaaaannnnsssseeee ttththhheeee hhheheeeaaaarrrrtttt...."""" Haast Happenings Mickey & Minnie Mouse Suits FOR HIRE $40 Hire & $40 Bond Merry Christmas every one and have a safe and Happy New Year. for both suits

Haast School Were down to the last few weeks of School now and as is always the case at this time of year busy, busy. All the kids have enjoyed a wonderful year again, with lots of fun and learning. We sadly farewell Nichola Johnston at the end of the year, she will be greatly missed both by the children and the staff. Good luck to you and Shane, for Adult size Costumes your exciting new future. Contact Teresa 03 750 0089 Haast Playgroup Playgroup is held in the third classroom of Haast School on Mondays 10am – 12pm and 50th Anniversary – Thursdays 10am – 12pm Haast Pass Road Opening With a pre-school group of 4 year olds having a separate session on Wednesdays from 10am till 12pm, until the Market Day end of the year. What a day this turned out to be! The weather was perfect, so was the atmosphere. There were around 23 stalls selling a variety of items and the traditional venison, whitebait, sausage sizzle, smoked salmon, great baking and fantastic cups of coffee (or beer). A huge thank you must go to Anne and Kathy who Playgroup is also winding down for a break over the Christmas kept up with demand on the Pony Rides, the girls who manned period but will start back up again in the new year. It is my last the Bouncy Castle and the exuberant children, and to the very year being involved with Playgroups having spent time living obliging Cream Face Auction Parcticpants - Kerry, Eamonnd and both here in Haast and in Fox Glacier. We will be sad to be Nicky. Friends of Haast leaving it behind. I found having the Playgroup as both a place School raised around $600 for the day and the winner of the to take my kids as well as a place to meet up with other Firewood Raffle was Lynette Duncan of Wanaka. Thanks again mothers a life saver at times and would thoroughly recommend to everyone who helped out on the day to make this yet getting involved with your local playgroup, if you find yourself another successful Haast Event! moving into the area and needing to meet other families. I Rachel have made some wonderful friends through this and so have both my boys. Thanks to you all.

I am also finishing up my time with The Correspondence Schools Preschool, and have also found that invaluable. The 3 pre-schoolers down here who are enrolled with the School at the moment were lucky enough to Video Conference with their teachers back in Wellington this week. It was the most amazing thing for the kids and us. To talk to their teachers, sing songs together and show them their favourite toys and costumes was a real treat, and so simple to do. The School here has taken the plunge and brought a video conferencing unit which is available for the community to use. If you require any further information on this don’t hesitate to call the School. Or if you And adding to this I would like to say thank you to Emily have any new exciting ideas of things you would like to see and all the girls who helped out with the waitressing at available in Haast maybe we could look at using the Video the dinner for this event. It ended up being a lot of fun Conferencing unit to bring it to us! and was a good fundraiser for the Friends of Haast School as well. THANKS EMILY

"At Christmas, all roads South Westland A & P lead home." Show 26th February Marjorie Holmes couple of funny lines from an email I recently received WHY WE LOVE CHILDREN Haast Community Library 1) OPINIONS On the first day of school, a first-grader handed his teacher a note from his

mother. The note read, 'The opinions expressed by this Open Saturdays 1pm – 4pm child are not necessarily those of his parents.' Located at the Hall in the Haast township. 2) KETCHUP A woman was trying hard to Books are issued out on a three weekly basis, get the ketchup out of the jar. During her struggle the phone And we are lucky enough to get 100 books changed over rang so she asked her 4-year-old daughter to answer the every 3 months phone. 'Mommy can't come to the phone to talk to you right now. She's hitting the bottle.' from the Hokitika Library. Have a great summer everyone and we will be back Don’t forget to return your books on time again in the New Year. Anita

Christmas Party

Sunda y 5th December

Haast Township Hall

1pm ––– 4pm

Bouncy Castle

Santa sack race

Mickey and Minnie Mouse

Xmas decoration and spoon race

Stick the nose on the Rudolph

Lollie scramble

Fire engine rides



Please bring:

Plates: one savoury & sweet finger food

a wrapped present for each child

Parents, please supervise your own children

All welcome ––– the more the merrier !!!

Kids don’t forget to dress as Santa's little helpers

Hon Damien O’Connor Labour List MP “Local knowledge, honest advice” p: 0800 326 436 e: [email protected] P O Box 70, Greymouth

News from the West Coast Historical Museum: Did you know? Museum entrance for Westland District Rate- Christie Lee Butler payers and children is free. Other adults pay $5. 25.01.1986 ---- 21.10.2010 Where are we? Carnegie Building, 17 Hamilton Street, Hokitika. (Result of an accident) in Singleton In November we were fortunate to receive the Dorothy Fletcher Collection which is an in depth collection of informa- NSW. tion and photographs totally exclusive to the South Westland Area. A great source of information on local families and South Westland history. Our return to New Zealand with Christie, and to say goodbye has been Tell Us A Story – Summer Holiday Challenge: This chal- of emotional and physical turmoil. At lenge involves coming to the museum, choosing an item from one of our displays, and writing a story about it. You can use this time we would like to take the your imagination to make up the story, or you can research opportunity to sincerely thank those your item and include facts. Entry forms are available at the museum. Entries must be returned to us no later than 10am on that attended her funeral, many of you Monday 17 th January 2011 . A Celebration of Stories will be whom travelled a long way to be there held at the museum from 3pm to 4 pm on the 20 th January. All entrants and their supporters are invited along for soft drinks, for her. We are very grateful. The un- nibbles and prizes. We would love to have some stories from conditional support, via phone calls, South Westland, and yes, adults can join in too, there are no age limits! cards, facebook which has served a wonderful purpose, and presence have been an incredible support to us, and we are blessed to have so many incredible people that have supported Quilters meeting at Fox us through this devastating journey. Glacier Fire Brigade building Thankyou to all those, whom at times every Tuesday at 7.30pm. All have gone the extra mile for Christie, welcome whether your craft we appreciate your kindness and it will is quilting or something not be forgotten, she had some different, bring it along and incredible friends around her. share some laughs We will miss her dearly, but are so grateful for the time we had. Taken to soon, but her memories will live on forever.


Easter 23-24 April 2011 APPRECIATION CHRISTIE LEE BUTLER Please register interest as numbers will be I wish to sincerely thank all limited Christie’s friends and local people who called and phoned to help ease - search Haast the pain of her untimely passing. School Reunion Forever in my or Haast School Reunion, C/- P. O. Box heart. 8, Haast Now Rest In Peace Nana Marg Fox Glacier Community Development West Coast Health Corner Officer Report Hello and welcome to the first edition of the December/January health on the coast from your rural nurses up and down the coast. Our first edition brings some exciting changes I have been on leave for sometime now and within the District Health Board. would like to thank everyone for their support We have a free trial of a new phone triage and as they say good things take time. system called HML. The Fox Glacier Community Fundraising Cal- This is a 24hr phone line very similar to endars are on sale and available from Linda Healthline. Pine from the Fox Glacier Holiday Park or This is how it will work when you phone the 037510036. The cost is $14.00 each but makes a clinic you often get a phone message now great gift. when the phone is switched over to HML The Bouncy castle is as busy as ever so if you whenever you phone the clinic you will be would like to book it please call me on direct dialled to HML and can chat to a person 0274211721 as it keeps the kids busy for hours. on the end of the phone who can triage your Kelvin Perriman at the Westhaven Motels health needs and concerns. 037510084 is taking the orders for the Glacier Many of you have informed us that much of Country Fundraising water bottles, this is turn- the time there is no one on the end of the ing in to a great fundraising project and with the phone to talk to and you leave messages. new look they are going well. This happens as we have no receptionists in On Tuesday the 9 th of December Fox INC is each of our clinics and each patient who having its AGM at the Fox Glacier Fire Station comes to the clinic or has appointments cannot at 7.30pm. This meeting we will be having a be interrupted during the consultation as this community meeting to discuss CCTV for Fox would be very difficult to provide good health Glacier and what options are available so come care if we constantly pick up the phone, this along and have your say. Any questions please also is an issue around confidentiality as with contact me directly. only one computer system it is very important that we maintain confidentiality with all com- I you do not receive a copy of the agenda or puter notes so it is best practice to be dealing minutes and would like to get a copy please feel with just you and your notes at the time. free to contact me. This for me gives the person at the clinic the I am able to be contacted by priority they deserve on a one to one basis. So you can let us know what you think of the email or by cellphone most service we are trialling now to improve patient days, if I do not answer please access especially as each of our clinics get just leave a message and I will busier. Each of the nurses are out in the com- contact you as soon as I am able. munity on prime and 111 calls and visit dis- Abyee Williams trict patients more and more including new Community Development Officer mums and babies on a weekly basis as our Fox Glacier communities keep growing. 0274211721 Next edition we can tell you a bit about our- selves and the 5 communities we work in and will keep you updated with relevant health I ssues. Mary your Rural Nurse Well done is better than well said. Fox Glacier Benjamin Franklin

WHATAROA SCHOOL PET DAY Preloved Clothing & Goods Sale

Results Date: Sat 4th Dec 10am – 12 midday. Lamb Lamb Jnr: Lani Nolan Also; Raffles, tea, coffee and cake. Lamb Int : Amber Friend This will be a fund raiser for Community Contact. Lamb Leading: Bella Lash Lamb Calling: Amber Friend All donations of goods in clean & tidy condition Supreme Lamb: Amber Friend most welcome. Please bring on the day. Calf Calf Snr: Kiara Tinirau-Philps Contact Barbara 7534224 or Anne 7534050. Calf Int: Liam Straight Calf Junior: Ethan Lash Calf Leading: Liam straight Supreme Calf: Kiara Tinirau-Philps Unusual Pet Whataroa Library Indoor Jnr: Georgia Scott-Williams Indoor Int: Sharika Hardman Hours: Tues 3.30pm – 4.30pm Outdoor Jnr: Ollie Nyland Sat 10.30am-11.30am Outdoor Int: Breigh Jones nd Outdoor Snr: Aimee Blackburn Closed 22 Dec - Reopen Sat Jan 8th Supreme Unusual: Ollie Nyland Contact; Horse Jean Blackburn 7534065 Senior Horse: Eva Syminton Jean Potter 7534044 Best Girl Rider: Ellie Monk Best Turned Out: Eva Syminton Supreme Horse: Eva Syminton South Westland Triathlon AGM

Dog th Junior: Zachary Williams Wed 15 December 7.30pm Int: Jade Fekkes @ Ngai Tahu Regional Office Senior: Laura Dennehy 7 Kamahi Cresent, Franz Josef Best Lead: Tane Tinirau-Philps Supreme Dog: Laura Dennehy Wanted: Keen people!!!! Pet Projects We are hoping to introduce both a shorter Biathlon Pet Project Jnr: Ruby Arnold (Run or walk/Cycle and a walk to the existing triathlon. Pet Project Int: Monty Saunders Please come along to the meeting and show your interest. Pet Project Snr: Eva Syminton Flowers: Aimee Blackburn Contact: Gary MacRae 753 4133 or Jen Kennedy Cooking: Eva Syminton Craft: Ethan Lash Supreme Achiever Overall: Amber Friend Robin (Ted) Richards of Franz would like to Raffles thank all services and individuals who helped and Groceries: Bowaters Panasonic Stereo: Bella Lash offered to help in his accident and recovery. Ben 10 Roller Boots: Elsa MacRae Hope the whitebaiters had a good season . Lollie Jar: Amy Bolton ______Kids Prizes Raffle: Willie McBride Barb O’Neil Brenda Monk Maryanne Potae Heather Friend Albert Einstein I feel that you are justified in looking into the future with true assurance, because you have a mode of living in which we find the joy of life and the joy of work harmo- Thanks to CRT Whataroa, Shirley Arnold, Glacier Hot Pools, niously combined. Added to this is the spirit of ambition White Heron Store, Full of Beans Café and Mark Syminton for which pervades your very being, and seems to make the day's work like a happy child at play. all raffle donations. Also thanks to the children, Financial Literacy class, judges, school staff, PTA, parents and all the other volunteers and helpers that made Pet Day a success

From home to home, and heart to heart, from one place to another. The warmth and joy of Christmas, brings us closer to each other." Emily Matthews Kia ora koutou South Westland Weheka Area International Volunteer Day: It was great to see so many people out to welcome back the 36 ju- International Volunteer Day is Friday the 5 th of December, and venile rowi at the release day on 21 October. It was a big day for us DOC in South Westland has been very fortunate in having many and for the rowi, as 20 of the birds were released into North Ökärito volunteers contribute to various programmes, giving up their time forest, and it’s the first time in many years that there have been and holidays to be involved in various projects. This is our opportu- rowi in that part of the forest. These little pioneers are being moni- nity to thank these hard working individuals for all their hard work! tored by Rachel Abbott, who’s studying them as part of an MSc project. We hope to be able to give you all an update soon on how they are settling in. Please tell anyone who you know hunts in We currently have two volunteer programmes operating in the North Ökärito to be aware that there will be people working in the area, working within the Haast Kiwi Sanctuary and hut wardening forest both day and night as part of this research, so please be extra at Welcome Flat Hut. Working in the Kiwi Sanctuary is a big draw cautious. for volunteers, contributing to the day to day management of the kiwi sanctuary and the Operation Nest Egg Programme, often get- Back in South Ökärito forest, the rowi have been breeding well, and ting up close and personal with the Haast Tokoeka. In this year the first eggs are being looked after by the West Coast Wildlife alone there have been sixteen volunteers helping out in the sanc- Centre in Franz Josef. 12 eggs will be incubated this season at the tuary. Centre, and the rest will go to Willowbank in Christchurch as they have done in the past. Within a few years we expect that all eggs The Volunteer Hut Warden programme for Welcome Flat Hut, in and chicks will be raised right here in Franz, which is great news the Copland Valley has also proven to be popular with 22 volun- for the programme. teers donating their time and energy this year, and is fully booked into May 2011. These volunteers help out with the day to day The little blue penguins are also breeding, with eleven chicks and management of the hut, greeting visitors, cleaning the associated another 19 eggs still to hatch (in mid-November) at Three Mile facilities, track maintenance, giving a hut talk each evening and Beach, and a smaller group of three chicks and five more eggs at collecting hut fees. This can be a daunting job at times as Welcome the Wanganui colony near Hari Hari. Flat is our most popular hut. Long sunny days at the beach and down by the lake are coming up for many of us, and there’ll be many visitors enjoying these too. Over the past year these 38 volunteers have contributed 212 days Please do ensure that if you’re exploring public conservation land of work days in the area. (such as , for example) that you leave your dog at home! At the beach, please stay aware of breeding birds such the If you would like to find out more about how you can be involved blue penguins and banded dotterels and keep your dog close by in these programmes or volunteering in South Westland, visit the you. Feel free to pass on this advice to visitors if you see that they DOC website or contact the South Westland Weheka Area Office have their dogs in the wrong place. If you’re not sure where you on (03) 7510 807. can take your dog, please call in and check with us. This is espe- cially important now that the rowi have expanded their territory into Thanks again all those who have generously donated their time North Ökärito forest. and efforts, conservation volunteers make an important contribu- tion to conservation in New Zealand and we'd like to thank all our With warm weather here, and the occasional dry spell as well, it’s a volunteers from New Zealand and overseas for their contribution. good idea to remember than even though we live in one of the wet- test places in New Zealand we are not immune from wild fires. The Wild Creations Residency: damage caused by last year’s fire at the Ökärito pakihi is a good reminder of this. Please be careful with fires at all times, and make Fox Glacier will be hosting Chris Cottrell for his Wild Creations Resi- sure you get a fire permit from Jim Livingstone here at DOC for dency. Chris is a drawing, installation and video artist. He will be any fires not in fireplaces. Jim is the Rural Fire Officer so can an- spending approximately six weeks in Fox, studying the glaciers swer any questions you have. Just remember that no permits will be movements with GPS devices, video and sound to create maps of issued between 24 December and 5 January, so you’ll need to plan the glacier that show its complexity in a whole new way. The Wild ahead for the Christmas/New Year period. Creations Residency is a way for artists to gain funding from Crea- tive New Zealand and support from DOC to work on their art forms in some of the most beautiful and inspiring scenery in New Zea- Wishing you all a happy and safe Christmas and New Year! land. Ng ā mihi o te w ā me te Tau Hou Chris also intends to contribute to the community by giving the kids at Fox Glacier Primary School some drawing lessons. Tim Shaw Acting Area Manager Copland Track Work: ______DOC staff have recently undertaken a review of the Copland Track. As the track and hut are continuing to experience growing visitor numbers, the Department has completed project planning to begin work on the track. This is likely to begin in the coming weeks, so watch this space!

Noho ora mai Jo Macpherson Area Manager Poumanahere SWAS and Hari Hari Schools Re-union 2011. Mrs Bev Barbarich, the Form One teacher took maternity leave and a teacher was required for her wonderful but rather Don’t forget to get your registration in soon for the gathering boisterous class. Any class with Raymond, Chris, Kevin, Kel- in Hari Hari next Queens Birthday Weekend as the registra- vin, Gary, Peter and so on in it was automatically boisterous. tion price increases at the end of January next year. Early-Bird The Canterbury Education Board who looked after relief registrations help the committee with their planning and save teachers in those days sent us a young Australian lady named you money. Registration forms are available in this issue of Liz for the last two terms. (I’m sorry Liz but I can’t remember Community Contact, send a message online to swasreun- your surname.) Liz was only with us for a term or two but she [email protected] or just give me a ring and I will send you quickly realized she had to keep her young charges busy and a copy. (Ph7533150) especially those lovely boys so the Goldfish Pond Scheme was born. After meeting a lot of scepticism from the Boss and the Some memories from the past. What about the picnics at the other staff the girl from Perth and her class got going, started end of every year down at the end of the Wanganui Flat Road digging up the lawn, concreting the pond and in the process on Richard and Robin Berry’s farm in the 70’s and 80’s? proving everyone wrong. There was not a lot of machinery These were a regular event down by Berry’s Creek and a lot of available in those days so most of the work was done by sheer fun was had by all. Swimming in the creek, tractor rides, gorse muscle-power so it was a great effort by that class of ten and fires, three-legged races and the slippery log of course cour- eleven year olds. The fishpond continues to provide a lot of tesy of Michael York from the Hari Hari Motor Inn. Lots of pleasure to our students, the staff and visitors to the school little boys and some of the girls will remember their pillow more than 35 years later. After a recent spruce up by our resi- fights on the slippery log and especially one epic battle with dent engineers and fix-it gang, Jenny and Blue, the fishpond the pillows between two of the teachers. The paperwork re- should be good for another 50 years. quired today for a similar event would deter all but the most Quick Quiz. When the swimming pool was first opened in determined organizer. 1973 who was first in the water, who opened the new pool and Other picnics were also held at and it was much earlier who drove the bulldozer that dug out the hole for also a great site with plenty of grass to play on, safe swim- the swimming pool? A special prize if you can tell us the three ming and plenty of bush for the more adventurous to get lost mystery names. Send to SWAS. in. Of course we all managed to return safely and in one Get those registrations in now or your story is next. piece. The Fishpond at SWAS. Where did it come from? In 1974 The Old B.

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It’s Christmas time and we are “Looking after the Locals”

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1 x 17 th December, 1 x 24 th December, 1 x 31 st December

All correctly completed entries at the time will go into each draw

Chris, Cushla and all the Four Square Team wish everyone in South Westland a very Merry Christmas and a safe , happy and healthy 2011

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CHURCH SERVICES—DECEMBER 2010 05/12/2010 12/12/2010 19/12/2010 25/12/2010 26/12/2010 Ross Anglican Friday 10th 10.30am 10.30am Christingle 5pm

Catholic 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am Hari Hari Anglican 5.00pm 9.30am Catholic 9.00am 6pm Sat. 9.00am 9.00am Presbyterian 1pm Whataroa Anglican 11am 12 noon

Catholic 7pm Sat. 9.00am 7pm Sat 9pm Fri 24th 7pm Franz Josef Anglican 3pm 5pm Catholic 5pm Sat 5pm Sat 6pm Fri 24th 6pm Fox Glacier Catholic 11am 9.30am Lit 7pm Fri 24th 9.30am Haast Catholic 10am 25th 5pm Note: There will be Mass in Queenstown at 7pm on Christmas night, December 25th ANY ENQUIRIES RE CATHOLIC SERVICES: PARISH PRIEST, FLAT ROAD, WHATAROA (03 753 4140)

HEALTHCARE IN SOUTH WESTLAND NEED HELP, SUPPORT, Health care is available from each of the following clinics ASSISTANCE, ADVICE? • Haast – 03 7500800 Below are the numbers of people/agencies who can help. • Fox Glacier 03 7510836 Westland Victim Support – ask for Victim Support (03)755 8088 • Franz Josef 03 7520700 West Coast Arthritis Foundation (03)768 7254 Lifeline – West Coast Toll Free 0800 353 353 • Whataroa 03 7561080 • Kidsline – 4pm – 6pm every school day 0800 543 754 Hari Hari 03 7533008 West Coast Rural Support—Dianne Milne 0800 787 254

0800 300 629 If the nearest clinic is unattended, listen to the recorded phone message that will tell you where to contact the nearest nurse or 0800 461 591 doctor. West Coast Women’s Refuge (9am – 3pm) (03) 7898025 After hours 0800 208 339 he FOR EMERGENCIES DIAL 111 T Child Support Agency – queries re child support 0800 221 221 ambulance and nearest nurse or doctor will AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) (03) 752 0652 HEALTHLINE- free 24 hour health advice 0800 611 116 Royal New Zealand Plunket Society (Inc) Disability Information Service 0800 100 946 Rebecca the weka “what everybody keeps asking” Westland Car-Seat Rental Scheme ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS OPEN MEETINGS AT OKARITO Alcoholics Anonymous Open Meetings DONOVANS STORE, OKARITO 11am SUNDAYS Contact: Joan at 03 7534 005.

“Baby Seats” - “Toddler Seats” HEALTHLINE – FREE 24 HR Phone Anne 03 755 4039 HEALTH ADVICE 0800 611 116

CHURCH SERVICES—JANUARY 2011 2nd 9th 16th 23rd 30th Ross Anglican 10.30am 10.30am

Catholic 10.30am 10.30am Hari Hari Anglican 5pm 5pm Catholic 9.00am 6pm Sat. 9.00am Sun Lit. 6pm Sat Presbyterian 1pm Whataroa Anglican 11am

Catholic 7pm Sat. 9.00am 7pm Sat 9am 10.30 M.Tea after Franz Josef Anglican 3pm Catholic 5pm Sat 5pm Sat Fox Glacier Catholic 11am 9.30am Lit 11am 8.30am Haast Catholic 5pm Mass South Westland Catholic Parish: Contact Fr. Michael Mahoney, 0210333746 or 037534140 Note: This mass is the normal parish schedule. It is wise to check that a mass has not been changed for some special reason .

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. (John 3:16-17)