Birosa, 261 Busan Aquarium, 314–315 Index Biryong Falls, 330 Busan Cultural Center, 323 Biryong Falls-Sinheungsa Busan International Film Festival, Course, 332 7, 25, 323 Biseondae Cliffs-Sinheungsa Busan International Rock A Course, 332 Festival, 25 Academic trips, 27–28 Biseulsan, 245 Busan Museum, 310 INDEX Accommodations, 409–410 Boat tours and cruises, 2, 3 Busan Museum of Art (BMA), 310 Achasan, 93 Boat travel, 404, 409 Busan Tower, 314 Achimgoyo Sumogwon, 136 Bodhisattva of Compassion, 7, Buseoksa, 262 Adventure and wellness trips, 28 38, 286 Busosan, 159 Adventure Korea, 28 Bogil-do, 226 Busosanseong, 159 Adventure Travelers, 28 Bokcheon-dong Burial Mounds & Bus travel, 406 Air travel, 402–404 Museum, 313 Buyeo, 11, 157–159 Aju Incentive Tours, 27 Bomun Lake Resort, 238 Buyeo National Museum, 158 All4uKorea, 29 Bomunsan, 144 Byeongpungsan, 208 Anapji Pond, 234, 236 Bomunsanseong, 144 Byeonsan Bando National Park, Andong, 252–258 Bongeunsa, 86–87 197–198 Andong Folk Museum, 254 Bonghwa, 264 Byeonsan Beach, 197 Andong Folk Village, 254 Bongjeongsa, 254 Andong Hahoe Maeul, 254–256 Bongnae Waterfall, 268 Andong Mask Dance Festival, 8 Bongwonsa, 87 C Andong Soju Museum, 254 Books, recommended, 16–17 Calendar of events, 23–26 Anguksa, 194 Boryeong, 161–163 Calligraphy Museum of Anmyeon-do, 155, 164 Boryeong Mud Festival, 7, Korea, 114 Anmyeon-do National Forest, 164 25, 161 Car travel, 403, 406–408 Anseong, 135–136 Boryeong Mud House, 162 Casinos Anseong Namsadang Nori, 135 Boseong, 210–212 Busan, 325 AquaWorld Boseong Green Tea Festival, Jeju-do, 399 Buan-gun, 198 24–25 Seoul, 103 Danyang, 178 Bowonsaji, 164 Cellphones, 415–416 Architecture, 15–16 Bridge of Freedom, 124 Central City Terminal, 44 Arts, 14–15 Buam-dong, 93 Central Square (Daejeon), 142 Asan, 166–167 Buddhas, 5 Ceramics, 14–15 Asan Spavis, 166–167 Buddha's Birthday, 7 Cerapia, 118 A.T.
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