‘Days of Old, a History of Junction, ’ by Katherine DeWitt and Norma Alexander:

an Index by [email protected]

Acadia 1, 2 Aces baseball team 111 Acker 92 Acker, Chester R. 221; Elda 82, 235; Elizabeth 82, 205, 240, 258 Acorn, John 57 Adams, Charlotte 67, 254 Agricultural Hall 63, 64, 162, 184, 186, 220, 300, 313-315, 318, 329 Agricultural Society 313-315 Air Canada 292 Air Force 27 Alexander (F.C. Alexander, Ltd.) 24, 40 Alexander’s Mill 146 Alexander’s store 63, 75, 83 Alexander: 166, 171, 173, 182 Alexander, Alice 91, 163, 165, 166, 168, 214; Alma 33; Amanda 24, 48, 55, 76, 152, 314; Arnold 55; Arthur (and Rev. Fr. and Mrs.) 28, 29, 154, 160, 297, 316; Beatrice 24; Bertha 88, 234; Brian 24; C.L. 83, 273; Caroline 154, 358, 359; Charles 23, 30, 39, 63, 90, 95, 222, 234, 237, 240-242, 255, 258, 259, 266, 268, 306; Charles L. 239, 240; Charles Leslie 213, 239; Charlotte 150; Chester 180; Chester S. 221; Chick 241; Clara 180, Chloe 237; Dora 241; Dorothy 24, 76, 77, 214, 241, 268; Dorothy J. 320, 323; Dow 214, 266, 324, 360, 361; Edwin 24, Elmer 68, 69, 180; Ernest 11, 14; Esmond 235, 253; Eva 213; F.C. 273; Florence 28, 80; Frances 23; Francis 24, 148, 242, 282; Frank (and Jr. and Sr.) 23, 53, 55, 76, 144, 146; Fred (Sgt.) 217; George 180; George B. 221; Georgina 27; Gordon 185; Guy 21, 24, 30, 39, 149, 182, 359; Hannah (Nettie) 240; Harold (Dr.) 239; Harry 28-29, 61, 69, 70, 180; Hazel 239, 261; Hazen 55, 304; Helen 68; Ida 87; Jane 23, 214; Jemina 27; Joel 210; John (and Sr. and Mrs.) 21, 23, 28, 39, 68, 69, 149, 150, 154, 180, 182, 213, 358; John C. 163, 166, 239, 240; John Charles 213-215; John E. 240; John L. 68; Joseph 21, 23, 25, 26, 30, 68, 180, 187; Katherine 154, 222, 296, 199; Laura 210; Laurie 239; Lawrence 223; Lawrence G. 222; Lillian, 240, 241; Lillie 18, 67, 87, 234; Lorenna 122; Loretta 78; Mamie 69, 180; Margaret 28, 29, 67, 70, 88, 155, 234, 270, 316, 353; Margaret Lindsay 60; Mary 23, 24, 30, 55, 69, 234, 259; Mary Jane 56, 105, 213, 239, 240; Matilda 214; Muriel 239; Myra 28, 78-80, 180; Myrtle 185; Nellie 240, 241; Norma 242, 282, 327, 329, 344; Raymond 24; Roy 91, 180, 214, 239-241; Roy D. 221; S.L. 273; Samantha 68, 69; Samuel D. 21, 33; Samuel Duncan (S.D.) 83, 90, 181, 237-240, 242; Sarah Jane 28, 149, 150, 364; Stella 29, 69, 70; Stephen (and Mrs.) 72, 98, 99, 210, 213, 311; Sterling 23, 24, 48, 55, 76, 77, 314; Steven 310; T.L. 233; Thomas (‘The Deacon’) 24, 29; Thomas (and Jr. and Sr.) 23, 24, 29, 53, 56, 105, 122, 150, 213, 229, 285; Thomas L. (and ‘the Colonel’) 28, 29, 78, 150, 173, 215-218; Thomas William (and Mrs.) 67, 70, 87-89, 150, 234, 264; Tilley Y. 221; Viscount 325; Viva 347; Vivian 91, 214, 266, 323; W.P. (Mrs.) 191; Will 164; William 21, 23, 26, 27, 91, 139, 180, 360; William P. (Mrs.) iv, 73, 155, 213, 214 Allen 171 Allen, Barbara Elizabeth 250; Bernard (and Jr. and Sr.) 42, 93, 94, 98, 99, 228, 256, 257, 287, 304; Bryce 257, 324; Calvin 37, 40; Catherine 42; Cecil 296, 305, 306; Charles 325; Chester 84, 104, 305, 306; Clarence 304; Constance 98; Danny 325; Eileen 311; Elaine 327, 329; Elizabeth 275; Ethel 319; Evangeline 342, 382; Fred (and Private and Mrs.) 42, 57, 218, 242, 316; Frederick W. 221; Garfield 222; Gordon (and Mrs.) 33, 85, 306, 324; Graydon 85, 305, 306, 319; Jessie 50, 69, 323; John 318; Lance (and Mrs.) 42, 50, 69, 99, 104, 305, 317; Lawrence 222; Louisa 83, 316; Louisa J. 319; Louise 42, 242; Lyman I. 189, 320; Martin (and Private and Mrs.) 60, 76, 83, 218, 316; Nancy 69; Pearl 41, 60, 85, 319, 334; Percy 53, 109; R. 88; Raymond 326; Stanley 306; Stella 42, 95; Susan 319; Vera 299 Alteng, Bert 86 Alter Society 160 Ambulance Service 340, 341, 347 Anderson, C. Warren (Major) 135; H. (Sgt.) 219; William 181 Anglican Church (General) 279 Anglican Church Women (Organization) 168 Anglican Young People’s Association 167 Anglican Youth Fellowship 167 Angus, Fred 140, 141; Mary 329 Armoury 21, 216 Armstrong (Rev.) 163 Armstrong, A.J. 318; Byron 91; Helen 187; Julia 91; W. Bruce 320; W.B. (Rev.) 163 Arnold, Duncan (Dr.) 191, 199; Edith 199; Helen 199 Arsenault 171 Arsenault, Leo 77; Melvin 75 Artes 182 Artes, Ada 164, 248; Amanda 69, 248; Caroline 327; Carrie 42; Catherine 42; Dennis 69, 70; Estey (and Estie) 76, 180; Ethel 69, 319; George 257; Grace 180; Harry 69, 70, 74, 143, 222, 252, 331; James 76, 318; Judy 82, 247, 255, 257, 332; Minnie 81, 165, 242; Newton 127; Thomas 69, 70, 76, 248, 318; Tyler 69, 70, 266, 305, 306; William 37, 42, 76; Winnifred 74, 252 Arthurs, Grace 285 Ashburnham (Lady) 327 Ashfield, Adeline 89; Neil 89 Atkinson 166 Atkinson, Dermot 247; Gordon 223; H.L. 273; Herbert (and Mrs.) 48, 67; Herbert W. 320; J. Dermot 223; Marjorie 41, 48, 67, 254; Mildred 185, 247; W.A. 331 (The train) 128, 129, 140, 266 Atlantic and Northwestern Line (Railway) 137 Aubin 171 Automobile(s) 84, 87, 360-362 Babbit 270 Back Creek 17, 279 Back Tracy Road iv, 45-53, 63, 64, 92, 105, 174, 178, 182, 184, 235, 270, 284, 333 ‘Backward Glances at Sunbury and Queens’ (Book by J.A. McGrand) 206 Bagley, G.H. 273; Reuben 233 Bailey (Surname) 97 Bailey, Annie 98, 180; C.J. 233; Charles 150, 263; Doris 199; George (and Mrs.) 297, 319; George W. (Dr.) 81, 191, 199, 200, 202, 319; Gwendolyn 316; Herbert 75; Howard 150; John 75, 76, 109; Lavina 97; Lizzie 180; Mary 141; Millage 75; Reginald 199; Tolbert 305 Baillie, Thomas 119 Baird, Martin 266 Baker, Bessie 92, 353; Cindy 109; Debra 327, 329; Harold (and Mrs.) 92, 93, 95, 109, 110, 196, 334; Lucinda (Cindy) 92, 93, 95; Richard 82, 94, 307, 326; Wayne 49, 92, 326 Ball 107 Ball Hall 204 Ball’s Crossing 63, 87, 89 Ball, Albert 161; Charles 87, 257, 287, 306, 358; Douglas (and Mrs.) 50, 69, 153, 258, 322, 323, 325, 337; Edith 81, 93; Elizabeth 106, 150, 255; Elizabeth Hammett 152; Frank 266; George (and Mrs.) 82, 104, 255-258, 294, 331; George D. 273; H. Douglas 320, 337, 347; Hazel 323, 334, 335; Hazen (and Mrs.) 81, 89, 199, 242, 323, 334; Helen 323, 339, 354; Jack 228, 255; Jessie 89; John 89; Judy 81; Kenneth 223, 224; Melita 133; Minnie 81, 165, 242; Richard 87,, 89, 106, 255; Sara 257, 321, 322; Shirley 80, 242; William 186, 303 Bank House 62 Bank of New Brunswick 201 Banks, Herbert 94; Mabel 89 Baptist Church (and parsonage) 45, 61, 63, 76, 77, 108, 111, 149-156, 203, 220, 234, 237, 324, 351, 352, 357 Baptist Young People’s Union (B.Y.) 155 Barber (Mr. and Mrs.) 77 Barber, Ernest W. 319 Barbering 228, 228, 255, 256 Barker 181 Barker, Archibald 180, 181; Whitehead 358 Barnes, Alfred 263 Barnett, Ashby 77; J.H. 187 Barry, Anne 95; Nellie 98 Baseball 111, 304, 307 Baseball Association (N.B.) 307 Batcheldar 60 Batchelder 173 Baxter, George (Private) 219 Bazily Island 3, 326 Bean, Edna 71, 260, 323, 324; Frank 71, 258, 322, 323, 343, 344; Frank C. 320 Beardsley Island 106 Beardsley, John (Rev.) 3 Beaton, Katie 141 Beaver Dam 320 Beaverbrook Scholarship 185 Beck, Jocelyn 329 Bedell, John 21 Beehive (The house) 8, 9, 43, 45, 46, 63, 88, 120, 210, 236 Beers, Donald 76, 337, 344, 345; Janice 76 Bell, Alexander Graham 270; Katherine 72 Bellefontaine, Gerald 94 Belyea, J.B. (Rev.) 151; James G.A. 319 Bentley, Vincent (and Mrs.) 5, 33, 323 Bergevins, John 89 Bethesda House of Prayer (Tracy) 243 Bible Society 168 Bigger, James 331; John 71, 337, 345, 351; Lorilee 71 Bishop, D.R. (Mrs.) iv, 153; Wilfred 116 Bisley (rifle) Team 292 Black, Gordon M. (Rev.) 169 Blacksmithing 63, 82, 85, 105, 233, 250-252 Blair, Alec 98, 319, 330; Alexander 221; Annie 98, 319; Dorothy (a.k.a. Kid) 133; George 109, 306, 324, 367 Blissville 15, 22, 24, 63, 72, 75, 77, 97, 118, 120, 149, 161, 169, 184, 187, 188, 242, 246, 247, 255, 281, 282, 284 Blissville Airport 292-294 Blissville Cemetery 195 Blizzard, Alfred (and Sr.) 77, 264, 273, 306; Milo 266; Tracy 266 Blockhouse 22, 38, 118, 119, 172, 211, 212 Blockhouse Road 38 Boat Store 17, 234 Bodaly, Eric 85 Boles Susie 319 Bonkers Video 83

Bonner, Bernard 186, 275 Boone 175, 183 Boone Brook 45, 50, 149-151 Boone’s Store 63 Boone, Abram 52, 213; Beatrice 52, 92; Beverly 99; Burton 92, 273; Byron 76, 236, 237; Carrie 77; Charles 108; Edward 77, 223, 248; Edward A. 273; Ellis 10, 76, 107, 108; Evert 213; George (and Mrs.) 52, 92, 175; Harold 108; Harry 81, 214; Henry 149; James 52, 318; Jennie 214; John 52; Katherine (Katie) 49, 52; Markle 92; Mary 76, 149, 234, 265; Matilda 81, 214, 257, 317, 321; Maurice 187; Murray 52, 213; Rachel 83; Rebecca 108; Richardson 52, 318; Ruth 42, 52, 237; Samuel 45, 49-52, 213; Shirley 52; Vincent (and Mrs.) 76, 223; William 52, 214 Botsford, Elizabeth 90 Boucher, Alice 140; Clara 140 Boyce, Clayton 73; Joe 290; Julia 322; Louanne 328, 329; Oscar 74; Robin 307; Stephen 326 Boyd, Charles T. (Rev. Fr.) 158 Boyd, Florence 331; Terry 309 Bragdon, Alice 76, 84, 327, 329; Mary 229 Brawn, Eric 161; Harry 42; Jill 92, 343; Leslie 52, 76, 94, 269; Loretta 42; Markle 92; Ruth 42; Sharon 311, 329; Shirley 52, 76 Brewer 22 Brewer, Albert 144; Minot 187 Bridges (Highway and railway) 113-116 Bridges, Harry 181 Brittain, Augusta 154 Broad Road 172, 263 Brockway 119 Brody, Harry 78 Brooks, A.J. 187; Gary 82, 242, 249, 337; Heather 242, 249; Henry (and Mrs.) 34 Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees 96, 97 Brown 182 Brown Ridge 34, 70 Brown, Billy 98; David 326; Eva 75, 242; Irene 72; Vicky 97 Brownrigg, Wilbert S. 186, 187 Bryson 171 Bryson, Annie 106; James 37, 40, 41 Bubar, O.N. (Rev.) 151 Buchanan, J.T. 233; James 137 Buckel, George 318 Bunker, Carl 97; Charles 178; David 273; Donald O. 320; Dorothy 99; Frank 273; Lena 97, 98, 345, 354; Lionel 367; Lizzie 99, 125; Merton 78; Samuel 99 Burnett 175, 183 Burnett, Byron (Bud) 76, 223-225, 330; Clarence (and Mrs.) 53, 81, 93, 155, 175, 176, 347; Daryl 93, 94; Donald James 223-225; Edison 34, 51, 223, 225, 252; Eva 231, 243; Geraldine 52, 252, 319, 329, 331; Harry 52, 53; Hartley 53; Harvey 224; Hilda 76, 81, 89, 133, 323, 324; Lloyd 223; Mabel 47, 53, 81, 321, 322; Prudence 76; Raymond 75, 81, 82, 243, 324; Robert 310; Susan 311, 329; Theda 299 Burns 171, 268 Burns, Agnes 83, 268, 295; Annie 106; Buster 266; Katherine (Kate) 65; Hugh (Private) 218; Mike 99; Simon (and Jr. and Sr.) 60, 106, 158; T. (Private) 219; Thomas 295; W. (Sgt.) 219 Burpee, Caroline (Carrie) 357-359; David (and Mrs.) 358; E.R. 122-124, 136, 137; Louisa 358; Moses 137, 266, 357-359; Tyler 358 Burton Township and Parish 6, 46, 47, 161, 162 Burtt, Charles 59; George 59; Saphronie 246; Stuart 160, 336 Business College (Fredericton) 241 Butler 172 Butler, Henry 87; Hugh 87; Mae 87, 160; Myrna 87; Ronald 87, 161 Byers 6 Byers, Alma 26, 57, 323; Beryl 71; Charles 57; Charles A. 273; Donald 10, 55-57, 287, 306; Dora 214; Ena 214; Freeman 186; Gilbert 81, 214; Grace 77; Grant 305; Grant C. 221; Lottie 57; Lucinda (Cindy) 92, 93; Matilda 81, 214; Pearl 214, 223; Phoebe 57 Cahill, Joseph 181 Cain, Alfred, (and Mrs.) 50, 53, 153; Bea 275; Eli (and Mrs.) 53; James 337; Mary 53, 324 Calker, William 149 Cammel, Edward 8 Camp Sussex (Militia) 217, 218 Camp, George R. (Dr.) 197; Hiel 213 Campbell, Archie 48; Jessie 67, 78; Peter 181 Canadian International Paper Company 282 Canadian National Railway 292 Canadian Pacific Railway 48, 62, 63, 69, 72, 86, 99, 124-141 passim, 224, 227, 237, 248, 259, 267, 268, 270, 280, 283, 330 Canadian Pacific Telegraph (See Telegraph) Canadian Rail (Periodical) 135 Carleton (The railway locomotive) 122 Carleton (West Saint John) 122, 124 Carleton, C.P.J. (Rev. Fr.) 158; Thomas (Gov.) 211 Carney (Rev. Fr.) 158 Carr, Delcine 74; Dellis 95; Esley (and Mrs. and Jr.) 74, 86, 95; Harold 331; Lori 99; Marlene 229; Mildred 86, 95; Myrna 87, 95, 353 Carriage, sleigh and wagon manufacture 233 Carson 207 Carson, Harold (and Mrs. and Jr.) 27, 76, 165, 212, 297, 316, 321, 322; Harold C. 320; Lillian 168, 316, 321; Lottie 185; Peg 299; R.L. 162 Carter, Pauline 133 Catholic Women’s League 159 Caulfield, Irvine 266 Cemetery Road (See Pride’s Landing) Chadrayne, Marie 95 Chandler, Edward Barron 121 Chapman, L. (Private) 219 Charlton, Elena 32 Chenard, Christine 257 Childs, Buelah 302; John 307; Lloyd 71, 235, 334 Chipman, L. DeV. (Dr.) 257 Cholera 26 Chauinard, Marie 250 Christian Service Brigade 155 Christie, John 53 Church School (Upper Tracy) 160 Churches (Refer to them also by name) 24, 49 Circus trains 129 Citizen’s Band 367 City Camp (See McAdam) Clark (Clarke), James 37, 40; John 37, 40 Clark 171 Clark, Archibald (and Mrs.) 152; Arlington 290; Barry (and Mrs.) 297; C.L. 173; Charles 60, 126, 151; Donald 180; Eleanor 321; Ethel 67; Grace 71, 257, 321; Harvey 290; Ida 71, 316; John 318; Lily 165; W.R. 273; Walter 67, 187, 290; Walter R. 272 Clarke 41 Clarke, A.M. (Mrs.) 317; Alberta 316; Archibald 71, 229, 300, 316; Arlington 72, 73; Arlington J. 221; Barry 61, 317; Bob 304; C.L. 286; Charles 233, 316; Charles L. 319; Donald 295; Edward 266; Eleanor 71; Ella 89, 229, 316; Ernest L. 221; Grace 321; Helen 316; Ida 80; James 223, 266; Jim (J.P.) 305, 306; Joseph 21; LeBaron 90, 253, 316; Marguerite 205; Mary 297 Clendenning, John 181; M. 115 Clerke, Earl (Rev.) 151 Cluney, John 50 Coach, Arthur (Private) 219 Coal Ash Alley 65 Coal Mining 32, 261-264 Cobblers 236, 260 Cochrane 28 Cochrane, E.H. (Rev.) 151 Coffin making 53, 233 Coleman Mustard Company 292 Coleman, Edward 181; Edward A. 246; F.J. (Fitz) 83; Frances 83; Timothy 83, 181, 182 Colman 171 Colman House 33 Colman, Timothy 21, 33 Colston (Rev.) 163 Colter , John 66 Combs, Thomas 3; William 3 Come Home Week 338, 347, 350-356 Commissioners of Roads 117 Community Improvement Corporation 338 Connell, Ernest 160 Connick 118, 119 Connolly 172 Connolly, Agnes 210; Irma 88 Constantine, Eda 155, 327, 329; Jean 327, 329; Robert 326, 337; William 62, 205, 324 Cook, Allison 364; Helen 67, 165; J.C.G. 273; Joseph (and Mrs.) 62, 67, 235, 297; Joseph C.G. 320; Martha 269 Cookson 118 Coombs, Ann 229 Correy, Ed 308; Louise 332; Mamie 69; Mary, 69; Sonny 328; Teri 328, 329 Corner House (The) 66, 67 Corrunna (Battle of) 99, 178 Cosser Farm (Gagetown) 249 Cotton, John B. (Rev.) 169 Coughlan, Leonard 266 Cougle, Purdy 266 Coupe, R.E. 162 Cox, Edwin 187; Sara 257 Coy, Margaret 107, 243 C.P.R. Farm 47, 48, 53, 85, 192, 333 Cradle Roll 153 Craft Guild 311 Crawford, Mary Creekmore, William 318 Crickmore, Betsy 49, 74 Crimean War 213 Cronkite 181 Crowell, W.B. (Rev.) 151 Crowley, Elizabeth 140; Mae 83; Percy 83, 84, 258; Therese 99; Walter (and Mrs.) 83, 334 Crowther, David 141 Cruickshank 48 Cumming, Margaret 29; Tom 48 Curling (and Gladstone Curling Club and Gladstone Ladies’ Curling Club) 47, 63, 64, 71, 72, 300-304, 314, 338, 339, 350, 352-355; Curling Club (Fredericton) 303; Hampton Ladies’ Club 303 Currie Road 60, 62, 69, 205 Currie’s Pond (and mill) 14, 114 Currie’s Stream Mill 45 Currie, Betty 327; C.E. 273; Caroline 60, 180; Carolyn iv; Carrie 295; Carrol 61; Carroll 89, 266; Don (and Mrs.) 60, 82, 237; Duane 326; G.F. (Rev.) 151; Helen 82, 324; Homer 180; Homer L. 127, 153, 221; J.P. 273; Lemuel A. 227; Louise 74, 275; Maggie 316; Margaret 28; Margaret Lindsay 60; Richard 326; S.L. (and Mrs.) iv, 28, 40, 48, 60-63, 69, 90, 96, 115, 151, 153, 154, 163, 173, 184, 220, 286, 316, 317, 357; Sadie 89, 321, 322; Samuel Leonard Tilley (See also S.L. Currie) 60; Thaxter 50 Daggett, J.B. (Rev.) 151, 239 Daley, Gertrude 97, Joseph (Rev. Fr.) 260 Davenport, Carol 67; Marcus 160; Michael 67; Randy 146; Terry 146; Sharon 260 Davis 173 Davis, Chester (and Private) 218, 244, 245; Daniel 27, 150, 163, 240; Elijah 27, 245, 253, 260; Fred 27; George 27; Lillian 27, 168; Lottie 27; Margaret 27; Mary 27; Sarah 245 Day, Harry 91; John 53 Dead River Company 40 Deboo 175 Deichmann, Kirsten 140 DeLong, Lillian 241; Stanley 241 Demers, Ed 266 Dempsey, Kathlene 98 Denby 28 Densmore 173 Densmore, Ada 248; George 180; Havelock 164; Laura 180; Vera 180; William H. 248 Dentistry 200 DePeyster, Caroline 5; Colonel 5 DeRose (See Duross) Deschenes, Alice 34; Real 34 Devenney, Jim 47 DeWitt, Trophy 186 DeWitt, A. (Color Sgt.) 219; A.R. 90. 273, 286; Abigail Cram 49; Abraham 45, 149; Abram 47, 106, 107, 173; Albert R. 32, 266, 321; Alfred L. (Private) 218; Andrew (Private) 218; Ann 49; Austin 263; Betsy 49, 74; Caroline 47; Daniel 262; Dorothy 32; Elena 32, 321; Ethel 92; Evert 24, 49; Gertrude 48; Hazen 223; Henry 49; Irene 72; Jacob 3, 45, 47-49, 51-53; 74, 213; John 24, 72, 149, 223; John Henry 49; John “King” 49; Katherine (Katie) 49, 52; Lottie 316, 317, 321; Luke 23-35; Luke E. 262; Martha 33, 49, 187, 321, 322; Mary 107; Otis 287; Otis B. 273; Peter 49; Phoebe 24, 25, 49, 359; Ronald 49, 319; Saloma 47, 49; Scoular (and Mrs.) 27, 33, 290, 319; Stella 84; T.O. (Rev.) 151; Verna 185; William 221 Diamond Construction Company 188 Diamond Square Road 8, 17, 22, 30, 33, 34, 37-45, 63, 68, 69, 76, 81, 110, 113, 178, 214, 234, 237, 238, 298, 364 Diamond, Jack 38 Dibblee, Alice 91, 163, 165, 168, 214, H.E. (Rev.) 162; William 214 Dick, Bessie 92; Jean 90 Dickison, Alwyne Edward (Rev.) 169 Diefenbaker, John 239; Olive 239 Digdequash River 118, 119 Dillon, Rita 338 Dimon, Patrick 38 Diphtheria 252 Doak 138 Doak, Percy (Private) 219 Doaktown 62 Dobbelsteyn, Pauline 84 Dobson, O.B. 321 Doel, Balbar (Dr. and ‘The Major’) 191, 209 Doherty, Vincent 135, 139, 140 Dollar, Andrew 223, 224; William 53 Dominion Bridge Company 114 Dominion of Canada Rifle Association 292 Donaldson, Robert 44, 134 Donovan 172 Donovan Farms 26 Donovan, James 26, 27, 161; Joan 275; John (Private) 219; June 28; Mary iv, 90, 240; Mary Elizabeth 26, 27; Patrick 28; Timothy 27; William 26 Doohan Mary 187 Doolin’s Crossing 17, 65, 87, 358 Dougan, Benjamin Hayes (Dr.) 200, 201 Dougherty, Mary 49; V.E. 140, 141 Dow, Eva 213; John 9 Doyle, Edna 86, 240; Freeman 86, 240; Gerry 116, 205; Rose 205 Dressmaking 233 Drop-In Centre 156 Drost, Elton 308 Drum, Margaret 96, 280 Drumm (Miss.) 154 Drummond, Burdon 86; Edna 86, 240; Perley 75 Dryden 207, 212 Drydon, John (and Mayor) 72, 76, 116, 211, 344, 347, 350; Judy 97 Drygoods Retailing 233 Drysdon, Mae 76 Duchesnay, Susan Mary 58 Dudley, William (Dr.) 191 Duffy, F. (Private) 219 Duke, W.E. (Private) 219 Dunent, Jean Henri 322 Dundas (Dr.) 191 Dunham, W.P. 162 Dunphy, Bob 139, 140 Duplisea 172, 175 Duplisea Blacksmith Shop (A.L. (Albert) Duplisea and Son) 82, 250, 251 Duplisea Road 261 Duplisea A.L. 233; Ada 180; Albert L. 250; Alberta 101; Alice 34, 327-329; Annie 180; Barbara 319; Barbara Elizabeth 250; Bradford 263; Charles L. 221; Clarence 34; Currie 83; David (and Mrs.) 34, 41 ,59, 74, 85, 89, 250, 297, 316, 367; David A. 319; David S. 285, 318; Douglas 257, 266; Earl (and Mrs.) 34, 229; Edith 83; Eileen 98; Elizabeth 87, 248; Elsie 165, 316; Elsie N. 319; F.E. (Private) 218; Jack 72; Jennie 180; Jessie 89; Jessie M. 152; Joan 89, 328; John 250; Joseph 250; Linda 328, 329; Lloyd 93, 94; Marie 250; Minnie 74; Murray 325; Purdy 273; Ralph 307; Raymond 243; Susanna 250; William 89, 91, 104, 267 Durepos 172 Durepos, Roger 75 Duross grant 22-24 Duross, Charles 3, 21-24; Phoebe 24, 49 Dykeman, Margaret 155 Dysart A.A. 282 Dyson, Wallace 187 ‘Early History of ’ (Book by Lottie Nason) 42, 43 East Mill Settlement 188 Eastern Star (Order of the) 320-323, 352 Easton, Charles T. 320; Richard W. 320; Walter 367 Eaton, Edwin F. (Rev.) 166, 169; Tom 166 Eddington 28 Eddington, William J. (and Jr.) 221 Edgecombe, Fred B. 137 Education (See schools) Edwards, Cecil 266 Eel River 2 Elda’s Store 237 Eldridge, Emmerson 185 Electricity 104, 105 Elgee, Charles 138 Ellis, Ethel 69; Frank 69, 221 Embleton 175 Embleton, William (and Mrs.) 150 Embley, Roy (Rev.) 169 English, Jillian 141 Enniskillen 161, 188 Enniskillen Road 172 Esterbrooks 57 Euroopean and North American Railroad Company 121 Eva’s Shopping Service 231, 242, 243 Everett, D.F. 266 Executive Council (of New Brunswick) 278-280 Express (Business) 233 ‘Facts and Folklore, Tracy and the Little Lake Area’ (Book by Miriam Phillips) 98 Family Life (Organization) 166, 167 Farley, John (Dr.) 210 Farm Settlement Board 28 Farrell, Frank 354; Fred 282; Myrtle V. 282; Patrick (Rev. Fr.) 157, 158 Fawcett, Daryl 94 Fielding, Ellen 284; James C.D. 319 Fire Department 336, 337, 350-355 Fire Hall 47, 63 First Falls 7, 64 Fisher, Mary 48 Fishing 297 ‘Fleetwood Pride (1864-1960): The Autobiography of a Maine Woodsman’ (Book by Edward Ives) 18 Flemming, W. (Rev.) 163 Fletcher 119 Fletcher, Alton 307; Edna 71, 81, 255, 260; Sonny 307-309; William K. 320 Flewelling, E.L. 188 Flood, John and Sons (Company) 160 Flowers, Amos 289 Flu Epidemic 280 Flume Ridge 119 Folk Choir 161 Forbes Place (House) 74 Ford, Genevieve 348; Maurice (and Mrs.) 349 Foresters (The Order of) 198 Forks (The) 5, 56, 118 Fort Cumberland 5 Fort Howe 5 Foster, G.W. (Rev.) 151; George (Sir) 181; Nelson 78; W.E. 280 Fountain, Glen B. 151, 152, 237 Fowler, Hanford 187 Fox Farming 50, 51 Fox, Denise 161 Fraser Company Ltd. (and Mill) 25, 40, 58, 67, 88, 95, 98, 146, 148, 241, 272, 273, 289-291 Fraser, Dorothy 72, 257; Norman 187; Robert 187 Frecon Ltd. 116 Fredericton 48, 78, 88, 96, 132-141 passim Fredericton Branch rail line 64, 78, 82, 88, 107, 125, 126, 135-141, 229, 243, 290 Fredericton Express AHL 139 Fredericton Railway Company 121, 136, 137 Fredericton (The railway locomotive) 47 Fredericton – St. Andrews Road (See also Diamond Square Road) 117-120 Free Christian Church (See Baptist Church) Freeman, Murial 239 Fromm, Rachel 282 Front Road 63-101, 178, 270 Fuller Brush Company 83 Furniture Making 234 Fury, Doris 239 Gagetown (and Base Gagetown) 15, 25, 27, 57, 80, 157, 172, 224, 249, 263 Gallagher 171 Gallagher, Anita 160; Anita J. 348, 350; Eugene 141; Luke O’Regan 157; Rowena 158 Gallisham, Stephen 56 Gamble, Carolyn 69, 329; Robert 69, 344 Gardener, Jamie 141; Jason 141; Richard 141, 344, 345 Gardiner (Rev.) 163 Garrett, Ann 339 Garrity, Edwin (Rev.) 151 Gatley, T. (Private) 219 Gaudet, Andrea 327, 329; James 53, 323, 324; James A. 320; Juanita 160 Gautreau, Bob 338 Geary (and New Geary) 14, 118 General Board of Religious Education 167 Gereau, James (and Mrs.) 26, 72, 154, 214, 331; Nettie 26, 72; Ora 304; Roxie 153 Germany 86 Gesner, Abraham (Dr.) 261, 262 Ghost 48 Ghost Hill 65, 74, 75, 85, 123, 299, 333 Giberson, Phillip 186, 325 Gibson, Alexander ‘Boss’ 60; Bill 290 Gilbert, H. 233, 235 Gill 166 Gillespie, Elizabeth 246; George 246; John 246, 260; L. (Color Sgt.) 217; M. (Private) 219; Saphronie 246 Gillett, Freeman 266; Rose 323 Gillispie 107 Gilman 118, 119 Glacier 138 Gladstone Cemetery (and Company Ltd.) 18, 63, 107, 172, 173, 192, 193, 198, 212, 233, 240, 247 ‘Gladstone Guardian’ (Periodical) 239 Gladstone Blissville Senior Citizens Organization (See also Mersereau Hall) 96, 97, 187, 275, 339, 340, 353, 354 Goan, Arthur 303 Goderich, James 331 Godfrey, Louis 266 Golden, Derith 89; Hollis 309; Ronald 267 Golding, D.N. 273; Silas (Private) 218 Goldrick, James 344; Mildred 332 Good, Donald (Dr.) 191, 208 Goodwin, Bliss 223; Carrie 31, 66, 182; Hansel 223; M. (Mrs.) 31; Mennel 66, 182 Gordon, Archibald (and Mrs.) 26, 273, 297, 320; Eileen 185, 297 Gore Road 21-35, 45, 49, 63, 78, 81, 118, 119, 151, 178, 216, 239, 241, 244, 254, 261, 269, 358-360 Gosline, J.E. (Rev.) 151, 220 Gough, Harry P. 141; Kevin C. 141; Peter v, 140, 189; Peter C. 135, 141 Graham (Miss.) 317 Graham, Allan 189; Arthur 41, 241; Gordon 266; Mabel 241, 323 Grand Bay 132 Grand Trunk Railway 121 Grant, Arthur 62, 85; Rose 62, 85; U.S. 124 Grass, Bev 349; Genevieve 348, 349 Grasse, Oran 320 Grateau, Marcel 253 Gray, Alice 92; Fred 88; J.H. 122; Ruby 88 Great Road (See Diamond Square Road) Green (Greene), William 37, 41 Green, Judy 78; Julian (Rev.) 151, 330; Roy 41; Violet 41 Groves, Leslie 266 Guitard 172 Gullisham, Mary 47 Gullison 18 Gullison Brook 18, 22, 31-33, 56, 58, 59, 261, 263 Gullison, Mary 9; Stephen 47, 261 Gunter 202 Gunter, Andrew 291; Jacob (Rev.) 150, 151 Hadley, Adam 141; Eric 141; Jane 141; Matthew 141 Haggerman, William 136, 137 Hailstone, Christine 165; Edmond (Rev.) 169, 319 Half Moon Lake 201 Half-Mile Hill 41 Hall house 359, 360 Hall, Alice 92; George 90, 92, 223, 224; Harry 78; Hazel 91, 92; Idella 90; James 92; Jessie 91, 92; John 22, 24, 25, 78, 360; John L. 338; Kenneth (Dr.) 191, 209; Peg (Margaret) 78, 338, 359, 360 Hamilton, Jonathan (Rev.) 149 Hammet 173 Hammet, Ebeneezer 106; Elizabeth 106 Hammett, Elizabeth 255 Hanwell Road 119 Hardenbrook, Abel 3 Harding, Stephen 326 Harnish 172 Harold, Robert 47 Harper’s Pond 14 Harper, Charles 13-14 Harris 183 Harris, Albion 28, 273, 365; Alfred (‘Appy’) 73, 127; Alton 81, 266, 322; Alton A. 320; Alton L. 273; Amanda 75, 82, 88, 259, 260; Audbur 365; Chester 52; D.P. 181; Donna 327; Dorothy 327; E.C. 273; Edith 81, 83, 84; Elizabeth 82, 108, 240; Elmer 223, 231; Erwin 94; Evan 149; Foster 90; Fred 52, 311, 326; Frederick W. 320; Harland 323; Helen 72, 81, 86, 89, 303; James 77; Janice 76; Jennie 77; John (and Corporal) 75, 82, 217; John S. 273; Jonathan 318; Kenneth 273; Kevin 47; Leslie (and Mrs.) 47, 74, 78, 81, 85, 182, 229, 258; Lillian 81, Lloyd 85, 343; Lloyd K. 320; Lois 78, 85; Mabel 98; Madeline 327, 329; Margaret 166, 167; Marjorie 327; Mary 365; Matthew 52; Mildred 86, 257, 331, 332; Ray (and Mrs.) 82, 81, 86, 89, 139, 335, 337, 345; Richard (Rev.) 169; Rita 72; Roger 85; Sherman 52, 74; T.O. (Private) 218; Thomas 149, 319; Tyler 77, 207; Tyler E. 320; Ursola 90; Walter 84, 127, 133, 134; Wendy 52 Harrison, Lola iv, 16, 99, 133, 180, 191, 194, 258; Marvin (Mrs.) iv Harron, Alma 57 Hartley, F.S. (Rev.) 151 Hartt 173 Hartt family 6-10, 43 Hartt (Tom Hartt’s Pit) 105 Hartt/McLaughlin store 73 Hartt’s Mills (Place name) passim Hartt’s Mills (Lumber and Flour) 7-14, 15-18 passim, 46, 63, 113 Hartt’s Prairie 305 Hartt/Smith store 82 Hartt, Aaron 10, 21, 56, 57, 105; Abigail 8, 15; Ada 50, 108, 143, 144; Adeline 58, 180; Alice 319; Almira 243; Annie 181, 270; Bunny 74, 75, 90, 275; Caroline 81, 255; Charlotte 67, 254, 270; Clara 59; Connie 83; Cuthbert 244, D. Vincent 286; D.V. 324; D.W. 181, 233, 245, 253; David 3, 9, 10, 50, 51, 59, 173, 223, 243, 324, 330; David E. 331; David T. 150, 244; David Thomas (and ‘Long David’) 107, 108, 243; David W. 67, 285, 286; David Wellington 254; Dell 71, 218; Donna 81, 255; Edna 71, 81, 255, 260, 323; Edward 46, 58, 316; Edward P. 248; Eileen 97, 303, 354; Elizabeth 60, 66, 154, 243; Florence 81, 255, 321; Frank 59, 97, 189, 258, 287, 288, 298-300, 303, 306, 324, 336, 337, 347; Frank L. 286, 320, 337; George (and Corporal) 219, 253; Gerald 83; Hal 367; Harold iv, 40, 58, 59, 115, 169, 245, 263, 330; Harold C. 221; Hazel 50; Helen 66, 81, 254, 255; Ida 50, 175, 180, 244; Isaac 7; Jemima 47; Jemina Caroline 9; Jennifer 327; Jessie 50; Jolene 351; Jonathan 7, 9, 47; Lottie 180; Margaret 98, 107, 180, 224, 243; Mary 17-19; Mary Ann 9, 46, 177; Mary Etta 56; Mary Jane 56, 105; Matilda Jane 9; Olive 180; Phebe A. 181; Phoebe 9, 56, 150, 172, 193, 243; Rebecca 15, 110, 174; Richard (and Dick) 81, 255, 289; Ruth 296, 299; Samuel 56; Sarah 279; Sherri 329; Susan 316; Susan Mary 58; T. Richard 319, 320; T.B. (and Mrs.) 31, 273, 330; Thomas 3, 6-10, 15, 21, 27, 31, 33, 34, 40, 41, 46, 47, 56, 66, 93, 105, 107, 152, 172, 177, 243, 248, 253, 254, 279, 285, 298; Thomas Aaron 7, 56; Thomas B. 66, 81, 238, 240, 241, 257, 186; Thomas Byron 254, 255; Thomas E. 58, 59; Vincent 81, 255, 306; William Dell (Capt.) 56, 57, 217 Harvey (Surname) 182 Harvey Village 86, 99, 119, 192 Hatch, Alice 150; Elisha 233 Haviland, Douglas T. (Rev.) 162, 163, 169 Hawkes, George 73, 75; Irvine (and Mrs.) 95, 188, 306, 317; Jean Elizabeth 155; John 260; Stella 42, 95 Haycock, Elliot 37-39; Otis 37-40 Hayward 175 Hayward Store 63, 83, 235 Hayward, Adella 235; Amy 235; Daniel 235; Delia (Mrs.) 154; Gilbert 235, 286; Harry (and his scholarship) 235; Harry W. 220; Hettie 235; Mima 235; Myrtle 235 Hazelwood 33 Hazelwood House 67 Hazelwood Road 41 Hazelwood, John 41, 60 Hazen, John 46, 118 Hazen, Simonds and White 5, 30 Hazen, William 46 Health Act of New Brunswick 197 Heard, Lillian 323; Walter 332 Heenan 171 Heenan, Agnes 83, 268; Al 133; Albert 60, 73, 83, 159, 180, 268, 300; Aloma 260; Celia 180; Daniel 180, 266; Dorothy 133, 241, 268; Douglas 222; Elizabeth 83; Francis 73, 97, 160, 161, 266, 268; Frederick 95, 180, 221, 266, 267-269, 306; Isabel iv, 159, 268; Jacqueline 133; Jean 95, 269; Joan 97, 268; John (Pat) 83, 89, 91, 97, 160, 268, 299, 304-306; Kathleen 86, 133, 268; Lee 97, 268, 326; Mae 74, 269; Mame 180; Mary 83, 91, 97, 268; Patrick 269, 310; Rebecca 268; Rose Marie 73, 241, 268; Thomas 268, 269; Wallace (and Wally) 74, 89, 161, 222, 269, 344, 347; Walter 268, 269, 304, 306 Hendry, C.T. 181 Henery 171 Hewison, Tina 303 Hibbert (Rev.) 163 Hill, F.A. 71; George (Dr.) 191, 207; Ruth 52 Hiltz, Doris 133; Josh 57; Marion (Beth) 94, 133; Millie 133; Prudence 76, 133 ‘History and Dictionary of the Grand Orange Lodge of New Brunswick and Primary Lodges’ (Book by Arnold J. Slaney) 318 ‘History of Fredericton’ (Book by Austin Squires) 135 Hockey 299 Hodgson, Don 307 Hogan, Doris 101, 160, 250; Dorothy 327, 329; Herbert 101, 250, 253 Holland (and Mrs.) 25, 48, 171, 268 Holland, John 233 Hollis, G. Basil (Rev.) 168 Hoodless, Adeline 315; John 315 Hornbrook, Rebecca 268 Horne, H. (Mrs.) 273; Joyce 133 Horseman Road 63-65, 76, 77, 93, 110 Horsman, Carrie 77; John 77; Maria 77; Maude 77; William 77, 108 Hospital Aid 168, 334, 335, 353, 354 Hossack, Barney 290 Hotels: American House Hotel 63, 83, 101, 197, 227-229, 233, 273; Canadian House Hotel 63, 82, 227, 229, 232, 241, 243, 273, 320 House of Commons (Ottawa) 279 Howard 180, 181 Howe, Charles 222, 325; Mary 76; T. Manzer (and Mrs.) 76, 104, 155; T.M. 273, 287 Howlett, Mildred 82 Hoyt 32, 53, 169, 184, 187-189, 191, 246, 279, 282 Hoyt, Dorothy 72, 257, 321, 322; Eric 271; John 72, 266; Lloyd A. 321; Mary Ann 96; Mary Elizabeth 26, 27; Rita 72 Hubbard, Nathaniel 21 Hughes, Marjorie 141; Thomas 101, 227 Hunt, Marguerite 229 Hunter 48, 271 Hunter, Ann 339 Hunting 298 Ice Road (and Ice Cutting) 103-105 Ice Skating 14, 295, 296, 298-300 Illingworth 48 Illinois Field 26 Imperial Oil Company 272 Irving 78 Irving (J.D. Irving Company) 40, 256, 258 Irving Oil garage 72, 81, 88, 237, 258 Ives, Edward (Prof.) 18 James, O. 330; Omer 84 Jenkins, Willard M. (Dr.) 80, 206 Jenson, Elsa 50 Jobe, Ena 71 Johnson, Brian 84; Ervine (and Mrs.) 222, 231; Freda 85, 86, 166, 331, 332, 346, 347; J. Irvine 85; J.H. 272; Jack 273; Maurice 273; Stephanie 84 Johnston (Rev. Fr.) 158 Johnston, Edith 67; Edith M. 284; Wallace (and Mrs.) 284 Jones 173 Jones, Arthur (and Mrs.) v, 323; Arthur E. 320; Clair 86; Clayton 89; Florence 323; Jemima 99; Lloyd 323; Lloyd M. 320; Maxine 323; Nellie 86; Paul 307, 308; Sophie 70; Truman 127 Jordan, Fred 75, 260 Journay, B.L. 272 Journeay 260 Juke, Leonard 53 Junior Church 156 Justice of the Peace (See also Magistrate) 29, 1217, 119, 233 Juvenile 188 Kamouctou 1 Kay, J. Murray 124 Keating, Charles 83; Elizabeth 83 Keith, Bliss (Rev.) 169 Kelly 172, 349, 350 Kelly Cemetery 174 Kelly, Aaron 285; Bev 349; Connie 83; David 110, 149, 174, 178; David L. 150; Doris 101, 250; Hannah 177; Leroy 50, 52, 53; Philip James 348, 349; Phillip 253; Phoebe 177; Rebecca 110, 174; S. (Private) 219 Kenny, Jenny 181 Kilburn, Bonny 311 Kimball, Mary 30, 359 King George VI and Queen Elizabeth 131 King’s Collegiate School (Fredericton) 177 King’s Lumber Company 235 King, May 321; William 247 Kingdom, (Bishop) 162 Kinghorn, William (Rev.) 150 Kingston 173 Kingston Road 63, 65, 84, 85, 159 Kingston’s Hall 318 Kingston, Bessie 18, 65, 90, 319; C.H. 286; Charles 266; Cyrus 65, 90; Esther 65, 90; John 324; Joseph 98; Kenneth 65, 74, 90; Kingsley 266; Lizzie 180; Lloyd 266; Olive 98; Sarah 245; Sarah Ann 92 Kinney, Abigail Cram 49 Kirkpatrick, Fred 160; George T. 53 Klondike Road 183 Knapp, Manfred 326; Renate 86; Richard 326; Rudolph 86 Knight 175 Knight, John 53; Robert 53 Knorr 172 Knorr, Albert 289; Amelia 252; Dale 53; Delcine 74; Erma 331; Gabriel 149; Howard 326; Jeffrey 324; Kenneth 74; Reginald 326; Shirley 46, 53 Knowles, George ‘Brick’ 73 Knox, Fred (Private) 218 Ku Klux Klan 332, 333 Kyle, Lottie L. 322 Ladies Association 152, 154, 155 Lady Margaret Ladies Orange Benevolent Association 318, 319 Lafferty 60 Lafferty, Jack (and John) 81, 93; Mary 81 Landers (Mrs.) 159, 160 Landers, Eleanor 185, 228, 229, 275; Joseph 228, 272; Mary 228, 229, 272, 273, 275, 276; Paul 228; Theresa 228, 275 Latcham, Elizabeth 71 Lath mill 46 LaTour, Charles 5 Lawson, F. Gordon 187 LeClark, Rolande 83 Ledge (The) 67, 80, 297, 298 LeGresley, Gail 339 Leighton, Sarah 174 LeTournette, Marie 95 Lewin (Senator) 201 Lewin, Arthur A. (Dr.) 201 Lewis, Murray 69, 155, 323; Peter 86; Shirley 86 Lindsay 173 Lindsay, Sarah Jane 28 Linton, B.G. (Rev.) 151 Little Helpers 166, 167 Little Lake 1, 17, 42, 92 Little, David 193; Jane 23 Lockhart, Annie I. 168 Lodge, Henry 98 Logging and Lumbering (See also the various mills) 7, 9, 11-14, 22-25, 29, 32, 40, 64, 69, 88, 143-148, 172, 230, 233, 241, 271, 280-282, 290, 291 Longmore Field 306 Longmore, Earl 111; Thomas 76, 111 Lord Townsend (The ship) 95 Lord, Cecil 273, 287; Charles E. 320; Glen 307 Lowe Brothers mill 75 Lower Road 55-62, 2661 Lowerison, Jennie Evelyn 269; Jill 92, 343 Loyalist 2, 3, 22, 47, 49, 96, 277 Luke 172 Luke, Millie 133 Lundy’s Lane 52 Lutes’ Mountain 107 Lutes, Elizabeth 108, 243; Fred 108, 243 Lyons, Chester 361 MacAleese, David D. 221; Gordon 222, 225 MacDonald Brothers (Saint John) 248 MacDonald, Amelia 90; Ann 275; Dan (Major) 292; David 97; Dean 66, 99; Duncan 66, 90; Elmo 29, 46, 61, 68, 69, 97; Iris 27, 303, 323; John 318; Judy 97; Lachlan (Laddie) 249; Leah 68, 69, 97; Lena 86; Lewis 223, 224; Marilyn J. 343; Murray (Mrs. and Rev.) 116, 151, 253; Raymond 94; Robert 223; Sheryl 327; Shirley 155; Weldon 223 MacDonell, John 221 Machias 2, 277 MacIlroy, T. (Private) 219 MacIntosh, Colin 221, Olive J. 221 MacIntyre, A. Enid 221; J.A. 221 Mackay (Dr.) 196 Mackay, John Sr. 196; Mary S. 196 Mackenzie, Janet 183 Mackintosh, Colonel 26; Elsie 165, 252; Ina 85, 168, 252 MacLaren, Ian 323 MacLeod, A.H. (Rev.) 151; Ezekiel (Rev.) 149 MacPhersons’ M & C Convenience Store 75, 83, 238, 243, 270 MacPherson, Carol 243, 269; Claude 186, 266, 269; Donna 275; Jack 323; Jennie Evelyn 269; John 266, 269; Malcolm 243, 269, 326; Martha 269, 323; W.W. 287; Wesley 89, 94; Wesley W. 269, 270, 320 MacRay, Chester 330 Maddigan, Ronald 89, 235 Magaguadavic River 1, 118, 119 Magee, William 100 Magistrate (See also Justice of the Peace) 96, 277 Magowan, Olive 166 Mail Service (See also Post Office) 18, 96, 118, 265 Maleseet 1, 277 Mallery, Lloyd 75 Manning’s Esso Garage 82, 84, 250, 258 Manning, Bruce 326; Fred 187; Jessie 91, 92; John 91, 92, 160; Wesley 91, 97, 343, 344 Manufacturers’ Life Insurance Company 32 Marcotte, Jean Elizabeth 155 Marquis of Lorne (Gov. Gen.) 215 Marr, Frank 74 Marrithew, Mary 23 Marshall, Eustace (Rev.) 151 Martin, Carson 326 Marysville 60 Mason, Betty 74; Winnifred 74 Masonic Lodge (and Hall) 3, 63, 74, 83, 84, 214, 235, 236, 248, 259, 260, 319-321, 354 Mathers (Rev.) 163 Matthews, A.L. 286; F. (Private) 219 Maugerville 2, 3, 7, 58, 95, 277, 285 May, Anna 297, 316, 317; Annie 180; Charles 60, 227; Gertrude 180, 228; Mary 180, 228, 272; Nan 228, 317; Theresa 228; Thomas M. 319 Maybee, Frederick 3 Maynard 173 Maynard Road 27, 65, 83, 94-101, 134, 192, 214, 248, 269, 280 Maynard, Ada 70, 97, 152; Alta 97; Bernice 97, 331, 332; C.V. 330; Chester 70; Curtis 97, 367; Curtis V. 221, Eileen 97, 299; Eloise 33, 34, 41, 239; Gerald 34; Gertrude 97, 160; Harry 305, 306; James (and Private) 97, 217; John 70, 97, 152, 192, 193, 324; Lavina 97, 98; Lena 97, 98, 133; Mary 83, 91, 268; Muriel 70; Stillman 97, 331 McAdam 99, 122-124, 132, 134, 186 McAleese, David 74, Myrtle 74 McCain, Andrew D. 279; Hazel 296 McCann 172 McCann, Cedric 87, 300, 326, 344; Mary 160; Rose Marie 241; Selina 87 McCarron, Mary 227 McCarthy 172 McCaw, Carol 329; Carol Ann 329 McClary, Andrew 318; John 318 McCleary A. (Corporal) 217; Anna 97; Edris 153, 321; Elwood 223; James 100; Jennie 71; John 71; John H. 319; Mae 74, 269 McCloskey 171 McCloskey, James 251 McClusky (McCloskey), John 85, 252 McCouskey, Charles 98; Olive 98 McClusky, Izetta 26, 65; J. 26 McCole, A.H. (Rev.) 151 McConchie, W.G.M. 273 McCracken, A. 37; Alice 76, 84, 327, 329, 351; Allan (and Mrs.) 33, 153; Alma 185; Andrew 26; Arlene 5, 22, 33; Arthur 42, 298; Bentley 22; Bessie 78; Charles v, 29, 34, 42, 78, 222, 224, 325; Colin 326; Dianna v; Elizabeth 25, 359; Glenna 26; Harry 25, 42, 223-225, 258, 324, 331; Harvey 42, 223, 237, 325; Helen 223, 282, 296; Howard 282, 291; James (and Mrs.) 67, 78, 266, 297; Jessie 67, 78; Joan 327; John 76, 84, 326, 345; Joyce 27; Lawrence 22, 25, 26, 42, 287, 324; Lloyd 27-29, 42, 216, 223, 225; Loretta 42; Myrtle 42; Norma 153, 275; Reta 198; Ronald 326; Roy 78, 93, 305; Ruth 42, 133, 237, 345; S.H. 273; Stanley (and Mrs.) 25, 27, 78, 290, 297, 359, 360; Terrence (and Mrs.) 154, 326; William 272 McDade, H.J. (Bud) 140 McDermott 172 McDermott, J.J. (Rev. Fr.) 158 McDougall 119 McDougall Brook 38 McDougall’s Bridge 38 McElroy, Stewart 67 McFarlane’s Mills 119 McFarlane, A.S. 187 McFee, Helen 257; James 122 McGibbon, Flemming 9 McGill University 199-201, 204 McGill, Grace 86; Holly 181; Hugh 86, 166 McGillin, Thomas 161, 223 McGougall, Elizabeth (Dr.) 210 McGougan, Albert 48; H. 287 McGovern, Alice Deverta 96; Lee 180; Patrick 106 McGowan, Henry 37, 40; Patrick 106 McGowen 173 McGrand, Doris 204, 205; Frederick Addison (Dr. and Senator and Mrs.) 71, 80, 88, 116, 159, 191, 203-207, 272, 279, 300, 334; May 334; Rose 204, 205 McGraw, William 37-40 McIntyre, Charles 202, 203; Elizabeth (Beth) 202; Enid 202; Haldane 236; Haldean 202; James Angus (Dr. and Mrs.) 66, 72, 153, 191, 201, 204, 257, 272, 273; Miriam 202; W.E. 181 McIsaac, Doris 205; Sears 205 McKay, George (Dr.?) 233; John (Dr.) 109; John S. (Dr.) 191, 194, 233 McKenzie, Ada 50, 108, 243 McKillop 173 McKillops Brook 57, 146 McKillops Hill 57, 58, 305 McKillips, Ann 58; George 57, 58; Jim 58, Lavina 58; Phoebe 58 Mckinnon, Angus J. 319 McLaughlan 171 McLaughlin’s Store 243 McLaughlin 171, 173 McLaughlin, Ann 58; Beatrice 89, 245, 281; Bliss 223, 305, 306, 367; David 214; David L. 320; Donna 329; Elizabeth (and Mrs. Johnny) 246, 247, 321; Frank 132, 287; Harriet 245; Henry 69, 93, 104, 243, 245, 246, 260, 338; J.F. 273; James 245; Jane 214; John (and Mrs.) 61, 82, 104, 263; Johnny 81; Marshall 246; Mary 81; Matilda 81, 214; Myrtle 245; Nellie 86; Thomas 58 McLean, James (Dr.) 191, 208; Lavina 58; Samuel 58 McLeod (Rev.) 357 McLeod, Beverley 187; Murdo 273; Norman 272 McMahon, Dennis 157 McMillan, John 163; Robert 137 McMonagle, J. 187 McPherson, Claude 325 McQuestion Landing 358 McQuestion 171 McQuestion, Elizabeth 95, 96, 280; Hugh 233; Jane 236; L. 233; Mary J. 182; R. 233 McShane Road 65 McShane 171, 173 McShane, Catherine (Kate) 65; John 65, 159, 260; Walter 161 Meagher Pit 105 Meagher, Daniel (and Jr. and Sr.) 105, 106, 171; James 106, 171, Jeremiah 106; John 105, 106; Susannah 106 ‘Medical Dictionary’ 192 Medicine 6, 56, 71, 80, 191, 210, 252, 257, 280 Medley (Mrs.) 163 Mellor, Marjorie 89 Menzies, John (Dr.) 210 Merensey Stream 52 Merritt, Hilda 50, 51, 329; Lee 32, 34, 324; Ricky 41, 60 Merryweather, Alma 166 Mersereau 173, 175 Mersereau Garage 82, 84 Mersereau Hall 60, 63, 96, 167, 186, 325 Mersereau Lane 93 Mersereau Road 63, 65, 89, 91-95, 98, 101 Mersereau Store 236 Mersereau Stream 263 Mersereau, A. 330; Abner (and Mrs.) 34, 96, 223, 253, 317, 331; Addie 96, 325; Adeline 235; Adella 235; Alan v, 76, 176; Albert 50; Alex 266; Alice 85; Alice D. 182; Alice Deverta 96; Artelle 133; Aus 337; Austin (and Mrs.) 89, 96, 245, 258, 269, 281, 234, 330, 331; Austin J. 221; Beulah 133; Bernice 89, 245, 281; Blanche 69, 339; Burton 273; Caleb J. 283; Carol 67; Carrie 77, 78; Clarence (and Mrs.) 53, 71; Cyril 326; D. (Mrs.) 317; D.W. (and Mrs.) 88, 154, 272, 316, 317; Daniel 95, 235; Darren 326; David 93, 96, 97, 258, 306, 314, 316, 319, 324; David Wellington 77, 78, 116, 173, 267, 279-281, 286, 290, 291, 319, 321; Derith 89; Donald 69, 166; E.S. 273; Edith 47, 53, 67, 284, 321, 322; Edith M. 284; Elizabeth 70, 77, 95, 96, 280, 321; Ernest 110, 236, 322; Ernest S. 321; Ethel 92, 231, 299; Foster 96, 97, 281; Francine 85; Gary 85, 311. 344; Gerald (and Mrs.) 76, 81, 89; Gertrude 71, 323; Grace 153, 236, 253; Hannah 283; Harold 180; Hazel 67, 239; Hilda 76, 81, 89, 323; Ida v, 33; Jeannine 92, 319; John 95, 96, 180, 304, 305; Joshua (and Captain) 95; Judy 257; Lawrence 96, 235; Leah 68, 69, 97; Lee 96, 97, 154, 188, 223, 281, 299, 303- 306; Lee A. 116, 320; Lemont 321; Lenore 133; Leonard (and Mrs.) 33, 95, 96, 109, 197, 280; Lorne 115; Lorne A. 221; Maggie 77, 280, 281; Margaret 96, 236, 316, 321; Marion 296, 299; Mark 310; Maxine v, 133; May 180; Melva 236; Minnie 96, 109, 197; Oliver Smith 236; P.C. (Mrs.) 155; Paul (and Mrs.) 67, 153, 266, 300, 322; Paul C. (and Mrs.) 116, 279, 283, 284, 320; Pearl 236; R. 274; Raymond 287, 325; Robert 92, 94, 311, 343, 344; Ronald 85, 309; Stephen 89; Sylvia 34, 258, 322; Terrence 337; Theresa 96, 97, 281; Travis 41, 67, 202, 223, 235, 236; Treston 139; Vance (Private) 219; Wensel 92; Winslow 274, 187 Messer (Don Messer and the Islanders) 99 Messer, Bunny 74, 75, 90, 353; Don 99; Herbert 74, 75, 90, 300, 344, 350 Meyer, Kurt (Colonel) 224 Michaud, Leo 290 Milburn, Darrell 275 Mile Hill 41, 44 Miles, Albert J. 100; Thomas 105 Military (The) 211-225 Military Regiments: 12th Battalion Canadian Expeditionary Force 219; 71st Regiment of York Militia 29, 57, 215-219; 104th Regiment 52; Calgary Tanks 223; Cameron Highlanders 223, 224; Carleton and York Regiment 219; Carleton Light Infantry 219; King’s American Regiment 3, 22, 49; Loyal American Regiment 3; New Brunswick Rangers 223; New Brunswick Regiment (and Royal New Brunswick Regiment) First Battalion 219; New Brunswick Scottish Regiment 219; New Jersey Volunteers 3; New York Light Infantry 3; Royal Fencible Americans 3, 5, 46; Saint John Fusiliers 224; Sunbury Regiment of Militia (See Militia) Militia (See also Military Regiments) 29, 38, 57, 111, 211, 219 Mill Brow House 9, 31, 66, 202, 203, 234 Mill Store 63 Miller 43 Miller’s Island 48 Miller, Amanda 24, 48, 76, 314; Edwin (Mrs.) 154; E.T. 181; James Henry 48; Mary 48 Millidge, J.M. (Rev.) 163 Milligan (Rev. Fr.) 158, 159 Milliners 233 Mills, Harriet 245; John (Private) 219; John L. 274; Theodore 323; Theodore C. 320 Milltown 9 Milwaukee and Saint Paul Railway Company 359 Mink Farming 216 Miramichi Fire 9 Mission Band 155 Mission House 149 Mission Union 154 Missiquash River 278 Mitchell 173 Mitchell Barns and John Mitchell Farm 34, 46, 48 Mitchell, Ed 32; Edgar (Corporal) 217; John 53; Levi (and Mrs.) 89, 269; Mary Ann 46; Moses 164; Patrick 37, 40; Paul (Rev. Fr.) 160 Moffitt, Allen 89; Lillian 88 Mole 166 Montgomery, Hilda 62; Kenneth 62, 205, 223 Mooney 171 Mooney, Edward 3, Paul 137 Moore 173 Moore, Douglas 84, 94; Edward 262; Eileen 133; Gordon 40; Harold (and Private) 67, 153, 220, 323, 330, 331; Harold A. 221; Hazel 67, 322; Irvine 189; Jennie 81; John (Sir) 99, 178; Josie 299; Margaret 236; Marjorie 84; Sheddie 81, 255; William (Rev. Fr.) 158 Morell, Herb 141 Morrison 138 Morrison Mills 132 Morrison, David 140, 141 Morrow Road 58 Morrow, George 119 Mosher, Stephen 255, 259 Mott 173, 175 Mott, Alex 272; Carol 243, 270; Charles 26, 53, 92, 150, 318; Chester (and Jr. and Sr.) 19, 53, 92, 104, 109, 223, 306, 330, 331; Daniel 26; David 236; Edward 318; Emery (Sgt.) 217; George (Private) 218; Hannah (Nettie) 240; Izetta 26, 75, 86; Jessie 72; John 318; Lessie 92, 109; Nellie 240; Nettie 26, 53; Norma 241, 331; O.N. (Rev.) 151; Parker 90; Pauline 84, 160, 161; Robert (and Private) 84, 218, 309; Winston 309 Mount Pleasant 120 Mowry, Ruby 88 ‘Mrs. Johnny Shop’ 82 Mullen 104, 175, 183 Mullen, Grace 86; Harry 84; Sydney 274 Mundy Brook 261-263 Mundy, Joseph 261 Munn, Adeline 89; Dalton 75 Murder 43 Murphy (Rev. Fr.) 158 Murphy, Josiah 181 Murray 173 Murray, Agnes 196; Andrew William 196-198; Angus 96; Angus J. (Dr. and Mrs.) iv, 93, 108, 109, 173, 191, 195-198, 271, 286; Anna iv, 197; Eldon 223; H. James 220; Howard 196; James (and Corporal) 180, 196, 197, 219; Jennie 81; John (and Private) 37, 40, 42, 61, 127, 180, 195, 196, 219, 223, 224; John D. 221; Mabel 42; Mary S. 196, 198; Minnie 96, 109, 198; Nancy 195 Music Committee 153 Myles, Rose 84 Myshrall 48 Myshrall, Anna 299; Eldon 325 ‘N.B. Advertiser’ Newspaper 96 Narrowmore, Darrell 266 Nason’s Hill 28, 261 Nason 22, 44, 175, 183 Nason Adela 32; Alada 244; Albert 84, 91, 95, 214, 260, 304, 306; Alfred 34, 180, 266, 304, 219, 322, 367; Alice 180, 252; Alma 332; Amelia 90; Angela 85; Anna 97; Asa 26, 74; B.H. 274; Betty 244, 260; Beverly 327, 329; ‘Black Jack’ 49; Blanche 31, 180; Bliss 31, 32, 223, 263, 367; Bliss S. 221; Brian 257; Caroline 254; Carrie 31, 66, 180, 182; Clair 266; Clara 46; Clarence 66, 85; Conrad 186; Dana (and Mrs.) iv, 31, 32, 51, 52, 300, 321, 323, 324; Dana S. 320; David 31, 86, 266; Dellis (Private) 218; Donald 309; Donna 81, 255; Doris 133; Dorothy 32, 321, 322; E.A. 330; Earl (and Mrs.) 21, 31, 32, 153, 180, 188, 300, 317, 320, 367; Edward (Private) 218; Edwin 337; Effie (Josie) 85; Elizabeth 244; Ena 71; Ernest E. 320; Eulah 253; F. Albert (Chipp) 97, 98; Frank 266, 287; Freda 85, 166; George 86, 287; Glen 139; Glynn 223; Grace 153, 236, 253, 260; Gwendolyn 133; H.H. (Private) 218; Hannah 85; Hardy (and Mrs.) 72, 75, 85, 86.267, 331; Harlan 266; Harold 8, 153; Harvey 70, 74, 125, 260; Hattie 31, 32, 66, 90, 244; Hazen 66, 300, 304, 306, 324; Helen 31, 66, 81, 254; Henry 97; Hilda 50, 51; Hollis 32, 40, 66, 94, 291, 367; Huylett 88, 260; Irma 88; Isaac 49; Israel 26, 45, 47, 75, 85, 86, 318; Izetta 26, 75, 86; J. Lawrence 319; J.M. (Private) 218; James 116, 324; Jan 95; Jean 269; Jennie 86, 180; Jeremiah 47; Jessie 222; John 30, 74, 85, 244, 252; John A. 74, 85, 252; John Aubin 88; John L. 74, 86; Justin 274; Karl 266, 325; Keith 222, 274, 367; Lavina 319, 322; Lavina A. 74, 97, 98; Lee 247; Lemuel 30, 47, 71, 74, 75, 85, 188; Lemuel R. 320; Leon 310; Levina 252; Lewis 32, 266, 291; Loran 214; Lottie 42, 50, 321, 347; Lou 367; Louise 42, 242; Luther 309; Lydia 70; Mabel 47, 53, 81; Margaret iv, 32, 66, 244, 257, 321, 322; Marie 133; Marion 180; Marshall iv, 31, 180; Martha 49; Mary 74, 85, 97; Melvin 74; 318; Mildred 98; Minnie 74, 252; Miriam 133, 275; Murchie 287; Muriel 70, 88; Myrna 87, 95, 275; Myrtle 91; Neil 266; Nellie 133; Norma 241; Odbur (Private) 218; Orran (Private) 218; Oscar 53; P.E. (Private) 218; P.K. 286; P.W. 324, 330; Parker 46, 132, 236, 305; Parker A. 21, 32, 244, 262, 266; Parker B. 274; Parker W. 31, 67, 274; Pearl 84, 85, 91, 260, 331; Pennel 31, 46, 66; Percy 296; Philip 117, 247, 326; Phoebe 49; Queenie 85; Robert 88, 326; Roland 153, 222; Ronald 94; Ross 34, 46, 266; Roy 78; Roy A. 274; Ruby 91, 214; Ruth 31, 90, 180; Samuel 318; Sarah 47; Stanley 180; T. Earl 286, 321, 322; Ted 291; Thomas 53, 85, 86; Tony 50, 258; Victor 31, 66, 104, 367; Victoria 18, 109; Vivian iv, 91, 214, 266; W.E. (Mrs.) 317; Wallace 253, 266; Walter 325; Wesley 21, 30-32, 90, 150, 151, 244, 254; Wesley D. 262, 236, 286; William 127; Wilma 84, 260; Wilmot 330, 331; Winnifred 74, 319 Nasonworth 30 Navy 27 Neales, Scovil (Rev.) 163, 164 Neary Hill 299 Neary, Effie 180; Mary 42; William (and Mrs.) 34, 154 Needham, William H. (Mrs.) 136 Neilson, Paul 339 Nevers, Amy 235; Cloe 237; Duncan 72, 98; Walter 307 New Brunswick Board of Health 197, 198 New Brunswick Electric Power Commission 55, 58, 146, 280 New Brunswick Legislature (and MLAs) 116, 204, 205, 277, 279-288 New Brunswick Medical Society 198 New Brunswick Museum 5 New Brunswick Provincial Government Departments: Agriculture 280, 313, 316; Agriculture and Rural Development 338; Health and Welfare 209, 346; Municipal Affairs 285; Public Works 114; Transportation 93, 94, 116; Youth and Welfare 187 Company 124, 137 New Brunswick Telephone Company 271-275 New Horizons (Organization) v, 339 Nichols, Jack 290 Nicholson, J.A. 330; James (and Mrs.) 82, 84, 259, 260, 326, 331; Sharon 260; Willard (Buzz) 83, 84, 259; Wilma 84, 260, 331 Noble, Adam 52, 86; Alfred 60; Charles (and Mrs.) 34, 155; Clyde 50, 53; Dianne 72, 92; Doreen 72; Eileen 87; Ena 87; Gary 88, 326; Herbert (Ted) 73, 258, 347; Joseph A. 272; Leona 257, 348; Lillian 88; Milton 72, 97, 258; Murray 222; Neil 307, 308; Ted 74, 98, 229, 311, 339, 345, 348; Terry 53, 258 Normal School (Fredericton) 179, 181, 185, 195, 204, 238, 358 Norrad, Beryl 71, 323 Nutter, A.L. (and Mrs. and Fred) 126, 266, 317; Alfred 60, 316; Charles 180, 295; Edith 199; Elizabeth 281; Ethel 316, 321; Fred (and Mrs.) See also A.L. Nutter 266, 297, 306; Grace 297 O’Brien 171, 182 O’Brien, Ellen 41; John 41 Ogden, Elizabeth 85; Sarah 252 Ogilvie, Isabel 290; Robert 290; William 290 O’Keefe, Francis J. (Dr.) 191, 207 O’Leary, Blaine 78, 88, 93, 94; Blanche 69; Carrie 77, 78; Edward (Mrs.) 77, 78; Gerald (and Mrs.) v, 78, 93, 94, 326; Gregory 326; Lois 78, 85 Oliver, M.A. 140, 141; Murray 135, 140 O’Neill 172 Orange Lodge (and Hall) 53, 66, 98, 159, 167, 169, 218, 222, 315, 318-321, 330, 331 O’Regan, Luke (Rev. Fr.) 157 Oriental (The train) 138-140 (The Township) 3, 7, 157, 161 Oromocto 146 Oromocto Coal Mining Company 32, 262, 264 Oromocto High School 189 Oromocto Lake(s) 146 O’Rourke, Frances 83 Osborne 138 O’Toole 48 Ottem, Janet 323; John 53, 320, 323 Ouellet, Jean-Pierre 189 O’White, Mary Jane 213 Palmer, Blanche 319; Elsie 183; Frank 222, 291, 292, 296; H.S. 319; Harry 221, 307, 308, 367; Herbert 85, 222; Herbert S. 221; Lily 165; Queenie 85 Parker, Charles 77 Parsons, Stanley 106, 173; Susanna 250 Patchell, Frank 319; Robert 263 Patterson House 82, 232 Patterson Settlement 188, 229, 231 Patterson, Ann 229; Annie 229; Eleanor 71; Ella 229; Elsie 133; Florence 229; George (and ‘Humpy’) 229, 231, 253, 266; James (and Jr. and Sr.) 78, 137, 229-233; Jean 133; Julia 229, 231, 232; Katheryn 133; Margaret (and Maggie) 163, 164, 168, 229, 231, 319, 331, 332 Patullo, Francis 52; Sarah Nason 47 Peck, Lee 15 Pelletier 172 Pelletier, Omer 83, 289; Rolande 283 Peltoma Lake 1, 17 Penn, William 95 Penney, Cyril 235 Penobscot River 2 Perkins, Joyce 27 Perley Brook 279 Perley, Adeline 58; Israel 2, 277, 279; Laura 279; Sarah 279; William Edward 278, 279 Peters, W. Tyng 163 Peterson 173 Peterson’s Rocks 1, 63, 263 Peterson, A. 318; Allan 76, 236, 260, 290, 305, 337, 367; Arthur 66, 267; Audrey 275; Benjamin 85, 252, 316, 317; Betty 327; Bliss 91, 92,, 305; Burpee 319; Carrie 180; Charles 84, 85, 318; Clinton 89; Dianne 72, 92; Duncan 69; Elizabeth 85; H. Raymond 85, 221, 320, Harold 69, 72, 222, 367; Harry (and Mrs.) iv, 32, 66, 93, 153, 233, 257, 305, 367; Hazel 91, 92; Ina 85, 168, 252; Jean 275; Joan 275; Katheryn 72, 323; Kenneth (and Mrs.) 82, 88, 92, 153, 154, 203, 204, 344, 345; Leonard 73, 109, 195, 246; Lizzie 180; Lois 165; Margaret 9, 32, 202, 244, 257, 322; Marjorie 89, 329; Mary 319; Pearl 76, 236, 260, 323; Philip 310; Raymond 180, 222, 252, 304; Richard 234; Sarah 252, 316; Shirley 86; Stephen 61, 89, 326; Theodore (and Mrs.) 60, 67, 74, 92, 326 Pfeiffer’s Barber Shop 83, 229 Pfeiffer, John 74, 229 Pheasant 175 Pheasant, Charles 233; Clara 87, 248; Dorothy 234; Elizabeth 87, 248; Ena 87; Fred 87, 248, 249; William (Mrs.) iv Phillips 92, 173, 315 Phillips Hill 41 Phillips, Addie 81, 96; Angus 94, 229; Byron 98; Charles 274; David 7, 9, 41, 47; Francine 85; Harold 53, 182; John 9; John H. 274; L.M. 330; Leaman 274; Leon 229; Leona 257; Listena 70, 91; Lucille 85; Lyman 98; M. (Private) 218; M.E. and Son (Company) 274; Matilda 17; Maurice 303; Miriam (and Mims) 98, 133, 327, 329; N.S. 330; Nora 94; Oscar 187; P.D. (Mrs.) 274; Phoebe 7; Rebecca 172; Sheldon 52; Sonny 310; Thomas 47; W.L. 274; Wendy 327; Winnie (Linda) 133 Piek, Nancy 327, 329; Roddy (Rev.) 243 Pillsworth 166 Pines (The) 1, 52, 64, 72 Pioneer Cemetery 174, 176 Pioneer Girls (Organization) 155 Piranhas Volleyball Team 310 Plaster, Charles 60, 339; Dorothy 327; Henry 278; William J. 320 Pleasant Ridge 118 Ploughman, Harry (Rev.) 169 Pollock 175 Pollock Brook 45, 318 Pollock, John 45, 49, 50; Rosannah 49, 50 Porter, James (Mrs.) 315 Portland Branch (Of the Grand Trunk Railway) 121 Portland Point 5, 30, 46 Pospolita, Michael 72 Post Office (See also Mail Service) 9, 63, 82, 109, 147, 255-258, 330, 352 Post Road (See Wilsey Road) Powell, H.E. 160 Prescott, Joseph (Rev.) 169 Price 172 Price, Alice 85; Edward 98, 244; Gerald 326; Margaret 98, 244 Prides Landing (and Road) 1, 7, 8, 15-19, 45, 63, 64, 67, 76, 94, 103-111, 157, 171, 172, 178, 188, 195, 234, 243, 247, 260, 290, 291, 296, 297, 305, 306, 346 Price, Albina 150; Benedict 17-19, 65, 109; Dorothy iv, 234; Fenwick 17, 18, 67, 87, 88, 93, 234, 257; Fenwick W. (and Mrs.) 152; Fleetwood 18; Jeremiah 19; Jonathan 7, 8, 15, 16; Lessie 92, 109; Lillie 67, 87, 234, 257; Rebecca 16; Samuel 16-18, 177, 285; Sheldon 18; Victoria 109 Prince, Marion 185 Princess Louise (H.R.H.) 214 Provost, Teresa 133 Pugh (Prof.) 323 Pugh, Grace 302; Lawrence 59, 164, 343 Pye, George 88; Pauline 329 Queen Victoria 215 Queens County Municipal Council 204 Queens-Sunbury West Memorial Hospital (See White Rapids Manor) Queenston Heights 52 Quigg, Joseph 267 Quinn, W.H. 163 R.C.M.P. Auxiliary Pistol or Hand Gun Club 292 Radio Range Tower 292-294 Raeburn, Esther 65, 90; Rodney 326 Railway (See also railway companies by name) 8, 17, 48, 103, 113, 121-141 Railway Facility Act 135 Mainsford, Margaret 187 Rand, Thomas 136 Rattray 48 Rawleigh Products 87 Reader, Edward 33 Readman, George (Rev.) 169 Recreation Council 187, 311, 312 Rectory of Burton 162 Red Cross Society 168, 220, 311, 333, 334, 339 Redstone 41 Redstone, Alfred 94, 223; Beth 94; C. 37; Charles (and Mrs.) 42, 66, 155, 223, 267; Enid 133; Fred 94; Hazel 42; John 223; Marie 324, 326-329, 331, 347; Mary 42; O.J. (Mrs.) 31, 331; Ottis 42, 66, 90; Ruth 31, 90; S.L. 324; Samuel (and Mrs.) 42, 223, 224, 226, 331, 347; Thomas 8; Ursola 90; W. 37; William 267 Reid 183 Reid, Arnold 53, 85, 274; Daryl 326; Donald 326; Edna 248; Eliza 85; Evelyn 165; Foster 267; Francis 248; Hazel 41, 42; Hubert (and Mrs.) 32-34, 81, 153, 244; Idella 90; Lucille 85; Ola 85; Roderick 85 ‘Religious Intelligencer’ (The Periodical) 150 Reud, William (Rev.) 151 Reynolds, Helen 187 Rice 166 Richards, Charles D. 181 Richardson 263 Richardson, Agnes 210; Andrew 210; H.K. (Mrs.) 24; Herbert (and Mrs.) 153, 187; J.A. (Rev.) 163; John (Dr. and Jake) 89, 191, 205, 210; Mark 210; Mary 24 Ricker, Lottie 57 Rifle Association (New Brunswick) 291 Rifle Club 291, 292 Rigby, Carl 322; H.F. 162 Riley 37, 86 Riley, John (Sergeant) 37, 38, 40 Ring, Daryl 186 River Transportation 16-18 River Valley Lumber Company 146, 148, 282 Roberts, Dow G. 220; William (Dr.) 199 Robertson’s Bridge 46, 113 Robertson, I.A. (Rev.) 151; James F. 163; Lorena 122; Loretta 78 Robinson 9, 339 Robinson’s Store (A.W. Robinson and Son) 63, 82, 83, 109, 110, 234, 248, 249, 269 Robinson, Albert Wallace (and Al) 83, 87, 248-252, 255; Alfred A. 60, 109; Alice 252; Barbara 252; Clair 324; Clara 87, 248, 249; David 88, 248, 252, 253, 326; Edna 331; Elsie 252, 253; Fred 74, 86, 248, 255, 268, 296; Howard 85, 86, 330, 331; Kathleen 86, 268; Lori 99; Marjorie 84; Mildred 247; Minnie 252, Permelia 248; Robert 99; Roger 324; Ruby 73, 91, 133, 243, 334, 347; Thomas 109, 173; Winifred 252 Rockwell, Johnny 308 Rogers 173 Rogers, Annie 166; Irene 328, 329; John 187 Rose, John 3, 45, 51 Rossignol 172 Royal Bank of Canada 82, 84, 214, 235, 236, 260, 272, 274, 300, 351, 353 Royal Canadian Legion 84, 85, 255, 260, 303, 309, 324, 329-332, 350, 352, 353 ‘Royal Gazette’ 95, 96, 262 ‘Rural Edition’ (The Periodical) 43, 254, 304, 448, 348 Rusagonis Station 19, 31, 63, 78, 138, 178, 184, 188, 189, 240, 244 Rusagonis Stream 30, 119, 136 Russell 172 Russell, A. (Sergeant) 219; Betty 249, 268; Charles 98; Dean 92, 267; Dolphus 52, 99; Eric 83, 227, 229; Erna 180; Harriet 94; Jean 90; John 92; John C. 221; Kathleen 98; Lawrence 326; Mabel 98; Marlene 229; Muriel 160; Norman 94; Paul 94; Peter 94; Richard 97, 280; Roland 98; Sarah Ann 92; Salina 87, 241; Therese 99, 160; Thomas 92; Vicky 97; Wayne 90 Ryan, Ambrose (Mrs.) 331; Ida 255, 331; Jim 307; Thomas 40 Rycroft, Guy 267 Ryder, Gordon 267; Shirley 69, 89 Saint Andrews Anglican Church 63, 83, 110, 111, 153, 161-169, 213, 231, 329, 351, 353 Saint Andrews Society of Fredericton 198 Saint Andrews 38, 43, 118 Saint Andrews Road (See Diamond Square Road) Saint Ann’s Point 38 Saint Columba’s Catholic Cemetery 63, 106, 110, 157, 171, 172 Saint Columba’s Catholic Church iv, 63, 156-161, 172, 351 Saint Croix River 2 Saint Dunstan’s Catholic Church (Fredericton) 157, 158 Saint Ignatius Church (Petersville) 172 Saint John 25, 26, 29, 41, 68, 76, 96, 100, 121, 132, 135, 136 Saint John and Maine Railway Company 124 Saint John River 1-3, 5, 30, 277 Saint Stephen 81 Saint Thomas, Carrie 42; Siverine 76 Saint Vincent de Paul 157-160 Sainz, Beatriz (Dr.) 191, 210 Saloons 233 Sam Allen Hill 41, 42 Sambles 173 Sambles Hill 41, 42 Sambles, Amanda 69, 248; J. (Private) 219; John (and Private) 40, 41, 218; Julia 91; Mabel 42; Rose Ann 41; W. (Corporal) 219; Wendall 109, William 8, 41 Sanburne 37 Sand Brook 188 Sansom, Clarence 181, 187 Saulnier 172 Saunders, Anne 207, 208; Christopher J. 320; Dianne 141; Edwin L. 320; George 323; George J. 320; Josh 325; Reginald (Dr.) 191, 207; Scott 141 Saunderson, Arthur 287; John 214; Matilda 214; Myrtle 91, 214 Saxby Gale 136, 364-366 Saxby, S.M. (Lieut) 364, 365 Sayer, John (Rev.) 3 Scarlet Fever 252 School Board 62 Schoolhouse Hill 22, 34 Schools (Fredericton Jct. and area) 27, 33, 34, 39, 99, 177-189, 280, 283; Back Tracy School 182, 183; Diamond Square School 37, 39, 106, 181, 182; Elementary School 189; Little Blue Schoolhouse 63, 177; Mount Bleak Academy 21, 34, 45, 63, 178-181, 183, 193, 238, 285; North Branch Valley School 45; Sunbury Grammar School 27, 34, 45, 47, 51, 63, 88, 98, 99, 131, 182-187, 189, 198, 229, 241, 300, 305, 314, 327, 329; Sunbury West Junior High School 189; Sunbury West Middle School 8, 178, 189, 236, 260; Sunbury West Regional High School (and Board) 62, 63, 94, 98, 111, 187-189, 284, 300, 307-309, 337; Tracy Elementary School 189 Scott Lumber Company 9 Scott’s Mill 45, 46 Scott, Adelia 25; Bessie 78; Delilah 123; Earl 223; Elizabeth 25, 359; Ethel 67; Frank (and Mrs.) v, 33, 83, 93, 94, 160, 207, 242, 354; George 8, 24, 25, 27, 41, 123, 359; Ida 33; John 46; Lorilee 71; Louise 187, 316; Phoebe 25; Phoebe Ann 359, 360; William (Private) 218; Winslow (and Private and Mrs.) 25, 28, 33, 153, 218, 290 Scouts (Boy; Girl; Brownies; Cubs; Guides; and Rangers) 187, 323-329 Scovil, G.F. (Rev.) 162, 163 Schribner Brook 261, 263 Schribner, Frank 181 Secord Falls 16 Secord, Elizabeth C. (Dr.) 99, 101, 191, 193-195, 233; Herbert 194; John 194 Seeley, Allan 112; Edward C. 319; George 245; Grace 77; Hannah 245; John R. 22, 38, 118; Manzer 247; Maynard 267; Myrtle 245; Wilford E. (Whit) 77; Willard 247 Seely, A. (Private) 219; Bliss 219; Burpee 107; H.B. (Private) 218; Linus 263; Maynard (Private) 218 Segee, Arlene 33, Elsie 183, 331; Guy (and Mrs.) 183, 331; John 183; Nellie 50; Vincent C. 221, 319 Senate of Canada 283 Sewing Circle (Group) 328 Shanks 166 Shanks, Frank 282; Gertrude 241; Gertrude Victoria 282; Rachel 282 Shannon 172 Shannon, Anne 95; Charles 161; Doreen 133; Harry 95, 97; Hugh 8; Joan 97, 268; Kirsta 161; Monica 161 Sharman (See Shearman) Sharp, Alberta 321 Shaw, Mabel 274 Shea, William 187 Shearer, Flora 80, 299; J. (Mrs.) 317; John (and Mrs.) 28, 78-80, 93, 115, 153, 297, 316, 334; Lois 80, 154, 223, 296, 299; Myra 28, 78-80, 316 Shearman Bar 6, 56 Shearman Grant 3, 5-7, 22, 33, 46, 47 Shearman’s Bank 6, 56 Shearman, Ambrose, (Dr.) 3, 5, 6, 46, 55, 56, 105; Ann 46, 47, 56; Mary Ann Hannah 46, 47, 56 121 Shehan 171 Sheehan, Hannah 227; Jennie 227; John 101, 227, 233; John C. 285; Theresa 228; William 8 Sheffield 277 Sherwood, Terry 53 Shields, Amos 304 Shin Creek 38, 118, 119 Shipbuilding 16, 105 Shipyard Road 16, 105 Shirley Settlement 106 Shirley, Elizabeth 25; Frances 23 Simms, Vernon (and Mrs.) iv, 197 Simpson 171, 173, 182 Simpson Lane (See also Maynard Road) 63, 65, 94, 97, 101, 134, 192, 248 Simpson, Elizabeth 214; Elizabeth L. 192, 193; James L. (Dr.) 65, 97, 181, 191-193, 240; James Sterling 192, 193; Janet 192; John 37, 214; John Archibald 192, 193; M.P. 192; Maggie Christina 192, 193; Margaret P. 192, 193; Mike 39, 40, 181; W. Cuthbert 192 Sinclair 99, 166 Sinclair, Elizabeth 244 Sioux Lookout Mission School 168 Sisson, G.B. 274; George B. 319 Skinner 99 Skinner, William Whitcomb 177, 178 Slaney, Arnold J. 318 Slipp 173 Slipp, Elizabeth 9; Harold 46, 52, 61; James L. 9; Leonard 3, 107; Luther 58, 107; T. Guilford 107; Wendy 52 Small, John 3, 45-47, 150, 184 Smith 19 Smith Brothers (Business) 255, 271, 281, 282 Smith’s Store (Blissville) 232, 246 Smith, A.W. 335; Adeline 235; Alice 133; ‘Buckwheat’ 9; Byron 257; C.G. 330; Caroline 254; Carrie 31; Chapman (Jr.) 39, 49; Clarence 89, 330; Clarence G. 267; Clayton 34; Coburn 83; D.H. 233; Dale 307; Daniel 3, 21-23, 30, 55, 193; David 9, 13, 23, 31, 60, 66, 97, 198, 318; David H. 173, 192; Donald 80, 186, 241, 242, 282; Edith 83; Edward 75, 242, 307, 308; Edward L. 320; Elizabeth 9, 60, 66, 97, 192, 193, 281, 316; Ellen 284; Eva 75, 242, 243; Evangeline 242, 282; Florence 180; Ford 180; G.F. 274; Gabriel 241, 271; Gabriel F. 116; Gabriel Fowler 279, 281, 282; George 74, 316; George H.L. 220; George W. 74, 75, 85, 319; Gertrude 49, 241; Gertrude Victoria 282; Glen 185, 306; Grace 285; Hattie 31, 244; Hazel 183; Helen 282; Herbert 282; Horace B. 116, 279, 284, 285, 300, 320, 326; Jarad (Jr.) 27; Joan 89, 133; John E. 281; Lorraine 328; Luther 232; Luther B. 72, 235, 271, 281, 282, 319; Luther G. 241, 242; Mabel 89; Marion E. 221; Milton A. 319; Myrtle V. 282; Norma 242, 282; Olive 181, 270; Peleg 271; Peleg (P.J.) 281; Phoebe 193; Ralph (Rev.) 169; Reuben L. 221; Robert 271, 289; Robert B. 281, 282; Russell B. 267; Shirley 80, 242, 275; Stanley P. 221; Van 302; W.A. 272, 274 Smithers, A.W. (Rev.) 163 Snack Bar (The) 83, 259, 260 Snell, Coakley 186, 214; E.I. 214; Ervine I. 62, 82, 235, 300, 320; Mildred 82 Snodgrass, Hannah 283 Snow, Hank 257 Snowshoeing 297 Somers, Bob 109, 223; Vera 133; William 32 Sorrie 60 South Branch 5, 17, 22, 24, 49, 55, 57, 107, 146, 149, 193, 261, 282, 285, 290, 326, 338, 366 South Central Development Council iii, 71, 337-339, 352 Spacek, M. (Dr.) 191, 207 Sparks, Ina 94 S.P.C.A. 207 Speer, Donna 141; Karen 141; Martin 141 Speight, Catherine (Betty) 323; Murray 323; Murray S. 320; Richard C. 320 Sports 186, 187, 295-312 Sprague, Archie 331; Joyce 133; Steven 74, 260 Spurway, Peter 310 Squires, Austin (Dr.) 135 St. Pierre (Sawyer) 290 Stables, Helen 67 Stack, Bernard (Rev. Fr.) 160 Stagecoach 43 Staires, Glenna 26 Stanley, George (and Mrs.) 329 Staples, Earl 34 Staten Island 49, 95, 96 Steen, William (Private) 218 Steeves, Adela 32; C.M. 181 Stennick, Alma 86 Stephenson, George 121 Stevens, Alada 244 Stevenson, Yetta 327 Stewart 173 Stewart, Brendon (Dr.) 6; J.W. 162; Ted 326 Stickney, Harry (Dr.) 181 Stores and Shops 233-260 Sprague, Stephen 82 Street, Denny 6 Stromberg, H. 181 Stuart House (The) 88 Stuart, Allan 39, 88, 185, 223, 325; Bertha 88, 234; Edwin (Dr.) 234; Eulah 253; Henry H. 187, 188; Henry Harvey (H.H.) 88, 181, 222, 234, 235; Marie 133; Walter 305 Sturmey (See also Sturney) 28 Sturney, Albert 28; Albert H. 221; Charles (and Mrs.) 28, 59, 153, 223, 339; Doreen 311, 327, 329; Evelyn 165, 323; John 28, 223 Sullivan, David 308 Sunbury Blues Junior Team (Volleyball) 310 Sunbury County Council 32, 198, 280, 282, 284, 285-288 Sunbury County Registry Office v, 38, 46, 49, 51, 56, 105 Sunbury Fuels (Business) 236 Sunbury Panthers Volleyball Club 310 Sunbury West Community Improvement Association 311 Sunbury West Historical Society Inc. iii, 83, 165, 174, 236, 253, 254 Sunbury West Juniors (Volleyball) 309 Surtee, Stephen 3, 45, 47 Surtree (See Surtee) Swan, Allie 140 Sweeney, John (Rt. Rev.) 171 Swim, Frank 62 Symonds, A.C. (Mrs.) 163 Tapp, Allison 50, 52, 267; Caroline 327; Ernest 94 Target Field 57 Taylor’s Hall 244 Taylor’s Store (Hoyt) 246 Taylor, Albert 180; F.C. 272; George (and Private) 219, 295; Harry 253; Hester 96; John 243, 244; John W. 244; Phoebe 243 Telegraph 200, 240, 244, 248, 265-270, 280, 283, 330, 358 Telegraphers (Order of Railway Telegraphers) 283 Telephone 203, 229, 270-275 Temple, Thomas 136 Tennant, Paul (and Mrs.) iv, 28, 61, 78, 90, 199, 239, 240; Mary 61, 90, 160, 199, 239, 240 Theriault, Fernande 141; Fidele 141; Isabelle 141; Lise 141; Nadine 141 Thibault, Aloma 260; Douglas 84, 309-311; Pauline 310 Thomas 172, 173, 182, 183 Thomas, Alden 266, 324, 326; Amelia 163; G.W.H. (Lieut.) 217, 219; George 111, 218; George W.H. 163; H.A. (and Mrs.) 162; Henry Allen 111; Ida 111, 153, 163, 165; Lillian 81; Willard 267, 274 Thomason, William 94 Thompson, Chip 267; David (Dr.) 191, 210 Three Tree Creek 17, 58, 93, 132, 138, 163, 166, 188, 195, 213, 229, 236, 240, 255, 280, 358, 365 Three Tree Creek Road 57, 65 Thurber, John 154 Tilley, Charles 41, 60; L.P.D. 282; Lois 324 Timmins, Margaret 67, 70, 88, 234 Titus, Fred 50, 183; Gordon 187; Hugh 187 Tobin, Lucy 327 Todd and Company 60 Todd, Charles 0, 41; Charles F. 109 Todds and Smith Mills 233 Tolan, Sadie 89 Toole’s Store 63, 237 Toole, Arlene 237; Elda 82, 237, 247; Harold 94, 186, 237, 337; Harry (and Mrs.) 52, 82, 237 Touchbourne, Margaret 27 Towne, Harry 181 Townsend, Annie 229 Tracey, Jessie 69 Trackman’s Hall 324, 329, 339 Tracy Orchestra 99 Tracy Telephone Company 270-275 Tracy Village 19, 77, 78, 86, 98, 111, 123, 132, 149, 150, 174, 187-189 Tracy 172, 173, 183 Tracy, A.L. 274; Ada 70, 97; Aden 324; Albert (and Mrs.) 50, 69, 183, 244, 306; Albert L. 45, 175; Alfred 86; Allan 86, 257; Alma 86; Augusta 74; Benjamin 70, 91, 92, 97, 98, 214, 318; Bernard (Jr. and Sr.) 98; Beryl 71; Blaine 73, 86; Carrie E. 274; Charles D. 50, 174, 175, 183; Chester 73, 74, 88, 98, 306; Chester B. 221; David Kelly 149; Earl 50, 267; Earl E. 274, 319, 320; Edna 86; Elizabeth 70, 71; Elsa 50; Elwood 267; Emma 50, 175; Ernest (and store) 77, 274; Erwin 72, 84, 267; Erwin A. 320; Eunice 86, 149; Evan 149; Florence 321, 322; Florence E. 321; Frank 50, 223, 305, 306; George 85, 149; George F. 274; Gertrude 71; Gilbert 70, 71, 274; H.E. 274; H.G. 274; Harriet 235; Harry 166, 321, 322; Harry E. 330; Harvey 50, 52, 61, 99, 104, 187; Hazel 223; Helen 72, 86, 89; Herman 70, 71; Hilda 62, 205; Howard 93, 223, 234, 305, 306, 367; Ina 50, 175, 244; Israel 99; Ivy 299; James 70; James O. 318; Jemima 99; Jennie 71, 86; Jeremiah 16, 64, 86, 174, 318; John 48, 50, 182; John C. iv, 52, 60, 74, 98-100, 125, 195, 214; John C. Tracy’s ‘Book’ 99; John L. iv; Joshua 86, 151; Kathleen 275; Katrine 335; Keith 267; Kenneth 71, 322, 323, 335; Kenneth R. 320; Lena 86; Linus 50, 318; Listena 70, 91; Lizzie 99, 125; Lloyd 304; Lola (See Lola Harrison); Lottie iv, 51; Lydia 70; Malcolm 257; Marjorie 71, 257, 322, 335; Marshall 296; Mary 74, 85, 149, 172; Mary J. 182; Milton (Private) 218; Miriam 98; Muriel 88; Myrtle 74; Neil 186; Nellie 50; Ola 85; Oliver 182; Rena 180; Reud 74, 245, 267; Richardson 74, 149; Ronald 223, 296, 325; Rose 62, 85; Sandra 161; Sarah 174; Solomon 172; Sophia 70; Spafford 318; Stella 29, 69, 70, 72, 84; Sylvia 257, 321, 322; T.A. 274; Talmage 267; Thaxter 50; Thomas Harris 149; Treva 133; Winston 94, Yerxa B. 221; Yetta 327 Tracyville 71, 188 Trail, Malcolm 308 Trans Canada Airlines 177 Transportation (Canadian Department of Transportation) 292, 294 Treaty of Paris 2, 277 Trott, Elmer J. 320 Trueland, Lois 165 Tuberculosis 197, 198 Tucker 171, 182 Tucker, Angela 85; Caroline 47; Saloma 47; Samuel 3; Solomon (and Jr.) 45, 47 Turner 175 Turner, John (Private) 218 Typhoid 68, 197 Underpass (‘The Underpass’) (See Robinson’s Bridge) Undertaking 251, 252 University of Maine 18 University of New Brunswick 68 Upper Farm 44 Van Os 175 Van Os, Derk 25, 53, 175, 360; W. 34; William (and Mrs.) 152 Vanceboro 100, 122, 124, 135 Vanderpol, Linda 327 VanHorne, Charity Gertrude 95, 96 Vautours, Adelard 94 VIA Rail 128, 135, 139-141 Village Government and Services 343-350 Volleyball 307-310 Waasis 90, 138, 320 Wabi-Gout-Ski 7 Waddup, Rex (Dr.) 191, 207 Wade, Robert C. 320 Walker, Donald 60; Thomas (Dr. and Mrs.) 163 Walsh, William 267 Wang, Florence 329 War of 1812-1814 213 Ward, Charles 137 Warden (Sunbury County) 198 Warden, Mabel 241 Warrington, Eileen 98; Harry 98 Waters, Rose Ann 41 Waterville Park 288 Watling, James 89 Watson, John 221 Watters, George 221, 267; Rachel 83; Robert 68, 83 Waugh, Beverly 329; Fraser 307, 308; Judy 78; William 78, 292 Weather 363-368 Weaver, Susie 319 Weazel, Jake 231 Webb 175, 182, 183 Webb, Addie 81, 321, 322; Alta 97; Basil 104, 237; Beatrice 52, 92, 97; Benjamin 50; Bertram 267; Blake 81, 180, 321, 322; Blake E. (Mrs.) 317; Christine 257; Edna 86; Elman (Private) 218; Emma 50; Eunice 86; F. (Private) 219; Floyd 97; Hattie 66; Henry 48, 235; James 267; Jeremiah 318; Leland 180; 202; M. Private 219; Manzer 287, 336; Marshall 320; Melvin 274; Mildred 98; Mima 235; Mona 76, 237; Pennell (Private) 218; Richard 84; Richardson 149; Robert (Mrs.) 165; Robert R. (Rev.) 169; Rose 84; Stephanie 84; Theresa 96, 97, 281; Tyler 180; W. 37; Will 53; Willard 274; Wilmot (and Mrs.) 86, 267, 325, 328; Wilmot K. 344, 350 Wee House 77 Weeks, Elizabeth 316, 319; Louisa 83; William (and Mrs.) 166, 316 Weizel, J. 330 Welch, Ed 310 Weldon, Alma 317 Well-a-mook-took 1 Wellington (The Duke of) 178 Wells, Bessie 65, 90; Elizabeth 90; Henry 90 Wellwood, William L. 320 West Mill Settlement 77, 188 West, Gertrude 141 Western Extension of the E.N.R. 122-124, 135, 136 Western Union Telephone and Telegraph Company 89, 267-275 Westrup, Elizabeth 321; George 325; Gordon (and Mrs.) 233, 331; Hugh G. (Rev.) 151, 257, 174, 321; Melita 331 Wetmore, J.D. (Rev.) 151 White Rapids Manor 63, 65, 71, 78, 80, 88-91, 204-206, 208, 209, 282, 285, 322, 335, 338, 340 White, F. (Private) 219; James 5; Mary Jane 239; Percy 187 Whittaker, George 52; Wendy 327 Whittier Ridge 118 William Parks (The Railway Locomotive) 136 Williams, H.B. 274 Willing Workers (Organization) 152 Willman, James 324 Wills, Edward Davey (Rev.) 169; Evelyn 165 Wilmot, Lemuel A. 121, 124 Wilsey Road 17, 18, 63, 65, 72, 82, 87-89, 92-94, 98, 106, 119, 129, 156, 159, 160, 199, 204, 209, 210, 214, 229, 239, 240, 258, 260, 269, 275, 280, 298, 299, 328, 346, 357 Wilson, Harley 74; Harry 221; Louise 74; Weldon 186 Winter, Hazel 316 Wirral 27, 161 Wishart, Marilyn J. 334 Wolfe (General) 15 Women’s Auxiliary 167 Women’s College Hospital 194 Women’s Free Baptist Foreign Missionary Society 154 Women’s Institute 96, 257, 314-317 Wood, Alice 60, 330-332; Barry 290; C.A. 136; Cairina 327; Carl 34; Clarence 77; Dorothy 99; Edith 85; Elizabeth 77; James 60, 62, 331; Jennie 77; Percy 326; Truman 85, 223 Wooden, Adelia 28; Jack 290; John (Private) 219 Woodley, Albert (Bertie) 252; Alice 252; Amelia 252, 253; Betty 74, 244, 260, 338; Carl 74, 252, 307, 338; Earl 252, 253; Florence 252; Geraldine 252; Lloyd 252 Woods, Hannah 320 Woodstock 60, 89, 95, 114 World War One 135, 152, 197, 199, 202, 212, 219-221, 223, 224, 235, 269, 330 World War Two 132, 135, 159, 172, 219, 222-225, 270, 292, 307, 322, 329-332 Worrell, Donald (and Mrs.) iv, 187, 268; Isabel 268 Worth, Constance 98 Wright, Donald 42; Myrtle 42 Yerxa, Alma 239; Bert 137 Yoho Stream 9 York County 52 Young Women’s Guild (Saint John) 163, 165 Young, Eliza 85 Youngblood, Nellie 133; Terry 309