Barnby Parish Council Minutes of the Meeting held at Fortrey Heap Hall, Tuesday 6th January 2015 at 8:00pm

Attendance: Cllrs I Hinton, D Monument, R Wright, SCC Cllr C Punt, PCSO Julia Quantrill, 2 members of the public. M Chatterley (clerk),

1. Apologies for absence: Cllr M Lincoln, SCC M Bee & WDC N Brook (emailed).

2. Minutes of previous meeting. Minutes were signed as being correct (proposed DM, seconded RW).

3. Matters arising. These will be dealt with in Agenda items.

4. Police report: PCSO Julia Quantrill reported that although there were no reported crimes in Barnby and North Cove from 1.12.14 to 4.1.15, in both and Hulver there had been a number of outbuildings broken into and items stolen. Please be vigilant. An arrest has been made and the suspect charged with domestic fuel theft in Mutford (mid- November). PCSO JC has driven to inspect the junction Swan Lane/A146 on Barnby Bends using an unmarked car and thinks the police would recommend closing the junction to vehicles.

5. County and District Councillors report. SCC C Punt will let the council know the dates for work creating a layby opposite the school after a with the Highways dept later this week. No Waiting at any time restrictions have been agreed at Welbourne Way and in the vicinity of the road junction. Southern Bypass update – Compulsory Purchase orders are being issued to landowners. There has been a problem in with a lot of fly-tipping. Cllr RW said that this had been a big problem on his farm in the autumn but that it had decreased since he identified the origin of some of the business waste dumped and contacted the Environment Agency. Fly tipping is still a big problem as the Env. Agency will prosecute but not remove the waste. Clerk asked SCC CP to find out if WDC or SCC would be setting up any facilities for Parish Councils to publish Transparency information (Agenda item 9)

6. Planning Applications. Planning permission has been granted for extensions to 2 Providence Cottages and Millfield (both in Mill Lane) and for digestive storage lagoon on land off Copland Way in Worlingham. BPC has objected to an outline planning application for 12 houses on land off Swan Lane – a decision from WDC is due end Jan.

7. Accounts. The clerk laid round copies of spending and income for the year to date. Cheques were signed by IH/MC for clerk’s printer and cartridges. Since the last meeting the following invoices for over £100 have been paid: Howsham Memorials £401 (WW2 names), RF Wright & Sons £156.31 + vat for fencing.

8. 2015/16 Budget setting and Precept request. Chairman Cllr IH laid round budget figures and these were discussed. The council’s reserves have built up over several years and it was unanimously agreed, on the advice of the external auditors, to reduce the reserves to the equivalent of twice the annual Precept. Action point: Precept 2015/16 request for £1,300 to be sent in by the Clerk before 23.1.2015. 9. Government changes to Parish Council financial procedures for 2015/16. A transparency code is being proposed for smaller authorities including Parish Councils with an annual turnover not exceeding £25,000. This would mean the council would have to publish details on a website, of items of expenditure £100, End of Year accounts, an Annual governance statement, an Internal Audit report, a list of councillor responsibilities, location of public land and building assets plus minutes, agendas and papers of formal meetings. The government asserts it will provide some funding to assist compliance of the Code by councils in respect of publishing information on a website. Action point: SCC C Punt has been asked to find out if SCC or WDC will provide space on their websites for this information to be published.

10. New Village Sign update. New woodwork has been ordered. A laminated picture has been made. Chairman Cllr IH will install the sign once completed.

11. Possible SCC Traffic Order for Swan Lane/Beccles Road junction on Barnby Bends. Closure of this junction to motor vehicles is being considered for safety reasons. If Highways decide to do this some people would be inconvenienced, but there would be a consultation. When the A146 road surface was renewed in 2014, the contractor replaced the solarlites with regular cat’s eyes. In 2015 new solarlites will be installed on the bends.

12. Correspondence: Correspondence received since the last meeting was looked through (listed on separate sheets) it consisted mainly of emails, most of which were forwarded to all councillors on a regular basis.

13. A.O. B: A portacabin has been installed at Blind Mans Gate car wash. Action point: investigation needed.

The next council meetings will be held on: Tuesday 3rd March 2015 at FORTREY HEAP HALL and WEDNESDAY 13th MAY 2015 - the May meeting had to be postponed until after the election on Thursday May 7th -and the hall is not available on Tuesday 12th. The meeting closed at 8.55pm