ENTERTAINMENTS. ENTERTAINMENTS. MISCF.I.T.&NEOUS. A PROMISED! Portland merchant writing THE PBESB, from __MISCELLANEOUS. _ Philadelphia says: “Political matters are looking well in Pennsylvania. The PORTLAND MUSEUM, MONDAY MORNING, OCT. 2. 1876 peo- $11,00! $11,001 FIRST CLASS ple are awake and Hayes and Wheeler will nod Street* Cor* of Cougrc«i Eichangf have a "NEW PRAGTICE IN lS^NSURANCE.” large minority. Philadelphians were disappointed that Mr. Blaine did not address Monday, Oct. 2d, TWO Fire Insurance. them as anticipated Saturday evening. He “The true the has warm friends For (lie first time in this city, mission of life Insurance is to give to persons of slender means, and especially laboring classes, the opportunity to provide many strong, among people support for those whom death may reduce to helpless dependence.”— Professor Bartlett, LL D., Actuary, Mutual Life Insurance or short term Insur- here who were disappointed that he was not Grand Excursions Company of New York. Long nominated. A very intelligent merchant of — TO THE — ance at current Rates. New York said to me, ‘It all the people of Our American Cousin! this country were as intelligent as the people CENTENNIAL THE in Maine, the country would always be safe via the popular WM. politically.’ ” In preparation ALLEN, Jr., Portland & Worcester Line, MONEY AND MISERY. 31 1-2 lx appears that the Democratic House Exchange St., made septlt dtt Norwich Line Steamers, very considerable appropriations for the Stanton and Pennsylvania R. R. DISTIticT soc: Blools., payment of Southern claims. The claim !TY, bills $11 CENTENNIAL ! $U pasted by that have been exam- PORTLAND, ME. FOB body PRESIDENT, ined by $il CENTENNIAL ! $11 Second Excursion will leave Portland at OF FCRTIiAND, MAINE. Treasury officers, and it is found that x amount to $11 CENTENNIAL ! $11 2.30 P. M Tuesday, Oct. 3,1876. > Insurance in all its branches RUTHERFORD B. HA they *485,000. This Is Democrat- FES, ic economy. By this route all transfers are avoided, both in attended $11 CENTENNIAL J $11 promptly to. OF Boston and New York, and passengers are landed IN CONNECTION WITH THE OHIO. directly on the Centennial Grounds. Tins Centennial Commission have decided Don’t go by a Second-Class Route when Purchase tickets via this route and avoid all FOB VICE PRESIDENT, your to yon can go by llie First-Class Route trouble and annoyance in making the trip, Life modify the rule which requires each visitor JE^Tickets for sale at B Jr No. 28 Ex- Fire, Marine, WILLIAM A. at the Lowest Rates. Barnes, ’s, WHEELER, to furnish a note change street Rollins & Adams’, No. *J2 Exshange fifty-cent or piece as en- street. W. D. Little & Co trance fee Gi-O BY *s, No. 31 Exchange street, NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, and OF NEW YORK, to the Exhibition. Hereafter a and Grand Trunk Office, No. 74 KxcbaDge street Accident. one-dollar note will for the Call and get information before purchasing else- For Presidential Electors. pay admission of where. se22dtoc3 two BOSTOM MAINE & FALL RIVER At Large.—WILLIAM W. THOMAS. persons. It has also been decided to OF NEW YORK. iw NATHAN A. FARWKLL. continue Saturday as a twenty-five cent day. CO, First Listrict- SYLVESTER LITTLEFIELD. and Avoid and Wight Change., making early Second I. WARRKN MERRILL. sure connections, arrivingat Fall River at 7J p. m„ MANCHESTER, N. H. Third Continental Ball I BENJAMIN D. MEl'CALF. That must and a on the Finest * learner in the havo a enjoy trip Fourth J. W. PORTER. been touching sight World. CASH CAPITAL PAID UP Fifth SETH L. MILLIKEN. when Boss Kelley was introduced by Judge Sinnot to an assemblage of the as $11 CENTENNIAL ! $11 Grand Promenade Concert Established 1845. Assets $30,561,983.04. Surplus One Quarter of a Million Dollars! Democracy $3,586,120.38. The “the noblest Roman of them all.” $11 CENTENNIAL ! $11 European Situation. John — and — TOTAL ASSETS OF OVER It is reasonable to Boss of New York $11 CENTENNIAL ! $11 only believe that Servia Kelley, and successor of had of stands as the $11 CENTENNIAL ! $11 HALF A MILLION DOLLARS! strong assurance assistance from the Tweed, representative Demo- outside iu her as the PRESIDENT OF THE COMPANY, MORRIS FRANKLIN, Esq., NEW YORK. Ex-Gor. E. A. Straw, President. struggle against Turkey when crat, leader of his party. Ex-Got. James A. Weston, Tice Pres. she refused to prolong the armistice with the GRAND PROMENADE CONCERTS under the auspices of the VICE PRESIDENT AND ACTUARY, WILLIAM H. BEERS, Esq.. NEW YORK. Notes. Geo, JB. Chandler, Treasurer. Porte. It is also reasonable to believe that Campaign evening on board tbe steamers The Rhode Island every magnificent C. R. NEW YORK. John C. French, Secretary. Republican State and Bristol and Providence by Hall’* Celebrated PORTLAND GEN’L MANAGER FOR NEW ENGLAND, GRIFFING, Esq.. the offers of assistance came from Russia, for Band* CONTINENTALS. Frank A. McKeen, Special Agent, Congressional District Conventions are to be F. no other nation has much temptation to en- GEN’L AGENT FOR MAINE AND VERMONT, W. MORRILL, Esq., PORTLAND. Geo. W. Eastman. Asst. Secretary. held in Providence on The Portland Continentals announces a renewal of the war. Wednesday. respectfully This Company was organized by the leading busi- courage Enaland cer- 911 LLlUIii^IUAL 2 $11 to their friends and that will a The man on the fence in Ohio and Indiana public they give ness men of New Hampshire, and pos- erand Promenade Concert and Ball, at emphatically tainly desires to bring it to a close. Austria sesses the elements of solidity, economv, success and is a warm time of it now. Both $11 CENTENNIAL ! $11 is still more having par- permanency. The names of the officers and directors deeply interested iu a cessation are as familiar as ties are his roost to $11 CfcNTENNIAL ! household words, and a voucher of the for shaking violently enough $11 Trustees ot the for conflict, its continuance menaces CITY HALL, Advisory Society: the prudent management and integrity of the jerk his head off. $11 CENTENNIAL I $11 corporation. With Oue Quarter ot a Million Dollars her integrity. Germany may entertain hopes paid-up Capital, and over Half a Million Dollars of Senator Conkling is to speak in Albany not Oct. 1876. Assets, HiflAi^l^ RISKS the that the involvement of Austria in war would Be sure before tickets for the Thursday evening, 5, HON. J. B. BROWN, HON. B10N BRADBURY, widely scattered, alter his purchasing your safer classes of risks insured, and the highest long first speech at Utica. The Al- Centennial aDd about this route of some of only lead to the absorption of the German territo- inquire ratio ot assets to liabilities, this Company offers the the party of 423 persons who went on our excursion bany Journal says tnat since bis return from Music Chandler's Full Band HON. SAMUEL E. SPRING, HON. WM. L. very best loss or ry of that in the new but her of September 12th. by PUTNAM, indemnity against damage by fire. power empire; Washington his illness has obliged him to re- and Orchestra, Every Honest Claim has been Promptly hopes are scarcely strong enough to induce HON. A. E. STEYENS, HON. R. M. RICHARDSON, main much of the time in a darkened room. Excursions leave Portland M. H1U HUCU 1/UCi her to extend active aid to Tuesday, D. H. CHANDLER, Piompler. the insurgents. CAPT. J. B. COYLE. The largest negative ever constructed is Sept. 26, and Tuesday, Oct. 3. Sale Risks Russia alone has much to gain and nothing The Continentals trill in Uniform widely Scattered, claimed to be on exhibition in a Philmfelnhla appear to lose the of the Ottoman and the public may rest asnnrcd that no con* by breaking up SALE RF General photograph gallery, but it’s a mistake. The TICKETS FOR AdmiiMon 8100 flagration or .weeping flre can affect the sol- dominion in Europe. Tickets to Uniform members of vency or cripple the resources of this corporation. largest negative on record was when Sey- D. H. YOUNG, Companies .... 50 cents BOARD OF TRUSTEES: The Russian government it is [true is ap- lysOUND, SOLID, gPCCKgSPPL-dH mour said “No” to Spriggs and Faulkner.— parently in the interests of 266 MIDDLE STREET. Companies from different parts of the State are working peace. Com. Advertiser. sept25 dtd* GEN. JOHN MARSHALL President. cordially invited to be present, and to appear in BROWN, WiH. Probably it is not yet prepared for war and don’t the Democrats induce Mr. Uniform. sept30dtd ALLEI, Jr., Why wishes to gain time to its armies on a PROGRAMME GEO. E. B. JACKSON. Esq., Vice President. AGENT FOR PORTLAND. put Charles Francis Adams to take the stump in war But the of the Rus- footing. sympathy Indiana? It would be a sight worth going —OF THE— WILLIAM E. GOULD, LEWIS sia* has been aroused the H. N. JOSE, ESQ. ESQ. PIERCE, ESQ. Travelers Insurance people by sufferings miles to witness if he could speak from the Co., of the Sclavic brethren; they are deeply In- same PEOPLES GEO. E. B. JACKSON, ESQ. GEO. F. MORSE, ESQ, THOS. E. TWITCHELL, ESQ. OE HARTFORD, CONN. platform with Uncle Jimmie Blue censed with Turkey, and their desire to aid Jeans. Cumberland Centre LEONARD LIFE AND GEO. S. W. F. MILLIKEN, ESQ. O. SHORT, ESQ. ACCIDENT. Servia is so that the can no HUNT, ESQ. strong Czar long- There will be a revival of ,liabilities. 10.981 49 SURPLUS safely defy Turkey. All they will ask the iu that state than ever lions, 3 years old and under. NET SURPLUS 164,619 75 40,000. party before at so 3 to 3 30, Fillies 3 old and under. of the Czar is that be shall the years J. H. WELLMAN, President. prevent early a period in the campaign, and the prom- 3.30 to 4 30, Trotting Horses which have never ap- TOTAL ASSETS 19595,120 73 J W. BELCHES, Secretary. interference of other and that he peared in public. powers, ise from all quarters is very eDecuraging. The amount OF THE to be trotted for will be made public OBJECTS SOCIETY. ■Will. ALLEN, JR, has always been ready to do. Although In the 1859-60 the at time ot Policy Holders’ Surplus 9464,619 75. year Democratic admin- trotting. Russia AGENT FOR PORTLAND. may not be fully prepared lor istration of Mr. BuchaDan collected smnaoRV of assets. in with the “New Practice” the New York Life Insurance for $53,187,- SECOND DAT. The Society has been established accordance adopted by Company, the war her greatest has been re- Bonds and liens,).$260,350 00 apprehension 511.87 for customs at a cost of $3,324,430.53. Plowing Match and Dralt Horses lrom 9 to 10 Mortgages, (first Mechanics’ Mutual Insurance .. 104.495 00 following purposes: moved. She •’cloc’c. United States Bonds. Co., feared the British navy. But In 1874-5 the administration collected State of New Bonds. 16 500 00 present Gentlemen’s Hoases from 10 to 11. Jersey OF HA S. Driving Riizabetl Citv Bonds.. 00 interest oi Portland and BOSTON, within a few weeks a marked change has and the total Slow Race from 11 to 12. Each horse must be driv- 10,000 First,—To represent the Life Insurance vicinity. $157,167,722.35, expense of col- Bonds... 00 taken en the but no horse to be driven Jersey City 27,000 CASH CAPITAL place in the public sentiment of Eng- lection was by person competing, Bank and Railroad Stocks. 124,700 00 $200,000. $7,028,521.80. It was six and a bis best 2 m 3. by owner, Loaussecu ed 20 200 00 of the business the Secretary, actiug under the supervision ot the Trustees, will receive applications for policies, obtain paid-up policies and ALFRED land, and it be assumed that that by collateral. In this department BICE:nELL, President. may safely quarter per cent, under the Democrats, and li o’clock, Dinner. Cash in Bank. 6 063 51 J. S. PARSONS, their and collect and attend to all other mutters Secretary. nation will not go to war for tne less 1 to 2, Trotting by Horses in 3 minute class. Balance in bands of Agents. 19,102 05 equitable surrender values for those wishing to reduce or relinquish policies, adjust death-claims, connected with preservation than four and a half per cent. UDder the 2 to Interest accrued. 6,720 17 WM. of tho of the Ottoman dominion. 3, Sweepstakes all classes the inhabitants. ALLEN, JR, integrity Republicans. the cost of collec- 3 to 4, Horses that have beaten 3 minutes. life insurance on behalf and in the interest of the policy-holders of of Moreover, AGENT TTOR PORTLAND. She is far more Servian tuan Turkish in her The amount to be troi ted for will be announced $595,120 73 tion increased during the period of falling from the stand Light foot. » on Hiram and LIABILITIES. Morris, sympathies Relieved of the tear of revenue other celebrated horses be in Second.—To extend the benefits of Life Insurance to tbe industrial classes. to-day. under the while it has will attendance, Claims for Losses outstanding on 1st July, Suffolk Mutual Insurance Democrats, Should the weathei unfavorable it Co., ana assured of prove Tuesday if its.?a,»is az Eugland's navy tbe neutrality been diminished the last three will be until OF during years. postpoued Wednesday aud Thursday. AH other LiabiUties. 305 60 will be received from mechanics and working men, for Industrial Policies, in Weekly, Fortnightly, and Monthly installments to suit BOSTON, HASS. ol se27 d&wlw In this department premiums Germany, whose only iuterest in the com- The repeated charges of corruption made CASH CAPITAL $200,000. Total ■.*10,281 42 their circumstances. Insurance effected; dividends collected; paid-up policies and surrender values obtained; death-leeees collected, &c. plication is to get possession of the German- by Democrats against the Republicans have GEO. President. GOULD, of Russia need iuvited an FAIR C. V. C. MURPHY, CHARLES SCOTT EDWARD speaking provinces Austria, examination of the official records 70 cents week secures a of at 40 WALLEY, Secretary. Secretary. President. 44 cents per week secures a policy of $1000, at age 25. I per policy $1000 age entertain no of the result of a —ahe— apprehensions of the defalcation of Democrats from 1830 to CALEBS. GREEN, JOHN K. SMITH, “ “ “ Treasurer. 59 •< « « “ 35. I $1.00 1000 50 war waged for the of the Christian 1861. The Vice-President. 1000,“ # WM. ALIEN, JR., list contains the names of persons provinces of Turkey. whose default exceeded $10,000, but the list ENTERTAINMENT. oi the District Insurance with a National Insurance secures the of local re- This^w system combining Society Company, advantages for There is another state than Turkey whose is of enormous the most B. ot Millions of Assets and Years the New York Life Agent Portland. length. Among con, BARNES, JR., in the management with the security Thirty Thirty Expeiience, having been se23 d2m» sponsibility integrity is seriously menaced by the revival spicuous Democratic defaulters were The Ladies of the India Hired Circle will established in 1845, and its assets amounting to $30,561,983.04. Fowler- a Fair in of the only AGENT, Eastern question. With Italy covet- Postmaster of New York, $170,947; Swart- her Adriatic and Rate-books, Pamphlets, Circulars and Application-forms may be had at tbe office. For further information apply in person or by letter ing provinces Germany wout, [Collector of New York, $1,906,030; No, 28 St. for OJTY HALL, Exchange to either of the Trustees, or to longing her Germanic possess! ons, with Hoyt, Collector of New York, $248,871; her Bohemians for Pan-Sclavism Tuesday and Wednesday, October Portland, Sept. 31, 1876. sep22eod3w clamoring Morgan, Collector of New Orleans, $212,332; and her Aus- 3d and 4th. HI. IT. RICH, Secretary. Magyers protesting against it, Hammond, Collector of San Francisco, $372,* tria occupies a delicate and difficult position; 122; Thompson, Secretary of the Interior Jin connection wun two cuit-nuiu- wnicn, for war might result in the shattering of her Robert Pension at menfa will be Banking House of Messrs. J. B. Brown & Sons. $871,000; Temple, Agent given* EXCHANGE Temporary Office, MRS. WINSLOW’S extensive and discordant empire. Rutland, YU, $100,424; Edmund Raudolph, On the Evening of Oct. 3d, a Vocal Concert, EXCHANGE STREET, PORTLAND. Secretary of State, $61,355- in which Eminent Soloists will with Another instance of Democratic economy appear, together senM eod&w2w SOOTHING SYRUP a full Chorus and Orchestral accompaniment. An fs furnished by the Washington correspond- Antiquarian Supper will be served at and after 6 Men o’clock P. M. For Children Teething, ent of the Boston Advertiser: The contracts and Women. On Wednesday evening, Oct. 4 th, a Prom- The TIME TRIED greatly facilitates the process ot teething, by soften- for the Indian bureau with Mrs. Lander will soon appear as Hester enade Concert with an order ot fifteen Dances. ANUFIRE TESTED. the all inflammation—will furnishing sup- ing gums, reducing allay Prvnne iu a Dew nlav based on Hawthorne’s all pain and spasmodic action, and is plies and goods for the present fiscal year MUSIC BY CHANDLER. great romance of "The Scarlet Letter.” ORGANIZED 1853. Sure to Regulate the Bowels. have all been made, and at about 10 per cent, That a human die of and Portland it being may happiness managers: Boston mothers, will rest to lower than Clothing GIRARD Depend upon it, give you the prices paid last year. All this Co., selves, and js illustrated by Bellini’s exit from the world’s E. N. Greely, R. Greely, W. E. Dennison, C. H. saving will be lost, however, by the increased Leighton, A. F. Berry, C. W. Goding, Relief and Health to Voar Infants. stage. He went to Paris to complete bis A. L. Me Kenney. R. CARMAN COMBES, President. cost of transportation of the West. We have put up and sold this article for years and supplies “Pnritani,” and had so great success that he AUGUST CAN SAY IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of Heretofore the Admission to Vocal Concert 33 cents ASHER TAILOR Tice President. OPENED 30th, it, appropriations have been was carried in the where Fir what we have never been able to trinmph upon stage, elnsurance say of any other ... “ Co., made in Promessde Concert 30 medicine-NEVER HAS IT FAILED, IN A SIN- by Congress time to enable the bu- be was decorated by the King. So much hap- “ nv n TkTOm a vt/vii. rrn nnim im ... rrnoon 10 C. S.TAN NORDEN. Ass’t Tice Pres’t. Af admission tn the Store OF PHILADELPHIA, Pa. reau to enter into new contracts by the first piness in a single day overwhelmed him. He timely used. Never did we know au instance of dis- Doors open each afternoon at 2 o’clock. satisfaction one of so that the be went sick to the house of a friend at Pnteanx dlw» by any who used it. On the contrary, July, supplies cou'.d deliv- »ept-’8 INCORPORATED 1833. all are with its and in delighted operations, speak ered at St. Louis or some other on the and died there. He was bnried in Pere-Lachaise. terms of highest commendation of its magical effects point Presampscot Park, 172 Statement, Jan. 1, 1876, and medical virtues. We speak in this matter Missouri river in time to be sent by steam- That was in 1834; and it was only the other day BROADWAY, ’•WHAT WE DO KNOW,” after years of experience that his remains were carried to for inter- AND PLEDGE OUR boats to the extreme northeast before the Italy ME. CASH C 1PITAL, paid ap 9300,000 00 REPUTATION FUR THE PORTLAND, FULFILMENT WHAT WE ment in his native of Catania. ol Medium and Common Grades of AN8KTS. 1.019,010 3:f OF HERE DECLARE. close of This the city CORNER MAIDEN LANE, An Entirely New Stock Fine, In almost instance where the infant navigation. year, however, Re-Inanrance Renrre. 397,577 05 every is suffer- Mr. Bayard Taylor writes to the Cincinnati Amt. Rcclaimuble Perpet- ing from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found appropriation Dill did not pass until the sec- ual in fifteen or minutes after the is ad- Commercial that be asked Prof. Hnxley the OCTOBER FK MEETING ! far Policies. 63 8'9 64 twenty syrup ond week in August, and although the In- NEW YO Unpaid Lone, and other ministered. other day, if he had learned, like to AND CHILDREN’S This valuable Dickens, HEN’S, YOUTH’S Eiabililieo. 33 333 79 preparation has beeu used with dian bureau has used all the haste possible in NEVER FAILING SUCCESS in play "upon that remarkable instrument, the Net Surplus • $333,340 75 making new contracts it was fouDd that in IN PURSES. Thousands ot Cases. American catarrh.” "No,” replied the Pro- $2500 STATEMENT JULY Policy Holders’ Surplus • 633,340 75 order to get the Indians their and 1, 1876. It not only relieves the child from pain, but in’ supplies fessor; "bot I have scarcely yet recovered from the stomach and corrects annuities this fall it would to ASSETS. vigorates bowels, acidity’ be necessary the lassitude by the intense heat up- Oct. 10th, 11th, 12th and 13lh. and tone and to the produced Bonds and all first gives energy whole system. It ASSETS. READY MADE CLOTHING. Mortgages, liens. $313,5i'G 65 will almost relieve ship by railroad to Bismarck, Dakota Terri- on my arrival.” Personally, Mr. Taylor says, Real Estate, instantly FIRST DAY. unincumbered. 207,800 00 and thence United States Bonos and City Loans_ 147,418 00 of the and Wind tory, by boat. The last boat be- Prof. Huxley has created the most favorable Purse $iOO for 3 minute Class. V. S. Government Bonds, $144,000 00 Griping Bowels, Bailroad Stock and Bonds. 158.130 00 Colic. fore the close of leaves Bismarck “With bis short, stout his are IN OCR OWN WORKROOM in Cash in BaDk and in navigation mpression. fignrp, $100 to first, $50 to second, $30 to third, $20 to fourth ■ These Goods Manufactured Office. 143,014 76 Bonds and Mortgages, 155,450 00 We believe it is the best and surest in massive SAME DAY. Boston, and we confidently assert that we cannot be undersold by any Cash in hands oi Agents 3L781 49 remedy on the 5th of October, and the bureau has head, steady gray eyes, compressed loaned on the in all c*ses of DYSENTERY AND • • Cash Call, with Collateral Se- world, Purse 85(10 for 3 30 Class. Temporary Loans, 67,200 00 DEALER IN THE STATE. DIARRHOEA IN been forced to use efforts to lips and habitual air of gravity, he might pass curity. 5 006 00 CHILDREN, whether it arises extraordinary get to to second. to to Centennial fiom teething, or from any other cause. We would very well for a Dissenting clergyman; bot $250 first, $125 $75 third, $50 Interest • 75 Stock, Accrued Int., and oth- supplies to that before that date. The fourth. Accrued, 3.691 "MU If owl: nil In Dlnln UlnmnAO say to eveiy mother who has a child Irom poiut er suffering when he to and his face becomes ■ '1 W t~l Dlttl UltUI/ il&Ull VIA XU X XtWAU X vu« Securities. 12,299 33 of the not let additional cost of rail to this begius speak, SECOND DAY. Cask in Bank, 14,855 71 J AgUA any foregoing complaints—do sending by point YOUR PREJUDICES, NOR THE PREJUDICES OF mobile and animated, the presence of a Purse 8300 fsr 3 45 Class. $1,019,010 23 others, stand between child and the instead of by water will be nearly $150,000, Premiums in course of your suffering more individuali- Collec- relief that will be larger, certainly independent $100 to first, $50 to second, $30 to third, $20 to fourth the SURE-yes, ABSOLUTELY which is directly chargeable to the policy pur- j^“During 23 years of the existence of this SURE— to follow the use of this is at once felt. He is incarnate .... 11 ONE PRICE TO ALL, AND THAT PRICE medicine, if timely ty honesty.” SANIR DAY, tion, 12.941 old and popular a quarter of a sued the House in Company, nearly used Full directions for using will accompany each by Democratic delaying has MtO for 3.34 Class. century, it has successfully insured over Cardinal Antonelli many offices—is in Purse 8 831,0.- bottle. the A LOW ONE OOtl.ftiiO of Property and and honora- passage of the Indian appropriation bill. to $80 to second, $40 to third. $30 to fourth $398,l3s~57 promptly Be sure and call lor fact tbe greatert pluralist in the Homan Catho- $150 first, bly paid 2000 Losses by fire, it has been often tried lic Church—and is far the wealthiest Catho- THIRD DAY. by large conflagrations including those oi Chicago ‘•Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup,” The Colorado state election takes place by Purse 8300 for 3 50 Class. ana Boston. Its Capital has never been lic if not the wealthiest of all Ital- EXAMINATION avid COMPARISON Is all we ask,'as weifeel sure impaired by Having the fac-slmlle oi “CUKTIS & PERKINS’’ to-morrow. ecclesiastic, fire. Ii, Surplus is now three times greater than its The Republican candidates are $100 to first, $50 to second, $30 to third, $20 to fourth that the GOODS on our Conniets are marked lower than the!same on ibe outside wrapper. ians. His fortune is variously estimated at Sold dj Druggists tbrongbout tbe world as follows: For governor, John L. Routt; SAME DAY. & Peck, qualiiT can he purchased elsewhere. Strangers visiting the City will from 10,000,000 to francs, (Him 35,000,000 independ- for 3.33 Class. Sparrow US A CAl.JL. ALFRED S. GILLETTE, President. aug25 tor lieutenant for Parse 8350 he *MPEY REPAID BY GIVIN-J governor, Lafayette Head; J AMES B ently of his rare and priceless collection of to to fourth will be or ALVOKD, Vice Prex’d’i & Treas. $175 to first, $90 to second, $50 third, $35 Goods sold not proving satisfactory EXCHANGED B. secretary of state, William M. for J, ALLEN, Acting Secretary. Clark; works of art, ancient coins, ancient statuary, bOUKTH DAY, AGENTS, MONEY REFUNDED. J ob Lots ! D. C. for _ auditor, Crawford; treasurer, aLd other articles of virtu, worth not less than Purse 8'50 for 3 38 Class. George C. Corning; for attorney general, $ The Cardinal one of the $125 to first, $60 to second, $40 to third, $25 to fourth B. 20,000,000. possesses BARNES, JR., 21 DOZEN MISSES’ A. J. Sampson; for superintendent of public finest assortments of stones to be SAME DAY. 194 Middle Street. REMEMBER THE STORE, precious instruction, J. C. for found in and be can boast of diamonds Nweepstake* 8500. fe20 eod3«r All Wool Balmoral Bose. Fall Finished, Shattuck; Congress, Europe, $250 to first, $125 to second, $75 to third, $50 to fourth AGENT, Extra l.oair Mizes—« 1-9, 5, 3 1-9, James B. Belford. The Democratic candi- of all shapes of the purest water, incomparable 6 and 6 1-9. date for is Bela M. for emeralds, pearls, and turquoises, the richest All ibe above races to be mile beats—best 3 In 5 in Fall and Winter of 1876-7 5fo. 28 St. governor Hughes; harness, and to be governed by the iules of tbe Exchange Michael for laces, and the matchless marvels of the loom of National Association. A horse tbe field 25 CTS. lieutenant-governor, Beshoar; distancing PER PAIR. the last period. or any part thereof, shall receive one premium only. HOW ~READF Portland, Sept. 90, INTO. sep27eod3w Congress, T M. Patterson. Three judges of Heats in each races be This day’s may trotted alternately. is u small lot waich we bought latt the Mrs. Sally Beers, of , Clinton Couaty, to enter ana PORTLAND, MAINE, Supreme Court will be elected, and both Five horses 3 to siart in eaeh race. line of Spring at 33 1-2 per cent less than the An Elegant has had the sole of a Entiance fee 10 per cent of the must ac- JUST RECEIVED same can be Michigan, management Purse; goods bought to-day. parties have candidates in the field. This a__ a_: _i __) _1 v the no conditional .1 va uuu company nomination; entries atof n olo/ll IAn So Smnnntnnt hnnnnan tV,n InnSe UUUUtCU 1U1' will be received. • — AT — Nearly Canal Bank. acres, which she has Tbe name and residence of owner or makin and Domestic Opposite 40 DOZEN proved managed with suc- party Foreign tepl28 dtf lature now chosen will elect two United an entry must be given in the nomination. cess equal to the best farmers of that section, Entries will close Wednesday, October 4th, at. 10 IUis*es’ English lUerino Hose ia Cardinal States Senators, and, also, it is said, three Mine and Brown for a period of twenty-five vears. She is now p m at Preble House, Portland, Me and should be Nelson & Navy Stripe. Sizes Gould’s 4 1-2 to O 1-2 at cts. Presidential electors. Both claim the addressed to L R. CROSBY. 25 per pair. parlies nearly seventy nine years old, and still has mar- Having leaced Presumpscot Park for a Fall meet- WOOLENS Sizes 7, 8 1-2 at 37 cts. per pair. state. 6 velous executive and force tun utoi, activity, of IU13 Win iuiuiu aujut uiniunumij New Woolens I CASES ability, lug. afforded le horse owner* to enter lor — FOB — Ladles should be cautious in All in want of this class of goods should examine has reared liberal purchas- MISSES’ AND The Democratic organs are some iu character; nine children of her own, this season. Hossamer • LADIES', CHILDREN’S these lots, as there is no possibility of our offering as doiDg premiums ing Rubber loaks, and not and more than S. MAINS & 0 good bargains again this year. over the election returns in that number by adoption from »pt«dtdW. buy those with sewed seams as they are genious figuring the all of whom are a cred- BEST’S SUITS AND OVERCOATS, CBIBBOURN HOT W&TEKPROuF. We are making a this state. Taking the congressional vote among unfortunate, h it to her. Mo a influ- RBNDiLL, with cemented seams find the person has had greater Great Redaction to be made up in the In teat style* at superior quality they Republican majority to be about that ARE at BALL’S ence for good in all that section of the country; WATERPROOF, OWEN & MOORE, eleven thousand. But they omit to take into in the price of 168 and 170 Middle Rubber Store, under nor is for Street, Falmouth Hotel. Also a fall line any one more universally respected P. S.—Examine ours before the account the fact that there was disaffec- McACaORK’S, you pur- Gents Fall Congress St., Cor. Brown. broad philanthropy, earnest hatred of wrong, we have and are now a ful chase. and Winter Underwear dtf tion toward two of the candidates for just opened, receiving sep26_ Con- and practical judgment. This year, for the Sills. Hats, Merchant Tailor, line of fspt27 dtf Merino at *0 eta. to the well Frk0”®known gress, disaffection which did not extend to first she is some of bar cares to And evervthmg in tbe Hat and Cap line to corres- Heavy Bonble Brea.ted Bibbed time, giving np the times. received our Fal 205 THE Sbirt* at sold last the state and which pond with Having MIDDLE STREET, German and PREMIUM 01; year for DRUMSDRUMS! ticket, caused the cast- her daughter, Mrs. Anna B. Smith, who bids we are now prepared to furnish a superioi English, French J.-nt.cnoU Style* the *®®o* of about sixteen votes fair to rival her mother except in health and make of Silk Hats at ihelollowing prices: Opposite Falmonlh Hotel. CENTS HEBINO t.9 HOSE ing hundred for inde- AO cis On hand at all times a assortment of per pair or 0 pairs for 01 a complete former $5 OO former); occupied b; Fred PROCTOR. OO, Drums and Drum Drum and indi- pendent candidates, besides some hundreds of Extra. S3 50 5 price, CUCUMBER WOOD ! decided bargain. Also a full liae of findings. Corps longevity._ “ “ « OO PUMP viduals at lowest rates and stock Nuper. 4 50; sepl9 dim * Kid supplied warranted. votes for regular Democratic candidates. The “ “ »-«0 The best and W5r“». °r»«h stock o Barrels, Bass Drums, tempts Democratic organs to make ap- ship on account of a difference of they get also Drum Stick and opinion with, excellent and not made over from tboFi ; Side Lace Heads, Cord, Belts. Drums quality, Boots I NELSOW & pear otherwise will be vain. the Administration as to Block which are of onr own and made and J. N. Davis at the Southern situa. thai have been worn and discarded. Ironing, most of importation, very KENDALL & WHITNEY, GOULD, repaired by A full assortment In also a stock of fine Domestic iug, &c., done promply and at tbe shortest notice Freneh Kid, neat and nrettr. choice styles; good tion, is entirely incorrect. In private conver I we are to ofler dtf From the amount re- Old Hais changed to tbe present styles for $2.Ci Also in French Morocco for Walking Boots. Meas- Woolens, which prepared at greatly augll Agents, Portland, Hie. eeP5P3 Congress IRA C. careful estimates of ken and from last season. Street.dtf STOCKBRIDGE’S sation the very before he left for to $3 00. ures t? nice fitting Boots made to order tor reduced rices the day Ohio, this date offer quired to pay the Navy during present men or women. We si sll from special inducement MUSIC Judge Taft was specially empbatio upon the JOHMG.HAYFS&CO., to custoi- ers that pay cash. Pare White Lead* STORE, fiscal year, after all officers that can be spared M. O-. PALMER. Portland, Stpt 23,1676.sept23d2m JUST subject of the iudigaities offered to the negroes NO. 7 JIAUKKI gqt'AHE. RECEHEB 136 EXCHANGE ST BEET. from the actual needs of the service shall dtf subscribers have been appointed Agents for j u30 of the South by the white-liners, aud stated Bc-pie __d2m A Stuck THEthe Albion Lead Works. A superior kjAADoj.|T have been furlough pay, it is be- Large Bankrupt The fa)1 placed upon with that all the means in the brand of totrictly Pure W kite l.fad ground in 8tjJe snk Hatg great emphasis ru THE BEAUKKB of THE PRES! — OF For Xeiv Orleans, La. of at a It (J If BE It COATS. Oiljforsale in ihe usual variety of and for and old lieved there will be a deficiency least of the so far as bis packages, $3.50 jour silk The power government, depart- Card POCKEF-BOOKS at the lowest market prices; guaranteed to be as fine new double deck Bark The amount Armauo's Photograpns RUSSIA LEATHER m exchange at MER- million dollars. appropriated ment was concerned, should be employed to A new lot of Tien’s Rubber Coals, all represented. lliltc JfildSjSk *1’ **"»h».acl«,” having a PER DOZEN. * a, ot her S1.00 for 91.30 each Rubber Rtanbets At Wholesale and Retail for 50 eta h KV’S, 237 Middle Street, portion cargo engaged, will Lave was $5,750,000, or $1,859,000 less than the protect every American citizen everywhere in p.rfect ». vv. WHIPPLE ft UfllSt as Examine Gallery, 16 market Hquare. 90 Cents. HALL’if RUBBER Corner Poat CO., dispatch abort. only of Middle and Exchange street, Opposite »ten of the gold hat. iJKagjEa estimates. The pretended Democratic sav- his rights of libeity and of suffrage under the dim under Falmonlh Hotel, Office. Ju3 91 aap!2 STORE) wpliidtt topside* Hlnrket Square. dtf aug2S dtf * a»pUdU ^^rjmaag,.^^ ing is merely a postponement of pay-day. Constitution. * Exhibition Echoes. THE Warlike Preparations. The following were the closing quotations of DOMESTIC PORTS. INDIANS. Stocks: SPECIAL NOTICES. Preparations are making in Belgrade and on SAN FRANCISCO—Ar 21st, ship Nearclius, Pierce miscellaneous. Western Union Telegraph Co...... 70} ! BY TELEGRAPH. Defensive Policy of the Indians for the tbe harder ot Russia inconsistent with the pa- long Kong, Pacific Mail. 221 Cla 28ih Oliver, In the main Building-Aaaoug the Old cific declarations of tbe cabinet of St. Peters- York It ship Louisiana, Queenstown. EVERYBODY .NOWS. Winter. New Central & Hudson K. 97} SKATLE. O—Sid tl for MOST There are grounds for 20th, chip Dorado, Hayden, and D burg. good supposing Erie. 9} lan Francisco. thing most evenrbody knows, \ Natiaaa—Japan Egypt. IN Bismarck, T., Sept. 30.—A gentleman soon take tbe Erie /One MATTERS MAINE. that Russia will openly responsi- prelerred.. 15 NKW OKLKANS —Ar Martha ! / That Boys are Clotted*• from head to feet, 1 who left Fort Peck Sunday, and who traded she has Central. 25th, ft)ip Cobh, Make It To war been Known of tbe which Michigan at bility waging 41} Pearson, Batb; barque Montebello, Kelley, Boston \ In "New York styles” Georgs Fenno’s, j with Dog and when were Panama. .128 > Long Inkpaduty they under the cover of the Servian flag. MOBILE—Ar 29, Carrie Wbitte- Corner of Beach and Washington Street, to the has arrived here. He flimsy Union Pacific 60 brig Purington, Tin Philadelphia visitor enters the Main [Special Press.] there, says Long Dog Stock. nore, Boston. Boston. Gonrgucul Work impended al Viual- waB within 20 miles of Wolf Point when Gen. Lake Shore... 53} Building jauntily and with a determination to ITALY. Illinois JACKSONVILLE-Cld 23d, sch J G Drew, Fiencli st21 andlOwr haren. Terry was there, and has been into Fort Peck Central. 82} STew York. Your Relations! it in the coarse of Alarming Illneaa of the Pope and Cardin- Pittsburg R. 86 explore the day. Very likely since then. On Lone Elk Cld 25th, Bcb M W Diew, Boston. Eocklanb, Oof. 1.— Government work at repeatedly Saturday al Antonelli. Chicago & Northwestern. 35 Maboncy, he will feel disappointed as he looks down the and Fast Dog came in trom the hostile * Northwestern SAVANNAH—Cld 28tb. seb Carrie Hcyer, Poland, camp. 30 — 30—A Chicago prelerred. 598 from Perth Vioalhaven has b.-eu suspended. About 300 a London, Sept. despatch from Amboy; for Galveston fall to if he They announced that party of hostile Indians New Jersey Central. 25 vista, doubting have enough sight- Rome today.reports the very serious and alarm- CHARLESTON—Ar 28th, sch John Griffin, from Bros. meD were last A. were iDto Foit Peck, but wanted the Rock Eastman to fill his discharged night. coming Pms Ninth and Island... Savannah tor New York, (towed in steamer Vir- seeing up time, and resolve to finish and his outfit to ing illness of both Pope Cardi- St. t»y | [To the Associated Press.] agent go away. They did not Paul.. 2iJ jinia. having been abandoned ) the main nal Antonelli. St. Paul 59 picked up exhibition that He will want annuities or rations, bat wanted preferred. Also ar sch OPEN ON morning. Washington County Fair. the Ohio* 28th, J P Wyman, from Boston, (with HILL I find traders to remain with of Mississippi. 11} :rew of seb John Iff F the as 1 resolution of about as much effect plenty ammunition. Griffin.) Pembroke, Sept. 30.—The Pembroke Trot- AFRICA. Delaware* Lackawanna.66} PORT They made presents to the agenoy Indians and Atlantic * Pacific ROYAL, SC—Ar 28th, Ech Mary Stewait, those of political conventions. Noon will come ol Ibe Commander-in- Telegraph. 15} Coombs, Boston. ting Association closed their fall to in two horses to the Capture Missouri 3 and meeting brought belonging Seventh Pacific. ,, go, and night will find him, unless he skip The also carbines and saddles Atlantic & Pacific WILMINGTON, NO-Cld 26tb, sch Jos Souther, day. attendance was good, the track was Cavalry, evidently prelerred... 12 Watts, fhomaston. Oct. THAT like a far on the hither to that London, Sept. 30—An Alexandria despatch TUESDAY, 3d, confirmed novel reader, excellent and the belonging regiment. They wanted to The following were the closing quotations cf Pacific Ech Oliver trotting surpassed any to the there is reason to believe that Ratbi L H^^HMOND-Ar 27th, damesen, Camp- aide of the center He will come out be friendly whites, and said no peaceable says Railroad securities: bell, Windsor. NS.. transept. ever before witnessed on this In the five be the commandei-in-chief and Central Pacific park. whites would molested this winter by them Pasha, Egyptian bonds. ,...110 ALEXANDRIA—Ar 27tb, sch L T Whitmore, of the building thinking that he has gone over have been taken prisoners by the Abys- Union the finest assortment ot years old colt race Flora Mace won in the 2d, but they would fight the white soldiers when staff, Pacific..”*106} Whitmore. Windsor, NS. sanch down the sinians near Massowat. Land Grants. gionnd, but as he glances long 3d and they came out after them. realized that 164} BALTIMORE—Ar 28th, barque Lorena, Blanch- 4th heats. Time 2.50, 2.53, 2 41; Leo They Sinking Funds. 91 ard, Santos. doubt if he has the whites would them at FISK & CO. lines of its outer walls with whip bat Hartford Walter third. In the 2 55 class last, they WEST INDIES. Boston, S Erie 7s. 18} Ar 29th, ship fm Barcelona; schs second, Bro. would not surrender, and would die THE Oakland, Reed, made a beginning of the task he set himself to fighting. Guaranteed. ]g Clara Leavitt, Lombard, Bristol. E; S H DeWoif, Dunbar won in the 2d, 4th and 5th beats. They claimed that they had Hurricane at Porto 10,000 men in the Destructive Rico— Thatcher, Gardiner; Ada J Simonton, Hall, and II have received their accomplish. field this and that The Shore Strewn with Wrecks. M | Ladies’ Cloaks Time 2 62, 2 54, 2 53; Eva made the best time summer, they will bring Providence Prim Clotba market. Crowell, Crowell, Kennebec; Roger Drury, Baker, I Unless one has weeks to pass on the 8,000 more warriors to fight next do; Harriet New York. grounds in the race in the first The year. Many New Yoke, Sept. 30.—Tbe American Consul c uovidenoe, October 1 —The Cloths Thomas, VauCleaf, heat. Time 2.47. lodians now at the will Priming Cld 29th. brig Cbas Boston. he will find it absolutely necessary to leave agencies join them in at San Juau, Porto Rico, reports a hurricane market during the past week has been rather light Dennis, Dodge, wc have ever shown. race was contested and creat- the PHILADELPHIA—Ar 28th, Nina sweepstake hotly spring. on that island tbe 13tb, which all as ihe small stock of best goods are held at about barque Sheldon, aome things unseen and pass by others destroyed 5c, Snelaon. London; sch many ed Sitting Bali with 100 is on above views ot buyers; sales of the week brig Callao, Leeman, Sligo; FILL AND WINTER considerable excitement among tbe horse lodges, they say, telegraphic communication with tbe interior. }c 35,000 M E Amsden, Baker, bath. CLOTHING, with brief is on basis of inspection. Perhaps there noth- the Little Missouri, where most of the Indians It blew down all the houses in the immediate pcs: prices 4}c standard and extra 64 x Ar 29th. men. Tbe favorite horse was J. H. Hill’s grey 64'“' schs Lucy, Colwell, Windsor, NS; B L The stock will consist ot over in the great hall of but that loueht Caster are now within two days' of and all tbe were Eaton. ing nnwortby attention, mare Little 0 in vicinity tbatciiy. bridges Grierson, Wilmington. of all the new Maid, years old, never before march of Little Horn, Black Moon, carrie Cld 29th, brig C C Kobinscn. Salem. consisting designs, there is oertaiuly much which does not require They say away by tbe floi.d, and the coffee, sugar Domestic Haraeia. Adams, and a race. She won easily in three straight heats Crazy Horse and Lone Horn are greater chiefs and rice mined. Tbe Amencan NKW YORK—Ar 28th, bark Euima C Litchfield, shapes color-, embracing a crops entirely New York. September 30.—Cotton dull and un- prolonged examination. The too, than nnlinn..oo \XT .111.. — O_ -„!_1 C?- Hayden. Stettin 40 days, (lost aud split sails); schs visitor, Time 2 2.40. Sitting Bull, who is only on» of maDy. changed sales 1281 bales: He for One Hundred and Fifty 42, 2.42; Nellie Thorn second, Bay ; Middling uplands; Lois V Chaples, Jacksonville 14 with hot limited time must discard They say that the Coeyeones, Sans JuaD her futures declined 1-32. Flour—low Cbaples. days, (lost Shaded Plaid Cassi* many things Ned third. Ogallalas, barber, but crew were saved. Eight grades 5@ioc and split sai>9 17th); E S Potter, Henderson. Savan- Diagonals, Arcs and Brutes were in number in the better with more other richly worth examination and confine himself greater Dative craning vessels we'e also wrecked and doing; kinds without decided nah 11 days. Frank Jameson. Jameson. Richmond; meres, Dice-Faced Worsteds, A base ball match was between tbe sties No 2 at 2 Different played hattle than Sitting Bull’s tribe. The agent at several lives lost. Tbe coast from Aricibo to ebauge; 18,009 bbls; 15 @ 3 90; Su- Arthur burton, Frohock. Baltimore; Addie Blais- Styles to the worthiest. I would advise the man who perfine Western and State at 4 20 as 4 75: rornmnn I Black and White mixed Cassi- Unions of and the Fort Peck sent th.se men back with a message is strewn wi'h none of them dell. Tbos New Pembroke, Passamaqnoddy Aguadilla wrecks, to extra western and Bearse, Kennebec; Potter, Handy, counts his hours to enter the west end Bull to cc me in aDd he would good State at 6 011 @ 5 10: good stay by to Sitting treat American Tbe brig Valencia of Boston was Bedford. meres, Knickerbocker Suitings, Indians of Periy, resulting in a victory for the to choice Western and State at 5 15 @ 5 40; common in of the dis- him well. The aeency Indians say that when wrecked at but tbe crew were saved Ar 29th, Darque Ephm William0, Keen. Pensacola building, saunter through the paltry Waguabo. to choice White Wheat Western extra at 5 45 @ 6 Broken Unions. Unions 20, Passamaquoddye 11. hostile lodians come the shakes 30; 22 days; brig Abby Watson, Holden, Fernundina 14 Fancy Eog'ish Fluids, min- in, agent The brig George Latimer was also lost, but F incy White Wheal Western extra at 6 55 play which Italy makes, glance at the and fetes @7 75; days, m Abaco to common to good extra Ohio at o 00 6 common Checks Ligt.t erals of Chili Fajardo erery @ 75; Cld 28th, barque Esther, Merrill, Eng; brig PLAIN, and the sknlls which Pern them feel sorry that they are not be- bas suffered. to choice extra St Louis at 5 10 8 Patent Min- Bristol, Dyer of Millbriilge, showed remarkable signs hostile, building @ 50; Annie R Storer, Adams, Montevideo. lined Cassimere, Blue and Black sends from cause then they would be treated much nesota extra good to prime at 7 to @ 8 choice to the tombs of her Incas, pass some belt.r. A St. Tbumas letter, dated tbe 14th, says 00; Cld 29th, brigs Jeremiah, Ford, Cardenas; A H of great speed and was the favorite in tbe colt double extra at 8 05 @ 9 50; Southern more Ac. The ludians that come iu do not tell the that town suffered but no steady; sebs Lizzie B Broadcloth, Tricots, Ac., minutes admiring the rich of ostrich troth, considerably, lives common to fair extra at 5 10 6 Curtis, Sheppard, Newark; McNicbols, CHINCHILLA, display but his owner to whites believe all @ 25; good to choice Fanning. Gar- race, wisely determined pre- but the they say aDd tell were lost. Tbe brig Veteran, from Buenos 8 Boston; Elbridge Gerry, Arey, do; feathers from the and make 1_-_.L_] *1_I_1_ ..v do 6 30 (S 50. Rve flour unchanged at 4 75 ffl 5 25 Orange State, *uu —-'-J I-vr vuva w UUOVI1D land, Lindsey, New Haven vent a record for him. He is certainly one of Avres for Rotterdam, wbicb put into St. per bbl for superfine. 57.600 ELYS his first decided in of all Wheat—receipts bush; Passed through Hell Gate 28th, schs David Currie, IAN, tarry tha department the Indians and report that is going on and Thomas to repair, was wrecked in tbe the market is 1 @ 2c better and demand tbe moist promising colts in this section. totally lair, expot Chatfleld. Hobokea for C R Flint, Adams, Scandinavian There the of what the whites propose to do. harbor; crew saved. Tbe American bark checked by firmness of holders,also moderate Portland; Kingdoms. groups Somerset County Fair. milling tuii uuuubuu ijuoiuu /.eua, nauuwuu, uu jui remained at the over inquiry; 1 05 for old and new No 3 MATELASSEE costumed the exhibits of iron and LoDg Dog agency night. Idella Berry is missing, and tbe body of Capt, Chicago Mixed; Boston. j peasants, 1 lo for old No 2 in 1 20 for 2 Skowhegan, Stpt. 30.—The Somerset county He was offered a robe to sleep on, bat rejected Turner was found floating in the harbor. The Chicago Btore; No Chi- Passed do 29th. Hattie G McFarland. Mc- the silver work from Nor- cago crop 1874; 1 30 tor extra choice No 1 Minnesota barque porcelain, filagree bolden at Uoburn Hall this was a it with scorn, and insisted on in a bed with a cargo of rice from Farland, New York tor brig C C fair, week, sleeping brig Shesta, Boston, crop 1814 in store; 110 @112 for old Winter Red Constantinople; and the marble and of with the white chief, but was is but Dot Sweeney, Cole, do tor Leghorn; schs Traveller, Port AND encumber our counters. way, porphyry Sweden, success. The show of ancient finally pacified, asbore, seriously damaged. The Western; 112 ior poor new do. Rye firm with Every- perfect and on the floor with a good Johnson tor Daniel Webster, Hoboken tor carefal attention. Thence he relics| slept blanket. hurricane did great damage at St. Croix to export inquiry at 72 @ 74c for 82 Boston; Claim steps articles and oil was Western; @ 66}c Bangor; El bridge from New York for Boston; thing fancy paintings particular- Inkpaduty and he were there at the same buildings, etc. At Porto Rico city 28 vessels ior Jersey, Pennsylvania and State Gerry, across the nave into the of Western; 72} @ Maud Websier, do tor Portsmouth. department Japan, fine. The hen show and show drew time. claimed to be to each are 74c tor State to arrive October 86 86* Bar- ly baby Thsy strangers reported asbore; five were total wrecks aod jseller @ FALL RIVER—Ar 28th. schs A H Howe, Ellis, FUR BEAVERS. I venture to he will the rest but moved out at tbe ley dull and interior Canada 1 00. where, say, linger crowds. A lecture was delivered Tues- other, they same time 11 badly injured. Five lives were [lost there. unchanged; 97} @ and trom Port Johnson. and large Barley Halt quiet and 6-roweed State Pushaw, New, Nobby Stylish. of the and united their iorces within sight of tbe At St. Kitts five vessels were driven but unchanged; VINEYARD-HAVEN—Ar 27th. schs Romeo. Lin- day. Rev Mr. asbore, 1 00; prime Canada at 125 on time. day evening by Pierce, Wednesday by agency. no lives lost. Corn—receipts ne>l, and Adrian. Maddox, tm New York tor Ports- If one have but an hour to at the Ex- 51,200 bush; the market is about sales ot PRICES FROM Over 700 Suits to select from. spend Rev. Charles Gov. In their from }c better; mouth; Sammy Ford, do tor Eastport: Abble Allen, Thursday by Dingiey hasty flight Terry they aban- 95,000 bush; 66c for infetior Wesiern 56c for Alldn, choice from 1000 350 hibition let him it in If be have Am American Abandoned. Mixed; S Emery, from do tor Winslow Your Pants, speud Japan. and the Band was in at- doned their tepees, robes, &c., and much suffer- Ship no grade for Emery, Winterpoit; Friday Skowhegan Mixed; 56} @ 57}c graded aud ungrad- Morse, Jordan, Hoboken tor Bath. Overcoats, on our coun- but a let him pass half the there. If ing resulted, several children from London, 30.—The American Her- ed steamer Mixed; 56 @ 68c for Western elegant day day tendance. It was the largest and best dying Sept. ship ungraded Ar 28tb, schs Gertrude E Smith, Staples, fm Port ters. Reefers and Ulsters in display exposure. wbicb sailed June 3d from Mixed; 58c for sail Mixed; 59 @ 59} for Yellow Wes- pro- be have weeks let him the de- _ a'd, Capt. Gardner, Rayal 20 days for Chas E Sears, Turner, and study Japanese ever held in the tern. sales Boston; to 50,00. fusion. manu- county. llailo, in the Pbillipine Islands, with a general Oats—receipts 26,745 bush; 46,000 busb; M B Maboney. tor do; Gar- 13.00 Every garment the of those and Crimea and Casualties. New York No 2 and No 2 White Western and Westcott, Philadelphia partment major portion weeks, Removal of a Newspaper. cargo for Sandy Hook, calling at Batavia, wbicb State; land, Libby, fin Port Johnson for do; Willie Martin, factured by us within the past 36 @ @ 50c for White, including Ne.v York No 2 at *1 VU61U WU l«n *W uiiu iviuutv aiKi v. SchooDer is ashore Moshier. fm tor Caroline 30.—The Wiscasset Oapitol, at Peaked Hill, port she left July 12tb, was abandoned August No 2 White at Philadelphia Portsmouth; NINETY DAYS. No store in Wiscasbet, Sept. Oracle, aud 36} ® 37c; 40} @ 41c; Mixed Western Grant, So for do; Always pleased to show our goods. him will probably go to pieces. 30tb, lat. 36 south 22 east. The crew at 30 @ White 46 Bray, Amboy Tennessee, Pilisbury, Maine can show ONE HALF as the rest of the show let return to JapaD. for the seven in Wiscas- long. 38c; @ 47c; Mixed State on track Hoboken for do; E M and Kate pase years published laoded at St. Helena. Tbe Herald hails from 45 Cofiee—Rio is in better Sawyer, Kelley, or fine and at Wm. Barrett was Saturday convicted at @ 47}. supply and very Newman, tor St John, NB; large, as an assortment of He will be surprised delighted the set this been removed firm at 16 19c for Newman, Philadelphia ex- by Joseph Wood,has day Montpelier, Vt.,of crime against bis own Salem, was 772 tons burthen, built at Newbury- @ gold cargoes; 16 @ 20c gold for Haitie L Curtis, Mann, Port. Johnson for Lynn; Ella manifestation) of that job lots. is dull and nominal at for hibit. The highest to Bath where it will be continued port in 1865 for A. Gardner. Sugar 8} @ 9c Frances, Bulger, do for Weymouth; Johnnie Me- weekly. daughter. fair to good refining; 9}c for refined in fair wonderful civilization which has but lately Tbe ship Alexander McNiel has put back to prime; seive, French, do tor Newburyport; Iona, Coombs, The present publisher are Joseph Wood and Mr and Mrs. Edward Chichesler were burn- demand at 10} @ 1<'}c lor standard A; 104 @ 104c for EASTMAN BROS., with Newcastle for Kittery. to us which as we fail to Hong Kong partly d’smasted cargo ap- granulated and been opened and yet Fen G. Barker. The has been ed to death at Troy, N. Y., yesterday, by the powdered; ll@ll}c for crushed. In schs Boaz. Ida & paper enlarged parently uninjured. Molasses is dull and port, barque Andes; Annie, before the visitor. explosion of alcohol which was used in unchanged. Rice is quiet and G M Porter, N W Magee, May Munroe, Silas Mc- fully comprehend,are spread to doable its former size. being Petroleum is and the manfactuie of varnish. One of the Halifax Ciew Drowned. steady. quiet firm; crude 14; re- Loon, M B Mahoney, Ellen Merriman. Onward, R H the courts will fined cases 30 After wandering through be ary ia Buxton. 26; @31; city naptha at 14. Tallow Ella and Willie Martin. All others 534 St. ■“**> John A Halifax, Oct 1.—Obed Smith, bow oars- is easier. Rosin is Colson, Fiances, Congress Jordan, colored, who killed an un- steady at 1 95 @ 2 05 for strained. have sailed se28 sndfitwtf believe there are no artisans in the world out- 30.— Some time last man of tbe four-oared crew who C-L-O-T-H-l-N-G night is Biddeford, Sept known tramp unintentionally in the Boston & champion Turpentine steady at 35} @ 35} for Spirits. Coal BOSTON—Ar 29tb, E Dana, fm is firm at 3 4 brig Mary O’Neil, aide of Japan. Bronzes are there both gro- the dwelling of A. J. a butcher, Albany Railroad June was sentenced distinguished themselves at Philadelphia, and 75 @ 75 per ton per cargo ior Anthra- Port schs Edgecomb, depot, 20, cite. Leather last Johnson; Chattanooga, Snaie, Brunswick; and fashion and to two years Mark, his brother, were drowned this morning quoted—Hemlock sole, Buenos Addie Fuller, Henderson, do; A L Butler, as we exhibit to the tesque graceful, of exquisite living at Buxton, was entered through the cel- imprisonment. and Rio Grande Eaton, BAILEYS wondering about half past three in Halifax harbor. They Ayres light, middle and heavy Georgetown DC; Etta M Barter, Barter, Baltimore; intricate in Coal wharf of C. E. Walker & at the 19 Calilornia at 19 gaze of our Thousands of custom- material, work, (metal upon metal, lar and robbed of an account book containing Co., were going home in their sebooner boat of weights @24; do @23; common O D Withered, Garfield, do; Telumah, Bennett, and foot of State street, gave dur- do at 18} @ 22}. Pork opened firmer but closed dulf ers. No store can afford to sell as false in heraldry but true in art) strange in $819 in bills and several which were in Portsmouth, way about 16 tons, with some coal and winter stores Abbie Pitman, Chase, Philadelphia; Jennie F Wiley, notes, ing the shower of and and easier ;3oObbls of new mess at 16 70 per LOW as we and yesterday morning pre- on when were run down the bbl; Trefethen, do; L M Strout, Dean, Elizabethnort; can, do, because decoration with the and the stork con- his vest This morn- board, tbey by prime mess 19 new mess seller October 16 dragon hanging beside the bed. cipitated 200 tons of coal into the river. Some 75; at 65; Lucy M Collins,Curti8, Perth Amboy; Etta A Stimp- New Book we are mail steamer Nova ScotiaD, bound iD from seller JDecemoer 15 70. Beef with handles of vases formed the of it may be recovered. is quiet at 8 @10 son. Hart, and Cathie C Berry, Seavey, Weebawken; stantly appearing, ing account book and notes were found in Baltimore. A woman named a for 10 11 for extra Bindery- Take, passen- plain mess; @ do. Beet hams are Irene E and Lizzie Port flocks of with damask of & Meservey, Wall, Carr, Teel, by birds, patterns the cellar. Thompson Williams’ flouring mill at ger with them, was rescued. Tbe Smiths were quiet. Tierce Beef quiet. Cut Meats—Western is Johnson Northeru Palmer, and Carrie L middles firm ; Light, colored metals. Porcelain is there in Rockland Poiloffice. Lanesboro, Minn., were burned Saturday not seen after tbe collision, and it is supposed quiet; at 9} @ 9| for long clear. Lard Hix. do; Nulato, Martha Nichols, 49 1-2 EXCHANGE MANUFACTURERS. many opened firmer but closed Hix, Small, do; ST., 30.—The old has morning. Loss $50,000 to $60,000. About 300 they sank with the boat. heavy gnd lower at 10 60 @ Wass, and Ada S Allen, Dudley, Hoboken; Roamer, ware of scarlet and gold, in Yokohama Bockland, Sept. postoffice 10 seller November 10 10 Kaga barrels of flour and six or eight thousand bush- 70; @ 07}, closing at 9 92} McFarland; Eagle, Keiley, and Gen Banks, McFar- VP been dismantled and the mail matter Foreign Notea. @ 9 95; seller December at 9 seller all STAIRS, jar* of curious form, in the five-colored Gasai, to-night els of wheat were also 80; the year at land, Hoboken ; Winnie Lawiie, Spear, Rondout; destroyed. A from 9 77} @ 9 90; seller at 9 90 9 at transferred to the new which was despatch Pampeluna says an appeal January @ 92}, closing Commonwealth, Ellems, Rockland. in “egg pottery”, in the red ware of Akai, in postoffice, Mechanics Block in owned 9 Butter so firm Made Webster, Mass., to arms in defenoe of the feuros is 77}. scarcely atl6@3oc for Wes- Below, sch Charlotte on Portland., Me. Elegant Fitting, Stylish Goods, signed by 22 36c for Jameson, (ashore Georges the vases. lighted and open to the public. Mails will be by H. M. Dresser, was totally destroyed by fire and Navarrez and ia tern; @ State. Whiskey is firmer at 113 Island. ohysantbemum-Oedecked imperial Basque committees, cir- @ 1 from there Saturday night. H. M. Dresser loses 7,300, in- in 13}. BOSTON—Ar 30th, schs Gertrude, Jameson, Port Lacquer is there in gold and cinnabar,as unlike dispatched Monday morning. The culating Navarre and the Basque provinces. to surance $5,500; J. D. Kingsbury insur- Freights Livevpool—The market firmer; Cotton Royal, SC; Charlotte Jameson. Jameson, Hoboken; 15 Per cent. Lower new has 1200 lock boxes and 50 $1300, Fifty thousand pounds worth of American per sail 9-33 @ 5-16d; do per steam at lt-32d:Wheat Music, Magazines, Newspapers the lacquer ware of the shops as an ancient postoffice larger ance A. T. insurance A Tirrell, Fisher, Poughkeepsie; Idaho, Jameson, $1000; Sly $2300. $1250; eagles were withdrawn from tbe Bank of pci Ban * ,u, steam at boxes under and in some re- Eng- pur 7*a. New York. cameo is unlike Its modern imitation. Screens them, important H. J. Bates 1000, insnrauce $750. land for to and various Periodicals of the than the Lowest. Saturday shipment New York. New York, 30.—Cotton Mid- Cld 30th, barque Shawmut, Connor, Portland; sell day is the best office in the the September dull; are there in powerful tints and delicate gradua- spects state, having Tbe Milbnrn Wagon Co., whose were burn- The Prince of Montenegro bas left Cettigne dling uplands at 11c. Cephas Starrett, Babbidge, Portland. LYNF—Ar tions of color. Curious are largest and most convenient accommodations ed Friday night were insured for $4600 of to join his army. 29tb, sch Hattie,L Curtis, Maun, irom bound in any desired style. ivory carvings Chableston, September30.—Cotlou lower: Mid- Port Johnson. for which $835 is in tbe Bangor of Maine. A re- A despatch from Madrid says the deoorations dling uplands at there, and silks in shades richer than Western distribution and delivery of mails. 10J @ U*c. PORTSMOUTH—Ar schs Chas E Tur- port gained credence that several men and illuminations prepared to greet ex-Queen 29th, Sears, Giving my personal attention to Balk’s Contribution to the Yellow Fever perished Mobile,September 30.—Cotton irregular;Middline nar, and Walls, imagination ever pictured. in the rains. There was bat CoL Edwin Isabella’s arrival there have been removed for Terrapin, Philadelphia; Lookout, one, uplands 10c. Sprague, Hoboken ; May Day, Waterman, Perth the courts and Sufferer*. M Haihard, lumber clerk of the fear of disturbance. the business 1 hope 1o have a Leaving Japanese returning company, Savannah, September 30.—Cotton auict; Mid- Amboy. Bath, 30.— Thirteen hundred dollars who was smothered. A from Madrid announces that a Also ar to the nave tbe visitor is confronted by a great Sept. telegram dling aplands lOjc. 29th, brig Mansanilla, Walls, Philadelphia; was last sch H share of the have been subscribed by oar citizens for the About 30 riotous union moulders overcame public adjudication made Saturday for Lydia Roper, Cranmer, do. public patronage. can he found on our counters than archway bearing the legend: “The oldest a loan of 5.000.000 Diastres. reouired bv the Wilmington,September 30.-Cotton is quiet ;Mid- tbe watchman at M L non-union at are all other dealers in yellow fever sufferers; $1000 to Savannah, $300 Filley’s dlmg aplands lOjc. FO BE IGN kept by nation of the Earth sends her morning greet- at expenses of the Caban war. POSTS. foundry Troy yesterday morniog about two 30.-Cotton is GEORGE L. BAILEY. Portlaud. to the Be is in in the to Brunswick, Ga., and forwarded. o’clock aed carried uff 0l4LFASS'September quiet; Sid fin Melbourne July 28, barque W A Holcomb, ing youngest,” Egypt, patterns valued at $1000 Middbng uplands 10|c. s.ptl3 sndtf Barque Sold. The rioters were fired the MINOR TELEGRAMS. Dunion, Vancouver’s island. midst of “strange armor and housings of gold,” upon by watchman, Galveston, September 30-Cotton is dull and Ar at 15. Ada Leaders we None. but without The Tbe Irish rifle team have started Otago Aug barque WJswell, Wiswell, Acknowledge Thirty-four sixty-fourths of barque Dirigo effect. patterns can be replac- for borne. irregular; Middling uplands 10 Now York tor Dunedin. with “the beasts and birds which Pharaoh Tbe New Jc. were sold here at auction this afternoon at ed. York money market begins to show Sid tm Adelaide. NZ. into the of the Louisville, September 30.—cotton Is quiet; Mid- Aug 12tb, barque Augustine FOLLOWERS MANY. gazing eyes tbe effects of in trade. uai V ijj UVU knew,” straight-lidded improvement dling uplands uvwvb, >01, UIL^IIUIU. rate of to John D. Bibber. uiviciueau ui me lOjc the “their full $6050, reace lyommuiioacrs, Commissioner Smith has to to re- Ar ar Calcutta Fried Morri- I the daughters of Sphynx, faces gone Ohio Nobfolk, 30.—Colton Sept 29, ship lander, Tremendous Crash main till after September dull; Middling son, Come and we will do an Omaha, Sept 30.—The Indian Peace Com- election. aplands at Liverpool. sec, you good of eternal patience." On the sombre black lOjc. Ar at missioueis arrived from the west last night and Base ball-Hartfords 4, St. Louis 1; Bostons Paleimo Sept —, barque Homeward Bound, are bricks from Lower coarse UASSACHUriETTS. Augusta September 30.—Cotton is Merriman, Bangor, Me. A Stock casings Egypt, left toe the Yautton, D. T. agency this morn- 6, Louisvilles 6. easy; Middling Bankrupt uplands at 9* @ 10c. Sid tm Liverpool Sept 29. barque Halcyon, Hardie, fabrics of palm-leaf and rushes, ancient weap- iog. They held an important session here with Rev. Tbomas Williams, a of Yale Victoria in graduate United States. Kate ttaiding, watts do. — Woodhull Boston. of Indian class of died at OF ons, strange costumes from Soudan, camel Superintendent Affairs Nickerson of College, 1800, Providence Fri- Havana market. Ar at Dublin Sept 28, brig D R Stockwell, Cum- Boston, Oct. 1.—Victoria Wooduu'l lectured Indian Territory. day. mings, New York. C. D. 6. FISK & GO., saddles with of rich cloth and mount- Havana. September 30.—Sugar- remant of stocks housings this evening in Payne Memorial Hall to a very Tbe Massachusetts loan of for Sid tm Waterford, 29, Powers, $8 000,000 were m seconds owing to the unfavorable advices I, Sept brig Atlas, KIDS ings of gold, coins older than Bameses, un- large audience. No offensive was and tbe Danvers ard Worcester lunatic Philadelphia language Maudy Sankey. bnildiDg from abroad, transactions are a complete stand-still; used. has been Sid tm Buenos Ayres Aug 10, sch Geo V Jordan, of a New York will be couth mnsical instruments upon before Oct. 1 —The and asylum awarded to Kidder, Peabody quotations nominal. Stock in the warehouses at Ha- leading Importing House, played Chicago, Moody Sankey Duncan, Batavia. at half ONE Gloucester Fish market. & Co., at 113.29. vana and Mataozas are bores and 5501) closed their value; all sound and PRICE, Atheos was, casts from tbe monu- meetings opened this morning at 8 all 150,000 bhds; At Bania Egyptian o’clock, A. A receipts for toe week at Havana and Aug 27,ship Intrepid, Simmons, discharg- perfect order. Gloucester, Sept. 30.— During the week the arrangements about tbe great tabernacle Capt Semmes of tbe United Stat s Matauzas 201 ing for repairs hammered work in of tbe bores and 250 hhds; for the ments, copper ending Sept. 30th 112 fishing arrivals have comulete. Seven thousand ship Alaska, tried for harsh treatment of bis exports week 6300 boxes Ar at Callao Andrew being people greeted and 270 Of which 0100 boxes and all Aug 28, ship Johnson, Speed, ancient Arab time Arabic been 42 from men. has been detached trom hhds, the hhds tor San Francisco. beariog strange reported, Georges Bank, aggre- Moody’s first and tbe command of were tor United Liverpool Blue Storei appearance, many city states; No 10 to 12 at 8* 9i reais Slu tm gating 546.000 lbs codfish and 21,000 lbs hali- were on tbe tbe Alaska arrobe Honolulu Aug 25, barque Jane A Falkin- LOOK AT SI1KMD PRICES! inscriptions, lamps from temples and mosques, pastors platform. per gold; No 15 to 20 at I0*@ll* gold gold; but; 8 Horn Grand and Western Banks with John and Nicholas tbe well known Sugars No 11 burg, Hubbard, Portland, O ; Camden, Robinson, doors of old sanctuaries, carved and inlaid in Collins, Centrifugal to 13 at 91 m 10 boxes and Port Gamble. 1,035,000 lbs. salt codfish. There has been no Fatal cotton merchants of New York, are under ar- 101 @ I0J in nhJs. 20 Doz. Colored Seamless 2- Slabbing Affray Sid fin Rio Janeiro Helen Josephine 233 MIDDLE and sacred tusks of ainvaxiM uaux Lumber Aug 10, barque Angler, ivory ebony, crocodiles, uanuub uunug tuo Wccr 05 rest for complicity in a bonded warehouse rob- nominal; shooks nominal. Freights weak Buttou. 6 to $1.60 per ST., Hartfobd, Oct 1.—la a street in ann Staples, Batavia. 8, pair, from off shore 10 quarrel of worth of ODinm. quotations unchanged. Tobacco dull. elephant and horns of rhinoceros, weapons of mackerelmg b.iug about Bris'O' bery $6000 Spanish Ar at Porto prev to sch B F Farn- Same .old aad will Mil herealier at 93. Saturday night John Guckio, nineteen gold 2z9l 230. on Alegro Sept 27, 6000 lbs. of mackerel. to the bad A circular from the National Bank of Re- @ Exchange weak; United States, Genu, from Rio the Pharaohs, medals of the Owing years stabbed Patrick him BU days at 1 ham, Grande for-, leaky. Ptolemies, pot- weather tbe mackerel old, Smith, killing t currency 11 a discount; short sight do 1 Cld at 20 Doz. Conrvoisler’s kid He. fleet have remained in a demption agency shows that Be emenaes of discount to 60 Quebec 26tb, ship Mt Pleasant, Brown, Liv- 2-Button, (real Portland, tery ol tbe these and much more. One inst mily. Gnckin escaped and the officers are that par; days void at 81 @ 9 prem; short sept28 dtf Caliphs, part of the time. Tbe stock of mackerel are bureau last year were $365,193, of which sight do 9 On erpool. warranted) 6 to 8 Colored $1.35, in pursuit. (s 91 prem. London, 20 uij 201 prem; Ar at Halifax can linger there hours, taking no note of time all sold off and an; new arrivals will find a $150,142 were paid express companies, and on Paris 6* premium. 27th, sch E K Kane, Joy, Labrador, Blacks (and cld tor Boston). $1.45, read; market. We quote tbe last sales at Death sf James $188,018 for salaries. as he passes down the centuries. Beside Lick. Ar at St John. NB, 27 th, schs and Same .old far $1.73. 5.25 to 6.25 aDd 14 25 bbl. for No. 3’s 2’s and Citizens of Montreal held a European market*. Lome, Flower, ail else is modern. There is old per San Francisco, Oct. 1—James Lick died in meeting Friday Riverside, Price, Portland. Egypt nothing l’». There has been a brsk to take to demand tor cod- this tbis night steps prevent the spread of the London, Sept. 30—12.30 P. M.—Consols at 96 15-16 At St Pierre Sept 12, brig Adelaide, Stover, from 20 Dox. Trefonsse’s best 1-But- DRESS GOODS city morning The remains are quality in with tbe from fish and a has been lying small and a lor ana comparison gigantic souipture large qnaLtit; shipped dur- in state at pox, passed resolution advocating money account. Portland, unc; sch Post Post, from New York, at colored and 7 to \Ttla_1.1_1 A_I L.l._ Pioneers’ Hall. Funeral ton, Black, 8, $1.25, the three and h«s reduc- Tuesday vaccination and the enforcement of lAinoO*. quarantine. ing past days, greatly afternoon. He leit about compulsory September 30-12.30 P. M.- American se- $5,000,000 in the Ar at Halifax sch D B worth AND ed the stock cured. The market is firm aDd at tbe penal clause ennties -United Stales 10-40 bonds Erie Rail- 29tb, Doane, New York. Actually 91.83. than the spectacle are its In the bands of trustees tor charitable 108*. Ar at St suggestions. an advance of 25c. for Grand Bauk. purposes. Tbe Providence Boston way shares 8}; New York Central SO. John, NB, 29th, scbs Quody, Young, and per qtl. Star, Olobe, New W H 25 Doz. ConrToisler’s 1-But- Egyptian quiet and gloom one sees far beyond have sold at 5 25 and York New York Mailer, Buckmau, New York. (real kid) Georges per qtl. are firm Graphic, News and Pittsbnrg LoNbO-s, September 30.—2.00 P. M.—Consols at 7 the of an old at these We F O RE I Ur N Leader have 96 13 16 for and account. ton. Black, to 8, at $1.00, fragment world before him, sees today figures quote We-tern withdrawn from the American money [Latest by European steamed Bank at 4.25 perq l., Grand Bank 4.50 Press Association and formed an to at back beyond mosque and temple to the first per qtl., THE association, Liverpool, September 30.—12.30 P. M.—Cotton Sid fm Eva for Bargain $1.30. TURKISH WAR. be as market is Liverpool 17th, May, Andrews, ! haddock cusk 1 known easier SHAWLS 3 37 2. Tongues and sounds the National but not of civilization. 3, quotably lower; Middling Deaiarara. days dawning at 9 to 11 at The Prepared Convening of Parliament. Chancellor uplands at 5 15-16d; do Orleans at of 25 Doz. White Tinted Kids, 3 Button, per bbl., halibut’s fios 9; heads at Runyon has refused to appoint a 6$d; sales 7,000 Sid 16th, Undaunted, Dinsmore, New York; Jane After one not care bales, including 1000 bales lor and ex- Egypt does to see more 3.50; pickled cod 6 per bbl; smoked halibut 6 London. Sept. 30.—Hon. Robert Lowe pub- receiver for the New Jersey Central or issue an speculation Fish, Brown. Tybee. $1.15 per pair, port; keeeipts 12,600 bales, of which 4300 bales were Ar I have returned from market with that d*y. If there be hours left he will cts. per lb ; prepared and boneless cod 5 1-2 to lishes a letter on the Eastern question. He injunction restraining the issue of $5,000,000 at Cardiff Sept 16, Hattie E Tapley, Smith, fm .old far jnst gladly American. Usaally 91.60. a choice selection of DRKSN GOODS in 61-2 per lb. as to quality. Fresh halibut scarce, insists upon the necessity ot calling Parliament bonds authorized, sufficient canse not Hamburg. dream them away. M. having Ar at Falmouth nil the new and desirable Fall Shades, Dolbing but a few have beeo in tbe together lo determine whether the been shown. Fbankfobt, September 30.—United States bonds 18th, Thos Pillsbury, Pitcher, Irom 10 Doz. Gent’s Best Black Kids at Georges present new fives, lo2*. Santa Anna $1.50, which I propose to sell at prices that will market this at 11 3-4 to 6 1-4 of tbe sbail be An unknown man 40 or 45 of was and week, selling per polio; ministry pursued. years age, Ar at Robt Denni- Sold for keep m> store fall of Hews Other Items lb for white and found dead in the Constantinople Sept 9, Palmer, 93.00. grey. Codfish 3 1-2 per lb. Russia's Attitude. woods at Oak Lawn, Provi- son, New York tor The coastwise trade of tbs Southern steam- Kidney Diseases, and all Diseases of the Togaurog. No fresh cod or haddock. fresh 15 dence, Friday. A. ballet in the head and a re- Dropsy, Ar at Palermo E 20 Doz. Gent’s best Conrorisier’s 2 But- Mackerel, Tbe Times says the Czar is doubtless anxious 13tb, Juliy Haskell, Marsala. is cts. each tor aod 5 1-2 for small. volver bis side indicates Urinary Organs can be cured the use of Hunt’s Sid tm ship lines almost broken up by tbe yellow large to the contest by suicide. The man by Hamburg 14th, Ella S Thayer, Gilmore,New ton SilYer at CASH keep within its present limits, is Remedt. Orleans. Greys $1.50, fever supposed to have been a peddler, Hundreds who have been given up by panic. and be is believed to have given pacific assur- hold elMwhere far 93.33. enstomers oil the time, my motto being NEW YOKE. their Physicians to die have been cured Hunt’s Solicitor of the Treasury, Talbot, has made a ances to Francis Joseph in an autograph by SPOKEN* ‘‘Quick Nairn and Small Profits.” letter, which is tbe of FINANCIAL. AMU OO.Tt «1£»C(AL Remedy. Try Hunt’s Remedy. 50 Doz. American Kid (new fall decision in New Orleans in which he practical- exciting cariosity the Aug 14, lat 4 S, Ion 22 W, ship , fm New Beauty Defrauding the Revenue. continent; bat there is grave reason to fear, if rc*2 eod&wlw York for Java. shades) at $1.15. ly accuses Gen. Butler of at SHAWLS ! conniving private New York, Oct. 1.—The men who were em- hostilities are not stopped immediately, the Vsreln Bxperu. Sept 24, lat 33 15, Ion 74 40, brig C C Colson, from the administration in the of CARDENAS. Boston for Port au Prince. 50 Doz. Jouvlns at $1.00. ■peculations during of the ployed AppraisorB’ office as examiners healing influence diplomacy will be baffled. Schr Mary E Long—4727 thooks, System I hare also added le a 100 boxes my aleck .plea, latter in New Orleans. of goods, were charged by treasury officers yes- A prominent St. Petersburg newspaper is herring. _MARRIED._ 25 Doz. Amile, New Shades for 7 0 cts. did liac ol terday with conspiring with tobacco inspectors allowed to say that Russia is resolutely and ANNAPOLIS. NS. Br Scbr Portland—200 bbls of Bev. Dr. Patton of Chicago, has made a vig- 12 In Bridgton, Sept. Jobn Lundleand Mrs. Abi- to defraud tbe government. It is said that irrevocably determined to finish tbe Eastern flour, packages boots and shoes, 100 cabbages. 23, SPECIAL NOTICES. Rener’s Gant Swede (andressed) best India orous address on the Bible in the schools gail Burnell. Stripes, Paisley, Velvet and public they gave fraudulent allowances od 600 bales of question. The Czar thanks the town council ST JOHN, NB. Br Scbr S KF James-900 bbls In In drabs for $1.25 per of 100 do Bridgton, Sept. 20, Geo. W. Holland and Miss quality pair, question, taking the extreme secularist ground, tobacco and a large lot of fire crackers. One of Nicholieff for ttaeir-wsrlike address, and no flour, oatmeal. Annie A. Oilman. Wool Shawls of them was removed aud the attempt is made to tbe rash of soldiers ST NB. Br Schr in of disputing the right to use schools supported by others suspend- prevent JOHN, Snow Bird-900 bbls of Baih, Sept. 28, C. Edward Osborn and Miss Ella Dissolution Copartnership. ed. to Seivia. In fact, the Russian people are flour, 100 oatmeal, 8086 It lumber, 761 galls refined J. Newcomb. in both Square and Long. On the above general taxation for religious instruction and Railroad Conference. introducing tbe Btartling novelty of good* K hove some very choice styles, and applying am to sell them at low to also the practical value of such brief An informal tbe of limited to tbe and HALIFAX. NS. Steamer Falmouth-*1300 bbls willing prices Scripture meeting of representatives of principle liability war, DIED. LATHER’S with the times. Russia will incur a flour, 3u0 bbls oatmeal, 650 bush 369 The arm of Leavitt & Widbcr compare xeadings without explanation or application, as the trnnk railroads involved in tbe present rail- heavy responsibility if she oats, bags feed, Cummings, Job lots of Ladies' and Children’s does do bran, 286 packages 1 coil wire rope, 10 road war, was held in this not endeavor to stop tbe present excite- J20 paper, was the practice has been reduced where it is city yesterday, gen- bbls bait, 27 44 dissolved September 1, 1676, Thomas F. 539 Street. to, tlemen from the ment packages turniture, bags middlings, In this October 1st, Grace Congress Grand Trunk, the Baltimore 100 bags corn, 10 bbls 3 bbls 2 bbls city, very suddenly, P., ■till retained. onions, paint, ce- only of Thos. O. and o. Cummings trom the arm. & Ohio, Pennsylvania and Erie roads Canackt Gathering at Belgrade. boxes nails,76 daughter Mary Freeman, retiring The TESTS AND PANTS beiDg packages sundry merchandise, aged 2 years 6 montos 26 days. public are sincerely requested to examine Nicholas Stier and his newly married wife of present. The object of the was to set- 1000 lbs meats. THOMAS F. these and meeting A Belgrade desnatch says that Prince Milan [Prayers this Monday afternoon at 3 o’clock from CUMMINGS, goods, which have been consigned to us, are the victims of two mothers-in- tle, if possible, tbe differences that led to the will leave for 6 Uramhall have to l>e aold at once. This is a rare chance which at lower than can be Jersey City, Belgrade Paritchin early next Domestic street. Burial at conevnience ot the JAMES A. prices they bought war aud reduction of rates. Daily Receipts. LEAVITT, occuys not every sept4eod3m in this city. law at once. Stier’s mother wanted them to consequent freight week. This is regarded as a proof of the im- By family. day. All the Boston & Maine Ham- In Come and see and will And Goods gentlemen present agreed that tbe set- of any peace arrangements Railroad.—Shaw, Denmark, Sept. 23, Winthrop Perkins, aged FRANCIS H. WIDBER, yon live with and were probability being mynd & Co 2 cars D W 2 do than ever before. her, they agreeable, but, tlement ought to be reached at once, bat in the concluded. It is flour, Coolidge flour, about 27 years. cheaper highly probable that tbe XJ TT XfUti UU 1 absence of the T S*-„ UUUI, In Westbrook, 29, Hale. HENRY E. BACON. when they prepared to leave the house of the representatives of the New Prince will be crowned as soon as is do Fuller & Sept. Joseph King he flour,, Stanford ldo flour, Holway & In Waterford, Sept. 19, Acenath York Central nothing definite coaid be done. removed from the Robinson 1 do Edmonds 1 Mrs.| Bradbury, The business will be conducted by the bride's mother, where they had been stopping, restraints of Brlgrade. flour,A do lumber, L Red- aged 83 years. remaining n do J & Co 1 said About 360 Cossacks arrived in Belgrade i corn» Bonney ao bran, Wal- to Sebago, 2, Mrs. partners, the name and of the firm lemain- ■be they most live with her, and, when Friday, dron & True 1 do Sept. Betsey H., wife of Isaac stylo W. F. and 200 more were bran, Paris Flouring Co l do bran, E. 67 7 STUDLEY, expected Saturday, and 600 Grand Trunk Davis, aged years months. they still prepared to depart, she locked up her WASHINGTON. Sunday. Railroad 6 do meichandise, Maine ing unchangeJ, who alone are authorized to sign the Central Railroad 23 do merchandise. Portland & Worsted daughter, drove poor Stier out of the bouse firm name in Am Advantage far the Turks. Rochester Railroad 4 do merchandise, Portland 18 do minaiure Almanac.October !i, liquidation. Fringes Under Falmouth Hotel. Babcock and Somerville ■ad down stairs a sheriff Acquitted. merchandise. oct2sndtf se30 dlw pitched deputy whom A despatch from Belgrade says the move- San rises.5 58 30.—The safe By water conveyance—1000 bush coinmeal to G. High water. 10 30 AM he had sent to arrest her. Washington, Sept. burglary ments on the Morava river are San sets.5.39 Moon in which Gen. comparatively W. True & Co. | sets. 4.55 AM TO We have opened a New conspiracy Babcock and Thos. insignificant The Serviana do not boast Consumptives* just Before Indian couriers start on their P. Somerville were defendants in very journeys the criminal of battle. Official Turkish Boston Stock Wilbor’■ Cod liiror Oil and Lime has now Pattern of Worsted Fringe in all was londly Thursday’s Market ■ feast is made, and they eat and coart, concluded this morning, tbe re- been before the for ten and has NEW FALL dance, eating jury claim the The at public years, GOODS; telegrams victory. newspaper [Sales the Brokers* steadily the desirable Shades of Seal turning a verdict of not in each Board, Sept. 30.] marine news •s much as a dozen white men would eat. guilty case correspondents nearest the scene seem to grown in favor and This could not be They The was ont two agree $388 Eastern Railroad 47 appreciation. jury hours. A number of per- that the Turks bad tbe 31 scrip*... Brown, Navy Blue, Plum, Greys call on their and eat advantage. Boston «£ Maine 974 the case unless the was of intrinsic neighbors again, and con- were and Raihoad. ■ preparation high sons present expressed their gratifi- An 25 Eastern rVBlPASWi and Black, with Buttons to match- tinue and until exhaust- cation at the reanlt cheers Accommodating Armistice. Railroad.,...,.. 6ft value. The combination of the Phosphate of Lime dancing eating nature, by and o.her demon- Eastern Railroad 7s.47 strations of anplause. An Alexinaiz despatch says the Turks with Pure Cod Liver as Dr. forces After a few hours gained Oil, prepared by Wilbor, Has returned from New York with the test selected ed, sleep. sleeping a great which Sales at Auction. Maiurday, Sept. 30. Naval movements. victory Thursday, tbey could lias produced a new phase in the treatment of Con- assortment ot they eat again, and are then for business. have followed with ARRIVED. ready up disastrous results fo tbe •JL?6JS!PeroM Manufacturing Co.715 and of The vessels of the North Atlantio $6000 Town Steamship Eleanora, Jonnson, New sumption all diseases the Luugs. This article They mount tbe fleetest pony In and squadron Servians, were it not for tbe which Wiscasset, (Me ) 6s, 1894.103 York—passen- camp, are to assemble armistice, gers and mdse to Henry Fox. can be taken the most delicate invalid without Buffalo and beginning in Hampton Koads the Turkish commander still treats as |J22 “ockland» Me-» City 6s, 1889.1024 by Hats, Caps, Furs, Lap then start off, day and without valid. $100 Augusta Scb R Leacb. Pendleton, New York—coal to Port- riding night in accordance with orders for inspection and 6s, 1887. 103 creating the disgusting nausea which is such a prom- H, I. Nelson & Co.. The Forte’s $200 7 3 land A Ogdensburg Rtt. Bobes water or rest for five Kear Admiral Beply. Eastport City 10s, 1878.* ’.1024 food, days sometimes. drill, Trencbard commanding, Sch E J Munseli, Orne, New York, inent objection to the Cod Liver Oil when taken to their Paris. Sent. 30.—Information from Vienna 6’s> 1024 (seeking freight This is several times If their preparatory distribution amoDg the f i°ftn?S.wca‘t,e^Me.-C1,yEastern R. 7»s, toi Bangor) without Lime. It is 444 That can be found in the State; also operation repeated authorizes the statemen' that the 5?.000 1883-notes.504 @ 5T5 Fox. aimilfl rtf t.llA fvroat t«al thn TT Henry vina. Sch E MIDDLE POLITICAL. New fork Stock and Tlonev market. Mary Long, Eldridge, Cardenas—John D STREET, Lord. CHEAP SILK HAT •oil at opposite corners are four raised circular Constantinople, Oct. to ex- 1.—Contrary September 30.—'Gold opened at 1101 Sch Nebraska pectation, no meeting of the with 110, bid. Cash is said Congress, Willard, Philadelphia—John Port- Custom to pieces abont tbe size of a twenty-five cent silv- Republican Convention. extraordinary gold be cornered* eons. will show a fall assortment or Is what are), can have one for council was held to loans are at 3 (that they to-day decide upon a reply quoted Der cent, for nse. Sch Department er piece, bearing and , Sept 30 —The Repub'ican State Chancellor Portland, (Br) Lynoh, Annapolis, NS-A D appropriate designs, sym- to the peace proposals of the European powers. Runyon of New Jersey has denied the Wtidden. We hare now a lull assortment of Convention adopted a platform the for a receiver for $3.00, with or without the old Hat. bolic of , Europe, Asia and Africa. endorsing in the Servian application the New Jersey Central Sch S K F national and Changes Army. Railroad on James, (Br) Bisaett, St John, NB-John Republican Dominations, the pres- Company, the ground that he does not PorteouB. foreign and domestic The oeoter of the reverse bears tbe ent administration and its 30 —The consider the facts sufiicieui GLOVES of any quality and all prices. following financial policy, ccn- Belgrade, Sept. reported resump- cause for his interfer- Sch Snow ence. Bird, (Br) Cripps, St John, NB-John Inscription: “Awarded the United States demniog the action of in con- tion of fighting on the Morava river by Congress putting yesterday Some Porteou LADIES’CLOAKS Prices of all goods to comply with the federates in place of Uuioo and iu cut- was incorreof. Gen Komaroff has resigned leading representatives of the principal trunk Sch Centennial Commission/’ The onter soldiers, **‘*''° Hudson, Orland—S W border is iuio me Hutchins, Tbaxter. , times. ting down appropriations so as to the his post as chief of staff of the army of Mora- purpose it la — ON — OVERCOATINGS, encircled with a wreath of and cripple understood, of holding a conference witn a Sunday, Oct. 1. laurels, beneath the va and returned to Bussia. His successor view of government, condemning Hamburg massa- is arriving at a settlement of ihe railroad this, around the cre SDd like not known. Gen. Banko war ARRIVED. tanning center piece, are tbe acts of Southerners, aod recom- yet Olimpsic is re-ap- Tue Aia ama & Chattanooga Kaiiroad is to be sold Barque Connor, Boston. Oct. 3d. SUITINGS, words: local to secure to pointed commaDdei of the army of the Drina. next at to Shawmut, Tuesday, PERRY, following “International Exhibition, mending legislation connect- Wednesday, Mobile, satily the debts the Sch Willie Mai tin, Moshier. a will bold a subordinate United States Court iucmred in Philadelphia. sntf ting roads pro rata division of freight charges. Lescbjanin command in the protection ot the Sch Prussian se30_ Corner Philadelphia, mdccclxxvi.” and General. (Br) Heater, Salem rcr St Middle and Temple Streets the same army. property liquidation concerning it. John, NB. TRIMMINGS, The Yellow There was another run on the Dry Dock Savinm Opposite tbe Enlnsouib. Fever. Quarrel in ihe Servian Cabinet. Seb John H Kennedy, Webber, Bay Cbaleur. with and in fact all varieties of Bank in the Bowery, Five d2w 'The Centennial yesterday. hundred ac- 120 bbls mackerel. Vickery & sep29 Exhibition. Macon, Sept. 30.—Felix Corout, Grand London, Sept. 30.—A despatch from Bel- counts nave been closed and nearly two hundred Leighton, | CbaDcellor of the of of dated thousand dollars withdrawn. PHlLADKfHlA, Sept. 30.—Tbe attendance at Koigbts Pythias, Geor- grade today, says: The depositors who The new bollt In WINTER WOOLENS. draw lose three months’ ship Oracle, the yard of Hitch- FALL AND the main exhibition tbe gia, appeals to the members of that Order There was a serious dispute be- interest. The bank “1» cock MIDDLE today, last of the half yesterday sound. & BUir, Bath, for Capt Ham pbreys, is 125 leet STREET, Excursion Tickets Saturdays, were aud at tbe throughout the United States for assistance for tween Prince MilaD and M. the Servian keel. 40 feet beam, and 24 leet We are prepared to make garments to order in first 103,204, live stock Bistics, The movement of deep. The lines show exhibition 1287. the members io Savannah who are Minister for Affairs. 1“'!ort foreign dry goods into one of the and will sell all kinds ot Goods at class style and at tbe lowest prices. suffering Foreign Bistics insisted this port the month of sharpest finest looking models ever —TO— during September exhibits a at from the epidemic. Rehef is Deeded imme- upon a conclusion of the armistice but built Bath. She will register 1550 toDS. and have Philadelphia, October 1.— Tbe Centennial Prince continued diminution in volume as compared with The in would not listen to the the highest classification in Bureau Veritas. She is Commission on and diately. Lodge Savannah has exhaust- Milan the proposition. Ul- movement for a like period of the past vein- in Friday Saturday in execu- v year, to provided with a steam for and & 484 Congress ed its means and calls for aid from abroad. Tbe the war party the extent of *1,790.469. engine hoisting cargo BOTTOM 482 Street, tive session approved a Dumber of awards timately prevailed land Bistics The cabin is finished in of tanriAt-pri hia rpsipnatinn whip.h Pnnna Milan The Block market pumping. maple and ma- PRICES, AND the which action suffering is very great. opened quiet, but graduallv h« and OPPOSITE PREBLE HOUSE. PHILADELPHIA RETURN! judges upon bad Dot previous- came weak and hogany apartments conveniently arranged. She notwithstanding so The total intermeots were declined to receive. Ristics was leverisb, heavy. The coal stocks many merchants have bought b» all route., been taken for want of time. today 25, of with is to be launched to-morrow, (Get 3). for cash on the popular via ROCHE*. ly These com- difficulty were panicky, Delaware & goods a depressed market. which 17 were yellow fever; 12 were colored. to remain in office. especially Lackawanna TEH and WOKCEo’lEK, NEW l,ON- mainly tbe awards od printing persuaded which fell to 67*. the lowest point prised presses, and are touted before’ (FROM OOB CORRESPONDENT. UON. NTONINOTON and RALL RIVER but included also several Intended to have England Italy greatly irritated at New Jersey Central fell trorn 20 to 25 >*30___sntf been upon a report I.INENj aloo to all potato WEST and Deadly Assault on a Boston Herald Re- Servia for rejecting au armistice. The British that the are unable to meet W1SCASSET. Sept 28-Ar, schs Howard Williams’ EB B 5 embraoed in tbe groups already published. company their bond n- PIANOS ROBINSON, Myrtle Street, Combination SOUTH and CALIFORNIA, Oil or on behalf of terest due and that their Walnwrigbt, Boston; Prospect, Haskell, do. 1 iilllUO has the celebrated w>bcr aud Heating, This tbe week of tbe Centennial porter. representative speaking the Earl to-day, paper will bo to Piooo, for sale at LOWEST RE- being jubi- st. B Sept 29—Ar, sch Mattie A WD other at low Stramers, the lee of tbe observance of Derby, said Seruia must no longer rely on prot. Franslin, Griffin, Sharp- makers, extremely prices DUCED BATES Rhode Island, of wbicb Philadelphia, Sept. 30.—Last night, as Mr. Delaware & ness Point, E, to load deals lor Swansea at 74s. f°T attended to as Safe! by for which she do Hudson declined to 6; Si Paul Drofor 1'unin9 Simple! Cheap! Noiseless! ■will culminate on Thursday, Gov. of George B. Shaw, correspondent of the Boston Eoglaud sympathies longer red declined ^>rrt,e^> Lippett deserves. j percent.; Michigan Central Lake ORGANS that state is to arrive when Herald, was about the Shore and LFROM MERCHANT’S All who uso expected Tuesday, entering ofiice of that Western Union were steady. At a EXCHANGE.) aug/8'nly furnace heat and have rooms not sat- W. D. LITTLE & €©., in the exhibition (Jen. Tctaernajeff’a Plan*. ter of eleven quar- Arrangement of the programme of the day journal grounds, he was o’clock the market was declining and Ar at Picton 30ih, brig Lije Houghton, Rose, from isfactorily warmed, can find a Temedy by applying will be thrown to the a Oct. 2.—The Standard’s the coal shares were lor sale at in ballast. perfected. New Hampshire has ground by mau, a strauger to London, Belgrade pressed rapidlvJ weak- Cadiz, 31 EXCHANGE STREET. day ening VICKERY & been appointed for 12th aud it him, and his person mutilated and despatch reports that the Serviau forces be- prices. ar at Genoa 25th, sch Veto, Henderson, Phila- LEIGHTON, Thursday, iDst., frightfully Governments dull and announced that Gov. hacked with a jack-knife. Hs is now iu tween Alexinatz aod Deligrad are estimated at steady. Money 14 ® 2 ner delphia. W. H. & ACCIDENT TICKETS furniohrd If If 5®c‘a|ly Cheney will lying cent. State bonds Stocks Ar at Cadiz PENNELL CO., reception at the New a dangerous condition at the 120,000 men with 140 guns. The only aim aud quiet. active; market un- Sept 25, brig Giles Loiing, Anderson, MIDDLE STREET, Wanted. sc2ldls2wtostr r°j“.A Hampshire state Pennsylvania hos- Sn<* *ovel's**’ Exchange, New York. banding on that from The miscreant who committeJ result of the Servians accepting the armistice long, 4.83; do Bhort day 1 to 3 o’clock in tbe the bar 4*54* PaBsed Beachy Head 29th, Lizzie hare on hand a complete assortment of No. 38 and 40 ILuion afternoon, to be arous assault has not yet been was to secure time for Geo. Tcbernayeff to as- barque Merry, St., followed by an address appro- EitaL arrested. Philadelphia despatches report a panic in Penn Keazer, from Antwerp for New York. Health Lilt. to the occasion at semble an iu that aud shares where Parlor priate the same place bv army quarter surprise sylvania this morning. Heading opened them hADIG8>,HI88E8'AND CHILDBES* the Combination may be se^n at woik. frrof. Edwin D. .HETEOB0LUHlCili the it bis intention to cut at 24) and declined to Sanborn, LL D„ cfoSuti Turks, being off 24*. Pennsylvania nanroadKaiiroad MEMORANDA. «ep3Q dim red"ced Tasbi Nisch and opened at 46* and declined to DR. JOHNSON’S *>y rail from Rhode PaoUABILITIES FOB THE NEXT TWENTY-FOUB Pasha’s army from drive it 45J. Brig Abby Watson, at New York from ??,le5e- .,T£® »"?8 The tollowang were the Holden, and Underwear. Portable Parlor Health Lift. Island and New Hampshire have HOOKS. into the mountains in the Kurschevatz dis- Closing quotations of Gov-07 Fernandlna, reports, Sept 17, no lat, <£c, Hosiery been secured ernment securities: dnnng the sntf for this BDd next week. trict and there it. it has been lost and sails, and lost a seaman se30 A complete Gymna>inm for Men. Women and Chil- destroy already United States new gale, split oveiboard _ Wab Def’t, Office Chief Signal 4*’e. ,,,, named Bartlett Ladies’ Fine Boots! durable and and j reported that the effort of Tharsday was un United States Adams, of Nova Scotia, 19th, a sea- dren, compact, ornamental, yielding Officer, Washington. O.C., > bs,188l, reg. }{if man in Switzerland, all the curative and effects of the successful. The Servian loss on that day was United States belonging jumped overboard h.vgienic heavy, The Oct. A. M 6s, 1881, coup. ., | J and was drowned. A full line of Ladies* Hand-sewed Boots in French bulky and machines Call testimony before the postal commission 2, (1 )) at least 2000. United states 5 20’» costly previously patented. •t 1865, old. {{S* Seh Geo from Kid of the finest adapted to ten- aud examine it at Cincinnati Saturday as to the utility of the For New England. Servians United States .! Washington. Roff, Philadelphia tor quality, especially again Repulsed. 5-20’s,1865, new.... Baracoa, which went ashore der at fast mail trains was United States opposite Lewes, Dei. was teet, BAILEY A NUVfcN’ conflicting, many mer- rising succeed during the day by slowly falling The Standard’s from 5-20’s,1867.. hauled ofi 28th obants are as well despatch l|Deligrad United States 1868 contending they served now cool t*lat lhe 5-20’s, .. {Jot Scb Wm H Mitchell, CHINESE. 68 Exchange wired, •a by fast mail barometer, northwesterly winds, hacking ®ialm ®€rvians have furiously attacked United Suites Peterson, from Dublin tor & DAVIS trains, while others contended to warmer the news’s. .. {{if is inside PKKBLkLi>Avis.T’ } LEAVITT or send for illustrated circular, with teetlmonlals southwesterly and cleat or partly Turks and been again repulsed with a loss United States Cape Breton, reported Wicklow Bar with the opposite. llMOs, coup. l}if dx feet water in her sep2o sntf from best authorities in the United cloudy weather. of 1500 men. Another is hold, having been ashore 17I Bv States, battle imminent. Currency 6’s. tel from London No. 1 Elm Street. 29th.] Jj7 d(f J. W, COLCOBD, Hea l Agent. sep28-2w" OfTNIBIHIP OF PRESCRIPTIONS. Maine Fairs. TrTTfl PRESS. _NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CLOTHING. AUCTION SALK The Doctors and Druggists at War. State 3-6 OCT. 1876 Pomological.Waterville.Oct. MONDAY MORNING, 2, --— F. O. BAILEY & County Pairs. CAUTION AGAINST IMITATIONS. CO.. A curious te has arisen between the Kennebec.Readfield.Oct. 3-5 dispu The proprietors of Benson’s Porous Auctioneers and Commission Merchants THE PRESS .Rockland.Oct. 10 12 THE SECRET TOLD. Capcine ALLEN & CO. in Plasters have found it warn physicians and druggists of this city regard N. Kennebec.Waterville.Oct. 3 6 necessary to the public Slay be obtained at the Periodical oi Fes- against bogus articles that are offered under (Salesroom* .*15 and >'17 Erchange Mi, Depots to the of medical and N. Knox.Appleton.Oct. 3-5 them, senden Bros., Brunei * ownership prescriptions, the name of or as the Marquis, Co., Andrews, Oxford.S. Paris.Oct. 3-5 “Capsicin” “Capsicum,” being Wentworth. Moses, N. B. at the next of the Cumberland same as the lacts are V. O. BAILEY. 0. W. ALLBIT Kendrick, and Cbisholm meeting County Piscataquis.Foxcroft.Oct. 4-5 Capcine; that they are totally Bros., on au trains that ran out unlike the in their of the city. Medical doctors and are Sagadahoc.Topsham.Oct. 10-12 genuiue effector composition, At Biddeford. of Phillsburv. Society apothecaries and such imitations are ex- Regular sale ot Furniture and General Merchan- Waldo.. Belfast.Oct. 10-12 calculated to injure the A1 Saco, of L and If. B. Kendrick. to hold a conference the matter. The How to live within Income I cellent remedial qualities of Benson’s dise every commencing at 10 o’clock a. m. Hodgilon regarding Waldo and Penobscot_Monroe.Oct. 4-5 Capciue Saturday, Ai of J. your Porous Plasters. The of this Consignments solicited. oc3dt S. success Waterville, Career. contend that should re- W. 10-12 unparalleled At of J. O. Shaw. physicians druggists Oxford.Fryeburg.Oct. famous and vigorous mediciual combination has Bath, W. Somerset.N Anson.Oct. 10-12 Ai of French fuse to fill a a second time unless stimulated individuals to issue articles Lewiston, Bros., and Stevens & Co. prescription York.Biddeford.Oct. 3 4-5-6 unscrupulous it has IVnch has been said about “LIVING WITHIN ONE’S INCOME.” under the above similar sounding words. To further Paper Hangings been renewed by the doctor whose signa- the The is one that can be easily solved those who have protect consumer, we have cut the word ture is attached to it. an Business Changes.—The following business problem by “Capcine” in each Plaster. Their Frequently empty at their but to the powerful vegeta- BY AUCTION. CIT~Y AND VICINITY large wealth command, POOR LABORER, who, ble afford insure a vial or pill-box with there- changes are reported in Maine the past week: properties instant relief, and prescriptions pasted on a of $1,40 PER must Hu demands of a wife quicker cure than con- Auburn— pittance DAV, supply any known medicine. They on is to a and A. C. Howard, gen. store, sold to of such tain no metallic or mineral and are New Advertisements To-Day. brought drug shop, apothecaries and large family, the problem is nature as to tax the miud poisons, superior On Oct. at 10 a. A. B. Latham. m their effects to certain. Tuesday, ‘Ad, in., have been accustomed to refil the box or vial and the brain of many a poor being who is obliged to plod electricity, and more Bangor—Chick & Williams, painters, dis,; weary Price 25 cents. CUSTOM — the road ol TO SUCH MISCELLANEOUS NOTICES. without question. The doctors contend that now Williams. along day after day within rough poverty. w. r. PHILLIPS & CO., Agents. Salesroom, 25 Exchange Street, we shall sell the stock of of a retail this is all & WE OFFER OUR ADVICE, oct2 deod&wlmlO AT Paper Hanging, dealer, Iiines Bros. wrong, that a prescription which will Lewiston—Cobb Bangs, clothing, dis.; now AND ot Boff and Cobb & 8raitb. consisting Gilts, Satins, White, Black, SPECIAL NOTICES. do good ato ne time may work barm at another Brown. The goods are ot standard qnality, desira- Newfield—L. C. Moore, gen. admits SILK HATS ! ble and will be sold In lots to suit. Dissolution of Copartnership. under different circumstances and in a different store, J. pattern, F. Moore; now L. C. Moore & Oo. YOU NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. “PAY AS GrO!” F. 0. condition of the patient’s system. They men- Rockland—Snow, Farwell & Co., gen. store BAILEY & CO., Auctioneers. The Secret Told—C. D. B. Fisk & Co. CARRIAGE ROBES 1 tion as dis.; now Snow. Pearsons & Co. | READY-MADE sep28td illastralion a case in which a Insure Against Fire—W. D. Little & Co. physician OIJLD fairer terms than C. O. D. Special Notice—Millet, Chamberlin & Little. prescribed for the removal of the placenta ontrol the of trade, HORSE BLANKETS I Silk Hats Flag Raising.—The Republicans of practices Merry after child-birth. The was used Upper that we see Caution Imitation. prescription Bartlett are orrect the mischiefs Against making arrangements for a grand world has New Firm Con ress Hall to Let or to Lease. with its desired effect,but the woman who pos- redit throughout the made 2 Soft and Stiff Hats! Timber Land for Sale. flag raising Friday night of this week. The Nobby, CLOTHING — — sessed it, being a generous son), passed it round AND Boarders Wanted. Hayes Bat'ery, Pioneers, Washington Guards Rents—Wm. H. Jerris. among her friends, and the resalt was no less AIIR purchases, should honest need and Continentals of this headed the AT For Sale -W. C. How. than This of city by I lr just desire alone control— Notice—A fifteen abortions. is, couise, an Continental W. Cojliss. band, will attend, and an address I lur means small, would not exceed— and old Silk Hat in Miss Emma L. extreme but it is as il- though your exchange, will Eaton-Teacher. instance, freely quoted on the situation the whole! Great delivered by John O. "nr guarded purses pay secure the latent of NEW Reduction—Deane Bros. Winship Dunlap Style STOCK. lustration of the bad of the workings practice. Esq., of this city. Silk Hats at On the other the ALLEN & CO.’s. band, druggists contend is the man’s bitterest poor foe; Having made extensive alterations ATTENTION COMPANY E. that the prescription no longer belongs to the STATE its bonds should be: and repairs in the NEWS readed and shunned MERRY’S, THE HATTER, Dry Goods Store physician after passiog out of his hands; that o and thou sbalt never know There will be a meeting ot this Company at the THIS, to renew it would often entail needless KENNEBEC COUNTY. from C. O. D.” Ward Vaughn at THIS tronble BERTanger debt—pay 237 Middle of the Gold Hat, Room, Street, 7* o’clock, The Blaine continentals gave a ball at Au- St., Sign to make and expense; that no responsibility falls No. 261 Middle (Monday) EVENING, arrangements to join upon gnsta Friday night. Street, in tne next Parade. the if the be physician prescription afterwards Eastman It you want a flue Mr. Gilbert of Farmingdaie while Where credit Is given the prices are always HIGH. The firm ou or about Per order, mis-used. They point to the case of a man at work at Sonth Gardiner last build- FOR SALE. W. H. Thursday, whose doors are open to the TIME BUYER counts upon losses and SEAVERN3, who consults a and a fell a distance of 30 lawyer pays for the advice. ing wharf, leet and was depends upon the CASH to make good their losses. Capt. Comd’g. seriously injured. buyers Squaring OCTOBER D. H. TOWLE, Orderly. Some time after a matter arises wnich the accounts after this fashion falls heavily upon the CASH customers 1st, KNOX COUNTY. 590 Congre.e Street, now occupied client conceives to involve the same who in full. Such is the credit with which the store will be with an entire new o point, and pay plan, WE have noth* HOUSK.No.by the Subscriber; can be examined any week opened stock ai Mr. J. L. in Cam- to do. between 3 and at uc ia u|iuu mo uiu-ume aavice,witDouc again Thompson, freight agent ing day 5 p.m. For terms, inquire den, received a letter last week that a 3i Union Street. WM. C. HOW. ATTENTION BATTERY. the If stating consulting lawyer. he misjudge the half barrel sent from Calais and directed to oct2 dtr Silks, Shawls, Dress Goods, member is application the fault is his own and no blame Mr. Dana, editor of the Sun, remained in the GO TO Every requested to meet at Republican Small attaches to the freight house in New York. Mr. Dana Hosiery* Gloves, Wares, &e. Headquarters, THIS (Monday) EVENING, at 7J lawyer. So in the case of the refusing C. to take it, saying that somebody might “be The One Price and 0. D. NOTICE, o’clock. F. W. prescription. If the client his System Oar stock for cash recent TRUE, misjudge symp- trying to blow him up with dynamite.” Mr. being bought daring the my wife, Mary E. Corliss, has left ALLEN & CO/S. depression in the can on get- * toms and wrongfully uses the old remedy, the •Luompson, in apprisingnimseir or tne contents prices, public depend L.L.BASTON, Clerk. strictly adhered to, commands and receives the approbation and WHEREAS,my bed and board without just cause or pro- ting first class goods at the bottom prices, and with a fault is his own. At the same time the of the package, discovered a fiendish on wholly pint patronage of the larger part ot the thinking and last but not vocation. this is to forbid all person* whomsoever long experience in our business we trust we shall the part of Hoo. J. S. at the in- public, from her or her on druggists admit that discretion should be used Pike, probable least it insures giving credit harboring my merit and receive a liberal share ot public patronage. stigation of Seeor Robberson.” to disinter- account, as 1 shall pay no bills of her contracting trailed Himes Circaii Caari. in the in matter, particularly regard to pre- grate Mr. Dana’s valuable atoms. The explos- after this day. A. W- CORLISS BEFORE judge fox. Me.. 20. 1876. oct2d3t* scriptions liable to be abused. But they con- ive compound employed in the fell attempt Yarmouth, Sept. Copps, Hall & Kendall. Saturday.—Antoine Le Blanc vs. The Grand was a barrel of cranberries dtf tend that it is both vexatious and expensive to Quoddy preserved it you want a Custom Made Suit se25_ Trunk Railway of Canada. Suit brought to recover in water. Boarders Wanted. require a man who has a simple prescription and Low PENOBSCOT COUNTY. Prices. with damages for wrongtul ejectment from a railway car1 Equality desiring board pleasant from Youth’s and for cough or dysentery to go to the doctor and rooms: furnished or unfurnished; may call at Men’s, Verdict for the plaintift in the sum of 50. Capt. Barnes of was thrown from a GENTLEMEV ploys’ $244 Levant, oct2dlw* 299 CUMBERLAND STREET. •1 a dollar or Strout & Holmes for plaintiff. pay two every time he wants it re- carriage in Levant, Saturday and had one The fact that “Goods well RJELA_I)Y-MA-DE J. & E. M. Rand for defendant. newed. thigh broken besides ^receiving bad hruises honght are half sold” is next to be con* about the head. sidered. Having a large capital at our command, we are at all times GERMAN OR FRENCH Such is the state of the matter, aDd a very ENGLISH, Brief Joltings. At the races at Exeter, Thursday, Rosa Hill, ready to take advantage ot a depressed market, that is, to buy goods pretty quarrel it is. * owned A. N. Burrill of won when are at hard or to At last Claude Aventine bas been bnried. by Newport, the 3 they pan” “bottom” prices. The goods thus Prior CLOTHING minute Dusk owned B. F. are in Moving The Tilton Zouaves have voted to re'ain their race, by March of bought made up The Museum. — “Oliver Twist” was Bangor, the 2.50 race, and Triumph owned by C3-OOIDS DAILY RECEIVED AT organization autil next spring. J. C. Mitchell brought out to a large audience at the Museum of Bangor, and Billy Platter,won Mr, Sturgis says he is not going to walk a in two other races. Saturday evening, and teemed to give satisfac- OUR OWN GO TO match with Mr. Eogets. Schooner Joseph Oakes now at Bangor WORKSHOPS, FITZGERALD tion. On the whole it was the lying fairly played, has five Arabs on board who desired to come to OrinHawkes&Co’s. The Al an mail steame- Moravian from Liv- t6dlstf ■‘rough it,” and if possible forget his sorrow. Ship every pair in this stock at the time of purchase, as soon as & CO.’S. Song.The Anchor is and Phoenix, 3,000,000 Gents’ Shirts & Drawers ALLEN Here he remained until a few months when Weighed ranted to prove good or a new pair given in ex- possible, shall therefor oiler extra inducement Heavy ago Song.I am a Stranger in your City to purchasers. OF at W. F. under Falmouth HARTFORD, CONN, from 35 cts. upwards. PAPERS he unexpectedly received a letter from an un- Song.One Hundred Years Ago, (in Ancient Costume) change, Studley’s, The above stock consists of great variety cf Woolen ROOM Recitation.The Never Bank as • Falling Hotel. Goods, such — — known source. It was the dying confession of sep30-S&M2t Lancashire, 10,000,000 Children’s Merino Tests It you want a fine AT an old comrade who had caused all the trouble For hoarseness and for public speakers and OF MANCHESTER, ENG. from 35 cts. upwards. Accidents,—A yonDg man named James NEW STORE ON FREE STREET. and on his death bed had confessed that he take “Forest Tar Troches. Cloakings, D. at the Forest sugar singers, Scottish Boy’s Mixed Tests and Pants, had hold of the lover’s letters and Reagan, employed City Commercial, 10,000,000 OVERCOAT, READY-MADE, inducements in and got destroyed sep30-dlw 38 cts. Special prices styles. refinery, caught one of bis bands in a belt _ all sizes, them, sending others of his own manufacture Beavers, OF GLASGOW, while patting it on a pulley, after- Ladies, buy you merino uuderware for your- to the lady in this city. He had palmed off his Saturday Children’s New Britain Saits, GO TO noon, and it He was taken self and children at and will be Tricots, National, 1,000,000 the He an mangled terribly. Studley’s, you 87 cts. and 81.00 per suit. writing by copying original. being OF home and a surgeon called. This Is the third sura to save money. sep30-S&M2t HARTFORD. CONN. excellent penman this was not a difficult mat- Gent’s Heavy Merino Hose time he has caught his hand in a similar man- Repellents, ALLEN & CO/S. WINDOW SHADES ter. Centennial Awards. Connecticut, 1,000,000 from 15 cts. ner, but has es japed injury on previous occa- upwards. When the confession was fully authenticated Centennial Exhibition, Cassimeres, OF HARTFORD, CONN. —AND— sions. -- j Ladies’ Heavy Cotton Hose, the man at once started for this city to find bis Philadelphia, Sept. 27,1876. j Drapery Work of all kind* at very Low Rev. Mr. Vail of Cape Elizabeth, was 10 cts. per pair. It want a Prices. first and only love. By a few enquiries after A splendid triumph! Wheeler & Wilson Tweeds, &c: Orient, 800,000 [you thrown from his the carriage by running away have been OF HARTFORD, CONN. reaching this city he learned her residence and awarded the highest and the only Also Gent’s Heavy Shaker Hose GEO. M. of his horse recently, and sustained serious in- Flannels, Colored and White, BOSWORTH, better still be learned that she, like himself, special premium for sewing machines, two Twilled and Plain. lrom 15 cts. to 50. OVERCOAT juries. Blankets, Western, 1,700,000 CHEAP CORNER FREE AND COTTON STS. had remained unmarried. He made baste to medals of merit and two diplomas of honor. slightly soiled, very cheap. A young daughter ot Rufus H. Waite fell A lot *f dents’ Under Flannels at great- OF TORONTO. Ladies Wool Balmoral Hose mb21dlf call upon her and to his surprise discovered the J. L. Hayden, General Agent for Maine,249 a lrom 35 from plank she was walking Saturday after- 300 pairs ol men’s Woolen * cts, upwards. GO TO ring on her finger where bad placed it fourteen Middle street, Portland, Me. se29-dlw Ilsse, North Western, 850,000 Home from the Centennial noon, and broke one oi her Coamry knit, for 45 cts. per pair; part of before. A few words of legs. tbena extra Ladies’ Knit Jackets years explanation Kendall & Wh.tney 4 ualily. are selling prime Also Table l^lnens. Towels and made them as near and dear to each other as Portland Temperance Reform Club.— Nap* lrom 38 cts. upwards. Sicily Canary Seed for 20 cents per quart kins, somewhat soiled, at very low pi Ices. Hoffman, ALLEN & CO.’S. ever, and to cut a story short, it was ar- The Club held a aud enthusiastic 400,000 Knit Hose W. C. BECKETT long large meeting se29 ecdot 50 doz. Canada And besides all this we have a lot of Dress OF NEW YORK. that thou'd be married at once, last in Association it filled has returned from the and is now ranged they evening Hall, being Goods carried over from last will lor 50 cts. per pair. Centennial, ready season, which be to wait on his friends aud customers with and the wedding is to take place the present to its utmost capacity. Earnest andimpressing Flower Pots at reduced prices, for sale by sold without regard to cost. Commonwealth, 375,000 Ball We have also added to the above Stock a Best Tarn, week at ODe of our city churches. The happy speeches were made Messrs. A. W. sept20eod2w Kendall & Whitney. variety Quality It you want an by Smith, of new and seasonable goods, including OF BOSTON. all 15 cts. ball. New Goods and New will start at once for the Centennial. colors, Styles couple Llewellyo, Smith, Deland, Sylvester, Williams, From a Jurist. Distinguished — FOB — Palmer, Imboff, Howe, Roberts Atlantic, 250,000 Silk Lacing Cords, Church Note*. Elder, Merry, “I have tried the Peruvian Syrup and the re- Shawls. Cassimeres and Ttubets. and S. F. after which sult sustains vour It Repellents, OF PROVIDENCE. all colors, 3 cts. per yard. INDIGO REEFER Garments all & At the service at Pine street Pearson, eighteen signed tally predictions. has of Kind Qualities, morning yester- in all new the made a new man of me, infused into my sys- the and desirable colors, and all of which, were pledge. we our Silk day twenty persons admitted to the church. tem new and I am no offer to customers at the Tassels, ON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS. vigor energy; longer It is of great importance to those who wish to all 5cts. each. GO TO In the aiiernoon the a tremulous and insure their or other tor a TERM colors, pastor delivered very a row took on debilitated, as when you last Dwellings property Affray.—Quite lively place LOWEST to insure n none but discourse saw me, but heartier, and with MARKET PRICES. OF YFARS, FIRST-CLASS able upon temperance before the Re- the corner of aud Cumberland streets stronger, larger oct2 STOCK COMPANIES Best Dress Braid, W. C. Lafayette for mental and than _dtf (not mutnal) Those who Quality BECKETT, form Club. capacity labor, physical, to do so, will find the we Officer Black iu au preier Companies repre- 6 cts. a piece. yesteiday. put appearance at any time during the last five years. Consumption Can be CCred. the most reliable for this ALLEN & CO.’S. Four of the Fathers wbo were sent, among purpose. Merchant Tailor, 244 Middle St„ Missionary when the row was well underway and arrested oot2 eod&wlw Schenck’s Pulmonic Let the citizens of Portland remember the results Bustles in fine _ Syrup, variety, winter were at the Cathedral of Im- of old Portland Mutual d3w here last uuu k u.. the Insurance Co which septSO Corner of Cm. Street. vun„uu mu UL IUO Schenck’s Sea Weed Tonic, Harper’s Bazar.—This beautiful furnished Policies on Dwellings for and lrom 30 cts, upwards. maculate Conception yesterday. They remain contestants. weekly nothing, publication is a welcome visitor to the parlor Schenck’s Mandrake Pills, naarly nothing on its losses by the great tire, It you want all Wool and will boll of all similar Unlaundried Gents’ Shit ts, two weeks meetings every even- circle. The number for the week has Are the only medicines that will cure Pulmonary Saideware Companies, which propose to ensuing furnish insurance on ing. Careless (f andliug of Fire Arms. been received oy Fessenden Brothers, Lancas- Consumption. Dwellings or other property, Wamsutia. 87 cts dc 81 15 each. New as Silk Hdts so to adord no ter and D. cheaply, protection for a term of Rev. Dr. Sbailer 1 yesterday for the Mb. Editor:—The shooting accident last Hall, Wentworth, 553Congress, cor- Frequently medicines that will stop a cough will Shirts and Drawers Style preache ner ot Oak street. years. Best English Needles Stuck, MADE TO ORDER FOR "It into the mill can first time since his severe illness. A peri- Sunday in Falmouth is indeed sad, but it is occasion the death of a patient; they lock up the you put nothing you act long ou<”—that Insurance that costs 4 cis. a paper Timber land advertised in liver, stop the circulation of the nothing is, nothing od of rest is necessary for his Complete .restora- nevertheless the result of carelessness, and the another column blood, hemorrhage is worth nothing. TO Three Dollars and your Old Hat offers a rare GO chance to invest as an advance follows, and in fact, they clog the action of the Rates as low as other reliable Line of Buttons, and he will the tor only wonder is that there are no more very any Companies. Splendid — AT lion, not occupy pulpit again frequent must soon take and place stumpage can be organs that caused the cough. 17 to 35 cts. three months. and serious accidents by the careless nse of realized every season. Liver complaint and Dyspepsia are the causes of MATTER cto guns. The writer of this article has frequent W. D. LITTLE & Trimming Buttons, OO.’s, two-tbirds of the cases of Consumption. Many per- CO„ 5 cts a doz. ALLEN & CO.’S. sclGiltflaOPPOH1TK P. O. Mrs. occasion to visit the and times dur- “The colored troops foaght nobly.” So does Solitary Confinement.—A LeightoD, city many sons complain ol a dull pain in the Adamson’s Botanic Cough Balsam in the case side, constipation, Jl»». Women and Children who are parti* look occa ing the year has to the muzzle of a Office in Stanton Block, All onr Kid who lives on Centre street, recently pass single of all throat, chest and lung difficulties. coated tongue, pain in the shoulder blade, feelings $1.00 Gloves, cnlnr ta hare easy fitting. good look- or doable and sion to correct a neighbor’s child in a rather barreled gun carelessly carried oct2eodlw of drowsiness and restlessness, the food lying heav- for 75 cts. ing serviceable Boon are __ 31 II you want severe manner. She took a little seven year over the sbonlder of a thoughtless man or boy. ily on the stomach, accompanied with acidity and EXCHANGE STREET. »ept30 dtf Spool Silks, law of the state MURDER WILL belching up of wind. old danghter of Mrs. Conley’s and locked Her The forbids that a gun shall be OUT. all colors, lor 8 cts. a spool. at less than an These symptons usually originate from a disor- in a closet and then locked the doors of her carried angle of 15 degrees in CHEAP SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Sure to Come where its accidental dered condition of the stomach, or a torpid liver. GREAT REDUCTION house and The child was miss- places would be A few was Space will not admit of farther quota- departed. discharge years ago “August Flower” discovered Ptrsons.so affected, if they take odo or two heavy t# ilitJ MIDDLE ST., where will in of tions. We cted to more to onr new they ed by her pareuts, the police informed and a liable to do injury. Of course few who carry to be a certain cure for Dyspepsia and Liver com- colds and if the cough in these cases be suddenly prices exp. And the largest Stock of floe Boots will find the stomach and liver re- store on the first of this we GO TO in this Cosintry. search instituted which resulted in the gnns iu careless positions are aware are plaint, a lew thin Dyspeptics made known to their checked, clogged, Octobei; finding they maining torpid and inactive, and almost before they flud of our friends liow and is impo-sibie. We had part jal2dttIB. ii. PALMER, of the little one in a fit in her of breaking the law and are liable to be restrained. easily quickly they had been cured are aware the lungs are a mass ol Bores, and ulceA- lying place goods we were compelled to un- by its use. The merits of Green’s August ted, the result ol which is death. packed; confinement nearly suffocated. is a growing evil, and if not great FURNITURE onr an- Sunday gunning Schenck’s Pulmonic Syrup is an which pack them, and the resu.t was, ALLEN & CO. S. Flower became heralded through the country by expectorant soon be a serious does not contain or — to if checked will annoyance. The opium anything calculated to AT — gry passions rose. We decided sell, A Fine Map.—An illustrated map or history one sufferer to anothei, until without advertising, check a cough Fashionable Presnmpscot river and extensive sea shore of suddenly. possible, the entire stock at almost the Goods now its sale has become immense. in Scheuck’s Sea Weed Tonic dissolves the of the world is on exhibition at Union Druggists EVERY food, and for a short season do BUSI- Falmouth make it a favorite resort of gunners mixes with the gastric juices of the aids cost, jnst arrived from the rise and fall of TOWN in the United States are selling it. No per- stomach, DEANE BROS’.. And finally, it you want good Hall, showing every kin g- digestion, and creates a ravenous appetite. NESS FOR FUN. Where the fun comes and as well as week days the report son at Sundays suffering with Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, I When the bowels are skin or the not.” goods dom of aDy note since the creation of the costive, sallow, in, “Deponent sayeth New York and Philadelphia, of the sportsman’s gun is often heard while Costiveness, palpitation of the Heart, indigestion' symptoms otherwise of a bilious tendency, Schenck’s 51 EXCHANGE ST. Yours repectfully, world, which is ably explained by Elder Miles Mandrake Pills are required very we are in the bouse or in the church. low etc., can take three dosos without relief -AT- silting spirits, These medicines are prepared Grant of Boston, Mass. This beautiful chart only by Every article marked way DOWN! DOWN!! PRICES w it no harm to on Go to your and a H. LOW People ho think go gunning Druggist get bottle for 75 cents J. Schenck & son, and will be sold at a is a not seen every day. Elder Grant N. E. corner Sixth and j. n. sight Sunday should at least know that other people and try it. Sample bottles 10 cents. Arch Sts., Phila. Jbitzgeraia, And are lor sale all and dealers. spoke from it last evening to a very large and scp20 by druggists GREAT DISCOUNT. GO TO have rights as well as themselves, and be care dlyeom oct2 eod&wlm A. 8. interested audience, and he will speak again Do not fail to this Remem- ful do do not them. improve opportunity. Cor. & Sts., Fernald’s, they infringe npon ber Myrtle Congress Monday and Tuesday evenings and next Sab- our Stock is of our own manufacture, warran- Falmouth. RENTS. ted to be the bath. merchant _ ePortland, Me.dtf ALLEN & CO/S., Tailor, Forest Story House, with bay window, No. 30 Oak BEST ! The Death Bate —The whole number of Maine Business Notes. Tar, near nine For Throat, Lungs, Asthma, and Kidneys. TWOStreet, Congress; rooms. 3) 00 per month. Call and examine our goods and get our prices be- deaths in the city the past week was only five, Building operations are brisker iu Calais MANUFACTURERS OF 237 Middle Street. Cottage House on Cumberland fore you purchase. causes: Scarlet fever than at any time Tar Street, opposite <12n from the following 1; during the season. Solution, Oak Street. Ladies’ ecp27_ or Inhalation for Catarrh, Consumption, morbus rheumatic fever Special potato trains are on and Brick House, No. 47 Wilmot ten rooms, Cloakings cholera 1; 1, meningi- quite frequent Bronchitis, Asthma. Street; Forest Sebago and gas. "8300. DEANE and infantum 1. The week before the E. & N. A. Itail BROS. Custom Ready-Hade Clothing* tis 1; cholera way. Half House on State Street; nine rooms, Sebago oct2 dim TROUT TACKLE. the number of deaths was thirteen. Not a lumber mill has been runuiug at Cher- Tar Troches, and gas. 8300. or Sore Throat, and Six Booms at 1042 the MBOlNl KENDALL ry field since the first of Hoarseness, Tickling Cough Congress Street, opposite and there you will find one of the Split Rnmboo Greenheart and other hinds July with the excep- Purifying the Breath. Brick 813 00 TIMBER LAND FOR Rail Beds. Personal. Forest Chapel. per month. SALE. will next an extensive line of to of Ply and Plies, Trailing open Mondnjr best stocks retail Irom in the tion of a single week iu Lower Tenement in No. 9 Neal Street, near Baits, Hooks. Lines, Arc. Can shaw the of has re- August. House, Rev. Heury A. Sawtelle Augusta, Congress; five rooms. 812.50 month. city, at prices that cannot be beat nssortm nl of Bteech and llazile The prospects are that a fair season’s work Tar per largest First Salve, Six Booms on Winter near Pine. to tract in New Arms In Ike State, ceived a call to the of the Bap- or Healing Indolent Sores, Ulcers, Cuts, Bums, Street, Apply Hampshire heavily timbered; in Maine. Loading incladiag the pastorate will be done in on the of maiket for for logging St. Croix waters and for Piles. WM. H. JERR1S. LARGEeasy access; good logs; good Ladies’ Cloakings church iu and has left Forest time to tist Rapay, Cal., the coming winter. oct2dlw* Real Estate Agent, next to City Hall. explore; undoubted title. Parties desirous of an investment, please address that place. The frame of a Tar OF THEIR OWN IMPORTATION. PARKER large ship of some 2000 tons Soap, “OWNER,” GUN. Mr. E. L. O. Adams of the firm of Rollins, or Hands, Salt Rheum, Skin House Wauled. is on the way for Carleton & Chapped Diseases, 103 Commercial Street, Boston, Mass. Norwood & Co., the Toilet and Bath. A small children desire a & is ill. Forest family without oct2 d&w2w Alio a nice stock ol Loiing Adams, seriously at and Mr. David ■••• rent in the House liockport, Talbot is prepar- western part of tho city. ALLEN & G. L. contain from seven to GO., to build a Tar JHcULniust nine rooms, having BAILEY, at Last ol ing large schooner in a new on Found —The young daughter yard Inhalers, considerable direct and be with Hall to or Inhaling for Catarrh, Consumption, Asthma. sunlight, supplied Congress Let or to Lease. 48 tre et. Craig of this cily, who disappeared Sea street. and good water. Reference given. Address L., Cloak Exchange Joseph Forest all fox Trimmings. If Calais aid to the For Sale by Drugglete. fas 1557. se27nalwttf Portland, 1870. Agent for DnPont’s Powder mills. about a fortnight ago, made her way to Boston grants Shore Line, the di- No. Sept. 23, Bept23d2m se)6 HALL, 420| Congress Street, 187 Middle Street. aug7 ccx 12m wdl the __ltnl8m J will be leased lor a _ and at the City Hotel. She was kindly rectors change location of the line so CCONGRESS termot yeais, if desired; stopped MISS EMMA Li. immediate possession For Sale. I that it will enter the from a down EATON^ given. for the and his until city liver di- For Bent. Also the Rooms now cared by proprietor wife, of by the Mercantile HATTIE E. 230 61-100 Health hilt with teacher piano-forte, occupied SAMPSON, ton, Hf. B_Commit the above to Rooms, information was sent to her parents, who have rection. This will give Calais a winter har- new, elegant and conTenient Cottage, Library Association, Corner of Temple and Congress SCHB.burthen, N. M., well found in sails and rigging at 144 1-9 Streets. bor. THEall tha modern improvementa Apply Exchange Street, Inquire of JOHN C. PROCTER, &c. Applj to M1CAU SAMPSON. memory, 337 MIDDLE brought her home. ang2iadtt NO. 70 BRAO-TETT STREET. oct2 at W. P. HASTINGS*. dtf oct2d3w 93 Street. co. Lading given trom Boston and prin- »City Portland, Capt. S H. Portland. 4,1876. rav4dtf Teacher of the German Me., May cipal points in New England to the Sou* h and South- rPibe, will leave Railroad Wharf, Languages, the coast of the Eastern States where Ice can Leave Boston at 7.JO, tO.OO a. m., 11‘2.30 west. Close connection made at with foot of Stale St., every Monday and Thursday at J. B. 376 CUMBERLAND BT. be loaded cheaply and in The harbor and at 7.00 p. m., connecting with Philadelphia SANFORD, ON quantity. the “CLYDE STEAM LINES” to б. 00 P. M., lor Eastport and St. John. For Sale or To Let. for vessels must be free from Tee and to Steamers for Ml Desert and Bar Baltimore, References—Dr William Wood, M. D 92 Free open naviga- will leave St. John ana and St., Harbor. Norfolk Richmond, Charleston, New- Returning Eastport on the Attorney Counsellor at Law, Mrs Oxna«d, 43 Winter St. tion at all times during the winter. Address Pullman Sleeping Car attached. same handsome three story brick house No. 41 sepl2d3w Boston & Maine berne and Wa*bin«rton. days 33 School THATWinter St. Has 10 newly painted and papered KNICKERBOCKER ICE u MIND, General Eastern Agent, Connections made at Eastport for Robblnston, St$ St., Boston, Hass. CO, Throngh Tickets to all Points >outh and West at J Andrews and Calais looms, modern improvements. Gas, Sebago ana E. Devonshire Street, Boston. MIS# lowest rates. Pullman Car Tickets for Seats and Connections /COLLECTION of debts, bankruptcy, &c., a speci- b«th room, good ventilation and drainage. Will be BROWA, sep!9d2wPhiladelphia. Janll dtf made at St. John for Digbv. Annapo- will resume in Berths at Ticket Office ___ a»ty. Funis remitted soon as collections are sold at a bargain or leased for a term of years. lessons the lis, Windsor, Kentville, Halifax, N. S Shediac. Am- made Wan'ed. Cars leave Eastern for Also collects in and conn- at No. 7 St. Depot, Portland, direct RiTT.pnin herst, Pictou, Charlottetown and England foreign Apply Exchange — « ■ Fredericktown, tries French and German Lowell at 1 30 p m. * ■ claims of American heirs. E. E. UPHAM & CO. Langanges, SITUATION as Organist in Portland or vicin- BOSTON Sumroertide, P. E. I. Passengers this line avoid all STEAMERS. eep29 d&wly sep20 dim EARLY IN OCTOBER. A ity. Best of reference given. Ad-ress, by change ^•Freight received on days of salllne until 4 juldtf GEO. BATCHELDER. Supt. u uuun m. BLACKSTONE, 25. 1876. The Superior Sea Going Steamers, Miss Brown ang!6dtf Dow Street. Commencing Monday Sept. gepao«ittA. R. jjr. xt. -xv For $>«i!e. adopts Mons. Sauveur’s System of 6§ STUBBS. Agent. wuae, teaching Modem which enables Ten miles from Portland, in Langnages, pupils Passenger Trains will leave Portland for The Natural Magnetic Physician, to speak fluently without study. CENTENNIAL winunam on Mage Koaa to unug- Address: Boston at 6.15,8.45 a.m., 1 30, 6.00 p. m., ar- He shall hand s on them Portland, Maine. seplSdtf Peak’s Island Steamboat lay and they sha'l be healed ton, thirty acres ol land, mowing, LOST AND FOUND. riving at Soston at 10.45 a. m., 1.00, 5.15, 10.00 309 Cumberland, Cer. ef Elm St. pasture and woodland; under- p. m. _drained where needed, and in a Returning, leave Boston at 8.45 a. m., 12.30, Company. nov8_dtf good state of cultivation, with one acre of Excursion Tickets 3.30, 6.00 d. at Portland m., arriving at 12.45, On and alter Tburaday. muck: one mile from Church and Post halt 10 00 m. Sept. Office; 5.00, 8.10, p. 28th, the steamer EXPKt; -n w. C. mile from three miles from Railroad. are sold at. tbe Por Lawrenee at 8.45 a. 6.00 PATTEN, School; Story 6.15, m., 1.30, p. m. w»ll leave the end of Custom and a half house with ell, blinded and furnished Por Lowell at 6.15, 8.45 a. m., 1.30, 6.U0 p. m. —. for Jonn’ at with cement Tfe_A._ CL 1, •_Th T» Por Landing only Practical and throughout, cellar.wood, ice, hen bouse, Manchester*Concord and Upper Rail- 9a. m and 3 p. m. Fare down and back Expert Accountant, from Fort a Dnndr reals. and yard with barn all in good condition; orchard of Preble, Sept. 26, uusivu a iiiume n. ju. roads (via New Market Junction) at 6.15 a. m., Diouont hair FOREST CITY AND JOHN BROOKS Single package tickets $1.00. sep28dtf 145 COMMERCIAL NT. young thirfty trees, grapes, pear, plum and smaller STRAYED Terrier, (small size, long 1.30 p m.; (via Lawrence) at 8.45 a. m. fruits in about light brown in answers to the bearing. Also the crops and farming tools, heart, color) Por Great Palls at 6.15. 8.45 a. m., 1 30. 6.00 p. m will, until further run as lollowe: name of A liberal will for notice, alternately including twenty tons of hay, at a bargain. Inquire “Scoty.” reward he paid TICKET Por Wolfborough and Centre Harbor at accounts, partnership settlements, his return to LIEUTENANT OFFICE, Leaving INTRICATEetc., etc., Previous business of W. H. VINION. ESQ., Middle Street, Portland, BEST, 8.45 a. m. HOTELS. adjusted. written, French Language. >t»Fort and all work requiring competent services or DR HUNTINGTON, on the premises. ■•-ejviOU Preble Por Rochester, Farmington and Alton promptly Professor of the French 353 Commercial FRANKLIN WHARF, executed Compromises between debtors and credi- aug!7dtf Languages Street, Bay at 6.15, 8.45 a. m., 1.30 p. m. Portland, EIWA88K.• in the School ot thankful for tors effected, financial of debtors High Portland, Found. Por Old Orchard Beach, Naco, Biddcford Daily, at 7 o’clock P. M., and INDIA St. James ability investigated, — — the encouragement he has would no- AS and Hotel, and settlements effected when desired For Sale. received, give Congress street, Portland, the 27th Inst., u Hennebunk at 6.15, 8.45 a. m 1 30, 5 30 WHARF, BOSTON, dally at It P. in. tice to his pupils and the public, that he will resume and 6.00 m Bnln, Han. Instruction in to a limited number. ON Hum of n oney, which the owner can have p. (Suntlaya excepted). book-keeping new, two-story house, No. 12 Ellsworth St. the Instruction in the French in Portland, Business from this and ten Language, evidence of their it and Por Scarborough and Pine Point at The only flmt-claas hotel In the city. city vicinity respectfully THEContains rooms, Sebago, piped for gas, at bis room No Chadwick by giving satislactory losing LOW AS BY ANY OTHER LINE, 6.15, solicited. l, Mansion, Congress St., for this advertisement. 8.45 a. m., 5 30 and 6.00 p. m. but S3.SO per day. Horse-care thoroughly built, dry and pleasant location. Will be on paying Address, FARE $1.00. [Charging Monday, the 18th inst He proposes to les- tickets the holder a Trains the door Ample references in this and other cities, sold on give M F. and includes entitling to FREE Morning will leave Kennebnnh pa«e every minute in the All reasonably. Inquire the premises. sons to of not more than ten in a NORTON, this line are reminded that se day. mart classes, pntils class, Me. CARRIAGE IN BONTON (from Boston & for Portland at 7.20 a. m. Passengers by they modern conveniences, and fine! located on augSdttC. E. AVERILb. and to sap30d3tKezar Falls, core a comfortable rest and avoid _TW&Fteodtf separate lessons those who prefer it, at their Maine to any other Railroad Station in Boston night’s the ex* i--(Franklin Thu Nl jam Depot and Nqnnrr residences can pense inconvenience of arriving in Poston late has just been Go 4* JfL and return). Passengers take any carriage sta- Parlor Cars on trains Portland at l,3f renovated, painted, frescoed and re- CLARK, Dt For Sale or Rent. MME. MASSE is also to resume Hissing. leaving at night. ready her French tioned at the depot without charge. and Boston furnished from basement to attic. Table DAUGHTER of Mr. left her p. m.a 8.45 a. m. Tickets and State d’Hota A first class residence, centrally situated on lessons with private pupils and classes, at her rooms, Joseph Craig Rooms for sale by D. H. Young, un rivalled. se22eodlm 74 FREE STREET State Street; all furnished. Address Chadwick Mansion, Congress St, sepl3dlm A home on Saturday afternoon.and although the The Fast Express Train No. 266 Middle street. police and her triends bare searched the city for her. Through Tickets to New York via the various ju28dtfP. O, BOX 1602. COMPLETE Portland at 1.30 m. runs to Boston head «f Brawn Ml. no trace of her has been found to the leaving p. through Sound for sale at low rates. Opgeelte up present in Three Honrs and five Lines, very time. She is fitteen years of low sided, brown Forty Minutes,mak- Excursion Tickets to and return via Office Hours 2 to 4 P. M. For Sale. EATON FAMILY SCHOOL FOR age, ing close connection with Fall and Philadelphia MEDICAL. BOYS, hair, bad on and Any one that River, Stonington the Sound Lines $13 00. ME. waterproof wrapper. Norwich Honnd Steamer Lines and all Rail __feUeodtl Jft&L A New two story French-Roofed House, NORRIDGEWOCK, can give any clue to her whereabouts, will confer a Freight taken as usual. miJRNo. 422 Lines to New York and Philadelphia. Cumberland St., containing four- Fall Term will Commence August 98* great favor upon her anxious parents. Address No. GUIDE BOOK dec27-75 J. II. COYLE, jr.. Qen’l Agt. H. HANSON & rooms fitted with Excursion Tickets to SON, |yjgW>34?teen up furnace, gas, ’Mr. Eaton has associated with himself Mr. Joel 80 North street,se22dtf Wolfboroand Centre MURRAY’S water, and all the modern im- Harbor. New MAIL LINE MANUFACTURERS OF Sebago Wilson of Gorham —TO THE— York and Philadelphia TO provements of a first-class house. of JOR- (late Principal Seminary) They Inquire will be assisted Miss N. E. Lost. for sale at Boston & Maine R. R. Ticket Office. Monuments, Grave Stones DAN BROS., No. 11 Danforth St.apr4dtf by Hunton, Preceptress, Tablets, Mrs. Joel Wilson, Teacher of Mrs. N. W. N. Halifax, Nova Music, Sept. 9tb, between B.—Rates as low as by any other Line. Scotia, lax and Granite Work. Otis, Teacher of and John H. and 209 e and mmm Drawing Painting; PORTLAND, Newbury Street, a GOLD CHAIN Centennial Grounds Tickets via all Lines to all points for sale at With connection, to Prince Edward In- MANUFACTORY AT HOUSE LOTS Webster, A. M., teacher of ancient languages. and PIN. The finder will be rewarded by leaving lowest rates. land, Cape Breton and St N. F. For address J.h.., He. SOT Cangrem Weal particulars the same at the Police Station. Free carriages from in Boston to other St., End, I'ertland, augSdtf H F. EATON, aiVHX AWAY Depot any 2 Maine. FOR SALE gept!2 dtfCHAS. C. CHASE. depot and return—choice of carriages. The Steamship FALMOUTH, Bitters Trains on Boston & Maine road connect with all expressly for the route) All orders promptly attended to. ON ST. JOHN STREET to who a ticket (built This medicine has been before the pnbllc most of every person purchases steamers running between Portland and W. A. will leave HENRY HANSON. «. H. A. HANSON. Bangor, Capt. Colbv, the time for the past twenty-five and has Terms at the Boston & Maine K. B. Ticket dockland, Mt. Desert, Boston Railroad years, given reasonable and easy payments. Apply to AND UPRIGHT LOST ! Machias, Eastport, Calais, Wharf, every excellent satisfaction to all who have used it. The RprlT__U6m SQUARE St. John and Halifax connect with Grand SATURDAY at 5 30 m. for Office for the Exposition. Also, p. Bitters are composed ol the best articles of the ST. A Trank trains at Grand Trunk and Maine HALIFAX, direct making connections with the In- vege- THOMAS M. A. M. D. JOHN SMITH, number of unreceipted Bills Parties holding Exposition tickets sold Station, table kingdom, and are agaiD prepared the RAINEY, Central and Portland & trains at tercolonial Railway, to» Windsor, Truro, New Glas- by my!3dtf31 1-!1 St. ol the Fortland Com- the E. or Ogdensburg invemor, and are recom- Office Exchange PIABJOS. Publishing by Maine Central, & N. A. Iransfer Station, gow and Picton, and steamers for Prince Edward confidently 490 1.9 Congress Street, mended as one ot the best articles ever ottered to the pany. The finder will confer a Knox & Lincoln Railroads can obtain All trains stop at Exeter ten minutes for refresh- bland; also at New N. with Lind- Glasgow, S., public, especially for all those difficulties and ills at- Formerly occupied by Dr. Daveis. McPHAIL & CO.’S favor by the same at this these Guide Books their ments at first class dinning rooms sey’s Stages for Cape Bre-on, and at Halifax with tendant leaving by showing upon this Season of the year. They are par- Hears—10 to T. FURBER, Gen. steamers for St. Johns. N. F. 19 A. M..9l#3P.M. tickets at Transfer Station. 0 ___JAS. Supt. ticularly recommended lor the cure of mas d&wti Gold JVledal Pianos Ogee.“ S. H. STEVENS, Gen. Agent, Portland. ap29atf RETURNING will leave Halifax on TUES- Barstow’s DAYS, at 8.30 p. m. Indigeatian or Dyapepaia, Jaundice. Loaa Baggage Checked 'J firough. Excursion the Ticket, to nalifax and Re- of Appetlie, Oeneral Coa- received silver cup at Maine State Fair, 1876. be- turn Debility, GAD BOARD. #N OO tivenean, and all diaenaea cait»«d HITCHCOCK, ing the highest award lor best square Piano, En- S. H. STEVENS, J. T. F~ RBEfi, No PORTLAND freight received after 10 a. m. on of sailing by atale ot Successor to the late Iron dorsed by the highest musical authorities. Agents Gen. Agent, Portland. Gen. ~t.pt. day an.unhealthy Gesrge Names, Wrought &_OHDENSUHRG. For farther information apply to J. B. DDTl.it the atonacbor bowel*. wanted in town. mv23dti every Board Wanted. and after Monday, Sept. 18th, Excursion Jr., Franklin Wharf, or tickets will oct28dt«JOHN number of recommendations be Warerooms 3 Free St. Block .Portland. and wife, in a ON be sold to the White Mountains as POBTEOUS. Agent. Any might pub- UNDERTAKER. gentleman (no children,) pii- lished, but the article is so well and vate for the winter. Price not to exceed follows: favorably known BY family that it is deemed Let the SAMUEL $10 a week. Addres, with full unnecessary. sufferer use THURSTON, Gen:l Agt. rarticulars, From Portland to Glen House and them a short time to the Coffins and Caskets Always on Hand. Drawer P. O, ALLAN according directions on each Furnace. JOHNSON, 2004, .... Robes, City Maine return LINE. bottle and be Central convinced that all $5.00 is true which is now sep30d3t* said of Opposite the Grand Trunk Depot, Crawford House and return 3 OO them. The best article of the klDd ever of- Pabyau House and return 3.00 SUMMER fered for the relief of the sick and angll ME. dtf To Let and J3ERVICE. suffering. YARMOUTH, Best in Market. Board. Base of Mt. Washington and return, 4 t’O Nummit SOLD ONLY AT No. 47 Brackett at reet. Tee owner would RAILROAD. and return via Fabyan’s 6 00 Summit Shortest Ocean HOUSElike to board with the family. sep29d2w* and return via Glen • 8.00 Voyage. SIX SIZES. All the Mountian Houses will D. B. WM. H. MONDAY, SEPT. 4, 1876. make reduced rates to First-class mail steam- SAWYER’S DRUG STORE, MOTLEY, Board Wanted. these Weekly parties holding tickets. ers of this liue sail from Qaebec The No. 6 has immense and is sept!6dtt 176 Middle Cor. of ATTORNEY AT LAW, radiating surface, YOUNG unmarried mau and his sister desire to Trains leave Portland for Bangor, every Saturday morning, St, Exchange, designed for heating large dwellings or public build- Waterviile, A obtain board in a homelike, private family liv- Belfast and Dexter at t]1.20 p. m., 1.25 p. m. lor Liverpool, touching at store Emmons ings. in formerly occupied by Chapman, OVKK X. P. FARRINGTON’S, ing upper part of citv. Woula prefer a place in Skowhegau 1.20 and 1.25 p. m. PORTLAND & OODENSBLRU RR. Derry. No Dost. No Clinkers. warm which there are a few other boarders or where there Augusta, Hallowell, Gardiner, Brunswick tll.2Q First-class fortnightly mail steamers of this line PORTLAND, MAINE, Perfectly are some sail from y^ung people. Address, stating terms and p. m., $6/5 a. m., 1.25. 5.20 p. m. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Halifax every other Tuesday, for 180 Riddle Air and ot it. where may also be found a assortment Street. plenty location, Box >981.sep28-lw* Rockland $6.15 a. m., 1.25 m. -Liverpool* touching at Queenstown. good of j»n5dlf p. Bath $6.15 a. m.. 5.20 m. Passage- First-class—$5o, $70 and $80 or its 1.25, p. gold, Drugs# Fancy and Toilet TO LET WITH BOARD. Lewiston 1.20, 5.05 m. equivalent; Intermediate $35 gold; third-class at Articles# p. apr29 Htf Farmington 1.20 p. m. lowest rates. The Line of FRED. N. DOW, or two hoarders can be accommodated at The til.20 p. m. train for Bangor makes close con- Glasgow steamers sail from ONE416 CUMBERLAND STREET with a pleasant nection with E. & N, A. Railway foi St. John and Quebec every Thursday for Glasgow direct. Cabin Empress front Halitax. passage at lowest rates. Range, $60, steerage For of room._ sep20dtf SANNUAL MEKTINGS. ATTORNEY AT beauty Design, Economy, Conven- tPullman Car attached. Passengers booked to and from all of 4LAW, ience, and stands Sleeping parts Eng- Durability without a rival. $Mixed. PAYSON land, Ireland, Norway, Denmark and It is for Pleasant Front Booms to Let TUCKER, Sup t. Sweden, adapted Portland. Sept. 4,1876. au3ldtf Passenger Trains Leave Portland. Germany at lowest rates. 172 middle and Return Portland & Rochester R. R. Co. Street, 8.30 A M. for all Prepaid Tickets issued at reduced WOOD with Board, at 75 Free stations, running through to rates. to J. L. OR COAL, Apply St. Johnson, Vt. Apply FARMER, General Agent for PORTLAND, ME. has New England, No. 3 India Portland. Me. ANNUAL Clinkerle** Grate, Illuminated Eire P M express for Sebago No, Street, MEETING. »p!3 apr29 dtf Lake, Fryeburg, l becki Issued in sums Boiler, Door and Patent Shelf At- ana White Mountains. Sterling _d6m*ttf Conway to suit for JEI and tachment. CENTENNIAL. 5.45 P. M for llnnfir RarHptt. nnrl infprmp,llnfp upwards. my9dtf f¥lHE Stockholders of the Portland & Rochester F. m. RAY, rnn i orp stations. X Railroad Company are hereby notified that the X V/ XiXJ 1 Arrive in Portland t Norfolk, Baltimore A Washington annual meeting will be held at the office of the Com- In order to increase the accommodations now offered 8.50 A. HI from Upper Bartlett. pany, at the Depot in Portland, on WEDNESDAY, The STRAMNBIP I.IN* the fourth Barstow Parlor, to Centennial travel, the 1.90 P. HI. from Fabyan’s day of October next, at ten o’clock In the Counsellor at 5.35 P. HI to act the Law, the handsomest stove in the market. To Let. irom Johnson, VtM and all stations on iorenoon, upon following business, viz: Its de- Four times a week. elegant through line. J. sign and beautiful finish is admired by every one. 4 to 8 or 9 rooms, corner of Cumberland HAMILTON, Supt. Article 1st—To hear the report of the Directors. No. 511-2 St Wlrh itc ciWoT* 54- ot*211 1___4. and Franklin 203 Cumberland Portland, June 3,1876. Art 2d—To choose 11 Exchange Mason & Hamlin FROM street. street. _|u3«ltf First Class Hteamsbip Dliectors for the ensuing any drawing room. Organs. Supplied with gas and furnace. The year. Sebago water, "“***'“ VUA14CI. rooms are Stoninaton see all Line Art. 3d—To ME. CALL AND Medals awarded for large and pleasant. sep29dtf WM. what action the Stockholders will PORTLAND, SEE THE ABOVE AT unequalled excellence by near- Go to the Centennial LAWRENCE. GEORGE APPOLD. take ly all the States in and to raise money to pay the liabilities of the /Branch Office at Saccarappa, Me. America, by the princinal will ruu the Steamer Praia Boston direct TUESDAY countries, popular VIA erery Company. NUTTER BROS. & European To Let* ■ nd Art »epl9_ a3m CO.’S, SATUBDAY. 4th—To act upon any other business that ANSETT as — — Rooms in the House No. 118 Spring NARRAtf “Special Steamer5’ AND may legally come before them. C. P. BABCOCK. 29 Market Square, Portland, BILLINGS &"~WKEELOCK’S FURNISHEDstreet, suitable for a small family Information — ON — WM. KENNEDY. BLACKSTONE. Per order of the Directors. at 118 SPRING STREET. PORTLIND & WORCESTER LINE and McClellan W. H. Clerk. agents ^ X1 CONANT, FOB BABSTOW’S goods. 25th Prom Proridence erery WEDNESDAY Portland, Sept 1876. MODEL MAKER & sel5 se27__dlw Monday night, Sept. inst., 19, sept20d2w JOBBER, eod3m UPRIGHT PIANOS ONLY and SATUBDAY. and and forwarded from MAJTUrAOTDBEB OF took the To Let with Board. Monday Wednesday Fieight Norfolk to Washington and diploma of Maine State Fair, 1876. being the Alexandria award for PARI,OR by steamer Lady of the Lake and Jane CITY Watch and Chr.n.meter Markers’ Tool*. highest best Upright Piano. They need CHAMBER with Bed* nights, Oct. 2d and 4th. Mosely. ADVERTISEMENTS WINTHBOP WROUGHT IRON only to be seen and beard to be admired. A room alcove. Inquire Mathematical, Optical and Phil., greally Freight forwarded from Norfolk to and Standard instruments by other makers also for sale. tepl25d2w*ttf Itf BROWN STREET. train leaves the Boston R. Petersburg saphtcal lastrameats, Scha.i Express & Providence ALL RAIL. Richmond, and Va. and Tenu. R. R. to all places in Apparatus, R Depot, (Paik Square and Columbus Avenue.) the W. dec., To Let South, M. Clark, Agent, 240 Washington St.. BUILDING LOAN. Scroll Saws for Fine Boston, at 6 P. m connecting at StoniDgton with Portland Boston. M Market Printers Carving. both the Steamers Rhode Island and to Philadelphia and Beturn Street, Exchange, FURNACE. Three Story Brick Dwelling House, No. 174 Narragansett, To all points of North and South Carolina by Sea- Dantorih and arrive in New York at 6 A M. only one change of cars between board and NOTICE OF SALE. PORTLAND, MK. All the above at lowest possible prices for first- THE Street, recently occupied by Watson Roanoke Railroad and Atlantic Coast Line Jill dl, with or Tickets for sale in Portland at the offices: class articles, and all Warranird. Agents wanted. Newhall, without the furniture. Possession following John S. Daly, Agent, 222 Washington street, Boston. Rollins Adams. W. D. Little & Co and at the PORTLAND & PHILADELPHIA. And Charles H. SAMUEL THURSTON, General Agent, given immediately. JOS. ILSLEY. to all points In the West by Baltimore A Ohio Adams, of the City of Free jtf Depot Offices ot the BoBton & Maine and Eastern R. R., M. W. 219 WHEREAS,Portland, in the County of Cumberland, on sep!6dtf3 Street Block, Portland. septlit_ Trains leaves Portland & Davison, Agent, Wasnington street, Railroads. L W F1LKINS, Rochester R. R. Station Boston. the twenty-seventh day of June, A. D 1868, his at 2.30 p. m., in next by To Let. septl8dtoct4Gen. Passenger Agent. arriving Philadelphia morning Through bills of given the above named mortgage deed of that date recorder! In the Registry at 7.00 a m. lading by of Deeds $3 SILK HATS sept28dtf Agents. for said County. Book 356, Page 204, con- FIRST-CLASS House of 10 Corner rooms, of Passage $12.50 to Baltimore. To veyed to said City, a certain parcel of land situated A Franklin and Cumberland Street. Also a nice Portland & Philadelphia $15. on Made to order In Rochester R. R. For or to the East side of Temple Street, in said Portland, Exchange, Equal rent of 7 rooms, in new house 21 Tate Street. freight passage JNoriolk, Baltimore, Wash- or other feet front on Temple Street, and feet to ol E. ington, information apply to seventy ninety any in the market at that price. Inquire PONCE, Corner of Middle and deep, the same Exchange On and after Monday, April, 3,1876, E. SAMPSON, Agent, being premises conveyed to said Street.sept!8dtf 53 Central Adams by the Temple Street Chapel Society, by Wharf, Boston, deed dated Train* will rnn a* follows< E. H. ROCKWELL, July 22, 1856. and recorded In the But the BEST-HAT for the Store to Let. Agent, Cumberland Providence. R. Registry of Deeds. Book 272, Page 255, on Commercial no2dtf_ to which reference is made for a more is onr st.eet. opposite Thomas Leave Portland at 7.50 a. m., particular Money Block. to with in case of STORE Apply 2.30, 4.00 and 6.20 p m. description, authority a breach of the condition in said ELBRIDGE GERRY. 7.50 A. ill. Train stops at all stations between mortgage to sell said premises at INSIDE LINE and from the to seplStf 59 High Street. Portland and Rochester, and runs to auction, proceeds pay the debt through — — secured Worcester. Arrives at Rochester at 10.00 a. TO thereby, and, whereas, the condition of $3.50 SILK said deed has beeu HAT, m., (where it connects with Eastern and Bos- mortgage broken by said Adams: Webster’s Dictionary This is to give notice that said of TO LET. ton & Maine Railroads.) At Nashua at 11.47 and parcel land, 10,000 Words Meanings not in other with the buildings thereon, known as the Adams DUNLAP STYLE. a. m., Lowell 12.15 p. m., Boston 1.15 p. m., Mt. Dictionaries, Desert, Machias, House, will be sold at on said THE Ayer Junction 12.40 p m., public auction, WOOTOH Fitchburg on the IN EXCHANGE. 1.25 and at Worcester at 2.10 3,000 Engravings. 1840 Pages Quarto. premises, 13th day of October next, at 3 p. m., p.m., o’clock in with trams South and West Ellsworth and the afternoon, for the reason and purpose connecting FOUR PAGES COLORED PLATES. Bangor. aforesaid. Do not fail to examine tbe before purchasing. 4.30 P. Ml. Mtramboal Express arrives at style Wholesale In witness “The best W. Hundreds are wearing these* line and fashionable Store, Rochester at 4.30 p, m., connects at Epptng practical English Dictiona-I I whereof, I, Henry Hersey, in behalf CABINET BY STEAMER or said of DESK extant and Hats, and they invariably give satisfaction. Gall at for Manchester and Concord, at Nashua London Quarterly Review, 7, LEWISTON, City Portland, by direction of the Oct ,1873 City and of the Loan Thompnon Block, Nos. 117 A 119 ior Lowell and Boston, at Aver unc- E N CAPT. Couucil, Building Commis- Patented. The PEEKING, sioners. and as of I1* HI id ci le Street Good location below the Post tion for Fitchburg and Hoosac Tun- salesot Webster’s Dictionaries through- A Treasurer said City, by virtue out the Will leave Portland of whatever is me in Ulhce where all the wholesale dry and other nel Line at Worcester with Boston & country In 1873 were 20 times as large ■ every authority given said deed have HERRY’S, A fresh goods the and hereunto set hand ana invoice just received from classes of trade are located. The finest store in the Albany Railroad, and goes throngb New sales of any other Dictionaries B Tuesday Friday Even my given this notice. Sas One at IO o’clock tor Rock HENRY W THE! l«e manufactory. The atienfion city, with light and airy basement, two entrances, London without change of Cars, family of children having Webster’s r fSSSmmmJanSimSb HERSEY, -r and it land. Deer Isle. South West and Treasurer for said HATTER, 5 Sizes—2, 5 and 6. of the trade counting rooms, brick and elegant show there connecting with tbe magnificent Unabridged, using freely, and an- | Castine, Sedgwick, City. 3, 4, and the public gener- safe, 1 other not Bai Harbors windows, tables, counters and other fixtures. Will SteamerB of the Norwich Line, arriving in bavin* it, the first will become I (Mt. Desert), Millbridge, Jonesport and Portland, August 14.1876. auglleodul »l>y is most solicited to be much the most men Machias port 237 MIDDLE BRICK OR respectfully let very reasonably f applied for soon. Apply to New York at Pier No, 40, North Kirer p iutelligent and worn en H PORTABLE, this Ask teacher or leaves Monda STREET, remarkable invention. Styles H at 6 00 a. m. your minister if it is not so, Returning, Macbiasport, every the greatest healers in the E. THoKKPMON, then the and at 4 fAOKTUftfc TELLEH. Madame N. A SIGN OF THE GOLD market. tutted 10 IMate Rooms can he secured in advance at R buy book, and use, and urge its use. G Thursday morning, 1-*J o’clock. HAT. office, library or parlor No. St. on Mm Maddox, the celebrated Fortune 32J Emery the Spring St. Horse Car Rouce. Barnes No. 28 Street and freely. Published by c Clairvoyant, ftieir sale is Bros., Exchange c Teller and can be consulted ai No. 3 *e!8dtf wholly unprecedent- at the S G. A €. MKKKIAM, Springfield, + Doctrese, Quin- ed mhl*__d ing fortunes, searching out bidden or stolen duced. i To Lei. all stations. lost, SPECIAL the most beautiful range now with all the Agents wanted, ounty <&c., and was never known to be af tan It. INDUCEMENTS made, P. Aft. Train runs Will leave a Wed nr* treasureSj modern rights secured at HOUSE, No 5 Carlton Street; com- B*40 to Gorham. A FARM AND HOME~ Portland, every Do not miss this of improvements. manufacturers’ Jay and IO o’clock opportunity consulting the great- BRICKmodious, pleasant and every way desirable. OF YOUR OWN. Friday evening* est fortuneteller orthe Per v of prices. RETURNING. hr S age. ns entering inioany to;bi BYRON D. Rockland, Camden, Belfast, sport, Sandy new business or VERKILL, Trains leave Rochester at 11.45 a. NOW profession, the con ucting ol which septOdtf Middle Street. 7.20, 11.25, m., IS THE TIME TO SECURE IT I joint, Bucksport, Winterport, '‘Hampden do not and 8.50 m. they understand, will find it to theii advan- SAMUEL _205 p. The best and gor. cheapest lands m Maiket, are in tage to pay her a visit. She can toretell the Wintlirop Parlor, THURSTON, L'iO A. M. Stops at all Stations, arrives in Port- eturning, leaves Bangor, every Monday destiny To Let* EASTERN NEBRASKA, on the line of the UNION ol friends in any part of the w orld and describe them a first-class Parlor Stove, with Nickel Plated land at 10 00 a m PACIFIC Wedne»day and Friday morning*, at GENERAL AGENT. RAILROAD. perfectly. She also describes all manner of disease Trimmings and Anti-Winker Grate. DESIRABLE tenement near the Park contain- II. 45 A. Aft Steaml>oat Express from New Lon- t’clock. CARRIAGES The most favorable terms and low that nesh is heir and ! given, very medicine for the same. seven to, gives — A ing rooms. to don, Norwich Line Steamers at 5 00 — I Applv leaving rates of FOB SALE BY Free Street Portland, faie and freight to all settlers. The best She has given universal sadtdaction to all who Block, w- w CARR, a. m., and Worcester at 8 00 a. m., stops at have OA4* markets FALL •onsulteu her in her constant «ep!6_ diy 197 Springvale, Allred, Saco River, Gorham, Sacca- ARRANGEMENTS. travels dnee she waa To any one desirous of this fall I will Newbury St. seveD purchasing ANDREW scP2d*f_ rappa aDd Westbrook, arrives in Portland at years old. Good testimonials given if desired. offer MULNIX, Steamer Gents special inducement Particular attention paid To 1 20 p. m., makes close connection with the FfiEE PASSES TO Charles Houghton, Terms, $100: Ladies 50 cents. Office hours 109 CENTER Let. LABE BOYERS. rom 9 \. M. to to first class STREET, Maine Centra] and Grand Trunk Railroads. CAPT. OBIS B. 9 P. M. no9dti Bepairlug. Rooms wiih board in Ma1 s, new lIGBAMAn, sep20 Between Free and Csairess. eodt a private fam- 11*45 A. Aft. Train is a train with Passen- descriptive pamphlets, edition of “THE House contains all freight sent free Will leave Commercial Wharf. eveij FURNISHEDily. modem improvements. Car at all and PIONEER,” everywhere. Rockland, Location ger attached, stops Stations, O. F ■'ueartay at 3 1 *$ cc Administrator* Sale. Congress Square. address ,P. O. Box 897, is in Address, DAVIS, morning o’clock, (or due Portland at 5.10 p. m irrival Railroad and Portland, Land U. P. R. of Steamer City of Richmond from Portland.) is that of a li- Zenas Steam- Me._ ju23dtf 9.50 P. Aft. Train is through from New Comm’r., R., Omaha Neb. hereby given, by virtue Thompson, Jr., York, hr Deer Isle. S. W. and Bar Harbors (Mt. Desert), cense from the Hon. Nathan of ItA«11 TiaIz van nil at all Stations when arrives sep26d4wt NOTICE Cleaves, Judge stops signaled, md Winter Haibor. Probate in and for the of Cumberland. 1 shall 109 ir lot rnvnnt'o j on in Portland at 10.50 m. County p. Greatest Offer leaves Winter Harbor eveiv sell at A Train from Gorham Aft ENTS f of the sea- Returning, Wedne*- public sale, on the premises, on SAi UhDAY, Desirable Rent. Local at 6.00 a. arrives in uiv kj • the m., son Chromos lay and morning* at 5 o’clock the louiteentn of D at ten diflerent Routes I Portland at 6.40 a. m. Eight $10 given Friday day October, 1*76, away with Home including Hoover’s Peerless witching as above, at Rockland at about o’clock In the the desciibed real Carriage Entrance to Factory, Brown St J. M. Guest, arriving forenoon, following to the LUNT, Snpt. American Fruit, 2J feet long, Lake II o’clock, connecting with Steamer City ol estate ot 1 homas GiU, late of Portland in said Coun- West, Roston, I 4 Mew apl dtt Lucerne, Virgin Mpll__eodlm French Roofed Cottage, Vesta, &c. Mounted Outfit, four Chromos, 83 00: itictmond for Portland. ty, deceased, for the payment ol his debts and inci- Mew : 8 Chromos, 85 50. J LATHAM & 419 Wash- Will leave Commercial Wharf, every dental chatges ot sale. Vork, Philadel- near the CO., Rockland, £ery pleasantly situated, Horse Cars, at ington Street, Boston. •aturday morning at 3 I-J (or od Said real esiate consists of a Store Stock of Furniture for Sale Woodford’s will b let 0!rand Trunk R, R. of Canada. sep26U4wt o’clock, Dwelling House, phi a and return, and Corner; to a small fondly. irrival of Steamer as above) lor Ellsworth, touching — WA..RKN AT ^PP'yto SPARROW, it Deer Isle in said Portland, and numbered eight on said street. JUiedtf 194 Middle or on the alteration of train*. A WEEK all on Jtlaine St., Premises. $60 Sle VragiveN»; Returning, leaves Ellsworth every Monday beiDg the homestead ot said Thomas Gill, iu bis life- points wuia ii ai win a incmn ind BBIDGTOK CENTRE. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT! uiiiig yuu at nome uay Friday morning* at 3.30 o’clock, touch time BRIAN E MCDONOUGH, Adm’r. Central R. at re- LAMSON, To Let. or evening. Inventors Union, 173 Greenwich St. i □gat Deer Isle, arriving in Rockland at about 11 Portland, Sept. 12th, 1876. sep*2d3w OFFER for sale R., New I’clock, connecting with Steamer Citvaf Richmond my entire stock ot Furniture, Age. The half of residence York,sep‘26d4wt easterly corner of Free BBC On and alto. MONDAY. Jane or rortiana. I consisting of Chamber Sets, Sofas, LonDges, Bed- duced 19,1876, 1KECT I HI PORT AT prices. streets, now occupied W. H. An- ! trains will run as If want ION of Ales. etc A fine PHOTOGRAPHER, ■ill by follows: yon the best selling arti- The Steamer Charles has been Wines steads, Chairs, Mirrors, etc., opportuni- *• wcoodiuu Houghton and Holland -OH- given urst 01 May. Express train for Island Montreal 1 kJ cle in the world and a solid l.lquom. Gin in ty is oilered for anyone wishing to go into of Gorham, Pond, gold eceutly refitted and furnished with a NEW bulk, J. Green Seal business, inquire F. W. I ind West at 7 15 a. lever free of DeKuyper. Gin incase trom Rot- as the 344= Middle Street* LIBBY. m. patent watch, cost, write at once to J. 50ILER and new this is only store oi the kind in the Tillage, one Machinery, making her every terdam. Irish and Scotch in bulk and St. Express lor Auburn and Lewiston at 6.55 a. m. BRIDE & CO., 767 N. Y. Whiskey case ol the largest and most prosperous Tillages in the aPrl8dtt__42 Exchange Broadway, sep27t4w ray a first class Steamer. from Ramsey & & The Best Work at moderate Prices. Express train at 1,30 m lor Auburn and Lew- Uo., Liverpool. Hennessey BraDdy state. Rollins, Loring Adams, p. For further inquire of iu case, 1870 Store to Let I 3ton. OC FANCIf CABBS all styles with name 10 particulars, vintage 186G, and 1873, direct from The new CYRUS Gen’l store, which is and will compare faTorably "*** cts. Post J. B. STURDIVANT, Agent, rranee. Very line old Port and Wines direct with 22 EXCHANGE STREET. AIM T 0 No. 122 Commercial street, Mall train 1.40 p. m. (stopping at all stations to paid. Husted, Nassau, Rens. Wharf. Sbeiry any store in town, can be leased lor a term of PLEASE. next below Railroad from London Heidsieck Pael an f Dana <& now sland with mail train Co-, N, Y.se28d4wt Cbampagn. Bass Ale years. For particulars to R. A. CLEAVES on Jan8 STORK Co., occupied by Joshua Hobbs & : Pond,)* connecting night Portland. May 5th. mySdtf from in apply ion. Possession or Quebec, Montreal and the West. Burton-on-Trent Hhds., Bbls., and Kilder- the promises or HOWARD & given immediately. Apdiv at 96 ken8. Also same CLEAVES, Portland, Janiorth St. Express train for Auburn and Lewiston and (Hibberts bottling) in casks and C. OXNARD. , cases of Qts. and Pts. In ! iouth Paris at 5.10 m. the or.ginal packages in Maine-____Jyltdtf p. COPARTN bond or Trains will arrive as follows: ERSHIpI MAINE duty paid by JAMES GLINCHY, Im For I IIHGM PINE SHINGLES aprU___dtf 89 Comfort, Elegance and Gilt train from porter, Commercial St. apr7eod6m Durability, Butter. To Let. Express Montreal and West at 7.45 a. m. Edge Express from Lewiston and Auburn at 8.30 a. m. the Carload and at i BRICK HOUSE By detail! No. 74 Danfortn Street Mail from Quebec, Montreal and West at 1.00 STEAMSHIP CO. is hereby given, that the subscriber has all the modern p.m. been ■F. C. Benuetl At We rHEcontaining improvements In From Lewiston and Auburn at 1.20 m. DISSOLUTION* NOTICE appointed and taken upon himsell have — p. duly Barnard's received — superior grade just another ALSO luireat No. 10 Central Wharf. the trust of oi uf Express from Lewiston and Auburn at 5.30 p. m. Administrator the estate of lot of 300'lubs of this fine But- dtf SEMI-WEEKLY LINE GEORGE late of Matched Sheathing Boards, Copartnership heretofore existing under the WARKBjs Westbrook, Ladies’ Fine Shoes, Ten Widths. ter direct from Vermont dairies. and Pine Flour THEfirm name of STAPLES & DOE, is In ihe County of Cumberland, deceased, and given Spruce Boar Offices dissolved hereby Passenger by mutual consent. TO SEW YORK. oonds as the law directs. All persons having de- The French Last a 8old Also 200 Tubs New York Butter. Clapboards and Laths, C. H. specialty. by CAMPAIGN Staples has purchased Mr. Doe’s interest, mands upon the estate of said deceased are required Cedar and UNIFORMS] ana is alone authorized to co exhibit the and all Onions, Apples, Sweet ‘Potatoes Spruce Shingles, use the firm name iu same; persons indebted to said TORCHES, 74 EXCHANGE ST., liquidation. estate are called upon to mako PREBLELDAViS,T’ { LEAVITT & ! on For Sale at Lowest Prices, hr FIREWORKS, payment to DAVIS, Grapes, &c., always hand. Chinese C. H. STAPLES. WM. L. WARREN, Adm’r. jy7dtf NO. 1 ELM STREET Laoierns, Flogs, and every vari- — ASD — of A P DOP gcI)25 law3wM B. ety Campaign Good*. Portland, July 8, 1876. STEVENS, Jr„ ' JKPOT AT FOOT Clubs and individuals supplied or OF INDIA ST, IS & (direct through6 HEREBY GIVEN, that the subscrl Thompson 301 >ur at Hall, COMMERCIAL STREET. Agents), manufacturer's her has been MRS. prices. NOTICE duly appointed and taken upon GOVE, sep6eod&wlm Illuminations of squares and aimself the buildings executed Tiekets sold at Reduced COPARTNERSHIP, s trust ol Administrator of the estate oi 163 iromptly and at low prices, Rates! COMMERCIAL ST. for at nest SAMUEL P. BENSON, late ol Yarmouth, Flags flag raisings possible prices » The (]2w Fleischmann & Co.’s r# Canada, Detrait, Milwau- undersigned have this day formed a cop&rt- 3 n the FASHIONABLE DRESS 1 gcptlO__ Processions supplied with fireworks and Chicago, County of Cumberland, deceased, and given , experi- Cincinnati St. nersbip, under the linn name of C. H. STAPLES * mcod men to thtm. Send for kee, l.ouia. Omaha, Donds as the law directs. All persona de- SPECIAL COMPRESSED manage price list. ® w.i for the ot on the having NOTICE. YEAST Saginaw, St. Salt Lake purpose carrying Wholesale mands are Paul, City, and Retail upon the estate of said deceased, required Williams’ Room No. San Boot and Shoe business, and for the < to Block, 1, HYDE tto Dearer, Francisco, * exhibit the same; and all persons indebted to said TO Makes the best and healthiest will continue to occupy t bo old store, former- Jteamers Eleunora and Franconia SHIPPERS~0F freight. CO., estate are called upon to make payment to BKKAD This yeast Is made Successors to Hyde & Dove and and all In f>resenty occupied by Staples & No. 88 Cross Street. CONGRESS STREET. Cuttib Hydh points the Doe, Will until further notice JOHN S. SEWALL, Adm’r, from Pare <»rain. at & C. H. STAPLbS- leave Franklin Wharf, »ept26 d2w freight destined to points hv Factory Co., , ortland, of Bangor, Me. reached the fol- Bllrsvil'e, L. I. For sale by all W. BURBANK. every MONDAY and THURSDAY, at 6 ALLlowing Fast Breight Lines, viz: S3 CIIAIWCF 1 Korthwest, West and Southwest. Pier 38 Fast New Yarmouth, Sept. Mb, 1876. sep!8d1aw3wM* Canada, Red, White, retail groceis. STREET, BOSTON, Portland, Sept. 8, 1876. sept21d3w leave River, York, ev- Blue, Southern, International, Hoosac Tun- J ry MONDAY and THURSDAY at 4 P. M. nel and Merchant’s iug3d2m Proprietors of the Etna J. C. FURNIVAL, The Despatch, must be shipped by Laboratory. Agt. Eleanora is a new steamer, just built for this is hereby given, that the subscriber has Boston & Maine Railroad. For General been and taken through rates and Agency 1)0111 elie an(i the Franconia are fitted up NOTICE duly appointed upon himsell Gas bills to R A THE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Is in splendid °?ie «anfl the trust of Administrator ot the lading apply McCLUTCHY accommodations for estate of Fixtures! Is k; .t110 passengers, making ondition. well with first-class Agt. Fast Frgt. LincB at B. & M. R.R., Portland 220 Federal St. Portland. equipped rolling ; his the most convenient and comfortable route for ROBERT T. S Window toon, ana is the best connections and FOR_SAJLE. 1'ERLING,late of Portland, dtf traps, ser2td6m Frames ! j making quick- and Goode < ravellers between New York and Maine. These aug-'f_ mabk._ at time of route from Portland to the FIRST-CLASS Millinery Fancy n the ot anj West. teamers will touch County Cumberland, deceas d and given 128 A Store, situated in one ot most flourishing at Vineyard Haven during the joikIs as the law Exchange St. When yon cannot And what yon want S^PCLLMAN PA ACE DRAWING BOOM directs. Ail persons demands villages in the Stale Desirably located, and ummer months on their passage to and from New having snd are in a hnrryfor Window LND SLEEPING CARS are attached to the trains factory \ of said deceased are to Erases, a business. Sold for no fanlt. If not rork. required Yacht for Sale. l ;all at Portland at 7 15 a. m. and 1.40 m. doing good ixhibit the same; and all indebted to Kay SPECIILTII IN MN1D GOODS saving p. Millin r as in State persons said would take a first-class partner, Passage Room meals extra. Baggage checked from Pore land to Detroit and sold, $5, sstate are called upon to make to who ean & In oi Goods forwarded to ano from Mon- payment JOHN KINSMAN. Sharp’s Preserved Smoked Halibut and and not to Custom House one give good references, piire Philadelphia, ALPHEUS G. a The above schooner, well found and Haddles, Jhicago, subject examina- E. PAl.ii ER. t St and all of Maine. STERLING, Adm’r. •cp6d3m very nice for BURROWES ion. JOHN tcai, Quebec, John, parts fitted with new sails. and is article family use, picnic parlies, ana BROS’., ! Portland, Sept 19, 1876. scpt25dluw3w*M msjj spars rigging, »n 243 Middle St., Portland, Me. Freights taken at the lowest rates. \ board vesirel* at pea. The Company are not responsible tor to auglidtt offered for sa’e and wil' bfe sold at a bar SVhi-re yon can have them at ehort notice, baggage 9hipi»ers are requested to s< nd theii freight to the Notice. For pale by Grocers ,ny amount $50 in value that -vIw-iIhS f"ji" if sold soon. Said yacbt is well generally. exceeding (and person- teameis as as 4 P. M »n tbe da vs they leave unless notice is and 'or Per early Vaults CleahTd unit AsIms ¥>EltSONg requiring work don. please apply to known as a faBt and handsome yacht and ,1) given, paid at the rate of $10 Day j Portland. For furtbei information apply to lie- f “Home" ol W. C. No. 18 Cor. Cross aud 1 no passenger for evtry $500 additioua! value. moved. A., Spring St., plain Would make a good pilot boat. Inquire ot Wm. SZiarp, Fore Street. e^lAN be made by energetic salesmen with oar HENRY FOX, General Agent. Portland. and family sewing, tmbrod- JOSEPH HICKSON, General Manager• Call at E. drees-making, copying, It. LEWIS & CO.. 30 J Cotamsrcial me. PORTE \j goods. 42) Exchange Sueet, between J. F. AMES, Ag’t, Pier 38, K., New York. ORDERS promptly attended to by calling at •ting and fan.ywnrk iu 2k*. el if Strrsf, Portland, AND, ME, W. J. SPICER, 1.00 j wools, julltodtf j40 Commercial Street. ju" dtt aPU Superintendent, 10 A. M.,or enclose $ foi sample, direction*, Tickets and State Rooms can also be obtained at 22 ALLor addresstag R. GIBSON, ilsodtf Portland, June 21,1875. te Box 1932 Portland, Maine. ap29dtf iand*., jagodecdtl 1 ^change Street. ocldtf Jauldti [518 Uengxsss BlrtnC