i . ; ' I iTHH RELATIVE TO LIEUTENANT J RESOLUTIONS TENNESSEE LEGISI.ATUIIE. , A bill to amend an act establishing the county MAURY. of Putcam. SPECIAL NOTICES. AUCTION SALES. NEW PUBLICATIONS. ob- Morning The readers of our lfg:slativc reports have Senate Sbssion. Mr. Sncdgrass moved a in the served frequent rcfercLce to the leaolutious relative Mlnday, Decrs, 1S55 report of the committee recommendicg the rejec- (Advertisement. GREAT CHANCERY SALE OP WEST JUST READY. G. C. TORIJETT V CO. to Lieut. Maury. A word of explanation is The Speaker tion of the bill; which motion prevailed, and KicniiosD, Va., Feb. Slst 135. NASHVILLE PROPERTY". CROTCHET & QUAVERS being absent, Mr. S.okes was call- of tbe Chancery Court at Nash, 12. C. C. CHURCH, and G. C.T0R2ETT ed to th& Mr. Snodgrass withdrew tho bill for amendment. Jftstrt.M.A.Fdhnettock(Cb. virtue of a decree OR E.G.EASTHAtf. secbisiry. Early in the session, Gov. Brown Cfaairby a vote of the Senate. BY tho of R. C. MeNatry and others, A bill to protect benest litigants. Gsstlemex: Mr James It Ratclifle, a resident of Hen ville, in case ts Sevelationj of an Opera Xasager in America. the blowing "resolutions: On the motion of Mr. Atkins Mrs. C. B. McNairy and others, or. the premises, for and MORXIHGjUEC. 4, 1835. Mr. Mr. Snodgrass moved to non-conc- in there- - rico county, near the city of Richmond, Va. made the Master, we on TUESDAY Wlutthorne from the committee on privil- on account of C. D. Brien, Clerk and will, MAX MARETZEK. Resolved by tie General Assembly of the Slate port of the recommending the rejection to expose at Public BY of eges and elections, to whom had been reterred committee, fallowing statement me: WEDNESDAY, the 12tlt iust., SOLON BORLAND ON THE TENNESSEE ELECTION. Tcnnetsee, our Senators iu Congress in- Sixty-Fo- Nashvilie, it beirgall tne That bo House bill to of the bill. "A negro boy, two years old, was very sick; I presumed Sale, Lots in West One neat volume. 12mo cloth. Price know-nothing- prescribe the manner or holding elec- "West to estate of the HM. "When a democrat joins the ?, he structed, and our representatives requested, to use r. Gilbert moved to indefinitely postpone the the cause to be worms. He became so much prostrated property in Nashville belonging the tions in the city of Nashville, and recommended its late N. A. McNairy. IIS THI TABUt Or COXTXIkTS. hia new love ail proper .means to procure the repeal of an act of bill. that I despaired of all hopes of his recovery, and as the i3 apt to show the sincurity of by passage; which was concurred in and the bill pas- The lots are as follows: N'os, 44, S3 aud E. half of 32, on Congress approved the 28h day of February, 1855, Mr. Stovall moved lay on the table. last resort, I concluded to try B A.Fahnestocl's Vermi- FIST LETTER. endorsing all the slandeis of the enemies of Ihe sed second reading. to the motion fuge, and purchased of O. A. Streeker, one vial, of which Broad street 124 and W. half ot 103, on McGavock st and entitled, an act to promote the ISO, 173 has TO HCCTOS efficiency of the Mr. Turney, from the Mr. Cavitt called the previous question, which I gave him a merning and night, for three 173,177,178 and on Uemumbrane street BI&LKZ, T1X13. democracy. Solon Bohland, of , is a Navy, or such modification committee on Library, re- small dwelling on it. 262. 283. 264, 265, 26G. 267, 263, Music thereof, as will secure on was sustained, and the bili was indefinitely post- days in continuation. In less than three hours after I had a in Nsw York, in 1S43 The Astor Placa Opera know-nothingisr- ported the recount of Mr. Meig3 in 803, to a, and the editor of a officers of the Navy ngjinst relation to given him tho first dose, the child commenced to pass 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 80S, 304, 805, S06, 807, Houss Troffi convert an unjust and arbitra- bis chases of poned. 815 on Benedetti, Eosi Madame Laborde pui Books for the State Librae; which worms, ofall sizes from six ten inches long, to the as- 809, 310, 311, 812, 813, 314, Locust street 342, know-nothin- ry application of the same. to v g paper at Little Rock. In a late was laid on tho table for A bill to increase the school fum5, and for other 843, 844, 845, 346, 847, 848, 349, 350, 351. 352, S53, 854 Open Qaarrels James Gord on Bennett and Edward P. Resolved, That this General the present. tonishing number of from four to five hundred and the number of his paper, speaking of the Tennessee Assembly have seen Mr. Rodcers in the absence of Mr. Flptnhpr ol.str. purposes. bovis nnw perfectly well." 863, S09, 570, S71, 872, 873, 374, 375, 370, on Pine st Fry The Astor Place It ot. ith deep re irret and decided diasWnh.itin..":- - ihn Mr. Galloway asked and obtained leave to with- 1 certify, with to above state- 863, 864, 365, 36S and 367, on McNairy street 879. and SECOND LETTER. : man of the committee on private corporations, re- - pleasure, the truth cf tbe election?, he writes degradation of LieuL Matthew draw the bill. ment. O. A. Steicksb. 8S0, on Division street F.Ma'iry, under 307, 309, and 310, on Locust street, to rioBHTnro, fas is. " election of Andrew JoUn3on, as Governor ...w c"'"" " uni iu muurjiuraie me nexanuna istg Lots 303, include The ui cam act, oy placing mm on A bill to extend the jurisdiction of the officers Sold wholesale and retail by all the principal drug old Household, Ac, and will be sold all trgsther New York Fashions and Fashionables. wliito-bnsi- and Rome Turnpike company, and recommended tbe Well, Junes Foster, of Tennessee, notwithstanding his s an- the reserved list. They regard him as illustrious of incorporated towns and cities. and country merchants throughout the United Stales. The situation of these and the its passage; which report was concurred in and with the improvements. Jon. Henry A. Colt and others of the tecedents, and abolition tendencie?, is hailed by our by his past services, and feel, that the pride of the Mr. Richey moved a in the re- deel lmw. surrounding Lot s is one of the handsomest in the neighbor- the bill passed a third reading. Res- Opera New York Critics and Criticisms X. P. Willis opponents as a jjreat dpmoTrnt:c victory. Wnat nation has been wounded in his fall; and they ex- port of the committee recommending the rejection hood of Nasnrille, and will make a desirable family Mr. Rodgers from the committee on the Judicia- Advertisement idence, convenient to the business portions of the city. R. de Troberland and others Fancy Dress Balls Mo- are the facts V The Xashville Union, immediately press their earnest wish, that he may not ouly be of the bill. Lost, and the bill wa3 rejected. ry, reported back House bill to amend the act of Cakltlc. Friend Ayen In this ageof quacks, charla- This sale is made for tbe purpose ot closing up the estate, zart's Don Giovanni The first successful Opera Season after the election, acknowledged the fart that, but reinstated, Dut promoted to some higher On motion of" Mr. Massengill, the vote rejecting attention is position. 1781, and other acts, in relation to Constables, with tans and mere to who it is positive and without reserve. Pnbiic in New York. for the whig votes he received, Gov. Johnson would Resolved, That it is tho firm sense of this Gen- the bill was reconsidered, and the bill was recom- windy, gaseous pretenders heal, most earnestly invited to this sale, as it embraces some of an amendment and recommended the adoption of blow THIRD LETTER. have been defeated In addition to thi?, there is eral Assembly, that .he Navy of the United Slates, mitted to the Judiciary committee. at every corner, and in the face and ears ofallmen, the handsomest Lota in West Nashville. the amendments, and the passage bill: LOXDOX. party elect- of the all of their Iuud blaring Jericho trumpets and other noisy bois- TERMS OF SALE. fj L. LABLlCai, the well known fact, that the Aineiican oughrto be considerably enlarged and strengthen "which was concurred in. anil rim hill Mr. Galbreath moved to take up the motion of tMaaui . terous wind instruments of marvelouslywisted brass, in Jenny land P. T. Barnmn Teresas Parodi Humbug, ed c majority of the Congressional delegation and ed and invigorated, so as to be rendered more ade ond reading. Mr. Stovall. to reconsider the vote giving an ap- A credit ol one, two and threo years, for notes payable in of the Legislature, Refused. such a woefully sham-ridde- epoch as this, I say, it is Back, satisfactorily secured, bearing interest, and a lien Merit, Curiosity, Enthusiasm Jenny Lind's Concert also a majority of the members quate to the protection of the Commerca of tho Alio, Senate bill to amend tho propriation to the Big Emory river. act of 1815, ch. y retained. Tour, and Bamum's Auto t: comforting,-na- even cheering to the earnest well wisher Biography. at the same election. II we add to this the further country, and of our long line of and that 20, in relation A hill to euppresi drunkenness. 11 to oarnishrnento with An manriinn Sals will commence promptly at o'clock, with FOURTH besides tfce vote which elect- the Carlock non.-conc- ur in cf his race to know there has arrived in this world a genu, 5f LETTER. . well known fae", whig attention of our Senators and Representatives, and recommended the adoption of tie Mr. moved to the report lots 307, 363, 309, and 3i0, including the dwelling. foreign and Catholic is. amendment committee ine Physician to light once more upon something besides to Fsorissoi. josirn nscnor, vnxyi. ed Gov. Johnson, that the vote respectfully and earnestly invited to this subject. passage oi of the recommending the rejection of pT" Omnibuses as usual uuimue uie mil; which was concurred GUS.COCK, LINDSLEY & CROCKETT, cf of Tennessee, which he received, was greater than dis- the'bill. The motion prevailed. mere Sangrado es and Don Mercurial Jalaps, with their ETR. Recollections earlier years Socctstful Opera Minagirs A lengthy debate ensued. There was every in, and the bill passed a second time. Auctioneer. College his myority, then we think the case very well made Mr. Harris offered an amendment that the act phlebotomies, poison and warm water. dec3 Id 33 st Barbsja. Dr. Vernon, Don Francisco Martyry Torrec position manifested by those who opposed the res- Also, Senate bill to amend the Criminal Liws of defeated in should not take effect Christmas " for- The Havanna OperaTroape,Ste8none,Bosio,Tedea-co- , out, that the American party was not this State, and recommenJed its passage. until "after Your Cathartic Pills and Cherry Pectoral, carry us SALE OP NEGROES. dic- olutions to do n con- Eot-tesi- alL In connection with their rtj honor to Lieut. Macrv; but The bill was then withdrawn by Mr. Oarlock for to Halcyon Salvi, Bellini, Lcrini, Marini, Badiali, Coletti, ui Tennessee at On,motion of Mr. Steele, the bill and repartwas ward days tomillenial Fharmacopoeas, when virtU8 of a decree of the County Court of Davidson ing over Andrew Johnson's election, it Ja remarkable demnation of the law, and of the action of the Na- laid on tho table for the present. amendment Science, deep diving down into the principle of things, BYConnty, tendered at the December Term. 13 JO, I will Glance behind the Scenes Opera at Castle Gar- that our opponents should be so silent on the sub- A bid to amend the small offence law, passed with infinite, offer for Kale at public Auction on Soturday, the 15th of den. vy. Board, by a body which could know little of Mr. Rodgers introduced a bill to amend the char-o- shall, cunning, bring cut the genuine Elixer State Le- f January, 10, 1848, chap. December, at tbe residence of John M. Wright, deceased, ject of the members of Congress and the the facts the Knoxvilleand Kentucky Railroad 55. Vitae: for of a truth there is manifestly enough somewhat the N. V. FIFTH LETTER. " which influenced that Board, was vigorous- Company; The of recommending the abont 12 miles from Nashville, near, it R. R, the gislature, elected on the same day. which was read, passed and referred. report the committee, of that same Life Essence in your subtle vegetable distilla- following Negroes, to wit : ' TJ X. W. BJ07Z, LO.XDO.X. ly resisted. The following resolution was finally rejection of the bill, in. The purported ltcls in the preceding statement Mr. Smith introduced a bill to give the County wa3 tions and compounds. Betsy, agea aroai wr years; Musical Agents in New York Catharine-Hay- s Lola. adopted in, lieu of tho preceding resolutions, and Mr. Burch offered an amendment. Sely, do do do: are not. Thers is no man in Tennesseo freer Courts concurrent jurisdiction, with the Chancery Yon realize to us th: visions of those painfulest, smoke MonUz Niblo's Garden, as an Opera House and Wil- fads. passed Mr. Mathis calledj the previous question, which Mary, oo do do; the Houso by a vote of 42 to 23: and Circuit Courts in the sale s; Alchymists bootless seekers among re- liam Niblo as a Manager Opposition " JonK-so-x. and partition of dried dreamers Louisa, do do do; "Robert le frojn abolition tendencies" than Axduew which was sustained, the ayes and noes were called upon "Resolved lij the General Assembly of the Slate wa3 read a first time and passed. torts and crucibles, touching the Quintessential bidden Henry, do do do; Diable" Meyerbeer's Operas Origin of Operas Ros- The people most interested iavo twice voled of Mr. the passage of the bill, as follows: ayes, 33; noes, do do Tinnessee, That they regard Lieut. M. F. Maury, of Johnson introduced a bill to provide for per- Virtue of the Universe, which thould antidote distemper, Nancy, sini Donnetti's Troupe of Learned Dogs and Monkeys. no shadow of es- - 32; and the bill passed 2d reading. George, do do dmcn the dander, and there b the U. S. Navy, as illustrious by his past manent burying grounds for the dead in every civil and break for man the Wheel of Time. deel lmw. a SIXTH LETTER. ' services, district in On motion of Mr. Ball, the House adjourned to Martha, do do do; cu;e for its repetition. and fully entitled to the highest rank in his profes- the State; which was read a first time AI ey, do do do, to rrtsssBicx gts; esq loxdo.y. " and passed, and referred. nine o'clock morning. (Advertisement) Gov. Johnson did receive vote3 enough from the sion, and they feel that the pride of the nation and Solomondo do do; Mexico Opera and BuU Fights Mexican Notions Mex-ic- Mr. Steele introduced a bill to incorporate Wo present below the response of the 6J An ounce of fact is worth a pound of theory; and Josiab, do do IV do; him. We think there is the causo of science would be wounded in his fall." the pg Law and Justice A Mexican Prima Donna Mex- late whig party to elect Ashport and Ripley Plank Road; which the swarm of convulsive facts that cluster around that in- Harriett do do IV do. was read President and Cashier of the UnionBank, to the Said Negroea belong tu the estate of John M. Wright, ican Revolutions A Mexican Secretary of State in want no doubt of and the fact as an hon a first time and llocfland'a German pre- this; we repeat referred. comparable preparation, Bitters, dee'd, and are for distribution. of money A Forced Loan Mexican Robbers COililUXICATIOX. On motion of Mr. Shpid tho Km Resolution of the House: Putbla or to our candidate and an evidence of devotion to pared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, , establishing its Terms of Sale will bo on a credit ef of 12 months. Vera bill Tho President and Cashier tho Union Bank Cite Incidents, Accidents and Adventures. of House to incorporate the McMinnville and of value as a tonic and restorative, are such as wonld prevent otes with good security required. the principles of free government on the part Messrs. Editors: The bill introduced by the dec4-- I'. K OHBATHAM. G'erfc. SEVENTH LETTER. Sparta Turnpike company; which read of Tennessee, respectfully answer, there is no Board cases td was incredulity itself from questioning its (fiicacy. In all of Opera, Viena.) many of our lata opponents, who, while they have Senator from duties of Directors to the Branch said Bank Knox-vill- e. to casl xcksst, (Conductor the Imperial Sumner, to transfer part of the time, amendid and passed. of at of disease of the stomach, whether acute or chronic, it may AUCTION SALE Of UULUOUS AND policy, Then Madame Henrietta Sontag, Countess de Rossi Her Ctrrer disagreed with us on minor "points of public of the Comptroller to the State Treasurer, has, I on motion the Senate adjourned until 3 o'- be recommended for its soothing, cordial and renovating FLOWER ROOTS. clock, P. M. Tho resignation of said Board was dated, May in the Her Death in Mexico. cordial'y with defence of the heart-bur- F. will sell on Wednesday morning. have united ii3 in learn, induced some persons to censure Mr. Dibrell, influence. Dyipepsla, loss of appetite, nausea, 1ENJ. SHIELDS MY 15, 1855. The correspondence which preceded the Dec. otli, at 10 o'clock, by CaWlfeus;, an invoice POSTCRIPT. great doctrine of perfect religious freedom. Treasurer, for effort from nervous tremors, relaxation and debility, Ac, are relieved Jj of the making an t6 take resignation, we attach to this, from No. 1, to No. 7, choice and lore Kiower ltoots, direct trorri llartem, Hol- TO TBS PUBLIC. know-nothin- House Morni.no Bitters in space time; in The g party "elected a majority of the Comptroller elect, part of his perquisites. Session. inclusive. by the a very short of and a land, consisting iu part of The Academy cf Music Five Chapters in iu History their use never fails to wtfrka thorough cure. Double and Single lijaeinllts; .the Congressional delegation. and also a majority It was at my instance that Mr. Dibrell handed Monday, Dec. 3. No bills or notes have been by our orders bought lis Management The Stockholders A Word or Two decl-lm- w. Early and Late Tulips; "3Ir. at snid Branch, since tho resignation of the Board. See advertisement Myself. For of the members of the Legislature," says thissime the bill to a member of "the House, and I request- Brown, of MadisoD, presented a petition Narcessus; respecting sail by from the County Court of Madison Some bills have been sent by the Cashier to the Wood's HisTOBATivs-TI- ie testimony of Double aiiJ Single illles; dec4 W. T. BERRY X CO. authority. They did neitbor. On the know-- ed him to say to tho gentleman to whom he gave county, relative Pilot. Hair al Jo to county subscriptions to Railroad stock. Mother Bank ar.d discounted; the only notes Lave who have thoroughly tested the virtues of this celebrated Anemone Congress are W nothing question, the Members of it, not to offer it, until he filled at my office, that Reports from standing been renewals of old transactions, where the par- article, Is, that It will restore the and the bald, eradicate Ramunculiis; CALHOUN'S ORKS MOW COMPLETE. committees were received graj, Crocui; the ties could disea-- e preserv fulling-- , preserve W. T. BERRY CO. have juot received equally divided; while, on tho same question, he might be fully acquainted with the object, and and disposed of. not conveniently pay the full amount. of the Scalp, the hair and Amaryllis; is VTH AND VITH VOLS. OF THE WORKS OF Legislature contains an major- be able to explain to the members the necessity of Mr. Nixon presented the report of tho joint se- $40,000 Exchange has been transferred by the the color perfectly to extreme old age. It now put up Gladiolus, Ac Ac lect committee on the Branch to the Mother Bank since the resignation both with and without sediments. See advertisement. Jy 19. Florists will th-'-s an partunity seldom offered in JOHN C. CALHOUN, being the concluding volumes. -- ity of two. And this, too, in fpite of the Henry its passage. informed me in a short time after State Library, which was ted of He spread upon the Journal. of tbe Board. the We&t The Knots are iu nne order and healthy con- The work is now complete in Six Volumes. all n do-la- Catalogue now read Cash mandtr, which gave our opponents the I gave-hii- tho bill, that he had handed it to Mr. We have no means of knowing without the y TO THE PUBLIC OF THE UNITED STATES. dition. r, Terms, BILLS. HEN J. F. SHIELDS, Co.NTi.vrs or tqc Sivakil, Volkixs. districts but two, and a majority of si Speaker Brown, and that he had promised to call of correspondence with the Branch, what Mr. UDOLPHE WOLFE, Mr. Fielder: a billto amend an act entitled an AN advertisement of lately dec4 42 Public Square. L tee In distiicls. T amount has been old there, but it has been whit published, es I rupnose, intended fur the protecllon of the Legislative at my office. was at that "time preparing bonds act to change the manner of keeping up the public Krnnpp-- additional, amount has been received in payment of Ma Schiedam agint counterfeiters, has come under AUCTION SALE OF ON THE CONSTITUTION AND GOVERNMENT OF iMr. Borland says further that "tho foreign and for tho East Tennessee and Virginia and roads of this State. my observation, and being rncaged lu the manufacture of UNITED Railroad, or ot balances .Scnapps, were I pass notice C! THE STATES. Mr. Davie: a bill to incorporate the Stewart Col- ueois, settlement with neighboring to let it without Catholic vote of Tenne$ee, which Gov. Johnson had postponed work of those engaged in Banking, institutions. J . Jvirkman, President, tlirouli ihls medium, I might be considered among tliosetao II. lege of Clarksville, referred to Edu- im- This committee on denominates "Ptnlet and f'endm Pouob;'' bat the SPEECHES IN CONORESS. received, was greater than his majority." in order to enable the President of the Road to cation and Common Schools. J. Correy, Cashier. mense patronage and success Uiat has attended tbe sale of & Co. article manufactured by me, and the opinion compe- By DaviSiPilciier HI. - the of 4th, we will at Auction statement is not true. The BiltimrJre dipper, a comply with his contract. By employing my time Mr. Tay Jorr- a bill to charter the Tennessee Typo- its qualities as a beverage and its medical TUESDAY Deeember effir SPEECHES. Baltimore Breadstuff Market. The transac- tent judges asto ON CASH the following articles, know-nothin- graphical 1 in- the highest bidder for IV. g organ of high authority, iu a table in preparing the bdads for tho Road, four or five Union. virtues, precludes the possibility of the. idea that am Mr. Holmes: bill to incorporate tions in breadstuffs flour and wheat especially! cluded anions: those he designs toimp-gn- No doubt he to wit: SPEECHES. of "the popular and foreign vote," estimates tho companies engaged in Banking were disappointed, the Gayosa feels aggrieved at the depreciation ot the sate ofhia Schnapps 43 Hilda choice Su?ar; V. Savings Institution of Memphis; referred to the says the Patriot, have, within the past six weeks, wbtcli is manifest to all, since mine has been brought in 53 Bis Reboiled Molasses; iu in 18o'2, at 049: tho and seriously incommoded ti- REPORTS AND PUHUC foreign vote Tennessee were by not receiving committee on Incorporations. competition with his. Jir.t only have I succeed in com pr 132 Bags Prime Rio Coffee; LETTERS. been quito large. The purchases, it understood, de- population beinc: o,fi3S. 18oo "could ii ling witn bim in quality, but the constant and increasing 63 Bis Loaf Sugar, Xos 5 to S; VL whole foreicn In their money at a time they make profitable Mr. Rudd: a bill for the benefit of J. S. Milligan; mand my has enabled me to furnish less AND of flour, and to a considerable extent in grain, have of article, it at a 29 " Pon'd " and 4; REPORTS PUBLIC LETTERS. did not exceed 1200. investments. The bill hand3 referred to the Judiciary price than be can, or dor ay 9- - 00 in the dozen. And "8 the foreign vote of the State remained in the of committee. 21 color'd " " Calhoun, Clay and Webster are three names which w,ll Mr. Richey: a bill for been for shipment to Europe. It is altogcth-- r prob- farthermoro, he w,ll soon become satisfied that hU caution Every body in Tennessee knows that some of the the Speaker until another application was made the benefit of creditors; re- to the citizens of the "Southern and Western States" will 4o Boxes Star Candles; ong be venerated by American citizens. Of tbe lhn ferred to the Judiciary committee. able that not less than one hundred and fifty thou- avail him nothing as far as 1 am concerned, for the character SO ' Tallow do; ' rabid know-notlnng- 3 in the State are for for and I understood some members of the Calhoun, during the early part of his life, was perhaps most bond, On motion of Mr. Cox, the bill to char- of my Schiedam Scnapps is two well established In (boss 25 " Bar Soap; amend the sand barrels of flour have been bought in our mar- States, to be Injured by any such invidious publication. tbe greatest favorite with the people. His highly eign-bor- n Gov. Johnson's majority was, House; said should because 75 Grosi' Matches; coltlrat citizsns. it not pass, it would ter of the city of Nashville was taken up, and passed Is every ket within the past eight weeks, for shipment to The motive of his a ivertisemcnt obvious to one, and 250 Reams Wrapping Paper; ed mind, profound views of government, and his pure one thousand more than the whole for take from the Comptroller elect a portion of his its 2d readipg. feeling well nutUUed that all such missiles thrown at me by howevor, 1 73 Dozen i xtn tine Brocm a; , Mr. Massengill France, England, and other parts of Europe, besides him will fall harmless at my feet, will bare, for the satis- character, gave great weight and importance to his opin- natural- asked Mr. Dibrell moved to furnish certain officers tu- 90 Dozen Painted Tuckets; eign vote of the State, even supposing the perquisites. I then to procure faction of the public, publish a copy of my Patent Ulght, ions with all parties. Of the writings and speeches of of Sullivan c junty with the actsof 1853-- 4, and cop- a large quantity of wheat and some corn. tored, in the Southern District of ew Vork,onlhe Stli day 33 Nest Canury, do: ized citizens all to have votee, and to have voted tho bill, and I would have it offered in the Senate. 1654: ' American statesmen, there are scarcely any which su ies of Carutbers and Nicholson's supplement; lost. of December, 13 Nest oal Painted Tub; bare did do this. I Copy of Patent Bight 53 Boxes Tobacco, various brand-- ; directly upon tbe great measures our Gov for him. But they not Not more I know any friend to the Comptroller elect, if he Mr. Newman moved to take up Senate's messa- adopted by era SOUTH EEX DISTRICT OF NEW YORK.S. 257 Boxes Glass Ware, assorted; three-fourt- admit- ges; lost. ment, during the last forty years, as those of the lamented than of these naturalized citizens, had sought information, would have readily lie It remembered, That on the twenty-eight- h day of De- 10 Bags Spice; The Hou-- then proceeded Uie busi- cember, Anno Domini, iiamard L. Simpson, of the said Boxes choice Calhoun. Tbe War, the Revenue System, the Currency, voted for Jonssos, while one-four- th voted against ted that it was utterly impossible for any one man with regular 29 Tea, articla; ness, being Lessee and Manager JOHN GREENE District, hatli dejiosited in this oMIee tbe title of a print or la- 3 Cases very tins Cigars; just received from N. O. and States Rights, were subjects upon which he took a 1 following, him; and his majority of the native American to attend to the regular duties of the Comptroller's bel, the title of which In the words of the Ii", Gross Mason's Madium BUcking; DILLS ON 2d READINC. ISimuion'.-- i Aromatic Schiedam Juniperl-chnapp-s leading position, and greatly aided the decisions which TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 4, 1S55, 'Muruarcl C, Bbls Cody's Peach Orchard Whisky; citizens of Tennessee was not les3 than 1000. office, and do justice to those engaged in Banking, a superior Tonic ln iR0mIn; Cordial." tbe were made on them. With those who take an interest in A bill to regulate tho taxes on slaves. Will be performed right whereof he claims as author and proprietor. In eon 20 " MoaocgahaU and Bourbon, do; facts show how poor and weak fill the eoupens as bonds were demanded. S our national history, the valaa of the writing!! of our pub Thtse notorious and out Mr. Travis hoped the House would non-conc- ur 1'LEASANT fortuity with anart of (;n;rej, entitled "An Act to amend Bbls Sweet Malaga Wine; NKIGHHOitS. -- ar s the excuses which our opponents put forth for understand there willbe near two million of dol- in the report of he several Acts respecting r opy rishu." With manv other articles sneh. as Sardines, Indigo, lie men cannot be too highly estiuated. I the committee, recommending the After which tbe laughable piece of OKO. W. MORTON, Madder, Soda, Ac; Cuba Six CigaH, aud various other ar rejection of bill. their defeat in Tennessee. lars in bonds wanted before my term of office ex the He thought the bill was just Clerk of the Southern District of Now York. tides suitable for the trade. B. CO. have also forsale JIOSE IN CALIFOKMA. I my W. T. it and equitable, and ought to pass. The object And tako pleasure ou this occasion to temJer sincere DAVIS, PILCUER & CO pires, and if I could have had an opportunity of of thanks to the public in general, and to my trlends In particu- BENTON'S THIRTY YEARS IN THK UNHID ELECTION' OF JDDGE. the bill was to prevent an evil iu some To conclude with dec2 75, Public Square. portions of lar, for the kind liberalit. ivitli hich they have patronized STATES SENATE. The vote in Winchester was, for Harris, 187; explaining to those who differ in politics from me, ths State growing out of the hiring of negroes from TOODLES. me from my commencement of this enterprise; and 1 assure them, that I shall continue to provide them always with a AUCTION SALE OP GROCERIES WEBSTER'S WORKS. Complete in 6 vote. for for L. the work to be done, I think it probable that my one county to another. The negroes were taken PRICES OF ADMISSION. Uox and Parquette, 75 cents; for Wright, 20; Bullock, 4; II. Tur Second SU Second (second class,) aOcenls; Onuino and superior article of Schiedam Schnapps. BY CLAY'S LIFE AND 2 vols. to the Iron and about Tier, cents; Tier B. L. SPEECHES. 'wild hunt" to be relieved of perquisites would works, the time they should Colored Box, 50 cents; Colored Gallery, 25 cents. June 30, ." ly. SIMPS05. key, 2. be listed, they were on the road 1', S. The word Schiedam Schnapps is derived from a PRENTISS (S. a) LIFE AND BPEECUES. have been successful. have not been able to between their town In Holland, called which is celebrated as a n. In Shelbyville, we hear verbally that I home3 Jan," Morris &StrsttoMORNING we will and the place where they were hired, often place of extensive Juniper Plantations and numerous Dis- WEDNESDAY tbe5lh inst. majority was near 300. give that attention to the regnlar duties of the of- not beiug taxed in either county. Henry county Piano Fortes. tilleries of the above article. ONoffer at Auction for Cash ti e following articles to wit: fice, of the State suffered It. FItEEMAN hare received eight Piano Everybody has the rlghtand privilege to order the Juniper 300 bags prime Baltimore Coffee; NEW BOOKS. Columb:a, Bullock's majority was 1. which the interest requires. I much every year from this cauie, and he just Extract principal ingmtieul of the Schnapps) from In Fortes; have several ou the way, and will keep (a that 25 hhds prime now Sugar; have postponed business in order to prepare bonds hoped it might pass. W& place. 70 bbls new Molasses; In Murfreesboro, BrixccK's msjority was constantly on hand a good assortment of just such instru- IT. prime LIPPENCOTTS PRONOUNCING GAZETTEER OFTHE Mr. Shemwell offered an Does It not appear now poor and deceitful when W. is Crushed, Powdered and Loaf Sugar; for Railroad Companies, and as now feel bound amendment that the ments as will SPEAK FOIt E.HSEIjVES: trying to wrong and untrue impression on Public, 100 bbls "We will turn that, generally, no I Til mike a the s:re-j- . WORLD, edited by Thomas Baldwin and J.Tbotcu. presume it cut hirer of the slave shall pay the taxes, and give in all Every sold by us be warrant, d in every sa'yinglhat word Schnapps belongs exclusively SoO kegs Nails nsiorr&d best brands; Piano Forte shall the Schiedam volume held in to give attention to those engaged in banking, I slaves in his respect. We cordially inrite friends and all those in to his article, and that all othersare Counterfeits and Impost 100 doz Tainted Bncketj; It is nearly four years since this important election was except the towns. so hired or possession on the 10th of our " feel the responsibility of disappointing the want of a superior instrument to give us a call at Ho l'J tiona? 100 doz Brooms; was announced as in preparation. At a glance, the that February. 17. W. has nn monopoly, neither more right for the sole im- of the Mem- College st dec2 tf Vi.&R FREKMEN. 50,000 Cigars various brandi; excellence this work will be perceived, 53?" We meet brother Bankhead, Presidents of Railroads will not fall on me. The Mr. Dortch moved to lay the amendment on the portation of Schiedam Schnapps thananybody else; and this 50 doz Wash Beards; leading of in Whiff, on the streets occasionally about these table. SMITHliAi-V- AN 11 PADVCAU." poor argument which he intends to continue his long practised 50 bbls Cider Vinegar; being a pnmounttd Gaxsteer. Betides this great phis Treasurer has ample time to sign the coupons the FOB deception on the public, shows too plain that he feels and is Mr. Snodgrass moved to concur in the light draught steamer CUBA will leare 50 casks super Caib. Soda; improvement on all preceding Gazetteer's, it contains days, and he ha3 even risked his reputation by friends report of TllE above all intermediate ports this now aware of an important and dashing opposition. Comptroller has not. And if the of the and fjJPHtf octI8 1&35 ly. U. L. S. 100 boxes Star and Tallow Candles; thousand names, more than any other work of the committee. Carried, and the bill was rejected. 10 o'clock. For freight or passage many calling on us. We suppose he visits the political Comptrollor elect desire h'ra to do work on the day at 0 boxes Bar Soap; A bill to amend the criminal laws of this State ply on board or to 11 II. iIAhl;icO., 100 boxes Tobacco, several iiopular brands; tbe kind. commercial emporium to take notes and lessons THE MILLION. READ AND JUDGE FOR and bonds under an act which fixes his compensation, Mr. Bnhen moved the indefinite postponement deel A. HAMILTON, Agent. TO YOURSELVES. PROFESSOR WOOD'S Hair 100 bbls Ohio Whiskey; LIVES OF THE CHIEF JUSTICES or the Supreme D for future use. of so lat- of the bill, which he withdrew, and offered an Restorative, is no doubt the most wonderful discovery of this 25 bbls fine D do; Court of the United States, by Henry Flanders. and that the Secretary of State, that the NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Rum, Gin. amendment that should apply Noktbws&tiiu.- - R. 25 bbls Brandy, and A VOICE TO AMERICA or Model Republic. 1st while will it only to cases of Orrics asiivills axd ii; Co., age of progress, for it will restore permanently grey hairs to in ; the Lamb, , if Memphis had ter officer can make ten dollars, he make Nashville, December With many otherartic.es the grocery line. J. B. Esq who, gaming. The amendment was rejected, and Sd, 1855. Its original color, cover the head of the bald with a most MORUIS & STKATTON. Glory or its Fall ; with a review of the causes of the will on tho following on were Nashville. Dec! known how to promote her own interests would one, their error be apparent to him first Mr. Biallcn again moved to indefinitely postpone; calls Stockholders made at a luxuriant growth, roirove at once all dandrutl and itching, decline and fall of the Republics of South America TllE of Board of Directors on tbe 1 at mat for bonds. tbe Scrofula cutaneous eruptions, such as chosen the last election, is on application lost. 1S5C. cure all and other i&t Mmico and of the Old World ; .applied to the pretrnl have been Senator at 10 per cent on 1st January, Groceries A: Auction A. It. Crozier. Mr. Tipton ofl'ered an amendment that witnes;es lu do Slst do do. ecaldhead, &c.,lt will cure as if by magic, nervlous or UY LANIER PHILLIPS. crisis in the the United States. a visit to our city. and wavey, we will shall receive one dollar per day for service ren- u do 1st March, do. periodical head ache, make Ihe hair soft, glossy THURSDAY, theCth of December, sell for A MEMOIR OF THE REV. SIDNEY TSMtTH, by hit preserve the color perfectly and the hair from falling to ONCash, the following articles, viz KNOw-NoTnis- o dered. 10 do 1st April do. and The of land warrants in our pa- More Outrages! TnE Sabbath Su-- 1V0 daughter, Lady Holland, with a selection from bis let- EST" quotations which calls are due and payable at the office of the Com- extreme old age. We could give the teatiruony of more than 69 hhds Fair to Choice doz Buckets; Desecrated! We are again called upon to chroni- Mr. Brien moved to lay the amendment on Uie ear: 25 nest '''ubs: ters, edited by Mrs. Austin. The book is crowdid per for the last two weeks have been too high. pany, ono hundred thousands to the truth-o-f every word we liave cle a similar outrage at Bath to that which dis- table: carried. Interest will be allowed for and Stockholders 121 bbls Reboiled Molasses; 100 boxes Va Tobacco; with jaex.dt-mo- t which ftiihes from his lips like heat The following is from a late New York paper: written. See circular and the following: 100 bags Green liio Cbtlee; 20 bags Pepper; graced city several months since. The new The bill then passed its 2d reading. will invariably be bued when delinquent. 11L. June 27,1853. from cloud. that Carltle, Baltimore 10 bags fptce; lightning a summer ( Thompson's Importer.) A bill to repeal the tippling law this By order of the Board. U 1 CLAIBORNE, ProH Wood's 300 ban Extra order of thiDgs which has grown up among us with- of State; re I hnvo used O. J. Hair Restorative, and Coffee, IOO.OiH) Cigars various br'ds: ISOIIAS' CHILD; there is more boldness and originality dec Treasu rer. wonderful effect My hair was becoming Warrants. The price of Warrants, even in a year or two is of such a reckless and desperate ferred to the committee on Tippling and Tippling have admired its 40 bbls Crashed Sugar; 100 Mason's Blacking; execution "Iasd I gray, but by the use of his Res- grosj both in its conception and its than inalmust Houses. NOTICE TO STUCKUOLDEKS. as thought, prematurely SO bbls Powdered Sugar; SO Doxes very nne; for twenty-fou- r hours ahead, is so uncertain, that character as to lead to the racst serious apprehen- color, nnd I no tea, any work of Fiction we hare lately read. bill Orrics Nashville and NoETawtsTsax it. It. Co., torative it has resumed its original have Lo Sugar: Sim bbls Whisky; we prefer to let our paper go to press without giv- sions for the stability of our laws and institutions. A granting merchants the right to sell goods so. BREESE, 10 bbls if Nashville, Dec. 0, 1555. doubt prcmaneutly SIDNEY boxes Star Candle?; 50 ObU Rro and Bourbon HISTORY OF THE COUNCIL OF TRENT a full, acn occasionally disturbed our in certain case?, without license; reterred to the com- United 150 t ing quotations. We are paying our correspondent, Mob and riots have by the Board of Directors, That Ten per butes. 30 boxes Sperm do; Whisky; rate, and impartial history of that famous Convention enqui- the settled mittee on Ways and Means. EESOLVED VinciM.its, lad., June 10, 1833. to day 1,00 to $1,05 per acre. From the peace in former years, but determination be made on tbe 1st and Slst January, the - 20 boxes Soap; "20 bbls Brandy; Mr. Bullen entered 1'ror O. J. Wood- Drar Sir. As you are about to manu- must be of deep interest, not onlyto the theological, ries eent to us to know what we will pay for largo to trample law and order under foot, and to deprive a motion to reconsider the 2d March, the 1st April, the 1st May, tbe 1st June, the 1st facture extensively and vend your recently discovered Hair 100 kegs Nails, assorted; 7o bbls Rum; 1 but to tbe general reader. Jast received by of vote rejecting the bill to July, the 1st August, tbe 1st September, and the 1st Octo- fetate for It may concern, SOO reams Wrap. Paper; 10 bis Gin; amounts of Warrants, we infer that dealers and a portion of our citizens their just and legal regulate the taxes on Kestorative I will wbem'oever nov20. JOHN YORK A CO. on the stocks rendered absoluta by the loca- 1 to use' it; that I Malaga Wine; all of the country have an over- rights by violence whenever occasion may offer was slaves. ber, lS5ti, all that have uod itand known others have 100 gross Matches; 20 bbls speculators in parts tion of our depot in the city of Nashville, on Bisnop Miles' lor saveral years been In the habit of using other hair restora SO boxes Starch. 5rd boxes Sardines; de- amid Mr. Cook, by leave, introduced bill to enti- X HARPER'S MAGAZINE, FOIt DECEMBER. stock, and therefore the price must take a very utterly unknown; until born midnight cabals, a be property. Market street tives, and mat i una yours vastly superior to any outer i 100 boxes Yeast Powders; 500 bags coarse Salt; tled and PUTNAM'S " " cided turn downwards." and fostered in tho secret conclaves of the an act "to keep up with the times." All persons paying belore the colls are due, will be al- know. It entirely cleanses tho head Irom dandruff, 50 doz Wash Boards; J,tO0 ble Cue Salt; ' LGDney with one months proper use win restore any person's nair BOOK, American party, a party whoso tendencies and Mr. moved tojay tho bill on tho table. lowed interest ibercon. It is hoped thai stockholders original giving It healthy. 100 doz Brooms, LAMER A PHILLIPS. GODEVS LADY'S al- to tbe voutblui color and texture a SocrnnRN AIovsmekts in Kansas. We have acts do shameful despite to the name they assume. He thought it an insult to the dignity of the House, will call at theolliceot tbe Company where the calls are suft and glosiy appearance, and all this without discoloring nov. SO, 1S55. n GRAHAM'S MAGAZINE, " " in Georgia to set- recollected a year or more since and thought it ought to be kicked out. The motion pajable. u L. UJ.AlUUK.Nr;, the hands that apply It, or tbe dress on nhlch It drops. 1 FRANK LESLIE'S NEW YORK JOURNAL, ready recorded the organization It will be that dec! Treasurer. would therelore recommend Its use to everyone desirous of prevailed, Mr. Cook then bill. BueEsa Vista GAZETTE OF slave-holder- by withdrew the FRANK LESLIE'S FASHION, with s. The Albama JowrHo?now the Catholic Church at Bath was destroyed a having a tine color and texture or hair. TUESDAY, the 4th of December inst., on tbe pre- " tle bill EINE CAIjE HOOTS AND GAITEKS. WILSON KING.-jr- lawless mob. A to change the mode of electing surveyors Respectfully Vours, ONmises, in the beautiful suburban village of Bnena Just received by dec2 JOHN YORK A CO says: Best French Call' stitched boots; A gentlemen of Doeton writes to his friends in New On Sunday the Catholic3 were to hold religious was passed over on account of the absence of the GENTS do do do D S Gaiters; Vista, situated about one mile north of Nashville, we will will Bedtord thus: We learn that an application be made to the services appropriate to the laying of the corner author. do do do Pump Sole Dress Boots; To your inquiries I would reply that when I first commenc- at public rale to the highest bidder, a great number Lots; many of tht-- on Legislature for an appropriation of 100,000, to bo cf a new Church, the stone having been A bill to amend the act establishing the county Another lot made to order. Just received. ed using I'ror. Wood's Hair Restorative, my hair was almost of tnosvtllfible Building fronting 1856. auspicies and for since dec4 JOHN HAMAUE, College st white, and had been so (it the last ten years, and it was very the Bueva Viata Soring, bicli lias become as equally PLANTERS' ALMANAC, lor 185T,, adapted (o all used under sufficient securities placed in its position. These exercises of Putnam; passed over informally. ii top uf my head, and very loose, and pulled out 1MIB oT already thin on the celebrated as our far famed White Sulphur Spring in the Southern and SouthAVestern States: 2. ctom in the promotion of emigration of the proper sort by the gathering of a riotom as- A b'll lor the benefit of parents and guardians, reoly, but I found that before I had used the second bottle North the cily. As the sale will be unusually large, were prevented roil IjAdies. weeks) my was entirely changed to part of Store and for sale by HAG AN A.HUO. men to aid the gallant Southern pioneers of Kansas which manifested by on motion of Mr. Runneta, was recommitted to the Fine Gaiters ot Italian Cloth and French up (which was eight hair we are determined to give bargains Our terms are unu- semblage, the spirit of wa3 LADIES I u original color, (light brown ) and is how free from dandruff PAPER-o-o reams Western Missouri in protecting the institutions on Common Ladies' super Heeled Gaiters and Congress sually liberal, being a credit of 1, 3 and a years, without varying in prices from and shouting, swearing, and fighting, and by pulling committee Education and bchools. and quite moist. I have had my hair cut hve or six times LETTER to 5 00 per ream: the verr best aanortmknt Boots. A beautilul assortment just opened by and have seen anything like while hair interest, for notes satiifactorilv secured. which they desire from the emigraion schemes of wooden cross, previously erected. The Mr. Burch, by leave, introduced a bill to amend since the change never received by HAGAN A down a dec4 JO UN RA11AGE, College st starting from the roots, and it is now as thick as it ever was 253" Omnibusscs as. usual free of charge Just BRO. the Abolitionists to destroy them."' it3 stead amid shouts the school law; referred to the committee on Edu- ' American flag wa3 raised in TKUNKS and does rot come out at alii It has proved In my case all J. L. A R. W. BROWN NOTE PAPER-3- O0 reams assorted, May- cation and Common Schools. that I could wish or ask. Cherry st COMMERCIAL in papers Fri- and cheers, and the interference of the acting Sole Bonnet Boxes-Fre- nch ds3 44J; Store, and forsale br New York Monet Market. The of thejbest Leatter. Ladies' Julyl.lSSI. Yours,&c. . PQV17 who hauled down the flag, was greeted with On motion, tho House adjourned to 2 J o'clock, OP and American Styles. Ladies' Traveling Begs W. II. Wilkinson, Auctioneer. HAGAN A BRO day evening report that tho banks are increasing or, GiRDSKR,Me.,June22, IMi. hisses and threats, and upon his leavinp it was this evening. and Satchels. Mr. Dvin Krar Sir. 1 have used two bottles of Prof VALUAHLE PROPERTY FOR JALE. PAPER 500 reams, allvjualiUes, this dayrect-tve-d for call loans, and rates of discount Just opened by JOHN RAMAGE, Wood's Hair Restorative, and can truly say It Is tbe great, CAP HAGAN" A BRO. their facilities again run up. Attempts were made to the will expoee to- - public sale at the Court house in dect 2 College st ost discovery of the age for restoring and changing the hair, novl7 Market st are becoming easier. They quote 0 to 10 per cent-fo- r stone, but were frustrated by the police. House Mornikp Session. liefore using It, I was as gray as a man of seveary. My hair WENashville. ontbe22dof Dtczmbcr nxt. the fol corner lowing valuable ot was ot all UIIOKANS. has now attained Ha original color. Yen can recommend it tatc NEW BOOK. the discount of primo paper, nnd 12 for second The conduct the Catholics worthy Monday, Dec. 3. mv case was one of the House by Dr. Mor- A E cases Negro Krogans, assorted to tho world without the least fear as ami iOiott licerry street, occupied praise, and sush as to rebuke those who make pre- TWEN'TY-FIV- worst kind. Yours, DANIEL .V. JIURPilY. ton, and adjoining occupied FASHION AND CONSEQUENCE, as now found in High class, well endorsed, and 15 for good unendorsed The House proceeded with the regular business, No. 1 D S at lowest cash prices. &c, &a vacant Lot bv Mr. Steven tensions to a purer religion. Regarding both their St. Louis, March', liVI. son, Stone Cutter. Places and Low Places. By a Minister of many t being deel JOHN KAMAUK, 43 College st. Wood : My halrcomnienced falling some Call loans are 0 to 7 per cent. Paor. otf three One-ha- lf of the House on Market the paper. l'sith. and the day, they quietly withdrew, leaving or years to daso until I became and Lot a'.rtet. present a resident cf the South. DILLS ON SECOND READINO. NOTICE. four since, and continued other half belonging to M. Esq. Louisville Protestants Americans to fight it out amongst them- bald. I tried all the popular medicines of the day, but to no Brns, " If yon don't believe I've got religion, go my wife.' The editor of the Journal will persnns indebted to the late firm of RAMAGE & Txsms Sale. One-thir- cash, the balance in one ak Bishop, seeing to what result it might A bill to changa.tho mode of electing surveyors. eiTect. At last 1 was induced to try your celebrated Hair of Tit JIuaiavI. notconsent to ask his friends North any hard ques- selves. The ALL are respectfully rtquested to make pay- Restorative, and am happy to say It Is doing wonders. I have and two years, w!n notes payable in Bank, witn two good Mr. Mathis non-conc- iu you don't believe yon're fashionable, with Una Congressmen lead, sent word to his people that the ceremony moved to the report JOHN RAMAGE. now a fine growth of young balr and cheerfully recommend endorsers. The title to be retained the purchase If consult tions. He virtually admits that the ment. until book. Tit Author. take place. The exercises being d, of the committee rejecting the bill. dec4 42 College street. in use to on similarly amicteu. .rt.u. iv money is paid. .1. O. THWEATT, and Governors of his party are not to be trnsted. would not IK!ii.i.aia.su. A division was called for, and the vote was ta- Second Street. Ltivs uinwawim iw o. r. C0XTIST3. Still his party is sound on the slavery question, lie the crowd after committing several other EXTKAOKDINAKY BAItUAlNb IN CITY N.It Where the object Is to Testore gray hair, persons iJKtif. Miss Kate's Birthday, Tcmpatien of City Uf, outbreaks, dispersed. ken by sections. DWELLINGS. should be lareful to use the Restorative containing eedjment, PURL1C SALE .Miss Hate History, Rowdyism. says. purposes clearis as good. OF LAND. such a disgraceful occurrence should tako The House in the leport of the FTMRST A Frame House with G rooms, c, on tbecor- - for other the aiiJlUj WEDNESDAY, tbe 5th day of Dee:mber next, al .Master James' History, Intoxicating Drink, Now, we challenge tho editor of the Louisville That Irgri'repared and sold at J 14 Market St, between ON Men is source deep committee. V r uvwvm, ... . o nut iui oaic, uu prem The Character of and Lying, Novel Riidiig, Dress- know-nothin- g editor of the free place on Sunday, in this State, a of 4th .1th, Ht. Imws, Mo., and S1G, Broadway, ii luc Journal to name a Mr. moved idence ot James P Clark. Esq and New ises, to tbe highest bidder, a tract f Ijnil containing Things, ing and Eating, Kansas-Nebras- shame. We cannot, of course, Cavitt to indefinitely postpone the York. States who was not opposed to the mortification and Second A Frame House with 8 rooms, No. CD, corner ninety.two acres. The tract fronts on the Turn, On the , A Fancy Ball, or- bill. Bala at Munufactnrers bill. suppose that any of the more respectable of the of Gay and McLcmore sts. For in Nashville, prices, by pise, and is situate! on the West side if the road, at the A Morning Call in a Niw The Theatre and Circus, know-nothing- On motion of Mr. laid EW1N BROTHERS. of s were engaged in it, but the Mathis, the motion was Third A Brick Dwelling, with 6 rooms, No 140, Lower aecond ga'e. Oilcans Hotel, A Fancy Ball, continued, We challenge him to name one who is not now der Also for sale, Prof. Woods' Oriental Sanrjtjvs Lini- The on the table. Market street The greater portion ni the Ian4 is well timbered, ol ex- Tbe Society of Orleans,. The worldly policy of Chris, bill and its authors. blame must, nevertheless, rest upon the Order. Vegetable Magic Life opposed to :he Mr. Gleavcs moved Fourth A small Brick House in Bosworth's Row, front-iu- g ment and Pills, warranted better cellent soil, and well adapted or country residences. Ladies, Wine, Ac , Ac tians, rests with its members for enkind- to strike out the first section other, in cases We challenge him to name one, nnd give us the responsibility 21 feet on Cherry st. Apply to than any or tbe n;oney all refunded. See The neighborhood is one cf the best in the county, and Fashionable Girh, Almost a Prophecy the last thus wit- of the bill. for all necessary information with proof, who is not committed to the Freesoil doc- ling the flame, and the ravages thereof J L4RW EltOWN, circular ageais. the Und olAred for sale i near the Southern Railroad. A Fashionable Family, Days ot Old America, the first Mr. Mathis moved to lay the motion on the table. cnt2'J d ly inside. A Party," trine no more slave States. nessed, are but the natural consequences of dec4 2w 44K Cherry st convenient to Robertson Academy, and is every way de- Fashionable with a general reform a- - re- - Mr. G leaves explained why he made such mo- COMMERCIAL INSURANCE CO I Tho divided Lots. A Fashionable Young Man, know-nothin- g application of the torch. If any honest men yet a OI'FIUE , sirable. tract is into four tion. We challenge h m to find a State NOTICE. ReDectabilitv. call upon them to come out tion. He said that iu an election of this kind, the Nashvillk, November fith, 1&55. J Terms, or Saul third Cash, and ibe balance 1 and What is Aspect of Society, Council in the free has lf pmain in the ranks, we States that not declared candidate would not be known to one those indebted to tbe late firm of H B PIummer& Commercial .Inauranco Company have this diy 2 years credit, lor notes satisfactorily secured, payable in Matrimonial Ostentation. The Word as it in ana do may fourth of the I.lVri-St.F.- - opposed to the extension of slavery. from "the unclean thing what tiiey ALL also that of Robb & Co., are respectfully request. THE a Semi-Annu- Dividend of eight per lvnV f'NIlfTk'F'rT Jt rVll.To .t That which is Fashionable The Man of the City Pulpit, fostering such a mad voters. As it is now, the candidate takes pains to cent We challenge him to Cnd a single candidate, sup-- to atone for their errors in ed to come forward and moke payment by the Jst day of on the whole amount of Capital Stock out of the prnhUof E. R. Glapcock, Auctioneer. fnov3 td. b duriSKV. knmv-nothin.-t- briDg certificates of his qualifications before the One Vol., hv ci in n and dangerous spirit. Do they wih that thus January next, as we, their successors, are uesirous or clos- the past iix months, KVMES WALKER, 12nu. Price $1 85. ,n.ll these tacts Secretary. EXrEAOBDINASY BAEGAIU3 IH C0TJOTBY For sale Kansas-Nebrask- The Age, Au- magistrates, who, with before them, ing tho old uovT lm by UAGAX A BRO. to the a bill, and "Americans shall rule Americn." qustcess. posed committed were much better qualified to judge of the qualifi- vVe can, at all times, be found at the old stand, No 20, Jov26 Market street. of no more slave gusta, Me. Ukion Uask of Tennessee, to the doctrine States. cations of the candidates than Union street dec4-t-d UOBB & CRAWiOlil). Brick Dwelling with 4 rooms, kitchen MAGAZINE, tor D?cer,TuiTreceiveJ to Cud the people who are Nashville, Nov. 29, 1855. J ADE31RABLE We challenge him a man South, amongst Sc, and 25 acres of Land about HARPERS to subscribe for excellent mostly unacquainted with them. ASSO-- X iy. this most re opposed the Nebmska from London to rplIE YOUNG MEN'S CHKlNTIAN eIo:tion for ten Directors to Strve tbe coming year, miles from, city on Charlotte Pike nodical, should give in the few Jo bill, who is not Pcrchase or Cuba. A letter Mr. Mathis gentleman CIATION Nashville, will meet this Tuesday the the their names immediatelv, as tiin thought the from Wilson of ANwill be held at the Banking House on Monday, tb? AUw, acres of fine Land with a small frame dwell- number begins new now a know nothing. & informs 7 Association Rooms, llj a volume, the New York Courier Enquirer tie (Mr. Gleaves ) had made a great mistake in saying evening, at o'clock, at the liy order. 7th of January next J. COBKEY, Casbijr. ing, miles from on the GalUtiq Pike. deed. the question between dec4 G THRONE, Rec Sec. 2V the city Great HAGAN A BRO. Rememlwr that the North Cuba United well R dec?, Id, will J LA 1'. W BROWN, public that the purchase of by tho the surveyors were not known by the people. bargains begtveu A beautiful verv low and South relates almost entirely to the Territories. irom the on the evening of the 41) PORT-FOLlt- af&srtment at hundred He thought there was no officer better known to the QTOLEN subscriber VALUABLE CITY' lMtOPEKTY FOR SALE. d.cl lw Cherry at. just received HAGAN A settlers in a Territory decide the States is possible, if the latter will give two 30th a heavy Silver Hunting Case Waten, made on the by BRO. Shall the actual jj inst, will sell that valuable Lot crner of Church ANCIAXv-DAVIDS- ON people of a county than their surveyor. He ex- PIN COUftTY RONDS. Port-Moni- of slavery amongst themselves, and come millions of dollars, one half to be applied to the by James Johnson, 25 Church street, Liverpool, No. 6353 Wli Cherry street!, fronting 91 feet on Church by Cases, Pocket-Boot- s and question plained how the matter stood in his county, ond subscribers will offer for salo at their office In BANKER'S A State with or without slavery initials A. M. G. engraved in circular space on tbe front 120 feet on Cherry, with an alley en the Soutn sHe just reived by HAGAN BRO. into the Union as a liquidation of the foreign debt of Spain, and the reward-wi- given THE Building untii December the 15tb, the six thought it wa3 a bill of much interest and ought to side of the case. A liocral ll be for the ALSO, the vacant lat, 40 feet "front on Cherry street bv NOTIONS lor December just received by shall slavery in the Territories Of-tic- Coupon Bonds of Davidson issued to as they please; or debt. One recovery of the same if delivered to me, or at the Stage e. 100 deep, next to and North the "Uxra avu Amskicis" per cent county, the YANKEE other half to the liquidation of the heme pass. of Sashville Northwestern Railroad HAGAN A BRO Market st. be prohibited by Congress, or the admission of a fdec2-- 2w A. M. GUTUKIE. ofl'iic. For terms apply to, R, MORRIS, or and Company, preilous. one fifth of the Mr. Gleaves replied in opposition to the first J. said Bonds to foreign denied, if she sljow slavery hundred millions of dollars is about novlfl 1( MEARS. to (tiering market. NEW ARKIYAL OF LADIES' PURS. State into the Union and in favor of the remaining sections. J. Bonds will be sold sums face value of the foreign debt of Spain, which stated section, DANCIHO. These in to uiit pu rcbasrs and havejustf pened a new and splendid assortment in her Constitution? The House refused to lay the motion of Mr. Gleaves GOODWIN'S Grand Assembly will take place on STONE COAL-- 20 CEN'IS I'EIt BUSHEL. upon snch terms of payment and priccM that will make WEof Laaies'nne Dress Furs, and as ihe season Uad Now we challenge the editor cf the Louisville in full is 100,000,000, but tho faith of Spain is of MR. December 4tb, at Odd Fellows' Hall at 7 SALE at the Landing, on the first rise cf ihe river, thern the most profitable and safe investment novy in tha vancing, we will sell them lower than the same class of on the table. FOR ' to find a know-nothin- g 3 tate Council North, holders would o'clock. His pupils will appear in all the Fashionable superior lot of Coal from the steamer Odd fellow market Apply as above to, BECKER 4 RUaT. Furs have ever been offered in the city. We have a bv Journal such a nature that the bond gladly The vote was then taken on striking out the oy know-nothin- for of- Dances of tbe day. Mr Good s in has been tolicited to and iisrge. uniers received ror tne same Contractors ; or sutU of extra size super Bkci Lynx Pellorinas, which are or a candidate supported by millions of dollars from the Uni- first section the bill, which prevailed, and accept one hundred of the teach another month, arid will commence forming a class Agents. - U. L. CLAIBORNE, vary rich and desirable., on this question. 83 fice, who is not against tho South no-- A, HAMILTON. nov2S 2w. Secretary ted States as full payment. bill, thus amended, passed jts 2d reading. cn Saturday, December 1st. deel 2t It and Treaiarer. dec! "WATER FIELD A WALKER. j Lou. Democrat.