United Nations Nations Unies E/CN .1/Sub .1/ c .2j\v.9 ECONOMIC CONSElL 31 Jnnua.ry 191t7 AND ECONOMIQUE ORIGI!ML: ll!2ISH



Bac ~.:round materie l 11:r·cpered in the United Naticn~ Secr~tariat for submission to the Horldnc Group for Asic: and the F~.r East of the Temporary Sub -Collillliosion on Economic R~construction of Deve.stated Jl.reas at its meetine at Lr·ke Succosfl on 14 Febrv.ar y 1947 .


I. BRITISH 130R.\lEO Roe.ds

J.fet ~llcd 'BoaJ.s Earth Roads -:- (Miles) (Miles ) Sara\fek ll3 390 North 87 600


~1e principal exports 0f Borneo aro mineral f roducts, acricultural

}!r oducta, and timber; the chief :importc ar e rice and mc.nufactured 13oods.

The value of t he trade ~. s as follm·rs ~

Ssra.wak 1939 .£.3 , 079, 318 £4, 044, 676 North :Borneo

1939 .£. 7&5 , 708 £1, 597, 976 1940 £.1Jl64,19S £2, 364, e91 Brt·noi

J9lt0 £ 453 ,502 ;;:1 , 122, ueo

The t ot al ton.-•ace of ahippifl3 ent~ r il".g Sarc,·tak in 1939 '\-laS

974,543; enterirlt'3 , 1939, 335,48.5 tons .

The valus oi" the dollar is Z/4d :-:t~rlins.

,.__ British Bc·rneo______Revenue ancl _Expend.itu.~a __ _

Ser £n:ak

1939 £ 5G0,298 l:orth Dcrneo

1940 £ 181, 574 £. 170_.587 '!-her o i s no p'..lblic debt in Brit ish Borneo. · E/CN.l/Sub.l/C. 2/W. 9 Paae 3

The J a::anese ~Dcc upiod British Nor t h ·Borneo on 17 December 1941 .

The createst '·rar da.D:lllGe occurred in North Borneo, but B~unei and Sar awak as far eouth ·as ~.iri , whe1·e ~ctive o:pe:.-ations were in proareos u~ the time

Of th~ Jap~.l'Le Se SurTender in 1945, alSO SUffered COnOidera~ ly,

J.n l~orr n .tlo;t'neo t.no main to1me vere a J.J. badly dar.Jag ?d, I t ls under st::>od that about '70 percent of t he buedings in J esselton were destroyed, and . that dee;tr uction at ap:p;roaches 100 percent . The re.il'.iay had much of i ts r olliDB otock and locomotives damaged and a n~ber of br idges, incl udi ng t he le..rr;eet ~t Paper wer-~ renderE'd U."'ltJervica.ble. Impr ovised

lU'l all6emcnts, "-ith jeeya to,·ring light W8.60llB1 have b9en used for movi ng

9eople, etor~ e, and produce.

In Brunei the cent re of thfl min town was destroyed EO.nd the valuable oil f ields at Seria. w~re set on f i r e by the retrEatinG J apanese, The refir.Elry at Lutor>.,c Wl:I.S also serious]..Jf damaaod,

In general, the people of British Borr.eo euf:fe ..~e d :!;) er sonal hardship and loos , though dea.t hs lrere relatively f mf, Diseer:le e..ncl malnutrition vere ilidespree.d; bark had at times t o be used. as a s ubot i tute for cl othi::'lg .

Savin;:s were co~pulso:!'ily e.xchanljod into i-rorthles s J e.pe.neoe cu:l:'rency.

/BRITISH EOP.l'!EO E/CN.l/Sub,l/C.2/W.9 PaGe 4


British Borneo is composed of S3rawak, the State of North Bo~neoj

and Brunei.

Al·ea ( fll:i,U::tre Population m:!.les .).

Sarawak 50;000 490;800 ? 9~· 0) Nor th Borneo 29;500 3091000 1941) :B.rune:i 2, 226 40 2700 (1941) 81., 726 840,500

The population of i s composed of ivw.lays 1 Da~ · ake 1 and other racco, and Chinese and other 3ettlera; that of North Borneo of

1-iohv.mmedo.n set·clers on the c-oast and abor i~inal t ::-ibes inland; and that of Brnnei of Malays end :Oornean r aces. ?rodt;ction

Rub be:r and oil ore the chief products of Brit ::.oh :Bo:r:r1eo.

!~an~~ ion a.:?~ Exj>O~- of Rub~et:.t.l:2.37 Area of Plantat i on · F.:xpo:cte (acres) (£1000 )

Sara>·re.k 230, 000 2.017 ; 0 Ncrth :Sc~cneo 126 , 61~0 1, 6<50 , !. 300 Brunei - •.J ._ .2!~1. 3'10, 940 3, 842

Sera:1m.k 209,8?4 100 :Brunei d50 ,~47 .!±?.~. 760,141 552 (There i s no oil in North Bcrneo) In 1940 t he rroduction of petroleum oil in Br unei alone amuunted to 930, 000 tons .

A railuay in British Nort h Bc-rneo, 127 miles in lencth runs from J csselton to Nelala'l? in tho interior, '1-rith a b:s:anch from Beauf'ol•t to Vleoton ,