General Plan 2025 Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 1 Introduction Every 10 to 20 years, towns, cities, and counties throughout Arizona and the What is a General Southwest revisit their general plans to ensure that an up-to-date connection exists Plan? between residents’ values, visions, and objectives; State law; and the physical development of their community. In 2011, the Town of Prescott Valley initiated an In simple terms, a general plan can be best described as a update process for its 2025 General Plan. The outcome of the 14-month update community's blueprint for future process is The Prescott Valley General Plan 2025 — A Community Blueprint for the development. It represents a Future. community's vision for the future; it is a constitution comprised of goals and policies used by a According to State law, towns, cities and counties are required to prepare and adopt a community's planning commission comprehensive, long-range general plan for the development of the community. In and town/city council to make land use and development-related Arizona, general plans consist of statements of community goals and development decisions. The general plan — policies, and include maps, any necessary diagrams and text setting forth objectives, and the goals, policies, and diagrams within — have a long- principles, development standards and plan proposals. term outlook, identifying the types of development patterns allowed Implementing General Plan 2025 is very important to present and future generations. and the spatial relationships of land uses. General plans (with In Prescott Valley, residents have a strong sense of civic pride, value the quality of life emphasis on the land use map) the Town offers, and desire to preserve the community’s positive characteristics into provide the foundation from which the future.
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