Have an Ice Day

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Have an Ice Day Vol. 30, No. 3 ROSARY HILL COLLEGE, BUFFALO, N Y. March 25, 1976 Have an Ice Day j \ Dr. Marshall’s main concern Bob Donnelly who lives in the ‘ was to make sure that food Kensington-Bailey area was service was operating in order suddenly awakened when a large that the 300 residents could be tree fell down next door. His elec­ fed. The safety of students and tric power failed and for about 30 property damage were also his concern. hours he and his family did the best they could to heat the house that food service was operating in with the gas stove. “The crisis order that the 300 residents could seemed to draw our family be fed. The safety of students and closer. Neighbors, too, were by DENISE M. SIUDA^ property damage were also his pitching in to clean up the concern. street,” Donnelly said. Bob and Tree limbs crashing to the “We were very lucky that his family played cards by ground, live wires sparking and there was not more damage candlelight. ground, live wires sparking and done,” Dr. Marshall said. Trees smoking in the fog-shrouded were .damaged and a fallen tree slashing everything in sight. struck one of the campus apart­ The one redeeming feature of Water pouring into the basement ments and tore down a power the storm was that people grew of cold, dark houses, some to be line, but the school fared better closer, realized they needed each without electricity for 173 hours. than South Buffalo communities other, gave one another a helping Not a disaster movie, but Buffalo did. hand. People stretched extension March 3rd. Ash Wednesday be­ Orchard Park commuter stu­ cords from house to house in an came ice Wednesday. dent Barbara See felt very lucky effort to help each other. A that her house never lost electric dangerous act, but an example of How bad was it really? Did the power. Her neighbors’ power how, as Mrs. Miles described the press exaggerate? Well, Erie lines were lashed down by the situation, “The storm gave County sustained over 50 million storm. The large branch of a people the initiative to help other dollars damage. One third of all crashing tree narrowly missed people.” trees in Buffalo were damaged or hitting Barbara’s house. Her roof destroyed. was leaking, but next door three Rosary Hill closed Tuesday large trees were torn out by the afternoon and remained closed roots due to the weight of the ice. “We’ve come to rely on such a until Thursday morning. high level of technology,” said Mrs. Gertrude Miles of the Dr. Marshall, “that such a small . Wednesday morning Mr. Hoff­ Public Relations Office wasn’t as thing as a power failure disrupts man, Director of the Physical lucky. Her house was without our entire lives.” Plant informed Dr. Robert electricityTor 4 days. Mrs. Miles Marshall that there was a water said she was too cold to sleep and “In Buffalo, we have come to pressure problem in Duns Scotus, that it was weird being alone at accept the unusual as usual,” a leak in Lourdes, and power home in the dark with no tele­ was student Darryl Amato’s lines were down. phone or battery operated radio. reaction to the storm. Apathy, Thy Name is Rosary Hill Come hear Carm Yero sing On February 24th, at 11:30 a.m. every Sunday night 9 till Mid­ a Student Forum was held ini, the rnately 1200, attending the gala Out of approximately fifty stu­ WINNER 4 ACADEMY AWARDS night at Sign of the Steer on Main Wick Social Room to discuss the event. The four student dents voting, we had thirty-five •MciuotNG BEST SONG „ Street near S.U.N.Y. representatives serving on EPC abstentions. core curriculum of the College. 20th CENTURY-FOX PRESENTS f p l The core curriculum consists of presented the proposals, and Granted, changing the core ^those courses which students are explained their variations from curriculum will only affect the BUTCH CASSIDY ANDE required to take by the College to our present core curriculum. incoming freshman, it will not THE SUNDANCE KID 1 All Groups, Organizations, or fulfill the number of hours neces­ Then it was question and affect those presently enrolled, Individuals: “Here is the chance, sary for their degree. Those answer time, minimal response however if you can not publicly you’ve been waiting for!” and deplores are, the Philoso­ from the dwindling few who had declare at a student forum, what “What an Idea!” phy Religious requirement, the gathered was heard. One of the you feel is wrong with the present Fri. April 2 / 7:30 p.m. “Prove your strength, and win English requirement, and the Faculty members addressed the core curriculum, then how are Wick Social Room some CASH” Foreign Language requirement, congregation of students, and the students serving on the EPC A WATER BALLOON and the Foreign Language said that the faculty was in­ going to represent you, and vote THROWING CONTEST — More requirement. terested in what the students feel to change the core curriculum. If Details to come should be the foundations for the the Faculty members knew that The Educational Policies Com­ curriculum at Rosary Hill, (oddly the students serving on the EPC mittee (EPC) is working on re­ enough their interest had had the backing from the student vamping the core curriculum for changed by 3:30 that afternoon). body, then maybe these the school. Two different Again, murmur from the back­ representatives would not be shot Complete Listings of proposals for revision of the core ground. Not one student stood up down at the faculty meetings for curriculum had been submitted and said that they did not agree the core curriculum. by Faculty members to the EPC. that 12 hours was necessary for a Whatever happens now with Your Governing Board thought it English or Philosophy/Religion the core curriculum is probably might be a nice gesture to let the requirement, or that one proposal out of our hands. However, we SUMMER SESSIONS students of RHC express their was better than the other. This have four strong student reps, opinions on the two submitted was your time to stand up and still serving on the EPC, and proposals, after all, it is the stu­ speak out, and you blew it ! ! hopefully they can still do some­ 1976 dents who must complete the re­ thing for those few of us who did quired hours. Before we closed the student care. forum, those that were left voted Susan Bennett So,, we had a student forum, on the two proposals presented, See Pages 4 and 5 with 70 students out of approxi- Chairman and the present core curriculum. Governing Board Page 2 The Ascent March 25, 1976 Noise in the Library by DARYL SMITH Dear Editor: I asked my roommate where he the library. Noise that After a series of contagious After and while reading “Cuckoo’s Nest” — Alarming Cinema, in was going to be after dinner. His accompanied their entering was page turning — page flipping the “At the Movies” column of the March 1st ASCENT, I have answer was the one I expected — like a dull pain in the ears. Chairs nuances a huge Boeing 707 roared really become quite alarmed. I have long been a believer in many in the dorm. But I had too much that were pulled out scrapping over the library. And I mean it of Ken Kesey’s formuli, however, I think his book “One Flew Over work to do, and I told him I was the floor, reinforcing the blunder- was a long, deep, hefty roar — as the Cuckoo’s Nest” is a gross misrepresentation of that which goes heading straight to the library. ous noises of the cleaning lady. if it had five years to get to its on inside an institution of that nature. destination. The plane induced a It may very well be true that in Kesey’s institution the orderlies hubbub of conversation and play with yo-yo’s, but it should be remembered — and this is im­ Thoughts of that big test in joking. portant —that Ken Kesey lived in the same area as Ronald Reagan Music history accompanied me Increasing distraction began and all those other day-glo acid crazy Merry Pranksters. Did you and my heavy steps to the when the library grew warm. It I heaved a sigh and decided to consider that? library. Passing through the card was an odorous warmth that throw in the towel. I stood up. As I catalog area, the only audible oozed from the stacks. People donned my coat and gathered my sound was the hum of the copy started to crank open stiff, unoil­ books, a plaintive, morose I have been here at Attica for about 18 months, and as of yet I machine. I entered the library, ed windows. Yet, it must have atmosphere began to embrace have never, $t any time in any place, seen a Corrections Officer sat down, and began to study. cooled off quite a bit outside. the library. I noticed that the only playing with his yo yo... While on duty. Several people joined in a chorus sounds audible were my footsteps straight from the nest, After reading a few chapters, of “Cachoo! ” and again I lost my upon sauntering out of the Lloyd F . Deckman more students began to file into train of thought. library. 74-A-2091 Attica Corr.Fac. Dear Editor: I am a freshman art student writing in regard to an incident, or Student Association should I say incidents which occurred throughout the week of Feb.
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