E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

Vol. 160 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2014 No. 140 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was As the Appropriations Committee tion, drugs, bank robbery, kidnapping, called to order by the Speaker pro tem- drafts spending legislation for the cur- and oil smuggling, but there is one pore (Ms. FOXX). rent fiscal year, it is critical that the source of funding for terrorism that is f NIH budget include an initial $200 mil- being overlooked: poaching. lion for Alzheimer’s research. The re- Madam Speaker, the illegal wildlife DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO quirement for this funding was vali- trade in Africa is a $7 to $10 billion a TEMPORE dated by the National Alzheimer’s year business. According to the non- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Plan, a comprehensive congressionally- partisan Congressional Research Serv- fore the House the following commu- directed initiative which serves as a ice, a rhino horn sells for $65,000 a kilo- nication from the Speaker: blueprint to ensure that taxpayer dol- gram in Asia. That is more expensive WASHINGTON, DC, lars are carefully invested in medical than silver, gold, diamonds, or illicit November 17, 2014. research. drugs. I hereby appoint the Honorable VIRGINIA FOXX to act as Speaker pro tempore on this One in three seniors who die each The number one buyer of ivory is day. year have been diagnosed with Alz- none other than China. With big profits JOHN A. BOEHNER, heimer’s or dementia, and the Centers and high demand, poaching has risen Speaker of the House of Representatives. for Disease Control notes that it is the dramatically. f sixth leading cause of death in the Madam Speaker, two-thirds of cen- United States. tral Africa’s forest elephants have been MORNING-HOUR DEBATE In addition to the terrible toll on in- wiped out in the last 10 years. 100,000 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- dividuals, the costs of treating Alz- elephants were killed in Africa between ant to the order of the House of Janu- heimer’s will cost over $214 billion this 2010 and 2012. In just those 10 years, ary 7, 2014, the Chair will now recog- year. With so much at stake, an invest- central Africa has lost 64 percent of its nize Members from lists submitted by ment of $200 million in 2015 is clearly elephants, according to National Geo- the majority and minority leaders for justified, and we must also continue to graphic. morning-hour debate. provide funding for Alzheimer’s re- One of those elephants killed was The Chair will alternate recognition search in future years. Satao, pictured right here before he between the parties, with each party On behalf of south Texas families af- was killed. Satao was called by some as limited to 1 hour and each Member fected by Alzheimer’s, I urge my col- the world’s biggest and largest ele- other than the majority and minority leagues in Congress to support in- phant. Satao had tusks that reached to leaders and the minority whip limited creased funding for Alzheimer’s re- the ground, as you can see, but last to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- search. June, he was found in a swamp, dead, bate continue beyond 1:50 p.m. f killed for his tusks. He was 45 to 46 f years old. The poachers finally got this TERRORIST POACHING old bull. FUNDING ALZHEIMER’S RESEARCH The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Terrorists have identified this lucra- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from tive industry of systematically killing Chair recognizes the gentleman from Texas (Mr. POE) for 5 minutes. African animals as another source of Texas (Mr. VELA) for 5 minutes. Mr. POE of Texas. Madam Speaker, cash to fund their murderous enter- Mr. VELA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today the call of the wild from mammoth Af- prises. The al Qaeda affiliate al to urge the inclusion of additional rican elephants and rhinos has grown Shabaab generated between $200,000 funding for Alzheimer’s research in the meek and blissfully silent. and $600,000 a month from just tusks, National Institutes of Health’s budget. The culprit: outlaw terrorists who according to the African Elephant Ac- This disease affects over 5 million are tracking and hunting down these tion League. The blood money ac- Americans, and every 67 seconds, some- massive creatures to fund their filthy, counted for as much as 40 percent of al one develops Alzheimer’s. lucre terrorist enterprises. Our enemy Shabaab’s total operating budget. The impact on these patients and is sophisticated and well-funded, but These terrorist poachers not only kill their families is immense, and Con- their weapons, surveillance equipment African animals, but they kill the wild- gress must act now to ensure needed and training, food, lodging, and travel life wardens guarding them as well. funding is available to researchers will- cost a lot of money. Other terrorist organizations impli- ing to understand, treat, and cure Alz- ISIS has a terrorist army that has cated in the illegal poaching trade in- heimer’s. raised billions of dollars through extor- clude Joseph Kony’s Lord’s Resistance

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO7.000 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H8000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2014 Army in central Africa and Boko vided by family caregivers. They do a field that is growing and can provide Haram in Nigeria. this out of love for their loved ones, to them with some job security. Unsurprisingly, these terrorists have restore and maintain respect and dig- So I see two challenges that I think also taken advantage of the instability nity, and because the vast majority of can be solved with one coordinated na- and corruption in African govern- disabled adults and seniors rely on tional effort called Care Corps. My bill, ments. Terrorists sell their bounties Medicare as their primary insurance, H.R. 5288, creates a national Care Corps under the radar in the illicit market. and Medicare does not pay for long- that will place volunteers and commu- The penalties for those caught poach- term care services, and they are barely nities to work with seniors and individ- ing are minimal. ineligible for Medicaid, which might. uals with disabilities who need a little So for terrorists who are looking to Forty-nine million Americans pro- extra support to live independently. avoid detection, make a lot of money, vide more than 520 billion in care to In return for their services, volun- and not face consequences if caught, seniors and adults with disabilities teers will receive health insurance and poaching is their grand bargain. every year. They manage a range of other benefits, along with a postservice So what is being done? Our intel- really difficult responsibilities because educational award. This award can be ligence community has yet to establish they have a friend or a loved one who used to pay for up to 2 years of attend- a clear understanding of which ter- is older or who has a disability and is ance at an institution of higher edu- rorist groups are the most involved in in need of extra help. cation or to pay back educational poaching and who facilitates the world- I know how tough it is to be a family loans. wide transactions from Africa to other caregiver because I am one. My moth- But I want to end with what I think countries. er, who lives with me in New Mexico, will be the program’s legacy if we are We need wildlife trackers to track relies on me to oversee her care and able to get this done. Care Corps pro- the money trail and the destruction of also provide financial support. These vides an opportunity for intergenera- these creatures. The administration are difficult arrangements for a num- tional relationships, for seniors and needs to have a plan to stop this eradi- ber of reasons. Having a parent rely on our young people to learn from each cation of mammoth animals. a child when they have spent their life other, and for us as a country to gain Multiple agencies from the State De- being the caregiver can be a tough a better sense of our history to the peo- partment, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv- transition to make. ple that lived it. Anyone who has ever been a care- ice, and others have been involved in But family caregivers navigate that giver will tell you not just that it was efforts to eradicate poaching, but it ap- relationship while taking the time to challenging, but that it was incredibly pears no agency has taken the lead. call insurance companies and hospitals rewarding. Talk must turn to action. to ensure their loved one is getting So I want to thank our family care- Last February, the Presidential Task proper care and while often having to givers who are already filling a serious Force on Wildlife Trafficking issued a use their own resources to cover many void in this country, and I want to urge national strategy for combating wild- of the costs associated with that care. my colleagues to support them by sup- life trafficking, but there is no imple- They do it out of love, and they do it porting the National Care Corps Act. mentation plan. Nine months later, we because they know that their mother are still waiting for a strategy to go or their husband or their friend wants f into effect. to remain as independent as possible, RECOGNIZING LETTER CARRIER Meanwhile, endangered species are and they know that they want to live MARGARET HUTCHENS being slaughtered, like Satao, and ter- out their lives with dignity. I think The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. POE rorists are being paid from the sales of they have earned that right. of Texas). The Chair recognizes the endangered species’ tusks and horns. But these family caregivers cannot gentlewoman from North Carolina (Ms. Preserving endangered species is a do it alone. They need someone to take FOXX) for 5 minutes. noble goal, but the fact that killers their sister to her appointment and Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, today, I rise worldwide are using this money to fund when they get busy with a day at work to recognize Yadkinville Letter Carrier terrorism makes it even more urgent or to make sure that their dad takes Margaret Hutchens, who delivers mail we stop this ruthless criminal conduct. his medication while they attend a par- in the Country Club Road area, the These terrorists kill animals, so they ent-teacher conference. Booneville end of U.S. 601, and the can get money to kill people. The com- Already in this country, we have got Hamptonville side of Old U.S. 421 West, bination of these two evils, the killing more than 4 million men and women upon her induction into the prestigious of endangered species and innocent ci- who have chosen direct care as a career Million Mile Club. vilians to further radical terrorism, is and provide these kind of services on a Margaret received this high honor an international threat. paid basis, but if you look at the sheer from the National Safety Council in The world cannot allow radical Is- demographics, that is not nearly recognition of having driven in the lamic terrorists to continue the whole- enough. workplace for at least 30 years or 1 mil- sale slaughter of rhinos and elephants As the baby boom generation con- lion miles without incurring a prevent- to fund their reign of terror. Make ter- tinues to age, demand for services will able motor vehicle accident. rorists extinct, not these animals. Oth- increase. The gap between the number Let’s think about the magnitude of erwise, the only rhinos and elephants of family caregivers and direct care travelling 1 million miles. That would our grandkids are going to see are the workers and the number of people who be two trips to the moon and back. stuffed animals at Toys ‘‘R’’ Us. need services will continue to grow. At the celebration honoring her ac- And that is just the way it is. In 2010, there were seven potential complishment, Margaret thanked the customers on her route and said she f caregivers for every person over the age of 80. By 2030, that ratio is pro- knew God was looking out for her dur- NATIONAL CARE CORPS ACT jected to drop by almost half, to 4.1. ing those 30 years of accident-free driv- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The In the direct care workforce, demand ing. Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from is projected to grow, so that the U.S. This honor illustrates the dedication New Mexico (Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN will need to add at least 1 million more to excellence that Margaret practices GRISHAM) for 5 minutes. direct care workers over the next 10 every day, and her customers are fortu- Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM of years. nate to have such a reliable and hard- New Mexico. Madam Speaker, I rise So we face real challenges in growing working letter carrier. during National Family Caregivers a workforce that will help meet the f Month to recognize the millions of needs of our population. At the same b 1215 family caregivers who do incredible time, our economy continues to slowly work every day and to talk about the recover from the Great Recession. WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES future of caregiving in this country. Young people looking to enter the RULE Right now, the vast majority of care workforce, along with workers who are The SPEAKER pro tempore. The services in the United States are pro- willing to retrain, want to find jobs in Chair recognizes the gentleman from

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.038 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8001 (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 Unfortunately, the proposed rule as- b 1400 minutes. sumes just that—limitless Federal au- AFTER RECESS Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. thority. The recess having expired, the House Mr. Speaker, Friday, November 14, was Mr. Speaker, the reason this is so the closing of the public comment pe- was called to order by the Speaker pro concerning is that many of these issues tempore (Mr. JOLLY) at 2 p.m. riod for the U.S. Environmental Pro- are best regulated at the State level in tection Agency and the U.S. Army a manner that recognizes regional dif- f Corps of Engineers’ proposed ‘‘waters ferences in geography, climate, geol- PRAYER of the United States’’—WOTUS, as it is ogy, soils, hydrology, and rainfall, The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick known—rule under the Clean Water among other variables. Rather than Act, which would dramatically expand J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: strengthen the law, the rule creates Dear God, we give You thanks for the scope of Federal authority over more confusion—confusion that will giving us another day. water and land uses across the United most certainly delay permitting and We ask Your special blessing upon States. will undermine strong water quality the Members of this people’s House. Enacted in 1972, the Clean Water Act programs that exist in Pennsylvania They face difficult decisions in difficult was created as a partnership between and in other States. Moreover, this times with many forces and interests the States and the Federal EPA in type of uncertainty is susceptible to in- demanding their attention. order to better manage identified pol- consistent interpretation and applica- We are grateful, O God, that You lution sources through a range of pol- tion, which holds the potential for sub- have given to them the goals of justice lution control programs. stantial implementation costs across This new proposed rule is a direct and the designs of freedom. Remind the various Clean Water Act programs, threat to this longstanding federalist each Member that it is their work to and will likely invite more enforce- approach created by the law, which has develop the strategies and plans of ment actions and third-party litiga- been long supported by Republicans achieving those goals and designs being tion. and Democrats alike for over four dec- mindful of the prompting of Your spir- ades. In addition to jeopardizing existing it. It is through this federalist model, water quality control programs, the You have given to each of them and which enables regulators at the Fed- economic impact of the proposed rule to us all the abilities to do good works, eral, State, and local levels to provide will be far-reaching. Activities that so we pray that we will be faithful in adequate flexibility to address water drive economic development in Penn- our tasks, responsible in our actions, quality while accounting for local and sylvania, such as highway and road and fervent in our desire to serve. regional variations and conditions, construction, pipeline projects, energy Bless us all, O God, this day and that Pennsylvania has demonstrated a production, infrastructure projects, every day to come. And may all that is track record of success in improving farming, flood control, and public done be for Your greater honor and and protecting the ecological health of works projects will all be subject to glory. its waters. Unfortunately, the proposed Federal permitting if this proposal is Amen. rule would dramatically expand the finalized. f Federal authority to the detriment of For example, the rule would make THE JOURNAL our economy and at the expense of ex- most ditches into tributaries. Routine The SPEAKER pro tempore. The isting State-Federal partnerships that maintenance activities in ditches and Chair has examined the Journal of the have been effective in protecting and on-site ponds and impoundments could last day’s proceedings and announces improving the biological integrity of trigger permits that can cost $100,000 or to the House his approval thereof. our watersheds and waterways. more. These permitting requirements Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- For this reason, I along with Senator would likely trigger additional envi- nal stands approved. and eight additional mem- ronmental reviews which would add f bers of the Pennsylvania delegation in years to the completion time for ordi- the U.S. House of Representatives nary projects, which means more costs PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE voiced our strong opposition to this for landowners and more regulatory The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the flawed policy. In comments submitted burdens upon the States, all with no gentleman from North Carolina (Mr. Friday to the agencies, we outlined guarantee or measurable benefits to WILSON) come forward and lead the concerns specific to our home State our waters. House in the Pledge of Allegiance. and those of our constituents, includ- Mr. Speaker, we all agree that man- Mr. WILSON of North Carolina led ing private landowners, counties, mu- the Pledge of Allegiance as follows: nicipalities, farmers, foresters, among aging the Nation’s water is critically important, but in this case, the Federal I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the so many who will be negatively im- United States of America, and to the Repub- pacted if this rule is allowed to be fully Government has failed to recognize the fundamental role that States play in lic for which it stands, one nation under God, implemented. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. meeting our shared goals of clean wa- Mr. Speaker, there is a widespread f agreement that the Clean Water Act tersheds and water resources. Mr. has been a beneficial tool for the man- Speaker, it is time for EPA and the HONORING RICHARD FISHER agement and the health of our Nation’s Corps to vacate this proposal, get back (Mr. BURGESS asked and was given watersheds and water quality. to the drawing board, and fix the fun- permission to address the House for 1 While Congressional intent of the damental flaws within this rule. The minute and to revise and extend his re- Clean Water Act has been limited to American people, including my con- marks.) ‘‘navigable waters,’’ the extent of the stituents in Pennsylvania, deserve as Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise law’s jurisdiction has been the subject much. today to honor the work of Richard of much litigation and regulatory ac- Fisher, who will be retiring as the tion. Complicating the issue further f president of the Bank are Supreme Court decisions that have of Dallas this coming spring. not adequately described the scope of RECESS President Fisher’s work at the insti- Federal authority under the law result- tution for the past 10 years has served ing, at times, in conflict. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- our area well. Richard has been a fear- While the existing law and the Su- ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair less advocate for the low regulation of preme Court have left uncertainty re- declares the House in recess until 2 the Texas economy. Because of his garding what constitutes a ‘‘water of p.m. today. stance, north Texas has experienced the United States,’’ previous holdings Accordingly (at 12 o’clock and 20 tremendous economic growth and vi- have made clear that the Federal Gov- minutes p.m.), the House stood in re- tality during the time of his presi- ernment’s authority is not limitless. cess. dency.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.004 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H8002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2014 I feel privileged to have known and is a school rich with tradition. I am crease in the price of the stamp after hunting worked closely with President Fisher humbled to be a graduate of such a year 2013 resulted in a reduction in revenues de- during the time he and I worked to- longstanding, esteemed institution. posited into the fund.’’; and (3) in section 4 (16 U.S.C. 718d)— gether on economic development sum- The University of Missouri was home (A) in subsection (a)(3), by inserting before mits in southeast Fort Worth. Those to the first journalism school in the the period the following: ‘‘, in which there shall were a huge success and were helpful to world and is still recognized as one of be a subaccount to which the Secretary of the the small businesses that were in an the best schools around the world for Treasury shall transfer all amounts in excess of economically challenged area. He was agriculture, business, and journalism, $15 that are received from the sale of each stamp always available and helpful to me per- just to name a few. sold for each hunting year after hunting year sonally. His stances on preventing The core values of the University of 2013’’; banks that are too big to fail from Missouri—respect, responsibility, dis- (B) in subsection (b)(1), by striking ‘‘So coming to the taxpayer for bailouts much’’ and inserting ‘‘Except as provided in covery, and excellence—leave a mark paragraph (4), so much’’; was inspiring. on every individual influenced by this (C) in subsection (b)(2), by striking ‘‘para- On behalf of the 26th District of institution and have helped shape me graph (3)’’ and inserting ‘‘paragraphs (3) and Texas, I commend President Richard as an American citizen and lawmaker. (4)’’; and Fisher on a job well done. I congratu- Throughout my career in education (D) by adding at the end of subsection (b) the late him on his retirement and wish and public service, I have striven to up- following: him every success in the future. ‘‘(4) CONSERVATION EASEMENTS.—Amounts in hold the values of the university and the subaccount referred to in subsection (a)(3) f sleep well knowing that all alumni, shall be used by the Secretary solely to acquire PRESIDENT DECEIVED AMERICANS present and future, will do the same. easements in real property in the United States ABOUT OBAMACARE I am so proud to be a Tiger, and I for conservation of migratory birds.’’. wish a very happy birthday to Mizzou. (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina SEC. 3. ANNUAL REPORT ON EXPENDITURES. Go Tigers! Section 4 of the Migratory Bird Hunting and asked and was given permission to ad- Conservation Stamp Act (16 U.S.C. 718d) is fur- f dress the House for 1 minute and to re- ther amended— vise and extend his remarks.) ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER (1) in subsection (c)— Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. PRO TEMPORE (A) by striking so much as precedes ‘‘The Sec- Speaker, in yesterday’s Charleston retary may’’ and inserting the following: Post and Courier, Charles The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ‘‘(c) PROMOTION OF STAMP SALES.—’’; and Krauthammer points out the Presi- ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair (B) by striking paragraph (2); and will postpone further proceedings (2) by adding at the end the following: dent’s deceit when misrepresenting ‘‘(d) ANNUAL REPORT.—The Secretary shall ObamaCare before shoving it through a today on motions to suspend the rules on which a recorded vote or the yeas include in each annual report of the Commission Democratic Congress. under section 3 of the Migratory Bird Conserva- According to the column, an ‘‘Octo- and nays are ordered, or on which the tion Act (16 U.S.C. 715b)— ber 2013 video has surfaced that shows vote incurs objection under clause 6 of ‘‘(1) a description of activities conducted MIT Professor Jonathan Gruber, a rule XX. under subsection (c) in the year covered by the principal architect of ObamaCare, ad- Record votes on postponed questions report; mitting that, in order to get it passed, will be taken later. ‘‘(2) an annual assessment of the status of wetlands conservation projects for migratory the law was made deliberately obscure f bird conservation purposes, including a clear and deceptive. It constitutes the ulti- FEDERAL DUCK STAMP ACT OF and accurate accounting of— mate vindication of the charge that 2014 ‘‘(A) all expenditures by Federal and State ObamaCare was sold on a pack of lies.’’ agencies under this section; and As more is revealed about the truth Mr. FLEMING. Mr. Speaker, I move ‘‘(B) all expenditures made for fee-simple ac- behind the President’s manipulation to suspend the rules and pass the bill quisition of Federal lands in the United States, when passing ObamaCare, ‘‘It’s refresh- (H.R. 5069) to amend the Migratory including the amount paid and acreage of each ing that ‘the most transparent admin- Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp parcel acquired in each acquisition; Act to increase in the price of Migra- ‘‘(3) an analysis of the refuge lands opened, istration in history’ . . . should finally and refuge lands closed, for hunting and fishing display candor about its signature act tory Bird Hunting and Conservation in the year covered by the report, including— of social change. Inadvertently, of Stamps to fund the acquisition of con- ‘‘(A) identification of the specific areas in course. But now we know what lay be- servation easements for migratory each refuge and the reasons for the closure or hind Obama’s smooth . . . arrogance birds, and for other purposes, as opening; and . . . that rules in the name of the citi- amended. ‘‘(B) a detailed description of each closure in- zenry it mocks, disdains, and delib- The Clerk read the title of the bill. cluding detailed justification for such closure; The text of the bill is as follows: ‘‘(4) the total number of acres of refuge land erately, contemptuously deceives.’’ open for hunting and fishing, and the total It is sad Democratic elitists believe H.R. 5069 number of acres of refuge land closed for hunt- their voters are stupid. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- ing and fishing, in the year covered by the re- In conclusion, God bless our troops. resentatives of the United States of America in port; and The President should take action to Congress assembled, ‘‘(5) a separate report on the hunting and never forget September the 11th and SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. fishing status of those lands added to the system the global war on terrorism. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Federal Duck in the year covered by the report.’’. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Stamp Act of 2014’’. SEC. 4. EXEMPTION FOR TAKINGS BY RURAL ALASKA SUBSISTENCE USERS. Chair must remind all Members that SEC. 2. INCREASE IN PRICE OF MIGRATORY BIRD remarks in debate may not engage in HUNTING AND CONSERVATION Section 1(a)(2) of the Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp Act (16 U.S.C. personalities toward the President. STAMP TO FUND ACQUISITION OF CONSERVATION EASEMENTS FOR MI- 718a(a)(2)) is amended by striking ‘‘or’’ after the f GRATORY BIRDS. semicolon at the end of subparagraph (B), by MIZZOU 175TH BIRTHDAY The Migratory Bird Hunting and Conserva- striking the period at the end of subparagraph tion Stamp Act is amended— (C) and inserting ‘‘; or’’, and by adding at the (Mrs. HARTZLER asked and was (1) in section 2(b) (16 U.S.C. 718b(b))— end the following: given permission to address the House (A) by striking ‘‘1990, and’’ and inserting ‘‘(D) by a rural Alaska resident for subsist- for 1 minute.) ‘‘1990,’’; and ence uses (as that term is defined in section 803 Mrs. HARTZLER. Mr. Speaker, today (B) by striking ‘‘for each hunting year there- of the Alaska National Interest Lands Con- I rise to recognize my alma mater, the after’’ and inserting ‘‘for hunting years 1991 servation Act (16 U.S.C. 3113)).’’. University of Missouri, as it celebrates through 2013, and $25 for each hunting year The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- 175 years of providing quality edu- thereafter’’; ant to the rule, the gentleman from (2) by adding at the end of section 2 (16 U.S.C. Louisiana (Mr. FLEMING) and the gen- cation, cutting-edge research, and 718b) the following: practical extension services to all Mis- ‘‘(c) REDUCTION IN PRICE OF STAMP.—The Sec- tleman from Arizona (Mr. GRIJALVA) sourians. retary may reduce the price of each stamp sold each will control 20 minutes. Mizzou was the first State university under the provisions of this section for a hunt- The Chair recognizes the gentleman established west of the Mississippi and ing year if the Secretary determines that the in- from Louisiana.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.005 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8003 GENERAL LEAVE servation easements on land in the enue increases for selected programs when Mr. FLEMING. Mr. Speaker, I ask United States. there is a close connection between the reve- unanimous consent that all Members While I take issue with some of the nues and the spending. For example, budget may have 5 legislative days to revise requirements and restrictions this bill resolutions often include reserve funds that ef- and extend their remarks and include would place on the Fish and Wildlife fectively waive the ‘‘Cut as You Go’’ rule for extraneous materials on the bill under Service, the opportunity to generate deficit-neutral legislation designed to achieve a consideration. these additional funds for wetland con- specific purpose. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there servation with the support of hunters Because the funds generated from this leg- objection to the request of the gen- and other nature lovers is one that we islation will be user fees, not taxes, and this tleman from Louisiana? must take advantage of. bill reduces the deficit, I support granting a There was no objection. I support the passage of the bill and waiver of the ‘‘Cut as You Go’’ rule for consid- Mr. FLEMING. Mr. Speaker, I yield congratulate the author of the legisla- eration of this bill. myself such time as I may consume. tion. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The As author of H.R. 5069, I am pleased I yield back the balance of my time. question is on the motion offered by that we are considering this bipartisan Mr. FLEMING. Mr. Speaker, I just the gentleman from Louisiana (Mr. bill that has been cosponsored by the want to say in closing that not only do FLEMING) that the House suspend the dean of the House of Representatives, we have huge bipartisan support for rules and pass the bill, H.R. 5069, as the leadership of the Congressional this bill, but I just want to point out, amended. Sportsmen’s Caucus, and the entire as an example, in 2012, we spent, essen- The question was taken; and (two- Louisiana House congressional delega- tially, an equal amount of money on thirds being in the affirmative) the tion. both the fee simple land purchase and rules were suspended and the bill, as The Federal Duck Stamp Act will the easement. Around $16- to $17 mil- amended, was passed. modestly increase the price of the Fed- lion each. But look at the bang for the A motion to reconsider was laid on eral duck stamp for the first time in 23 buck we got. We purchased 14,747 acres the table. years and, by so doing, restore the buy- fee simple, but on easements we got f ing power of this conservation tool 48,144. which has been used to acquire, con- So it is obvious that not only is this REMOVING A USE RESTRICTION serve, lease, and restore thousands of a huge savings to the taxpayer, this is TO CERTAIN LAND IN ROCKING- acres of wetlands. a much better deal, but also think HAM , VIRGINIA Wetlands are critical to the survival about the maintenance costs that are Mr. FLEMING. Mr. Speaker, I move of not only migratory waterfowl but to now going to be unnecessary because to suspend the rules and pass the bill the millions of Americans who live landowners with the easements will (H.R. 5162) to amend the Act entitled along our coastlines. The U.S. Geologi- continue to maintain the land rather ‘‘An Act to allow a certain parcel of cal Survey has calculated that for than taxpayers. land in Rockingham County, Virginia, every 2.5 miles a hurricane travels And with that, Mr. Speaker, I yield to be used for a child care center’’ to across wetlands, the storm surge is re- back the balance of my time. remove the use restriction, and for duced by 1 foot. It is therefore likely Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, other purposes. that wetlands were directly responsible today, my colleagues and I will vote on the The Clerk read the title of the bill. for saving lives and property in the Federal Duck Stamp Act of 2014. This bill The text of the bill is as follows: gulf coast that were devastated by Hur- would raise the price of Federal Migratory Bird H.R. 5162 ricanes Katrina and Rita. Hunting and Conservation Stamps (more com- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- This legislation has been endorsed by monly known as ‘‘Duck Stamps’’), for the first resentatives of the United States of America in Ducks Unlimited and more than 30 na- time in 23 years, from $15 to $25. I am a Congress assembled, tional conservation organizations, in- proud supporter of this legislation and ask my SECTION 1. REMOVAL OF USE RESTRICTION. cluding the National Rifle Association, colleagues to vote in favor. The Act entitled ‘‘An Act to allow a cer- Boone and Crockett Club, the National Ever since Congress created the Duck tain parcel of land in Rockingham County, Wild Turkey Federation, and the Con- Stamp program in 1934, hunters have bought Virginia, to be used for a child care center’’, gressional Sportsmen’s Foundation. duck stamps to help pay for the protection of approved October 31, 1990 (Public Law 101– 479), is amended to read as follows: In their support letter, these groups wildlife habitats. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife ‘‘SECTION 1. REMOVAL OF USE RESTRICTION. noted that, ‘‘In order for us to pass Service uses the money generated from these ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding any re- down our hunting heritage from gen- sales to acquire new land or preserve existing strictions in the deed, on and after the date eration to generation, sustain a vital wildlife refuges for water fowl. Duck Stamps of the enactment of this Act, the parcel com- and viable resource for wildlife and also serve as an entrance pass for any na- prised of approximately 3.03 acres of land people, we must increase the price of tional wildlife refuge that charges admission, transferred by the United States on April 11, the duck stamp this year.’’ so they are in effect a user fee for hunters and 1989, to the county of Rockingham, Virginia, I urge adoption of H.R. 5069, and I bird watchers. in deed book number 953 at page 600, to- want to thank all of the Members who Today, because of rising land prices and in- gether with improvements thereon may be join with me in this effort. flation in general, the value of the Duck Stamp used by the county as if the land had been transferred in fee simple with no use or other I reserve the balance of my time. has fallen by 40 percent, depriving conserva- restrictions. Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Speaker, I yield tion efforts of crucial funds. As an avid hunter, ‘‘(b) DOCUMENTATION.—As soon as practical myself as much time as I may con- I understand the importance of investing in our after the date of the enactment of this Act, sume. wildlife habitats. We need to pass these tradi- the Secretary of the Interior shall take such Mr. Speaker, H.R. 5069 would author- tions on to the next generation, so they can actions as are necessary to issue a fee simple ize an increase in the price of the Fed- learn the importance of being good stewards deed with no restrictions to the land de- eral duck stamp from $15 to $25. Duck of the land. scribed in subsection (a) to the county of stamp revenue funds the purchase and Since the federal government already owns Rockingham, Virginia.’’. conservation of wetland habitats crit- nearly one third of our country’s land, this bill The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ical to maintaining waterfowl popu- prohibits new land acquisition and requires the ant to the rule, the gentleman from lations and other wildlife prized by funds generated from the fee increase to be Louisiana (Mr. FLEMING) and the gen- hunters. This increase will restore the used solely for acquiring easements for migra- tleman from Arizona (Mr. GRIJALVA) purchasing power of the duck stamp tory birds. But since the funds collected from each will control 20 minutes. dollars to nearly 1991 levels, the last Duck Stamp sales are technically classified as The Chair recognizes the gentleman time Congress increased the price of revenues, increasing the fees to allow for from Louisiana. the duck stamp. higher spending on protecting migratory-bird GENERAL LEAVE The current price of the stamp is $15, habitats does not comply with the House’s Mr. FLEMING. Mr. Speaker, I ask which equates to less than $9 in 1991. ‘‘Cut as You Go’’ rule (Rule XXI, Clause 10). unanimous consent that all Members The increase is expected to generate $5 In the past, we’ve made exceptions for may have 5 legislative days to revise million in revenue for securing con- spending increases that are offset with rev- and extend their remarks and include

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.007 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H8004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2014 extraneous materials on the bill under While there may have been an alter- The building is, once again, in need consideration. native method to achieving the objec- of repairs, forcing the county to seek The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there tive of this legislation, we support the approval from the Department of the objection to the request of the gen- adoption of H.R. 5162. Interior for repairs. Further, because of tleman from Louisiana? Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of the terms of the deed, the daycare cen- There was no objection. my time. ter has been unable to get a loan to Mr. FLEMING. Mr. Speaker, I yield Mr. FLEMING. Mr. Speaker, I yield 5 complete the needed renovations. myself such time as I may consume. minutes to the gentleman from Vir- I have been pleased to visit the In 1989, the Department of the Inte- ginia (Mr. GOODLATTE). Plains Area Daycare Center on many rior deeded a small parcel of land to (Mr. GOODLATTE asked and was occasions. The center is committed to Rockingham County, Virginia, for pub- given permission to revise and extend providing high-quality child care on a lic purpose. This land includes a garage his remarks.) sliding scale. The center is also com- that had previously been used by the Mr. GOODLATTE. I thank the gen- mitted to making sure children have National Park Service. tleman from Louisiana for yielding the the skills necessary to enter and thrive The County determined a nonprofit time and the chairman of the Natural in school through early childhood edu- childcare center in Broadway, Virginia, Resources Committee, Mr. HASTINGS, cation programs. The investments this would benefit from the use of the ga- for moving this legislation forward. I center is making in the community are rage, and Public Law 101–479 allowed want to thank the gentleman from Ari- immeasurable. Since opening in 1991, the deed to be changed for the par- zona as well for his support and indi- the center has always been at capacity, ticular use of the childcare center. cate to him that the intention is to and it is the only facility of its kind in However, under the terms and restric- continue to use this land for a child the community. By passing this legis- tions of the transfer, the nonprofit is care center, but in order to improve lation and allowing Rockingham Coun- unable to obtain financing to make im- the child care center, they need to be ty and, in return, the Plains Area provements and renovations to the able to get financing that is not avail- Daycare Center more authority over property. H.R. 5162 would remove the able with the encumbrance that exists the land, it will ensure that more chil- restrictions on the land so the nec- right now. dren and more of the community will essary upgrades may be made to the Mr. Speaker, for over 25 years, a lit- be served by this land. childcare center. tle over 3 acres of land and its associ- Mr. Speaker, my legislation today is Congressman GOODLATTE has offered ated buildings, previously wholly held a simple formality. For 25 years, the a commonsense bill that will assist the by the Federal Government, have been constituents and the community. I land has been deeded to Rockingham maintained by Rockingham County County but with restriction. It is clear urge support for the bill. and the Plains Area Daycare Center in I reserve the balance of my time. the Federal Government no longer has my congressional district. a vested interest in the land. This prop- b 1415 In 1989, the Federal Government erty is being used by the county and Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Speaker, I yield deeded these 3 acres of land to Rock- the community to help those in need. myself such time as I may consume. ingham County, but prior to this offi- My legislation removes the restrictions H.R. 5162 removes the use restriction cial declaration, Rockingham County on the land to ensure this community on a 3-acre parcel of Federal land had already been maintaining the lands investment can continue to thrive. granted in 1990 to Rockingham County, around the facility. The land and build- I urge my colleagues to pass H.R. 5162 Virginia. The county no longer needs ing had been used as a garage and so that the necessary upgrades may be the parcel for child care and seeks to maintenance facility for the National made to the child care center and so develop it for other purposes. Forest Service. However, it was no that the community can be better The 3-acre parcel was given to Rock- longer being utilized, and the county served. ingham County through the National was doing upkeep on the land. Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Speaker, if I Park Service’s Federal Lands to Parks The land transfer in 1989 allowed this may inquire of the gentleman from Program. The Federal Lands to Parks land to be used for public purposes. The Louisiana if he has any more speakers. Program provides Federal land to county decided that the nonprofit Mr. FLEMING. We have no further counties and to other State and local Plains Area Daycare Center in Broad- speakers. entities to develop community parks way, Virginia, which provides child Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Speaker, I yield and public spaces. If land granted care on a sliding scale and helps many back the balance of my time. through this program is no longer families who otherwise could not afford Mr. FLEMING. Mr. Speaker, I yield needed for its original purpose, the Na- child care, would benefit from the use back the balance of my time. tional Park Service has the adminis- of the old garage. Public Law 101–479 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The trative authority to sell the land at allowed the deed to be changed from question is on the motion offered by fair market value. public use for the particular use of the the gentleman from Louisiana (Mr. This involves what could be a very child care center. FLEMING) that the House suspend the lengthy valuation process, but it is im- Donations by the community, total- rules and pass the bill, H.R. 5162. portant to remember that these assets ing $75,000, turned the garage building The question was taken. are owned by the American taxpayers, into a nursery, daycare, and after- The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the held in trust by the Federal Govern- school care facility. Additionally, the opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being ment, and they deserve a fair return. In creation of the daycare center provided in the affirmative, the ayes have it. this case, to the best of my knowledge, for the creation of a playground that Mr. FLEMING. Mr. Speaker, on that Rockingham County did not approach the center supports and is open for pub- I demand the yeas and nays. the National Park Service to discuss lic use. To be clear, the center and the The yeas and nays were ordered. purchasing the land at fair market playground are the sole reason that The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- value. Instead, the county went this previously abandoned government ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- straight to Congress for this legislative land is being used by the community. ceedings on this motion will be post- fix. Unfortunately, because of the narrow poned. Revisionary clauses and land use re- way Public Law 101–479 was drafted, f strictions exist to ensure the fair use of any extension or maintenance of the Federal land and a fair return to the physical structures has required ap- CAMP PENDLETON MEDAL OF American taxpayer. Of course, it is im- proval by the Department of the Inte- HONOR POST OFFICE portant to look at these on a case-by- rior. In 1998, the county had to obtain Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I move to case basis, recognizing when Congress permission from the Department to add suspend the rules and pass the bill should chime in and when it is more an addition that was funded through (H.R. 5468) to designate the facility of appropriate for administrative action. pledges and a county loan, resulting in the United States Postal Service lo- Congress should only get involved another $125,000 worth of improvements cated at 1103 USPS Building 1103 in when all other options are exhausted. by the community. Camp Pendleton, California, as the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.009 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8005 ‘‘Camp Pendleton Medal of Honor Post rines. I have learned even more about going to be very good reading for all of Office’’. their valor. Only in a place like Camp us. I do join, of course, in supporting The Clerk read the title of the bill. Pendleton would you find that the base this naming. I think it is particularly The text of the bill is as follows: band is named after a band leader who suitable. H.R. 5468 earned a Medal of Honor during the Ko- Mr. Speaker, 230 years of Camp Pen- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- rean conflict as he, in fact, laid cov- dleton’s existence, think about it. It is resentatives of the United States of America in ering fire for his fellow marines from a just an amazing facility, but more im- Congress assembled, burning tank. portantly, it has had hundreds of thou- SECTION 1. CAMP PENDLETON MEDAL OF HONOR Therefore, today, we are consid- sands of wonderful Americans who POST OFFICE. ering—and I am confident we will have learned about how to be a patriot, (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the name—this post office after all of those who have gone from there to face very United States Postal Service located at 1103 USPS Building 1103 in Camp Pendleton, Cali- who earned America’s highest honor. I difficult challenges when we needed fornia, shall be known and designated as the envision that the post office will bear their bravery to defend our country. ‘‘Camp Pendleton Medal of Honor Post Of- the names and, in a book, the recita- So I join the gentleman from Cali- fice’’. tion of how they each earned America’s fornia (Mr. ISSA) in urging our col- (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, highest honor. It has been inspiring to leagues to support this naming—it is map, regulation, document, paper, or other represent them. Those Medal of Honor an especially glorious one—honoring record of the United States to the facility re- recipients, I must mention, will in- all men and women of the military. ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to clude Navy corpsmen, and they will in- I yield back the balance of my time. be a reference to the ‘‘Camp Pendleton Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, in closing, I Medal of Honor Post Office’’. clude officers and enlisted men. They will include all of those battles from have but two things to say. First of all, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- World War II to tomorrow and the days I want to thank the California delega- ant to the rule, the gentleman from beyond. tion for their unique, bipartisan, unan- California (Mr. ISSA) and the gen- As I ask for this post office to be imous support for this bill. tleman from (Mr. WELCH) named, one that I have had the honor Lastly, whether it is that bandleader each will control 20 minutes. of authoring, I might note, for all of who was a bandleader first, but would The Chair recognizes the gentleman those who wonder why we name post have said, ‘‘I am an infantryman first,’’ from California. offices, I believe, if they come to Camp who served in World War II and died GENERAL LEAVE Pendleton, they will find out why this there in Korea, or it is the marines and Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- post office bears the name of a medal corpsmen who have given their lives, mous consent that all Members may and not any one soldier, sailor, marine, their blood, their tears, their sweat, have 5 legislative days within which to or airman. whether they were awarded the Medal revise and extend their remarks and in- I reserve the balance of my time. of Honor, lesser medals, or were not clude extraneous materials on the bill Mr. WELCH. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- fully recognized for their dedication, under consideration. self such time as I may consume. all of them, I now know, will have their The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there First of all, I want to thank the gen- daily activities, passing the post office objection to the request of the gen- tleman from California. There is noth- or dropping a letter, they will have an tleman from California? ing I can add, really, to the eloquence opportunity to in fact realize that Con- There was no objection. of his remarks, and it is fitting that he gress is grateful for their contributions Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, of the several made them as the person in this body with the naming of this post office. postal namings that we are voting on who is representing the men and I urge support for the bill, and I yield today, almost all of them are honoring women of Camp Pendleton. back the balance of my time. members of the military and, dis- I have been there, but I don’t serve The SPEAKER pro tempore. The proportionately, members who have it. My brother served in the Navy, and question is on the motion offered by given their lives in service to their I visited him many years ago when he the gentleman from California (Mr. country, and it is fitting that we was at Camp Pendleton, and I remem- ISSA) that the House suspend the rules should do that. However, H.R. 5468 ber then, as a very young person, being and pass the bill, H.R. 5468. seeks something very different. awed by just the incredible display of The question was taken; and (two- Currently called the ‘‘Mainside’’ Ma- patriotism that was embodied in that. thirds being in the affirmative) the rine Corps Base Camp Pendleton Post The other thing, as I listened to you, rules were suspended and the bill was Office, it is not named for anyone. Mr. Chairman, what I thought was so passed. Camp Pendleton has produced more good about this is that the whole ethic A motion to reconsider was laid on Medal of Honor recipients—most of of the military is that you are in it for the table. them posthumously—through World everybody else. As for the story about f War II, Korea, Vietnam, and the var- the Medal of Honor winner who was in ious gulf wars. Even as we speak today, COLONEL M.J. ‘‘MAC’’ DUBE, USMC the band but, before he was in the POST OFFICE BUILDING marines are engaged now in Iraq again, band, was on a burning tank and pro- having completed their missions in Af- vided covering fire at great peril to Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I move to ghanistan, and, undoubtedly, the valor himself, that is the ethic of the mili- suspend the rules and pass the bill they show will someday result in addi- tary that, I think, all of us here so ad- (H.R. 5331) to designate the facility of tional Medal of Honor recipients. mire. the United States Postal Service lo- It is impossible to name the post of- So having a postal naming which cated at 73839 Gorgonio Drive in fice at Camp Pendleton after one ma- doesn’t specifically identify one person Twentynine Palms, California, as the rine, no matter how great, or after a but identifies all of the recipients at ‘‘Colonel M.J. ‘Mac’ Dube, USMC Post few marines, even if they died together the highest award that we can give to Office Building’’. in battle—therefore, the unusual nam- a military leader is a tremendous idea. The Clerk read the title of the bill. ing here at Camp Pendleton, a base In fact, I look forward to my next visit The text of the bill is as follows: that opened in 1942 and that, today, is to Camp Pendleton, where, I think, H.R. 5331 the largest base of marines anywhere like many Americans who will go visit, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- in the world. Over 42,000 marines and I will read this roster and will just resentatives of the United States of America in corpsmen call Camp Pendleton their stand in awe of the bravery that has Congress assembled, home when they are not away from SECTION 1. COLONEL M.J. ‘‘MAC’’ DUBE, USMC been demonstrated by these people POST OFFICE BUILDING. home. throughout our history. I am humbled and honored to be able (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the b 1430 United States Postal Service located at 73839 to represent Camp Pendleton for my Gorgonio Drive in Twentynine Palms, Cali- entire nearly 14 years of service in the So I really am glad that our remarks fornia, shall be known and designated as the Congress. As a former Army officer, I are recorded because this statement ‘‘Colonel M.J. ‘Mac’ Dube, USMC Post Office have learned a great deal about ma- that the chairman gave, I think, is Building’’.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.011 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H8006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2014 (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, town. He gave so many things to so The question was taken; and (two- map, regulation, document, paper, or other many people. He was the most gen- thirds being in the affirmative) the record of the United States to the facility re- erous individual I ever knew, and I rules were suspended and the bill was ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to think that he will always be remem- passed. be a reference to the ‘‘Colonel M.J. ‘Mac’ Dube, USMC Post Office Building’’. bered in the Twentynine Palms area A motion to reconsider was laid on for his hard work, his dedication, and the table. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- his patriotism. f ant to the rule, the gentleman from Mr. WELCH. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- SSA LT. DANIEL P. RIORDAN POST California (Mr. I ) and the gen- self such time as I may consume. tleman from Vermont (Mr. WELCH) I am delighted to join in support of OFFICE each will control 20 minutes. this postal naming, and it is just such Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I move to The Chair recognizes the gentleman a pleasure to listen to the gentleman suspend the rules and pass the bill from California. from California (Mr. COOK) talk about a (H.R. 5386) to designate the facility of GENERAL LEAVE friend he knew who was a fellow colo- the United States Postal Service lo- Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- nel and then to see what he did after cated at 11662 Gravois Road in St. mous consent that all Members may his life of service in the military, his Louis, Missouri, as the ‘‘Lt. Daniel P. have 5 legislative days within which to life of service with his own folks back Riordan Post Office’’. revise and extend their remarks and in- home, and I look at some of the things The Clerk read the title of the bill. clude extraneous material on the bill he did, and I am just amazed. The text of the bill is as follows: under consideration. He served in 46 combat missions. He H.R. 5386 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there earned four Purple Hearts. That means, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- objection to the request of the gen- basically, he dodged death at least four resentatives of the United States of America in tleman from California? times. How he managed to do this and Congress assembled, There was no objection. then put it all behind him—he probably SECTION 1. LT. DANIEL P. RIORDAN POST OF- Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I rise in sup- never talked about it; instead, he pre- FICE. port of H.R. 5331, introduced by my fel- ferred much more to just find a way to (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the United States Postal Service located at 11662 low Californian, Mr. PAUL COOK, to des- help folks back home when the bullets ignate the facility of the United States Gravois Road in St. Louis, Missouri, shall be weren’t flying. known and designated as the ‘‘Lt. Daniel P. Postal Service located at 73839 But he knew service in the military Riordan Post Office’’. Gorgonio Drive in Twentynine Palms, and service back home were equally (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, California, as the Colonel M.J. ‘‘Mac’’ important. This is an extraordinary map, regulation, document, paper, or other Dube, U.S. Marine Corps Post Office person, and we are very honored that record of the United States to the facility re- Building. the gentleman is bringing this bill for- ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to First, I yield such time as he may ward and that we will be able to recog- be a reference to the ‘‘Lt. Daniel P. Riordan Post Office’’. consume to the gentleman from Cali- nize his contributions in the memory fornia, Congressman COOK, the author of a postal naming. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- of the bill, to speak more about this Mr. COOK. Will the gentleman yield ant to the rule, the gentleman from Vietnam war veteran. for a comment? California (Mr. ISSA) and the gen- Mr. COOK. Mr. Speaker, H.R. 5331 Mr. WELCH. I yield to the gentleman tleman from Vermont (Mr. WELCH) would designate the facility that was from California. each will control 20 minutes. already mentioned on Gorgonio Drive Mr. COOK. I thank the gentleman. The Chair recognizes the gentleman in Twentynine Palms as the Colonel As I mentioned, I knew Mac very, from California. M.J. ‘‘Mac’’ Dube, United States Ma- very well, and I used to joke with him, GENERAL LEAVE rine Corps Post Office Building. and I said, ‘‘You know, I have two Pur- Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- Mac passed away this year, but will ple Hearts, and it showed that I was mous consent that all Members may always be remembered in Twentynine dumb enough to not duck twice, and have 5 legislative days within which to Palms as a United States Marine and a you have four of them. What does that revise and extend their remarks and in- dedicated public servant. say about your IQ?’’ clude extraneous material on the bill Mac and I, ironically enough, both But he was a true American and under consideration. served as colonels at the same time, an would do anything, and I thank the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there honor I will always remember and gentleman from Vermont so much for objection to the request of the gen- cherish. Mac was a great marine. He his support of the bill. tleman from California? served for over 30 years. He earned four Mr. WELCH. Reclaiming my time, I There was no objection. Purple Hearts, multiple wars, four thank the gentleman from California Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, this bill, au- Bronze Stars with Combat ‘‘V,’’ and a (Mr. COOK), and Mr. ISSA also thanks thored by Congresswoman ANN WAGNER Silver Star. you. of Missouri, recognizes the last full After a career as the Chief of Staff at It is a tough business we do here, but measure of support for Lieutenant the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat one of the things about these namings Daniel P. Riordan, and I can add noth- Center, he retired in Twentynine is that it allows us to remind ourselves ing more than the author will add, so I Palms, where he went to work, ran for of what we can aspire to be. I mean, yield such time as she may consume to office, became the mayor, and became these folks, in war and in peace, who the gentlewoman from Missouri (Mrs. a council member. Then when he was just give themselves to public service WAGNER). done with that, he served in multiple selflessly and effectively and then earn Mrs. WAGNER. Mr. Speaker, today, I county offices, oftentimes as a volun- the gratitude of the people back home, rise in honor of a great hero. teer. regardless of party, regardless of poli- On June 23, 2007, Missouri’s Second His children grew up there. He was tics, they just are trying to do a good Congressional District lost a brave deeply involved and was somebody thing to make their community a bet- young man when United States Army that, ironically enough, was part of the ter place and their country a stronger First Lieutenant Daniel Riordan made Marine community on the military country. the ultimate sacrifice for his country side and, obviously, the civilian com- I yield back the balance of my time. while serving in Operation Iraqi Free- munity and the county side on the Mr. ISSA. I urge strong support for dom. other side of the fence. this bipartisan bill and yield back the Mr. Speaker, I would like to take a This is a tribute to a man who dedi- balance of my time. moment to reflect on the life of this cated his life to serving his Nation, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The young patriot. Daniel Patrick Riordan serving the Marine Corps, and serving question is on the motion offered by was born to Rick and Jeanine Riordan the Twentynine Palms community. He the gentleman from California (Mr. on February 17, 1983. He had a twin left a legacy for all those who will ISSA) that the House suspend the rules brother, Nick, and an older sister, Su- come after him. He was always in and pass the bill, H.R. 5331. zanne.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO7.005 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8007 After graduating from St. John your story about him as a 5-year-old devices, not by an enemy at a front, Vianney High School in Kirkwood, Mis- boy, I found quite touching. but by a bomb on the road. Lieutenant souri, Dan attended Southeast Mis- There was just something in him Riordan was no different. souri State where he was in the Air that probably did come from his family So when you look at his awards and Force ROTC program. After gradua- that made him, even without knowing you look at the way he lived and died, tion, Dan decided to follow his father why, want to serve, and you can just he wasn’t fighting a war in which he into the military and joined the U.S. imagine that that carried forward not went to the front to face an enemy; he Army, quickly becoming known as only to people in his community and faced that enemy, and at any moment ‘‘Lieutenant Dan.’’ family but to the people of Iraq. his life could end, as it did end, by a Lieutenant Dan became a tank com- I also was reading about how his sneak attack that had no face on it. mander, and in 2006, he was deployed to original objective in the military was The courage of our men and women Iraq as part of Operation Iraqi Free- to serve as a pilot. We don’t know what in Iraq and Afghanistan is greater in dom. As a member of Demon Company the story was as to how he ended up in many ways than those who had a re- in the First Cavalry Division, Dan a tank, but what you know about that prieve from the front from time to served with courage and determina- story is that his fundamental goal was time and who knew when they were tion. Despite frequently being out- to serve. How he served was secondary. going toward their enemy, whether it numbered in enemy territory, Dan was was toward, if you will, heavy fire or b 1445 sniper. In Iraq and Afghanistan in the always out on point, leading his pla- past, the present, and now in the fu- toon into battle. Dan took his leader- He was in a tank, which, as we all ture, our soldiers, sailors, marines, and ship responsibilities literally. As he know, was one of the most dangerous airmen face an enemy that they will put it, ‘‘How can I order my men for- places any of our men and women in likely never see, and they are in peril ward if I’m not willing to go first?’’ service could be during the war in Iraq. virtually every moment of the day and To those who knew Dan, his devotion So I want to thank the gentlewoman night. That special relationship is one to his country through service and sac- for a very inspiring and eloquent state- that I hope the American people under- rifice came as no surprise. He was both ment about a life well lived, about a stand no generation has faced the way a fierce and dedicated warrior in the man who gave his life on behalf of all this generation faces. service of our country and a caring and of us in the United States of America. Mrs. WAGNER. Will the gentleman Mr. Speaker, I urge support of the loving gentleman who felt a duty to bill and yield back the balance of my help those in need. yield? Mr. WELCH. I yield to the gentle- time. From a very young age, Dan showed The SPEAKER pro tempore. The woman from Missouri. sensitivity beyond his years. At the question is on the motion offered by Mrs. WAGNER. I would like to say age of 5 or 6, while attending a funeral, the gentleman from California (Mr. that I have had the great pleasure and Dan’s mom found him sitting with an ISSA) that the House suspend the rules honor of sponsoring several of these elderly woman. When she asked him and pass the bill, H.R. 5386. why he was sitting with her, he said, post office namings for our fallen he- The question was taken; and (two- ‘‘She looked sad and lonely.’’ It was roes, and I have to say it is one of the thirds being in the affirmative) the this kind of compassion that drew him most moving, touching, and important rules were suspended and the bill was to the U.S. military, his desire to things that we can do, I think, for our passed. serve, help, and protect those in need. entire community and certainly for the A motion to reconsider was laid on While at home on leave from Oper- families. So it is a great privilege and the table. honor for me to support the Riordan ation Iraqi Freedom, Dan consistently f reassured his family that our country’s family today, and I thank the gen- military efforts were truly bringing tleman for his kind words and the SERGEANT CORY MRACEK empowerment and freedom to the peo- chairman for putting all of this for- MEMORIAL POST OFFICE ple of Iraq. He believed in a cause ward. Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I move to greater than himself, that of freedom, Mr. WELCH. Likewise, we thank you suspend the rules and pass the bill (S. democracy, and the dignity of all peo- for doing this. 1499) to designate the facility of the ple. Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance United States Postal Service located at While in the Army, Dan wrote his of my time. 278 Main Street in Chadron, Nebraska, mother a letter in case he didn’t re- Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself as the ‘‘Sergeant Cory Mracek Memo- turn. One thing he said was, ‘‘Don’t such time as I may consume. rial Post Office’’. mourn for me, mom. Celebrate my In closing, I have no doubt that this The Clerk read the title of the bill. life.’’ So today, we celebrate First will pass, as rightfully it should, but if The text of the bill is as follows: Lieutenant Daniel P. Riordan’s life by I can take a moment, looking at that S. 1499 designating the Sappington Branch picture of the young lieutenant wear- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Post Office in St. Louis, Missouri, as ing his cavalry insignia, Armor is the resentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, the Lt. Daniel P. Riordan Post Office. only branch that I know of that has two insignias: one when you are sta- SECTION 1. SERGEANT CORY MRACEK MEMO- The United States of America owes RIAL POST OFFICE. Dan a priceless debt that we will never tioned when you have heavy armor, (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the be able to fully repay, but we can do one for the cav. United States Postal Service located at 278 our part to ensure that his memory The fact is, in most wars, the enemy Main Street in Chadron, Nebraska, shall be lives on; therefore, it is my honor to is ahead of you and you look for the known and designated as the ‘‘Sergeant Cory sponsor H.R. 5386, a bill that names the enemy. In World War II and Korea, peo- Mracek Memorial Post Office’’. ple talked about going to the front. In (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, Sappington Branch Post Office in Mis- map, regulation, document, paper, or other souri’s Second Congressional District Iraq, there is no front. So every day record of the United States to the facility re- after such a courageous young man, Lieutenant Riordan knew he was at the ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to immortalizing a hero who gave up his front. Every day he knew in the light- be a reference to the ‘‘Sergeant Cory Mracek life in service to the Nation that he armored vehicle he was riding in that, Memorial Post Office’’. loved. in fact, an IED could be cranked off ei- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Mr. WELCH. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- ther remotely or on his vehicle nearing ant to the rule, the gentleman from self such time as I may consume. it at any time. California (Mr. ISSA) and the gen- I want to thank the gentlelady for Our men and women serving in Iraq tleman from Vermont (Mr. WELCH) her eloquent description of a brave and and Afghanistan are not faced by an each will control 20 minutes. strong person and a life well-lived, and enemy who has a front. They are faced The Chair recognizes the gentleman I am touched by seeing that photo- by an enemy that almost to a person from California. graph of the young, strong, healthy, vi- hides behind improvised explosives. GENERAL LEAVE brant man who meant so much to his More of our soldiers, sailors, marines, Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- family, as he did to his country, and and airmen have died because of these mous consent that all Members may

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.017 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H8008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2014 have 5 legislative days within which to Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I yield back rine Force. He landed at Guadalcanal. revise and extend their remarks and in- the balance of my time. It was his 24th birthday. It was Sep- clude extraneous material on the bill The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tember 18, 1942. First Lieutenant under consideration. question is on the motion offered by Cockrell led his platoon in assaulting a The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there the gentleman from California, (Mr. strongly held enemy position against objection to the request of the gen- ISSA) that the House suspend the rules heavy machine gun fire. During that tleman from California? and pass the bill, S. 1499. battle, charging into the face of ma- There was no objection. The question was taken; and (two- chine gun fire, something we know all Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself thirds being in the affirmative) the too well for United States Marines, he such time as I may consume. rules were suspended and the bill was was killed in action. He died in that en- Army Sergeant Mracek was killed on passed. gagement. January 27, 2004, while serving in Oper- A motion to reconsider was laid on Mr. Speaker, we often recognize ma- ation Iraqi Freedom. He died of wounds the table. rines because they have given a great sustained during yet another roadside f deal in this war, along with the other bomb attack in Iraq. He was only 26 forces. We often recognize Iraq and Af- years old, and he had been in Iraq for FIRST LIEUTENANT ALVIN CHES- ghanistan, and on occasion, we recog- just 8 days. TER COCKRELL, JR. POST OF- nize Vietnam veterans as we did today. Mr. Speaker, loved ones remember FICE BUILDING It is unusual for this body to reach Sergeant Mracek as a man who loved Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I move to back, as Senator COCHRAN has done, Army life and was proud to serve his suspend the rules and pass the bill (S. and find such a fitting individual from country. His bravery and his selfless- 1093) to designate the facility of the a war so long ago, the war that gave us ness have inspired us all, and the nam- United States Postal Service located at America’s Greatest Generation, and re- ing of this post office in his memory is 130 Caldwell Drive in Hazlehurst, Mis- alize that we have not yet finished clearly appropriate. sissippi, as the ‘‘First Lieutenant Alvin thanking those who gave us the free- It is my honor to ask the body to Chester Cockrell, Jr. Post Office Build- dom to pursue our lives, every person honor Sergeant Mracek’s service and ing’’. on the floor perhaps having been born sacrifice by voting in favor of this bill, The Clerk read the title of the bill. after Lieutenant Cockrell died. and I reserve the balance of my time. The text of the bill is as follows: So it is altogether fitting that, as we Mr. WELCH. Mr. Speaker, I am S. 1093 remember the freedoms we enjoy, the opportunity we enjoy, the economy we pleased to join my colleagues in sup- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- porting this postal naming bill. I see resentatives of the United States of America in enjoy, the lieutenant gave his all for that we have the sponsor of the bill Congress assembled, that freedom. With that, I would urge passage, and here. SECTION 1. FIRST LIEUTENANT ALVIN CHESTER I yield such time as he may consume COCKRELL, JR. POST OFFICE BUILD- I reserve the balance of my time. to the gentleman from Nebraska (Mr. ING. Mr. WELCH. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the self such time as I may consume. SMITH) to speak directly about this United States Postal Service located at 130 My colleague mentioned that it is brave American. Caldwell Drive in Hazlehurst, Mississippi, unusual we reach back. I think he Mr. SMITH of Nebraska. I thank the shall be known and designated as the ‘‘First would agree with me that it is wise gentleman. Thank you to Senators Lieutenant Alvin Chester Cockrell, Jr. Post that we do. JOHANNS and FISCHER and certainly my Office Building’’. World War II changed the world; and colleagues here in the House. (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, we were so committed to the cause of map, regulation, document, paper, or other Mr. Speaker, under this legislation, freedom in World War II, and so many the post office building in Chadron, Ne- record of the United States to the facility re- ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to of our predecessors, citizens who served braska, would be named in honor of and died before we were born, won a Sergeant Cory Mracek, a native of be a reference to the ‘‘First Lieutenant Alvin Chester Cockrell, Jr. Post Office Building’’. war that would have changed the whole Chadron who was killed by an impro- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- future of the world had we not suc- vised explosive device in Iraq on Janu- ceeded. It was individual acts of her- ary 27, 2004. ant to the rule, the gentleman from California (Mr. ISSA) and the gen- oism that made the difference. The son of Jim and Pat Mracek, Cory Mr. Speaker, this life was a life well originally served with the Nebraska tleman from Vermont (Mr. WELCH) each will control 20 minutes. lived. His life was one dedicated to National Guard and transferred to Ac- service, and First Lieutenant Alvin tive Duty, where he served with dis- The Chair recognizes the gentleman from California. Cockrell deserves to be remembered. It tinction. Sergeant Mracek reenlisted is our responsibility to honor all of after the September 11, 2001, attacks GENERAL LEAVE those who came before us, the mem- where he served as a paratrooper with Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- bers, as Mr. ISSA said, of the Greatest the U.S. Army’s 82nd Airborne. mous consent that all Members may Generation, who won the most brutal Among other honors, Sergeant have 5 legislative days within which to but consequential war that has Mracek was posthumously awarded the revise and extend their remarks and in- changed the history of the entire Purple Heart and Bronze Star for his clude extraneous materials on the bill world. courage and dedication. Renaming the under consideration. Mr. Speaker, I am happy to join with post office in Chadron in Cory’s home The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there my colleagues in fully supporting the town will be a symbol of gratitude to a objection to the request of the gen- naming of this post office after an hero who made the ultimate sacrifice tleman from California? American who served his country and for our country. There was no objection. gave his life, First Lieutenant Alvin Mr. WELCH. I want to thank the gen- Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I rise in sup- Chester Cockrell. tleman for his remarks and for bring- port of S. 1093, introduced by Senator Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance ing this forward to our attention. THAD COCHRAN of Mississippi, to des- of my time. Mr. Speaker, I just want to comment, ignate the facility of the United States Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, there is no too, on how this individual, this man, Postal Service located at 130 Caldwell question at all, this is, again, another two times in Korea and then decides he Drive in Hazlehurst, Mississippi, as the befitting naming. is going to go to Iraq, despite the well- First Lieutenant Alvin Chester I would like to thank the Senator for known dangers to his own personal Cockrell, Jr. Post Office. reaching back and finding such a wor- safety, again, another example of a Mr. Speaker, this is yet another first thy candidate, and I would like to re- brave American who is willing and did lieutenant. First Lieutenant Cockrell mind all of us, coming off of Veterans sacrifice his life on behalf of the secu- served his country in World War II. He Day, that, in fact, this generation of rity of this country. enlisted in the Marine Corps back in veterans is departing but will be re- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance 1937. He was assigned to Company B, membered in our hearts for the rest of of my time. 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, Fleet Ma- our lives.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.020 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8009 With that, Mr. Speaker, I yield back Peacham Academy. It is still there. He I yield back the balance of my time. the balance of my time. went on to the Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself The SPEAKER pro tempore. The and then graduated from Dartmouth such time as I may consume. question is on the motion offered by College. That was is in 1814. When all speakers have said all that needs to be said and there is only one the gentleman from California, (Mr. b 1500 ISSA) that the House suspend the rules speaker left, he can’t say anything and pass the bill, S. 1093. He then made a big decision and original, so I will simply thank the The question was taken; and (two- moved to Pennsylvania to study law, Congressmen and the Senators for rec- thirds being in the affirmative) the but he never left his Vermont values ognizing one of the first Republicans rules were suspended and the bill was behind. He was elected to the Pennsyl- and one of the first Republican prin- passed. vania State House of Representatives. ciples, one that is no longer owned by A motion to reconsider was laid on He served 4 years as a member of the any party but in fact owned by all the table. Anti-Masonic Party. In 1849, he was Americans. I move for passage. elected to the 34th Congress of the f I urge support of S. 885, introduced by Sen- United States, serving as a Whig until ator SANDERS of Vermont which would des- THADDEUS STEVENS POST OFFICE 1853—and Mr. ISSA, you’ll be happy to ignate the postal facility located at 35 Park Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I move to know—as a Republican from 1859 until Street in Danville, Vermont, as the ‘‘Thaddeus suspend the rules and pass the bill (S. his death in 1868. Stevens Post Office’’. 885) to designate the facility of the As a member of the House of Rep- Thaddeus Stevens was born in Danville, United States Postal Service located at resentatives, he was a very strong Vermont on , 1792. He attended nearby 35 Park Street in Danville, Vermont, as voice of opposition to slavery, advo- Peacham Academy and went on to study at the ‘‘Thaddeus Stevens Post Office’’. cating against the fugitive slave provi- the University of Vermont and Dartmouth Col- The Clerk read the title of the bill. sion in the and ac- lege. After graduating from Dartmouth, Ste- The text of the bill is as follows: tively helping runaway slaves to escape vens moved to Pennsylvania to study law. He to Canada using the Underground Rail- S. 885 practiced law in Gettysburg, and spent four road. We are all proud of that, but in years as a member of the Pennsylvania State Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Vermont we are particularly proud resentatives of the United States of America in Legislature. Congress assembled, that Thaddeus Stevens did this. Our Thaddeus Stevens served in the U.S. State, Mr. Speaker, was the first State SECTION 1. THADDEUS STEVENS POST OFFICE. House of Representatives from 1849 to 1853 in its Constitution—and we were the (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the and from 1859 until his death in 1868. He is United States Postal Service located at 35 14th State in the Union—to ban slav- best remembered for being a fierce opponent Park Street in Danville, Vermont, shall be ery. And Thaddeus Stevens took that of slavery and discrimination against African- known and designated as the ‘‘Thaddeus Ste- Vermont point of view and advocated it Americans. He was instrumental in the pas- vens Post Office’’. in the United States House of Rep- sage of the 14th Amendment to the Constitu- (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, resentatives. tion and fought for African-American rights map, regulation, document, paper, or other By 1866, Stevens had helped the Re- record of the United States to the facility re- publicans gain control of Congress and during Reconstruction. I ask my colleagues to honor the coura- ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to set the stage for post-Civil War recon- be a reference to the ‘‘Thaddeus Stevens geous actions and momentous contributions of struction in the South. In his role on Post Office’’. this great American by voting in favor of S. the Joint Committee on Reconstruc- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- 885. tion, Thaddeus Stevens helped draft ant to the rule, the gentleman from Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance the Reconstruction Act of 1867 as well California (Mr. ISSA) and the gen- of my time. as the 14th Amendment, prohibiting tleman from Vermont (Mr. WELCH) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The States from denying citizens of life, question is on the motion offered by each will control 20 minutes. liberty, or property without the due The Chair recognizes the gentleman the gentleman from California (Mr. process of law, a constitutional amend- ISSA) that the House suspend the rules from California. ment that has done so much to extend GENERAL LEAVE and pass the bill, S. 885. the dream in this country of equal op- The question was taken; and (two- Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- portunity to all of our citizens. mous consent that all Members may thirds being in the affirmative) the Since Vermont, as I mentioned, was rules were suspended and the bill was have 5 legislative days within which to the first State to ban slavery, doing so revise and extend their remarks and in- passed. in its Constitution, I would like to A motion to reconsider was laid on clude extraneous materials on the bill think that Thaddeus Stevens’ Vermont the table. under consideration. beginnings did inform his actions later The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there in life. Today his legacy for promoting f objection to the request of the gen- and defending equality lives on in SPECIALIST THEODORE MATTHEW tleman from California? Vermont and across the country. I am GLENDE POST OFFICE There was no objection. proud that we are honoring his life’s Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I move to Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I am going to work through the passage of this postal suspend the rules and pass the bill (S. defer my comments since the sole naming bill. 1512) to designate the facility of the House Member from Vermont is avail- As we prepare to send S. 885 to the United States Postal Service located at able to make his comments. President’s desk, I would like to thank 1335 Jefferson Road in Rochester, New Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Senator SANDERS for his leadership in York, as the ‘‘Specialist Theodore Mat- my time. working with the Danville community thew Glende Post Office’’. Mr. WELCH. I thank the gentleman. to draft this bill. Senator SANDERS, The Clerk read the title of the bill. He is up to his usual courteous efforts, when he first came to Vermont so The text of the bill is as follows: and I really do appreciate it. I yield many years ago, lived up to the North- S. 1512 myself such time as I may consume. east Kingdom. I also want to thank Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Mr. Speaker, we are pretty proud in Senator LEAHY for his very important resentatives of the United States of America in Vermont of Thaddeus Stevens, and we support. And I want to thank, of Congress assembled, are here today in support of the nam- course, Chairman ISSA and Ranking SECTION 1. SPECIALIST THEODORE MATTHEW ing of the post office at 35 Park Street Member CUMMINGS for helping to shep- GLENDE POST OFFICE. in Danville, Vermont, a tiny commu- herd this piece of legislation through (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the nity, a proud community, in what is before the end of this Congress. United States Postal Service located at 1335 called the Northeast Kingdom of Mr. Speaker, I urge passage of this Jefferson Road in Rochester, New York, shall be known and designated as the ‘‘Spe- Vermont, to name the post office there bill to acknowledge Thaddeus Stevens’ cialist Theodore Matthew Glende Post Of- the Thaddeus Stevens Post Office. public service and steadfast dedication fice’’. Thaddeus Stevens was born in to the equality of all citizens regard- (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, Danville, Vermont, in 1792. He attended less of race. map, regulation, document, paper, or other

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.022 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H8010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2014 record of the United States to the facility re- and was assigned to the Airborne Bri- have 5 legislative days within which to ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to gade Combat Team in Italy. But after revise and extend their remarks and in- be a reference to the ‘‘Specialist Theodore just a few months, Specialist Glende clude extraneous material on the bill Matthew Glende Post Office’’. was deployed to Afghanistan. under consideration. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- On July 27, 2012, his unit was at- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ant to the rule, the gentleman from tacked and Specialist Glende began objection to the request of the gen- California (Mr. ISSA) and the gen- caring for five of his fellow soldiers tleman from California? tleman from Vermont (Mr. WELCH) after the unit’s medic was injured. There was no objection. each will control 20 minutes. Tragically, Specialist Glende was hit Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself The Chair recognizes the gentleman by mortar fire. But because of his ef- such time as I may consume. I rise in from California. forts, the testimony confirms, the five support of H.R. 5142, which was intro- GENERAL LEAVE men that he was assisting all survived. duced by the gentleman from North Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- Specialist Glende is survived by his Carolina (Mr. BUTTERFIELD). The bill mous consent that all Members may wife, Alexandra, to whom he was only would designate the facility of the have 5 legislative days within which to married a short time; his parents; and United States Postal Service located at revise and extend their remarks and in- his younger brother. 113 West Jackson Street in Rich clude extraneous material on the bill Mr. Speaker, we should pass this bill Square, North Carolina, as the Chief under consideration. to honor the courage exhibited by this Joseph E. White, Jr. Post Office Build- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there young man in the face of overwhelming ing. objection to the request of the gen- danger. Because of Specialist Glende’s Rich Square Police Chief White tleman from California? brave actions, five American lives were served in law enforcement for over 30 There was no objection. saved on the battlefield. He deserves years. Tragically, Chief White was shot Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself our respect for his honorable service. I and killed with his own .45-caliber serv- such time as I may consume, and I rise urge passage of S. 1512. ice revolver on July 16, 2000, while in- in strong support of S. 1512, which was I yield back the balance of my time. vestigating a possible gas drive-off or Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I also urge introduced by Senator CHUCK SCHUMER gas station runaway at a local gas sta- support for the bill. of New York. The bill would designate I yield back the balance of my time. tion. He was shot after he stopped the the postal facility located at 1335 Jef- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The vehicle which was wanted in connec- ferson Road in Rochester, New York, as question is on the motion offered by tion with the incident. He is survived the Specialist Theodore Matthew the gentleman from California (Mr. by his wife and several of his grown Glende Post Office. ISSA) that the House suspend the rules children and grandchildren. Specialist Theodore Matthew Glende and pass the bill, S. 1512. Mr. Speaker, Chief White made the died while serving during Operation The question was taken; and (two- ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty. Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. He thirds being in the affirmative) the We owe a large debt of gratitude for his was killed on July 27, 2012, when his rules were suspended and the bill was many years of service. The community unit was in the field training and came passed. and the entire North Carolina delega- under enemy attack. During the at- A motion to reconsider was laid on tion support this naming. I support and tack, Specialist Glende was killed by a the table. recommend passage of H.R. 5142. mortar round that hit a trailer where f I reserve the balance of my time. he was helping wounded comrades take Mr. WELCH. Mr. Speaker, I yield shelter. A member of his unit said that CHIEF JOSEPH E. WHITE, JR. POST such time as he may consume to the he saved the lives of five of his fellow OFFICE BUILDING gentleman from North Carolina (Mr. soldiers in the attack. Specialist Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I move to BUTTERFIELD). Glende was only 23 years old. suspend the rules and pass the bill Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I He was a native of Rochester, New (H.R. 5142) to designate the facility of thank Congressman WELCH for yielding York. Theodore graduated from the the United States Postal Service lo- time. Let me also thank Chairman ISSA McQuaid Jesuit High School in 2007 and cated at 113 West Jackson Street in and Ranking Member CUMMINGS for enrolled at Niagara University. He Rich Square, North Carolina, as the bringing my bill to the floor today. soon felt the calling to join the United ‘‘Chief Joseph E. White, Jr. Post Office Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support States Army and enlisted. He is sur- Building’’. of H.R. 5142, a bill that I introduced vived by his wife, Alexandra, whom he The Clerk read the title of the bill. that will designate the post office in married just months before leaving for The text of the bill is as follows: Rich Square, North Carolina, as the his first tour of duty. H.R. 5142 Chief Joseph E. White, Jr. Post Office Mr. Speaker, it is my honor and Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Building. Every Member of the North privilege to pay tribute to this great resentatives of the United States of America in Carolina House delegation has cospon- American. I ask all of my colleagues to Congress assembled, sored my bill, and I ask my colleagues SECTION 1. CHIEF JOSEPH E. WHITE, JR. POST support S. 1512 and the naming of this OFFICE BUILDING. to join me in passing it today. post office after this brave fallen sol- (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the Joseph Edward White, Jr., was born dier and hero of our time. United States Postal Service located at 113 on January 12, 1939, in Hertford Coun- I reserve the balance of my time. West Jackson Street in Rich Square, North ty, North Carolina, in the town of Mr. WELCH. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- Carolina, shall be known and designated as Ahoskie to Joseph White, Sr., and the self such time as I may consume. the ‘‘Chief Joseph E. White, Jr. Post Office former Emma Jane Collins. In 1957, at Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to join my Building’’. the age of 18, Mr. White enlisted in the (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, colleagues in the consideration of this map, regulation, document, paper, or other United States Navy and bravely served bill, S. 1512, a bill to designate the fa- record of the United States to the facility re- our country for the next 20 years. After cility of the United States Postal Serv- ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to he retired from the Navy, Mr. White ice at 1335 Jefferson Road in Rochester, be a reference to the ‘‘Chief Joseph E. White, and his wife, the former Joyce Risper, New York, as the Specialist Theodore Jr. Post Office Building’’. moved to Northampton County and Matthew Glende Post Office. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- settled in the town of Woodland, North As was mentioned, Mr. Glende was ant to the rule, the gentleman from Carolina, which would ultimately be- born in Rochester, New York. He grad- California (Mr. ISSA) and the gen- come home for them and for their three uated from McQuaid Jesuit High tleman from Vermont (Mr. WELCH) children: Cynthia, Cheryl, and School in 2007 and studied military each will control 20 minutes. Terrance. science at Niagara University. Theo- The Chair recognizes the gentleman Mr. White found his calling in law en- dore always knew he wanted to be a from California. forcement and began his career with soldier and defend his country. A par- GENERAL LEAVE the Woodland Police Department in ticipant in the Niagara University Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- 1980, where he served as an officer and ROTC program, he joined the Army mous consent that all Members may ultimately as chief of police. He later

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO7.011 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8011 moved to the Northampton County The text of the bill is as follows: bers may have 5 legislative days to re- Sheriff’s Office and served as a deputy H.R. 5544 vise and extend their remarks and to sheriff and also worked as a corrections Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- include extraneous material on H.R. officer at Odom Correctional Institu- resentatives of the United States of America in 5544, the bill now under consideration. tion, located just outside Jackson, Congress assembled, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there North Carolina. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. objection to the request of the gen- In 1999, Mr. Speaker, Mr. White be- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Low-Dose tleman from Georgia? came the chief of police for a small Radiation Research Act of 2014’’. There was no objection. town but a town rich in legacy, the SEC. 2. LOW DOSE RADIATION RESEARCH PRO- Mr. BROUN of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, GRAM. I yield myself such time as I may con- town of Rich Square. Sadly, Chief (a) IN GENERAL.—The Director of the De- White’s stellar career in law enforce- sume. partment of Energy Office of Science shall I rise here today to urge my col- ment that saw him ascend to the posi- carry out a research program on low dose ra- leagues to support H.R. 5544, the Low- tion of chief of police of two North diation. The purpose of the program is to en- hance the scientific understanding of and re- Dose Radiation Research Act of 2014. Carolina police departments was trag- Humans are exposed on a daily basis ically cut short. duce uncertainties associated with the ef- fects of exposure to low dose radiation in to much natural background radiation, After just a year of serving as police order to inform improved risk management and some get additional low-dose expo- chief for the town of Rich Square, Chief methods. sure from medical procedures or from White was savagely killed in the line of (b) STUDY.—Not later than 60 days after industrial radiation sources; yet suffi- duty. On the afternoon of Sunday, July the date of enactment of this Act, the Direc- cient data is not available for experts 16, 2000, Chief White was on duty and tor shall enter into an agreement with the to definitively conclude whether there National Academies to conduct a study as- was alerted that a vehicle had filled up are health risks associated with low- at a gas station but left the station sessing the current status and development of a long-term strategy for low dose radi- dose radiation. without paying. Chief White spotted ation research. Such study shall be com- This lack of understanding prevents the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop. pleted not later than 18 months after the regulatory agencies from setting more It was during the stop that Chief date of enactment of this Act. The study precise radiation dose limits, as well as White’s .45-caliber service weapon was shall be conducted in coordination with Fed- it impairs authorities’ decisionmaking wrested away from him by the man eral agencies that perform ionizing radiation capabilities to address potential radio- that he had stopped. The man used effects research and shall leverage the most logical events and advise patients for Chief White’s own weapon against him current studies in this field. Such study medically-based radiation exposures, tragically, ending his life just 5 months shall— all of which pose an unnecessary bur- (1) identify current scientific challenges before his retirement. den on society. for understanding the long-term effects of As a medical doctor, as a family doc- It took nearly 3 years, but the man ionizing radiation; that committed this atrocious crime (2) assess the status of current low dose ra- tor, and a true fiscal conservative, I was identified and he was arrested in diation research in the United States and recognize that this major gap in under- Lafayette, Louisiana, on May 1, 2003. internationally; standing is detrimental to the health He was sentenced to life in prison on (3) formulate overall scientific goals for and well-being of Americans and will September 12, 2005. the future of low-dose radiation research in additionally contribute to unnecessary Chief White, a brave veteran and the United States; economic burdens if we do not deal (4) recommend a long-term strategic and dedicated public servant, a beloved with it immediately. prioritized research agenda to address sci- This legislation seeks to address the husband, colleague, and friend, lost his entific research goals for overcoming the life in the most tragic of ways, but his limited understanding of potential identified scientific challenges in coordina- health risks associated with low-dose memory will live on forever. Naming tion with other research efforts; radiation by leveraging the Nation’s the post office in Rich Square in Chief (5) define the essential components of a re- current expertise in low-dose radiation White’s honor is but a small symbol by search program that would address this re- while proposing a long-term strategy a grateful Nation for his life that was search agenda within the universities and to address the current gaps of knowl- dedicated to serving others. the National Laboratories; and (6) assess the cost-benefit effectiveness of edge in this area. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to such a program. This legislation will be carried out join me in honoring Chief Joseph E. (c) RESEARCH PLAN.—Not later than 90 days using funds otherwise already appro- White, Jr., by voting ‘‘aye’’ on H.R. after the completion of the study performed priated by law and ensure that the De- 5142. under subsection (b) the Secretary of Energy partment of Energy is following con- Mr. WELCH. Mr. Speaker, I yield shall deliver to the Committee on Science, gressional direction to focus its work Space, and Technology of the House of Rep- back the balance of my time. on issues of long-term importance. Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I yield back resentatives and the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate a 5-year Passage of this legislation will help the balance of my time. research plan that responds to the study’s resolve what we do not know in the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The findings and recommendations and identifies field of low-dose radiation for the bet- question is on the motion offered by and prioritizes research needs. terment of medicine, for emergency re- the gentleman from California (Mr. (d) DEFINITION.—In this section, the term sponse planning, and for industrial ISSA) that the House suspend the rules ‘‘low dose radiation’’ means a radiation dose safety, not to speak about helping pa- and pass the bill, H.R. 5142. of less than 100 millisieverts. tients and Americans know what this The question was taken; and (two- (e) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in this Act shall be construed to subject any re- all entails. This will show that we do thirds being in the affirmative) the search carried out by the Director under the not take for granted the livelihood of rules were suspended and the bill was research program under this Act to any limi- our fellow Americans. passed. tations described in section 977(e) of the En- This bill is a commonsense win, and A motion to reconsider was laid on ergy Policy Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 16317(e)). I hope that all of my colleagues on the table. (f) FUNDING.—No additional funds are au- both sides of the aisle will join me in thorized to be appropriated under this sec- f supporting this legislation. tion. This Act shall be carried out using I reserve the balance of my time. b 1515 funds otherwise appropriated by law. Ms. EDWARDS. Mr. Speaker, I yield The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- myself such time as I may consume. LOW-DOSE RADIATION RESEARCH ant to the rule, the gentleman from Mr. Speaker, I rise to discuss H.R. ACT OF 2014 Georgia (Mr. BROUN) and the gentle- 5544, the Low-Dose Radiation Research Mr. BROUN of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, woman from Maryland (Ms. EDWARDS) Act of 2014. This bill authorizes an im- I move to suspend the rules and pass each will control 20 minutes. portant research program carried out the bill (H.R. 5544) to increase the un- The Chair recognizes the gentleman by the Department of Energy’s Office derstanding of the health effects of low from Georgia. of Science to examine the health im- doses of ionizing radiation, as amend- GENERAL LEAVE pacts of exposure to low doses of radi- ed. Mr. BROUN of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, ation, such as doses resulting from cer- The Clerk read the title of the bill. I ask unanimous consent that all Mem- tain medical tests, nuclear waste

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.030 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H8012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2014 cleanup activities, or even terrorism Office of Science focuses on the health effects Mr. HOLDING. Mr. Speaker, I yield events like dirty bombs. of ionizing radiation and resolving the uncer- myself such time as I may consume. This bill builds on DOE’s unique bio- tainties in this area that currently exist. The Veterans of Foreign Wars is one logical research expertise and capabili- Unfortunately, this program has not been a of our largest and most lauded veterans ties, which actually led to the estab- priority at DOE over recent years and has organizations. It has successfully lishment of the successful Human Ge- seen systematic budget cuts. fought for veterans’ rights for over a nome Project that paved the way to- H.R. 5544 ensures the continuance of this century and its members provide mil- ward breakthroughs in modern medi- important research program. lions of hours a year in community cine today. This legislation also directs the National service. Mr. Speaker, the bill also authorizes Academies to formulate a long-term strategy Among its goals are to ‘‘assist wor- a National Academies study to identify to resolve uncertainties of whether and to thy comrades’’ and to ‘‘perpetuate the current scientific challenges in this what extent low dose radiation may pose memory and history of our dead and to area and to help guide the program’s health risks to humans. The bill also stipulates assist their widows and orphans.’’ Our long-term research agenda well into that the Academies must consider the most veterans from the conflicts in Iraq and the next decade. up-to-date studies in this field of research. Afghanistan are in a better place be- In fact, Mr. Speaker, the America And finally, the bill requires the Department cause of activities of the VFW. COMPETES Reauthorization Act of of Energy to develop a five-year research plan Membership in the VFW is open to 2014, cosponsored by every Democratic that responds to the Academies’ recommenda- Korean war veterans and veterans who member of the Committee on Science, tions. have ‘‘served honorably as a member of Space, and Technology, includes very I urge my colleagues to support this bill. the Armed Forces of the United similar language to what we now see in The SPEAKER pro tempore. The States—in a foreign war, insurrection, H.R. 5544, so we have no objection to question is on the motion offered by or expedition in service that has been this bill and support its passage. the gentleman from Georgia (Mr. recognized as campaign-medal service; We also look forward to working with BROUN) that the House suspend the and is governed by the authorization of our colleagues on the other side of the rules and pass the bill, H.R. 5544, as the award of a campaign badge by the aisle—and, of course, on the other side amended. United States Government or in an of the Capitol—on far more comprehen- The question was taken; and (two- area which entitled the individual to sive, bipartisan legislation to reauthor- thirds being in the affirmative) the receive special pay for duty subject to ize the America COMPETES Act, as is rules were suspended and the bill, as hostile fire or imminent danger.’’ strongly recommended by many of the amended, was passed. Membership does not require that a most respected industry and academic A motion to reconsider was laid on servicemember have engaged in actual leaders and organizations across the the table. combat, only that they served in a country. f combat zone. Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank Congress provided the VFW with a VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS the gentleman from Georgia for his Federal charter in 1936. Robert Wal- FEDERAL CHARTER AMENDMENT leadership and for his service in the lace, executive director of the VFW’s Congress, and of course, we wish him Mr. HOLDING. Mr. Speaker, I move Washington office, has sent a letter to well as that term comes to an end. to suspend the rules and pass the bill the Judiciary Committee requesting I yield back the balance of my time. (H.R. 5441) to amend the Federal char- that its charter be amended to be gen- Mr. BROUN of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, ter of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of der neutral. This is in recognition, Mr. I appreciate my good friend from Mary- the United States to reflect the service Speaker, of the many female members land (Ms. EDWARDS). I heard her com- of women in the Armed Forces of the of the VFW and their invaluable con- ments, and they are very nice com- United States. tributions to our military. ments. She and I have been friends and The Clerk read the title of the bill. Mr. Wallace stated that: sometimes on the opposite sides of The text of the bill is as follows: Today, our military consists of both men issues, but she is a very dear friend and H.R. 5441 and women who honorably put duty and a great lady, and I appreciate her well Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- service before themselves. Consistent with wishes. I thank you very much. I ap- resentatives of the United States of America in the growing number of military women who preciate that. Congress assembled, serve at all levels, women are taking leader- ship roles throughout our organization. The Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance SECTION 1. REFLECTION OF SERVICE OF WOMEN VFW strongly believes that combat service, of my time. IN THE ARMED FORCES IN THE FED- ERAL CHARTER OF THE VETERANS not gender, determines VFW membership eli- Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, H.R. OF FOREIGN WARS OF THE UNITED gibility. That is why we opened our member- 5544, the Low-Dose Radiation Research Act STATES. ship to women over 35 years ago. However, of 2014, will increase our understanding of (a) ORGANIZATION.—Section 230101(a) of our congressional charter does not reflect low-dose radiation. This research is critical for title 36, United States Code, is amended by this reality. physicians and decision makers to more accu- striking ‘‘men’’ and inserting ‘‘veterans’’. As the Congressional Research Service re- (b) PURPOSES.—Section 230102(3) of such ported last year, almost 300,000 ‘‘female serv- rately assess potential health risks in this icemembers have been deployed for contin- area. title is amended by striking ‘‘widows’’ and inserting ‘‘surviving spouses’’. gency operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.’’ I thank my friend, Chairman of the Oversight The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- In approximately 12 years of combat oper- Subcommittee, Dr. PAUL BROUN, for intro- ations in Iraq and Afghanistan, over 800 ducing this legislation. ant to the rule, the gentleman from women have been wounded and over 130 have Many Americans are exposed to a broad North Carolina (Mr. HOLDING) and the died. Women have been recognized for their range of low doses of ionizing radiation. These gentlewoman from California (Ms. LOF- heroism, two earning Silver Star medals. range from cosmic background radiation to GREN) each will control 20 minutes. H.R. 5441, introduced by Congressman medically based procedures, which include X- The Chair recognizes the gentleman JEFF MILLER, makes the changes rays and CT scans. from North Carolina. sought by the VFW and is strongly sup- However, our current approach to radiation GENERAL LEAVE ported by the organization. I commend safety relies on an outdated assumption that Mr. HOLDING. Mr. Speaker, I ask Representative MILLER for introducing because high doses of radiation are harmful unanimous consent that all Members the bill. that much lower radiation doses are also may have 5 legislative days in which to The VFW’s current charter provides harmful. revise and extend their remarks and to that the VFW is a ‘‘national associa- This assumption is not based on a reliable include extraneous materials on H.R. tion of men who as soldiers, sailors, scientific foundation and prevents patients 5441, the bill currently under consider- marines, and airmen served this Nation from making informed decisions about diag- ation. in wars, campaigns, and expeditions on nostic exams and can lead to overly restrictive The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there foreign soil or in hostile waters.’’ regulations. objection to the request of the gen- H.R. 5441 would replace ‘‘men’’ with The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Low tleman from North Carolina? ‘‘veterans.’’ The current charter pro- Dose Radiation Research Program within the There was no objection. vides that one of the purposes of the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.033 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8013 organization is ‘‘to perpetuate the the Judiciary Committee, seeking out All Veterans are heroes regardless of their memory and history of our dead and to the author of the bill and working with gender, and this legislation reflects that equal- assist their widows and orphans.’’ The us in a bipartisan basis to get here ity in the formal charter of a remarkably suc- bill would replace ‘‘widows’’ with ‘‘sur- today. cessful organization that exists to support all viving spouses.’’ Mr. Speaker, I thank the author of Veterans, and their spouses. I urge my colleagues to support this the bill, and this was unanimously ap- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in meritorious bill that reflects the valor proved by the Judiciary Committee. support of H.R. 5441, which amends the fed- of women in our Armed Forces. I urge my colleagues to support the eral charter of the Veterans of Foreign Wars I reserve the balance of my time. bill, and I reserve the balance of my (VFW) to reflect the service of women in the Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I yield time. Armed Forces of the United States. myself such time as I may consume. As approved by Congress in 1936, the VFW b 1530 Mr. Speaker, as has been said, this charter provides that the VFW is a ‘‘national bill makes a small but important Mr. HOLDING. Mr. Speaker, I yield association of men who as soldiers, sailors, change to the Federal charter of the such time as he may consume to the marines, and airmen served this Nation in Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United distinguished gentleman from Florida wars, campaigns and expeditions on foreign States. As has been mentioned, it (Mr. MILLER), a champion for veterans’ soil or in hostile waters[.]’’ would amend the charter to become rights and chairman of the Veterans’ The charter further provides that one of the gender neutral by replacing ‘‘men’’ Affairs Committee. purposes of the organization is ‘‘to perpetuate with ‘‘veterans’’ and ‘‘widows’’ with Mr. MILLER of Florida. I thank the the memory and history of our dead, and to ‘‘surviving spouses.’’ I think doing this gentleman from North Carolina for assist their widows and orphans[.]’’ aligns the charter with the actual yielding the time. I also want to thank By replacing the terms ‘‘men’’ with ‘‘vet- makeup of the organization today, and Chairman GOODLATTE and the ranking erans’’ and ‘‘widows’’ with ‘‘surviving I totally support the change. member for speeding this through the spouses,’’ H.R. 5441 modifies the VFW char- The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the Judiciary Committee. ter to make it gender-neutral and reflect the United States has been serving vet- I rise in support of this piece of legis- reality that women have and continue to serve erans of our Armed Forces for over 100 lation, which is a simple bill, Mr. in combat theaters in defense of the United years and traces its roots to the Span- Speaker, designated to update the con- States. ish-American War. Only men were per- gressional charter of the VFW to re- At the time the charter was created, only mitted to serve in the military when flect today’s active duty and veteran men were permitted to serve in the military. the organization was chartered in 1936, population by changing, as we have al- Today, both women and men are permitted to and of course, we know, since that ready heard, the word ‘‘men’’ to ‘‘vet- serve in the military and over the last few time, things have changed a great deal. erans’’ and the word ‘‘widows’’ to ‘‘sur- years, women have become more involved in The role of women in the military viving spouses.’’ combat operations. has greatly expanded. In fact, two of Women veterans have in fact been el- For example, between September 2001 and our colleagues—Congresswoman TULSI igible as members of the VFW since February 28, 2013), 299,548 female service GABBARD of Hawaii and Congress- 1978, but like many things, it some- members have been deployed for contingency woman TAMMY DUCKWORTH of Illinois— times takes a little time for paperwork operations in Iraq and Afghanistan during both served with both distinction and to catch up. I think VFW Commander which time more than 800 women have been honor in our military services and now in Chief John Stroud said it best in de- wounded and over 130 have died. serve with us as colleagues in the scribing why they have requested this As of February 29, 2013, 16,407 female House. change: members were currently deployed in contin- Women serve in varied roles through- We are not changing our congressional gency operation according to the Department out the Armed Forces, and they have charter because it’s politically correct. of Defense. made many important sacrifices for We’re changing it because being an eligible Women have been tested in battle and the country. Women in fact now make veteran is what’s important to our great or- proved their heroism, earning numerous ganization, not one’s gender, and changing up almost 10 percent of the total vet- awards and commendations, including two Sil- erans population, and the Department ‘‘widows’’ to ‘‘surviving spouses’’ is more representative of today’s military. ver Star medals. of Veterans Affairs predicts they will The expansion of roles for women in the Women do in fact comprise over 16 represent nearly 18 percent of veterans armed forces has evolved over decades. percent of today’s military force, and by the year 2040. Under a Defense Department policy promul- obviously, that means that they are In recognition of these facts, the gated in 1994 policy, women could not be as- making up an ever-increasing share of VFW opened its membership to women signed to units, below the brigade level, America’s 22 million veterans as they over 35 years ago, and they certainly whose primary mission is to engage in direct return to civilian life. deserve our commendation for doing combat on the ground. I ask my colleagues to join Chairman so. The practical effect of this policy meant that GOODLATTE, Ms. LOFGREN, and myself Generally, as has been said many women were barred from infantry, artillery, in supporting H.R. 5441. times, it should be up to the organiza- armor, combat engineers, and special oper- Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I thank tion, not Congress, to decide who may ations units of battalion size or smaller. Congressman MILLER for his leadership and may not be a member of that orga- On January 24, 2013, however, then-Sec- in this bill, and I yield back the bal- nization. That is one of the many rea- retary of Defense Leon Panetta rescinded that ance of my time. sons why Members on both sides of the policy, thus enabling women to serve in com- Mr. HOLDING. Mr. Speaker, I urge aisle have long supported the commit- bat units. passage of H.R. 5441, and I yield back tee’s policy against creating new Fed- The leadership and rank and file of the VFW the balance of my time. eral charters. strongly supports changing the national char- Even so, there is no policy against Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in ter to make it gender-neutral: amending existing charters, and if such support of H.R. 5441, which will amend the amendments are needed to align the Today, our military consists of both men Federal charter of the Veterans of Foreign and women who honorably put duty and charter to actual reality, then there is Wars of the United States to reflect the serv- service before themselves. Consistent with no reason to prevent such an amend- ice of women in the Armed Forces. the growing number of military women who ment. This legislation is a common-sense update serve at all levels, women are taking leader- In fact, I also support the reason for of an 80-year-old charter to better reflect the ship roles throughout our organization. That this change. The Veterans of Foreign makeup of the modern military—namely, the is why we opened our membership to women Wars seeks this change because it inclusion of women in prominent roles over 35 years ago. ‘‘strongly believes that combat service, throughout several branches of the military. Mr. Speaker, according to the VFW practice, not gender, determines membership The Veterans of Foreign Wars is a premier it is combat service, not gender, that deter- eligibility.’’ I could not agree more, Veterans Service Organization, with more than mines VFW membership eligibility. and I can only applaud the VFW for 2 million members of all ages across our great Over 2 million women veterans have coura- initiating this change and coming to country. geously served our country and defended our

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.035 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H8014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2014 freedoms for over 100 years, and their count- REPORT ON RESOLUTION PRO- Brownley (CA) Graves (MO) McGovern Burgess Grayson McHenry less contributions and sacrifices must not be VIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF Bustos Green, Al McKeon overlooked. H.R. 1422, EPA SCIENCE ADVI- Butterfield Green, Gene McKinley SORY BOARD REFORM ACT OF Byrne Griffin (AR) McMorris In the 18th Congressional District of Texas, 2013; PROVIDING FOR CONSIDER- Calvert Griffith (VA) Rodgers there are 29,757 veterans, 3,219 of which are Camp Grimm McNerney ATION OF H.R. 4012, SECRET women. Capito Guthrie Meadows SCIENCE REFORM ACT OF 2014; Capps Hahn Meehan Women veterans fortified the crucial role of PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION Capuano Hanabusa Meeks women in the military, and females currently OF H.R. 4795, PROMOTING NEW Ca´ rdenas Harris Messer Carney Hartzler Mica serving in the military continue to break down MANUFACTURING ACT; AND PRO- Carson (IN) Hastings (FL) Michaud barriers, such as: VIDING FOR PROCEEDINGS DUR- Carter Hastings (WA) Miller (FL) Admiral Michelle Howard, the Navy’s first fe- ING THE PERIOD FROM NOVEM- Cartwright Heck (NV) Miller (MI) BER 21, 2014, THROUGH NOVEM- Cassidy Heck (WA) Miller, George male four-star admiral; Army General Ann E. Castor (FL) Hensarling Moran Dunwoody, the U.S. military’s first female four- BER 28, 2014 Castro (TX) Higgins Mullin star officer; Dr. Mary E. Walker, the only Mr. BURGESS, from the Committee Chabot Himes Mulvaney Chaffetz Hinojosa Murphy (FL) woman who has been awarded the Medal of on Rules, submitted a privileged report Chu Holding Murphy (PA) Honor. (Rept. No. 113–626) on the resolution (H. Clark (MA) Holt Nadler Clarke (NY) Honda Napolitano As Anne S. (Sosh) Brehm, 1st Lt., USA NC, Res. 756) providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1422) to amend the Envi- Clawson (FL) Horsford Neal a World War II veteran said, ‘‘Let the genera- Clay Hoyer Neugebauer ronmental Research, Development, and tions know that the women in uniform also Cleaver Hudson Noem Demonstration Authorization Act of Cohen Huelskamp Nolan guaranteed their freedom.’’ 1978 to provide for Scientific Advisory Cole Huffman Norcross Each year, I participate in the Annual Collins (GA) Hultgren Nugent Board member qualifications, public Collins (NY) Hunter Nunes Women in the Military Wreath Laying Cere- participation, and for other purposes; Conaway Hurt Nunnelee mony at Arlington National Cemetery to honor providing for consideration of the bill Connolly Israel O’Rourke all women who have defended America (H.R. 4012) to prohibit the Environ- Cook Issa Olson Costa Jackson Lee Owens throughout history. mental Protection Agency from pro- Cotton Jeffries Palazzo The Women in Military Service for America posing, finalizing, or disseminating Courtney Jenkins Pallone Memorial serves as a reminder of the patriot- regulations or assessments based upon Cramer Johnson (GA) Pascrell science that is not transparent or re- Crawford Johnson (OH) Paulsen ism and bravery of women who have served Crenshaw Johnson, E. B. Payne in the United States Armed Services, and also producible; providing for consideration Crowley Johnson, Sam Pearce tells their stories of service, sacrifice, and of the bill (H.R. 4795) to promote new Cuellar Jolly Pelosi Culberson Jones Perlmutter achievement. manufacturing in the United States by providing for greater transparency and Cummings Jordan Perry Women veterans have a passion for service Daines Joyce Peters (CA) timeliness in obtaining necessary per- Davis (CA) Kaptur Peters (MI) and an unfathomable amount of bravery that mits, and for other purposes; and pro- Davis, Rodney Keating Peterson is truly worthy and deserving of our recogni- viding for proceedings during the pe- DeFazio Kelly (IL) Petri tion, admiration, and commendation. DeGette Kelly (PA) Pingree (ME) riod from November 21, 2014, through Delaney Kennedy Pittenger H.R. 5441 modifies VFW’s federal charter to November 28, 2014, which was referred DeLauro Kildee Pitts reflect current practice and reality and, accord- to the House Calendar and ordered to DelBene Kilmer Pocan be printed. Denham King (IA) Poe (TX) ingly, I support the bill and urge all members Dent King (NY) Polis to do so as well. DeSantis Kingston Pompeo f DesJarlais Kinzinger (IL) Posey The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Deutch Kirkpatrick Price (GA) question is on the motion offered by REMOVING A USE RESTRICTION Diaz-Balart Kline Quigley the gentleman from North Carolina TO CERTAIN LAND IN ROCKING- Doggett Kuster Rahall Doyle Labrador Rangel (Mr. HOLDING) that the House suspend HAM COUNTY, VIRGINIA Duffy LaMalfa Reed the rules and pass the bill, H.R. 5441. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Duncan (SC) Lamborn Reichert Duncan (TN) Lance Renacci The question was taken; and (two- ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the unfin- Edwards Langevin Ribble thirds being in the affirmative) the ished business is the vote on the mo- Ellison Lankford Richmond rules were suspended and the bill was tion to suspend the rules and pass the Ellmers Larsen (WA) Rigell bill (H.R. 5162) to amend the Act enti- Engel Larson (CT) Roe (TN) passed. Enyart Latham Rogers (AL) tled ‘‘An Act to allow a certain parcel A motion to reconsider was laid on Eshoo Latta Rogers (KY) of land in Rockingham County, Vir- Esty Lee (CA) Rogers (MI) the table. ginia, to be used for a child care cen- Farenthold Levin Rokita ter’’ to remove the use restriction, and Farr Lewis Rooney f Fattah Lipinski Ros-Lehtinen for other purposes, on which the yeas Fincher LoBiondo Roskam and nays were ordered. Fitzpatrick Loebsack Ross RECESS The Clerk read the title of the bill. Fleischmann Lofgren Rothfus Fleming Long Roybal-Allard The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Flores Lowenthal Royce question is on the motion offered by Forbes Lowey Ruiz ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair the gentleman from Louisiana (Mr. Fortenberry Luetkemeyer Ruppersberger declares the House in recess until ap- Foster Lujan Grisham Ryan (WI) FLEMING) that the House suspend the proximately 6:30 p.m. today. Foxx (NM) Salmon rules and pass the bill. Frankel (FL) Luja´ n, Ben Ray Sa´ nchez, Linda Accordingly (at 3 o’clock and 32 min- The vote was taken by electronic de- Franks (AZ) (NM) T. utes p.m.), the House stood in recess. vice, and there were—yeas 378, nays 1, Frelinghuysen Lummis Sarbanes Fudge Lynch Scalise not voting 55, as follows: Gabbard Maffei Schakowsky f [Roll No. 520] Gallego Maloney, Schiff Garamendi Carolyn Schneider YEAS—378 Garcia Maloney, Sean Schock b 1830 Adams Bass Boustany Gerlach Marino Schrader Aderholt Beatty Brady (PA) Gibbs Massie Schweikert Amash Becerra Brady (TX) Gibson Matheson Scott (VA) AFTER RECESS Amodei Benishek Braley (IA) Gingrey (GA) Matsui Scott, Austin Bachus Bentivolio Brat Gohmert McCarthy (CA) Sensenbrenner The recess having expired, the House Barber Bera (CA) Bridenstine Goodlatte McCarthy (NY) Serrano was called to order by the Speaker pro Barletta Bilirakis Brooks (AL) Gosar McCaul Sessions Barr Bishop (UT) Brooks (IN) Gowdy McClintock Sewell (AL) tempore (Mr. HOLDING) at 6 o’clock and Barrow (GA) Black Broun (GA) Granger McCollum Shea-Porter 30 minutes p.m. Barton Bonamici Brown (FL) Graves (GA) McDermott Sherman

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO7.023 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8015 Shimkus Tiberi Wasserman provide for the establishment of the the rule, the gentleman from Idaho Shuster Tierney Schultz Simpson Tipton Waters Apostle Islands National Lakeshore in (Mr. LABRADOR) and the gentleman Sinema Titus Weber (TX) the State of Wisconsin, and for other from Minnesota (Mr. NOLAN) each will Sires Tonko Webster (FL) purposes, to adjust the boundary of control 20 minutes. Smith (MO) Turner Welch that National Lakeshore to include the The Chair recognizes the gentleman Smith (NE) Upton Wenstrup Smith (TX) Valadao Westmoreland lighthouse known as Ashland Harbor from Idaho. Southerland Van Hollen Williams Breakwater Light, and for other pur- GENERAL LEAVE Speier Vargas Wilson (SC) poses, as amended. Mr. LABRADOR. Mr. Speaker, I ask Stewart Veasey Wittman The Clerk read the title of the bill. Stivers Vela Wolf unanimous consent that all Members Stockman Vela´ zquez Womack The text of the bill is as follows: may have 5 legislative days to revise Swalwell (CA) Visclosky Woodall H.R. 4049 and extend their remarks and to in- Takano Wagner Yarmuth Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Terry Walberg Yoder clude extraneous materials on the bill Thompson (CA) Walden Yoho resentatives of the United States of America in under consideration. Thompson (PA) Walorski Young (AK) Congress assembled, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Thornberry Walz Young (IN) SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. objection to the request of the gen- NAYS—1 This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Ashland tleman from Idaho? Breakwater Light Transfer Act’’. Sanford There was no objection. SEC. 2. BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT TO INCLUDE NOT VOTING—55 LIGHTHOUSE. b 1900 Bachmann Grijalva Roby Public Law 91–424 (16 U.S.C. 460w et seq.) is Bishop (GA) Gutie´rrez Rohrabacher amended as follows: Mr. LABRADOR. Mr. Speaker, I yield Bishop (NY) Hall Runyan (1) In the first section as follows: myself such time as I may consume. Blackburn Hanna Rush (A) In the matter preceding subsection The Ashland Harbor Breakwater Blumenauer Harper Ryan (OH) (a)— Buchanan Herrera Beutler Sanchez, Loretta (i) by striking ‘‘islands and shoreline’’ and Light is an operational lighthouse lo- Bucshon Huizenga (MI) Schwartz inserting ‘‘islands, shoreline, and light sta- cated near Ashland, Wisconsin, and is Campbell Kind Scott, David Cicilline Lucas tions’’; and currently owned and managed by the Slaughter Clyburn Marchant (ii) by inserting ‘‘historic,’’ after ‘‘scenic,’’. U.S. Coast Guard. In 2007, the Coast Smith (NJ) Coble McAllister (B) In subsection (a)— Smith (WA) Guard announced its intent to give up Coffman McIntyre (i) by striking ‘‘the area’’ and inserting ownership of the Ashland light, and Conyers Meng Stutzman Thompson (MS) ‘‘The area’’; and only the National Park Service ex- Cooper Miller, Gary (ii) by striking ‘‘; and’’ and inserting a pe- Davis, Danny Moore Tsongas pressed interest in maintaining the riod. Dingell Negrete McLeod Waxman public access to it. Duckworth Pastor (AZ) Whitfield (C) In subsection (b), by striking the final Gardner Price (NC) Wilson (FL) period. H.R. 4049 adjusts the boundaries of Garrett Rice (SC) (D) By inserting after ‘‘1985.’’ the fol- the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore lowing: to include the light station, but pro- 1854 b ‘‘(c) ASHLAND HARBOR BREAKWATER tects the ability of the Coast Guard to Messrs. TAKANO and CARNEY LIGHT.— maintain the light as an aid to naviga- changed their vote from ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘(1) The Ashland Harbor Breakwater Light tion. generally depicted on the map titled ‘Ash- ‘‘yea.’’ Congressman SEAN DUFFY should be land Harbor Breakwater Light Addition to So (two-thirds being in the affirma- Apostle Islands National Lakeshore’ and commended for his work on this issue, tive) the rules were suspended and the dated February 11, 2014, located at the end of which also has the support of the Com- bill was passed. the breakwater on Chequamegon Bay, Wis- mittee on Transportation and Infra- The result of the vote was announced consin. structure. as above recorded. ‘‘(2) Congress does not intend for the des- I reserve the balance of my time. ignation of the property under paragraph (1) A motion to reconsider was laid on HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, to create a protective perimeter or buffer the table. COMMITTEE ON NATURAL RESOURCES, Stated for: zone around the boundary of that property.’’. Washington, DC, November 14, 2014. (2) In section 6 as follows: Hon. , Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. (A) By striking ‘‘The lakeshore’’ and in- 520, I was unavoidably detained. Had I been Chairman, Committee on Transportation and serting: Infrastructure, Washington, DC. present, I would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The lakeshore’’. DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: On June 19, 2014, the Ms. SCHWARTZ. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall (B) By inserting ‘‘this section and’’ before Committee on Natural Resources ordered re- No. 520, had I been present, I would have ‘‘the provisions of’’. ported without amendment H.R. 4049, the voted ‘‘yes.’’ (C) By adding after subsection (a) the fol- Ashland Breakwater Light Transfer Act by Ms. WILSON of Florida. Mr. Speaker, on lowing: unanimous consent. The bill was referred ‘‘(b) FEDERAL USE.—Notwithstanding sub- rollcall No. 520, had I been present, I would primarily to the Committee on Natural Re- section (c) of the first section— sources, with an additional referral to the have voted ‘‘yes.’’ ‘‘(1) the Secretary of the department in Committee on Transportation and Infra- which the Coast Guard is operating may op- f structure. erate, maintain, keep, locate, inspect, repair, I ask that you allow the Transportation ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER and replace any Federal aid to navigation lo- and Infrastructure Committee to be dis- PRO TEMPORE cated at the Ashland Harbor Breakwater charged from further consideration of the Light for as long as such aid is needed for The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. bill so that it may be scheduled by the Ma- navigational purposes; and THOMPSON of Pennsylvania). Pursuant jority Leader. This discharge in no way af- ‘‘(2) in carrying out the activities described to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair will fects your jurisdiction over the subject mat- in paragraph (1), such Secretary may enter, ter of the bill, and it will not serve as prece- postpone further proceedings today on at any time, the Ashland Harbor Breakwater dent for future referrals. The Committee on motions to suspend the rules on which Light or any Federal aid to navigation at the Natural Resources concurs with the mutual a recorded vote or the yeas and nays Ashland Harbor Breakwater Light, for as understanding that when the House con- long as such aid is needed for navigational are ordered, or on which the vote in- siders H.R. 4049, it will consider amended purposes, without notice to the extent that curs objection under clause 6 of rule text negotiated between the staffs of our two it is not possible to provide advance notice. XX. committees. In addition, should a conference ‘‘(c) CLARIFICATION OF AUTHORITY.—Pursu- Record votes on postponed questions on the bill be necessary, I would support ant to existing authorities, the Secretary your request to have the Committee on will be taken later. may enter into agreements with the City of Transportation and Infrastructure rep- f Ashland, County of Ashland, and County of resented on the conference committee. Fi- Bayfield, Wisconsin, for the purpose of coop- nally, I would be pleased to include this let- ASHLAND BREAKWATER LIGHT erative law enforcement and emergency ter and your response in the bill report filed TRANSFER ACT services within the boundaries of the lake- by the Committee on Natural Resources, as shore.’’. Mr. LABRADOR. Mr. Speaker, I well as in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD during move to suspend the rules and pass the The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. floor consideration, to memorialize our un- bill (H.R. 4049) to amend the Act to RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois). Pursuant to derstanding.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO7.016 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H8016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2014 Thank you for your cooperation. the text of this bill ensures that the the waters outside the lighthouse.’’ I Sincerely, Coast Guard will continue to maintain can guarantee you that the way this is DOC HASTINGS, historic access to the lighthouse. written and the way the line is drawn Chairman. We support passage of this bill and there will be no additional rules or reg- COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION AND look forward to working with the ma- ulations coming from the Feds that are INFRASTRUCTURE, HOUSE OF REP- jority to advance more legislation that going to affect your ability to fish or RESENTATIVES, helps to enhance our national parks. boat right around the lighthouse. Washington, DC, November 17, 2014. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of We have adequately addressed that Hon. DOC HASTINGS, my time. concern in this House by having so Chairman, Committee on Natural Resources, Mr. LABRADOR. Mr. Speaker, I yield many different folks come together, Washington, DC. 5 minutes to the gentleman from Wis- people across the aisle who share a bor- DEAR CHAIRMAN HASTINGS: Thank you for consin (Mr. DUFFY). your letter regarding H.R. 4049, the Ashland der and a lake, but also share a love for Breakwater Light Transfer Act, as ordered Mr. DUFFY. Mr. Speaker, I want to the environment and all it has to offer. reported by the Committee on Natural Re- thank the gentleman from Idaho (Mr. We also have support of the National sources. I appreciate your inclusion of LABRADOR) for yielding, and I thank Park Service who supports this bill; changes requested by the Committee on the gentleman from Minnesota for his the Apostle Islands National Lake- Transportation and Infrastructure as this kind remarks about my ads, which I shore; the U.S. Coast Guard; the Wis- bill moves forward. know there weren’t many positive ads consin DNR; the Wisconsin Historical I agree to allow the Committee on Trans- in the Duluth market, but I did have portation and Infrastructure to be dis- Society; the Ashland Chamber of Com- charged from consideration of H.R. 4049 with one. So I appreciate that, Mr. NOLAN, merce, which is very important; the the understanding that this discharge does and thank you for your support of what city of Ashland; and a lot of local out- not affect the Committee’s jurisdiction over is a very important bill for folks in door recreational communities. the subject matter of the bill, and does not northern Wisconsin. With that, I would urge passage of serve as precedent for future referrals. In ad- I have a picture of what this actual H.R. 4049, and I want to thank everyone dition, I expect the negotiated text to be the lighthouse looks like right off the com- for their support for what is a very im- text considered on the floor. Finally, as stat- munity of Ashland. This bill, H.R. 4049, portant bill to my community in ed in your letter, should a conference on the is the bill that will transfer the Ash- bill be necessary, I fully expect the Com- northern Wisconsin. mittee on Transportation and Infrastructure land Breakwater Light from the Coast Mr. NOLAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield to be represented on the conference com- Guard to the National Park Service. back the balance of my time. mittee. This lighthouse has stood here for Mr. LABRADOR. Mr. Speaker, I yield Thank you for your assistance in this mat- over 100 years, standing strong on the back the balance of my time. ter and for agreeing to include a copy of this shores of Lake Superior in dark nights The SPEAKER pro tempore. The letter in the Committee on Natural Re- and in storms, guarding our ships in question is on the motion offered by sources filed bill report, as well as in the their safe passage to our harbor, but the gentleman from Idaho (Mr. LAB- Congressional Record during floor consider- also welcoming back travelers who ation. RADOR) that the House suspend the Sincerely, have left the greater Ashland commu- rules and pass the bill, H.R. 4049, as BILL SHUSTER, nity and on the way home. amended. Chairman. I had a chance to live in Ashland for The question was taken; and (two- Mr. NOLAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- 10 years, raising my children. My sec- thirds being in the affirmative) the self such time as I may consume. ond-born son was born there. I think rules were suspended and the bill, as First of all, I would like to commend my third, fourth, and fifth were born amended, was passed. Representative DUFFY, with whom I there as well. I lose count after a while, A motion to reconsider was laid on share lakeshore on the world’s largest but it is a great community. This the table. freshwater lake and also borders on our lighthouse is a big part of our identity f district. I tell you, Mr. DUFFY, I found in Ashland. Right now, the lighthouse has an un- IDAHO COUNTY SHOOTING RANGE the television commercial with you LAND CONVEYANCE ACT and your family to be my favorite com- certain future because the Coast Guard mercial of the last election, of which has indicated several times, most re- Mr. LABRADOR. Mr. Speaker, I there were not many favorable com- cently in 2012, that they are going to move to suspend the rules and pass the mercials for anyone. give up management of the lighthouse. bill (H.R. 5040) to require the Secretary So it is with a fun and joyful spirit No public entity, aside from the Na- of the Interior to convey certain Fed- that I rise in support of your legisla- tional Park Service’s Apostle Islands eral land to Idaho County in the State tion to prove to those beautiful chil- National Lakeshore have stepped for- of Idaho, and for other purposes. dren of yours that a lot of us really ward and indicated that they would ob- The Clerk read the title of the bill. like each other and know how to get tain and maintain this very important The text of the bill is as follows: along and support the efforts of one an- lighthouse in our community. H.R. 5040 other. Absent this legislation, there is no Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Mr. Speaker, with that in mind, H.R. guarantee that this historic lighthouse resentatives of the United States of America in 4049 transfers ownership and manage- would be maintained and continue to Congress assembled, ment of the Ashland Harbor Break- operate and be accessible for edu- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. water Light to the Apostle Islands Na- cational purposes. H.R. 4049 will allow This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Idaho Coun- tional Lakeshore. Thanks to the lead- the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore ty Shooting Range Land Conveyance Act’’. ership of the late Democratic Senator to maintain the lighthouse alongside, SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS. In this Act: Gaylord Nelson, Congress established as Mr. NOLAN and I think Mr. LAB- (1) COUNTY.—The term ‘‘County’’ means RADOR mentioned, eight other light- the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore Idaho County in the State of Idaho. in 1970. houses they maintain. (2) MAP.—The term ‘‘map’’ means the map The area consists of 21 islands and 70 Just a little trip down history lane: entitled ‘‘Idaho County Land Conveyance’’ acres of shoreline in Lake Superior. It in 1986, the Coast Guard transferred and dated April 11, 2014. is a popular tourist destination in the eight of these lighthouses to the Na- (3) SECRETARY.—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ summer and home to the 35,000-acre tional Park Service, but they didn’t means the Secretary of the Interior. Gaylord Nelson Wilderness area. transfer this one. All we are doing SEC. 3. CONVEYANCE OF LAND TO IDAHO COUN- Apostle Islands already manages right now is saying let’s redraw that TY. eight historic lighthouses which were line and include this one with the other (a) IN GENERAL.—As soon as practicable transferred to the National Park Serv- eight, so the National Park Service can after notification by the County and subject to valid existing rights, the Secretary shall ice in 1986. This bill would add one now manage this lighthouse as well. convey to the County, without consider- more to the collection and contribute If I were looking at this bill, I might ation, all right, title, and interest of the to the mission of protecting these his- say, ‘‘Well, I have a concern if I am a United States in and to the land described in toric cultural resources. Additionally, fisherman or a boater who might use subsection (b).

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO7.024 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8017 (b) DESCRIPTION OF LAND.—The land re- needs of the county residents inter- establishing a public shooting range. ferred to in subsection (a) consists of ap- ested in exercising their Second The county will pay the administrative proximately 31 acres of land managed by the Amendment rights. costs associated with the transfer and Bureau of Land Management and generally Idaho County, which is 83 percent release the United States from any fu- depicted on the map as ‘‘ConveyancelArea’’. controlled by the Federal Government, (c) MAP AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION.— ture liability. began working with the local BLM of- (1) IN GENERAL.—As soon as practicable Historically, a bill of this nature after the date of enactment of this Act, the fice in Cottonwood, Idaho, to identify would contain stronger language to Secretary shall finalize the legal description land that the BLM could transfer to guarantee that the transferred land of the parcel to be conveyed under this sec- the county for use as a shooting range. would continue to be used for a public tion. The BLM identified a buried landfill purpose or the ownership would auto- (2) MINOR ERRORS.—The Secretary may cor- in the county as a suitable location be- matically revert back to the United rect any minor error in— cause the site is already used casually States Government. (A) the map; or by recreational hunters and the gen- (B) the legal description. These so-called reversionary clauses eral public as a shooting range. The ensure that, once transferred, the land (3) AVAILABILITY.—The map and legal de- land also provides the proper safety scription shall be on file and available for is not sold or developed in a way not public inspection in the appropriate offices barriers because it is situated on an intended by Congress. of the Bureau of Land Management. elevated bench, approximately 240 feet It is important for Congress to estab- (d) USE OF CONVEYED LAND.—The land con- above a nearby road and surrounded by lish clear and fair expectations when veyed under this section shall be used only hills. The county and the local BLM of- transferring management of an asset as a shooting range. ficials agreed the site was perfect for a owned by the American taxpayer. We (e) ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS.—The Secretary shooting range. encourage Idaho County to use the shall require the County to pay all survey The county began the process of land as intended by this bill. costs and other administrative costs nec- seeking an administrative transfer With that said, this bill merits our essary for the preparation and completion of from the BLM, but soon ran into proce- any patents for, and transfers of title to, the support, and we urge its adoption by dural roadblocks. The site of the pro- land described in subsection (b). the House. posed shooting range is within a por- (f) CONDITIONS.—As a condition of the con- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance tion of the Lower Salmon River, which veyance under subsection (a), the County of my time. was identified by the BLM for potential shall agree— Mr. LABRADOR. Mr. Speaker, I yield (1) to pay any administrative costs associ- inclusion in the National Wild and Sce- ated with the conveyance including the costs nic River System. Because of existing back the balance of my time. of any environmental, wildlife, cultural, or BLM regulations, the parcel cannot be The SPEAKER pro tempore. The historical resources studies; transferred to the county administra- question is on the motion offered by (2) to release and indemnify the United tively. the gentleman from Idaho (Mr. LAB- States from any claims or liabilities that As my staff and I met with the Idaho RADOR) that the House suspend the may arise from uses carried out on the land rules and pass the bill, H.R. 5040. described in subsection (b) on or before the County commissioners to come up with a solution, we determined the only The question was taken; and (two- date of the enactment of this Act by the thirds being in the affirmative) the United States or any person; and path forward was to introduce legisla- (3) to accept such reasonable terms and tion in Congress to convey the land rules were suspended and the bill was conditions as the Secretary determines nec- from the BLM to the county. My bill, passed. essary. the Idaho County Shooting Range Land A motion to reconsider was laid on The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Conveyance Act, would convey the 31- the table. ant to the rule, the gentleman from acre parcel to Idaho County for use as f a shooting range. Idaho (Mr. LABRADOR) and the gen- b 1915 tleman from Wisconsin (Mr. NOLAN) The BLM has spent a great deal of each will control 20 minutes. time and resources studying the pro- GRAND PORTAGE BAND PER The Chair recognizes the gentleman posed site and has determined the land CAPITA ADJUSTMENT ACT would be perfect for a shooting range. from Idaho. Mr. LABRADOR. Mr. Speaker, I The local BLM office in Cottonwood GENERAL LEAVE move to suspend the rules and pass the has been instrumental in gathering Mr. LABRADOR. Mr. Speaker, I ask bill (H.R. 3608) to amend the Act of Oc- necessary environmental data to sup- unanimous consent that all Members tober 19, 1973, concerning taxable in- port the land conveyance, and I am may have 5 legislative days to revise come to members of the Grand Portage grateful for their ongoing efforts to and extend their remarks and include Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indi- work with my staff and finally resolve extraneous materials on the bill under ans. this issue. consideration. The Clerk read the title of the bill. My office has also worked closely The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there The text of the bill is as follows: with the Idaho County commissioners objection to the request of the gen- and Idaho County sheriff to develop a H.R. 3608 tleman from Idaho? plan to manage the land for public use Be it enacted by the Senate and House of There was no objection. as a shooting range. Part of the plan Representatives of the United States of America Mr. LABRADOR. Mr. Speaker, I yield in Congress assembled, includes allowing Idaho County law en- myself such time as I may consume. forcement to use the range to conduct SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Mr. Speaker, I am the author of H.R. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Grand Por- firearms training and qualifications. 5040, which directs the Secretary of the Idaho County has waited nearly 6 tage Band Per Capita Adjustment Act’’. Interior to convey a 31-acre parcel of SEC. 2. EQUAL TREATMENT OF CERTAIN PER years for this process to be completed. CAPITA INCOME FOR PURPOSES OF land to Idaho County, Idaho, to use for Idaho County residents want a safe, re- public recreation. FEDERAL ASSISTANCE. mote location to exercise their Second Paragraph (4) of section 7 of the Act of Oc- Idahoans deeply value their Second Amendment rights, and my bill will tober 19, 1973 (25 U.S.C. 1407(4)) is amended by Amendment rights, and many use fire- provide a solution that is long overdue. striking ‘‘pursuant to the agreements of arms for hunting and shooting sports. I urge support for the bill, and I re- such Band’’ and inserting ‘‘or the Grand Por- The safe and proper use of firearms is serve the balance of my time. tage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indi- often a tradition passed down from Mr. NOLAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- ans, or both, pursuant to the agreements of generation to generation. People need self such time as I may consume. each Band’’. a safe designated area where they may Mr. Speaker, I want to commend The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- sight in their rifles and teach safe fire- Representative LABRADOR for the work ant to the rule, the gentleman from arms practices. he has done on behalf of his constitu- Idaho (Mr. LABRADOR) and the gen- Nearly 6 years ago, a county in my ents and their recreational activities in tleman from Minnesota (Mr. NOLAN) district, Idaho County, began the proc- their future. each will control 20 minutes. ess of searching for a suitable location H.R. 5040 transfers 31 acres of public The Chair recognizes the gentleman to install a shooting range to serve the land to Idaho County for the purpose of from Idaho.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO7.019 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H8018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2014

GENERAL LEAVE The Judiciary Committee takes this action I would appreciate your response to this Mr. LABRADOR. Mr. Speaker, I ask without mutual understanding that by fore- letter, confirming this understanding with unanimous consent that all Members going consideration of H.R. 3608 at this time, respect to H.R. 3608, and would ask that a may have 5 legislative days to revise we do not waive any jurisdiction over the copy of our exchange of letters on this mat- subject matter contained in this or similar and extend remarks and include extra- ter be included in bill report and the Con- legislation, and that our Committee will be gressional Record during floor consideration. neous materials on the bill under con- appropriately consulted and involved as the Sincerely, sideration. bill or similar legislation moves forward so , The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there that we may address any remaining issues in Chairman. objection to the request of the gen- our jurisdiction. Our Committee also re- tleman from Idaho? serves the right to seek appointment of an HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, There was no objection. appropriate number of conferees to any COMMITTEE ON NATURAL RESOURCES, Mr. LABRADOR. Mr. Speaker, I yield House-Senate conference involving this or Washington, DC, November 17, 2014. myself such time as I may consume. similar legislation, and asks that you sup- Hon. DAVE CAMP, H.R. 3608 would protect certain funds port any such request. Chairman, Committee on Ways and Means, I would appreciate a response to this letter Longworth HOB, Washington, DC. paid by the State of Minnesota and confirming this understanding with respect held by the United States in trust for DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you for your to H.R. 3608, and would ask that a copy of letter regarding H.R. 3608, the Grand Portage the Grand Portage Band of Lake Supe- our exchange of letters on this matter be in- Band Per Capita Adjustment Act. As you cluded in the Congressional Record during rior Chippewa Indians from Federal know, the Committee on Natural Resources Floor consideration of H.R. 3608. and State taxation. Under the bill, the ordered reported the bill on September 18, Sincerely, tribe may distribute these funds to its 2014. I appreciate your support in bringing BOB GOODLATTE, members, and these payments won’t be this legislation before the House of Rep- Chairman. counted against the members’ eligi- resentatives, and accordingly, understand that the Committee on Ways and Means will bility for Federal financial assistance HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, forego action on the bill. as long as each payment does not ex- COMMITTEE ON NATURAL RESOURCES, The Committee on Natural Resources con- Washington, DC, November 13, 2014. ceed $2,000. curs with the mutual understanding that by Hon. BOB GOODLATTE, The payments made by the State foregoing consideration of H.R. 3608 at this Chairman, Committee on Judiciary, Rayburn stem from a 1988 settlement in which time, the Committee on Ways and Means HOB, Washington, DC. two Minnesota Chippewa tribes agreed does not waive any jurisdiction over the sub- to forgo the exercise of certain treaty DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you for your letter regarding H.R. 3608, the Grand Portage ject matter contained in this or similar leg- hunting and fishing rights. In 1999, leg- Band Per Capita Adjustment Act. As you islation. In addition, should a conference on islation was introduced to protect know, the Committee on Natural Resources the bill be necessary, I would support your these State settlement payments from ordered reported the bill on September 18, request to have the Committee on Ways and taxation. However, by the time the bill 2014. I appreciate your support in bringing Means represented on the conference com- was enacted into Public Law 106–568, this legislation before the House of Rep- mittee. Finally, I would be pleased to in- resentatives, and accordingly, understand clude your letter and this response in the bill only one of the two tribes was granted report filed by the Committee on Natural the tax relief. that the Committee on the Judiciary will forego action on the bill. Resources, as well as in the Congressional The Subcommittee on Indian and The Committee on Natural Resources con- Record during floor consideration, to memo- Alaska Native Affairs held a hearing on curs with the mutual understanding that by rialize our understanding. H.R. 3608. Neither the hearing nor a foregoing consideration of H.R. 3608 at this Thank you for your cooperation. staff review of the legislative history time, the Committee on the Judiciary does Sincerely, for Public Law 106–568 reveals any ex- not waive any jurisdiction over the subject DOC HASTINGS, planation for the exclusion of the matter contained in this or similar legisla- Chairman. Grand Portage Band from the tax relief tion. In addition, should a conference on the Mr. NOLAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- granted to its sister tribe. Principles of bill be necessary, I would support your re- self such time as I may consume. quest to have the Committee on the Judici- Mr. Speaker, I thank Natural Re- fairness and equity suggest that both ary represented on the conference com- sources Committee Chairman HAS- bands of Minnesota Chippewa be ac- mittee. Finally, I would be pleased to in- corded equal treatment. H.R. 3608 ac- clude your letter and this response in the bill TINGS, who has served so well and so cordingly amends the applicable stat- report filed by the Committee on Natural honorably in this Chamber—his ab- ute to provide the Grand Portage Band Resources, as well as in the Congressional sence will be missed as he retires—and, the same tax benefits. Record during floor consideration, to memo- of course, Ranking Member DEFAZIO, The Committee on Natural Resources rialize our understanding. and to Chairman YOUNG, whom I had ordered H.R. 3608 reported by unani- Thank you for your cooperation. the good fortune to initially serve in Sincerely, mous consent, and Chairman CAMP of this Chamber about 40 years ago, and DOC HASTINGS, the Ways and Means Committee and Chairman. Ranking Member HANABUSA of the Sub- Chairman GOODLATTE of the Judiciary committee on Indian and Alaska Na- Committee have graciously agreed by HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, tive Affairs for their support of this letter to expedite consideration of this COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS, bill. I also want to thank the staff for bill by not exercising their jurisdic- Washington, DC, November 17, 2014. their work and their diligent efforts on tion. As always, we appreciate their co- Hon. DOC HASTINGS, this legislation. operation. Chairman, Committee on Natural Resources, Mr. Speaker, in simple terms, this Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Longworth House Office Building, Wash- bill corrects a technical mistake in ex- ington, DC. my time. DEAR CHAIRMAN HASTINGS: I am writing isting law, thereby allowing members HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, concerning H.R. 3608, the ‘‘Grand Portage of the Grand Portage Band of Lake Su- COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY, Band Per Capita Adjustment Act,’’ which perior Chippewa to exclude up to $2,000 Washington, DC, November 5, 2014. was reported by the Committee on Natural in payments from the State of Min- Hon. DOC HASTINGS, Resources on September 18, 2014 and is sched- nesota from their taxable income. Chairman, Committee on Natural Resources, uled for floor consideration today. By way of background, in 1988, the Longworth House Office Building, Wash- The Committee on Ways and Means re- Grand Portage Band and the Bois Forte ington, DC. ceived an additional referral on this bill DEAR CHAIRMAN HASTINGS: I am writing given its impact on federal income taxation Band of Chippewa entered into an with respect to H.R. 3608, the ‘‘Grand Por- and subsequent calculation of benefits under agreement by which they would relin- tage Band Per Capita Adjustment Act,’’ Social Security, which are within the Com- quish certain harvest rights and privi- which the Committee on Natural Resources mittee on Ways and Means’ Rule X jurisdic- leges accorded under the treaty of 1854 reported favorably on September 18, 2014. As tion. However, in order to expedite this legis- in return for annual per capita pay- a result of your having consulted with us on lation for floor consideration, the Com- ments from the State of Minnesota. provisions in H.R. 3608 that fall within the mittee will forgo action on this bill. This is In the year 2000, Congress passed the Rule X jurisdiction of the Committee on the being done with the understanding that it Judiciary, I agree to discharge our Com- does not in any way prejudice the Committee Omnibus Indian Advancement Act, mittee from further consideration of this bill with respect to the appointment of conferees which stipulated that a portion of so that it may proceed expeditiously to the or its jurisdictional prerogatives on this or these per capita payments should not House floor for consideration. similar legislation. count as income for the band members.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.049 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8019 The problem was the legislative lan- Mr. LABRADOR. Mr. Speaker, I yield logical diseases such as ALS, MS, or guage included only the Bois Forte back the balance of my time. Huntington’s. Band. The Grand Portage Band was in- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. Speaker, I am pleased that after advertently, accidentally left out, and, question is on the motion offered by years of recommendations, earlier this as a result, many members of the the gentleman from Idaho (Mr. LAB- month the Centers for Medicare & Med- Grand Portage Band have been denied RADOR) that the House suspend the icaid Services has lifted prohibitions financial assistance and other benefits rules and pass the bill, H.R. 3608. on unlocking of speech-generating de- they are entitled to because their in- The question was taken; and (two- vices from accessing our technologies come appears higher than the law per- thirds being in the affirmative) the such as email or Internet access. mits. rules were suspended and the bill was Moving forward, our goals should be So this bill simply corrects the mis- passed. the continued empowerment of those take by amending the act of October 9, A motion to reconsider was laid on facing disease and disability, to ensure 1973, to allow members of the Grand the table. their dignity, mobility, and commu- Portage Band to exclude up to $2,000 in f nication abilities can be enhanced in per capita income payments from the our modern world. THE IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL State of Minnesota from their taxable income. It is the correct and the fair (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN asked and was f thing to do. given permission to address the House Let me also point out, Mr. Speaker, for 1 minute and to revise and extend THE PLIGHT OF SAEED ABEDINI her remarks.) that this bill marks another step to- (Mr. FITZPATRICK asked and was Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, ward restoring the letter and the spirit given permission to address the House on Thursday, at 1 p.m., Congressman of the 1854 treaty between the Federal for 1 minute.) TED DEUTCH and I will convene a sub- Government and the Chippewa of Lake Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I committee hearing on the dangers of a Superior, a treaty marked by serious rise today to bring awareness to the nuclear deal with Iran, the dangers violations from the very beginning as plight of Iranian American Saeed that this could pose for the United the waves of settlers were permitted Abedini, a 34-year-old Christian pastor onto the lands the agreement reserved States and global security interests. Retired General Michael Hayden, who was unlawfully arrested by the Is- for the Indians in perpetuity. lamic Republic of Iran for refusing to I often point to my colleagues that former Director of both the NSA and renounce his Christian faith. the bust of Chief Buffalo of La Pointe the CIA, will be testifying to share his Saeed, along with his wife, Naghmeh, greets them, or greets us as we enter concerns about Iran’s past are prominent in the house church into the House Chamber from the west weaponization efforts and the guaran- movement throughout Iran, credited front. Chief Buffalo was recognized as tees needed to monitor and verify this with establishing around 100 churches the Head Chief of the Greater Chippewa agreement. In fact, he has warned that, in 30 different Iranian cities. Nation, and at the age of 92 years of were he still in his role as CIA Direc- After the election of Mahmoud age, he led a tribal delegation to Wash- tor, he ‘‘would feel compelled to advise Ahmadinejad in 2005, the church move- ington to meet with President Fillmore the President that the agreement could ment became the subject of authori- and paved the way for the treaty of 1854 not be adequately verified.’’ tarian crackdown, prompting the to stop the removal of Lake Superior Mr. Speaker, Congress needs to re- Abedinis to return to the United Chippewas from their native homes. main engaged. We need to continue our States. It was quite a trip. They left Wiscon- oversight. We need to use all the tools On September 26, 2014, Saeed Abedini sin’s Madeline Island by birch bark that we have available to us, including returned to Iran to visit family and canoe—mind you, a 92-year-old man— strengthening and increasing sanctions continue his humanitarian work to es- traveling all the way to Sault Ste. against this regime, in order to ensure tablish an orphanage. During this trip, Marie. From there, they took a steam- that the President does not sign an Saeed was arrested and charged with er bound for Detroit, and then on by agreement that is not in our national undermining national security. In steamer to Buffalo, New York. Then security interests. early 2013, Saeed was transferred from the railroad took them to Albany, New f Tehran to the Rajai Shahr prison in York, where they boarded another CENTERS FOR MEDICARE & MED- the town of Karaj, an institution steamboat to New York, and finally ICAID SERVICES RESCINDS PRO- known for harsher and often life- back onto the train to Washington, HIBITION ON SPEECH-GENER- threatening conditions. D.C., where they made their case to the ATING DEVICES UNLOCKING I call on the administration to act President of the United States. swiftly for the immediate return of So, in asking my colleagues to sup- (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania this American to his family. port this bill, I ask them to also re- asked and was given permission to ad- member Chief Buffalo and the diligence dress the House for 1 minute and to re- f and the long, hard work and the long vise and extend his remarks.) and difficult trail that is often so often Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. AN IMMIGRATION SYSTEM THAT required to do the right thing when we Mr. Speaker, currently, more than 113 IS IN THE BEST INTEREST OF are representing people that we have million Americans are facing long- THE UNITED STATES been, in our case, elected to represent. term disease or disability. Significant It is a good lesson in point in a time policy advancements have recently (Mr. LAMALFA asked and was given and life where we have a kind of a fast- been signed into law to encourage the permission to address the House for 1 food mentality and everybody is ex- development of drugs for those with minute and to revise and extend his re- pecting things to happen now. The voy- limited medical options and continued marks.) age, the extraordinary effort that Chief efforts to get advanced diagnostic tests Mr. LAMALFA. Mr. Speaker, earlier Buffalo made, is a lesson to us all. to patients more quickly. Yet a seg- this month, the American people sent a So here we are, 160 years later, still ment of the population remains who strong message to Washington, one trying to fulfill the results of that im- are in the midst of an ongoing struggle. that was apparently not received by portant mission that he made. This As someone who spent most of my the President. His latest threat to uni- legislation to restore a small piece of a professional career serving those with laterally grant amnesty to millions of larger trust relationship is part of that life-changing disease and disability, a illegal immigrants would not only journey. shared goal of health care providers is serve as a massive abuse of power, but Mr. Speaker, I urge passage of this to improve the quality of life for their also make clear the unprecedented dis- bill, and I thank my colleagues for patients. This is particularly true when connect between this administration their bipartisan support. it comes to those with limited speech, and our citizens. Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance whether they have suffered from The American people deserve a gov- of my time. stroke, trauma, or progressive neuro- ernment that can demonstrate both

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.050 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H8020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2014 the ability and the commitment to en- gressional Black Caucus have come to of folks who, from the moment that forcing our Nation’s laws, not a Presi- the floor today to share their thoughts Barack Obama was sworn in as Presi- dent who continually sidesteps Con- and their insights and their policy pre- dent, believe he exceeded his authority gress and the American people to ad- scriptions in our continuing march to- just by raising his right hand and tak- vance an agenda which appeals exclu- ward a more perfect Union. ing the oath of office. So let’s just hope sively to one side of the aisle. Let me first just yield to the dy- that we can hit the refresh button on I urge the President to end the polit- namic chairperson of the Congressional the partisanship, on the obstruction, ical ploys to go around the laws we Black Caucus, who has provided such on the obfuscation and can come to- have on the books and start working great leadership to this caucus, to this gether to do the business of the Amer- together toward an immigration sys- Congress, and to this country during ican people. tem that is in the best interest of the her career, the distinguished gentle- Certainly, the gentleman who I U.S.—not one that endangers our citi- woman from Ohio, Chairwoman MARCIA would yield to next has been a great zens, even takes some of their lives and FUDGE. patriot. He has helped to bring our some of the lives of our law enforce- Ms. FUDGE. I thank the gentleman Constitution to life. For tens of mil- ment officers, but truly one that se- for yielding. lions of Americans, he is one of this cures our borders, respects the rule of I want to thank my colleagues country’s greatest freedom fighters, a law, stops violent criminals at the bor- JEFFRIES and HORSFORD for leading the civil rights icon, and a distinguished der, and prevents future illegal immi- Congressional Black Caucus Hour. It is Member of Congress. It is my honor gration. an issue that, I think, is important to and my privilege to now yield to the I call on the President to work with this entire country, and it should be a distinguished gentleman from Georgia, Congress. priority for all Members, not just mem- Congressman . f bers of the Congressional Black Cau- Mr. LEWIS. Mr. Speaker, I want to MARCH TOWARD A MORE PERFECT cus—a discussion on where Congress thank my friend and my colleague, UNION goes from here in pursuit of a more Congressman JEFFRIES, for organizing perfect Union. this Special Order. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under Mr. Speaker, even before the final Thank you for all that you do. Thank the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- ballots were counted from the midterm you for speaking up and speaking out. uary 3, 2013, the gentleman from New elections, conservatives began sharing Thank you for finding a way to get in York (Mr. JEFFRIES) is recognized for their priorities for the upcoming Con- the way. 60 minutes as the designee of the mi- gress. Mr. Speaker, our march toward a nority leader. Instead of promising to improve our more perfect Union has been long, GENERAL LEAVE health care system, my colleagues on hard, and tedious, but we must con- Mr. JEFFRIES. Mr. Speaker, I ask the other side of the aisle began prom- tinue to move forward. I know there unanimous consent that all Members ising to renew their campaign to repeal are forces that want to stop us, slow us be given 5 days to revise and extend the Affordable Care Act—a campaign down, and take us back, but as a Na- their remarks. that has wasted millions in taxpayer tion and as a people, we have made too The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there dollars, with 53 unsuccessful votes. much progress to turn back now. objection to the request of the gen- Instead of searching for common Through hard work, discipline, and tleman from New York? ground, they are still committed to with the blessing of the Almighty, we There was no objection. finding a way to impeach President can—and we will—move to redeem the Mr. JEFFRIES. Mr. Speaker, it is an Barack Obama. soul of America and create a more per- honor and a privilege to once again Instead of using the next Congress to fect Union. have this opportunity to stand on the create more opportunities for the The American people are ready. House floor and to anchor the Congres- American people, the decision has al- They have grown by leaps and bounds sional Black Caucus’ Special Order ready been made to continue efforts to to build bridges of understanding be- hour, where today we want to discuss obstruct and undermine the President. tween diverse communities. As their some of the issues and challenges con- None of these actions will move our Representatives, will we follow their fronting this country that we hope this Nation forward or do what is best for lead? Can we work together in this newly constituted Congress will be pre- the country. We must do something body as one people, one family, who pared to take up. more than advance a partisan, political live in the same house, one house—the As we move into the 114th Congress, agenda. It is irresponsible, Mr. Speak- American house? We don’t have to be there is still a lot of business that is er, and is an insult to the very public mean to each other. We don’t have to undone over the remaining few weeks that gave us this awesome responsi- put each other down. that we have left during this session, bility in the first place. We were elect- My work in the movement taught but a whole lot of challenges that we ed to represent the American people— me—my faith has taught me and many have got to confront as we move for- all of the American people. Let’s write others—to respect the dignity and the ward. and pass legislation that will make worth of every human being. There is b 1930 their lives easier and their futures some good in the worst of us because One hundred fifty years ago or so, more promising. It is time for this Con- everything that is was made by our President publicly gress to unite and move forward to- Creator. That is why we must respect pondered the question: How do we cre- gether. This is not the time for dou- the worth and dignity and that spark ate a more perfect Union? bling down on the tactics of distrac- of the divine in each one of us. President Lincoln asked that ques- tion, obstruction, and confusion. As A. Philip Randolph—a dean of tion at a time when the country was We have the opportunity now to lay a Black leadership, the visionary who tearing itself apart in the context of foundation for the 114th Congress that planned the historic March on Wash- the Civil War. Since the conclusion of is built upon bipartisan cooperation ington in 1963 and the founder of the that war—since President Lincoln pub- and a shared commitment to doing Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters— licly pondered that question—year what is best for all of our citizens. I once said: ‘‘We may have all come here after year, month after month, century urge my colleagues to join the CBC in on different ships, but we’re all in the after century, we certainly have made doing the people’s work. same boat now.’’ some progress, significant progress, Mr. JEFFRIES. I thank the distin- My colleagues, my brothers and sis- here in America, but we still have a guished chair for her observations and, ters, we must keep the faith. We must long way to go, and it is still relevant certainly, for pointing out that, while press toward the mark of the public for us to ask the question: How do we we should be coming together to march good and put our personal ambitions create a more perfect Union? toward perfecting our Union, there are aside. Where do we go from here? some, inexplicably, who want to march As Mr. JEFFRIES did a few moments So I am pleased that so many of my toward impeachment before even see- ago, let me paraphrase the words of a distinguished colleagues from the Con- ing Presidential action, the same type great Republican President who lived

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.052 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8021 in a more divisive time even than in We talked about ‘‘where do we go from cessible; yet every time Republicans our own. here?’’ as a community in Oakland and vote to dismantle the Affordable Care He said: also throughout the country. What we Act, they make it perfectly clear that Brave men, both living and dead, have con- need to do here is, really, to get back they believe charging women more for secrated the American soil with their tears, to work for the American people, and being a woman is okay, denying vic- their sweat, and their blood. The world will that is what we heard over and over tims of domestic violence coverage is little note nor long remember what we said and over at our lecture series. okay, and allowing insurance compa- here, but it will never forget what we did Unfortunately, ever since the Repub- nies to increase premiums to increase here. We must be dedicated . . . to the great tasks remaining before us . . . and make licans took control of the House of profits is also okay. That is not what sure they did not sacrifice in vain, that this Representatives, we see governing the American people need. Nation under God shall have a new birth of through extortion and brinksmanship, Where do we go from here? Let’s not freedom and that the government of the peo- including a government shutdown that go there. Millions have been covered, ple, by the people, and for the people shall cost the taxpayers $24 billion. I hope and let’s move forward to make sure not perish from the Earth. that is not where we go from here. Now our country has universal accessible af- Thank you, Mr. JEFFRIES. we are looking at—or at least some are fordable health care for all. It is a basic Mr. JEFFRIES. Thank you, Con- saying that they are eyeing—another human right, so we need to get back to gressman LEWIS, for those very elo- shutdown and are refusing to act on doing the work of the American people, quent thoughts and for continuing to immigration while planning another the work of forming a more perfect really function as the conscience of the series of votes to repeal the Affordable Union. CBC as our caucus functions as the Care Act. They have even gone so far Finally, I just want to point out an conscience of the Congress. as to threaten impeachment because article. There was a recent editorial in Mr. Speaker, it is now my distinct our President has continued to lead from Nicholas honor and privilege to yield to someone where they have failed. Kristof in which he discusses the his- who I served with on the Budget Com- Where do we go from here, Congress- torical and structural issues that con- mittee. She is a distinguished Member man JEFFRIES? Let’s hope not there. I tinue to perpetuate racial disparities of the House of Representatives. She is hope we go where the young people in between Blacks and Whites today, and a fighter for the people, for the disen- my community talked about the other I would like to submit that article for franchised, and is a voice for the voice- night. the RECORD, Mr. Speaker. less. It is my honor to yield to the very The threats about a government [From Op-Ed Columnist, Nov. 15, 2014] distinguished gentlewoman from Cali- shutdown over immigration reform are WHEN WHITES JUST DON’T GET IT, PART 4 fornia, Congresswoman BARBARA LEE. outrageous. My district is a very di- (By Nicholas Kristof) Ms. LEE of California. Thank you verse and dynamic district. That is very much. When I write about racial inequality in what makes it, really, a great place for America, one common response from whites First, let me thank the gentleman my constituents to live, work, do busi- is eye-rolling and an emphatic: It’s time to from New York, Congressman ness, and raise a family. Yet we have move on. JEFFRIES, for this very important mo- many, many pockets of poverty. It is ‘‘As whites, are we doomed to an eternity ment and theme tonight of ‘‘Where do home to a vibrant immigrant commu- of apology?’’ Neil tweeted at me. ‘‘When does we go from here?’’ But also for your nity. Families from all over the world, individual responsibility kick in?’’ leadership in conducting these Special many of them—and they told me again Terry asked on my Facebook page: ‘‘Why are we still being held to actions that took Orders to make sure that the American the other night—are feeling the pain people really know the truth about place long ago?’’ each and every day of our broken im- ‘‘How long am I supposed to feel guilty what is taking place here in Wash- migration system. It has been more about being white? I bust my hump at work ington, D.C., and also to hear the voice than 500 days since the Senate passed and refrain from living a thug life,’’ Bradley of conscience from the Congressional bipartisan, comprehensive immigration chimed in. ‘‘America is about personal re- Black Caucus, such as we just heard reform. sponsibility. . . . And really, get past the from our great warrior, Congressman We need to have an up or down vote. slavery issue.’’ JOHN LEWIS. Families deserve that. Time is really This is the fourth installment in a series of Also, I want to thank Congressman columns I’ve written this year, ‘‘When running out. We have 3 weeks of ses- Whites Just Don’t Get It,’’ and plenty of HORSFORD for being part of this for the sion left, so we need to get something white readers have responded with anger and last couple of years in terms of his tre- done. That is where we need to go from frustration at what they see as the ‘‘blame mendous leadership. here. If Congress fails to act on immi- game’’ on race. They acknowledge a horrific Mr. Speaker, the other night, I had gration reform, our President can—and history of racial discrimination but also say an event with young people in my dis- he should—take action to keep families that we should look forward, not backward. trict. It is a lecture series that is spon- from being torn apart. Just like every The Supreme Court seems to share this view sored by the Martin Luther King Free- President since Dwight D. Eisenhower, as it dismantles civil-rights-era rulings on dom Center. Congressman LEWIS knows voting rights. our President should act, but as the As Dina puts it: ‘‘I am tired of the race these young people. They travel with President has said, immigration reform me every year to Selma-Montgomery- conversation. It has exasperated me. Just should come from Congress. It should stop. In so many industries, the racial ceil- Birmingham. We started the center in come from us. That is what my com- ing has been shattered. Our president is the nineties, and these young people’s munity said in terms of moving for- black. From that moment on, there were no mission in life is to make sure that the ward. Let’s get it done in the next cou- more excuses.’’ new generation of leaders understands, ple of weeks. We have a bipartisan bill. If only it were so simple! one, that violence is not an option and, Let’s come together and have a vote. Of course, personal responsibility is an issue. Orlando Patterson, the eminent black secondly, that we all are in this to- Our colleagues across the aisle need to gether and that we should be united as sociologist, notes in a forthcoming book that put our economy ahead of partisanship. 92 percent of black youths agree that it is a a country and fight for the American That means stopping their repeated at- ‘‘big problem’’ that black males are ‘‘not Dream for all. tempts at eliminating access to afford- taking education seriously enough.’’ And 88 The topic of the lecture series of two able, quality health care for millions of percent agree that it’s a big problem that nights ago was ‘‘Where do we go from Americans. they are ‘‘not being responsible fathers.’’ here?’’ We had White students in the That’s why President Obama started ‘‘My audience. We had African American, b 1945 Brother’s Keeper,’’ to cultivate more prudent Latino, and Asian Pacific American This past weekend marked the begin- behavior among men and boys of color. young people, middle-aged people, and ning of the second year of open enroll- But we in white society should be equally old people. It was held at my alma ment under the Affordable Care Act. ready to shoulder responsibility. In past arti- cles in this series, I’ve looked at black/white mater, at Mills College. It was really Repealing the Affordable Care Act and economic inequality that is greater in Amer- amazing. We had the cofounder of the its protections for families would hurt ica today than it was in apartheid South Af- United Farm Workers, Dolores Huerta, all of our constituents. It would make rica, at ongoing discrimination against Afri- and former State Senator Art Torres. health care less affordable and less ac- can-Americans in the labor market and at

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.054 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H8022 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2014 systematic bias in law enforcement. But the early part of that relay race, and al- To quote our drum major for jus- these conversations run into a wall: the pre- though many of the fetters have come off, tice—who Congressman LEWIS had the sumption on the part of so many well-mean- whites have developed a huge lead. Do we ig- privilege and honor to work with—Dr. nore this long head start—a facet of white ing white Americans that racism is a histor- Martin Luther King, Jr., he said, ‘‘A ical artifact. They don’t appreciate the over- privilege—and pretend that the competition whelming evidence that centuries of racial is now fair? genuine leader is not a searcher for subjugation still shape inequity in the 21st Of course not. If we whites are ahead in the consensus but a molder of consensus.’’ century. relay race of life, shouldn’t we acknowledge We have the privilege tonight to re- Indeed, a wave of research over the last 20 that we got this lead in part by generations mind this body that we are the molder years has documented the lingering effects of oppression? Aren’t we big enough to make of consensus. of slavery in the United States and South amends by trying to spread opportunity, by Thank you again, Congressman America alike. For example, counties in providing disadvantaged black kids an edu- cation as good as the one afforded privileged JEFFRIES, for the opportunity to speak America that had a higher proportion of with you this evening. slaves in 1860 are still more unequal today, white kids? according to a scholarly paper published in Can’t we at least acknowledge that in the Mr. JEFFRIES. Thank you, Con- 2010. The authors called this a ‘‘persistent ef- case of race, William Faulkner was right: gresswoman LEE, for your very elo- fect of slavery.’’ ‘‘The past is never dead. It’s not even past.’’ quent observations and for laying out a One reason seems to be that areas with Ms. LEE of California. Kristof states clear pathway as it relates to many of slave labor were ruled for the benefit of elite that he has ‘‘looked at Black-White the challenges that we have got to con- plantation owners. Public schools, libraries economic inequality that is greater in front here in America and certainly and legal institutions lagged, holding back America today than it was in apartheid amongst those challenges that you working-class whites as well as blacks. South Africa, at ongoing discrimina- spoke to, the notion that we have got a Whites often don’t realize that slavery tion against in the didn’t truly end until long after the Civil broken criminal justice system that in War. Douglas Blackmon won a Pulitzer Prize labor market, and at systematic bias in far too many communities has placed a for his devastating history, ‘‘Slavery by An- law enforcement.’’ target on the back of young African other Name,’’ that recounted how U.S. Steel So young people of color, especially American and Latino men in a way in- and other American corporations used black young men, have been left behind in consistent with the democratic values slave labor well into the 20th century, the economic recovery. It is leaving of this country and the notion that we through ‘‘convict leasing.’’ Blacks would be them behind, and far too often, they were all created equally, and so I look arrested for made-up offenses such as ‘‘va- are marginalized and forgotten. The grancy’’ and then would be leased to compa- forward to partnering with you on poverty rate for African Americans is many of these issues, as we all collec- nies as slave laborers. 27.2 percent, more than two-and-a-half Job and housing discrimination also sys- tively move forward in this wonderful tematically prevented blacks from accumu- times the rate of poverty of White body. lating wealth. The Federal Housing Adminis- Americans. Nobody in our country We have also been joined here today tration and other initiatives greatly ex- should have to live below the poverty by another civil rights champion, panded home ownership and the middle class line. We are the wealthiest and most someone who has fought for the disen- but deliberately excluded blacks. powerful country in the world. franchised and to make sure that ev- That’s one reason why black families have, The African American unemploy- eryone has equal opportunity under the on average, only about 6 percent as much ment rate is 10.9 percent, nearly twice wealth as white households, why only 44 per- law, the distinguished gentleman from the national average. Young men of the Lone Star State of Texas, and I am cent of black families own a home compared color are stopped and frisked at will. with 73 percent for white households. pleased now to yield to Congressman They are more incarcerated than any The inequality continues, particularly in AL GREEN. education. De jure segregated schools have other group. The jobs that are avail- Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Thank you able don’t pay enough to get by while been replaced in some areas by de facto seg- very much, Congressman JEFFRIES. I regation. our safety net and nutrition programs also thank in his absence the gen- Those of us who are white have a remark- continue to be hacked and slashed by tleman from Nevada, Congressman able capacity for delusions. A majority of House Republicans. HORSFORD. The two of you have been whites have said in opinion polls that blacks Beyond the lack of opportunity, po- earn as much as whites and are as healthy as lice misconduct and the criminal jus- almost inseparable when it comes to whites. In fact, black median household in- tice system are constant reminders of these Special Order hours. I want to come is $34,598, compared with $58,270 for compliment you on the outstanding job non-Hispanic whites, according to census the tragic inequality which is still per- sistent in the daily life of Black Amer- that you have done. data. Black life expectancy is four years I would also like to compliment Con- shorter than that of whites. ica. Granted, race is just one thread in a tap- Where do we go from here? Let’s gressman HORSFORD for the out- estry. The daughters of President and move forward, but we have got to re- standing job that he has done on the Michelle Obama shouldn’t enjoy affirmative member that the deaths of Michael Financial Services Committee. He action preference (as their dad has acknowl- Brown and Trayvon Martin and Eric brought his talents. He brought his edged), while disadvantaged white kids Garner and Oscar Grant—one of my brilliance, and he has represented his should. constituents exceedingly well, and I Yet one element of white privilege today is constituents—their deaths are tragic examples of the senseless murder of know that in the annals of history, obliviousness to privilege, including a blithe when they look back through the vista disregard of the way past subjugation shapes young Black men. present disadvantage. As the mother of two Black men and of time, it will be said that he served I’ve been on a book tour lately. By coinci- two Black grandsons, I have to have us well in the Congress of the United dence, so has one of my Times Op-Ed col- many uncomfortable conversations States of America. umnist colleagues, Charles Blow, who is Afri- with them, how to walk, how to talk, With reference to the relevant ques- can-American and the author of a powerful how to interact with the police. tion of the hour, as it relates to a more memoir, ‘‘Fire Shut Up in My Bones.’’ I grew This is not just my reality, but the perfect Union, as we ponder and query up in a solid middle-class household; Charles reality of millions of other Black where we go from here, it was appro- was primarily raised by a single mom who priate, I think, that you introduced initially worked plucking poultry in a fac- mothers and grandmothers and fathers tory, and also, for a while, by a grandma in and grandfathers. This is something no this topic by referencing President Lin- a house with no plumbing. parent should have to do. No one coln. That Charles has become a New York should be afraid of the police who are It was appropriate because you are Times columnist does not mean that blacks sworn to protect and serve them. These eminently correct. It was a time of and whites today have equal access to oppor- are issues that Members of Congress great turmoil when he announced that tunity, just that some talented and driven must take leadership in addressing. he would issue the Emancipation Proc- blacks manage to overcome the long odds This is where we must go from here. lamation, and in January of 1863, when against them. Make no mistake: Charles had Finally, let me just say the work of he issued the Emancipation Proclama- to climb a higher mountain than I did. We all stand on the shoulders of our ances- building a more perfect Union is not tion, the country was in the midst of a tors. We’re in a relay race, relying on the fi- just rhetorical. As Members of Con- Civil War, being torn apart. nancial and human capital of our parents gress, we really do have a unique op- There was much to be said about his and grandparents. Blacks were shackled for portunity to do just that. announcement that he would issue the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO7.025 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8023 Emancipation Proclamation. There More than 15,000 executive orders certainly, there were significant ques- was great debate, and there were many have been issued. Not one President tions as to the authenticity of the final people who said that it should not be has ever been impeached for issuing an result. done, that it was not worth the paper it executive order, not one. There is talk He came into office under question- would be written on, to be quite candid of impeaching President Obama. able circumstances; yet there was no with you, it was said, because it would If we didn’t impeach Lincoln and we talk of impeachment, even as he pro- only free the slaves in the States that didn’t impeach Truman and we didn’t ceeded to get us into not one but two had left the Union, States that, quite impeach Reagan and we didn’t impeach wars and jam a reckless tax cut to ben- candidly, at the time, he had no con- many of the other Presidents who have efit the wealthy and the well-off down trol over. signed the more than 15,000 executive the throats of the American people. But he issued the Emancipation orders, I don’t think that we ought to If you just take Iraq, for example, his Proclamation, and I thank God that he impeach President Obama. administration lied their way into a did, because by issuing the Emanci- Finally this, as an aside: there is conflict that has cost the American pation Proclamation, he laid the foun- much talk about the President’s legacy people thousands of lives, billions of dation for the 13th Amendment to the and what he has done to form a more dollars; international legitimacy has Constitution of the United States of perfect Union while being President, if been jeopardized. No one from this side America that was in fact executed in you will, but all of this talk about his of the aisle talked about bringing forth December 1865. legacy misses the mark, in my opinion, Articles of Impeachment in any mean- But for the Emancipation Proclama- because there are many who think that ingful way against George W. Bush. tion, I don’t know that I would be the Affordable Care Act will be the cen- b 2000 standing here in the Congress of the terpiece of his legacy. United States of America tonight. By I think it is a great piece of legisla- You have a democratically elected issuing that Emancipation Proclama- tion. I supported it. I still support it. President, Barack Obama, over- tion, he changed the course of history. There are many who think that saving whelming electoral college landslide. Dr. King was right, ‘‘The arc of the the auto industry would be his legacy. He has got a mandate to act, and there moral universe is long, but it bends to- I think this is significant, exceedingly are some Members on the other side of wards justice.’’ However, it doesn’t do so. I supported what he did. the aisle who just can’t help them- it on its own accord. It takes the hand There are others who believe that his selves, who are itching to try and of man and women to bend it, so I am work in human rights and human dig- delegitimize this President. Shame on pleased that he did so. nity, especially as it relates for equal you. Let’s just hope that we can move I am also pleased that there was an- pay for equal work for women, will be forward in a more productive fashion other opportunity for a President to his legacy. I think it is a great piece of as it relates to how we interact with forge a more perfect Union. President work, and I commend him for what he the executive branch. The whole world Harry Truman had the opportunity in has done. is watching, and they expect us to be- 1948 to issue an executive order, as was But the President’s legacy in the have responsibly as we move forward. the case with Lincoln and the execu- eons to come will be that he became Now, in terms of how do we move for- tive order for the Emancipation Proc- President of the United States of ward, how do we create a more perfect lamation. He issued an executive order America. The mere fact that the Hon- Union, and how do we act potentially to desegregate the military. orable Barack Obama was elected not in a bipartisan fashion, I think there There was much to be said about it. once, but twice, speaks to our efforts are at least four areas where there In fact, that executive order led to the to form a more perfect Union. should be opportunity to find common birth of the Dixiecrats. There was a I think that his greatest legacy will ground. I think we should be able to split in the Democratic Party because be his having served as President of the find common ground as it relates to the Honorable Harry Truman decided United States of America. That fact immigration reform and dealing with that he would issue Executive Order alone will be something that we will our broken immigration system. We 9981, to desegregate the military. never, ever erase from history. should be able to find common ground He issued it, the military was deseg- I thank you for the opportunity to as it relates to giving America a raise. regated, and I contend that this was visit with you, and I pray that the We should be able to find common also one of the many reasons why the President will be bold and sign the ex- ground as it relates to criminal justice country itself moved along to desegre- ecutive order, will lead with the execu- reform. gation and integration. tive order that may lead to comprehen- I have been encouraged as a member These were two outstanding and well- sive immigration reform and a path- of the House Judiciary Committee bi- noted executive orders issued by Presi- way to citizenship for those who are partisan task force on over-criminal- dents of the United States. If President living in the shadows of life. God bless ization by the willingness of Democrats Lincoln could issue an executive you. and Republicans, conservatives and order—an Emancipation Proclama- Mr. JEFFRIES. I thank the distin- progressives, to try to work together tion—if Harry Truman could issue an guished gentleman from Texas for his to solve this issue of a broken criminal executive order—to desegregate the very thoughtful and eloquent observa- justice system that we have got in military—surely, President Barack tions. America. Obama can issue an executive order to I think it is so important that you There are areas where we should be liberate many people who are living in pointed out the President’s place in the able to find some common ground. Let the shadows of life, an immigration context of his legacy relating to his me start by dealing with this question declaration, if you will. I believe the election because I believe that also ties of the executive order on immigration, President should issue this order, not- into his legitimacy in moving forward because there is a lot of hysteria in withstanding all that is being said. with executive action on immigration. this town now about how some people There was much being said and much This is the first Democratic Presi- in the Congress are going to react to being done when Lincoln issued his ex- dent since FDR to be elected to con- the President if he decides to issue ecutive order, much said and much secutive terms having secured a major- some form of executive order on immi- being done when Truman issued his, ity of the vote from the American peo- gration, as if this President would be much said and much being done now, ple, and so he has all of the legitimacy, doing something extraordinary. but I think the President should do all of the electoral mandate to act in a The history, in fact, tells us that this, and I think he should be bold bold fashion. since President Eisenhower, every sin- when he does it because he will be lift- We know that President George W. gle occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave- ing people out of the shadows of life. Bush came into the Presidency under nue has issued executive orders related I am confident that while many will questionable circumstances. He didn’t to immigration. In fact, there have be angry with him, God will not. I receive a majority of the vote of the been 39 such orders from Eisenhower think God will smile on the President American people, and I am not sure all the way through to President for issuing this executive order. what took place down in Florida, but George W. Bush related to the topic

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.056 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H8024 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2014 and subject matter of immigration. In the shadows in a fashion that inde- the category of a low-wage worker with fact, if you look at some of the execu- pendent economists have said will be some college experience. No wonder tive orders that were issued by Presi- beneficial to the American taxpayer there is a lot of anxiety and uncer- dent and President and result in dramatic reductions in tainty about the future of America George H.W. Bush related to undocu- our Nation’s deficit. That is immigra- amongst the people we represent all mented immigrants from Central tion reform. I am hopeful we can find across the country when you have got America and the need in their view to some common ground in that area. folks with some college experience fall- try to keep families together, they The second area where I think we ing into the category of a low-wage were some of the broadest executive or- should come together in our march to- worker. ders issued by any President in the ward a more perfect Union has to do In 1968, about 48 percent of the peo- area of immigration. with giving America a raise. Right ple, low-wage workers, had a high Where was the impeachment talk now, the Federal minimum wage is school diploma or GED. That number back then? Why are we subjecting this $7.25 an hour. In other words, in the has shot up. In 2012, 79 percent of low- President to such reckless conversa- wealthiest country in the world, in our wage workers had completed high tions? I thought that we were trying to great Republic, under that Federal school or obtained their GED. Ameri- come together in the aftermath of minimum wage, you can have some- cans are more educated now than we these elections to see if we can have a body who works full-time, 40 hours a were 45 or so plus years ago in terms of productive 114th Congress, because cer- week, 52 weeks a year, and at the end the workforce but earning less. That is tainly we know that the 113th Congress of the day, with a family of three, find a fundamental problem that we have was or is on track, I should say, to go themselves below the Federal poverty got to confront in this country, and down as the least productive Congress line. That is the classic definition of raising the minimum wage is one way in the history of the Republic. That is ‘‘working poor.’’ Why would we cement in which to do it. quite a designation. I mean, the least that into law? The other thing that we should take productive Congress? So I think that the responsible thing a look at related to the minimum wage If we go down memory lane and think to do is for us to try to figure out how is the fact that the people who are on about some of the highlights, this is a we can come together and raise the it in large measure are actually trying Congress that brought us a reckless, ir- minimum wage. We couldn’t get a vote to support themselves on a full-time responsible government shutdown that in the House of Representatives on basis or support their families. One of cost the economy $24 billion in lost H.R. 1010—this Congress—that would the most popular myths put forward by economic productivity all because of have raised the minimum wage to those who are determined to do every- this clinical obsession with the Afford- $10.10 an hour over the next year or so. thing possible to stop America from able Care Act. We flirted with a default Let’s hit the refresh button and try to getting a raise like to say, well, people on our debt for the first time in our get something done next Congress. And who work for the minimum wage are Nation’s history, threatening the full this is not just something that Demo- teenagers, or they work part-time after faith and credit of the United States of crats embrace. This is not simply school and live with their parents. All America. It is a Congress that brought something that blue States embrace. they are really doing is trying to earn us sequestration, $85 billion in ran- This is not something that progressives some extra spending money. It is a domly spread out cuts across the gov- simply embrace. If we are going to take cute argument, but when you actually ernment in a way that put hundreds of a message from the outcome of the evaluate it using some objective fac- thousands of jobs in jeopardy. We failed election earlier in November, we can’t tual analysis, you see that these are to renew unemployment insurance, pick and choose what message we want simply myths designed to undermine leaving millions of Americans on the to take. the effort to raise the minimum wage for people who are actually struggling battlefield of the Great Recession. How about we draw some lessons to support their families. These are the highlights of the 113th from the fact that the voters of Alaska Congress. I don’t think that is a record came to the polls and overwhelmingly b 2015 to be proud of as we move forward. supported an increase in the minimum Unlike the popular mythology that is So I think we could all benefit from wage in that State; the voters in Ar- put forward that these are teenagers or a reduction in the rhetoric in an effort kansas came to the polls and over- afterschool workers or people who are to try and find common ground. If you whelmingly supported an increase in trying to get some spending change to don’t like what the President may do the minimum wage in that State; the go to the movies, the reality is the av- on the issue of immigration, you are voters of Nebraska came to the polls erage age of people who are working for going to control the House of Rep- and overwhelmingly supported an in- minimum wage numbers in America is resentatives and you are going to con- crease in the minimum wage in that 35 years old. Eighty-eight percent of trol the Senate. Just act. Do some- State; and the voters of South Dakota the people working for minimum wage thing. Stop talking. Fix our broken im- came to the polls and overwhelmingly right now are not teenagers, they are migration system. You have the power supported an increase in the minimum 20 years or older. More than a quarter to do so. wage in that State. Those are four actually have children, and 55 percent The Senate acted in a bipartisan deeply conservative, deeply red States. of these individuals, as this chart illus- fashion last year passing a comprehen- America wants a raise. If we are trates, work full time. So let’s have an sive immigration reform bill that was looking for issues where we can find evidence-based discussion about the not perfect but certainly was a good common ground beyond immigration need to increase the minimum wage faith attempt to try and address the reform, perhaps we can start there. One that is rooted in objective, factual problem. There were 52 Democrats, 2 of the reasons why I think we should analysis and not hysteria or mythology Independents, and 14 Republicans, if start there is because, if you look at designed simply to evade the discus- my recollection serves me correctly. what the minimum wage really means sion. They partnered together to pass a bi- in real terms right now, we are falling And the fact that the minimum wage partisan piece of legislation. behind in terms of where we once were increase has been embraced by deeply So I am just hopeful that the House and also in terms of making sure that conservative voters in Arkansas and will come together and legitimately we are giving the people who are work- Alaska and Nebraska and South Da- try to tackle an issue and just stop ing for the minimum wage a fair shot kota I think provides us with a start- throwing out the word ‘‘amnesty’’ to to pursue the American Dream. ing point to move forward and attempt apply to everything that you don’t If you were to look at this chart that to find common ground in doing some- like. I mean, in this country’s greatest is before us, you will see that in 1968 thing that makes sense simply for tradition, we have never had dual citi- only 17 percent of the people who fall America. zenship, and we shouldn’t have dual or fell into the category of a low-wage So I have mentioned immigration re- citizenship moving forward. We should worker had some college experience, form as a possible avenue of trying to just try to find a way to bring these 11 but in 2012 that number has shot way identify common ground. I have men- million undocumented people out of up: 46 percent of the people falling into tioned the minimum wage. I think we

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.058 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8025 also have to try to deal with the issue it relates to nonviolent drug abusers; law by President . And of our broken criminal justice system. and to provide treatment and rehabili- then it was reauthorized again in 1975, If you think about the fact that in tation so we can help people success- signed into law by President Gerald America there are more than 2 million fully reenter our society. Ford. And then the Voting Rights Act people incarcerated in our country, We have to finish the job as it relates was reauthorized again in 1982, signed that is a tremendous waste of human to the disparity between crack and co- into law by President Ronald Reagan. capital. It is a tremendous waste of our caine. It was 100 to 1. This Congress And then it was reauthorized again in economic resources and results in a acted; it is now 18 to 1, but there is still 2006 and signed into law by President dramatic loss of human productivity. no pharmaceutical reason for there to George W. Bush. It has a great bipar- So I have actually been pleased over be any disparity between crack and co- tisan history. the last several years that people on caine. And we should make our reforms If we are looking for areas where we the left and on the right, progressives retroactive so we can free thousands of can find common ground, where there and conservatives, are finding their people unnecessarily behind bars right is an opportunity for Democrats and way toward common ground to deal now for a law that this Congress has Republicans, for conservatives and pro- with a criminal justice system that deemed to be unjust. So criminal jus- gressives to work together, we have got clearly is broken, and starting perhaps tice reform, a third area where perhaps a lot of options. We can fix our broken with the notion that we have had a we can work together. immigration system. We can deal with failed war on drugs that has resulted in And lastly, as we prepare to wind criminal justice reform. We can give putting people behind bars far too down this Congressional Black Caucus America a raise, and we can fix the often, and disproportionately African Special Order, I also want to express Voting Rights Act on the occasion of Americans and Latino men, but put- my thanks to my good friend and col- our celebrating the 50th anniversary of ting nonviolent drug abusers behind league, the distinguished gentleman its passage. bars—a dramatic waste of taxpayer from Nevada (Mr. HORSFORD) who And so I am hopeful that we can put dollars in a manner that has proven to throughout the last 2 years coura- the dysfunction and the obfuscation be ineffective from a criminal justice geously stood on the floor of the House and the government shutdown and the standpoint. of Representatives coanchoring the impeachment talk and the sequestra- As a member of the bipartisanship CBC Special Order, and we know that tion and the serial flirtation with the task force on overcriminalization the best is yet to come for Congress- debt ceiling and defaulting behind us chaired by the gentleman from Wis- man HORSFORD, but the last issue that and come together, find common consin (Mr. SENSENBRENNER)—the we have to perhaps tackle in a bipar- ground, and march toward a more per- Democratic leader of the effort was the tisan fashion is fixing the damage that fect union in the 114th Congress. distinguished gentleman from Virginia was done to the Voting Rights Act by With that, I yield back the balance of (Mr. SCOTT), one of the things that was the Supreme Court. my time. striking as we moved forward with our We all should want to encourage Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. exploration was the fact that in the Americans to vote and participate in Mr. Speaker, I rise today to highlight our Na- Federal system more than 50 percent of our great democracy. It is that partici- tion’s struggle to achieve a more perfect the people who are currently incarcer- pation that preserves the integrity of Union. As we look upon the political landscape ated—more than 50 percent—are there the democratic Republic that has been this fall, it is impossible to ignore the backward for drug or substance abuse crimes. created in this great country. Why steps we have taken. Only about 8 percent of the current oc- anyone would want to suppress the In years past, elections signaled a time of cupants of Federal prisons across vote is beyond me, with the exception hope and renewal: Hope that partisan politics America were convicted of violent of noting that some view it as a par- would be put aside and renewal of our work- crimes. Something is wrong with that tisan means of maintaining power, a ing relationships across the aisle and across picture. Pyrrhic victory perhaps, because at the the Capitol. I am thankful, actually, that States, end of the day, these efforts to dis- However, even as election results were particularly in the deep South, con- enfranchise people are bad for America. being tallied earlier this month the new Repub- servative States with Republican Gov- This is a chart that illustrates the lican majority was already highlighting the divi- ernors and Republican-held State legis- fact that in the aftermath of the 2010 sive actions they planned to undertake in the lative bodies, have recognized the fail- election, some people interpreted that next Congress. Among these plans are efforts ure of the excessive law and order poli- midterm election as a mandate to sup- to undermine the Affordable Care Act, and to cies brought to us in the late 1980s and press the vote. And so in 41 States, 180 shutdown the federal government or impeach the early 1990s, the fact that it was voter suppression-type bills were intro- President Obama over his immigration re- costing their taxpayers dollars, wast- duced all across America. In every forms. ing resources, and they have come to- State that is represented with a red Mr. Speaker, I see nothing but divisiveness gether to reform the criminal justice color, laws were introduced to suppress and partisanship in these plans. In fact, inves- system. It has happened in Texas. It the vote. That is how the 2010 elections tigations into the creation of the Affordable has happened in South Carolina. It has seem to have been interpreted by some. Care Act or the President’s immigration policy happened in Alabama. It has happened I am hopeful that coming out of the do nothing to advance the needs of everyday in Kentucky. It has happened in Lou- 2014 midterm elections that we will ac- Americans who continue to struggle making isiana. It has happened in Georgia. tually come together. There is a bill in ends meet. Again, these aren’t blue States. These the House of Representatives—it has I urge my Republican Colleagues to aban- are not traditionally Democratic Republican support and it has Demo- don these frivolous efforts and instead focus States, these are traditionally conserv- cratic support—to help Americans who on expanding opportunities for every American ative States recognizing the need for want to vote vote and undo the damage and creating a more perfect Union. criminal justice reform. that was done to the Voting Rights Act Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I am So I am hopeful that as we move into by the Supreme Court. pleased to join my colleagues of the Congres- the 114th Congress, we can find our way Now, the Voting Rights Act has a sional Black Caucus to speak to the issues toward dealing with this issue. We have great bipartisan history. It was en- that members of the 113th Congress must ad- got Senators from the other side of the acted into law in 1965. We are going to dress. aisle who have expressed an interest in celebrate its 50th anniversary next I thank my colleagues Representatives STE- tackling this issue. And we have Demo- year. It was signed and championed by VEN HORSFORD and HAKEEM JEFFRIES for lead- cratic and Republican members of the Lyndon Baines Johnson, with the sup- ing this evening’s Congressional Black Caucus House Judiciary Committee and be- port of civil rights leaders, Dr. King, Special Order on ‘‘The March toward a More yond who have indicated a willingness and of course our own Congressman Perfect Union: Where Do We Go from Here?’’ to try to fix our broken criminal jus- JOHN LEWIS. But every time the Voting We the People of the United States, in tice system: to eradicate mandatory Rights Act was reauthorized, it was re- Order to form a more perfect Union, establish minimums; to restore discretion to authorized by a Republican President. Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide judges; to focus less on punishment as It was reauthorized in 1970, signed into for the common defense, promote the general

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.060 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H8026 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2014 Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty Obama who signed the Affordable Care Act revenue generated by travel and tourism to to ourselves and our a Posterity, do ordain into law won the election by 51.1 percent of these destinations. and establish this Constitution for the United the popular vote and 62 percent of the elec- Important government research into life- States of America. toral vote. threatening diseases, environmental protec- These words are powerful and unforget- REPUBLICAN VICTORY ON NOVEMBER 4, 2014 WAS NO tion, and other areas were halted. table—they are the preamble of the Constitu- MANDATE The government stopped issuing permits to tion of the United States of America. The voter turnout on November 4 was low- conduct drilling operations on Federal lands, What is most striking about these words are est voter turnout in 72 years according to the and would stop or delay environmental re- the first 3, ‘‘We the People.’’ They remind us New York Times. National voter participation views of planned transportation and energy-re- that we are here in the ‘‘People’s House’’ to was 33.9% for the 2014 mid-term elections. lated projects, keeping companies from work- do the people’s business. Although some are trying to call the election ing on these projects. The Supreme Courts over the centuries a mandate, that argument cannot be made if Hundreds of thousands of federal employ- looked to these words for guidance or evi- these same people refused to treat as a man- ees suddenly did not have a pay-check com- dence of what the founding fathers intended date the victories of Present Obama in two ing and had no idea when the shutdown would for the Constitution’s meaning and its ultimate elections with a vote well over 50% and voter end. Veterans were left without access to vital purpose. participation of 60% or more. This places the preamble in a unique role The Affordable Health Care Act is the law of services. It was irresponsible then and it would be far as time has separated us from the words and the land; we have 10 million people with worse knowing what the reality was then for thoughts of those who drafted the document, health care, who otherwise would not have the this Congress to do this to the American peo- which governs our form of government today. financial security that brings to them and their ple again in less than 2 years. The Supreme Court, in its decision in Ellis families. IMMIGRATION REFORM LONG OVERDUE v. City of Grand Rapids, looked to the pre- November 15, 2014–December 15, 2014 is The immigration reform bill that came out of amble in reaching its decision in this eminent open season for the Affordable Care Act, the Senate does much to improve family immi- domain case. The Court decided that the use which allows those without health insurance gration, but I am concerned that the bill con- of land to provide additional land for the ex- the opportunity to purchase insurance for tains some fundamental changes to our immi- pansion of a hospital would be in the interest themselves and their children. gration system that move us away from the of the people and should be allowed under the The Affordable Care Act is not going any- constitution. principle of family reunification. where and if the Republicans want to use tax- In my role as a Senior Member of both the We the People, two years ago re-elected payers dollars on continuing to argue over it President Obama to the Presidency of the House Judiciary Immigration Subcommittee that is a waste of precious legislative days that and Homeland Security Committee, I will con- United States with 57.5 of all eligible voters the people of this nation cannot afford. voting for him to serve a second term in 2012. tinue working to strengthen the provisions in He ran on the issues of retaining the Afford- REPUBLICAN THREATS OF SHUTDOWN OVER IMMIGRATION the bill that impact families and work to restore REFORM able Health Care Act, infrastructure invest- other important provisions which help families, The Republicans shut down the government ments, and rebuilding the middle class. particularly those immigrants of limited His re-election was no fluke; it was an affir- a year ago in October and the consequences means—every immigrant cannot be a million- mation by the people of the United States of were devastating to the American workers and aire tech entrepreneur or bear the lineage of a decision they made nearly 4 years earlier seriously damaged the financial recovery the some landed gentry—America is the ultimate when he defeated his Republican opponent nation was experiencing. egalitarian society where opportunity waits for The Shutdown of 2011 cost the nation $24 and become President. those rich and poor who seek it. In 2008, President Obama won 53% of the billion. Nearly everyone agrees that our immigration votes in the election that saw voter turnout at A CNN poll found that 69 percent of Ameri- system is badly broken and in dire need of fix- 62.3 percent of eligible citizens voting. cans—including 52 percent of Tea Party sup- ing, and the bill that came out of the Senate During the hard fought campaign then porters—thought the Congressional Repub- is a step in the right direction. Democratic Presidential Candidate Obama licans were ‘‘acting like spoiled children,’’ and What we need is immigration legislation that said that he would focus on health care re- 46 percent said they would blame Congres- establishes a path to citizenship for the 11 mil- form, repairing the economy, which was in sional Republicans for a shutdown. lion undocumented immigrants in this country. shambles, and ending the wars in Iraq and Af- Sixty-eight percent of the American public We must address the lengthy backlogs in our ghanistan and bring our troops home. said the shutdown of a few days would be a current immigration system—backlogs that Once President Obama entered office in bad thing for the country; that number rose to have kept families apart sometimes for dec- January 2009, he was given the full picture of nearly 80 percent for a shutdown lasting a few ades. how bad the economy really was and how weeks. We must grant a faster track to the ‘Dream- much work would be needed to repair the Sixty percent say it is more important for ers’ brought to this country as children through damage and restore economic vitality. Congress to avoid a shutdown than to make no fault of their own, and to agricultural work- Since 2008, the economy has made tremen- major changes to the new health care law. [9/ ers who are an essential part of our commu- dous progress, but more work needs to be 30] nities and work so hard to provide our nation’s done and I invite my colleague to commit in According to the Office of Management and food supply. earnest to doing the work held to help the Budget, the last Republican Government Shut- We need immigration legislation that will people of this nation. down hurt the American people. make important changes to the visas used by On March 23, 2010, with the stroke of Presi- Hundreds of thousands of federal employ- dairy farmers and the tourism industry and by dent Obama’s pen, the American people re- ees immediately and indefinitely furloughed, immigrant investors who are making invest- ceived this part of the ‘‘Fair Deal.’’ This bill did and many Federal employees and contractors ments in our communities. not become law in the dead of night, but in the that continued to work were not paid during Dreamers grew up in the United States, but full process this body affords serious consider- the shutdown. were brought here illegally through no fault of ation of legislation. There were committee Housing loans to low and middle income their own. Nearly 300,000 Dreamers have hearings, staff and member meetings, amend- families in rural communities were put on hold, been granted legal status in the past year, giv- ments and a final vote in both the House and as would start-up business loans for farmers ing them the ability to live their lives in our the Senate before it was sent to the Presi- and ranchers. communities by working and going to college dent’s desk. SBA stopped approving applications for without fear of deportation. The Affordable Care Act has been affirmed small businesses to obtain loans and loan Most Americans agree that we need a com- to be law by every means provided by our na- guarantees. In a typical month, SBA approves prehensive immigration reform plan that in- tion’s constitution: over $1 billion in loan assistance to small busi- cludes a pathway to citizenship. Nearly 9 out On June 28, 2012, the United States Su- nesses. of 10 Americans (87%) believe that it would preme Court upheld the ACA, affirming the All facilities and services in our national be better to offer undocumented workers an constitutionality of the law—leaving intact the parks were closed, along with the Smithso- opportunity to earn citizenship after they have majority of the incentives to expand healthcare nian, impacting the hundreds of thousands of met the necessary requirements than to de- coverage to millions of Americans. people that were on or heading to vacations. port them. The Affordable Care Act was a central issue This had a severe negative impact on the sur- If the House had seriously considered com- in the Presidential election of 2012. President rounding local communities that rely on the prehensive immigration reform it would not be

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A17NO7.037 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8027 necessary for the President to use his legiti- take the recent election as a mandate for legislation enacted after the adoption of the mate and lawful Executive authority by the major changes. levels set forth on January 27, 2014. For fiscal years 2015 and the 10-year period 2015–2024, end of this year to minimize the damage f caused by Congress’ failure to act. ‘‘action’’ refers to legislation enacted after Providing legal status to the undocumented MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE the adoption of the levels set forth on April immigrants currently in our country would grow A message from the Senate by Ms. 29, 2014. our GDP by a cumulative increase of $832 bil- Curtis, one of its clerks, announced This comparison is needed to enforce sec- lion over 10 years. According to the Center for that the Senate agrees to the amend- tion 302(f) of the Budget Act, which creates a American Progress, immigration reform would ment of the House to the bill (S. 1086) point of order against measures that would create 121,000 new jobs each year in the next ‘‘An Act to reauthorize and improve breach the section 302(a) allocation of new decade. Legalization would increase immi- the Child Care and Development Block budget authority for the committee that re- grants’ income, an additional boost to our Grant Act of 1990, and for other pur- ported the measure. It is also needed to im- economy. poses.’’. plement section 311(b), which exempts com- We must also do something to protect our The message also announced that mittees that comply with their allocations borders. I am an original cosponsor of H.R. pursuant to Public Law 110–315, the from the point of order under section 311(a). 1417—the Border Security Results Act of Chair, on behalf of the President pro Tables 3 and 4 compare the current status 2013. This bill has received accolades from tempore, announces the appointment of discretionary appropriations for fiscal the Wall Street Journal and The Los Angeles of the following individual to be a year 2014 and 2015 with the ‘‘section 302(b)’’ Times as a commonsense approach to protect member of the National Advisory Com- sub-allocations of discretionary budget au- our borders. mittee on Institutional Quality and In- thority and outlays among Appropriations I believe the border security legislation that subcommittees. The comparison is needed to tegrity: enforce section 302(f) of the Budget Act be- we put forward can be the solution that allows Dr. Paul LeBlanc of New Hampshire, real immigration reform to move forward be- cause the point of order under that section vice Larry Vanderhoef of California. equally applies to measures that would cause it will provide the security at the border f breach the applicable section 302(b) sub-allo- that the American people are demanding and LEAVE OF ABSENCE cation. The table also provides supple- deserve. mentary information on spending in excess The Border Security Results Act would re- By unanimous consent, leave of ab- of the base discretionary spending caps al- quire a comprehensive outcome-based strat- sence was granted to: lowed under section 251(b) of the Budget Con- egy that includes deployment of more surveil- Mr. GARRETT (at the request of Mr. trol Act. lance technology for gaining full situational MCCARTHY of California) for today on Tables 5 and 6 give the current level for fis- awareness of the border, use of that data to account of attending a funeral. cal year 2015 and 2016, respectively, of ac- allocate manpower and other resources along Mr. BISHOP of Georgia (at the request counts identified for advance appropriations the border and the creation of metrics to set of Ms. PELOSI) for today on account of under section 601 of H. Con. Res. 25. This list progress in achieving border security. Those a flight delay due to weather condi- is needed to enforce section 601 of the budget metrics may be based on the number of ap- tions. resolution, which creates a point of order prehensions of illegal aliens relative to the f against appropriation bills that contain ad- number of illegal crossings. PUBLICATION OF BUDGETARY vance appropriations that are: (i) not identi- Over the years I have introduced the Save fied in the statement of managers or (ii) America Comprehensive Immigration Act and MATERIAL would cause the aggregate amount of such much of the Senate passed bill was included STATUS REPORT ON CURRENT SPENDING LEVELS appropriations to exceed the level specified in my immigration bill; the Senate bill would OF ON-BUDGET SPENDING AND REVENUES FOR in the resolution. FY 2015, AND THE 10-YEAR PERIOD FY 2015 address some of the toughest issues on immi- In addition, letters from the Congressional THROUGH FY 2024 gration reform and would offer many innova- Budget Office are attached that summarize tive and considerate solutions that will help to HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, and compare the budget impact of enacted repair some of the most broken parts of our COMMITTEE ON THE BUDGET, legislation that occurred after adoption of immigration system. Washington, DC, November 17, 2014. the budget resolution against the budget res- Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin: Mr. Speaker, to fa- So the passage of the Senate bill is a major olution aggregates in force. leap forward in human rights in America. Now cilitate application of sections 302 and 311 of the Congressional Budget Act, I am trans- If you have any questions, please contact is the time for the House of Representatives to mitting an updated status report on the cur- Paul Restuccia at (202) 226–7270. continue this crucial fight for immigration re- rent levels of on-budget spending and reve- Sincerely, form and a secure America. nues for fiscal years 2014, 2015, and for the 10– , If we let the immigration reform debate year period of fiscal year 2015 through fiscal Chairman. focus primarily on minute elements we lose year 2024. The report is current through No- sight of the broader picture—many other im- vember 12, 2014. The term ‘‘current level’’ re- TABLE 1—REPORT TO THE SPEAKER FROM THE COM- portant things we need to do to fix our broken fers to the amounts of spending and revenues MITTEE ON THE BUDGET—STATUS OF THE FISCAL immigration system. It has been estimated that estimated for each fiscal year based on laws YEAR 2014 AND 2015 CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET AS approximately 11 million undocumented immi- enacted or awaiting the President’s signa- ture. PROVIDED FOR BY THE BIPARTISAN BUDGET ACT OF grants live in the United States. Table 1 in the report compares the current 2013 The vast majority of them are hard-working levels of total budget authority, outlays, and [Reflecting action completed as of November 12, 2014—On-budget and law-abiding persons who have become revenues for fiscal years 2014, 2015, and the amounts, in millions of dollars] productive members of our society. It serves 10-year period of fiscal year 2015 through 2024 to the overall limits filed in the Congres- Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Years no purpose to keep them in the shadows of 2014 1 2015 2 2015–2024 our society praying for lawful status. It is not sional Record on January 27, 2014 for fiscal good for them, and is not in the best interests year 2014 and on April 29, 2014 for fiscal years Appropriate Level: of the United States. Comprehensive immigra- 2015 and 2015–2024 as required by the Bipar- Budget Authority 2,924,837 3,031,744 n.a. tisan Budget Act of 2013. This comparison is Outlays ...... 2,937,044 3,026,369 n.a. tion reform will require leadership from the Ad- Revenues ...... 2,311,026 2,535,978 31,206,399 needed to implement section 311(a) of the Current Level: ministration, the Senate, both parties in Con- Budget Act, which creates a point of order Budget Authority 2,943,968 3,037,383 n.a. gress with a willingness on everyone’s part to against measures that would breach the Outlays ...... 2,955,423 3,041,694 n.a. work together. budget resolution’s aggregate levels. The Revenues ...... 2,311,761 2,535,984 31,206,465 Current Level over (+) / The American people will hold accountable table does not show budget authority and under (¥) Appro- those that stand in the way of making com- outlays for years after fiscal year 2015 be- priate Level: prehensive immigration reform. cause appropriations for those years have Budget Authority +19,131 +5,639 n.a. not yet been considered. Outlays ...... +18,379 +15,325 n.a. When the House and the Senate passes Revenues ...... +735 +6 +66 comprehensive immigration reform the Presi- Table 2 compares the current levels of dent will sign it into law. This is something that budget authority and outlays for action com- n.a. = Not applicable because annual appropriations Acts for fiscal years pleted by each authorizing committee with 2016 through 2024 will not be considered until future sessions of Congress. would be permanent and provide the stability 1 Section 111(b) of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013 required the Chair- the ‘‘section 302(a)’’ allocations filed on Jan- man of the Committee on the Budget in the House of Representatives to file America needs as we move toward a more uary 27, 2014 for fiscal year 2014 and the allo- aggregate budgetary levels for fiscal year 2014 for purposes of enforcing prosperous future. cations filed on April 29, 2014 for fiscal years section 311 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974. The spending and rev- This special order is an opportunity to make 2015 and the 10-year period 2015 through 2024 enue aggregates for fiscal year 2014 were subsequently filed on January 27, 2014. The current level for this report begins with the budgetary levels filed the case for continuing on the course set by as required by the Bipartisan Budget Act of on January 27, 2014 and makes changes to those levels for enacted legisla- the Obama Administration and the need to not 2013. For fiscal year 2014, ‘‘action’’ refers to tion.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:52 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO7.038 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H8028 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2014 2 Section 115(b) of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013 (BBA) required the Chairman of the Committee on the Budget in the House of Representatives to file aggregate budgetary levels for fiscal year 2015 and for fiscal years 2015–2024 for purposes of enforcing section 311 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974. The spending and revenue aggregates for fiscal year 2015 were filed on April 29, 2014. Those levels were subsequently adjusted on November 12, 2014 pursuant to BBA section 115(e) to reflect the budg- etary effects of deficit reduction enacted in the Highways and Transportation Funding Act of 2014. The current level for this report begins with the budg- etary levels filed on April 29, 2014 as adjusted, and makes changes to those levels for enacted legislation. TABLE 2—DIRECT SPENDING LEGISLATION—COMPARISON OF CURRENT LEVEL WITH AUTHORIZING COMMITTEE 302(a) ALLOCATIONS FOR RESOLUTION CHANGES [Reflecting action completed as of November 12, 2014—Fiscal years, in millions of dollars]

2014 2015 2015–2024 House Committee BA Outlays BA Outlays BA Outlays

Agriculture: Allocation ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Current Level ...... +3,243 +2,124 0 0 ¥19 ¥19 Difference ...... +3,243 +2,124 0 0 ¥19 ¥19 Armed Services: Allocation ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Current Level ...... +4 +4 0 0 0 0 Difference ...... +4 +4 0 0 0 0 Education and the Workforce: Allocation ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Current Level ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Difference ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Energy and Commerce: Allocation ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Current Level ...... +6,159 +6,157 +2 +2 +24 +24 Difference ...... +6,159 +6,157 +2 +2 +24 +24 Financial Services: Allocation ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Current Level ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Difference ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Foreign Affairs: Allocation ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Current Level ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Difference ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Homeland Security: Allocation ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Current Level ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Difference ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 House Administration: Allocation ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Current Level ...... ¥34 0 0 0 0 0 Difference ...... ¥34 0 0 0 0 0 Judiciary: Allocation ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Current Level ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Difference ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Natural Resources: Allocation ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Current Level ...... ¥1 ¥1 0 ¥2 0 0 Difference ...... ¥1 ¥1 0 ¥2 0 0 Oversight and Government Reform: Allocation ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Current Level ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Difference ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Science, Space and Technology: Allocation ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Current Level ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Difference ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Small Business: Allocation ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Current Level ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Difference ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transportation and Infrastructure: Allocation ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Current Level ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Difference ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Veterans’ Affairs: Allocation ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Current Level ...... 0 0 0 0 ¥1 ¥1 Difference ...... 0 0 0 0 ¥1 ¥1 Ways and Means: Allocation ...... 0 0 0 ¥15 ¥3,542 ¥4,777 Current Level ...... +9,760 +9,745 +25 +20 ¥3,519 ¥4,739 Difference ...... +9,760 +9,745 +25 +35 +23 +38


302(b) 302(b) for Current Status Current Status General Purpose GWOT Allocations1 GWOT 1 General Purpose GWOT less 302(b) less 302(b) BA OT BA OT BA OT BA OT BA OT BA OT

Agriculture, Rural Development, FDA ...... n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 20,880 22,092 0 0 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Commerce, Justice, Science ...... n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 51,600 60,756 0 0 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Defense ...... n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 486,851 528,707 85,191 43,140 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Energy and Water Development...... n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 34,060 39,652 0 0 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Financial Services and General Government ...... n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 21,851 23,054 0 0 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Homeland Security...... n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 39,270 46,045 227 182 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Interior, Environment...... n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 30,058 32,154 0 0 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Labor, Health and Human Services, Education ...... n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 156,773 159,953 0 0 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Legislative Branch...... n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 4,258 4,192 0 0 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Military Construction and Veterans Affairs ...... n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 73,299 76,278 0 0 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. State, Foreign Operations ...... n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 42,481 45,818 6,520 1,885 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Transportation, HUD...... n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 50,856 116,465 0 0 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Full Committee Allowance...... n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 0 0 0 0 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

Total ...... n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 1,012,237 1,155,166 91,938 45,207 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO7.040 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8029

General Purpose GWOT Comparison of Total Appropriations and 302(a) Allocation2 BA OT BA OT

302(a) Allocation ...... 1,012,237 1,154,816 91,938 45,207 Total Appropriations ...... 1,012,237 1,155,166 91,938 45,207 Total Appropriations vs. 302(a) Allocation ...... 0 +350 0 0 Memorandum Amounts Emergency Disaster Program Assumed in 302(b) 1 Requirements Funding Integrity Spending in Excess of Base Budget Control Act Caps for Sec. 251(b) Designated Categories BA OT BA OT BA OT BA OT

Agriculture, Rural Development, FDA ...... n.a. n.a. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Commerce, Justice, Science ...... n.a. n.a. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Defense ...... n.a. n.a. 225 150 0 0 0 0 Energy and Water Development ...... n.a. n.a. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Financial Services and General Government ...... n.a. n.a. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Homeland Security ...... n.a. n.a. 0 0 5,626 281 0 0 Interior, Environment ...... n.a. n.a. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education ...... n.a. n.a. 0 0 0 0 924 832 Legislative Branch ...... n.a. n.a. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs ...... n.a. n.a. 0 0 0 0 0 0 State, Foreign Operations ...... n.a. n.a. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transportation, HUD ...... n.a. n.a. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals ...... n.a. n.a. 225 150 5,626 281 924 832 1 The original 302(a) allocation to the Committee on Appropriations contained in H.Rpt. 113–17 for the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget-Fiscal Year 2014 (H.Con.Res. 25) was revised on January 14, 2014, consistent with section 101 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013. The House Committee on Appropriations did not file revised 302(b) allocations after the final 302(a) allocation was provided—hence there are no valid 302(b)’s in force for fiscal year 2014. 2 Spending designated as emergency is not included in the current status of appropriations shown above.


302(b) 302(b) for Current Status Current Status General Purpose GWOT Allocations GWOT General Purpose 1 GWOT less 302(b) less 302(b) BA OT BA OT BA OT BA OT BA OT BA OT

Agriculture, Rural Development, FDA...... 20,880 21,716 0 0 20,880 21,716 0 0 0 0 0 0 Commerce, Justice, Science...... 51,200 61,518 0 0 51,200 61,518 0 0 0 0 0 0 Defense ...... 490,944 522,774 79,445 36,839 490,908 522,751 79,445 36,839 ¥36 ¥23 0 0 Energy and Water Development ...... 34,010 37,831 0 0 33,991 37,811 0 0 ¥19 ¥20 0 0 Financial Services and General Government ...... 21,285 22,750 0 0 20,133 21,593 0 0 ¥1,152 ¥1,157 0 0 Homeland Security...... 45,658 44,712 0 0 45,658 44,712 0 0 0 0 0 0 Interior, Environment...... 30,220 30,191 0 0 30,220 32,740 0 0 0 +2,549 0 0 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education ...... 155,702 159,922 0 0 20,230 115,274 0 0 ¥135,472 ¥44,648 0 0 Legislative Branch...... 4,258 4,219 0 0 3,323 3,491 0 0 ¥935 ¥728 0 0 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs ...... 71,499 76,100 0 0 71,499 76,100 0 0 0 0 0 0 State, Foreign Operations ...... 42,381 42,319 5,912 3,142 42,137 43,653 5,912 1,275 ¥244 +1,334 0 ¥1,867 Transportation, HUD...... 52,029 118,732 0 0 52,029 118,678 0 0 0 ¥54 0 0 Full Committee Allowance...... n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Total ...... 1,020,066 1,142,784 85,357 39,981 882,208 1,100,037 85,357 38,114 ¥137,858 ¥42,747 0 ¥1,867 General Purpose GWOT Comparison of Total Appropriations and 302(a) allocation BA OT BA OT

302(a) Allocation ...... 1,020,066 1,142,784 85,357 39,981 Total Appropriations ...... 882,208 1,100,037 85,357 38,114 Total Appropriations vs. 302(a) Allocation ...... ¥137,858 ¥42,747 0 ¥1,867 Memorandum Amounts Emergency Disaster Program Assumed in 302(b) Requirements Funding Integrity Spending in Excess of Base Budget Control Act Caps for Sec. 251(b) Designated Categories BA OT BA OT BA OT BA OT

Agriculture, Rural Development, FDA ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Commerce, Justice, Science ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Defense ...... 0 0 0 75 0 0 0 0 Energy and Water Development ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Financial Services and General Government ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Homeland Security ...... 6,438 322 0 0 6,438 322 0 0 Interior, Environment ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Legislative Branch ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 State, Foreign Operations ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transportation, HUD ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals ...... 6,438 322 0 75 6,438 322 0 0 1 Spending designated as emergency is not included in the current status of appropriations shown in this table.

TABLE 5—CURRENT LEVEL OF 2015 ADVANCE APPRO- TABLE 5—CURRENT LEVEL OF 2015 ADVANCE APPRO- TABLE 6—CURRENT LEVEL OF 2016 ADVANCE APPRO- PRIATIONS PURSUANT TO H. CON. RES. 25 AS OF NO- PRIATIONS PURSUANT TO H. CON. RES. 25 AS OF NO- PRIATIONS PURSUANT TO SECTION 115(c) OF THE BI- VEMBER 12, 2014 VEMBER 12, 2014—Continued PARTISAN BUDGET ACT OF 2013 AS OF NOVEMBER 12, [Budget Authority in Millions] [Budget Authority in Millions] 2014 [Budget Authority] Section 601(d)(1) Limits 2,015 Section 601(d)(1) Limits 2,015

Appropriate Level ...... 55,634 Employment and Training Administration ...... 1,772 Section 601(d)(1) Limits 2,016 Enacted Advances: Education for the Disadvantaged ...... 10,841 Accounts Identified for Advances: School Improvement Programs ...... 1,681 Appropriate Level ...... 58,662,202,000 Department of Veterans Affairs: Special Education ...... 9,283 Enacted Advances: Medical Services ...... 45,016 Career, Technical and Adult Education ...... 791 Accounts Identified for Advances: Medical Support and Compliance ...... 5,880 Tenant-based Rental Assistance ...... 4,000 Department of Veterans Affairs: Medical Facilities ...... 4,739 Project-based Rental Assistance ...... 400 Medical Services ...... 0 Subtotal, enacted advances 1 ...... 55,635 Subtotal, enacted advances 1 ...... 28,839 Medical Support and Compliance ...... 0 Enacted Advances vs. Section 601(d)(1) Limit ...... +1 Enacted Advances vs. Section 601(d)(2) Limit ...... ¥13 Medical Facilities ...... 0 Previously Enacted Advance Appropriations 2 2,015 Subtotal, enacted advances 1 ...... 0 Section 601(d)(2) Limits 2015 Enacted Advances vs. Section 601(d)(1) Limit ...... ¥58,662,202,000 Corporation for Public Broadcasting ...... 445 Appropriate Level ...... 28,852 Total, enacted advances 1 ...... 84,919 Enacted Advances: Section 601(d)(2) Limits 2016 Accounts Identified for Advances: 1 Line items may not add to total due to rounding. Payment to Postal Service ...... 71 2 Funds were appropriated in Public Law 113–6. Appropriate Level ...... 28,781,000,000

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO7.041 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H8030 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2014 TABLE 6—CURRENT LEVEL OF 2016 ADVANCE APPRO- TABLE 6—CURRENT LEVEL OF 2016 ADVANCE APPRO- through November 12, 2014. This report is PRIATIONS PURSUANT TO SECTION 115(c) OF THE BI- PRIATIONS PURSUANT TO SECTION 115(c) OF THE BI- submitted under section 308(b) and in aid of PARTISAN BUDGET ACT OF 2013 AS OF NOVEMBER 12, PARTISAN BUDGET ACT OF 2013 AS OF NOVEMBER 12, section 311 of the Congressional Budget Act, 2014—Continued 2014—Continued as amended. The estimates of budget authority, out- [Budget Authority] [Budget Authority] lays, and revenues are consistent with the Section 601(d)(1) Limits 2,016 Section 601(d)(1) Limits 2,016 technical and economic assumptions of H. Con. Res. 25, the Concurrent Resolution on Enacted Advances: Total, enacted advances 1 ...... 445,000,000 the Budget for Fiscal Year 2014, as approved Accounts Identified for Advances: 1 Line items may not add to total due to rounding. by the House of Representatives and subse- Employment and Training Administration ..... 0 2 Funds were appropriated in Public Law 113–76. Education for the Disadvantaged ...... 0 quently revised. School Improvement Programs ...... 0 U.S. CONGRESS, Since my last letter dated September 9, Special Education ...... 0 CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE, 2014, the Congress has cleared and the Presi- Career, Technical and Adult Education ...... 0 dent has signed the following act that affects Tenant-based Rental Assistance ...... 0 Washington, DC, November 14, 2014. Project-based Rental Assistance ...... 0 Hon. PAUL RYAN, budget authority for fiscal year 2014: Pre- Subtotal, enacted advances 1 ...... 0 Chairman, Committee on the Budget, House of venting Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Representatives, Washington, DC. Families Act (Public Law 113–183). Enacted Advances vs. Section 601(d)(2) Limit ...... ¥28,781,000,000 DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: The enclosed report Sincerely, Previously Enacted Advance Appropriations 2,016 shows the effects of Congressional action on DOUGLAS W. ELMENDORF. Corporation for Public Broadcasting 2 ...... 445,000,000 the fiscal year 2014 budget and is current Enclosure. FISCAL YEAR 2014 HOUSE CURRENT LEVEL REPORT THROUGH NOVEMBER 12, 2014 [In millions of dollars]

Budget Authority Outlays Revenues

Previously Enacted a Revenues ...... n.a. n.a. 2,310,972 Permanents and other spending legislation b ...... 1,849,079 1,778,854 n.a. Appropriation legislation ...... 0 504,662 n.a. Offsetting receipts ...... ¥707,692 ¥707,792 n.a. Total, Previously enacted ...... 1,141,387 1,575,724 2,310,972 Enacted Legislation: c Authorizing Legislation: Bipartisan Student Loan Certainty Act of 2013 (P.L. 113–28) ...... 14,400 12,670 0 Department of Veterans Affairs Expiring Authorities Act of 2013 (P.L. 113–37) ...... ¥1 ¥1 0 Helium Stewardship Act of 2013 (P.L. 113–40) ...... ¥16 ¥58 0 An act to extend the period during which Iraqis who were employed by the United States Government in Iraq may be granted special immigrant status and to temporarily increase the fee or surcharge for processing machine-readable nonimmigrant visas (P.L. 113–42) ...... 2 2 5 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014 (P.L. 113–66) ...... 66 68 0 Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013/Pathway for SGR Reform Act of 2013 (P.L. 113–67) ...... ¥3,207 985 49 Agricultural Act of 2014 (P.L. 113–79) ...... 3,243 2,124 5 Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014 (P.L 113–93) ...... 6,143 6,141 0 Gabriella Miller Kids First Research Act (P.L. 113–94) ...... ¥34 0 0 Cooperative and Small Employer Charity Pension Flexibility Act (P.L. 113–97) ...... 0 0 5 An act to amend. . .the Provo River Project Transfer Act. . .and for other purposes (P.L. 113–129) ...... ¥1 ¥1 0 Highway and Transportation Funding Act of 2014 (P.L. 113–159) ...... 9,765 9,765 725 Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act (P.L. 113–183) ...... 15 0 0 Total, Authorizing Legislation ...... 30,375 31,695 789 Appropriations Legislation: Continuing Appropriations Act, 2014 (P.L. 113–46) d ...... 635 635 0 Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014 (P.L. 113–76) ...... 1,869,637 1,421,565 0 Support for Sovereignty, Integrity, Democracy, and Economic Stability of Ukraine Act of 2014 (P.L. 113–95) ...... 0 350 0 Total, Appropriations Legislation ...... 1,870,272 1,422,550 0 Total, Enacted Legislation ...... 1,900,647 1,454,245 789 Entitlements and Mandatories: Budget resolution estimates of appropriated entitlements and other mandatory programs ...... ¥98,066 ¥74,546 0 Total Current Level e ...... 2,943,968 2,955,423 2,311,761 Total House Resolution f ...... 2,924,837 2,937,044 2,311,026 Current Level Over House Resolution ...... 19,131 18,379 735 Current Level Under House Resolution ...... n.a n.a. n.a. Memorandum: Revenues, 2014–2023: House Current Level ...... n.a. n.a. 31,104,656 House Resolution g ...... n.a. n.a. 31,095,742 Current Level Over House Resolution ...... n.a. n.a. 8,914 Current Level Under House Resolution ...... n.a. n.a. n.a. Source: Congressional Budget Office. Note: n.a. = not applicable; P.L. = Public Law. a Includes the following acts that affect budget authority, outlays, or revenues, and were cleared by the Congress during last session, but before adoption of the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2014 (H. Con. Res. 25): an act to temporarily increase the borrowing authority of the FEMA for carrying out the National Flood Insurance Program (P.L. 113–1), the Disaster Relief Appropriations Act, 2013 (P.L. 113–2), the Pandemic and All-Hazards Prepared- ness Reauthorization Act of 2013 (P.L. 113–5), the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013 (P.L. 113–6), and the Reducing Flight Delays Act of 2013 (P.L. 113–9). b Relative to the House Current Level Report dated October 24, 2013, House Current Level has increased by $361 million in 2014 because of assumptions related to the interest on the public debt that were revised pursuant to the Bi- partisan Budget Act of 2013 (P.L. 113–67). c Pursuant to section 314(d) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, amounts designated as an emergency requirement pursuant to 251(b)(2)(A) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 shall not count for purposes of Title III and Title IV of the Congressional Budget Act. The amounts so designated for 2014, which are not included in the current level totals, are as follows: Budget Authority Outlays Revenues Continuing Appropriations Act, 2014 (Sec. 155) ...... 0 50 0 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Resolution, 2014 (P.L. 113–145) ...... 225 150 0 Veterans’ Access to Care through Choice, Accountability, and Transparency Act of 2014 (P.L. 113–146) ...... 15,000 450 0 Total, amounts designated as emergency requirements ...... 15,225 650 0 d Sections 135 and 136 of the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2014 (P.L. 113–46) provide $636 million for fire suppression activities, available until expended. Section 146 of the act freezes the pay of Members of Congress, which is es- timated to result in a reduction in spending of $l million in 2014. e For purposes of enforcing section 311 of the Congressional Budget Act in the House, the resolution, as approved by the House of Representatives, does not include budget authority, outlays, or revenues for off-budget amounts. As a re- sult, current level does not include these items. f Periodically, the House Committee on the Budget revises the totals in H. Con. Res. 25, pursuant to various provisions of the resolution: Budget Authority Outlays Revenues Original House Resolution ...... 2,769,406 2,815,079 2,270,932 Revisions: Pursuant to section 603 of H. Con. Res. 25 ...... ¥14,089 ¥4,100 40,040 Adjustment for Disaster Designated Spending ...... 6,079 230 0 Adjustment for Technical Correction to the Budget Control Act Spending Caps ...... 549 308 0 Pursuant to section 111 of the Bipartisan Budget Act ...... 162,892 125,527 54 Revised House Resolution ...... 2,924,837 2,937,044 2,311,026 g Periodically, the House Committee on the Budget revises the 2014–2023 revenue totals in H. Con. Res. 25, pursuant to various provisions of the resolution. The total shown in the table reflects those revisions.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO7.043 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8031

U.S. CONGRESS, section 311 of the Congressional Budget Act, budget authority or outlays for fiscal year CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE, as amended. 2015: Washington, DC, November 14, 2014. The estimates of budget authority, out- Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2015 Hon. PAUL RYAN, lays, and revenues are consistent with the (Public Law 113–164); Chairman, Committee on the Budget, House of allocations, aggregates, and other budgetary Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strength- Representatives, Washington, DC. levels printed in the Congressional Record on ening Families Act (Public Law 113–183); and DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: The enclosed report April 29, 2014, pursuant to section 115 of the shows the effects of Congressional action on Bipartisan Budget Act (Public Law 113–67). IMPACT Act of 2014 (Public Law 113–185). the fiscal year 2015 budget and is current Since my last letter dated September 9, Sincerely, through November 12, 2014. This report is 2014, the Congress has cleared and the Presi- DOUGLAS W. ELMENDORF. submitted under section 308(b) and in aid of dent has signed the following acts that affect Enclosure. FISCAL YEAR 2015 HOUSE CURRENT LEVEL REPORT THROUGH NOVEMBER 12, 2014 [In millions of dollars]

Budget Authority Outlays Revenues

Previously Enacted: a Revenues ...... n.a. n.a. 2,533,388 Permanents and other spending legislation ...... 1,882,631 1,805,294 n.a. Appropriation legislation ...... 0 508,261 n.a. Offsetting receipts ...... ¥735,195 ¥734,481 n.a. Total, Previously Enacted ...... 1,147,436 1,579,074 2,533,388 Enacted Legislation: b Lake Hill Administrative Site Affordable Housing Act (P.L. 113–141) ...... 0 ¥2 0 Highway and Transportation Funding Act of 2014 (P.L. 113–159) ...... 0 ¥15 2,590 Emergency Afghan Allies Extension Act of 2014 (P.L. 113–160) ...... 5 5 6 Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2015 (P.L. 113–164) c ...... ¥4,705 ¥180 0 Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act (P.L. 113–183) ...... 0 10 0 IMPACT Act of 2014 (P.L. 113–185) ...... 22 22 0 Total, Enacted Legislation ...... ¥4,678 ¥160 2.596 Continuing Resolution: c Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2015 (P.L. 113–164) ...... 1,027,857 611,709 0 Entitlements and Mandatories: Budget resolution estimates of appropriated entitlements and other mandatory programs ...... 866,768 851,071 0 Total Current Level d ...... 3,037,383 3,041,694 2,535,984 Total House Resolution e ...... 3,031,744 3,026,369 2,535,978 Current Level Over House Resolution ...... 5,639 15,325 6 Current Level Under House Resolution ...... n.a. n.a. n.a. Memorandum: Revenues, 2015–2024: House Current Level ...... n.a. n.a. 31,206,465 House Resolutionf ...... n.a. n.a. 31,206,399 Current Level Over House Resolution ...... n.a. n.a. 66 Current Level Under House Resolution ...... n.a. n.a. n.a. Source: Congressional Budget Office. Note: n.a. = not applicable; P.L. = Public Law. a Includes the following acts that affect budget authority, outlays, or revenues, and were cleared by the Congress during this session, but before publication in the Congressional Record of the statement of the allocations and aggre- gates pursuant to section 115 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013 (P.L. 113–67): the Agricultural Act of 2014 (P.L. 113–79), the Homeowner Food Insurance Affordability Act of 2014 (P.L. 113–89), the Gabriella Miller Kids First Research Act (P.L. 113–94), and the Cooperative and Small Employer Charity Pension Flexibility Act (P.L. 113–97). b Pursuant to section 314(d) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, amounts designated as an emergency requirement pursuant to 251(b)(2)(A) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 shall not count for purposes of Title III and Title IV of the Congressional Budget Act. The amounts so designated for 2015, which are not included in the current level totals, are as follows: Budget Authority Outlays Revenues Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Resolution, 2014 ...... 0 75 0 Veterans’ Access to Care through Choice, Accountability, and Transparency Act of 2014 (P.L. 113–146) ...... ¥1,331 6,619 ¥42 Total, amounts designated as emerigency requirements ...... ¥1,331 6,694 ¥42 c The Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015 (P.L. 113–146) provides funding through December 11, 2014. Sections 136 and 137 provide $88 million to respond to the Ebola virus, which is available until September 30, 2015. Section 139 rescinds funds from the Children’s Health Insurance Program. Section 147 extends the authorization for the Export-Import Bank of the United States through June 30, 2015. The amounts for sections 136, 137, 139 and 147 are shown in the ‘‘Enacted Legislation’’ portion of this table. d For purposes of enforcing section 311 of the Congressional Budget Act in the House, the resolution, as approved by the House of Representatives, does not include budget authority, outlays, or revenues for off-budget amounts. As a result, current level does not include these items. e Periodically, the House Committee on the Budget revises the budgetary levels printed in the Congressional Record on April, 29, 2014, pursuant to section 115 of the Bipartisan Budget Act (Public Law 113–67):

Budget Authority Outlays Revenues

Original House Resolution ...... 3,025,306 3,025,032 2,533,388 Revisions: Adjustment for Disaster Designated Spending ...... 6,438 322 0 Pursuant to section 115(e) of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013 ...... 0 1,030 0 Adjustment for the Highway and Transportation Funding Act of 2014 ...... 0 ¥15 2,590 Revised House Resolution ...... 3,031,744 3,026,369 2,535,978

f Periodically, the House Committee on the Budget revises the 2015–2024 revenue totals printed in the Congressional Record on April, 29, 2014 pursuant to section 115 of the Bipartisan Budget Act (Public Law 113–67).

JOINT RESOLUTION PRESENTED ADJOURNMENT EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, TO THE PRESIDENT ETC. Mr. JEFFRIES. Mr. Speaker, I move Karen L. Haas, Clerk of the House, that the House do now adjourn. Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive reported that on September 16, 2014, communications were taken from the The motion was agreed to; accord- Speaker’s table and referred as follows: she presented to the President of the ingly (at 8 o’clock and 27 minutes United States, for his approval, the fol- 7719. A letter from the Director, Defense p.m.), under its previous order, the Procurement and Acquisition Policy, De- lowing joint resolution: House adjourned until tomorrow, Tues- partment of Defense, transmitting the Ad- H.J. Res. 120 Approving the location of a day, November 18, 2014, at 10 a.m. for ministration’s final rule — Defense Acquisi- memorial to commemorate the more than morning-hour debate. tion Regulation Supplement: Deletion of Text Implementing 10 U.S.C. 2323 (DFARS 5,000 slaves and free Black persons who Case 2011-D038) (RIN: 0750-AH45) received Oc- fought for independence in the American tober 9, 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Revolution. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Armed Services.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO7.045 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H8032 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2014 7720. A letter from the Senior Procurement circuits, seismic detection systems, heli- mittee of the Whole House on the state of Executive, General Services Administration, copter landing system radars, and tech- the Union. transmitting the Administration’s final rule nology for infrared up-conversion devices; to Mr. HASTINGS of Washington: Committee — Federal Acquisition Regulation; Federal the Committee on Foreign Affairs. on Natural Resources. H.R. 4049. A bill to Acquisition Circular 2005-77; Introduction 7730. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, amend the Act to provide for the establish- [Docket No.: FAR 2014-0051, Sequence 5] re- Legislative Affairs, Department of State, ment of the Apostle Islands National Lake- ceived October 15, 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. transmitting Transmittal No. DDTC 14-079, shore in the State of Wisconsin, and for 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Armed pursuant to the reporting requirements of other purposes, to adjust the boundary of Services. Section 36(d) of the Arms Export Control that National Lakeshore to include the 7721. A letter from the Senior Procurement Act; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. lighthouse known as Ashland Harbor Break- Executive, General Services Administration, 7731. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, water Light, and for other purposes (Rept. transmitting the Administration’s final rule Legislative Affairs, Department of State, 113–621, Pt. 1). Referred to the Committee of — Federal Acquisition Regulation; Federal transmitting Transmittal No. DDTC 14-117, the Whole House on the . Mr. HASTINGS of Washington: Committee Acquisition Circular 2005-77; Small Entity pursuant to the reporting requirements of on Natural Resources. H.R. 5069. A bill to Compliance Guide [Docket No.: FAR 2014- Section 36(d) of the Arms Export Control amend the Migratory Bird Hunting and Con- 0052; Sequence No. 5] received October 15, Act; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. servation Stamp Act to increase in the price 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the 7732. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, of Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Committee on Armed Services. Legislative Affairs, Department of State, Stamps to fund the acquisition of conserva- 7722. A letter from the Acting Assistant transmitting a Memorandum of Justification General Counsel for Regulatory Services, De- tion easements for migratory birds, and for for a drawdown under section 506(a)(1) of the other purposes, with an amendment (Rept. partment of Education, transmitting the De- Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, 113–622). Referred to the Committee of the partment’s final rule — Final Priority; Reha- to provide immediate military assistance to Whole House on the state of the Union. bilitation Training: Rehabilitation Long- the Government of Iraq; to the Committee Mr. HASTINGS of Washington: Committee Term Training Program — Rehabilitation on Foreign Affairs. on Natural Resources. H.R. 5040. A bill to re- Specialty Areas [Docket ID: ED-2014-OSERS- 7733. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, quire the Secretary of the Interior to convey 0068] received November 3, 2014, pursuant to Legislative Affairs, Department of State, certain Federal land to Idaho County in the 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on transmitting a letter regarding commit- State of Idaho, and for other purposes (Rept. Education and the Workforce. ments in the Joint Plan of Action; to the 113–623). Referred to the Committee of the 7723. A letter from the Acting Assistant Committee on Foreign Affairs. Whole House on the state of the Union. General Counsel for Regulatory Services, De- 7734. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, Mr. HASTINGS of Washington: Committee partment of Education, transmitting the De- Legislative Affairs, Department of State, on Natural Resources. H.R. 5162. A bill to partment’s final rule — Final Priority; Tech- transmitting a report on employment of U.S. amend the Act entitled ‘‘An Act to allow a nical Assistance on State Data Collection — citizens by certain international organiza- certain parcel of land in Rockingham Coun- IDEA Data Management Center [CFDA Num- tions during 2013, pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 276c- ty, Virginia, to be used for a child care cen- ber: 84.373M.] received November 3, 2014, pur- 4; Public Law 102-138, section 181; to the ter’’ to remove the use restriction, and for suant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- Committee on Foreign Affairs. other purposes (Rept. 113–624). Referred to mittee on Education and the Workforce. 7735. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- the Committee of the Whole House on the 7724. A letter from the Acting Assistant ment of the Treasury, transmitting as re- state of the Union. General Counsel for Regulatory Services, De- quired by section 401(c) of the National Mr. HASTINGS of Washington: Committee partment of Education, transmitting the De- Emergency Act, 50 U.S.C. 1641(c), and section on Natural Resources. H.R. 3608. A bill to partment’s final rule — Final Priority; Reha- 204(c) of the International Emergency Eco- amend the Act of October 19, 1973, con- bilitation Services Administration — Assist- nomic Powers Act, 50 U.S.C. 1703(c), and pur- cerning taxable income to members of the ive Technology Alternative Financing Pro- suant to Executive Order 13313 of July 31, Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chip- gram [CFDA Number: 84.224D.] received No- 2003, a six-month periodic report on the na- pewa Indians (Rept. 113–625, Pt. 1). Referred vember 3, 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. tional emergency with respect to Sudan that to the Committee of the Whole House on the 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Education was declared in Executive Order 13067 of No- state of the Union. and the Workforce. vember 3, 1997; to the Committee on Foreign Mr. BURGESS: Committee on Rules. House 7725. A letter from the Acting Assistant Affairs. Resolution 756. Resolution providing for con- General Counsel for Regulatory Services, De- 7736. A letter from the Assistant Adminis- sideration of the bill (H.R. 1422) to amend the partment of Education, transmitting the De- trator, Bureau for Legislative and Public Af- Environmental Research, Development, and partment’s final rule — Final Priorities; Re- fairs, U.S. Agency for International Develop- Demonstration Authorization Act of 1978 to habilitation Services Administration — Ca- ment, transmitting a formal response to the provide for Scientific Advisory Board mem- pacity Building Program for Traditionally GAO report ‘‘Combating Terrorism: U.S. Ef- ber qualifications, public participation, and Underserved Populations — Vocational Re- forts in Northwest Africa Would Be for other purposes; providing for consider- habilitation Training Institute for the Prep- Strengthened by Enhanced Program Manage- ation of the bill (H.R. 4012) to prohibit the aration of Personnel in American Indian Vo- ment’’; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Environmental Protection Agency from pro- cational Rehabilitation Services Projects 7737. A letter from the Administrator, posing, finalizing, or disseminating regula- [Docket ID: ED-2014-OSERS-0024; CFDA tions or assessments based upon science that TSA, Department of Homeland Security, Number: 84.315C.] received November 3, 2014, is not transparent or reproducible; providing transmitting the Administration’s certifi- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- for consideration of the bill (H.R. 4795) to cation that the level of screening services mittee on Education and the Workforce. promote new manufacturing in the United and protection provided at Orlando Sanford 7726. A letter from the Acting Assistant States by providing for greater transparency International Airport (SFB) will be equal to General Counsel for Regulatory Services, De- and timeliness in obtaining necessary per- or greater than the level that would be pro- partment of Education, transmitting the De- mits, and for other purposes; and providing vided at the airport by TSA Transportation partment’s final rule — Final Priority; Tech- for proceedings during the period from No- Security Officers; to the Committee on nical Assistance on State Data Collection — vember 21, 2014, through November 28, 2014 Homeland Security. IDEA Fiscal Data Center received November (Rept. 113–626). Referred to the House Cal- 7738. A letter from the Chairman, National 3, 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to endar. Health Care Workforce Commission, trans- the Committee on Education and the Work- mitting a letter regarding the National DISCHARGE OF COMMITTEE force. Health Care Workforce Commission; jointly Pursuant to clause 2 of rule XIII the 7727. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- Committees on Ways and Means and ment of Education, transmitting the Depart- to the Committees on Energy and Commerce ment’s final rule — Violence Against Women and Ways and Means. the Judiciary discharged from further Act [Docket ID: ED-2013-OPE-0124] (RIN: f consideration. H.R. 3608 referred to the 1840-AD16) received October 9, 2014, pursuant Committee of the Whole House on the to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON state of the Union. Education and the Workforce. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Pursuant to clause 2 of rule XIII the 7728. A letter from the Deputy Director, Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of Committee on Transportation and In- Department of Health and Human Services, committees were delivered to the Clerk frastructure discharged from further transmitting the Department’s final rule — for printing and reference to the proper consideration. H.R. 4049 referred to the Amendments to Excepted Benefits [CMS- Committee of the Whole House on the 9946-F] (RIN: 0938-AS16) received September calendar, as follows: 29, 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to Mr. GOODLATTE: Committee on the Judi- state of the Union. the Committee on Energy and Commerce. ciary. H.R. 5441. A bill to amend the Federal f 7729. A letter from the Under Secretary for charter of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Industry and Security, Department of Com- the United States to reflect the service of merce, transmitting a report on export and women in the Armed Forces of the United Under clause 2 of rule XII, public reexport license requirements for integrated States (Rept. 113–620). Referred to the Com- bills and resolutions of the following

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L17NO7.000 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8033 titles were introduced and severally re- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 3398: Mr. KEATING. ferred, as follows: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 3485: Mr. BILIRAKIS. Art. I, Sec. 8, Cl. 3, giving Congress the H.R. 3717: Mr. CRENSHAW. By Mr. LYNCH: H.R. 5721. A bill to amend the Defense Base Power ‘‘To regulate Commerce with foreign H.R. 3747: Mr. GOODLATTE. Act (42 U.S.C. 1651 et seq.) to require death Nations, and among the several States, and H.R. 3836: Mrs. WALORSKI, Mr. PALAZZO, benefits to be paid to a deceased employee’s with the Indian Tribes;’’ Mr. GUTHRIE, and Mr. PAULSEN. designated beneficiary or next of kin in the By Ms. CASTOR of Florida: H.R. 3877: Mr. KIND and Mr. LIPINSKI. case of death resulting from a war-risk haz- H.R. 5723. H.R. 3930: Ms. CASTOR of Florida. ard or act of terrorism occurring on or after Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 4226: Mr. KIND. September 11, 2001; to the Committee on lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4333: Mr. HIMES. Education and the Workforce. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United H.R. 4351: Mr. NADLER, Mr. WENSTRUP, Mr. By Mr. BENISHEK (for himself and Mr. States Constitution KILMER, and Mr. RUNYAN. By Ms. CASTOR of Florida: H.R. 4427: Mr. DEUTCH. PETERS of Michigan): H.R. 5722. A bill to amend the Federal H.R. 5724. H.R. 4594: Mr. LABRADOR. Power Act to require the Federal Energy Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 4612: Mr. JONES. Regulatory Commission to review the deci- lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4727: Mr. TIBERI. sions of the North American Electric Reli- Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United H.R. 4872: Mr. RIBBLE and Mr. BLU- ability Corporation affecting cost allocation States Constitution MENAUER. under system support resources agreements; By Mr. JOLLY: H.R. 4901: Ms. CHU. to the Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 5725. H.R. 4920: Mr. ISRAEL. By Ms. CASTOR of Florida: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 4963: Ms. BROWN of Florida, Ms. H.R. 5723. A bill to amend title XIX of the lation pursuant to the following: FRANKEL of Florida, and Ms. EDDIE BERNICE Social Security Act to extend the applica- Clause 1, Section 8 of Article 1 of the JOHNSON of Texas. tion of the Medicare payment rate floor to United States Constitution, which reads, H.R. 5012: Mr. RYAN of Ohio. primary care services furnished under Med- ‘‘The Congress shall have power to lay and H.R. 5082: Mr. PAYNE, Mr. DENT, and Mr. icaid and to apply the rate floor to addi- collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to GRIMM. tional providers of primary care services; to pay the debts and provide for the common H.R. 5226: Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee and Mr. the Committee on Energy and Commerce. defense and general welfare of the United GARCIA. By Ms. CASTOR of Florida: States; but all duties, imposts and excises H.R. 5241: Ms. KAPTUR, Mr. HASTINGS of H.R. 5724. A bill to amend the Public shall be uniform throughout the United Florida, Mr. FRANKS of Arizona, and Mr. Health Service Act to provide funding for the States.’’ GERLACH. National Institutes of Health; to the Com- By Mr. STOCKMAN: H.R. 5267: Ms. BROWNLEY of California. mittee on Energy and Commerce, and in ad- H.R. 5726. H.R. 5343: Ms. SPEIER, Mrs. CAROLYN B. dition to the Committees on the Budget, and Congress has the power to enact this legis- MALONEY of New York, and Mr. SCHIFF. Appropriations, for a period to be subse- lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 5441: Ms. SINEMA and Ms. BONAMICI. quently determined by the Speaker, in each Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2. H.R. 5484: Ms. SHEA-PORTER and Mrs. ROBY. case for consideration of such provisions as ‘‘The Congress shall have Power to dispose H.R. 5644: Mr. TONKO, Mr. COHEN, Ms. SCHA- fall within the jurisdiction of the committee of and make all needful Rules and Regula- KOWSKY, Mr. DEUTCH, and Mr. ROONEY. concerned. tions respecting the Territory or other Prop- H.R. 5656: Mr. CRENSHAW and Mr. FARR. By Mr. JOLLY: erty belonging to the United States; and H.R. 5662: Ms. DELAURO. H.R. 5725. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- nothing in this Constitution shall be so con- H.R. 5686: Mr. FARENTHOLD and Mrs. KIRK- enue Code of 1986 to repeal the individual strued as to Prejudice any Claims of the PATRICK. health insurance mandate; to the Committee United States, or of any particular State.’’ H. Res. 281: Mr. MCCLINTOCK, Mr. TIPTON, Mr. KIND, Mr. HULTGREN, Mr. HANNA, Mr. on Ways and Means. f By Mr. STOCKMAN: MICA, Mrs. MILLER of Michigan, Mr. ROKITA, H.R. 5726. A bill to allow for energy explo- ADDITIONAL SPONSORS Mr. VALADAO, Mr. WENSTRUP, Mr. MCKINLEY, Mr. HUNTER, Mr. COLLINS of New York, Mr. ration in the Arctic National Wildlife Ref- Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors uge; to the Committee on Natural Resources. YOUNG of Indiana, Mr. PETERS of California, By Mr. BROOKS of Alabama (for him- were added to public bills and resolu- Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin, Mrs. DAVIS of Cali- self, Mr. CULBERSON, Mrs. BACHMANN, tions, as follows: fornia, Mrs. NOEM, Mr. PETRI, Mr. RIGELL, Mr. STOCKMAN, Mr. GOSAR, and Mr. H.R. 140: Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. JEFFRIES, and Mr. COFFMAN. MCCLINTOCK): H.R. 630: Mr. LIPINSKI. H. Res. 536: Mr. NOLAN. H. Res. 757. A resolution providing for au- H.R. 676: Mr. JEFFRIES. H. Res. 716: Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. thority to initiate litigation for actions by H.R. 1015: Mr. FARR and Mr. VAN HOLLEN. H. Res. 728: Mr. LUETKEMEYER, Mr. the President or other executive branch offi- H.R. 1074: Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky and Mr. MULVANEY, Ms. HAHN, Mr. RUSH, Ms. cials inconsistent with their duties under the VALADAO. SLAUGHTER, Mr. BENTIVOLIO, and Ms. CHU. Constitution of the United States with re- H.R. 1094: Mr. CLEAVER. H. Res. 730: Mr. HOLT. spect to the implementation of the immigra- H.R. 1274: Mr. LIPINSKI. H. Res. 735: Mr. ROSS. tion laws; to the Committee on Rules, and in H.R. 1507: Mr. NADLER. H. Res. 755: Mr. HINOJOSA, Mr. SABLAN, Mr. addition to the Committee on House Admin- H.R. 1652: Mr. GARAMENDI and Mr. LOWENTHAL, Mr. COHEN, Mr. RANGEL, Mr. istration, for a period to be subsequently de- JEFFRIES. HANNA, Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania, Mr. termined by the Speaker, in each case for H.R. 1666: Mr. CULBERSON, Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ, MCDERMOTT, Ms. LEE of California, Ms. consideration of such provisions as fall with- Mr. PRICE of North Carolina, Ms. CASTOR of CLARKE of New York, Mr. CONYERS, Mr. RYAN in the jurisdiction of the committee con- Florida, Mr. ROGERS of Alabama, Ms. WILSON of Ohio, Mr. ENGEL, Mr. PERLMUTTER, Mr. cerned. of Florida, Mr. PAULSEN, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. GRAVES of Missouri, Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Il- f VARGAS, and Mr. NEAL. linois, Mr. HONDA, and Mr. VARGAS. H.R. 1812: Mr. DENHAM. CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY H.R. 1852: Mr. SMITH of Texas. f STATEMENT H.R. 1981: Mr. TONKO and Mr. MCDERMOTT. H.R. 2116: Mrs. DAVIS of California. Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of CONGRESSIONAL EARMARKS, LIM- the Rules of the House of Representa- H.R. 2366: Mr. PITTENGER. H.R. 2384: Ms. PINGREE of Maine. ITED TAX BENEFITS, OR LIM- tives, the following statements are sub- H.R. 2529: Mr. ELLISON. ITED TARIFF BENEFITS mitted regarding the specific powers H.R. 2778: Mr. PERRY. granted to Congress in the Constitu- Under clause 9 of rule XXI, lists or H.R. 2785: Mr. CONNOLLY. statements on congressional earmarks, tion to enact the accompanying bill or H.R. 2901: Mr. CRENSHAW, Mr. LIPINSKI, Mr. limited tax benefits, or limited tariff joint resolution. FATTAH, and Mr. KING of New York. benefits were submitted as follows: By Mr. LYNCH: H.R. 2918: Mr. DESJARLAIS, Ms. BROWNLEY H.R. 5721. of California, Mr. NUNNELEE, Mr. COURTNEY, The amendment to be offered by Rep- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Mr. NUGENT, Mr. PAYNE, and Mr. RICHMOND. resentative MCNERNEY, or a designee, to H.R. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 3050: Mr. KILDEE. 4795, the Promoting New Manufacturing Act, Article I, Section 8, Clause 18. H.R. 3118: Ms. HAHN, Mr. CUMMINGS, and does not contain any congressional ear- By Mr. BENISHEK: Ms. MATSUI. marks, limited tax benefits, or limited tariff H.R. 5722. H.R. 3133: Mr. CRENSHAW. benefits as defined in clause 9 of rule XXI.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:46 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L17NO7.100 H17NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

Vol. 160 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2014 No. 140 Senate The Senate met at 2 p.m. and was child care and development block grant ing the FISA legislation, the American called to order by the President pro bill and the Abrams, Cohen, and Ross freedom act. It is so important that we tempore (Mr. LEAHY). nominations. do these things, but also we have to f f fund our government. That has to be done very soon because early next PRAYER WORKING TOGETHER month the funding expires. We have The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- Mr. REID. Mr. President, in that many nominations that have not been fered the following prayer: great play ‘‘Fiddler on the Roof,’’ completed. Almost 200 have been held Let us pray. Eternal Steward, we Tevye says, among other things, and I up by my Republican colleagues. John praise You for being with us this day, quote: Good news will stay, and bad Kerry, the Secretary of State, called for You have embraced our Nation as a news will refuse to leave. me and said he himself had almost prize possession, providing us with pro- In Washington we all too often focus 100—well, that is exaggerating a little. tection when we need it most. on the bad news that lingers instead of He had 60-some; I don’t remember the Sustain our lawmakers as they seek highlighting the many good things exact number. to do Your will. Empower them to see that are being accomplished. We must keep our government fund- You more clearly, love You more dear- ObamaCare is a perfect example. The ed. I have been having productive bi- ly, and follow You more nearly this Affordable Care Act is working. Ameri- partisan conversations with Speaker day and always. May they look to You cans who have enrolled in health plans BOEHNER, the Republican leader, and for guidance, claiming Your promise to through the Affordable Care Act are Appropriations chair Senator MIKUL- direct their steps. In challenging times, happy with their coverage. SKI. It is clear to me that Republican give them the wisdom to lift their eyes There was a very good article in leaders want to work together to keep to You to receive Your grace and newspapers all over the country today, the government funded. We have heard mercy. including in , there are going to be no government Most Holy God, thank You for your which I saw. In this article there is a shutdowns from the leaders, but Mem- love and faithfulness. citation of a recent Gallup survey of bers of their caucuses are really saying We pray in Your great Name. Amen. Americans who have coverage through some very scary things. f ObamaCare, and the findings are very So the question is whether the Re- positive—and that is a gross under- publican leaders will be able to stand PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE statement. Seventy-four percent of up to the radical forces within their The President pro tempore led the ObamaCare enrollees rate their cov- own party. It is more than just one or Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: erage as good or excellent. Seventy- two people; it is a large number of I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the five percent say they are satisfied with Members of the Republican caucus in United States of America, and to the Repub- the cost of their plans. I will repeat the Senate and, of course, the Repub- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, that. Seventy-four percent of lican caucus in the House. Can these indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. ObamaCare enrollees rate their cov- Republican leaders stand up to these f erage as good or excellent, and 75 per- people who are intent on holding our cent say they are satisfied with the government hostage? There has been a RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY cost of their plans. That is good news lot of talk the past 3 or 4 days: So we LEADER to me. have a government shutdown; so what? The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The The Affordable Care Act is working It has become increasingly clear majority leader is recognized. for the American people. It is providing these last few days that a number of f quality, affordable health care to fami- Republicans are looking for an example lies all across our country. to use to get their ideas—that are SCHEDULE The Senate has a lot of work to do somewhat bizarre in the minds of most Mr. REID. Following my remarks before the 113th Congress comes to a people—they are using a number of dif- and those of the Republican leader, the close. There are a few important prior- ferent things as an excuse: Executive Senate will be in morning business ities in this work period. We have to action; the President is not doing until 5:30 p.m., with Senators per- pass an extension of tax credits for enough on making sure the Iranians mitted to speak for up to 10 minutes American families and businesses. We are held down tightly; and on and on each. have to pass the Defense authorization with everything they have as an excuse At 5:30 p.m. the Senate will proceed bill, and the President pro tempore of to derail bipartisan legislation to fund to four rollcall votes in relation to the the Senate is concerned about extend- the government.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:29 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.000 S17NOPT1 mstockstill on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2014 Sadly, though, we have seen this be- body that this body by a 2-to-1 mar- now has been put on hold, and this is fore. The government has been shut gin—Republicans and Democrats joined throughout the whole government. down. The government’s debt has been together last year to pass a comprehen- So I would hope we can get a lot of defaulted upon. So how is it possible sive immigration bill which covered ev- these done. If not, we are going to have that there is even talk of not funding erything from the people on the bor- to spend a lot of time here because we our government again by anybody? But ders to those who were already in this cannot leave this Congress with all that is what they are doing. country. The Republican leadership in these things undone. I hope we can Just 2 weeks ago the American peo- the House has refused to take it up. work together, as I have indicated. ple sent us a very strong message: They complain about the President 11⁄2 f Work together. In the press con- years later—during all this time that REMEMBERING HOWARD GREENE, ferences that followed this month’s has passed between the Republican and JR. midterm elections, Republicans were Democratic votes here, they have re- saying all the right things about com- fused to take it up. Yet they complain Mr. REID. Mr. President, I want to promise and bipartisanship. Yet, in- that the President is going to do some- say one thing while my friend is on the stead of looking for common ground thing. floor. and working to compromise, some of I say bring it up and vote yes or vote When I came to the Senate, my these Republicans are more interested no. Stop this ‘‘we will vote maybe.’’ friend from Vermont had already been in threats and ultimatums. Why? Be- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- here a dozen years. I remember—and I cause these object jority leader. know he does—a man who had been the to President Obama using his constitu- Mr. REID. To the President pro tem- secretary for the majority and the sec- tionally established authority to do pore of the Senate, if the Speaker of retary for the minority who controlled what President Ronald Reagan and the House of Representatives, JOHN the staff of the Republicans. The Sen- both George Bushes have done—fix as BOEHNER, brought up the bill that ator remembers Howard Greene—a guy much of the system as he can to pro- passed here in the Senate, it would who did not smoke a cigar, he just tect families suffering under the bro- pass overwhelmingly in the House. Vir- chewed on it all the time; he chewed on ken immigration system. Going back tually every Democrat would vote for his cigar. That is when the rules were to Dwight D. Eisenhower, every Presi- it, and I suggest that probably half of not nearly as strict as they are now dent since then has used Executive au- the Republicans would vote for it. He about smoking. thority to fix America’s immigration won’t allow a vote. What is this about? Howard Greene was so nice to me as system—every President, Republicans It is beyond my ability to comprehend a new Senator. He had a lot of author- and Democrats. For the Republicans to how they are willing to do everything ity. For over three decades he was a take issue with President Obama for they can to stop this President from recognizable person here on the Senate doing the same thing is hypocritical. doing what Presidents have done since floor. In fact, specifically, for 28 years Why didn’t they complain when the Dwight Eisenhower. he held many positions, including as a two Bush Presidents did things admin- I would also say this: We have gotten doorkeeper, as a cloakroom assistant. istratively? Why? some judges done. That is because we He was, as I just indicated, both sec- I hope Republicans in Congress will changed the rules to do the outlandish retary for the minority and secretary object to this brinkmanship. A thing of having a majority of the Sen- for the majority. scorched-earth policy is no way to go. ate determine whether someone should Howard finished his distinguished ca- Instead, responsible leaders in the Re- be confirmed. reer as the Sergeant at Arms. He re- publican Party need to work with us to If we look at the Constitution of the tired in 1996. complete the business of funding our United States, the people who drafted I offer my condolences to Howard government regardless of when the that Constitution were very smart. We Greene’s family and loved ones during President acts to keep families to- know a number of them were geniuses. this difficult time. Although it is of lit- gether. And they were very precise in what tle consolation, I hope they know how Mr. LEAHY. Will the distinguished they wanted to have supermajority grateful we are for Howard’s many majority leader yield for an observa- votes on. On judges they didn’t want years of sacrifice to this body. He will tion? supermajority votes but a simple ma- be greatly missed, and he was very The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. jority of this body, and that is what we kind and thoughtful to me as a new KAINE). Will the majority leader yield did in changing the rules. Senator. to the Senator from Vermont for a But I say to my friend, in spite of I say to my friend, you do remember question? that, we have been able to get a lot of Howard Greene? Mr. REID. I yield to the Senator judges done, we are going to wind up— Mr. LEAHY. I do. from Vermont. by the time the Judiciary Committee Mr. REID. I thank the Presiding Offi- Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, as long as continues to do the good work they do, cer. I have served in the Senate—and I have we will probably have over 20 judges f served the longest in this body—I have who need to be approved this Congress. never seen a time when noncontrover- Postcloture, under the rules we have, RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME sial nominations were being held up, there is only 1 hour of time that can be The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under whether we have had a Republican or used, so we can get through the judges the previous order, the leadership time Democratic President. I would note for very quickly. For sub-Cabinet officers is reserved. the majority leader that we have on it takes 8 hours, and we are normally f the calendar 18 nominees for Federal willing to yield back our time, so 4 MORNING BUSINESS judgeships that passed unanimously. hours on every one of those. Every Republican and every Democrat We have scores—we are approaching, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under in the Judiciary Committee voted for counting judges and all of the nomina- the previous order, the Senate will be them. Many of them were rec- tions, well over 150 who have been held in a period of morning business until ommended by Republican Senators and up, people who have been waiting and 5:30 p.m., with Senators permitted to four of them for judicial emergencies. waiting. These are jobs that are needed speak for up to 10 minutes each, with The oldest one has been pending since in our country; these are not new posi- the time equally divided and controlled June, having gone through the com- tions we have created. between the two leaders or their des- mittee unanimously. This is not being So I would hope we can get past the ignees. responsible to the American people. bitterness that has been created in this Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I suggest The distinguished majority leader body and get the nominations done. the absence of a quorum. talked about the use of Executive or- There is no reason a judge-to-be should The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ders. Concerns have been expressed by have to wait for all this time, as the clerk will call the roll. the other side about Executive orders Senator from Vermont has indicated, The legislative clerk proceeded to on immigration. I would remind every- just to get a vote. Whatever he is doing call the roll.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.006 S17NOPT1 mstockstill on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with SENATE November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6005 Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I only the Senators on . . . [the Repub- that childcare is no different. There is ask unanimous consent that the order lican] side of the aisle,’’ but to the still a need for some type of vouchers for the quorum call be rescinded. Members on his side as well. for families who are on the bubble, and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without It is clear that this man from Lewes, I dare say that childcare has gotten in- objection, it is so ordered. DE, had uncommon talent and ability. credibly expensive since 1996. f We are grateful he chose to share it I rise today to congratulate this body with us for so many years. We honor because this afternoon, in just under 2 RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY him for it today, and we send our sin- hours, we are going to pass the first re- LEADER cerest condolences to his family in this authorization of the Child Care Devel- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Re- difficult time. opment Block Grant program since publican leader is recognized. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- 1996. I will be really very honest; it f sent that the Senate proceed to the wouldn’t be possible if it wasn’t for my partner in this endeavor, BARBARA I RELATIVE TO THE DEATH OF consideration of S. Res. 579, submitted M - HOWARD O. GREENE, JR. earlier today; further, that the resolu- KULSKI. Senator MIKULSKI has been te- tion be agreed to, the preamble be nacious. She has stood by my side, and Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, this agreed to, and the motions to recon- she has told me when she didn’t think afternoon I wish to say a word about sider be laid upon the table with no in- we should move forward, because as Howard Greene, whose passing we tervening action or debate. easy and as common sense as it sounds, mourn today. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without it has been really difficult to get to Howard was a leading figure here in objection, it is so ordered. this point. This has been a 3-year proc- the Senate for many years. I know The resolution (S. Res. 579) was ess. So for those who criticize Con- Members of both parties remember his agreed to. gress, let me assure those people, we time here with fondness, even though The preamble was agreed to. have touched every base we can touch. he retired from the Senate nearly two (The resolution, with its preamble, is Several years ago, while we served as decades ago. And I think that says a printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- chair and ranking member of the Sub- lot about Howard. mitted Resolutions.’’) committee on Children and Families, He began his service here modestly Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Senator MIKULSKI and I promised at enough as a doorkeeper right outside suggest the absence of a quorum. that time to address the shortcomings this Chamber. The year was 1968. How- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The in the CCDBG Program so that chil- ard was 26, a student at the University clerk will call the roll. dren could attend childcare and their of Maryland. He originally intended to The assistant legislative clerk pro- families could expect a healthy setting become a history teacher, but over ceeded to call the roll. that fostered their development. time his ambitions changed, from Mr. BURR. Mr. President, I ask unan- Now, for years, we have heard stories wanting to teach about history to imous consent that the order for the about abuse and neglect in many wanting to help shape it—and what a quorum call be rescinded. childcare settings—stories that con- lucky break for the Senate. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tinue to break my heart and, I think, His considerable talents were soon objection, it is so ordered. break the heart of every American. We put to work in the Republican cloak- f saw numerous inspector general re- room. It was a big promotion, even if ports that documented unsafe condi- CCDBG PROGRAM Howard had to first explain to his tions where children were neglected mother that working in the cloakroom Mr. BURR. Mr. President, I come to and Federal tax dollars were misused. didn’t mean he would be hanging up the floor today because in just a little Let me stop here and say this. Every- people’s coats. over 2 hours we are going to take up thing we do in this bill only applies to Howard quickly gained the con- the Child Care and Development Block a childcare facility that accepts fidence of Senators as he rose rapidly Grant Act of 2014. Let me explain what CCDBG money. They can be private in- through the ranks. His deep institu- that is. stitutions. They can be faith-based in- tional knowledge, strong work ethic, The Child Care and Development stitutions. Their construction can be a honesty, and sense of humor were ap- Block Grant Program was created in combination of all of the above. If they preciated by those who worked with 1990 to provide a voucher to meet the accept one penny of CCDBG money, him, and his talents were essential for childcare needs of families at risk of they are now required to meet the the many who relied upon him. having to make the decision that one quality standards and safety standards After the Reagan landslide of 1980, or both parents couldn’t work because we set in this bill. Now, in North Caro- Howard put his institutional knowl- childcare had such a tremendous ex- lina, that covers practically every edge to work as secretary of the new pense with it. We wanted those parents childcare facility. But in every State Republican majority. After so many to be able to participate in the produc- they don’t go to the lengths we do in years out of power, it was a chal- tive part of our economy and society. North Carolina nor that we go to in lenging task, but he was up to it. I can honestly say this is one of the this piece of legislation. I hope my col- All told, Howard would serve the in- most successful programs Congress has leagues will go back to the States they stitution he loved for more than 28 ever produced. The program, as is the hail from, and they will suggest that years, working under Republican lead- case with every bill, is required to be things such as background checks for ers such as and Bob reauthorized after a certain period of workers at a childcare facility is com- Dole, until stepping down from his time. It was started in 1995—I might mon sense. To say to a parent who is final position of Sergeant at Arms in add the year I got here—and it was re- dropping off a young child, whether the 1996. authorized in 1996. This was the last Federal Government subsidized with a Senators from both parties had a lot time this bill was ever reauthorized. voucher or not—that parent should feel of nice things to say about him back Now, let me point out that authoriza- 100-percent confident that the worker then. The late Senator from Alaska, tion and funding are two different there is not a convicted felon, that , said it could seem like things. These vouchers have existed in they are not a drug addict, that they Howard had a crystal ball when it came the system but Congress has not reau- have passed the minimal background to counting votes and predicting out- thorized the program; therefore, we check that most of us would think is comes, and he praised him for his haven’t changed the program since common sense. ‘‘careful analysis, knowledge of the 1996. I ask my colleagues to stop for a I might also take the opportunity to issues, understanding of the Members, moment and think about how society stop and say to the Presiding Officer, and . . . hard work’’ that often made has changed since 1996. The world has who represents Virginia, you might his forecasts correct. changed since 1996. Things we took for think—gosh, this is a financial burden Senator David Pryor from Arkansas, granted in 1996 we need proof of today. on all childcare centers. No, this is a a Democrat, noted that Howard ‘‘re- Things we didn’t worry about in 1996 $15 investment in the safety of every spected and served and answered to not we worry about today. Let me suggest child who is housed in their facility.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.014 S17NOPT1 mstockstill on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2014 For a program that in many States IMMIGRATION party—my party—is elected, won’t this represents almost all the funding used Mr. CORNYN. Only a few years ago a be viewed as a precedent which has for childcare subsidies, Senator MIKUL- prominent Democrat firmly and un- been established by this President SKI and I knew it was an obligation to equivocally rejected the idea that the which could be used on everything act to reauthorize this law so appro- President of the United States could from taxes, to regulation, to priate boundaries were put in place. To singlehandedly enact an amnesty for ObamaCare—you name it. But that is continue to ignore these realities millions of immigrants who entered not how our Constitution is written. would have allowed Federal dollars to the country without legal authoriza- That is not what the separation of pow- keep funding abuse, waste—taxpayers, tion. In 2011, for example, this same ers doctrine—which is an essential ele- parents, and children deserved our ac- person reminded us that ‘‘there are ment of our Constitution—provides. tion. laws on the books that Congress has Even the Washington Post—not known Since then, between the two of us passed’’ and that therefore it should as being a bastion of conservative and our staffs, we have held four HELP not be permissible for the President to thought—has said that failing to get Committee hearings. We have 236 hours ‘‘suspend deportations through execu- his way in Congress does not ‘‘grant of negotiations. We have dozens of tive order.’’ Then in 2013 this same in- the president license to tear up the meetings with 44 advocacy organiza- dividual noted that granting a unilat- Constitution.’’ Unfortunately, the President has tions supporting this legislation. The eral amnesty for adults who came to shown that he has very little patience Senate had 18 amendments considered the United States illegally was ‘‘not an with constitutional safeguards, espe- and voted on in this institution, the option’’ because it would amount to cially when they hamper his agenda or Senate, back in March when the legis- ‘‘ignoring the law.’’ A few months later complicate his political needs. After lation passed this body of Congress 96 this same individual was speaking at all, this is the same President who has to 2. That was March. an immigration event and was inter- unilaterally rewritten ObamaCare by We are here today because the House rupted by a heckler who urged him to granting extensions, waivers, and the changed the bill a little bit with our stop the deportations by Executive like and who has unilaterally gutted blessings, and this afternoon we are fiat. In response, he said: welfare reform and who has made bla- going to take up passage of the Child If in fact I could solve all of these problems tantly unconstitutional appointments Care and Development Block Grant Act without passing laws in Congress, then I to the Federal bureaucracy and to the of 2014. would do so. But we are also a nation of laws. Federal judiciary, only to be corrected My hope is this is going to be a unan- That is part of our tradition. Of course, you might have guessed by the courts. imous vote by the Senate. For that matter, the President has Bringing the HELP Committee to- who that person was. It was President already made a number of unilateral Barack Obama on numerous different gether, as the Presiding Officer knows, changes in U.S. immigration policy occasions in the past few years saying is very difficult because of the diverse with disastrous results. We have seen he did not have the authority to issue ideology of the makeup of members on literally thousands of convicted crimi- the HELP Committee. a unilateral Executive order granting, nals released from U.S. custody, in- It is no small feat we have gotten to in effect, a right to waive the law with cluding those with violent records. this point, and we hold together the regard to illegal immigration. I have to And, of course, it wasn’t that long ago support of people who look at the world say that our President has a preter- that we saw what had been called a a little bit differently than I do and natural ability to say one thing and genuine humanitarian crisis unfold may geographically come from a dif- then do another—the opposite. along the southern border in my State Now the President is threatening to ferent area than I do. as tens of thousands of Central Amer- authorize exactly the type of action he I wish to publicly say thank you to ican children made a treacherous jour- Chairman HARKIN, Ranking Member previously said he did not have the au- ney in order to cross illegally into the ALEXANDER, Ranking Member ENZI be- thority to order, and he is threatening United States and take advantage of a fore that, because if it wasn’t for the to do so even after his go-it-alone ap- loophole in a 2008 law that we tried to leadership on the full committee, Sen- proach on immigration and so many correct but couldn’t even get a vote on ator MIKULSKI and I would not have other issues was so roundly repudiated it in the Senate. had the opportunity to mark it up in in this most recent election on Novem- At the height of the crisis in early committee, to pass it on the Senate ber 4. In other words, he is showing June, the New York Times told the floor, to work with the House, and now contempt for the Constitution, for the story of a 13-year-old Honduran boy to have a bill back. voters, and basically anyone who dis- who was detained in Mexico while try- As I conclude, let me just say for the agrees with him. It is the classic ‘‘my ing to reach the U.S. border, and his 1.7 million children served nationally way or the highway’’ approach. story was pretty typical of what we by CCDBG and the 80,000 served in my According to press reports, he will heard from many people. The Depart- State of North Carolina, safe and qual- act as early as this week and he will ment of Homeland Security conducted ity childcare will now be a priority, en- unilaterally grant work permits. Under interviews with many of the immi- suring working parents trying to bet- what authority—I have no idea how he grants who came across at that time. ter their lives and those of their chil- can legislate authority to grant work ‘‘Like so many others across Central dren will feel safe using their Federal permits for people who illegally en- America,’’ the Times reported, this boy vouchers. tered the country, but he said, appar- ‘‘said his mother believed that the In short, I urge my colleagues to ently, he is going to try. These are the Obama administration had quietly unanimously support this legislation. kinds of maneuvers we would expect to changed its policy regarding unaccom- We waited way too long since 1996 to see from tin-pot dictators and banana panied minors and that if he made it make the commonsense changes that republics, not from the Commander in across, he would have a better shot at provide safety and quality in the Chief and the Chief Executive of the staying.’’ childcare that we, the taxpayers, pro- world’s greatest democracy. In other words, the impression that vide to those families on the bubble. Apparently the President now thinks we are not going to enforce our law is I yield the floor, and I suggest the ab- that he and, I assume by precedent, a magnet. sence of a quorum. any future President can simply ignore I have no idea how this unilateral ac- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The the laws that he finds inconvenient, tion by the President will be inter- clerk will call the roll. that ‘‘if Congress hasn’t passed the law, preted—granting legal status presum- The assistant legislative clerk pro- that is a good enough excuse for me to ably to millions of people by the swipe ceeded to call the roll. go it alone and do it my way,’’ go of his pen. Will that be viewed as a Mr. CORNYN. I ask unanimous con- around it, go against the will of Con- green light for people who want to sent that the order for the quorum call gress and the American people. This is come to the United States from all be rescinded. a dangerous precedent, I hope the around the world, saying: Well, if I can The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without President recognizes. If after the next just get to the United States, President objection, it is so ordered. election a President of the other Obama will let me stay too.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.016 S17NOPT1 mstockstill on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with SENATE November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6007 About 1 week later the Washington moved, while they also take money from vene in January a chance to do our job. Post confirmed that the influx of unac- pimps and brothels operating in their terri- I don’t underestimate the difficulty of companied Central American children tories. dealing with our broken immigration is ‘‘being driven in large part by the Yet, again, President Obama just system, but I don’t think we have a perception they will be allowed to stay doesn’t seem to care. choice. We do not have a choice. We under the Obama administration’s im- He also doesn’t seem to care that his must. And it will not be something I migration policies.’’ Executive action would harm our op- will like 100 percent; it won’t be some- I mention these stories because they portunity to reform our broken legal thing any Senator or Congressman will highlight the all-to-predictable con- immigration system. Republicans and like 100 percent. But that shouldn’t sequences of failing to enforce U.S. im- Democrats alike have ideas for how to cause us to shrink from our duty. migration law. reform our immigration system, and If the President is actually interested So much of law enforcement is the many of them have bipartisan support. in having his last 2 years in office be deterrent value—in other words, stop- We do know that a comprehensive more productive than simply a lame- ping people from breaking the law in bill—we have tried to pass one of those duck session, he needs to work with the first instance, not just catching for 10 years, and it hasn’t worked, so it the Congress rather than go around them after they actually break it. And makes sense to me to try to break it Congress. I urge him to put the Con- sending the message ‘‘Get here if you down into smaller pieces and try to stitution ahead of his campaign prom- can, and you might too be one of the build consensus for those, get them ises and to consider the likely human ones who win the lucky immigration across the floor of the House and the cost in Mexico and elsewhere of such a lottery and get to stay in the United Senate and on the President’s desk— lawless policy change. States’’ is a huge magnet for illegal even on a controversial subject such as Madam President, I yield the floor, immigration and it undermines—in- immigration. Yet the President has and I suggest the absence of a quorum. deed, it guts the deterrent value of en- now appeared to decide to trample the The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. forcing the law. And for what? The normal legislative process and to do HIRONO). The clerk will call the roll. President reportedly, unless he re- immigration policy by fiat. The bill clerk proceeded to call the thinks this misguided strategy, will What about the 60 percent who won’t roll. provide some form of temporary relief be covered by his Executive order? Ms. MIKULSKI. Madam President, I that will not even be able to be imple- They don’t get any relief under his Ex- ask unanimous consent that the order mented before he leaves office in 2 ecutive order. They are going to need for the quorum call be rescinded. years, with uncertainty for these im- to look to Congress to know what the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without migrants and their families as to what rules are. objection, it is so ordered. is going to happen beyond. So in the President’s desperate at- Ms. MIKULSKI. Madam President, a How he is drawing the line is beyond tempt to placate some very vocal ac- parliamentary inquiry: What is the me. I read that apparently the reports tivist groups and to make up for years that have been dribbled out in the pending business? of hollow promises, he has decided to press—and, of course, this town is fa- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- flout the rule of law and end up making mous for intentional leaks to sort of ate is in morning business. real immigration reform that much issue trial balloons to see how people Ms. MIKULSKI. Madam President, I harder to pass. are going to react. Well, if the trial wish to speak on a legislative matter I saw a Congressman from South balloons are correct, if the stories are on which we will be voting later on this Carolina, TREY GOWDY, who said: Dur- correct, the President’s order will evening. I yield myself 10 minutes. ing the first 2 years the President had cover roughly 40 percent of the people The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- 60 Democrats in the Senate and con- here in violation of our immigration ator is recognized. trolled the House of Representatives. If laws—40 percent. So why did he decide f immigration reform was such a pri- to stop at 40 percent and not do 60 per- ority for the President, why didn’t he CCDBG REAUTHORIZATION cent or 80 percent or 100 percent? What do that? Ms. MIKULSKI. Madam President, in about the people who have been wait- Well, don’t just take my word for it a few minutes we will be voting on the ing patiently in line, complying with that this will make our job much more child care and development block grant our immigration laws? To have these difficult. reauthorization bill. I am here to urge other millions of people jump ahead of The junior Senator from Maine, an my colleagues to vote for final passage. them and be given some form of legal Independent but a Member of the This bill is authored by myself, work- status is not fair to them, and it cer- Democratic caucus, said of the Presi- ing shoulder to shoulder with Senator tainly doesn’t encourage people’s com- RICHARD BURR of North Carolina, under pliance with the rules or the law. dent’s Executive amnesty: I think it Then we have to look at who benefits will create a backlash in the country our chair and ranking member, Sen- the most. And I am not talking about that could actually set the cause back ators HARKIN and ALEXANDER. the immigrants; I am talking about the and inflame our politics in a way that On this bill we showed that we can criminal organizations. This is part of I don’t think will be conducive to solv- actually work together to get things how they operate and their business ing the problem. done. We worked across the aisle and model. Such criminal organizations I mentioned a moment ago that the across the dome with our counterparts will be the biggest beneficiaries of the results of this anticipated action are in the House. Today we have an oppor- President’s Executive order, which all too predictable. So I would ask the tunity to pass a bill that will actually would make it even harder for our President: Why in the world would you help American families with one of the friends in Mexico to reduce violence want to encourage children to make biggest challenges they face—afford- and uphold the rule of law. It would be one of the most dangerous journeys able childcare. like a pipeline of additional money and from Central America through Mexico Everywhere I go in Maryland I hear resources into the cartels. And the car- and be subject to the tender mercies of young mothers and not-so-young moth- tels don’t care whether they traffic in these cartels, which care nothing about ers and grandmothers and actually children, whether they traffic in drugs them? Why on Earth would you want dads saying that we need childcare or weapons. That is how they make to establish yet another big incentive that is affordable, accessible, reliable, money. That is why they exist. That is for people to enter our country ille- and safe. This Child Care and Develop- what they do. And this ill-advised ac- gally? And why on Earth would you ment Block Grant Act will meet those tion by the President would do nothing want to help contribute to yet another compelling human needs. It focuses on but ensure that a pipeline of money humanitarian crisis on the Texas-Mex- families of modest means—parents who will continue to flow into these crimi- ico border? want to work or get ready for work by nal organizations. I would urge the President, in the going to school but can’t afford Time magazine reported: strongest of terms, to respect the rule childcare. Cartels control most of Mexico’s smug- of law and the democratic process and I wish to take a second to talk about gling networks through which victims are to give the new Congress that will con- the process and where we stand. This is

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.022 S17NOPT1 mstockstill on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2014 a bipartisan bill. It is the result of My bill—the Mikulski, Burr, Harkin, dle-class families. That is why I was more than 2 years of work, three hear- Alexander or whatever order we can happy to join Senator KIRSTEN GILLI- ings on the HELP Committee, hun- put it in—makes childcare better. It BRAND in introducing the childcare tax dreds of meetings of stakeholders. The makes it safer, it makes it more reli- deduction bill, S. 1975. This bill would House unanimously passed the bill, and able, and it also focuses on helping allow all families to deduct the cost of last week the Senate voted 96 to 1 on a children to be school-ready, to be childcare as a business expense. Imag- cloture vote. It is time now to take the learning-ready. ine that—to actually be able to do this. bill over the finish line and vote to- It requires, first of all, in terms of So many women in the middle class night. safety, comprehensive background also find that the cost of childcare is so This bill began in 1990, when we cre- checks. Only 13 States require com- expensive. With this bill families can ated the childcare program as part of prehensive background checks for deduct up to $14,000 in child care ex- our first step towards welfare reform. childcare providers. We require more penses from the amount of taxes they Eligible families received vouchers to background checks for mall security owe. We have to show that we are on pay for childcare of their choice, guards than we do for our own children. the side of families, that we are on the whether it is a large daycare center, a This is unacceptable. Parents deserve side of the middle class, by offering a small in-home daycare center or faith- peace of mind knowing that their chil- substantial tax deduction for childcare; based. dren are safe from anyone who could and we have to show that we are on the This program is important because possibly have a criminal record. Under side of the people who want to be mid- childcare for parents is significantly our bill, 50 States will be required to do dle class, who are working harder, expensive. Childcare is the highest this. going to school to be able to move household expense faced by dual-in- It also strengthens health and safety ahead and move into that middle class, come families. The average childcare standards. Listening to both concerned and that they have the childcare bill. for two children is about $15,000 a year. parents and the American Academy of This legislation, the Child Care and De- In some places that is tuition at a prep Pediatrics, we will have health and velopment Block Grant Act, will make school—$15,000 to $20,000 a year. It is safety standards. Childcare providers a significant step forward. I urge my expensive whether you are a two-par- will be trained in first aid and CPR, in colleagues to help and support this. ent household or a single-parent house- the prevention of sudden infant death When I worked on this bill, to me it hold. For middle-class families it is syndrome, and also how to respond to is not about numbers and statistics— really tough, and for those earning the food allergies. This is big. Our children 19,000 or 1 million children or so on. It minimum wage it is out of reach, and come and some of those little guys and is about people in my own home the costs keep increasing. girls really have some significant State—whether it is the single mom in Last year, the cost of childcare actu- health challenges. Baltimore County who, due to some ally grew eight times faster than the It also requires inspection of facili- major changes, found that she was average family income. It is not that ties. Currently, many States do not re- needing to work full time instead of childcare alone increased, but of course quire inspection of all childcare facili- part time but was barely above the we believe family income has been ties. The Washington Post recently minimum wage. She wondered how she stagnant for 8 years. So we have to do found that 43 children have died since was going to have that job at the min- something about raising the income as 2004 in unregulated childcare centers in imum wage but have childcare that well as raising childcare standards and Virginia. We have now corrected that was safe. When she went to the depart- the ability to provide childcare. where facilities will actually be in- ment of social services, she found a Childcare is important because it spected to make sure they are safe. It childcare subsidy that could help her helps people. In my own State this bill also will make sure that inspectors will be able to work today, have her chil- will give parents the kind of childcare be looking for anything that presents a dren in daycare today, and lay the vouchers needed, helping 1.5 million danger to a child—an unsecured swim- groundwork for a better job tomorrow. children be able to have childcare. In ming pool, unsafe sleeping arrange- Then there was Theresa, a single my own home State of Maryland this ments, and fire hazards. It will improve mom in Prince George’s County. She bill will help as many as 19,000 families reliability and stability of care. has four children. They were enrolled get childcare. This is really a pretty Now, we really focused on improving in a childcare program while she big deal. In Maryland, childcare costs quality of child care. What that means worked in another. She was making about $13,000 a year. is we have significant sums, which $23,000 a year—again, below the min- I held roundtables across the State. I means that States have to invest in imum wage. Thanks to the voucher sat in classrooms, at conference tables, training and professional development program, she was able to provide her and meetings listening in Baltimore of childcare workers. It also will evalu- children with childcare, actually work County and Allegany County. I heard ate what is working and what isn’t. We in the field, and begin to get the kind from parents struggling to pay developed an improved quality rating of training that could enable her to childcare in this age of scrimp and system to give parents—the con- move on up to being a childcare work- save. I have heard from teachers wor- sumer—information to pick the right er. ried about children not being prepared care. It is about these people who want for a lifetime of learning. I heard from This bill will provide vouchers to their child to be safe and secure. They the American Academy of Pediatrics people who are at the minimum wage want to make sure they are going to do that is concerned about children stay- or lower. In my own State, to qualify the best and be able to continue to ing healthy. I heard from the good for this type of voucher subsidy, it is work in our society, make sure their folks at the Maryland Family Network, income-based. In Maryland, for a fam- children are taken care of, and also who are worried about quality, safety, ily of two to be eligible for the CCDBG, that we are able to provide this impor- and the certification of childcare. their incomes cannot exceed $24,000. A tant step. I believe that many of the best ideas family of four cannot have an income I hope we pass this bill tonight. I also and recommendations come from the that exceeds $35,700. The children must hope that we develop a comprehensive people, so I brought those ideas to be less than 13 years old, and the chil- childcare approach so that we are help- Washington and sat down across the dren must live with parents who are ing those at the minimum wage and table with my colleague Senator RICH- working or enrolled in an education slightly above tonight, but we also ARD BURR to really talk about these program that is leading to a job. want to be able to help the middle issues and how we could hammer out a This is really good. But this bill—as class. bill that was affordable to the taxpayer good as it is—it is only the first step in Remember what our goal is. We need and yet reliable for parents. childcare. It can’t be the only step. So to focus on the day-to-day needs of our One size doesn’t fit all when it comes while we are looking for how to help constituents. What does that mean in to our kids. What I heard over and over parents be able to work, particularly terms of national policy? What we need again were concerns about availability, those at the minimum-wage level, we to look at is for those who are middle about quality, and also affordability. have to be able to look also at our mid- class—through their hard work, their

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.024 S17NOPT1 mstockstill on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with SENATE November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6009 education and determination, however ing increase will ensure 22,000 additional This bill contains many common- they get to be there—that they have a children will receive child care assistance. sense improvements to a program that government and a Tax Code on their In addition to discretionary funding, man- hasn’t been reauthorized, as I said, datory funding exists for child care subsidies side, and for those who are trying to (authorized in Social Security Act). In FY14, since 1996. That is nearly a whole gen- get to the middle class, that they have there were $2.9 billion in mandatory funds— eration. We have improved the health an opportunity ladder and the self-help for a total of approximately $5.3 billion for and safety requirements by asking tools that enable them to move ahead. child care subsidies. States to increase the amount of fund- I really hope my colleagues vote for Cost of Child Care ing they set aside to serve infants and this bill and we move it to the Presi- Child care is the highest household expense toddlers. We require pre-service train- dent’s desk for signature. faced by dual income households, averaging ing and ongoing professional develop- Madam President, I ask unanimous $14,872 a year for 2 kids. ment for childcare workers. We ask consent that a CCDBG fact sheet be Ms. MIKULSKI. Madam President, I that States inspect childcare providers printed in the RECORD. yield the floor, and I suggest the ab- at least once a year—hopefully more, There being no objection, the mate- sence of a quorum. but at least once a year. rial was ordered to be printed in the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The I am particularly excited about the RECORD, as follows: clerk will call the roll. set-aside that we have in the bill to im- The legislative clerk proceeded to CCDBG FACT SHEET prove access to and quality of care for call the roll. infants and toddlers. This is something S. 1086—THE CHILD CARE & DEVELOPMENT BLOCK The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- GRANT (CCDBG) ACT OF 2014 I included for several years in my ap- ator from Iowa. The Child Care Development Block Grant propriations subcommittee bill, and I Mr. HARKIN. Madam President, I am pleased that it is now an important (CCDBG) Act of 2014 ask unanimous consent that the order This bipartisan bill (S. 1086) was intro- component of this reauthorization. for the quorum call be rescinded. These are the kinds of commonsense, duced by Senators Mikulski, Burr, Harkin, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without and Alexander. It reauthorizes, refreshes, re- research-based activities and services objection, it is so ordered. that any parent would want for their forms, and revitalizes the Child Care Devel- Mr. HARKIN. Madam President, I opment Block Grant (CCDBG) program. child, and they deserve it. That is why want to speak in support of the Child I am so pleased we are now on the cusp What the CCDBG Program Does Care and Development Block Grant Act of passing this important reauthoriza- The CCDBG program was first signed into of 2014, the bill that is before us. It has tion. law by President George H.W. Bush in 1990 to taken us a long time to get to this assist working families with the cost of pro- I should note that this legislation viding child care. It has not been reauthor- point. I cannot be more pleased that we passed the Senate in March of this year ized since 1996. are on the verge of sending this legisla- by a vote of 96 to 2, and after a few CCDBG is the primary source of federal tion to the President for his signature. changes by the House, it passed that We know—we know—that learning funding for child care assistance. CCDBG is Chamber by acclamation in September. begins at birth and the preparation for administered to states in formula block I believe we had the cloture vote last grants. States use the funding to help low-in- education begins even before birth. week, and even then I think there was come families gain access to quality, afford- That is why I am very excited about only one vote against it. able child care and after-school programs my committee’s bill to reauthorize the while parents work, train for work, or attend I encourage every Member of the Child Care and Development Block Senate to vote in favor of final passage school. Assistance is administered through Grant Act. This bill will lead to impor- vouchers or certificates, which can be used and finally get this bill to the Presi- by parents for the provider or program of tant reforms and improvements to the dent’s desk. their choice—whether in a family child care early care and education of our Na- I wish to especially thank Senators home, with a relative or friend, or in a child tion’s children. MIKULSKI and BURR—two members of care center. This bipartisan legislation is also a our committee and the original spon- Who the CCDBG Program Serves big win for working families. It helps sors of this legislation—for their per- CCDBG serves more than 1.6 million chil- make it possible for over 1.5 million sistence and commitment in getting dren every month. kids to receive quality childcare every this bill done. Eligibility Requirements for CCDBG Assistance month. The last time we reauthorized I would also like to thank many of the child care block grant was 1996. There are certain requirements that must the staff for their years of work on this be met for families to be eligible for CCDBG When we did that, childcare was seen legislation. assistance: principally as a work support activity I would like to thank Brent Palmer Family income cannot exceed 85% of the and only incidentally as something and Jessica McNiece of Senator MIKUL- state median (states have flexibility to adopt that could have a great impact on the SKI’s staff; David Cleary, Peter income eligibility limits below this federal development of children. Today, Oppenheim, and Patrick Murray of maximum, and generally do) backed by impressive scientific re- Senator ALEXANDER’s staff; Chris Top- Example: In MD, for a family of two to be search, we know that childcare set- pings and Celia Simms of Senator eligible for CCDBG funds, their annual in- tings can and should be much more. In come cannot exceed $24,277; a family of four BURR’s staff. cannot have an income that exceeds $35,702 addition to providing critical work sup- I would like to thank current and Kids must be less than 13 years old port for the parents, early childhood past members of my staff: Pam Smith, Kids must live with parents who are work- settings are now widely recognized as a Derek Miller, Mildred Otero, and Mario ing, enrolled in school/training, or be in need rich early learning opportunity for all Cardona. Of course, I also wish to of protective services children. thank our HELP Committee’s ranking Amount of Subsidy So it is not just childcare—we are member Senator ALEXANDER for his The CCDBG program generally requires taking care and watching them so they key role in reauthorizing this vital pro- that families contribute to the cost of care don’t get in trouble—it is now gram. And my debt of gratitude to Sen- on a sliding fee scale basis. Federal regula- childcare that is part of the learning ator ALEXANDER extends far beyond tions do allow states to waive child care fees process. As I said, it begins at birth this particular bill. for families with incomes at or below pov- and even before birth. Because much of This will likely be the last bill origi- erty guidelines. HHS has suggested that a a child’s intellect and skills develop- nating in the HELP Committee to see family’s fee should be no more than 10% of ment begin before he or she begins kin- floor time in this Congress, and thus, its income. dergarten, we need to give all children In FYI2, the average monthly subsidy paid this is the last bill that will come to to a family with an infant younger than 1 every opportunity to reach their full the Senate floor out of the committee year was $467. The average monthly subsidy potential at this early stage. This I so proudly chair. paid to a family with a child between the age means supporting access to high-qual- I wish to take this opportunity to ex- of 5–6 years of age was $365. ity early learning programs, including press not only my gratitude to Senator Funding Level for the CCDBG Program high-quality childcare. That is why re- ALEXANDER but my respect and admira- In the FY14 omnibus, the CCDBG program authorizing the child care development tion for the senior Senator from Ten- was funded at $2.36 billion. This is an in- block grant with the array of reforms nessee. In the new Congress in Janu- crease of $154 million above FY13. This fund- and improvements is so important. ary, Senator ALEXANDER will assume

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:29 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.025 S17NOPT1 mstockstill on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2014 the chairmanship of this HELP Com- approved faster and they will be safer. I wish to thank all of my committee mittee, and I know this important Workers will have access to quality job members, but especially Senator committee will be in very able hands. training and retraining opportunities, LAMAR ALEXANDER from Tennessee, Throughout my 30 years in the Sen- including young people with disabil- and let him know on the record how ate, I have been blessed to share many ities who will now have provisions to much I valued our collaboration and excellent working relationships with support them in school to get them how much I benefited from his counsel Republican colleagues, both when I ready for competitive, integrated em- and his wisdom. served as chair or ranking member on ployment or for higher education or for I urge all Senators to support this various committees. Senator Arlen technical education, which they have new reauthorization—the first time Specter was my partner for many years not really had before. That is one big since 1996—of the Child Care and Devel- on the Appropriations Subcommittee part of the Workforce Innovation and opment Block Grant Program. on Labor, Health and Human Services, Opportunity Act that we passed that With that, I yield the floor, and I Education, and Related Agencies. In not too many people know about. So suggest the absence of a quorum. fact, from 1989 until the day he left the from now on, kids in school who have The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senate, Senator Specter and I were ei- an IEP—an Individualized Education clerk will call the roll. ther chair or ranking member of that Program—will now have internships, The assistant legislative clerk pro- important Appropriations sub- summer jobs, and job coaching that ceeded to call the roll. committee. will, again, raise their expectations Mr. ALEXANDER. Madam President, I had great relationships on the agri- and hope of what they can do. They I ask unanimous consent that the order culture committee with Senator Dick will be able to visit colleges and have for the quorum call be rescinded. Lugar, Senator THAD COCHRAN, and college internships or college support The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Senator SAXBY CHAMBLISS. Since 2009, systems, which they have never had be- objection, it is so ordered. as chair of the HELP Committee, I fore, to enable them to seek a higher Mr. ALEXANDER. Madam President, have enjoyed very productive relation- education or perhaps to go to commu- I see my distinguished friend the Sen- ships, first with Senator MIKE ENZI, nity colleges. Those are a few of the ator from Iowa on the floor. I am here, who had been both the chair and then things we have done on our committee. very simply, to say that we are about ranking member of that committee, Soon, with this bill, babies and kids to vote on the Child Care and Develop- and more recently with Senator LAMAR across the country will have better ac- ment Block Grant, a piece of legisla- ALEXANDER, with whom I have worked cess to safe, high quality, and afford- tion that would provide childcare to 1.5 on CCDBG—the Child Care and Devel- able care. million children so that their mothers opment Block Grant Program that we It has been with great pride that I can work or continue their education are now authorizing. have been chair of this HELP Com- or training. In fact, I am proud to note that when mittee. I still think it is the best com- I have repeated on this floor several this bill is signed into law by the Presi- mittee in the Congress. I remember times the story of a young woman in dent, this will be the 21st HELP Com- once Dan Inouye—Senator Inouye— Memphis, TN, who attended LeMoyne- mittee bill enacted into law in this said that I chaired the committee that Owen College and received about $500 a Congress. In a Congress that has been helped define America. He chaired the month to pay for childcare for her criticized, rightfully or wrongfully, for committee that defended America, but child so she could get her degree. She its lack of productivity, Senator ALEX- I chaired the committee that defined then graduated from LeMoyne-Owen ANDER and I have forged a partnership America. I would like to think of the with a business degree and was able to that has enabled us to chart a different HELP Committee as doing that—an work her way up to the position of as- course—a course of bipartisan produc- America where every kid has the possi- sistant manager at a local Walmart. tiveness. To cite several examples, we bility of going up that ladder or ramp The block grant helped her be able to worked together to pass major legisla- of opportunity no matter the cir- continue her education and obtain a tion to revamp and modernize Amer- cumstances of his or her birth, where good job so that she can now pay for ica’s job training system, overhaul and health care is a right and not a privi- the childcare costs of her second child lege, where everyone will have afford- improve America’s food safety system, on her own. able health care coverage. improve drug safety and speed the ap- This bill has strong support on both This committee has even helped sides of the aisle, but we Republicans proval of potentially lifesaving drugs— those who have fallen off of that ladder especially like it because it is a block so 21 bills. of opportunity because of an illness or grant to the States. The grant gives Someone said that our committee injury to get back on it with job re- States flexibility with minimal Federal really represents probably one of the training and support services. This rules. It also encourages the use of widest spectrums ideologically in the committee has ensured that every per- Senate—both from very conservative son with a disability—either through vouchers allowing that young mother I to very progressive on our committee. an accident or through birth or ill- just mentioned to choose among her Yet we forged these relationships to ness—can have a full and meaningful various options for childcare. get things done. Now, just because and productive life. Our elderly know It doesn’t mandate from Washington, these relationships have helped us to they are going to have the kind of sup- it enables from Washington. It recog- get these bills through, it doesn’t mean port systems that will enable them to nizes that leaders in States have very that we always agreed on everything. also be productive in their retirement good judgment, and what might work The fact is our disagreements have years—in their golden years, as they in Hawaii might not in Tennessee or been oftentimes and vigorous. After say. Iowa. Different programs may work all, I am a proud progressive and Sen- The Labor, Education, Health, and better in different jurisdictions, and ator ALEXANDER is a proud conserv- Pensions Committee covers a broad that mothers themselves ought to be ative, but our disagreements have array of how we define America as a able to make the judgment of where never been personal and they were caring, compassionate, and productive their child receives care. never the last word. We have consist- society. It has been a challenge, but it I wish to thank Senator HARKIN, who ently sought areas of agreement, and has also been a great honor and privi- is retiring this year, and who is chair- more often than not, we found them. lege to chair this committee. man of the committee that has pro- As a result, we have forged a remark- As I leave, I can say we are fortunate duced this bill. He and Senator MIKUL- able record of accomplishment in the to have someone of Senator ALEX- SKI and Senator BURR have worked for HELP Committee with 21 bills in 2 ANDER’s depth and breadth of experi- years on this piece of legislation. It re- years signed into law. ence. In fact, he has been the Secretary ceived a lot of consideration in the More importantly, we have accom- of Education, Governor of Tennessee, Senate and in the House. We all would plished big things for the American and President of the University of Ten- like to see the Senate function better, people. Thanks to legislation passed by nessee. He is well qualified, and I know and it did function better for this bill. our committee, lives will be improved he will do a great job in leading this When we first brought this to the Sen- and lives will be saved. Drugs will be committee in the future. ate floor in March, the majority leader

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:28 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.027 S17NOPT1 mstockstill on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with SENATE November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6011 didn’t fill the tree or file cloture. We plies to public schools, including local of local educational agency McKinney- considered 50 amendments and adopted educational agency preschool pro- Vento homeless education liaisons. 18 of them. Fourteen of them we agreed grams, and is used in the Head Start Given their central role and responsi- to adopt by voice vote, four of them re- Act, Higher Education Act, and the In- bility in identifying homeless children ceived roll call votes, and then we dividuals with Disabilities Education and ensuring they receive education passed the bill 96 to 2. The House made Act, among others. The definition in- and early childhood education services a few minor changes in it. They did it cludes children and youth who are for which they are eligible, liaisons are while consulting with Senator HARKIN staying in motels, or with others tem- important partners in coordinating and me and others who did work on the porarily because they have nowhere childcare services. The Senate-passed bill, and we have come to this point else to go. Eighty percent of the home- version of this legislation had called today. less children and youth enrolled in pub- for coordination with McKinney-Vento This is a very important piece of leg- lic schools last year were staying in homeless education liaisons. It is in- islation, helping 900,000 families, 1.5 these situations when they were first deed our intention that State plans in- million children across the country. In identified. clude a description of how the State Tennessee alone, 21,000 families will be Is it the chairman’s intention that will coordinate childcare services with helped by this. In our society today, the definition of homeless to be applied McKinney-Vento homeless education worksite daycare is not available to to the provisions of this bill be the def- liaisons. every single mother or father who has inition from subtitle VII–B of the Mrs. MURRAY. Madam President, I a child, and this helps with that. McKinney-Vento Act, the Education thank the Senator for clarifying the I thank the Senate for its consider- for Homeless Children and Youth pro- bill’s intent that McKinney-Vento liai- ation of this very important bill. I gram? sons be part of States’ coordination of thank the House for working with the Mr. HARKIN. Madam President, I childcare services. Senate and I congratulate Senator thank the Senator for her important I would also like to clarify the intent HARKIN. I imagine he has mentioned it, question. Her understanding is correct. behind two related bill provisions. but if he hasn’t, this will be the 21st The definition of homeless children and First, this bill requires State plans to piece of legislation the Health, Edu- youth found at 42 U.S.C. §11434A is the include a certification that there are in cation, Labor and Pensions Committee definition we intend to apply to home- effect in the State requirements appli- has produced this year that will be- less children and families where those cable to childcare providers which are come law under his leadership. As Sen- terms are used in this bill. designed to protect children’s health Mrs. MURRAY. Madam President, I ator HARKIN goes back to Des Moines, and safety, including the establishment thank the Senator for that clarifica- IA, and rocks on his front porch and of a grace period that allows homeless tion, which will assist States in imple- pursues the next chapter of his life, he children and children in foster care to menting the provisions of this bill by can say that in the Senate, which receive services while their families aligning definitions across Federal pro- didn’t always work that well in this are taking any necessary actions to grams serving homeless families. comply with immunization and other Congress, his committee did, and it has This bill overlaps with the McKin- health and safety requirements. This benefited lots of families and lots of ney-Vento Act in another way which I provision is similar to language found children. would like to clarify. This bill requires in the McKinney-Vento Act and the I urge my colleagues to vote yes on State plans to describe how the State Head Start Act. It recognizes that fam- the bill, and I am glad to see it as a will coordinate childcare services with ilies experiencing homelessness have good example of what I hope to see programs for children in preschool pro- particular challenges in producing more of as we move into the new year. grams and other early childhood pro- health records and other documents, Thank you, Madam President. I yield grams serving homeless children and the floor. children in foster care, in order to ex- due largely to their poverty and unsta- RECOGNIZING HOMELESS CHILDREN AND FAMI- pand accessibility and continuity of ble living situations. At the same time, the bill requires LIES IN THE CHILD CARE AND DEVELOPMENT care and assist children enrolled in BLOCK GRANT ACT States to use funds for activities that early childhood programs to receive Mrs. MURRAY. Madam President, I improve access to childcare services, full-day services. come to the floor today to speak about The McKinney-Vento Act’s Edu- including the use of procedures to per- the Child Care and Development Block cation for Homeless Children and mit enrollment—after an initial eligi- Grant Act. I’m glad to say that the bill Youth program is the only education bility determination—of homeless chil- before us today contains a number of program specifically designed to pro- dren while required documentation is provisions intended to facilitate home- mote academic success for homeless obtained. I would ask the chairman, is less families’ access to quality child students. The McKinney-Vento Act re- it the intent of the bill language that care. I appreciate the work of my col- quires every local educational agency regardless of the procedures States use leagues, particularly Chairman HAR- to designate a homeless education liai- to permit enrollment while required KIN, Senator MIKULSKI and Ranking son, whose job includes identifying documentation is obtained, States still Member MILLER, in supporting these homeless children and youth and en- must establish a grace period that al- important new provisions. suring homeless children and families lows homeless children to receive serv- Unfortunately, young children who receive educational services for they ices while their families are taking any are homeless are more likely to have are eligible, including Head Start and necessary actions to comply with im- developmental delays, and more health preschool programs administered by munization and other health and safety and mental health problems, than low- the local educational agency. In order requirements? income housed children. At the same for States to expand accessibility and Mr. HARKIN. Madam President, time, their mothers are less likely to continuity of care for homeless chil- again, I thank the Senator for this receive childcare subsidies than are dren, it is critically important that clarifying question. Under this bill, poor mothers at-risk of homelessness. McKinney-Vento liaisons are among State plans must include a certifi- So I believe that this legislation will the professionals with whom States cation that there are in effect in the be important in helping rectify this in- and child care providers coordinate. State requirements that include the es- equity. Is it Senator MIKULSKI’s under- tablishment of a grace period that al- However, I want to ensure there is a standing and intention that McKinney- lows homeless children to receive serv- common understanding of who we in- Vento homeless education liaisons be ices while their families are taking any tend to include within the definition of included among those programs for necessary actions to comply with im- homeless families or homeless chil- children in preschool programs and munization and other health and safety dren. The most common Federal defini- other early childhood programs serving requirements. That requirement stands tion of homelessness is found in the homeless children with which States apart from procedures the State uses McKinney-Vento Act’s Education for should coordinate child care services? to permit enrollment of homeless chil- Homeless Children and Youth Program, Ms. MIKULSKI. Madam President, I dren while other required documenta- at 42 U.S.C. §11434A. That definition ap- thank the Senator for raising the issue tion is obtained.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:28 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.030 S17NOPT1 mstockstill on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2014 Mrs. MURRAY. Madam President, provement to our current childcare Mr. ALEXANDER. I ask unanimous Thank you for that explanation. I am programs. consent that the order for the quorum pleased to hear that homeless children The last time we authorized this pro- call be rescinded. will be able to receive services while gram was in 1996. I know that very well The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without their families are taking actions to because I was serving in the House of objection, it is so ordered. Representatives at the time and had comply with immunization and other f health and safety requirements. the opportunity to be the ranking Regarding enrollment while other re- member on the Human Resources Sub- CONCLUSION OF MORNING quired documentation is obtained, the committee in the House Ways and BUSINESS bill language requires that States use Means Committee that was considering The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning procedures to ensure such enrollment welfare reform and childcare, and how business is closed. occurs after an initial eligibility deter- we could reward families for work, and f mination is made. Yet, eligibility docu- how our welfare system could become a mentation is among the required docu- transitional program rather than a per- CHILD CARE AND DEVELOPMENT mentation homeless families must manent program that would allow peo- BLOCK GRANT ACT OF 2014 produce. However, we know that home- ple, particularly moms, to be able to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under less families struggle to produce docu- get into the workforce, stay in the the previous order, the Senate will re- ments, due to their poverty and mobil- workforce and climb up the economic sume consideration of the motion to ity. Can Senator MIKULSKI, please clar- ladder. concur, which the clerk will report. Today, under CCDBG, there are 1.6 ify the intent of the phrase ‘‘after an The assistant legislative clerk read million children eligible for program initial eligibility determination?’’ as follows: services. CCDBG provides not only a Ms. MIKULSKI. Madam President, Motion to concur in the House amendment The language calls for procedures to safe environment for those children, but allows 70 percent of their parents to S. 1086, an act to reauthorize and improve permit enrollment of homeless chil- the Child Care and Development Block Grant dren, after an initial eligibility deter- to work and an educational oppor- Act of 1990, and for other purposes. mination, while required documenta- tunity for the child at the same time. A Temporary Assistance for Needy Pending: tion is obtained. To implement this Reid motion to concur in the House language and its intent, States will Families, TANF, study showed that parents who had their children in amendment to the bill. need to implement procedures to make Reid motion to concur in the House abbreviated initial eligibility deter- childcare for 2 years or more were more amendment to the bill, with Reid amend- minations of homeless children and en- likely to remain employed. CCDBG ment No. 3923 (to the motion to concur in the roll them immediately, while required provides stable employment, help for House amendment), to change the enactment documentation, including some docu- the child, and a positive economic situ- date. mentation to prove eligibility, is ob- ation for the family. Reid Amendment No. 3924 (to amendment This bi-cameral, bi-partisan CCDBG No. 3923), of a perfecting nature. tained. For example, a State could adopt a reauthorization bill before us makes MOTION TO CONCUR procedure that a child referred by a improvements to this successful pro- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under local educational agency McKinney- gram, as it should. It allows the States the previous order, all postcloture time Vento homeless liaison would be deter- to develop 13 specific health and safety is considered expired. mined to be initially eligible and en- standards, such as first aid and CPR, The motion to concur with amend- and SIDS, sudden infant death syn- rolled in services immediately, while ment No. 3923 is withdrawn. drome. It is keeping our children safer required documentation is obtained. The question is on agreeing to the in childcare by having safety standards The family then would have to take motion to concur in the House amend- that are developed. This legislation: re- necessary steps to provide standard ment to S. 1086. quires the States to do annual health, documentation to establish eligibility. Mr. ALEXANDER. Madam President, Mrs. MURRAY. Madam President, I safety, and fire inspections of nearly I ask for the yeas and nays. all childcare providers; expands com- thank Senator MIKULSKI for that im- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a portant clarification. The intent of the prehensive background checks for sufficient second? those who are involved in childcare; bill as she describes it will greatly im- There appears to be a sufficient sec- steadily increases the annual author- prove homeless children’s access to ond. ization of appropriations; phases in a childcare. I appreciate the Senator’s The clerk will call the roll. doubling of the annual set-aside for dedication to this legislation, which The assistant legislative clerk called quality initiatives to 9 percent by 2019; helps expand opportunity for families the roll. makes information available online for and enhance the quality of childcare Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the parents to make informed childcare de- for young people across the country. Senator from California (Mrs. BOXER), Mr. CARDIN. Madam President, I cisions; promotes more transparency in the Senator from Washington (Ms. the program; and provides additional support the Child Care and Develop- CANTWELL), the Senator from North State flexibility on how they can set ment Block Grant, CCDBG, reauthor- Carolina (Mrs. HAGAN), the Senator priorities within the childcare pro- ization bill, S. 1086, which is now pend- from Washington (Mrs. MURRAY), the gram. This program is a model of how ing before the Senate. I urge my col- Senator from Vermont (Mr. SANDERS), federalism should operate, with the leagues to pass this legislation, which and the Senator from New Hampshire Federal Government and the States would send it to the President for his (Mrs. SHAHEEN) are necessarily absent. collaborating together to improve the signature. I want to congratulate my Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators quality of life for many middle-class colleagues, Senator MIKULSKI for her are necessarily absent: the Senator American families. leadership on this bill, and Senator This legislation will accomplish our from Oklahoma (Mr. COBURN), the Sen- HARKIN, Senator ALEXANDER, and Sen- objectives so we can get more people ator from North Dakota (Mr. HOEVEN), ator BURR. This reauthorization has into the workforce and provide access the Senator from Alaska (Ms. MUR- truly been a bipartisan effort and illus- to early childhood education to help KOWSKI), the Senator from Florida (Mr. trative of the Senate HELP Commit- children succeed in life. This program RUBIO), and the Senator from South tee’s effectiveness this Congress, and I will allow us to help American families Dakota (Mr. THUNE). congratulate Senator HARKIN on his and strengthen the economic security Further, if present and voting, the leadership of this committee as he re- of America. Senator from North Dakota (Mr. tires from Congress next month. I urge my colleagues to support this HOEVEN) would have voted ‘‘aye’’ and Through the HELP Committee’s lead- legislation. the Senator from Alaska (Ms. MUR- ership and work with their House coun- Mr. ALEXANDER. I suggest the ab- KOWSKI) would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ terparts, this legislation will serve to sence fo a quorum. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. DON- better support working families and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The NELLY). Are there any other Senators children and make a significant im- clerk will call the roll. in the Chamber desiring to vote?

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:28 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.031 S17NOPT1 mstockstill on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with SENATE November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6013 The result was announced—yeas 88, already identified 33 programs for sylvania, Kentucky, Missouri, Illinois, nays 1, as follows: which child care is an eligible use of and Texas. These nominees should all [Rollcall Vote No. 276 Leg.] funds. For example, States often trans- be confirmed before we recess in De- YEAS—88 fer billions of dollars in funding from cember. As I mentioned last week, I Alexander Franken Moran the Temporary Assistance for Needy hope that Senate Republicans will Ayotte Gillibrand Murphy Families block grant program to use in work with Senate Democrats to ‘‘clear Baldwin Graham Nelson their child care programs. Ultimately, the decks’’ on pending business before Barrasso Grassley Paul this kind of overlap and duplication the end of the 113th Congress, as the in- Begich Harkin Portman Bennet Hatch underscores Congress’ reckless dis- coming majority leader has suggested. Pryor ∑ Blumenthal Heinrich Reed regard for our future well-being. So let us work together as we have in Blunt Heitkamp Reid f past lameduck sessions to get these Booker Heller Risch nominees confirmed and serving their Boozman Hirono Roberts EXECUTIVE SESSION Brown Inhofe communities. In 2002, after the mid- Burr Isakson Rockefeller The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under term elections, Senate Democrats Cardin Johanns Schatz the previous order, the Senate will pro- Schumer worked to confirm all 20 of President Carper Johnson (SD) ceed to executive session. Casey Johnson (WI) Scott Bush’s judicial nominees pending on Chambliss Kaine Sessions The majority leader. the Executive Calendar all but one by Coats King Shelby UNANIMOUS CONSENT AGREEMENT—EXECUTIVE voice vote. In the 2006 lameduck ses- Cochran Kirk Stabenow CALENDAR sion, after Senate Democrats won the Collins Klobuchar Tester Coons Landrieu Toomey Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- majority in the elections, Democrats Corker Leahy Udall (CO) imous consent that notwithstanding agreed to confirm all 14 of President Cornyn Levin Udall (NM) rule XXII, following the cloture vote Bush’s judicial nominations pending on Crapo Manchin Vitter on Executive Calendar No. 858, the Sen- Cruz Markey the Executive Calendar, but this pack- Walsh ate consider Calendar Nos. 1050, 898, Donnelly McCain Warner age was blocked by a Republican Sen- Durbin McCaskill Warren 961, and 533—these are career ambas- ator. In the most recent lameduck ses- Enzi McConnell Whitehouse sadors, in case anyone wants to know— sions, in 2010 and 2012, a total of 32 judi- Feinstein Menendez Wicker Fischer Merkley that there be 2 minutes of debate cial nominees were confirmed. We Wyden Flake Mikulski equally divided between the two lead- should do the same now. ers or their designees prior to each NAYS—1 Leslie Abrams is nominated to fill a vote; that upon the use or yielding vacancy in the U.S. District Court for Lee back of time the Senate proceed to the Middle District of Georgia. She is NOT VOTING—11 vote without intervening action or de- currently an assistant U.S. attorney in Boxer Hoeven Sanders bate on the nominations in the order the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Cantwell Murkowski Shaheen listed; that any rollcall votes following Northern District of Georgia. Prior to Coburn Murray Thune Hagan Rubio the first in the series be 10 minutes in becoming an assistant U.S. attorney, length; that if any nomination is con- she was in private practice at two na- The motion was agreed to. firmed, the motion to reconsider be tionally known law firms. After grad- VOTE EXPLANATION considered made and laid upon the uating from Yale Law School, Ms. ∑ Mr. COBURN. Mr. President, while I table with no intervening action or de- Abrams served as a law clerk to Judge was unable to vote on the motion to bate; that no further motions be in Marvin J. Garbis on the U.S. District concur in the House Amendment to S. order to the nomination; that any Court for the District of Maryland. 1086, Child Care and Development statements related to the nomination Mark Cohen is nominated to fill an Block Grant Act of 2014, I would have be printed in the RECORD; and that the emergency vacancy in the U.S. District recorded a vote in opposition to this President be immediately notified of Court for the Northern District of bill, just as I did when this bill was the Senate’s action. Georgia. He has extensive experience, originally before the Senate in Feb- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there having practiced for over 30 years in ruary. I have three reasons to oppose any objection? both the public and private sectors. this bill. Mr. REID. We expect these nomina- Currently a partner at the law firm First, the Constitution does not per- tions to be approved by voice vote. Troutman Sanders, Mr. Cohen has also mit the Federal Government to operate The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without served as counsel to former Georgia this program. Article 1, Section 8 of objection, it is so ordered. Governor, Zell Miller, and spent part of the Constitution lists all the powers Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, today we his legal career at the Georgia office of given to the Federal Government, none will vote to end Republican filibusters the attorney general. of which includes funding for and over- on three district court nominations for Eleanor Ross is nominated to fill an sight of State and local child care pro- Georgia, two of which are judicial emergency vacancy in the U.S. District grams. emergency vacancies. The Senate Court for the Northern District of Second, this bill will increase the au- should not need to waste our time Georgia. She currently serves as a thorized size of the Child Care and De- jumping through these procedural hur- State court judge in DeKalb County, velopment Block Grant, CCDBG, pro- dles to confirm nominees who are where she has presided over hundreds gram by over $1 billion without elimi- strongly supported by two Republican of cases dealing with both civil and nating or reducing a lower priority pro- home State Senators. criminal matters. Prior to becoming a gram elsewhere. At a time when our After we vote to invoke cloture and judge, she served in various capacities national debt is over $17 trillion, Con- confirm these three nominees, we will as both a State and Federal prosecutor gress continues to spend away the fu- still have 17 judicial nominees pending for over a decade. Throughout her legal ture of the next generation. This reau- on the Executive Calendar—11 to serve career, she has tried over 150 cases to thorization will exacerbate this prob- on district courts and 6 to serve on the verdict. lem, and our children will deal with the U.S. Court of Federal Claims. Another All three of these nominees have the harsh consequences of our Nation’s fu- nine judicial nominees will be rec- strong support of their Republican ture fiscal insolvency. ommended by the Judiciary Committee home State Senators, Senator CHAM- Third, this CCDBG reauthorization this Thursday. By the end of the week, BLISS and Senator ISAKSON. All three does not address previously identified there will be 26 nominees reported fa- were also reported unanimously from duplication and overlap in existing vorably by the Judiciary Committee the Judiciary Committee 5 months ago Federal child care programs and tax pending before the full Senate. All but by voice vote. expenditures. While it does include a a few of these nominees will have been If confirmed, Leslie Abrams and El- provision for the Department of Health reported unanimously and several are eanor Ross will be the first African- and Human Services to study the issue, from States with at least one and American women to ever serve as Fed- I do not believe it goes far enough. The sometimes two Republican home State eral judges in the State of Georgia. Government Accountability Office has Senators, including: Wisconsin, Penn- This historic moment is long overdue.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:29 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.035 S17NOPT1 mstockstill on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2014 In the few remaining days of this Franken Levin Schatz The assistant bill clerk called the Congress, I hope that the Republican Gillibrand Manchin Schumer roll. Graham Markey Shaheen Senators who recommended many of Harkin McCaskill Stabenow Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the the pending judicial nominees to the Hatch Menendez Tester Senator from California (Mrs. BOXER), President will work within their cau- Heinrich Merkley Toomey the Senator from North Carolina (Mrs. Heitkamp Mikulski cus to get consent to confirm nominees Udall (CO) HAGAN), and the Senator from Vermont Hirono Murkowski Udall (NM) Isakson Murphy (Mr. SANDERS) are necessarily absent. to their own home States. Vitter Johnson (SD) Murray I hope that all Senators will vote to Walsh Mr. CORNYN. The following Senator Kaine Nelson Warner is necessarily absent: the Senator from end the filibuster of these nominations King Pryor today and confirm them. Kirk Reed Warren Oklahoma (Mr. COBURN). The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Klobuchar Reid Whitehouse The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there Wicker the previous order, there will be 2 min- Landrieu Rockefeller any other Senators in the Chamber de- Leahy Rubio Wyden utes of debate equally divided prior to siring to vote? a vote on the motion to invoke cloture NAYS—28 The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 67, on the Abrams nomination. Alexander Grassley Paul nays 29, as follows: Mr. REID. I yield back all time on Barrasso Heller Portman [Rollcall Vote No. 278 Ex.] Blunt Hoeven Risch YEAS—67 this nomination. Boozman Inhofe Roberts The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Burr Johanns Scott Ayotte Graham Nelson objection? Corker Johnson (WI) Sessions Baldwin Harkin Pryor Without objection, it is so ordered. Crapo Lee Shelby Begich Hatch Reed Cruz McCain Thune Bennet Heinrich Reid Enzi McConnell f Blumenthal Heitkamp Rockefeller Fischer Moran Booker Hirono Rubio Brown Isakson CLOTURE MOTION NOT VOTING—4 Schatz Cantwell Johnson (SD) Schumer Cardin Kaine The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant Boxer Hagan Shaheen Coburn Sanders Carper King Stabenow to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the Casey Klobuchar Senate the pending cloture motion, The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this Chambliss Landrieu Tester Toomey which the clerk will state. vote, the yeas are 68, the nays are 28. Coats Leahy The motion is agreed to. Cochran Levin Udall (CO) The bill clerk read as follows: Collins Manchin Udall (NM) CLOTURE MOTION The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Coons Markey Vitter the previous order, there will be 2 min- Walsh We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- Cornyn McCaskill Donnelly Menendez Warner ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the utes of debate equally divided prior to a vote on the motion to invoke cloture Durbin Merkley Warren Standing Rules of the Senate, hereby move Feinstein Mikulski Whitehouse to bring to a close debate on the nomination on the Cohen nomination. Flake Murkowski Wicker of Leslie Joyce Abrams, of Georgia, to be Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I yield Franken Murphy Wyden United States District Judge for the Middle back time on this side. Gillibrand Murray District of Georgia. Mr. HATCH. I yield back time on our NAYS—29 Harry Reid, Patrick J. Leahy, Mazie K. side. Hirono, Richard J. Durbin, Angus S. Alexander Grassley Moran The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Barrasso Heller Paul King, Jr., Jon Tester, Richard objection? Without objection, it is so Blunt Hoeven Portman Blumenthal, Bill Nelson, Robert P. Boozman Inhofe ordered. Risch Casey, Jr., Elizabeth Warren, Brian Burr Johanns Roberts Schatz, Al Franken, Sheldon White- f Corker Johnson (WI) Scott house, Benjamin L. Cardin, Tim Kaine, Crapo Kirk Sessions Charles E. Schumer, Tom Harkin. CLOTURE MOTION Cruz Lee Shelby Enzi McCain Thune The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- The PRESIDING OFFICER. All time Fischer McConnell imous consent, the mandatory quorum being yielded back, pursuant to rule NOT VOTING—4 call has been waived. XXII, the Chair lays before the Senate Boxer Hagan The question is, Is it the sense of the the pending cloture motion, which the Coburn Sanders Senate that debate on the nomination clerk will state. The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this of Leslie Joyce Abrams, of Georgia, to The assistant legislative clerk read vote, the yeas are 67, the nays are 29. be United States District Judge for the as follows: The motion is agreed to. Middle District of Georgia, shall be CLOTURE MOTION f brought to a close? We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- The yeas and nays are mandatory ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the NOMINATION OF MARK HOWARD under the rule. Standing Rules of the Senate, hereby move COHEN TO BE UNITED STATES The clerk will call the roll. to bring to a close debate on the nomination DISTRICT JUDGE FOR THE The bill clerk called the roll. of Mark Howard Cohen, of Georgia, to be NORTHERN DISTRICT OF GEOR- Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the United States District Judge for the North- GIA ern District of Georgia. Senator from California (Mrs. BOXER), The PRESIDING OFFICER. The the Senator from North Carolina (Mrs. Harry Reid, Patrick J. Leahy, Mazie K. Hirono, Richard J. Durbin, Angus S. clerk will report the nomination. HAGAN), and the Senator from Vermont King, Jr., Jon Tester, Richard The assistant bill clerk read the (Mr. SANDERS) are necessarily absent. Blumenthal, Bill Nelson, Robert P. nomination of Mark Howard Cohen, of Mr. CORNYN. The following Senator Casey, Jr., Elizabeth Warren, Brian Georgia, to be United States District is necessarily absent: the Senator from Schatz, Al Franken, Sheldon White- Judge for the Northern District of Oklahoma (Mr. COBURN). house, Benjamin L. Cardin, Tim Kaine, Georgia. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there Charles E. Schumer, Tom Harkin. f any other Senators in the Chamber de- The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- siring to vote? imous consent, the mandatory quorum CLOTURE MOTION The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 68, call has been waived. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under nays 28, as follows: The question is, Is it the sense of the the previous order, there will be 2 min- [Rollcall Vote No. 277 Ex.] Senate that debate on the nomination utes of debate equally divided prior to YEAS—68 of Mark Howard Cohen, of Georgia, to the vote to invoke cloture on the Ross Ayotte Cantwell Collins be United States District Judge for the nomination. Baldwin Cardin Coons Northern District of Georgia, shall be Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I ask Begich Carper Cornyn brought to a close? unanimous consent to yield back all Bennet Casey Donnelly The yeas and nays are mandatory time. Blumenthal Chambliss Durbin Booker Coats Feinstein under the rule. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Brown Cochran Flake The clerk will call the roll. objection, all time is yielded back.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:29 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.038 S17NOPT1 mstockstill on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with SENATE November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6015 Pursuant to rule XXII, the Chair lays Roberts Sessions Thune United States of America to the United before the Senate the pending cloture Scott Shelby Wicker Arab Emirates; Theodore G. Osius III, motion, which the clerk will state. NOT VOTING—5 of Maryland, a Career Member of the The assistant bill clerk read as fol- Boxer Hagan Toomey Senior Foreign Service, Class of Min- lows: Coburn Sanders ister-Counselor, to be Ambassador Ex- CLOTURE MOTION The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this traordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the So- We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- vote, the yeas are 66, the nays are 29. ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the The motion is agreed to. cialist Republic of Vietnam; Erica J. Standing Rules of the Senate, hereby move f Barks Ruggles, of Minnesota, a Career to bring to a close debate on the nomination Member of the Senior Foreign Service, of Eleanor Louise Ross, of Georgia, to be NOMINATION OF ELEANOR LOUISE Class of Minister-Counselor, to be Am- United States District Judge for the North- ROSS TO BE UNITED STATES bassador Extraordinary and Pleni- ern District of Georgia. DISTRICT JUDGE FOR THE potentiary of the United States of Harry Reid, Patrick J. Leahy, Benjamin NORTHERN DISTRICT OF GEOR- America to the Republic of Rwanda; L. Cardin, Sheldon Whitehouse, Bar- GIA and Karen Clark Stanton, of Michigan, bara Boxer, Al Franken, Christopher A. Coons, Jack Reed, Kirsten E. Gilli- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The a Career Member of the Senior Foreign brand, Maria Cantwell, Amy Klo- clerk will report the nomination. Service, Class of Minister-Counselor, to buchar, Bill Nelson, Mark R. Warner, The assistant bill clerk read the be Ambassador Extraordinary and Robert P. Casey, Jr., Richard nomination of Eleanor Louise Ross, of Plenipotentiary of the United States of Blumenthal, Tom Harkin, Dianne Fein- Georgia, to be United States District America to the Democratic Republic of stein. Judge for the Northern District of Timor-Leste. The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- Georgia. Mr. REID. Mr. President, I yield back all time on these nominations. imous consent, the mandatory quorum f call has been waived. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without NOMINATION OF BARBARA A. The question is, Is it the sense of the objection, all time is yielded back. LEAF, A CAREER MEMBER OF Senate that debate on the nomination VOTE ON LEAF NOMINATION THE SENIOR FOREIGN SERVICE, of Eleanor Louise Ross, of Georgia, to The question is, Will the Senate ad- CLASS OF MINISTER-COUN- be United States District Judge for the vise and consent to the nomination of SELOR, TO BE AMBASSADOR EX- Northern District of Georgia, shall be Barbara A. Leaf, of Virginia, a Career TRAORDINARY AND PLENI- brought to a close? Member of the Senior Foreign Service, POTENTIARY OF THE UNITED The yeas and nays are mandatory Class of Minister-Counselor, to be Am- STATES OF AMERICA TO THE under the rule. bassador Extraordinary and Pleni- UNITED ARAB EMIRATES potentiary of the United States of The clerk will call the roll. America to the United Arab Emirates? The bill clerk called the roll. The nomination was confirmed. Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the NOMINATION OF THEODORE G. VOTE ON OSIUS NOMINATION Senator from California (Mrs. BOXER), OSIUS III, A CAREER MEMBER The PRESIDING OFFICER. The the Senator from North Carolina (Mrs. OF THE SENIOR FOREIGN SERV- question is, Will the Senate advise and HAGAN) and the Senator from Vermont ICE, CLASS OF MINISTER-COUN- consent to the nomination of Theodore (Mr. SANDERS) are necessarily absent. SELOR, TO BE AMBASSADOR EX- G. Osius III, of Maryland, a Career Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators TRAORDINARY AND PLENI- Member of the Senior Foreign Service, are necessarily absent: the Senator POTENTIARY OF THE UNITED Class of Minister-Counselor, to be Am- from Oklahoma (Mr. COBURN) and the STATES OF AMERICA TO THE SO- bassador Extraordinary and Pleni- Senator from Pennsylvania (Mr. CIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM potentiary of the United States of TOOMEY). America to the Socialist Republic of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there Vietnam? any other Senators in the Chamber de- NOMINATION OF ERICA J. BARKS The nomination was confirmed. RUGGLES, A CAREER MEMBER siring to vote? VOTE ON RUGGLES NOMINATION The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 66, OF THE SENIOR FOREIGN SERV- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The nays 29, as follows: ICE, CLASS OF MINISTER-COUN- question is, Will the Senate advise and SELOR, TO BE AMBASSADOR EX- consent to the nomination of Erica J. [Rollcall Vote No. 279 Ex.] TRAORDINARY AND PLENI- YEAS—66 Barks Ruggles, of Minnesota, a Career POTENTIARY OF THE UNITED Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Ayotte Graham Murkowski STATES OF AMERICA TO THE Class of Minister-Counselor, to be Am- Baldwin Harkin Murphy REPUBLIC OF RWANDA Begich Hatch Murray bassador Extraordinary and Pleni- Bennet Heinrich Nelson potentiary of the United States of Blumenthal Heitkamp Pryor America to the Republic of Rwanda? Booker Hirono Reed NOMINATION OF KAREN CLARK The nomination was confirmed. Brown Inhofe Reid STANTON, A CAREER MEMBER Cantwell Isakson Rockefeller OF THE SENIOR FOREIGN SERV- VOTE ON STANTON NOMINATION Cardin Johnson (SD) Rubio The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Carper Kaine Schatz ICE, CLASS OF MINISTER-COUN- Casey King Schumer SELOR, TO BE AMBASSADOR EX- question is, Will the Senate advise and Chambliss Klobuchar Shaheen TRAORDINARY AND PLENI- consent to the nomination of Karen Coats Landrieu Stabenow POTENTIARY OF THE UNITED Clark Stanton, of Michigan, a Career Collins Leahy Tester Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Coons Levin Udall (CO) STATES OF AMERICA TO THE Cornyn Manchin Udall (NM) DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF Class of Minister-Counselor, to be Am- Donnelly Markey Vitter TIMOR-LESTE bassador Extraordinary and Pleni- Durbin McCain Walsh potentiary of the United States of Feinstein McCaskill Warner The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Flake Menendez Warren America to the Democratic Republic of Franken Merkley Whitehouse the previous order, the Senate will pro- Timor-Leste? Gillibrand Mikulski Wyden ceed to the consideration of the fol- The nomination was confirmed. lowing nominations, which the clerk NAYS—29 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under will report. the previous order, the motions to re- Alexander Cruz Kirk The assistant bill clerk read the Barrasso Enzi Lee consider are considered made and laid Blunt Fischer McConnell nominations of Barbara A. Leaf, of Vir- upon the table, and the President will Boozman Grassley Moran ginia, a Career Member of the Senior be immediately notified of the Senate’s Burr Heller Paul Foreign Service, Class of Minister- Cochran Hoeven action. Portman Counselor, to be Ambassador Extraor- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I suggest Corker Johanns Risch Crapo Johnson (WI) dinary and Plenipotentiary of the the absence of a quorum.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:28 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.047 S17NOPT1 mstockstill on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2014 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The is best known for his willingness to of Turner, ME, on being named a 2014 clerk will call the roll. share his extensive institutional National Blue Ribbon School of Excel- The bill clerk proceeded to call the knowledge and for his calm demeanor. lence. This year, Turner Elementary roll. When faced with the difficulties of gov- was one of only 337 schools across the Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- ernment shutdowns and the challenges country and the only school from imous consent that the order for the of sequestration, Chris remained stead- Maine to receive this prestigious rec- quorum call be rescinded. fast, and encouraged others to do the ognition of high accomplishment by The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without same. He has served this body, our staff the U.S. Department of Education. objection, it is so ordered. and the entire Capitol Hill community Created in 1982, the Blue Ribbon f with character and conviction and he Schools Award honors schools that are will be greatly missed. either academically superior in their UNANIMOUS CONSENT AGREE- I join my colleagues in wishing Chris States or that demonstrate significant MENT—EXECUTIVE CALENDAR all the best in his well-deserved retire- gains in student achievement. The Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent ment. schools singled out for this national that notwithstanding rule XXII, fol- f recognition are models of high edu- lowing the confirmation vote on Execu- cational standards and accountability. tive Calendar No. 858, the Senate con- VOTE EXPLANATION This award recognizes the remark- sider Calendar Nos. 927, 954, 1047, 1048, Ms. STABENOW. Mr. President, I able progress that Turner Elementary and 1052; that there be two minutes for was unable to attend last night’s clo- has made over the past several years in debate equally divided between the two ture votes on the nominations of Ran- closing student achievement gaps. leaders or their designees prior to each dolph Moss to the U.S. District Court These outstanding improvements can vote; that upon the use or yielding for the District of Columbia and Leigh be attributed to the school’s emphasis back of that time the Senate proceed Martin May to the U.S. District Court on professional development opportuni- to vote with no intervening action or for the Northern District of Georgia. I ties for its teachers and to its commit- debate on the nominations in the order was with my family welcoming my new ment to educating the whole child. listed; that any rollcall votes following grandson. Had I been able to attend, I Turner Elementary has strengthened the first in this series be 10 minutes in would have supported both cloture mo- its curriculum initiatives in math, length; that if any nomination is con- tions. reading, and writing and has also bene- firmed, the motion to reconsider be f fited greatly from its talented and considered made and laid upon the dedicated leadership team, which helps TRIBUTE TO SERGEANT MAJOR OF table with no intervening action or de- students, parents, and educators set THE ARMY RAYMOND F. CHAN- bate; that no further motions be in and reach their goals. DLER III order to the nomination; that any I am pleased that the U.S. Depart- statements related to the nomination Mr. REED. Mr. President, today I pay ment of Education has selected Turner be printed in the RECORD; that the tribute to an outstanding soldier who Elementary School for this well-de- President be immediately notified of has, for the last three and one-half served honor and congratulate not only the Senate’s action, and the Senate years, served as the Army Chief of the students but also the administra- then resume legislative session. Staff’s primary advisor on matters re- tors, teachers, staff, and parents on The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without lated to the needs and welfare of all en- this outstanding achievement. To- objection, it is so ordered. listed soldiers and their families. gether, they are making a difference in Mr. REID. For the information of all In January, Sergeant Major of the the lives of hundreds of students by Senators, we expect the nominations Army Raymond F. Chandler will retire helping them become energetic learn- that I have listed here to be confirmed after 33 years of distinguished service ers and engaged citizens. by voice vote tomorrow. to the Army and the Nation. Through- f f out his career, he has been an excep- tional leader and has personified the RECOGNIZING CEDARVILLE MORNING BUSINESS values of duty, integrity, and selfless ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- service in all of the missions to which Mr. DONNELLY. Mr. President, I imous consent that the Senate proceed he has contributed. wish to applaud Cedarville Elementary to a period of morning business, with SMA Chandler was born in Whittier, School of Fort Wayne, IN for being rec- Senators permitted to speak therein CA and enlisted in the Army in Sep- ognized as a 2014 National Blue Ribbon for up to 10 minutes each. tember 1981. He attended one station School by the U.S. Department of Edu- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without unit training at Fort Knox, KY and cation. objection, it is so ordered. graduated as a 19E armor crewman. Established in 1982, the National Blue f SMA Chandler has served in every Ribbon Schools Program has recog- tank crewman position and has had nized over 7,000 public and non-public TRIBUTE TO CHRIS DOBY multiple tours as a troop, squadron, schools that demonstrate a vision of Mr. REID. Mr. President, I rise today and regimental master gunner. He also educational excellence for all students, to congratulate Mr. Chris Doby on his served as the 19th Commandant of the regardless of their social or economic service to the U.S. Senate and the Cap- U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy, background. Since its inception, this itol Hill community. A loving husband the first enlisted commandant of that program has offered the opportunity and devoted father, Chris has dedicated academy in its history. for schools in every State to gain rec- three decades of his life to the Senate. I know that SMA Chandler is looking ognition for educational accomplish- Chris began working for the Senate forward to spending more time with his ments in closing any achievement gaps Disbursing Office as a junior auditor in family, including his twelve grand- among student groups. 1983. His honorable character and children, and I wish he and his wife Recognition as a National Blue Rib- strong work ethic quickly earned him Jeanne the very best. On behalf of a bon School by the U.S. Department of greater responsibility. Before becoming grateful nation, I thank Sergeant Education is based on a school being the assistant financial clerk Chris Major of the Army Chandler and his identified as Exemplary High Per- served as auditor, audit counselor, sen- family for their many years of commit- forming, schools that are ranked in the ior auditor, senior auditor/counselor, ment, sacrifices, and service to our Na- top 15 percent nationally in English financial manager system analyst, sys- tion. and mathematics, measured by each tems administrator and IT systems ad- f State’s assessment, or as Exemplary ministrator. In 2005 Chris became the Achievement Gap Closing, where financial clerk of the Senate where he RECOGNIZING TURNER schools with at least 40 percent of their has served with distinction. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL student body from disadvantaged back- His discipline and special attention Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, I wish grounds are reducing the achievement to detail have been remarkable. Chris to commend Turner Elementary School gap in English and mathematics.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:28 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.051 S17NOPT1 mstockstill on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with SENATE November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6017 Cedarville Elementary School has the staff at Sprunica Elementary I would like to acknowledge Prin- made great strides in these areas. School provides students with an inde- cipal Tennille Wallace of Merle Sidener Cedarville Elementary School is pendent and hands on learning environ- Gifted Academy, the entire staff, and dedicated to combining quality edu- ment. Students can be challenged at the student body. It undoubtedly took cation with innovative community in- their own pace. Beyond the classroom hard work and dedication to achieve volvement. By collaborating with com- setting, the staff dedicates their time this prestigious award. munity partners in Fort Wayne, to help the student body develop strat- On behalf of the citizens of Indiana, I Cedarville imparts on students not egies to become more respectful and congratulate Merle Sidener Gifted only the value of a great education, but aware citizens within the greater town Academy, and I wish the staff and stu- also how to foster strong relationships of Nineveh through community service. dents continued success in the future. for the future. These teaching methods In addition to its Blue Ribbon School f have led Cedarville Elementary School recognition, it is no wonder that RECOGNIZING THE INDUCTION OF to consistently achieve both an A-rat- Sprunica has also been selected as an SHANE CONLAN INTO THE COL- ing and a four star designation from Indiana four star school. LEGE FOOTBALL HALL OF FAME the Indiana Department of Education. I would like to acknowledge Prin- With hard work, Cedarville Elementary cipal Dr. Abbie Suzanne Oliver of Mr. TOOMEY. Mr. President, I wish will continue to help build a stronger Sprunica Elementary School, the en- to recognize former Penn State line- and better Indiana. tire staff, and the student body. It un- backer Shane Conlan for being named I would like to acknowledge Prin- doubtedly took hard work and dedica- to the College Football Hall of Fame cipal Bradley R. Bakle of Cedarville El- tion to achieve this prestigious award. Class of 2014. ementary School, the entire staff, and On behalf of the citizens of Indiana, I On the night of January 2, 1987, more the student body. It undoubtedly took congratulate Sprunica Elementary than 52 million Americans were intro- hard work and dedication to achieve School, and I wish the students and duced to Shane Patrick Conlan, then this prestigious award. staff continued success in the future. the 22-year-old cocaptain of the Penn- On behalf of the citizens of Indiana, I f sylvania State University Nittany congratulate the Cedarville Elemen- RECOGNIZING MERLE SIDENER Lions. This was the brightest of spot- tary School community, and I wish the GIFTED ACADEMY lights—the bowl game between No. 2 students and staff continued success in Penn State and No. 1 Miami still re- Mr. DONNELLY. Mr. President, I the future. mains the most viewed college football also applaud Merle Sidener Gifted f game of all time and Conlan’s perform- Academy of Indianapolis, IN for being ance was worthy of the stage. Despite RECOGNIZING SPRUNICA recognized as a 2014 National Blue Rib- an injured knee and a twisted ankle, ELEMENTARY SCHOOL bon School by the U.S. Department of Conlan intercepted his Heisman Tro- Mr. DONNELLY. Mr. President, I Education. phy-winning opponent two times, re- Established in 1982, the National Blue wish to applaud Sprunica Elementary turning one for 40 yards to set up Penn Ribbon Schools Program has recog- School of Nineveh, IN for being recog- State’s game-winning touchdown. This nized over 7,000 public and non-public nized as a 2014 National Blue Ribbon National Championship victory against schools that demonstrate a vision of School by the U.S. Department of Edu- a highly favored opponent and the ac- educational excellence for all students, cation. regardless of their social or economic companying defensive most valuable Established in 1982, the National Blue background. Since its inception, this player award would be crowning Ribbon Schools Program has recog- program has offered the opportunity achievements in a storied college ca- nized over 7,000 public and non-public for schools in every State to gain rec- reer. schools that demonstrate a vision of Mr. Conlan’s origins are much more ognition for educational accomplish- educational excellence for all students, ments in closing the achievement gaps modest than that memorable night in regardless of their social or economic among student groups. the desert of Arizona. This son of a background. Since its inception, this Recognition as a National Blue Rib- State policeman and a grocery store program has offered the opportunity bon School by the U.S. Department of clerk grew up in a western New York for schools in every State to gain rec- Education is based on a school either town that was too small for even a ognition for educational accomplish- being measured as an Exemplary High stoplight. The relative obscurity of ments in closing the achievement gaps Performing School, where schools are Frewsburg almost hid the young among student groups. among the State’s highest scorers in Conlan’s athletic prowess. Even though Recognition as a National Blue Rib- English and mathematics, or as an Ex- he was named Western New York Play- bon School by the U.S. Department of emplary Achievement Gap Closing er of the Year in 1981, Mr. Conlan only Education is based on a school either School, where schools with at least 40 had one scholarship offer waiting for being measured as an Exemplary High percent of their student body coming him when he graduated high school: Performing School, where schools are from disadvantaged backgrounds have Penn State. among the State’s highest scorers in reduced the achievement gap in In State College Mr. Conlan would English and mathematics, or as an ex- English and mathematics within the evolve from a 6′3″, 185 pound, mild-man- emplary Achievement Gap Closing last 5 years. Merle Sidener Gifted nered freshman to become one of the School, where schools, with at least 40 Academy has made great strides in the most significant contributors to Penn percent of their student body coming area of improved proficiency in both State’s cherished legacy as ‘‘Line- from disadvantaged backgrounds, have English and mathematics. backer U.’’ A 4-year letterman, 3-year reduced the achievement gap in Merle Sidener Gifted Academy has a starter, and first-team All-American, English and mathematics within the rigorous academic curriculum, and stu- Mr. Conlan helped lead a football team last 5 years. Sprunica Elementary dents are provided a different approach that would go 23-to-1 over his final 2 School has made great strides in the to learning through the incorporation years. In a lasting display of the rev- area of improved proficiency in both of technology. Students are given the erence for Mr. Conlan in Happy Valley, English and mathematics. opportunity of choice in their aca- several star linebackers at his alma In 2014 alone, Sprunica Elementary demic development—whether they mater have since donned his No. 31 as a School’s combined ISTEP+ passing want to learn a foreign language, learn tribute to his success and leadership, rate for English and mathematics was how to play chess, or even take up ka- while he wore the blue and white. This 92 percent for third grade and 93 per- rate. This approach helps keep the October 25 his university and fans hon- cent for fourth grade. By giving the learning process not only fresh but ex- ored Mr. Conlan once again with a mid student body a variety of tools for citing. In addition, the students at game salute by a sold-out crowd of early educational development, such as Merle Sidener Gifted Academy are 107,895 at Beaver Stadium. flexibility to pursue their own reading taught to be aware of, not only their After graduation from Penn State interests and observing the many fac- surroundings, but of global issues that with a degree in administration of jus- ets of nature outside of the classroom, affect people from different cultures. tice, success would follow Mr. Conlan

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:29 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.018 S17NOPT1 mstockstill on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2014 to the National Football League. There perform, and riding through the moun- Student Non-Violent Coordinating he would be named Defensive Rookie of tains aboard the Hobo Railroad. Each Committee, SNCC. An article in the the Year and earn three trips to the September, Lincoln hosts the New New York Times detailed how southern Pro Bowl during a 9-year career. Hampshire Highland Games, where sheriffs had beaten his college room- Today, Mr. Conlan resides in the Pitts- thousands gather to celebrate Scottish mate Ralph Allen, and without looking burgh area with his wife Caroline and culture and heritage. back Jack went down to join him in their four children: Patrick, Chris- On behalf of all Granite Staters, I am rural southwest Georgia. At the time, topher, Mary Katherine, and Daniel. pleased to offer my congratulations to SNCC workers faced great personal I am privileged to have the oppor- the citizens of Lincoln on reaching this danger, both from local law enforce- tunity and the venue to offer congratu- special milestone, and I thank them for ment and from vigilantes known as lations to this adopted son of my State their many contributions to the life ‘‘nightriders.’’ Immediately after arriv- and thank him for his significant con- and spirit of the State of New Hamp- ing, Jack was wounded by shotgun tributions to college football, the Penn shire.∑ blasts fired by nightriders while he was State University community, and the f eating dinner in the house where he Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. I wish was staying. Despite this, Jack’s spirit TRIBUTE TO MIKE JACOBS him all the best as he is inducted as a never wavered, and he kept working to member of the College Football Hall of ∑ Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. President, I wish register African Americans to vote. He Fame this December. Thank you. to honor Mike Jacobs, who will retire later said that it was during this time that he became ‘‘a true student of f as the Johnson County judge after more than two decades of public serv- American history.’’ ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS ice to the citizens of Arkansas in this Jack returned to Trinity in the fall elected position. of 1963 and graduated in 1965. He went As Johnson County judge, Mike was on to earn his master’s and doctorate LINCOLN, NEW HAMPSHIRE a constant advocate for services, pro- from . During this ∑ Ms. AYOTTE. Mr. President, today I grams, and improvements for Johnson time, he turned his attention to teach- wish to pay tribute to Lincoln, NH—a County residents. He worked to secure ing, which he found to be his true call- town in Grafton County that is cele- funding to provide a safe source of ing. He returned to Trinity in 1987. brating the 250th anniversary of its drinking water for citizens in county, In the classroom, Jack absolutely ex- founding. I am proud to join citizens preserving funding for rural schools celled. He had an exceptional ability to across the Granite State in recognizing and protect rural firefighters. After a teach history as if it were happening this historic occasion. tornado devastated Johnson County in today. He drew his students in, im- Located in the heart of the White 2011, Mike fought to ensure FEMA mersing them in history texts that Mountains, Lincoln is renowned for its would allow citizens to receive Federal would make them think and question, spectacular scenery. Several of New disaster assistance. building knowledge and skills that Hampshire’s natural wonders are in Mikes passion for public service ex- they would never forget. His love of the Lincoln, including ‘‘the basin’’ at Fran- tends beyond the borders of Johnson subject was equaled by his unwavering conia Notch State Park, Indian Head County. As the president of board of di- dedication to his students. Whether Profile Rock formation, and the Flume rectors for the Association of Arkansas they were interested or not, brilliant or not, Jack wanted to reach them all. Gorge—all examples of the Granite Counties for more than 15 years, Mike He was honored for his ability with State’s unique natural beauty. has shared his efforts, experiences, and Trinity’s Hughes Teaching Prize for The town of Lincoln was named for examples of success with others. He is junior faculty in 1993 and its Brownell Henry Fiennes Pelham-Clinton, the 2nd a visionary for the State and the Na- Duke of Newcastle, 9th Earl of Lincoln. Prize for senior faculty in 2002. tion as he also serves on the board of Jack was equally concerned with how It was granted in 1764 by colonial Gov- directors of the National Association of ernor Benning Wentworth to a group of his students were faring outside the Counties. classroom, and he saw part of his job as 70 land investors from Connecticut. I congratulate Mike for his commit- The grant was so large that today Lin- facilitating their moral development ment to public service. We are all and understanding of life. With another coln remains the second largest town grateful for his years of service and by area in the State. colleague, he started what became leadership to Arkansas. I am grateful known as the ‘‘Friday Table.’’ This in- Lincoln’s location near the to be able to call Mike a friend. While Pemigewasset River was integral to formal gathering of students and fac- he is stepping down as county judge, ulty for Friday lunch became a tradi- the development of its logging and Mike will continue public service in tion that endured for over 15 years. paper industries, an important part of another capacity. We will be able to Around the table, the participants the town’s history. By the mid-19th rely on his advice and his experience as would talk about history and politics, century, Lincoln was a center for proc- he serves as justice of the peace. life at Trinity, and other issues of im- essing and shipping timber. North I ask my colleagues to join me in portance. For many of the students Country businessman James E. Henry honoring Johnson County judge Mike who were fortunate enough to partici- purchased over 100,000 acres of timber Jacobs on his retirement. I wish him pate, this remains one of their most at the turn of the century and con- continued success in his future endeav- cherished memories. structed a pulp and paper mill to proc- ors.∑ The world is a little bit emptier ess the wood in what is now the center f today without Jack Chatfield, but his of Lincoln. Henry also built the Lin- REMEMBERING JACK CHATFIELD spirit and vision live on. Robert Ken- coln House Hotel to house the increas- nedy once remarked that our actions ∑ ing number of tourists eager to experi- Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, I could send out ripples of hope and that ence the beauty of the White Moun- wish to remember Jack Chatfield, a those ripples together can make a sig- tains. longtime resident of Hartford, CT, who nificant difference. Everyone who knew Today, the population of Lincoln has passed away on September 18, 2014. Al- Jack Chatfield came away a little bet- grown to over 1,600 residents, and the though Jack was not well known out- ter for the experience, and each of town has become one of New Hamp- side Connecticut, he helped create a these people are one of his ripples of shire’s most popular tourist destina- better history for our Nation. Born in hope. Whether consciously or uncon- tions. Visitors come from across the Baltimore, MD, in 1942, he first came to sciously, they will continue to carry on Nation to ski at Loon Mountain, hike Connecticut to attend Trinity College. his vision, maintaining his legacy and the Appalachian Trail, spot a moose, or Later, he returned to teach, first at the his spirit for many years to come.∑ take a ride on the Kancamagus High- Watkinson School and then at Trinity. f way—one of the State’s most scenic Jack Chatfield was an incomparable routes. Families—including mine—also individual who lived a full life. He in- RECOGNIZING JANICE HELWIG enjoy stopping by Clark’s Trading Post terrupted his undergraduate career at ∑ Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I am to see Clark’s famous trained bears Trinity in 1962 to volunteer with the pleased to pay tribute to Janice Helwig

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:28 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.054 S17NOPT1 mstockstill on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with SENATE November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6019 for her 20 years of faithful service to Canoe Slalom World Championships— Ross, who will retire on January 2, 2015 the Commission on Security and Co- held at the Adventure Sports Center from the Department of the Navy, for operation in Europe, Helsinki Commis- International, ASCI, in Garrett Coun- her completion of 45 years of Federal sion. Janice joined the Helsinki Com- ty, MD this past September. service. mission as a member of the profes- U.S. paddlers advanced to the Ms. Ross is a native of Plummerville, sional staff just a few years after the semifinals in every event, despite com- AR where her mother still resides. She watershed changes in Europe in 1989, peting alongside more than 400 Olym- has held positions with the Federal Bu- including the fall of communism, the pic-level athletes from 46 countries. I reau of Investigation, Office of Eco- unification of Germany, and the break- congratulate U.S. team member and nomic Opportunity, Department of up of the Soviet Union. Marylander Fabien Lefevre on winning Health and Human Services, and the While 1989 did indeed mark a transi- the Gold Medal in C1M—canoe single Department of the Navy. Ms. Ross has tion to peace and prosperity for many men—and advancing to the finals in been a dedicated Federal employee and countries in Central Europe—a Europe K1M—kayak single men—and to his has served with distinction in a highly ‘‘whole and free’’ in the words of Presi- team members Michal Smolen, K1M; professional and exemplary manner for dent George Bush—by the time Janice Casey Eichfeld, C1M; Dana Mann, K1W; the Department of the Navy for the joined the Commission staff in late 1994 and the team of Casey Eichfeld and last 38 years of her career. She has re- it was clear that the countries of the Devin McEwan, C2M, who paddled their ceived numerous performance awards region still had many challenges ahead. way into semifinals. I offer my con- including the Navy Meritorious Civil- At the 1994 Budapest Summit, where gratulations to these outstanding ath- ian Service Award in 1990. Janice first joined the U.S. delegation letes and my encouragement to all the Since July 1, 1990 Ms. Ross has been to the OSCE as a member of the Hel- members of the U.S. canoe/kayak team the lead administrative officer for the sinki Commission contingent, she as they train and compete for a chance Sea Warfare and Weapons Department, heard Russian President Boris Yeltsin to represent the United States at the Office of Naval Research, Department warn that ‘‘Europe, having not yet 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil. of the Navy. The Department has an freed itself from the heritage of the U.S.A. canoe/kayak is a member of annual budget of approximately $500 Cold War, is in danger of plunging into the U.S. Olympic Committee and the million and has 100 employees. As ad- national governing body for the Olym- a cold peace.’’ Unfortunately, Russia’s ministrative officer, Ms. Ross has pro- pic sports of flatwater sprint and effort to solidify its own sphere of in- vided leadership for all human re- whitewater slalom as well as the fluence and to block the OSCE’s ability sources functions, and for the imple- paralympic sport of paracanoe. Since to advance human rights has been a mentation of personnel policy and pro- 2009, the team has been led by Olympic hallmark of Moscow’s approach cedures. She also serves as the Depart- Gold Medalist, 10-time U.S. National throughout Janice’s tenure. ment’s lead for the creation of admin- Champion, and 6-time World Cup Med- As the Helsinki Commission’s policy istrative business rules and processes, alist Joe Jacobi. Joe has been a major adviser attached to the U.S. Mission to and she manages contracts for support force in energizing the team and devel- the OSCE, Janice has worked on al- personnel. oping the vitality of paddlesports in Ms. Ross has two children, Antoine most every aspect of the Commission’s the United States. I wish him all the and Jerri, and two grandchildren. Her mandate. Her expertise and dedication best as he steps down from this role husband, who passed away in 2005 after on Central Asia has particularly stood later this year to pursue new projects an extended illness, was a Vietnam out. and initiatives. Veteran serving 17 months in theater. In the aftermath of the crackdown in I also offer my congratulations to Ms. Ross cared for her husband during Turkmenistan beginning in November Garrett County commissioner Gregan his illness while working full time and 2002, Janice was a tireless advocate for Crawford and Maryland Office of Sports raising their children. the victims of the regime. She has marketing executive director Terry Ms. Narva Ross has been a valued faithfully and continuously pressed to Hasseltine who served as cochairs for servant to the people of the United determine the fate of all those who Deep Creek 2014; Deep Creek 2014 execu- States and Arkansas. We are fortunate were disappeared and been the voice of tive director Todd Copley; ASCI execu- to have had such a dedicated Federal those who were silenced. tive director Mike Logsdon; and the employee and I thank her again for her In the wake of the Uzbekistan Gov- many sponsors and volunteers who 45 years of service.∑ ernment’s massacre in Andijan in 2005, worked together to bring this world- f she helped put a spotlight on the tragic class event to the United States and to loss of life there. She also personally provide a warm welcome to athletes TRIBUTE TO BERNARD A. MULDER went to Kyrgyzstan after the outbreak and visitors from around the world. ∑ Mr. TESTER. Mr. President, today I of inter-ethnic conflict in 2010 and met This was only the second time this wish to honor Bernard A. Mulder, a with survivors. When Kazakhstani prestigious international competition veteran of World War II. human rights advocate Evgeny Zhovtis has been held in the United States Bernard, on behalf of all Montanans was imprisoned in Siberia after a sham since its inception in 1949; I am proud and all Americans, I stand to say process, Janice visited him in prison. that Mountain Maryland also hosted thank you for your service to this Na- An international organization is only a the World Championships on the Sav- tion. means to an end, not an end to itself. age River in 1989. It is my honor to share the story of In the case of the OSCE, that end is the I recently had the opportunity to Bernard’s service in the Second World promotion of human rights, democ- visit with members of the U.S. team War because no story of bravery and racy, and the rule of law. Janice has and students in Garrett College’s Ad- especially not one from our ‘‘greatest helped to ensure that the OSCE stays venture Sports Institute who are pre- generation’’ should ever be forgotten. focused on those goals. paring to lead the next generation of Bernard was born in Beaumont, TX, As chairman of the Helsinki Commis- athletes and outdoor sports enthu- on July 21, 1922. After growing up in sion, I am pleased to recognize and siasts. I commend the region’s leaders Beaumont and Galveston, he graduated commend Janice Helwig for her com- for recognizing Mountain Maryland’s from Galveston High School in 1939. mitment and service to the Helsinki unique opportunity to support the Bernard enlisted with the Army Air Commission.∑ training and development of leaders in Corps in San Antonio in May of 1941. f this exciting industry, and I look for- He trained in Texas and Nevada, and ward to the continued growth of com- soon after, a squadron commander sug- RECOGNIZING THE USA CANOE/ petitive paddle sports in my State and gested that he put in for flight train- KAYAK TEAM around the country.∑ ing. In December 1941, the same month ∑ Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I wish to as Pearl Harbor, Bernard was accepted f recognize the members of the U.S. for primary flight training in Santa canoe/kayak team on their outstanding TRIBUTE TO NARVA ROSS Maria, CA. Until then, Bernard had performance at Deep Creek 2014—the ∑ Mr. PRYOR. Mr. President, I wish to never even been near a plane, much International Canoe Federation, ICF, acknowledge and thank Ms. Narva less flown one.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:29 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.029 S17NOPT1 mstockstill on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2014 Bernard flew training operations is unveiling a historical land marker EXECUTIVE MESSAGE REFERRED until heading overseas in November on the site where, 50 years ago, Mr. As in executive session the Presiding 1942 to join the war effort. Bernard was Hicks organized armed men outside his Officer laid before the Senate a mes- stationed with the British Aid Army in home to protect civil rights workers sage from the President of the United North Africa, where he flew supplies to from violence. States submitting a nomination which Cairo and the Western Front, and re- Mr. Hicks, a former paper mill work- was referred to the Committee on turned the wounded to hospitals. er, became a key civil rights leader Armed Services. During the invasion of Sicily, Ber- during the tumultuous 1960s and 70s in (The message received today is print- nard dropped off the 82nd Airborne. He his hometown of Bogalusa, LA. He ed at the end of the Senate pro- did it once again on D-day, dropping earned the respect of others as a coura- ceedings.) them at Sainte Mere-Englise, which be- geous organizer, who not only stood f came the first town liberated on the toe-to-toe with the Ku Klux Klan, but Western Front. also fought against the racist political MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE While dropping supplies to troops in power structure and the city’s dis- RECEIVED DURING ADJOURNMENT France, Bernard’s plane was hit and he criminatory businesses. He filed a land- ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED was shot. In July of 1944 Bernard was mark civil rights lawsuit in Federal Under the order of the Senate of Jan- flown back to the United States to re- court against the city requiring the po- uary 3, 2013, the Secretary of the Sen- cover. lice to enforce the Civil Rights Act of ate, on November 14, 2014, during the One good thing did come out of his 9- 1964 and to protect those who protested adjournment of the Senate, received a month hospital stay: Bernard met the against injustice in the city. His law- message from the House of Representa- love of his life, an Australian nurse suits also resulted in orders to deseg- tives announcing that the Speaker had named Margaret. Bernard and Mar- regate Bogalusa’s public schools and signed the following enrolled bills: garet married in July 1945, and in Jan- the prohibition of new public housing S. 898. An act to authorize the Adminis- uary 1946 Bernard ended his service in in segregated neighborhoods in the trator of General Services to convey a parcel the military. city. His lawsuit against his employer, of real property in Albuquerque, New Mex- Through the GI bill, Bernard at- the Crown Zellerbach Corporation, re- ico, to the Amy Biehl High School Founda- tended the University of Colorado and sulted in the prohibition of unfair hir- tion. graduated with a degree in mechanical ing tests and seniority systems at the S. 1934. An act to direct the Administrator engineering. of General Services to convey the Clifford P. city’s major paper mill. Mr. Hicks be- Hansen Federal Courthouse to Teton County, Bernard and Margaret then moved to came the first black supervisor at the Wyoming. Perth, Australia, in August of 1960, paper mill, and his work opened doors H.R. 1233. An act to amend chapter 22 of where Bernard worked as a machine de- for others, as his case became the title 44, United States Code, popularly signer for 15 years. Margaret sadly precedent for similar discrimination known as the Presidential Records Act, to passed away in 1975. cases throughout the region. establish procedures for the consideration of After returning to the United States, On the night of February 1, 1965, Mr. claims of constitutionally based privilege Bernard discovered his love of travel against disclosure of Presidential records, Hicks received a call telling him the and for other purposes. and began to explore the American Klan was coming to bomb his home, be- H.R. 4194. An act to provide for the elimi- West. Bernard has lived in Las Vegas; cause he was accommodating two nation or modification of Federal reporting Guadalajara, Mexico; Arizona; and Wy- white civil rights workers there. Mr. requirements. oming. He’s been to all 50 States. Hicks and his wife Valeria found neigh- The enrolled bills were subsequently Bernard moved to Billings after he bors willing to take in their children signed during the session of the Senate read that monthly bus passes for senior and they reached out to others for pro- by the President pro tempore (Mr. citizens were only $3. Bernard then of- tection. Soon, a group of armed men LEAHY). fered to make Christmas ornaments for gathered to protect the Hicks’ home, f a daycare in downtown Billings, and and there was never a violent con- after 6 years, the teachers asked him to frontation. Less than 3 weeks later, the MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE join the Foster Grandparent Program. leaders of a secretive, paramilitary or- At 2:02 p.m., a message from the Every morning since then, Bernard ganization called the Deacons for De- House of Representatives, delivered by works with 4- and 5-year-olds. They fense and Justice visited Bogalusa. The Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, keep Grandpa Bernard young. organization had been formed in announced that the House has passed While Bernard was in the hospital, Jonesboro, LA, in 1964 mainly to pro- the following bills, without amend- two of his medals were stolen from his tect unarmed civil rights demonstra- ment: belongings. He also never received the tors from the Klan. After listening to S. 2141. An act to amend the Federal Food, rest of the medals he earned. This past the Deacons, Mr. Hicks took the lead Drug, and Cosmetic Act to provide an alter- September, in the presence of his in forming a Bogalusa chapter, recruit- native process for review of safety and effec- friends, who claim him as family, it ing many of the men who had joined tiveness of nonprescription sunscreen active was my honor to finally present to Ber- ingredients and for other purposes. him at his house to protect his family S. 2539. An act to amend the Public Health nard his Purple Heart, Air Medal with and guests. Two Bronze Service Stars, and Presi- Service Act to reauthorize certain programs Mr. Hicks died of cancer at his home relating to traumatic brain injury and to dential Unit Citation Ribbon. in Bogalusa on April 13, 2010, at the age trauma research. Bernard also earned the following of 81. He was one of the last surviving S. 2583. An act to promote the non-exclu- medals: Honorable Service Lapel But- Deacon leaders. The historical land sive use of electronic labeling for devices li- ton WWII, European-African-Middle marker will be unveiled on November censed by the Federal Communications Com- Eastern Campaign Medal with Four 22, 2014, and it will be the first official mission. Bronze Service Stars, and a World War State marker honoring an African The message also announced that the II Victory Medal. American in Washington Parish, LA. House has passed the following bills These medals are powerful symbols of I am honored to join with the State and joint resolution, in which it re- true heroism, sacrifice, and dedication of Louisiana in recognizing the Robert quests the concurrence of the Senate: to service. These medals are presented ‘‘Bob’’ Hicks House.∑ H.R. 3326. An act to provide for an ex- on behalf of a grateful nation.∑ change of land between the United States and the Trinity Public Utilities District of f f Trinity County, California, involving a par- RECOGNIZING THE ROBERT HICKS cel of National Forest System land in Shas- HOUSE MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT ta-Trinity National Forest. ∑ H.R. 4846. An act to adjust the boundary of Mr.VITTER. Mr. President, I wish to A message from the President of the the Arapaho National Forest, Colorado, and honor the home of civil rights hero, the United States was communicated to for other purposes. late Robert ‘‘Bob’’ Hicks in Bogalusa, the Senate by Mr. Williams, one of his H.R. 4867. An act to provide for certain LA. This month, the State of Louisiana secretaries. land to be taken into trust for the benefit of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:29 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.012 S17NOPT1 mstockstill on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with SENATE November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6021 Morongo Band of Mission Indians, and for the United States Congress to call a conven- upon probable cause, supported by oath or other purposes. tion of the states under Article V of the Con- affirmation, and particularly describing the H.R. 5167. An act to direct the Secretary of stitution of the United States to propose place to be searched, and the persons or the Interior to convey certain Federal prop- amendments to the Constitution of the things to be seized’’; and erty located in the National Petroleum Re- United States that impose fiscal restraints Whereas the Fifth Amendment to the Con- serve in Alaska to the Olgoonik Corporation, on the federal government, limit the power stitution of the United States provides ‘‘No an Alaska Native Corporation established and jurisdiction of the federal government, person shall . . . be deprived of life, liberty, under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement and limit the terms of office of federal gov- or property, without due process of law’’; and Act. ernment officials; to the Committee on the Whereas, on December 16, 2013, United H.R. 5682. An act to approve the Keystone Judiciary. States District Court Judge Richard Leon XL Pipeline. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION 22 ruled that the National Security Agency’s program, bulk collection, and querying of H.J. Res. 129. Joint resolution appointing Whereas the founders of the Constitution telephone record metadata are likely uncon- the day for the convening of the first session of the United States empowered state legis- of the One Hundred Fourteenth Congress. stitutional; and lators to be guardians of liberty against fu- Whereas the legislature objects to the f ture abuses of power by the federal govern- dragnet approach to data collection allowed ment; and by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance MEASURES REFERRED Whereas the federal government has cre- Court, a court that operates in secret and, ated a crushing national debt through im- The following bills were read the first under sec. 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act, proper and imprudent spending; and issues orders that perpetuate the warrantless and the second times by unanimous Whereas the federal government has in- collection of data of nearly all Americans; consent, and referred as indicated: vaded the legitimate roles of the states and H.R. 3326. An act to provide for an ex- through the manipulative process of federal Whereas the National Security Agency change of land between the United States mandates, most of which are unfunded; and stores the date and time of calls, their dura- and the Trinity Public Utilities District of Whereas the federal government has ceased tion, and the participating telephone num- Trinity County, California, involving a par- to live under a proper interpretation of the bers of the calls of nearly all Americans in a cel of National Forest System land in Shas- Constitution of the United States; and centralized database, which allows National ta-Trinity National Forest; to the Com- Whereas it is the solemn duty of the states Security Agency analysts to access not only mittee on Energy and Natural Resources. to protect the liberty of their people, par- those numbers, but the numbers with which H.R. 4846. An act to adjust the boundary of ticularly for the generations to come, to pro- the numbers have been in contact, and, in the Arapaho National Forest, Colorado, and pose amendments to the Constitution of the turn, the numbers in contact with those for other purposes; to the Committee on En- United States through a convention of the numbers; and ergy and Natural Resources. states under art. V to place clear restraints Whereas the Privacy and Civil Liberties H.R. 5167. An act to direct the Secretary of on these and related abuses of power: Now, Oversight Board, in its January 2014 report the Interior to convey certain Federal prop- therefore, be it titled ‘‘Report on the Telephone Records erty located in the National Petroleum Re- Resolved, That under art. V, Constitution Program Conducted under Section 215 of the serve in Alaska to the Olgoonik Corporation, of the United States, the Alaska State Legis- USA PATRIOT Act and on the Operations of an Alaska Native Corporation established lature respectfully applies to the United the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement States Congress to call a convention of the Court,’’ questions the legal basis for the Na- Act; to the Committee on Energy and Nat- states for the sole purpose of proposing tional Security Agency’s mass telephone call ural Resources. amendments to the Constitution of the United States that impose fiscal restraints data collection program; and f on the federal government, limit the power Whereas, when telephone call data of and jurisdiction of the federal government, Americans is collected by the National Secu- MEASURES PLACED ON THE rity Agency, that data is not related to spe- CALENDAR and limit the terms of office of federal gov- ernment officials; and be it further cific investigations of the Federal Bureau of The following bill was read the sec- Resolved, That this application constitutes Investigation; and a continuing application in accordance with Whereas orders issued by the Foreign In- ond time, and placed on the calendar: telligence Surveillance Court at the request H.R. 2. An act to remove Federal Govern- art. V, Constitution of the United States, until at least two-thirds of the legislatures of the federal government require telephone ment obstacles to the production of more do- companies to provide new calling records on mestic energy; to ensure transport of that of the several states have applied for a simi- lar convention of the states; and be it fur- a daily basis, a mandate not grounded in energy reliably to businesses, consumers, statute; and and other end users; to lower the cost of en- ther Resolved, That the Alaska State Legisla- Whereas sec. 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act ergy to consumers; to enable manufacturers ture urges the legislatures of the other 49 is designed to enable the Federal Bureau of and other businesses to access domestically states to apply to the United States Con- Investigation to obtain records in the course produced energy affordably and reliably in gress to call a convention of the states. of investigations, but the National Security order to create and sustain more secure and Copies of this resolution shall be sent to Agency’s mass collection of the records is well-paying American jobs; and for other the Honorable Barack Obama, President of not consistent with that design; and purposes. the United States; the Honorable Joseph R. Whereas the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 prohibits telephone com- f Biden, Jr., Vice-President of the United States and President of the U.S. Senate; the panies from sharing consumer data with the ENROLLED BILLS PRESENTED Honorable , Speaker of the U.S. government except in special circumstances, and the Privacy and Civil Liberties Over- The Secretary of the Senate reported House of Representatives; the Honorable Patrick J. Leahy, President pro tempore of sight Board concluded that the National Se- that on today, November 17, 2014, she curity Agency’s telephone call data collec- had presented to the President of the the U.S. Senate; the Honorable Nancy Erickson, Secretary of the U.S. Senate; the tion program may violate the Act; and Whereas the Privacy and Civil Liberties United States the following enrolled Honorable Karen L. Haas, Clerk of the U.S. Oversight Board found that the National Se- bills: House of Representatives; the Honorable curity Agency’s telephone call data collec- S. 898. An act to authorize the Adminis- Lisa Murkowski and the Honorable Mark tion program has not prevented, discovered, trator of General Services to convey a parcel Begich, U.S. Senators, and the Honorable or identified terrorist attacks, plots, or sus- of real property in Albuquerque, New Mex- Don Young, U.S. Representative, members of pects that threatened the security of the ico, to the Amy Biehl High School Founda- the Alaska delegation in Congress; and the United States; and tion. presiding officers of the legislatures of each Whereas the widespread collection of tele- S. 1934. An act to direct the Administrator of the other 49 states. phone call data of Americans reveals highly of General Services to convey the Clifford P. sensitive personal information; and Hansen Federal Courthouse to Teton County, POM–346. A joint resolution adopted by the Whereas the legislature resolutely opposes Wyoming. Legislature of the State of Alaska opposing the continuation of the National Security the warrantless collection of telephone call Agency’s warrantless data collection pro- f data by the National Security Agency; to the gram; and Committee on the Judiciary. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS Whereas the legislature views the National SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION 22 The following petitions and memo- Security Agency’s storage in a central data- rials were laid before the Senate and Whereas the Fourth Amendment to the base of the telephone call metadata of all Constitution of the United States provides Americans as an unconstitutional practice were referred or ordered to lie on the ‘‘The right of the people to be secure in their that should be immediately suspended; and table as indicated: persons, houses, papers, and effects, against Whereas the history of government coer- POM–345. A resolution adopted by the Leg- unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not cion, persecution, and abuse of personal in- islature of the State of Alaska applying to be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but formation and human life in the twentieth

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:28 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.006 S17NOPT1 mstockstill on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6022 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2014 century prompts the legislature to seek to as a notice to this Administration and all fu- By Mr. HARKIN, from the Committee on protect the liberty of future generations ture Administrations that Alaskans reject Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, from an oppressive and tyrannical federal surrendering their liberty in the name of an with an amendment in the nature of a sub- government; and unconstitutional program. stitute: Whereas the fundamental rights of Ameri- Copies of this resolution shall be sent to H.R. 4366. A bill to strengthen the Federal cans to speak freely and associate with oth- the Honorable Barack Obama, President of education research system to make research ers are threatened and are likely being di- the United States; the Honorable Joseph R. and evaluations more timely and relevant to minished by the National Security Agency’s Biden, Jr., Vice-President of the United State and local needs in order to increase mass collection of telephone call data; and States and President of the U.S. Senate; the student achievement (Rept. No. 113–275). Whereas the National Security Agency’s Honorable John Boehner, Speaker of the U.S. mass collection of telephone call data may House of Representatives; the Honorable f intimidate or chill the freedom of expression Harry Reid, Majority Leader of the U.S. Sen- of individuals and groups that disagree with ate; the Honorable Patrick J. Leahy, Presi- certain government policies or result in ex- dent pro tempore of the U.S. Senate; the INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND treme scrutiny of those persons simply for Honorable Dianne Feinstein, Chair, U.S. Sen- JOINT RESOLUTIONS opposing those policies; and ate Select Committee on Intelligence; the Whereas the Foreign Intelligence Surveil- Honorable Saxby Chambliss, Vice Chair, U.S. The following bills and joint resolu- lance Court has deviated from its purpose to Senate Select Committee on Intelligence; tions were introduced, read the first authorize warrants for electronic surveil- the Honorable Mike Rogers, Chair, U.S. and second times by unanimous con- lance relating only to a specific person, a House of Representatives Permanent Select sent, and referred as indicated: specific place, or a specific communications Committee on Intelligence; the Honorable C. By Ms. STABENOW: account or device; and A. Dutch Ruppersburger, Ranking Member, Whereas the Foreign Intelligence Surveil- S. 2929. A bill to amend the Federal Power U.S. House of Representatives Permanent Act to require the Federal Energy Regu- lance Court operates in a secretive manner Select Committee on Intelligence; the Hon- that prevents the court from hearing public latory Commission to review the decisions of orable Jeh Johnson, United States Secretary the North American Electric Reliability Cor- input regarding government requests to con- of Homeland Security; the Honorable Sean duct surveillance: Now, therefore, be it poration affecting cost allocation under sys- Parnell, Governor of Alaska; General Keith tem support resources agreements; to the Resolved, That the Alaska State Legisla- B. Alexander, United States Army, Director, ture urges the federal government to end the Committee on Energy and Natural Re- National Security Agency; Richard H. sources. mass telephone call data collection program Ledgett, Jr., Deputy Director, National Se- By Mr. MCCAIN (for himself, Mr. BURR, conducted under sec. 215 of the USA PA- curity Agency; James B. Comey, Director, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. BLUNT, Mr. TRIOT Act, because of its lack of a statutory Federal Bureau of Investigation; and the MANCHIN, and Ms. MURKOWSKI): foundation and because it raises serious con- Honorable Lisa Murkowski and the Honor- S. 2930. A bill to direct the Secretary of De- stitutional concerns under the Fourth and able Mark Begich, U.S. Senators, and the fense and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs Fifth Amendments to the Constitution of the Honorable Don Young, U.S. Representative, to provide for the conduct of an evaluation United States; and be it further members of the Alaska delegation in Con- Resolved, That the Alaska State Legisla- of mental health care and suicide prevention gress. ture urges the federal government to elimi- programs of the Department of Defense and nate all stored metadata upon ending the POM–347. A resolution adopted by the Leg- the Department of Veterans Affairs, to re- mass telephone call data collection program; islature of Rockland County, New York, urg- quire a pilot program on loan repayment for and be it further ing that health, safety, and planning con- psychiatrists who agree to serve in the Vet- Resolved, That the Alaska State Legisla- cerns be addressed and mitigated in the envi- erans Health Administration of the Depart- ture urges the United States Congress to au- ronmental review and all other review proc- ment of Veterans Affairs, and for other pur- thorize the creation of a panel of private sec- esses before project permissions be granted poses; to the Committee on Veterans’ Af- tor lawyers to serve as advocates for the for Spectra Energy’s Algonquin Incremental fairs. public before the Foreign Intelligence Sur- Market natural gas pipeline, compressor, and By Mr. PORTMAN (for himself and Mr. veillance Court to increase public knowledge metering stations expansion project; to the CRAPO): and oversight; and be it further Committee on Energy and Natural Re- S. 2931. A bill to amend the Unfunded Man- Resolved, That the Alaska State Legisla- sources. dates Reform Act of 1995 to provide for regu- ture urges judges of the Foreign Intelligence latory impact analyses for certain rules and Surveillance Court to write opinions in a POM–348. A resolution adopted by the consideration of the least burdensome regu- manner that allows the government to de- Puerto Rico Bar Association requesting that latory alternative, and for other purposes; to classify and release the opinions to the pub- the government of the United States exempt the Committee on Homeland Security and lic; and be it further Puerto Rico from the regulations of the Governmental Affairs. Resolved, That the Alaska State Legisla- Jones Act, also known in Puerto Rico as the By Mr. HEINRICH: ture urges the Foreign Intelligence Surveil- Cabotage Act, to allow foreign-flag ships to S. 2932. A bill to direct the Secretary of lance Court to work to declassify past opin- bring goods to the country, which has pre- Energy to establish microlabs to improve re- ions and release those opinions to the public; viously been done in similar situations with gional engagement with national labora- and be it further the U.S. Virgin Islands, Alaska, Hawaii, and tories; to the Committee on Energy and Nat- Resolved, That the Alaska State Legisla- other jurisdictions of the United States; to ture requests the United States Attorney ural Resources. the Committee on Commerce, Science, and By Mr. SCHUMER: General and members of the intelligence and Transportation. judiciary committees of the United States S. 2933. A bill to prohibit the unauthorized Congress to inform the Alaska State Legisla- POM–349. A resolution adopted by the use of electronic tracking devices; to the ture of the federal government’s activities Puerto Rico Bar Association reaffirming the Committee on the Judiciary. under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance historical opposition of the Puerto Rico Bar By Mr. SCHUMER: Act and provide the Alaska State Legisla- Association to the death penalty and urging S. 2934. A bill to prohibit trespassing on ture with copies of reports submitted under such actions as are necessary to implement critical infrastructure used in or affecting the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act; that opposition; to the Committee on the Ju- interstate commerce to commit a criminal and be it further diciary. offense; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Resolved, That the Alaska State Legisla- f By Mr. SCHUMER: ture urges the Governor to prohibit the use S. 2935. A bill to provide for programs and of state personnel and resources to assist the REPORTS OF COMMITTEES activities with respect to the prevention of National Security Agency in its collection of The following reports of committees underage drinking; to the Committee on mass data on Alaskans without a specific were submitted: Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. search warrant; and be it further By Mr. ROCKEFELLER, from the Com- Resolved, That the Alaska State Legisla- mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- f ture considers the National Security Agen- tation, with an amendment in the nature of cy’s unilateral collection of the telephone a substitute: SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND call data of all Americans a violation of stat- S. 1804. A bill to amend title 49, United ute, an unconstitutional program, and a States Code, to direct the Assistant Sec- SENATE RESOLUTIONS troubling overreach by the federal govern- retary of Homeland Security (Transpor- The following concurrent resolutions ment; the Alaska State Legislature has tation Security Administration) to establish and Senate resolutions were read, and sworn to uphold both the Constitution of the an Aviation Security Advisory Committee, referred (or acted upon), as indicated: United States and the Constitution of the and for other purposes (Rept. No. 113–273). State of Alaska and will not assist the fed- S. 1893. A bill to require the Transpor- By Mr. MCCONNELL (for himself and eral government by facilitating programs tation Security Administration to imple- Mr. REID): that are tyrannical in nature, that subject ment best practices and improve trans- S. Res. 579. A resolution relative to the Americans to unreasonable and unwarranted parency with regard to technology acquisi- death of Howard O. Greene, Jr., former Ser- searches, and that violate the fundamental tion programs, and for other purposes (Rept. geant at Arms of the ; principle of liberty; let this resolution serve No. 113–274). considered and agreed to.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:41 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.011 S17NOPT1 mstockstill on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with SENATE November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6023 By Mr. INHOFE (for himself, Ms. LAN- (Mr. MCCONNELL), the Senator from (Mr. WHITEHOUSE) was added as a co- DRIEU, Mr. LEVIN, Mr. BLUNT, Mrs. Maine (Ms. COLLINS) and the Senator sponsor of S. 2115, a bill to provide for FEINSTEIN, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. BOOZ- from Colorado (Mr. UDALL) were added the establishment of a fund to provide MAN, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. COCHRAN, and as cosponsors of S. 1040, a bill to pro- for an expanded and sustained national Mr. WICKER): S. Res. 580. A resolution expressing support vide for the award of a gold medal on investment in biomedical research. for the goals of National Adoption Day and behalf of Congress to Jack Nicklaus, in S. 2250 National Adoption Month by promoting na- recognition of his service to the Nation At the request of Ms. KLOBUCHAR, the tional awareness of adoption and the chil- in promoting excellence, good sports- name of the Senator from New York dren awaiting families, celebrating children manship, and philanthropy. (Mrs. GILLIBRAND) was added as a co- and families involved in adoption, and en- S. 1086 sponsor of S. 2250, a bill to extend the couraging the people of the United States to Travel Promotion Act of 2009, and for secure safety, permanency, and well-being At the request of Ms. LANDRIEU, her for all children; to the Committee on Health, name was added as a cosponsor of S. other purposes. Education, Labor, and Pensions. 1086, a bill to reauthorize and improve S. 2348 f the Child Care and Development Block At the request of Mr. BROWN, the Grant Act of 1990, and for other pur- names of the Senator from Washington ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS poses. (Mrs. MURRAY), the Senator from S. 346 S. 1133 Maine (Ms. COLLINS), the Senator from At the request of Mr. TESTER, the At the request of Mr. ROCKEFELLER, South Dakota (Mr. JOHNSON) and the name of the Senator from New Hamp- the name of the Senator from Min- Senator from Oregon (Mr. MERKLEY) shire (Ms. AYOTTE) was added as a co- nesota (Ms. KLOBUCHAR) was added as a were added as cosponsors of S. 2348, a sponsor of S. 346, a bill to amend title cosponsor of S. 1133, a bill to amend the bill to amend title XVIII of the Social 10, United States Code, to permit vet- Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to per- Security Act to waive coinsurance erans who have a service-connected, manently extend the new markets tax under Medicare for colorectal cancer permanent disability rated as total to credit, and for other purposes. screening tests, regardless of whether travel on military aircraft in the same S. 1362 therapeutic intervention is required manner and to the same extent as re- At the request of Mr. SCHUMER, the during the screening. tired members of the Armed Forces en- name of the Senator from New York S. 2621 titled to such travel. (Mrs. GILLIBRAND) was added as a co- At the request of Mr. VITTER, the S. 569 sponsor of S. 1362, a bill to amend the names of the Senator from Iowa (Mr. At the request of Mr. BROWN, the National Child Protection Act of 1993 HARKIN) and the Senator from Texas name of the Senator from Iowa (Mr. to establish a permanent background (Mr. CORNYN) were added as cosponsors HARKIN) was added as a cosponsor of S. check system. of S. 2621, a bill to amend the Migra- tory Bird Hunting and Conservation 569, a bill to amend title XVIII of the S. 1695 Stamp Act to increase the price of Mi- Social Security Act to count a period At the request of Ms. CANTWELL, the gratory Bird Hunting and Conservation of receipt of outpatient observation name of the Senator from New Jersey Stamps to fund the acquisition of con- services in a hospital toward satisfying (Mr. MENENDEZ) was added as a cospon- servation easements for migratory the 3-day inpatient hospital require- sor of S. 1695, a bill to designate a por- birds, and for other purposes. ment for coverage of skilled nursing fa- tion of the Arctic National Wildlife cility services under Medicare. Refuge as wilderness. S. 2646 At the request of Mr. LEAHY, the S. 604 S. 1828 name of the Senator from New Mexico At the request of Mr. HELLER, the At the request of Mr. DONNELLY, the name of the Senator from Texas (Mr. (Mr. UDALL) was added as a cosponsor name of the Senator from Iowa (Mr. of S. 2646, a bill to reauthorize the Run- CRUZ) was added as a cosponsor of S. GRASSLEY) was added as a cosponsor of 604, a bill to recognize Jerusalem as the away and Homeless Youth Act, and for S. 1828, a bill to amend the Truth in other purposes. capital of Israel, to relocate to Jeru- Lending Act to modify the definitions S. 2663 salem the United States Embassy in of a mortgage originator and a high- At the request of Mr. ISAKSON, the Israel, and for other purposes. cost mortgage. name of the Senator from Virginia (Mr. S. 666 S. 2037 KAINE) was added as a cosponsor of S. At the request of Mr. BLUMENTHAL, At the request of Mr. ROBERTS, the 2663, a bill to provide high-skilled visas the names of the Senator from North name of the Senator from New Mexico for nationals of the Republic of Korea, Carolina (Mrs. HAGAN) and the Senator (Mr. HEINRICH) was added as a cospon- and for other purposes. from New Jersey (Mr. BOOKER) were sor of S. 2037, a bill to amend title S. 2685 added as cosponsors of S. 666, a bill to XVIII of the Social Security Act to re- At the request of Mr. LEAHY, the prohibit attendance of an animal fight- move the 96-hour physician certifi- name of the Senator from Washington ing venture, and for other purposes. cation requirement for inpatient crit- (Mrs. MURRAY) was added as a cospon- S. 865 ical access hospital services. sor of S. 2685, a bill to reform the au- At the request of Mr. WHITEHOUSE, S. 2053 thorities of the Federal Government to the name of the Senator from Vermont At the request of Ms. WARREN, the require the production of certain busi- (Mr. LEAHY) was added as a cosponsor name of the Senator from New Jersey ness records, conduct electronic sur- of S. 865, a bill to provide for the estab- (Mr. MENENDEZ) was added as a cospon- veillance, use pen registers and trap lishment of a Commission to Accel- sor of S. 2053, a bill to direct the Archi- and trace devices, and use other forms erate the End of Breast Cancer. tect of the Capitol to place a chair hon- of information gathering for foreign in- S. 1012 oring American Prisoners of War/Miss- telligence, counterterrorism, and At the request of Mr. BLUNT, the ing in Action on the Capitol Grounds. criminal purposes, and for other pur- name of the Senator from New Mexico S. 2113 poses. (Mr. HEINRICH) was added as a cospon- At the request of Mr. COBURN, the S. 2693 sor of S. 1012, a bill to amend title name of the Senator from Nevada (Mr. At the request of Ms. CANTWELL, the XVIII of the Social Security Act to im- HELLER) was added as a cosponsor of S. name of the Senator from Connecticut prove operations of recovery auditors 2113, a bill to provide taxpayers with an (Mr. BLUMENTHAL) was added as a co- under the Medicare integrity program, annual report disclosing the cost and sponsor of S. 2693, a bill to reauthorize to increase transparency and accuracy performance of Government programs the women’s business center program in audits conducted by contractors, and areas of duplication among them, of the Small Business Administration, and for other purposes. and for other purposes. and for other purposes. S. 1040 S. 2115 S. 2694 At the request of Mr. PORTMAN, the At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the At the request of Mr. BROWN, the names of the Senator from Kentucky name of the Senator from Rhode Island names of the Senator from Hawaii (Ms.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:28 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.016 S17NOPT1 mstockstill on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6024 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2014 HIRONO) and the Senator from Michi- sor of S. 2924, a bill to amend title 46, SENATE RESOLUTION 580—EX- gan (Ms. STABENOW) were added as co- United States Code, to exempt old ves- PRESSING SUPPORT FOR THE sponsors of S. 2694, a bill to amend title sels that only operate within inland GOALS OF NATIONAL ADOPTION XIX of the Social Security Act to ex- waterways from the fire-retardant ma- DAY AND NATIONAL ADOPTION tend the application of the Medicare terials requirement if the owners of MONTH BY PROMOTING NA- TIONAL AWARENESS OF ADOP- payment rate floor to primary care such vessels make annual structural services furnished under Medicaid and TION AND THE CHILDREN alterations to at least 10 percent of the to apply the rate floor to additional AWAITING FAMILIES, CELE- providers of primary care services. areas of the vessels that are not con- BRATING CHILDREN AND FAMI- structed of fire-retardant materials. S. 2746 LIES INVOLVED IN ADOPTION, At the request of Ms. AYOTTE, the AMENDMENT NO. 3741 AND ENCOURAGING THE PEOPLE name of the Senator from Oklahoma OF THE UNITED STATES TO SE- At the request of Mr. KIRK, the name (Mr. INHOFE) was added as a cosponsor CURE SAFETY, PERMANENCY, of the Senator from Texas (Mr. COR- of S. 2746, a bill to amend the Public AND WELL-BEING FOR ALL CHIL- Health Service Act to improve the NYN) was added as a cosponsor of DREN health of children and help better un- amendment No. 3741 intended to be pro- Mr. INHOFE (for himself, Ms. LAN- derstand and enhance awareness about posed to S. 2410, an original bill to au- DRIEU, Mr. LEVIN, Mr. BLUNT, Mrs. unexpected sudden death in early life. thorize appropriations for fiscal year FEINSTEIN, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. BOOZMAN, At the request of Mr. BROWN, the 2015 for military activities of the De- Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. COCHRAN, and Mr. name of the Senator from Iowa (Mr. partment of Defense, for military con- WICKER) submitted the following reso- HARKIN) was added as a cosponsor of S. struction, and for defense activities of lution; which was referred to the Com- mittee on Health, Education, Labor, 2746, supra. the Department of Energy, to prescribe and Pensions: S. 2787 military personnel strengths for such S. RES. 580 At the request of Ms. KLOBUCHAR, the fiscal year, and for other purposes. name of the Senator from New York Whereas there are millions of unparented children in the world, including 402,378 chil- (Mr. SCHUMER) was added as a cospon- f dren in the foster care system in the United sor of S. 2787, a bill to expand and clar- States, approximately 102,000 of whom are ify the prohibition on inaccurate caller SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS waiting for families to adopt them; ID information. Whereas 62 percent of the children in foster S. 2828 care in the United States are age 10 or At the request of Mr. CORKER, the younger; names of the Senator from Kansas (Mr. Whereas the average length of time a child SENATE RESOLUTION 579—REL- spends in foster care is approximately 2 ROBERTS), the Senator from Indiana ATIVE TO THE DEATH OF HOW- years; (Mr. COATS) and the Senator from Illi- ARD O. GREENE, JR., FORMER Whereas for many foster children, the wait nois (Mr. KIRK) were added as cospon- SERGEANT AT ARMS OF THE for a loving family in which they are nur- sors of S. 2828, a bill to impose sanc- UNITED STATES SENATE tured, comforted, and protected seems end- tions with respect to the Russian Fed- less; eration, to provide additional assist- Mr. MCCONNELL (for himself and Whereas in 2013, nearly 23,000 youth ‘‘aged out’’ of foster care by reaching adulthood ance to Ukraine, and for other pur- Mr. REID) submitted the following reso- poses. without being placed in a permanent home; lution; which was considered and Whereas every day, loving and nurturing S. 2876 agreed to: families are strengthened and expanded when At the request of Mrs. MURRAY, the committed and dedicated individuals make name of the Senator from Wisconsin S. RES. 579 an important difference in the life of a child (Ms. BALDWIN) was added as a cospon- Whereas Howard O. Greene, Jr. began his through adoption; sor of S. 2876, a bill to establish a pub- service to the United States Senate as a Whereas a 2007 survey conducted by the lic education and awareness and access Doorkeeper in January 1968; Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption dem- Whereas Howard O. Greene, Jr. served the onstrated that although ‘‘Americans over- program relating to emergency contra- whelmingly support the concept of adoption, ception. United States Senate as Republican cloak- room assistant, Assistant Secretary for the and in particular foster care adoption . . . S. 2917 Minority, Secretary for the Minority, and foster care adoptions have not increased sig- At the request of Mr. HARKIN, the Secretary for the Majority; nificantly over the past five years’’; names of the Senator from Texas (Mr. Whereas Howard O. Greene, Jr. was elected Whereas while 4 in 10 Americans have con- sidered adoption, a majority of Americans CORNYN), the Senator from Kentucky as Senate Sergeant at Arms during the 104th have misperceptions about the process of Congress; (Mr. MCCONNELL), the Senator from adopting children from foster care and the Delaware (Mr. COONS), the Senator Whereas Howard O. Greene, Jr.’s more than children who are eligible for adoption; from New York (Mr. SCHUMER), the 28 years of service was characterized by a Whereas 50 percent of Americans believe Senator from Kansas (Mr. MORAN), the deep and abiding respect for the institution that children enter the foster care system Senator from Ohio (Mr. PORTMAN) and and customs of the Senate: Now, therefore, because of juvenile delinquency, when in re- the Senator from New Jersey (Mr. be it ality the vast majority of children who have BOOKER) were added as cosponsors of S. Resolved, That the Senate has heard with entered the foster care system were victims 2917, a bill to expand the program of profound sorrow and deep regret the an- of neglect, abandonment, or abuse; nouncement of the death of Howard O. Whereas 39 percent of Americans believe priority review to encourage treat- that foster care adoption is expensive, when Greene, Jr. ments for tropical diseases. in reality there is no substantial cost for S. 2921 Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate adopting from foster care and financial sup- At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the communicate these resolutions to the House port is available to adoptive parents after name of the Senator from Illinois (Mr. of Representatives and transmit an enrolled the adoption is finalized; Whereas family reunification, kinship KIRK) was added as a cosponsor of S. copy thereof to the family of the deceased. care, and domestic and inter-county adop- 2921, a bill to designate the community Resolved, That when the Senate adjourns tion promote permanency and stability to a based outpatient clinic of the Depart- today, it stand adjourned as a further mark far greater degree than long-term institu- ment of Veterans Affairs located at 310 of respect to the memory of Howard O. tionalization and long-term, often disrupted Home Boulevard in Galesburg, Illinois, Greene, Jr. foster care; as the ‘‘Lane A. Evans VA Community Whereas both National Adoption Day and Based Outpatient Clinic’’. National Adoption Month occur in the month of November; S. 2924 Whereas National Adoption Day is a collec- At the request of Mr. BROWN, the tive national effort to find permanent, loving name of the Senator from Mississippi families for children in the foster care sys- (Mr. COCHRAN) was added as a cospon- tem;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:28 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.018 S17NOPT1 mstockstill on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with SENATE November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6025 Whereas since the first National Adoption MEASURE PLACED ON THE IN THE AIR FORCE Day in 2000, nearly 50,000 children have CALENDAR—H.R. 2 THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT joined forever families during National IN THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE TO THE GRADE INDI- Adoption Day; Mr. REID. Mr. President, I under- CATED WHILE ASSIGNED TO A POSITION OF IMPORTANCE stand that H.R. 2 is at the desk and due AND RESPONSIBILITY UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION Whereas in 2013, nearly 400 events were 601: held in the United States, finalizing the for a second reading. To be lieutenant general adoptions of approximately 4,500 children The PRESIDING OFFICER. The from foster care; and clerk will read the bill by title for the MAJ. GEN. CHARLES Q. BROWN, JR. Whereas the President traditionally issues THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT second time. IN THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE TO THE GRADE INDI- an annual proclamation to declare the The legislative clerk read as follows: CATED WHILE ASSIGNED TO A POSITION OF IMPORTANCE month of November as National Adoption AND RESPONSIBILITY UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION A bill (H.R. 2) to remove Federal Govern- Month, and National Adoption Day is on No- 601: ment obstacles to the production of more do- vember 22, 2014: Now, therefore, be it To be lieutenant general mestic energy; to ensure transport of that Resolved, That the Senate— energy reliably to businesses, consumers, LT. GEN. ANDREW E. BUSCH (1) supports the goals and ideals of Na- and other end users; to lower the cost of en- IN THE ARMY tional Adoption Day and National Adoption ergy to consumers; to enable manufacturers Month; THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT and other businesses to access domestically TO THE GRADE INDICATED IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY (2) recognizes that every child should have produced energy affordably and reliably in UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 624: a permanent and loving family; and order to create and sustain more secure and To be major general (3) encourages the people of the United well-paying American jobs; and for other States to consider adoption during the BRIG. GEN. RICHARD D. CLARKE, JR. purposes. month of November and all throughout the THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT Mr. REID. I would object to any fur- IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY TO THE GRADE INDICATED year. WHILE ASSIGNED TO A POSITION OF IMPORTANCE AND f ther proceedings at this time. RESPONSIBILITY UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 601: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- To be lieutenant general NOTICES OF HEARINGS tion having been heard, the bill will be LT. GEN. JOHN F. MULHOLLAND, JR. COMMITTEE ON HEALTH, EDUCATION, LABOR, placed on the calendar. THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT AND PENSIONS IN THE RESERVE OF THE ARMY TO THE GRADE INDI- f CATED UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 12203: Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, I wish to ORDERS FOR TUESDAY, To be brigadier general announce that the Committee on NOVEMBER 18, 2014 Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- COL. AARON T. WALTER Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT sions will to meet on November 20, IN THE RESERVE OF THE ARMY TO THE GRADE INDI- 2014, at 10 a.m. in room SD–430 of the imous consent that when the Senate CATED UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 12203: Dirksen Senate Office Building, to con- completes its business today, it ad- To be brigadier general journ until 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Novem- duct a hearing entitled ‘‘Hearing on COL. DAVID W. LING ber 18, 2014; that following the prayer the nomination of Lauren McFerran to IN THE NAVY and pledge, the morning hour be serve as a Member of the National THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT Labor Relations Board.’’ deemed expired, the Journal of pro- IN THE UNITED STATES NAVY TO THE GRADE INDICATED For further information regarding ceedings be approved to date, and the WHILE ASSIGNED TO A POSITION OF IMPORTANCE AND time for the two leaders be reserved for RESPONSIBILITY UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 601: this meeting, please contact Sarah To be vice admiral Cupp of the committee staff on (202) their use later in the day; that fol- 224–5484. lowing any leader remarks, the Senate REAR ADM. TROY M. SHOEMAKER resume consideration of S. 2280, as pro- IN THE ARMY COMMITTEE ON HEALTH, EDUCATION, LABOR, AND PENSIONS vided under the previous order; and THE FOLLOWING NAMED INDIVIDUAL FOR REGULAR that the Senate then recess from 12:30 APPOINTMENT TO THE GRADE INDICATED IN THE Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, I wish to UNITED STATES ARMY NURSE CORPS UNDER TITLE 10, announce that the Committee on p.m. to 2:15 p.m. to allow for the week- U.S.C., SECTIONS 531 AND 3064: Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- ly caucus meetings. To be lieutenant colonel The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without sions will to meet on November 20, RICHARD M. HESTER objection, it is so ordered. 2014, at 1 p.m., in room SD–430 of the IN THE NAVY f Dirksen Senate Office Building, to con- THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT duct a hearing entitled ‘‘Why Are Some IN THE GRADE INDICATED IN THE REGULAR NAVY PROGRAM UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 531: Generic Drugs Skyrocketing In Mr. REID. For the information of all To be lieutenant commander Price?’’. Senators, if all debate time is used, For further information regarding LAKEEVA B. GUNDERSON there will be up to five rollcall votes at THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICERS FOR TEMPORARY this meeting, please contact Billy approximately 6:15 p.m. in relation to APPOINTMENT TO THE GRADE INDICATED IN THE UNITED STATES NAVY UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION Gendell of the committee staff on (202) the Keystone XL Pipeline, confirma- 224–5480. 5721: tion of the Abrams, Cohen, and Ross To be lieutenant commander f nominations, and then 30 minutes of TRAVIS S. ANDERSON PRIVILEGES OF THE FLOOR debate prior to a cloture vote on the AARON S. ARKY motion to proceed to the USA FREE- JOHN M. BEAR Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, first, I BENJAMIN J. BERNARD DOM Act. PATRICK J. BRAY ask unanimous consent that Mark DAVID M. CAMP Summerside, Marcha Chaudry, and f MICHAEL J. CHAVARRIA JASON H. DAO Zack Decker, the interns with my of- ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 10 A.M. PHILLIP E. DAVIS fice, be granted floor privileges for the TOMORROW GREGORY L. DESCOVICH ANTHONY K. DEVOTO remainder of today’s session. Mr. REID. Mr. President, if there is RIAN Q. EVERETT The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ANDREW D. FREEMAN no further business to come before the MICHAEL W. FRITTS objection, it is so ordered. Senate, I ask unanimous consent that KEVIN L. GARNER DONALD R. HEAD f it adjourn under the provisions of S. JAMES H. HORA Res. 579 as a further mark of respect to MICHAEL J. HUMARA UNANIMOUS CONSENT DAMIEAN M. JOHNSON the memory of the late Howard O. AGREEMENT—S. 2280 KYLE A. JOHNSON Greene, Jr. BRAD W. KASENBERG Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent SAMEER KHANNA There being no objection, the Senate, DOMINIC J. KRAMER that the proponent debate time for S. at 7:28 p.m., adjourned until Tuesday, NELS D. LINDBERG 2280 be divided as follows: 2 hours under CHARLES A. LONGEWAY November 18, 2014, at 10 a.m. NATHAN M. R. MCCOY the control of Senator HOEVEN or his f SETH K. POWELL designee and 1 hour under the control GRABIELA QUINONES LUKE RADLOWSKI of Senator LANDRIEU or her designee. NOMINATIONS ANDREW REGALADO The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Executive nominations received by ERIK S. REYNOLDS LAURA B. SANTIAGO objection, it is so ordered. the Senate: KARL Q. SAULT

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VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:28 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 9801 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.002 S17NOPT1 mstockstill on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with SENATE November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1597 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

A TRIBUTE TO LOS ANGELES CITY The 1960’s saw increased diversity among HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY COLLEGE the student body, and new programs such as OF SENATOR JESUS (JESS) Q. community service and non-credited classes in TORRES HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF recreational areas, and the 1970’s brought its OF CALIFORNIA first woman president, Dr. Stelle Feuers and HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES an enrollment of 22,000 students. Today, some of LACC’s programs and developments OF Monday, November 17, 2014 include the addition of a STEM (Science, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Technology, Engineering, and Math) Acad- Monday, November 17, 2014 honor Los Angeles City College (LACC) upon emy, a Guardian Scholars Program (GSP) for its eighty-fifth anniversary. current and former foster youth, and the LACC Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today LACC’s site is one of the most significant lo- Alumni Association Foundation which includes to honor the life and legacy of my friend Jesus cations in Los Angeles’ education history, as it a database of over 500,000 alumni. Famous ‘‘Jess’’ Q. Torres. Mr. Torres served as a Sen- was not just the first community college in Los LACC alumni include composer John Williams, ator in the 16th Guam Legislature. Senator Angeles, but also served as the initial campus musicians Leonard Slatkin, Les McCann, and Torres passed away on November 10, 2014 at for both the University of California Los Ange- Odetta, actors Donna Reed, Morgan Freeman, the age of 72. les (UCLA) and Cal State University Los An- Clint Eastwood, Esther Williams and Robert Senator Torres was born on August 14, geles. Its storied history began with the Nor- Vaughn, and producer Gene Roddenberry, 1942 to Jose Pangelinan and Felecita mal School in Los Angeles, which provided creator of Star Trek. The college is currently Quinene Torres. He graduated from George graduates with credentials to teach kinder- thriving under the guidance of President Washington High School. He attended the garten through twelfth grade. In 1919, to ad- Renee´ D. Martinez. University of Nebraska, where he graduated dress the city’s request for a local university, I ask all Members to join with me in com- with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political the Normal School transitioned into serving as mending Los Angeles City College for eighty- Science. the southern branch of the University of Cali- five years of educating the greater Los Ange- Mr. Torres served in the United States Army fornia Berkeley (UC Berkeley) for classes only; les community. from 1967 to 1969 and was honorably dis- and in 1925, UC Berkeley permitted the south- charged at the rank of Sergeant. After his time ern branch, now UCLA, to award degrees. f in the Army, Jess became a staff assistant to In 1929, after UCLA purchased their own the late Governor Carlos G. Camacho. Jess IN RECOGNITION OF BILL EVANS land and moved west, the Los Angeles Board went on to serve as the Deputy Director of the ON HIS RETIREMENT FROM of Education bought the campus and turned it Department of Land Management and then as SKYTOWER COMMUNICATIONS into the Los Angeles Junior College, now the Administrative Director of the 15th Guam called Los Angeles City College. On Sep- Legislature. tember 4, 1929, LACC welcomed 1,350 stu- HON. BRETT GUTHRIE Jess was then elected to the 16th Guam dents to its first fall semester, at the time the OF KENTUCKY Legislature where he served from 1981 to fourth largest academic institution in the coun- 1982. After his time at the Guam Legislature, try. Under new president Dr. William Henry IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES he was appointed by Governor Joseph Ada to Snyder, LACC’s mission was twofold: to pro- Monday, November 17, 2014 be the Executive Manager of the Guam Inter- vide two years of transfer education, and to national Airport Authority from January 1987 to provide career training with general education Mr. GUTHRIE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in January 1995. During his term, he oversaw via vocational programs such as civil engi- recognition of Bill Evans. Considered to have the construction of the current terminal at the neering, mechanical and electrical engineer- pioneered FM radio in Hardin County, Bill is GIAA, which was designated as the Antonio B. ing, civic health, aeronautical engineering, set to retire as Owner and President of Won Pat Guam International Airport Authority, secretarial science, social arts, and general Skytower Communications. in honor of Guam’s first Delegate to Congress. business. Bill previously served as president of the The Depression era saw enrollment grow in Kentucky Broadcasters Association, even re- In 2003, Jess was chosen by Governor 1933 from over 4,000 students to nearly 7,000 ceiving the Kentucky Mic Award. He was also Felix Camacho to serve on the GIAA’s Board students in 1940. Enrollment dropped signifi- active with the National Association of Broad- of Directors and he chaired the Committee on cantly during World War II, and during this casters, serving as a board member for the Personnel. In 2004, he was appointed to a time, the college assisted the war effort by Kentucky and West Virginia region. Bill also second term as GIAA’s Executive Manager. conducting courses for the Aviation Ground served as President of the Hardin County During this term, Jess is credited for turning School, Civilian Pilot Training Program, the Chamber of Commerce, in addition to receiv- around five consecutive years of losses and Army Specialized Training, and the Naval Re- ing the Big E award and being named the reducing the expenditures of the GIAA. He serve. After the war’s end, many students at- Small Business Person of the Year. was also recognized for his efficiency and tended LACC under the G.I. Bill, when enroll- Anyone who knows Bill knows that he’s only management skills that led to vast improve- ment went from 3,000 to 8,000 and half of the one-half of a team. That other half is his wife, ments at the Airport Authority. students were veterans. In 1947, an experi- Marilyn. Together, they have served as chair Mr. Torres has also served on the Board of mental four-year school was formed on the of the United Way Committee and are very ac- Directors of the Guam Economic Development campus, called the Los Angeles State College tive at Severns Valley Baptist Church, where Authority. He played an active role in politics of Applied Arts and Science, which while an Bill has served three terms as a deacon and on Guam and served as the Chairman of the admirable idea, proved to be impractical; so in is currently chairman of the deacons. Marilyn Republican Party of Guam, where he was in- 1955, the four-year school moved east to be- has also been instrumental with her work on strumental in the party’s success and main- come California State University Los Angeles. the Hardin County Fair Board and in leading taining party unity. During the 1950’s, LACC received its first ac- the creation of a free children’s fair for the I am deeply saddened by the passing of creditation as a junior college, classes cov- community. Marilyn has also served as Presi- Senator Jess Torres, and I join the people of ering remedial instruction and new occupa- dent of the Junior Women’s Club. A real fix- Guam in celebrating his life and recognizing tional programs including computer tech- ture in the community, Bill and Marilyn make his dedicated service to Guam. My thoughts nology, human services, dental assisting, and quite the team. and prayers are with his family, loved ones nuclear medicine technology were offered, and I wish Bill well in his retirement, but know he and friends. He will be missed, and his mem- an American Cultures Department was will continue to be a driving force in Hardin ory will live on in the hearts of the people of formed. County. Guam.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:13 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO8.003 E17NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1598 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 17, 2014 A TRIBUTE TO LEWIS MACADAMS viding quality emergency services in Nelson HONORING THE LIFE OF DONALD County, both by establishing the Rolling Fork R. FORD HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF Fire Department and working to provide ambu- OF CALIFORNIA lance services. In addition, Bobby also served HON. TIM RYAN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 18 years as the Police Chief in New Haven OF OHIO and was elected City Commissioner, serving IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, November 17, 2014 two terms before becoming mayor. Monday, November 17, 2014 Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to It is easy to see that Bobby had an eye for honor Lewis MacAdams, Jr. whose life’s work public safety. When concerns of flood waters Mr. RYAN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I rise today and 70th birthday are being celebrated at the arose in New Haven, Bobby walked the banks to remember and honor the life of Donald R. Friends of Los Angeles River’s (FoLAR) Fan- of the river and ultimately saw that the river Ford Sr., 83, who passed away on November dango on October 12th, 2014. course had changed. This discovery, which he 1st, 2014. The project that would most define Lewis’s ultimately shared with my office and the U.S. Donald was very active in community and extraordinary life, and ultimately redefine the Army Corps of Engineers, will lead to a safer youth programs throughout his lifetime. He landscape of Los Angeles, began in 1985 community. earned his B.A. in 1953 from Bethany College, when he co-founded the Friends of Los Ange- Cum Laude with Honors. While a student at les River. Lewis says that he asked the Los Bobby was always proud of living in New Bethany College, he served as President of Angeles River if he could speak for it, and the Haven and I know the city’s residents were the Student Body and was elected Com- river, in his words, ‘‘didn’t say no.’’ proud to call him their mayor. We will miss mander of his chapter of the Sigma Nu Frater- Lewis has described the revitalization of the him and are thankful for his service. nity. Donald continued his education at the Los Angeles River as his ‘‘forty-year artwork.’’ University of Michigan Law School where he He began this work with a series of commu- f received his J.D. degree in 1956. While at- nity clean-ups, performances and protests. His tending the University of Michigan Law YUMA COUNTY early efforts blossomed into a social move- School, he was a quarter finalist in the Camp- SESQUICENTENNIAL ment that has given Los Angeles a renewed bell Moot Court competition and was a mem- sense of its own possibility for ecological ber of the Phi Alpha Delta Legal fraternity. transformation. Using poetry as well as poli- HON. PAUL A. GOSAR After completing his education, Donald con- tics, Lewis fought back against projects that tinued to use his natural and proven leader- would have extinguished the last glimmer of OF ARIZONA ship skills in the Warren community. For over life out of the river, organizing broad commu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fifteen years, Donald practiced law in Warren nity coalitions and winning the support of offi- before assuming the position of Judge of the cials at every level of government. Monday, November 17, 2014 Warren Municipal Court in 1972. He was the Over the past three decades, Lewis’s lead- first attorney and Judge from Trumbull County Mr. GOSAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ership of FoLAR has given Angelenos a vision to serve on all four levels of the Ohio Judicial celebrate the sesquicentennial of Yuma Coun- of the river as a 51-mile greenway from the System, and also was Trumbull County’s long- ty, Arizona. Established in 1864 as one of the mountains to the sea. FoLAR’s annual ‘‘La est serving jurist for over 35 years. Apart from four original counties of the Territory of Ari- Gran Limpieza’’ has drawn thousands of vol- his service to the city of Warren, Donald was zona, Yuma County has been a cornerstone unteers to clean up the river, has trained doz- an assistant Professor at the Trumbull Branch for Arizona commerce, agriculture, develop- ens of educators, and has introduced thou- of Kent State University, where he taught ment, and culture throughout its history. sands of students to the river’s existence and courses in criminal law and criminal evidence ecology. He has led countless ecological stud- Celebrating 150 years since being formally for over twenty-eight years. For his out- ies, vastly enriching the region’s under- organized, the area of Yuma County has a standing service and leadership, Donald re- standing of the river’s abundant and diverse history which extends back much further. It is ceived many distinguished awards including habitats. In 2014, FoLAR’s vast library of envi- a history closely intertwined with the long and Trumbull County Democratic Man of the Year, ronmental work was acquired by the special deep Colorado River which stretches along Distinguished Citizen Award from the Warren collections of the University of California, Los the county’s western border. Not only did the Urban League, and Ohio Elks Hall of Fame Angeles (UCLA) archive. Colorado bring the area’s first European visi- Award. Most recently, Lewis MacAdams, Jr. helped tors—Spanish explorers who sailed up the Donald is survived by his wife of fifty-nine win the Army Corps of Engineers’ support for river in 1540 and discovered a thriving Native years Janet L. Ford; his son, John A. Ford; his the habitat restoration and redevelopment of American village on its banks—it also has daughter Leslie J. Ford; daughter Ann Ford the Los Angeles River to return it to its pristine served as the lifeblood for the region’s com- and daughter-in-law Sharon Ford. He leaves state generations ago. Without Lewis merce and agriculture. seven grandchildren, Rory Ford, Devin Ford, MacAdams’ passion, commitment and drive, Yuma County leads the state and is third in Jaclyn Ford, Bryan Ford, David Ford, Zoe the cultural and ecological health of the Los the nation for vegetable production. In fact, Crane and Cole Shepherd. He was preceded Angeles River would be unimaginably dimin- Yuma County is the ‘‘winter lettuce capital of in death by his parents and son Donald R. ished. In celebration of the FoLAR Fandango, the world’’ and supplies 90% of our country’s Ford Jr. I am deeply saddened and I extend I ask all Members of Congress to join me in lettuce between November and March. The my condolences to his entire family. Trumbull commending Lewis MacAdams, Jr. for his County is also the world’s top producer of County, the City of Warren, and the State of great accomplishments and contributions. gourmet Medjool dates. Ohio are much better places because of f Yuma County has influenced the culture and Donald’s leadership and selfless contributions. He and his service will never be forgotten. IN MEMORY OF CLARENCE identity of Arizona and the United States: the f ROBERTS JOHNSON gradual taming of the Colorado River which unlocked some of the world’s best agricultural A TRIBUTE TO MARVIN harvests, the famous Yuma Territorial Prison SCHACHTER HON. BRETT GUTHRIE which housed some of the frontier’s most ne- OF KENTUCKY farious criminals, and the booms and busts of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bountiful ore and mineral mines that populated HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF Monday, November 17, 2014 the desert. These are the stories of the Wild OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. GUTHRIE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in West that have shaped the independent and memory of Clarence Roberts Johnson. The determined spirit of the County and its proud Monday, November 17, 2014 New Haven, KY, native was elected mayor in residents. Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to 2010 and held that post until he passed away From its original Native American settlers to congratulate Marvin Schachter of Pasadena, on August 28, 2014. its Wild West days to its rich agricultural his- California, upon receiving the American Civil A fixture in his community, ‘‘Bobby’’ wore tory, Yuma County’s story is an integral part of Liberties Union (ACLU) of Southern California many hats throughout his career. He was a li- the American identity. On November 10, 2014 Bill of Rights Award. censed barber and a small business owner in we celebrate 150 years for Yuma County; let Born on May 17, 1924, Marvin grew up in the community. Bobby was committed to pro- us look forward to 150 more. Brooklyn during the Great Depression as the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:13 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K17NO8.004 E17NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1599 youngest of four children. The hard-hitting NATIONAL ESTUARY PROGRAMS sive extraction of tar sands oil. It is also impor- Great Depression years had enormous influ- REAUTHORIZATION tant to consider the impacts to local commu- ence in determining Marvin’s life direction. At nities where this pipeline would be built as the young age of 15, he became involved in SPEECH OF well as threats to the water supply. Oil from student activism and joined the national board HON. HENRY A. WAXMAN the tar sands continues to reach American re- fineries. of the American Student Union, a progressive OF CALIFORNIA We should do the analysis of this pipeline organization of college students known for its IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES protests against militarism. In 1943, Marvin right, and wait for it to finish. Most importantly, Wednesday, November 12, 2014 was drafted into the Army and served in mili- we should focus on long-term, sustainable so- tary intelligence until February, 1946 when he Mr. WAXMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to lutions to meet our nation’s future energy was discharged. Shortly after his discharge, express my support for H.R. 5266, the reau- needs, lower our carbon emissions and make our communities more resilient to a changing he received his bachelor’s degree at Brooklyn thorization of the National Estuary Program climate. College, married Doris Donnally and began his (NEP). The 33rd Congressional District, which I If I had been present for the vote, I would graduate work in economics at Columbia Uni- have voted no. versity. During this time, he was actively in- represent, includes the Santa Monica Bay, an f volved in the civil rights movement organizing estuary that includes some of the most iconic marches and establishing statewide student coastline in the nation. In 1988, the State of IN TRIBUTE TO 1SG. GERALD B. organizations against segregationist laws. He California and the Environmental Protection WRIGHT (RET.) ON HIS INDUC- completed his master’s degree in economics Agency (EPA) established the Santa Monica TION INTO THE CONNECTICUT at the University of Colorado, and in 1951, he Bay Restoration Project as a National Estuary VETERANS HALL OF FAME Program under the Clean Water Act. Estu- was admitted as a graduate student at Cam- aries, protected and restored by funding from bridge University, England. HON. JOE COURTNEY the National Estuary Program, are some of the OF CONNECTICUT When Marvin returned to the United States most productive habitats on earth. Unfortu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES as a trained economist, he wanted to pursue nately, due to population growth across the a career in academia, but was prevented from coastline, these estuaries are increasingly Monday, November 17, 2014 doing so due to unwarranted concern over his under threat from pollution and environmental Mr. COURTNEY. Mr. Speaker, in America’s history of student activism. He became a mar- degradation. veterans we regularly see many of the most ket researcher for Hallicrafters, a company Luckily, the Santa Monica Bay Restoration prized attributes of American spirit. Our men that specialized in constructing electronic Commission (SMBRC) is working to protect its and women in uniform are frequently called equipment for the Air Force, but was let go vital resources. Through an action plan called upon to create innovative solutions to complex when an executive learned of his activism in the Bay Restoration Plan, the Commission problems in the most dangerous of environ- leftist organizations. This turn of events led and its partners are working to improve the ments. Through such harrowing experiences, Marvin to go into retail and merchandising. environmental health of the Santa Monica Bay our veterans develop skills and knowledge that frequently lead them to find new ways to In 1954, tragically, his wife Doris passed and its surroundings by improving water qual- ity, restoring damaged habitats and conserving continue serving and supporting their commu- away. In 1956, Marvin met and married Esther natural and marine resources. nities long after they take off the uniform. Few Adler. The Schachters moved to Los Angeles The reauthorization of the National Estu- exemplify these qualities more than First Ser- for Marvin to take a job offer by the Mays De- aries Program under H.R. 5266 is essential to geant Gerald B. Wright (Ret.), who will be in- partment Stores Company. At that time, helping safeguard the ecological and eco- ducted into the Connecticut Veterans Hall of Marvin joined the American Friends Service nomic viability of our nation’s estuaries. This Fame next week. Committee in Pasadena and the ACLU’s legislation will direct more money to our na- I have known Gerry for over 15 years, dur- board of directors. He became president of the tion’s estuaries while reducing overall author- ing which time I have witnessed his dedication ACLU of Southern California, and served on ization levels by reducing administrative costs to service both in and out of uniform. A tire- the national board for 17 years. In the 1980s, at EPA and designating money to National Es- less advocate for service members, their fami- Mr. Schachter hosted a weekly radio program tuary Programs. lies and veterans from all branches and com- on domestic and foreign policy issues on Since 1987, the establishment of the Na- ponents of our Armed Forces, Gerry’s advo- KPFK, and became one of the founders of the tional Estuaries Program has allowed us to cacy and devotion to those who have served Pasadena Weekly, for which he continues to identify and help preserve 28 different water- demonstrates the qualities that make him a re- write an occasional column. Marvin left a suc- sheds. These watersheds are essential to the vered member of his community, state and na- cessful retail career to establish a real estate future of our nation’s coastlines. I urge my col- tion. business, but continued his social and political leagues to support H.R. 5266 to protect our Gerry first enlisted in the U.S. Army in Octo- work. He was the Vice Chair of the Interfaith coastal ecology for generations to come. ber 1968, and was deployed to Vietnam less Center to Reverse the Arms Race, a leader in f than a year later. He served with the 19th the California nuclear freeze movement, and Combat Engineers Battalion, 18th Engineering chaired a steering committee that organized APPROVAL OF THE KEYSTONE XL Brigade where he was responsible for road and united California’s disabled communities. PIPELINE work, mine sweeps, security, and reconnais- sance. In 1970, he was attached to the Sev- In the 1990s, Marvin expanded his volunteer SPEECH OF service to include the senior community, serv- enth Special Forces Group, before returning to ing as a Governor’s appointee to the California HON. EARL BLUMENAUER the United States to attend Pathfinder School, Commission on Aging, chair of the Senior Ad- OF OREGON becoming an expert in land navigation. vocacy Council of Pasadena, and President of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES After completing his second tour in Novem- ber 1971, Gerry retired from active duty and the L.A. County Agency on Aging Advisory Friday, November 14, 2014 Council. Recently, he has worked with the returned to Connecticut to start his family and Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, this is the International Criminal Court Alliance, the found his own business. Still fulfilling the call eighth time that the House has voted to ap- to serve, Gerry joined the Connecticut Army United Nations Association, the California prove Keystone and short circuit the review National Guard, with whom he would serve for Commission on Aging, and the Center for process, and I have opposed it each time. 171⁄2 additional years, during which he was Healthcare Rights, among many other organi- Continuing this pattern is not helpful or a good part of Operation Desert Storm, and also led zations. He is also documenting his life use of our time. soldiers from Connecticut to Southern Cali- through the Pasadena Historical Society’s Oral My position has long been clear: there is a fornia to assist in constructing fencing and ob- History Project. Marvin and Esther have two legal and regulatory process that the Adminis- stacles at our nation’s border. There, he was daughters, Pamela and Amanda, and two tration is currently following to determine if this commended by his commander for being the grandchildren, Emma and Max. pipeline is in the interest of the American peo- first rotation to not have a single heat or acci- I ask that all Members of Congress please ple. dent casualty due to the extreme temperatures join me in recognizing the extraordinary life- It is important to consider the environmental of the region. time contributions of Marvin Schachter, a true impact that this pipeline may have, including a Gerry’s care for his comrades and brothers- guardian of our civil liberties. potential direct increase in the energy-inten- in-arms has not shown the slightest signs of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:13 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K17NO8.005 E17NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1600 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 17, 2014 fading since his retirement from the National Jessica and Daniel celebrated their commit- This fund supports the Veterans Memorial Mu- Guard in 1999. Gerry has consistently sup- ment to each other on Sunday, November 16, seum and other projects benefitting veterans. ported his fellow service members by storing 2014, in the greatest city in America, my Apart from serving the community, Arthur and the possessions of deploying soldiers, repair- hometown, Chicago, IL. his wife Betty Jane loved to spend their time ing and donating vehicles to veterans unable It is with great excitement and anticipation traveling the world. Arthur is survived by his to afford their own, or helping place that both families share in the happiness of son Brad and his wife Audrey, and their transitioning soldiers in civilian jobs, some- this union. Their commitment to each other is daughter Carly and her husband Keith Berry. times at his own business. Since 9/11, Gerry one to be celebrated and commended and has been a regular, consistent attendee at one in which I offer my congratulations and f ‘‘Send Off’’ and ‘‘Welcome Home’’ events at wish them the best as they begin their new life the Hartford Armory for Connecticut National together. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SHAISTA Guard units deployed to the Middle East. In f MAHMOOD August of 2010, Gerry also completed the grueling ‘‘Legacy Run to Reno’’, a fundraiser HONORING THE LIFE OF ARTHUR HON. JAMES P. MORAN to benefit military children who lost a parent in J. HILL OF VIRGINIA Iraq or Afghanistan. Gerry is an invaluable asset to eastern Con- HON. JIM COSTA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES necticut’s veteran community, and a shining OF CALIFORNIA Monday, November 17, 2014 example of every honorable quality we see in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. MORAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to our service members. Next week, he will be Monday, November 17, 2014 inducted into the Connecticut Veterans Hall of celebrate the birthday of a great Virginian, an Fame—the latest in a long list of honors and Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to 8th District constituent and my dear friend, awards for which he is more than deserving. honor the life of my friend Arthur J. Hill, who Shaista Mahmood. passed away on November 4, 2014 at the age f It’s been decades since Shaista first came of 99. Arthur was a successful businessman, to our country from Pakistan with her new CONGRATULATING EHCMA WORK- war hero, and community volunteer who made husband Rafat (Ray), her commitment to her FORCE DEVELOPMENT COM- his community and country a better place adopted home is matched by none. All MITTEE through his dedication to his service. througout Northern Virginia, life is improving Arthur was born in Coos Bay, Oregon where thanks to the work of the Mahmoods. From HON. PETE OLSON he attended local schools, and then continued their humble beginnings starting at the age of OF TEXAS on to study engineering at the University of 23 with their first business in the Del Ray Oregon. Shortly after the attack on Pearl Har- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES neighborhood of Alexandria, they’ve been im- bor, at the age of 27 he volunteered for the portant members of the small business com- Monday, November 17, 2014 U.S. Army and was assigned to the 146th En- munity in the 8th District. Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to gineers Battalion as the Headquarters Com- But it has been Shaista’s charitable work for congratulate the East Harris County Manufac- pany Commander, which is a position that he causes around the world that is most pro- turers Association (EHCMA) Workforce Devel- kept until the end of the Second World War found. In fact, the organizations to which she opment Committee for being awarded the Vi- when he retired with the rank of Captain. has devoted her time are too numerous to list. sionary Award from the Economic Alliance During his campaign in World War II, Arthur Whether it’s supporting children recovering Houston Port Region Board of Directors. worked tirelessly for the U.S. Army. Arthur’s from life in war-torn regions of our globe at This award honors individuals and organiza- battalion built and operated an assault training Seeds of Peace or securing positive change tions whose work on key regional issues has center consisting of exact duplications of Ger- for women as worldwide economic drivers at expanded economic and social opportunity in man fortifications, which was replicated from Vital Voices, Shaista’s commitment to making our community. The Workforce Development secret aerial reconnaissance photos of the a difference in the lives of women and children Committee has raised $100,000 in scholarship Normandy landing beaches. He also partici- is unmatched. pated in four additional European Campaigns funds for Lee College and San Jacinto Col- I’ve been honored to share this commitment in Northern France, Ardennes and Alsace, the lege. These scholarships will help train tomor- to so many of these causes, but none more so Rhineland, and Central Europe. row’s petrochemical and manufacturing lead- than her devotion to improving women’s and In recognition of his efforts in training 65 ers. Strong investment in the future of these children’s rights around the globe. Hers has civil engineers to assist in the reconstruction industries creates opportunity and prosperity been a silent hand at the wheel driving forces of the town of Pilsen, Czechoslovakia, the that will benefit the entire American economy for change all around the globe, demanding Czech Government awarded Arthur the Czech in the long run. equal rights for the many who are treated un- Military Medal. He was also awarded the I thank the Workforce Development Com- justly as a matter of course and tradition every Czech Presidential Medal on the 50th anniver- mittee for their investment in our community day. that supports future opportunities for so many sary of the liberation of Czechoslovakia, and These are the very issues that have inspired businesses and families. On behalf of the resi- was chosen as the recipient of the first annual so many of us to devote decades of our life dents of the Twenty-Second Congressional ‘‘Hero of the Valley Award,’’ which is given to to public service. But while we are welcomed District of Texas, congratulations to the a distinguished military veteran in the San and honored in DC and throughout the country EHCMA Workforce Development Committee Joaquin Valley. as public servants, Shaista asks for no such for receiving the Economic Alliance’s Visionary Upon returning home from serving our coun- recognition. She is proud to let her good work Award. try, Art met and married his wife, Betty Jane stand as testament alone to the countless f ‘‘BJ’’; the couple enjoyed over 50 years of happy marriage until she passed away in hours of commitment she has spent advancing CONGRATULATING JESSICA RIVKA 1998. After the war, Arthur went on to work in these global issues. CHERRY AND DANIEL JOSEPH the oil industry until 1980, when he retired as Since we first met years ago, thanks in CHAVIN ON THE ANNOUNCEMENT president of Hill Oil Company. He then worked small part to her delicious Pakistani cooking, OF THEIR WEDDING at the Veterans Memorial Museum from 1992 the roots she has planted in Northern Virginia until 2011 where he served as Director for ten are deep and wide. Along with Ray, Shaista HON. MIKE QUIGLEY years. The Veterans Memorial Museum is has opened her home to countless organiza- OF ILLINOIS considered by many to be one of the finest tions, including elected officials at every level from across the . We are all IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES military museums in the country. Art was also a member of the Fresno Rotary Club for over fortunate to call Shaista our friend, and for Monday, November 17, 2014 50 years and was Commander of the Amer- many, our inspiration. Mr. QUIGLEY. Mr. Speaker, my esteemed ican Legion in Fresno. Mr. Speaker, please join with me today in colleagues, please join me in recognizing Miss Arthur loved to spend time with veterans, celebrating Shaista’s commitment to making Jessica Rivka Cherry and Mr. Daniel Joseph and cared for them so much that in 2010, he this world a better place all within it. I’m hon- Chavin, as they celebrate their dedication to established the ‘‘Veterans of the Central Val- ored to call her a constitutent and even more each other and to their future together. ley Fund’’ at the Fresno Regional Foundation. honored to call her a friend.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:13 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO8.003 E17NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1601 CONGRATULATING THE NATIONAL of the appropriations process, to capitalize it. did not sell secrets to an enemy or act to hurt LOW INCOME HOUSING COALI- The NHTF, funded to scale, is the most prom- U.S. national security. But John did shine a TION ON ITS 40TH ANNIVERSARY ising way for our nation to end the affordable critical spotlight on a CIA practice that many housing shortage which exists in every state in wanted kept in the shadows and he did chal- HON. MAXINE WATERS the country, and advance on the progress we lenge the authority of those who authorized, OF CALIFORNIA are already making as a country towards end- oversaw, and encouraged the use of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing homelessness. waterboarding and other acts of torture. And In addition, NLIHC has been a leading voice he did this with the moral authority of some- Monday, November 17, 2014 in assuring that the rights of renters and ex- one who served inside the intelligence world, Ms. WATERS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to tremely low income households are protected refused an invitation to be trained in congratulate the National Low Income Housing as Congress addressed foreclosures. waterboarding and other like methods, knew Coalition, or ‘‘NLIHC,’’ on its 40th Anniversary. With hundreds of members across the coun- and loved the rank-and-file men and women NLIHC is the only national advocacy organi- try, and consistently incisive research and pol- who sacrifice family life, safety, and prosperity zation solely focused on the housing needs of icy analysis, NLIHC is a respected voice in for the mission of gathering and assessing se- extremely low income households—that is, Washington, D.C. that has helped produce crets that might threaten American interests households with incomes at or below 30 per- policies impacting the lives of millions. I con- and lives. cent of the area median income. gratulate NLIHC on its 40th Anniversary, and The real issue here is the extremely selec- While numerous organizations concentrate I look forward to working with NLIHC in the fu- tive prosecution of John and the ongoing ef- on federal housing policy, NLIHC is unique be- ture to address the housing needs of the very forts to intimidate him from talking about our cause of its sole focus on the needs of ex- poorest Americans. There is a lot of work that intelligence community’s misfires. Even former tremely low income people, the only popu- remains to be done, but I have no doubt that CIA Director Leon Panetta now concedes he lation experiencing an absolute shortage of af- with NLIHC as a partner, we are up to the accidentally revealed classified information to fordable housing. NLIHC remains firm to its task. the writer of Zero Dark Thirty, but faces no mission, even at times when doing so is not f legal ramifications. Jose Rodriguez, the CIA’s popular. former head of the Clandestine Service, ad- PRESIDENTIAL PARDON FOR JOHN Since its inception, NLIHC has been a lead- mits to deciding without any legal authorization KIRIAKOU er in the effort to address the housing needs to erase videotapes of torture sessions so of those with the lowest incomes. From the they could never be used in U.S. courts, but time that Cushing N. Dolbeare founded the Ad HON. JAMES P. MORAN has never been forced to answer for this de- Hoc Low Income Housing Coalition, a prede- OF VIRGINIA struction of evidence. cessor to NLIHC, the organization has worked IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Whatever John’s misdeeds—and he admits to better educate constituents about when and Monday, November 17, 2014 that answering that reporter’s questions was ¨ how to make their voices heard. Mr. MORAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ill-advised and naıve—he has more than paid Ms. Dolbeare authored or co-authored doz- ask for a Presidential pardon for John for them. After fifteen years of service to his ens of articles, books and reports, most nota- Kiriakou. Mr. Kiriakou is an American hero. A country, the personal risks and costs of a life bly a widely-cited annual report on the gap be- 15 year CIA veteran, he was decorated and in the intelligence world, the legal double- tween housing costs and the wages of low in- recognized more than a dozen times for his standard applied, and now two years in prison come people. This publication continues to be outstanding work in the always-demanding in- John Kiriakou deserves a Presidential pardon relied upon on Capitol Hill, and the data in- telligence world, served in dangerous Middle so his record can be cleared, just as this cluded in it are instrumental in making the East posts and helped lead the team in Paki- country is trying to heal from a dark chapter in case for continued federal support for housing stan that captured our first high value Al its history. programs that reach those in our society with Qaeda target during the biggest coordinated f the very lowest incomes. operation in Agency counter-terrorism history. HONORING ALFONSO J. ORTIZ NLIHC has found through its research that John Kiriakou is also a devoted family man for every 100 extremely low income renter to his wife and five children, a church-going HON. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM households, there are only 31 affordable and member of the Greek-American community, a available units. This shortage worsens every OF NEW MEXICO best-selling author and a serious-minded IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES year and exists in every state in the country. former Congressional foreign policy aide. The need is particularly acute given current John Kiriakou is a whistleblower, as well. Monday, November 17, 2014 funding for HUD programs, which is only The first American intelligence officer to offi- Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM of New enough to reach one in four eligible house- cially and on-record reveal that the U.S. was Mexico. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor the holds. Households who cannot get assistance, in the torture business as a matter of White life of Alfonso J. Ortiz, a devoted husband, even though they are eligible, must spend the House policy under President Bush. In con- loving father and proud New Mexican. majority of their meager incomes on housing, firming what the American media and policy- Alfonso’s New Mexico roots run deep—he is leaving very little for other expenses. Often, makers were hearing whispered—that a direct descendent of a Conquistador during something like a medical emergency or job waterboarding and other enhanced interroga- the time of Diego De Vargas who served as loss leaves a household at risk of experi- tion techniques were a matter of standard mili- Spanish governor for the New Spain territory encing homelessness or another unstable tary and intelligence procedures—he helped of Santa Fe de Nuevo Me´xico. Alfonso would housing situation. begin an intense and overdue debate over carry on this legacy. From the beginning, Al- To address the housing shortage, NLIHC’s whether torture violated international law, tar- fonso displayed an impassioned sense of most notable achievement to date has been nished our higher American principles and un- duty, pride and commitment to those he loved, its work towards creating a National Housing dermined the critical need for reliable, action- his community and our country. At 17 years Trust Fund in 2008. The NHTF was initially to able information. old, Alfonso proudly enlisted in the United be funded by contributions from Fannie Mae And John Kiriakou is a convicted felon, States Army serving with honor and distinction and Freddie Mac. The contributions were tem- serving a 21⁄2 year plea bargained sentence in in World War II. porarily suspended in 2008 at the height of the a Pennsylvania federal prison. The charge Alfonso would embark on a 30 year career financial crisis. The Trust Fund, once it is cap- against him is violating the Intelligence Identi- as a Civil Service Employee with the United italized, will provide the largest investment in ties Protection Act, whereby John answered a States Post Office (USPS). Starting out as a over 40 years for the production, preservation, question from a U.S. reporter who was Rural Route Letter Carrier, Alfonso ascended and rehabilitation of affordable housing for ex- duplicitously fronting for lawyers defending Al through the ranks and at one point supervised tremely low income households. It would Qaeda prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay and all the mail carriers in Santa Fe. Alfonso was jumpstart construction in our communities— in the process unintentionally confirmed the a man of great integrity and revered by his providing both jobs and sustainable housing classified identity of a CIA colleague. A col- employees. Whenever a letter carrier passed opportunities to moderate and low-income league who, by the way, was being erro- by, they would remind his children of what a people. neously labeled as an enhanced interrogation wonderful boss he was; they would do any- I have been eager to see the Housing Trust techniques torturer. thing in the world for him because they knew Fund funded, and I call on my colleagues to All four of these realities about John are he never asked of them anything he would not find additional sources of funding from outside intertwined. He is not a spy nor a turncoat, he do himself.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:13 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A17NO8.008 E17NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1602 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 17, 2014 After World War II, Alfonzo returned to New CONGRATULATING EAGLE SCOUT communities from a culture of coping to a cul- Mexico to marry the love of his life Anne BARON RYAN ture of coverage. Rodriguez. They would live out their life to- This Saturday, alongside Executive Director gether in Santa Fe, New Mexico with their 6 HON. BILLY LONG of Covered California Mr. Peter Lee, I re- children and 8 grandchildren. Alfonso’s uncon- OF MISSOURI launched my ‘‘Enroll OC’’ or ‘‘Inscribete HOY’’ ditional and everlasting love for his family was IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES initiative to connect Orange County residents with certified, in-person, bilingual health insur- boundless and when his wife Anne developed Monday, November 17, 2014 cancer he was her main caregiver, always at ance enrollment services. her side, even as she drew her last breath. Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to con- Despite some bumps along the road last gratulate Eagle Scout Baron Ryan on earning Alfonso represents the best of our country— year, Orange County surpassed enrollment all 139 Merit Badges possible during his time kindness toward others, respect for everyone expectations by almost three-hundred percent, in the Boy Scouts. and limitless love. He lived his life with ardor, enrolling over 131,000 people, including more This feat is even more remarkable since then 2,000 folks who were helped by ‘‘Enroll zeal and enterprise; striving to create a better only 242 boys out of the 110 million Boy life for his family and community. Alfonso is a OC.’’ Scouts who have ever been involved in Boy And believe me, we will do it again. In fact, spectacular new Mexican who moved and in- Scouts have earned every Merit Badge pos- we have to do it again. spired individuals not with rhetoric but through sible. Even then, because the Boy Scouts re- We enrolled one million Californians and cut actions, leading by example. Today, Alfonso is issued 4 additional historical Merit Badges in our uninsured rate in half—the Affordable not with us but his legacy and lessons will en- 2010 to celebrate the organization’s 100th an- Care Act is working. It’s time to stop repealing dure in all those he met. May the memory of niversary, Baron earned a total number of and start enrolling and I hope all of my col- Alfonso live on in our hearts. Merit Badges that only a handful of Boys leagues, from both sides of the aisle, will join Scouts in all of scouting history have accom- our effort. f plished. Let’s commit to ready, set, enroll. But Scouting is not only about achieving PERSONAL EXPLANATION f Merit Badges. In his time as a Scout, Baron has completed hours upon hours of service to REMEMBERING TERRENCE P. HON. JAMES P. McGOVERN his community through projects such as col- ALLEN lecting food for Least of These during Scout- OF MASSACHUSETTS ing for Food, playing his bugle for numerous HON. MIKE QUIGLEY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Veterans Day and ceremonies, OF ILLINOIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, November 17, 2014 cleaning up area rivers, serving our nation’s veterans at VFW and American Legion events, Monday, November 17, 2014 Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, on Novem- and volunteering with charities such as Lost Mr. QUIGLEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ber 14, 2014 I travelled to El Salvador to com- and Found, which serves children and teens in remember and honor the life of an important memorate the assassination of six Jesuit the Missouri Ozarks who are grieving due to and respected member of the Chicago com- priests 25 years ago. As a result, I was absent the loss of a parent. munity, Terrence P. Allen, who recently for rollcall votes 518 and 519. If I were Aside from the time Baron dedicated to his passed away at the young age of 54. Terry present, I would have voted ‘‘yes’’ on rollcall community, he also dedicated himself and his Allen has been a long and outstanding activist 518 and ‘‘no’’ on rollcall 519. time to his troop. During his time as a Boy for the middle-class, guiding him through a Scout, Baron held many important leadership long and distinguished career fighting for f roles, including troop guide, instructor, histo- workers. Terry passed away on November 11, rian, and chaplain’s aide among others. As a 2014 after heroically battling cancer. THE 85TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE Scout, Baron has also spent approximately Terry served for decades as a dedicated DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE 150 nights camping with his troop, including leader of working people, taking over the city’s participating in high adventure crews at the largest electrical workers union in 2011 as the HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN Boy Scouts’ Philmont Scout Ranch in New Business Manager for International Brother- Mexico, Sea Base in the Florida Keys, and hood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 134. OF MARYLAND Northern Tier in Minnesota, all of which ulti- In this role, Terry represented thousands of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mately earned him the Boy Scouts’ coveted Chicagoland workers with great distinction. As Triple Crown award. distinguished as he was on behalf of workers, Monday, November 17, 2014 As if his accomplishments do not already Terry made many other contributions to the seem vast, for his Eagle Project, Baron pro- Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to State of Illinois and the City of Chicago for duced a 1,022 page book called Lamonga, recognize the Daughters of Penelope, who for which we are all grateful. River of the Seven Spirits that was ultimately 85 years have been working to improve the Terry’s top priority was always his family donated free of cost to hundreds of Missouri status and well-being of women and their fam- and the love and support they provided was schools and libraries. ilies in this country and around the world. most important in his life. He married the love I urge my colleagues to join me in congratu- of his life, Jean Conrick, and together they By promoting the ideals of ancient Greece lating Baron on all that he has accomplished raised 3 children; Billy, Amanda and Michael. including civic engagement and good citizen- and wish him well in his future endeavors. Terry was the youngest of 8 children born to ship through community service and philan- f Thomas and Irene Allen. His loving family in- thropy, the Daughters of Penelope have cluded his siblings Barbara (John) Wiemhoff, helped to raise awareness for a number of NOVEMBER 15TH MARKED BEGIN- Nancy (Hon. Tim) Cullerton, Honorable Tom civic and humanitarian causes. NING OF OPEN ENROLLMENT FOR QUALITY, AFFORDABLE (Jan), Jim (Lin), Tim (Mary), Dan (Sue) and From its financial support for breast cancer HEALTH CARE his twin brother, Pat (Laura), along with his research to its assistance to victims and com- wife’s family; parents, Bill and Camille Conrick, munities affected by natural disasters to its HON. LORETTA SANCHEZ Mary Ann (Dan) Jordan, Bill Conrick, Joanne work in support of affordable and dignified (Dan) Lynch, Tom Conrick, and Cathy (Jay) OF CALIFORNIA housing for this nation’s senior citizens, the Ek. Uncle and Great Uncle Terry will be fondly IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES members of the Daughters of Penelope have remembered by his 46 nieces and nephews. answered the call of those in need for more Monday, November 17, 2014 Mr. Speaker, Terrence Allen was an inspira- than a half century. Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of California. Mr. tion to all who knew him. I ask my colleagues So it is with great appreciation that I rise to Speaker, this Saturday, November 15th was a to join me in remembering him for his tireless recognize the work and members of the big day for all of us. November 15th marked service and dedication. I join his family, friends Daughters of Penelope for their commitment the beginning of open enrollment for quality, and IBEW Local 134 to honor his legacy, cele- to volunteerism, for their charity and for all affordable health care for millions of Ameri- brate his life and remember his illustrious con- they have done over these many years to ad- cans. tributions to the State of Illinois and the City of vance the standing of women around the Because health care should be a right, not Chicago. I wish to express my deepest condo- world. a privilege. We need to continue moving our lences to his family, and may God bless the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:13 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A17NO8.010 E17NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1603 Allen/Conrick family and the memory of a man A real life example can help demonstrate CONGRATULATING LUKE MAYOCK who was truly loved by his family, his friends, the impact of H.R. 4. Congress passed the and his community. FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) HON. PETE OLSON f in 2010 to improve the ability of the Food and OF TEXAS Drug Administration (FDA) to police the food IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES RECOGNIZING MR. HARRY H. supply and protect consumers from dangerous CROHE contaminants. Foods we never would have Monday, November 17, 2014 imagined to be unsafe, from spinach to peanut Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to HON. MICHAEL G. FITZPATRICK butter, have harmed thousands of Americans. congratulate Luke Mayock for being named OF PENNSYLVANIA FDA has been working hard to comply with the Football Scholar-Athlete of the Year by the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the mandate of the new law and is in the proc- Touchdown Club of Houston. Mayock is a Monday, November 17, 2014 ess of finalizing a number of rules that would senior at Clements High School in my home- Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I proudly implement some of the key pieces of the food town of Sugar Land, Texas. This award recog- recognize the dedicated service of Harry H. safety legislation. The administrative hurdles nizes Mayock’s academic and athletic Crohe and his commitment to safety and se- that H.R. 4 establishes would severely delay achievements. curity as the Deputy Emergency Management the implementation of these rules, putting He is among an elite group of high school Coordinator and Training Officer of the Bucks Americans at risk of foodborne illnesses, de- athletes. In 2014, he recorded 50 receptions, County Emergency Management Agency. spite the law’s obvious merits and public sup- 647 yards and five touchdowns in addition to Harry Crohe has honorably served for the last port. serving as the team’s punt returner and place- 16 years during a period of the Agency’s ex- Furthermore, H.R. 4 would undermine exist- kicker. Mayock has also been recognized for pansion and growth. In addition, he has a long ing regulations and laws. The measure would his academic strength in English and math. He history of volunteer service in his Bristol Bor- limit the ability of citizens to hold agencies ac- also coaches a youth league basketball team ough community, having served for more than countable for not adequately fulfilling their reg- and supports his church’s international retreats 50 years as a volunteer and officer with the ulatory obligations. It would exempt private eq- to assist underdeveloped communities. On behalf of the residents of the Twenty- Bucks County Rescue Squad and the Amer- uity fund advisors from important disclosure Second Congressional District of Texas, con- ican Hose Hook and Ladder. No. 2, where he requirements, jeopardizing the financial sys- gratulations again to Luke Mayock for receiv- continues to serve. Harry Crohe is an out- tem and protections for investors and the pub- ing the 2014 Football Scholar-Athlete of the standing example of the dedication of Bucks lic. The bill would threaten existing public land Year Award. We look forward to his continued County citizens and employees who are and environmental regulations by allowing in- success both on and off the field. counted within the ranks of first responders. I creased logging in national forests. It would gratefully acknowledge his leadership and weaken the employer-sponsored insurance f service on behalf of the County of Bucks and system and hurt American workers by increas- REMINDING AMERICANS OF THE his remarkable spirit of volunteerism and wish ing the definition of full-time work week under IMPORTANCE OF COMMUNITY him a bright and healthy future. the Affordable Care Act from 30 hours a week FOUNDATIONS AND CELE- f to 40 hours a week. There is simply no evi- BRATING COMMUNITY FOUNDA- dence that the ACA has led to a shift in part- EXPRESSING OPPOSITION TO H.R. TION WEEK time work. In fact, since the ACA became law, 4, THE JOBS FOR AMERICA ACT we have added more than nine million private HON. SUSAN W. BROOKS sector jobs and expanded health insurance OF INDIANA HON. HENRY A. WAXMAN coverage through the marketplaces to more OF CALIFORNIA than eight million Americans. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, November 17, 2014 Today, the Republican majority brings to the Monday, November 17, 2014 floor a package of bills that have already Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, Mr. WAXMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in passed the House and been rejected by the community foundations epitomize the philan- strong opposition to H.R. 4, the Jobs for Senate. H.R. 4 would inhibit the ability of fed- thropic culture of the United States. Estab- America Act. H.R. 4 is not a new bill to be eral regulatory agencies to issue necessary lished in 1989, Community Foundation Week considered on the House floor. It is a compila- health, safety, environmental and financial reg- takes place from November 12–18th annually tion of bills, many of which have already been ulations. The measure does nothing to im- and honors the tremendous contributions of passed by Republicans on a partisan basis. prove the economy, create jobs or protect community foundations across our country. Republicans claim the bill would create jobs Americans; it does everything to threaten the They hold a unique place in American society and strengthen the economy. In reality, H.R. 4 progress we have already made. and provide hope and opportunity to millions of Americans. One hundred years ago, the would weaken meaningful reforms and regula- I oppose H.R. 4 and I urge my colleagues world’s first community foundation was estab- tions that protect American consumers, fami- do the same. lies and workers. In addition, the bill would lished in Cleveland, Ohio. Since then more add $574 billion to the deficit. This bill does a than 700 community foundations have been f disservice to the American people, the future created in America inspiring millions of Ameri- of our economy and our environment. OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL cans to give back to this great country with H.R. 4 would impose numerous administra- DEBT their time, talent and treasure. tive hurdles that would degrade the regulatory Today, I would like to recognize the work of process. Agencies would be required to con- Indiana’s community foundations that operate duct cost-benefit analyses and could be forced HON. MIKE COFFMAN under the definitions supported by he National to adopt rules that are the least costly, not Standards for Community Foundations. Indi- necessarily the most beneficial. Agencies OF COLORADO ana is blessed to have a community founda- would also have to calculate often IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion in every county, including nine in my dis- unquantifiable effects of rules on small busi- trict: Community Foundation of Howard Coun- nesses, another costly and unnecessary use Monday, November 17, 2014 ty; Community Foundation of Grant County; of time and resources. To further delay the Blackford County Community Foundation; Tip- rulemaking process, H.R. 4 would require Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January ton County Community Foundation; Madison agencies to submit rules to the Office of Man- 20, 2009, the day President Obama took of- County Community Foundation; South Madi- agement and Budget for review, post rules on- fice, the national debt was son County Community Foundation; Legacy line for at least six months and seek approval $10,626,877,048,913.08. Fund; Community Foundation of Boone Coun- from both the House and Senate before the Today, it is $17,941,406,575,143.38. We’ve ty; and The Indianapolis Foundation. rules may take effect. Requiring congressional added $7,314,529,526,230.30 to our debt in 5 These foundations are a model for how phi- approval on all major rules would allow mem- years. This is over $7.3 trillion in debt our na- lanthropy can inspire communities to come to- bers of Congress to prevent finalization of tion, our economy, and our children could gether in support of a common cause. The rules that have already received extensive have avoided with a balanced budget amend- Legacy Fund, the community foundation serv- public input. ment. ing Hamilton County and an affiliate of Central

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:13 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A17NO8.015 E17NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1604 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 17, 2014 Indiana Community Foundation, is helping to HAPPY 90TH ANNIVERSARY TO Larry began working at Allen, Van Winkle & meet the needs of at-risk students in the coun- THE FLEET RESERVE ASSOCIA- Ivey law firm. ty through the Youth Assistance Program TION Larry adored his wife Saranne and their six (YAP). This innovative program is serving as children. Together, Larry and Saranne placed a critical connector to keep students and their HON. JOE WILSON their children’s education above all else, opt- families on the right track. In collaboration with OF SOUTH CAROLINA ing to send their children out of state for col- the county judicial system, schools, youth pro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lege so that they could experience life outside grams, law enforcement, and city leaders, stu- of California. dents displaying negative behavior or facing a Monday, November 17, 2014 After his sons, Neil and Brian, graduated challenging situation at home or school are re- Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- from law school, they united with their father ferred to YAP. The program in turn connects er, November 11th marks the 90th anniversary to found the law firm Morse, Morse & Morse, students to appropriate programs, classes, of the Fleet Reserve Association (FRA). On located in Merced’s historic Virginia Smith mentoring relationships, emergency supports, this day, we should not only honor our vet- home. Practicing law with his sons was an im- or counseling services, and families may be erans for their service and sacrifice, but also mense source of pride for Larry. referred to services as well. All of this leads to honor the FRA for their unwavering commit- an ultimate goal of self-sufficiency for families ment to support the needs of our active duty, Larry is survived by his beloved wife and keeping youth out of the judicial system at Reserves, and retired military members, vet- Saranne and the wonderful family they built a young age. erans and family members of the Navy, Ma- with their life together. This is just one example of the extraordinary rine Corps, and Coast Guard. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join work of place-based philanthropy in local com- Founded by Navy Chief Yeoman George L. me in honoring the life of Larry D. Morse. munities throughout the country. The spirit of Carlin and chartered in 1924, the FRA is one Throughout his life and career, Larry main- generosity embodied by over 700 U.S.-based of the oldest and largest enlisted organizations tained an outstanding character and a commit- community foundations is a core American and a founding member of The Military Coali- ment to his community. He will be greatly value. This week, I am honored to recognize tion. Its mission has been to serve as the pre- missed by many. these community foundations for their out- mier ‘‘watch dog’’ group in maintaining and im- standing efforts. proving the quality of life for Sea Service per- f f sonnel and their families. CELEBRATING THE VILLAGE OF HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY As a veteran myself, I wish to express my ELMWOOD PARK CENTENNIAL OF JERRY ‘‘JR’’ MCBRIDE immense gratitude for the hard work and dedi- cation of the Fleet Reserve Association and their outgoing National President, Mr. Virgil P. HON. PETER J. ROSKAM Courneya and incoming National President, HON. MIKE QUIGLEY OF ILLINOIS Mr. John Ippert. OF ILLINOIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Consistent with their motto, ‘‘loyalty, protec- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, November 17, 2014 tion and service’’, for nearly nine decades, Mr. ROSKAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to commitment to their members resulted in leg- Monday, November 17, 2014 honor the life of Jerry ‘‘JR’’ McBride, husband, islation enhancing quality of life programs Mr. QUIGLEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to father, and dedicated public servant. while protecting rights and privileges. recognize the Village of Elmwood Park as they JR McBride, who represented District 4 on f the DuPage County Board, died October 24, celebrate their Centennial. The historic elec- 2014 after a long battle with cancer. He was RECOGNIZING THE LIFE AND tion held on April 8, 1914, established Elm- just 47 years old. JR was the perfect definition MEMORY OF LARRY D. MORSE wood Park as an official village and was the of a public servant; dedicated to his constitu- catalyst to the village’s remarkable trans- ents, above partisan politics, and devoted to HON. JIM COSTA formation. doing the right thing for his community. He OF CALIFORNIA Thanks to the vision of Mr. John Mills, a was chairman of the board’s legislative com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Chicago area developer, the 1927 Westwood subdivision in Elmwood Park became one of mittee and previously chaired the judicial and Monday, November 17, 2014 public safety, public transit, and technology the early ‘‘planned communities’’ in our nation. committees. Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise in memory Mr. Mills’ Westwood project was the largest He was extremely generous with his time of Larry D. Morse, who passed away on Octo- residential program of its kind ever attempted and valued his community service. JR was ac- ber 28, 2014, at the age of 87. Larry was the in the State of Illinois. The $25 million building tively involved in various organizations, such founder of Morse, Morse & Morse law firm, program provided paved streets, sewers, side- as the Metropolitan Family Services of and he was a longtime resident of Merced. He walks and plans for 1,679 bungalows spread DuPage, Rotary Club, DuPage Chapter of the was a loving husband, father, and grandfather, over 245 acres in Elmwood Park. American Cancer Society, and the Glenbard who cherished time with his family above all Due to the ambitious project, the population West High School Booster Club. He was also else. Larry was dutifully active and civically increased over 700 percent growing from a founding member of the Jubilee Board which engaged in Merced as a Rotarian for more 1,380 to 11,270 people by 1930, making Elm- raised funds for Outreach Community Min- than 50 years, and he was a member on the wood Park the sixth fastest growing commu- istries in Wheaton, IL. In short, he was always board of directors of Merco Credit Union, the nity in the nation at that time. Merced College Foundation Board, and looking for ways to help improve the commu- The Honorable Elmer W. Conti was elected Merced Boosters. nities he served. Village President in 1953. Under his guidance, JR graduated from Fenwick High School While attending Hollywood High School in Elmwood Park was recognized for honorable and earned a bachelor’s degree from Loras the 1940s, Larry began working as an usher mention in the All-American awards in 1954, College in Iowa. After graduation he joined his for NBC Studios in Hollywood and was later 1955, and 1958 for its village administration, family’s business, McBride Insurance Com- promoted to supervisor. It was at NBC Studios financial stability, citizen involvement and pany. He eventually moved to Glen Ellyn in where Larry met a new employee, Saranne progress in education. Village President Conti 1992. Condon. Larry and Saranne would go on to served for 32 years, retiring in 1985. Mr. Speaker, and Distinguished Colleagues, spend the next 70 years in a romantic, loving, JR McBride was a man who understood well and nurturing relationship. After his time at In the last 25 years the Village of Elmwood his duty to family and community. He is sur- NBC Studios, Larry attended Southwestern Park has had outstanding leaders. Honorable vived by his wife, Becky; four daughters, School of Law in Los Angeles and later began Peter N. Silvestri served as Village President Lauren, Molly, Abigail and Sara; a son, Marty; his successful career as an attorney and from 1989 to 2013 and the current Village his father, Jerry Sr.; two sisters, Kara Brophy founder of the law firm Morse, Michelizzi & President, Honorable Angelo ‘‘Skip’’ Saviano, and Joy Gibson; and a brother, Bill. Please Wright in Lancaster, California. In 1973, Larry elected in 2013. join me in remembering him as a shining ex- was appointed to the Los Angeles County Mu- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me ample of how a caring, committed public serv- nicipal Court Bench by Governor Ronald in celebrating the Centennial of the Village of ant can make a positive difference in the lives Reagan. After serving on the bench, Larry and Elmwood Park. I am truly honored to have of others. his family relocated in 1977 to Merced, where such an outstanding community in my district.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:13 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO8.020 E17NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1605 CONGRATULATING PATRICE WALK- Kit McNally retired after providing 23 years tice for over 30 years, an apprentice diamond ER POWELL UPON HER RETIRE- of distinguished service as Chief Executive Of- cutter during his youth in Tel Aviv, and served MENT FROM THE NATIONAL EN- ficer of the Benedict Center, a non-profit, inter- in the U.S. Army. DOWMENT OF THE ARTS faith criminal justice agency that advocates for While in Congress, he was best known for positive change in the criminal justice system. his authorship and enactment of legislation in- The Center initiated many programs under her HON. LOUISE McINTOSH SLAUGHTER corporating the Mineral King Valley into Se- watch, including the gender-responsive Wom- OF NEW YORK quoia National Park, thwarting Disney devel- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES en’s Harm Reduction Program, utilized by both opers who wanted to turn the wilderness area Monday, November 17, 2014 the Milwaukee County District Attorney’s Of- fice and Milwaukee County judges as a diver- into a major ski resort. To recognize his ac- Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today sion from prison program. Further, under her complishment, in 2009, President Obama to honor the career of a dedicated public serv- direction, the Benedict Center was a statewide signed legislation establishing the John Krebs ant, Patrice Walker Powell of the National En- leader in drafting a model Community Justice Wilderness Area, covering 40,000 acres within dowment of the Arts (NEA). Over her 23 years Act for Wisconsin designed to return money to the Mineral King Valley. of service at the NEA, Ms. Powell has worked local communities that reduced state incarcer- John Krebs was born December 17, 1926, to broaden and deepen the NEA’s reach with ation costs through implementation of effective in Berlin. His parents fled Germany only a few diverse and underserved communities across treatment and diversion programs. She has months after Hitler came to power, and be the nation. served on various national and local boards, At the outset of Ms. Powell’s career at the was raised in Tel Aviv. In his teens, he em- committees and commissions and continues to NEA, she was charged with leading their Edu- barked on a career as a diamond cutter and serve as the citizen representative on the Ex- cation and Access Department at the same joined the Haganah, a Jewish underground or- ecutive Committee of the Milwaukee Commu- time that the institution experienced significant ganization opposing the British rule, while also nity Justice Council which is comprised of top cuts to its operational budget, forcing the preparing to attend college. leaders on criminal justice issues in Milwaukee agency to run with reduced resources. Ms. County. Mr. Krebs moved to the U.S. in 1946 to at- Powell successfully engaged the philanthropic Joel McNally is a national-award-winning tend the University of California, Berkeley. He community to develop bridge funding and pro- Wisconsin journalist based in Milwaukee. Joel graduated in 1950 and became a U.S. citizen tect multidisciplinary art centers that were cul- worked as a reporter, feature writer and satir- in 1952. Following his two years in the Army, tural anchors in communities across the na- ical columnist at the Milwaukee Journal for 27 he attended the University of California Has- tion. years. While at the Milwaukee Journal, his col- tings College of Law and passed the California Ms. Powell developed the Arts REACH pro- umn was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize and Bar in 1957. For the next three decades, he gram, designed to work with each state arts he won a National Headliners Award for best practiced law with the Parichan law firm, spe- agency to hold staff-led public seminars on local column. Joel is currently teaching at the cializing in civil defense litigation. NEA funding opportunities and work with state University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and as a partners to determine potential applicants for Politics beckoned, and Mr. Krebs became syndicated columnist, writes for the Capital grants. Over a three-year commitment to this an activist and leader in Democratic politics, Times, the Shepherd Express and other news- program, Ms. Powell’s efforts resulted in an playing a key role in local and statewide cam- papers where he provides commentary on overall 350% increase in NEA-supported paigns. In March 1970, he was elected to the issues including racial and class inequities. He projects in states that previously received di- Fresno County Board of Supervisors, a post is also a television commentator on the weekly rect NEA grants. he held until his election to Congress in No- INTERchange Program providing the liberal During her tenure at the NEA, Ms. Powell vember, 1974. He was the first foreign-born has been the point person for the agency’s re- point of view. Joel has served as a panelist at our local Community Brainstorming Forums congressman from California. In a 1978 inter- sponse to natural disasters across the country. view, Mr. Krebs said: ‘‘It’s a tremendous credit Appointed to the National Coalition on Dis- Community Brainstorming has met monthly as a breakfast forum to discuss and advance the to our system. Here I can come to a commu- aster Planning and Preparedness, an associa- nity as an immigrant, really not knowing a tion of public and private funders and national interests of African Americans in particular and Milwaukee in general since 1986. Joel and Kit soul, and 27 years later, I am elected to Con- cultural services organizations, Ms. Powell led gress.’’ agency efforts to work with state, regional, and McNally are regular attendees at Community local arts agencies decimated by natural dis- Brainstorming Forums. He returned to Fresno after his tenure in asters—most notably Hurricane Katrina. Ms. Mister Speaker, for these reasons, I am Congress, and practiced law until his retire- Powell worked to get necessary funding to honored to pay tribute to Joel and Kit McNally ment. Mr. Krebs served on numerous boards areas stricken by disaster, and to ensure that who both continue to fight for the rights of the and commissions, and was foreman of the Federal grant funding was properly utilized to poor, disenfranchised and African Americans Fresno County Grand Jury for two years. He preserve cultural treasures. without the expectation of monetary benefit or and his wife enjoyed traveling, and relished Ms. Powell’s leadership at the NEA dem- public accolades. I value their service and am visiting their grandchildren during the past 23 onstrates her commitment to public service proud to call them friends. They have contrib- years. During his life, Mr. Krebs’ high values, and dedication to advancing the arts to people uted greatly to the citizens of the Fourth Con- strong work ethic and caring for others have and communities across the country. I ask my gressional District, the State of Wisconsin and been an inspiration for his family and friends. the nation. colleagues to join me in recognizing and His loving guidance as a husband, father and thanking Ms. Powell for her service and wish- f grandfather will be forever cherished. ing her a happy, healthy retirement. HONORING THE LIFE OF JOHN H. Mr. Krebs is survived by his wife of 58 f KREBS years, Hanna Krebs; his son Daniel Krebs of A TRIBUTE TO JOEL AND KIT San Anselmo, California, daughter-in-law MCNALLY HON. JIM COSTA Susan and grandsons Clay and Peter; his OF CALIFORNIA daughter Karen Krebs Wood of New Canaan, HON. GWEN MOORE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Connecticut, son-in-law John and grand- OF WISCONSIN Monday, November 17, 2014 children Elizabeth, Caroline and Jack; and his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 90 year old brother, Shlomo Krebs of Tel Aviv, Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to his sons and extended family. Monday, November 17, 2014 pay tribute to the life of my good friend and Ms. MOORE. Mr. Speaker, I rise on this oc- former Member of Congress, John H. Krebs. Mr. Speaker, it is with great respect that I casion to congratulate Joel and Kit McNally, John passed away on November 10, 2014 at ask my colleagues to join me paying tribute to recipients of the 2014 James Howard Baker the age of 87. the life of John H. Krebs. It has been a privi- Award, established by the Milwaukee Commu- John Krebs was an honorable man, and a lege to have known John. His children, rel- nity Brainstorming Conference. Joel and Kit community leader whose unwavering service atives, and friends have an extraordinary role McNally, having been married for more than will be greatly missed. In addition to his two model that they will hold in their hearts for- 45 years, met while attending Indiana Univer- terms in the U.S. Congress from 1975–1979, ever. His presence will be greatly missed but sity where they both wrote for the college Mr. Krebs was a civic and Democratic Party his legacy will surely live through those who paper. leader in Fresno, an attorney in private prac- knew him.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:13 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO8.025 E17NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1606 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 17, 2014 RECOGNIZING BRAD GOLDBERG world of these troubling statistics and to have passed away on October 29 of this year. Rod their voices heard. served our country through his efforts to HON. NITA M. LOWEY I ask my colleagues to join me today in re- strengthen relations between the United OF NEW YORK membering those who have lost their lives or States and the Association of Southeast Asian were injured as a result of a road crash, to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Nations (ASEAN). console the families of those affected, and to Thirty years ago, in partnership with Caltex Monday, November 17, 2014 commit ourselves to the goal of making roads (now Chevron) and IBM, Rod founded what is Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to safe for everyone around the world. today the US-ASEAN Business Council, aided recognize Brad Goldberg, who is being hon- f by a grant from the U.S. Department of State ored by the Humane Society of the United AT 100, SADIE STRAWN STILL HAS that was matched two to one by the private States for his dedication to the animal protec- SPUNK sector to establish an organization that would tion movement. promote and support ASEAN. In 1985, as After a 35-year career in investment man- Chairman of the Council, Rod established its agement in which Mr. Goldberg became sen- HON. TED POE ior vice president of Jennison Associates, a OF TEXAS first office. He has played a critical role in sup- subsidiary of Prudential Financial, he retired to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES porting the Council ever since, whether pro- pursue his passion—animal welfare. Since Monday, November 17, 2014 viding guidance to subsequent chairmen or advising government officials of the United 2001, Mr. Goldberg has run Animal Welfare Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, this week Trust, an organization he founded, which States and the ASEAN countries or leaders in will not just be a typical Thursday. For 100 the private sector. works to increase grant-making and capacity years ago this day Mrs. Sadie Strawn was building for animal welfare groups. He has de- born. Today, the Council’s members include more voted himself to this organization, which has Born and raised in Byhalia, Mississippi, Mrs. than 140 of the leading U.S. companies doing been involved in numerous animal welfare re- Strawn has appreciated the beauty of God’s business in Southeast Asia, together rep- lated initiatives, including support for a Florida country from day one. She attributes her resenting over $6 trillion in annual revenue ballot measure outlawing gestation crates, as health to the good food of the South and The and more than 13 million employees. well as the New York Coalition for Healthy good Lord who provides it, never taking for ASEAN has become America’s fourth larg- School Food, which advocates for a plant- granted all that she has been given. est export market, supporting some 560,000 based diet in schools. After high school, Mrs. Strawn left the com- U.S. jobs through nearly $100 billion in goods Mr. Goldberg is also the Chair of HEART, a fort of her family and moved to Memphis in and services exports to ASEAN. U.S. invest- charity sponsored by Animal Welfare Trust pursuit of a nursing degree. ment in ASEAN is greater than U.S. invest- that educates children to be compassionate This was not her first courageous move, as ment in Brazil, Russia, India and China com- and considerate of all living beings. As Chair she is known to have been a bit of a daredevil bined. Investment by ASEAN in the United of HEART, he has also given major gifts to throughout her early years—riding cows, jump- States has grown over 1,440 percent since support animal studies and animal law, and ing out of haylofts, and swimming down rivers. 2001, creating new jobs across the country has funded fellowships for lawyers to work at It was in college that she met her husband, and on track to create even more. nonprofits like the Humane Society. It is for Malcolm Strawn, and decided to devote her this work in particular that Mr. Goldberg is life to raising a loving family. The past 30 years have seen a significant being awarded the Compassion in Action Nashville was lucky to have the Strawns for strengthening of ties between the United Award by the Humane Society of the United 45 years, after which Mr. and Mrs. Strawn States and ASEAN. And Rod was there for States. packed up and moved to Houston in order to every one of those years. In his personal life, Mr. Goldberg is a loving be closer to their grandchildren. Rod served the United States in many ca- Upon arrival, Mrs. Strawn became imme- and devoted husband, father and grandfather. pacities throughout his life, including as the diately involved in the Republican Party as a Activism and volunteerism are priorities for Mr. Chairman of the Securities and Exchange delegate at the Texas State Convention. She Goldberg and his wife Sunny, and animal wel- Commission in the Ford Administration, and was the oldest person to vote in this year’s fare is one of many causes to benefit from he had an exemplary career in the legal pro- their devotion to community and the common Midterm Elections! Mrs. Strawn is the proud mother of Jim, Bill, fession. But his dedication and passion for good. I urge my colleagues to join me in hon- Southeast Asia and his appreciation for the oring Brad Goldberg for his hard work and de- and Dave Strawn. She has eight grandchildren and four great-grandchildren, all of whom potential that ASEAN creates is a testament to votion to the animal protection movement and the difference one person can make. congratulate him for receiving the Compassion hope to be just like her when they grow up. in Action Award. According to her sons, her barbecue meat- Significantly, he founded and became chair- balls are world famous. She would feed them f man of the Hills Program on Governance that to anyone that asked to be fed after church on established Centers for the Study of Govern- WORLD DAY OF REMEMBRANCE Sundays, and still found time to be active in ance in academic institutions around the FOR ROAD TRAFFIC VICTIMS her boy’s scouting. globe, including at the Asian Institute of Man- After 100 years, Mrs. Strawn’s is still as ac- agement in the Philippines and the University HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN tive as ever. She walks nearly a mile every of Indonesia. This initiative aims to identify se- day without any assistance. She is an active OF MARYLAND rious governance problems in both the public member of her Church at Paradise Springs IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and private spheres, and it works to develop Independent Living and plans to be for years a better understanding of the corrupting influ- Monday, November 17, 2014 to come. ences that create such problems and organize Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to The Strawn boys are continuously thankful efforts to reduce those influences. recognize the World Day of Remembrance for for the values that their mother instilled in Ideas like this help change societies. They Road Traffic Victims. Each year, observers them: responsibility, commitment, and faithful- build the foundation on which security and op- use the day as a time to remember those who ness. portunity can prosper. They pave the way for have lost their lives as a result of a road At 100 years old, Sadie Strawn still has growth and resiliency. And Rod Hills created a crash. It is also a time to recommit ourselves spunk. lasting impact on the way in which the coun- to the goal of changing behaviors that lead to And that’s just the way it is. tries all over the world, and in Southeast Asia driver accidents. f in particular, are embracing the realities of the The theme of this year’s observance is RECOGNIZING RODERICK M. HILLS ‘‘Speed Kills.’’ Each day around the world, 21st century and looking to the future. more than 500 children are killed on the way HON. EDWARD R. ROYCE Again, I want to recognize Rod Hills for his to and from school because of the actions of service to the United States and in particular OF CALIFORNIA unsafe drivers. Indeed, road crashes are the for his vision for and steadfast support to the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES leading cause of death for people from ages US-ASEAN Business Council and the impor- 15 to 29. This annual World Day of Remem- Monday, November 17, 2014 tant work they have done for the last 30 years brance provides road traffic victims and their Mr. ROYCE. Mr. Speaker, it is my privilege to advance business relations between families with an opportunity to remind the and honor to recognize Roderick M. Hills who ASEAN and America.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:13 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO8.028 E17NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1607 RECOGNIZING JAKE BORNSTEIN, Congress in the area of national defense— port to Congress on this important aspect of CHRIS KIELKOPF, KEELEY David Burrelli, Ph.D. In early January, Dave military service. MAHANES, AND AARON SCHMIDT will retire from the Congressional Research In March 1993, Dave was a leading witness Service after 30 years of faithful service to the for the Senate Armed Services Committee legislative branch. HON. MIKE COFFMAN hearing on ‘‘Policy Concerning Homosexuals Dave joined CRS in 1985 while a Ph.D. OF COLORADO in the Armed Forces.’’ In a letter to the Direc- candidate at the University of Chicago. In the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tor of CRS, Senator Sam Nunn, the committee years that followed, he’s contributed enor- chairman, noted ‘‘During one of the longest Monday, November 17, 2014 mously to discussions in the national defense hearings we have ever held during my 20 Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to arena, supplying a thoughtful and rational years on the Committee, he consistently pro- recognize Jake Bornstein, Chris Kielkopf, voice on tough issues. One of Dave’s many vided clear answers to extremely difficult Keeley Mahanes, and Aaron Schmidt for their contributions involved helping me write into questions about military life and the relation- hard work and dedication to the people of federal law the definition of gender neutral ship between the military and civilian society. Colorado’s Sixth District as interns in my standards for women in ground combat as- Dr. Burrelli has assisted the Committee in de- Washington, DC office for the Fall 2014 ses- signments. His comprehensive knowledge on sion of Congress. the issue was impressive and his guidance veloping [an] authoritative foundation for the The work of these young men and women and steady hand, on something that no doubt Committee’s hearings on this most difficult has been exemplary and I know they all have was viewed by some as polarizing, produced issue. In doing so, he has performed an im- bright futures. They served as tour guides, a bipartisan product that is certain to have a portant public service.’’ In recognition of interacted with constituents, and learned a beneficial impact on our military. Most impor- Dave’s recognized ability to handle difficult great deal about our nation’s legislative proc- tantly, the provision will ensure we maintain an and sensitive topics, he continued to serve as ess. I was glad to be able to offer this edu- effective fighting force—which Dave knows the service’s lead specialist on a variety of cational opportunity to these four and look for- something about as a graduate of Marine Offi- highly sensitive and important military social ward to seeing them build their careers in pub- cer Candidate School in July 1978. issues until his retirement. Dave also provided lic service. Dave’s time in the Marine Corps was just distinguished service to CRS as a supervisor All four of our interns have made plans to the start of a long, distinguished record of of the CRS intern program for five years and continue their work next year with various or- service. He graduated from the University of as a Library of Congress docent for ten years. ganizations in both Colorado and Washington. Maryland in 1979 and received his Master’s In his capacity as a docent, he was often I am certain they will succeed in their new degree from Maryland in 1981. In 1986, he re- asked to provide library tours to a variety of roles and wish them all the best in their future ceived his Ph.D. and his dissertation ‘‘Evalua- distinguished visitors. endeavors. Mr. Speaker, it is an honor to rec- tion of the Program to Recruit College-Bound And if all of this didn’t keep Dave busy ognize Jake Bornstein, Chris Kielkopf, Keeley Youth into the Army’’ helped the Army to de- enough, his friends and colleagues tell me Mahanes, and Aaron Schmidt for their service velop a program which eventually became The he’s also an accomplished musician and has this fall. New GI Bill. Dave’s formal education did not played in over 125 area theater productions as f end there. He is a proud 1996 graduate of the a bassist. National War College where he received a Dr. David Burrelli leaves behind him not HONORING DAVID BURRELLI Master of Science degree in National Security only a distinguished public service career but Strategy. HON. DUNCAN HUNTER As a CRS specialist in military manpower a legacy of leadership and mentorship to col- policy, Dave worked on military force struc- leagues, congressional staff, and defense pol- OF CALIFORNIA icy analysts alike. I ask my colleagues to join IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ture, compensation, health care, and variety of military social issues such HIV/AIDS, and sex- me in expressing our deepest gratitude and Monday, November 17, 2014 ual assault to name but a few. Dave also be- appreciation to him for his 30 years of service Mr. HUNTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to came CRS’s resident expert on military med- to Congress and our nation. salute the career of a distinguished servant of als and awards and provided exemplary sup-

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:13 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO8.032 E17NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1608 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 17, 2014 SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS tween security and good governance, national Trade, Haywood Stirling Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, including a need to build effective in- Gilliam, Jr., to be United States Dis- stitutions and the important role trict Judge for the Northern District of agreed to by the Senate of February 4, played by civil society in combating California, Amos L. Mazzant, III, and 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- corruption. Robert William Schroeder III, both to tem for a computerized schedule of all SVC–203–202 be a United States District Judge for meetings and hearings of Senate com- 10:30 a.m. the Eastern District of Texas, Amit mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Priyavadan Mehta, to be United States tees, and committees of conference. To hold hearings to examine veterans’ District Judge for the District of Co- This title requires all such committees mental health and suicide. lumbia, Robert Lee Pitman, to be to notify the Office of the Senate Daily SR–418 United States District Judge for the Digest—designated by the Rules Com- 2:15 p.m. Western District of Texas, and Sarah Special Committee on Aging R. Saldana, of Texas, to be an Assist- mittee—of the time, place and purpose To hold hearings to examine the private ant Secretary of Homeland Security. of the meetings, when scheduled and industry’s role in stemming the tide of SD–226 any cancellations or changes in the phone scams. 1 p.m. meetings as they occur. SD–562 Committee on Health, Education, Labor, As an additional procedure along 2:30 p.m. and Pensions with the computerization of this infor- Committee on Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Primary Health and mation, the Office of the Senate Daily To hold hearings to examine the nomina- Aging Digest will prepare this information for tion of Antony Blinken, of New York, To hold hearings to examine the pricing to be Deputy Secretary of State. of generic drugs. printing in the Extensions of Remarks SD–419 SD–430 section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Committee on Indian Affairs 2:30 p.m. on Monday and Wednesday of each To hold an oversight hearing to examine Select Committee on Intelligence week. protecting our children’s mental To hold hearings to examine certain in- Meetings scheduled for Tuesday, No- health, focusing on preventing and ad- telligence matters. vember 18, 2014 may be found in the dressing childhood trauma in Indian SD–562 Daily Digest of today’s RECORD. country. SD–628 NOVEMBER 21 MEETINGS SCHEDULED Committee on Small Business and Entre- 9:30 a.m. preneurship Committee on Homeland Security and NOVEMBER 19 To hold hearings to examine the nomina- Governmental Affairs 10 a.m. tion of Gilberto de Jesus, of Maryland, Permanent Subcommittee on Investiga- Committee on Banking, Housing, and to be Chief Counsel for Advocacy, tions Urban Affairs Small Business Administration. To continue hearings to examine Wall Business meeting to consider the nomi- SR–428A Street bank involvement with physical nations of Lourdes Maria Castro Rami- commodities, focusing on the extent to rez, of California, to be an Assistant NOVEMBER 20 which banks and their holding compa- Secretary of Housing and Urban Devel- 9:30 a.m. nies own physical commodities like oil, opment, and Therese W. McMillan, of Committee on Homeland Security and natural gas, aluminum and other in- California, to be Federal Transit Ad- Governmental Affairs dustrial metals, as well as own or con- ministrator, Department of Transpor- Permanent Subcommittee on Investiga- trol businesses like power plants, oil tation; to be immediately followed by tions and gas pipelines, and commodity an oversight hearing to examine the To hold hearings to examine Wall Street warehouses. Federal Housing Finance Agency, fo- bank involvement with physical com- SD–106 cusing on balancing stability, growth, modities, focusing on the extent to 10 a.m. and affordability in the mortgage mar- which banks and their holding compa- Committee on Banking, Housing, and ket. nies own physical commodities like oil, Urban Affairs SD–538 natural gas, aluminum and other in- Subcommittee on Financial Institutions Committee on Health, Education, Labor, dustrial metals, as well as own or con- and Consumer Protection and Pensions trol businesses like power plants, oil To hold hearings to examine improving Business meeting to consider S. 2917, and gas pipelines, and commodity financial institution supervision, focus- Adding Ebola to the FDA Priority Re- warehouses. ing on addressing regulatory capture. view Voucher Program Act, H.R. 669, to SD–106 SD–538 amend the Public Health Service Act 10 a.m. to improve the health of children and Committee on Commerce, Science, and DECEMBER 2 help better understand and enhance Transportation 9:30 a.m. awareness about unexpected sudden To hold hearings to examine the Takata Committee on Armed Services death in early life, and the nomina- airbag recalls and the National High- To hold hearings to examine the nomina- tions of P. David Lopez, of Arizona, to way Traffic Safety Administration’s tions of Robert M. Scher, of the Dis- be General Counsel, and Charlotte A. (NHTSA) recall process. trict of Columbia, to be Assistant Sec- Burrows, of the District of Columbia, SR–253 retary for Strategy, Plans, and Capa- to be a Member, both of the Equal Em- Committee on Health, Education, Labor, bilities, David J. Berteau, to be Assist- ployment Opportunity Commission, and Pensions ant Secretary for Logistics and Mate- Adri Davin Jayaratne, of Michigan, to To hold hearings to examine the nomina- rial Readiness, Alissa M. Starzak, of be Assistant Secretary of Labor for tion of Lauren McGarity McFerran, of New York, to be General Counsel of the Congressional and Intergovernmental the District of Columbia, to be a Mem- Department of the Army, and Admiral Affairs, Mary Lucille Jordan, of Mary- ber of the National Labor Relations Harry B. Harris, Jr., USN, for re- land, and Michael Young, of Pennsyl- Board. appointment to the grade of admiral vania, both to be a Member of the Fed- SD–430 and to be Commander, United States eral Mine Safety and Health Review Committee on the Judiciary Pacific Command, all of the Depart- Commission, and any pending nomina- Business meeting to consider S. 2520, to ment of Defense. tions. improve the Freedom of Information SH–216 SD–430 Act, H.R. 1447, to encourage States to Committee on Homeland Security and report to the Attorney General certain POSTPONEMENTS Governmental Affairs information regarding the deaths of in- To hold hearings to examine prepared- dividuals in the custody of law enforce- ness and response to public health ment agencies, and the nominations of NOVEMBER 19 threats, focusing on how ready we are. Jorge Luis Alonso, and John Robert 11 a.m. SD–342 Blakey, both to be a United States Dis- Committee on the Judiciary Commission on Security and Cooperation trict Judge for the Northern District of To hold hearings to examine The FANS in Europe Illinois, Allison Dale Burroughs, to be Act, focusing on if sports blackouts To hold hearings to examine combating United States District Judge for the and antitrust exemptions are harming corruption in the Organization for Se- District of Massachusetts, Jeanne E. fans, consumers, and the games them- curity and Cooperation in Europe Davidson, of Maryland, to be a Judge of selves. (OSCE) region, focusing on the link be- the United States Court of Inter- SD–226

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:13 Nov 18, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\M17NO8.000 E17NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS Monday, November 17, 2014 Daily Digest

HIGHLIGHTS Senate agreed to the motion to concur in the amendment of the House to S. 1086, Child Care and Development Block Grant Act. Senate Withdrawn: Chamber Action Reid motion to concur in the House amendment Routine Proceedings, pages S6003–S6026 to the bill, with Reid Amendment No. 3923 (to the Measures Introduced: Seven bills and two resolu- motion to concur in the House amendment), to tions were introduced, as follows: S. 2929–2935, and change the enactment date. Page S6012 S. Res. 579–580. Pages S6022–23 During consideration of this measure today, Senate Measures Reported: also took the following action: S. 1804, to amend title 49, United States Code, Reid Amendment No. 3924 (to Amendment No. to direct the Assistant Secretary of Homeland Secu- 3923), of a perfecting nature, fell when Reid motion rity (Transportation Security Administration) to es- to concur in the House amendment to the bill, with tablish an Aviation Security Advisory Committee, Reid Amendment No. 3923 (to the motion to con- with an amendment in the nature of a substitute. (S. cur in the House amendment), was withdrawn. Rept. No. 113–273) Page S6012 S. 1893, to require the Transportation Security Keystone XL Pipeline—Agreement: A unani- Administration to implement best practices and im- mous-consent-time agreement was reached providing prove transparency with regard to technology acqui- that the proponent debate time for S. 2280, to ap- sition programs, with an amendment in the nature prove the Keystone XL Pipeline, be divided as fol- of a substitute. (S. Rept. No. 113–274) lows: two hours under the control of Senator H.R. 4366, to strengthen the Federal education Hoeven, or designee, and one hour under the control research system to make research and evaluations of Senator Landrieu, or designee. Page S6025 more timely and relevant to State and local needs in Abrams Nomination: Senate resumed consideration order to increase student achievement, with an of the nomination of Leslie Joyce Abrams, of Geor- amendment in the nature of a substitute. (S. Rept. gia, to be United States District Judge for the Mid- No. 113–275) Page S6022 dle District of Georgia. Page S6014 Measures Passed: During consideration of this nomination today, Senate also took the following action: Death of Howard O. Greene, Jr.: Senate agreed to S. Res. 579, relative to the death of Howard O. By 68 yeas to 28 nays (Vote No. 277), Senate Greene, Jr., former Sergeant at Arms of the United agreed to the motion to close further debate on the nomination. Page S6014 States Senate. Page S6005 House Messages: Cohen Nomination: Senate resumed consideration of the nomination of Mark Howard Cohen, of Geor- Child Care and Development Block Grant Act: gia, to be United States District Judge for the By 88 yeas to 1 nay (Vote No. 276), Senate agreed Northern District of Georgia. Page S6014 to the motion to concur in the amendment of the During consideration of this nomination today, House to S. 1086, to reauthorize and improve the Senate also took the following action: Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of By 67 yeas to 29 nays (Vote No. 278), Senate 1990, after taking action on the following amend- agreed to the motion to close further debate on the ments and motions proposed thereto: Pages S6012–13 nomination. Page S6014 D1025

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:00 Nov 26, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\RECORD14\NOV 2014\D17NO4.REC D17NO4 cprice-sewell on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE D1026 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST November 17, 2014 Ross Nomination: Senate resumed consideration of Erica J. Barks Ruggles, of Minnesota, to be Am- the nomination of Eleanor Louise Ross, of Georgia, bassador to the Republic of Rwanda. to be United States District Judge for the Northern Pages S6015, S6026 District of Georgia. Page S6014 Barbara A. Leaf, of Virginia, to be Ambassador to During consideration of this nomination today, the United Arab Emirates. Pages S6015–16, S6026 Senate also took the following action: By 66 yeas to 29 nays (Vote No. 279), Senate Nominations Received: Senate received the fol- agreed to the motion to close further debate on the lowing nominations: 2 Air Force nominations in the rank of general. nomination. Page S6015 4 Army nominations in the rank of general. Bassett, Bernicat, Zumwalt, Allen, and Roebuck 1 Navy nomination in the rank of admiral. Nominations—Agreement: A unanimous-consent- Routine lists in the Army, and Navy. time agreement was reached providing that notwith- standing rule XXII, following the vote on confirma- Pages S6025–26 tion of the nomination of Eleanor Louise Ross, of Messages from the House: Pages S6020–21 Georgia, to be United States District Judge for the Measures Referred: Page S6021 Northern District of Georgia, Senate begin consider- ation of the nominations of Leslie Ann Bassett, of Measures Placed on the Calendar: Page S6021 California, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Enrolled Bills Presented: Page S6021 Paraguay, Marcia Stephens Bloom Bernicat, of New Petitions and Memorials: Pages S6021–22 Jersey, to be Ambassador to the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, James Peter Zumwalt, of California, to Additional Cosponsors: Pages S6023–24 be Ambassador to the Republic of Senegal and to Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions: serve concurrently and without additional compensa- Pages S6024–25 tion as Ambassador to the Republic of Guinea- Additional Statements: Page S6018 Bissau, Craig B. Allen, of Virginia, to be Ambas- sador to Brunei Darussalam, and William V. Roe- Notices of Hearings/Meetings: Page S6025 buck, of North Carolina, to be Ambassador to the Privileges of the Floor: Page S6025 Kingdom of Bahrain, that there be 2 minutes for de- Record Votes: Four record votes were taken today. bate equally divided between the two Leaders, or (Total—279) Pages S6013–15 their designees, prior to each vote; that upon the use or yielding back of time, Senate vote, without inter- Adjournment: Senate convened at 2 p.m. and ad- vening action or debate, on confirmation of the journed, as a further mark of respect to the memory nominations in the order listed; that any roll call of the late Howard O. Greene, Jr., former Sergeant votes, following the first in the series, be 10 minutes at Arms of the United States Senate, in accordance in length; and that no further motions be in order with S. Res. 579, at 7:28 p.m., until 10 a.m. on to the nominations. Page S6016 Tuesday, November 18, 2014. (For Senate’s pro- Nominations Confirmed: Senate confirmed the fol- gram, see the remarks of the Majority Leader in to- lowing nominations: day’s Record on page S6025.) Karen Clark Stanton, of Michigan, to be Ambas- sador to the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste. Committee Meetings Pages S6015, S6026 Theodore G. Osius III, of Maryland, to be Ambas- (Committees not listed did not meet) sador to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Pages S6015, S6026 No committee meetings were held. h House of Representatives Chamber Action Additional Cosponsors: Page H8033 Reports Filed: Reports were filed today as follows: Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 6 public bills, H.R. 5721–5726; and 1 resolution, H. Res. 757, were introduced. Pages H8032–33

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:00 Nov 26, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\RECORD14\NOV 2014\D17NO4.REC D17NO4 cprice-sewell on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D1027 H.R. 5441, to amend the Federal charter of the Federal Duck Stamp Act of 2014: H.R. 5069, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States to re- amended, to amend the Migratory Bird Hunting and flect the service of women in the Armed Forces of Conservation Stamp Act to increase in the price of the United States (H. Rept. 113–620); Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamps to H.R. 4049, to amend the Act to provide for the fund the acquisition of conservation easements for establishment of the Apostle Islands National Lake- migratory birds; Pages H8002–03 shore in the State of Wisconsin, and for other pur- Allowing a certain parcel of land in Rocking- poses, to adjust the boundary of that National Lake- ham County, Virginia, to be used for a child care shore to include the lighthouse known as Ashland center: H.R. 5162, to amend the Act entitled ‘‘An Harbor Breakwater Light, and for other purposes (H. Act to allow a certain parcel of land in Rockingham Rept. 113–621, Pt. 1); County, Virginia, to be used for a child care center’’ H.R. 5069, a bill to amend the Migratory Bird to remove the use restriction, by a 2⁄3 yea-and-nay Hunting and Conservation Stamp Act to increase in vote of 378 yeas to 1 nay, Roll No. 520; the price of Migratory Bird Hunting and Conserva- Pages H8003–04, H8014–15 tion Stamps to fund the acquisition of conservation easements for migratory birds, and for other pur- Camp Pendleton Medal of Honor Post Office poses, with an amendment (H. Rept. 113–622); Designation Act: H.R. 5468, to designate the facil- H.R. 5040, to require the Secretary of the Interior ity of the United States Postal Service located at to convey certain Federal land to Idaho County in 1103 USPS Building 1103 in Camp Pendleton, Cali- the State of Idaho, and for other purposes (H. Rept. fornia, as the ‘‘Camp Pendleton Medal of Honor Post 113–623); Office’’; Pages H8004–05 H.R. 5162, to amend the Act entitled ‘‘An Act Colonel M.J. ‘Mac’ Dube, USMC Post Office to allow a certain parcel of land in Rockingham Building Designation Act: H.R. 5331, to designate County, Virginia, to be used for a child care center’’ the facility of the United States Postal Service lo- to remove the use restriction, and for other purposes cated at 73839 Gorgonio Drive in Twentynine (H. Rept. 113–624); Palms, California, as the ‘‘Colonel M.J. ‘Mac’ Dube, H.R. 3608, to amend the Act of October 19, USMC Post Office Building’’; Pages H8005–06 1973, concerning taxable income to members of the Lt. Daniel P. Riordan Post Office Designation Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa In- Act: H.R. 5386, to designate the facility of the dians (H. Rept. 113–625, Pt. 1); and United States Postal Service located at 11662 H. Res. 756, providing for consideration of the Gravois Road in St. Louis, Missouri, as the ‘‘Lt. bill (H.R. 1422) to amend the Environmental Re- Daniel P. Riordan Post Office’’; Pages H8006–07 search, Development, and Demonstration Authoriza- tion Act of 1978 to provide for Scientific Advisory Sergeant Cory Mracek Memorial Post Office Board member qualifications, public participation, Designation Act: S. 1499, to designate the facility and for other purposes; providing for consideration of of the United States Postal Service located at 278 the bill (H.R. 4012) to prohibit the Environmental Main Street in Chadron, Nebraska, as the ‘‘Sergeant Protection Agency from proposing, finalizing, or dis- Cory Mracek Memorial Post Office’’; Pages H8007–08 seminating regulations or assessments based upon First Lieutenant Alvin Chester Cockrell, Jr. Post science that is not transparent or reproducible; pro- Office Building Designation Act: S. 1093, to des- viding for consideration of the bill (H.R. 4795) to ignate the facility of the United States Postal Service promote new manufacturing in the United States by located at 130 Caldwell Drive in Hazlehurst, Mis- providing for greater transparency and timeliness in sissippi, as the ‘‘First Lieutenant Alvin Chester obtaining necessary permits, and for other purposes; Cockrell, Jr. Post Office Building’’; Pages H8008–09 and providing for proceedings during the period from November 21, 2014, through November 28, Thaddeus Stevens Post Office Designation Act: S. 885, to designate the facility of the United States 2014 (H. Rept. 113–626). Page H8032 Postal Service located at 35 Park Street in Danville, Speaker: Read a letter from the Speaker wherein he Vermont, as the ‘‘Thaddeus Stevens Post Office’’; appointed Representative Foxx to act as Speaker pro Page H8009 tempore for today. Page H7999 Specialist Theodore Matthew Glende Post Office: Recess: The House recessed at 12:20 p.m. and re- S. 1512, to designate the facility of the United convened at 2 p.m. Page H8001 States Postal Service located at 1335 Jefferson Road Suspensions: The House agreed to suspend the rules in Rochester, New York, as the ‘‘Specialist Theodore and pass the following measures: Matthew Glende Post Office’’; Pages H8009–10

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:00 Nov 26, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\RECORD14\NOV 2014\D17NO4.REC D17NO4 cprice-sewell on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE D1028 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST November 17, 2014 Chief Joseph E. White, Jr. Post Office Building New Manufacturing Act’’. The committee granted, Designation Act: H.R. 5142, to designate the facil- by record vote of 7–2, a structured rule for H.R. ity of the United States Postal Service located at 113 1422. The rule provides one hour of debate equally West Jackson Street in Rich Square, North Carolina, divided and controlled by the chair and ranking mi- as the ‘‘Chief Joseph E. White, Jr. Post Office Build- nority member of the Committee on Science, Space, ing’’; Pages H8010–11 and Technology. The rule waives all points of order Low-Dose Radiation Research Act of 2014: H.R. against consideration of the bill. The rule provides 5544, amended, to increase the understanding of the that the amendment in the nature of a substitute health effects of low doses of ionizing radiation; recommended by the Committee on Science, Space, Pages H8011–12 and Technology now printed in the bill shall be con- sidered as adopted, and the bill, as amended, shall Amending the Federal charter of the Veterans of be considered as read. The rule waives all points of Foreign Wars of the United States to reflect the order against provisions in the bill, as amended. The service of women in the Armed Forces of the rule makes in order only the further amendment United States: H.R. 5441, to amend the Federal printed in part A of the Rules Committee report, if charter of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the offered by Representative Stewart of Utah or his des- United States to reflect the service of women in the ignee. That amendment shall be considered as read, Armed Forces of the United States; Pages H8012–14 shall be separately debatable for 10 minutes equally Ashland Breakwater Light Transfer Act: H.R. divided and controlled by the proponent and an op- 4049, amended, to amend the Act to provide for the ponent, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall establishment of the Apostle Islands National Lake- not be subject to a demand for division of the ques- shore in the State of Wisconsin, and for other pur- tion. The rule waives all points of order against the poses, to adjust the boundary of that National Lake- amendment printed in part A of the report. The rule shore to include the lighthouse known as Ashland provides one motion to recommit with or without Harbor Breakwater Light; Pages H8015–16 instructions. Additionally, the rule granted a struc- Idaho County Shooting Range Land Conveyance tured rule for H.R. 4012. The rule provides one Act: H.R. 5040, to require the Secretary of the Inte- hour of general debate equally divided and con- rior to convey certain Federal land to Idaho County trolled by the chair and ranking minority member in the State of Idaho; and Pages H8016–17 of the Committee on Science, Space, and Tech- nology. The rule waives all points of order against Grand Portage Band Per Capita Adjustment consideration of the bill. The rule makes in order as Act: H.R. 3608, to amend the Act of October 19, original text for the purpose of amendment an 1973, concerning taxable income to members of the amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa In- of the text of Rules Committee Print 113–57 and dians. Pages H8017–19 provides that it shall be considered as read. The rule Recess: The House recessed at 3:32 p.m. and recon- waives all points of order against that amendment in vened at 6:30 p.m. Page H8014 the nature of a substitute. The rule makes in order Senate Message: Message received from the Senate only those further amendments printed in part B of today appears on page H8027. the Rules Committee report. Each such amendment may be offered only in the order printed in the re- Quorum Calls—Votes: One yea-and-nay vote de- port, may be offered only by a Member designated veloped during the proceedings of today and appears in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be on page H8031. There were no quorum calls. debatable for the time specified in the report equally Adjournment: The House met at 12 noon and ad- divided and controlled by the proponent and an op- journed at 8:27 p.m. ponent, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the ques- Committee Meetings tion. The rule waives all points of order against the amendments printed in part B of the report. The EPA SCIENCE ADVISORY BOARD REFORM rule provides one motion to recommit with or with- ACT OF 2013; SECRET SCIENCE REFORM out instructions. Additionally, the rule granted a ACT OF 2014; PROMOTING NEW structured rule for H.R. 4795. The rule provides one MANUFACTURING ACT hour of general debate equally divided and con- Committee on Rules: Full Committee held a hearing on trolled by the chair and ranking minority member H.R. 1422, the ‘‘EPA Science Advisory Board Re- of the Committee on Energy and Commerce. The form Act of 2013’’; H.R. 4012, the ‘‘Secret Science rule waives all points of order against consideration Reform Act of 2014’’; and H.R. 4795, ‘‘Promoting of the bill. The rule waives all points of order

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:00 Nov 26, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\RECORD14\NOV 2014\D17NO4.REC D17NO4 cprice-sewell on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE November 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D1029 against provisions in the bill. The rule makes in House order only those further amendments printed in part Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on C of the Rules Committee report. Each such amend- Oversight and Investigations, hearing entitled ‘‘Update ment may be offered only in the order printed in the on the U.S. Public Health Response to the Ebola Out- report, may be offered only by a Member designated break’’, 1 p.m., 2123 Rayburn. in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be Committee on Financial Services, Subcommittee on Hous- debatable for the time specified in the report equally ing and Insurance, hearing entitled ‘‘The Impact of Inter- divided and controlled by the proponent and an op- national Regulatory Standards on the Competitiveness of ponent, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall U.S. Insurers, Part II’’, 2 p.m., 2167 Rayburn. not be subject to a demand for division of the ques- Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Africa, tion. The rule waives all points of order against the Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations, hearing entitled ‘‘Fighting Ebola: A amendments printed in part C of the report. The Ground-Level View’’, 10 a.m., 2172 Rayburn. rule provides one motion to recommit with or with- Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and out instructions. In section 4, the rule provides that Trade, hearing entitled ‘‘Iranian Nuclear Talks: Negoti- on any legislative day during the period from No- ating a Bad Deal?’’, 2 p.m., 2200 Rayburn. vember 21, 2014, through November 28, 2014: the Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Journal of the proceedings of the previous day shall Threats, hearing entitled ‘‘Water Sharing Conflicts and be considered as approved; and the Chair may at any the Threat to International Peace’’, 2 p.m., 2255 Ray- time declare the House adjourned to meet at a date burn. and time to be announced by the Chair in declaring Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, hearing the adjournment. In section 5, the rule provides that entitled ‘‘Unaccompanied Alien Children: Pressing the the Speaker may appoint Members to perform the Administration for a Strategy’’, 2 p.m., 2172 Rayburn. duties of the Chair for the duration of the period ad- Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Emer- gency Preparedness, Response, and Communications, dressed by section 4. Testimony was heard from the hearing entitled ‘‘Interoperable Communications: Assess- following Representatives: Whitfield, McNerney, ing Progress Since 9/11’’, 10 a.m., 311 Cannon. Schweikert, Bonamici, and Stewart. Committee on the Judiciary, Full Committee, and the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, joint hearing entitled ‘‘Abuse of USPTO’s Telework Program: Joint Meetings Ensuring Oversight, Accountability and Quality’’, 1:30 No joint committee meetings were held. p.m., 2141 Rayburn. Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Full Com- f mittee, hearing entitled ‘‘FAA Reauthorization: Issues in Modernizing and Operating the Nation’s Airspace’’, 10 COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR TUESDAY, a.m., 2167 Rayburn. NOVEMBER 18, 2014 Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Full Committee, hearing (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) entitled ‘‘VA’s Longstanding Information Security Weak- nesses Continue to Allow Extensive Data Manipulation’’, Senate 1:30 p.m., 334 Cannon. Committee on Environment and Public Works: business f meeting to consider the nominations of Virginia Tyler Lodge, and Ronald Anderson Walter, both to be a Mem- CONGRESSIONAL PROGRAM AHEAD ber of the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Au- thority, and Jeffery Martin Baran, of Virginia, to be a Week of November 18 through November 21, Member of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Time to 2014 be announced, Room to be announced. Committee on Finance: Subcommittee on Taxation and Senate Chamber IRS Oversight, to hold hearings to examine tax relief On Tuesday, Senate will begin consideration of S. after a disaster, focusing on how individuals, small busi- 2280, Keystone XL Pipeline. At 6:15 p.m., Senate nesses, and communities recover, 2:30 p.m., SD–215. Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: will vote on passage of the bill. to hold hearings to examine the nomination of Earl L. Following which, Senate will vote on confirmation Gay, of the District of Columbia, to be Deputy Director of the nominations of Leslie Joyce Abrams, of Geor- of the Office of Personnel Management, 2:30 p.m., gia, to be United States District Judge for the Mid- SD–342. dle District of Georgia, Mark Howard Cohen, of Select Committee on Intelligence: to hold closed hearings to Georgia, to be United States District Judge for the examine certain intelligence matters, 2:30 p.m., SH–219. Northern District of Georgia, and Eleanor Louise

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:00 Nov 26, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\RECORD14\NOV 2014\D17NO4.REC D17NO4 cprice-sewell on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE D1030 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST November 17, 2014 Ross, of Georgia, to be United States District Judge November 20, Full Committee, to hold hearings to ex- for the Northern District of Georgia. amine the nomination of Lauren McGarity McFerran, of Also, Senate will vote on the motion to invoke the District of Columbia, to be a Member of the National cloture on the motion to proceed to consideration of Labor Relations Board, 10 a.m., SD–430. S. 2685, USA Freedom Act. November 20, Subcommittee on Primary Health and Aging, to hold hearings to examine the pricing of generic During the balance of the week, Senate may con- drugs, 1 p.m., SD–430. sider any cleared legislative and executive business. Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: Senate Committees November 18, to hold hearings to examine the nomina- tion of Earl L. Gay, of the District of Columbia, to be (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) Deputy Director of the Office of Personnel Management, Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: No- 2:30 p.m., SD–342. vember 19, business meeting to consider the nominations November 19, Full Committee, to hold hearings to ex- of Lourdes Maria Castro Ramirez, of California, to be an amine preparedness and response to public health threats, Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, focusing on how ready we are, 10 a.m., SD–342. and Therese W. McMillan, of California, to be Federal November 20, Permanent Subcommittee on Investiga- Transit Administrator, Department of Transportation; to tions, to hold hearings to examine Wall Street bank in- be immediately followed by an oversight hearing to ex- volvement with physical commodities, focusing on the amine the Federal Housing Finance Agency, focusing on extent to which banks and their holding companies own balancing stability, growth, and affordability in the mort- physical commodities like oil, natural gas, aluminum and gage market, 10 a.m., SD–538. other industrial metals, as well as own or control busi- November 21, Subcommittee on Financial Institutions nesses like power plants, oil and gas pipelines, and com- and Consumer Protection, to hold hearings to examine modity warehouses, 9:30 a.m., SD–106. improving financial institution supervision, focusing on November 21, Permanent Subcommittee on Investiga- addressing regulatory capture, 10 a.m., SD–538. tions, to continue hearings to examine Wall Street bank Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: No- involvement with physical commodities, focusing on the vember 20, to hold hearings to examine the Takata air- extent to which banks and their holding companies own bag recalls and the National Highway Traffic Safety Ad- physical commodities like oil, natural gas, aluminum and ministration’s (NHTSA) recall process, 10 a.m., SR–253. other industrial metals, as well as own or control busi- Committee on Environment and Public Works: November nesses like power plants, oil and gas pipelines, and com- 18, business meeting to consider the nominations of Vir- modity warehouses, 9:30 a.m., SD–106. ginia Tyler Lodge, and Ronald Anderson Walter, both to Committee on Indian Affairs: November 19, to hold an be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Tennessee oversight hearing to examine protecting our children’s Valley Authority, and Jeffery Martin Baran, of Virginia, mental health, focusing on preventing and addressing to be a Member of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, childhood trauma in Indian country, 2:30 p.m., SD–628. Time to be announced, Room to be announced. Committee on the Judiciary: November 20, business meet- Committee on Finance: November 18, Subcommittee on ing to consider S. 2520, to improve the Freedom of Infor- Taxation and IRS Oversight, to hold hearings to examine mation Act, H.R. 1447, to encourage States to report to tax relief after a disaster, focusing on how individuals, the Attorney General certain information regarding the small businesses, and communities recover, 2:30 p.m., deaths of individuals in the custody of law enforcement SD–215. agencies, and the nominations of Jorge Luis Alonso, and Committee on Foreign Relations: November 19, to hold John Robert Blakey, both to be a United States District hearings to examine the nomination of Antony Blinken, Judge for the Northern District of Illinois, Allison Dale of New York, to be Deputy Secretary of State, 2:30 p.m., Burroughs, to be United States District Judge for the SD–419. District of Massachusetts, Jeanne E. Davidson, of Mary- Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions: No- land, to be a Judge of the United States Court of Inter- vember 19, business meeting to consider S. 2917, Adding national Trade, Haywood Stirling Gilliam, Jr., to be Ebola to the FDA Priority Review Voucher Program Act, United States District Judge for the Northern District of H.R. 669, to amend the Public Health Service Act to California, Amos L. Mazzant, III, and Robert William improve the health of children and help better understand Schroeder III, both to be a United States District Judge and enhance awareness about unexpected sudden death in for the Eastern District of Texas, Amit Priyavadan Mehta, early life, and the nominations of P. David Lopez, of Ari- to be United States District Judge for the District of Co- zona, to be General Counsel, and Charlotte A. Burrows, lumbia, Robert Lee Pitman, to be United States District of the District of Columbia, to be a Member, both of the Judge for the Western District of Texas, and Sarah R. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Adri Davin Saldana, of Texas, to be an Assistant Secretary of Home- Jayaratne, of Michigan, to be Assistant Secretary of Labor land Security, 10 a.m., SD–226. for Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs, Mary Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship: Novem- Lucille Jordan, of Maryland, and Michael Young, of ber 19, to hold hearings to examine the nomination of Pennsylvania, both to be a Member of the Federal Mine Gilberto de Jesus, of Maryland, to be Chief Counsel for Safety and Health Review Commission, and any pending Advocacy, Small Business Administration, 2:30 p.m., nominations, 10 a.m., SD–430. SR–428A.

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Committee on Veterans’ Affairs: November 19, to hold Issues in Education and for the Visually Impaired’’, 3 hearings to examine veterans’ mental health and suicide, p.m., 2141 Rayburn. 10:30 a.m., SR–418. Committee on Natural Resources, November 19, Sub- Select Committee on Intelligence: November 18, to hold committee on Energy and Mineral Resources, hearing en- closed hearings to examine certain intelligence matters, titled ‘‘Volcano Hazards: Exploring the National Prepara- 2:30 p.m., SH–219. tion and Response’’, 1 p.m., 1334 Longworth. November 20, Full Committee, to hold hearings to ex- November 20, Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, amine certain intelligence matters, 2:30 p.m., SD–562. Oceans and Insular Affairs, hearing entitled ‘‘Is the Mid- Special Committee on Aging: November 19, to hold hear- way Atoll National Wildlife Refuge Being Properly Man- ings to examine the private industry’s role in stemming aged?’’, 10 a.m., 1324 Longworth. the tide of phone scams, 2:15 p.m., SD–562. Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, November 19, Subcommittee on Federal Workforce, U.S. Postal House Committees Service, and the Census, hearing entitled ‘‘Examining Data Security at the United States Postal Service’’, 10:30 Committee on Armed Services, November 19, Sub- a.m., 2154 Rayburn. committee on Military Personnel, hearing entitled ‘‘Reli- Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, November 19, gious Accommodations in the Armed Services’’, 2 p.m., Subcommittee on Oversight, hearing entitled ‘‘The Role 2118 Rayburn. of the White House Chief Technology Officer in the Committee on Energy and Commerce, November 19, Sub- HealthCare.gov Website Debacle’’, 10 a.m., 2318 Ray- committee on Health, hearing entitled ‘‘Examining Med- burn. ical Product Development in the Wake of the Ebola Epi- Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, November 19, Sub- demic’’, 10 a.m., 2123 Rayburn. committee on Economic Opportunity, hearing entitled November 19, Subcommittee on Environment and the ‘‘The Role of the State Approving Agencies in Ensuring Economy, hearing entitled ‘‘Cyanotoxins in Drinking Quality Education Programs for Veterans’’, 10 a.m., 334 Water’’, 10:15 a.m., 2322 Rayburn. Cannon. Committee on Financial Services, November 19, Sub- November 19, Subcommittee on Health, hearing on committee on Housing and Insurance, hearing entitled the following legislative measures: H.R. 4720, the ‘‘Opportunities for a Private and Competitive Sustainable ‘‘Medal of Honor Priority Care Act’’; H.R. 4887, the Flood Insurance Market’’, 2 p.m., 2123 Rayburn. ‘‘Expanding Care for Veterans Act’’; H.R. 4977, the Committee on Foreign Affairs, November 19, Full Com- ‘‘COVER Act’’; H.R. 5059, the ‘‘Clay Hunt SAV Act’’; mittee, markup on the following legislative measures: H.R. 5475, to amend title 38, United States Code, to H.R. 2901, the ‘‘Senator Paul Simon Water for the improve the care provided by the Secretary of Veterans World Act of 2013’’; H.R. 5206, to allow Foreign Serv- Affairs to newborn children; and H.R. 5484, the ‘‘Toxic ice and other executive agency employees to designate Exposure Research Act of 2014’’, 2 p.m., 334 Cannon. beneficiaries of their death benefits; and H.R. 5685, the November 20, Subcommittee on Disability Assistance ‘‘Rewards for Justice Congressional Notification Act of and Memorial Affairs, hearing entitled ‘‘Filipino Veterans 2014’’, 10 a.m., 2172 Rayburn. Equity Compensation Fund: Inquiry into the Adequacy of November 19, Subcommittee on the Middle East and Process in Verifying Eligibility’’, 10 a.m., 334 Cannon. North Africa, markup on H.R. 5648, to improve defense Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, November 19, cooperation between the United States and the Hashemite Full Committee, business meeting to consider Member Kingdom of Jordan, 2 p.m., 2172 Rayburn. access requests, 10 a.m., HVC–304. This meeting may November 19, Subcommittee on the Middle East and close. North Africa, hearing entitled ‘‘Next Steps for U.S. For- November 20, Full Committee, hearing entitled ‘‘Cy- eign Policy on Syria and Iraq’’, 2:30 p.m., 2172 Rayburn. bersecurity Threats: The Way Forward’’, 9 a.m., 2212 November 20, Subcommittee on the Middle East and Rayburn. North Africa, hearing entitled ‘‘Examining What a Nu- clear Iran Deal Means for Global Security’’, 1 p.m., 2172 Joint Meetings Rayburn. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe: Novem- Committee on the Judiciary, November 19, Full Com- ber 19, to hold hearings to examine combating corrup- mittee, hearing entitled ‘‘Oversight of the United States tion in the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Secret Service’’, 10 a.m., 2141 Rayburn. A portion of this Europe (OSCE) region, focusing on the link between se- hearing will close. curity and good governance, including a need to build ef- November 19, Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual fective institutions and the important role played by civil Property, and the Internet, hearing entitled ‘‘Copyright society in combating corruption, 10 a.m., SVC–203–202.

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Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 10 a.m., Tuesday, November 18 10 a.m., Tuesday, November 18

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Tuesday: Senate will begin consideration of Program for Tuesday: Consideration of H.R. 1422— S. 2280, Keystone XL Pipeline. At 6:15 p.m., Senate will EPA Science Advisory Board Reform Act (Subject to a vote on passage of the bill. Rule). Following which, Senate will vote on confirmation of the nominations of Leslie Joyce Abrams, of Georgia, to be United States District Judge for the Middle District of Georgia, Mark Howard Cohen, of Georgia, to be United States District Judge for the Northern District of Georgia, and Eleanor Louise Ross, of Georgia, to be United States District Judge for the Northern District of Georgia. Also, Senate will vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to consideration of S. 2685, USA Freedom Act. (Senate will recess from 12:30 p.m. until 2:15 p.m. for their respective party conferences.)

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue

HOUSE Hunter, Duncan, Calif., E1607 Royce, Edward R., Calif., E1606 Long, Billy, Mo., E1602 Ryan, Tim, Ohio, E1598 Blumenauer, Earl, Ore., E1599 Lowey, Nita M., N.Y., E1606 Sanchez, Loretta, Calif., E1602 Bordallo, Madeleine Z., Guam, E1597 Lujan Grisham, Michelle, N.M., E1601 Schiff, Adam B., Calif., E1597, E1598, E1598 Brooks, Susan W., Ind., E1603 McGovern, James P., Mass., E1602 Slaughter, Louise McIntosh, N.Y., E1605 Coffman, Mike, Colo., E1603, E1607 Moore, Gwen, Wisc., E1605 Costa, Jim, Calif., E1600, E1604, E1605 Moran, James P., Va., E1600, E1601 Van Hollen, Chris, Md., E1602, E1606 Courtney, Joe, Conn., E1599 Olson, Pete, Tex., E1600, E1603 Waters, Maxine, Calif., E1601 Fitzpatrick, Michael G., Pa., E1603 Poe, Ted, Tex., E1606 Waxman, Henry A., Calif., E1599, E1603 Gosar, Paul A., Ariz., E1598 Quigley, Mike, Ill., E1600, E1602, E1604 Wilson, Joe, S.C., E1604 Guthrie, Brett, Ky., E1597, E1598 Roskam, Peter J., Ill., E1604

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