European Journal of Pharmacology 252 (1994) 133-137

Interaction of [D-Pen2,0-PenS] and [D-Ala2,Glu4] with - receptor subtypes in vivo

b T. Vanderah a, A.E. Takemori d, M. Sultana c, P.S. Portoghese c, H.I. Mosberg e V.J. Hruby R.C. Haaseth b, T.O. Matsunaga b, F. Porreca .,a a Department of Pharmacology and b Chemistry, University of Arizona Health Sciences Center, Tucson, AZ 85724, USA,

c Departments of Medicinal Chemistry and d Pharmacology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA, and e College of Pharmacy, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA (Received 21 June 1993, revised MS received 28 October 1993, accepted 2 November 1993)


The interaction of [o-Pen2,D-PenS]enkephalin (DPDPE) and [D-AlaZ,Glu4]deltorphin with 3-0pioid receptor subtypes was investigated. Pretreatment of mice with the ~l- antagonist, [D-Ala2,LeuS,Cys6]enkephalin (DALCE), produced a virtually complete antagonism of the antinociceptive actions of DPDPE, but had no effect on those of [D-Ala2,Glua]deltorphin. In DALCE pretreated mice (i.e., 61-0pioid receptors blocked), DPDPE was able to significantly antagonize the antinociceptive effects of [D-Ala2,Glua]deltorphin. Pretreatment of mice with the 62-0pioid receptor antagonist, -5'-isothiocyanate (5'-NTII) produced a virtually complete antagonism of the antinociceptive effects of [D-AlaZ,Glu4]deltorphin, but had no effect on the antinociception produced by DPDPE. In 5'-NTII pretreated mice (i.e., ~2-0pioid receptors blocked), [o-Ala2,Glu4]de - Itorphin had no effect on the antinociception produced by DPDPE. These data suggest that [D-Ala2,Glua]deltorphin is highly selective for the ~2-0pioid receptor in vivo, and that neither agonist nor antagonist actions can be demonstrated at 61-0pioid receptors for this peptide. In contrast, under appropriate conditions, DPDPE can be shown to interact with both 31- and 62-0pioid receptor subtypes; DPDPE may have limited efficacy (i.e., is a partial agonist) at the 82-0pioid receptor.

Key words: Opioid; 8-Opioid receptor subtype; DPDPE ([D-Pene,D-PenS]enkephalin); [D-Ala2,Glu4]Deltorphin; Antinociception; (Mouse)

1. Introduction by 5'-NTII, but not by DALCE (Jiang et al., 1991). On this basis, DPDPE has been suggested to produce its Recently, subtypes of 8-opioid receptors have been antinociceptive effects via a 6~-opioid (i.e., DALCE- identified, and termed ~- and ~z-opioid receptors sensitive) receptor subtype, while [D-Ala2,Glu4]deltor - (Sofuoglu et al., 1991; Jiang et al., 1991; Mattia et al., phin appears to be selective for a ~52-opioid (5'-NTII) 1991). [D-Pen2,D-PenS]Enkephalin (DPDPE) and [D- receptor subtype. Ala2,Glu4]deltorphin are highly selective peptidic 3- In addition to the direct antinociceptive properties opioid receptor agonists which produce antinociception of 6-opioid receptor agonists, these compounds have following intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) administration been repeatedly demonstrated to produce a modula- to mice (e.g., Jiang et al., 1990). The antinociceptive tory (i.e., increase or decrease in potency and efficacy) effects of DPDPE are antagonized by [D-Ala2,Leu 5, action on effects of/z-opioid receptor agonists such as Cys6]enkephalin (DALCE) but not by 5'-naltrindole (Vaught and Takemori, 1979; Lee et al., isothiocyanate (5'-NTII) (Jiang et al., 1991); neither 1980; Heyman et al., 1989a,b; Horan et al., 1992) in a DALCE nor 5'-NTII produces antagonism of the variety of endpoints including antinociception in mice antinociceptive effects of/x- or K-opioid receptor ago- and rats. The interactions between ~5-opioid receptor nists (Jiang et al., 1991). In contrast, the antinocicep- agonists and /x-opioid receptor agonists such as mor- tive effects of [D-Ala2,Glu4]deltorphin are antagonized phine are mediated via ~-opioid receptors as the mod- ulation, but not the direct antinociception of morphine, * Corresponding author. Tel. (602) 626-7421, fax (602) 626-4182. is antagonized by 6-opioid receptor-selective antago-

Elsevier Science B.V. SSDI 0014-2999(93)E0805-3 134 T. Vanderah et aL / European Journal of Pharmacology 252 (1994) 133-137 nists such as ICI 174,864 (Heyman et al., 1989a,b). (lights on 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.). Food and water were Further, the selective 6-opioid receptor agonists available ad libitum until the time of the experiment. DPDPE and [D-Ala2,Glu4]deltorphin (given at sub-ef- fective doses) have been shown to positively modulate 2.2. Injection techniques morphine antinociception, and further, to interact with morphine in a synergistic fashion (Horan et al., 1992). All compounds were given by the intracerebroven- Based on data such as these, as well as on the basis of tricular (i.c.v.) route. I.c.v. administrations were made substantial evidence using radioligand binding ap- directly into the lateral ventricle as previously de- proaches in vitro, one hypothesis to explain the modu- scribed (Jiang et al., 1991). I.c.v. injections were made latory actions of 6-opioid receptor agonists on/x-opioid at a volume of 5/zl. receptor-mediated effects is that these interactions oc- cur via a/x-6-opioid receptor complex (see Rothman et 2.3. Tail-flick assay al., 1988, for review), though other interpretations of such data are possible. The thermal nociceptive stimulus was 55°C warm The observation that both DPDPE and [D- water with the latency to tail-flick or withdrawal taken Ala2,Glu4]deltorphin can be demonstrated to produce as the endpoint. Animals were tested by gently holding an ICI 174,864-sensitive modulatory effect on mor- them by hand in a vertical position and recording the phine antinociception (Heyman et al., 1989a,b) might baseline latency. Control baseline latencies (i.e., prior be taken to suggest that both the 6! and 82 subtypes of to injection of test substances) ranged between 2-4 s. 6-opioid receptors are involved in the observed modu- Mice not responding within 5 s (< 10%) during base- latory actions. However, recent studies using subtype- line testing were discarded from the experimental selective antagonists have demonstrated that the modu- groups. After the determination of baseline latencies, latory actions of both DPDPE and [D-Ala2,Glu4]del - the mice received graded doses of 6-opioid agonist torphin are sensitive to antagonism by 5'-NTII, but not alone in control mice, or in DALCE- or 5'-NTII-treated by DALCE (Porreca et al., 1992), leading to the con- mice in combination with the alternate 6-opioid recep- clusion that only the 62-opioid receptor is involved in tor agonist (i.e., DPDPE or [D-Ala2,Glu4]deltorphin). the modulatory effects of 6-opioid receptor agonists on Tail-flick latencies were determined after 10 min, a /x-opioid receptor effects. time previously shown to result in a maximal antinoci- The observation that the 61-opioid receptor agonist, ceptive response for both compounds (Heyman et al., DPDPE, as well as the 62-opioid receptor agonist, 1989a,b; Jiang et al., 1990, 1991). In antagonist studies [D-Ala2,Glua]deltorphin, both produce modulatory ac- employing irreversible agents, DALCE (4.5 nmol) or tions on morphine antinociception apparently via a 5'-NTII (17.5 nmol) were given as a single pretreat- 62-opioid receptor does not appear consistent with the ment dose, 24 h prior to testing. These doses and times observed selectivity of these agonists for 6-opioid re- have been previously established to be the times of ceptor subtypes as identified using studies of direct peak agonist and antagonist actions (Jiang et al., 1990, antinociception (Jiang et al., 1991; Sofuoglu et al., 1991). 1991; Mattia et al., 1991). Thus, the present study A cut-off time of 15 s was employed; if the mouse sought to explore the possibility that DPDPE and failed to respond within this time, the tail was removed [D-Ala2,Glua]deltorphin may interact with one, or both, from the water and that animal was assigned a maxi- subtypes of 6-opioid receptors. The approach focused mum score. Mice not responding within 5 s in the on the possibility that these peptides might be capable initial control trial were eliminated from the experi- of interaction at more than one subtype of 8-opioid ment. Antinociception at each time point was calcu- receptor if the preferred subtype were selectively lated according to the following formula: % antinoci- blocked. The data indicate that while [D-AlaZ,Glu4]del - ception = 100 × (test latency - control latency)/(15 - torphin appears highly selective for the 62-opioid re- control latency). ceptor, DPDPE can act at both 6-opioid receptor subtypes. 2.4. Chemicals

Cyclic Tyr-D-Pen-Gly-Phe-D-Pen (where Pen is o- 2. Materials and methods penicillamine, DPDPE), [D-Ala2,LeuS,Cys6]enkephalin (DALCE), [D-Ala2,Glu4]deltorphin and naltrindole-5'- 2.1. Animals isothiocyanate (5'-NTII) were synthesized as previously described. [D-Ala2,Glua]Deltorphin was suspended in Male, ICR mice (20-30 g) were used for all experi- 20% Tween-80/water solution immediately prior to ments. Animals were kept in groups of five in a tem- use. All other compounds were dissolved in distilled perature-controlled room with a 12 h light-dark cycle water just before using. T. Vanderah et al. / European Journal of Pharrnacology 252 (1994) 133-137 135

2.5. Statistics 100 T 1 9o Regression lines, Aso values (i.e., the dose produc- c4 1 8o ing a 50% antinociceptive response) and 95% confi- +~ / z 7o / dence limits (C.L.) were determined with each individ- o // 6o ual data point as previously described (Jiang et al., EL ha 50 1990, 1991). For the fitting of regression lines and £P o 40 / calculation of the Aso values, only the linear portion of o / the dose-effect curve was used. Relative potencies were _z. 50 Z calculated by comparison of the regression line As0 < 2o values. All data points shown are the mean of 10 mice o~ lO and error bars represent the standard error. 1..5 5.8 12.6 57.8 75.7

Dose ED AID 2, Olu4]deltorphin (nmol, i.c.v.) 3. Results Fig. 2. Antinociceptivedose-response curves of graded i.c.v, doses of Pretreatment of mice with DALCE (4.5 nmol i.c.v.) [o-Ala2,Glu4]deltorphin in control mice (open circles), DALCE-pre- or 5'-NTII (17.5 nmol i.c.v.) 24 h prior to testing treated mice (open squares), or in DALCE-pretreated mice in the presence of a sub-maximal dose of DPDPE (closed squares); DPDPE produced no changes in basal tail-flick latency. DALCE produced virtually no effect in DALCE-pretreated mice. pretreatment produced a significant blockade of the antinociceptive effects of a submaximal dose of i.c.v. DPDPE (46.5 nmol), but had no effect on the antinoci- 100 ceptive effects of [D-Ala2,Glu4]deltorphin (fig. 1A). In contrast, pretreatment with 5'-NTII significantly anta- ~A gonized the antinociceptive effects of a submaximal dose of [ig-Ala2,Glu4]deltorphin (12.6 nmol) but had no +l 70 0 60 effect on antinociception produced by DPDPE (fig. m 50 1B). The dose-response lines for i.c.v. [o-AlaE,Glu 4] (D G 4O deltorphin in control, or in DALCE-pretreated mice O are shown in fig. 2. Co-administration of DPDPE (46.5 z 50 nmol) with [ig-AlaE,Glu4]deltorphin in DALCE-pre- z 20 treated mice resulted in a marked rightward displace- 0 ~ ment of the [D-AlaE,Glu4]deltorphin dose-response line 4.6 15.5 4615 (fig. 2). The As0 values (and 95% confidence limits) for [D-Ala2,Glu4]deltorphin in control, DALCE-pre- Dose [D-Pen 2, D-Pen5!enkepholin (nmol, i.c.v.) treated, and DALCE-pretreated plus DPDPE mice Fig. 3. Antinociceptivedose-response curves of graded i.c.v, doses of were 3.9 (3.36-4.53), 3.9 (3.28-4.73) and 31.7 (26.25- DPDPE in control mice (open circles), 5'-NTII-pretreated mice (open triangles), or in 5'-NTII-pretreated mice in the presence of a 38.28) nmol, respectively. These data show that under sub-maximal dose of [D-AlaE,Glu4]deltorphin (closed triangles); [o- t51-opioid receptor blocked conditions, DPDPE pro- Ala2,Glu4]deltorphin produced virtually no effect in 5'-NTII-pre- duced an approximately 8-fold rightward displacement treated mice.

I " 100 L~ 1DO 9o U9 90 +1 80 +l 80 Z 70 Z 7O 0 0 ~-- 6O ~-- 6O EL EL L~ 50 Ld 50 (-3 (D 40 (D-- 40 0 50 0 30 Z Z ~-- 20 ~- 20 Z Z <~ 10 <~ 10 o~ I o~ 0 DPDPE DPDPE DELTORPHIN tl DELTORPHIN II DPDPE DPDPE DELTORPHIN II DELTORPHIN II + + + + DALCE DALCE 5'-NTII 5'-NTII Fig. 1. Antinociceptiveeffect of DPDPE or [D-Ala2,Glu4]deltorphin in control mice, or following pretreatment with DALCE (A) or 5'-NTII (B); neither DALCE nor 5'-NTII had any direct antinociceptiveeffect. 136 T. Vanderah et al. / European Journal of Pharmacology 252 (1994) 133-137 of the [D=Ala2,Glu4]deltorphin dose-response curve. a functional or physical /z-8-opioid receptor complex The dose-response line for [D-Ala2,Glu4]deltorphin in (see Rothman et al., 1988 for review). DALCE-pretreated mice was not different from that in Using the same approach as taken for direct controls. The dose-response lines for DPDPE in con- antinociceptive studies, recent data have demonstrated trol, or in 5'-NTII-pretreated mice are shown in fig. 3. that the 8-opioid receptor modulatory effect is sensi- Co-administration of [o-Ala2,Glu4]deltorphin (12.6 tive only to 82-opioid receptor antagonists, suggesting nmol) with DPDPE in 5'-NTII-pretreated mice had no the participation only of this receptor subtype in /z- significant effect on the DPDPE dose-response line opioid receptor modulation (Porreca et al., 1992). Ad- (fig. 3). The A5o values (and 95% confidence limits) for ditionally, induction of tolerance at the 82-, but not the DPDPE in control, 5'-NTII-pretreated, and 5'-NTII- 8~-opioid, receptor prevents the modulatory action pretreated plus [D-Ala2,Glu4]deltorphin mice were 19.3 (Vanderah and Porreca, unpublished observations). (14.55-25.58), 25.38 (18.72-34.41) and 29.03 (18.48- The finding that both the positive and negative modu- 45.61) nmol, respectively. latory effects of &opioid receptor agonists (Heyman et al., 1989a,b) could be antagonized by ICI 174,864 to- gether with the identified subtypes of &opioid recep- 4. Discussion tors initially suggested that these positive and negative modulatory effects might be mediated through differ- Recent studies of the direct antinociceptive proper- ent 8-opioid receptor subtypes. This concept was rein- ties of 8-opioid receptor agonists have provided strong forced by the observation that DPDPE and [D- pharmacological evidence for the existence of subtypes Ala2,Glu4]deltorphin produced their direct antinoci- of 8-opioid receptors. Through the use of novel and ceptive effects via subtypes of 8-0pioid receptors. No- selective 8-opioid receptor antagonists, i.c.v. DPDPE tably, however, both DPDPE and [D-AlaE,Glug]de- and [D-Ala2,Glu4]deltorphin have been suggested to ltorphin produced a positive modulatory effect, and produce their antinociceptive effects in mice via sub- further, this action was selectively sensitive to antago- types of &opioid receptors, termed 81 and 82, respec- nism by 82-opioid receptor antagonists (Porreca et al., tively (Sofuoglu et al., 1991; Jiang et al., 1990, 1991). 1992). Such observations appeared inconsistent with This finding is supported by the observation of a two- the concept that these selective 8-opioid receptor ago- way lack of cross-tolerance between DPDPE and [D- nists acted at subtypes of &opioid receptors. This Ala2,Glu4]deltorphin, as well as to the ~t-opioid recep- paradox was investigated in the present study by block- tor agonist [D-Ala2,NMPhea,Gly-ol]enkephalin ing the preferred receptor at which DPDPE and [O- (DAMGO) (Mattia et al., 1991; Sofuoglu et al., 1991). Ala2,Glu4]deltorphin are hypothesized to act using ir- It should also be noted that the antinociceptive effects reversible 8-opioid receptor subtype-selective antago- of DPDPE and [D-Ala2,Glu4]deltorphin are not sensi- nists, DALCE and 5'-NTII. Possible interactions of tive to /z- or K-opioid receptor antagonists in this these ligands with the non-preferred receptor might be model, and the 8-opioid receptor-selective antagonists, revealed under such 81- and 82-opioid receptor blocked DALCE and 5'-NTII, do not antagonize the antinoci- conditions. ceptive actions of /x-opioid receptor agonists such as Following blockade of the 81-opioid receptor using morphine or DAMGO (Jiang et al., 1990, 1991). DALCE, the direct antinociceptive effects of DPDPE In addition to a direct role for &opioid receptors in were almost completely blocked while those of [D- the mediation of antinociception, it has long been Ala2,Glu4]deltorphin were unaltered. Construction of recognized that agonists at 8-opioid receptors can pro- the [o-AlaE,Glu4]deltorphin dose-effect curve in the duce either a positive (i.e., increase in potency and presence of a dose of DPDPE (which produced a efficacy) or negative (i.e., decrease in potency and sub-maximal effect under control conditions) resulted efficacy) effect on/z-opioid receptor agonists. Interest- in a marked rightward displacement of the [D- ingly, two endogenous ligands of the 8-opioid receptor Ala2,Glu4]deltorphin dose-response curve. This obser- produce opposite modulatory actions: [LeuS]enkepha - vation suggests that DPDPE can bind to the 82-opioid lin produces a positive, while [MetS]enkephalin pro- receptor, but apparently does not produce antinocicep- duces a negative, effect on/.~-opioid receptor-mediated tion directly at this site. In contrast, the converse antinociception (Vaught et al., 1979; Lee et al., 1980). experiment under 82-opioid receptor blocked condi- Both the positive and the negative modulatory actions tions suggested that [o-AlaE,Glu4]deltorphin does not of [LeuS]enkephalin and [MetS]enkephalin (but not the interact with the 81-opioid receptor site. No antago- direct/z-opioid receptor-mediated antinociception) are nism of the DPDPE dose-effect curve was observed in sensitive to antagonism by the 8-opioid receptor antag- the presence of a sub-maximal dose of [o-Ala2,Glu 4] onist, ICI 174,864, leading to the conclusion that the deltorphin under conditions in which the effects of modulatory effect is mediated via 8-opioid receptors; [D-Ala2,Glu4]deltorphin were almost completely such receptors have been hypothesized to be a part of blocked by 5'-NTII. The possibility that supramaximal T. Vanderah et aL / European Journal of Pharmacology 252 (1994) 133-137 137 doses of [D-Ala2,Glu4]deltorphin might eventually in- 5. References teract with the ~l-opioid receptor cannot be excluded Heyman, J.S., J.L. Vaught, H.I. Mosberg, R.C. Haaseth and F. and was not investigated in the present study. Porreca, 1989a, Modulation of/x-mediated antinociception by 6 These observations suggest that DPDPE has actions agonists in the mouse: selective potentiation of morphine and at both ~-opioid receptor subtypes. Apparently, by [D-Pen2,D-PenS]enkephalin, Eur. J. Pharmacol. DPDPE mediates its direct antinociceptive actions via 165, 1. Heyman, J.S., Q. Jiang, R.B. Rothman, H.I. Mosberg and F. Porreca, the 3t-opioid receptor while its modulatory effects are 1989b, Modulation of/.t-mediated antinociception by ~ agonists: mediated via the 62-opioid receptor (i.e., is a partial characterization with antagonists, Eur. J. Pharmacol. 169, 43. agonist at this site). In contrast, [D-Ala2,Glu4]del - Horan, P., R.J. Tallarida, R. Haaseth, T. Matsunaga, V.J. Hruby and torphin produces both actions via the tSz-opioid recep- F. Porreca, 1992, Antinociceptive interactions of opioid delta tor subtype. It is also of particular interest that the receptor agonists with morphine in mice: supra- and subadditiv- ity, Life Sci. 50, 1535. direct antinociceptive actions of these substances ap- Jiang, Q., H.I. Mosberg, and F. Porreca, 1990, Antinociceptive pear to be mediated predominantly, if not exclusively, effects of [D-Ala2]deltorphin II, a highly selective 6 agonist in through its own receptor subtype, even though both vivo, Life Sci. Pharmacol. Lett. 47, PL-43. compounds compete for sites labelled by 6-opioid re- Jiang, Q., A.E. Takemori, M. Sultana, P.S. Portoghese, W.D. Bowen, ceptor-selective ligands. A possible explanation of this H.I. Mosberg and F. 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