Practical .Thoughts oa Pracr. Prayer! What battle Las it not fonght! what victories ha it not Won I. what burdens La it not carried I what wounds haa it not healed! what giii-- t has it not assuaged ! It ia the welllt of provertr; the rrfuge of of affliction: the strength of weakness, the light of Jarkneas. It is the oratory that give power to the pulpit; it ia the hand that strike down Satan, and breaka the fetters of ain; it tarns the scales SATURDAY 1873: No. of fate more than the edge of tho . Vol. XXIX. JAKS0IJ TENNESSEE, AUGUST 9; 39: sword, th craft of Statesmen, or the C 7 weight of scepters; it has arrested tha wing of time,', turned aside the very ; aojlhe of death, and discharged heav- I tne back eyes, ; This unrivalled Mrrftcin U warranted do! Gertie to the door. She droos bnt I. did not tell you Tribute) to Yf ater. oub aioruEit. - en frowning and darkest cloud in a to eoutain aintrle partic-- l of anad'uY or bay MILLS, WHIG MID TRIBUI1E 1 with flying feet. - bjIorv because -- I 'wanted to see if shower of blessings. liev. Injurious mineral auuatanoe, bat ia CHAMPION i . . is preach- - Jr. AT.THE. "Two valentine, mamma i nau you loved me." ; Paul Denton, a Method it hrr yunttilnliiaas. . CALL So Guthrie. . PURELY VEGETABLE, FCBLISHSD LYEKY 8ATCR&AI forgotten it was Ihe fourteenth!"., She. nestled close to him, letting er Texas, advertised a barbecue. H". Her locks sr turaiaggray, . : her head fall upon his bosom. nqoar is usually Aad arrtnkles take the place am A containing iboM Southern llopt Herb, Buy 'Your Klaek Seed Oat, BT "Two?" ' ' wita oetier than of ilea Hontis' Ears. eorrespondeut of all-wi- And y, se V; Whlcb aa Providence- baaul(laced la "Yes. O mamma, look !" "The arm, Gertie," he said soft-l- furnished. When the people were She's fading every day. the Iowa Homestead was riding oat Cnaatrtea whereLiver mml prevail, - DUum Grass, Orchard Grass, She had torn the cover from a "was full of oil." assembled, a desperado in the We gas at bar la sorrow Bow, the day friend ob- Seed,- ' other with a aad fa will Mil BMaM . by Clover Timothy, Herd's d. Ion a CO dainty package in her and "Oil!" crowd walked ap to . For though we're steVr been told - ItorMirmrat tvoev d. m WISDOMS ... him and cried served that one of the . horses had a Th hf MI'iOMs of Liver Complaint are a opened a morocco case iuaide. Upon "I sold it for more money than out : We caa but fad the weary truth hole in each ear. Ou alitor or ba4 Uste in tlia OMitnhi faiu in th All Grades of Floux, Tkkxs or ScascafPTiON. Two do!lss lay a parure inquiring the n black velvet lining Leou Payne Our noiber'a sack, ntdra or Jolnl, ofu-- mistaken for Kheu- - i year, invariably far ndsoncav-- . tlie ever posaensed. Now, "Mr. Denton, your reverence has trowing old. cans bo learned that it was to keep Hoe a Loa Appetite; Flour, Rye Flour, Oat Meal, Uay, Corn glittering diamonds, flAling np pet, run lied, promised a good wilimi rroMc; of A well m Buck Wheat al ogle copies Id cents. of up stairs; mother will xeu aotonlv , Our motber'a loat the hnrae from jumping. Bowel v(1t and laxi Headache: - - - Srr.roBtXfuiarad, lrnteW and Cotton Seed Meal. where a stray sunbeam fcH epon show you room,, see barbecue, but liquor. Hex-ey- e Loeeof Baetnorr , with painful arnaation of Oatv liran ADVUTtsno Ratxa. Advertisement the ami let tne better Where's grow dsn aath tears, "Why" said he "a horse don't jump bavin- - ought to them, into a glorious sea of color, how some tfao finery so the liooor?" ' tailed to do NiiKlliiai wbira inserted for a lees term thaa three month. of there its Yet (till within ber heart there aidat , with hia ears," w imhi aua Ueollily, Lwnpirns, a mica will be charged per aquare ek'hi ."Leon Payne!'' cried Gertie. you." ow al t : "There," answered the preacher, Some light of other years "Vou are mistaken," replied hia anpraraiica of rha Skiu anl fcyea, a dry lines, or for tl : t oileu UliaUikea Coluiluuptiun. Dunw. lee, the 8rt Insertion,. sad (t "Are they not exqoisite?'r "Never mind. We want queen iu tones or tnunder; aud pointing For oft she'll speak ia merry friend horse iuxnps as xth fr W be-i- t Corn tones, "a math with Mna) I atu-n- 'Profepoof" your an.l for each subsequent insertion. lips i - maav of ban Mnptuius the dis I can mike It to your iHtewst W let Talkr frlod Mrs. Jameson's quivered' to preside over this supper." his motionless finger tt a spring f mill rt t r iVll slat BMilml, his ears a with hia feet. and. unleaa ease, at ethers very Irw j but Ilia Lives, tke to along, and I will pay you tbe bihe-- r .rtc SO for If ypu any of ritber nU, briu it Local Notice. eta. r IIb little as she looked at her daughter's : Mrs. Jametion led away, while tweatroag soaae . t. aad bare her gusntngapin columns, As her heart aaeasoty he can aararew orm lb ma do-i- M generally uw aoaa each insertion. e'er ataalav have free use of his ears he can n of taodlaea. and if not teaai(ef In ttia. for it oiarlly flashed face and bright eye, and tier Jane ami her husband stood' as be- with a sound like A ahont Of joy. Of wheasha waa child.. not jump. lie ties the two ears to--' Tea wroiclwxlaaaa aud DKXtUwilX up a prayer : tcHniu, heart sent silent for the wildered aa Gertie bad been. Sud- from tlie iKtsom or toe earth. - s get oaaue. Oor jaKbes-'- Vmc bar . .... her aad haa no more trouble with ADVEKTISINO RATES. futnre, trembling before hereyo. denly j.he bridegroom started for- "There!" he repeated, with a look yaatiluinc, , UrMl CafMIIaiaj BPKCirlC IU : The ligbtstep has grosra slow,: th horse. :i , Tl I. ma) a. "Look at the ether," she; said, ward aud grasped Harry's hand. terrible as iigiuuinr, whn his ene BM M alea 3 MONTHS. 6. MOHTUm. kfOWTH. I Tbe graceful 1 . rt laanatLMl It - yen my actually learned to stoop Foe DTSfKrHIA, COSSTirATION, J aim. I square, flJOO SiU UO $30 IW quietly. ,., "Then it wa " he said "who trembled at his feet: bright c&aek as Pb.ovide.nck Ckxattom. Many alioa. Bilious MlCnl a copy verses, said me The lost glow. is attack. litAUAtUk, iooo au oo 44ao ' "Only of sent lha bundle f greenbacks." there is the liouor which God the weary - - Cttiio, Jwpre-aio- a of Spirit, SOClt bTOM-AC- H, , t " aU Her basUa have grava aottiin, aorta of rare engines we 'ackuowl- 40 OO Ml 00 Gertie. "Violet eyes and that "Are we not Har- Eternal brews for aU bis children. - Heart liura, ate, Ac , Importers of t " 3600. brothers i" said licrdear bBi trvaable new;-- ' - edge are contrived-- by the wit of - MOO 7 00 ,' Kroluma.SOOO- sort of thing. But are not thrRe ry, quierty.' Not in the simmering still, over , awav-- ' Ml loSOO ra.ii)g ia sad deep bars, '. who made one BiKosyuYn " 00 90 00 diamonds msgniticeutS It i the iThcre was with, smoky fires, choked poisonous ' nun, but hath ever ikicixi little talk then, with ; 1 traced , .rsaiio. NOTIONS. . oo 30000 adiuirott-ao-imn- wm btr brew. ; S " be looon U could in la the CHaapeat, Farm aad Baat Vamlly almo- SILKS;, RIBBOt & l very set I when hnsky voices 'and moist eras.' and gasea, surrewuded wkht stench of that grow, or that had it a t3T One Inch space eonaitutes a square. - ; Oar mother's aoat her Lh in Um wurid I we were eut the other day." .'.. . Jaue. was; still gratefully sickening- odors and corruption, foe faints. power? ( A tree, an' Where advertUwins U ara ordered I rs MAJHIPACTCUBOHLTar.- - . ta V is eleven o!clocr, and I .Harry's doth yoor Heaven Her araUe toot Be kind.. . GOODS, daamialtTstisplBred - d 'Gertie, it into face, whea the door Father la prepare - herb, a pil ot grass, may upoa this - ther- erHtbe eastrn pr-rcto- Rer tones to C soft -- mr ' IniCTIiaw mast go to Li'.ile tbe eaaence of ttfe pure, " rt h. for aeeording to tbe snsce eoe Mr. Lew:.. Ieiit)u aim uibueu in. "T" account, challenge all toe world to f ACOX. G... awl muW.I.HlH..J').. H. f - they oovvpj icriie ah eold Wbr aJJi w eVer BnU? . Trrweai pack u by sum), mjt-piI- 1 "1W w 1 . daughter, yeu the iigut had comeback to ner eyes, water; but in the greea gtade im- nrr laca tusBuunt ajuirf maflive'alltrs' i . . But a we Bote tne trcajblrag tongue, malce such a thing; that iv-- ta I. rrepaxed roady lu la boUien, Si u. Hhenas, Cterka assd Raaesva. ara aena while I am 'She drew her I lis rich to-- ; and and grassy dell, where the red deer ue out." color her cheeks Aad mark the stooping torn; plant the power of growing .into aVOLS A LA, , ItUXUVViM. t ns their patron 3 r will receive tha .Whig child iato her arms and looked with the shining silk revealed- - suowy wander and the child loves to tdav. IT TV A ss votes wU.'Ujer foeaur heartaw ' - which it.doth na- CJ-lle- of ail lutlratino without charge anything to net Counterfeit aad anxious love into her eyes. srms and shoulders, while rich lace There God brews it; and dawn, low ' ; -: - met IV - "Ye cannot keep law lOBg."- . if 3rCawifATaav-ra- r annotraelnr can Gertie, my darling, be true to fell . folds aronnil down m tbe deepest valleys, tively belong, or 10 make a thing ClEfAPKIS. in tbeaweepiBg where ' :tbkn.- dt dates lor County emcee and the Leila Our motiter's lost yontiifulresa, ; to it doth. By what art May 81 8in. (- yonr own heart.' And so she left skirts.; Upon her clustering curia the fountain murmurs ana the nils hr .which tare. forCearreaa for afwnicipa siug; high upon - We see H every day,' a . f they seed? and Professional Notices. aad emi enaricteffieea. io all ia sdvame her. rested a wreath of white flowers, and the mountain would make a which ' clasped1" glit- Aral fee mare drearily th troth, ' , ": SAYLE. True to her own heart! Gertie aad rare a bracelet her tola where the naked granite ' .... way would they inspire it with a IIOUaSTON. A. a ' '-- v : She sooa . J.M. ' v. ; ters like srold in suu. meat paas away. . Jameson sat down to ponder over wrists. the where the , , 1 seminal form? And they that think f J storm-clou- d Ah even aew the ''boatman pale' JiENTAL CARD. these words. The diamonds flashed She made low reverence to her broods and the thun - THE CONFLICT. - this globe or the earth was com- out' their glorious wave of light husband. der-stor- crash; and far out on, the - W fear is hovering nigbr- ' ' Waiting, with white aau all pacted by the casual, or fatal coalt- - ' BT A. CLKTBLa rsaXBLX. . before her eyes ; the copy of verses 'Loveryl'h cried. "Bat; pet, wide, wild sea, where the hurricane aafurUd WH. B SPENCER n wili But hosU our cry.- - tioo of particles of .matter by what lay open upon the little work table, wear the dianionds , howl music, and the big wave roll Ia tha full fountain of Tay Baatchleae ieve . : and Gertie sat masiug. Pictures of "What diamonds?" . the chorus, sweeping the outrea mi ' But antly bear Um waa-iv- d form ' magic would they conjure so many.' . Weary of eartk. O 1 Fataer ropoae.' , Burseoii Dentist. the past came in succession into her "The ones 1 sent you for a Valen- God there he brews it, that bcver ! Into tlie phantom bark,-- . to come together a should make a V Give BuW the qmet kick aooaaa from Thee ' j Office over W. ALIX4N corner a ! f. deb's litis memory. - tine.": :.. age of life health giving water. She a ill not fear Cavaurr weat before, clod? You with whom the daily , ana Market above,. ..j ' -- aire, was years ago, me, everywhere thin,? The way will Bo4 - jaaittj lX JACKSON, TEXN. and Retail Blest token, that vUt Thins my fcaad doih it ten but sue could "You sent .Harry I. I sent, "And it is a of be dark productions of oatare (aa you call Wholesale day. ' Wauly ' And ssft-- UojmI biead. till remember the when 'her them back to Leou PayueJ' life aud gleamiag the th troubinli it) are so cheap, aee if you can do ten-yea- r aew-dro- p; j Hej tired heart's father had been called to tbe shallow It was certainly later, singing in tne eafltmerl 4 strife o'er. - ice-ge- Try your skill oa a rose. . w. . Our angel the like. j. coLuiqs;n.D. Eiurced the path amid the tangled. Users j land. The luxurious country home, when, one evening at one of Mrs. rain; shining iu the pl the BkoUier, gluriSed, " J Yea, pro-ex-is Aad long the way, to pilgrims weary feet. . where she and Jaue, her eldest sis- Clarke's receptions- ,- Mrs. Leou trees all seemed turned, to liviiiar Will grow eld neversBOre. . but you mast have Physician and Surgeon, My atreBgth is goo, kud roars the angry storm ter, were born, was sold, and they Payne said to. her, pointing to her jewels; spreading a goldea eU over tent matter. But can yon ever i I Bell as any House in ackaon. Impart Thy .atreagib and. crowa Tby grave had come to mother, : . sun. gaaae Maker of Abe werld Special attention riven to tha Medical and Will gnarantee to M CI1 EAP J the city. Her Jewels the era whit around - that the Sura-tca-l tlaaai-- of Wonwva. complete. oue of tbe finest amateur piauiits of wav thing--abo- ut the midnight moon; sporting a 4h ,,.a Suplurity of Tennessee.' Eroveo, even defend possibil iCSOllico over U. alobnrta Co. 'a "it tbe oddest or the - Irar ' Main. Street under Tomlln'a Hall, her time, began teach music, these, glacier; folding its bright snow.our, - filon). - jaall ifo. 9, strife-- . had to diamonds Somebody sent ity of uncreated matter?. And aup- I am ao weary of the almleaa they upon eanings to Leon years taut Boniy tne wintry The soul's flose atmggla' 'galass it priaoa and. lived hsr them for Valentine about world:: ills ascertained from facts gath- .80 tbey had tbe free agent oi all Da. jxo. cHurca, ca.l i u. cHKAxaa was old to guess and weaviug the many-colore- d ered ';jncuGorJii:TEfjrj.v' until Jaue enough take ao. lie could' never where bow from the census reports, that matter between the crown ot warp rain-dre-p the tenaHnsj aaa paver tne r reucu class in a iarre semuary. they came from, for," the whose la the ef Tettuessee ranks ahead all her Gro-ror- y The reatleas a tn, - of could recHpt, will conllnoe to keep a Urjra atworUneat of evervthinij la tha and Gertie to have singing 6cLlars lady must have becav wealthy, al- earth, whose woof is the sunbeam sister Southern States in industrial th head aud the moon, they Dr. John Chester '. Arola aad puixbaMDg, Tbe eooatleae errars whiohmy sMrtt asara. a Use, W' reowH tfully lavite our frimula t examine our before at home: but even with these tddi-- though why she sent ahtdy's pxrure of Heaven, all checked ever with and. financial affairs, and Virginia tell what to do witb it, or how to J a - Ilaa asioeiatcd with hira In th praoticv at A will to their Interest, aad we dont luteml to ke uuderai.ll fJ"!?-- . very 1 the -- iwdiciue, bi brvthvr, a be v i w Earth Bath no balm for aefctar, aufeaiaa, searta, tions, their income was rait to a gentleman is a. mystery.- 'Are mystic hand of refraction. .' stand second. Tennessee farms are manage ao aa to make it yield them Nor paaaeaar IWUsmlsayi uareet. ed. Close economy, self daiial, tbey not lovelj, Mr. Clarke f7'- - Still it is beoutiful-th- at blessed valued at $U18,7(W,OiM, her real and one single flower that they might DR SAMOEL H. CHESTEii Her only letheaa RMBtaia Is the grava. and humble fare, and quiet !res, "Very lovely' said Uertte. and life-wat- er I No poisonous babbles' persoual estate at SttfS.'JuO.OU), tbe glory in tbeir own production? And offer their irrrlrea to the clUzrni of Jack Her oolyJioae, assoraBce of its reat. . Gertie could recall mauh more dis- smiled as she thought of the day, are on it brink; its foam brings net products of her farms at tl6.5uiJ.(ju. ob aad rlciuity. ' . SWalYIVErS 5IA1IU0TU FOItSALE! tinctly than the wealth her fdher ten years ago, when she was "true madness and murder; no blood and paid ih taxes, in 1870, $1,258,000. 1 Ui ht I would A House not Taxable. onto ou corner of Koyal and Cbeoter fain rise above the world had squandered. stains its liquid glass; Virginia's 3,. awreata. . inayAMf A Lot Containing Over an Acre H to her heart." ...;. pale widows farms are Worth - Aad eaten ftam an gel pe some sweat refirai a OOO.OuO; On watch U a reoidenoa 8 by 11 'eel. Whose lnsparation. qaelUng every Where did Harry. Clarke some and. starving orphans weep not her real and personal estate Says a writer ia tha Overland sprhtgs. on a beautiful Klower Jt ejretabta fear. npon tne burnlu? tears deDths: ' at iou,&oo,ouf; His it w oala at me wholly for the martyr's pain . sceuel Gertie scarcely The Memory f the Past.' iu its na her farda product at Monthly: Tbe 'loftiest house, and erdet ia baunded on the Kart and North knew. Ho was a step-so- n other drunkard's shrinking ghost fro the 51,700,000; her take at DrT'rWRFDkshiell &: CO., Proprietors. by a 5 foot streeL Aim another lot adja- Sl.OOU. the most perfect iu the matter of WYNN3: The martyr's pala Ah, there are other fires mother's brother, and had come to ST VIBUINIA FBAZEB. grave, curses it in the world ot eter 1 bus It is seeu that ours is by cent to the above, eoAtatnlox one acre ' far tila ri rofetmtonal mtI'hhi la afl ; I - I have ever seen, was OFFKR-- can be sub-divid- into aix (Which purify the soul from earthly dross) tlie city to make his fortune. Tar nal despair bpeak out, my friends! the richest of all the- Southern architecture of aledu tturiferyf tu Economical aaid lots b.aa wood-chopp- ie aud tbia A llaiMut and Which away Would you change occupied community and tu vicinity. - . tiful rexidence loU. For terms, te tc Thaa those bora in chariots of tain ia the central part of Penn- Wheatime, wh steals our years away, it for the demon's States, and as she has the largest that which a ooice oa afaiuatrect, ojiiMiteotno Summer llouie. apply to A ransomed Same So glory from the cross. - alcohol? Praby Henry II miles East of sylvania nestled a small farm where bhall stual oor pleaaarea tuo.- drink, amount or wealth, she has relative- with his family one winter, in tue terian Church. Connty, Tenn, Joly tr W. O. COCKRILL. Harry was born, and ' A shout like the roar of a temp- ly the smallest N. Dr. 'WiU treat of Ri ye IX raria, and $i Hwih of Sprintrvllle pare where father The memory of the past will stay, amount of taxes to forest of Santa Cms county. It, i. dlrae - Amid tbe fire a would I raise and perform all tbe aurgicul Uutiot, on Ueiuphla LoutvtUe Kail- mother had died, and which was the .' . est answered, "No!" pay, and immigrants need keep red-woo-d oiieraiioaa aetw the A who-- my And half our Joys renew. not waa the cavity of a tree aary tu their radical euro. jaa H- road, ia bearia? of the naaaeiiKer train. WELLS! WEJLLSn To Hun kindles for good the flam. poor bov's sole patrimony. The away in dread of intolerable public MeinpUl a nioritinjr I raise the song. He goods my s al with praise. Then talk no mare of future's gloom. 210 feet in Light. Fire had eaten L. Onlyatx koura froia down at SO eenU per foot. All work rent of the domain scarcely sufficed A Wrong Belief. burdens, which in many other States X. BOLLOCK, JOOXL. BuoWK. tjouisvue PUT gtanil. AMdreea afy weary soul ia laving in a fount of love. JoyssbaU always the base until a rkie and rtevea nour ironi to to clothe the young he Oar last. When a destroy the saleable- - pro- away the trunk at witb ao of earn or batrgafre. MoALt XAN DItU A aicDAWIEb. clerk, but brighten days come, flippant miss of sixteen value of chance -- For hope shall to circular room had been formed, 16 -- had been winning his wav in the pout beneath wholesome perty. The Memphis Appeal is Bullock & Brown, Ihireat and Ouiou WbUeSuluburBatba OHoe at Duncan's Druu htore, Earth and lis trials are beneath my feet. And memory gild the past. the ad vice Cool Mvbt and ao iluUita litra Ha. July J6 1m. Jacksoa.TaaB. Its thorns are oaaaged to amaranthine lower house of L & Co., and now, If he of her "old maid" sister, ao-cail- ad, right, we think, in asserting that if icet in diameter. At 20 feet or quired. "inui. liontin anJ BoaUnc The victor's crowa la sparkling oa my brow. could raise throe thousand dollars. she does a very foolish thing, for the productive value of manufacto- more from the ground was a knot; ATTOIUiEYS IT WW, near, llactta meet the morning irain at Tbe conqueror's song might be a partner. The farm might A WojfDERFUL Several unmarried ries and mines were given, would egress nhady rtUge any Original Attachment of triumph thrills tbe Sake. ladies, as a class, are it bole which afforded lor the JACKUOST, BprioYiilr; by a load . bring part of . that sum, weeks ago Sylvester Bowman, - be seen surpasses TEK5XSSSX. niiauiea drive. hoars but where while wise indeed wise with experience, that Tennessee far smoke. W ith hammocks hung from KB occupying theaav-aJeita- oftLoea was the rest to come ? queried was cutting in productive bow Hoard as Good as the country affords State of Tennessee, County of from of Claiborne"county, and the workings of clear, unbiased wealth any Southern pegs, And a few cooking utensils oer Collin a China btore, lu AmWnot Gertie. Yet, over Harry's memory the sprouts off his oats, he saw what minds.- - Neither doe follow arm proportion our rarlora block. runM1 r Martin ,nJ Lm no 'style' to pay for jer day " DIAMOND it that aiate. in to from pegs, that bouse Fa vrtte atratHa. ntmiu Uia of uaduoa. TUG SET; picture, the little maiden lingered he took to be a large black suake, the old maid sister is any less beau- whole real wealth, we pay infinitely hung other at W.t ant 2; per week, $10; per OR CalUna' iture, oa Lat'aytrtte at. , aug 3U1 vs. lovingly. There was no part of her and struck at it with his scythe, tiful than the maidens who pout at less taxation that the people any lacked no essential thing. This . HIeks Watton. of $30. James G. J. - month. "TRUE TO IIER HEART." life so pleasant to dwU upon as that when, to his ' astonishment, the her. The girls who are just bud- State aonth of the Ohio.. Therefore woodman waa ia possession of a BOBT. W. BXtXU,' C. . BOND, drfan-ilaflt,- CHILDREN AND SERVANTS TJNDRB cause appearing G. this it that tbe ' wnere ne ngureo. LiCng walks and snake struck at him with its tail, ding Into maturity are very lovely, the enormous value of land in Ten house which had been one thousand IN I tndebtiNi such to poor I" Per-hap- t TEN YEARS OLD, HALF PRICE. , J. Watson jut!y "It is a bother be talks, duetts over th old mano. lifting tail several feet from the as half-blow- n rose nessee, in to e Haynest Bond, , to tbe laiotia by plain note ef hand, .aad been a its are, aad their proportion that of her years in process of building. There bad Ions Interval of moon-lig-ht Addrva Proprietor. - - by and gas-ligh- t. whereupon, again eyes, t!.- dcfeDdant ot chats earth. Bowman, bright changeful bloom, aud agricultural products. Here we par finish- -- MAMMOTII SPKLSQ3.". that auif i a of silence Airs. sitting-roo- m, on the very day it was SWAYNK'd ct-o- w -w--w,,; ia Jameson's He so one-fdur-th - the SUUS, the ordinary was tender and lavlmr. ao struck at the snake, but the vicious unaffected merriment, are a delight the State per cent, AT: JuofT-L- f. .4 ... that ef the ed he came along and entered it. AJTOnilEYS LA7i rrocM of !W" raOo.t bn "where Gertie made this ex honorable and true: so tpsr-- t fuj to reptile, not al. intimidated, re. - Ta-'ia- . preper-y- " a pars w ' -- lawAal.iii T v ail. - to. amMtifities- Tbey tua i . labam. e Ttoahand-sa- "Dilloa on Uultiaiura at., cut of the Square, " .id ait rtirmaj .ati;... '.merit ti.ivn.u Urcu CimfldUau. ' ner mother, so teuder tu nct turned lue LlCiW and pressed Uow- - swift, eager hv ii now aid atfjacE-tnrt- f awurar- - ame aaU levied Oil property. enthusiasm of youth, bt 'What is the new bother. Ger ao-- man so closely was one-ha-lf architecture enter into insigni- sauiaOX, TEST. rf publlcalloa is therefore hereby ordered to ready to advise or assib'j.,Jane's that it with dif and their world wears the eiadacss nearly per cent; Louisiana tie ?" fellow-cler- k, away. house WILL PRACTICE in the Snnrnne Court at be made for four consecutive week ia tbe ... betrothed, a who was ficulty ne got Ketnrning to of morning. But tbey are not, (outaide the citie) pay less thau ficance in contrast with thia the Chaaeerr, Clromt, Couai Wblif Tribune, a newspaper published The pleased Tolce and tone of waiting the turn of wheel the attack. Bowman, by means of Tennessee; ' forest! and of Madl.toa lis the Chancery Court of Madl-- aal fortune's necessarily, more winning than tbe Mississippi and North in tbe solitudes of the great - city kindly Inquiry, made the young girl roanty, eia v. Uere, - la the of Jackson, Tena.. notifyws; that would enable him to marry. large rocks, at last succeeded in women, who be-b- id Carolina one-ha- lf per cent, and Taa., anl twa aiwoially sou County, Tenn.- said Watson :. have left girlhood Tex Moreover, the tenant fared like a retained. OcCSWtf U. J. to appear before rue or biusa deeply, as sue repuea Was not such love as he offered crippling snake and fastening as a per some other Juattoe of tbe Peace for said mamma, the it them, and who, in going on, half cent. It can be ahown prince. Within thirty yards of his A "O never mind. I was worthy any sacrifice ? , , to assistance heart-wealt- h, B. . Bit'kaell, Hunt Snell and other, J. County, at ny office Carroll, on Satur- - of the earth. With the of have gathered and ac that if the manufacturing and min inioDin CAJurrBBBS, BIAU.UBT I t. in only thinking- aloud." coniferous bouse a mountain stream Oat ia et aL, ( ve uon sol dated cauaea. ) day tbe 23d day of tt, 1873, make Payne came Jordan F. Longmire, it was now ex cumulated brain power, been ing statistics were so we eould Uet'ree ior Auru aad in Leon on the scene have that to the sea. In virtue of an interlocutory defense or the same will be heard ex parte. "I hint got what?" only six months before this musing amined, and to their astomsbment disciplined by trial, taught by ex embrace them ia our calculations, went rushing past Caruthers &IIallory. BY ale entered in tbe above caue, 3d W. LKONAKO, "Of some to vet flowers I saw long, the swirls and eddies under the Y 1973, 1 oell auc. J. J. V. fit upon Gertie. She met was found to be over six feet perience, and wrought npon by dif that then Tennessee would be taxed day of July, will at publie July 19, IS73-4- yesterday, which jost matched this had him Hon, to tbe btirneat bidder, in from oi me at a party, and. had bewitched him and to have a horn at the end of its fering vicissituaes uie. Tne as heavily aa any other State ia pro- shelving rocks, if ana could not ; ATTORHEYS AT LAW, noaou," ana uertie neid no a bon an quar- oi North door of tha Court Houe,ln Javkaoo, - by her pretty, piquant beauty, tail a little over inch and a cheek may have lost some of its portion to ber whole wealth; and land half a doren trout within an ' DISSOLUTION. net- she was trimming:.. "Velvet her shaped a it Teaaoa so lovely grace and voice ; be had dazzled her ter Ions,' like rooster's rounded contour, aud the lips may that, with reference to public bur- boar be deserved to go hungry as w atlBirelart 134, 1873, rpilK PARTNERSHIP Beretofore xbtinr flowers are for a winter By spur. But what was still more not so use dens, Tennessee is most COLLECTING AGENTS, Ajriet some-thin?.- '7 his handsome face Harry was , smile irequently, but to the attrac a penalty for his awkwardness. legal following deacrlbed M. imwrwmm Lt.ii MMuinoa aaa DeiiiciMiiftmou. bonnet, and .this one needs astonishing,-- had two eyes in colloquialism, to within hours tbe under the firm nnine of L. A S. boloiuou. is hot handsome, . poor lellow, Gertie it its an expressive there is tive Immigrant farming and man Now a deer came out into town let, aitaated ia J ackWiB, Xeaneeaee, this dsy dissolved mutual oonMrnt. excepting was and then . br sighed and young tail, wbich, the born, more t the older than to the young nfacturing populations of all the OUca la Brown' aawboildlBic. oct21tf bounded aa follow at Solomon aaauinee all Urm liabiliiios lwl "1 am sure looks very aitce, wealth. But the and, no great dis- and and is it girl a shaped exactly like the bead, but er woman, sue a matron, no- Mates ot the bouth.--y?t- rat the openings, at Bcfc-inni- on a aisk the Southeast comer alone authorized to receiot for debts due the Gertie." knew, with woman's intui tiou, it be Sun. TllOfi A. BLAIB, . K. TALBOT, fiat-feri- ng waa not so large. Indeed, to see the tance, quails, rabbits and pigeons of Rai liel braunon't lot, on 1 he Wet aide Brut. LEWIS MILD.MOX. "Nicer said the girl, scornfully that under the courtly mauner. body think of disputing this; but Miaaiaalpid, Tenaaaaee. Liberty atrvut. extended, ruua liW SOLOMON. attentions tail, one wouia cave tnousrn that it If, whether from choice, or because could be found. What did this man I' ef Wet Aufutttt, 18TS. uugi-a- t, emphasizing the "yes, is aud devotes air, feet S laches to stake, thence South 240 word; it there was a hard, selfish nature, a was the head, and that the horn was nobody asked her, which ia the un I Can't Bear to be a Lair. want more thaa nature furnished fWet S iuchea very aice, and that turned silk is - feet ta a sUka. lbance Caot loa tongue. waa. very "cu-pal- o" Blair. & Talbot.: - cruel jealousy, aud a suspicious and its The horn spoken assumption on the part of him? had a house with a to a North to the bev;inninif. taiee, and the short saek made out of Two boys were a school-roo- m lie ktase, tbew hot temper. Yet ho was so rich, sharp. The snake seemed very ner critics, sue wears ner maiden in SAUt. f.;ah. Kmiity of . 210 feet high, and game at Tkrm or kit evai tUm M ee miu at pro p m ' your old coat is nice, and cleaned tail-en- d, alone together when aome fireworks, i (2pss1 1 tierce at its and endeavored name, she ATTORIIEYS AT LAW, barred. TLli July ltiih. IS'S. 1 arUM ai lwiihart gloves are nice, and " aud Gertie knew all the torture and is voted insipid and tire contrary to the Blaster's express pro- the cost of taking iu This Arcadi- ' D. Ji. WlSDoiL, aa? oiKr. lluiioautaaiJ misery to strike everything thab came near some, or .absoray by ASD ' CAM. ; v 1" of geuteel poverty. ,: ' tiilK-u- f'Whv, Gertie cried her mother, hibition, exploded. The bov denied an simplicity would have mads a Totulia V Tomlin, Sola. . ,julyl9 4w. . "rpatia, its tail. Various experiments were little chits, who cannot .compare ; V btatraAel tnMlr-il-t in ? "Be to my own she but-fo- COLLECTIXO AGENTS, and liln - in a voice of araazemeuU true heart!" ' it) tbe other, Bonnie Ctoiatie, would r volun- v a awtsa- made to ascertain whether could lasting impression, a reatkMir. t Uiatire ! it with her iu real worth.' Whence jAc-itauta- 4 said as V, j ta ne worial. iM Ai- "Bat there is nothing stylish or aloud, she rose and walked see the eyes in tail, and neiuier admit .nor deny it, and was nothing could be rear7. f LfmbTCiaus. handsome across the room. "Do love with its it arises this feeling on their prt a severely flogged, teer remark that Kortli la cleaned gloves, and I Leon was beyond i for his obstinacy. Ofloc !! of annarc. OTer M. B(lrra saaaal - demonstrated doubt feeling which ouly those their-- added to give life a more perfect It, A Co. Bew Mora, , , - bonnets, aud old cloaks Payne ? If he should lose his of W! i'er tbe boy s got alone again. 'a Ciruf i avnutf .atea. that it could see with, its tail .eves. own class sharer Few ceutlemea 'Well, yes,' said he, reckon Tn turned into sacrrues.-aii- d o I say, wealth would I be a true and loving eyes opened 'Why didn't yon deny it7 asked rest. 'I the Chaucery Court of Mad ? TheBs bad lids, which deny the unmarried ladies of their tha it you are roioging back to town - poverty is a bother' wife to him still Could I wear old reel delinquent. . T. If. WBIOHT. iaon- County, Tenn. and shut and gleamed. with anger. acquaintance a place in their esteem, Non-Rcside- "Gertie, put bonnets and turned dresses .for his you might tell Jim t send me up a noodrll Jaretzky, et : at awav that, bonnet. Indeed, head, seemed - ''Because were onlv two. Austin vs.Alorris s!.. Notice; the tail far and they consider an elegant, intel there and to- (tARiU)and K. and Alexander vs, and come here. Now. little daugh sake?" more iierce .other, iav en of ns have gallon of whisky and some plug r. ' thaa the head. lectual woman aa beau liul tier must lied," said Bon ixmis ItoxenthaL et sL, (Cro Bill.) ter," said the widow, erentlv. . i; "tell She took up the diamonds and put Although the snake, tapered some fortieth as she was in ber twentieth nie. . . bacco It will not do to invest a LviniGiiTSCo.; f Tf virtue of an Interlocutory decree for Petition to Sell LandIn the ue the meaning of this sudden ti- them on while she spoke. They I what from main the a great 'Then why not say did it?" hollow tree with toe much ol senti atABCTACTCBXaS AXD SBALBBS IN JL sale entered la tbe above cause on County its iicadatill year. You make mistake, I ' Court of SIcNalry rade against poverty ; of the tail-hea- : S4th day of June, 1373, 1 will sell at restless flashed brilliantly agaiust the deep d was" as thick as. a-- . large girls, when you allude to a womau "Because you said vou didn't and ment and poetry. that message tbe . County, Tennessee. tossing neard from your room If auction to tbe highest bidder, la front of i last crimson of her neat dress, aud thumb and just as blunt. bve, ten, or fifteen years your sen I would spare the liar." . had not been suggested, we should SADDLES, HAE1IES3 tne diorth door of the Court House, la night; of the nervous, unquiet of heightened the effect of her youug, Mr. Bowman carried tbe snake as pas Age is much aa The. boV'a heart malted --Bonnie's Jackson, Tenaaasee, on T. T. A G. D. WiUoa vs. E. UUendrli aad my contented little girl since eater- - fresh beauty. ior tee. soa have beea under the delusion to others. . home while disabled but it contin look iu the mirror in wnicn yu nornl gallantry subdued him. -- of those peo- , SATURDAY, AUGUST lid, 1873, day?" "If he were poor aud ill, could I every V thia dsy that the lives Collars;, uinks, - - - ued to strike at. iotrnder with gaae makes all the differences. !Theu, hen school reaumed. th young Hr followinjf describe tbe complainants bill filed ia this There was- ao reply. work for him as as could rogue ple, dwelling in a bouse fashioned a svitbln lesl hours,, the FROM , I for ita horn, and, the. family Jjecomiog though with real womanly reti marched up to th master' c. tow a to-w-it: sworn to. it appears that "Gertie, what-- did Leo JJayne Harry?" - rounded ' Valises.-et- td lot. Aaderson alarmed, Mr. Bowman shot it dead-- cence, she never tells it, even to her dealt aad said: thousand years sgo, were 1 Bridles, Trunk?, Situated In Ui city of Jackson. Madixoa Itoders and wife are parties de say to you last evening ?" It burst from her lips in a ar- ts sort of Messrs. lJo w man L.ongmire "Please, tr. cau't bear to be r: to a perfect fullness without one County, Teim- -, oaths North side of Lafia feudanta, and are of the asked, aud nearest and dearest friend, tjiere I alia m-a- e "lie me be ids wife." cry, and she tore off jewels aud North Side IiAFAXETTE btrest, y aau on oi tne State of Ten and reoklents of the ia the vouch for the truthfulness of these hardly an "old maid" anywhere,; I let .off the squibs,", and .burst, into. tificial want. ctie ireel, tae wetiiie State et Arkansas. Tlie words were jerked eut hastily. replaced mem oh bed. aVtweea Market aad' Liberty sts,, First door MbWi Central Bailroad bexianlac; at the their velvet statements, and so will many other who baa not been courted, and tear. Houlhwest corner of the Gray lot: running It la therefore ordered that publlcatioa "abq you anawereu " "I could bear all this for Harry, but master's eyes glistened East of Payne A afaaoa'a Stable, up citizeusof the neighborhood. The sought, and admired by gentlemen, The on the nt stair, be made in the West Tenuenxee Whig came Lip self-accuse- Johnson's Farm. thence N' rth with said Gray lot, West line, and "Jane in to shut the par. not for Leon Payne. I will be true writer of this knows Mc. Longmire who are uow staid and r, and the unmerited pun- 171 feet more or lesa to a branch; thence Tribnue." a Bewapaier publi.hed ia tbe lor, not knowing he was comfortable What a magnificent property that i JACKSON, TENN. there, and to my own heart." to be a truthful man,, a man of ishment he had inilictad on hi school West ItSS feet to a stake: theaoe South 371 city of Jackson, Tena, for four successive she stayed, so he no fathers of famliea, and who still , Inae I ly weeks, had answer at iutelligeuue an old mate smote his of Johnson's in the feet to a stake in tbe North margia of La- commanding the stid all." wealth and aud bow to her with stately admiration, rontcisnce. Before fayette street; tbence with the North to appear at the Court House ia tha town The winter was gliding into member of the Methodist Church. and, in their secret souls, once in a th whole school, hand in hand with apper end of Greene county, and at beginning--eotiialHi- 1'urJy, oo he must be answered, Ger- snanrin of said Street to the nf of tbe "But spring, wheu Mrs. Jameson satin a Kuoxville Chronicle. while, wonder why she refused the culprit, as if thay paired la the Henderson's Depot? Did you ever tie. He baa spoken to me, ' ' J. FRIEDLOB; sue acre mora or lev. and I told luxurious house on street, wait- them. Waverly. confession, the master walked down observe that commaadiDg eminence - 1st TlMUts OV Salk On a credit nf seven MONDAY IN SEPTEMBER, lsn, him it must rest with you." ing the coming of two brides. The to where CbrUtie sat, and said loud - j sooaUio, purchaaer to give note bearinir In- Col. T. B. Thorpe, the editor just opposite the depot, overshad sLtiun "Mamma !" this, after long, deep parlor in which she waited was 5T . Touch Not, The Tenny-- terest from date, w lib two good securities, nJ plead to tbe bill, or the lams will be of Spirit the "limes, is au etc. with emotion: witb noble old lorcst proeonfcsae silence. richly furnished. Velvet carpets the of Boa, of Indiana, is responsible lor Bonnie, Bonnie, lad he and beg owed those and a iiea retained. quity of redemption taken aad set for hearinr aa ta thority 4he statement I balmy bhad-ow- s harra.1 on cnnnrniRtiun of report of sale. them, l'urdy, July 11, ls;t "lie ia very rich. When he mar- covered' the floors, velvet curtains lor that of the following contribution: your paidou; we were both to blame. trees and casting their Staple and Fancy 1ULB, ries, his wife can have every luxury. draped the windows, long the professed duelists iu the South spare in every direction? Hero, it This Jul 1?.L C. SIIULLs mirrors breaking out "Young man that bustle, The achool waa bushed aad atill, aa D. M WISDOM, CAM. July 19-- 4 w. County . If If it ia I, we can have you with threw back the light of chandeliers; at the time of the ef Touch not a single "pape," seems to me, distinguished Julyl 4wm Court Clerk. one occupied a other schools are apt to be when any- tbe Cr , .M.Briffbt,Sol. us, and Jane need not teach that costly pictures, iu heavy gilt irames, the war, not front That woman had aa awful tursl , afford to upend his O O any battle-lin- e. He de- get shape. thing true and noble is bing done statesman could Na-RcsiJe- horrid school any longer. We were upon position in To herself ia IS nt hung the wall9. Above, large ' KOX-RESIDEN- Notice. bed-roo- ao still that tbey might have heard days, and domicile himself away T NOTICE. on street the other day,, and filled with handsomely clares iora fact that "not a noted says: , CLOTHIHG, BOOTS, - or an-obsc- duelist answered to The Nashville Banner Bonnie's big boy tear drop proudly from harassing and corroding caren 4 stopped to look in a jeweler's win- appointed furniture. In one room, aa Athena . Post heartily joina in ou his xpy-bouk,-- he aat enjoying ear- Chancery Court ot Madi- In Chancery at Jackson Tenia. dew, and he pointed out the kind of laces, velvets, flowers and silks, fit the summons Unit echoed back from "The of public life. You know how SHOES, DATS, ETC. In the jewels he wished his wife to wear. for a the frowning walls of Fort Sumpter. the suggestion of the Banner of de- the morii. triumph which subdued nestly Webster, Clay and others son County, Tenn. Joel B. Chappetl et al ts. f. D. Taensetal. royal trousseau, rilled drawers creasing than increasing the himself as well aa th rest; aad when, ' not wear, silks dining-roo- m Their hearts stood still, and their rather home- Onraec Lafayette street aad Central Alley Cvllen Lane's Keith A Vincent I need old .then. and wardrobe; the was - sb-- of longed to retire to tbeir rural Ei'r., vi. appearins from the amended bill, mammal" souls quailed at the demand for their nnnher of Ktatea. Far rood aad for th want something else to say, i aprK-s- JACKSON, TKSX rt al. spread for a rich and varied repast, raaJtiag new he gently eaid. "Master, forever!" steads, to refresh tbemselrea from appearing from affidavit in this cause IT which is sworn tola this cause, that you intend to accept his and though ouly steady courage wmcn makes tne vious reasons, the idea of the W m. Campbell Wm-- "Then the widow's dress, glorious of tbe cooling spring, to step forth GBE1T EOCTC. IT that The. . Lane, Sam'l Tiusley aad the defendants and B. offer black silk, was rich and handsomely truly brave face death for.a princi- States and new counties out of old shout th scholar filled TOROl'Un. Tbeus are of the State of - discour- mans eves with sometLicsr flock beards, and wife. Tinsiey, are non residcats of - i - ple. whole crew of the insti- territory should be promptly the behind their and ' eaaaaw-- s "I don't kuow : you see, there. Is made. The the State of Tenneeace : Tenne!r: gators of death by the means of the aged, aaya the Poat. his spectacles, which made him wipe t contemplate the si'ance and qui- is by Harry." a It la therefore ordered by the Clerk and It therefore ordered the Clerk and "My little Gertie," said Mrs. so. ia R: R. appearance ussier tntt trtey make their appearance "But Harry cannot offer you jew- Jameson, softly, will she duello in the entire South sunk out Just But the theory rather tiieai teior tuning his chair. etude of nature. Rural San. Iron Mountain Master that they make their "how West-Tennesse- has been herein, at the next term of said Court, herein at his office, in J acksoa, Tena., on or els." reign over this palace ?" of sight, bury luff themselves in aafe too thin. EEST to-w-st: On the Deiore toe poor I places, acting a leaders of the stay-at-ho- constantly ignored in the distribution OaiCXKT.CKaPESTiSD "No, Harry If be had only A quieter home, but pleasant, too. The Poorest Man ia America . Though Christian at thia day 4lh l 1S73, 1st MOXDAT IN SEPTEMBER, 1873. three thousand dollars, .Mr. waiting guards,' or ending their in- 01 State honors by Middle and Last . V Haar Octater, Ingta. was for Jaue, whose hus Tennessee; and haa only been useful bave no promise that whatever they Only all Rail Ilouto. ami .how cause. If any they have, why this and plead, answer or dVmiar ham would take him iuto the arm. anonymoos famy in the, to them, agreeable Wealthy vmen ara often credited . . tn complain. band had received an to those superior sectiona wnea enor pray for shall be granted, yet they To Loot. Kantas CI't, St. Joeph. Council auit'ajiould.'not be revived against tbem; aLd ants bin, or tne same win ue taken for eoay He told me all about it last week. that euabled him to accept a death arising from the consumption with greater riches than they posaesa. Law-reno- s copy this order be published four Eift mous revenue waa to be raised or impression lUuffa,f. Omaha, Learrn irori h, Toeka, r, that of fenced a te them and set for hearing ex But think how long it will take him opening, long looked upon of bad whisky. They proved and frequently, after diligent inquiry sometimes hav a ationg IVaiw, ant all uoiata ia alaaaaa, Iowa, uecemive wteks in the Jackson "Whig parte. It I further ordered that thia no- to save by their coudnct, that when thev had some favorit 'Candi resources, on minds that a certain favor Colorado anat Caiiaarala.. - - and Tribune. three thousand dollars, and as an unattainable felicity. But into their una that tbey tbeir tice be published four succeaaira weeks la professional, duelist, as a rule, date for a high office who was looking bestow- D.M. WISDOM, C.AM. the Jackson W big and Tribune." of course his wife must save,, and Jane was te spend a few days with the have set too high a limit to their pos- they ardently desire will be east - 1 for votes. We are divided from these 70 xullea tlte Sliorf Campbell A IfeCorry, -- D. M. WISDOM, C. A M. pinch, and economize, till he is able Gertie before going to her own was entirely destitute of the first sessions. It therefore rarely happens ed, if they pray for it oa the ground palcker Brow a A itullock, , JuIyliMw. Campbell A McCorry, Sols. to spend more freely." home, and suspicions of manly courage, and sections by natural boundaries and by man all rail roate to Caloajo, and tine, . the mother looked for of climated an soil produc- that a astouishes bimaelx witb of that impression. Brat since they ss July 1, 187Vw. "Yes. dear, there would be no two brides, aa I said before. stamped the pursuit or profession difference his own wealth; yet a little on dit at- feileplntr NON-RESIDEN- - We have no common bave no promts to believe in, they Cars T f variations on the was with such baseness that it appears tions. interest LeaverllinoNew Orleans, Mobile, Bteuiphls, Jack-so- u. NOTICE. turned cloth and It nearly midnight when the tributes a bit of this. amaexnent to im- KM'k, and In the Circuit Court of MadUon retrimmed bonnets ; no flow, stranze that the spirit of the duello. and ought to be seperated. , Sooner have no right to believe in any little lateriueiUale points velvet carriage drove up. Gertie was first m Mr. A. T. Stewart. It is probably daily for St Louis ulihout rimnRf. Piuwcn-ar- a In the Chancery Court of Madi- County, Tennessee. ere, no jewels." in her mother's arms, and then, as for a score of years, at least,, iu the or later this will be effected. So e erenerally known that Mr. Stewart pression that sr hat. they pray for Eilaa af ftseatiah. son County, Tenn. . such South, can And a lodging place in Falcox. is hwa Tra BasesAisaad anueyiuj; chaniree iuci-de- nt "But a noble, true heart; Jane took her place, the little bride tuxe took steamer for Europe last week. shall he granted. There reason Keith Viace.atTS.Jaa. 11. Baxter, et aL V - God to tbe route via Cairo, aaould see that their BILL. . FOR DIVORCE. such tender love steod in the center of the Iau? nar the- hearts of men whom de An Ohio paper states that some It is not so generally known that be- to fear that Christiana, many times, tioavsta ssmi jitawia , appearing from affidirit In this cause, "Leon Payne lores you.".. lors, pale with astonishment. She signed aa ornaments of society and fore his departure he made his will believe in an impression instead of IT Lane, of the articles sold as lard, are real - XaVonte that Too. U. tatn'l Tiavley and Exxa D. Rrai-'- vs. A. J. Bt px. "As much aa he loves anvthiu? had tossed off her bonnet, exemplars of the highest type of Prior to making- his will it waa Popular wife, Teany Tiasley. are ef and the ly corn-me- al larded. J he process a promise, and confidently expect NO CBAMUB Or CARS Srant 8. Loals to TenBesee, TN THIS CATTSE It aiinearlBa to the satis- - beyond his own pleasure and ooiu straw lay upon the carpet, Amcneaa cituenstup. ' thought advisable to prepare a sched- Bicaarv, Detroil, Cleveland, the State of velvet that God will grant what they are loledo, Buffalo, It is therefore ordered by the Clerk and 1 laotion OI the Clerk at this Ct rt, f mm aid lorr. no. is so inorougbiy selnsb while the soft gray traveling dress of manufacture is to melt the lard ule of his real aud personal estate, Niagara rails, imiMaaoims.cmewitau, nue-- davit on llle. that the dvfeedant. l. J. B yrunu so hard, ao add meal, deeply impressed he will grant, if rat ladeipiHa xtaiuHtoae. t aaawerioa. Master that they make their appearance is a of tbe State of Tenaesaee, so and thinks much of him. of the mistress of the house seemed Busch. We learn and then the stirring the with it valuation. Upon the comple- intrw Yorfc, liKUia, aad all points eaat herein, at the next term of said Court, that the prucesa of law cannot be self. It is his wife that must be oddly out of place. Comptroller haa been con mixture well together; When tion of the schedule, much to tha sur- they ask for it. Kev. Dr. Emmons. hitriiixOeld. Decatur. Peoria. - ordinal -- that Burcli ulnirton. served oa him. it is ordered bv the Clerk there handsomely dressed, ride in her car wnere am she gasped during the preva- meal is sixty cents a bushel and prise of Mr.Stewaxt, and to the great- r. Bauntbal. l.i:rllnrton. Keokuk. Knot 4IB of that uublu-atio- be made in the Whir and if" at atantly at hi pout laland, uarraiian, oinuawr, naauos, ain- - afeaiAair la Sc (otter, 1873, Tri'mno., aewapsper uuidiahed in tba aitr of riage, and reflect credit upon his last. lence of cholera, .attending' to his offi- a peund, er surprise of hi friends, it waa Did you ever? It ia bow said that - .. Morta,-- - show eause, any they why lard twelve and a half et. waukee,- Paul and alt poiata in and if have, this four choice. Mamma, me be- head-dress- es Sleepers.- - . Jackwa. Teau.. for ueceaive weeks. he Jovea "At home, darling," and her hus- cial duties same: efficiency as found that he was worth one hundred pipe worn Vullmaa. Palace suit should, Bot be revived, aaainst thesn: eonunaadiae the aaUl A. J. Bj ruin to appaar cause I am pretty and east stag passed with the it is evident that the profit to the any tha stove lltrouch Tleketa for Bale at all prioctpeJ and a copy of thia order oa mi lue September well, band his arm around her if tha cilr had not been visited bv a miliioa dollars. That American to be made IB that publibed lwra, iti.,oiiDwtMn,ua arm can manage manutacturer must be immense by women are going tiaawta in Houih. JMaTr(Miieckau tluvua weeks k -- VV plead, auawer or demur to complainant's bill, uis nouse Bieeiy. waist. who bea-- citizen should be possessed .of so a sow say four aiivceaaive lathe Jar on hijf fearful plagasv;? 'Those have - fall, paniera broad-- - t are aa as by otucr ruuie. and Tribune- This 16th. 1873. or tha same will be taken for confessed and Set Harry loves me because la L" "Home!" - The Yankee wooden- nutmegs and great surpasses belief, tallsr next. ihos A. W.eOl'ER.Snp't. - Julr for heariBK July Slat, 1874. it toess toxranaaws wita. an jenaptrot- wealth aliaobi - . '1 . D. M. WlSDOJd.C. A eiarte. There was a violent jerk at the snch ltss-woe-d. bams compare favorally- - tatilJr,the boot heels higher, and etea- W. B AIXEX, Oea Aeut, If. . SlON W. A Comtr. a a a . a - "It is.not a very long story,! Ller, speak tbeaugl batihe truth of the foregoing fw BoOXki'k .a .".a -- of Col. Jiatei ia Jit. IHiia.Jaln. it bois. iilyl 4W, A (anrt-4- t noor-ee- u ine tjitioru, Toxttf Toat.lJf, Volt. at mat liisisnt, mar a!iei he ssi. I, looting .lawn into iter won- - e--t terms. Athrns Pout. with this specimen ot rascality. input is well anthenticated. ing drewes lower. j i.

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